The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 21, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    TILU SCltANTOX TOlBUiK-JL8UA, alaV L'i 1UU1.
mi. Moiu.tis ii.uinw iiij stoiii:.
J'o r tho office, for tho
Mom, for the hotel, for
iPHtnmnnt, for tho dining
loom, for nny place whcio
you want cool wntei.
Solid stone cnolets, othcts
with japanned tin, with
agate, poicolaln or gal
vanlzctl lion linings.
A full line hcic foi your
Foote & Shear Co.
JJ9N. Washington Ave
a i
Thursday Bargains
tn ( tuiricnrf Mi ' . c 0 a in.
Berry Sets
Willi 'li nbrnl rf Ian m-i- n irirp
I id i I i Hull plOpri MM III" fi nil i
hin iv h m
I II. wliii. oiu tnlm nf prnu lint: nu
ll i) il ilui ii li Ihui-dii, i otter
III lllf til -IW 1
1 Berry Sets
in 'i -"l J hll ', I (HI I 1 111
' I I int. -f mih no I
r In iio tin iris cpu -(i ih ir
i il Mine cn imipi for
25 Cents.
Gruener & Co.
205 Wyoming Avenue.
I The Baby's Trousseau
T tii of tlir iiK't infoi tui; fsulijci h
tt in Mm" "ni wi.rl Him i- in nk with
inthulii uirnii In Hi whims of the
ft llftlOlls I'll! nt
hi in in- hi ihr iliinticM ml m -st
dtti . tiw to b- In I
t mi do uiim in Hip r( ltiix r nf Mm
1 ic ft i ii I Ik i Irl r ilnl K0! l Kill
torrK iir mi jinlii! lot Hll li tutoi t
mil 111 tlici' i om iiUim
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruce Street.
Repairing Done Gratis.
II i Wit' i f i- -i e ml n, I toi tins in N i
I ll I, i I tin in in I I V lull ei, nf
1 Cl kllllo 1ST II l I. II I 1 ill-
Pic uii nl lii Is.' II M I lml Til -nul
.nam m -ic nl ix , illir i weeUS illnc-i ti I In
s Ililei, nililcu rf III lleliwHre, I-uki-v
inn nml i inn oil ilqnitinnit, kfi tut
Niv V ik xi.tetilix iitcimou
Till -hi 1r.r in. tiiini-ih ff ihii nil, linn i
U rJinf; iiiu-ii il ilirfctm if Nn. oih, i. lis
XI l ' I Hill II lllfllili X.-teidtl
Ihe I ill nl doni'i nt tin I nun lll't
-llllllll Will CIU 111 riltllllllllllKIlt Hill MM! lie
Ulltll Ilnl (.ill It till- (llllllll till-- fVCIlitlh
1)1 r I il-h. id itt oik uh. will Ice
tun imiimirm ttiulit tlio ( iilmlu llii-tmi MnUti ilnl lmiiiii Mi.riii( ilnli on ' Pe
x Ii pun nt (I tin Mi il Hi Miikc-pi in '
I it tin i mill, Nil Hi, II .'in m N u im,
Aiicluil OhIii Ixiiuhli of tin Mi -In Llnlii, X'lll
In Id in iiitrn iiiiiiii lit. in I inli- li.ill, .Mi)
! ,l(kl Hill I lllilllll, lllli I'lllllll. diiwiin
d i I li 1 1 nl i im q lilt will In In I I
l.- I I Ilnl, v ut '-till i, I-Iiiii 1 , i
l ilimiil oiumud, mil -p"ik it tin niirtnu n
lupliuliJl i luctiN t lul-irni Icinpri im n mil mi
lui- il'iillini it i ii'ilmk III l.iuiu-ri',, lull
Slio ! i lim-l iiilm-llit; eulei diil .-ill xxciikii
a i (diiliilli hulled to I lit lui
iil '1, l'"", tin" ili -(did inli nf .Itliir- II ml
um nut in lloliiiuini ;.iim, Idioiillr, foi tluii
hi-t iniiuil triiiiiuii Ilui ,m.u tin Kn ,i km
ridtliii fillln'i luck .mil i.-k iif ilixi lnliuU
in Im icl II iiilms to liii'il .it liiilillL-uii'- loi',
11111X11110 'i , Iiiiii. 1.', JIMII. (oiiip mil
luHU' will lllliil lukris mil help in iko till-, in
cnjojabln dn
m i
llTndtr tliii licadiUK shprt Irtters of Interest
will be pilbllMml ulidi aotonipattlid, for piililica,
Hon, li tlin nritfr's name Tht Iriliuue does not
luume rcfKiisllillllx for o Initios litre npres.-(d )
Not to Leave Scinnton.
