th,ilt t I ? 4 'ft .s, JJ? It -jre,"T5 s 'wyw' ' -ir. ri HifSfff? 'tl ' rii rill SCKANTOX TKIBUNtt--TUESDAY, MAY 2.1, 1001. )fef MTI An Excellent Combination. The pleusnnt method and boncllclnl efl'euts ol the well Ictiuuu rometly, Svnui of Fiob, iiiuuufauturi'il by the CaIjIPOiuha Fio Svnui' Co., illnstrnto thevalueoi nbtnlninic the liqulil laxa tive principles of plants Uiiown to bo incdtulniilly lnxtitivo and presenting them in tin' form most refreshing to tho tusto unci aceeptnbli' to Hie hjatcin. It Is the ono per feet Htrengtlieiiing lnxa tirc, ulennsitng the hystern olTecttmlly, dispelling colds, lieiiilni'lu-s and fevera gently yet promptly and entibling ono to ovrruomu litibltunl constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub htnn'ce, and its iietlng on the IcidueyB, liver and bowels, without wouhening or irritating them, make it, the ideal laxative. In the process of tnaniiautttrinn figM are used, nt they lire pleasant to tha 1nstc, but the medicinal quulitiesof the lemedy are obtained from hiumiitiml Other arouiatie plants, by a method known to the Oai.ifouma Fig Stkui Co. only. In 01 dor to gut its benetleial ffeuts'and to amid imitations, please remember tlie full name of the Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AK FRANCISCO. CAL I.OUIBVXI.I.K, KV NKW YORK N. T. ForB&lotiyallllrugsls-s PriciiMc per bottio. At Retail. OmIi icc-Mie prompt altpnllmi for l.wi Imp am i ill of tlif i il v Ini t hi ut tC"l VhIiI lor doint-tn- iw Sua 1 lei sii in -inm unl (mmv puip in a pri Mlt.i VI O' f-l ihllla ti TtllllJllN, 1 I Ul People's Coal Co. 'loll phono No ')UJ' Olh.i TmiIIi sln-et nical.c-i liilwrc-n dvforil inl 'Until $$ 4qNlONILABf f : CITY NOTES : m ii t u mi i hh - tho ituniio liiit m w will i it ir iti "' i.intiui on ituuiit 1 1 jut i I1 M N MMMx (UMUII Hi. M"l It -Hll t V 111 Wilt 11 M plli It till I Uilllll i i t i iihu it u iliMiii'li ,t finU ii iii tin, lll'l tllO-i Willi il Mlt liIlM lilt Ullt-l llllsK HI (1i 11 Milt ttll M 1 I INK In nil! i IP N.UMlliI iiil f ttl e. th I c tint will I f (imil(i I'IHPM l --l ,,u, (,,,, ,ii. t t ni in tn fiotn Wi-i N i nthtn w.n MilIhU it on Hit1,iIih la ,i 1 i.m w n til l In t nn in U Hcill., Hi t ti 1 1 1 1 M.iimi in .i-.huij i n nriHii1, ik ii Mitllmn 'lint', lul nklit H 1 i!n(l, III 1., Hll Ifitiuh l!Ilp!O0knl I. ill w lot l( 1 Hit MM I. iin IMl Itl II Inl n I him in . 11 ulil lm 'niii- ill Ihll-klit tiiiit. Infl 1 l I -.III It- I'll kill M tlillP tfll ItliiOll Uhlli l .ilin. i nilf iii i v iuii 'I ho hm n i Inn, i mi tn i it it Lit) wlirn u liiiw lio itlt 0 Jill 'lllollPl tlllM lltl'Ju II lit Mil )lllltiill t-- the IjtklWUllH llOMt il, WtU.' It U. i ( I that ni- t ! hi u Lit luinl NOON MEETING OF BOARD OF TRADE Lengthy and Animated Discussion of the Piopositian to Put Car Tracks on Wyoming Avenue. 'in" of tiie busiest meidnihs (if tlip hiMtd of trade (vliieli lius t.ilon pl.ue In many months ou lined ,eteidn,v, '.lii'ti tile sei'und ol tile iiuoii si.ssinns WrtS held and the malter il the null t.sneo of tlif (Vutiai Capld ri,iu-H Slieet K'illn.i lonip.inv (.im,- up lot cnnslrlfcirUion. I!sniiitlnnt. In l.uor uf thf nidl rf.Miin aul ii'solutiuns ufjulnst elTtise ot il pi o idhiK foi la.vliiK n.uKs M Wyomlns a,'iiui vne iutiodiii l, find nnall.v, .tftri .1 must liil-k ols I'liselou, the illlHstion was leleii'd bartK to iluvtif-ots and hlshwns 1 cmi jtUee f"i a lepoil at .1 nieiM Inc to he held iu tho president's i.ill The olijci tlons talsed hj tin. ('01 if ipondtMiie schui N to iais luiinlilK pit the new pilntlnc '"-mlili-diinent. .is atnnne the pnluls r.iNi'd and pio. olpd the following voleaule outlnii1.! finm Pnntractor I'. S Williams. I t-oi no 1 enroll to Kial-fy the InUuesIs of a s'lllh eoiporatioi: wlilrh .ces ivilv for tfllt ami Is loolvlnu attt'i 'o. 1 .'hot. the ponple of Oireii Fllils" iu (I this ch nam a new nai'tlon evmp'iuy. "The Collleij KiiRllieei 'uinp.ui ftp. peals to Uh.ii nreanijtlnns m lntliul. ilUe emiiulls In this nialt-i- 1 nn-M-lf hnp iiutl an uiiiileasaui epei knee with ihein on tin labor question !p that f uiulei tuuli a eonliaet for lliftn niid ifti r .staitlnij It wa iani'"t the eliolce of either loslm; t'ie laise jot, hi v'eldinp to tin pla.sieieis' union, mil by m dolnj,- loslns ?l,r,00 ' The nieoltns was ptaslded oei be l.uther Keller, fleeted to Hie chair on aiiouiit of the abseiiee of Piesldem JvanHinj? and Vee President Dhlfxon After the rendlns of tho inluiiU'S of th pieeedlug im.viln'. rfeuintaiy Atheiton read the rtipoit of Paptuiu May, for the tnanufn'tuiiiis eoninilt te It was as follows Sainton, I' . M " "U, I wi Tn th Of fi rm tml Mcmlrn, lunton l)u,i..i ul Irait, iN'y, iii-ntlfnifii" Y"ur nuiiu'jdiiifri' loairalllt; rf coiIUerlns proposition fnjiu piltln in liemn, V, I (or Hit lo ation o! .1 plant In SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES A!ln' Foot 1'iJf, 1 isRilfi. It i.uice niinful, in-attlni:, tirrtoui (trt nil Injrowliij; nail, aul tnuuti tutu lh tllui; out ot coiu oil' I tun in . It'i I lie prfAtm . oinforl ilcotciv ol lli yc. Allsn' I'liot-rjn; niaVf tlclic ot nw lioe fd c. K It 0 itil 1 tuif for iWMtlntf. cat. ' ,:i. IK ui, HUH.'