-W' -f'lKWpUiVi -1A"" -si1' 'V ! r 4 i .fit (i , 41, ... -" - . -si ' ,' '. THIS SCIIANTON- TB1BUNK-WJ0DNES1JAY. MAY 22, 190.t. 40 -,-r TWl ; .JT INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR D., L. AND W. COMPANY WANTS MORE LAND. Making: Efforts to Get More Room for Yard Purposes Along- the Bloomsburg Track Strike nt the Erie Mines nt Dunmore Has Been Settled Employes of the Scrnnton Dolt and Nut Works Have Their Wages Increased Collieries Idle In Schuylkill County. Nepollutloimnrp iiiiIIiik between Hip I'lHiiwiire, l.iK'ktiwanna mid Wfntern Italtiontl I'ninpany and Contractor Frank Onrltirol for tin.' pureliaw of the land fronting on Hermiton Htreot, and iidJolnlnRr that owned by tin- company, for the )urtu.e of oxtondlnpr the yard llinltH of (lit! railroad, A portion of the lurid on wlilnli ('arHit'cI'M stono yard l located Ih owned by the cotnpnny. and has boon leaned by the contractor for n number of yearn, until now tlio plant lias grown to such law proportions that It occupies a lai-Rpr tract than one would ImaKliu! until an InslRht Into the workings were oblaliicl. lit order for the company to Increase ll yard facilities on the kiouikI that It already owns on either side of Hcrau ton street, It will be absolutely neces sary to tear down all of the buildings occupied by the Carluccl plant, and a substantial offer with that end In view lias been made to, the contractor. The deal has not yet' been closed, but In all probability It will be In a few days. To substantiate this belief It has been learned that .lohn Ilenore & Son have been untitled to remove their piles of lumber from the company's land, which llc between the Hloomsburpr division tracks and the lumber yard. On the southerly side of Scran ton street, where a number of one-story bulldlnps stand, the company also owns a law piece of land, and inas much as ox-Aldcrmnu Kelly Is what is known as a "squatter" thereon be, ton. has been untitled to vrtealc. The con templated change will not .seriously af fect the Kelly properties, ns they a easily lie removed from the land, but with the Carluccl plant It Is different, The buildings, machinery, stone, etc., will have to be taken from that local ity. The Carlnccls contemplate centrallz-Iiir- all of their work In their new plant adjoining the Xul and Holt works, and as soon as the above sale Is effected, they will remove their machinery to their new plant. At present the con tractors employ about one hundred and fifty men. but with the increased facil ities at their now plant, and nil of the work being done at one place, they ex pect to furnish employment for a large number of additional men. The company already has a large number of sidings on this division at the Scran ton street crossing, but when Hie increased room is obtained it will be convenient for the making up of trains which is now done In the main yard. Much of the coal for tidewater that comes through the Scrnnton yard is now hauled into the nmi'i yard, but with the additional yardage the trains can he made up below the Seraninn street crossing and afterwards run through on the main tracks without stopping in the central yards. A con siderable, amount of this work Is now done In the Taylor yard, but this Is not as convenient as the company would like to have things. The plans and specifications have all been drawn up for the above men tioned changes, and if the r.arlucei proposition is definitely disposed of. It will give the company ample yardage to handle their increased coal and freight buslnesr through Scrnnton. The Carluccl plant has about ir0 feet front age on Scrnnton .street, but runs back in a triangular plot Into the railroad land, There is upwards of fifty feet or more of available land In the rear of the stone yard which Is now covered with lumber. The contemplated changes will extend