F dlior of He Trilmiie
Sir Will ,i(ii 1 kind onoimli o cue um ui
fiiUiit spue In jour paper to intriit lie riron
inii imprf.ion tint ttiini to liaie kuiic nlnodil
that I am about In alainlon mi ImiiiKt, in
fcuantcn, ami inoie'to anollirr plaie,
the fails of the ia-i an, I ekpeit to he min.
p.l'ni t tpind ioniiliial lo nf nn time In m
Vurk (luiliii; the next fen insutn-; inohlln to
pie n'.Kliliili in lni-iies ul iili I lute Hide,
and ilurin. im itiiui from Siiaiitun.Mr ( luilm
llr'biidl hue (liaise ( t nn lnisinnj hen, .it 117
nfDeca in the ffnnrll li.illilnc
If 1011 "III l.inll.i cue tills pulilkit.i fu jnur
pper I thall .I'nriciale It i'n iiiikIi,
oiih tniii,
Miiatd II. Din.,
Fertrlen, lax 'J"
Letter fiom Mr, Cnclden.
I dltcr of 'I ho 'Inbuilt
(-ii: I done to stale to the public that I
111 t'lillrely iiinoicnt if the ilm,t pirfuiid
kjliist me by llhod.i M-IiiIjj. I .inieiclj tiu.t
tint the public "ill tiupinil iii.tuunt in the
nutlet until tucli time 0. I olull liaie an 1 pput
tiirtl.i In 1 coutt of Jiutlie to ritahlltli m
Inuoifiue, M A CaiMrn.
Mnninge Liceneos.
cimifs w on 1 1 - iiwnp
Anna 1. Mirifll Dlphant
biiuon Mu e) 1)1 pliant
toe Mertna ni.ip'unt
Stanlrv I'm ., Jrssup
Kttie Mate .Icsoup
Ihirlci Mill 61) Mot vtrrrt
t Ian C". lailer f(') Mdcr ftrrrt
Motlti t ( Ihimcl .. .. ranKn
l.i u A. Lfeppcn ............. Sitatiton
Walter L. Mnln Shows rienso Two
Lnrgo Audiences.
'I'lnil Moiniitttii It niuoiiff tho lcmlcrfl
nn it t'littp fit V Mit npnln demon
sttnli'tl ,r3tptilnv iitxiii the occuslon of
Hit' Mt nf Wnllrr I.. Mnln'H 1ishloii
I'lntn fhnu. tioth nfloinniin nml
ivpilIltM-, lillgc I'tnwtln IIIIimI the Rift
t Itnnt ten! tititl fiinrtl the line pin
Biitntnies ptcKPitted.
While not rltiinihiR' tn ho the "Rtriil
est kIioi' mi entth." thp Wnllrr Ii
Mnln iiftRrcKiillnii hut a reputation for
espi tlt'iue Hint Insttien ltttRU iittentl
onti' MltcKxri Iti eittiMii h lot. tied,
ntt I the If initittlim nt fullv "tlt
liilnrd h. thr jsnod thliiKt on the pto
untinnie vrstrnhi.
Tie tli it put or the nfleiitnnn on
let tnlntnrnt Mas tn nn extent mill 1 oil
i 1111 .it'ilili'tii wltltli lirfrl tlit .IimIko
llinllum In their tuniudnils lailder
liiilniielin; ntt. 'L'he ttxn vntuiK men
11 mi' prt fni nilns nn it IiIkIi ladder,
h.ihiliii'il tllniti n taliln, nml weir len
dtMlni? 11 miiilenl 1 election upon j;til
tiii nml 1 1 1 ; t r 1 1 1 1 1 1 . when tho darning
lmlili'i' iMim innxeil ton near the edRe
nf the t (title. Ilie liitldor toppltd over
a it i the ii'if()inii'i nml nmsleal In-sttmui'iit-
fell In a ltcnp. The man nn
the lower lounrlt nr the ladder iuii
npp.iientK itnlnluied, lint the pet
foiiner at the top, who fell it distance
of about twenty-flxe or tidily feet,
diitnlnod sexcie Ittjutlc. llli face
was badly cut and bruised, and one
fnnt was s-pinlned, and he was biulsed
tilli"i w se.
AtnnlifT the lcitdinp: fp.iltltes ntc the
pei foi iiiiuii ci of educated hntses nml
linnles, uiiiIpp tin (lhcctlon of Ptnf. It.
II. D01K1III. The RrotiphiK of Hit
thice liot.p. In otip iIhk In 1111 oilKlnnl
act was pat tlettl, illy plr.isln;. Tho
bnteli.ti'lc ciitiestil 111 tutus hv Miss
Max liaxcnpoit and IJeno McCrec, and
Miss Kosp and I'l.ine Heed, xxcip
.iinrini; Hip liest hae been In this
nt, and the IiIrIi jiirnptiirT feats by
linf-ps and 1 mik's, ditccleil bx the
Matantelli family, as ixrll -! the
tinliltir' pet fin m. tin es of tho JtotiKh
lildi'ts nf the SlMlt United States civ
il It v, x ete tin liiiu mr.
'J'he nt Is but btlcllv ineulloiied ahnxp
wpic .tiiKinentPil bx cleer ixoilv by
xhe x all pis. William Connnts and .1.