.' fC"t '! it tO'JjV ! uM l. all il-ut.i:i li'd hcc ?toi lb nijp I r C.'i 11 :am v I1I1I piiniyp ''III I' VI dri, Xlim u. UlintiU, Li JJ.-j. X v QXFORDCOLLIERYCQAL ScNhlen for the manufacture of mbber In ill IU limnclif. Some Iwn TrM tgn this matter ii liruiichl tn the attention of the tominllle'i ami Mr. Itinnoml of the tommlttfe went In Tren. ton and lnetli;ateil tin1 pioronlllon, from lil irporl at tliat llnn ami from wlill we hnte hem ahli to trim lnco, ne do not liellale to lee cininriiH Hie propn.lllon In liurlnr. Hie plant wlien in nperallon will emptor one luimlied mill llfl.r men: will minulailnre Itiier I11111I111I lliouviml dollara' woilli of proilucl nr jear, anil la hal we iniulder a ery ttesIriMi ImliMlry toi -iraiilon, We ilnti't eirc to kk Inlo detail" nr ulie tmiiies nf iaitle IntrreMoil it pificnti lull full imlloiilnn nn" li hail fiom the vcifUn tli nf wlilrli i. tcpprlfilllr ill niillPil Mav, ( lialtmaii, r'olonel V I.. Hltehtook. of the RtieelM and highways committee, then stilmiltled 11 tepott on the sttent inll wny mmpniiy's ordinance now In coun cil". 1 1 piovlded for eeituln Impoit nnt fliHiiKP", but on the whole fnvoteil the oiillnanie. and wan as fnllow., ttentlcrneti, m ininmltlrn mi lteil ami lilcl."i lining hid iimli'i latlun tile "I elrcl intitull, i 7 ulihli iiiillinluc iulhni7'1 the (uitr.ll ttaplil lhltilt llullw.o i uliipinv In Ii; tiatUs etc., teport tint we arc ot opinion tlinl mhIi frilulile clioulil lie (tranlnl lo thl mitiptm, Ui lielleie that the 1 lt ehotiM txaiie a Jml inrnprMitlnn tur all lrinrlii-i-1 Riantril to ioipor,itlons if thh iluiulii we would theretoie rtintnineini: lint In strike out the woul "or II i iHeil lnicli" whemri It appraf. In the nntinuur, aa we lielier tin) Hie imiipim' houlil pie 1 iwon thiir ttaik, mil jt leot twehe Inehm 011 iltlur nidi, nf the link with llu miiu me tirld lint Hie 1 1 cot U pncil with spioiul H11' aeillini Ii le iineinl'il to lejil ai follows, 'the ioiiipin liPiel.i mieeH In po lax on iti Kto-t rrrelptH In umdiliution ot I lie (.lantlue ol litis fiaiuhise a- f. ,1 Ioi - oiiiiiirui inir die rjt jltir the iiiiiimeiiceoieiit of mttiil (.prialiuii, I pel eint, ami intrrJsitijr eaih 3eai then iffir, 1 pei unit, until 5 pel nit, of the iiW- iiiiiplf. is jtinualb pilJ.vliii h ftWll lontltiue aa It tig a llit fuiiihlxe nWi Ue litliie Hut Ltiniielilion iu Mtcft railway tlTMIIH in tll nil will le nf Uridine liMndt Iu the illiiti, anil wc llirretmi ieettfull UIRe upon iiiiiuiiW tli,-' itupuit ime nf fnnilll fi inl ine to the sml (uititl lliipul Iraiell loinpiin the lUhl to Iji ttaiki williiii the rltv Until., as pri til, if ki'Ipi t i uuiii il. So 7. with itneiiil lilrnli as i,ilu.'nliil ill nf wlili Ii U Milou il ti il I 1 llitiluoik, Uuiililin T Jl Dali tinned the iKieptanee ot tin icpoit and Ihe motion was see ottded, but Mi. How. ii tli was iriimedl Htelv on his fpft with the followlnsf ttmeiidiiieiii Ulieoas, linn n ppinlinic in the uU lOuudls of s, tanit',n an ouiiuatu " allow inj; the liiti(r of lliel nr tlji-li nn Wiolinll), meiiile fmiii the until! lfi tn (!iepn Unlet, iml Ulieiijri Of tlie five priiinpjl aiPiuiK liailuic noitli, four are aliraih cKtiipiiil lar trjil,. ami nttrlie. I wnrs. lumeh. Main, I'ap itte, UalutiKlf ii in, Malleoli ji t tines iheufiit he il l,'iulieil. Hi llu- s, i.ii, ton liiunl nf tuile, lint it h nn xpi llu nt tu pi ii i luiU mi w ri mini; aienue It i i iintlii ul no -.null importune (hit it p 1st one of tin iiinues lie kept npin ami inn,!, Mine tin (Mini inns Inn lakin firent pmle in in nut iinini; sik Ii Ihiiioiishlire. mil line fnllliil it ekpeiliclit to sptliil ljl(.p Mlliu of mum i in npenlti), tliuii wlni olntnicurl Wioinui aiemn, is ti.iu i tieneil, is iauilite,l to til ' aniiiip-irtanl iut in Ihe ill e,i( nn ut ol u4iii(in, is j iitv ot hntiirs is will i i i put, r nf hide sml lniliitm, jml slinuhl he 1, ft lice ami urn Ii stiucliii I lie pnscnt iupiI of s unit ii t, not nunp niil-s of -Inn hi tu, I hit the In Hi i up uf whit it ilipitli ii i, in tht wn of In tin inn, sihcil uhs mil i more pnfut tipnpn mi. I! oili-il. lint in iippi tfnlh iiiji lh, uti inuniils nut to ji mi. (lir f. m, ,i,. t ,, 1,1,1,1 "hull in tn Keller shook his bead ull blonslv and on Alt Dale's tmitestlnu that tin- amenilmi'iu was out of older, the i haiimati titled It was not