T , -. fp?'i -'-y -,Tjv"i'r r Sf.''"" -! ' ' rpw iV'n7-' - - rfii'iM! . t.y i - y"fsnri t'ewvy$&p&n. -2 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1901 5 - OHIcei. . -BUILDING Car - JOHN MURPHY'S TRAGIC DEATH k South Side Resident Falls Down Stnhs and JJicnks His Neck His Wlfo Met Tragic Dcnth Some Months Ago, Diopplnp Demi in St. Kose Chuich. John Mlliphv, Kr, of Ml Cottngp stiept, le-pclved i tingle mmmotis ft om rieulh riming the eiuly hours of j.pteidnv morning. Ili riled ol i hiokn nock', faut! bv falling down n p.ili of stalls Hint led fioiii Hip upper finm of Muiphv ipsl ilomo Dpiith must bno been liistan timcou, for Muiphy's daughtci. An nie, In, 'i Hi him full, tinil although It was onlv .i minute iftoi wind that slip ip.it lipd liliu, Iip had pissul awav. The both lay on the llooi without any In riliiitlnn t if life, and thp poor gltl who was the Hi st to know of her l.ithpi's Into, was rpiltc unncivod b lllr nw fill slim k. J 'mm what tan bo lodinsri. Mtiiphy w.is led to his Ian- by e si aping gas, wnldi umip f i tin tlio lltthPii stnve, Tiid w hk h the father fcimd would hi tug riKistei to his lamilv If no ef fort Ik ma.lp to dipt k tin tlp.irilv filiurs .ftPI Iip wa awakptipil bv Hip n lot nt the gas, .Muiphv hastcmd li tho "talis and wIipii h" had ip- i lirlpri a f w stpps Iip stuniblPd, in k"-t his liilanr-, ,md Ml, tumbling down nil of tlio slabs and l.iitrltnpr with Imiri i.i!-h iin (In Hum Almost ini liprilitdv. us stand bpfnip. Muiphv s dau'jhtni was bpslilo him. but Iipi falliPi h i'l alipiidv answer's! death s tPiilblo summons .inrl she was powoi b s in ,ihl blni 'I his Is tlio 'pi mid limp within sit months Hut tlio gloom nl doatli bis riaikeniri tlio .Muiphv Iioiup and each time iiiul-'i tingli hi iinula'K ps About sl mniilhs ago whilp nttonri iiicr -H-ivhrs ai st. Itosp i bun h. Mi. Muiphv was stihkon and parsed aw.iv bofnic (bo medical holp stiminnnoil ( ould bo nf h ail Thp sinnuliih s.ni In iniistrfin i s nf Hip f.imlh's .Hllli ii'in s tiulv appie- latPd thidiiRhnut lio niiiiiiitiit and thoip Is hfiii-toii Miipithv fu tlio ifTllt If d l.tmih .Ml .Muiphv was ribniit .,1 veils nf :ge and hid ipsiriol in Cai boiiriolo up uiv all if his lifo and w is gioatlv CSfflllPil ll.lilllhnll1 til" i mntiv bnpo fainil. -olnpii sons mil riHuglitPis-nitiutt his loss l ho. ,nt .Michael .It ilin ,li Joseph, ' bnni.is Ttoriuhk .M.uv, bu.ih, C.itluiin , Au n it and Julia Mi Mm pin was om p a i onilnctoi on Hip ri.ivuv io.nl. but Hpntl hp was emplovrri at Ma v Meld jard 'Hie limoi il will i.ik, il, ii o Thin sd i j illuming Thp piiMPsslon will loao tlio lcsirlome ,u 'I oiloiK A high mass of lPfllllPlii will Iip siincr In St Ko-,o chimb Muilal will bp In st Rose comet ei ) Cninnoi Unbolts lsltid the Muipb homo last r veiling .uul aftoi learning Hip i lie must. muv, of tin happonliiK ho iIpi idod it w is ,m ai i idi at. and ditp( t td tli.it tho Htnoial t.iKf pl.no THE NEW FOUNDBY. Bnpul Piogioss Made on Caibon dalc Metal Company's Plant. I.apld innitss is Ik llifr u,.tdo on tlu ll( plant nt the C.u boiidale .Metal i in)ui u , Mond.u, 'out i .it tm ,lu.i.b Holt commoiiifd tho ma.siiii woil? undo Mliom a luo tout' nl masons has fiur-ccl ah 'ad sin pt isin-h Thoiv will bo .in immense amount .it mis.uiu, as Hi" fnund.uloii walls .no two huiidic.1 tiet Unifc and beM-nt-to fcot wide. In uiie idaro tho wall win n.uli a luicht nf twelve ftvt Tli" fouti lot s in the now liiiki i hae in niiud sPV,M , ,nnM Mi,ri, n. dK.UP a ti no sjiiiit nl humanly. The nio srolnsr -to piuvldo liianj lomtn leiKet. and lomfoits for tholr un plmes, whkh mo 'i lo founi in but row toiindiips in tlio tuiiutiv. Oiip laiKC loom ot the plant ha-, Ik en dos. limited fop tbo pmploo.s' eilu-ip use, in whiih a s"los nt lodtois will be Installed to accommodate the 1110 chniilis' woiKIiir- olothes Tho mon will thus bo (tiabl'd to lp.ne tholi Jionifs in (loan srmiiici.ls and i.in io tin n without their soiled wnikliifr clnlhos. a ssliowpp batb is to bo .nnmur the llsturps nt tho loom, wnhh win linc a ( nnciptpd Moot. I'l 010 will li I iitlict aitonminclatloiis, Wllllll Iiivp IK t Ijopii tully dpdded upon, and Wllllll Will 'u til HlP fllllivlll- Milr toundliiKs as sanit.nv and IdrIpiiIi as Is possible to ostubllsii, Tho fciiojpoi.itni , ol thn i nmp.my iip Kiutillprl with Hip possibllltios ol the plant's huiip-s, OkIpis hup al ready npii leiehed which bap ac tually iihionlshed iho iompaii, con JldPiiiiff that thp niiteipilho s not friiPi.illy known In bp undpi v,), Anuthi'i Piiioitulsp that inuinlMis to bo ail apptPfiahlo lnrlustij.il addition o th? ilty. Js Hie lollleij j,,,t uw (. tntjr'ttrsanlpd minim,- lompauv c 'n;WRS and Hon & Hauls ptoposo to ipetJCaa- tlio "Cold tsptlii," aliiiif- tho Jrineylrilc bi.iiuli of tho n. IJ. tail-oadi-; "I IfCtniSv POllloty will employ abiiiit eiUy-flvp hands. Tho oriulpuient kill be;of the most appioved tyio and 0 ton,i of t oal dally has been ie( nh he outfiut. Tho coal ,sald lo bo of pm ellinl unlJty and tho pi aspects for tho iimi if regarded as the bilphtpst. 