The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 21, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    "4 '"T'
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"iMicfS HAMS"-,,', v- . '"i" dHBPWBTJff JUjkV fVm-SW-?"''VK
rPf' W?
.,-.' V ,' " '
f ! r
' - .Tm5
Wanted the Stuvges Caao Continued
Because of nn Article Which Ap
pealed In The Tribune Dealing
with the Defendant's Pmposes as
a .Lltlppnt Conductor Cawloy Se
curca .?0,OOO Damages from the D.,
L. & W. Company Other Matters
of Moment In the Courts.
ISpciiusp "f 111'1 nrltclc 111 Tito Ti-lb-iiiic
cir lust Krhhiy, In wlilc-h U whs
slated that K. It. SIiii-ri's vvns defend
Ins; tli" milt the illy had In-ought
iiRalns' hlni t" collciL a pavhiR uhsphh
niLMit, solely Unit hr inlRht vltidleitU'
Ills piisltlmi In ii'lusliiR in pay tin uu
i(sjiiipiii wliiln tln pavi-mcnl reiiiiihu'il
tiuivpaltoil, ilit counsel lnr tin1 idly.
(iiiiipIIiim tjniiii'fiy-. mill City Snlli'ltur
(inoi-tie M. Watson, inmle u niuiliiti
.VfMtorday. wIh-ii the liinl uhi le.-umeil
before .liiilftc Carpi'iuiM', llnit a Juror
be wlilalrawn ami lie- i-uso fnl liiuoil.
Mr. CoiiietryN snlil that the sii-tlele
would liatp n leniloiuy tn Inlltt
the Jnrv In .Mr. Stinui's' finnr ami it--f.'iit
t li ends of Jtistlri'. .Iililni' 'iir-1'i'iitPi-
didn't think so.
I.ator. Ihi' ens wan alirliplly t"r
iiilmi it'd hy n eonipuNoi-y non-suit,
uiili'h. Iiirldi'iiuilly. i.'llpv.'il tin1 Jury
rnuii eousliloilui;- It. The minimis fur
tlio nnn-stili Hi-ic:
V'lrst there liii lii'i'ii no Tuinir
UiVI'll I lllll .my ll'.'IIS WTO lili-d imalnst
Mr. Stili-Rec. -is ii'iimi'd liy the net
r ns'-i'iulily. 1V'. under which the suit
WHS lltlUIRlll.
Heciind-Tliiit tne ap.sMi(.nt iiRalnst
eertalii ril' I Iip Inli n liarteil by I In
.statute id' llinltiitlons
Third-Thut under the o idem-e It
:iiie.'ii'H. that Mr. Sun-Res Is only one
llilrd owner or i-crtiiln of the lot", lie
Is sltr-il for the whole of I lie ns.t"
ni"iit aR.ilust them and not for oue
thlid. and fiii-tliennoi'". that the othes
ouiipik .ire not Joined as defetulsintH.
l-'olll-t ll Thai there is llo evidence
bv v.iili-h I he Jury can determine
how much Mr. Sttii'se- owes. Th" city
lieasiiier lilniscir, when iiinn the
stiinil, stated that he cannot tell ex
pctly how nitu-li he ours.
I-'lflh That the pavlliR -onlrin-l was
Invalid because it coiitcinphited pay
ment for repalis as well as for paving,
nnd under the law the property owner
can only be assessed for the construc
tion of the pavement.
The last point, is based on a decision
recently rendered by .IiiiIrc Aivhbnld,
in tlie ease of the city of Wllllamsport
iiRainst. llilRhes, in which he specially
A rule I" slViUe off the non-suit
was allowed. This will brhiR the mat
ter before the tlm-e Judges in arRil
iiipnt i-ruirt.
Kx-fity Solicitor .lames II. Toi-rey,
Thomas F. Wells and .lames (inrdiic-r
Sanderson represent Mr. Suiircs.
Franklin Howell Files Demurrer.
TliroiiRii Ills atttirneys. O'l'rlen .t
Jiartin, Kranlilin Unwell yesterdav.
Illed ti demiiner In the case insli
tuted asuinsi hlni by his sister, .Mrs.
.lennio Uean. to compel him t." Rive
an accountlnR of the estate which be
has hold In liilst for her. Tin- de
iiiuriir reads as follows:
1. The bill does nl aver Unit the
defendant had any money, stock,
bonds, or properly of the plaintiff in
Ills bands, or in any way owned her a
dollar at the time of the liliiiR of the
bill in this case.
2. There is no .tlleRulinu in plain
tiff's bill thui she ever demanded an
aecoimthiR from the defendant and
that he letuseil to make an accouiu
IriR to her.
:!. The plain I iff'.-: bill does not pie.
font such a case as entitles her to the
relief for which she ask;- in a court of
i. The allegation-' of the plaintiff'.
bill mo vae.ue. indefinite and uncer
lalu. and lacks that pi-p'-ision and par
ticularly which would enable p. chan-i-'llur
to identify any property as that,
eliar.ced In the bill as the property of
Ihe plaintiff.
e. Theie is nn .illeRation of such a
wilful w.tste or mismaniiRt'iueiit of the
complainant's pinpertv as to rvc tills
court Jin isdictlon.
ii. The bill chni-Rps ti"" def udiiu'
with eriiiKs of .iiibezzlemunl and
ilu.t of .ibtainliiR moiipy tinder false
piptpin-ps and otli-'r erimlnal offenses,
and seeks to draw from him answers
that nia J. be nuidc the basis of accu
sations in pio.-eciilliilis
7. Th' pl.untlff li.-s a full, adciiiate
and coniple'e iciiiedv a1 law.
