The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 22, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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r r jV D jfj"
.. e i-n
Mt '
Pf X
tfrfl-S a8
-. v .-'.
Iienllhv conn-fed In wet clover
fields with tunning w-nter-nltcd I"
clenhlhiwit -tended rnicfully-fiit;
nl.h llie milk fimti which Is rert.lcetl
I)r: Hati'lV riioiltatcit v..omleitl
Mills. They nrc ne'er led nnvtrdng
hut the niUiiml Ktnvth nl ilcli pn'.
t tit f tiiiuU l'or chililtcu a (ovn cr
frt tnhlc usr
Dr. Hand's
l'th moft valuable of all ptcpntrrl
forid -mbfe nutrition. tlinii fresh
null.. Tin- addition of several body
li.tllillne element make It equiva
lent in n diet of whole nhent par
tie.tll.itly valuable tot Infants and
L'lowinitchlldlcn and hard workers
f( brain or brawn mil it n resdorn
the for ajiliiK pcoiilr mid Invalids.
Muoklet ent hy mail free.
Scranton, ?a.
At Retail.
iinl'i irirhf pi vnpl atitiilion for ta-li '"'
Imi i jti imH i'I liio city tor toil of lift
i.n.ilily fill- doll)' ic u-e
Nn.illrr iri lei I'.iim and f.uioiy puipo'es
a u i.iit.v.
Hrj-t of fin ililii f"t .lUenditij,' lidtlc al
I H.ilicr.
People's Coal Co.
Telephone Vu. m.DJ. Ofliie, Tenth street.
bleaker between 0loid .ii'.d Tinth.
IIRAPI.KY WON. -'Ii.lo! number held l
.IdIiii liiadlo,,.- ill Hip Tiling, won tlie liiket t' ili.iun tor j D'U.iv.i'., .lniij .Mo.
tlae inioit.
ll.Nl.i:V AWAi:ili:i (.(IMUAIT. fateicr
llaule li.w liei.ii .lu.iiikd the (onliat-t for tin
niltinu Ike dinner .it the opining kill of the
new armory. It i PMi'naP'd that llnec I lion.otti;it will he iied.
Ml ijt'iilft'M I'ltllM'XT. Tlidc .i to li.oe
lucn a iwti-tiiip; of the maul ot um"ii iated iltaii-
Ins l.t-,1 niciit, Imi no iioiiiiu w.o, iiiornt, .Hid
the few member, "lit. did intend .idjiMinod to
net ne.t nl-lit.
i.i:ni:i; w..- itinruxmi. a iniei -.t. .v.-
(id.iy leeched in the ptv-tutlM fiom tlie dent
etlei olhtc. It is. addord le .Mi-. I!. V.
iip-i, ol "'i'i t io-,teiil avium-, New Yoi'v, and
.is iniileil Irom licit Apiil I. 'I I, ere i. no us.
n.ittne cave i!ie v.out "Mama."
II., !.... W. I', Tin. IM.', l..iiv.i.itin.i
n rtJ H'lHCin loinp.iny oiiiploo.- .it the Diamond
.'lid tfOII llli-i will lit' p.lid lulllol."". tll
I il'l.iy Hie pi.tni.i-ler will the .onil.ile,
Ainliineli, i:ii-.. ilill-u.ol, Until, IVtltln tie
iii'tl Uoo'liv.iit! mine.. I iu inine i,ijn will
lie iinno'.lii i'tl l.ltel.
I ll.V(l.. II M:it,l.."Tlu- of the
l.e i'ltlhk I'ollliollv, nl I'ollllh Miret, look
puie .ti'sleitl.o iiioiniii'.-, (mill Mult Ciif.t ilninli.
A iciiilrin in.i, v.,i, lolilir.ited Ij Itev. V. ',
il'lionnell, ("it - u ii... Init-iitii nt w.t- in. nlo in
ll'inniotc I'ltieieij, The'i'. weie:
I'.itllil, WiiMi, Ml. llel.nicy. .Mm llnii.e,
.lolm tli, I .ally .mil P.iliiik Noone.
I.I.TIDI! t A'SHini-' M Mli:il IJ.Mlll -liie
lrliil i.itiii in nl the i Hy luir im.v iIoiiiiimI lli'ii'
riiiimur li,il-. new ,nl ot ce.n h.t 1 n
ioloiitil ihU ,11.11, , mm unit ,-t ip,i l M,
w.iiii, ii'.-h.i'l..'l lit.. Mi.iu to.i'ini'.' in ii... , 1. 1
tniitnri. 'Hie i.nileiit I .m it. ml In f.nor of
lie -liitl u.ti-l .,nd luvi pi. kcil i o.inni'tii ni.nle
the Intpiii'il t'nilfiwi'.ii ininpaiiy nl llti. til.'.
I.oia! i'.ii.i lor Miy -Jl, ihi
llisttt'al lnui"ialrie n ileuicr
l."ef ii'inpi'i.tliirc 4!i tleiici',
Itil.ttlie lliriii'lili :
S ' I" l pir tent.
s p. n .'ili per fill,
I'i ii, il licinia einlnl i p. in,, ii"ii ;
vi, iihi r, p. ii ilv i Ion, l,v.