piopof ts ilt nmeiiilineni, ,nd it in. tltelv chaiiKid tli pinpoint ,,j tH 0, iKltial I'liott. I'oioMil llileluofk then ,no( nml luhilv -lalfil for the roin iintl" tliti tliov hid not pail pattini l.u atteiuloii lo th inattei of openlmr oniin aentii. but had qeneially lolMltleied Ihe ft 1 1 is.tbillU of eniout a;,'niK snM,t i.iiluiv , (indiiioits. jri. How, nth lute wlthdiow his ,unt.i(l. I'lent. and All. Dale spoUe Inlellv In fixoi ot the ieoiiiiiiiiiiutioii ol tils' committee, Keneinl dis( u-Jsion followed and aiKinnonts pin ,in I ion i nsticd last and unions with ., Uale. o-t'itv Solieltor dames II. Tmiev, l!ees, i;, I'.iooks and otiiois stouth ehainplon inr, tin- new i onip inv, folonel 1. A. Willie, amendi il th in motion In an additional clause. pu)iilln,r that no hams be laid on W'joiniiiK avenue as it now i or on anv fin ther etenston. lie de ilaud he was In sxmpatltv with those ohiei tins to the opening of the ,ieniif. wheieat llnese C I'.tnoks deilaiei etn-pl-athalh that II was absolutelj im posslble to (onnei: linen liidKe with the eeiitial 1 1( in ,m oilier way, and obiei thins to the opening ol the ae-riiir- nine wllh bad iare, . !. Uolatid if Ian d hunself heailllN In faot ol (lie iiancliise if liossibie io puss it without injuring olhei inleiesis oi deshnyiiiK Ihe at liaetlviness of WvomiUK iteniie. Moniner, hf deelaied, that as one of Siiantou'.s business tout el lis oIiosii the Biantllif,' ul the fiauehisr theh oh. Iictlon .should be taken inn, , ,)n, ililei.itliin. lb- iiuiMil that the iat tet iio i.eiiininitied lo the i oinmittee. Ills motion was. killed .u t)0 nme, i,llt laiei pass, d In an tinieudul tin in. Ml Tones caused a lf k IiiukIi, shoil U aitet this, b timi)itiir I'oionci Wanes' sRKtwtlnu ellilliriaiiiiK the I.hIiib of a tiaek on W,oinin; inenue, Willi the ihillse "II s piaetieable stiine anj othei unite" Ills i,m was detuned, ami tenia iks fur mid aKiilllst ihe oilftiuiil ii solution then followed, in which V V Watson i hninploned the pew minpani, and Ml. Kenuneier Mi, Sinocii W. II Ta.xlor ,'iud otheiK i it Hi Iputi d The last iiauieil nal aiiieiidecl All. Holand'.s million tn send lh-1 inutl r k to the (iinnulllee b piopocllli, it be tepoited upon at a speelul nieoiini,-, and this motion wa iased Kute. I, n Atheiiuii then lend n i oiuinunl uithiu f mm Pii'iieial Siii,'i Inti mli'iit. Sillluian, of the r-iiantoti Itallwa.v coin pain. leKaidliiK- llu llai wheel ear iUestci), H( e-liss.ed Ills leh'iets nt Hie i (illdltlolts which neiessltnte Hie itsf of these eats, upd staled that be. Iwtep rebtuai, l and Alny IS, one bun died and llft.v-thiee t,m iah.s of wheels bad been put uudei cats, Mew hlmps me lo be built dllllim Ihe .sum. met, ho also wtote. An answei was lutlvecl fiom Dlvls. lop Pns-si'iiBOi Agent Ten llioeck, of the Uelawaie, l.aeliuwauua and West em llallioad ioni)an, lu which he in. foiiued the hoanl he would bllllR to tie attention ol the piuper olllelnlt. the eoniiiiunluitlini askiiiB that .stop-over piiWIeses, be allowed by the' mini dm Inn the Pan. Aniei lean exposition Atioiue P Pumi'Bn was niliulttoil lo ineuiliei'slilp. ami the appllenlioii of .1. 1. Piawloid, IhioiiRh P H, Kcott, was ieeied The nieetltff tliep ail. jriutncd, and the members enjojed a lunch, seived liy Iluulei. Lake Heniy Paik, Alaplewood, Wayne c'Oiint, P.i , on the ihle ,si Wyoming- Valley ralltoad, ir the mol altiaethe and deslrablft summer exclusion leiort In Not them I'ennsylvanla. Oo and look over the Kiound and make your atrani;ement,s for tiansportatlon xxlth the eonipany at Duiiniore, Pa. Send for a booklet. Ask fur Kelly's union ctackeia. STRIKE IS ON IN EARNEST TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED MEN HAVE QUIT WORK. Employees One nt All the Shops Wheie the Demand for a Nle Hour Day for Ten Hotns Pay Was Refused Possibility of the Lack awanun Cnv Shops Being: Moved to Blnghamton- Tuibulence at Lack awanna Station When Impotted Men Weie Unloaded. The Reueial stllke tluenlened b Ihe maehlnlsts, if .their duiniinil foi a nine hour day at ten-hotir waReii was- not Kranted, was made a leallty yesteula.. In Seianton. the stilke Is tttoie effee tlve. It would .seem, than at any other hti'Ki" manufaet tiling tentei-. Piaetl '.illy all of the L'a'DO men )iup1oetl as tnaehinlst.s, or ttiules e loely allied, me now Idle, fifteen bundled maelilnlsts lutvli)(r joined the tanks of Hie thoiis. and Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern stt liters. The nuinbei- of men on sttike Is es thuated as follows, b the Hinplojes tbeinees: Uelawm, I Kl,,it!.iuii,t ami iern in sltups .iml ni e liine chops ,"iii llu kson, Pi nn ai'tuie almpjt id I)nU-ii, clttf stmt lnconmtive wmk- , t",i, rhiih Mjuufurtiirini; iiiiipitn KKl I.ii C.iw,iiiiii