The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 20, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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ruHMird Hilly. 1'tirpl Sunday, by The Ttlb.
unc I'ublldilns (ottiiJn.i, at Hlty Cents a Monlli.
IJU'H. IllrtlAItll, Keillor.
O. 1". IIV.l)i:i:, lluslncwi Manascr.
New York OITice: 130 Shjii M.
S. 8 Vnr.tXAN'D,
Solo Afrcnt for Koictan Adtcitlvlnfj.
Lnlcicil at the Po.lclheo ut Sorinlon, !'., as
Friuiiil Llasi Mull .Miller.
Mirn pate villi penult, The TrUuine N ahiaB
Klad to print lmrl Ifttrn from IU trlcti'li lrar
inir nn current toplc, Imt It mtc l that t hc-c
iinit Iip hIriihI, tor piililliutlon, li tlio wilier a
tra tiiinni jinl 1 1. r .....llllnti , n rtMt. til .U
efplnncc N that nil cvnlrlbiilloiH (dull be mbject
In editorial irllon.
nit: n,AT n.vrr, rott Aivi:riTiftst.
the folloulnn lalite hou4 the price pel lnh
faeh Invuliiiii, pl( to be mod within one )car.
I.pi tlun juij fin hr
n Ini he? . .
l.wi "
"'Oil) " , ,
foil '
I'nr i inh nf Hnntc, ttsolutlotn nf loiidolrino
and lnillii tontillnilioiit n In nittire nl ml
rilKiiif; 1l,i' 1 1 ttdinc makes a eluipn nl 3 icnl
1 1 tin.
tlalcs r. r Cli"lfl(1 AdvcrlhiiKr furnishi'l m
Ht'l! .Ti)X, MAY Sit. Iflil.
When ,-ll tin- rlnif In punished Unit
ii'-i nr.s without, nillrliii Pp, H win ,p
(Imp fi rnijiln.l lm Millcllni.-', lint lint
tn'lni 1 1,
A (ireat Victory for Labor.
""TPV"5 UIITAIUS of the scttlr-
nirnt ol thr Albany Mliiko
Mipport the c-l.iim in tho
tolcKi.iplilf news that n
frivat irUny Ims been won foi" or
f.irii?:cil l.itjui, hut not In tlio iimtiuer
appHU'in n! Hi .-s t slump. It is tt no mi
r.tlwiucc in u.ikiv, 1ms hcpii Krantrd
by thi' .slice! lullwuy company. This
the competent employes fully deserved
and toithl cully have t-oi'tited without
n st i ike. The la Iter, in lit, destructive
iiim. to Hie. propel ty and pood order,
h.i.s ouH mi.iiij fold the alue of its
Hut tlio pi hue purpose for which the
Mrlko was pieelpitaterl, the objective
point ol its manipulators-, namely, the
nullilleation of the company', light to
employ whom it pleased when It
plea'-dl. without pau.siiiK to in
iiuire It the applleaut tor employment
helouRPi! to a union and without eoin-ipllin:-f
him to join a union as a inn
ditlon of petting vvoik, was not
ied. Aitlcie t.even In the eleven ar
ticle?, of amceiiient aeceptanee
by both .sides ended the Ml Ike, M-iy
.significantly lead-: "The company Is
fiee to employ union or non-union
lnpii mid to dlsehaiRO them for eausp."
All the bloodshed, nil the rioting, all
the tur II and dKuidor of eleven
days of tenor in the capital of the
fii oiiinst Amei lean state has, theie
foie. been to establish n union icstiii lion upon the liee-
Ioiii of luntraet suaranteed in the
barter and natine of our institu-
This, wiiile contrary to what t lie
Iibor dRitator IourJiL for, is, in i cal
Un, a Metory. and a sieat vietoiy, for
abor. It li, a victory whiili helps to
pret-ere the iniinlliie.-s and velf-ie-f-pecl
of eer. honest workiiiKman by
foiling the attempt to fnicc liliu into
certain organizations under penaltv, it
he resists, of driviiiK hi in Into idle
ness and bin family Into beggary. It
means that Instead of American man
hood hfjnR put under a slavery by
co"icion it is to have freedom to how it will govern its indus
tiy and lay down the i onrlitions of
its etiiplojnient. Tlie honest union
Willi jncilt in It lilies not need to re
nuit its inembeishlp iiy use of stones.
Pistols .iinl dubs; its ranks III! gladlv
by the fiee volition of its membeis.
Thus,- lrridei- of labor who think ter
loriiiu ,i sttbtltiitc tor .selec
tion aie blilbllug for n full,
.Men u ho make i onsplcllous viu..
iV's in lile lately have a nine-hour
Oirard and His College.
T"VIIS T'1:NTI1;t day of
I Ma.v is l''oundcr's Day at
JL Mi .ii l I'ollege, the only In
stitution of precisely the
same thai. n tci lor lalherless boys
In the wm hi. It is the eaillest fully
(Udojved college in AineiHa, the lirst
of the plillautlnopic gifts
ut tlie ileli whli h lion count up to
an annual amount of not less than
J.iti,niiii.iiiil. It was the eaillest i allege
to placii academic training and mnuiial
tiailliiiR side by side as eipially hon
orable, and eipiall.v necessar for the
boy who was to oov any kind of
biislnc-hs pin suits with tlio onn who
was to enter ivhat. weie especially
Unoivn as the learned professions,
Speelallj Is It to be leinemheied Unit
this was tlnno fiom Its opening day,
liefoie junrlfin iniliiHtrlal tialiilng In
this cnjimvy had any other foothold,
and dopY mil by Hie wider llioitglu nf
the boajrd of titislecs, but by the illicr
tious ijj Stephen (lirard's will. Ilo
hlniselfJiwas tlie man who looked out
with keen insight uiul foresight to Hie
lutuiii of the country which, in the.