0ieia- "in will-begin in Spptpmbpr. Tho Mem Is lomposerl of V, V, Wat- Ins and sop, of C'ai bondulc, and John lairlt., iif roiest l.Mty. S6ns of Tempeiance. A jlidSlC-'t sodal and on enteitalu. Ifllt sSSOt ho held this evening unrlPi 10 nulltSJces of tbo Hops of TPinpei nec InJOii hnll on .Suiem luenup, A cordial Invitation Is oMended to he public. Tho p'roqriummo .s Siaphopbone selection: lecltutlan. Au la nigofi; ocal solo, John ndel. wltnUM. Klhel Cla'ikT vocal fcoo MnmjMUIs-aiti leeltntlop, Heutili-DennV.-,Alliopliniip selection, iecl-ntlov.xlf-leu Wutklns; or,tl duet "'"'JICaHmiton mid oig.i Stephens: "tltatrian.'JIany Dennis; tlio, Ms. jj AUUciruaiKl Mb!?es latin I'ostor and inilki'JUItvi. VJ'i of Stephen Engnn. ScuW33!aj;aU. nH"utst City, ,ii., i 1 irkscyni3avituiAtaiiiX:x o ikl 'f 1 amy itfiimc'm-c'&tiu ot nie U- lei iorrvd I'lIdlS'Vveiilm,'. .Mi. bondale Department. Hasan wa! ualkliiK nlonp and foil Into what Ik k;ion its tbo Mtiti.tv lot. IUh limbs weio liaialyyed bv Iho shodc mid fatal symptoms nt omc i1pp1 oped, lie vnH Ktnovod to tbo hos liltnl on Bntitrdny, but whllo wholly polclmt", fulled till death lellevrd him. Up whs sovpiiI' 5eiiiH of npv and Is siiivhed hv it daughter and Iho sons. Two of th lattPi. Kentiiey and AIul thpw, tPtddp In KoiphI City. TIip fttn ptal will be bold lu Finest t'lty at -n't look thl, afteinoon, A VISIT FROM COBB'S COUSIN. A Man Who Claimed Ho Was n Hclntivc of the Fugitive Calls nt The Tiibunc Office with ft Stilng of Explanations. , An Insliinep or how widely The Tilb iiih' Is i pad, put tit Hint ly the ippoits o .Viithanlpl t'nbb'H dolmrs, was show it oxtt(la In a st to Hip I'm bond tip oflb e of this papei bv a mini who said lie was a telatUe ol tilt fllKltlu, and wlio oaino with u stilus; ol de fenses III behalf nf Ills oouslii. The mn n, whoever be was, seemed Kieatlv dlsttithed ovpi the slntles that The Ti llimo has hpon pilntlnt;, and Iip a ft p ted a stioiiK dislike fni the widespieid nntnilotv whhh Tho Tilb uno's I.iiko dKiilatlon In this Ulnltv K.ivo to liliu 'Iho leadois of M'ho Tilliline know ij-s nun It about the Idelitltv of tho man as Tho Tilblino lepiesoiitatlvo duos' The Isltm nluiitoou d the ln foi matlon Hint he was I elated tn Cobb, but ho not nnlv didn't vnlutitioi his name, but lotusod to s,ij what It iiiIrIu bo Up was a niins: man, vouthltil In appPai.UHP, and was wpll and neath diessed The mnst (nn splotious )i.iit nf his will kept iai ment weio his ntssel shooi, whkh Kllstenod aftei a tioHtuuiu at tho hands of tho diloiril "ai lists' In the "riiii.ifi-o P.ulnis" mt lo Hip Mlliko buildlutc. Altei ho had ciaiod The Tiihuno ofllop with his piesonip, ho di ripped Into a (niiveiilenl di.iii and Imiuiiod foi thp inniiiiK'ei llo Ihen wrnt on tn lolato how .iRfri loved he and ntheis wpip nvci Hip ipfpi chips made tn fobbs luvlmr killid his wlfo and biotliPi duitnc tbo oailj voais of his hum i led life Thl was mil a f,ul Iip said it was n n 1 1 no. foi ho know il and ho w.mttd thr publh tn loain lids tbioucli ' ht Ti ibiinp s i olumiis How the knowing vnuiiur man (aino Into this kiiowlodRo he did not -nv, but ho spokp with sin h Kistivoncss that would indiiato that ho was dosp In I'nbb and was will posted nil the lifo nl Ills i ntisln 'I Iip Tilhiuip man sin link finm tho task of pointing out to thr voiiiik mm that what wa-. pnntcil w is not i)iiut ed as fads hut as a imt nf the ippu tatlnn wlmii Cobb bore ,11110111; his iiplKhbois and nmoiipr thosp who wpip fiiqiialntcd with his neailv lite. Noith pi did The Tiihuno man doom II np(ps--ilV to tnfoim the vlsitni Hut the Iioiup dopiitmont of lids olt wis In possession of ninio Infoi matlon oon (OiniiiK Cobb s .illofrtd ulnns than was imbllshod AttPi ( obb s (iiusln iiuliuidpiuil himself ol this liiiuh nl his ttnublos, Iip tin aid his attintlnn tn t'hirf .Mi -Andiow and Constable .Viaiv lie seemed slnsriilatlv blessed with Hit knnwIeilKP that both of Hipsp nflueis had Kiosslv o( coded tlieh .111 tlioi it In 1 h.ishiS to Cohb s hut on Hip night ol llip'aabbins' and ondravoiln,; to cfltit his most. .No.uv had no 11 1 ense. ho iniitiiitied, to us( his iovoI voi and Chlot .MiAndiow was pipiallv mistaken in Ills belli 1 tint ho ( ould ai -lest Cobb Ol all of this knowledge thu ouua man In The Tiihuno ollh o htimblv pu tonk and ho piomisod his visitoi