W. Petit: (iencio and Theol, eontnt
tinnlsts. Um lS.ttnells, jugglcis; tho
Cicat .s.ilx litis, tniobats, and a lnim
bet of fiilti'is, Includlnp- funiiv clowns,
li(ipis, tuinbleis, innloinlniisfs, etc.
The trill dexotid to 700loKic.1l spcti
mens xniitaineil a poodlv nunibct of
1.110 beasts and bitds of t lie jungle, ns
well as the ttsinl animals found in the
ineniiKCtie of the leading tent affgte
K.itioiiu, wlili h xcto ice( xlth de
liKltt hv old and jotiii;, xxho ple.ismc
in ciinti'inpl.itlon of the xAondeis of the
Will Open Its Session in Fottsvilla
The annual i onx ention nf the (Vn
tial I'ennsjlxanla illoieso of the 1'pis
11p.1l iliimli xxill open 111 l'nttsxillc to
d.i... 'J'wehe delcsates and twelxeal
tpinatps ftiini Scinnton been
circled, but In all ptobablllty not all
of these will attend. AH of the loial
eleiRX x ill attend. They ato j"!p.
JtoReis Isi.ipI, Hcv i: J. Jl.iup-hton,
ltev. M. n Nash. Hex. I- n. Bitemaii,
l!e. i: ,1. McIIemy and Hex. I". S
Anions tho matteis of inipot taint tn
bi up will be the lepott of t he
spet Inl committer appointed at tho last
session to consider thr laisinpr of ftmns
foi ,l ptoposed nexx diocese It has not
M't been dellnttely decided xxlicri fi di
Msiim nf the ptesent dioiese - ill be
uiaile It max bp disposed of at this
session, and max not. The dix Isinu has
alieadv been astitd upon, but no delt
nite time lias jot bicn t-it for caitjinp
Il into elfpct. Tliete is a mobabllitv
of f-ttaiilon beniK desiprnattd as the
seat of the neix dioctse.
licniRo Jeimjit, of tills 1 ily, is a
inimliet ol Hit abnxe nirntlnucd .spe
( ial committee. The aeaniy on Hie
diotpspan standitiR committee, 1 auscd
bx thp fiom the c Ily of A. D.
Holland, lias been filled by Hie election
of Kxi'iPtt Wan en.
DmltiR the session four iHRx.mpn
and four lajmen xxlll be elected as
ckleR.ttcs to the penetal loiuoienee
xxhlih meets in San Tianclsto In Octo
bot. AmniiR the lajinrn who v, HI HKely
ntlcud ate "W. W. Mai pie, b'nmuel
HIiiPs, Uxcietl "Waiien, Theodnte tl.
W0I1, Thomtis Spi.iRiio and .1. .1. Met-ilinan
Intel national Ptesident Dolphin
Piesided Over Division Meeting.
I'tesliiont M. li. Dnlphin, 01 tho in
tei national Assik liulnu ot Kuilioail
TeleRiapliPis, with in the iltx last nlRltt
and pi chilled me the Hi -r tPRttln
liitoiiiiR of M'lanhm Oixis, m .n .
whlcli was oiRtinlid two nks .iro.
Oxei oik liundiPil and th ily nieiiibeis
who piisent. The riiMnu tin lutlps in
its innks the telesiapheij- of the t'el 1
Wiito and Hudson l.iiliond, the. Now
Yotix, Onliitio and Westeni, and the
W.xoniinR Valley binncli of the Ihie.
The ilKlslnuV olllcots xxeio lnntalled,
nml Attouie J, .1. 0'Malle, loimoily
.1 teloRinpher, xxab made an honoiaty
nieiiiber of the a.ssoclatlon. John XIUI
Kiin, 12 Kxans and .1 .1. Custer, iep
lPsentiiiR: tho AVIIKes.-U.uir dll.slon of
tho .leihpy f'enti ul'.s tolpgrupheis, x.xeto
ptesent nt the uiertliiK
I'ioidPiit Dolphin xxa.s limn In this
iit, Inl has llxed In the West dmitiR
the Ricater patt of his life Jlo xxlll
leaxo today, as will alM) Oignnliier
A Houible Accident Happily
As the titcus paiado xas pa-isliirj bx
the Miata liulldln.T cm Spttini stiett
rsttiilu, it ,otin' mail who xxas
till ow In;,' at tun i;UU 011 Iioimj
hail; fiom a fifth stoty xxiudoxi', htid
denly lota Jils balance and fell out.
Tho people weio lioiior btiuel;, e
peethlR to tio him Ushcl to pieces oil
the pawment boloxx, xhen a jiiuni;
man with 11110 pic-mu'o nf mini
im-lipil out fiom tho cioxwl and raught
him befoin iu stlllcl; with (i iiiiueia,
that ho had jul pun lir.fed from riniey
iv lliookf!, nil .Wasili'iiston avenue,
The Spiine; Fever,
lb .1 mulady whit h no one can escape,
at thU season of tho year. Tho ltal
ity Is usually ineituNed duilug tlio
winter mouth, nml spring ilnds the
system all 1 nil down. Tho blood Is
thinned mid Impute. The kidneys and
liver 1110 inactive tesultliiR In a.,
of eneisy ami nppftitc, and i de
iiiiiKenient ot tho neixes. l.hhty'.s
I'eleiy Noivo Compouiid will purity
jour blood, tone up your nerves, and
leave you fcel'iiR and enetgetlc.