second year of the Revolutionary War
and hefoio tho ncvMratlcin of indo
pendeni, was adupteil, ho hiul chosen
as his jjonie,
Sprung, not from Franco's ails,
toctvtcy but a bailor from Ills hoy.
hood, njniaster of merchant vessels In
still early rrinnhoori, tilled with tho
longing l! fop liberty, lio settled )n
PhllailFWlild at the ago of twenty-slx
and there becanio morehttnt, impotter
and f-xrfoiter. "Muic-hant and iiiaii
nor," ho'debvi'luet! himself in his will,
In whlelji at' the ago of elghty-one, he
marked jput the broad plans ho had
oherisheji for the benefit of the city
In whlcji lie had prospeied, and In
minute dotuil ordered their carrying
out. Oh ard collego for fatherless
boys, orphans and Imlf-orphans, who
need to he supported while they are
taught, was tho one of thoso plans
which will carry on his uaino as one
of the greatest benefactors of his
adopted country. Of over six thous
and graduates It has sent forth ninety
j or cent., as their lecords of future
life show for the college follows out
and notes their caiceis huve mude
Itun nl Mrllngnn
ljpcr llcadltm
,r ' .273"
.70 - .2i
Pi I7J
.I.V. .17
.13 .Ifi'i
useful, successful, patriotic cltlr.rns,
There Is no walk In life In which they
have not done good service.
hi 1S.JI, nt Urn ago of clghty'inn.'.
Stephen (Until died. The wife of Ills
youth and tils nne child had preceded
him fmni earth, lie had for years
been banker as well as mcichatit, The
tidiest mini in the country ho lind
coino to be, and he was able to leave
$.".000,000 for Ih founding nnd en
dowment of his piojectcd college. Not
until IMS weie the tluee beautiful,
soldlly-bullt stnictiiies of Grecian mi
ihlteettlie, with which Its- wotk began,
completed, uiul tho Itnniciu'c gi omuls
enclosed and In order for (ho opening,
lilraul hud chosen wisely tho trustees
for his estate and the methods for
lining vacancies through tlio years
the cenltttles he looked forwitid lo for
the seed lie planted to continue bring
ing foitli good fruit.
'olonol McCluie iiolcd In tho Phila
delphia. Times a vonr ago that: "While
no man could have foiesoen the whole
development of the century Just clos
ing, tlie tiltst which Ultaid lelt has
been carried out entirely in iiccoid
ance with tlio provisions of his will,
down to Its minute details, and it has
adapted Itself so well to all the
changes of time that It Is not only
actuallv but telallvel.v a much gt enter
ttust today than he could huve Im
agined." Chimin cy M. Oopevv at the
samp time, making the Founder's Day
adiltess beloie a distinguished assem
bly, said that tlie original endowment
of the college had "grown from .$.",,.
0011,000 to $26,00(1,000, giving It an es
tate linger than any university in the
world," and that, "as the fund glows
the benefaction embraces un lucieas
ing number of pupils."
This year tlie Foundei's Day address
has fallen to President Oilman, of
Johns Hopkins university. Jt Is emi
nently lit that the leading Intellects
of the country should be annually
chosen to review the woik of the
quiet French-American citizen whose
name his adopted count! y has as pio
foiuid cause to hold in honor as the
name of Laf.i.votte.
A stilke against this kind of spi iug
weather would have unanimous siip
poi t.
Taxing the Children.
TAXIXCJ tlie children, over
tnxlng them, is the every
day result of the modem
educational methods which
demand an uniensonable number and
divirslty ol .studies, a 'ci. miming of
facts oflen utteily uniel.iled to each
ollu'i into the youthful mind for the
memory to bring foi Hi In some fashion
in wtltten answers, at the end of a
sihool tenu to a set ot a' Miros
tious selected out of the entile mass of
supposed Inloi ni.'Hlon ponied into the
M ung mind day bv day. Iiy couitc-y
wo nil this education. Kduealion, tlie
leading ot the ihlld out into the woikl
of knowledge, awakening and bringing
out a sense of vivid Intetvst in some
one oi moie objects that the wot Id
piesents to him, is a thing in absolute
opposition to the entile si liool method
that lias the written examination ns
its goal: its be-all and end-all so far as
gi.ide pi amotion is to b" attained. Yet
without giade pioinotion iiistiucliou
cannot be eai i led on: tho gi ow ing i lnld
is not to be Keiit tlnougli all the school
yen is without pi omul Ion mil II he or
she passes by living lortunate enougli
to remember at examination time a
suflicipnt number of facts in a vailety
of studies to seune a Lcitalu peuent
age of niaiUs out of a possible. Iillli
died. Hy the w.ty, whether tlie pupil's pa
peis sh'il! bo so niaiked as to In iug tho
set average for pioinotion depends
unite as miicli on the teacher's method
of marking, as hy any possibility a
child's pioinotion on the n-sult of his
oi her whole tcim's or j car's amuIv
depends on the le.-uliei's constant ob
seivation and judgment ol' the pupils.
We make that leinaik, ami call
attention to it. because those
ai u people who actually seem
to imagine an avciag
obtained bv niaiMng wilt ten unsworn
to an aibiliaiy set of ipnstlous leally
ippresenls an inilii ivable value. They
sfom to think that fi" oi 70 or !i! or
sonii! other "nveiago" uinnlier lepie
fcnts a positive, unalterable value in
itselt: that nil touchers must "iimil;"
alike; that in tills s.vstun thcic is
mdiher loom tor vaiintlon of Iudrmi ut
as to the worth of a.ich i hll-l's- wilt ten
out answer, nor room tor "I'avoiltp
ism " Possildv this might be so If the
answer to each itlcstloii timid hen slliu
plc "yi s" or "no" an answer which Ih
111 lucl inipo-sllilo In any exaniinatioii.