Hut The Tilbunos loadiis would bo in foi mod nf what lie said, Con II ho had imt tho linnoi of his iiitoimaiit's ai lualiitamo A BOY'S GRIT. Exemplified in the Case of Young Hairy Robeits, Who Was Injuied Duilng "Mystic Midgets" Pci foimnnce. tin hiitiitilav nUht, hist bofnto the last pemniiiamo oi Tho Mvsth Allil ets ' nt tho ni)n,i Jhiii-p. Ilai 1 Koh oit.s. 0110 of tho paitidpants, mot with a dlstipssiuK- .iidilpiu. i hi okp his eoll.u bono, but despitp tho hoveio pain he sulteied ho lime It with im..u lloioU- loitllude and by lliiishinjr Hie ppiioiui.uiip withoui a nun luui ho wivo 11 Knoi oMimple of how miu Ii Silt a iiicio bo.v ailuallv possessus, Yount,' rtnhoits met with his niis h.ip undpi Huso duuuistaiKis: u, . Una the pot tot mam o a iminhn ,,1 .i, bnvs tm nod theii mi,.tio ,,, , ,n,. Ish luanks. Thov pushed and osii d all otluM in 0110 ol Hi,, fiipssim; moms n the opcia limiso and In thn midst of Hip Un ,. , ,hn , (cs knoikPd .iKaiiist KnbPits and ihipw him in tin llooi. ftobpits (.pontPd lu Pain, but alter his aim was well mas saged he PiitcKd into t,o hpltlt ot the pPlfnimanio, and. HioprIi 1,0 olt pov. sessed sovual times to lush fmm Hip sI.iko and )-PPk mile! 1 1 mn the iiriiiiI Ink' pain, lu- hIiowpiI his stit and do. tPiiulimtlnii bv tPinaliiliiB until tho last number, a tableaiiN, when ho was limed m letlto, liiulnB tin. paiuliiaiim nf jj.,tS' llljlllles made at the opeta liouso tltom wiih 110 indication ot a fi.u (hip but when PM. Wheelei was ( ailed to thn ftobeith ipsldoiup. on C'huidi -snoot, he loiated the bteak In tho iiilla, bne miiiR llobeils Is lestlns casllv ow( hut it will bo suveial weeks linfmn i.n can 11111 about aceonlliiR- to his indin- 11 imin, Rummage Sale Auction. The liinimaEo h,,(, whkh tho ladies of the Heioan Haptlst 1 hint h have been oonductlnB- in n,0 0ld Ulnho stoic on fmlem avenue, will 101110 to a doso'thls eveultiK. . The closinK will he niuikcd b nn auction sale, which will undoubtedly be illled with InteiestliiR- incidents. Rotiuned to Scinnton. Ml and .Mis Jesse Williams and .sou lies and cluuglitei .Vutnllo lime ie tuincd to theli homo in Seianton, attei siieiidliiK Sundiy with the lattet's imi entf. Mi mid Mi.s. C j x.vv, m j. Tou.ue stieet, llils ilty Vsiting Foimer Home. . Husll Pot he's, of New Yoik dty, ;,,, of loimfi t'lofpssor nnbes, of Cai'bou dak. Is lsltlng hole at tho home of Mis. Ktlly, on Washington sttect, 'Phone s NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 MENTION OF MEN BEFORE THE PUBLIC EYE The New Officers of Cm bondnle's Lending Socinl Organization, the Cyclo Club. Tho iittiikenliur of Ititoiest lit Hie Catboudiilp C.vclo tilth, which has Klven It 11 tnoio pionounccd HlandliiK, billies bpfnip the public pyp tho mpii 1 who have bepii chosen as Its oillcets. tleoifjo S. Kimball, thp iipw ptesl dent, whose sclpctloii the dub iprhiiIs as paiilctiliuly fot ttinatp, Is one of tho best known msldpiits of the ill v. Up Is one of Cm bondnle's substantial iltlptis, a gloat iactnr in Hip affaltri of tlio tllv and a tolisplctious IlRtire in ovpiy nnovPliiPiit looking- tn tho town's advaiKeincnt lu almost any dl leotlon, Jli. Kimball Is 0110 ol Hie smlois nf out mi t ton and has a must linnoi ablp 1 Pint d of service riming- the d.ijs of tlio Civil nil Ifo. lie Is a memboi ol H.ivles post, (iinnd Aiiuv of the nopubllt. Is pvpr actlvp In Its doliiRs, and on nuniptotis nuaslnns Iip has rIvoii Instiuctlvo and linpiessivo p,i tilollc talks bpfnip puhllc RalheilliRS in this pi and v Ii inltv. -Mi. Klnib ill Is a man of tine 111 uaiv tastes, .mil he has assuied tho membeis ol the Cvtde dub that be nas 111 mind a hoi ies ol lei tut os on poptllai subjects, to bo rielhoipd dm -in: the (omiiiR- months. This mpip hint finm .Mi. Kimball, whoso knowl edge ami familial It v with such mat tu Is woll apineol.iti d, is 1111 as siit.inip of a do( Iriod lltcinij li cut. Mi. Kimball has other plans under arlv Isouieiit Hint will give new lu ll 1 est lo the doings ot tlio C.vdo dub and uiiilci his rib option the oigan iatioii will bp a 11101 e usottil fin tor Hi. in ovu in the sodal llto ot the ill: In sptakliiR of the ai hiovonienls of tho ilub tbo membpis alwavs point witli 'atlsiai tiou and pi ide lo Claude It Smith, Ha' TPtiiliiR- pirsirlent, to Siiiet.iiv CiniR-o r. .lames, and Tioasmti Vi ink K JJpi bv II010 Is a tiluinvii.ilo nf which am niganti tlon luulri glow with jiialsu In lnog nition ot the ral and enoigv which havt ui.it ki d thoir mombcishij) Mi Smith, who is tho genial and hustling- dtv ticket agent of the IJel 1 w 110 and Hudson tnmpauj, sat in tho i hail ot piesirient fot tin eo 1011 skuHvp trims, anil thoiobv uijovod .111 honor whhh novel