The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 20, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    j-jtvv, i rT,-TfttT-r?v $ at v"i'i-su?V3tij f j'a'Tnt
- 'V i
f i t i I
vu- ..,& jt t ,.. i
Maftrla In thurlnver k
ffw1a thn hf-aithv enni thAt
ln thn tnllh that U tuntl tor
rti.bHtih ithmt tiff nil f rind a Inr In
rfnt. erofflnc children, in a litis and
ml. ipefions
Ot Hand's
Condensed fUSlk
till, llllll piltlll milk with phoiphlll. I
L i ji.i .f av.ia bk.l a Mihm I ft hi J
lo uirii vi iiioir inm 'in
Hfn mr in rra iwm ft
Br. Hand CondcniM Hllkft.
Stnmloi. ra.
At Retail.
Onli I. ircelie pmmpl illiiitlmi loi c i.ii lie
litti' in putt nf tin illy fm toil n( bft
e,i alllv fur dnnti-lio u.o
'millet ln loi sti nil mill fitluv puipft'i
u -.prtlallv
llir of fiiililm foi .illrnillng ti uln nl
liii iker.
People's Coal Co.
Iilcplionr No mi2. Olrtu, Ictith Mricl.
Hi r nl n bcttifen O.toul mil 1 1 nth
J)l( M'AI lOUPs TK II IM'-Itot. llr s if
finls poslp licit Jd Inn iiill I iKi plire il I lie
I i rum, .1 uln .,
t IKUII s 111 111 VltsVI, VII mcmlcr. of Mi 1.
1 VI M Kins' ihuiis no iniii-lul to nltciul n
In Mill llns ctnilm it s oclirk prompt al the
I irst I'rfliWti! in ihtirih
-r ii t i in ink f t rnr iin iie ft
mil fit tiiiKrinu ptcmnc's- tcat musicd cunt
Ins lici n Aril liiirr, hut i fi it dc.irible soils
iiiniin nr tin e who nil mli
(Ml. Ill' nil!,l (M!--Iolin Mivnn
Helmm. liikiiiinui an 1 Western In Aomin,
m lno ulis IrrKin In loin i umlit lulurrn
nis uhilc nuking i inuplinj: iIiihIiv. Ho lias
takin (o tlif Misi-, lull i hnspitul,
I.VMt CI1 MUM.-, llm bittl, iloimici for
ll-LsMiik who: Vlondit, ,21 J li I , lursilii,
it'iri !, Wrdmsdn. 1j.ti.7fi ii, I IiiiimI ii,
l IJiss, liiiht, sjn, 17177. . ituitl i , S.J.",.
nil 1, Intil. ..0 in m lotil 101 I lie cirte
n mltii; oik of 1 i-t, w it, l,ll "7 0.'
tll III Mill, IMI'lOVi: JVM I1M Milllion
f iinllit nf I I111 sluol, jit oinplmo at llio Sjiith
Moil mill, hnl 1 lij Iiiniin while Tt raik o
titilii tnnriiiii? Ilo wis stunk licuili In 1
pint nr seol ,iml tins ntwil tlio fiiiliuo II"
nis ntiKiioil In the " Tijlor liopttil
ULWUW MCIDI M' litiirs "iliiilllins, "f
liltsiilli, his tliiuuii (ruin liK 11 inn .jtmili
lil.'lit. Mlnli iliiunj 1 nmo, t tinnril smro
injiiiii-. 1 In Iiiums Ifciiinn.; tiiulitinrd it 1
pl lll- sti,, L1, l,lmKk's l.oti I, Villi,
lulrr, mil 1 in 11111. 'i hultlioli limU i.-ini-t
tin unit, iiitiiiiiK In, hrnl mil nla t, c
11 is lllllllKll to Ins Iioiiii
I 0 MIIU KMI 111 Iirl' - I ho s,oli
of Iho tjitrul Tloait. nf s Mn s rlitmli siuili
SnutMi, Kilo 1 IiiIiH nijoulilo 1 im ,t iliunoit
li-ttivlit il Music lull Jl mis 1 Ihinl muni,
(irj (clilu itlon anil tl nujnitj n tin pnini
pilltH 111 lL note IllinibllS o' till lllllllll --Ullllll
mIioiiI, IhcdiiiIiikIi ittlmt 111 nun tnl, n
Kniii", ucrt splcniliilli (liinuiiil
man; I'MSADJ'-Uio Alitor I, Miln mil
fj-lunu iiltto tncii-, lii pwliomo iii, im n ii.,, 10
pinilr, iiliuli U ilisirtbril ts 1 oiff,nu, ill 111,
mil loao Hip Johnson U si-omiUpuniiptli it hi
o'clotlv (his morninrr. fho miito iiill ln 1, til
loirs: 'lo a,hniKton aioimi, to Imilni, tn u
nilns, tn I.kK untini, to Vlinn, to piiiu, t
asiin-tnii anil link to (.toiinj- Hit- iluois iiill
Im opuitil at I anil 7 p. 111
Tiibune Young Mnn Biought Mnth
ewson Into Prominence.
It nmy 1 a tleb.ttublo iupstloii .1-, to
-who tliscos-eieil ClnWopher Jltitliow
pon, Mir- non.cflebi.uod pin her of tlu
Now Yoik bus,, bill i-iiili, of tin, x.
tlonal league, but it ivlll bo of intniest
to those- who ate tllseiiv-lnsr him 10
Know th?,t lie wai Hist litnuhla Into
Ptomlnenci? bv Tln Ti IIiiiiu. n ins
(lilting the .season of JS'IS, when ibis
iiznid of tliu illauionil joineil thn
. Hcrnnton Youiib Jli'ii's Clnlstiun .i(-so.
elation team tlut Ills umI wmtli was
It cinie about in this liiitinii.f
JlathQ.son had been jtltf IiIhk lot Key
stone, aeaileiny anil spmmiiI aiimleiu
teams lieieabonts, and was .mlous 10
join a tlnb lift( ids abilltv amuiIiI Im
lecoKnlcd. and bis iilti'liiiit,' would u.