from the western end of the stone bridge to a point several hun dred feet below the Scranton street crossing. It is also understood that Ainsluy's lumber yard is partly located on the company's land, and that It may be necessary for a portion of that land to be taken in order to cany out the changes which the company have In view. D X. and W. Board for Today. Following Is the make-up of the D., Iw. & W. board for today: TIT.?11.V, JIAV 21. WiM ('.if! i:.i.U-S p. in., A. I'. Mullen: in i. iii O'Ccniiur, Panel's nun; 11 . in., 1). V.nll.iu-. wi:i)xi:suay, .may 22. Willi Cat i:at 12,ii0 a, in., I'. I'JV.ituiiBii; !5 a, in., .1. II. Mil'dim: . .1. in., P, V. Steon 10 a. 111.. Mills with A. II. Howe' men: 11 a, in., II. r. (iilllfuu; 1 p. in., T. I'Mpatrlck; 2 p. in., . W. PiUiii'i.iM; ,1 p. in,, liirhy; n i, in., Willing, Ninniills-0 ii, ni 1M..I, ,1. Iti'iihiiraut S .1, m,, nut, (!, Proiinlelkor: II p. ni.,.c,il, .1. Cairiiii:; ji. m., ej.st, W, II, Xiihol; 7 p. in., eal Irom .Say Anc V., .McAlllstirj 7 p. in., wen (rum rayuca, Mcl.Jiu'i 7 p. in., west fioin L'J.Miga, M, hlaplri, 'Jliomioii'n new, Pnlleis 10 a, in., P, V.. Sri or. Pushers S a, in., Ilouser; 10 a. in., S. I'm petty; 11.80 a, in,, Mnr.ui: 7 p. m., Muinhy; ,i ii. in,, Lainpini;; 10 p. iu A. W'idiner. I'assencer Pnitinis-i ,i, in,, (lalfney; 7 a, in., hiiicer; S.:;il p. in,, MiuilPiii 7 p. in,, .M.iRuvrin, WIM CaH Wet-1 a. in,, 0. Il.mdnlph; ii n, in., rtetrham; ii .i. in,, .Mm (ialiairun; 111 ,i. m., M. Coldcn; 11 a, in., II. llJKKeii.v; 1 p, in., W, W. Labari; 2 p. in., l.om;liiiiy; 1 p. in., Ilnudiidli; 5 p. in., I'. W.I 1 1 s ij p, in., M. l.aimod.vj 7 p, m,, W. It, CMsiiicr. NOTIl i:, (Viniliuloi- A. II. Itowu will rim P. .1, Smli,' cievv .May 21, .mil until Imlhrr notice. Iliakriiian .lolin tlalUglier iiil for duty will, A. P. Mullen. tied up. The Krlo is held by the 11 111 Morgan Interests; the several Van dorbllt lines are out of the nuestloni the Lehigh Valley is controlled by Morgan. It seems to 'be cither the Lackawanna or nothing. Philadel phia Stockholder. Mine Strikes Settled. The recent trouble at N'o. 1 and No, ii shafts of the Kilo company have all been satisfactorily settled and both places will resume work today. At N'o. ii.shnft, -where the trouble was caused because of laborers having to do the "work of runners, an ar rangement satisfactory to the laborers has been arrived at. At No. I, where the men went out because or a non-union niiui working in the mines, the threatened trouble was brought to nn end last night by the man objected to Joining the union. Their Wages Incrensed. The employes of the Hcranton Holt and Nut works were yesterday noti fied of nn increase in wages of seven per cent., to take effect forthwith. An Increase of similar proportions was granted last April. Jloth In creases were unsolicited by the em ployes, This and That. Employes of the I'ond Tool works, at 1'nterson, to the' number or L'.'O, went out on strike yesterday, making the total of 1.2.-.0 machinists anil help ers of that place who hnve gone out In support of the demand for a nine hour day, These companies were Incorporated nt Trenton yesterday: The Tula Iron and Steel works, capital $2,500,000, to mine ore and to ninnttfiicture Iron and steel; the Lake Shore Salt, company, capital $.100,000, to produce ami deal in salt. Tlte puddlers and dependent work men at the American Iron and Steel works, at Lebanon, were given notice yesterday of another increase of wages, to take effect on .Tune "0. The Increase Is based on nn advance of puddling rates from $3,25 to fcUO per ton. The contemplated changes In the round house of the Lackawanna rail road have, been temporarily abandoned, owing to the uncertainty of affairs around the'shops. The Ontario and Western llallroad company, which recently purchased the Mt. Pleasant