M'tnli-if ot ( niiii.iii.t u, Titiitriiiili uuniiint,
lie refiieleil in Jvtinhlt' .it tin- jinii, on Wtd
iic.'Ijv iilleiiiion, j i, ,n 1 y, ,, fhnp,
oi the piitp-i-e n ,tlfi nilini; the liniilil ijl inn
l,n onn.iil) .lolm triii.'i.
. i
Z OT -;
In !t. l.tlV' I'.ifidt lioii.e nn .iiiului per
I'lmii'ie wjtj J ,;nei iifM Jhmd.iv neniti;,
or Ihe luiifW ( n.jtnlh) o M Hilda ami the
li.nlni i.nil.tiy of' St. l.iikc', iiiiti, 'h
ilij's, will ha yivtit, "Hie 'hmtlile at .-.ittetlee,'1
I (IC III tii'e ait, aid ''llie IVlilritir eitin
Inn," a roinly In twn ;n t s 'h..y will he put
.mid iiid'i,'.tli.i iliieill.m ot AUn liiiund.
' .
llriman llcyn, of Anna, was atirlri elei
jy at the Ijistwte n( Annie t'on., aUn nl
hat pla.e, Mm iJiIiili he had jinpinper tela,
mn villi htr. '.Mj,l,li.,te Mlllai held him in
WO hall. t; :
lleminlik ltjilly,. auejteil nn .Monday mj-ht
n tlie ilijiii o uoumlliij; Janus
Ihhoii, watljoininllti'd to. tln (onnty jail uv
.fitla.i iiuniilijt hy Maal, Irate lluwo in detanlt
jl r: lull, f .
Mr. Tlioiinll'lljit, nl W Laekawanna awim-,
rmlriilay iiii-cil the imet oi William l.ellncr,
)nt of her liojiiku, ulinin lic ihaiijed with
l.uull ami Uitlci). Alttr Iu-jiIus the pviilimii
M.ti;l.tralf Millar tlteidul that 5lr. Hart ivh
I, inmli to hluine um U-llner am) dUiliaiued the
John Mine!!, of rmot ituiil, i ileik in Cm
lo' pawiihrohei's thop, mi l.aekaw. i .m..
iue. wi aiienetl jetterday at tlm In-itaiue oi
ilklgcl MelliiKh, iharuril with ollini; liii'.irnn
o a inliiflr. Mr. Millu;Ii ilalin-. thal .vlinell
lil ltjj. ton, Mltluel, a loaileil reiule.r v
ii. deyiii; tin fjit lltat nnnthd of 'hlj. i-iii,
ml W4i-j(f -him a;iiiiit n duliK, UililirfVttii'i,
liat.tbi jeinis man wj nitu.ii aU'l ,ni.'niidr
ye Hdirii lt ,.ime home wii'i rh,. i;i.iImi
" l ll'ijii (iiiMiJril t'j diiliaise at a tlcmr
In Ihe linne, t!elre., liu It. Mllt,tle Millar
Itehl KiirIp In iW lull.
I'.tlllrk Itmhti m ,nieted )eleiil.iy al Ihe
tt-At nut c nl .1. P. McMillan nn Ihe tlume nl oh
t.if nltiir irnnili, initler f.ile pieleiie. A hear
ItiK III the w.M heltl lal liluhl hetete M.ikI
tmlR Millar, MeMllhin trsllllnl lltat lie kept
(iintTiy flnie nil Wel l.aek.iwiimn iitrmie, twn
Jeam nun, anil llo.ilatt iihlallied tnniU
aiiiiinnlliiir I" in. nn Pie "t I rual li nl Ihe iier
linn he tiwtied propel ly. MeMIIIin (l.ilinc.1 he eitl nne nt hl lerk In (lie inmt lntile,
wheie II Will tllMtiteteil Hull ll.i 1.111 hnil tin prop,
til.i. Till tleik Win mil piet-enl at the liriirilnt,
nml In the alwnee of hit leitlinmiy Ihe tii.ini."
tiatc tll.Mli.ui;i'il Itoihtn.
Folicomcn Received Them Yester
ttny from Director Hitchcock.
Director ot I'til'llu Safely K. Ii.
Hlti'tti'ock ycMtertl'iy Is.-iiiPd llm rottt
mlsKliiiis to Hip jwiIIpp (illlrrtM sworn
In on Atottilny. The cMimnilfflnnM wpi
iltMWn tip liy flty Sollrltnr Wntson In
iic'cordittu'p with the provisions of the
Aim lilfotontror net. titnl ti'itil oh lot
lows: . . . if, i.jA-A
t Itv nl Sii.intoii, w. ;
Tn nil persniw In wlmtn tlieie pteenl kIi.iII
ronie. Know je. 'Milt I illtctlnf
of tlie tlrpaiiinenl nf pnhlle vilely nl Ihe tll.v
nt Sti.iiilmi, iepeln? umlal lint .imi tonlliki'te
in llie Inlearlly, piiiddne and Rooil toiulnt t
of of. Mid oily, luve ami hy theic
plivelilt tin tnn-lltnte nml nppnint lilin u pnllic
malt, to aid me ami the iiiprrliiti'tulent of polite
III all lini- nl' liol, I'liniill nml lite.uh of the, within Ihe IIiiiIIh ot -.i i.l t liy.