linn .mil s,., I ( o . ,,,, . il Millai , Htuul.s) (Jnle tn -j, scunton Unit ami Nul Win I '! I II I'noie & ( ii Ji lot I ,'J'pit The one hiitiilieil men eninlmfd b the Hilt: toiupaii. at Dliiiiuoie, ai xlill nt wotk and will leniain at theh liosts until Joint aetlon has been taken by (he employs alonK the entlte Nilf system hi deiuandlnir llu nine-hour da., The ellut of the stilke is llkeh to be more vei iotis fut Siiantnn than was at llisf .supposed. Their Is now a pet Hlsteut liunot In the :iii. totiuded on most excellent iufot inatlon, that the Delawttip, r.aektiwanna and Western ISailioad eotniiany eonleinplates ie-niovliifi- Its ear shops to HIiiBhaniton. I'emaiks made bv both Supei intend ent Plaike and Alastei Pat ititllder Panfleld jesteiday ileal l e lileticed the fact that the leinoiiil of the hliops is not only a possible, but etj likelv lonlniiteney. Alaster Builder I'anlleld, when apiuoaebed ditut with a cpifs tion on the subject, fiisl staled lather dazedly at Ihe inieiioKiitiny Tiibtine man. then btoke out with an rflam l ion of "Well, it dots beat the wotld bow these things tan sel out," and llnalls lem.nked, "I nut sonv I can't s,iv anything on the sublet t. All the company is doing a( ptes,eni s nietely sa wing wood." i:vidi:.t I.NTI.NTIl'V. With uhiih tnlstnatie auswet he eoneliidcd Ihe i onveisation on the luiint. Last ulKlit be went to Phila delphia and fiom theie will pioltably q-o to D.tvlon, O. His absenee Mill cover sinetal dujs Stijiei Intendent Plaike was seen alter Alaster Huilder 'infleltl, and Iroin a iein.nk made bv him, it was eiv evident that the com pany Is tliiiikin C!liusl of mo Iuk the shops. While be deellneil to dls enss the matter at length, be did not clenv the tumor, and stated that tlieto inl1it be some inloi tnatinii to gie out on the point within a few daxs "We do not. however." he dnlaied. "epeet to so out of business beie liv an.x mean. We aie Klad to see the eiv oideilx- and iue! nianiHi iu whielt lite nun have inndiu-ted lliem selxes thus fai, and bciie and ttusi the will lonilutie to maintain the same attitude dining- the continuance of tin- dlillc tiltles " A most significant fait which lends credence to the te pntts of the ieninx.ll of the shops is the fait thai while men aie being dailv i eel tilted foi the mat bine shops, hauily an efloit is being made to tun the e.u slums, and Hie woiklug lone at pieisent is little latgei ihan the Hist daj the men went out. The (list acts of di.soidei xliieh ltae et occurred in tlie Mi ike look place esleiday afteinoon, at the Lacka wanna. Million, when twentx-live "Im potls" ,n i i fil fiom ilobcikett on the n't: Haiti. i:uil In the iltt the i at- buiUleis iciehecl the follow iu telegtani fiom a mailiinlst stationed at Ilobokeit. "Watch ,"i.4"' Haiti Laige numbpr of men shipprd at 1.1,"" They weie ai coiclliiglv on the lookout, and when the tl.lin pulled 111 theie weie piobabh between two and tin op hundred pet -sons Bumped at the upper end of the station, piepaied to ghe the new -comets a wallti leeepliim. Tlleciowd was, howeet, lamely eoni)osed of voung hiivs and tion-uulonlsts, eoiiii.iiatle few heluuKliiK- to the stllkeis' tanks, About twent.tle men Jumped itoiu the ilist i at and weie taken Into the station and upsialis to await the di.s pel sing ol the eiowd It onlv gained Iu numbeis, howevei, and lluallv chiet" riiec ial Agent Adilllisou led tln nieii out onto Ihe pint fut ni and tliiougli the ,.ud, The ittstanl thej iipptMied, tht ciow'd buist into a deilslie eliotus of oppi olu Ions names, .-1 1 1 1 1 Unallv siiine Ill-advlfed Kllbtll boys tlliew a lew stoue.s at the i.ilhei ,shaliby llg Ules of the iliipoitocl men. Chief Adanison then clashed nt the ciowd, and with the aid of Ills specials man niteil to testoie pal oldei, while the llohnhon men weie hmsu led acioss the aid, HOT V.'OIIDS i:XPIIA.N'("!i:i The veils of deiislon euuilnuiMl, how. ever, and hot wolds weie ei hanged between Che chief special agent and iliiRleadiiH In the itowd, ,1 r llammes, of the .Sinneeiittets, , inomiiient union man, was outspoken In his t emails against "brliiKing In a lot of hoboes," but Hie mallei wins concluded without blows helm; stunk nr any violent mtr. taking place, and the eiowd finally disposed The .stiiUeis dleclaim all )i'spoiisibiix fot the ufl ti Ii One of Phlef ilamsons deputies en. deavoted to quiet the erowtl b ap. pealing to Its bettei JuilKineui. and made n btlef speceli lu which ho ie. called (he blootlj sttike of the "O's but Ihe younger and hoi. headed of those addiessed jeeied him until he ceased his hauuugiie, yt.s(etda inoinliig a delegate ft out Hoboken iipiieiued at the local head, iiuuiteib. and lepnttcil lonfeiiliifi- with .Muster Car flulldot Panfleld luga