colliery, situated on the main lino northern division of the Lackawanna railroad, lias erected new scales and weighing facilities on their switches, where nil of the coal will be weighed before It loaves the initios. Three hundred men and boys tied up the Corbln colliery at Shaniokln yeslerday by striking for the enforce ment of the semi-monthly pay law, The six hundred employes or the Kx celslor colliery threaten to strike next Saturday unless the pay law Is ob served. The operations are controlled by A. Robertson & Co., of Shaniokln. T. J. Duffy, president of District No. 7, and John Fuhy, president of District No. ,, of the t'nltcd Mine Workers, held another conference Jit llav.leton yestoiday afternoon, but re fused to make any statement as to what subjects were discussed. It Is believed they arc arranging for some move on the part of the miners of the lower anthracite Held In case the min ing bills now before the senate are not passed. Hammond colliery, at Olrardvllle, operated by the Philadelphia and Heading Coal and Iron company, Is Idle because union men refuse to work with Dennis Curley, a contractor who took a contract to drive a bole to be used as a pump way at a. figure without Including the sixteen per cent, advance paid by the company since last October. It is feared by the men that this may make a precedent, and the sixteen per cent, may gradually be withdrawn unless the contractors are checked in the matter. Curley was expelled from the union and the other employes refuse to work with him. Five hundred men and boys are Idle. ADVERTISED LETTER, LIST. U,t ol IcItfM iciiijIiiIiik itiienllnl fr (it tlio Pi rani nit pntotlUe, 1,.iikiiwann.i mniity, r.i.i M.iv 2-2, Idol, t'ernin callhn.' for llo-o Icttew will ile.ne mi mhcrllicd ami die il.Hr of llt. Ir.i II. Hippie. l'ntm.iler. C'liarle Alirl, IMIpli .mlio, cur V. .loliiK. P. Hone, Kilmirit lllatehley, .Mr?, drome llurin, l.ntl.cr II, Itiiiliaii.in, Untrue II. ILilnl. 1'i.nik- II, IMitrll, Mls Anna (.'titter, Ohio Colriiuili Pilwiiul llorrlngcr, Ilr, Kllrminml, I Ic lit lt. Mm to Preille, ,l,il,c IVIiltn.ui, .Mm .1. I'l.mU, William PoMei, Mr, Pi.inelil. S. M. (Ireemiall, Mr, A, (luff, 711 SMIi aic tine: Hon, (Innliirr. Ml4i llrlilnel Haley. Mi. Miry lltwtiei. Slln l).ilv II. Hall, ('. M, ll.iirlnii. Iloltert Hum. liercrr, Ml4 Mar Harmon. Ml-s 1-nia tlinnmaim. Mr. I, P, ,loiie, AngiKlm (I. .tmie, Tliom.ii II, .loiien. II. JI. Ki'de, .Mm Ketilmni, Xellle Kuiiklc, Slav Henll Kiainer. M. IJ.. .lamb Kitfliiimi. Sim. S. l.re. Jlr,. (Jeoico laiincy (2), h. .1. Lew. hailr ('oiinii.inilci, Stanton llllc, No, lttS, 1 1. O. T. M. Hariy .Melmimlilln, Mls JbOrali.ilii, Tlioitiai JliKeon, Jmeiili Jlenuel, .Ml" Mnry MaiiB.ui, JI. W. Mannlnir, .1. ('. Martin, Jin. .1. . Mageo, .liwrpli Munt.illa. ll Annie Moriian, Dr. .laioli Jllckoulili, Ilr, .Lime II. Moiiailiiin, MIm Anna Jlaiile.v, IV, Jtajniiul. lli Mnry XlelioliH, (.'. I., ft ' II. Ni'l'"n, Mi. Ch.irlei Nelson, It. Xaeliaiiun. Miss Sallle Piiiey, W. . Palmer, l'urey k Howe, JIIm D. I'oiipII, S. I'loeler. Ilonc Pale mill, b. W. Perkins, IV. H. Palmer. Jllm l)alv Uceil (2), If. II. ltoRei., Mrn, M.i Uemolik Jim. .lolm Itullier, !'. II. Ilnlitlery, WMIIjm Heed, Peter Italpli, W. I.. Itnblnon, Dr. Alfred lllrti.mk A. I. Slewatt, ('. Seeley, .1. A. Seallrrgooil, .Mis. Itnltcil Shofl. Tliomat D. Tlioinat, .1, Ticiluell, .1utm Troell, Ali. ,1. S. Tiinury. Jlr. I'runees We.-tioft, JII-.4 Muinl Wll'on, II. W. William". Mm. (.'. II. Wnnl. rillllll CLASS JIATTIllt. Jin. P. Per-ee Miller, photo; Jll-s Mlhlieil Itlefer, loll imisle. POPUTH CLASS MATTI'.II. L. Jf. llrnwn. lucre boii'lUr : Kilirin KreinlieiR, siibc; K, liinnlo, old slipper; Jlr.. Ab.iiie Klliiit er, ineilkliie; (i. Jlulhollanil, perfiimr. West Scranton Stntion. .lolm Ilnni n, Jli-"" Alire Davis .Mary (Jlhney, William KrPE.in, William Neriey, .Inlm l'lilm, Lizle llk-li.inb, Jim. A. W. Knyiiip. .Mrs-. I!, shuiiiaker, All Mahel Wei". Lackawanna or Nothing? If the consolidation f the Could roads in tlio Southwest goes through tbo 'Wulinsli. also n (tonlil m-mim iv ,..",..