mirK J$$ffWnfr TW' mfir'M I THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, MAY 20, 100.1. r INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR DISTRICT BOAKD OF MINE WORKERS MET SATURDAY. Decided to Continue a Member of Judiciary Committee- at Harrlsburg nntl Took Up Matter of Conference with Supeilntendents Meetinf? of Central Labor Union Telegraph er' President In the City Silk Mill Workers Organize, a Council. Erie Mines Idle at Dunmorc. Tliu (illkcis or District No. 1. t'nltctl Mini- Worki-rs of Amioi-Icii, met Hat iinlay lit tho lncnl liemliiuui'toiR mul InvvMtlRHtuil a number ot matters re ferred to litem for action. Several minor si Ioviiupcm were brought up for illsniisHlott and action was taken upon tlietn by tlie board. Several matters leporleil to Ibo olllco were nsslBtted to board members to be investigated. No action was talcen repranllnp the tliu situation nt niirrlsburi? lit regard in tho raining leRlslntloii In tlie bands of the senate committee. II was de cided not to Rive up hope of .secur ing tlie passage of the laws just yet, and therefore one member of the lcgli Intlve committee w."t rontlnue at Ilar rlsbtirs fro some weeks, to watelt the com so or events. Hoard Member Henry Collin", of C'nrbondaie, Is the man delegated to attend to this im portant work. The grievances submitted to tlie local superintendents of tlie coal carrying companies for adjustment, were also dlseusied. No satisfactory answers have been received to tlie men's peti tions and Hie district officers have now taken tlie matter into their own bands. Jtiit what action was taken, however, Ptesldent Nlcliolls and the other district oillceis refined to state. 'Hie board decided to give the full financial Mippoi t of the district to the strikers at the colliery at Mernlee, Sul livan county. Helwecn three and four hundred men have been Idle theie for several weeks, as a result of disagree ments Willi the Sullivan Land com pany, which operates the mine. Or ganizer Courlrlght and National Com mitteeman IJlleber recently Investi gated tlie strike. Districts Xii. n and 7 met Saturday at HaJileton, and will probably hold n continued session today, at which local delegates may be present. A resolution was passed Saturday to con tinue the service-! of tlie attorneys em. ployed to secuie pardons for the twenty-two mine workers Imprisoned mi the charge of rioting. Their arrests followed the death of Deputy Sheriff tialph Mills. Today the matter of marching on Harrlsburg will he discussed. and thus suffer ft dcciease in wages. Pe.-fldent Nlcliolls yesterday dcclaied that the situation at No. S was not a strike, but merely a cessation ot labor until the company look on asufllclentty largo force of runneis and drivers. Superintendent W. A. Mny derlated that the men had no real cause for striking, and that the Krie was content for the present to allow the mines to remain Idle. Said be: "Tlie men struck for the most trivial causes, and wo ore perfectly willing to allow the two col lleiles to remain Idle for three months If necessary, as at present we ran easily dispense with their operation." Silk Mill Girls' Council. Prince Green, ot Alabama, secretary treasurer of the national organization of textile workers, was In the city dur ing the past few days, and Saturday night met at riuernsey hall with u number of those who played Important roles In the silk mill girls' teceiit strike. Kepresentntlves were present from each of the Scranton locals and Secretary-Treasurer Orcen organized a local council, which will maintain a watch over conditions at the various mills. Miss Klldii Hurley, of the Sau fiuolt local, was elected president of the council. Central Labor Union Meets. A well attended meeting of the Cen tral Labor I'nion as held yesterday afternoon