til ing the situation. An ordei was issued fiom here thottly aftetwanls, luMtuct lag the Hoboken men to go out. A number nf men fiom the local Par Mullders' union went down to Hoboken xesteulas, afteinoon and leiurnecl on Ihe- ..l"i o'clock Haiu last nlvjht, with the inloinnitioii Hi.n all ihe men at the Hoboken and Kceatiotts shops, minibcjIiiK between tin re and fnilr htludred, had Rone on stilke. This leaves n complete tle-tlp aiuoug- the Lackawanna ear shops. Twelve of the men leeritlted bv the Lackawanna fiom Hoboken icported last nlshl at the strlkeis' hcad(Uiirteis and asked tn be sent back to New York, None of the men weie machinists, bill weie all npiiaieiitly In needy elreuinstnitces The men who repotted for duly yes lenhiv jiunnltiR- at the Allls-Phalmeis company's Peiin avenue shops, stialRht way sought Ihe bulletin hoard tn ttnd the notices wlili It weie to decide whether or not a strike would occur. They weie tonftonteil wllh the follow ing pltieaid: (In mil stlcr Mil 'i, fiftt fmii fnll limits fluill intislllitli' a tetrulir sink's wrrl for nu ililnll ni iitestloii in tllfutc, Itnliiilinc uuite, t" In .ttleil In iilillrjllou under nul ruimillnir In Hie New nil. staepincnt mil tlie Icllil iFsnltilinti nf Snv. lit, liitwein tin N'llloiial Metal Tt nlrn assnr Intlntt ami Hie Inttltiiliunal s ,i I Itlnll nf Mlsllilllsts M Mi! iircit, I ui Mils t liilnirM ( i. SV.MI'ATHIITIP l.AUOIU'lt!-. Ptoiniitlj at T o'clock ovei. inachlu Ist unci helper In the shops lelt the ptemlsV.s and llflv l.'ibtuets from the loundiy lulned their tanks. About one hundietl and lllty monlileis weie the only emplo.xo.s to leinaln at wtnk. sUlpeilnteinlent AtauLaien, ;hen eell b. a Tribune man, declared that pies ent eiietuiistant-es pi evented bis mak ing any .sluiement as to wheihei the (ump.inv would endeavor to urn the simps .shcii t-hiindcd or liv to icciult men. At Ihe Hull and Nut works but twenty-two machinists and black smiths weie einpleijid, being- utilised iu lepalr wotk. The, .stunk at T ii'ilock, but the teninindet of the ,'!J"i men whose duties put Hiein into an entltelv sepii.itu class of labot, te malniyl at their places. At the Finrh winks, one bundled machinists, black smiths, pallet tl uitikets and labot eis iiiini the lotindt, (Ull wotk, and at the .Ml Claw is Itiooks iicitlis nboilt foi tv men ate still doing intimity wot K. At none of these phues weie any notices, posted, lint il was ptelts gen erally tindei stood, both bv lite Fini It and AlcPl.tVe .i Brook's emplo es, that their concerns would lollow the bad ol the Allis-Clialmei s tuinpam. Two men telused to Kci out at Ihe Pinch win lis, a machinist and a smith. No nif clings oi tlie slilkeis weie hold .eseida, but this afternoon a geneial meetnnj of the machinists will be held tit 'J o'clock- at .Music It ill. After this, a geneial plan of cam paign w III be mapped out. The stv unions inDled iu the stilke will piobablv delegate lull power to coiiilnt t Hie sli Ike to tlteii delegates iu the i ciuni d ol .initiated emploves, and these will assume complete cbaig;e of the outne situation, the lev.v iug as. sessments, watching- loi impoits, etc. Phaiiniau eamph-dl. of the enunill, .estiiday declaitd that the slilkeis will uiuiitenance no rioting and the stilke will be conducted in a matinci as ftee itoiu violent acts as the ill iiiti.l cue can make it A convention of ear liuildeis will be called to older in Hullalo at 10 o'clock Wednesdav muining, at whlth over l,'ii) iloletrates me epectecl let be piesent Horn all mil the coltntiv. The intel -ests oi tne local cat bitildet.s will be looked altei at the convention piob ablv b.v one ot the Lackawanna sttik eis ;tt nufi.ilo The convention Is e pected to last about seven da.vs, as a oigaiiialion will be foi ined and main niatleisol inl linpcu tarn e iliseussed. MTl'.VTION AT ctTIIi:.'l PliLNTo Tlnoughout all visteiilaj- loml supo)-. inlendents and ownets kept the wins btisv bv telephone and tclegi.iphle nies sagi's to big inaiiularlut lug cone ei us all over the count) v, and It was ascei t .i Ins I bv iheiu tli. il the nine-hour movement had not met with senetal sun ess. Heveial of tlie laigest niaiiu fiictuiets in tlie inuntiy had lelusod the jietitiou and vet their men inn tliuu cl at woik The men al the r'ald win Lot emotive woths, nt Philadelphia, the laigest iu the touutiy, lenmlned at wink, as did also those at the Sc henei -tad Locomotive winks, Pitlsbutg fa) comotive winks, and Htooksand Jthodu Maud Locomotive wot lis. The Htooks people, howeiet, suit down voltmlaillv yeMeida.v, because of the ojieniiig of the exposition al Jluf falo the Allis-Phahnei s' big shetps in Alllwnukee ami Plticago ine continuing- at wotk. Hie company having- ki anted lhe nine-huiir