.Slid at nil t lines In he mhjet t lo,
ami nhey Ihe olJ(l, inlei and itsiitatlnns nf the
ilepailinrlit nf pithlie silety nf Mid oily, and
toiitoini In the senttal illitipllne and
irunkillont Iheienf.
Iletehy i;iliii and .'lantliii; In the K.iid
full power ami .mllmilty 114 a pnlhemait
nf r-.iitl tity In lake piniupt nir.i-iliM for the
Mippieiiinn nf linlti, dl'nnhrly I'onilnol. mid
hieaches of llie Hint iuay happen thetein,
unil III' paithn ,i olhlitllln; IhIiir lnfote tlie cily
rifoiiler, or one of the polire nf Mid
oily, In he dealt with .nt tiiilliig In law, and lor
in ilolnc llil.-i 1 1.1 1 1 he hN w.niatit.
flKen under my hand .mil rniinlrixiciirii hy the
Hiperliileiiilent ot poliif, the .... tl.iy of
A. II., I!ni.. I'. I,, llittlKotk,
lliietlnr nf the ilt'p.irlinent of pnhlie afety.
Cniinton-iirtieil hy
1'iatik llohliiit:, in,
Siipeilnlrnikiit nf I'nllee.
Ipsk .SffKonnt nit'Ii.tnl ICilwnitls,
lalp I'iiptiiin, vpporle'l for duly Ihhl
nislit ii ml vwis iissIriiciI lo tin; tVnlro
si reel Mntlno lion.-i?, wlioiv lie takes
tltn pliipp of Sei'BPiint llecso .Ioiips.
Snrfftitnt .loncs will do patrol duty
on the "hill" until Patrolman .lolm
AVolpoit, who Is now- itctlns: tPinpor-iii-ily
us divk st'Keant, Is aliln to tlo
liatrol duty. This will ho in about, a
month's time. '
Ueulpmmt I.on.t Hay took chaiRP
in North Her.intoii last nlRlit, as did
also Lieutenant (ioorlltz In the central
Joseph Urbanovich Charged With
Breaking the Arm of His Three
Days' Old Baby Girl.
A shocking; caso of linilality was
hoard hy Magistrate1 Howe yesterday.
Mrs. Julia Vrbanovich, of Creenwood,
swore out a warrant for the arrest of
Iipi husband, .loseph llfbanovlch,
whom she charges with brcakiiif- tlie
arm of their ".-day-old baby slrl and
heating; the prosecutrix brutally.
Site swore that a few days iiro liei
husband came home intoxicated while
she was In bed and pulled the infant
away from her, taliitifr hold of 'it by
the arm. Tlie tender little bono
snapped in two. and when .she renion
htrated with him, lie says, lie set the
child down and beat her unmercifully.
Magistrate Howe was greatly In
censed, and when he learned that tlfero
was ;i possibility that I'rhauovli'h
would enter ball up the valley, he
fixed the tlRUre at 51,000. AVlmn ar
rested, the prisoner, as expected, en
tered ball in this .sum before Justice
of the Peace Thompson,
"If that man is guilty and if there
was any way in which I could Imvc
railroaded him to the penitentiary,"
said tlie magistrate yesterday, "1 would
have taken delight In doing so. Hang
ing Is too good for a fellow like that."
Funernl of Hon. Daniel Edwards
Held nt Kingston Yesterday.
At Kingston, yesterday, tlie funeral
of the late Hon. Daniel Ktlwards was
heltl. 'I here was a general manifesta
tion of hoitow throughout the town.
The obseciules were held in tlie family
mansion mi Market street. Kingston,
and were of the simplest possible char
acter and yel touching, the con
gregational singing of two Welsh
hymns lining especially impressive, 'rite
casket was a handsome one, matin of
aiiliipie oak, lluely carved. .Many hun
dreds were gathered around the'home
stead anil till silently passed through
tlie house and gazed on the lace of the
The mm vices were conducted by Key.
!'. Von Krug, Uev. n, IJ. Kvnns, I), i
Uev. ,1, t'otik and llov. T. 1'. Kdward.H,
the latter preaching the sermon.
The body was taken to Danville by
the 1ii.,"m a. 111. Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western railroad, accompanied by
the relatives and a large number of
friends, and laid to rest In Hie Kplsco
pal cemetery with Masonic honors. The
following were the pall-hearers: T, L.
Xewell, H, J. Coblclgh, ,M. 1J and W.
t Teler. sons-in-law; W. .1. Pldwatils,
liwllym Kdwards, Daniel h'dwards and
Km nk Kdwards, nephews; M. D. Kos
He Has Been Invitotl to Appear Be
fore Rules Committee Tonight.