Sold by Matlhews Htos.
Tiy tho New Oc. Cigar "Kleon."
Ijiuuantt'ctt long HdX.tna fillet.
A KoEolutlon Refutlnp His Renin) its
Made nt Rochester Reflecting Up
on tho Honesty of tho Boairt In
ttoduced by Mr. Lnngnn nml After
a Lonp DiBctission, in Which Sov
etnl Motnbcis Paid T'leir Respects
to the Clergyman, Wni Rctencd to
tho Committee.
The Ttlbltlir mild ostt Ul.i ni'UU
IllR 111 its ivpoit nf U"V. Ut. l.tllslllR
si'iii'iin in the (hllilien nml the si
limits, tint he does tint llilme Ills
winds In iriinmenlliiR upon municipal
im million. It now to be 1 com did
Hint a number of the tneinbets of the
boaid of innttol do not miner their
w 01 ds In cimunentliiR upon Dr.
At 11 .special niPellllR or the boaid,
held last night, a tesolutlnn was of
feicd by Mi. I.aitRan le.seiitltiK the al
leged reflection icaontly made hv Dr.
Lansing upon th honor .Mid lnl"g
tlty of tlio school uintiolleis at the
meclliiR nf the National. Munlclpil
lpiigtie held In ttoi In stcr, N. V.. duilng
the week of May d. It was the dls
cjisjIou on this lesolutlon, the full test
of width is minted IhMnxv, that i'nkd
the coniments upon the rcveiend gen
Ui man,
Wlnio-H, 'lie dilh pipers nf Ihli (ill trp'tl
Ihe fnllimin,-. "Hie cilx of Sntiliiii Imt-diool
homes of the 1110.1 iniilein it. I" tliein-iUr-Ihev
ute i trrdlt In the f it . Hut Ilui are
In lieu il li lepusml in (loir rnn-tiii' tlnn ind in
theii tnppllei, a nxsleni nf inltcnnest ,ind plitn
tin ml unlike the iloie In ol In 1 ilirecllom Ihe
Kline kind ol infeim itum exiUI ilioiit the lirnnl
of educillon nun tint x if in eiidonie 1 xntr
nu cimietnnw (lie ( ily euieiiiiiirnl. In tin
( ip of tin lih .iixeiiiiniiit. xe line now the
pn ofi Ihe tiidniii iimieinin; the bond of
(diiiihtu, xieexput to (.ft lilei"
I hi- I- nn eti itt of 1 ..pi pili ilelneicd bx Itex
I I I insiiu m the (Hi of liiiheitcr, on the
inili in-t , xi lin It we -K-1111K to b- innectlx ie
poilnl As Pi 1 111-lnir lnf i-cni tit, 1 1 the iboxe
nniiiki, toelnij,' the lininl nf eliteitlon. xiluih
iie((--,iiil niritw the iniiiibeis (t Ihe boird of
utttirl, xxltli mriiipi, inr tliorls ni rottenness of
sxplnii 111 th" coiMiuitirn of iihoil biilldin.'i,
and m the liiriiiililin; f iipllc, cxideiuo nf
xx Imli, iecoidii to lin peeih, he expr. Is to
Rrt latei, xe like tint nppoitiiuit), is the
tailieut .illorded, In i-uit the 111-.11II ofTered
In uniei il teinii Ie ilittiret fund ind rnr
riiptinn xMthiiut Rlimir nn hit 01 speilln. in
flinin of the tune nil tlienlx le-nri exei.x
meinbi 1 of this bodx under the 1 loud of Ins
rciniiks, thircfoie. bo il
Hi soli nl. 'Hut xe rill upon Hr 1 iii'Iii for
iu ufs of the rune, mile as aboxe ipiotod M)
ir sor pitoDuri ii wiiins it i sonaih.i:
lilt llll t L, l M'MIt SM) l)sl)M sr IN 111s
111 Mltls, ud le it
Ur-oled, 'lint we ihnx the nnpiihlioiis and
t ell duns -iinl drnoiiiiic thrill n fil-i md 1111
tine, and, le it
ItCKOlieil, lint is i iiiems of notifliTtion to
Pi I nielli 'f 0111 i ondi muitiin of his ftati
mollis md siliniis xi. eu plot the uij pns.s,
xxluili xas the method of Hi 1 insinir to difmie
tho nfflmli of this -.(liul ili-tt 11 1 iii'l be-iulnh
our leputilion
.inxxixtis. opi:xi:d i-iui:.