W'lierefoi , This IpiViIiIhiii dcinatids
he JudRio 'lit of Ibis lioiurahle eoiirt
Aliuo-st cveryliodv ri'iui-tnbers the i-ele-Irratcd
advice of tlii? l.onilon ftiucti, "To
those about to niarn. .hvi'l," There
is in that adviee the expression of the
feeling of many a mother who says, "I
nope my uaiiR-iuer
will neVer marry
and suffer as 1
In ninety -eiyht
cases in every hun
dred there's no
need for this suf
feting. Doctor
Pierre's Favorite
Prescription cures
the womanly dis
eases which cause
wifely misery. It
d'-'e's enfeehliiiK
drains, heals in
llamuiatiou and
ulceration and
cures female
weakness, It in
vigorates the
womanly organ
ism, tranquilities
the nerves ami
gives the mother
strength to give
her children.
Do not allow au unscrupulous dealer
to sell you something in place of "Fa
vorite Prescription," claimed to be "just
as good," There is nothing just as good
for women as Favorite Prescription."
"I am so plc.-estd with youi iimlmetion, 1
htrdlyknow wh:: thank lo give yon (or your
kind fayors." wiltes Mr. Mllu ilryaul.of I)ta,
St. Thomas Co., Uj. " Yoii can my few
itatement to the world hophi); nil iift"criiijr
womcu vrltl know and bt- luratcil I ufff red to
much vfitli great paint' in m back aud the
lower part of my stomach nod (ulpitation of
the heart, that at times I could hardly lie down,
and could hardly get up In the morning, but
alter uiluC three bottles, of ' Huvoiite I'rcDCiip
tloD'and two vial of Dr. l'ierce's Pleasant !"-.
lets, 1 1'cet like a m:v woman "
Dr. I'ierct's 1'leaant Pellets cure sick
mi mwm
Wtiolhor he shall bo compello.1 to maho
any further or other atiswor to thn
said hill or any of the mattoia and
thhiRH therein contained, nnd prays to
bp hence dismissed with his i-phsou-able
costs In this behalf sustained.
Ftauklln Howell.
In Common Pleas Court.
The second week of ihe May term of
common pleas opened yesterday tnorii
Ihjr, with tttidfte Kelly presiding- In the
main court room, and .TudRe Carpenter
In No. 2.
.ludpo Kelly Is eiiRiiRed In the re
trial of the wiirp easo of Mary .f.
CiHippr BRitlnst William .1. T'ptherlrk.
The plaintiff Is a slstpf of (Iip de
fpndant's deceased wife. She plaints
JL'19 for atlendltiB' her dttrlUR her last
Illness. She secured a verdict for the
full amount of her claim at the for
mer trial, hut wlipn II developed later
that olip of Mrs, t'ooppr'a relatives
served ns a Juror, a new trial was
Rianted. Attnrnpys Frank !. Hlbhs
and 1. !'. LfitiRliran rein-esent the
plnlntlff. Thp dpfpiidniit'.s attorneys
nio O'llrleii, Martin and John It. Kd
nards. In eiiitrt room No. '.', before .IuiIrp
t'ariienter. Sprnks Urns, are endeuvor
Itiff to secure Judgment iiRalnst T'at
rlck l.nlly, of Wlnl on, on n $l- note.
Spruks Urns, siteceedcd to the lumber
business of Henry ,1. Kims', of Peek
ville. Ktinx Ilros.' books showed to he owing- a balance of JI-."
on a ruiiuliiR aeeount. Spruits Bros
drew- up it note for that uninutit and
dlsiateliel Henry ,F. Kttuz. of the linn
of Kuilz Bros., to have II signed by
l.nlly. Rw. broilRht the note hack
beariiiR's "his mark," and his
own attestation of tin Renulneiiess of
the "his mark."
I.ull.s says lie did not. sIrii the note
and never knew of Its existence mil i 1
March (. 1H00, nearly the years after
It Is ,'illeRPd to have been signed, when
lie saw in Th" Tribune a notice that
Ills property was to he sold at sheriff's
sale by Spruks Bros,
. S. Spruks avt rs that he. In com
pany with Henry ,1. Kim?,, called on
l.nlly In IS!7 to receive a settlement,
and that then agreed to pay the
note, indirectly admitting- lt genuine
ness. Later, when the note was again
presented, he refused to pay it.
Mohan & Stokes appear for the
plaintiff and .lames .1. O'Malley for the
The ease of James Kelly against the
city of Scrnuton was referred to At
torney V. A. Wilcox.
Judgment was entered for th de
fendant by uRiPPinent in the ease of
It. J, Keppel ,t i'o, against John Swee
ney & Sun.