Chairman Jennings, of Hie board nf
control committee on rules, has culled
a meeting of that body for this own
ing, to lark Kinio action upon tltn
charges mniln against the hoard liy
Hnv, Dr. Isaac J. Lansing, which wero
so thoroughly discussed at Monthly
night's meeting.
The meeting of tiro committee Is to
be open lo the public and Uev. Dr.
Lansing has been Invited to attend.
The members of the eouimitteo are as
follows: T, .1. Jennings, I!. T. Jayne,
K. H. Darker, V. J. Langati and Kilns
K. lOvans.
Lnko Henry Park,
Maplowood, "Wayne county, Pa., on
the Krle ,; Wyoming Valley railroad,
is the most attractive and desirable
summer excursion icsort in Northern
Pennsylvania, (in and look over tlm
ground and niako your arrangements
for transportation with tho company
at Dumnore, Pa. Kcml foe a booklet.
Guernsey Hall,
r.l Washington ave., Scranton, is tha
host and most reliable place to pur
chase a good Piano. It will pay you
to 1 all mid got prices and terms. J. w.
(iucrnsey, Prop.
Smoke the Pocotio 5c, cigar.
Judgo Archbald, However, Granted
a New TrlnlTho Plaintiff
Clnims She Was Seriously and
Permanently Injured hy railing
Over an Obstruction on the Side
walk on Adams Avenue The De
fense Says She Is Attempting to
Blame Old Ailments on the City.
'Die still of Mary Dulllti against the
city of Scranton was called for re
trial ycHtetday before Judge Kelly In
Hie main court room.
She sties for 2(),00 damages for
personal Injuries alleged to have been
sustained by falling over a largo fly
wheel which was lying on the sidewalk
on Adam? avenue. In front of the Sev
enteenth ward voting booth, Nov. !,
1S83. At the llrst trial of the caso last
January the plaintiff secured a Ver
mel of $7.fin0. Judge Archbald grant
ed a new trial in march on the strength
nl" ii plea of City Solicitor Vosbllrg
that new evidence had been discov
ered that would tend to put an entirely
dirfeicnt phase to the case.
Tills newly discovered evidence has
not yet been disclosed In detail, but
Its ger.tral effect Is that the plaintiff
was living treated for the Invalidities
she alleges resulted from the fall, long
before the accident occurred.
Tlie tntlt rests largely on the testi
mony of medical experts. The plain
tiff puis physicians on tlie stand to
show U nl she was physically sound
before the accident, nml that since the
actitictil, and as a result thereof, she
Is almost a wreck. The most serious
nihiunt complained of Is an Injury to
the eye. In railing, her face struck
the etlge of the liy wheel, and as a
result of the cuts ami bruises near
one of Ihe eyes she Is almost blind.
It is also claimed her nervous system
is seriously deranged ami that her in
ternal organs arc permanently affect
ed. The defense contends that Miss Dttf
lln's nervous ami Internal ailments
and trouble with her eyes extend be
yond tho .time of tlie accident, and
that she was treated by various phy
cians long before 1S!i:l for these very
ailments she now alleges are the re
sult of a negligent act on the part of
tho city.
As to the negligence, the defendant
will strenuously deny liability. Tho
city will admit that Miss Dullin Tell
over a liy wheel on Adams avenue nn
the night in iiuestion, 'but will hold
that Miss Dulllu, having defective
eyesight, wandered off the sidewalk
and on to the space between the Hag
stones and the fence line, where the
liy wheel was lying. She received a
slight gash over the eye. It will ho
admitted. hut the physician who
dressed llie wound will testify that
It was superllclal,- could not possibly
have affected the eyesight and was
entirely healed in live days.
The plaintiff admits that tlie fly
wheel was noL on the flag stones, but
contends that a part, of its vim was
resting within a few inches of Hie
Hags, and on the space allotted for
Hie sidewalk.
Kx-Distrlet Attorney Martin, of Lu
zerne county, iiikI K, C Newconib
represent the plaintiff. City Solicitor
fleorge M. Watson and Assistant City
Solicitor D. J. Davis are earing for the
A verdict for the defendant was re
turned in the wage case of Mary J.
Cooper against William Petlierick.
When it was previously tried tho
plaintiff secured Judgment for $210.
She sued for .services performed In
caring for her sister, the wife of the
defeiidaiil, during her last illness. The
defendant denied that she did more
than occasionally visit her sick sister
and that whatever services she per
formed were prompted by sisterly tlc
vollon and not by any agreement on
his part to recompense her. John It.
I'M wards anil Joseph O'Mrien appeared
for the defendant.
The Scranton Kloetrlcnl works, rep
resented by Attorney Thomas Hand
ley, secured a verdict of $2!i.02 against
V.. T. Craven. Tho company did work
for the defendant and lie owed a bal
ance of the above amount. There was
no appearance for tho defendant.
A jury was out at adjournment in
the case of Spruks brothers against
I'n trick- Lally, which was on trial Mon
day afternoon and yesterday morning
herore Judge Carpenter.