-,,, doubtless will bo included us tlio east ern outlet. This, however, would bring tlio system no farther east than Toledo uiul Detroit over its own tracks, although the Wabash, reaches liiil't'alo by trackage agreement with tho Orand Trunk and by steamship line An outlet on tho Atlantic would bo Important, -if not absolutely neces sary to tho consolidated system. At present, tlio Wabash has trattlo ar rangements with the West 5horo mid tho Lackawanna. Tho former is safely locked up In the Xew York Central mid could not he. absorbed by tho Qoulds. Concerning the latter, there is much doubt. Willie the VhnderbiUs have a large Interest lu the company, it Is thought they do not control It. Al though -purchase of control would be difficult, It is not Impossible. Avail able routes from Uuffalo to New York ore not plentiful. In fuel, the lacka j;anna appears to be the only road not I Snmms Smrsi The man who stands on stilts ilocs not increase his stature a parti cle. TFc may foci taller while he's on the stilts, but when lie's o'JE them be feels shorter than be ever felt. A man can't live on stilts ; lie must conic off them sooner or later, and then be realizes Unit whatever seemiii"; advantage be gained from bis artificial elevation was only temporary. Stimulants are the stilts of tlio stomach. They lift a man up for the time being, but tbo good feeling they give is only temporary. A man can't live on stimulants, and when be leaves them be feels worse than ever. In this age of hurry and worry a large percentage of the population have some form of stomach " trouble," popularly de scribed as " weak stomach." The first impulse of the average man whose stomach is "weak" is to have recourse to stimulants. He feels bloated after eating, has frequent eructations and a general feeling of physical discomfort. lie takes a glass of something to "stimulate his stomach" and make him "feel good." lie may get the desired result for a time, but he is doing nothing for the disease which is in reality aggravated by stimulants instead of benefited. The need of the ." weak " stomach is strength, and it is obvious that stimulants can't strengthen the stomach because there is no true strength in stimulants but only a false strength. The jaded horse is no stronger because he mends bis pace when pricked by the spur. His extra effort is a drain upon the reserve of his vitality, which may result in a complete breakdown. The seeming strength of stimulants is the false strength of a body spurred to effort and making a call on the reserve of vitality, which may and docs often result in total physical collapse. The success of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in re-establishing the health of weak, run-down, dyspeptic men and women is due to the fact that it perfectly and permanently cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It does not brace up but builds up tbo body. It contains no alcohol and is entirely free from opium, cocaine and other narcotics. " Last spring, early, I wrote you my feelings and condition," says Mr, A. J. Vanderwater, of 873 West Division Street, Chicago, Ills., "and you advised tne to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. In all I have taken six bottles of the 'Discovery' and four or five vials of the little 'Pellets.' They have done me worlds of good. All my friends say : ' Vanderjvator, how well you are looking. What in the world have you been doing?' I tell them I have been doctorinf; ivith Dr. R. V. Tierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. 