Settlements were reported in th'j
eases of Nicholas Kehres againsl Pat
rick McAndrew : Patrick Joyce against
the Seranton Hallway company and K.
I). Huntington against J. 1J. Wil
liams. Tlie case of ti. M. Mnllny against
the Seranton Traction company was
Decision Was Not Keached.
Xo decision was leached yesterday
In tlie matter of the right of eminent
domain of the new trolley company,
the Seranton and Northeastern Hall
way (onipany, which lias been attack
ed by tne Itoeky !len Water company,
of Moosic. of which Arthur Frothing
hani is president and Annette Uey
nolds secretary and treasurer. Judges
Kdwards' Kelly and Carpenter heard
arguments on the sufficiency of tin;
Indemnifying' bond offered hy the com
pany to Miss "itoynolds, and which
she refused to accept, and after u
consultation the Judges decided to al
low a rule to show pause why the bond
should not be approved and the com
pany allowed to proceed with Its cu
tty upon the Water company's prop
erty. The rule was made returnable
at argument court, but Judge Kdwards
said It would lie advanced If the delay
should be found to be materially in
juriiiK the railway company.
Major Kverelt Warren and K. c.
New-comb appeared for the water com
pany. J. K. Uurr and O'Hilen & 'Mar
tin repiespiited the railroad company.
The principal arguments advanced
against the bond were that the bond
was given to Miss Iteynolds aftpr she
had disposed of the properly to the
water company, and that, the railroad
company has no riRlit of eminent do
main, being u trolley line, and not a
railroad such as the law contemplated
shall have riRlit of pniltlPtlt domain.
Tills latter question has Iippii rnispU
in the case of tin, commonwealth
aaainst Albert Johnson, who wants to
build a trolley Hue from Philadelphia
to Allentowu and New York under u
similar charter to that grunted the
local rapid transit company.
Conductor Cawley Gets $6,000,
Tlie suit of Charles f'nwlpy against
tlie flelawure, Lackawanna & Western
railroad company, which was Insti
tuted last Thtirsd'iy by O'Hrlen &
Martin, was reported settled yester
day. Tlie company gave th" plaintiff Stl.tmo
and paid his counsel fees and costs.
Oiwley is the conductor who was in
jured In the Delaware, Lackawanna S
Westein yards hy the cubs of two of
the "hog" engines colliding.
To Make Bip,' Sewer View.
Attorney W, S. Dlehl. John .T.
O'lloyK of Villi- Htu?et, and It. J.'
Itlchards were yesterday appointed by
court to make the view of the benefits
and dummies of the main sewer In the
Nineteenth sewnr district.
They aie limited to sixty days In
which to do the work, and d I roc ted to
begin nest Monday.
The llrst view, which was iuvalld
utid, cost over $:i,000.
D X, and W. Board for Today,
Following Is tlio makp-up of the I)
L. & W. hoard for today:
NlM Cits l' . in., .1. II. Mjnrii In
p. in , M. .1. Ilcnnifjii; 11 p. in., (!?. Tliuuij-,
Wild UiU -.:V) a, ni o. I'. Kcannj : .'!
a, in,, M. I'hmcily; 5 a, in,, I', t'jr with t,
llirlliolcinev,' rficu; in a, in., II, .1. l.Jiian; II
a. in., I', W, Dunns 1 i. in., ,1. W. Ilcvhir; '
p in., i:. M. IUIIh; .1 p. in., J. Iluikluil; i;
1 1. in., A. I!. Ilamuiil.
autiimi(. l a. in., rut, .1. licniiisaiii S a. in.,
wet, i, Piounrell.i'ii n p. m,, cjt. .1. luiiitji
S p. in., cast, W. II, Mcholsi 7 p, in., ojt lioni
Ny Aus. K, McAllislcij p. in,, wi-i limn
l.'juiKJ, Mi I. Jin-: T p. in,, wmt fiuui Caj;j, M.
Staple;, Thompson' iicw.
I'ullcrk 1U a. in., I". K. Surer.
I'ushen 8 a. in., Ilou-er; tu i. in , S. l m
nerty; 11 RO a. in., Jloianj 7 p. in.. Muipliy,
9 p. in., hamping; 10 p. m., A. WUknci.
Paarciicer Unsin-7 a. in., I,'an"ne. ; 7 a. n ,
Hills; 6.W) p. in., Slanlon; 7 p. in,, Slacuvcin.
Wild Cats Wct-5 a. ni., I.iiiikIiik'.v; 7 a. in.,
lloinlieaii: S a. in.. 1', Wall: in j. m., M.
laliuod.v; 1 p. in., W. It. doners '- p. in,, .1
Miihicr; V p. m.. .1. liiiilo: I p. in, ,1. A.
Hush; A p. in., I', h. Kufii.; 0 p. in., Klin;,.
Icy; 7 p. in., .1. .1, Mniraj. Mil'.iilliy't men.
ilium sujiicr "ill an nt with SI. (ioMm
iii-M Iriii.
Ilriil.diuu Jnliii tYaiiui-r "III call it lubiuui-
ui'i ulllce.