Yet we keep on with ft multiplying
of school studies, a demand on tho im
mature li .tin to icccive a knowledge
of widely dlffoiing ideas, a nieinoiy
test ol what It has giasp-Ml and 10
iiieiv.beied, tor a tei m, of these heteio
.eneoiis supplies of Information. Then
v.h couglatiilate ourselves and each
nlluT on the advam-puunl of moilerii
mnthods of cdiiiatlon, and on our de
votion to "child study" tlio study of
the child, of tho poor little luailyi we
,u a mining bv over atimiilus In teach
ing a go'il' or of the one wo aio ills
fouraglug and milking what wo call
stupid, because ho cannot kenp up with
our arbitral y ineature: or of thoso we
hi i turning out trein the lower gi.ulos,
whop they miut leave them to go eaily
to woiK, without having either de
M'lojwd their capacities or given them
tho practical aid they ought to huve
had to umbo their wage earning sue
All Unglaud is pi, tlMng tho maldmi
speech in paillaiuont of Wlll-stou
Churchill, Blood docs tell, Winston's
mother was an American.
Looking to Memorial Day.
paper In a town not far from
Scrantou, lecoidiug the Ini
tial steps for tho observance
there of tho llrst Momoilal Day of
tho new centmy, states a circumstance
which brings .sharply to mlud that the
men who &piang to nrms to save the
Impel llled Union aro rapidly passing
on iito tho Beyond. That circum
stance, as lueilly sot forth, is the
apoplntiuent of a committee, icpie
sonting tho town council as well as
the Grand Anny post, lo solicit con
tributions to meet the expenses of the
tiny" a slop which litis, for tho first
time betuiiio neccssaiy, slnco the post,
fiom diminishing numbers, limited
inoutii?, and Iticrensittg need of tctlcf
ainong Its members, Is no longer able
lo bear tho expense, and irteot the
oilier demands on Its icsotitces,"
111 larger cities, wheio tho tiutllbcis
of the vetetiint of the War for the
I'nloti ate, of course, pioportloiuilely
greater, the time Is a little farther
In tlio futuio when tho calls of the
Angel of Immortality hIiiiII linve so
"dltnlnlshod tho nunibcrs," and so
"limited tho means" of tho tliatid
Arluy posts thai the "Inct eas
ing need or idler" from the age, In
llrtnlty, and straitened condition of
sotno remaining, shall leino the posts
dependent on the public for "ic
souices" for the lilting ceremonies of
the tiatlon'u Memorial Day,
Yhcio there mo oiganl.atlons of
Sons of Veteialis, the lit celebration
of the day will be for longer time
ptovlded for than -vvheie none such
exist. But It Is not the clilldieli of the
soldiers of tho war for the t'nion who
alone have iccclvod "the heiltage of a
lounlted country, with all Its blessings,
fiom those who, In the four years
fiom April. 1M1I, on wind, answered
Abraham Lincoln's call.
As the paper fiom which we have
quoted says, that, "with the (list Me
morial bay or the new century tho
observance or the day," In that town,
"will have tlio chaiaoter or a public
tunetlon mine fully than heieto
f ore" so should it bo everywhere in
the land, more and nunc us tho years
go on. So should it be, "In memor
lam," for all time, ot Hie. (lower of
the country's manhood who went forth
by liimdieds of thousands after liun
diods of thousands, to save the na
tion's lite.
As a speech-maker, Piesldent Mc
Klnley glows bettor every day. He
Is certainly a tine specimen of the
glowing statesman.
Oar ManiifacNires
Sold Everywhere
Srecnl Coiiii-pynilmce of "1 lie Inbuilt-.
W dlnnlnn, Mij l'l.
Tilt: IIAPID Krottth m the ixporlitinn nf
Iiianufiictiiies limn the 1 lilted Sl.lle is
I'vpliuieil in put li. niiiic mctil ftmllei
nf (lie tu.iMii.v of st.itiiliii refiiil-Ini-
the pii'pol I inn wlncli m iimr it. tut. s (onn of
Iho ntijforts of th" gieit (uiiiilnes .aid'l ill
m inns of tlie vmlil. 'Ihec i.ilttil itlnni show in
Imef tint Imt ibuut per 1 1 lit. nf the inipni
tilimis of I uropo .lie in iimf ic lnros; nf Oie.mi i,
HI pel i rut., of Nil i, IT pti nut : nf Anieriu
tula-He if tho 1 nit'il M 1 1 -. 17 r tent., .iinl
nf AfutJ, dl pt l tent. When II is inii-lileiul
Hut the ri mil ilivi-inns in wIikIi hi unit u tun s
fmni tho lnf-t pel tent, of import? .no tlm-e
In vlnili the ininniiuc of tlio I'liilnl States
tliovvs the I u j;r it ulilhe itn.ic.i3ii in evpoili, it
ii nt the Krnwth in espurls nf nuini
fitlnrt h lie.iltlitul iinl pioinl-ns to he perin.ui
int. - n
Th l'urupe, whoiC inipoil', nf lmnnf.n tines
fr mi Inn ilmnt -J pi r mil. nf the lot it inipm.