'Why,' they say, 'you haven't lieen there? ' ' No,' I say, ' but I took his ' Golden Medical biscove'ry and his little ' Pellets.' These medicines have made the great change in me ': from a slow mope of a man that could hardly crawl, tired and sick all the. time, and who could do no work, to a man who can work, sleep, eat, and feel fine, and that tired feeling all gone away. I am very thankful that 1 wrote to Dr. Pierce. His 'Golden Medical Discovery' and 'his little 'Pellets' have almost made a new man of me. I feel as vou'tie as I did at thirty vears. No other doctor for nie, only Dr. Pierce." "It is with pleasure that I tell you what Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and 'Pellets' have done for me," writes Mrs. T. M. Palmer, of Peede, Kaufman Co., Texas. "Two years ago I was taken with stomach and bowel trouble. Everything 1 ate would put me in distress. I lived two weeks on milk, and even that gave me pain. I felt as though I would starve to death. Three doctors attended me one said I had dyspepsia, two said catarrh of the stomach and bowels. They attended me (one at a time) for one year. I stopped taking their medicine nnd tried other patent medicine; got no better, and I grew so weak and nervous my heart would flutter. I could not do any kind of work. Now, since using your medicines, I can do my housework very well ; am gaining in flesh nnd strength, and can eat anything I want." No man can be stronger than bis stomach. When diseaso fastens on tho stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, the consequences are felt by tho whole body. A "weak" stomach means a weak man, becauso when the stomach is " weak " tlio digestive and assiinibitivu powers fail to a greater or less extent, and the nutrition of tho body is inadequate to its needs. But if "weak" stomach means weak man, then 'weak man means "weak" heart, "weak" kidneys, "weak" liver, "weak'" lungs, etc,, becauso the phys ical man is only tlio sum of bis organs and members, and bis weakness is the weakness of each and all of tho organs of his body. This fact explains tho cures of " weak " heart, kidneys, livor, lungs and other organs, by the use of "Golden Medical Discovery." 'First tbo diseases of Uio stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition are cured, and thus tlio weak stouiaoh is made strong. Digestion and assimilation aro now perfect. The nutrition derived from 'food is all used, and not partly lost or wasted. The effects are at once shown in physical gain. Tho body puts on sound flesh and becomes stronv;. and as tho body is com. poseil of its organs and members, its restored strength means strength of beart, livor, lungs, kidneys every organ receiving strength from tho only sourco from which physical strength is derived, that is from food when properly digested and perfeotly assimilated. Dr, 1'ierce'n Pleasant Pollets cleanse and regulalo tlio liver and bowels. They produce permanent ben efit and do not react on tbb system, A ESS " fell ftou&r HI I nnfjl t it ' ' "13 F9FF V r' PIopoo's Qontmon Sonso rm,m Medical Advisor, containing 1008 largo pages, Is sent FREE on receipt of stamps to pay oxponso of mailing ONLY, Sond 31 ono'cont stamps for tho cloth bound volumo, or only 21 stamps for tho book In paper covors. Address s Or. R. V. PIEROE, Buffalo, N. Y. Sacrifice Sale of Ladies' Garments SUMMER FURNISHINGS Our new stock of fabrics specially adapted for this season, is now complete and comprises all the new novelties iti Porch Rugs Porch BCurtains 0 Suits, Jackets, Coats, Waists, Etc. AT . 