duy, but holding the wage question ill abeyance. Shops of the Hile and New Vmk (Vii tnil talltoads ate iu full blast, 'I hese luct.s, showing the Ml ikes to be- not, enentnage (be Intal manuf.ic tuiets iu the stand they have taken and gives some iutihoiil lor the lollow Ina statement made li one of them last night "It looks veiv mill Ii as tliimgh the niai hiitlsts anil shopmen at .Sct.tnton, together with thtlr entido.veis, ,ne be ing left to hold the bag- in this move ment tor shoi lep hotns and nunc pi.v," It lame out yesteiday that the ina-clilnlsts- ol the Hiiauion Holt anil Nuf winks eanie wlihlu an aie of eifectlng a settlement and molding- a stilke Ptesldent SCebudei olleied to give it iifty-live lioui week to all bauds until October I, HUH, and If il was toiind Mitisiaeiuiy toioniliiue it lndeiiuite , also to allow sixty. hour wages to all lh st-t lass machinists, or If the men piclciit-il it, to submit the iiucMInu ol' wages ton boanl ol aibltiatlou, xvhose ilnellngs wtiis to hi' The einploes' coiniulltee look the offer liinlef coil sldeiation, hut when thn.i i aine to iiuike their ansvvei it was a (ejection of Alt, .eluulei's ultimatum and a i ouniei -uliliuatuni ol a lliiy.fout bout wiek at slxtv-houi wages lor all men .Hike, the demand made unitedly by all m,n hlulsis The mm hlulsis aigue that the sdlke i. mouth be ol Inti',' tluiailou, as tlieie s n cleat Hi ol skilled mechanics, and all companies will oxpeilciue the KI elites! dlflhuliv In sec ui Inn lunipe teilt help iu 0tei,ite thell plants, The fuilheiinoie .isseit that I'oieiueu ul the local shops luo.tdl lullniated to them betoio they stiuck thill It would not be many da,s betoio lliev null. I ii'siune wotk, on the teims they de iiiandecl. As a lesiilt of (he -mike tp,. two Pecdand engines which we-e l.ning lestcil ou the leliwun Lu aawaiiua. ,V Westeiu mad, mil a t'llid which has Just been turned out of Hut Doik hon wniks, aie to be tuken t'loni heio and td.icel on the Inter-Polonlal (all. wa. Th" luveiitoi. Mi Plevelnnd. sus ilMt when Hie stilke Is uei they will be biousht luck Guernsey Hall, 3M Wasblnglon ave.. Seranton, is the best and most tellable place to pur ihuse a pood Piano, it will pay joti to call and get prices and teim. J, w. Uucinsey, Pi op. ... m ii., ihuoke the Pocono 5c. cigar. ONLY A PEW CHANGES MADE POLICE FORCE WAS REORGAN IZED YESTERDAY. Patiolman John Duggan the Only Member Not Re-sworn Captain. Edwards Reduced to Rank of Ser geant uid Lieutenant Davis Ap pointed In His Place Patrolmen Goeilitz and Day Made Lieuten ants What Recoided Molr and Dl lector Hitchcock Said., Tlie members of the police fence welt? swoin In xosteidtiv afternoon bv lle eoteler Alolr and as piedicteil In tli" Tiibtine vestenlay inornlnir theie weie vn.v few ehaiiBOK. Onlv ono mcmb'T of the force, Patiolman John Diirk.hi. was not le-sworn, having tendeted ltls )esigm.mon, but theie weie -eveinl idiaiiBe.i among- the oflleer.s In the line of ptomotlons and tedltrtlons, and two new men were appointed. Paptaln 11. J. IMvvaids, who has had (haige of tin1 police foicy In the day lime for a number of shears past, was i educed to the lank of seiKoaitt, and Lieutenant John Davis was uppalntcd lo liis pi ice. J'.itiolinnn Louis (Incilltz was inomoted to the rank of lieuten ant lo till Ihe vacancy caused by Lieu, tenant Davis' elevation, Patiolmaiv Lona ii. J lay was also pimnntcd to the tank of lieutenant and will take eiiaige ol the Not Hi Sciantou precinct. He succeeds to the place thai was filled bv Lieutenant Spellinan. The inembeis of the fotte assembled In the has-cntont of the municipal bulld li'ir. lu full di es unifotm, ut I o'eloi k, and man bed into the police asscinblv loom, wlieie they foiined iu a hollow situate. In Ihe icnlie of which Itseoi -der Afolr, Dlrectoi of Public Safety Hitchcock and Supei Intendent of Po lice Kobling- toed-, their places, Plerk K H lteese, of the department of public o.ifetv, lead the Reneial or der ic-appointlng- the men and as each oti"'s name was teat! he answeieel "piesent" ami stepped fot w aid. Hv some inistaki! Patiolman Peter ilag t'eili's name was omitted I mm the i oil. .Hist as the leeotdei was about to swear the men In. Peter .stepped forvvaid and lu a bashful soit of way .said his name had not been called. The let older saw a chance for 'i llltle fun and be intitletetl into the papeis on the table at which be was sitting that he giie'sed his name bad been left off. Il would seem fiom the tone of bis voice that it bad been left off puipnswiv. Peter, tin tied to go amid n btoalhless silonu. and bail n-.ii bed the door when the icconlei burst out laughing. "Pome back, Petei." he said: "Don't get alfiimed. AVe'll add join name, f gms" Peter came back and e,u