Mi. .rennlngs xxas the fltst member
on his feet. Kxciy petbon had the
light of flee speech, he said, hut in
making: such linages as Dt. J.insing
made, thetc should be pi oof. lip dc
nlptl as an membei of Hip
boatd that he had irldetl tn anv coi
rupt inllucme 01 done anything he was
ashamed of.
lie said tint It had been tinicntlv
if polled that In the putiliaso of tet
books tliete hid been those pinch iscd
xxhicli xxetr not needed and t haiiRes
made not neirssaij He s tid that all
iptiuisltitin-, lot tevt bonks ,11 e ap
ptoxed liv the Miprilntrndcul, whom
I)t. Lansing had hpoken ot as .in
honest and mpnblp oflli Ial at .1 lpccnt
b inqtiPt. Tlirietote If Di. l.anslns
had said anx thing about the pin r base
ol tet brinks, he xxas condemning in
diteelly an nlliclal whom he himself
had pialsed.
"t lesont indixldu.illv, 11 ml xxe te
scnt tollectlxely, this attaik upon the
meiubeis o) this boaid," f-aid lie. It
was bad taste for Dr. Lansing to
ninke the duuges xxithout litst seiiit
ing cxideuie, he himself halnp: said
that the ex Ideate was to be seoutcd
latei." Mi. Jennings taxoied the im
inediato adoption nf the lesolutlon.
'Tlteio is no distinction made," said
he "Hxctx member of this boaid is
chaigcd wllh impiopcr conduct. I
will welcnmp any investigation whltli
Di. Lansing may see fit to make, but
xxe must place otu.selxjps on icccml
as ha Ins denied thpsi infaminih
Captain Max most and nulrtly ip
maikcd that he didn't lavor the leso
lutlon as fiained. "It would not be
come the dignity of this bodx to htlg-"
matie these statements as false. Wo
don't h.txe to b.iv they air false if
xxo knoxv they aip. We Miould go to
Dr Lansing nml tell him that xxe will
help him to iineai th anything wiong
wlilih this boaid has done. Wo 1,111
bUnil upon our dignity nml do this,"
Ml. Langan letuaiked that the dot.
tm .should 1 omo to the boaid Instead
of tho bout d going to him. "If wr
don't pass this lesolutlon," said lie,
"thr people will nsl; us why we dltln t
lel'ute these thntges, I want In tr
futo them? f defy any man to tliatgr
mo with a xx long xxhIU I haxr been
oil this boaid. I take this Insult pet
.sonnllj, as neiy membei slioultl"
Mr liaiket was not piepaied to
vote for the lesolutlon its ofleied, and
moved that it bo letetied to the mm
llllltee on lilies, to lepoit at tho net
meeting. Mi. Langan, at tills point,
wlthdiew tlio sentence PtlRmatlIuir
Dr. Lansing, which Is in luted above In
liu 8i tpe. ami Mi Jayuo then spoke
In lavor of adopting the icsolutloii
with that pint ecsed. He liolipxrd
that Dr, Limbing .should be Invited
to come ami Investigate fully anjthlut;
lie might dosha to, Mr I'xans 1 mm
soiled inodeiatloti anil wamcl the
membei s tn go eas.x
All tills tlmu Piesldent filhbons was
tldgoting in his 1 hair us itnvious to
Cooking; with Gas
Wo luip sccurul the scrilid, of
Miss Emily Harion Colling
to kitutc on iinl 1 1 1 1 1 1 " n -1 1 a I c the
Or, How to Hale liohhif- 1 usj
lei lures and ileinoiultatlons ilutln Hie xurk
rciiinirniin: VI jx .I), tiet) altfii.oon at J o'doik,
at 007 linden tiled, Hard nf liade. b'lK.lnj
The Scranton Gas & Water Co,
Join In ,11 fin v. Klmilly, he could
stand II mi loiiRcr, and lelluntilshlng
the 1 hah to Mr. Langan, ho took' thr
"When I wiih elei led piesldent,"
snld he, "t didn't Inlcnd lo eVrrgrt out
of the rhtilt, hut 1 totildn't help It
this time. 1 gnt out of It because t
wanted to sav point'thlng about this
nllmt;, wlili h is thr nastiest that has
rver hern liltldr Upon the boaid sllllt
I hnvn been 11 member, and I've been
II member about twenty-eight .cars.
I've heal il little things ftoin propli
that I ditln t cine 11 Hip of my linger
'Tin Vil suy that John Cllbbons had
Rood tin pet on his Hoot hccauo h"
brlntiRpd tn Ihr boaid of rontiol, 11 ml
such like J didn't can for that, but
when a mlnlstei of the gospel goes Into
nnotliet slatr and makes thr slate
mollis Dr. Lansing has made, It's lime
tn call a halt, that's all, and It's lime
for us to show that we don t toletale
this smt of thing
"People wouldn't believe, these waul
politicians xx ho have hoi 11 lining the
t ilklug bcfoK', but they will believe
Dt. Luislng, brui use he Is a minister
of the gospel nml supposed to tell the
tllltli. If their was any vvuv In tiliest
him, r would In happv to go down In
mv pocket to assist In 1 mnpellliig him
to pi ove what he has said. In speak
ing iibullt the nlhet lnuncllps of the
fit v government, he said that Hipip
ate a few ltonest men In councils, but
he dlilu'l sav tlml much for us. "We
weir all dishonest In his opinion, all
of us.