' f rr' s ss s s ? s s -MJcrj!W-'rzn?mrmrm wwwim t f tmnwi wwtrerA
739 Ftirraut Ave., Chicago, 111., Dec. 7, 1900.
Warner's Sit ft' Cure Co., Rochester, N. Y.
(jeiillemon : For ten years 1 have been troubled with liver
complaint, which seriously interfered at times with my olticial
duties, and i often found it dil'ticult to walk any distance. I
was dosed with pills and powders until 1 lost heart and courage.
At last I tried Warner's Safe Cure and 1 do not wonder every
one speaks well of it. l-.iht bottles cleaned me from head to
loot, and I am a well man.
N. Y.. 0. & W. Rates to Buffalo, N.
Y. and Return, via Niagara.
The l'nn-Aniorlpiin Kxpojdtkm, wlilc-b
opened at I'.uflalo on May 1st. and
which will be open until the liiFt day
of October, in attracting thousands of
visitors. The magnitude of tills ex
position is so well known and under
stood hy all iliu citizens of tills great
republic that 11 is unnecessary for ua
to dwell upon the subject, but ll may
lie of interest to our readers to learn
of the passenger fares over the N. V.,
(). W. Ity.. from Seranton to fluf
I'aio and return, via Niagara Kails.
Kound trip'season tickets, which ale
sold every dav during the continuance
of the exposition, are good until Oc
tober i'.lst and ar nv.iilanle for stop
over, can lit' purchased for Jllfjti.
10 Day round trip tickets which are
issued every day during tlie pxposltion,
are sold for ?s. This form is a con
tintiou.i passage tiokpt. and will not
permit of .-unp-over except at Niagaia
f. Day round trip tickets arc sold
only on Tuesdays and Saturdays dur
ing the exposition, and the rate will
be .tfi. Tliesu tickets will not be good
for stop-over, except at Niagara Falls,
Season tickets aud 10 day tickets will
be honoicd in I'ullman ears, on pay
ment of the usual Pullman charges,
but f day tickets will be accented only
in day couches.
fall on nearest X. V O. W, ity.
station ugont for any additional infor
mation, or write .f. f. Anderson, Gen
eral i'oesenger Agent, ." Reaver St,
Xew York City, who will be glad to
answer Imiuirles from prospective pas
sengers. Two East Express Trains Between
Philadelphia and Willces-Bavre
via Pennsylvania Railroad,
Willi Its change of time on May 27,
the Pennsylvania Hiillroud Company
111 place In service two fast express
trains ooeh way, week days, between
Philadelphia and Ilkt-.s-Hnrre via
Pottsvllle anil iranloti'ii. The proposed
schedules of these trains arc as fol
lows: We.'k Days.
I.v. l'lill'tdelpliiu H:0A. M. flOP. M.
Xorrlstowii .. 0:11A.M. k'JUI'.M,
' Poits-town .. 10:1!) A, .l. :. IT. P. M.
- Heading Kit-ISA. .M. .Vtll 1'. M,
" Pottsville ,,, l!:.-r. A, M. !M." P. M.
" HiiKleton ..12:IS P. .M. 7:10 P.M.
Ar. Wllkes-ISaire 2:2.-, A. Jl. I'iir. P. M,
Week Days.
I.v. Wilkes-narre :).-. .v. M. -i::' P. M.
" Hazleton !i;:M A. M. tltfiil 1'. M.
" Pntlsvllle ,,,.ll)2.' A. M. 7:0" P. M.
" Heading ....ll:20A. M. S:00 P. M.
' Pottstowu ...11:41 A. M. NiiS P. ,M.
" Xorrlstuwn ..12:20 P.M. O'OO P. M,
Ar. Philadelphia ,12:M1 p, M, ii-'io P. M,
There will ho solid vestibule train'',
tnnsistlng of i oinbiiiPd car, standard
passenger coach, and Pullman buffet
pm lnr car.
Pullman buffet parlor cits will !o
be run between Phllad'.'lphht and IMul.
Ing week days, on Irani? leaving
Philadelphia at r:3:; p. m and leaving
Heading at S a, m,: between Plilladel
idilii nnd Pollsvllie, wtik days, on
trains leaving Philadelphia 8:12 p. in
ami leaving l'ottsll. 2-.V, p. m.
A numbi r of loial i Iiuuhmh will also
he made.
A DeHghtful Ride, Boating-, Fishing,
Music, Etc Other Amusenientb.
The llrst excursion of the season to
I.ako Lodoro will he run on Memorial
Day, May 30. via the Delaware e Hud.
son it.iiiroad, Take u train lor the
hike aud at tlie lake lako a boat fiom
the new wharf near the refieshinent
stands and see 1 1 peerle.. sheet of
water In nil lis spring-lime beauty,
llauer'.s full orchestra will furnish
special music In the great while dance
pavilion The best entering will be on
the grounds ami a variety of amuse
ments will be provided. Special trains
Ipuvo I). & II. depot, Herauloii, at HtlS
and 10: i:: a. in. ("ireaily reduced ox
ursion rates from all stations. Tick
ets good on nil trains. '
Reduced Rntes to Kansas City. Via
the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
Account of the meeting, imperial
council. Nobles Mystic Shrine.