-elo tho hiippoit It desent'd. On Weil
nesilay, June -'.'. IS'is, the Yiiiiiij,' .MmiN
' iiiiMimil as-socimi,,,, u.lim w,,u, s, )(,,j.
tiled to nluv t lie Tojh,,. f.,.,S( Th(. ()uv
wa Kloiimv and uniavoiable m i.1h
ball, and oulj a im f tlm tnltliiiii
wejoat Athlutlp pin U
Tim Taylor Iiojh vy.,0 Hihi ,. ,,..v
nud ansioUH to ,,.fAt tho Suaiitot,
team, and oh onlv m,. o1 tla, ,,, ,
Vlnyeis had put in an apptaiaato .Man
ager iliookh, won led. . (,i ,
havo a jiltdier m atih.., ( Hlls
about leady tn. dot im tin mune nil
Mlirn Tlio Ti Ibiiiio lmMi ball uillci in,..'
vailed upon I1I111 10 Me .MntliewMin a
Pi of. I)aid Owwis, inliulpal or ,u
n hihool, tint u-riulai til -si iMMfniaii ut
tho team, was put In to imii Ii, and Tin
Trlbuno man nun unsigned lo umniio
the Riime. The latlei nnl laMeti a ,.w
Innlngb, but MntlicuMJii pluhed Hie
Taylor bos, to a. Htiimlstlll i sniii-K
out twelve men, allowed but nun hit,
ud when tho game amis tnei the suite
stood 10-0 in laor of the .Seiaiiloii
This piomlsinB oung twliloi was
Immediately signed b .Maiiagut IttooKs
lifter tho Kami', and plajed leguluily
with tho ieam until It was disbanded
later in tho season Ills .sttciess was
fiom time to lime mentioned In The
Tilbune, and ho (Inislied tho season
with Hoiitsilalo. Tho season of IMiS
found him in on of the Nhh Knglaiul
dubs, and in 190U he joined Not folk In
tho Vlislnlu league, fiom whlih ilub
New York jiuiehasid him lust lull
Mathewson has been a Kiiecesstul
pitcher ever bIiro he Joined tho Seian
ton team of lS&b, and has gained his
enviable position by luml woik. With
Fuuh Htius as nusle, Haw ley, Oauiek
ind Meitoron the team, New Yoik had
llltle use for him last season, o.tept
10 tlnlsh some eumo that hud been
hopclcHsty lost. Ills ticatincnl at that
time was dlscotn aging, anil ttheti Con
nie Miiuk offoitd Mathewson a chance
to Miow his wot Hi this pension on the
Philadelphia Amcilcnn league team, ho
neceptcil It 11 ml signed with tho ex
1'linlc. After hnlngitM'eited ailvancp money
fiom Mock, ii ml yet under ieseie bv
New Yoik, he found lilinpelf In 11 very
iMiibaiiiiHMlng predicament. All thn
Htum of the New Yoik team hud
Jumped, mill I'Yeedmnn needed pltch
eis n llll their placet, He pievalled
upon Mathewson lo retuin his advance
money to Mack, and bv offeilng him an
lnereno In salary, obtained Ills fci
vlie". While New Yoikeis ate eairvlng the
Imv around on their shoulder., Phlla
delphlaiis ate mourning his loss to the
Ameilcau league, as Just now he would
ho voi th 11 biuret of money to Muck's
Received Flatteilng Notices in the
Wilkes-Bauo Pnpeis.
The Wallet I, Main nil new Uli?
Fashlnti Plato Shows aiilvctl nt nil
euilv hour .0sletd11y nioriilng fiom
Wllkes-Haiie, whole thev gu .-e two
pL'ifoiniuiRes Sttltiidnv to linmcnse
audit liens, dexplte the fact tint :i
drlllng tain was falling most of iho
iln. The 1 1 11 In was iuUklv untoai'ed
and what tents wele absolutelv neivuil
wete eierled 011 the Johnson Tj.iI.i'
giouiuli, wbeie thv will 'hlbll to
tlu. The Jlaln shows me new In their
entlietv ibis season ami many new
fin tines h.te b -en added lo tlte
famuli v piogiatu Hint bae neer be
loie been liiltodiicid bv a tented ex
hibition. The new shows hne been
mi tin- 1 0 id but two weeks, it, cnety
whi'i, lhe hai' ,ip Pitted the pies-?
bus spoken 01 the nggieiratlnn as n
model cil ileinliness and a ei Itablo
pi.i'Af lnpedl 1 of uoirl and oiiglnal nets
which ff,up unbounded 'atlsfaellon.
Anions lite jnettv things said of this
new eenltnv Ulcus was this by the
Willies- p,j. 1 ip Sundav New: "The
Main show i a two ting nlfalr with an
ilcxatu! 1 f lit 1 c stage and Is the best
thing of the kind si?Pn in this c Itv In
eiis. Th? acts .no clean and will
can led out What 11101 e t.yi be s lid
of a ein its" 7i then dtals at length
with sovetal of the ionium acts, 'nit
lis pal Hull ir stiess on the p"ifotin
.1111 e ofleied b AVilllani Connor 011 tli"
bounding lope, Piofes-or Woeki Ill's
iiniploitly beautiful eiiulne pede-lal
act. in which slt-thi(i thoioiigh
Ined licusos am Intiodtned al one mil
the 0,11110 time, the bate bail; ilding
of fee 11 l.ouanda, T'eno TiRfiee, anil
the Misses D.nonpoit, Hose and Pi an
ils Reed, the equllibi Istle work of
fieiiiioiiid Theol, the thiee btoth'is
Pcttitt, the tbtee nainello, the Slhlnls ot aciobats, the d.110 de II lld
iiif of the Hough Hideis and Madam
Maiantelles iuiiitette of high iuniplnpr
Iioisps and tionlps who have but ie
etntlv comidetcd a four eais' tn.ii of
l'.inope, wbeie thev cieatid a geiuiine
fm 01 e.
