'WTs ' &JW&.?! 'iffr -f - WP' fi?Tif-''.vtS''WB? )tF lf qjfpi. ,H ,' f K.' ' J" THE SCMANTON TIUHUNi:-.TUESDA MAY 21, JOO.r. WEST SCRANTON SUSHKO WAS ALSO SLASHED ALLEGED ASSAILANT Or JOHN LUKAS VICTIM OF ASSAULT. In Their Sciimmnge Smidny Night, on Luzerne Stieot, the Alleged Victim Used a Knife Vigorously. Columbia Hose Company Membcis Celebrate Their Retirement fiom Volunteer Service Noted Temper mice Advocnte Coming Fliflt Leg islative District Convention. Mil Intel Siinhlso mill .lolui Mm tin. 1 lir yiuim; lili'll who Welt iii'i lined nf us-uitlltliur .Inlm l.tilms Sunilu nlt;ht, appealed beCoie Alderman .loll tt lust PViMiliifr for u houiiinr, ti ml told mi oiltlli )y dlffeient stoiy fiom that told by I.11U111 icKiitillm; tin- liijm ! In xttitiiincd. Tllev niude It mil that l.ttUiis wns tin1 chief nfii'inler. ii ml SushUn i' lilliltt'il wounds to iiiii It Suslfo iillcites I hut I. ilk. f- stubbed him In 111" li.nl: mill lue.isi and wluidied Mm .hmip'-k the fine with u Unlfe, mill 'i v ii-- uhilo StlshUn wi.v r ! j"r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1? Ii I ni-fl f 1 1 in I. lil is' :i ti.nl; tluit lln latter iitt himself. 'ri MilHtmitliiti' 1 lit Silshl.o -Iiowi(I tin- iililei in. ill Mll'-ie lie lunl been slabbed mil lll-i l lot 111". I'llt. Illlll ills stllll'lllcllls Hl'IO oi'i oliiiuitf'il 1 .lolili Aim tin, wliu wit t.esseil tli, .il'l'iiii. The Double in lyhiiit' il over l.llKus' I. illlll'" to pay oM'i mon.- in .Mis IhIiii l im lil-in. wliu I now in Ain t ill, Willi ll ! lit!" II'!' (Illlll Hip St 1'i'ter .in I I'jiiI oi . -IV nf the m tlin ilnv l;ulnii i linn Ii, a ii ilt'.i i Ii i I, tin. in her husband A w;iiiiint via aiii'i w.inl- -iwoin mil In! I.llltiis' lllli'-l nil lilt I'll.lIKi' uf .1 siult and bntt"iy, in i'tti i oil o StMil.n Hill .1 lllllllllc Ili'.lllllH Will ll" lll'lll In th" raw Thin -il.i, ' ciiiiiK. First Legislative Distiict. Tlii" piim'il. Hoi llou in til" Pll-l cjlslullv di-ttiit fni th" selection if iv.n ilIof3ii it- tn llii I: 'piihlii an -tii i i on "iitinii m ii" ii-ui in I'.irns- IIMK. Will bo Il 'III ,11 tin- ief.tll.1' poll inu pl.ii t on i,ilutiln.v. .Inn. n. !i". twfi'ti the 'nun-. dI I ami 7 p. mi I'l" i inn f'litltni to i iiinniiif tin vote will In held in 'n-np"iitl.-' hall. ."Ciiiii Main a I'liiir, i1 In a in. nil 'riii'.!. iv .limo I! Tin i.iuiliil.i - will li M'd'il I' i- Ti ll i 1 1 V lil tile volois it lln pulls anil nm-t tcpistoi with Mi. ih-n-ii'l 'i.iii in.ili illlll pa, their a-. --,1111'lit-, fl- HUYLER'S SCOTCH KISSES 1UH s. AT G. W JENKINS'. Wash Suits, Skirts and Smart Shirt Waists Exquisite Conceptions of Cor rect Style and Perfect Taste, at Prices That are a Surprise to all Enquirers and Buyers. We have previously called your superb Shirt Waist Stock, and need with a repetition of facts, Our shirt all that we or anyone else fact must be sufficient for the preseut, But Wash Suits and Skirts Have not hitherto beau brought to your attention for the present season, consequently, a word on them now is excusable. Our immense Hue ot Suits and Skirts embraces all the popular wash fabrics including Plain Ginghams, Mercerized goods, Linens, Imported materials, in plain aud figured effects, etc. If it's fashionable, we have it made up, ready to wear, hi styles that are ab solutely correct, while the cutting and finishiug has uecu so carciuuy aicenaeu 10, mat any woman wear a Globe Warehouse Wash Suit or Skirt, with solute satisfaction, and knowledge that it cannot improved on, The variety of designs and trimmings is too large to even hint at. Wash Apparel you will do yourself an injustice if you fail to look over our lines. Globe Warehouse JtV . (ecu dny.i befmc tho election, or I heir names will not appear on tin oillelnl Ijritlol, Neither will any votes ritut for them be (ounto.l. The only one menllnnol for dele gate tlitis fur la John II. Williams nf South Main HVentlp. cv-nchniil lotitiol. ler of the Fifteenth wild, bill lie In formed the Tribune correspondent that h" will not be n rniitlldutu nnd does not want the honor. He lit"; uheiiil.v eivetl the district ns a ih'l.'jsnti', niul Is wlltllif,' to let sinn" one el"" lmvv the cull. I'loin present Initio 1 1 Huri th"ie