at Keonomy hall and a large amount or business of importance tiansaeted, chief among which was ilie appointing of i lommltlee to take clmige of the convention of the Ameri can Federation of Label, which is to be hold lieie in t-Vcentber. The com mittee consists of ten delegates, v. lio met and elected John II. Devln", of the clerks, as chairman. (ieoige A liothlvr was chosen .is see lotary and treasurer, and was in structed to advertise for bids for a souvenir programme of the convention, all bids to be sent to him. Cox 447. A committee was up fiom the Pittston Central Labor I'nion to consult with the local unions regarding the peti tioning of street railway companies ircm here to Wllkes-Harre to giant a half fare to woiklnginen. A Scran ton committee conferred with tin- visi tors on the subject. A special committer nlo lepoited upon disagreements aiislng between Valentine Bliss, the silk mill operator, and bis employes. It is claimed, that discrimination has been used by liiin against two of tlie gills prominent in tlm late stiike. One of these, Nellie Ueash, was anvsted dining tlie sttike for disorderly conduct, at the instance of Mr. Bliss. Telegraphers Meet To-Night. At tlie tegular meeting of the i.ill road telegiapheis' ttiiiot., whli h will he held to-night. National t'lesldent M. M. Dolphin, of St. Louis, will lie pies- til . to pieside, Tills i the first icru lar session of the union, which was but tcerntly oiganized. The division was started iv o wc-K ago with forty-four charier incmbeis by National I!opiesontatlv .1. A. Mian don. 1 1 now nuinrcrs over one hun died men, all of whom will be present to-night, as the division's olllcers atn to bo installed and other important business transacted. Erie Strikes nt Dunmoie. The. No. 1 and No. 5 collioiies of the Nrle company at Dunmorc are idle, as the result of the miners' tcfusal to work with a non-union Italian, and laborers and miners declining to take tlie places of miners ami drivers. At No, 1 the men asked Foieman .limes to discharge an Italian employe who joined tlm union, but refused to nay his Initiation fee. The foreman de clined to do so, and the men stopped work. At No. r. the men claim that wlimi t Illinois or dilver,s arc nbseni. oilier men are lecrultcd to take their places, THOUSANDS LIKEWISE One or the most prevalent, annoying and irritating troubles Is lichliig Piles, Suffering ones do not believe they can bo cured, becnuso tliey have tiled so many icmcdks that fulled. It Is now an udmltted faci that Dr. ,. W, Chase's Ointment never falls, and to impie.ss upon Scranton people the ub. soluto sr.iuty they have, .Matthews flros. me authuiUod to guarantee hat isffictlon or refund the pi ice paid Mr. P. .T. Mnnley, of Su. tips Bhvli slieet, Scrnhtoii, pa., say! "Kor elelit years I had been a MUToier Horn Itch ing piles, Some nights I could not sleep at all, and In hot weather I lost lots of time nt work with them, the irritation was ho steal i tiled every thing with no buccess until I got a box of Dr. A. AV. Chase's Ointment at Matthews Urns.' drug store, temporary headquarters coiner AVashlneton and Ickawanna avenue. I used part of tho hox, and have seen nothing of tlm trouble since. This result I consider wonderful in the. light of past effoits nnd falluro to cure. It's a gieat oint ment." Dr, A. W. Chase's Ointment is sold nt DOc. a box at dealers, or Dr. A. AV. Chase Medicine Co., liuffulo, N. y. See that portrait nnd signatures of A. ,iv chaaa. it, d ju;q on every package. Counterfeiting a Label. Secretary George Gothler. of the Central Labor union, nnnounces that vendors In this city of cigars bearing the counterfeit union label will be prosecuted. A special committee has soon red sufllcient evidence already to Implicate four firms. AVhen this committee makes Its Until report, steps will be Immediately Insti tuted in tlie prosecution proceedings'. The label used Is an excellent Imita tion of the union mark. March Coal Shipments. Shipments of anthracite In March ale teported as follows: IVr CHlt. t'.llliril. C01HP 111.1. Tol. Ten". P. & It I.OIT.iKM I.IM'i.MO i,. v "K.uii t;-',s;i ('. It. It. uf X. .1 iWI.V.II .'II.jIS 1)., b. ,fc W liH-.'