r.11110 to .uiv nl his piedotossois 'Iho 1 ules of the t lab rit bit the piisirimg oflli ci fi 0111 holding nflht foi 11101 p than two 011 stiutivo loinis but nil. Smiths ofll ileiu.v so impiesscd Hip membpis that the lidos weio suspended and an o 1 option was nude by continuing- him 111 nlllip fni an adriitinu.it tei 111 At tho elo( linn at the annual meeting last Tuesri.iv. the nicinbeis wuc In ilh In )iit with his adviie and help in tin government nt the dub, so thov olederi him as one nl the five nicinbois thai loustilulc the bo.ud of Sovei 1101s Iloth Mi James and Ml Uoibj have held theii rcsiieitive oltli cs, sec letaiv ami tioasuiei, ovoi simo the dubs oiganiatlon, and it's solo to s.iv t li.it not only niav thov coiitinuo in nlllce so long as thov please to, but thai evin a whispoi ol tholi Intention tn lotiip would be mot with a ehuiiis nf eunesl pintist liom among the mrmbcis Vli" riosident Albeit II. Ciane is piomluent in the- oh dos ot thu jmiiigpi mpii of the town and has in. uiv adiiiiiing fi lends Mi. Ci.inc is 11 niembei nt the Isiael Ci .1110 Diy tioods (ouip.iuy. Captain Van Beigeu is a promi nent joung man, whose friends .11 e legion and whose populoilty has been woll attested, llo is an accountant foi the Van Hoi gen lonipanj. DIED OF MEMBRANEOUS CROUP Sudden Death of 5-Yeai-Old Son of Mr. and Mis. James Callahan. Ikivlri, the .'-vo.it -old son nl Mi, and Mis .lames Callahan, nl Salem avenue, riled soiuevvhiit suddenly jes tii(lu. 11101 iiiug Hi alii was duo lo an attaik nt liieni lu .menus 1 1 imp. whkh developed so i.ipidl that the little sulloioi'.s pa 1 -outs weio whollv uiiawaip that death was hoveilng about their diild'h 1 ot. 'I bo paients keenly feel death's visi tation, ami Hip.v .110 hemt-soie with gi ief ov 01 the loss ot their bu), whose Intetesliiig was attiaeleri .so mill h atlpiitliiii 1 1 om the f.unil's, lilenris. Tho Poor rami's Stownul. Juij Clune, the efficient and hos pitable mow. nil at the C.ilbourialo pnoi laim, riiovo in town jo.stoiday In I1I111I Ids hpletiiliri hoi.se, Mi Clune was glowing with woids nl pi.ilse lot the tin Iv lug uiuditlon or vnfiptatinn about the laim, and, with his 1 iistiiiniiij tlirmglitiuliiess, ho gen ui'iislj PMPiided luvltatiniis to those wluii he met to visit the faun now and nbsetvo the iiniido iiccoiuinodii tion nl tu untnituiiatp pom, Tho Light Contiact. Tin Joint light and water toniiiiltuo hold ,n linen sting .session last nlsht, wie.stiinR with the iigiu lontuut fni tho inmllis. eai, A. p Maloney. of Hip Wplsh.uh company, and a lepie siintatlvo ot Hip eleotilc light lonipanj woic piesent. Dr. GilUs Immoved, Tlit 10 was a slight Impiriyeinont ,tl. prilled last night in the uiiitlltliin of Pi A J' tjlllis. While the aitcdeil ejo seemed mio imiiuiu, jet ills condition Indicated a genei.il InipiovouiPiit. Uncalled for Letteis. l.lt ot letieiH lemaluing In the Cai boudalo poatotllce, May .'3, 11)01, tot poi ous unknown: P T. Caitor, Thomas Collins, llun rieeinun, Wllllani Plan ls, U V. Lewis, H. R Moigan. John .honicKs. J H. Tlionius, PostuuiHtei, May Danco Tomouow Night. The .May dane'c. ovci which joung ei society dales have been agog tin a number ot weeks, will take place in liuikc's hall tomouow evening Faiewell to Louis Bi miner. Louis P.iuunei. of riii.,...., ...,, 'who, with Mis. Biuhuct will leave to- day for New Votk, from whence lliey Mill sot still to-moirovv for the Father Intnl. wheto ho will visit two months, wns given 'n ioiisIhr: farewell by the ucrtnatila society at the Lackawanna house on Thursday evpnlug. It wns a clmrncterl8tlo Oct mania fni cu ell, which monns the fun nud menlmcnt never lagged dutlng tho cvonlng. Tlio society, tinder the leadership nf I'tofes-sor Saft. enlivened the assem blage with vocal selections. A dollqiitful Incident of the evening was the pipsentmloti to Mr. Hiunnor of a handsome gold lyie, the s.vinbol of tlciinan "luglng societies. Thp prosentatlon was made by IMcsl dont Clerhaid, to which t llttlng ic h()oiisc wns inade by Mr. Btunnnpr. A rlpllclous luncheon was soivcri, af ter the piesentntlon. Mr. and Mis. Urunner -w 111 be nccom pnnlcil acros the ocean with the well wishes of their ft lends. AFFLICTED WITH LOCKJAW. Sad Plight of John Sears, Who Wns Injuied in a Runaway. John Scats, of Archbald sttcet, 11 riilvpr of a coal wagon for the DpIii .w.itc anrl Hudson conipnn.v, who was Injurpri in a runaway near Joimyn about a week ago, Is In a ciltlcal con dition at Ihncigrncy hospital, where ho was taken Immediately after the aecldptit. Hems Is affile ted with tetanus, or lockjaw, and It is femeri that he can not iccovcr. Tetanus, fiom which Seals Is Miffpilng, Is a product of a gpim ftnm Hie