b and cvei.v man piesenl removed his helmet, raised bis light hind and pledged him self lo "abide bv llu- constitution,' t le., ele. Itr.POUDHK'S ADDIinSS. Tic cinder A'otr then stepped fotwa-d and made a biief addiess, in which he said amonj other things: "This is inthei a niomenloiis occasion in the blstotv of our city. You hav c hanged fiom nfhcois of a tblid diss eltv'to ofllceis- of a perond class cltx-. I dislte to sn that for ttie lisl two veais in which vou have been unilet mv coutiol oui devotion to dutv has bren won, lei ful. As a toico you an not ecei iled in the Pnited States In the wav of plivsicitte in of devotion to dulv. "In the- filtute I will ltuielv have a 3c11e1.1l supei ision of ou You will have in dliee-t chaige of jim as dhec loi of public safely one of Hip mot noted eoldieis In this state, a man equipped for bis duties peilittps betlet than am man in the cltv. Tho disci pline under him will be more stiht than it bus been In the past. We aie glowing- out of the old village methods. "1 thank j nn individually and c ol lcetivelv for votu- ecelliil )ecoid, anil for vour itnswei vlng- tlevotinii, We .shall evpect rveiy man under the new regime lo do his dulv and 1 feel satis- fled that we shall havs? no tumble." Diiector Hitchcock, being intioeluced bv the ice older, made a In lef, pithy and snappv llltle speefb such as lie geneiall makes, "I have no bouquets io ihtovv at .vou," said be, 'li-cause T don't know enmigh about sou. I have heuid a gnat deal about oit and If f listened to all T hen id and Ihiew inv bouquets accordingly, I am itfiald then- ne some who wouldn't got an, Theie have been many things said about xou, and each man beie, f am -me, knows whether these things rue hue oi not. "You weie appointed not along the lines of what has been said but along- the Hups of what we lllliv expec I of ou lu the In line A i liv Is Judgeil hugely by Its police foice. If a xisitnr comes Into town and sees a slouch, dht looking lot of men In uiilfniuis be takes a ells, like to Ihe place -Il nine Th" epi. tallnn of the ilt.v i ests aig"lv with .inn, ut men, "1 want juii to dliectlv uudei stand that when oidets mo Issued iu the fiittne thi-.v will mean Just what they sa.v. It has been said thai coders Is sued lu the- past haw been issued to be teatl b.v the men with one shul. Thorn will be no sitcii oidets issued by me. i:eiy older iluit I shall ssue will menu business ou the sioiind ilom, and I waul vou to unieilanil II .MLAN WUA'I Tlll.i KAV 'I expet l jou In Use good Judgnieni I have lie n el a slot about one of your number who has been mvoiii in to-dnv who smirk a diunkeu man In the bac k when that man was being- lend pe.n e. ably along- ibv slieet bv two of bis fi h-nds. Thai lutintet a piece of biutality thai should llud n place mi no polh e fon e, "A policeman .should In at eveiy ta-e htdoie blm as toes a phvsiejan, He must eliv nst lilniM If of all pei.sonall. lies niid must look at Hie lis a doctor looks nt his patient , police, man should not have a temper He cannot have one ami be a good po Hi email, lie must be vlgoious. i am. ful ami tempm ute and must uso good Judgment, lie mint school ulnis..f to keep his temper buttoned up iu hi ryieket and tn keep his appeal auee as nice nnd tid as possible" PiipeiliHeiniem P.oblliiR was nihil upon lo sii homethlng ,nid did so biietly. but in tb- point. suyu(, that lie expected the earnest spppoii or tin iiiiinb'is of tin tone in Hie futine as In- had It lu tlie past Thorn, win. had been swoin in signal Ihelr names to the oaths of oftlce and ihe cett-iunny was ovei The two new men swmn In to take the places (if Lieutenant Spellinan. icinoved last year, and Patiolman Duesan, are Phils, Koso and Thuinas l m&. .D .rW V cut uiass ssssss, I, f,. ill us inn is all vou cx.ictinu: 1 Evtrpy piece excellence Wbm PsfcgTrn ii " '"' the moderate point. Llhltey'a 5tigrs and Creams. Vxv"VU 5 JkivsA 5 Geo V; Millar & 5 UCU' Y T1111 KUKM0:KMnnKiUK0Un50U5 i XXKMUXKX50KXKS50tt!XX:0.KK0: A Bicycle Our entire stock ol Hirst-Class Bicycles have been marked down to about actiulcost to us. We desire to sell out the entire line as soon as possible, and ask you to call and let us show you how much we can save you on a Bicycle purchase. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. X X R K K Kfc K K (. K TRY iCIock'sBesti Union Hade Tobacco A Good Smoke or Chew. A Tiial Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. MANUFACTUKED BY The Clock Tobacco Co,, 044-46-48 Wyoming Ave. Scianton. Fa. ill lillllf-ll Ml. Hose is one of tho bet Known veiiim; men In South Heiantiui. lie Is Ihe InMiiK lor ol Hie- Keiaiiteill Athletic- elitli anil s e niisiileii il io b- one nt Hie- best all annual .llllleles lu ihe city. He I- ivif-utj -s-l ye-ais uhl. ThnilMs (ieiitiiiell. Hit- iltlur new mini, l a luliUlavei bv ii.ule, behiK Vice- i.