The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 18, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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    v '-fltHH 7 fV " Vlil-V'nFt' '-''Viy "-V"' V'yW"1! 1v-p,j'v
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Jrnilil lo Hi Scwnlon Tribune.
Montrose, Muy t". Enieit Finn linn
flt'i'rpiPd ii posiltlon In Hip ilrtiR stoic
of A. P. niirn.". I
SiiHfUluhuMiia's IihII trun,' lllil not put
In nn appearance nn Tluit' lay. conse
'ItitMitlj MoMi-upo whs tlenl ,'1 the pirns
tile of n Rood Rrtino uf bull) lit the Rote
ril.inppolnttniMU of our lot 1 pnihtH
A.te. , J
f'onipiin.f tittlll br Iimp-wi-mI iiii Mon
day ovcnlnn. Muy '1
Our fishermen hip Iii'IiirIiis In liaiul
ntm catch"! iliillj. Onr of I hi' lliinil
i"lito.Ht spcrltnnns of hronU trout evhlli
licit thly dcufon whs ciiut-lit In Will
lams' pnml unil tlpp"il the Hialiis ill
two pounds and four ounces.
A I'hecN for 7,1)07.12 Ini'i licrn re
ceived from the slate b.v I'liimiy Ticiin
U icr l.piindfl' t'oll. Tills coveri the
phnro of Susiiucliiiniiii county In llie
tax paid by the l"rlc Itatlroad com
pany, and which tax. unrli'i the pro
visions of lb? I'rle bonus bill, icvpi'Ih
to thp count !p; In which the ioopcrty
Is lociitpd.
I'pv. Ii. K. Thoinns I? rcovcrlnc;
from Ills serious Illness, nnd In now
able to sit up smnc, nnd Ii Is honed
fhnt he soon will lip leslnierl to bis ac
customed Rood hcnlih.
Mlis .tulle Cruier, (he elocutionist,
iiccs an entorialnnicnt at Dallon. Pa.,
on May 21.
I'icsldciit McKlnlpy's teleRi'Hplipr, Mr.
Marei'n, who accompanies him on his
present trio, l an old Suyi-uo'innim
cotinU boy. Mr Is n native of Hnr
fotd. nnd Iciiipod the nit or telef.iphy
nt old Montrns" deiot. now Uorcl.
The mairlncr of '"tcdeilck Wells, of
t'liiKhinntoii I'ointerly of South Mont
ii'. ti Mls Ida (tuldpit, of OsroCT,
w III in fin on May L".'.
The Indies of the H.iptl-l I'liurch will
(tip Ice cream and en Up al Ihe church
on MoniKilal day, to nils" funds uiili
h'rli to fuiulnli ii room im the nmv
I'll le Tmln'ns school in '."itprshlre,
N. V
A piri.v ii'' ' uilt-illst.s. IneludlnR- snnie
prominent hi" 'ness men of this county
.nd of IJio.mie couiuv. X. Y., have
1'iased about fifteen hundred acies of
I nd in the vicinity of Salt Spiins-J. In
rivnfclln tnw nciiip, jind propose to at
mipp put down tcl wells for oil or r.i.
or both. Kxppt'f- who have been on
t'ic nrntiitcl have cveiy confidence that
t "tli oil and pas will he found in pay
Hi". riMiitlHc.
rjporcp '. Hill K seriously ill nt his
home mi ''hurt h iipp-t.
TIip r.adles' Worklna R-uilil of St.
I i til's Kplsco'iul eliiiri-h are p,mnlnsr
to uivo an ptilcrtainnicnt nnd two days'
fair ut Vill.tRp. hall, some time in Aujj-u.'-l.
the exact dates to be announced
.Mrs. ICilqur Hosier is bavins her
rye.s treated by a Mieclailst in Kci un
ion, and lie oxnects to .save Hie slcht
of one and possibly Iioth of her eye.1-.
My. I!. V. Archiiald and nun her.
Mrs. Cannon, of Scranton, and Miss
rJthiope, of I'uffalo. wore the guests
of Mis. Frances Tylr, In this place,
this welc. The ladles wcic charmed
with Montrose, hiu! are likely to bo
ftcilUPiil vlsitois heie in the futuie.
Ilonry P. Whulsn. or the Montrosj, was a visitor in Scvaniou
i'ii Weriii'sdny evening, when be ic
(eivpil the third d'mee In the or.ler of
Knights of Columbus.
Dr. W. ,1. Chandler, of South Oian-c,
N". .1.. lias been s-jienilinj; the tvteU In
Ppciial to tlir Ftuiitcn Trihur.r.
rnioudale, M.ty IS. Mr. and Mis.
WashiiiKton Davles. of Welsh 1 1 ill.
weie pleasant visitors in town Intel v.
Mis. Silas O. (.'hurchlll Is numbered
,'i'iinnog the sick.
Mrs. Arthur Poster, of
vl'ltcd 'Squiie and Mis.
Stai me, a,
Kll.l.i: Cif.
p ".tei Tlimsday.
"nn Ci-indall has been ic-enipl i.ved
in 'ho mill; depot.
Mrs. I'nnc Ciii'll.. after a very s"
fic attack of sickiHs-. is irupiovliig.
Mis. ,T. T. rietcbor. of Porest City,
Is taklnc can of her sicdv mother. Mis.
S. (i. Churchill.
S. S. Hubbard Is miikliiK sub.-tanti,il
Iniproveiiienis on liN mill pioper y.
Mr. Hubbard is one of the IimiIIiir- en
ternilslnp: spirits of the town.
Mrs. John Clark has returned ftom
South CSibson,
Mrs. Aioh Johnston, of Sc. anion, ic
lurned linine last Monday.
MesdaniPS F. M. Uavles anil S S.
Hubbard were visitors In c.trbondnle
last Monday.
Mrs. Kdlth Smith, one of our ambi
tious younsr Indies, Is nttendiii)? tro
Normal school nt New Mllfoul.
Itev. Mr. Huston and family w,.r
rniertitllied in the Methodist parson
fiRe several days this week,
Or. Taylor nnd Itev. .Mr. Htoadliead
and families are to occupy tlu l,iu
Iiuiuher house for the summer.
fpfclal to the Stranton Trllmnr.
PiooKlyn, Ality 16. Mrs. .lohn Klnsr
l quite poorly, lie slali'i, Mis. Por
ter, has beon c.irliur for hei.
The Doian nros, have sold their team
jf hlaeKs lo Dr. II, ("!. Uasseii, or Syd
ney. N. Y.
Nelson Paukaid and James Hook
vltivor ary on the sock list.
Will Steillne and tlaimlnei. li.ilch
StrrlltiK mil .Mrs, Koper visited Mop
Jrobc Wednesday,
(Svnrfce Terry Is able lo he out, after
ihiee weeks' slcknes-s.
Tins band Is piuelli'liiK: muslo fur
Memorial d.'iy. aa they nie to play for
the exenlses her?. The Y. P. c.
will probably servo Ice eicam,
Mr. Shadiluck visliecl Scranlun this
.Mrs, While and daiight-i au visit
!pb In Wilkes-Harre.
Miss I'Mlth Kent spent Sunday with
hei pnrrnts lirre.
A younsr dniiBlUsr arrived at th M,
H. Parsopano Inst Momla.v.
Mr. Fied Uallej. of Huston. Is visit
Inw Ills sister, Jliv. , "W. Kent.
