The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 21, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Oltlcc :
Eeloct Council Hecommends That tho
Measure Do Printed Other Mat
tors. Select council mot In ngulnr session
Inst night, wllh President Klelohcr In
the chair nnd Messts. Thompson, Mun
nlnn and Haltlo piesont besides.
The locotninondntlons of tin- sttort
committee, which oompilsed n sched
ule of the hired Impiovpinonts which
were suggested In the committee on Its
initial Inspection Insl week, "vera
nilnplerl, mid n losolllllon WilS 11N0
adopted direct Iiik the rallying out of
the work.
When the leport of the commit teo
n,kln;: for die favorable onmdilointlnn
of common council ordinance, provid
ing foi the acceptance of the llbrnrv
cift fioin Andrew t'.iineglo. for n
llhr;it site and the molntenaiii p of the
bbtaiy and nideiliur the oidlnance to
bf. minted, was received. Mr Mnn
nloii nio,'.e and iligod to have the mat
ter go over nut II the pl.m foi the tniiit
n cement of th" library i ould be thor
oughly iaiivasod. The niombeis be
lieved, lioweer, that ample opportun
II v for this would be offeierl aflei the
IntliiR of the oidin.ince .Hid tli re
It"' t win adopted
T'fe nomination of K i- I'ohille as
' member of the bond of hcillh In
I ret A J: Tlffaii). whose fl lit e
pnep In ,Tune, was icfoiied In mmmit
''". 'iflei a futile attempt of Mr. Msm
i '"ii tn hate i mmed I at" consideration
V-qs loins' M" Mni'lllon believed,
"hould he followed when thne was no
d'Mlbt about the iinnoinlco's nicept
ani". ThMoisn mlstrikp. it I thought,
li the name ni suhniltteil it is prob
able p i .ink i 'ohm "f the Fifth
vald. was the pel sou intended
The following weic ipfpitril In tnm-liiill'-f
lle.solulion diipctmg the of
the water lumen fioni in front of the
'P. i". FInlilnson lumber yaul to the
coiner of IV lar ivonito and nclmont
ISciiuest from funui tv. Mofntt for Hie
lii'urani o on tli- city biilldins, which
as cancllcd at the.l,it mcptlug of
The bond of 1'ity Soliiilor Stuart for
.S,."u0 was jt -cr'ii t i-.fl. was icpotled
fnvurablv by the iudiciaiy coinmitlee
and the repoi I was adopted. T. 1.. Mc
Millan and F. K. Buir weie the sut
ctles named on the bond.
At the lequesf of Pipsident Fletcher.
'lty Engineer Kupp informed council
as to the status of the over
Picket Brook bridge. The btiek for
the pave has been oulered bj t 'out rare
tor Moron, but for some unexplained
leason the bricks hao not been
shipped, nor have any leplies been re
ceived either by himself iMr. Kupp) or
Contractor Moran.
The city engineer was Inclined to ex
onerate Contractor Moian fioin nil
blame for the delay in the pave.
The icsolution of .Mr. Thompson, di
recting the dark ravine company to
make lepahs on the Helmotit
stteet p.ivp, was lel'erred In cnuuulitec.
Tho South Side Man Charged with
the Traction Car Distut banco
Makes His Exit.
Patrick Casey, of the South Side,
who was cluirged witb the tllsgr.u of ill
disturbaiii e on the Tiactlon car on the
nlKht of Tuesday. Apill "a. the night
of the loiklng main at Simpson, lias
left the citv and it Is supposed lo
have taken himself to New Yoik city.
In older to escape tiial.
Casey, it is believed, was jollied in
bis fllglw b his companion, I'.ittiik
Gavin, w'ho was likewise accused, and
for w hove ai rest ,i wariant aln
l-'iuil bj Alclct man Atkinson. The
charge, against each of llieni were
noting ami assault and battel), the
la i tor being fniiiided mi the attack
made on Conductor Hroivnoll during
the iti.iturbani e.
Casey was arrested bj Constable
Moral), and pinmhetl to appear ul u
he ii Ins; tled for I he evening of the
fame day. He failed in his piomise
and has not been since seen, i Sn In.
who was lecognizod as Ids companion
fin the nisht o the illi.iurb.inco, dis
appeared about the same time and
has been missing ever since. Con
stable Moran has been cxpottiug their
lPturn almost dally, but It Is supposed
now that I hoy are in New Vnili city
and hae no intention or cutting short
their filch t and intiirning to this city
at least not while the memory of
the disturbance charged against them
Is fresh in the authorities' minds,
Ciimo Alleged Against Daniel
Loflus Who Is Committed to Jail.
Pnnli'l I.ottus, of Fell township, a
we known chui.icter, was tukon lo
the' county jail nn Saturday by Chief
.MvAndiew, in default of hail, on tho
charge of stealing a sliver watch, tho"
alue of which was placed lit $11,
Loftun' licenser was Michael Hogan,
cures coughs and colds at
once,'' We don't mean that it
relieVes you for a little while
it cures, It has been doing
this for .half a century, 1 1 has
saved hundreds of thousands
of lives. It will save yours if
'you give it a chance,
v "I hae rectbed to much benefit frnpi ll, that
I always iccuumiemt Shiloh't for toughi,
throat, bronchial and lung trouble."