-seetl nt tile III Ii lil.l.v el s' union. He Is Hlillv-tVVil veins ulil, Wtlsll!- I'll! iiillis K tivei feel i-leMUl ami a h'llf lm ln's tall and as -jii.iIkIii lis uli aiiciiv lie is a iiinmliieill mem ber "I" lh" S i.iiumi I'aleiloiilau 1 1 1 1 . The new llellti nanis l.nuls (In -i-llt. and I. una Pa.v, aie uhi of I In iiuct iniillai in iiiImms of i ho foi 1 1 1,1 ii lenailt (iiiellltv lin- s-eivcl loilK I in tlie icihp than ai otliei nu'lll lier vvlHi tile fltlKle eNceiiHiill uf I'.lliilllll III Thomas, Thiuiiut Iileiilenalll Pa.v In a .MHiimei m-ii -nul I1- ' spicti U I spec-nitn oi manhood i'.iiialu H.ivH, who .slice eed.s In the plnee made v.ualit bv i'.iiliiln IMvvaiiis, hah lieet) ii-i bais tin- mil's t familiar llRiue on Hie stieeli- nf the cential cilv In 111- nlIlt time -"ot ii numb"! of e,ns pisi Hertsi'iilit IMwaidh has been tlssl ,n il to citt al the (Vane suet station lloilM-, ivln-ti SeiKant Ite.'se .louos l.iis held fot Hi fot M-veial ye-uw past, fsii ueiints ,loues.. IUctci ami ItldKPW.IV will hene at lii-aeUiti ut' is nun of tlllilll Is let be oil dlllv III tile dlv times ioniiaiieiiil,v Cooking Deinaiistintious. lie AlilllllIK Willi tills afle-iuoou (Hit i untiliulnr; each itfu-i niion llu mmliuut llu- vieel. al I o t loi I:. Vll Ilwcllc, a Kl.ullialo nl i hi folleKe of Ibnne-itlr Si lent 6 of Vou-estei. ,Vat will give ilPineiiiMiatluii lu ihe ail of i ooUIiir in .liirim. I.niiu i Sous' The looltins will b done on a jas tauso ill an iip-ta-dale aiiaiiBi'il MUh-ii A iuniilf-l llic-nii will lie i-iiiiKeil elallv Tin- menu loi lo-da.v will be as fol low s SliiHldnl When llisiilit Willi Cieain IJKK 1' WtNli Raiebli Oiane ('it-am Eteain Heat'lng and Plumbing. P. P. &. M. T. Howley,23t Wyoming ave. SmoKi.- Uit new Klvou tlsar. 5c, sw ,-.....- r U.llll... - J t.. ...1.. iiic.iauic ui ui itiiaiicv auu ucnuivi will ever find at CHINA HALL We exercise more care and critical selec- 5 tion tn buying Cut Glass than our most tutrons. "Averace" Cut Glass won't suit us, yet prices are at Bowls. Plates Vases, Etc. 5F lnvv. g Co w wjomin atmim VU Walk In and Look Around S llniifti Vnn Hn $ il il nil i mi mi lei U II II I UU UU X0 Nl tin- Null of (In- nlirrl, p,. liips, but Iml nn tin silicrl, utiles.. e is i itii ;,, i ,ir. inn is nj s. II cos in mil nn- .Scrnntnn Rlnvcle It l nul poilf iflllKl llllll Klimls, Jj Iml liiiil laii-iln iln Uis in Injure It Sj Hi. ni tli- ilir.ii nlii-1 'I In so lii-els Jj si nut tl,i- st rri lei .ii ui ir Jml acil ilitil 0 126-128 Franklin Ave. O Cut Security nf Possesson Is the tu-asiiied elieam of evt'ty pinp eity ovv net nt piiispei live imiLliafei . rieiieiilly. It is not until the f,ili or ('ebaii),L' eif it liolilitiK is eles-hecl that the c loud upon a title is dlsiovetcrl anil (.onte-iuplnled plans .tie defeated. Title lilsuiaiue f il 1 1 pliitec ts .ijjalll-it ilelei-l uf sea I ell, eiellse nf lit Ion Iti sbiiii, it pinvldis e-oiuplete in ilcniitllic atiiui I in any loss ai IsinR ftniii tlie iiintestid validity ul vuili piopiilty liKbts, (iil.Ui! .vnlll iiiteiists witll li piillij of lilt- Title Guaranty and Trust Company Ot hcranton, Peina. 516 Spiute Stieet, I Willis, I'lesllll-ll II lllll l' - V II Ml lli.w.l, l!illi -- Mull hi iii -lid -it luist llllll if. Men's Underwear W'e have it, all colors, aP sizes, all kinds; rauging; in from 25c to $2.50 per garment, sizes from 2S to 50 inches, Positively the most complete line of Men's Un derwear iu town. It will pay you to call before bnyiug. 4 IS SPRUCE STREET. Nave you tried our 10c Linen Collars. 1 . ... . t,S.T, ...,. l ASfTVn . ulfc. b itii s-eisn, to i-t-lliiur Vermin arj sB Mjth powderf, for llcoo-t Poultry. Jl Plaits, Horses, CaUle.bsuneiFleJi .' en Ucusi Ticks en Sheep. Mom tei3r I'e-tvcuMtlve. i'nclosi" selfaJ- I..S1 ,..f.,l , i.n..,l . ., alnnn In. Ulci'm 0,U.1.,V,,w w. tntortniilinii mid order t-aiuple lm. Large cjh delivered aiijvrliere in U. h or l Jtiadj, tor 40 t.'tn, l)u nut send sumps tor I'owdcr. Charcei jireti.iiil I'.udiJs u.irantitil el money rcluniii-d. All liens .should lm eiusUd belorc fettlnp and Ibieed4sljelure b itcliini;: It taves (lie lives of tlioiisaniM of little iliicl.i and tnrVes from head H,c, maki-s cittr beo lav and Lecps them llllitlll. bilUpJc t'Ol, IO C(!UtH. ' I'lorliels. m-diI us trial ureter for our 8. penor Oualitv ol Tobaeci) liiul rrve, W'X tt per pound vou poaniU in Parrel. Bcrs Vtrrrln Powder Co . 410 Paill Bldg, Dallon, lack. Co,, Yi, - Seranton, Pav Oigiuis for Sale Cheap. You can buy a Rood second hand Or can ua low as $10 00 at Guernsey Hall, J. V. Guernsey, Prop. iU Waslilng. ejn avenue, fcianton, Pd, BITTENBENDER&CO uLMdham4