Itev, James D. TflllnelinM will
preach In the Lnivetiial chinch Sunday
a I 7:0.
The Junior Y, P. C. C, kuv- an c
nentn social nnd entertainment Tuss
.lay evening, which was ,1 siicies In
every vvtiy,
fjidjl lo (lit Sainton Tiibunr.
Hopbottom. May I". -The Methoilisl
Ijidlcs' Aid society met Tluu-idrtj nf
Eenioon at the home of Mrs. W'illard
Pavltt, about two miles fiom town.
Xhc Vn'vcrsallst Ladles' Aid society
held lis uieetltn; on Vednesdny even
Iiir ut the lionic of Mrs. Will .Ipffers
In t.ennx, The woathrr, the scenery
and Kond condition of the roads nt
piesenl nil coifirlbtileil towards mnkltiK
those trips Into the KUrroUmllns? coun
try most plciisttrable nffiilrs, In June
the t'nhersiillst Aid will be pntrr
tnlned by Mis. I.'dwiud .Smith, of
Mr. John Hlliv. of summit. N. ,l Is
vIjIHhh: his cousins Air W K. lit own
nnd MWs Itorn rrui'
The new meat mnrkoi , net to be
doliiK n uood business nnd Is furnish
inn lis customers with t,oud meal nnd
a clean market.
All lee cf.ini social will be nlven by
:in' 1'nlversallsi Ladles' Aid society
fit Trunin's hall on Frldn.v nveitlntr,
.Ntuy "I. A miitlcnl and literary pro
M nnime will be Riven during: the vpn
Ins:. Ilev. Jnn.e.s rilllnKhnst spoke In the
Unlversullst church, Monday evenlnR on
the work done by the stnte convention
throufih tlir superlnlrndent. fn Tues
ilwy he mydp ninny calls on the people
of the parish.
SiiooIjI lo the Scranton Tillmti?.
Finest City. Mny IT. --The curly clos
IriR movement has now had a week's
trial nnd the niuo"li of people nre
t.ikliiR: th neW system philosophically.
It worked some Incnnvvnlpnc" to thti'-e
ol a forgetful nature the first few
dnys. but neople will without doubt
soon adapt themselves to the new con
ditions a Hi make llirlr purchases early.
Mr. Amnndn Tonkin, of Poyntelle.
is visltinc her diitiRhler, Mrs. 'A. N.
A sou bus b"cn horn to Mr. and Mis.
I'M win Waters.
An Ice cream .ochI will be held In
the I'lPsbyle1 inn cliureh Saturday
Thei Pave been an unusually larse
number or real estate deals In town the
past few months. This week the old
postofTlce hullclln? wns sold by F. (.'un
til luthnm to M. Hendler Tor St.OOO. the
old Davis h"usp lot on the corner of
Muln strict nnd Center street has
ben trnnsferred to Mai tin Muc-hitz by
.1. II. CtmnltiKbam for S.1.000. nnd II. V.
II' own has diposed of his Hud.'. on
tree property to John Molufwskl for
MlehncI Connelly, Jr.. and James
CnffB-y have koiip to Jersey City lo
search for einnloyii'etit.
T. H. O'Neill, of White's Vallov. Is
th" of bis daughter. Mrs. Joseph
The rnur men. Willinni Rurns, Djn
ovich Fraiulseo. Anton Podboy and
John who as annotince.l In
The Tilbiine several days hko. ft
Wednesday nlRht for the Klondike,
were .iiiR-mented by the addition of Joe
Tiohlsh, nnot'.ier Potest City man. wlio
bell"vp.s ho can strike It tieh In the
northern old fields. A brass band and
about Ihiee hundred people were at
the dfTiot to give I hem a partltiK "send
On Wednesday net in the Davis
iv era lioiis. He. h. J. Whalen, of
.ii'ijiiiiiiiiie. win n?uver a leeluf' o'l
(he "Wit nnd Humor of the It Mi Peo
ple " tin lor the auspices of the Baptist
youii people.
"Throuph Now Kiijflatid Awli-el" Is
1 he title of a leetmo to be Riven I y
Hev M Sanfnrd in tin; Methodl t
dun ch Mondav nlrht.
The peiile of Forest city are con
Kintulatlne; John W. Zeanold on h's
election a delesratr to the national
lonvpiillnn of the C T A. IT.
Local I'nlon 1.700 or the I. ,l. w. of
A. ate njriinKlnff for ,( picnic on th"
ITth of July find the Star drum coins
lias secured -the VandlliiR- srove for
June IS.
Thomas Jones nnd Matthew Eaqnn
have opened a lively in the Mel,aiiRh
lln house barn.
Ppeelnl In th Sfranlnn Tllliiine.
Wayinart, May 17. Kc ward W. Doyle
has leturned to Scranton, after apend
inp; a week with his patents heie.
Mls.s Anna Wubster. of South Ca
naan, Is visiting fi lends in town.
Dr. F. W. Corson bus returned honi
after a bu.-dnu'-.s tilt to AVashlnuton,
D. C.
Tile supper Riven by the Ladles' Aid
suclety of the Methodist Uplseopal
church ni the home of Mis, Katu
Squires, Wednesday evening, netted
about $fl to the funds of that socletv.
Itev. William Rawllnss Is this w'eek
picklnK and sellinc his household
Roods, piepniatory to lenvins for
mnn, where he and his wife will In the
ruiuic make theh home with a mar
iled daughter.
Dr. and Mis. I.. :. Perkins, 0f For
est city, spem Sunday with the for
mer's fathoi, ti. 1:, leikln, of this
The Stage Hands' union, of C.ubon
dnle, gave a large ball at (iruver's
hotel on Wednesday evening,
Mrs. II, C. Doyle and daughter paid
Honesdale h business call the forepart
of the week.
Mis, Lafayette Stanton, who has
been sick for some time, continues in
about the same condition.
Miss IMnu Dimock ami friend, of
Honesdale, pussed Sunday as guests of
Mls.s Anna KiisIru,
One of the yoiiiiR sons of .Mr. Mat
thews is lying seilotitiy Ut with typhoid
Mrs. P. p Viucoe entertained her
biotheis, from Pateison, N, J,, over
. -
Siila In tli Scranton Trllmni
Thomp.son. May 1',. i: ) Oelatt lln
Islied sawing the logs In Ills mill yard
today, He has sawed two hundred and
sixty thousand reet this season.
Mr, Sherwood, who has been gelling
the li.mber off the It. V. Whitney lot
for a couple or yeais. finished Ills Job
loday and the mill will be remove.) In
due lime.
Caipentei!. uie uuitinB an addition
oil the bain belonging to (he Jeffeison
house, and run as ,1 livery stahle hy J
I.. Wlttei,
The two houses belonsing to the Dr.
SUmpsun estute, on Jackson stteet, are
tecelivna- a fresh coat of palm.
i:. L. Leonard has peas live laches
high, the best we know of In Thomp
sou. Mtes LliM 1,'inft bus, been visiting
friends in New Yuri; this. week.
J. 1). Miller returned jesierday riom
a business trip to Wilkes-Uarre.
W. D. Plow, high 1 unstable of 1I10
hiMfiiish, has moved on to bis fann a
nine cusi 01 ,
Parties from near Kestdlnif, Pa., art
trying tn secure the product of our
now rrenniery nnd of the one nt Star
t.ennder H. Whitney Is ereotlng a
fine Inrge batn on his farm In the
ttfiv, Mr. McKay nnd .Innies (Jelittt,
of Oakland, spent Tuesday In town,
Arlington Leonard, of Sctantou, la
spending some time with his mini, Mis.