.:!' 1.1.1,4(11 I). !c II I7il..",;i ."ils.TVj P. It. it. Co yWT r iT.iiio Kric , .i",li,IN14 .".SJ.IIli,! X. V II. S'W I.Vi.wi) i.il.iB I)., s. Ic IT.!, 7.1 : I.-.J.7.J.-I Tot.il l,1ill,SV l.'nll. ..Vl Tlie Kile's tonnage Includes that of tlie Pennsylvania Coal and the New York. Susquehanna and Western companies. D., L. and W. Board for Today. Following is the make-up of the D., L. & AV. board for today: s, i.intiiii. May if), I'ml MWinv, may I1). MIM Cits i:it b ri, in., Khliy; Hi p. in.. A. II. Uum: II i. lit., Cini;c ttiui M0MV, -MAY M. WiliN OK i:.i-l -l-.'.::0 .i. iiL.'W. . II.iiiIm,!.. mi iv; .'! .i. ni., O. ,M: .. a,, in., P. .m W.i iiioi: III .i. hi., (.'. T. Maple; 11 a. m., II. I Ik i i. : 1 1 1. in.. I', ll.illmt; ' p. in., IIiJuiii;; II p. in., .1. .1. Co.tollo. stiniiuiK f. .). in., pht, .1. lliiuii;ati; s .t, in.. iii'M, II. rroiiufclk-! : (p .in., t.i, .1. i.iiiiu:; s p. in.. licM, W. II. N'ielioN; 7 p. in., c.it finltl Nay Anif. 1). .McMINtrr: 7 p. m., ii.t fiom ( .iitiKa. Mcl.jne; 7 p. in.. Mot fiom ('.i.tni;a, M. St.iplc--, 'I lioui(in's new. I'niipis iii j. in, r. i:. SiLm. Pnluis-s :i m.. I tern -oi ; HI .1. in, s. I'm. ncily: II. .'ii .i. in., Miu.ui; 7 p. in. Murpiiv, !' p. in., I..iiiipine; Irt p. in., A. iilvuri P.isi ni'r Uneiiit-i 7 .i. in., li'irtiip.i: 7 .i. im , siiici ; .VI) p. in., si.imon: 7 p. in,, Mifinipin, Uilil f.ip. UrM-s a. :.i., M. ( nil ; in ;i. in,, W. II. Cistnir: II .1. in.. .1. (Jiiiloi ; I p. in , .1, . lliiih: 'J p. in., 1". ,. Itojioii; " 1 1. in., iiinuli.i; I p. in., O. Il.inilulili; ,' i. in.. Kdtli am; li p. in., .Inlm C.ili.ip.in; 7 p. in., II. Ili'n' nly. MM H K. .I. W.nili'M ill r; onl null I'. Hill, II. I. I'mpir ivill ci mil Willi M. I'niiii Hi. I'. 1c.il nill A" 'Jilt iiilli .1. lliiiMint. This and That. .1. W. Citanger, of the giievaiiee cuiii lr.'ltee of iruliimen, was In the city Satmday. At tlie last meeting of tlie Cleiks' union, John Devino was elected dele gate to the national convention, which will be held next month at Buffalo. A big mass meeting or inlncis was held at Avoc.i, Saturday night. Presi dent T, D. Nlcliolls. "Mother" Mary Jones and Vice-President Adam It.vs cavage were present. ' Business Agent O. S. Lutz, or Die earpeutois, organized tlie structural lion woikeis and btidge builders of Oils city Into a union Thursday night. They will meet amain Thtiisday night at I'liipenteis' he'idquarters. A number of the loekiucu who struck at the Marvlae colliery some days ago aie now employed at Stony Point. The temalnliiK strikers may lesunie woik today, as the icsult of negutlatioii.s be tween Secretary Hudson and the em ploying eontinetor. .Mine woikers' ollleials decline that iiotilile has been caused at many col lleiies liy tlie iefiis.il of supei intend ents to comply in the full sense with tlie tonus or tlie agreement that settled last fall's big strike. At tlm Nantleolte colliery of the Susquehanna Coal com pany such a condition of aifalrs Is an nounced. Tlie following appointments have been made In connection with the change in management or tlie Penn sylvania Coal company: I'.ipt.iln AV, A. May. general manager, Hillside Coal and lion company, Pennsylvania Coal company, and New York, Susquehanna and AVestein Coal company ; K, D, Caryl, gpuei.il coal Inspector, Pennsyl vania Coal company. New York, Sus iiuehauna and Western Coal company, and the Hillside Coal company: II. V,. Yewens, mining engineer, Hillside Coal and lion company; Sidney Will iams, superintendent, Pennsylvania Coal company. Alexander Uryden, min ing engineer, Pennsylvania Coal com pany: K. M. Beyca, laud agent. I'enn sylvania Coal coinpau. MYSTERIOUS DOTTLE FOUND, Contains n Supposed Message fiom a Man from Michigan. By i:rlmlin Wire fiom 'fhf Auodateil !Vf Now York, May lit. William Stun Held, a boatman, found a bottle drift lug with the tide near the quarantine station, It loiitalned a cant of "A. V. Freeman. Menominee, Midi., dis trict manager Ruber & Watson, ties, poles and posts-, Chicago, HI." Op the leverse side was written In lead pencil: "(lod knows 1 had no choice. Did not come fiom Michigan with this intention. They say diown ins Is painless." Htunfiold has written to tlie com pany Indicated on tho card, giving particulars of the Hud. VERY iOYI TYPEWRITERS BARRED. Characteristic Objections of the Otto man Government, lly i:clusUo Witc from 'Ilie Associated I'hm, Constantinople, May 19. The cus toms authorities have prohibited the entry of typewrltei-K into Turkey and two hund'cd miMi'l'ipr, noi.- !,. This Hardly Expresses What Scranton People Say of It, Any Itchiness of the skin Is annoy ing. l.lttlo danger In Itching skin diseases. Hut they make you miserable. Doan's Ointment Is a ncvcr-falllng cure. Kor Plies, eczema, all Itching troubles. Scranton citizens endorse It. Mrs. M. J. Gillespie, of !)0l North Washington avenue, says: "I saw Doan's Ointment advertised, and I went, to Matthews Pros.' drug store and got n box. I used It on my little baby, who bad very sore ears, and nothing seemed to cure him, but n, few nppllentlons of this remedy showed a great Improvement and In a very short time the soto spot all healed up. The skin grew out so nicely that, you could never tell they had been sote. We have alsp used it for cuts and bruises and for other purposes for which an oint ment is needed, and found It vciy ef ficient." For sale by all dealeis. Pi ice, 0 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. '., solo agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no substitute. custom house, have been ordered re turned to the consignors. The au thorities have taken up tho peculiarly characteristic altitude that there Is no distinct feature about typewriting by which tlie authorship could be recog nized, or a person using a machine be tiaced. Consequently, anyone is able to put la type seditious writings with out fear of compromising himself. Hektographie paste and tluld aie also prohibited for similar reasons. The embassies are mnklng lepi esca lations on the subject with tlie view er Inducing the Turkish government to take nil a more i disenable attitude. CONGRESS OF MOTHERS Will Convene in Columbus on Tues day Night. Hi i:mIiiIm- ii Hum "i In- A"oiiilcil I'M'". Columbus, May lit. Tne national congress ot Mothers will convene in this city next. Tuesday evening, and will continue in session roue days. The city federation of women's clubs has made elaborate piepaiations for the entertainment ol th" delegates. There will lie seveial functions, in cluding a leeeplion to the visitors on tlie campus or the Slate university on Wednesday afternoon. Organs for Sale Chenp. You can buy a good second hand Or gan as low as $10.00 at Guernsey Hall, J. W. Guernsey. Prop.. SU AArashlitB lon avenue, Scranton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railroad, in i:trt Mairh s. iroi. Tor l'liiladi'lplil.i aii'l New Yoik iia 1). . R. It., ill (M5 uiul 1I.B3 a. ill., m.il 'J.IS, I J7 (Illack Diamond rjpre-a), ai.il II, ao p. m. feun. ila.i!., I), k II. It. I!.. 1.3d, S.27 p. in for While lUien, Hiili-ton ami principil pointi in the io.il regions lia I). c II. It. .. fi i.j, 2.1S ami 1.27 p. in. Pur Pottiville, 4,27 p. m. Toi llctlilclirm, I'sstrn, Hemline, Ilaniibiirs ami piimipal inUrinciIl.itc stations via II. tc II. II. It., O.IJ, 11.31 a. in.: 2.1S, 1.27 (IUiU; Dia mond i:pre.s), 11.30 p. in. Sund.i.n, I). & II. n. It., 1.3S. 8,27 p. in. Tor TniiUi.umoi 1 'roii.nnl.1, 1'lmh.i, lllura, OiK-ia ami piincipil intciiiicilhto sl.itions. i.i 1)., I. & W. It. II., S.03 a. in.; 1.03 ami ,,.ii) p. in. Tor (icnci'i, Hn lioiter, nulTalu, Niasaia I'.ill", CliUago and all points nibt, lia D. & II. It. It, 11.55 a. in,, .".US (Blaik Duniond i:picui), 7. s, 10.