CIIAS. VANDERCAK, Wilerford, N, Y.
Bhtloh'a Consumption Cure I nolit by ull
1riiBKlt t Hoc, Ollc, Wt.OO u buttlx. A
prluteU aranteo i;o with uvery bottle.
Ifyonurouot sutUfltolgu lo your tlriiKKl
mill eel your money buck,
Wrtta rnrUh:-trjted b( oi( in consumption. 5enl
riihui .tt l"u. !. C. W'eS:&.t.o.,l.cKoy,N.Y,
Carbondale Department
of Fulrvlew slieet, It nceniH tlie pair
weie uiiJoyltiR Ihciniclves toRcther ut
tho time of tho alleged theft, llutfon
declined the wntcli was In IiIh vpmI
pockeli ntlachcd lo his chain. While
they were In tho nildsl of their en
joyment, LoftiiM, so Ilosan aveis, tin
obsotxpcl pocketed Ids watch, even suc
ceeding, unuwaics, In snapping It ft run
the chain, leaving the latter behind
him. Subseiiuontly, when Ilosan dis
covered ho wns robbed, he leiupinboied
having had the watch just befoie he
left Lof tus' company. Ho believed his
companion was; the thiol and accoid
Ing ho caused a warrant to he iiworn
out for Loftlis' iirtcst. Aldeimali
loiips, befoie whom the matter wtii
brought, handed the wuirant lo Chief
McAndiew. who served It on lioftus,
and he nlso took In another man from
that locality, who, it was believed,
knew how the watch was disposed of.
The second man was discharged, how
ever, and l.ofius was committed. It
Is believed by the police that the
watch 1m In a nearby town and II will
probably be ipmiwiciJ within a few
Routine Busine3i Considered at Last
Night's Meeting Janitor Lop'rs
The unpaid salarji of e.-.!anilor,
if the lllith si hoot, lor a p.ut of a
at list
I oaul
was a loplc of In let discussion
nlwl '
nipi'tliiR ot the
'i lh i to' of Tivj! V W Watt in.
finned thp h i.ini that in disposing: o(
I.p'-'s unpaid salnr.i. it could i onslder
Hie taxes v hich. bo .imm.s, anioiint
to Jl?. and this sum i mild be deducted
Ii, settling his il.iiiu., This tlm boa id
decided to do.
Cobeclo- Watt reported 'Xnflrt i o.
If 'ted oil tin peal's dliplii ate As ll
will have to mllecl Imt l.'.rilin addi
tional b. tween now and Saluiday.
which he can le.ulib, he will hae col
lected a siifllcient sum to enlitl" him
to tlie one per ( ent. bonus on Ills com
mission, which was pioinised him on
Hie condition that he would tolled
eighty per tent, of the duplhale.
Collet lor Cllfffiid sent in an eMmer-
ation list, but ll wa.s t onsideicil in
complete and Secietaiy llimlies ias
Instiucteil to Infoi in .Mr cmton! to be
piesont at neM S.ituiday'h mecling to
explain the emioiatiou.
On motion ol Mr. Moon, the piiiKi
pals of the schools weie tllicded to
hitbnilt by Sattitday next a t ompleto
list of all foielgu pupils. The purpose
is to determine the number of tui
tions. Tlie following bills weie oitleietl
paid .1. H. i.'llliuol, $111. AUoitl &
Wall. SI in
Adjournment was taken iiniil neM
S.ituidny e ening.
Orgrnization Tlmt Aims at Physical
Benefits and Pleasuics of Ouldoor
A numher of the pioininent ,iiing
men ol tlie city have funned a li.uel
ing association, winch has been styled
tlie Young Men's Tom 1st club. '
The meiubt'iship ol" the club is made
up piluclpally ot , tiling men holding
cleiical positions-men who an- ton
tlnetl almost all of Hie tla, ami who
h.ic incagie opptu tutillies lor outdoor
exeicise and other hcni'llts tomiug
lioin plinty of fiesh air. Thcirloie m
tlerhe all the bcneliis of bdnir mil ol
doois, and to njo the at coiiiimii. mg
uleasuies of this form ni leciea'tioii,
tlie young men hac banded together
ami liae aiiaiigctl a seiie.s ot inauhe.s
or tiamps aeioss toiinliy to adiaceiiL
lll.lges, Xcces..,uy v tl.itups will
hap to he made in (he evening, after
the tla.v's tllltlis. Acioitlingl.v. the
mi'inbeih will joiiiney tonight lo Cij.s
lal bike, w heio Ihej will icsister a I
Militancy Bios' new Cita inn, and
partake of supper It' the weather is
favoiable a boat lide will he enlnved,
aild tin- iMit.v will t lie it stait lio'mc
waid. The piojeu ban been met whb
an I'lilhiislastic spiiit, ami a season of
pkasuie and piolit is autii ipaied h.v
the niembeis.
To Auango for Duck Social.
Tho Cleiks' association will meet in
sdiii-monlhly session tills evening and
an interohtiug meeting is anticipalctl.