(.. M. Lewis.
Alls. Kale Fnx, of Oakland, bocttine
n tesldenl of our town this Week, us
did Mrs. William Chandler, or Olbson.
Iter. P. It. Tower Is btlghlenlng West
roitajro with 11 coat of paint.
Miss Stella Howntil has been In
Itliiglmniion and Susiiuehnnna this
i'i L. Cliitke. of Oreen drove, nftcr
looklnc after his Intriests here, re
turned home yesterdn,
Ipcelil to thf Srranlon Trlbunf.
Tlonesdnle, .Mny I", The lloiipvlnl"
high school grndu.ulng oxerclses will
lv held Friday evening, June II, In
thr opera bolls'.',
Alessts. W. tl. Ul.irknely nnd A. M.
l.eim nre soliciting funds for Memor
ial dtty uAen Ises.
W. T Haft's dancing class will hold
their final event on Wednesdny, even
lug. Mny 22.
The murrlnge of Allot ney Peter II.
Doff nnd MIk I.Ulu C. Hnllett. m
Honcsdnle. will tuke place ut the honti!
of th bilde's parents on Wednesday.
Muy 22.
The following ladles have been added
to the general committee for fresh air
children. Miss Jennie Lee. Mrs. James
Mush. Miss Kutheiliie Onyloid unil
Mrs. W. J. Van Kcuf'ti.
Rev. William H. Swift will deliver
a ,crnmn In the members of Company
II, Thirteenth rpglm-mt, In thp Pi-psby-tprlun
chuich Sunday e"ning, May
The nnnual convention of Wayne
roitnty Sundny school workers will be
heH in the Honesdale Methodist chinch
Wednesday afternoon ar.d evening.
May 2?. Rev. Charles Roads, D. P.,
genetal state superintendent of pri
mary work, will lie present.
"The Spinster's Return" l the title
of an pnlertaliinient to be given In the
Presbyterian chapel Thursday evening,
Mav 23.
The funei'il of John W. .Irnklns was
held at the resident e of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Jenkins, on
Dyherry nvenup Friday nftPino'in.
lt-.v. William If. Swift officiated. In
tertuent was mnd ' tit Prompton. The
deceased was 22 yeais of age. a grad
uate of the Honesdale high school, had
many friends n Honesdale tn mom 11
with parents and brothers. 1-Mwnid nnd
Prank, who survive him.
'priial 10 1 hi Puanton Trllmnr.
Hawle.v. Mav 17. Mr. T. W.
'was a visitor in lloncsriale on
William Pelton has been confined to
tile house tor a few dnys with a slight
Mrs. W. C. Knapp and Mrs. S. S.
Speers me visiting fi lends al Ashley
this week.
Sir. and Mrs. C. K. Salmon, of Scran
ton, passed through here Friday on
their way to Honesdale to attend the
funeral of the late John Jenkins, of
that place.
Mr. Moes Kellam, of Dunmoie, Is
visiting relatives in town.
Mr. John Plenum, of Scranton. has
been -spending a few days with friends
in this vlclnitv.
W. C. Knapp w.n a caller nt Iloncs
dale Friday.
Itev, Walter Percy, of
has been called to the
the Haptisi church and
ibarge June 1.
The foundation for the
'ules, Mass.,
pastorate of
will assume
new Presby-
lerian manse Is nearly completed uud
when the structure Is complete It will
be a gieat addition to that part of our
U'. (.', Knapp will lepresent Wangum
lodge. No. 44". I. O. O.F., .11 the coming
session of the Ornnd lodge at Oettys.
burg. Pa.. June 21.
The new Catholic church Is nearly
completed and will be dedicated in
U. F. Klllium, of Paupack
town Friday.
was in
Special lo the Si union Tiilmn.
Klngsley. May 16. Mrs. T. McCar
thy Is spending n few days with her
sons at Hnllstead.
Insurance Agent U. D. Black, of
Nicholson, wns In town Tuesday.
Stnte Superintendent Tllllnghast gave
nn inteiestlng inlk In the I'nlversullst
chinch Wednesday evening.
Miss Josle Carpenter, of Hopbottom,
was in town Wednesday. She and her
sister, .Mildred, are to be admitted to
the Harfoid Soldiers' Orphan's school.
Mis. W W. Adams and son, Wind
sor, are trending a. few days with Har
ford friends.
Mrs. K. I. Sloat and .sons, Hubert and
Ronald, are spending a few days with
lelatlvcs heie.
Miss .' Ima Goodrich was a delegate
to Hie V p. c, r, convention held ut
Hopboltoiu Saturday nnd evening.
II. W. Jeffers, manager of the Walk-er-fioiiinii
I arms nt Plalnsboro, N, ,I
was a guest of relatives here the first
of the week.
Mis. Kilnti Cr.indall has returned
lit in an extended slay with telalives
at Set anion,
S"ilil to llu Stiinlon Trllmnr.
Welsh Hill, May 15. A large barn
belonging to .Mr. Albert Leek was
Mi tick by lightening on Saturday last
and burned to the ground.
Mr. James Lewis, of Sciunton, was
11 pleasant caller at this place re
tetitly. The roads .11 e being lopalied under
the supervision or Mr. Thomas Mor
gan, Mr, John Owens, of Klkdule, Is woik
Ing for Mr, Thomas D.ivies, ut the
sawmill this week,
The Ladies' Aid soulety met nt the
home or Mrs. John Moses on Wedues
day, Hie 15th.
The pai.sontige bain h.ts been coiu
pleitd and Is one of the finest barns
of Its size in this place
The Rev. P. J. Knln has teturned
home to Philadelphia, inter 11 Hhurt
visit hete.
The Spring' Fever.
is d niulady which ti one can escape
at this season of the year. The vital
ity Is usually overtaxed dining Iho
winter months, and spiitig llnds tho
ysleni oil run down. The blood Is
thinned and Impure, The kidneys and
liver nte Inactive resulting In a loss
of energy and nppjtlte, and 11 de
rauRcmeut of the nerves. LMity's
Celery Nerve Compound will purify
your blood. 10110 up your nerve , anil
IcHve you feci ni; ficsh and eu'.ctetlc.
Sold by Muuliuwa U'.o.,.
Wall fltritt IUtIiw.