Tin- plaintiff failing to appear, a.
non-suit was granted In the case of IT.
J. Kunz against the New York Dental
company. Attorney Charles L. Hnw
ley represented the defendant.
.luilRV Carpenter is trying tlie ease
of William rtrlght against Frank AVeb
sler, In which a claim of $17 for tlm
nut of a house in North Scranton is
in dispute. Tlie defendant rented the
house from issi to isss ami upon quit
ting the promises was still owing a
goodly amount of rent. He kept pay
ing on n until ty.i.i, wnon Ur ceased and
mad( claim that the balance was
wiped out. The plaintiff hold that
there was $17 still owing, and when
the defendant still refused to pay It,
brought suit. Vosburg & Dawson rep
resent the plaintiff, ami Watson, Dleltl
& Uenuneier the defendant.
Those "Extra" Common Councilmen
The hearing- in the wilt of alterna
tive mandamus to compel common
council to seat, the additional members
Is scheduled to take place this morn
ing, Imi It Is understood tho necessary
Ihe days' notice has not been served
on all the respondents and in conse
Miiunco another continuance may no
ctkctl for,
Tho thirteen Democratic members
have joined in an answer to tho "ex
tra" coutieiimen's complaint and this
will bo llled this morning, just prior lo
the hearing, piovldlug the hearing
takes place,
Tho answer will reel to that ihnrn Is
no such nfllce lecognlzed in law as ml,
ditional emiucllninn; that tho so. called
additional common coiiiicllmcn wcrs
mil. at all events, legally oieetod, as
no valid apportionment was made, and
that there can bo no election for an
c.spandod common council until after
u return of the resident taxpayers has
lit en specially made next July, and nn
uppnrllonuvent nmilo thereon by second
class city otllrus.
Marriage Licenses.
Willi. tin Hnvcy Kvans Scrantou
Mubvl Ludivnla Hardesty.. ..Scranton
Unities K. Coleman Peckvlllo
carrlo K. Fntver Peckvlllo
In the dhoiie i.i ol Kate Ailt .iealn.t Jucn
Aits, a tule loi 3 device in dltgnc tui punted
.test pi day. The hpjrlnc M flttd for May 80, at
I p. in., liy .Indue n'elly.
An appeal hn.i lieen nlloneil by the Supreme
tnurt lioni Ihe Judgment nl tho Aiipeitnr rout!
In the. uv nf the hnroimh nl Taj lor wralmt
tin' l' Telenupli cninpan), 111 which Hie lih'l
Iiik nl tlm toeal coiirl In faior of the plaintiff
was UKtalneil.
Dr. J. J. Walsh, of New York, Will
Bo Heard Tonight.
At the regular weekly session of the
Catholic Historical Society and New
man Magazine club, at Knights of
Columbus club house tonight, Dr. J, J.
Walsh, of New York, will deliver a lec
ture on "The Development of the Ideal
In Shakespeare."
Dr. Walsh has Just completed a
course nf lectures on Shakespeare be
fore the Catholic Historical society, of
Philadelphia, nnd la now engaged In a
course of ten Shakespearean lectures
before the Catholic Historical society
of Sow York.
Hesltles being an eminent litterateur,
Dr. Walsh Is an expert medical writer,
being editor of the Medical News and a
regular contributor to the New York
Journal on medical topics.
The feature of tonight' musical pro
gramme will be a soprano solo by Miss
Kale Mongan, of Dumnore.
Councilmen Up in Arms Against
Director Hitchcock's Action.
They Want to Award Them.
There aio certain members of coun
cils who believe that Director of Pub
lic Safety Hitchcock has not the right
or authority to advertise for bids for
the now apparatus tn be put-chared for
the lire department, and lo open such
bids and award the contracts for the
purchase of the equipment.
Thrse gentlemen contend that ho is
assumlng'powers that ave not vested
in him and there will accordingly bo a
resolution Introduced in the common
council to-morrow night directing the
city clerk to advertise for bids for this
apparatus, such bids lo be opened by
either councils or the lire department
committees thereof, and awarded.
Those who are behind the scheme
hold that there Is nothing in the
Muehlbrcnner act which gives the
heads of departments the power to
award contracts. They contend that
the particular section of the act read
ing "No contracts shall bo entered In
to or executed directly by the coun
cils or any committee thereof" does
not cover tlie "awarding" of contracts,
which they hold to be an entirely dif
ferent thing.
It will be remembered that City So
licitor Watson, in nn opinion furnished
to Director of Public Works Roche
some time ago, set forth that under
the Mnehlbronner act the head of the
proper department and the recorder
are given the power to award con
tracts. If the resolution to be intro
duced passes both branches of coun
cils some interesting developments
may be looked for.
Let Last Night by the Recorder and
Presidents of Councils.
Hoc-order Moiv and Presidents Chit
tenden and Calpin, of the select and
common councils, respectively, met
Inst night In tlie city hall and re
newed the city's Insurance polioles
now outstanding, adding only $2,000
worth of new insurance. This was
added on the Nay Aug fire house, on
account of its being the most costly
of any of tho lire houses owned by
the city.