8KI5 124 Wyoming Ave Honesty in business is a principle which will sooner or later establish the man who conducts his business upon that principle, nnd there Is no better testimonial to the truth of the stntement than the immense trade M. D. Breschel, the Wyoming avenue furrier, has established in a few years. When Mr. Breschel started in business three years ago at 326 Lackawanna avenue, he made a spe cialty of repairing and remodelling all kinds of Furs. Competitors told their customers that they would give him three months to stay. It was no unusual thing for furriers to change about and people were a littel shaky about leaving valuable furs with them, and as a matter of course were likewise afraid to leave them with Mr. Breschel, ns he was a stranger in the city. Consequently to display his workmanship and es tablish himself he made over a seal skin jacket free of charge for a very prominent person, and as soon as others examined the work they rushed to his store. The result was that people were not only pleased with his work, but gained confi dence in. him by his treatment of them, and todny he has the finest cloak and fur store in the state. In a few weeks when Mr. Breschel returns from New York you will find at his store a stock of raw and dressed furs worth $50,000, and he will immediately commence to make up seal skin garments, Persian lamb jackets, Russian and Hudson Bay snbles, for which orders have already been placed. About July 1st, Mr. Breschel will send out his salesmen to visit tho wholesale trade, and customers placing theiv wants in the fur line during the months, I will give them the bene fit of the wholesale price, in which there is a difference of 50 per cent. between the retail and wholesale price. Mr. Breschel will also re model and repair your furs to the latest next fall's styles nt greatly reduced prices during the summer months. Mr. Breschel's is the larg est and most reliable fur establish ment in the state, outside of Phila delphia, and when that fact is im pressed on your mind you will save money by it. For the next ten dnys Mr. Bres chel will run a groat sacrifice sale of fine tailor made suits, silk skirts, waists and jackets in silk, eton and cloth; shirt waists nnd wrappers, An opportunity to buy these goods In the heart of the season at a sac rifice should be taken ndvantngo of by every woman in the city. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Fibre Carpets Straw Mattings Summer Draperies 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 WILLlAflS&flcANULTY Temporary Store 126 Washington Ave. Carpets. Wall Paper. Draperies. 4444444444444444 44444444444444444 44 44 44 IsSI KurRr.snNTATivr.s Wantkdi IidIIi sexe.i, to sell our Vermin and Moth Powders, for II co on Poultry, Plants, Horses, Cattle. Swine) Fleas on Dogsi Ticks on Sheep. Moth Preventative. Unclose setf-nd. dressed staraced envelope for information and order sample bor. Large can delivered nnywliere In U. S. or Canada, lor 40 C!ti. Do not send stamps for l'mvdcr. Chorees prepaid. Goods guaranteed or money refunded. All liens should he dusted before setting; and three davs before hatching: It saves the lives of thousands of llltlcchlcksandtlirkcys from head lice, makes your hens lay and keeps them hcalfhv. Hatuple box, lO enntn. I'lorlntK. Send us trial order for our Su perior Quality of Tobacco Dust Price, 1 l!i i-ifi per poiiuu: soopounu.siu iiarrci. Bears Vermin Powder Co., 410 Paull Bid;;., Dalton, tack. Co., Pa. Scranton, Ph.. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Ssyilili Schedule in Effect March 17, 1001. Trains leave Scranton: 6.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 9.38 a. m., week days, for Hazletqn, and for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, week dnys only. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury. Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. B. UUTUII1NSOX. Ren. MKr. J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Act. I NATIQNA 1 BUNK OF SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,000. United States Depositary. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western In KITcct Dec. C, 1M0. Foutli Leave Scranton for New York at 1.40. 