will not be nny M'iniiilil" fur tho ilelnuatf ship, ami In all pniluliilHv' liutli tin .Vorth niul ami West Shle will p.tr'h bu lepiewnteil. Nntlonnl Organizer Coming. TIiiourIi the rlTulH of the Sons of 'ri'iniiernni'i'. tioynl ijomrntles niul W. i'. T. I, tnnl the Uliulne-"! of the lrti-i-tccs of tin- .TaeUson lrect BiiplNt I'llUH'li, the lfople of Wel S-Vi.inlo'l will lmi' nn oppm ttinlty of h.irliu Mis. Itiilliv, a national sponk"r ami niKitiiii'oi', .enl out liy tnc naiionai anil s-lati' i onnnlttePM of the W. '. T. V She i onici hlyhl.v leiMiininenileil. TIiom' who hn lunl Hit' oppnt lltt'lty ol lu'iilllif,' her one" tno wlllintf to for till a Ki"at iltiil () hear In-r uRiiln. Th" mei'tliiR will he h-lil hi tlie Jni'Uiiiii slii'i't llnptlit I'hiiK'l' J'.itui' ila; e'uh'.K. llnj J1. Doiir-i oppn at 7::!n i'lournin linslns at s nVloiW. Ailnil ilnti rice A 1),iI.iM .'ollcetl m will lip t.'.kon lifter the i--tni -. The epene nl In linslii' a nation. il .NpciiKn lulu a I'ounty .nil ai i.iiminr; I." iiic'iliicj l iiiuii' tlinii mrtny pco I ili in-" aw. in' ol, 'itit th" I'omniiiti'e ImvlPK tli" affair In ohnme ! Kl.i'Hv wllll.iu to ."taml it. Tho i iiininlttei' N anantiinv: .1 .-iiei-i.il pi oi urn for the 01 r.islon. Tbev lnite tin' iiicinlivrx of all phuieh"-'. ti inpi'r iinie .-iu'li'tles lienefkl.il fmciotio-i mil t'veiy man, woman niul 1 liiltl who oV-..t- to Mpenil .t iiiiiiltiiiii" I'Vf'iilnv. Columbias Celebinte. Tin- roluiuliiii Him- anil ("lu'iiihal lonipaii.v hflil a s-peelnl inoi'tiiiK la-t in'MiliiK to illeeu- wliat ill-pii-lllon luill li" mini" ot' tin- piopi'ily now lu'lil liy iliPin. Th" inatti-r was ief'ireil to thr- tiii t"i"!. witli power to net, anil w liutewr piiilpmi'iit Is wanteil liy the elty will In- -.nlil to it ami the lemalmler 1II1-pii-eil or .11 pulillc -.lie Th" hoys afti'i w.uils ailjnui iK'il to KiiimIi Kv.ius' holi'l. on .ln l:son stit-et, when- a soel.il .set-loii w.is hi'lil to 1 1'li'liinte tile illsli.tnilment of the mm pans Befoie Aldeunnn Kellow. Two wives- appeared hofoie Alder man Kellow jesteid.i). invoking the aid ul 1 lie law in bi hiRinj; their ieii' aul liil.-band.- to iustlee One .ns Mis Tlioni.is Stii.ii t. of WVst l.nka w.inna aeniie, who ehaisps liei 1ms I1.1111I with as-.iuli iiuii battel y, .tiul ill" oilier w.is Mis. W. W. I.itluj), who .lid kps cle-"ltlon ami uoii-Mipp'H t Stuart is ;i well known hue;-:ler ainiind town and l-.itlnop is imt 11 edited with I1.1 Iiik- any pariieulai attention to not trouble waists bear our you out can say in their favor. That can If interested in Summer ocettpntlon, Ciiiislablo I.mry ttooney It looklnp for both of thotn, and when he finds them, the nldciinun will dis pose of their eases No Change in Police Fotce. lileuteunnl AVIIII'inis niul his siitiul weie heitttlly euiiKintttliltcd Inst even ItiB on their telenlluti of their 1 o""l tlnlle ntul nil felt lelleveil riom the anxiety which has e)iuriieterlseil their tii'tlons for fevpral weeks. ' OU'r one-fourth of the pr-wiit police ilepai'ttnent 11 iv residents of West Serniiton. niul their ft lends woie imii'h I'oiut'ineil rcKiiidltn; their wedfaii'. Events of This Evening. Meeting of the West .Side I'hinlly flub, 7 p. m at the home of Mri. Al bert Meeker, a.U Thirteenth stlret. Meeting of the iilciitieis' soeli'ty of the Simpson Methodist Kplsvop.il elitneh, 7.30 p, in., for the put pen of iiriaiiK-Ing for thu payment of the third Installment of the mortKiiKe which tlie sni'lety has pledged themselves to liiltililnte, .Meeting ut Hip Tlilinble club nt the home of Mr. niul Mis. AV. N. Chase, l.'lti uVoith Mtoinley uvemte. & p. in. Meeting of l.eek illll) ut Ihioell llvntis' hotel, .Iftekson stteet, p. m. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Wol k In the M. M. decii-p was tho featuie of last night's meeting or Hyde I'ntk lodge, No. :;:;o, Kiee and Accepted Musotis. A lad nami'il .lolin 1'Veney, ieldlng 011 West J.oeusl stieet, was bitten liy 11 dog ieceiill. Vv, .1. .1. Huberts euu lei Ized tlie wounds. Mls .Myitle r.ulltie, ur Kali view ave nue, is eonvak'seing afler a long Ill ness. .Mis, Kvan .r. Iai, of South Main avenue, lettnneil home jesterdny utter noon lioiu a ten weeks' .slay Willi her ilaimhtei. Mis, l), Jenkins, at Albany, X. Y JSev. Thiimas dp (.!iuth. I. l) ilis tor of the Jin ksnti Sheet isantlst 1 linn h, will leave today lor Sjirlng lli'lil. Muss. .Mis. ,u Oiiiehy Is going I" Piuxlili'iiee, I!. 1. Mi. ami Mi. A. W. ('hasp, of Xot Hi .Main uetitlP, iiud Mr. and Mis I-'ranlc i'Iiii!.. and il.iugliter, I Ml tit. of North Mroiiile avenue, have teiurned home f 1 mil Hie P.in-A met lean exposition. William "Williams, of Plea.sant stieet, i-mploeil as ,1 dihei in Ttipp lopp, sllppfil tinilci a ear wlille at wink es tetdiu and icielved an Injinj. to Ills lea lie was ipuioveit to his home, Wlleie Dr. MeKe.lge .lttPIlded Illlll 'hiiiles K. Jiirihiu. ol (104 Sei.mton stieet. wan tiriesled jesletd.iv at the iiisi.ime ui ms wile, ell.ilgeil with as sault anil batleiy and making tlneats. He waived a heal lug bel'ine Alilennan John, and enieied bail In the sum of $.:nn The sun ul tli" West Side hospital aekninvleiliji. with thanks- the leeeint of diin.ition.s uf foodstuffs fiom tlie linbeil Mollis .md Dew I Saul lodges ol I VIII Itl'S Mis, .Lino Jenkins ,,n, daughter. I'liKalieth, me tlie gtt"s.s nf Mr. anil Mi. I: J Hughes, of Ninth Hioniley n emu An Infant ihllil of lllishn Hodge of 111" An'lib.ilil mine, died last evening, mid will lie Intel red tomoiiiiw in the I'.linlnia eetnetei-v. Miss i:ilali"tli .Veiedlth, of Phila delphia I Kiting 1km paienl. Air. and .Mis John Meieditli. or Ninth I'lonilov aveniii Mis Jiaig.net (ii ilhths. nf Kingston, is the Klies-t f Mls I'atllei ine Phillip, of .eadeinv sti eet ! I' tiiiinl w.i.s .vi'steidav swum in a a pel uianeni man at the Keyscr V.illov llii'o 1 mnpanv . NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Lectin e to Be Given by Rev. S. Willis, of New Yoik Y. W. C. A. Notes. Ile S. T. Willi, .mi' nf y.-u V01U I'it.v's best puliiileei.s will deliver his lectin e on "Tlie Lights ,uid .Shadows ol New- Vnik I. lie, ' at the I'luHtiaii I'huieh this evening Mr. Willis has been a pastor in New Yoik for over twelve je.n.s and know.s his subject thin iniRlily. Tlie people of this .oellon should take advantuge of tin uppoi ttinlty to hern- Jli. Willis, as they may never huve anolhet chain e. Y. W. C. A. Notes. itev. IS-orge I.. .Mileli's Hlble .study a usual Tuesday afieiuouu at t ii'vloik. Tlie "I'lopliecies of Daniel" will lie I'onsiiioii'il In tlie seventh clinp ter of lunli'l. Ity tli, ue of eli.nt.s we will be greatly helped in the .study Yialv .tie most cordially Invitrd to Join us in this must luteres-tlug and uplifting .study. Jlii-s Westcott's I'lnbioidei v 1 las Tue-day evening at 7,30 o'clock. All who wish to Join this class may do so al tills time. Kitchen girden Thuiday afleinoon at 1 o'llock. 'I'hur.sd 1 j- evening lllbln cla.s al 7.T) o'elocl;. Sunday M'lionl les.sou will be tile stud.v of the evening. Runner Bndly Injmed. -T ity Sliininii, 11 innner in the p.ui ruast mini at Thump, wan ,-eveiely Inluieil yesterday nfteriionn hy being siiueiv.ed between two cms. lie was ruuuinK 11 irlp of ems down n plane, and w.i.s about, to uiuouple tlieni, when the) I'.nno togotliei' with a terrlilc iiusli, cahhing Stmitoit he tween them, llo beemile lliU'ol).clou.s niul wan leuioved to the Mil fine, whi'ie he was renioveil to his home in Throop. IN A FEW LINKS. William liloili vva.s the only piiMiner In tho Providence police .staliou yes terday nunulng. lie was .uiesled by P.itiolnian Juliu nuggan lor being helplessly drunk In the t'lirlstluu church, 011 Ninth Main avenue, itioch was given 11 hen ring by Jlaglstiain l-'ldler and (lneil $1. vvlilih he paid. Jlls.s tiorti tulei Kens, of T'lltslon, Is the guest of I.lbbh) Pavetipoi'i. of North Main eveiinc. Mrx. C. V. Hallstead, ot Oak Mieet. and NVaype avenue, has gone to .Sun luny, Pa., wlieio she Is attending to her s-oii, who Is seilmisly ill with ty phoid lever, at the Sunhury, hospltul The iiluini of llio sent 1 1 from box j.! yeslerday mniiiing was caused li the lioiiio owned by Jl.irgau't Oougli erty and occupied by l-'mnk Hehiilskl, 011 .Menonoiigh uveiun., catcliing tlie. A SENSIBLE MAN VVouM ii-p hcnii' Iljbani for llio 'lino it owl Luis, H ii uiiiiii; nine Cmislu, (uMi, Aillniu, Ilium lillli. fioup JiiJ ull Tli 1 04 1 aid tuny 