CllillOXS WAXfS FIllllT.
"Dt. Inisng, 1 11111 told, tool; 011a
sion at our time tn .ttt.tik tho inesl
deiil of thr riilted Ktatrs, mid was
iltlvrn out nf his 1 hutch for so doing,
so that we should not be sutpilscd at
his attacking" tis, a poor little school
bond. I say. let us pass this
lesolutlon it once, and then diiect our
attoinev to piepate .t ( ase agtltisl the
lcveiend gentlcm in, and let us light It
to tile bitter end."
Mr. Lvnou lenintkcd, In a (usual sot t
of vxav, that about 11 ye.u ago all the weir standing up and de
clining thentsehts to be honest, but
lnnuv of lliein have since been piuvoil
to be tlMmmst. 'Let us wait," stid
he. '.111(1 see how xxe an going to 1 01110
out. Let lis go c.isx In this nuttei."
At this singe, If Mi. 35arkot's motion
to icror had been put it would, likely,
h.ivo been defeated bx .111 ovet whelm
ing vole, so sttong was the sentiment
In favor nf passing the lesolutlon at
otue Captain Max- ir.ilied this, and
made a lulef speech, which was .1 soi t
ot 1 pocket fdltlon 01 Mate Antnnv's
01 at Ion over the bodv of Caes.n, so in
geniously did he tin 11 the tide of sen
timent bis w.i.
"It the doc tin s th.iigcs ate tine,"
said he, "we should be as much inlei
esteil in getting at the titttli ot this
tiling as anx bodx. but if his object is
metilx notoiietx 'and one would be
ld to almost believe fiom the cap
tain's tone ot voice that he did icallv
mean he thought it was "if we
pass this icsolutloii in hot haste we.
xxlll dn just, xx hat he vv ouldjtlike. lie
will sin trod in grttlng his name spicad
over all the land as the name ot the
minister tondeinncd hv the Hi ranton
school bond. If xx c lefor it to com
mittee and bilng In a tiutcter and mote
teinpei.ite lesoltitinn, vxe w ill effct t out
nui pose much bottet, and tho dot tor
v ill not gain any notonet. I am posi
tive that 1 am light."
Tlio nototlctv ntgument took. Ptesi
dent Cllbbons letuaiked that the iap
taiti was light, and oxen Mr. Jennings
Hocked to his tl. The motion to
icfer lo the committee on inks was
p issed bx a unanimous vote. Tho rotn
mittee will meet some tiiRht this week,
and invite Dt. Lansing to be piescnt.
Tlue.itcns to Bung the Law Down on
Rev. I. J. Lansing for His Sun
day Evening Utt.iances.
Magisltale W. S. Mill.u, who lakes
it that ho was tho 'ceitain niagistiate"
alluded to bx Jiev. Di. 1. J Latibiug in
tlie .set 111011 at the Oieen Jtidge Pies
bv let Ian t IiiikIi, Siiiicl.iv night, an
nounced vestetday Hint he will bilng
suit uyalmt the icvuend doctor lot
He hts not as vet decided mi what
foi 111 ol action the suit xxlll take.
School Boaid Decided Upon That
.Date Last Night.
Besides iIIsjlussIiir Dr. L-insIng tire
mtmbeis of the sihnol bnanl tiatt
s.u ted a. laige amount ot business last
night. The most Important tiling done
was tho adoption of a repot t of the
teatheis' committee n loinmondlng
that the schools be ( loued foi the hum
niei vacation nn Ki Iday, Mix 'Jl
Tho building (oniinlUte iouin
mended that the plans and .speclllia
llolts for the tlueo new scliools in th
Fltst, jsKHi and Twouty-lttst wauln be
appioved ami tho ici oiiiiuvndatlou was
iittopted, together with another clliert
Ing the .seciettuy m udveitisi. for bids,
the saute to be opened hi the buildlm?
imumitti-c on Filday night May 'It, at
7 .10 o'c loi k.
Tho building loinniilter fuither ic
iriiniiieiiilri that tho site op which Xo.
'JJ slIioo! In the Thlnl waul Is located
be esiliaugoil with the Dclawaie,
I. iikavvannn. & AVestetn company tor
.111 .'final amount nf laud at the 101 nor
of Kcsei avenue nml Oak stieot on
ni count of the itputiii'ss ot tho piesPiit
school m one nf tho company's mining
culm dumps After mm li discussion
tho jetnuiiueudatlnu was adopted.
Upon pemmniendntloii of ho finance
cnmmltteo it was decided to ssuu $73,
000 w mth nf thlity bonds to iliavv
IllieU'sa at the into nf I pel cent per
Methodi&t Mlnisteis' Regular Mon
day Moinlng Meeting,
Tho .Methodist Ministers' assoila
tlon, of S-'cianion anil vicinity, held its
legukir sesblon In 131m I'.til; chinch
ji.uloia jcsteiday iiiouilug at 1U.ID
Pit sklent C I). Henry piesided. Itev.