tiliuii, the evpoils lioni tho tnitul stile-, in
in mil 37 pr mil. fmni l'U to lrn'l; In Wi
ami Oieiiii.i. wliu-o iiiipniti nf nnniif iituin fmni
fit in 10 In 17.1 t. nf Hit' mill niipiirtihnin,
niir fnn(', iiarci-iil -M irr tint. ilnrniR the
priiiul inineil, .mil In fiiti. of wluve mipoiN
iiiiiiufuliiii'-, fi'iin ill per tent , nut evporls in
in ii !"i tur tent, iliuliig Iho period uiulei
icn-iiloiilmii. It in ill nil thin' innKiis win io
in tuiilni luus fi'iin the luueit slune nf the un
pmt3 lint the Kuiiipci i ii t tens, .ire stiui:gliiig
In iiHiei--i' llmr ii'iiiuieit.1. Afuta, Smith
ni, i n.i, A-i .nid llteania .no the filils nf their
ki lift ntiiMl.v. .mil it is in llnw gi aid tliii
iniii Sinilli Anient i ixteptoil lint Iho t oin
nitiio nf the I'nilul Ft.itrs rfnm a laser pei
uiiliiro nf ciowlh than ol-ewhrie. Vilurally 'he
rinulh in our epmts n Kninpc 1iohs a I nger
sum ei niilllmis nf ilnllirs, b. lea-nil nf the
ninth srreiter innsiiiiiliiir puner nf that ll-
1-11111, but i tr.v 1 unc prnporlK'H of our c
pmln In I iiiupe inn-i-lr, of ihIiii.iI pimlucts,
thitll fniiil-lulK, while ir'.iiiii.r it-lili'i .s imMlliiri'
III. lull' nt Kill Ii''l(.lll01ls to OlliCl pirla nf
the wnlhl
- II -
'I in-. iii-niiiinii nf the cm lincnl. t.ountiit',
llnl el iihK fitinled fn fnnn the I'liKril M He-.,
1 .-.. .1 ..e li.illllna fur i.l... Ii.
III'! J " l-i. .--.', u. .....II' . .......iv- '. ....
piiring iiiithiner.t. in tmrihiio u-ll and dell,
i ilel.i .iilpi.leil iniihiiHiy fiom the I'niletl Slites
, . t.. .i ,.., . ,.u..., ... ii... .viii
in o in jii-tii i,iii-,i,i.-i,,. ., ii.iiuii- ,.f .ut- oi"u
ami f.i i l lifulm ! of the Aim in in 'Mill, in in. Suth
lonmlknlcil .mil tltluilcb .nlluited niithiues .in
ilotK-, .aid watt lit f, siliiitlfiC ltntiuintiiN, m-
inr 11111111111-1, i.tpewiitir-, niiiliiuri.v,
sine iMiluuen. tiuinc-, .mil luiniuutivi-. .ue pui
.i...n.i .itii. n.i.ii.ii I., n , . . m.i ii.. i ,..
t II 111 II "III. ' "..ll'. in . ...I". , ... I. -,-". . . '. .' .--...I-
Hire ,ind i-linds nf Hie sol tlimiiinil-, of nuh?
fituii the wnil'ilmps ml repiir lmps in whuli
they wiie piuilutiil tu lit' h.inilhd h,v toiiipn.i
Ihilv liiiihillnl opiialoii, .inn with .1 t in o
tli it tlit.i in i.l be lebed iiptui tn eontiiinoiiily and
pi'iin.mintH pulniui I lie it ii t i - fur whuli tiny
.no intended 'I ho . Ikk nf Hit Viueik in tt V
ia iih iinliuui'iit, th" whir n Its sluIiii; me
ililm-, Iho i.itllo nf iw lipeunleis, .mil Hie
-ue.iiii nf IK lntuuiollis .ue he.iril In the in
tnmr nf sli, fiiei, Smitli Ameilil .tin 1 in the
IH-I iliil.iut )i iihIi nf Hie mi. In I hi 1 lit
li-i it we evintnl moie tlnu si.,,iKi0 worlli
of 1,'pewiilih,; liinci. In liu.mli; m.irl -A-Pui
nnilh tn Aflit I. sVl.nnil vvuitli In AI1
tul.ui'l wnilh tn Mevlin, ne.nly '.n,(n)il uoilli
In the Ncit lutllin, ninl almnt ?;n,WHI vim III lo
i nt Ii iiieiiui, Vmuii in pilnting pn-ies weie
-tilt to IKeinlt ill l'l In tin v.ilue u in'irly
Vn.miil; n sii, nenlv ll,fltl, and lo South.
Vtneih i, spi.diHi, '1e epmt-, nf iueiit m m'iw
Ine lunhiuei In the ll-nl .vcn Vkii u the Went
liiilim Jiiiouulid tn SJ1 .il.CMHI; to Asm, ill.OiM;
to Afin.i, mi r iiih1; In Oie.nila, tdkim), nid
In Vleit,n, Ceniul and South Anieiii.i, uicr",Pno
I dilni ul 'I hi Tilliuiitf
sii: i .i eilurn nf thi till and inlire'tnl
In us welfiu, I ham heeit p,iiin mi
itinuul nf 'lie ioiiim. nf one of oin niui.ill.ile-,
and lie ultU l-ins nf the 'lime, rie.irliiig ihe
itTmls of Mr, IIUiI.olK In (r.iln? tn Mop llw
Hie nf intovliants In minors Mr. Ihtt-hioeK is
mil tiion in Snaiituii .iinl liii lilin.ii tn hi!
the pmitioii lio oicupies is iinipieitloned. If he
lias liet onio lumiiiccil tint the inethotl ho lus
mlnpleil Is Hie only sine one of sei uilin; the con.