In conclusion Iho ,11 title stiles tint
ceiv uh 01 Used leatuie was falthlullv
canled ouL and entuics the opinion
that "Tin Main oil ous made an lin
pte'slon that will long be lenitm
bei oil "
Waltei 1, Alain's enlei prNes lino
alw ns enjoed an eeellenl reputation,
espetlallv in Ibis section nl Hip coiiti
tiy. and it is saTe to vivdic 1 two Im
mense audiences to-d i. TIip street
pmadc, whli h Is a glltteiing affair, m
.splendent with 11 w open dens, cages,
ih'iilots and tabkau iats and with
llehh icjsiiinied knUlits and ladles,
mounted on tboioiighbtcd blue ilbbon
winning chaigeis, lo,n e lht
gi omuls al 10 o'i loc k diaip Tlu
mule of the parade appeals in the
1 'll Note" 1 oluinii
The Police Offlceis Will Know Their
Tate This Aftei noon Only Thiee
Removals Aie Scheduled.
Those meuiljeis f t lit- pollit tune
wlioiii Dlitctoi ol Public faleu IIU1I1
lotk has dei ided 10 le-uppolnt, lo
r,ilhei with Ihu new nun who aie to
take tin pi toes ot tluisi who ate lo lie
chopped, will he swoin in this aftei
110011 at I o'eloi k in thu city hall
It was positively stati d lust night, b
those in ii position to know, time
would be im mute limn time leniovuls
and 1h.1t posslbij only one 01 two would
mi One nl ihe isouiiMi iiicmbiis ol
the lone is to be made ,1 lieutenant, to
set e in N01 111 Seiaimui
It Is luki 11 101 gi, inted bv eviivbodv
that I'aplaiu 'Dick" IMwanis Is to bo
eilliei itdiiciil 10 'lie tanks 01 dis
missed aliogethei, and that his sue
lessen s to lie 1 boson fiom among
smile ol llm pteseiit odlteis nl hn
Ulli'itm of Pulille NUit Dili In oik
said ,isieulii In a Tilbune mull that
llii'le would be no oi gieat changes,
'110 geneial uplieiiViil," be put it.
Humor was ilie Satunla.v and ves
lenlav to Hie elieil that the nionlei
and Uln 1 tor llitiluoik had a veiy
set ions inisiiudetstiiiicliu,. ,,s to the
inuke-llp ol the new police (nice, and
tfiat It was oul i.tlinei second thoiiglu
that pievi'llleda lepetllliiu ol tin .Mfili -Clt'iiiotis
niiaii, .Wlihci 01 the nai lies
to the itlliid si,u would iiilnilt that
Iheie had bee u am boihei
Many Intel estine Mattel s Will Be
Up foi Action.
The biianl of undo will have tin sei -ond
ot lis 110011 im ot lugs lodu.v, ami
Uln siMsioa ploiulses to be one of the
busiest and most ntit -tillK lit id In
seveial mouths. IHtutor i Public,
NllelV 1' I, lllli 111 Ol k. delegate lo tho
lonveiitlon 01 the .Municipal league, it
Itiiiliestei will dellvt'l hs lepoit Upon
llm dohus oi th,. big meeting, and
11 lepotl h also eiiiiui Horn the
niaiiuiai lining commttife
A inoposltliiu fm tint eslabllnhliig
heie o a most deshuble iudllHtiv,
whli II would unplo ope liiiuih i'i mill
llfty male hands, is uniniig the mallei. s
Willi ll have 1 nmo befoio the commit
lee A lesoluilou will bo Intiodliied at
tho niteiliig regaulliiK the iiuliiiuiic u
of the new siicei mr loinpaiiv now
Veiiillni, in (omit lis, and a lively ds.
mission Is epeiied when this subject
Is biought befoio tie boiiul. Aftei tlln
ineetiiiK I'ateiei Ilanley will seivo
lu m I)
Guernsey Hall,
314 Washington ave., Scianton, Is tlie
best and most icliable plnce to pur
chase a good Piano. It will pay yon
to call and get pi Ices and terms. J, w.
Guernsey, Pi op".
Sweet Coin
at wholesale and letull. fi. It,
4 Co., 201 Washington avenue.
Ask for Kelly's union crackers. "
In n Seimon Last Night He Chmgcd
a Police Mngistinte, Whose Name
He Diet Not Mention, with Having
Made a Statement Which Was
"An nut Hypoctlsy and a Con
temptible Falsehood." rinyed the
Saloon Keepeis and the Breweis
in rut Vnspaiing Manuel.
Rev. Ur, Isniitj .1, I.unslng, pastor of
tho Gieen Hldge Presbvteilnn chut eh,
ban tlie habit, when he m aches upon
nny topic Itlentllled with municipal te
rm 111, of hewing to the line, without
imv appaicnt regaid as to wliete the
ehlps rail, iu a seimon which he
ptenrlied lust night befote an espeelullv
huge congregation, he replied to the
filtlclsm which has been made dm lag
the past week of Dheetor of Public
Sifetv Hitchcock's methods In seeming
evidence agalnsL saloonkeepeis tliaiged
Willi selling Intoxicants to mliiois.
He didn't mince his winds, and lie
hud some very caustic comments to
niuke upon a teilaln magistiate's ev
ptesslou of opinion on the subject.
Without mentioning the name, lie m
feited to what tlie ninglstrite hud saltl
as being "aiinnt hvpoctls.v" and "eon
teinptlble falsehood." Dltettor Hlttli
cock, who Is a member of tho doUoi's
chin eh. Dimpled a fiont pew, ami was
u most Intel ested llstenei. Among
olhet things, )t. l.inslng said.