The city now carries $42,000 insur
ance ow tlie municipal building and
$11,000 on the several fire houses and
on the city engineer's records, maps,
etc. On this the premium, with the
increased rate now demanded by the
insurance companies, will be ?56-' for
the coming year.
Tlie old system nf Insuring every
thing in sight, including tlie npparattts
in tlie fire houses, the stone crusher
and steam roller, and a lot of other
things, has been dispensed with. The
insurance men among whom tho in
surance is now divided, with tho
amounts carried by each, are as fol
lows: Phillips & Holmes. $8,000; W. K.
Christmas, $5,000; Stark fc company,
$,".,100; Charles Fuller & Company,
$3,0nn; Conrad & Company, $4, ."00; D.
J. Campbell, $l,.i0D; It, W. Luce &
Company, $1,000; Moses Brown, $2,000;
J. D. Kvans, $.".,000; H. S. Keller, $2,000;
D. J. Kvans, $2,000; John Lentes, $;t,000;
Fred W. Kirchorr, $2,500; F. L. Hitch
cock & Son, $2,:,0(l; ti. II. Birdsall,
$2"i00; If. K. Paine & Company. $1,000:
C, CI. Boland & Company. $1,000; Peter
nobllng, $1,000; Jacob Miller, $1,000;
Robert J. Munay, $1,000.
This Amount Will Probably Be
Used in Paying Deficiency Bills.
Deputy Controller Hartley said yes
terday that ho believed there was
about $t,000 on his books in unex
pended balances not subject to bo
merged, an amount which It Is thought
will be sulllclent to pay off all tho
ileiMoncy bills on (lie in his olllco,
which wco not provided for In tho
gcneial appropriation ordinance.
There Is .1 neutlinent in councils in
favor of having the ward appropria
tion (IcflcioiulPt, so recklessly created
last year paid cut of tho ward appro
priations for tills year. Director or
Publlo Works lloeho has nssuiiied
charge of tho expending of tho ward
appropriations this year, and it Is
known that ho will noUapprovo these
hills If they are sent to him. As tho
controller assumes that ho can pay no
bill not approved by the head of the
proper department it would seem that
councils must either authorizo the pay.
inent of these bills out of unexpended
balances or not pay thoni at all.
To the Scranton Public.
Thu Slaters of tho Immaculate Heart
of Mary have not authorized any per
son or persons to solicit subscriptions
for iho building nf Mt. St, Mary's, tho
now mother house of the order that is
now in course of erection and tluvio
soliciting aid for tho erection of the
building arc using this as a means to
raise funds for some private enterprise,
while the money given by thoso who
understood they were giving towards
Ml. St. Mary's has uot reached and
will not reach the Sisters of St. Cecilia
academy. The only authorization given
was tho one to sell tlckeln and collect
advertisements for tho entertainment
at tho Lyceum, May si. We Insert this
card, as wo have leu mod that .ubscrlp.
tlons were asked and veeoved by par
tics who gave as their object that tlie
money was for the ''new mother
Sisters of tho I. 11. M.,
St. Cecilia's academy,
Scranton, Pa.
Announcement Conies from Rome.
That MonBlgnor Garvey, of Pitta
ton, Has Been Chosen for the
Bishopric of the New Dlocesg
Which Is to Be Carved Out of the
Territory About Altoona Bishop
Hoban Says the Announcement Is
Probably True.
Announcement conies ttnofllctally.
lint iiullinrltntlvely, from Home of tho
appointment of Rt, Uev. Munslgnor
Kiigone A. (Inrvoy, vicar general of
the diocese of Scranton, and pastor of
St. John's Catholic church, of Plttston,
tn the bishopric of the now dloceso
which Is to be created out of the ter
ritory about Altooivt.
Bishop Hoban said yesterday that ho
had not iieard ofllclally of the appoint
ment, but that the story was ry
probably true. A now dlosese Is to be
created, bo said, and it Is expected
that Monslgnor Garvey will bo the
choice for bishop.
Tho boundaries of tho new diocese
have not been definitely tlxcd, but It
Is certain Hint It will at least Include
the counties of Cambria, Blair, Hunt
ington, Somerset and Bedford, now In
the Pittsburg diocese, and the coun
ties of Fulton, Centre and Clinton, now
In the Hiirrlsburg diocese.
There is a possibility that tin? county
of Lycoming, now In Bishop Hoban'a
diocese, nnd Berks county, now a part
nf the Archdiocese of Phlladclnbia,
will bo ceded to the Hiirrlsburg dio
cese to compensate for the taking
away of Fulton, Centre and Clinton.
There was an Intention ot transfer
ing Schuylkill county from the Arch
diocese of Philadelphia, to the Diocese
of Harvlsburg, but the announcement
of Father Ciarvoy's elevation Is accom
panied hy Information to the effect
that Schuylkill will not be disturbed.
This will he gratifying to the Schuyl
kill priests, who. protested against the
transfer. (
Altoona Is likely to be select ed as
the see of the new dloceso. It Is the
largest, city In the territory nnd con
veniently located.