-I1, ll.l'd p. ill. fcundajf, D. A- II. n. II.. 11.53, S.27 p. m Pullman parlor and tlirpins or I.t'liluli Valley pirlors ears on all ir.iln-. lietuien Wilkcs-Ilane and New Voile, Philadelphia, Ilnllalo and mis pension Uiidite ItOI.I.IN II. WII.IIUII, Hen snpl., id L'oillaml klicet, NViv Voik. CHAItl.ns S. I.l'K. Con. l'.i Ajl.. 2(1 Coitlind til eel. Veil' Vnrk. A W. NOSNl'MAClint, Dil I'.i,. Ast Suiitli t'ctblelir in. Pa. l'oi- IKI.eH and Pullman rescrialinm apply tu SO1! I.aikaiiann.i aienu.', fkranlon. Pa. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western In I'.ITcit Dee. 2, l'uw. Sonlli- l.ciii' .siianloii foi New Voik nl no, il.no fi.tn, S.U0 and 10.05 a, m. ; 12.33, 3.3.; p. in. Por Philadelphia at s.00 and 10.03 a. m.; ,-,-, and B.il.1 p. m. I'or htiuiid-tiuri,' at 11.10 p. in. Milk aiiommodatlon at :U0 p. m Arriui at lloliokni at ."il. 7 M, 10.'., I2.1W, 3.15, 1.18, 7,l'i p. 111. All ho at I'liilsdelpliU at l.irn, ;.2,I, (J Oti und S.22 p. hi. Auive fiom New Vork at 1.10, fl..li at.d I0.il a. 111 : 1.00. 1.3.', fl, is. S,; and 11. to p. 111, I'ioiii Mruiid-lmri; at S.0J a, Norlli Leave flnanlnii for UnlTalo anil Infer mediate idallom at 1,13, H:I3 nml 0,00 a. m : 1.55, f..1S and U.: p. in. IW 0,weRl( ,iml Siraime at 0.'lr' ' m. "! 1.35 p. in l'nr Ullca at 1.10 a. in. and 1..VS p. 111. por j!oM. lroe at 0.00 .1 in; 1.05 anil 5.13 p, 111. Tor Niiholsoi' at I ou and U.15 p, in. p0r lli'ig. haintoii at 10.20 a. in. Auiie in Sirinlon Horn llullalii at 1,21, '-'"'. J'J '"id WOO j, m,; :i,;'o aijd 8.0J p, in. I'rom 0.-iieB and .s.ua(iiv at 2,53 u. in.; IJ.." "lid MM p. 111 J-'iom rtlc.i al 2.55 .1, m.; 1-. JS and Va) p. m. Kiom Nichol-on al 7,50 a, 111. and 1I.00 p. m, I'ioiii Mortro'e at l".ii a in ; :i..'0 and s.liO p, m, llloomslniiir liiiiiion l.eaie Siciaiilon for Noilhniiihillaiid, at ftW. lO.Oi a, m.s 1.53 .1.1 J 5.30 11. 111. I'or I'ljnidiilli at 1.05, 3.10, S",o p, in. Tor KliiS'-ton at 8.10 a. m Anlw ut Nortliuinlieiland at U.S3 a. m.i 1. 10, 3.00 mid S.i'i p. 111. Atllie at Kingktoii al 8.5J a, m. Auiie al Pliinontli at 2.00. I.!. 0.15 p, in, Alille In Ser'anlnii fiom Notlliuinlieil.ind at n.li a, m.; I'J.M, 4.50 ami s.ii p. m. 1 10m IiIiikMoii at 11,0.1 a. 1:1, I'ioiii I'ljinuiith at 7.55 a. m.; il.'.'O and 0 33 p. in. STVDW TI1A1SS. S011II1- I rn Kiianton at 1.10, .1.00, 550, ,)0j p. m ; :i.m.i uml . I" p. m. Sorth--l.raio riantmi at I 15, li."3 a. m.: 1.35, 5. H and 1 1 .:!" p in lllooiinliiiu.' )biion l.eaie hiiantou al 10 05 11 m. und 5.30 p. in. Central Railroad of New Jersey, Stallom in New Voik-I'uut ol MU'ity .lieU, N. It,, and South I'fiiJ. 'Iimi: taiii.i; in 1:1 in i" siw 10, inn. Traim leaie btianton tor Xiu Voik, Nowaik, Klizabetli, I'litladelpliia, Cation, lieihlcln'iii, Al leiitoiin, ilaiuli Chunk ..ml While llateu, at S.&'i a. 111.; i'iiii'-i 110; i',nu., l.iui p, m. sun. da) 3, 2.15 p. 111. ' , I 'or 'itiion and Ilkei'Dane, &.5J ,1. 111 ; I in and l.o) p. in. suudiji, 2,1" ). 111. I'or luitimoie and Wahliclon and poinU soutli and Ui.t lia llcililehtin, .5i a. 111., 1. In and I p. 111. sundjik. 2.1) p. 111. Kor Long lliaueli, Uujii tiioie. etc.. at S.5") a 111. and 1.10 p. m. I'or Heading, Lelunoii ami lUuljburg, 1I4 AL lemon 11, Vi a. 111. nnd 1 0 p 111 5umlai, 2.15 p. 111. I'or I'ntUlllle, $.35 a. 111., 1.10 p. 111, I'or ilotiutilu I'.nk, S.55 1. 