"This smut state, thiollgb hei legls
lalois, ms said that tlie saloonkeeper
shall not sell lleiuor to minoi Hv
mliiois nie nieint ililltlien of any age
fi 0111 their inl'anev to theh niajotlt.v. It
Is llglit foi a child, under the law, to
be sent bv its ptmnts to ptuthase any
lawlul men bandlsp, btti It Is wtong lor
Il to go Into a saloon to buv llquoi
"Jl the saloon werp onlv a pluee
wliPte Ilipior Is sold It would not be so
bad, but we all know that a luge
nuuibei of the saloons ol 1 tils dtv am
the ieoils uf ciow ds of dlsieputable
women and of fai 11101 o dlsieputable
men. who ouise and sweat, think anil
light and make Hie dav ind night
hideous. The child enteilng the saloon
Is biought front to front with these
people, and the inlluence upon lilm or
bet Is contaiiilnallng to n Meat de
giee Hr.XDHZVOl'.S OF fl.VMHI.HIls'
"Thou again, the maioiltv ol the
saloons am the rendezvous of gambleis,
who pl.iv at vniiotis games of chance
The child Is solicited to gamble, and if
he does not choose to, then ate ma
chines into which he can chop bis
money and see pietutes so lie that
the pai lies who show them should be
In the penitential v. These ate the
things that the child enteiing the
saloon nibs elbows with.
"1 irtentlv made tlie statement that
then was nol a saloonkeeper in tills
cltv who keeps the law. I was told
aftei r made It that them wete two
saloonkeepeis In this citv who Kept tho
law. T didn't btlievo it thou, and T
don't believe it now, foi onlv last week
I was told that evidence that these two
men had violated the law hud been
seen ted
"I tbeieloio 1P.1HI1111 mv imi'iei
statement that lime is not i s.iloon
keepei iu tins cit vv bo keeps the law.
I will go fuitlici and i that them Is
not a suloonkeepei in this eounliv who
can live and keep the law.
"Now we come to the uuestlou of
spouting evidence against saloonKecp
et s who sell to Illinois Do vent know
that it wo should see clilldmn coming
out of 11 saloon with hi 11 In palls that
we 1 on Id not convict the saloonkei pi 1
II we swoie to the fact. Them must
be evidenie tliat the child paid foi the
btii and that It was leullv hi ei that
was pun bused
"It Is citalnlv u et slngulai thing
tliut a polite in igNtiate of Ibis i Itv
sits th it he does not want the s iloon
Keepeis puise cuted for violation of th'
lew bei.uisp thev pav a license It is
also -veiv singitim that this magistiaie
should have fuitlici stated with all tlie
iipp.uent dignity of the law. that be
r.uiso the saloon keepeis pav a laie
shim of the oivnse of 1 tinning the
cltv ihev should not be u isei utoil.
t-Al.OONS AHi: .'OSTl.V.
'What cliv, 1 ask ou, was cvei
beiielitted lltiani lall or otlm vvlst by
saloons .' I do not know a single
iioiiomist n ilie coiiiiti.v who would
in silate 101 a moment to say that In
stead ol liiinlsbliig an Ititonie the sa
loons tuinlsh an outgo A polhe
tiiaglstiate ol this dty should bo In
betli'i business than piottollng saloon
keepeis licm pi'lei iltlon,
'Now thai an effoi t Is being mad
to I'lUoue the law against .selling to
Illinois, we heal piotesls oil eveiy side,
We aie told that the law should not
be n the puitleului manner
ill Willi h lliosv iu povvei chouse to on
ion e il. If not that vva.v, I ask, vvlul
Is 1 in wav '
"II tlie illiblle'l ot this cltv aie to
be pioli'iled fiom Ihe saloon, wilt)
shall piolect them' Shall Ii be tho
saloon keepei ' The 1Vnt1.1l Atllean
slave ililvi'i, who knocks his child
Mini's In the head when he has 110 int.
ilici ttsp im iheiii, (s nieiillul coiu-
Viiitd to the Scianton .saloon Keep. 1,
wlio ilisi poisons Hie 1 IiIIiI'h lailur
witli iliiiim and then seelcs to poison
the ihlld himself
"Will llm bieweis m(, ih child
limn iho liillllemes ol thn saloon'' f
110th 11 thai 11 piomiimit lepicsonta
live of Hie hi pw In.; Inteu'sts was on
baud iu tin inaglstiate s couit tli
olhet day to Imid his mtial inlluence
and his benign 1 ouuieiiuin n to ,ci,.
lite piuM 1 uh il saloon koeper from the
'What bus tin bii'wei ?vei done lot
the ihlldieii We know Unit tin baik
cs o the speakeasli s have lit mi thn
bll'Wfls I sometimes S"e the
lupvvei's chlldien unif the aie lull
to look upon and well mini oi Hut
I cauuot help thinking as 1 see theh
Hue i lollies how many piioi i hlldiou
had to mi In tags to pav loi them I
IHWI ste the lt until III lUllllslilugs in
the hiewei's house, but I think of the
bonus lluil well" stlipped to pa,v foi
them I think of the chlldien Hut
novel saw a cm pel that the hiewei's
ihildit'ii might dniwii their loottalls
In the vilvet sofluess ol an Amliului,
TK'i:. "Will Ihe altleimen lake caie of Ihe
(hlldiui'.' 11 an aldcimiiii urn iikikIs.
tiato vveio itally desltous of heliilng
them ho would tell tho ollleeis of his
com l to seek out the suloon kevpets
who mo selling lo mliiois und ho could
pioiulse that ho would co.opeuito with
thut olllcei Iu upholding the law. The
aldeimen nf this city know thut liquor
Is being Kohl lo minors, but ihey do
not attempt to Plop tho piacllw.
"When noble men and women seek
to secuio evidence against lliese of
fending .saloonkeepers with a boy, who
knows himself mid who Is Iu the rate
m good men, a niiiKlstiato of this cliv,
who has never lifted his hand In his
lifetime lo save the bovs and gills
of this city, dares to pose as a ft lend
of tho chlldien: dares to say that ho
Is the boy's fileml. .