Among tin matlfis to be diseiibied i,s
(he duck srakil which it i.s iiiteinlod to
hold tliiilug the p.nly pan or June,
Tlie young ladies ol tlie association will
be In chaige of the tuui Hon. ami It is
their intuition the affair shall
eclipse the .soi lal iciently t uiidllolod ill
Jbnko's hall. The date of the tlance
ami otliei tletails will be tkeidet;
at tonlght'h meeting.
To Be Oidnined a Piiest,
Rev John While, son of laike White
of White's Crossing, will he onlalricil
to lite ptlesthood in the ealliedinl at
Uuff.ilo, on Saluiday, June i ne.
Whlto has been adopted u ,, wesleiu
dloeeso ami will bp .statlnneil In Den
ver, Col. Mo Will 10.1(1 his llisl mass
ill thlh ct,v, his birthplace, on Sun
day, June !i, at St. Hose churcli. Tho
candidate for the priesthood is a well
known young le.sldeut of this city ami
Is a graduate of the faiboudalo'lligh
Homo from Cndobia.
Conslahle ICdward Neaiy i.s home
fl out Cndosia, X. Y., wlieio he went
Krlday to enjoy a brief and
chungo. Tho weather was eM-eedlngly
cool in tho town along tho ti'luwuio;
too cool for the ofllccr's lomfoit, hence
his ubiupt visit. The wouiidctt con
stiiblo siiltei.s less ti'iuii his injury
now, ami Is able to look after tho
minor duties of his otllcc.
Here in Consultation,
Dr. FltzJlmnions, who was
tho leading physlcluns ot this c
ty soy-
nit ,veur, mil vvno is now located at
AVIlkes-Ilano, was fit tlm city on Sat
urday, llu was culled heio In consul
tutiim ro3iecting tho case of John
White, of Forest City, who Js iian
geiously ill.
Mechanics Go to Chicago.
Thomas Bariett and Henry Kr.mtz,
both employes of tho Caibondalo Ma
chine company, lett over the Kilo Sun.
day pvenlus tor Chicago, where they
will ha puguged hi Installing niiichln.
' sent out fioni the couip,iuy'i plant
In tills ilt.v
'Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Chief McAndrow nnd Two Pntiol
men Go on a Itlnn Hunt That Ends
in n Joke.
There was u good-sized scale started
early yesterday morning by tho news
that camo to town that Nathnniel
Cobb, the iilni'li'il In last week's
hulling, was hiding hi n ham along
Wilson deck, Mm th of Hie city.
Chief Alt Andrew, who has been
keenly on the alert for tlie capture of
tho fugitive, since last week, wmm
about the liveliest of those who heard
Hie startling news, lie was hustled
out of Ills bod iibout ihrco o'clock In
the nioiiiing, his Informant telling him
that Cobb wns in a barn on a faun
along the Xtwv Mllford turnpike, he
had been Iheip since early In tho night
and as he was silppo'id to be asleep
It wiih a golden opportunity to cateli
him. Tills news who Just what chief
McAndiew hud an appetite for. and If
he ever mad1 a moie Inn tied toilet
than now, will thru, he couldn't lo
cal I It.
The chief hustled down to the cltv
hall, where he was Joined by Patrol
men Caiden and Iluddy. The trln
rtohitl off on a double quick paie,
headed for the barn when- the eluKlve
Cobb was repotted to be In fancied se
curlt. Tho tianip was a long one.
ond seemed much, loug-er, because of
the neive-. straining circumstances of
the nian hunt,
After what seemed a "long ami
weai.ving Jianip, the tli'i of policemen
hailed at the ntippos-il hiding place of
Xeai v's and the olheu-.' assailant.
Chid McAndiew led the ivav Into the
Ivi'U, followed b, the oilier olritvis.
r:ppitliig i sistanee, or rather a
waiin ivipptinn fiom Cobb. In the
event of his nwakeninsr. thej had their
it velvets diawn and Ihev -were pie
(Mied to use them, nut the pioinised
excitement of the oei asion fell out of
the oh. iso when the would-be taptois
of Cobb had to mouse the sleeper anil
PtPi Into his fate to place hm Identity.
A ilismisted look eaine over the faces
of Hie chit f and the patiolmen while
their cnunlenances Indicated moie for
cibly the disgust tbev toll. The man
hi loir them was a poor wontleicr who
was oveiliilcpii with fatigue while on
his wcy fioni lloncdale, and who
ti.'pt into the bain's sbeilcr to lest on
the fl letitllv bed of baj .
When the lodger became awake to
a reulisMtion ot wlial was Kohig on
about him antl he saw befoie Ids face
tile glistening ban els ot iwo icvol-
eift, he shiiiuk bark in fear and ill
humoredly asked why be was ills
t til bet I.
It didn't u ed the man's piotesta
lI'Mis lo tonvince Chief McAndiew
thai he was nut Cnhb, for he bore but
slighl lesemblaneo to the old beimit
The man In foie the polite was- a num
ber of yeais .vounw than Cobb, ami
bis moii'tai lie, while of n heavier
piow tli, wa.s not so giay, either, as
Cobb's- lie bail a worn grip beside
him whiih contained a number of bot
tles Ulkd with a lubi leant which the
man tllhpusid of lioni tloor to door.