111, I 10 and 100 p in. Thiougli tkket? to all points eat, touth and ict at loucl rate at the station. II, P. IIM.DWIN', (len. I'a. Agt. J. II. OI.IIAUSK.W Ceil. Supt. Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division. Time Table In Ctfeit Sept, 17, 1900. Ttalin lor llmley ami total poInu. lonneit. lug at llaiiley with Crlo lailroad lor New Vorlr, Niuliuig u,id iulerimdlilc points, leave Sirju. ton ut 7.03 a. 111. and ".25 p. 111. 'lulus auiie ut smiuioii at low a m und .1 1 ' n THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,003. United States Depositary. Special attention given to MJStN'K.Sri, PKRHOKAI. and SAV INGS ACCOUNTS, whether large or small, Open Saturday eveuings from S to g o'clock. Wm. Consui.i, President. Hi.nry Bkt.in, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. H. Pi:c:k, Cashier. t K n n t n . it tt h i. r. r. r. it v. v. . TRY JCIock'sBest; it if Union Hade Tobacco A Good Smoke or Chew. A Trial Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. MANUFACTURED BY The Clock Tobacco Co,, 644-46-48 Wyoming Ave. Scranton, Pa. V.I.'.ltitKKttltKltltttitl THE ilC POWDER CO. Iloouis 1 and2,om'Un BTd'g. SCRANTON, PA, lining and Blasting POWDER H?at Mooilond Ruih !! Worki. LAPLIN RAND POWDBR CO. '3 ORANOE QUN POWDER Keotrlo Battarle. Eleotrla Kxntodtrv splodlai: blaiti, safety Pusaaat Repaune Chemical Cos eXpi!oe RAJROADjriME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA iHIM I Schedule in Effect March 17, 1901. Trains leave Scranton: 6.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, and for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the West. 2.18 p. ni., week days, (Sundays 1.D8 p. in.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. Por Hazleton, week days only. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbttiy. Hazleton, Pottsville, Himisburg, Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg. ,i, n. nririiiiMJV. urn. Mur. J. B. UOOl), (itn. l'ass .Kt. Delawaie and Hudson. In IIII.'M M.iv J'l, HiM. 1"i jins (or 1 .iiliomljl,' Ionic Sii.iuIoii ,il ii.:ii, SIM, .S..1.I, IH.l'i .1. I'M l-.'K'. L-a, 2. t, I.-,! 6 'J'), h.'JJ, 7.5", 11.10, 1 1. I.i i. Hi i I. Ill j, ni I'or lluni'Mlile-O.'JO, 10.11. j. hi.; '.". ami i.'"j p. III. . Tor WllUs'ltJin' il.l.i. i.i), Ml, ,yj, i,)wtl 11,05 J, in.! !-. -'JS. aJ-'' "!' B.W.7.1S, W.II, il.M . ni. Tor L. V. It. II. inliil fl.l, 11.00 ,i. m,. ...i i.'JX mi ll..n I'. ! for l'ciiiiNili.'ii H. I'oit.t-. ti. jo, jj.ysj a in.: 2.1S ainl 1.27 p. in. I'm' .Wtiany .nm an iioinis noun n, a, IM anil a.W p. in. Ll'VhlV 'IllllVtl I'or ril)onilalc U.W, 11,:; a, m.j .,uf ;ji,-,i 6.17, IO.0J p. in. 1'ur ViH.K.-llirf 0.W, 1L00 a. m.j ,0S, I.J,, P '"" ii n 111 "l!or AHuiIy Jii'l point iidiIIi 3.5' i, m. for IIuiiowIjIc- ,J.'V) a. hi. '""I JI.SJ p. in. Loiu-st rutos to all points in L'ttitcl .s(.ito4 anil CaiuiU. J. II. Ill'ItDK K, J P A., Uluin-. N, V. II. V CIIOS n. I'. A., fu.imon. Pa. Time VnrA in tffttt Dee, ,10th, tOOO, SCRANTON DIVISION. 1208 eob 80 .sr.nio.sa .:.. pm ....6i0 ,. 8 34 . 6! " 06 Al ii H " 111 " J 25. ' ia 1M 10 15 1010 10JI 1031 101 1000 'J&J 04011 14 'J JO II Ii I'IIU 1 1 1 1 '-M 91011 tt, uo; 'Join ii1 noon ii KM II 09 KM 1 1 01' PMI Ii? Ar.N.V.W.lldbt.l.y..' CM "' I.v.i ..6 21 SMII 111 ' .619 :...!! ....8U3 ....BOO ...ecu .. 60C CM mil io ft;1 HI3I0W " 8(0 lOW ' S.I." 10 IS J.I0I0 K31I0I3 s.wioioi.v. t:i im i . Cailoviit llmi.fi. L .. Marlil.l " I'liKuii I'm I. " .MllllTi'Oil. " ...rovnifiiv... " ,. ..Ouon... " I'lt-abont Mc. M Cniomliilo,. M l'out lltj.. " I'aiLondalii iu " I'urboiKjatu . t( ,1V bile llrldit... " MoillclJ Vil " .ifa IUM " U'l lnn . " An hliaKI. " Uiiiluii " IVlLlllli' I HISS I 81 f Si ft 5K,''9 . ,1 w PM "P1I -.