vlitinn nf violaloii nf the otlse Uw, then .is
one sneni tu enfurte ilia Uu.i nf the inunlii
pilil.i, he has n ri.lil, .iinl is in duty hound, lo
un- that luelhnd, ant shuuld he kiipporlnl i',v
eirr.t I iw-dhl llns" iilien, lie la not .-ei-kim; lo
tup r.nj kiluuii keeper who does not viohte tit
liw, jihI ncr.i i in- Mini does violate It ehniihl
u in.ul,' u i-ullti tho evtii'ino pciiill 'lid,
?flllne In ililldiia U hrint; irnried nn tn an .i
pillhe evtiiit line. No i-.ilomi keeper luj a llwht
to roll to .mi. minor Ihci in ji-j ipiiutit), whelh
ei uid minor liii .in nulir fmni ih pjienls nr
imt Yit evvo 'Ijy inenrn little gills .mil ho.ts
un Ihe bluoU who go Into xilonus mid mine out
i ji I) In;; a tjiunllty ot lict-i In paiU.
'lids it no trtiet, but is known to all. IkiJii-o
it U en npeul) and fruiuiutl) limit', it U nut
Iho U'si unlawful. 'I lint wh, lhl iritkl-in of
Mr. Ililtliimk lii men who know that uul mill
li.ili will ho ill.-iilllml I ..I his inelliud ot MTUiiuu
cvlilinii'i rully Ihe nnlj it, fni out minis ie.
fine to touvUt a nun I'm viulatlnu of Iho liu'im
laws ntoii t'llilcme that wuuhl he iKeiueil mill
t Imt to iijiuiil a nun nf iiuinlerr iy docs
SiUliton hold Iho uuiiiiia'nlo distinction nf luluc
tho worst governed tit in llm loiniiioiiueallli?
Wc aie reipuu In Uwle..iitsa and political cot
ruplion now- what ins been trnip in Ulty of
liw ciifoiienieiit iu Ihe leiint pa-1. tircs i live
nf p.ul), or IntlutiKc in a i i.l kind, or v( .unp.i.
lli.v for aio man nr inen we thouhl leaih all lUe
supitiuaij- of tlio law, Wc are traiulnR 1ioj who
ate tu he tin: future uldcimcn, cuuui.llmi'u and
lining nf this tlty, They lioiihl lie Binmleil by
the taw ami taught io nlley It lo Ihe Idler,
All this talk nf Hie crcei.leil n.llooii'kee.r'i
l ulinpl.i rot. Sol nne nf those who hive ohe.ved
the law hue urn thing to (oiiiphln nf from It'Ril
prnsciutlniis. Hie plea thai the liHRC Ikcnpo
fre paid rhoulil entitle Ihcni to linlulireiues must
imt be emiltletetl for a itioniflil. No man ian
ptiy n nun mnitlMil tn roiiiiensilr 'or wilfully
violating a ilKhlnius luiv! Iiesldrs ntler nil We
rerelip from hipinr lliene In the illv vve shall
be poorer than If no lliiinr wai wiM here, If c
muni the iiense nf iniliilalnliiff puipcri", Jail',
liuniles nf Itisine .i.jtinns ami leeal prosceiillont
In the courts enured by the itrlnklns ot herr nnd
other Inloxliatild, nl'iniin-c, Mr. ItoMmon, rrp.
toeiitluii brewing Interests, will always ho e
petted In alt isiloon-keepers that patronbe Ills
Hi nt. hut eirrt eltlcn who has the well lielnt;
of tho i lt, a IkjiI fliouhl sland up for our oltb
etals while they ntteniit In enforce the provl.
bIoiis of the law. Ami this not only ns regard
the lltpior tralire, but nt illMmnenly In otllee, nip
pieMlim nf hrnthels, dime house", itunbllng ilenj
and Sihhalli ilesecinllons, 'Irnlv .inurf,
1'. I'. Doty.
s'lninton, Jlaj ps,
Iluiikpiarteis P'p.ntiiiiiil nf !'rnii)h.iti!a,
ffraiul Aimy of the Itcpuhlli, S. V. coincf fifth
and Lhentnut stutts.
1'hllailclphl.i, May I, Iinl. llnleis Xn. 12.
f. Iwn nolo tears aim the reieibeiallon of
the (list pin llretl at I'ort Sinnter imtl the ilia:
found Us iiiiiwci nnd lis rcho, Suuce had the
siimke rl-en In ("hirleston linhor eie Iho thrlek
of the file, (In. !,,i,t (.f the hutle, and the rattle
nt the ilium weie heard on every lillMop. In
cm i v vallej, in every (own and In every illy,
noilh and vvn.1, where lojally dwelt. The fanner
hot lelt tho plough, the iippientirc iliopprd his
liiiniiier. the olilie eleik put mlile his pen, the
Mmli'iit iloied his lunik, a'ltl, founklns the voea.
lions; mid puioiiltR of diil life, thou: pilriotie
hots dnniieil th" uulfi'iin of blue, grasped nniktt
or iilur and wltli liuiiuivrilug voltes ting "The
t'nlnn l'oiever, lliuiah, Itovs, lluri.ih," In me
swei to the ilcflmt thouls of sciefcilon and ilia
union. four .wars nf war. four .veils nf ileadlv plilfe,
four of ikinser and Miileriinr, four jean
of piiialiuus .nid dating, four .veais nf ilevntinn
In one tniinlry Hid one Hag, four jrain of purg
Injr aunles fiom the bmks of the usipiehanni
tn the giilf-waihecl iliore ol the south, and from
the Mitf nf the Atlantli: to fir beiond the leveea
of tho MlsMppl, two greit Ameilcaii anni"s
Inupht tin Ii by Inch, loot In foot, the one for
the perpetuity of the American Union, the other
foi its destruction! Purine thev four scars the
ci nid old emblem of our national unity vvaa
kept tn Ihe lireee In' the svilllui; hinds anil
hdotiir hiarls of the flower of our lojal jounrf
manhood and of oin patitotic jouth.