The polit". after die man finished his
e.spl ination, illsappe.nt d, ili.sgust"d
anil foat-soie, alter their six-mile
t hasp.
The incident serves to show how
watchful the people nie thioughout
the community for Cnbb'sappeaianeo,
and it villi M'lve as a hint to
ci s to lie cautious of how they entei
outbuilding.') hoieahout.s while Cobb
icm.ilns at la i go.
Cobb still keeps nut of Hie tolls,
though the linatioii of his hiding plact
is kept lu mind
The lapluie of Cobh Is not within
Clilef MoAlidtow's duties, fur the knif
ing was done in tlie township, outside
of his j'lrbilii lion. 1 lit, ;;eal am! ef
foils so far bin ! spuing fioni bis
fi n ndshlp for Constable Near.v ami
lroiii aiiNit tv to have so tlangeioiis a
tin. latter os Cobh tediained from
t omniitting fuillier violenip.
Mr. Dow in Town.
I'. II. I low, soiilhun ageni for the
Humpy Ib'.itor Manufat tilling com-
panv. ol l-io.sioii, spent Sunday with
Mrs Dow in this city. lie lett to-tlay
tor New Yoil? city, fioin where bo
gee.s to cii.ti lesion, S, (.',, to look after
a. lilg contiact.
Woinan's Hospital Boanl Meeting.
The Woinan's auxiliary hospital
be.ud will have a meeting tins aftei
nc.on at four o'cloi k at the lesldence
of .Mrs. .r! I. l.allnop, IJinoln avenue,
in discuss plans for fiirtheilng the
woik of the ladles for the Institution.
Homo fioin Moxico.
11. .1 fireniian sp'Mit Sunday witli
his family in this ciiv. Ho ha.s lust,
rduincil fioni IeUo, wliere he was
IlitPtesterl in the big raihoad deal lust,
imnpleted tlieie. He left .vosterdny for
New Vol k cll.v,
Simpson Oichcstra Social.
Tho Sliupson oiclitsti.i. will IiiiM a
social and entertainment in Pecker's
hall, Duudaff, on Wednesday evening,
May L'J. The affair will be attended by
a number of Carboinlale residents.
A Stylish Tjnp.
Mls.-es Moiss, of upper Helmont
stieet, havo a liandsoiuo new tloiiblo
seated can luge. Two sets of new sil
ver mounted harness havo nlnu been
piovidftl for the hor.sps.
In Cincinnati,
li. A. Whltlleld, of Toir.ico stiret,
niachinlst in tlm employ of the Hon
tlrlcks .Manufacturing company, Is lu
Cincinnati on lonstiuctloii work for
his company.
Position nt Muyneld.
Ttioiiuin Mcll.ilo, of the South .-ilde,
llilb acceplctl ii position Willi the Ull
larlo it Western car icpaiivis at May
iklil yaul.
Hugh Nicholson's Injmy,
Hugh Nicholson, of Ditiiiiinond two
line, Is coullned lo bis home us the re
milt of a sevem Injmy lo hlh foot.
Giocer's Cleik.
llulltty lias ueceptetl
Hon as cleik
In theys.toio of
Delegate Returns fiom Eiie.
Alex Kennedy leturned Patuiday
Iroin Kilo, where ho was, In attendauve
tt tho iiuuual coiiwiuioii ot
t-alunieil. Amouu: ill" .te.
'Ions lak"ii by ill" .onv iili'iu was, hn
institution of a now ortlee, the fourth
ntslslnnt grand mastership. P. T,
Nowmati! of Denver, was rlcctcd to
the olflcr. Another mutter of Import
nnco was tho inlslng of the salary of
the grand master to $5,000 n year Horn
i.V'OO, Tho apsintn:it grand masters
were nlso each given an Increase of
$500 per ear in their malatlcs,
Funeral of th Late Gilbert Colborn.
The funeral of the late Gilbert Col
bom was held Saturday nflcinoon.
Tlie Coalbrook Kog Kttnd, of which ho
was n. niember, attended the obse
quies. The services were conducted nt
the Klrst l'rrsbyterlnii church, by the
pastor, Jlpv, Chnrtest Lee. after which
Inleinieut took place In ihookslde
The pall boarers were I'ntrlck Ton
Ian, John Howard, Hubert Halul. Hen
noil rolinountnln, Kdwaid 1'ethlck
and Thoniiis Hart. There were several
pretty lloral pieces, which were oar
Hod by Joseph Shaffer ami W. II. La
Stenographer Obtains rosltion in
Miss Rosalie Rurke. daughter of n.
I'. Burke, the Main street merchant.
accepted a position yesterday as steuo
Ki'tiphpr In thp dlnttlct oftlco of the
New York Life Insurance company at
Miss inn ke Is a graduate of Pi of,
Scott's business college, lu this city,
and was one of Ills most competent
The fact of the Insurance company's
topresentativo coming to Prof. Scott
for one of hl.s graduutes Is pleasing
evidence of dm reputation that the
local business college enloys outside of
the city, and this recognition abroad Is
who no small credit to the illy.
Tho Condition of Dr. Gill is.