Austin (liltlln, D li., conducted tho
devotions. Itov. Pi until (ii'mlall pie
sented an inteiesllng pipoi, subject,
"The Millennium mid How to Iteath
It" llevs. It. M. I'astoe, S A. t'uio
and S ,1. Doisey p uticlpated 111 the
(list usslnii.
Mcniliei.s piescnt weio: itevs.
James DonnltiRer, (J. C I.Miiaii, 1 I'.
Doty It II. lteeii. Austin Ilovvcll, S
C hlmpkliis, H. J. Dot se, Joseph
Madison, r. A. fine, It. M. Pascoe, ,1
X. Hnlley, (. H. lleuij, II. A. (Jioeiie,
J) i llenll-y, 1. i. !illlii and J. It.
Au tin.
Anothor New Nnme In tho List of
Lcndeis No Change in the Fiist
Four from Ycstcidny Horace A.
Lyons, of Honcsdnlc, Stnited Ycs
tcidny A Ginml Chance for Am
bitious Young People to Enter Col
lege Tho Qunllflcfitlons Ncccssmy
to Win Success.
X Standing of the i
X Leading Contestants I
4. Point", .a.
. 1. Henry Schwenkcr, T
T South Scinnton... 48
. 2. August Bitinnor, ji., T
T Cnibondnle 17 "T
3. Meyer Lewis, Scran-
ton 10 J
y 4. Trank Kemmeier,
7 Factory vlllo 12
7 5. W. H. Hmris, Hydo
J paik 11
0. R. Leo Huber Scinn-
Z ton 3
- ---
'l'he lesttlts of estcidnv In The Tilb
tine's Liltn atioual Contest show no
ihnnge In the relative positions of the
Hist four cnutc Hants lrom jesteidny
mninlng. Jlcvei Lewis, of Kct.inton,
gullied six points on August Dt unnet,
of C'aibondale, and Is now but one
point behind him foi second place.
Funk- ICcnimeiet. of luictotjvllle,
biouglit in tlueo points and letalnctl
his position bv so doing. AV. II.
lls, of Hjdo 1'aik, made bis Hist ie
pott, tinning In eleven points and dis
placing It. Loo llubei, who diops down
to sith.
A now contestant, Hoincr A. Luns,
of llonosd.ile, cnteietl esteiday.
Shut the contest began a goodlv
number of nanus haxe been eninlled
and the number Is being ndded to dally,
but the toll is not as l.ugo as It should
be. Theio is plenty of loom for all
who flesh e to enlist in this work of
ambition and advancement. The best
time to st.ut Is now, when the contest
Is vnung and theie Is no gieat number
of points stoieil by any of those who
have .tlie.tdy stalled. It is .111 oiler
th it tan be taken advantage ot bv
both the etnploved and unemployed
jouth of this section, feev. is no bar
ller, as aitangenicnts have been fully
made to piovide for either oung men
or women who win. The eight special
lcxxattls offend .110 all stiictly educa
tional one, s-o theio will be the fullest
hanee of .1 ftitute uplifting of all who
manage to be in the lanks ol the eight
xxinneio. To those who fall beloxv
eighth place n cash commission of ten
per cent will bo gixen on all money
ihev tutu In in accoi dance with tlio
tonus of the contest.
11 the older 1 cadets of Tho Tiibune,
for whom these special icwiuds would
have no .illiuenicnt, will send us the
names of their sons and daughters,
nephews and nieces or ouiig fiiends
between the ages of fifteen and twenty
live, we will fouxaid to those named a
complete desciiptlon ot tlio contest,
with Its rules and institutions and an
illustrated pamphlet dosciibing the
special jew.aids and the educational In
stitutions that have been selot ti d lot
this eni's contest,
Dvoiv d.iv thoie .no 111010 names en
inlled, as the .voting people of this sec
tion become convinced that they should
take advantage of this gieat oppot util
ity. Xeailv eveiy -oung man and wo
man has .111 aspiiation lot a. college ot
Xotin.U school education, and the 111a
joiltv ate foiced to lellnquish theii
hopes ns they giow lowaid manhood
ot womanhood bt cause they cannot ill -find
oitliei the time or tho money to
lenlUo their ehetislied ambitions, in
The Tiibune's IMucatlonal Contest,
however, there has been it w.iv opened,
and although all cannot win the Hist,
sceond or thlnl special icixaid, all can
tij for it, at least, and each one bus
as Rood a ehnnco to land at tjie top of
Hip list as eveiy other contestant, and
even If he or sho should fall to be
among the lcadcis, they can at hast
earn a substantial stun of tuonev, which
may go a long vxav tow aid paving for
what then dislie, It thtx, .110 but will
lug to vvoik foi it.
That Is all that is nriissaiv to vv in
sticioss in this, as In exetv blanch of
business wink. Tin contestant who
does the most sxstcrnatlc woik, no
matter if he slatted last week 01 be
gins totnoiioxx- or net week. Is going
to'be nxvay up to the top of the column
on the last day of lite contest. And the'
ft tr f-r tt ff f
Plaited Shirts
This is n choice gioup of
new shlits, lendy for the mo
ment a mnn wants to leave off
his vest.