On the sea, as on the land, hiate litis who
wme the honnird ui.ifniui nf blue won tilort and
Known; gillint hots win, v c tit ilonn In the fc.i
in ships sing cheeilly "lie Will l'ishl lor 1'ice
di ill's ISaimtr."
Stiewn on Hie ocean's linltniu, down deep in
(he gulfs and bits, m the Mt.uups nnd in the
fidiR iindfi the imi:iiol!.n and beucith the
ilinnpng wlllow-i, In low the w nliig grain and
the wild lliiwei", ill Hie plain vilhse ilimrli
van! and m the nimuniient milked iitueleiies nf
the citiis, finni the luck bound inait of Maine
In the shilluw wateis of the lniom of ,
ft nut tlio beichcs and bluffs of the lmjcitle t
ht.tie to and he.tond the pre it iiiuitiit.ini-, whole
the imperial l'liltle lives tlio vte-tcrn nhores of
our counli.v under (lie sod and beneath the sea
tlieio are sleeping bundled-, of thouanda of thno
cimrades of our-, who with in thatcd their pleas
inei and helped us eniluio our inv itious.
'lo Huso comi.idrs with whom vn tnusheit el.
how, in dijs of vtnr, wo piy our loving tribute;
with vwect flowen, with niicd song and with
"helming llasi wo will vi"it the silent titles ol
liii dead tnil give pr.n-e to (Ind (hit Ilo hid
Sivin suili men ih wile IhciC commie-? ot nurt
foi tliil ( stiuifle foi fiee Anient i.
"All tKinhluu wa-, the meadow; all miiisou war
tho till,
1 he tie id he iu the valli.v : the deal lie on Ihe
II. In localities vvhne theie aie two oi moie
pint". Hie ollliei-. nl the piopa loniinittces will
annuo for a division of llic woik on jlenioini
do. Veiv jinny nf our post-, bung olhcr oigaui
ations tn join with Ihcni in (lie s.urnl ncivucs of
the ocia-ion. and it is ttrced (hat llii- be made
uniieii.ll, ( hurili toiisi ecat ions, si hool ihlhlieu,
tniblaiy anil senu lulhl.iiy bodlen ami ilvie a-in-tutituis
will be fiiund ul id lo aid iu pacing
liihuto (o AineiieVs dead heioe-.
III. Iu (he (iimd riny of Hie Rcpublii, Miy
Ml is Meinoiid diy nnd should be 'irf erred lo hy
ii. i other title, Ion day is applied lo M ty
..u, by those who adtriliiQ and u-o it for froln!..
ing or spniting purpnies. I ninrades and thcii
friend", all the penple and Iho ncw"p,ipers are
solit ited In refit to tho day only .14 Mciiiuml
.1.1 1.
IV. All pmls will ariauce for divine "eniies
en Sundav, Mav tnk and nu this diy the posts
rliuuhl altend 111 iimfnim and in a.s latce num.
hei-, as. possible, I linn his nf even ilcuoininitioii
and belief, pistols and eoiiBregatlons of every
iietd will give lien l.v welcome. An iiiRcnients.
1 .111 lie made with payors for sermons and for
tint i-pimlly .1(1.1) ted to (he spirit nf pattiot.
1-111, in which c..n he usited what (he vvir
nii'.'iiL fur uniwisil ficcdmii and extended Chtis-
lilllllt s
V. ?t bools should be viiited bv the cmiu.nlc,
dining the wcik of 31 ly 211 tu M.y 'J."i, tint the
vmith of At.ieilta might luve lessons of pattiot-l-iii
t nwht lliem by tic nun who weie the pnti.
iipanti iu the gieat vvir for Hie piescivation of
Ihe t nmii' added to (his would he the feat etc
nt liilricsiing the Juuth of niir 'nid 111 pijiu
1 mil n.0 lo the meinorv of tlin-e gallant eniniadis
who aie now "deeping undei (ho sod ami (he
dl vi."
Hy loinuniiil of Depirlmcnt r'oinnnniler,
thailes Miller.
It II Walbi-e.
A-sistant Adjiiiant (.cneril.
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Gut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc.
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereaii & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Merchant Tailor.
319 Lackawanna Avenue,
Oiean I'luut. Atlantic ( tty. Now Jersey's (anion,
liCdlllt and plcasiiii' ti-oott Largest on the Cnaat,
ilot opptotitl. Hot and fold Sea-walir balln, In
he if, free (o cuesls. .spei-ial f-pring lutes.
Ouluttia ami djucin;. ,
(HAS. It. Mi;i!S, Otvnet ami I'lop'r.
Virginia Ave. and lleach, Atlantic Tit, X. J,
SiMh .veat; a',0 beautllul iooin cnsulic, tlnclc
and willt bath; hot and cold scanvatcr laths
in hotel and uitncs. I.oiatlou scleit mid centiat,
within Uw anli ut the Mccl I'icr. Oreliejtu.
Oflus 1-peiUl spiins latcs, fli tq M" by week;
It!:) up by tlaj. bpiclal tales to families. Coaihcs
n.cit all Iraliu. vviitc for booklet.
l' 1:. toi'i:.
$3,000 in Special Rewards.
THE SCRANTON TRIBUNH has inaugurated its second Edu
cational Contest which, like the first, is open to every ambi
tious person, not only in Scranton, but throughout Lacka
wanna and other counties iu Northeastern Pennsylvania.