Father Garvey was on thro" pre.
vlous occasions nominated for the
episcopacy, once for tlie bishopric of
Scranton, to succeed the late Bishop
O'Hara; again, to succeed the late
Bishop McOovern, nf Harrlsburg, and
lastly for co-adjutor bishop ot Krie,
with right of succession.
lie is now an urban hlshop or prelate
of the Papal household, with permis
sion to wear the purple vesture of a
bishop, which honor came to him last
December with his receipt nf the title
of .Monslgnor, conferred by special do
ctve of Pope Leo XII T.
Besides having attained tlie distinc
tion nf first monslgnor of the Scran
ton diocese. Father Garvey wore the
title of vicar general, conferred upon
him by Bishop Hoban, March R, ISM,
when he succeeded Rev. John Fiunen,
V. G., as pastor of St. John's at Pitts
ton. He is also a doctor of divinity.
Father Garvey won particular emi
nence for bis work in Williamsport.
where be was stationed for twenty
six years before going to Pittston.
Prior to that be was at Athens, Brad
ford county, for a year and a half.
He was born in Carbondalo in 1S4T,
and has ben a priest, thirty-two years.
Ho was born In Carbondalo, but spent
his boyhood days ir: Dunmore, whore
his parents moved when he was a
child. Ho went to tho publlo schools
in Dunmore and graduated from the
Scranton high school. He received his
classical education at St. Charles'
College, Ellleot City, Md and took
his theological course at St. Charles
Barromco Seminary, nt Overbrook.
The Whole Interior Is to Be
Building Inspector Jackson has com
pleted the sncclllcatlons for the repair
of tho municipal building, nnd Director
of Public Works Roche will advertise
for bids some day this week.
The entire interior of Hie building Is
to be painted. Tlie several ollices arc
to be tinted according to tho tasfo of
their occupants, while the colors for
the walks and ceilings of tho council
chambers and halls are to be selected
by the recorder and Ills cabinet. Tho
woodwork and iron work,on the out
sldo of tho building nro also to ho
painted. Tho appropriation for tills
work Is $3.0.12.
In addition to this, there is an ap
propriation of $l,n0O for the general re
pair of tho tin roof of the building,
which leaks In a number of places.
Improvements Being Made at the
City's Pleasure Ground.
Work was commenced yesterday on
the construction of a sewer to drain
off the walks in and around the music
pavilion at Nay Aug park. The wnter,
after a heavy rain, settles on these
walks and makes walking almost Im
possible, The border of the walks havo
been lined with sod, while tho graded
space in the centre has been planted
with grass seed, so that In it few weeks
tho Improved end of the park will be
covered with a carpet of bright green,
The lioness at tho park Is aflllcted
with locomotor ataxia and Is not ex
pected tn ltvo very long. There Is no
chance of her recovery. The lion tiled
some time ago,
Referee Conducts Hearing in Case
of H. L. Hartranft.
Tho llrst meeting of the creditors of
H. L. Hartranft was hold yesterday
before Referee In Bankruptcy C, A,
Van Wormcr In the Federal court
Nino claims havo been liletl. Ve.ster.
day, creditors were represented by At
torneys O. 11, Partridge ami It. V. Cap
well. The latter was elected trustee.
Referee Van Wormer's action in con.
ducting bankruptcy hearings In thu
Federal court room establishes a prece
dent. Ho claims every hearing Is a
session of Federal court.
Rov, J. J. O'Toole. assistant pastor
at Holy Rosary 1 hutch, Providence,
was yesterday appointed pastor of thu
parish of Wellsboro. Tioga county, to
suceed Rov, JL J. Ma nicy, transferred
to St. Joseph's church, Georgetown, to
suceed Rev. F. P. McNally, who Is ill.
The assignments were announced
last evening by Bishop Hoban.
Cut Glass
- v vrsn v
In its full
is all you
-EFpy piece excellence won't suit us, yet prices are at
' "" ' the moderate point.
Libbey's Sugars and Creams, Bowls, Plates, Vases, Etc.
Geo V Millar &
VJCUl lTllIId.1 iX
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Gut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc.
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereati $ Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
N. Y., O. & W. Rates to Buffalo, N.
Y. and Return, via Niagara.
Tho Pan-Anieritan F.xpoyltlnn. which
opened at P.ulTalo on May l-t, ami
which will be open until Hie last day
of October. Ik attracting thousands "f
visitors. Tho magnitude of this ex
position is so well known and under
stood by all tiro citizens nf tills si-oat
republic, that it is unnecessary for us
to dwell upon the subject, but It may
be of Interest lo our readers to learn
of the passensei fares over the N'. Y
O. & W. Ry., from Scranton to Itttf
falo and return, via Niagara Falls.
Hound trip season tickets, which are
sold every day during the continuance
of the i.-xposltinn, are Rood until Oc
tober .".1st nnd .'ii-.1 available for stop
over, can b-n purchased for Slll-O.