The patterns me fiesh nnd
hn.idsome, in smut stiipes, of
bluo and white, fancy colois
including ox blood.
The plaiting is neatly done,
so that the stiipes come out
the same on eveiy fold. The
bosoms nie unusually long.
-r j?.wy
T - VVaihliiswn a. Sty
--- 4- I
I "ON Tjg1
"- Wfc.
Oils, Paints and Varnish
W tm 1 im 1 ftcttt nt 1
t MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company,
A 141-149 Meridian Street. "
' .
I '... 7A1 iS.K X
.. . W .v, -' I .
j -v .. 1 'i)i-,.r
-A (. " tft ' ' ,t-s
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 26 Lackawanna Ave.
special lew aids orfeicd by Tho Till)
tine fur a summers canvas-sing tnur 111 e
well vvoith an ciieigutie, sti ugglc. Het
tet begin bcfoie the leadeis Ret too fur
l'or a full desciiptlon ot thr contest
read the advettlseinent appealing dally
on tho fouith pige. l'ir fuither Intor
niatlon or If desirous of obtaining n
book ot subset Ipllon blanks, address
' lldltor llduentlnnnl Contest, s-cianton
Tiibune, Sci anion, l'n."
Application was made by Claia Cils
son, of Llinliutst, through atimiiey A.
D. Dean jcstoidaj, to be deckuod a
feme sole tratlci, or, lit other words,
to be empowered to liamai t business
In her own name and ftee fiom any
interfcience by her husband.
She alleges that Iter husband left
lier sK jeais ago and she dots not
Vnovv his vxheic.ibouts. Judge Kellv
iliectcd Ihe application should be pub
lished for tlueo weeks.
An Active Tempeinnce Woiker.
The Lackavvnnin county tempei.incc
woikeis aio having a stilling up. Mis.
L. 11. n.iilev, n national lectuioi, Is
rngaged for .1 two weeks' campaign,
and eveivwheio she gjoes their Is
nmiisetl intoiest and the "Women'.s
Clnlstian Tenipei.ini e union me In
eieasing in membership. Mis, liailey
Is 11 lailv ot line ptesence and is .1
speaker of l.ue fluency and fotee.
The greatest commercial
economist in the world today.
Compared to any necessary
investment In business,
is incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Manager's oflke, 117 Adimi avenue.
That we have the inigest and bsst
stock of
Summer Underwear
in town. All sizes. Eveiy gaiment
guaianteed in quality and woikmnn
ship. Conrad,
"A Gentleman's Furnishing Store."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
Those who are intciestcd, even
in a manner, in matters
musical aie couii.illy invited to ex
amine the latest
Pianofortes to lie .seen at the
wareroonis of
r Piiuim rn
.'0 Ut I U SI Hull W vi
131-133 Washington Ave,
Ladies' Jackets and Skirts
Ye Make
lit the lid) .i-. the f itliciii fit iho bud lie
nulvi. Mill, Hi, finult nui in e. an. ill ici'c 1
Our tpiiui : ii" k i- I iv.' .luuiiin, imli 111. pn
lion. He i.Ud to mi x 1 ilii.' huh,
Kin? Miller, Merchant Tailor,
An Invitation
Is'cxteudccl to Cuba to add
another star to our flag.
Likewise we invite you to
visit us. While uufurling
our flag of values, a look
through our stock trill
convince the most skeptical
that we keep prices to the
ground. Our Bottled Beer
should be tried to be appreciated.
LouM Arthur Watresi President T
Orlando S. Jnhnson, Vlcfl Pre.
Arthur Hi Christy, Cashier
Court House Squat e,
lntcicst Paid on Saviugs Accounts
AtirilOltll I) by IH Charier lo aucpt
ill in mm r of hint, tu ait ni
Iteeeher, 'lrii"tie, lituidiHit, AriminUlM.
ter or 1 rcttilor.
Till: Wt' of Mils It ml. aie -unted
id bx the 11'lmcH Lhiltlc Alattn
I . A. VVnlres, I). S. .lohnion
Wm. '. tlnllitcnd 11, P. KlnttHbui-y
Everett Warren Ann. Koblnion
Joseph O'Brien
325-32T Penn AveDae.
Gas Ranges
On Sale at Our Office at Cost.
We put them in your kitchen leady
for use. All connections FREE, on
fiist floor.
Double Oven Ranges, S9.75 and up
Scranton Gas & Water Co
115 Wyoming Avenue.
MAY I. 1901.
e nhinx the most vniled as
set tun nt ni pnuli and lawn fur
itituui that wan tvci brought to
rit niuioii,
This Rocker
s shown In pU tme Uecd
li.ul. and seat, lingo and roomy,
high b.nk and kiic. liioad
.11 nn. Just tho toeker for the
pm.Ji these nice, waini even
ings, Special pi Ice,