This contest will be even greater in magnitude than its predeces
sor, embracing special rewards of the very highest character, and
will be carried out in strict accordance with the rules of fairness
and justice.
The first contest, which occupied the attention of our read
ers from July to October of last year, met with such encourage"
ment and was so successful in every way that it has been de
cided to repeat it.
This year the special rewards are limited to those of an edu
cational character, eight scholarships being offered to the very
best educational institutions in the state.
The Special Rewards.
Scholarship in Lafayette Collego $1,000
Scholarship in Swnrthmoro College 1,000
Scholarahip in Stroudsburg Normal School 075
Three Scholarships in Scranton Business Collogc,
$60 Each 180
Two Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music,
$75 Each 150
Each contestant failing to secure one of these special rewards
will be given ten (io) per cent, of all the money he or she turns in.
N H 1 be fif-t two fcholntthlpi do tint incluil" mrili, but the conical mil enirin-j
thre will be slirn tin (lllj per cent, if all the money hit 01 i-he tunw hi lo the
Tribune, lo as"M in pa hi? (his cvpcir-o.
Rules of the Contest.
The fpielal rewanl" will he ciirn lo the
peivrns securing (ho laigest number ul
Points will he credited (n onnlolint- ri ur
inif new- mb-crlhcra to 'the Mrantun frihuic
ni follows:
One Month's Sub-ci ipticii s ..Ml I
Three Month-,' Subsciipllon l.'-'"i "
Mt Month"' .inscription i. Ml U
One Year's Subscription 5.00 1-
llm coiitctlant Willi (he highest number
of points will be t;lvcn a choice from (lo
list of special le'vatd-,; the contestant Willi
the hccnml hieht"! nuinhet of points will he
Riicn a choice of (he iniullilns rcvvaiiU,
and so on Ihiouch the Ibt. h ioiilcbl.ini (illlncr to iiecute a "pcelil
rcwinl. and nlo those who Fclcit the lu-tl
(wo m liolnliii, will lie alveii leu pel cent,
of all money ho or the turns in.
Full paiticulars will be furnished all interested, including a list
of the winners last year with the number of Doints they secured.
Tribune, Scran ton, Pa
Our Oxfords.
Low in cut. Low in price. High in
quality. Ladies' fiom 75c up. Gen
tlemen's from $1.25 up.
Lewis & Reilly,
Wholesale and Retail.
Parlor Hotel. Accoinmochtloni nnitnineil
ipiilal hLMVIKIt IIATCS to permanent Riiesls.
liet them. Table Hoanl. W. II. VIITi:.
Kellar & Harris.
Manufacliiiou of llarne-s, nnd deilei- li lloise
Furnisliins H001N. Iimit.s and Ti.ivcllns' tlJs.
Itepaiilng piomidly attendul to, 'telephone llui
117 Tenu avenue, St ranton, Pi.
L. SOMMAR. Ibillilins Contracloi.
UmpIOjS union men. lMiuiatcs 1 1 1 c c 1 fully
given. Keniodelluc; and leptluni; .1 bpcclalty,
Will sell all their camples ot tlnu luipoited
Hinhas SliiiU for men at o'le,; vvoilh JI In ii.'A
Davis Steam Dye Co.
Goods callnl lor and delivered, Cleaning,
DjcIiic and rrenslnj.
Golden Gate
Dining Rooms.
IfcsL 21 cent meal in the illy,
I'ivc ileal IkkcK fl no.
Sundiy tlinner a speeislty,
lkmc'inade l'atiy,
Klnlrie Wiriite" and Kivtuic.
l.letlilu Dell nnd Telephone Work.
3QO Commonwealth builoinq,
Pcalcrs In
Plate Glass and Lumber
Kingsbury & Scranton.
Manufaiturcu' Agents
DUtrlit Auciita for
John A. noeliliiiR'.s .Sons Co, 'a Uiie Hope and
l.leclrieal Wire. Ciutta t'eriha and liublier llfk'.
t'o.'s Hcltintr, I'aiklmj, Hojc and Mechanical
llubbcr tiotnis. Knowltoii t'acklnj, (ailcr's
oil Clotliiue; ltooin till) I'jull nid-.
Moth, Tan, Ilvir Suotn and ull pUmuiUi)
ditoloiatloiu ioiiipletil luuuied bj m.v tpu
ilat home tteatniei.t, and Ihe tuinplevloii
liiiileiict ileal and Miinoth,
iti Uashlnston Ave
311 bprutc. hlieel, Veal Hotel lermvn.
All lh ue" blutks fct hpiius. feijlei ate
ligw In. lvv Hats Mada lu Onlu,
Iloiso ShucbiR and flencul BUcUmlthbi;
Wjtjuii anil C'jtilagc l)uildln- and Itubbcr lire
All suli"iiip(ious imi't be ptld in advance.
Only new' miIhciIIjcis will be inuuted.
lleiiewaU bv per-ons vvIkm' ii unci, who nu
our miIim lipl inn ii"t pnnr lo it i.v II will imt
be credited. 'Ihe 'Jiihime will iuvi -ilicile
eath Mib-iilplloii mil If found iiiouiilii 11
m way ic"i'ives the unlit tn lejnt It.
No tiati"fu can be 111 tile after cmlit lm
ome I em siven.
All Mib"i ript oiis, mil (ho 1 1M1 to piv lor
Fame, must he handed in at 'Ihe 'I illume.
ufHio vvitliin the vvuk in width llnv .110
lined, m that, piptit, may he nut to the
biih"i riheis at oiilo.