eai Hi, and Is a conse quence of accidents In which the in Jtuv or wound comes in contact with day or riiit. Seals, when bis horses became trlRhlPiiocl, was thiown from his spat and was riraggpd along, his leg being scrappd along thp earth, almost teailng- the ankle Joint apait. The tipressaiy piocutitlons were taken In Seat's, but the ilpvelopmcnt of tho tetanus gpim madp such headway that its piogiess could not be auested. DELEGATION OF MUSIC LOVERS Caibondaltans Who Attended the Conceit at Seianton Last Night. The Schumann-Helnk (Onceit at the r.jcpum In Scranton last night was .1 magnet that attiacted a big delega tion of music lovers from this cltv. Among those who heard the tul tnrpd aitlsts at this splendid musical feast weio: Mr. and Mis L. M. Smith, Mi. and Mis. D. j Ciane, A P. Tiautweln, .Mr. Hnd iMis. W. T. Cohille, tbo Misses Butlci. Mis R D Stiiait. Mi. and Mis. Fiank Rocm melnipjor. Mr. and Mis. r. K Buir, Miss Jlelen P.ittPison. Di. II. G Whpploi, Miss HaPl Whcplei. Miss Hoffman, W. J. Himilton, It V. Claik. P. r. Coogan, William Swlgoit, Willis Jones, Miss May h Kilpatrlek, Miss XiiM Fiank, Mr and Mis W D lh.iiis, C. n. Munn, Riihaid Llojd, Isaac SlngPi, Vincent C Mannpis The spienrilrl lopiesont.ition speaks cloiientlv ot the lultuio of Carhonriale. Secuied Piomising Position. llii'.Ji'ii tlirj. n Olllon, the (noros sional m.ise and m.'sseii'e, will leac Caibondalu on June h fot Amityville, Jj I , to .ucept a position with the family of Robeit Bacon, a lunlop niPmliPtAof the Hi m of J Pieipont M'oig.uHL Co His Haton is in pool health and Miss tiillon has been sc ent od to earn foi liei. I.atei in the summer she will accompany the Ba cons on a tup tluough Jliuope. Mls ttlllen is one nf Hie most capable nioinbeis nt Iipi piofesslon in this cltv and lwr host nf fi l"nds will be pleased to leain of Ibis most (latteiing offer. Undeiwent an Opeiation. Hem v S.ihm. falhei of Abo S.ihm, the Main stioet 11101 chant, submitted to an opeiation In Snianton, esteiday, for tho lelief nl ee tiouble, which tlncat eneri his o.esighl. Dr riey. the oculist, ot Seianton, was the opeintor. The opeiation con sisted of slitting the ejelids. which weie congested and which weie giadu ally closing. Mi Sahm was appiedablv lebeved, but he will have to submit to a lessei opeiation again within a few- riays, bc foie complete relief can be obtained. Put chased the McCarty Propel ty. Councilman Battle has purchased the old Morai thy homestead, which Is conspicuously located on the eleva tion adlacont to .Sandv's field, and which gives a delightful view, over looking tho town, It Is Mi. Battle's Intention to alter and lenovatc the lesidpnec and tians foim It Into a delightful home, which 1 an 1 oddity bo done because of Its loca tion. Other Hospital Cases. Samuel Ocpiake, a lad fiom Dundaff stieet, w.ih leeoivorl at the hospital last night for iicatnieiu of a toni ixjunil fi.ietiue nt the thigh, sustaintd while at woik in the bleaker ostei da.v. .Mr. Picniots, ,1 Philadelphia sales, man, leeolved tieatnieiit at the hos pital vestotri.iy tor an ntt.uk of grip, which ov ei came hlui quite suddenly un .Mondii). THE PASSING THRONG. P J. McDonald, of Scranlon, was In town last evening. .Mr. and Mis. P. H. C.llleian weie Seianton visitors josteiday. Mien AIIcp Walsh s tho gttoht of her btnthei, T A, Walsh, nf Seianton. Hun. ami Mis. Plillo Huiiltt and son, Samuel, or Pnlonri.ilo, spent es. terriay wlih Mis. G, Tiauk Coucli. Miss S.1111I1 McndPlson, of Maylleld, whi has been diingpiously III, has io iovoPil and Is now able to bo mound. Mi?, Janios Walsh and daughter, Clan, irituineii homo to. day, aftei a pleasant Alslt with Mr, and Mis, T. A. Walsh, nf Spianton. Mr. and Mis. John Kaso and ri.iugh ier. L'dith, nf Wnno sticot, left es teii'ay tn visit in Poi t Jeivls. Patoi- son apri Now Yoik city. Pi ank P, CiMtes, wlfo and son, of Philadelphia, ,11 e tho guests of Mis. 1 'nates' paients, Mr, and Mis, J. B. Vannim, on Belmont stieet. Miss Mugaiet Devet, of Wuslilng tou, D C who is visiting at the Povv. doily home on Tetrnce street, is now the guest of Seianton tliunris, Mlbsos M.uy Bates ami Pmlly Mat thews, of C.uboiiilulc, aio the guests of Miss Blanche Snyder, South Wush Ington stieot.. Wllkes-Bane Hconl JIIss Maiy Jenkins, of this city, has 1 (.tinned hump, aftei being In attend ance at the beelslele of Miss Sarah, daughter ot Mi, and Mis. David Men tlclson, of MaMlclel. P.ov. William T. Blah, who h located In 0110 ot ilia l.iueinc county towns, 1 etui nod homo jesterday, after a visit at Hip home ot hit, paients. Mi. and Mis. lliyce Blah, on Sixth avenue. JERMYN AND MAVFIELD. The school report for the Jnim'n nchooln for month