"All thut t ran say Is Unit what
he sii,s Is ntiniil hvpocilsy and it con
teinptlhle lalsehood. Itegaidlng tho
statement he made, T havo nothing to
av but woids of Utter contempt and
"Hut this was not all. The gentle
men of the council got a midden
spasm of v It tup mid passed a lesolu
llon dlicctlug that no boy detectives be
employed by the city. if
their nctlon was not suth a sail pic
ture, we might be stlned to laughter
at such a satlie upon deeeni'V.
"II has now' pleased the gootl Clod
to put a man of ehaiacter In a place Iu
the city whole1 his ian be of sen Ice.
We can scan the whole horizon and
Hud not another man who measures up
to his plnce better than does lie. He
says that Ihe law can be enfuued, and
It shall bo,"
In concluding his leminks, Ui. Im
slng tiigod those present to stand with
those who aie seeking to enfoiee the
law In tlie onlv way It can be en
foiced and to heed not the clmuor
against the methods used, which ho
said weie the onlv successful methods
which could be adopted.
John Kiaeger Meets a Tiagic Death
in Dunmoie Was to Be Mai lied
a Month ftom Today.
John ICieiiM'i. a well known oiuig
man, met i tiagic death estonlav af
ternoon about 1 o'clock, when lie fell
from the Nay Aug bildge of the Ihl"
Halhond companv, to tho tockv goige
below, a distance of sovenlv-two feet.
He was emploved bv the Kilo Htlilgo
companv, which had a lotco of men
engaged osteidav in making tepairs
upon the sti ut tine.
In some unaccountable w iv tho tin
foitunate onng man lost his footing
and fell. Ills skull was lint lined and
neailv eveiv bone In his body was
A peouliailv sad foatuio of bis dentil
was tlie fact that he was to be mai
ilid on the .'th of net month
The lomalns worn taken In chnige
bv Tndei taker T.otchfoi Hi, who re
moved them to his looms, anil aftei
waid to the mothci s home, on fhei i v
stioet. Coioner Ttobei ts was notified,
and will Investigate tbe case tocl.iv.
Decoispd Is suived by his widowed
mother and the lollowlng biotheis and
sisters ("ooigo, AVilllani, Ml s. Thco
clom Dougheitv and Mis Walter
Dings The joiing man was a member
o the Junior Order Anieilcan Me
chanic, and this society will have
chaige of the runeial, announcement
ot which will be made later.
Legislative Dictiict Piimaiies aie
Now Under Way.
W S Millar md Pilules Ilci.i wem,
on Satuiilav, olet'.ed without opposi
tion, as delegates to the Hepublifin
slate convention itoin the So"ond
logislalive distilet. The coiivcntion
of ictiirn judges will be held iu the
roiitt house to-moiiow 'run 11111; nt If"
o'e lot I.
The Republican loniiiutte- or the
Thlul legislative district met atiu
duv in tile alblh it'-'li luoiii ol 111"
t run t hoii'e and lleel Inn ." as th
da on which the piiinnii's iV ill f
held lo e lei t state i'oli",Mtis
Os1.11 V 111 1, of New ton wis
chub man, end ,ttonio J. V Watkins,
of Tavloi, sicielmv. H, P. Iliunis, of
Tavloi and Ilai 1 v set'iiin,, 01 P 11
ton aie Ihe onl.v 1 imlldilos thus fm.
LAST BOWLING MATCH. Team Plays with Wilkes
Bane To-Monow Night.
The last of the lei-ut bowling
matches In which a lot .il loam will
pat tic Ipate, until the opening ol ne st
stasou will take pliue to-monow
tiiM'it. vvhi 11 the Hat kiis i lab will
Iciitinev to Wilkes-n.11 ic and moot the
WVsi i:iul VVheelnu'ii
This is a game iiostponetl fiom atly
iu the season and Captain Hopkins
(In lai is his 11111 will make a detei
miuitl t to take all tin e ol the
night's m it be. The West Hnd'n
havo. hnwevii, uniiiestlon ibl.. the
slioiiM'f team, and, unless llopki'is'
me 11 tlo miii h bettor than tin v hive
thiouglioiit Hit season, thev will In
ItieliV If thev (01110 home with pvp olio
out ot the thiee gains, al 'belt belts,
Pnssed Tluough the City Yesteulay
En Route to Buffalo,
Vlio Piesldenl Hoosevell, with ills
wife, daughter, ami .1 paity of 11 lends,
passed tluough Scianton ostcida.v at
toiiioon on tialn No. : ol the I..11 Ku
wanuii laihoad, en unite to lliiiiulu
wlnii the will attend the loimal
opening ot tho Pau-Aiucilc an cpiis
Hon todii.v
The ptltv oictlplul the logulur Pttll
Pluu obseivmioii eai, ami leaihed this
ell at 1.."" p. 111. Tlicli piesoiue 011
Hie tialll was unobsnivod, save liy a
low people who worn on the station
plat foi 111 at the lime, anil tlioiu was
1,0 tlcnioustiailoii of any kind.
On the same tiulu went tweuiy.flvo
nnmbi'is of W, A Hiadv's "I'mio
Tom's Pabln ' cuiupmi) en mule to
Paid Penalty for Piesuming to
Know How to Bowl,
Tim "Tin Pans," a howling luini
composed of picstiuiptlous .voting men
of ihe Se 1 anion Hlc.vclo club, who
thought Ihe.v Knew mom about howl
ing limit tlie It'glllu (lllb ti nil, entei
talued the lattoi al a 1 111 hoi, dinner
The dftnlr was held at .Schleliol's, on
the boiilevaul. The hosts ami guests
together with tlie scoie keepeis, Join
ne.vid thithei on Holies' new biake,
iu "i o'llotk, ami aftei four bonis of
tale enjn.vmi 111 IttUllietl to t tin club, when tho mgiilu team, out
or gialltude, put In anothei two hotiis
In leacliing the 'Tin Puns" the nidi
nicnts of the game of bowls
Big Dam Bleaks.