'liuiiblo... ilian jiij uthcr niciliiiiio. Tin; .ivirittor lia sulliuilzi'it ony Uiu.'i;lt tu kivi Jim a ,sjimi1(! Motile rice lu luuvlim- )va ut the niilil vl I lus ipvat uimU.i. 1'ili.c Mm. and M. Five Beasons Why You Should Use the Pytnmld Pile Cure. l'h si, It cm en rvery form of piles wlthntii a particle of pnlli. Second, It cures without nny Incon venience or detention from dully wmk. Third, Its effects are lusting and not simply u tempmnry teller. l'ourth, II Is the ehenpest and safest pile chip hpfoic tho public. l'lfth, II Is Piitltply hnttuless, pop. talnlng no mlncm! poisons, and cannot hat'in tho most delicate. It has been thoroughly tested by physicians In every slate In the union and Is recognized by the best authori ties tin the .safest, mil est and cheap est pile cine known. When It is remembered that usually Idles Is p. most illllleult, obstinate dis ease to cine, the lesults obtained from iiflng a single package me 1 ertaltily lemarkable In say the least, People who have been unnoyed with piles for yeais 11 10 astonished at the piiiuipt results always .crured. , Th" Pyramid Pile Cure Is made by th" Pyramid Co,, or .Marshall, Mich., and Is now also for sale at nil drug stin es, together with a liealle on cause and title of rectal dl.scaces. Ml the North Ibid companies ip sponded. The amount of dmnage dune, was slight DUNMORJf DOJNGS. Busy Session of the Borough Coun cil Ptohibition Bnlly Other Notes nnd Personnls. I'olllli'll met in spei lal selnn last night, with all ineinbei.s present ex cept Jlr, Itrogun. 'I'he resignation of . .1. Jllllur as a nieinhei of the lin.itd of health was lecelved and accepted. Jilid John 7;. r.lbbnns appointed to llll the liuexplied tellil. Air JlcLaughliii made a motion, whli It was canied, that the boiuugli 'attoiney ho Inin ueteil to pioceed at otni ugalnst all 1 oinp.inies having poles in tins boiough, to setttie the en forcement of the i event oidlntiiiee call ing for painting and nuinbeiing of their vailoiis poles and the paj Ing of lllty 1 cuts pet pole per nr, a tax wllieii thus tin- has been Ignined by all the enmpnulr. At a late hour the council was luwilv engaged in naming mi apptnpiiatlon oidlnanie lor tlie net lic.il venr Piohibition Hnlly. A In 1 40 nmnl'i'i' weie in attend. nice at tin- Piohibition inlly held at Wnsh ington hall last night. I'h.iiimiin i:. If. Alteinos,' opened tlie meeting with a few clieeiy leinaiks for those engaged in tlie work-, and Jhs. .Morton, of Seranton, eutei lained those piesent with a musical selection. .'tilth Jlny, ii little tot fiom tlie West ine, was piaceil 011 the ilesif and te cited a stlnlng temper-uiLe piece. I lev. Beiiniiiger.nf West Ser.mton. .uldies-ed the meeting in the Intel et of the cause, and (.!. D Iteese outlined the plan of the omaniz.itlon. after wliich a peiinaneut Piohlhitlnii leamie was I'm nieil. BOROUGH BREVITIES. t)u Wedneila.v evening l he Ninth Hci anion tiJeo 1 lul). 1 omposuil of soine ol the besl niiisii lans in tlie vallej, will aivo a conieii In Odd l'ellow.s' hall, which pinmisc's lo be a inusii al tie.u. The fiiiu'iai ol the laie John Kt eager, who iiu't a u.mle death on Sunilav af ternoon, will lie held nn Wednesday alliiiioon.u '."ii o'i loek 1 1 iiiii the Pies b.vteii.ili chini h. The Junior Older of I "lilt t l Anieiii'.iu aieeh iiiIls will be In 1 Inn go ol the seivlce and be iueenl In a body. The einplo.vc of No. ." siialt me if UUcsinl o meet !U Teniperauie hall till 11101 ning 111 0 n'elock. The ineinbei.s ol tlie Juuiot Cinlei of rniteil Ameiit.in Jleihaulc. Nn. 10JJ. ate lefuiested to bo ,n their hall on Wednesday al i .111 o'clock, to attend the luiieiril of John Kr-ager. Jllss Annie Ilealy, of Pine stieet. is visiting friend in Plttston. Miss Jlaigaiet Thonias, 01 West Vir ginia, is- the guet ol her eouin, Jllss Clerliiide Hughes, of South niakely stieet. I.ev. Jl. I! nonlau h 111 at tho pa lochlal ieldence on Chestnut stieet. Jlr. and .Mis. ileorge Tiegeou, of Di Inker stieet, aie visiiing n lends in Chicago. Pea Coal !?l.rj0 a Ton Deliveied. tu South Side, ccnlial eit.v and oential Hyde P,nk. Addiess ordei.s to J. T. Sharkey, 1011 Cedar avenue. 'Phone GiSS. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. lJlilon JJ, A. O. H,. will hold ,1 speiial meting tills evening it o'cloelc In Phmniii y hall, to inake tniang' inents for the Joint i";cuislon wlib'li ,vl ta'fe place June JO All ineinbei.s aiv ii'(Ueatcd lo be pieseni at the meeting. The niembii.s of Cni net l, nig'. J.'o. I'll, Knights ol Pylhlass, will imet In ii'sulnr i-esslon tills evening al ll.in niun'.s hall. Tin Ciithiille llcllef ami l.enellci il ns.siul.itlon and l.ndie.i' Auxlliaiy, A. (). 11.. will moot till evening In the St. John's chin eh hall to make urr.nig' nientti for the excursion vhlclt vvlll b'i hold l Itiv Palhei; Jlell'y, pnoor nf St. John's chmch. All membiM me e.llliestlv )eiUe,sti'd to II" pieseut. The St. JIuij's chinch .'hoi will meet for reie,tral this evening al 7,;m o'clock, nt St, JlaiyV hull, A veiy pleasant siupilso pany was tendeieil Jllss Jllnnl Klein at her home on Alder street. Hames and dancing Merc Indulged hi 'ind lei'iesh. motll.s weie .seived, Thno ii-'-eill were: Jllsses Jllnnlo Klein. Kmllln and llarhar.i Wldniei'. Mniy K'lilln.i, l.lllle Vunberg.iri, Clara (Iraver, .Mamie Jlyets, f'nrrlc Klein, Annie Klallle, Lena Tannler, Sophie llulioit, JJagKle lloiinnn. and .Messrs. John Halm, Allien Hindi, Philip Klein, Samuel Under, tleorgo (Inidncr, Wil lie (lelf-lienit, Ititdli) Cap, .VUlinr Ui.ivei, Philip PIMht, (leorge I.aiibcr. John Huliu sang a solo aud acted n.s piotuptcr tor the daiii'lug. GREEN RIDGE. The "Oi.ingeiuen" of (Ireeu llldgrt Wheelmen, vvlll give tho iiiembfi of that tilth a smoker Thursday evening, May .'!. In liniior of tho "Whites," which. It will be lememlieied, won hi the lei'eiii contest to lui lease the memhcndilp of tlie eluh. The smoker is lor members only. .Measles me quite pievuleut among the little ones hi thin section of thu illy. Class No. 10, of Anbury Methodist Kpiscopul .Sunday school, vvlll give a lltermy and musleul entertainment hi the lectin o room of the church ThurSf day evening ut 4 u'iueU. Ice cicain JONA3 LONG'S SONS. Th) Cooking School Under the direc tion of a competent Instructor will hold its first session this nucrnoon at three. Today's Menu in tlie Cooking School as follows: Mili.lilnl WliMt tlPinlt, with iir.aii. IVS Itlwull Ui'Wi tl.11 i'MI, Oiiliitfo (Vain (III Itl'Hl.lllt.llll ) REFRIGERATORS The Century The Ontuiy Is a ilnwn-to-date ttefilgctalor. It has a perfect In sulation and Is made of seasoned hurdwood In untliUi. Tim lining Is of zinc niul gnlvunl'cil linn. Voti can gain some Idea of tin; v 111 Ions kinds by loiullnn i'.iiefull.v the fol low lug pilee-llsl; A Centuiy llefilgemlor, in ; i'n .t.V.iS with piiclly Unity pounds , Same eonsti ui'llou us above poieeliiln vvuli'i- cooler $7.!iS 11101 e In this, (00, Another style, a little price, has carved panels; has 11 capacity of !!0 pounds .Same with a pni eeliiiu cooler ..T'i.:i!l water . . ss :'.' Another with liuud-caived pan els, has 11 -10-1101111(1 Ice capailty, sells at ..: 'js.u Same with porcelain lined cooler, nl $lv.7.- A tiU-pound capacity P.elilgei utor, with hand-carved panels, sells ut $ll).."iU Same witli poicelalu-lineii cnol eis $1:100 A Ceuiuiy Itt'lilgeiator with cm veil panels and Ice capacity for inn pounds, sells at ?h"i.lo Sume Willi poicelain lined cool er $17.00 The well-known National Itelilg erators site lieiu In coniplele assoi t lueiit, and specially pi Iced lor lids sale. SCREEN BOORS All Kinds. Nn. I A llaulwooil Nattli.il Fin ish Door Scieen, coniplct 70c. No. 'J Same as the above, except for il few fancy ideas, loiupleti lor !lSc. Nn. -1 Is a well lln-hcil, liriniv made scieen door, complete, at.V.:'( WINDOW SCREENS Adjustable Adjustable or extension Window Scieen, as high or as low as oil want them, in light or daik linisli. IS inches bish. iidjuslalile in any Ungth. Iioni "0 to :'.."". '.'.'e. LM-Iiich high, adjustable 1 1 0111 11 lo :::: 2:. ;:0-lncli Iiiuii, adjustable, uoni J" tn lo1.