10 Day round trip tickets which ate
issued every day during the exposition,
are sold for $s. This form is a con
tinuous passage ticket, and will not
permit of stop-over except at Niacin a
.1 Day round trip tickets are sold
only 011 Tuesdays and Saturdays dur
Ins: tho exposition, and the rale will
be $ii. ThesM' tickets will not be cjood
for stop-over, oxept at Niagara. Falls.
Season (tickets and 1(1 day tickets will
be hoimicd in Pullman cars, on pay
ment of the usual Pullman charscs,
but ft day tickets will bo accepted only
in day coaches.
Call on nearest N. Y O. & W. It. v.
station uRcnt for any additional Infor
mation, or write J, 1'. Anderson, Cen
eral Passenger Agent, .ill Heaver St,
New York City, who will be glad to
answer inquiries from prospective pas
A Delightful Ride, Boating, Fishing,
Music, Etc, Other Amusements.
The llrst excursion of Iho season to
Lake Lotion- will be run on Memorial
Day, May an, via tho Delaware & Hud.
son Railroad, Take a train for the
lake ami al Iho lake take a boat from
tho new wharf near the rofreslmu nt
stands and see the peerles.s shed of
water In all its sprliig-tlmo beauty.
Hatter's full orchestra will furnlxh
special music In the great wlilto diui.-o
pavilion. The best catering will bo on
the grounds anil a variety of amuse
incuts will bo provided, Special trains
leave D, fc II. depot, Scranton, at 0:1,"
und 10:i:s a. in. Uteatly reduced ex
cursion rates from all stations. Tick,
ets good on till trains.
Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
Account ti. A. It. I'.tienmpnient, De
partment of Pennsylvania. Tickets on
sale finni points in Pennsylvania,
Juno 1, -., :t, I, mul n. I'm- further
partleulars seo ticket agents.
Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
Account meeting of the National
Kdttcational Association. Tickets on
sale July ii, 7 and S, Seo ticket agent,s
for particulars.
Two Ways for Cost of One.
For the international convi 111I011 of
tho L'pworth League at Francisco
July lSlit to '.'1st. 1901, return tickets
will be j-old by thu Lackawanna rail
load at lesti than regular oneway
fate. Lackawanna agents will have
these tickets un sale July Itli to l.'th,
measure of brilliancy and beauty.
will ever find at CHINA HALl
We exercise more care atul critical selec
tion in buying Cut Glass than our most
exjictlnc patrons. "Avcrace" Cut G ass
Co l34 Wjomlwe Avcnnc
VU. In nnd Look ArnimJ
Down You Go
Vol the fault of ttie wheel, per
il tps, hut nn I lin wherl, tinier
fi It 11 wry good nne. TI1.1t la why
It pays tn liny the
Scranton Bicycle
II Ih not proof iiR.ilnt hud Vltnck,
hut hud kiioil.s dn lev, In injure It
than tli tlu.ip wheel. Thre wheHs
land the tdi.ilu of wear anil mcl
126-128 Franklin Ave.
Security 6f Possession
Is the treasured dream of every prop,
erty owner or prospective purchaser.
Frequently, it is not until the sale or
exchange of a holding is desired that
the cloud upon a title is discovered and
contemplated plans aie defeated.
Title Insurance fully protects against
defect of jcaruh, expense of litigation
in short, it provides complete In
demultlcalion for any loss arising from
the contested validity of your property
(iiiartl your interests with ti policy of,
Title Guaranty and Trust Company
Of Scranton, I'enna.
516 Spruce Street,
I.. A. W.iliv. I'ieiilenl.;ll. A. Kn.ipp, V.l'res.
A. II. MiClinlo, 1,, ilt.ilpli .-?. Mull,
Vircpiesiile'it. I Trust Officer.
. n v. t . . v. k it . v. k n k
I Clock's Best f
Union Hade
s Tobacco I
A Good Smoke or Chew.
A Trial Solicited.
Satisfaction, Guaranteed.
j: The Clock Tobacco Co.,
G14-lG-48 Wyoming Ave.
ti Scranton, Fa.
We have it. all colors, all
sizes, all kinds; ranging in
price from 25c to $2.50 per
garment, sizes from 28 to 50
iuches. Positively the most
eomplete line of Men's Un
derwear in town. It will pay
you to call before buyiug.
Have you tried our mc Linen
inclusive, limited for return In August
West of Chicago or W- l.mils til1
tickets fop this occasion will read
going any direct route and returning
via any other direct route, Other
variable routes may be ued If desired
top smull additional amounts, stub,
for Instuiuo, us going direct to San
Francisco and ictuiniug via Portland
anil St. Paul. $:i extra.
The rate Irom Scranton will be
Kii.'J.". For further Information In
quire of the local ticket agent or write
to Mr. T. V. Lee, tieueral Passenger
Agent, -'i Uxcliangj Place, New York
m '
Organs for Sale Cheap.
1 oil can uuy a gooo necuiiii nuiiu ur
gnu aa low us, $10.00 at Guernsey Hall,
J. W. Guernsey, Prop., ail Washing-
4.H1 oi'iMliiii ainiiiMi n.t
Smoke the new Klcon vtear. 5a,