Vpw ntk, Mat 17. The fevtr anil iiftvom
tint wite piaille.illy all done out of the stix k
tiiatkot tmln.t. Thcie n rpally Imprmalve
tloaioiKltntlnii of rnnHtlrtil MrniRtli, wlilih vv-is
Hmiiinliot Inlrnnlftrnl nntl snotly In the farly
ilcallnc, lull which itrow anj liroailcnul with lie
rnmroM of tlip y a'nl rlosMi with a Imojant
iiiilli'ii! Mlikh nutlnl the of Hip rally
lioiiuil uf the laic I mom. 'lie ulrrnglli In the lit wis inliulpilly Ium'iI on Rcncrl ion
illllum, lint Mipiv werr lifs'tlcs mi tintiMMtly
Ui!C niimbT uf iIiii ks Influcniril by u polinl
tiHter In lis fttiipltliitli rlTir I mi tlir nutktt,
Mid.iiII.I Mjlnl llif fro 1 1 1) it tli.ll irlc( ill genci ll
vvfin t.n n .ifl level li.i ul the bifliitlon
tit mil uf llii'in. while the liulti( (en'lllloiH
ul Hie iniintry unil tlir r.nnllg power of ili p.
n I Ic-s Win. iniliiipilfi'il. I'liiinimai'il 111 t Im.vlin,
'Ihe itlildiit' fiilirrl tillliljlinli linlim mil
i)f the mil I i.i-l I win cmiiplrlnl w.11 tlimwht tn
I11U' tin win up 1. Im irmwul iiilt.mip, I be
ImliiiillntK Im tiimninm't Innk il.ilriuiiit were
nl Midi 11 "Hi. Hi; liYtipiniMon tint xonir in'..ui
tn Mill tnmii'.t -( nihil 11 pii)titilllty lint l.ii In
lln' (lillllc. I lir lii'tttl pii-pi'il nt .1 -rt t lcnii lit
with the iii.n liitil'l" nml llie ingli".s nt hick
iili'i liiH.inlt linevnl i.f the tu.
ti'l SliUci Slid 01)101 nt lott imnp.inlc imlli ilnl
lit the Hoollnii uf nnv illii'i Inriln luili.inl liny
IlS uf tlic I nlleil Miilrii stiel IO(k. Itepmlii
nl lame iltiietlli. nt lm k In nrni tn ih lirn.
io.'il rtilntme with"il I "ppi'i i'V
plulni'il the ilriiiaiul fm Mnl -' ' Imm v ii
till!, ol 1 later rrMtioti hi It iif 't ' im h m
unil Conllnuilnl Ti'lmcin iiniipiin I u IMiii.
tltnla lompan.t ilil In Ii. pi-.f ilhiir lit
1 (til I nl nf the Miliilill.n.t icil c.m.tlnit rulll'.
sitcli iiiiwtnf -tirnctli inluht Ii- inn.
hiiliuhlt I'Mimlnl. hut rniuiKli I1.1 Imsi till
In itiilh.ilp the In nl Mime nf the mni.
kcl's 1 rr iiftl h dnlr.' ml llie wiit fmni 'J to to
feint .lie -hnwn Ii,, :in I'vtt'liiliil H.-i ut -init,
mill thiii li-l tulu- wne pi ntli.illi Jl llm t"i.
'I11I11I njh' tinlij, i)i,::ni),
ih" hnnrl lll.ill.rl ttil I1II1..1I .Mill pill"'" it i'i
well KiiMnlneil. i-ti. pn tiilin. l, l.'i'i.lind,
I'. S. .Is iliillneil l per nut. nil the hil mil.
The fiillnwinir qiiututiniH me fill lushed Hie
Trilniiie lit M. S. k Co.. i.icnn TO'i 7va
Mi'ms LuililliiR, Sf 1 ;V lit mi. t'.i. 'IVIephnne .VIM.
Opm- High- Low ( 'Lu
lus, est. est, inir,
Aireni'jii Sinrar ..lU'i tl'H-n Itl'i IIT'j
Viiiei. T0I1.11111 t'.'l 127ri lit I'll,
Attiiinn r;1. ;s :' ;;'i
Atthlsnn. I i ! Mi OJlj
llrnok, Tuition I.t'i TD Ml ;iA
Hall, fc Ohio 11 lnoij 119 IIVIV
(nut. Tnlniio Sl'ii .Viij iP .Vi
Chit, k OIiId til; (S1! 11 (t
I hie. A- III. West I')', 'Jili- p)H jnij
(Me.. II. () inrt ttis'i I'M IDS
M. Paul 100 in: IVsi in'
Itnek IiIjihI I l'i IV!" i 111' l.llt,
Pel. llinKon 137 MJ'... 1ST H't'A'i
Kan. Trx., Pr "I'i't .Vltj AS S'i'j
tiiiii ,v Nash Kifi 10: 10114 tin
Mnn. t;ieuli'il Il"ii lllt'j 112
Mel. Ti.iitlnn I.Vl fiV . ji lo-t j
Mis-n. I'.ulhV iinij ni-,1, m jf)-,)',
Nniiliein I'.iiilic t'l4 IS' 4h i
Nnrfnlk West .Vl'i SI M SI
nrlhrrti l'.n irtc IIS IIS U1 IISI
N. V. Centi.ll lSH IS! .v Jul
iii.t. ,v Vetfn IP; ::",, :it :!2H
I'ennn. II. It IIP; IIT IIP, IT
I'ailHc vi.iii :i,sii .is jut, ::,
Iliailinu Uf US' in ."vi 11
ItiMiling Uf.. I'r. 7,l; T(ij T.'., TPj
Sinitiii-in it. it ?;'; -ii :", t
Snuih. It Tt.. I'r SI s.'ij 1 !'j
Tr ll 11. I 11.1I A Irnn .. . j'11 S " S'i1.. :1'
I. S. I.e.ithi J', t:i l l!
f. S. I.i-.uhei. I'r... . Tfi1 T." TiP
I . S Itnhlier il '!l -; it
I nlnii 1'nihr Ilk, im liliig tori
I'nlnn 1'jiiAi. I'r !il' ii tip n!
W.ih.T-h. I'i MU 'I'-'j Mi3 .".ii
WeMelll I ninn !)!; fl-J", (ii,a J3t
( nl. Fuel A linn J3j (iPj. H-J-, up,',
V1111I. t upper 1U-i lldij. n.'ii; JV
People'- Cis tint, HI; I01t; 114
I'ii'' -"Ts .'IT', ."J", .".Tti
Col. Ni ) K :;i, j i,
Te.n I'jilflc II Hi It i-, "
tin. Cir 1'iiiinilrf 'Jls 'Jp.. t: -J, -ji.,
C. s. Sieel C .i r, isn ut,J
t h. -li-i'l (.. I' ma, ill !)i, :t;
m:w miiik i;iii maukkt.
Op.'n lllj-h- Lirn-. I'li.
iWA. r-t. e-t. hip.
'"I.f '. T, Tfi 7SI
I 11 I.f I'll t'lij 4'i'i 401 j
Scranton Board of Trade Exchangs
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Far of 100.
First National Bank
Siranlon Savings Hank
ihinl National Ilink
Dime Deposit anil Oiiiouut Hink..
Kconorny Light. II. A 1'. Co
Laikt. Trust Safe Deposit Co
Clark & Snover Co, I'r.
Scranton Iron Fence k Mfg. Co. ...
Scranton Axie Works
i.aetu'vaitr.ii Dairy Co., Pr
Countf itin5 Hank k Tinst Co .
First Vilionil I C.iilinmli !..
tjni)ai(i llrillnu' Co
'1'ijdii-. .Natimul flo.k
Sirantcn Itoll ami Nut Co
I'i noli'-, Ji.tlll
Scranton Puunger Itailtvay, drst
Mortsose, due ItliO
People'.! Mtoft Itailtvay. first mort-
Krie. tlue PUS
People's Street Hallway, Ucneral
mortKJje. due 11U1
Dickson Munufacturinj; Cu
l.jcki. 'fotvnblup School 3 per cent.
City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per
Scranton Trillion 0 per cent
Bid. Askei
Scrnnton Wholesale Market
(f "erei r I eil by II. II. Pile, 'JT l.ii k.iw,iiuii
Itulter l're-h. -'iiUi.e ; ilali.t, tu-li,
I'i'. i
i'hi'ee-Full nejin, nM, ll''.'i.: full eie.nn
nut, lljlliji.