- Im li's ;iOe. Jonas nnd im Up will be set veil, me coidially invited. All Intel ested Admission, 10 cent. .Mi and All. It II Campbell, of Jlopsrv avenue, have letuiueil tioin a few da.v s vlit at Avoen. Attune Jlai Inn, n mechanic em ployed in the Uelavv.iie and Hudson simps at Carbniidale, is at the lininu of liis parents. Mi. .mil Jlis. John liar. Ion. of aimisey avenue, w IfS a pain fully eilishid hand, ililuied while ,it ills woil;. T. J. Snowdi 11 mil ilauglitei, FI01 -once, letuiueil lioine s.iturda even ing, with a like mess ol 1 1 nut. caught that day hi liultetuui 1 icek. OBITUARY. Al.l'.KUT VAX nOllDHi:, Jli. Al beit Van Hinder died at bis home. Jlav IS. at llolllsteivllle, Pa. He Is sut vlved by his wile and one sw, Jlr chillies Van Unrder, of tills clt.v, and the follow ins lnothei.s mid slstois: Malluiy and Jlrs. Hllziibeth Hoitiee. of Steiling, P,t and Jlis. Ann JleVey, of llolllstervlllc: Jlis. G. It. lhnvev. of New Yoik; .Mrs. Uell.i Hie. of l.ittle town, N. V. Tlie funeial will take place fiom Ihe fainlh lesldeiue in llollls teivllle at 2 p. in. today. Inteimont In Holllsieivllle, I'a JIUS. J. D. J.UI.AND. .Mr.. John II. Tlnlaud, of 2"0J Plttston avenue, died last evening ui 7 n't lock, utter ,1 tlnee inonths's llngi'iing illness. Her death brings grief in 11 huge number of fi lends and 1 datives. She is suivived by a husband and nine ehiidieu, Jlis, Michael Hytoii. I.lzie P.olund. Nellie, John, .Michael, Jluigaiet, ..Maiy, Alice ami William. The luneinl anuounce. meut will lie lllilde Ifllei. Jins i:'an 1: joNKs-Ai sim n'clnik last livening, .Mis. Kvan It. Junes, nf filfi North Utomley avenue, passed peacetully away. Pet eased was II! .veins of uge, and is survived bv her husband, two d.r ithteis, Jennie ami Kdith. ami two adopted 1 hlldicu, Dav id and JlaiKiiiei AN HONORABLE SHOWMAN. Pioniietor B. E. Wnllnce Lives Up to His Promises. It Is so line nil oectirieuee lo see a big show pill sue an nbsollllely hunor uble cunise lu ndveitlsipi., especially us to its size, that we he n lily com mend the manner which The fite.it Wallace shows' advance coips aie do ing In this cltv. parilculuily as It ap plies to the pie. Articles mo not falsely willten up and then quoied us mining fiom lespouslhle jouiiml.svvlieie tho show has appealed, Inn Hie bona llde 1 llpplugs taken just as 1 ut fiom the columns of the newspapeis ahead, mid the local lepoilcrs deal with them as ihey deem proper. This Is wlint the San I'Vimlsm l't.iniluer says of this big sliow, coniliiB lo Sci anion on Fit day, .May 21: "We have been reading lately niiiliy eomplinientuiy louimenis on the gieat ly ineieused sl.e and iiiKiuesiiouable nieiit of llio newly equipped fitful Wallace shows now tout lug Ihe West, hill weie agieeahly suipiised lod.i,. first hi' the m.igultudn of the shuw as u wliule. us h 1 nine lu set lions 011 its elegantly loiisliucted (lulus, and iisiiln by its stupendous, clean and novel pa. tade. A show never pieseiuod .1 moie goigeous pageant. We visited the gi omuls later on a business eir.mcl and again met a suipilse. The shoiv is ab solutely new throughout, nnd covets not only the enthe show lots, hut nil tho stieets burrouuiliiig them. The tents tu the ufieinoou performance JONAS LONG'S SONS, Today the Great Sale House Furnishing Goods. Enters its second day with assortments more com plete than ever. Tlie new goods arriving daily will make each successive day more and more inter esitng. The prices at which the goods are being sold will make many a longed-for article easy to buy. Come every day if you can you will al ways find something new. ICE CREAM FREEZERS. Tito Aictlc nnd White Mountain Kind. 2 illtilt sl.e .M.sri '.'. itiait sl.e .10 I ipuirt sle l'.JO The Aietle make Is tlie .same sine, but a little less In pi lee. L' ninirt tslxe fl , Iti !! rililirt slr.e 1.TS 4 iiuiirt sl.e L'.lo Also lat)e si.c, liicliidiug li, .S and 10 iiuai'ts sizes. HAMMOCKS Specially Riicetl. A well-iuade, full !