ending May .1 Is as follows: High school S011I01 s, Mary Jenkins, Louise Moon, Hilda Svvlck, Idaailcs. Second year, rMvvatri tlllcs, Mnffglo Maish, Nellie i:vnns. Tltst year, Uettlah Spragite. Oladys Soby, Stanley Hill, George Ocbhaidt, Nellie Blglln, Ucglnald Haughtoit, Haiold Da vis. Cliammar dopnitinent, tenth grade, Cella Leslie, Cliniles Paik, Su bIp Davlps, Bessie Jones, taicy Villi, Henry Shlolds, Picston Itadger, Nclllo Allen. Ninth gtnde, Agnes Kioiw, Lcono Hall, Florence Miller, Noia Mill doon, Grace Phillips, Lulu Wall, Coin Wooelworth. Inlet medtiitc riepiti tniont, eighth Riadp. James Ullbeit, Hmnlil Ilaughton, Olive AdaniH, May Oenip sey, Alice Jones, Ploioncp Malucs, Maijorlp Mtimforri, Htunlcp hong, Aria Farley. Seventh guide, Stanley Kvmis, livua uay, .vinggip MoAnriiow. Ian . ctta Irving, Mlnnlp Pm ks, Delia Wnric man, Vova Whlttnoip, Ola (lllbprt. Sisth giadp, Maty Fiitoy, Hva Ste Phpns. Ptlmaiy tlep.u ttnent, ill Hi giado, Avlas Jones, Hsther Kconpy Oscar Moigmi; AVIIllo Davidson, Wa'l ter Mlnnlck-. Font Hi gtado, Itosp Catcv, John Adams, MiiiIp Mi Closkcy Sjlvla. Blake, I'olly Gibbs, Belle Moi tom, Belle Prynn, Momlp Mann, Jop How land. Third giadp, Mlldieri Poise li ner, Uoswcll Sallsbtny, Kllab Smith. Iklltli Couch, 1-Vtn Piltcliairi, Alia AVadpman, Annie Lapatha, Boklvvpti Kvans, Kmerson nennett, John Miiviip, John Bums. Mlltlicd Couch, TIioiiuih Wilson, Kinuia Davis, James Dougli er, Bernurd Wlvoll, (Jcoigo Row p. Second giadc. Kdrlle Moon. Aiimii Long, Caule Blake, Mmgueilto Dnitil, Karl ItennlP. Blanche Mi Hale, IiPtio Smith, Alfipel Vcalp, Hclpii Davlrison, John Kclley, Atlldiprl Gllbeit, Alex. Muldoon, Walter Bciivin.in. Pbst giade, Thomas Claik, Xoillo Raw ling, Michael Law lor, Call Aveij, Ilanv Davis, Raymond Bennett. Pi .ink Kol. ley, Beatrice O'G.ita, Mary Tlguo, Lib llo Dawo, Ploilce Avei, Maicolia liv ing, Maiy Evans, Stella (liilllth, Ben trice Kelley, C.uollnc M.ijmnri. II M. Bartett, piinclpal. me roiiowing pupils .ittaincri highest average schobu ships In eight months examinations at the the the uaHicict borough schools: Pbst giaelo. Clara Haney, Iaiuia Cuff, J. Call Cunningham; seeonrt, Anna Kuzmiak. Maiy Klehait. Walter Edmunds, mild, waiter Sblanta, Veionica Hri munds, John Butke: fouith, Cl.ua Kd mtinds, Alphonsus Boigan, Claio Neaty; fifth, John Williams, Prank Choha, Andicw Klemiak; slth Lil lian AValkor, Lizle Gieen, Lottie Low ls. seventh, John Arioi nlak, Xoillo N'oarv. Aithtir Cobb: eighth, Julia Padden, William Wignall, Li0 Mark, ninth, Maiy Ponncllj, M.imlo Kilkci, John Il.11 1, tenth, Annie Wil liams. Albeit Walkei, John Kllkoi L H. Kriso, principal A child of .Mi. and Mn,. Thomas Hockadaj, of Pouith stieet, was pois oned on Satuiday by eating bit eh baik. The chilel suffcicd sevcioly for sovoial houts, and was attended bv a phjsl cicin A son was hot n jestetday to Mi and -uis. Fiank Tajloi, of Edsctton Misses Helen anrl Maig.uet Batlon beig, of Aiehbald, weie vlsitoib heie last evening. Miss HIU Gilfflth", of Seianton, is lsitInB at the home of Mr and Mis J T. Giittlths. of Main stieet Tho MiiMielri band and Hogaith's band, of Jeimsn, will mn a lolnt ex clusion to Huivey's lake on Julv 17 The Women's Home Missionaiv mdi'I ety wilt meet on Thuisday artoinnon at the home of Mis. Thomas Hiaj, of Main stieet. The lummuge sale will open in the Nellson building tomouow 11101 nlng at S 10 o'clock The store in which the sale Is to take place is ah cad v well stocked with a wondeiful display ot all kinds ol ai tides, which include fm nituie, fcewing machines, bicjcles, weal ing appaiel, ami a thousand and one other things, which will be almost given awav. Those looking for b.u -gains bad better pav tho .sale an eaily Msit. as it is expected theic will be a big lush on the Hiht day. Mr. Sachs, Chief of Police McGinley John Mumfoid. Chailes Blakeslee and Will Snjder letuined Monday fiom Sicklei s pond with about one bundled pounds of fish. Misses Canie and Minnie Tiipp, of Chinchilla, aie the guests ot Miss Amj Dltmoie, of Main stieet. PECKVILLE. Mis. M. D. Betts lPtuined jesteulay fiom Poit Jen is, where slip ha, been visiting her son, Pdwaid Betts. Mis. roli and riaughtet, or Canton, Pa., are visiting Ml. and Mis' Tiac.v Allen, of the Powdei mills. Mrs. Choiles Wiilllck lett estciria to spend a few riajs with 1 datives at Shohohi, Pa, Mis. Chailes Hogar is se1l0114.lv ill at her homo at Giassy. Messis. Gllbeit Pleioo anil Hni.up Meniier recontlj cnnsunimateri a hoi. so Hade with Liveryman Tlftmiv. Gllbeit and Hoiaco .no now iccoivlng tlio 1011 giatulatlons of their lioi.somen fi lends on their knowledge of hoi so Hedi, The following letteis lomain uncalled for at the