Tickets on sale .lime 7. S. and !, In
quire of ticket agents for particulars.
t"n mmmm.
Special Rates
via the Dflaware and Hudson Itall
loud and ret urn on account of the
great musical concert by Mine. Schii-mun-ll"ink.
Miss .Maud rowell and
Mr. Kr.itigcon Davis at tlio Lyceum
Theatre Tuesday, May lst, 1901:
Time of train. Hales.
Wilkes-Iiarie .... 7:05 p. m. .60
I'itt.'Hon T:L"i p. in. .:;o
Oypbant 7:29 p. in. ,J5
Ciiibommli! 7;0ti p. m. .50
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
In lffcrt lice. 2. I'W.
Sniilli I.cne Sir.nitnti for Nnv York at 1.10,
P..(J C.50, s.on .mil 10.0 1 a. in.: 12.35, 3.":: p. in.
Kit Plillailflplii.i at S.(kl nml 10.03 a. in.; !,-,
ami :i.:io p. in. I'or SiioiiMiui-g at p. in.
Milk iiic-oiiiiiiil.itloii nt :i.W p. in. AniM .it
llnliol, at i:.::o. 7.1--. lo.-is. ios. ::.13, i. is.
7.10 p. in. Airhe at I'lnli'lclpliia .it 1.03.,
I1.IHI ami 8.22 p. Auite lioni .Vw V.,ik nt
1,10, ti.32 ami K'.'i! a. ni.: l -,, f,..) s.5
ami 1I.S0 p. in. I'll'"1 .Slroialsbiirs at 8.0j a.
Nnrlli l.roie ft i.mleii foi Itiilt.-ilo and inlrr
ini'iiliitc stutiims al 1.15, (i."3 anl 0.00 a. tn. :
1.31, 5.4S ll.M I'- m. Fur O-urcu unil
Sm.iui.-p at 0..:.. a. in. and I.3S p. in. h.i
t'tiui at 1.10 a. in. and I. .11 p. ni. 'r M,m.
tui-i at U.nO a in; I.TO and .LIS p. in. ',,r
XUImltni' al leu and ftlS p. m. for Itirijj
li..iiitiin .il IM.'iO a. in. An be in .s'cr.intan from
Unti.tiii at i.2". '-'',. "-i"' "'i io.oo a. m.: :i.:;o
and S.W p. in. Kiohi 0-,rso and Syracuse at
2..1J a. m.; t-'.Sa and &.00 p. in P-um uilcj
at 2.35 a. in.; 12.::s and -:.::o p. j,i. Kimn
Nicholson at 7.30 a. m. and COO p. m. Plum
Mortrotp at It'.!)"! a. in.: 3.20 and 8.00 p. m.
lllooin-lnnp llbi.-inn I.i-aip ?ii,inon fnr
Niirtliiiiiiticilanil, at 0. 1 1, 10.0.1 a. in.; 1,33 Milj
5.30 p. 111. V'or rijinnnlh at 1.0,1, 3.10, S.50 p.
in. Tor Kingston at S.10 a. in. Ariive at
Xortliumlii'ilnnil at 0.35 a, ln.s 1.10, 5.00 and S. 1.1
p. 111. Anbt; at Kingston at 8..12 a. m. Airivr
at I'hiiiutith at 2.00. I.X2. 0.1.1 p. 111. Aiiim
in Seranton from Xorllniinticrljiirt at 0.(2 a. n.;
12.3.1, 1.30 and S.15 p. 111. Fiom Kingston at
11, Oil a. in. I'l-oni l'l. mouth at 7.33 a. m.j s,-.'i)
and 5.uj p. in.
South-Leave mijiiIoii at 1.10, Ji.OO, 3 50, 10.01
p. m. ; :l.:t.l and .I0 p. in.
S'uitli l.rave Siranton at 1.13, tl.yj ,,, In-.
1.55, 5. IS and tl.OJ p. in.
Itlnonislnin.- llivi-iinl.rae Erranlon at 10.03
a, 111. and 5.30 p. in.
Delaware and Hudson,
In Illicit Al iv 19, IIKII.
Tutus or CiiImiiiiUIp Icive bii.inlnn at it "e
s.ii'., 8.5:i, to.i:s .1. i'i : I--'.1'. 1. 211, 2. it, j.,-,-!
0.2!', 11.25. T.57. 0.11. 11.15 p. m.; l.tii ,1
for lloncailalis-0.20. 10. ti. a. in.; ill and 5.::n
P. in.
I'.ir Wilkc.-i-Uaiii'-O.ti, ..t. Ml. n.:;, jo t ;
11.55 a. in.: 1.2. '-'$, :'', 1.27. 0.10,7,1:;, io'.h'
11.0 p. in.
for Ij. V. It. 11. point-i-0.15, 11.53 a. m . - ij
1.27 and ll.:'-0 p. in.
for IMirwybauU It. It. poil.l-i ll. 3, .,,,,5 -111.:
2.1S and 4.27 p. in.
I'or Alliany and all points nortli-u.'.'tj a. ni.
and y.52 p. -
S-f.N'llAV TltAlN'S.
for Carbomlaley.OO, ll..'W a. in,; ;,!! ;.,;
0.47, 10.52 p. 111.