-.' tlainiiiix k, with pillow and balance. Four color cuniblniitlou.s to select from. This hummock Is legulmly worth Jl..'i. .Sale pi lee, each 70c. Little Needfuls nt Hnlf-Pilce. We have gathered togethera l.ugu lot of Ciockeiy mostly biokcii u soi'tments mine ate seconds, more are perfect. The pi Ices I111V0 been cut In two. Odd cups, le. each, seconds; odd cups. 2c. each, perfect. Sauceis, l'ic each; .". ii aud 7-ln. plates, te. Vegetable dishes vvlthotir covets, liie. Plates for Re.. He. 5e. and )0c, iv null double. This is only a pni tial list In udilltion llieie mo bowls, basins, Jugs, salad dishes. Individual butters, bakeis, soap dishes, etc., all lit half-pi lev. JARDINIERES. A l.nge assortment of .Tniillnleie. ini hiding tlie pietty white nnd gold. Pi lies fiom ITn'. to S3 -.". Special for 11 few days In a Pinch Jaidlnieie: S Inch sl.e 10c. 0 inch sl.e 7Hc. in inch sl.e !i.M SADIRON HANDLES. Jlis. Polls' Sadiron Handles, the gilp Is of wood, not composition . ,"c. BRUSHES, 3c. EACH. You'll llnd them altogether on one table. Scrub, Shoe, i'l umli, Nail, Vegetable and Hair Blushes. Your iboiee at each He. Full assoi tnient of Window, Fiom, Paint anil Vuinlsh Hrushes. Long's Sons THETHERMO-OZONE GENERATOR HAS CURKD AND WII.I- CURB more cases of NBRVOUS TROUBI.HS than any other remedy. A HOME TREATMENT METHOD. Endorsed by many Physicians. If interested, write lor further information to C. J. Church, 1422 N. Main Avenue. Scranton, Pa. weie packed with vlsltois. and Ihe cir cus pingrainmo foi novelty, gieat reu nites, corned v and 1e.1l leflncnient ex cels anvthing San Ki.ineisco has seen in many .veais. Tho Kxaniiner endoi.ses The (heat Wallace shows to the vvoild in geneial us the most mentoiioiis they may possiblv evei see, a 1e.1I fashion plate show If ever there was one." IMMENSE DANCING FLOOR. Asphalting Work at the Armoiy Is Under Way. The wotlc of laying the asphalt on the di ill loom lloor of tlie Tlinteentli leglnient's new aimory is about half completed. The woik has been tn pio gress .since last Tliuisilay and will he lmished in three more days. Foity-two thousand, four hundred and eighty squaie leet of asphalt will be lequired to 1 over the lloor of Hie illlll loom and as the plans icqilite that II he laid perfectly level, tlie work I being cnirieil 1111 with a good deal of caution yesterday afternoon Contractor Sehrneder Inspected and accepted as much of the Hour as has been uhendy laid. The dmue Moor for Ihe military ball will be hum over the asphalt and envoi ed Willi Clash, 'I'he il.lliee lloor Is alie.iily in 1 inn so of consli ui tlon. EVANGELIST DRAPER HERE. Will Deliver an Address at Guern sey Hall Tonight. lOvanselist Kiank Diaper will make mi addiess tonight at S o'clock at iueinsey's coin en hall. North Wash ington avenue, nn the sllhlect of "The Fail, .Manner mid Puipue ul' Our land's Itelnru" Th" uddiess will be sti Icily uoii-seciarlaii, lel'eicnce being untile 10 the Mllile us sole authority. All iUCstlon,sof doubt will be given a thoiougll and snllsfurtuty answer Ad mission free, ami nn collection If you have any questions about our land's 1 olllillg. either questions of llotlbl 01 dieinl. make note of them lie foie mining to tlie hall, foi lit It I' the address Mr. Diaper will uuswei all questions asked I1I111, and will endeavor to olfectuully set tin your doubts and feais. WORLD'S BIGGEST STEAMER, I . H iliinil tii uniln'-. i I , : r-1 c t a 1 n.-i ilir l.llioi WiIkIiI mi tin- -uik, 1 (,-7 lull-, phi 111111', 'J0.--U ii:ii., illil.uiniini, .'lil.Tim I. .11., linitlli, Tim ii'il; l.irnlili, ;.' inn; ilipili, I'l t 1 liiimliir of ilu I.-., ti; hihIIm imui. Inn Kcti of tn nil il 'li rviiii.'liiii ilmiiitv, 'I hi' Hiulaiu pills nt' 0 1 Imnl Mi i'l, tlie 1 1. 1 nl. kImIi IicIiik I -iiiitui, in illuimlii, Imiiil iillli 1 iliuli lint. Hum iii.-iiiik iliitlui 1 1.IVm liois' iotl, ami arc inin tnl tn iln 1' ilu- n'...il a in in 17 Inmu snjiii 14 ?uiiul .it '.10 iiimiiii1 in ilu -ijiie Hill), ll.l 1 Ullt lliilllll. I III It it lunli'l-, it t I. tl.l 'I iiiilu, by ) fi.t i, Inili-, with n nn. .11 iliaimta Ilu' ilisLuin' I111111 Mil iiiii.ntri !) ili op uf tin' luiiiiil I, 1-H fid. 'Ilu iiniiili 1 il Hill lj. IJ IIUUI till Wllilll I'lOM-IOII 1 11 lie lunl U ill; lluir jii I'liiliinililli'li will In ii Ilu' uiti. Ilu' iiil;t'. .ni'l tlie U'i'i la idu mil lie tiat ilt'i I,, linn illllln 91I111H1 ull ili liiii iluk c-t 1 on liili. tin' win le viiillli ul In lili, .ilnl urn- ililniMlliili llul is -in i' In tnnl linn U .1 lllllllllll' III llljll'-llllil StjIllOfllK. Il"- iuulii4 fur Hit' Kill si niul 1I.1-4 iiin-cni'in 111' nn ilu.' iiitr Jii'l lui'Ui' il"il.