Peckvllle postoffiio: .losppii Conway, Geoigo Pdwaieks, Hugh Miu lay, James PolMiri, Michael Klesiis wlc!, DALTOiN. W. II, Von Stoich has gone in l!kh- Hold fapiltlgs, N. V. 10 suiiPilntonil Hip Pipctlon of 11 station at that pi ion lor tho nolawaie, Lackawanna mid Western lalhoad. lie will also imvo cliaigo nf Hip erection 01 nilmr sta tions dining the summei on the uika bin inh, Mis lit Kipsgp, .Mi.s. ,v j Puidv, Mis, Chailes Puiriy. Mis, Walter I'm', dy and Mis. Aimstiong, will stivo a suppei this, WPd.npsri.iy, evonlitg in Hip Baptist Phuich, bPRinnliig at r, o'clock, A business meeting of tlio Ladles' Aid society will bo bold nt -1 o'clock, On Sunday evening no.xt, the lip w 01 th League of tbo Methodist iluiidi will celobiate Us twelfth unuivci- s.uy, hccietaiy Gemge a. Mab), 0f tho Seianton Young Men's Clulsilan w'll addioss tlio meeting on pu.soiml w 01 );, Mi. and Mis. sims uitei lalneri till lids tiom Seianton and Now Yoik Sunday Jtis. William Hvans, of Sri anion, was the guest of her patents, .Mi. and Mis. J. G. Someis, on Suuriaj. Tho laimeis aio veiy much rielajcd In getting tholr ciops in, owing (n the colri anil wet vvpathcr. John Vi'. Peishlmei has been some what Indisposed tor the past lew da) s. Miss Llhi Ciur is spending this week In New York ilu. Mr. and Mis. Chailes Puulj ontei talned icliitlves pom M011t10.sc on Sunriu.v A lining men's Gospel bitiul, of thu Seianton Young Men's Chilstlan as sotlutlon, will conduct a Gospel sei- A TEXAS CONGRESSMAN Recommends Pe-ru-na as a Permanent Cure for Catarrh and as a Grand Tonic. . CONG. R. C. ifcGKAFFENREIl) FROM TEXAS. W5JM 5S$S5$5S5$5S5tl$ Coiigu ssin in II C Dp Giaffouicld, of Longv lew, Texas, gives his ondoisc ment tn Poi una, the gteat lat.iuh ienicd, ii tho following Icttci: Hotel Wellington, Washington, D. C. The Peiuna Medicine Co., Columbus. O.: Gentlemen "After the use of Peiuna for a slioit time I am con vinced that it is all you claim for it. It is a giand tonic and I can recommend it as a safe anil peimanent cuie for catanh." R. C. Dc-Giaffenicid. S010 tlunat has ni.inx names Some 1 all It eatitiili ol the ph.uvnx It is also called chinnlc tonsilitis Pollk ul.ir pbai vngitls Is the name that tloclois dPliglit to call it, as thov gcnoiallj pto fer thp longot winds Public spuikeis and i)ic',icheis .lie so pione to have soit tlunat that It Is .sometimes call ed picacheis' sole tbio.it It makes little diffeienio what name we call it just plain sou- thin it is b.ud enough to beat without indulging in long names Cluonk soie tlnoil gencially begins b a sc latching sen sation in tho tl1111.it. and theic iimj bo a little dijness 01 eoustant elosiie to kop swallowing. Painful li iwkiug and swallowing is sine tn come latei if nothing is ilono foi it. Soic tluo.it Is almost eeitain attei it has bee nine thionlc. tn giailuall ex ciiil (low nw aid tn the lungs When this happens eon-uiinption Is often the 10 sult. '1 he tune to 1 tun sine tlunat is in Its pally stages A bottle nt two nf Peiuna is sine tn put a stnp tn the whole thing It Ml Chailes D hin Hi, whose testimonial appeals hcio, had iw d Pe iuna at the beginning ot his tiouble, he would hive been saved vo.us nl sickness c uisori bj neglecting to use Peiuna in lime Chailes D Snivth, nt Angel's Camp, Cal, savs. Cluonie eataiih in the head, nose anil tin oat has been .1. souico ol tiouble and timioMinco to 1110 foi moie than ten veais J have used all such medicines as i.une undei mv noitice as ,1 catanh cuie without .uiv help to 1110 except it times by some, onlv a tenipoiaij lellol, but no eino ' O-1I nnn 11 1 cllln 1 Ilin 'I'limn 11 A j. ei 1111(1 T II Till.- llICi 1 iivii tut.- 1 no substitutes mi Peiuna Theio .110 ' viee in tlio dun eh next Stmriav even ing. A vol) Intel esting scivico is ptomlseel. Miss Julie K Citisoi, ol Montioso, elocutionist anrl ontei t.iinei, will glvo an entei talnnicnt in the Methodist diut oh on Pilelav ov oiling, undei tho auspices of the Junior league. She will be assisted niuskallv by homo talent. The admission will be 13 cents. ELMHURST. Mis. Piori I'uk, of Seianton Is spending a lew rims at Hie home of her patents, Ml and Mi", ,1. M, Rhodes Mi. J. I. Pin klugh.uii, nl Seianton spent Satuidav with fi lends Iipi p. A "sock socinl" will bo givin bv tho Ladles' Aid Sm let) nt the PiesliMer i m ihuich at tho "Manse" nil Thuis day ov oiling nf this wool. Mis. P. W fJnvis cutoil.iliK il Mus lim ti lends last week The Baptist Sunri.i) s, huol bus nun.' ini'iic oil in.ictki' tm chiiiiiPiih day, whkb will lu nbsoived mi Juno Is Mis C, P Priwmris speiil last week with hci (iiiieuts at S(iaulou u tinn ing to hci linuio hi'ii nil batuiday OVOhlllR Mr O. i: Klsoi Hie geiioi