Oi I xclusiic Win fiom 'Hit icl"tci Pnu
Wiililu Kill, 'I'VJ.. Mjv I'l-ll'ii iii;,ilion
lllllUt,'k lljlll bill' luoko till) 1110111I11; ut .: 0
ncloik. Su lilei it' loot, but rcibliliublo was ibno, 'lit pii'ik In ilit 1, j I lo ji mre
iMiiiuvl iu limp.
Contract for Decoiations Has Been
Let Pallors, Meeting Room, and
Gymnasium to Bo the Piinclptc
Apattments Director Hitchcock
Adveitisea for Bids for New Ap
paiatus Volunteer Department
Not Yet Officially Dlsbnnded Com
panies Nenily Up to Their Quota.
The contiuct for the decorating ot
the club 100ms of Ihe Firemen's Re
lief association on Spittte .stiect hits
been nwmdctl and the woik 's now
fail ly under way. The vnlls iiiu' ceil
ings of nit the thiee Hoots nr. to be
unwind In f-toieo-ivllef or stucco work,
handsomely decorated.
The ceilings of the big mom on the
second lloor mo to be painted In fiesto
bv a Now Yoik nitlst and will, tt la
expected, etiiial anything In that line
In tin city. This second lloor Is to b
divided off by grill woik pmtltions and
cuitalns Into puilots, mcoptlon moms,
leading room mitt "molting loom.
The thhd lloor Is to be used as .1
meeting room and as a pint e for con
ducting eiitoilalnments, etc. t will be
lilted mi Willi .1 "twill stage. The seat
ing capacity will lie between MO and
too The fourth lloor, w hleh alo con
"Wls of one huge loom, Is to be used
as a gvmnasluiii.
The boanl of dhoetois Is now btlsllv
engaged in looking over lines of cm pet
and fuinitum. Tho second anil thhd
Hoots me to be lltted with new Rtus
sels cm pet and the larger patt of the
ltiinilum to be used will be nt w,
though the best of that now iu use In
the suveini company houses will be
utilized as fai as possible.
No date has as yet been set for the
formal opening celobiatlon, but the
tommlttee In chaise has lecelvod 11s-suianc-es
that Chief Piokei, of the New
Yoik fire dopaitment, and Phlef Hav
lei. of the Philadelphia dopaitment,
will bo pmsont if thev urn enabled
to know, a week 01 so beforehand, the
e.tct ditto.
Dheetor ol Public Safely P. n
Illteheock has adveitlsed for sealed
pioposals for one flist-eloss steam (lie
engine, one flist-clnss hook and lad
der tiuck. and 2,000 feet of two-and-oue-h.ilf
inch flic liose of the most
appiovcd pattern and design. Pro
vlslon for all this appaiatus is made
in the appiopi ialion oidlnance. ?r,000
being appiopiiated for the file engine,
$4,000 for the hook and ladder tiuck,
and Jl,r,00 for the hose.
Rids am to be opened publicly on tile
arternoon of Tuesday, MYiv 2S. in th
olilce of the dlmctoi, who lesoivos the
light to lejuct anv and till bids. Dl-
leetor Hltclicock in thus deciding to
open the bids and aw aid the contract
Is aeting in line with Pity Solicitor
A'a foil's iiillntT that the head of each
depaitment and the moot dor ate given
power In .the Mwhlhi 0111101 act to
awaid eonliacts
The volunleei (lie dep.11 tint nt lias
not vet been ofllolillv nud foi mall v
dWhanded. On Situidav. Alav .1, when
Dltectoi llllthcoek swoie In the new
men and announced the dismissal of
tlie siv who weie chopped at the var
ious fit, houses, ho 1-1ballv announced
that (lie Milimteei ilepai tnniit wns dls
b ended. Ho piopai'd an ollleial otelei
dedal Im; Iho volimteeis elisbaniled
and this 01 dot, whitti eotitained a
Itibule to ihe milling mii fiom Re -conlei
Molt va pimtod hi the dailv
tapv'ls on Ttlpscl.iv. Jlav S Copies been piepaiod foi em h flie house,
but have novel lien Issued, so that
theomtlcallv the volunteei d-pai inicnt
Is stiu In e'.lstenco.
Ditector Hitclicotk will not siv whv
the 01 dot hi." not been I sited, but It
is --puei.illv uiideistood tint it is be
laiiso Ihe peunant'iit man for the Kev
sei Valle Hoo iniiipanv has not tot
been appointed. The lo-eiiaiiiatlcui
oiiiinauc e ptovides t tin I the volunteeis
shall not be disbanded until the iiiim
be ol luldilioiinl ppininneiil men, pio
vlded thoielu shall have been ap
pointed The ICovser A'alWv man Is
one of these addition il pel mam nt men
and il would svjoni Unit until lie W ap
pointed tho volunteeis cannot be olll
eiall) dlsbinded.
II is undtftood that veiv few mom
bunk and tall men me to bo sworn Iu
Dime tor Hitchcock sajs t lint then, am
seeial mom to be appointed, but in
timates that lie is vmtly well satisfied
witli the dppattniPiil as- it stands nt
pn'spiit. Not all tin companies have
tho niiinbi'i of men pi ov ided lor In tl."
The Nuy Aug, PhoenK mid I'lj'stal
companies,' which piotecl tho mot im.
poi taut pait of the city, have their
full iiota ot men, ns have tilt Poliiin
blus anil tla Uellefs, die two combina
tion chemical and hose coinpan'es,
Neither Hie Nepluue, I'lankllti. fjijn.