There is no noticeable thange In the
condition of Dr. A. F riillis. His tem
perature has shown no change In sev
eial dajs and the Inflammation of tlie
affected remains about, the same.
Sunday night. Dr. Taylor, a special
ist, from Wllkps-Banc. was called
heic to consider Dr. riillis' t ase, but
lie had no lecoinniendalions to make.
Tlie treatment as presciibed hv Dr.
Fletcher, and approved by Dr. Mears,
of Scranton, was also approved by Or.
Ta.v lor.
Gone to New Position in Omaha.
Harry Forbes, until lecently steno
grapher at the IJtie railroad ofllces In
this city, left yesteiday to take up
the position lie has accepted under e.
Supeiiiitendcnt Illbbilts. of the Jeffer
son division of the lOrie, who Is now
witli the Union Pacific lallioad. and
Is located In Omaha, Nebraska.
Mr. Forbes did not go dliectly to
Omaha, going yesterday to New York
city to visit for a few days witli Ills
parents, who aie now located in New
York .city.
Visit of a Well Known Drummer.
31. .f. .Murphy, of New York city,
who repipsents one of the laigest tea
impoiting linns in the country, was a
visitor lieie on Saturday. Ml. Mur
phy is :l typical drummer, light
hearted, tiee from wony, a. genuine
wit, laughing ami jolly and bringing
sunshine with him wherever he goes.
Mr. Miupliy has a elude of friends in
this city, who hold him In thp highest
legartl. and his visit Is always warmly
Brakeman Injured.
John Mullady, a brakeman on the
Helawaie & Hudson, ivccived a
i rushed foot yesterday by getting
it caught between the bumpers of two
cats at Maylield. Tin vvas brought to
his home on South Alain street In this
city and a uigeon It Is
believed ho will not suffer any peima
nent injury tiom the accident.
Home from the Pan-American.
Abe Sahm, the Main street haber
dasher, ami Julius Moses, of the Star
clothing stoi p. aie home from the Pan
Ameiicau exposition, whither they
went a week ago. They teport i
visit tilled with inieiest and enjoy
ment. Messi.s. Sahm and Moses also
made a business trip to Tiochester, N.
Gone to Niagaia Tails.
Mrs. T. ,1. Maxey. of Pittshurg. and
son, and her mother. Mis. Settles,
who have been guests at tho Cole
home, on Terrace stieet, will leave to
day over tho j:i le for a visit at
Niagara Falls, befoio ictuining to
their Plltsbutg home.
A Visiting Constable.
Consatble Kdwoid Swaitz, of Ditu
moie borough, diovo lo Carhondalo
yestoida, ami Piijoyed a pleasant
stay with Aldeiman S. S, Jones, The
visiting constable wa.s formerly jani
tor at the court house in Sernnton.
Company Disbanded,
Tlie "Down on the Farm" company,
which pl.'opd at Pittstou on Saturday
night, disbanded, eroidlrgly there
was no pprfonnHiK'R at tho opera house
last night.
It, .1 IlllgllPS, Of
the city .vesteiday.
ierniitou, was In
.Mis. "William W.ilker, of MaMleid
was lu I'aibondalp yestenlay.
Miss, T.lbbie Carpenter, of t'nlon
dale, was lu Hip city ypstPiday.
Miss Halllo Hughes, of Wllkes-Barre,
Is the guest of "West Hldo friends.
Odie Sahiu, of Hcronton, visited at
his home on Main htreot op Sunday
tsaao Klngpr, of the Park C'lothliiK
House, was In ricranton on Muudny.
i loot go niPiiiian, of Scranton, was a
vlsltot at his homo heic on timidity,
John Tlerncy, of .South Seianton,
was a carhondalo visitor on Sunday.
Miss Laura Nealon, of Olyphunt, wns
the guest of Oarhon-lalo filend-s jes.
Mis-. Maine (iallagher, Hip milliner,
inado a business tilp to Scranton yes
teiday. T, It. Durfep, of Noitli Main stieet,
has i pturned from a few days' visit
at Deposit, X, V,
P. J, White, of Arehbald, lopresent
Ing tho Collier publishing house, was
huio yesterday.
Miss Hun lot Waul, of Scranton, has
returned homo, after being tho guest
of Miss Maggie Cut den.
Thu Walsh, of Wftymart,
weio tho guests yesterday of Dridgot
McAndiew, of Cottago stieet.
Miss Je.sslo Kenuueier, of Factory
vlle, spent Sunday with the Misses
Couttiight, on Wuyuo street.
Miss Maine Qulnnan, of Seranton,
returned home, after a visit with Miss
Hose Toulln. of tho West Side.
(ieoige Walsh, or South Main street,
tiuvellns llrenmn for tho I.aeknwanna
railroad, visited at his homo heio on
Df, .. D. Pieaton dud Mis. Picston,
PDPP No clmrce
iuu jug when Othor Work It none. IV.LuL-
We given wrlttun gimrauteo for 0 yoats on nil work. OL
Tho fact tlmt tlilH is an Incorporated Company doing busi
ness under tho laws or this State, nnd upuraling u syototn of O
IM, is iiHUllloient gitarautoo of our" losponslliillty ami y
that wo Do lixactly at We Advertise. ""
I The White
of Scranton. spent Sunday with Mis.