-I 051 !0 . I lit . B I .211 . i! 11 6 15 8 605 I) .- 1UU1 .. 3 006 F0 ... 3016M .. 3 195 13 IMieaSM 7 UUSMSii 7 03. 7 US J 116 U 7 CIS 138 01 I ws I? ioh ,lliilunt. I'lUvliilli; rbinui .Prnililt'lu'l. Park I'lait' biiauluil I 4(6 08 I MS OS I Mo 12 I (08 ii I WC11 ' '7 III A ' 7 CIS " 7 S7 1 " 7 -al " 7 911 7 Ml 7 nt Al'. 7 tot iOGSS 1M PM PVI Adjitlonal lrlinlriB C'aibonOile tor MavurM Ytnl c ii I'll, ,'xcrni eunaay, and 7 50 pm e l ita l"M rJ 7 00 vm and B.00 pin. lavurld nly, in Arltilllnill'lltrAlllBlffiaBfal Lvmlr,ii PI fr Pi tITil Ulllt.lAa ashl tonploaalilUtalloni lu Ciirl.iidl.'. arnvlui at 715 pin, ','", "iuliaca MiihiM l,.l f., urbuuoalo ate.ian dill), atrtimg at CaibouJilc at 0.M aui. ltatesi 9 cent' per mile, I.oncat Itatra to all 1'iilntii Vt, 4. C. I-NDCRSON. J, r, WCISH, f '"'ll'au'r Aiit)', I'tr, Aitnt, Scranton, Saturday, June 8th ;nr,. j&wffiiMkaHaW . '(fJsJIWWaiSHB . m Tm.'i'laK'X M t- w. f. y,; i HEROLL OF HOI9QR Contnltm midline mum lllimtrliHi. tioliln nuil rtnllnl ilmu n,n i n... in, iinirin-iini'ii uirir niiiiciii'i,ii, iiu'i'inu'.ii inn, nil vniiiriiu'iit nml li rnnnrn 01 inpir i.'iiiin. 'I o imvo rItmi Hid niirlil i nnirthliiR nrliilnnl, IiikoiiUuh nml vum illinium in iiiiiuii'lliiUKll in ciiminiinu invonililc rociiRiiltloii, nlnl BUFFALO BILL'S AND CONGRESS OF ROUGH RIDERS OF THE WORLD hni,, li.r rpnmin nf Itn illallnrllii., m,, ilnnhlne rhnrnrlrr, win tho niltiilrnllmi nl I'Diintlcwn IIiuii-iiiiiIh In iiiiirlvii-rrclTllltfil iiiinrtrrnt Hip rIiiIip. lllltorliiK iih II iIuch Iniiu nil iitdrp I'xnlhlllnim, It, nt onrn .....n.n ...,,.., ,,,,,., tiiuriiin nun uimiiiiiiin ricr.v I'l'iiiiiiH'r. Tin, cn'nt trriiKtli ut tills rxtriiiirdinnry ronillliuii nt tlilnirn lira In Hn. fnct Hint IT IJS GtEiwruxiiiE: Thero lii no ulinm or BiililprfiiRO nlinnt It, i-vr-rj-llilnir l liint n It In mire nnln lei li.. 'lliiinrtlrlniitH linn, nil lits'ti nrlctnl tit nilliielv llliin. rnln tin, Bcenrn which thi-y mn hprfliiloro rnnrlpil nnit nimln IIipiii ililtitin In thnnncn lip hi nml mi ilmwnr ,,nii. inn. .....,... .V..." I .. -,,.. ,,,,. ..., .1 .,.:., i :-. .: : ...... . .u.u unit , ", I,,., ""'"",l """"" nun rpHi nun riTivniiiiii in rriipnitig nurli mi pxlilhltlon nKnliinnil nRnln,nml tnnrp Hip innrrcl tlmt nnyoiip Jhoulil llM mi iitiiiiirtiin Ir tit nltiiran n. tirl.,m,n.,M u, i i... i, .7"; ,. w .n.iiiia. n i. n viiDiTin n L-u ; ..v,'V"..4..r:,' ;:'.'."i'.' '"'"". ""'' " i , ,...,....... -v...,. ...r,..u nn.ni.KimKII'.ri Ut' I1IM I (IK Y, IICPT . !T0 '!!',. . n '',,nrp, tPijchliiB piiiptrlnnlnni, prlnilllip Hnvncprv nml civil mllltnry tni'tlon. cmiiii ncil wllh mi nnnpi ni ,.l,,ii .,u.i.r.. 'In.... . .-., ,. .,.-i.....M :, , ... ."".::: '-..: ......,..., inun a lli.ii.-ii i.j iiii-ii,.irruirii .nil, iiiiu.-a ut nrnri.v PI it.v linililll nil pnrlli, It Nil ,. (iimi iiiniiiiuiK ...i'uiiriiwil .11 lilHIIiry N iniPlll lllflri 111 tflttnmlia. pri'.'iilpil liy a ilotncumtat ot tlioao mudern iniurcln of civic inllltnrr morlt tit all future faincil n ROOSEVELT'S ROUGH RIDERS tocHhrr with their cntnnftn.on mitrtotnand lnurclcrnnucl nnrmrntiHof tim .ti 'i..it 1 :.i-i.nt , -.-..,,, U I PI' I j Hi 111'. IMUlUrUIICl-ilUU BHlili IIIU United States Regular Cavalrymen Willi whom will nnt)pnrlnHDlpnill(llTlnanlrliiei'nntrnBt.nnilllliitrntlnn'(lintiirrlnil irmurpB 01 uuiuoutioKi pKincorHaiuni.iiiemojivnrinmnii uuniuo ruuali-r-roll ot The World's Mounted Warriors Brought toRPtliprfortlm flrBt tlmaln lilntory In ppnrpful rti-nlry, and forming (tranil pxlilhltlon of tlip liruthcirhootl of mnn. Thu roUtcr Indmlca United States Cavalrymen and Artlllorvnion. German Cuirassiers, South American Cnuchos, nussian vossacKs. sioux Indians. Arabian Acrobats, Wild West Cowboys, Colonial Dragoons, Northwest Mounted Police, itiMiuaii vuquuios, siraincona