Siihcriptlmis mii"t be tuition on I.l ink",
which cm be set turd at 'Iho 'liihune otllic,
ot will 1, i-cnt by mill.
The iuiile"t will 1 lno momntlv it S o't lock
Mliiiit.iy cvenii..
Ainiust ai, iwn
Capital Stock, $100,000
Surplus, - - - 25,000
Savings nnd Business Accounts
President -Vico
Pxes. -Cashier
- -
- - C. D. Jones
- G. P. Heynolds
- - H. M. Ives
l 1). .lours,
!. 1'. liejnnlds,
'1 liniin-, Aplastic,
Aithui Dunn,
f. S VVnulvvnrth,
V. (J. lultoii,
Itithaid O'lliicu,
M P. rulci,
smuiel .siiutcr,
T ('. Von siouh,
. It. M. u man,
VI. .1. lliaiiy.
People's Bank,
li Alears Building, 8
g Court House Square. $
Brotherhood Wine Co.'s
l'mo Old Ports, Hurgunillc, nml
i-auteiues. r.iinily 'liaile (Inly.
Great Fire Sale
Now lining On.
I'lne I'm ami all Kindt of Neckwear.
Scranton Laundry,
CalU by telephone) reecho pinnipt attention
"that's all "
j fcuctctaor to
llu make a specialty of fine hi cad bluffs.
Oidera for Salads, Ojstcu, Olon.ucUcs, etc.,
promptly filled.
A full lino n( !,ic fleam and lici.
No'.v at 115 l.Jik.iw.imu au
Attorney-at-Lruv, Scianton, Pa.
ami llealthlul llm' lint Is brewed, 'Iho It. at
Nvttat of the .Njiwii. I iitivalul in iu I'uiilj
is I'm c 5-i lillt .'. tho Hill tliat mull Milwaukic
laiuous, t-old hi
IJu 7JS AiIjiiii v"iiue cianloil, l'a.
Iljllt 'telephones.
.,,,., il.l.-.r-,in.., i.l
The scranton Vitrified brick
and Tile manufacturing Company
Makeis of Paving llihk, cU. M. II. Pale,
(li'i'cul fsalcs Asiut, lillice $1 Wjihiiutou a ".
Wotk at Jy Au', 1M., ). S; W. y. It. It.
Extraordinary Offerings of
Foulard Silks
Liberty Satins
and Wash Silks
All Silk Foulards, 49c
and Upwards.
Wash Silks, 25c
VI it- men l Miuress of our Taffeta SHU
Sulo iifliiiili'S us In Hi'iHliKllipr .ltintlict
slllv. pale nn a brumlcr anil iitiiie nio
Kies.slvo unilc, If poshIIiIc, hy ofotlits
tlio niDHl (IrHli.iblc kIIIm nf tntlny nt
fiKUii's much iiiuli'i- thcif icRUlnr value.
25c for -Wash Silks
Tlio lcsiilito uf our flfty-L'cnt Hue In
cot il.s, hii'lnn unit pl.i Iris.
At 49c, Foulard Silks
"l-lnoli iill-sill; Fiencli twill Koub
mils; Roucl vvelKht hi a v.ulcly of h.iml-.
M)ino .stylrs, obi i, isc, RUTH;, anil l.iveiiili'i.
At 68c, Better
Quality Foulards
21-lni'li. hi'.ivior vvolqht.1 nml flnei
ilii.illty, KouI.ikIh, In Iiu-ro collection oi
rhoito nnd pietty designs; a full lino
of LOlOlK.
At 88c,Extra Fine Foulards
Ul-iiuh hlpli bi.iiIc .satin nml lino .silk
Kiitihiiilb; oMollent vvcuiiiK quality;
lino hcli't lion ot" jiattcniH in new idiolco
At T5c, Liberty Satin Foulards
27-lni'li line impoilcd Liliotly Hatins;
InlRht linlsh; l.tbiiis In tich, lie.iiilirul
doMmis', htoiiuht. out in new choke
iiawat'ina Ave
Ucuiial Acnt loi the Wyoming 1), !U ict for
Dupont's Powder
jinn:-, miliiin, ,sioitiun, Miluki ko.i and U115
jtipuuiio Luinpaio a
Saiet 1 u:t, L'i pa mil l.plodti licuni 1U1 Lou
tall lluildiu0 ,aciautcii.
1 J UJ. IOIII) I'll'.eluii
JOtl.N 11. s.tlllll .v; SO.N I'lymuuia
.Wilkes B.urj
5 ! H h hh 2
Don't fail to come and see as sreat bargains
are waiting lor mi.
In New f iiieribcy HiiiMinc;.
l.old Med it
S I'liutoguphcr
Ill'CiClli and vv'vfl
O.Ss 0f ii) Unih
al-n lloiurs and
lluiMln- l.os al
Iiiik.iIii. HOIiM.h
1 1,11'IM.Il and
(iltOOMl.ll at
( luhlrcn'd ii
AH ut. n
A fpeilalt.i. Ur.
'lieverto.i, II win I,
nvet (lliibe time
llouis; 1 n .'1...1) p,
III, t'llllslllt llliill
fiee. 'Phono Dill
M. T. Keller's
Lac k.ivvamu L'an 1 1;;
BERNHARD, jeweler.
.1j l.(lv.AN. AVI..UL.
We catrj Ihe lament
Hoik of I inhrcllw, I'ai
axtU and Handle, vvc
al.o lthtOVUU uinbrelln
and parasols ami make
them up iiguilly ai good
us new ami (juaiautcc- our
ptiees io lm lower Hurt
any hou-,0 In thej city
Wo icpair all our eoodi
lot 0110 )eir rKK op
Wy igV