Preston's parents, Mr. and Mr. S. st,
Minds, on Garllold avpnue.
Miss Halite Hughes returned to her
home in Wllkcs-Barro yestenlay. aftPr
a pleasant iwo weeks' visit with Mifs
N'pllle Lynott, ot Hip West Side.
Miss Clara Hull, the little daughter
of Mi. and Mrs. .1. A. Hull, of Main
stieet, IJIakcly, celebrated lier seventh
hirthdny vestorday bv entertaining a
number of lier friends from .". to T
o'clock p. in. ( inino? and other aniuse
lnents occ'ipied the thnc deliglitfullv
until 6 o'clock, when a toothsome lunch
was served. The little hostess iceeiwd
a largo number of birtlubiv token.
'Ihe guest." weie: Misses Kclna Hulk
Adalonhp Ptrson,1 .losephine Hull",
Mabel Hodge, olive noine, Mlhlictl
I'harles, Picida Van Sickle, Jlatg.iry
J.loyd. Natalie AVatklns. Ht len Pat
ten, Mary Pettigrew, Bessie Kdwardr,
Cathryn Lloyd, Fanny (iouriey, Mas
lers AValtet Ficw, Stanley Kdwaids.
Chailcs Rouse, .lohu I'uiuinings and
Frank Rpyp.i, of Dunmoic.
Andrew Keniirdy, of Old Foige.
visited his patents in Blakely Sunday.
Perinanent AV. P. Lawler was
In Honesdalo, where be puich.ised a
new team of boises. which will do ser
vice at tlie TJxeeMor bore hoii"-e.
The funeral of Mis. Elizabeth
Davis will take place from her late
home this afternoon at - o'clock. In
terment will be made in Peokville.
The honnciy of T. K. Williams In
Blakely was outvied by chiiAen
thieves lite Saluiday Light. They
sucLveded In cettlng away with about
thirty chickens all the fowl that Mr.
Williams possessed.
Miss Clenevieve Ciillesplo Ins ac
cepted a position in Scliubmehl's ci
gar store.
Dr. and Mis. A. F. loft yes.
today to attend llif dedication of the
Pan-American exposition at Buffalo.
Mrs. D. O. Jones and 'Mrs. Annl"
13vaiis, of I.ackawniina street, spent
Sunday with West Scranton fi lends.
Mrs. Mary Prohn t is visiting lela
tives at Lancaster, Pa.
James Mi-Hale, of Hudson street, is ill.
Mhs liutli llitrrls, of Piov itleiicp.
spent Sunday with Dr. and .Mrs. W. W.
.Jenkins, of Lackawanna stieet.
The casket of Mrs. William B. Davis
will be open from 1 till '.' o'clock today,
at the house, wheie all her friends aie
invited to call and iew tlie lenialns.
Tlie casket will not be open at the
Thcie will be a class meeting held
tonight In the Primitive Methodist
church school room. Hvriybody is in
vitPd to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Joblin, of Jer
lliyn, were visiting Mis. .lohu Filcnd
Sunday afternoon.
Mis. Kcrmie. of, spent Sun
day with her daughter. Mis. .lohn
Kpy. of Albert stieet.
Miss Nannie Sollner, of Duniiiore
street, spent Sunday with friends
Mr. Thomas Turner, of Lincoln
street, eniplocd as a miner lu Sluris
No. I shaft, was .spnoiisly injuied yes
terday by a fall of rock.
The funeral of tho late .Mrs, Calla
han was held Sunday afternoon at
her home on Boulovard toad, am in
terment was niatlo in the (ilyph.inl
Catholic compter? .
Miss Beatrice Miles, of Piov idence,
was visiting Mrs, King, of .Maple
sin ot, yesterday.
Miss Kmiiid Oakev, of Hjde Paik,
spent Sunday with her mother, ou Ma
ple st reel.
.Mr. and Mrs. H. ,1, I5aiihnd left
oMprday to attorn! tho funeral of an
infant child of Mr. and Mr.s. M. u.
Klstler, at StroiulMiuig. W. J. Proad, Ralph Hoffeck.
r-r and William Williams spent Halur
day fishing at Riser's pond. They ie
turned with a huge quantity of Ilsli
Mis. Levi Htago ami daughter, Miss
f-'atlle, vlhliod Lady Hllcn Penman
lodge, Daughters or Rolipkali, ai Oly
pliant, Saturday evpiilug. when four
laiidldate.s weio initiated. Mixs .Stage
took patt in tho icoiii woik,
Tho Wilson Kiio company held a
special meeting laht evening.
Mr. John Day Is ut Optiy.-diurg. V, .
as a delegate of limpet lodge, hide
pendent Order of Odd Pcilows, at tin
Mate Kuind lodge, ami Uebekoh as
seuihlj. When You Oct a Headncho
don't vvusto 11 niiiuito but go to jour
druggist uutl get a box of Kiaio-o'
Headache Capsules. They will pte
venti pain oven though your skull
weio cracked. Toy uto harmless,
too. Head tho guarantee. Pi leu i.'iu.
Sold by ull diugglHts.