Phlnney or na,i eiiRhit compnnlps
have the 1 eciilWIU 1111111)1' of men, but
iJiey iiveiaM" with I hi peiiiiuuont men
about seven tiioli em h. The four Not Hi
Si ranlon companies um luotty well
tilled up, thou being but eiy few
m mn les, Theie am two 01 thiee men
slim I Iu the Penlill.v cotnptui.v, but the
William Pnniiill eoinpanv lias fun
tiuotii anil was ihe Hist lomp.iuv to
have It
Two ah u nis ol Ilie ou li iiiu last at
wide h them was Just about live 111I11
uti s work clone, tost tho city fj.1 for
bunk and ill 111111. The (list alaim
was fiom lint 76 ami was seat in af
ter the explosion at the Dolawam &
Hudson shops. Tine., ot the .Vol 111
Sriaiitoii companies, ip.speindetl anil II
took just (lvo minutes to put out the
Humes, The lime slitcts sml In by the
seveial lliemeii lor Ibis blrup looted
up to $1.'. Thut ove'iilng the contial
illy companies lesponded lo an aim in
Doin Hon !.', but the slight blae was
out befoiM they arilved. The I hue
bllhs lor tills 1 tin loot up In $111,
Plldei the nnvv icghne Phlef J'.lolinan
must attend eveiy Ilie This 'is be
cause the distilei thiols who foi nun lv
tool chaifcej "f small lima ,in ills,
pensed with. Of coin so In tlie past
the chief i.lwus made .111 iffoii to at
letid cvciy llm but If "taps" or "(lie
out" was sounded whllo on his way,
he would genomic luiiibul. Now he
must i) to Hit- stene ol tvei hl.uo,
even If "luis do sound while In Is on
his way.
llil-. Ijiiii- I) '1 1 llilighjst, ntuti i-llpiiliiluiil. 111
of the I'tiiidviliit iliiitili, prutlici -utirilj'
niornin, in All souls' t'niicis.ilit cliurtli.
ltd. I. It. Austin, pjiloi n( Ihe Asli sticcl
Vlithoili.t tpUcvpal tluiiii, bcja a tuittj ot
Cut Glass I
I'-'Eve-Cfy piece? excelleme
lllb IllUtlCI .lit IWII1I.
Llbbey's Sugars and Creams, Bowls, Plates, Vases, Etc.
Geo V Millar &
VJCU. Y. ITllIlttl IX.
vour a Mammoth Stock
C rttl l"t To Select 'om-
IS QOOd PriCeS Bottom
at the Terms Tyf;e
PePle,'s SSSft-- Clothing.
31? Lack. Ave
Second Floor
Open Evenings
siiiniiis ljst iiiulit 111 ' tllil li-l midit Heroes"
Till m-llls H to ir Mimic lllln till -IIIIIIIICI.
IU nun's niiillin. 11 tin Ifiilioul oun
Mens (Inistiiu 1 "nun 11 n-tinliv hIUhhuii
is iililusMil In II 1 si)M. , io riiki in ' Mm
Dllsnt Vll I ' Hull 11 is splimllil inn
sic III II 0 ipllltlltl'
Hoi. Di li'liut I V I'ii in ii ui .1 mn
si 1 11 -i of illiiitiilul soiiiniiis it tin I'iiiii Vn inii
f 1 pi i-l iliiinli list iiu-lii. tiKiue; fir bis topic
It, l t VI slulilniis 1 1I1 In Hi d ho I, "III Ills
siep. " lhi ili-U.III-l' ills In illlililll llblstt Hid
llllll phiiliiKI Ipllil Mlll-
I ho 1111 iiilu is nf Ilo Hull Sinn soncti it
luiiliil In in iln lion it runs 1 itlniliil 1 tst
iiikIiI in 1 limb 1 1" i s mi, -null lit nm- no!
ji an 1 111 Ilit nmli tint, 1 f u s.lniiiilii, 1.11 1,'
llllilllplllitll III llllll VI HlkMllS Itlll Vloj'im
Collil,lll III till Ml lit) llnl 11,111 1S itillll
Hi -null mil of llii VI 11 111111 of 1 milium
pb 1 iniirl nil! opt ti this niiiitiiiv litL.s
Ki lit md Ciipuilii no linlnli il lo piisiil
In tin 1 i-i it lli ' uh md ill Vlinoi, in, I Vi .
1I1111111. snnv intil. ittlii.t 1). (1 I'iiiii-, jmlu
Mint, his iniiiiil il 1111-1 Iln il fin I nit mi it.iiu
nf nppc 11 iruo
In Ilo 11 of Mm I Imilir 1, tliisl llu
Vlcnliiii Hint. Willi loiiipiin Iln pin cm Mi.
linlii lioitnl 1 initlil in flior if tin- pllilillu
V m 11 tinil i ill In i-lnil Im.
V tub tut 1 11111 Hill itis ci mini In tin
I im 1 I 1 1 iiiui . I lupp II .n.iiii-1 I' It C.illlii l;
I I .il, iililtll 11 is lllul ben 11 Iml.. I npitllil
list link .lllll lislllllll ill .1 vi Mini tn llu pi llu.
lilt in tin -um of s,ii
the lieiiiuic 111 tin miiIIi Ii 111 1 ut tin' botid of
fried In tin- s, 1 luleu mil Nnitlti tsli in Itillinul
loiupjiu lo huh timif 1 the llm In lilm Witir
coiutiaiiv fm tin! of land it Aluosii nlid
miller tiitln of iiuIimiiI doiusiii, Mill I il i pit e
this tiioliiiii lifuio IikI,i luipeiilct
Ihilndelphia Catholics Honor the
Hi l lu-ivi Win ftom llu I'ich
F'hlhidolphla. Mav 1 -Paiillnal Mm
llnelll. who aiilvctl h"ie jostenliiy
fiom Washington, was to-el ly tentleied
a public it'ioptloii b the Catholics of
this illi The 1 iiinlliial t-elohiatod
solemn pontltli nl mass iu tlie chuuh
ot the Jtsu this iiioinliig. Many poo.
pie pioiiilnont Iu the thin ill wvie
pmsenl. The sei moil was pioat hod bv
ihe Mi' Alo sin- p. iliosiuiui, S, .1.,
piolosMii of dogmatic thtolog at
Woinlslotk 1 allege. Aliit.v himl.