I'or Vlll.ilarrr 9,.'W, 11.5.1 a. m.; i.jj, t,-j
0.2.', S.27 p. in-
for Albany and points iioith ,;..-, p. Wi
For Hoiii'mUIc--0.1m .1. in. and :i.5:! p. m. vatis tn all poinU In United Statu
and Canada.
.1. II. lll'ltlllt'K, l. I'. A Albany, . Y.
II. y L'ltOSS I). I'. A.. .Seijntun, I'a.
Erie Railroad, Wyoming- Division.
Timo Talile in CfiVit Sept. 17, lono.
Trams toi lliwlcj jihI local points, mrino. t.
Ins at llawle with Iliie uilroid tor NVw oik,
NintiurK and intninedl.iln point!!, leave Nraii-
ton at 7.1V, a, in. and 2,25 p. in.
Tiains aniie al Scianlon at 0.;:o a, in. and
0.10 p. m.
Time Cnnl in effvet Dec, XQtti, iUOO,
1 am m eui
1 - 3 H S C 3
vol a-ii ttii
I r
.... 7W .r. N.V.,W.d HtJ.r.
i'7 ?i
fV P'l
. 031 SI)
8 lit S3
2 24 15
2 31 4 tS
8085 S)
. 1J .',' lOSAr. . I'aaokla ..l.v.
Hall, iti-l.
SinrHidit . '
1'iri.toii l'aik. '
.t'o.vntille,., '
.. .Oidun '
Plfuitiit Ml.
.' iitt. '
u&lll I
IH iff
815 61
lllll -il " ('HlbOllllvluVtl '
..a w
I II 10 11 -.11
, 1 uioonuaiv .
,U ,U Jlritlit.-. ' '
i.,.aaa uui .. -
8 M 90111 11
....esj soul 11
,. 8 a S.M1I0V '
. ..8 2MU.III0I
. . 8jMII0l "
.. ill Hiitai: -...
oil sew.-,, -
...SW , 8.-HI0I
...601 S.llll) II
...soa s:diu c: -..
.doc s:'.)lo lul.i
J 01
7 0.S3 (Uf3
7 1)73 Lie CI
T W2 461I13.
7 15a lla efl
Ma) 11, Id
W111I1.0 .
I'll, tt-iiri;
T 13 S16 1:
7 --'8 6J6 16
7 'j; rat 21
7 mi
. 104
(77f !
il Ii 3!
170 U
UK 89
1 'i p'j m
4,Mlttiii,ll Ir.iiiu l-artoi-.lal fur Jltvfrlo t.,rd
I? Kill 1 jr. i; iiieli, ii.J 7 M no, uac)a)- out), tin ln
Ulliiiu-I.l Yiril 7m ,,u pin.
.l.lllti(,IllllaItltrvrr4-ltollBt7rJrlMnSll4ayol iv
'rj.D.utut.ll, 1.1 i-iriuoilili-, rritlua tlijiii .
id lrliiln M.lh.ll Urd Mr I'mlwaddv rt.M
liutes '4 i'l-iiu per mile,
I.nrrct Kutt'4 tu nil I'.lllltH Vj,.
'Ir.T. .tifot,
Schedule In Eitect Match 17, 1001.
Trains leave seranton!
6.45 n. 111.. week dnya, for Sttnbttry,
Hairlsbutc;, Philadelphia, Haiti
more, Washington nnd lor Pitts
burg nnd the West.
0.38 n. ni., week days, for Hozleton,
nnd for Sunbury, Hntrlsburp;,
rhUadeliihla, Baltimore, Wash
Ington and Plttabut-g nnd the
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays
1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, 'Hnrrls
bttrjr, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington nnd Pittsburg nnd
the West. For Hnzlcton, week
days only.
4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury.
Hnzlcton, Pottsville, Hnrrisbttrg,
Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg.
.t. n, iitrrciiixsos, n. xr.
.1. 11. WOOD. (ten. !. ArI,
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
Station.! In Now Yml. l-'oot of I.ibcily "Host,
N, It., and Smith IVnj.
rt.ui: taih.i: i.v ixi-wr .may 10, ipnt.
Tralm Sor.inton lnr New nik, .Si'umiIc,
t:ilMt)clti. I'lilladcliilila, n.Klon, II..ilclion, Al
li ntnwn, Jhmli rlnitilt .ital Wliili- ll.iifti, ,u s.,-,,-,
a. 111.; Mpioi"', 1 lo: o.ii e.-. 1.00 p. in. Sim-ilaj-s,
2. W p. 111.
For I'lttMoii iiml Vilkp4-ll.irii .; a. m.; 1 III
and 4.00 p. til. s'nmliK, :.!.-, p, ,,
I'or ri.i'llinorc and Vasliini;tin and polnh
Sonlli and via llvtlitcln-in, S.3.5 a. 111,, .K
and 4 p. in. Sundays, 2.15 p. in.
For J.ttiif llr.iiich, Ocean liioio, cli',, al ."31
a, in. unit 1.10- p. 111.