Fu'ir Wc-lun ireMi. Il'sal.u,; ne.iil.i
'-J .'nl
tl'Mnt -Per litihel, ihitiie iniiioiv. vj.i,,.i
l'e.i Pel bu-hil. ihnuc iniiKiu.
Vliiliuiii UraiH-lVi bu-lii'N. .'. IHit.', I'i.
Ilreen I'i.i Pn Ini-he'iv. il.tii.iM t",.
I'loui -llest pitenl, per birrel, $1. It.
Iteil Kiiliiet lle.un Pr lui-lnl, JIij;.iII.
PiiMKifi Pir hii-hel, jH.iii,
ll'iiuuila Onion I'ei hu.lH, l.S0il.(O.
Phiindelphin Grain nnd Product
I'lnlailelphij, Mij 17. Wheal- Finn: umtmit
Kiinle, Vl.n, 771...i7fi,ii'. I'mn- --UMcIf : Sn. 'J
iiiImiI. Vlif, 4i.ilS34i. (Ml, Finn, i-i. higli
ei.: No. 'J while ilippeil, 'St'ij i ;i'- llufi'i'
Hull. 's'. Inner! IJiu.r wclem ii .iiuui, lU'l'i'.i
On. iln. piiniK, -J 1 1.; il.i. ni'.iih.i ilo,, '!J. . '.4at
Pull, ii. Inwei ; lli'-h ne.irli.t, It'.-i.; ilo,
weteiii, l.!'-ji,; iln, -iiiilhwiMilii, IP..'f,: iln,
-iiinhi'iii. yy, CIui'm- Him, umiil iltnunil; N.
, full iii'.iioi. iholu. .-null. ';' ; iln, nn, ilo,
lln,, l.lil in Kimil, l;ili'i(. Iterlni'il ,-u,n-.
I'm Innseil. Cinim. -I i .nl.t Tallow -Hull . in. I
vt-ik; illy prime In hlnK, I5i.iIthc , imiiui.t
iln. iln., hlils, I'j.iF'Hi .; i.iku, .i!.iiljt. Lit',.
pnultr.t Ste.iil.t, I'.ill ihiiiaiui; fietN, lil';.ili,;
did inn-ter-', Te. i-prlti(! t bker.t, -jnr-'ili.; ilm',-,
III.. ll'-.c. Pii'-seil pnullit- (Julel; tnnl... e,,.i i ;
fnwN, iluiiie, I0'?i,i iln. Mir In t'nml, n',.! III.'. :
ib! inmdii. Tc.: lu.i-liiiir ihuken", fin.rn, tit.
I.'.'i.; lurki.iD, Inen, -0il"i.
Keielpu- I'lmu, l.loi) ImieN, ami 1,1, ,!
pniiiiil', in r.iil.4'., 'Jil.Oli) biiilieb; una,
iiuui hu-helx; ml. p,ncm Im.hi'.. Miipuirntn
W li nl, i (HO I 1 1 -1 1 o 1 -: mm, Jii.oOu bu,hei;
nan, I J I , i 4 1
New York Grain and Proflucs.
New uik, May IT. I'hiir Sir idler bill unlet,
Wlit-al -iol te.nlt; Nn. 'J nil, SP.n, j. .n, b.
ntliut. nml TU'ji. elet.itm; No. J nnithfir. I"ll.
uih, Mlii' f. n. Ii -HI" ii. Option, wen In in
tilnl lilRhei mint n( lln il iv. (lo-iil te.'iii.t ill i
pailijl v. net -nlt.nne. Vli.t il,m.i hliji-. j
llll.t, Tt'v.. "-"pi . i'ii ( 'III -put w.'jhj
Nn. i, SO'si, ilet.ilni. Jiul t'11. f. ii. h. 'Imi.
DpIiniH weak on pui bu! nihil :) c-i .tilt Pun
nn later innnlln. whhli finallt .ll-n i-.i-nl n.'t
imhI ilnseil uih hJUKcil .I'-.iln-i '." . I.i-n nn Vl.ii
liar elnhnl .W; i .lull. I'i'm.j Sept., ti',
0,il.-.-int ilull: o, 2. Nn, ;t, :!!,.;
No. ;t white, ,":tli.: Nn, J whli". U'li : luil;
lulvi'il weslein, ,"-J 1 1 1 ' .c , n.n.k while, .l,i
'm'ji'. 0illnu liiiiei bill .le.ult llitli i -McaiSt
! tieameit, (.111'.. . ; ni.n. Ilil;;,.,
liiiliatiiui ue.iimit. IkilTt.. ute iljin, I Si
IS-, Ch"i-e -(i h I : ff.m.t I'll'je mini i, i j
fjlii.t laiise wlilp. ,..1N,. : f.iin .null
it';i.: fim.t kiii.i'1 wlnti ""Iji '.ik- liu's'i
hi: t.iie ami I'enu.i., 11'jiHi. neiiriu. un
F.rnleil M.ib.V
Oliicnyr. Ginin aim Proiture
Clilcisio. Mat lT.--l.'vprilIiiK a fe iln p in
Mjy ion), .1 1 sria'ii 'ii'iket- loili.t tn .,ieult
lliuiuli rpt'fl -Inly wlii-n iliiie.) f,i hlnlifij
lull lirn hluile Invtii, in. I ,,ii ,qtl i,.,
down. Piovlainna ,loi',l -leiil.t. i d'i iUu' I
tln'il wvie JH lullntvit:
Flout Oulel: Nn. -' niira tmi.n, .."..i7ii ,
No. .1, I'litaTic. Nn. ii'il, ,.!iTvi : N,., "
luin, SD'.n'ili'. , No. 3 Ji linn, Sui ..i'iIi.' Nn.
J i.jI, S'lJ.a'tOVJi.i Nn. wlilii'. .0i(1 lb Nn.
.' while. USIii'-Oc, Nn. i i jr. S.'.-.j uni f-nl.
hi hirlfj-, ISiS.V.. bill In ih'ili,' iiiilibi!'. Hi'
Vu : Nn. 1 Hi keeil. H.T3; N'n. I nuilhw st
em. $l..l: pilnie tiniiilh.v neeil. :ti I. .',',. i ,
pmu 4. TOall. TI: 'ml T.!iTiju: .Inn .,,,
'..oo.iv.1.1. ut -illnl Iiuiilileis iiuTi,: !.(
ih 'r luc. vl2'i.ii.'.'"ii wlu.kej, il.-'
Chieaeo live Stock Jlnikut
ifi.ujn, i T Catilc lirtrlpti, I.5UHJ T'vi:-
4 Lines 10 Cents
.Mere Than Four Lines, 3 Cents (or Each t.'xtra Lint.
for Rent.
For Rento
Store in The Tribune building,
now occupied by the Times. In
cluding Desks, Steam Heat nnd
Ulectric Light.
, Also ijjo :eet of lloor space on
4H1 lloor of the Tribune building,
sir'table for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Knquiie at office of
FOIt lli:.N I "hTTiallon, iiillice of nine ri-im',
fuiiiMioil, fm the ra-un: nne nt th" l"
Inrutloiix III llie lovtni tlte ininule tu III'"
Nation. Apply to (I. U . t.irltnn. Dallnn. I a.