-, tin liming wl"f IhIii); uImi nil Ilu' fniiiiu ili'iK. I hlnl ili l'H MllV'llS tn llll' lllllllllll III L'.'i'ii (.111 In' tjl.iMi nil liie i)tl, nilililli' ami Inuit ilitk, niw In Kl.itiioi'iii4 ami sunn' in i'uii ImiiIi). Manful uniliw ami inilv wuuitii villi I"' aifuiiiiiiutlainl JONAS LONG'S SONS. The Evening Papers win coniam full particulars ( regarding the i free distribution of Satin Skin Cream. (In ttMt.uiuut ) TEA AND COFFEE POTS. The Best. Kind. Wo know- of nothing In Tea or fon'ei' Pots that can eclipse the Uochesler. That's why wo sny they me the best. Thev tnc made ot all copper, nlekel-pluted. with insldo siitln flnlsli, perfectly tint, iloiililc semned botlom. Nutu pi ices; 'J pint size. Ten or Coffee, inc. '.' pint sl.e fine. I pint sl.e tl.lc. "1 pint sle fi pint sl.e. Coffee DINNER SETS. . . . .7;!e. , ...70e. Big Special. 100-plece Dinner Sets-, with excep tionally huge envoi ed dishes and pliilteis, Thp sets ale made ot Kngllsh undergla.e poicelain, ami conic In thtee colors, peacock giecu, In own iiiul dark blue. Sale price, the set ?3.8 WOOD BOWLS. 1." inch sl.e 15c. 3"i Inch Towel liolleifi, t Bosom boards, full s.e tOc. A well-llnlslieil llread 15naid....l0c. Oak Towel Hack 10c. COFFEE MILLS. The Holland Beauty. Tlie Holland P.eattly Is a side mill with canister holding one pound coffee. Hale price 25c. WASH BOILERS. No. $'J. lit. No. Holler S, All Copper Wash Holler, Wash S. r.Ntra Heavy Tin , copper bottom, $1.10. Cheaper ones In the No. S size at -(He. and 0c. STEP LADDERS. S feet high. JO feet high. ..5fie. ..70c. AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUH THEATRE TICIC EIS .I nt'nCtlNDHR. Lratccs. A. J. 1JITI Y. Miuibcr. om: 1c11r osiv ERIDAY, MAY 24. Hiss Rose Helville IN 'llll. lit VI. lOVIMDV PHWIV, Sis Hopkins Piiin:s'-"-,i , Srats on mIu c- .'A- ami 7V. Mliicilay at 11 a. ACADEHY OF HUS1C, (teiS&BUUUUNDEK HARRY A. BROWN Uanagtra and iVsseti. Local Manager. M I. fills HIII.K, Vera de Noie Stock Company is iti.tM inoiiii:. TiiomIiv M iIiiiol I iii-l " 'linvliv l.uiilna -"linn Vlu-ki'liin " Vttiliii-ila VI in -'Hi'mIT, lilni'l ' Wiilm-Uii imiiIns; ' t 'li'is Duulitn." Mitinci' il til v I u nili? pi ius. !, ID .mil '" 1 run. 'JO Tiul ..) tints ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. THE NEW RUDOLF " Oifiii I'roiil lliiitii' I il.v New .Idvc.v't Uinnui lii.iltti ami ir.i-inc li'.-ull I.JIo.-t un the f 11.1, t. Mn-l .iiuiut Hot ami t'nlil S..W,iir Intlit in liriii, liei- l RiirH. spoiial -iiiiii; Ititcs. Oitlirstiii lml l- us-i Jiir. , l II II M Hills (1UI1, ,111,1 I'mn'r GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL fNO ANNEX. Villain M .mil lle.uli, Vllainl I tv, N I Sivili .11.0, .1.0 li.iiilitul iixiiih on-iiiii', alnl .mil Willi I'llli: hoi niul ihi sa w.ili'P hatlit in hoti'l .1111 lainov .niathiii silnt am) untiil, viilhin few j.uil' of lhi licl lioi Or. Iii'i-ti 1, OITim inlil t.niiiar latn. t-' l'i s1 In re, si .'Jl up In .In ici l.il i.ii' - tu I iniilio- I'oiclua unci all I1..I11', W1110 for Iniiikht tllMtl.lS I I OI'I., Every Woman .? I -? IS lIHCIlolLiluii'ieiiwi'"'""" uboiilllienoiult'iul MARVEL Whirling Spruy riioneTHvluIHyriuf wr w ca .S flOlt tlll'l lUI'IWlit IFB pil vh moh i nnvrinriu ll'jlililcil I Miuiuitt imitnu; l.k ,n lr a.urilit fur II II h.i 1. iliinil Hlpply llio .llllllKlo m-'i'l'iiiu .,.rur i.iii h. ti.l klnmi. 101 11 liiiiiiiit't Iniok -tali"! Ii mei Illll )'.il 11 inn l il'l '.ui'. 'ii'iiv 111 .iilll.'. 'HlntlM 1lt'Hi !., Itocm Bfi) 'lliuoii Wb , New Yoik Prof.fl.F.THEELSaTsMl: flilUlrlDbU. I'a. Doll i;,rniLD SuicllH.t 111 luiriira. Iiuiraatrt In curt alio bf ntll I'riulf l lii.f4.t.irrvb(iiii4tuludi)r.itfi,M.lbiiii.i I, HIaaiI I'al.nn. I...... 11.1.111... lml HiBhouJ. ILnJH Tarkori lr I SIrWIun Ui rullUai. I ml fflp-t IairDl.briinhriil)rKiabrilrgrSMarn lr,llaivlUa lluvkl Iriptliluf itiT- nrairtl uil trltrlrlrll frtuJ. Srulluii listiir. 111 Ilu' aftiT llul, ami riuulv null in Ilu turwirl imt. all. Willi Ilu ainiiaiia nt a oni.iUnu loum ami J iniiilVilahlt' mm ill iuuiii, will hi' licati-il in a nj) viliiili wilt I' m Miikliit (Onlla.t lo th.., whiili I'lt'i.uliil null a li-w 11 lis .inu. 'hc iluk ii,w muiiliil Mil) him, 1I11 1D3I110 nioni ami (Inlii-liiilit Utt iiIih Ij-li.o. ai. I the alewaiJ', lit). i ' aV Ja n'st'stira U 1;-K- GSi-- -'J .-a- W V ' Jfc yyaW (S-' A v y a 1 . TJ t iHW