il iinpii at the IJih tx. Wvomiug statlnn, his boon tiunsleiiori tn Wlnuneis the va 1 Hill v hole Is lilled by Ml Vlrilrtnll, nl llawk'v, who will uinvr his luiiilly hcio In tin near fuliiu. Mi. A 1 DiuiiiliiR Is inipiovliig his iv'hhli 111 li. tb aridillni. nl a lino 1)011 h The 01,101 tniuinoiit given nt Itlimlps' hall nu Moiida.v ovonhig bj the pupils nl Miss lioiiglm'h school, assisted bv othoi local talent and Ml-s Lena il.uk ol Sciaiiluit was iiijoved bv a huge mid appicdnliv uul fin 1 Whcic ill illd well it Is rilllii tilt to 11,11 tUlllail.e, but csiu.il 1111 11II011 slinulri he mule of tbo dimming way in which Miss Cluk cutou.ilneri tin .iiiiIIiiho with h 'I' oloi utlnnaij powois, bong 1 (impelled tn icspunri In 111 cm 110, whkh sllu did vu, v gi.ut tully. Miss Dougher Is to bn lOiigtatuUiieii op Hie situ ess of Iho entPitallliuent Miss JuiiiIj Diimiliig piosiried at the 01 tfail MOSCOW. Mis Ultimo Jotiof and sou ale spenriliig sovoial il.i.vs in bo.uitnu Mis r t lituilnor iPtuuipri iioiup Moiiiluy fi oni K.tuo. wlioio slio has been visiting her paients fleoigo P.ili.MiipU', who has been spending sovoial mouth at the homo of Ills nude, 11 I, liaise lett tni New Yoik .Mnutlav Miss .Miuy Do IVvv, spent pint of last week lu l'otono. Sir. IHHiirCI. of Hi ppu (iiovo. was a vlsilot heic Satiiid.ii. Ai 111111" Wilson, of atimityu, was tho no olhci 11 medics that .no just as good. Insist upon having Pciuu. 1. Pe iuna ne'vci tails. It is an old, well tiled icinedy M physician, tn whom I applied, did not do any better. My troubles bo camo woisc mid mv suft'eiing ineicascri Instead ol inipioving. "Losb oL appcllto, sleep and llesh, beside 1011tl1111.il coughing and pain, showed too plainly that my ciso was a ricsppiatc oiip. 1 lost almost all faith in the so-called eatairh elites, when 1 lead about Peiuna and concluded to tiv this as ,1 last iosoi t. 'Thanks to Di. ll.ulin.in's Invention I now enloy as good health as T ever did h 1 e e ) soundly, have excellent appe tite, and hav ing gained in weight in o 1 o than T over did in mv lire. I have used nine bottles of Pei ti ll 1 and no nthoi medicine to of lpct mv Pino and I can most slncciely iceom 111011(1 It to .1 suffeilng hu manity alllli led as I have been " -Chailes D. Smv Hi. Xo other lemeily is so widely known and .so univpi sally used torsoio tluoat, coughs, 1 old, la glippo and alt othci catauhal ilisp.isos. Aildiess The Peiunt .Modlcino Co, of Columbus, Ohio, lor a handsomely illlistiateel tiee book on catanh. It Heats of the niauj phases and btages ol winter catanh and their eute. Not in Nature for anyone to ntwaj 1 feel tired There is no need to drag out an existence without ntnhitloii Weak nerves- are responsible for lan guor, depression, debility and varico cele Disense(lnenc, whether due to over work, ovir-iniliilReuce or any other cause, can be made ttrong as steel by the use of Thev tone and Inv igorale ev ery orgin of the body, soothe unit strengthen the iiervo ami ti iiisform broken down men ami women into strong, healthy, vigorous ruiklv checked persons. If 5011 runt this isn t so, j 011 get jour motiej Inck, $ I 00 per box , d boxes (with gimran tee), SlOf) Hook free PlAI. Ml DI ciNb Co , Clevcl ind, Ohio. Kor sale by John 11. Phcl, I'lnrmaclat, cornor IVjomini; avtnuu and Spruce street. BUY THE GENUINE SYHUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTUEtD BV ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. CjrMITKTIIK .IK. lrprof'.G.F.f HEEL.527 AaflSI fSt Sail I bilaUliililn, i Ool (itrmati HprrlalM faf B. "n 1. 1.. . .......... ... .1... ,. -..ii .1..1.. Auitrlcft. I uartDtfptlu rurr altuhr mall I rhaU IHmm , Ifvunt, AI nM, HI 00 1 1 1 Itun Kertt ut. IXblllltluil Tiinbouej.iariruiciVMruiurP'DQ rultlnv), IndtrlupintnU .t Sbrunkfn Orfttu,f rurrd 4 10 unin7.8t jftrprriif4iv ti rrb hotilUt ci) Xocs( citr; Df rleore In (fnaaor. S i enry awl 11 lectrlfl fraul Bntloo tbUjtapr. pa 1 uri(H k "irniu -ei Klicsl of bis bintliei, III. Wilson, ovpi hiiuiki I'losiriHiR Ulilei .1 V Wm nor will pit, uh III the Methodist Jlplscopal i nun u mis evpuiutf i .Mi ami Mis, Alvlu laugood wem tlio gnosis ut tileuds In l.eslcislihc Sunday. Itev. r.ithei Dunn altonriiri the fu nei.il nf Itov. K.itlii'i Jhili)s in llts tmi Monday .Stiiol i.'niiuiilssionei Thomas nf S-unntnu, has uiovod lu tho Chailes Iunc.isici house, on t'litiith sticd .Mr Ilinoks, ot I!iookl.vii, N, Y. v,i tho guest nt J. V. I'osttn jiait nf last week Miss .MeCiitdienu, of W.ijin.iit is a guest at Hie Mclhoriisi Ilplsiopal p usouagc Mi anil Mis r W Iloinbikei ami Mr and .Mrs W U Uunloy and ri.uigbtPi, Ituth, wuc guests of Mr. mid Mis. H. J. lloinbakcr last Sabbath. (links I) Siintli