3.00 0.50, S.OO and 10.0J a. in.; 12.55, 3..".'! p. in. for Philadelphia at 8.00 and 10.05 a. m.; lj.jj ami 3.S3 p. m. For Stroutlsburu at 6.10 p. in. Milk, accommodation at :U0 p. in. Arrive at llobokcn at fi.30. 7.18, lO.'.'S, 12.03, 3.15, US, 7.10 p. ra. Arrive at Philadelphia at 1.0(1, .1.2:!, 6.00 and 8.22 p. m. Arrive from New York at 1.10, 0.32 and 10.2:1 o.'ni.: 1.00, 1.62, B.l.-f, 9,r, and 11.30 p. m. l'rom Sitroudsburg at 8.05 a. Xorth T,cavo Scranton for Iliiflalo and inter mediate btatlcm at 1.15, 6.35 and 0.00 a. m. : 1.53, D.43 and 11.35 p. in. For Oswego ;md Svracuec at 6.35 a. m. and 1.55 p. m. Kr ijtica at 1.10 a. m. nnd 1.63 p. m. For i!on Irosc at 0.00 a m; 1.05 and fi.48 p. m. For Nicholsor at 1.00 and 0.15 p. m. For llinpr liamton at 10.20 a. m. Arrlio in Scranton from Buffalo at 1.2), 2.55, 5.45 and 10.00 a. m.; 3..-.0 ami 8.0!) p. m. Fiom Oswego and Syracuse at 2.53 a. m.; 12.33 and 8.00 p. ni From UtliM at 2.05 a. in.; 12.3S and 3.30 p. ni. Fiom Kicholson at 7..50 a. m. and U.OO p. in. From .Montrose at 10.00 a. in.; 3.20 and 8.00 p. m. BloomhurK Division Leave Scranton for Korthuinbeiland. at U.I5, 10.03 a. m.; 1,53 an.1 5 50 p. m. For Plymouth at 1.05, 3.40, 8.00 p. lii, For KiiiRston at 8.10 a. m. Arrive ,it Northumberland at 0.33 a. m.J 1.10, 5.00 and 8.15 p. in. Arrive at Kingston at 8.52 a. m. Arrive at Plviunutli at 2.00. 4.32, 0.15 p. m. Airi.c in Scranton from Northumberland at 0.42 a. in.; 12.35, 4.00 and 8.45 p. in. l'rom Kingston at 11.00 a. in. Fiom Plymouth at 7.53 J. in.; 3.20 and 0.35 p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. South Leaio Scranton at 1.40, 3.00, 3.50, 10.03 p. in.: 3.33 and 3.40 p. in. Noith Leave Peuntoii at 1.15, (13, a. in.! 1.05. S.4S and 11.33 V. Illooin-bmr DivMon '.eave Scianton at 10.05 a. m. and 0.00 p. in. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In F.tlcct March 3, 1K11. For Philadelphia and New Yoik via V. ,c II. R. II., at 0.15 anil 11.03 a. 111., nrd 2.1S, t.J7 (lllack Diamond LxpicM), ai.d 11.30 p. in. Sun. davs, I). Si II. n. It., 1.3S. 8.27 p. in For White llacn, llulclon and principal point! in tho coal legions, via 11. . II. It. Ii., CI 5, 2 18 and 4.27 p. m. For Pottsville, 4.27 p. in. For lletldchem, i;.mm. Kooning, iiarriiiiuri Special attention given to BUSINKSS, PERSONAL, and SAV INGS accounts, whether large or small. Open Saturday evening1 from S to 9 o'clock. Wm. Connuix, President. Ht-NRY Bi-un, Ju., Vice Pres. Wm. H. Pkck, Cashier. BRESCHEL 124 Wyoming flue In the, Coal Exchange, Opposite the Globe Store. and principal intermediate stations via 11. ic II. It. It".. 0.15, 11.55 a. in.; 2.18. 4.27 flllatk Dia mond F.xnrc-0, 11.30 p. in. Mimlai'i, U. & 11. It. It., 1.51, S.27 p. in. For Tunkliaimoik, Tow.inda, Llinira, tlhaci, Geneva and princlpil intermediate- stations, il.i 1)., L. & W. It. H.. 8.03 a. in.; 1.05 and 3.40 For Concva, Ito.-he.-lor, IlurTaU, Niagara Falls, Chicago and all points wist, ila I). & II, H. It., 1105 a, ni,, 3.33 (lllack lliamond lixpreid), 7. IS, 10,11, 11.30 p. in. MuiiIjjs, O, k II. It. ft., 11.05, 8.27 p. "i Pullman parlor nnd Bleeping or Lehigh Valley rarlois oars on all IraiiM between Wilkcs-llarie and New York, Philadelphia, llutlato and Su iroLUnN"ri.Ul?Wll.m)lt, ficn. Supt., 20 Cortland btreet. New York. CIIAIII.KS S. I.F.i:. on. P. Agl., 20 Cortland btrccl. New Yoik. A VV. NOSSr.MACHr.il. Wv. Paw. Ast., Suuth Pcthlehrm, Pa. For tickets and Pullman rerrvationa apply tu COO Lackawanna avenue, S.-ranton. I'a. Delaware and Hudson. In F.lleit May 1". Hl. T,lns lor i.'aihondali' loan- Siranton at O.u'0, . 803, H.W a. ni.l J2.'. 1.20. 2.H, .ij-j V.,,' ,? -, T..1T, 0. IS. 11.15 p. in.; 1.IU a. m, " Fur iloliwdale-u.st). W-:- J- '"! -" "d O.'t) p'i."i vnikrvllaiif- l'l". "''' ". f-"'. 