MO aill'.FN UIDCK 1, ten rnnnn. moileni
Iniprotenientij steam heat fuinltheil: lieilr
Por Sale.
I'OII Itl.i: H.11 flv.tue, I'Jf. liar, tahlei,
ihliiiv. ill., wilt he mill .ll .1 sai'illle. I'.
I", anil VI. T. Ilowli-j-, I'linubliij' nml lli.itliic
IMI Wjuiuimr nte., m union. I'.i,
FOIt SM.K The .:iilir In the "(lulhrlntr I'e
llniwf," aire nf Imllilini; 135 teel'lij (M lei I,
titrate In the Ninel-eiilli 'tnnl of hcninUin, at
I rown atenue nml Lniutl streel I nfTeieil for
ili. Puriliawr n.u't tein ilnttn hulhlln -iml
remote all tlinlnr fiom Ihe piemiies not liter
than .lune t, I'OI. Wrltlrn proji'iU slioiiltl he
adilre-i tn The 1r.'nlt. Cnnli.n I tn, Cnnnell
liulhlliB, Simntmi. I'.i., nnl litu llun Vlai ".',
It'll. Tin- eompinv ifdirte ihe rmhi (o lejeil
nn.t ni all hirN.
IKIW ( N WK 1)0 IT I". sell tlanrl. Mo
.Null.f t: ( n. '. new tiumnmtli let, ruble nup ol
tin' I nlteil Males and iho wiirlil fm tt. Well.
Ihe imlillshei-, ah trll, perlnp". lull al any late
Ihet juthmire ii- lu ell 'll that piiif in chili".
Ailihe'i F. N. '(, ri'pi.-"ii.athe, lilt
Faiiflehl -Heel. uanlnii.
lull 'i.Vl.i' l'.irii.K hm-e. Inin"t .l.lil ininite.
A lillK-llll fO' 1.1.11, A II. Ilikei, l; (Jlllmj
atenue. Ilunuiore.
Furnished Rooms.
FOIt ItKNT In hr'l Im illly. I Ui-1 Mats fur
lilsh"il ilr.i-aut muni In fiilt.ll" f.nnt!j i halh,
hull nnd bis, i untei.ieiil lo ,-ltoct i.iri', hre.ik
fat If (Je.-heil: i efei i in ei leqiiireil. Inipitri:
Mil (Puimt airnue.
FOIt IIFNT- One l.irse furru-heil fionl loom;
alu one side room, -VIT vdatns iitonue.
Wanted To Buy.
HANTIII) 10 ni'Y Liiri' oi mimI I tnii'U llinlicr
and toil lur.d, Uo 3n(i, Simiiiuii. IM,
Boarders Wanted.
tt AM'KD Tal'le Iioardirj. Sirs. I'ompkin;, SJl
Uiuhington atcuue,
Rooms and Board.
I. H0K tiont room with hoard for tuo gentle
men, ltd Aiiaun aii-iiiie.
I.n.vr On in mi llu iiriiiii'il-i of Nn. ii ho..l,
(iieen KuUe. i -null -.lln-p w.iuli. I'm le,'
till hi- siiilahl.t ii'firil.'il h,t Ifuiiliit -tiih lee.
I., tt. In3.
ei,il!- il.ill In. I -ii'idt; snort to jiriine si' n.
iS.iU.iS.'i"i; pom tu medium, M..t(Hii,o: (i1pii
and feeder-, .tiS; niw-., -i..'J.').il.:S: hi'ltei.,,
t.n.',.u.('S: ijimeiN, '.'.inr.TS: lmll-.
talus, V-"'0'!': 1'eN-i fed -leer-. ct.'JSiS lo;
Tiva- l'lills, ' TSa !.".
IfiiRS Uei eipN Indaj. Ill,(n)u, lf', I-'
UOnli 2i. to S i cuts lilKlur; 'lies i.niil uu
lo ?.S.t)'iii.fiTi'j: niived mid liiiieheis. i.(iS.i',.!Fi;
pond In i i.mi e hi my, .'i S.S UT1-.-: mil-i'i, Viii"i,iSS: liuhl, -S.SSii'i ''S; hulk ul
-ales. 'j.SMV.i'i ST1-..
sheep Keieipl-i, T.ihui, -lit c ji. sunns: it ISa!",
,iiit- higher: lanilif. -Iiuiik; goml In ihuin'
willieis. sl.II'iat.liS; I. in lo ilniue niKisl. 4.l"'i w'o-iiin stuep, SI. tut. (S; jeaillni, -4. SI
nt.TS: n.iliti' lamh-, t.4.SU.iS.I)S; wts.ern I.uiiIh,
(limial iriiipt- .itnl shipment- fm e-lnl.u :
Hiii'ijii--l'iillli, e.Tiil: mv. '.'I.TIrt, iho.'p, I .'
I..V.'. Shipinenis -C.ilth, .'I.TTT; Imio t.s.'r,
llee.. 1,'is'i,
Nw York Llvo Stock.
N.w! Vl.n IT. Ileetia Ti.,ili- ia!i-i
-Int.; -tiet-, Aliuiitr In liu . hluhei ; hulls .Hid
Ihin iiiits. linn; uiiiliutii uiiw, lun-lt seult';
ll'IMs. YS.IS.iV.TS; U'l-, Si.IIJ; nvtn, l-I.Ol!
S.!"i; hulls. t 'J t.i I. SO; um, R-J..UI I.IXI. ( .iln-,
ninki'l' npined Inwei ; iln-fu 'iiaS-Ji. ..wtr; Ii"i.sTIj; i huh e md ivti.i, i..l.l JS.
sieii sicnl! liinlii, 1'i.ij'n-, hl'.'hi'l I illii'i
ieep .!.."il .")'. iiilN, 'i.'!:i; i llppnl linili,
i-SiSSO; i id's, -.i.SU; , rni'. hiuli-. t p i Lett.
tin;:' llmi, -llie hos, fiU0.u'..'ii; n i
we-liiii mi sjIi.,
East Liberty Cattle.
K.i-I lihiitt. M.n IT. (ailie ie.u!t ; ivln,
s.i,i',r rS' piinii, ss.ini'iiii: cn.i i, s.i,';iiv.,s
llns- Vilne: piiiim lu'.lrli'-, k'.P'iaii; mnl
luil', Vi.'ii'ajVii, leatj tnikei-, h"i.ihi.iVi!Ij;
liid.i dn ', s'u'i.'ii); plav .n'i.TSiS.sO: -kips
-I .iii.iS.'.'S; Imishi. l Vi.iS. III.
sh.'i p--sir. tdi ; lutrh''! uu I niilis- hosi w I ti
ns.",, ,l,iili. lanih-, i'l.liuS'Jil: n.i,i
innii In Bind, -I.S(li"i; ii.i I'jltiw. S.Tui3.TS,
Buffalo Live Stock.
I.'. I lliill.iln, Mn IT II i.lpis ( rtiih. Ill
in-; lcii .nil I. nnli,. in i, n ; h ks, '.'ii imi.,
sliinii' lit. I. Mtie, His i.ii-; -In-rp .md I in In,
Is i.n-; hu'.,, 'I i .ii.. I'mli hi i I'.iith'. !i ii
S.i"; ulna, ihnlie I., i.'.ir.i iS.T.'Hi I..1.11I1..