W. S3. Hutching bus letuiued, after
spending two weeks with relatives In
nciniuda Islands.
Mlbs Wanehe Tresellas, of Main
stieet, spent Sunday lu Wilkcs-liaue.
Miss Margaret Mullein, of Pl mouth,
Is visiting at the home of Miss Tlietcs.i
Butler, of tinuth Main street.
The Ladies' Mlsslonuiy society of the
We extract teeth, till teeth, nnd apply gold crowns nnd bridge work, with- &
out the least pain, by a method pntcntcd nnd used by us only, When the Im- gj
presslon is taken in the morning plates will be finished same day, If desired. 1
Note Onr Prices for Perfect,
Full Set Teeth (that fit)
Gold Fillings
Silver Fillings
Gold Crowns ,
Tcctn witnout I'lntcs :5.oo
CIcnnlitR Teeth .. . ' coc 1'
for Pninloss JOxIrnct- CDCC-
WK MAKH A BPHCIAIl'V of Oold Clown ami Miidge Woik. This Is a
s.vstrin for Inserting aitlllclal teeth wheieone or moie hip inlsslng without the
Uso of a plate. This woik Is most beau tirtil and cannot be delected from the
natural teeth. "When piopeily done, wl It last a lifetime. Call and hop uu nper
ntc. It will be a pleasure Tor us to carefully examine your teeth and tell you
exactly what our woik will cost. No chuigo for this, limit h, S to 8. tSun
da.vs, 10 to i.
Dental Parlors
(ninri r.nKiw.iiiin ami Wvnmiii;
Ni'HJik sm ini(1 Strintnii
lonirrn ill Hie
b torpoMtcil.
CAPITAL, - - - $1,000,000.
Divided into 1.000.000 Shares. Par Value, $1.00 Each. Full Paid and NotvAssestabte
President, R. V. DAVIDSON, Galveston, Texas, Senator from Galveston District.
Vice-President, H. A. LANDES, Galveston, of the firm of Wallis, Landes & Co.,
Cotton Fartors and Wholesale Grocers.
Treasurer, W. S. DAVIDSON, Beaumont, Texas, President First National Bank
of Beaumont, Texas.
Secretary, H. E. KIESTER, Beaumont.
T. J. QROCE, Galveston, President Galveston National Bank.
D. W. KEMPNER, Galveston, of tlie House of H. Kenipncr, Cotton Factor and
Commission Merchant.
J. N. GILBERT, Beaumont, Capitalist, President Beaumont Lumber Co.
W. E. BRICE, Mason City, Iowa, President Mason City & Clear Lake Railway.
This Company Owns in Fee Simple, reeand,c"10f aI1 cncum:
1 J brance, 4,561 acres of oil
lands in the famous oil fields of Southern Texas, and every purchaser of stock owns
his proportionate interest in these lands. These lands are located in Jefferson, Hardin
and Liberty counties, and include two tracts in the Beaumont field. Of the later,
one tiact is situated 6,300 feet northeast oi tlie Lucas gusher and 5,500 feet northeast
of the Beatty, the other about 2,500 feet northwest of the same wells; thus both are
in the heart of the richest oil fields in this country, and in fact in the world. The
third tract lies just west of the weli-known Sour Lake and Saratoga districts, and in
fact directly adjoining the latter. The Sour 1-ake district is believed to be the next
in line to bring in gushers, perhaps more remarkable even than those at Beaumont.
Strong surface indications of oil have been known toJTexans for over fifty years, the
seepages being exceptionally strong on and about this company's tract, and shallow
wells have in past years been sunk with good results. The oil obtained is of exactly
the same character as the Beaumont product, and there is abundant reason for belief
that at the Beaumont deptiis oil will be found in equal quantity as well as quality.
For tlie purpose of actively developing the above properties tlie company offers
lor public subscription
per share, subject, however, to advance or w ithdrawal without notice, in the discre
tion of the directors. Operations will be begun immediately, and contracts are
now being made with drillers to sink wells as soon as rigs can be placed on the
lands, which will undoubtedly be within thirty days at the most.
THE TITLE TO THESE LANDS is derived from the original Spanish grant of
September 16, 1835, and the chain of title is perfect to date. Abstract is on file at
the company's offices, where it may be seen by any one desiring to further inv esti.
gate this point. The secure possession of nn assured title to these valuable lands
makes this company one of the safest investments before the public today, and tlie
increasing market value of its properties makes it more substantial every day. As
.111 instance of their increase, two lots of only one acre each, within a short distance
ot" this company's holdings, vvvro sold on April 23 for $20,000 per acre, though
the seller hail bought them less than two weeks earlier for only $5,000, and another
single acre, worth three months ago perhaps SS20, was sold a few days since for
THE CAPITALIZATION of the company is extremely low as compared witli iti
resouices; the dividends earned will be proportionately large, and as it will unques
tionably piove one of the richest pajers in this enormously rich field, every man
interested in the most piosperous industry of modern times should secure shares
in tlie Beaumont & Hast Teas Oil Company.
Send for prospectus and fully detailed information; address al! correspondence
to the serretary, at the company's offices as below.
Make all checks, drafts and money orders payable to order of W. S. DAVID.