For ltcailhiK. I.clianon and llairMiiiru, via Al.
Iflitown, S.Wi J. in. iiml I. In p. III. Soudan,
2.15 p. 111.
I'or I'olt.-villo, S.5.1 a. in., 1.10 p. in.
Ki' Mountain I'.ul, f.."" 11. 111., I lu and I DO
p. ni,
Through lnl.ils I" all polnli cut, .niilli ,in,
west at low fl ratci at tlio station.
II. I'. IIAI.IIWIN. Con, Pa. Art.
.1. II. OUIAUSIIN. Con. Snpt,
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Hffr-rt Manli ::, It'Ol.
For riilludclphiii and Nun- Yoil via I), ft .
It. I'., nt 0.45 and 11.51 a. 111., -J. 1 a, I.J7
(Illack Diamnnil ll.vpiri). ai.d 1I..' p. in. Sun, I). A- ll. It. II.. t.5s. S.27 p. in
For White Harm, Ilizli'lmi and ptlnolpal points
In tin- loal rritluii", ia I). ,: II, It, 11. , fi 1.1,
2.1S ami (.27 p. 111. For I'ntt-nlllp, 1,27 p. in.
For llotlilrlioni, l-mli.n. Itcaillnir, lljiriiljiii-p;
ninl piincipal intonindlatr stations i.i I), ,v ,
It. H., 1.43, 11.55 a. in.; 2. IS, 4.27 k Ilia
inonit i:.p:c). II. "0 p. in. Sniidav, U. ,t It,
It. It , 1.5S, S.27 p, in,
For TunkliantiooK, Tnvamt.i, Flinira, Itliu-a,
Ocnova and liiteiincdi.ito stations, ila
l) L. k V. It. It.. 8.0S a. in. j 1,03 and 3. It)
p. in.
For ficlir-vM, Itoolir-'ld, Biiflaln, Xiasaia Falls,
Chicaco and all points wt-st, la II. ,t II. It. It.,
11.55 a. ni ;i.a:l (Illack Dianiond llxprcis), 7.IS,
10.41, ll.::0 p. in. Sunday, n. & u. Ki n .,
11.51. S.27 p. tn
Ptilliiian parlor and slccpin; or l,oliij;li V.illny
parlois oars on all uains lictuiTti Wlllcs-Uano
and .Vrw Yoil,, IMillailelpliid, IlulTjlo and Sin-pon-ion
Ilii-iso ,
For titkits and Pnllnian rwrrallnris apply to
HO'J Laikauanint aicnuo, i?ci.iiiton, I'a.
An Investment Not a Speculation!
Home Oil Company
of Beaumont,
A company that controls thirteen thousand acrci of the best nil land In Texas. This
land i nt all In nc tract hut is in thirty tracts ccattrrrrt thiotiHi the known oil licit of
Texas, made famous by the Lucas and other Urge geysers all record-breaking oil produccis.
We Have a R.ig, Bousht, Paid for and at Work,
On one of oar tracts on Spindle Top heights the very center of attraction witbin 4,50 feet
of the Beatt gusher which was sold for $1,250,000.00.
This is an Investment of R.eal Merit
As to our reliability, refer to BrarHtreet's or Dun's for the standing of our
OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: President. Hal V. Greer, Keaumom, Texas, member
of firm of Greer & Greer, attornej-s: Vice-president. WM.Wmss.Heaumont, Texas, president
Krllance Lumber Co.: Treasurer, V. S. Davidm, Beaumont, Texas, president First National
llanltoi Beaumont; secretary, t. m. r.iuswooD, Beaumont, icxas. k. a. i.reer, Beaumont,
ex-senator and present representative; Thomas Langham, Beaumont, county tax collector;
E. A. Fletcher, Beaumont, first vice-president and general manager, Texas Tram ft Lum
ber Co.; L. P. Og-den, Beaumont, capitalist, director First National Bank; John N. Gilbert,
Beaumont, capitalist ami general manager Beaumont Lumber Co.; V. B. Duolap, Beau
mont, capitalist ; P. M. W'less, Beaumont, treasurer Reliance Lumber Co.; W. B. Blice,
Mason City, Iowa, president Mason City & Clear Lake Railway.
Capital Stock, 91,000,000. w Shares, par value, 91.90.
For the purpose of further immediate develtpment, we art tfftring a
limited number of shares of the capital stock at
25 Cents per Share
This price subject toad vanco or withdrawal without notice, in the discretion of the directors.
Today la the Day to get in on the Ground Floor!
Will you accept the opportunity? Send your order In now.
Make all .drafts payable to W. 8. DAV1ION. Treasurer (President First National ol
Beaumont). Address all correspondence to the Secretary. Prospectus and maps flee upon
application. . . ..n ..- . Bsiiruii
nunc uil, sKJnrjn a ur ocnunun a
Boumoot, Texas.
Indications in the oil field at present are that stock in the Home Oil Company of Beaumont
will go to par within a few weeks.
Beaumont Oil Gushers
pfioptfirvor gmt.
Itft ftUZHHL 0 ovoeri
UWUL Vl Qii.