rtorse, unit 11 Rpnernl "rnund up" of nil THE EQUESTRIAN NATIONS OF THE WORLD And n a fitting cllmnx to tlilH nlrpnily trcnienuniis pxlilhltlmi In which OVER 1,200 MEN AND HORSES PARTICIPATE Will bo prpHcnteil tlio hiatoric military mnBtrrplere of THB BATTLE OP TIEK-TSIN AND Tin CAPTURE OF PEKIH9 A mnHtpxi'ltlnRfi'iitiirpIn iihlcli tho Alllpd TowprHof tho 1101 hi nroenr ri'eliy repii'MUiti'il. Tlii'lirlKht polnri'il uniliiniiHof the iIlffpnMit fniiTi pnitiiKPil iiinke this 0110 ol tint Ki"'i'I'Mt b'pIiiiIp put mHiipmbpiI. THE MARINE DRILL nnd otln-r inniii'iiii'rsby nirnilivrB of the U. S. LIFE-SAVING SERVICE Inplmllns the cinvrntlnii of tho I.lfc-Iinp nnd Brwvlirti Iluny. a nuiHt tlirillluK cvpiit. Dlri'i't from their uiiKngumi'iit In tho TiaiiKvnnl, a Hllllllll of BADEN-POWELL'S HEROES OF MAFEKIHG in nilditlon to n hoIpcIpiI contliiKPiit of OOM PAUL'S BRAVE BOERS Dpmllv I'npmlpn Hrllni? k(i1o..v 1iIh. n Brcrm nevrr befuro wIIIH'hwmI, riill ft . Ill lit mokii I lilt Id Vi I U I'hl Willi 1111 IIH IIllilLIirV umh-i u nnd ei'nlH BlinnhiK tin pniKrcMw nlrivflUutl.tii fiom iih pnmiini ilnmvrilnyH up Id tlie ppy iiitinifnt of thu pn'sent Htirrlnj; vptMiilw. Is MORE COMPLETE IF SUCH A THING THAN EVE WERE POSSIBLE. M , Jr ISKgCV rgfcg' I WiA&iS$i! Vrr'TjSill7i'!yl-Si?x v : . mFWrKnvtsdih,i;,!i3r THE GRAND STREET CAVALCADE AND REVIEW OF THE ROUGH RIDERS , twirr? thu ci'HiniTinM nDniiMn at or.in A. M. ' VTIlL, I..EATb. !,- l....u. . ". ... .-- .-w .- Ones TWO EXHIBITIONS DAILY, RAIN OR SHINE, 2 AND 8 P. M. T.ckot, SOc, Admits To AM. Children Under Ton Yoaro, 2So. I BKSi:ilVi:i) si:ATS(lncludln;uiliiilBi.lon),1.00.iiiny liuwcurtiloiilUoinoriiiiiBof tho nhi.w iln teal f. MaflheWs Bros.' Drdg Store, Lackawanna and Washington fluencies mm mmm w- w When Felt Fog the best of biscuit lost their crisp ness. When germs swarmed, the best of biscuit lost their purity. When dust swirled, the best of biscuit lost their goodness. When odors filled the air, the best of biscuit lost their flavor. now the best of biscuit are sealed in the Inerseal Patent Package. IKe fog may , fall, the germs fly, the dust swirl, the odor exist and the biscuit come to your table as fresh and crisp as the moment they came from the oven. The following biscuit and wafers are now to be had in the In-er.seal Patent Package. Soda, Milk, Graham, Oat- ' meal and Siltine Biscuit, Banquet and Vanilla Wafers, Ginger Snaps and Sultana Fruit. Look for the In.er-seal trademark design at the end of the box. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY. ill SI Lager Beer Brewery MnnufiuiUirttv.s ir OLD STOCK PILSNER 486 to 455 N, Ninth Street, Telephoris Call, 3.WI. a -- m -- a,.-. tai'l. ... -at Prof.Q.F.THEEL,527?rflh. i'blUJrUiKU, '. Oil l.fruin btn-ll i4 Amtrlt. (ui'IbU Iv fart kUw by mall l'rhtI UrblHl;,! o.l 04.1 ftrirvfri hlrlf turoT rultiBVia I Btlt'it-loPBicoU it MiruoLro llrnavn, I'd iwrrtj iv ivgja.4U y far yriLrutiis u jfr iDtrlrnrti la CVrnikof. Kd fur book lrulb i. i .-.-- ,,-,...,,, .,,. .--' poia tTtrj unratfti virririrsuraiuut. mttaiien iuiiui t",. . i -- - t ---- Tf VfittB iyrb r s IbgiivlUl ii vTWi"rw'PT'r'rT'rTTTTlil SUMMER FURNISHINGS Our ufv stock of fabrics specially adapted for this season, is now complete and comprises all the new novelties in. Porch Rugs Porch Curtains 3 Fibre Carpets Straw Alattlngs Summer Draperies f V WILLI AI1S &ricANULTY j .. .5. . . : 4. .j. 4..;. Temporary Store 126 Washington Ave, Carpets. Wall Paper. Draperies. The Dickson MaiiHfiicturiii:,' 0i, l ciantonnad Wllkoi-llirr 't. .Muuulau.urori u.' LOCOMOTIVES, STATI0NARV ENGINES Uullen. llolttlniraiiJI'umpliiE .Muclilntry. General Office. Scranton. P BUY THE GENUINE SYHIIP OF FIGS ... MANUFAOTUIiED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. i- MVn'riiK.vj, tt Si?U. ' f1 l