'ill Hie alli'i inion mi olaboiate diliuor
wits given ill honor ol thn new iar
diual, and this ovcnliu, a 101 option was
in Id al St. Joseph's college'. All nd-lio-s
of wolconie vvtts dollveitd Itv
Hiol. Uwon ,. Hill vice pmsldonl of
the college Pitlditlll .Mllllllielll will
lotlllli to Washington lo.iuoiiow
Willing to Foieo the Pleasuie of
Opening Fotelgn Mail,
ll.i I uln. iie Win linlii llu Vso iitcd I'rr.M
I 1 ut ilililmpli. Mil 1 Muiied ImliU I'j.liJ,
ill I ..III III IHillMCI III DIliL'll Hllils, I .lllnl lip 'II
llii .iiiil)J".nlws md iiuilli il I In til 01 1 111 In 1. 1
diin In le e-l 1hli.l1 lie Ultu. ipin Jill- in toe iiiisliru jikI lit liiiintlili In .ml u 1,1
liuuliuliili , piobiblt llu ton l.n iiiiuislPi lilm
Mil In Jpelo.Ui tol llu Violoioll nf I lie foil .11
null hius
llll UllllUsnllloi tint 'fi-IHlll) Jl ibc il
ill iu i nf Ilie Ciiiii.iii jiubissiiloi to til 1 1 1 mi i o
tihut clllliilo In J lopt III lieu ol Hit loni-Ule
nilimi.-iuii uf llu tulillun pi rti
Suicide of Rev. Mi. Babcock.
B.t rxcluslic Wlte f.ttn The ocljtdl I'rm
Napln. Vjt vi -tiiiHut iuvislii.jtioii into lh
ta.i' of llu' AmuiiJii ilirj-tnuii ttha coiiiinitlnl
nlklile here .Mflmlit ill Iho liili'iitalionul lies
piUl b.i Mtiiint.- Jli ailui ot hi ititst .mil JI
Icittitig loirusiii' Mibliiiule, Jii'l who iu. nun
tionrd In jftUidj.t'o di-patihes u lf Millie,
an Aiiiciluii I'tjiiiri liiil inlulilrr, pious Iln nil
(hit d luiu bun Hit Hit. viltle l)iuii(ort
Bbsot V-.
In Its full measure ot brilliancy nnd beaut", j--
is all you will ever lint! at CHINA HALL,
We exercise more care and critical selec- 8
tton tn ouying uut t iisss than our most
exactinc patrons. "Averace" Cut G ass
won't suit us, yet prices are at
Co m Wjr-onUmt Avenoe
VU. W.Ik In .nd Look Ar.uni
n-fiuin Vnn On
V Not (lie fuilt of Ilie wheel, pr.
hnp. but bid 011 tlie- whoil, vinloRs
it l 11 vorv itooil 0110. 'lliat is why
it puis to bio, tin
Scranton Bicycle
It Is not proof nciinst hird knock.',
but 1 1 j 1 J kncn 1.4 do less to Injure It
than tin ctitap vvhocl. IIhri whorls
ntttiil Ilie slrdti ot wcur ami ncci
dint. 126-128 Franklin Ave.
Security of Possession
Is the tieasiitcd dicnin of every piop
erty owner or ptospcctlve purchaser.
Pieeiuenllv, it is not until the sale or
echange ot n holding is tlesiied that
tlie cloud upon ,t title Is dlstovcted and
cemtemplitod jilans aie defeated.
Title I nsiii ante fully ptotects against
defect of se.iuh, expense of litigation
In silent, it piovldes complete lu
ilptniiilieatloii loi any loss atlslng f 10111
tlie contest! d validity of .our piopeity
!u, ud otn Inlet ests with a policy ol
Title Guaranty and Trust Company
Of hcranton, I'cnna
516 Spiuce Street,
I V. ill os, I iclent.
V II. Mil lintuik,
V Ice iiiislili nt.
II. A. Knipp, V -Prrt.
It-ilpli S. Hull,
Iru.t Oflrer,
We have it, all colors, all
sues, all
ranging in
price rrom 25c to $2.50 per
garment, sizes from 28 to 5a
inches, Positively the most
complete line of Men's Un
derwear iu town. It will paj
you to call before buying.
Have you tried our ioc Linen
Kt rM srs'TATiv I s W'AKTBn1
lniili tcxei, to bell our Vermin ir i
Moth Poe)5fS, for Ike on I'oultrt,
I OmUII, lit-'. I .uini. wnnifc, iicri
on Dfg'i Ticks c-i Sheep. Wm.
'I 1 rcvttilattvr. J'nclose self 3d
il-i-.-fd htaiiiiml CLVi'lone lor
inforinilioii nnd older saiinilc lo I.areeian
delUend iiiiivlterc lit U. r. or Canada, for !()
'H. Do uot tie: it stamps for Powder, C'liarRn
prepaid CockU f-itarnulec il ui niimcy rclundcil
All littil sloiild lie UtisttJ before titling und
IhifctUssbtfort linlchliii;. It i:ncs thclucaol
liiouiarHlscjfli'llc-tluc'.iiuultiu'.C'S frotnlieae
lice, tnjkrs jour Itcus lay ami keeps tUtjn
lirilthv haiuplebo, lO triltf.
(''InrUtH. send us trial order for our Su
perlor (Juality ol lolann Diut1 Price, lli
i lv per pouud :ou pounds in barrel.
Burs Vcrrh Pcd-r Co , -110 Paull Bid.
Da't-n, Lstk. Ci., P.. bcranton( P
Stowells' Eveigieen Com
at U, It. CUuK A. Co.'.s, JOl Washington
Smoke thu new Kleon olgar. So.
& -Sfts