. arm .
jpjatrtfw n
Atirrms H-
eVSr.3 W
HIOKitfK) leCVfG
19 A &
noffwoi- mt oil
may wms tSFMMX
rsoooo To 70.000
jjauu, rsn vsu, ,
. a. '' (
Tim Beaiimcil N--!'onal Bask,
lif X II
ffrs . . YZa tt-?
A.VA. IJMrX...
F.T(,r7t,o'Hr iwatert ".oir lll aires' c-rtainly t'nworlU(MoSI0r3.oon sswoizet thct.
say InfOUaju; Hniwyi,u Tlio flutes vullwonUwIvniecaia price. IMentlon Ul4 papci
Our now Btock of fabrics specially adapted for
this season, is mow complete and comprises all
the new novelties in
Porch Rugs Porch Curtains
Straw Mattings Summer Draperies
Temporary Store
Carpets. Wall
4 4 4444 4 444444444444444 4 4.4444. . l,
Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,003.
United States Depositary.
Special attention given to
INGS ACCOUNTS, whether large
or small.
Open Saturday cveuings
from S to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Connui.i., President.
Henry Bi-.i.iv, Jr., Vice Pies.
Wm. H. Pi-ok. Cashier.
50,000 TO 70,000
The valuo of wblob at the present price of httu
per bbl. la aa average of fSO.OOO per day, or,
cutting the prlcci In two, llft.OOO per day
wbioh means
Monthly Dividends of
It la true the world tiua never heard of oil
walla ot auob a prodluloua capacity beforo.
If. la .i,,r,!lv tmt thnt tl.r r atrpAClV
elbren suoh wella ut UeuunionU
Th8 Federal crude Oil Company
Is vluUtog uud in from W to SO days
1 1420 fctt ol then ami walls.
1 measured and certified byCblef
. u iv, i.. 11 y, j
Tho laud owued l) tuo Company la today
TOadlly salable In tne open market for trro
oul u bait limes ttte tcitnl t-iipltitlUuilon ol llie
Company, It is possllilo to noil the abares tit
40 (ier cont ol 1I11) mavUct vultie ol tbo land,
iicctiuje tbo lacd was boucbt at comparatively
lew pricci.
Tho Company's laud (13.6 ucrrs) lu owned In
feualuipla triili pcrfeot title, imnteil upon tnd
apuroved by Uet'.orul Attoiue; lor Sautu r'e
Sallway .Sjutem for Southeast Teis.
Tho otuer ixisltlons held by tliu Company's
olUeurt constitute a lull uraii,ee tn the in
TCdllug public ol acenraoy and truthfulness of
auicment, nnd of economy, i-niclcnry and In
t srliy of luauiuement,
T0TAI CAPITAL. 4(10.000, jubilhided Into
I , uo uw shares of loccnt.i teeli, u limited num.
bo,- ,'( ivbU'b may be bad for a abort time at
l.u, viz;
Smallest huuvvtiption received, luuaUas($30).
In the Otmpanv'i treasury for deTelopment
purpoeCU $30, COO CASH,
Our President and Treasurer. Mr. !. A. Unn
can ocoupltti the position ol Cashier and Direc
tor i-r the II.Mium.u National Ilauh.
Our otlirr ofllceri nnd dlreetoi-B are all men
ol tho Tcrj- liisht'St Hlandlr.ij ilnanclally and
If you urn not lu touch ultb any cl our letrrr.'
SiteiK-ies, 11 mil dirt-rt to on,-
Or far pratpectstt and coin'ts Infortastlos, it
(Oopllr.1 t5.0iJO)
126 Washington Ave.
Paper. Draperies.
Scott & Co.
Just opened elegant
new line of
Nainsook and
Swiss Embroideries
Beadiqgs and all
overs in exclusive
patterns, specially
suitable for entire
waists or waist trim
ming, dress and un
derwear trimming.
Also line of
Colored Embroideries
in 'new and neat ef
fects. 126 Wyoming Ave.
New Phono and Old rhone.
Manufacturers or
480 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telephoas Call. 2333.
I'or sii't 11II1 M iiml Irv In-,' I'I ice,
Aiiii'iit.iii i'l.iii. .-.I.'iO IVr l)jy .Hid I iinN.
lHit,ic,ni I'ljii, hi. ml Vi- Di.i .uul l'iw.iril.
Itiuil Huh In rjiuilit-.
'01' llusiiioss Moa '
In the livuil oC (lie wliolcsale
I'or .SIiojijilus
f. minutes' walk to Wannmaliersi
S minutes to Sli'fc-el Cuoper'H Illg
Ktorc. Kasy of access to tho Great
Dry Goods Stores.
Fui' SiKhlseers
One block from K'wny Cars. glv.
IriK easy transportation to aU
points o( Interest.
Only one illock (torn Broadway,
RnniiK ! Iln mustaurant
KOUlIb, 91 Up. Prices Keajonsbls
Pocono Heights fioiise
. i,iiiiii.iiJji .Ml niii'li'iii iinpiuvt'iiiciiU; trout 1. n ptiiuiH. ,riiii inoiU-ulc. )x.M rt'f
mnci".. Mini (ur tiituUi'.
Samu)l Edinr, Hi Pocono, Pa.