1 I. nil ') In evil 1. i -' -l '1. 10; slni ihiitle 1.1
evlu, ll. 'ill, 1,111,
Ihct lleii.t, t..i.,liii'i nas ", TSS.'il
Oil Mnrltet.
(Ill fiij, VI..1 IT. C111II1 lulaine-, Jtt. ,,
Ilhuilei, liu hid. -I'lliuiuniN IIM-I, .itiii',e,
!-',vi. Huns, "is.'liu; miaav. ft-, I-..).
Osfiir. Ill" ItriMUy-tvro.yi'.ii.iilil sou '
of .Mr. and Ah.". 'loi rl lrii, l..u
WVdiit'sdii.v ovi'itltiR. Tliii di'i'i'u.ii'd hud
Ik'oii un Itivtilld I'or kovophI waif, lie '
liu 11 vk'tiiii 01' rh011111.11 Km. ' Ads',
olio of thy miisl highly ioiii'ctrd Lot,
In town, tho I'ltlxoiis li.iiins ,t f;.-ioii- '
llli'llf I'fl'lillK lutviiiil him nn lli'intiiit
of IllH ullllilloll. lf is Mtrvlve. 1 uj his
i;uontH nnd n' Kl.uu'ih and Inn h
01s. The fuiii'i'iil will take p!-ir-- Sun
das' iiflernoon
The i-ervli'ci- .11 llie llili'h, ,'; lindlst
lilsii'ii'iil. Piimllivi' Mi'tliodls-i, li .!.,
byteii.iuuiid Ith'isl 0 tl.tpt st 1 liur. he j
lomotiott ,vlll ho as
IJov. .Mi.;'r will (iiiiiiit th.- Hap.
tint pulpit rittudaj, hntli um uiu- uud
,M ISM'S .itile ni'il lii'iihu lutiirou
lK- IllllUl' .IKI'lll. Hlli'i illtPlldlUd Hk'llOOl
at D.ilioi'. .Mi ye Ni'ttlc horo ufr the
luiuoiti of the iMduuiliis 1 lus-s siio
niieitiiliK'd tin' wr.niuuivs ut lu;r homo
i-iittnduy cvoiilntf.
No teai'lici's ON.iiiiii'ailoa, ni 1,0
held lit'iv this yi'ur, as bet'ii tho
.Mr, Hon y, of Si 1.11111111, Kcviilt's
l.otr.'i! for J. V. Tltl'.l!!.
Kelp Wanted Mule.
WASTFD An t xpe rleni r il inllalnr for ""irol
(on .md ItA tlilnllf. For In'lallnienl ImiM',
Ilftl nf iileiciu'Oi li'iulnd. Aildii'st II Ii. Hi
Villmtii' otlli.'.
Cllltt K IIOV tt VNTIIII al ihe llnlM .letinju,
IS in I'i Je.lis uf lip-,
At.ti AltOt Ml woe -111111 itiikm wanted .it
onie. I!. .In Iw.lllet.
HAN1CI) Mm tt'ih ilo: 1.1 idterll-e ntul Intro-
ihiee Mntunli I'nulti.i '.llvluie; lllli,hl ll
r.v,l.i weekl.t ami expi n,- ilihe with MatnP,
Muii.irih Matlf. Cu., lln', ml, Spi'mirl'ld. Illii.uli,
W'AMKD faletiu-n. tr.nellia nr; feeklt
e.iUij paid. Ilenlil. t-'eed Co., llu Ii' lei.
Help Wanted Female.
tt NTi:il A iiiinpili'lit (ouk ,:uV Ijiii'iIioh". Vp
pit- uu fatuul.ij. . I. lvlnt. SI" Ad.iim
tt'ANIi;i)-i:i.. 1lrnc.1l n-.ri.i1t uitter. Vpi.l.i
M, ,uluiiiiir !-!ii f.iitnit. I!l 1'i.mkliu
at 1 mil', thlnl Hum,
tt NTHI I'l.iln ttiiii, till
I Linklln uti'iiiie.
llie -Icillns. i-'i
Agents Wanted.
WANTI'.D Vaent to e1l Veiiniu I'uvilci: evlu
iniiiJl(S) llie on puulli.t. Iiiuw't. uillle. tl-n
on iIorn; luirn lau. 'i i-nls; wmI" fm leim .
11110-1 Vfllnill I'owder (u. Il.lllnli. I'.l.
I,. MIX CNVv.".HS VVVNTIII I'lei-inl. irullt
.ilile eitii.illiiu; fill In Iwi en 1 uud I n"i Im ',
Ji. 111. Mi-. II. I). Wnoil, ..I", W.isliliiRlnn ate,,
' 1
Salesmen Wanted.
tt'A.VITI) S.-ilesiiiin: TS iniuilhlt mnl eient -:
prrmauent. I'uij N ir-ei.t ( u.. Iluiliesp 1,
Want Advertisements Will Bp
Hecoived at Any of tho Follow
ing Drug; Stores Until 10 P. EC.
Central City
AMIKItT MTIl.tlX. -ii-ner Mulheiry
tieel ami tt'eh.ler ai'enii?.
(ll'.ll'AY I'KIII-.I.. h;0 Adaim atinui'.
West Side
OFOlUii: tt'. .lU.NKI.NS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
I'RFIl I.. TFltl'I'E. 'a Cedar .itenue.
North Scranton
Gl.(. W. IIAVI-. mrner North Main
atiuuc md Maiket btieet.
Green Bidge
ClIAItl.l'S I'. .IONi:sf. Ii"'" I'" kon
nte nne,
F. .1. .IOIINS, n.'O (frefii Uidse -tre-t.
C. I.OUII.NZ, ir.inir ttasliinglmi ate
nue and Marion -tied.
'. II. KNhPFKI.. WIT In In avcm.e.
J. o. doni: ,t SOX.
Real Estate.
I Oil SVI.K-Cedar vveime M. K. I'.usoiiice, al .1
li.M'K'iii'. Vppl.t nn Ihe premises. o. oiy
Cl.eiiy fnil, hi r.iiilon. IM.
$:)TS tt'll.I, nt'N If) tool lot, llain-on, ne.ll l.ln.
il-'ii: niMilt opjni-it ' Vlr. tt'm. Law's hand-
semo .12,il00 pinjiiily. ( oniei;j:i. Dime liulldiiii!.
fl.iiflO- lluj'.- sl-c room, shu-lo houae, iooil well.
Lot IIVKl'Oi). tMtanton btrcet, Dalton, IM.
Wells A Ke.ilor.
$1. biO Huts huildlns Int. lOxtSO tthceler ate
nue. Willi A Keiter. tlurr Ilullding.
'.0( (louh'e hou-e. T rooms on a s,ide. all
impiotimrnls, iMept nas. Dean itiett, I'roti
denee. Wells A Keati 1.
Employment Agency.
wanna ntinu". finds situations for all i la-sos
uml n.illcn.illtt : towns ilty and lountrt. Man
vtanled. I.iiijiluveis intllnl. M'hone 11.!. I'en
ninn ilainn and lopiin:- attended to.
Firemen, eli'., new 40 p.ise piniphlet uinliii.
Iij; (pierftiom .isk"d Ii; iv.iuiininp hoaid nt nwi
ii'ii-i. -cm lue. Oi'ii. A. Zeller, I'ublWm, M.
Louis, Mo.
Situations Wanted.