10.1.. $X .! -. " " u-i0'7'". ": UpVi' V.' It. " P"int.-U5, 11.50 a. m.; J. IS, For' "i'cntK"""-' It- polnt-C.. 0.33 ,. ,1 It. nnd 4.27 P- l. '"'For Albany a" I'01'" "u"li-o.20 a. m. and 3.02 . H,,sl:mvv TRAINS, for Caibondale-l'.oo, 11.33 a. 111.; ?.4I, 3.01, rurlWllkesll"ite--t.:iS. 11.53 a. n,.; 1.55, Vis, a'For8AlbinV '"'' I'd"" noitli;-3..V! p. 111. For lluiiee'lale -.l a. m. .""I 3..VJ p. in. Lowi'Vl rates to all point In United Slatei al,d Cada.m,m))n.( (. (, A ( A1jv v v li, V. I'ltOSS, I). P. A., Siunioii, Pa, "central Railroad of New Jersey, lattona In New Yoik-Foot of I.iUrly utiett, N 11,. and Siutli IVirj. "imi: tiii.i: in i.rrr.iT mav i". p-h. , Tialm leave Siranton lor New oik. Ni-naik, l'lnsabcth, Philadelphia. La.lon. Ilelhlelicni, A) U-moun. Maiuh i hiinV 'and Wiiiii' llawn. at 5, 1 in i'pu-. I 10; expic.N.. 100 p. in. Mm- d.i. 2.15 p. in. lor rillMOII anil "ilr.vii.i;H Lager Beer Brewery Hannfectnrera or OLD STOCK PILSNER 480 to 455 N. Ninth Street, Telephoao Call. 2333. ,PA THE iOSIC POWDER CO. Booms 1 aml'2, Com'lth B'l'd'g. BORANTON, PA. m.: 1 to !.jj a 111 1.-... iiitilmoro anil YVaslillilil Smilh ami VVil via llethli-'iem. S,55 a. ,,nl 1 11 111. !lll"li.. 2.13 P. HI foi- Lou Inaiiili. il' can liion-. ii. al a. m. ami i'- " , , , For lteadlii!,, Lebanon and HanUburif lontiiuii. e.M a. in. and 1. 10 " ror'potb.vllle. . "' u0 '" , , For Mountain 1'atk. S..V a. 111., 1. 10 and l.iW 'Vli'rouBli tUWct to all point cad, wulh and it at lowest rate at the itation. J. II. OLIUUSKN, Ucu. tjupt. 1 , tu, ,, .,, snunim. .i.i 1 unii .-'.: -; -f,,r ,.,-, , .,ii I II USIIIHh.t',. unit ,..j.,m- III., 1 Ml via Al- ,uiidj,i . nining and Blasting POWDER Mt.it t Mooilo and Ruibdalt Worlli. LAFL1N RAND POWDER CO, '3 ORANOE QUN POWDER Xieetrlo Battarlei, Kleotrlo ICxptodtn. exploding blasts, .-iafoly Km aoi Rejaum Chemical Co.'s iplovc RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division. Time Table in Llfect Sept. 17, 1000. Tiaim (or llawley and local pointa, connrit. in-' at Uanlcy with Frie railroad for New York, .NVuluiii; a.id liiterniediatii points, lrae Siran. ton at 7,03 .1. 111, and 2.25 p. m. Trains auivo al Hiauton at 10.30 a, in, am 0.10 p. m. Time Card In effect Dec, HOtli, 1000, SCRANTON DIVISION. l3n 803 1 201 lw;i.1 "I I -I. M ISW 800 08 lBtii 710Al-.N.V..WJ!lKI.I,v .'..'10 IV i 05 Al io III lbs " 1031 Hi " . 11131 J 31 . Ull'i J 2& 1 ft iuiw 3 id ' 1 , I'lldn.ljt . ..(.v. . .Ihuicuctc... ' , MaibKl't. . " I'if.tou Park, I. .WIuiaoimI,., I. .loynitfiil'... ., ,1)1.011... . 1'ltUMIIlt Ml . LIUUUIIHIO, . a .la UIOIII. 'JIM I Ii a -irt 1 a.1 111 111, ' t'luuouiluluYd .9 40 1110110 ' ' uiooilililio . 6iu'J0; . " .IMilln Hri.lfr.' t-ort-bt City.. d.vh .651 'Joni 11 .BtdOlHIl 11 8W ."l I O'J 8 2t liVUI HI OM'anoiioi, 6111 SI4I0M dhi 11 urn w lit K40IO AU .00) taKioi. .eoa .601 603 PM 4 S! HI 41 " A .VJ I'l IU .V. M IJ.I JI.illl.IJ Yd ' jia nviii jiTiio n. Aivlilut0 Wintun i'tektllle (ilypluuit. 1'iUcbuii; lhr.p. .Protldiui-i'. ptuk I'Iuit bcinntui. 11: 8 ""i 'tit PU ...a 054 so . . 2 11 i SJ .. a ala .. a ai J ts , , S41SC5 . 2W5 II . , 2Uik :,. 306530, .. 3 CBS SI . 3 195 43 1M 3 29SM 7 W3 815 61 7 01. . 7H'.3 I15M 7 073 136 01 " ,7 W8 151 . " I7I5S6I6M " ,7 13 546 U 7S33 686 i6 " 17 S7 03 6 SI " 7 B-JJ 076M " 7 311 10 0687 16 81 7 all 116 52 HI 0)635., Ar 7 104 Hi PU Pkt I .1,1. HlllIUj Adlltlonal Iraln.lmie r.rbonJsle for MaibelJ Ynd iiy.ni! au! u.rniraii. M.yhl.l Var.1 fut ( .rbouJaly IC.i).i 615 (Mil i-xc.it SuuJa), bud 7.60 piubuudayi Ml., 1 DrilTlll I'UI B1IJ Kill lllll. .litluuallroliilivvi.rr.utoiiat700pniBuD4ayoDly, lloopiiiuat atl.tatlon to rarUiiitlalt-, arrtviua at 7 45 piu. dtity,arrinu6 at t'ai ooudabat 0.W am. Itates " ciiiU per mile. Lowest ltnti'K to nil P11I11U YeT. J t. C. rNOCRSON. C.la'11'aM'rAcnt. Kw York Cltj t. WtlH. T'av, Ai.nt. 6ciaatu.ra.