SON, Treasurer (President First National Bank of Beaumont).
I'ie-.b leiiau i In. ill .'tie making H'
laugemciil.s fm a supper did apn .1
sale, lo bt.. lie Id in llv I . Iti'tih, Mav
The MissPh ll, Weir, tVinollj and
Dick, teat hcis of ilie High . el'ool. weie
I'lltoi Inlticd K.iiiinl.'tv evening 111 the
home of Miss Mi Mill tlie, or
Fnity Port.
Tho Tenipcranto legion will
lll"et (Ills evening in tint Methodist,
Lpit-cnpal Chun h,
Mrs. Vw Mangle ami Mis. ). V. .ini
flpld spent Monday at Ihe home of Hit.
latter's daughter, Mrs. l. Hinlth.
Tho Women's. I'hilstian Tenipeianee
union met .vesteniay afleiuoou at the
home of .Mis. .1. N. Ha I ley.
pfclal to the Sfrantoii Tilluin.
Monlios-e. .Mav in -.Mis l. u. ij,.n.
ills and little sou, of LcslPishiie, ,. V ,
are viit at 1 1 1 home of T. 1). Pavno.
Pllllock O .Sf.-iile, of Xew Voik, ,111a
his pliHO, Mis i Mil' niev, of Wilke.i.
11,11 lu. have ;i 1 1 1 v til iu low i for Ihe
siuuiiut and nie slopping .11 the Iioiiiu
of ) Ii Latlllop
lcv. Mi. liaile), or Ke.vslone acid,
piny. I'.u loiv vllle, lotcupieii ua. pulpit
at the liapilst 1 lunch .vestcnl.i) 1110111
ipg ami pieaoht'd siholaily ami im
pressive senium.
I'uloit sci v b e were hold ,u the
MehoilIst i:plseupal dun. h itBl i-vuii.
lug, at which llov. Haskell It. Heilcdlct
Pleached a s-petial seiiuon to the Odd
Pcllows' lodgt. of Minimise, which at.
tended in a boily.
Hdgar A. Tin it'll, esq., of New Votk,
Is visiting his mother, at her home on
Maple strepl.
The death of Apollos Stone, an old
antl uuiveisall) ewtccmuil icsblenl of
this place. 01. lined at his home on
sjouth t'hetry stteet on Saturday nun n
ing ul 7 o'tlutk. Jlr. Stone lnul been
in failing health I'm tevctal )cais. yet
managed to keep at woik unci of ihe
time, ami did not give up entirely until
a few weeks befoie his death. Mr
Stone was a ptomliiciit .Mason, Odd
I'VUuw, and took an active pail lu tho
Painless Dentistry g
$1.00 &
SO g
W)0 to $5.00
I irtrsi
J) of Hi ri 111 t nllril httlcl,
si Texas Oil Co.
I'.iimei.i' alllancp. Up is survived by
Ihe widow, two sons and ono ilaughtot,
Mr Stone was in tlie seventv -llfth year
of his age. .'lie tuneral was largely
attended today, fiom ihe house ,11 I ;;o
p. 111., and fiom Ihe I'lilmi chinch .11
South Monliose at S 'lo p. Ill, the sei
vltcti being eomlucleil by Rev. Hilwurd
A. W.trriner, of SI. Paul's Episcopal
ihilicli. The buiial was with Masonic
honors, and there was a large lepie.
seiilatlou of that oidei ami ol' Odd I VI
lows. Iiileillieilt was lu the cemetciv
at South Montrose
Miss .leauiio I,. Siniih, of Scranton,
hjieut Sunday with her mother and sis
tor at tlit'lr lioino In this plate.
Miss .leiiule lierlding, of P.llsll, was
In town vesteniay, en toiitp 10 .Ven
.Mllfoid, wheie she will atteiul the sum
iner not mat school to be held at that
S. S. Wilght was al Susquehanna or
business, Satiiida),
Spechl In the Fcniittii Iribime.
.New Mllfoid. May iO-Tllc Magazine
club spent Pi Id. iv at the homo of ,Mif
.1. .lay. lu IJIiighaiiiton,
Mis. I). ,M. Mtt'oiuii-ll entertnlnc'l liei
biollier, .Mr. Hannah, of Sciauioii. on
Mrs. H. ll. Iteplogh' ami daiightei
Mllilicil, of Suautoii. spent Ktlday
and Saluiday with iclatlvcs iu town
Piof. ticoige A, Steins and wife, of
Huil'oid, ami Pmf. Chailes II. Holloa
and wife, of t'nibundale, attended th
tiglilh annual icunlon of the New Mil
lilt il (ii.idi'd Si hoot Alumul iissik la
tion, vvliicli was held u the opti 1
lioiiHO. Thuisday evening, May Pi, llioi Havcinioit. ot New Vork
spent Sunday with his patents lu this
pi. lie.
The ihildieiiof the Prcsb) sun.
da) si boot will moot at tho eltuuh on
Tuesday afleiuoon lit 2.3U o'clock. In
be assigned their pails foi Hie flul.
dien'h day set vice.
Miss Nellie Hell Is 111 at lliP home of
her father, Ml. S lleJI, on Chuifh
BEBS... z
lLkm n