Mil'N'HUN WANTIll) 111 a inline: mart. willinT
lo ttoik nt .mi Huns. ( an fiinilsh Koml leai
(niii. (.'. II . "I'i Ji'tfi'iton .imiiue,
A UIM't I s LOM'IIM N dcsiies a situation
villi a pilule "mult; uml' islands the taic
oi liiu-es tliniouililt; nil Iillj leiniK'iale and ie
liahle: snod lefcitn.v- .'.duress .1. K., JH 1'i'nii
attnue, -i f jt .
t AVI I'll shiutlnn, h.t a ladt ol opeiien--. a
Innii lii'imr ami siiiiui.iph'-i, (ashler ov nlrtic
i-x.Ni.iin . ii'luc s, ddii Ilwikketpci, lull'
mi" i
Mill VIION ttvVIIMl- llv a womin to go oui
ht dit wMihlnn, liuiuns oi t leaning. (all
nl iid'dii-s Vh. It ii--,, II. I'.'lli CciIji atenue. illj.
fill VI'ION ttAN iIll Ht I nvii. i-p.idiu.', (.ai
ilriilns nl t'.i in; lawn', m ili.unlu J mi
ll liviiu rt'ittei '" d. ni' hjlirf sldiw.ilkv Vd
illi.-i l: il I'liiilu u ii ad.
SUI VI KIN tt VNILII Ut u jo .im nun in .n.rv
ii niflie ul in dn -n't kind uf woik; hi
hid i ,i I li'in .1-'Iiiu i-ali'-uian; i.m 'ul
null ii'finiii-' Vd'li.'s- I .puliiiu. Inliiiiie. nit
sllI'VIION ttVNII.II Hi I iini'i. man of Kind
h,; i .in ulie i"l' uu -. ttiuild do Hit
thin. : lii.fei lu I 'am J tlidi, Adurcss. J, l'.
I; , Irl'i.n.'.
PoUtkal. w ..
snoNHLKlM-VIIVI lilsritllT-Notue is
llel-lij C'tlll In lie III l Ilull an totirs uf the
sumiu! !i'xi-liiti d'siiiiL ul Liil.auiiiiua (ountj
ilji a pitiiuit eli-ii'un will lie held nn Satur
dit, Viae l, l'i. it il"' if-'ulJi lullin; plaie-i,
tifi"i'in !'" lii'Uis u l anil . u'tluik i. ni for
tin- puipnsi ,i( u'r :i, inn ilcliiiatei to rrpre
mi. I tlie said 'ejif'ititf distilil in Ihe ionium
l!rii.,,ilfiu ll in- I'lnnul" i. Hi he held In J 1 1 1
ilsiiiu. Hie "lo iidui. in loinpiite Iho up
will ho l."ltl ! 'li.-'lij. Mil SI, 190. at 10
n i luil 1 in 'I ) " K'liU Im I" I" SiLintun,
In in iiiIji.- i lie nili', Riiteinins: tho
ili.luu. lii' iJiiiluli'i's "ill Im toted (or direuly
liv lln! tull'is .11 II". P'lMs lllil K'Slsler
Willi ihe ili-'-'l ' Ii.wiiiii.1. Ins mil naiiio uml
piHi.lll." .ihin". -H'l I".' '" Js-e.-mcnt ftflrrn
iIjjs In lure I no I'leil'im, of Id. iiiuie will m,t ho
iiIjiciI on ll"' ifli' lal Iwllut. nellliffr will nay
Vut.s t I'1 '"' '""' "" ""'ited.
I In- illclii'l tiuilime inuunitlec in various pie.
i nils wil miiilim the ilnt.lon, and the result
will I.' lepuiliil I'.f Ihe leliini judue to the dia
Hill i.HVl 111 il'll. -tllilll ttill hi- LOIIIIJIUtll of
imi,:,-- ul' the uiious ilntlltU.
V uiiiiiii nuti-c- lontaiuliu furiher instru. tion.s
,,'dl lie mailed lo eaeli nitinhir m the aid di
lint lisilJuin lomniittet,
rrederin tt. riiu,
Clijluiun -'econd LrKitUlhc Dutiut,
Ailiet. Walter L. lUtis, bi-rretaiy.
iiiTun LKot-JLATivi; i)iinii(7r-,Notiij
hereby given thai Iho Republican tt.imlln
luiimilitce uf tho Third Icj-lnhlh'e dislriit ot
Lackawanna county will meet at Ihe aibitrjtion
mom, court, Siranlon, on Satiirdit, the
eisl.leuitli day uf Maj, 10UI, at ii oMoikhi ihc
:,arri:.'uii. loi the puipoec; of organization airl
living a time -then the iniinji ies for Ihe eleitlon
,,( t.iti dilrius ilull ho held. By order of
I. -I Matthew, tliilrimii.
AUCjll I I. tt liUn.. seiictjij.
Uunlon, I'i., )ll I.', 1.01
' r . i r-4-
Insertions 25 P"ts
Than Four Uneii'U Cent tor Eah VlittVaAne,
t -. ( I
1 -..a
Certified Public Accountant.
nmvAitu ii. mavis, Aitmiirix-r, lonnclii
I'llFIIFIIK It I,. IIIIOWN, .VltClf. n., IIFMi
IM.ite Lvch.inue llldt;., l.'d Watliington ve.
nn. c. i:. i:it.UNiit:K(ii:it, taoli huii.ijimj,
fcpime street, Hcranlim.
PR. V. tt I.AU1IACII, 115 WO.MJ.N'n'.AVi:.NUI
FRANK Ii. ntVvi.i:, XrroUNKV.AT-I.Att'.
Rooms II'. 14, 10 Jind IS llurr bulldlnit.
F. K, nt.vCV.ATI-V.MIMMONttTALTH lltjifl.
tinted nn real estate 'iuiitj'. Meara bullHlnrf,
loiner Washington atiniie ami Kpiuic street.
nml uiiiiiselluiB al'laiv. Rcpuhllcm building,
tt.ijihlnislon .itiiiue. '
.lll'l A- .IKrtlT. VnoifVF.YS AMI COLn!
-elliirs iit-liiw. I'uiiiiiiunwealtli Imlldltiff, Rooini
I'I. '-'" mid 'JI.
Flitt Mill . TIIWI'I!. TI(inXI!Y. IIOOJM
H0:-I4)l. Pih Hum. Meats building.
I.. A. tt VIIHX VI ftlltl',Y-,M-l,Att'. IIOAR'I
nf trade hu'ldili'.', ll.lllton, Pa.
Mink Iniihlim.-.
C. (OVIIKiVs, !HJ lllll'l 111,11'AS MIILDIM... '
A. W lU'.lllllill.F. OFFICII MOVED TO .NO.
,211 U'jcliiin--' .itenn,'.
Physicians and Sugeons.
III! tt II. M.l.l.-V. St:i MUtlll WASIll.NC.TOM
Hit S W. I.'AMOUI.M A. OrFICF. ti-iu WASH
niRton nieniie, Re-'dcuie, lnl Mulbcirt
I hrniii- disease, tur-, heart, Mdnf.ts aod
cenito uiltarj' orsans .i tpi-clalty. llour, t
to I p. in.
Hotels and Resturants.
j m: i:i,k cai'i:. i-h and ij7 fua.nklix
aterue. Rales reasonable.
P. ZKKH.KR. Proprietor.
M RANKIN IKH'Si:. MIAR P., L. A tt'. PA1,
-encer dep-.l. Condiuted on the Kuio(ieafi
plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor.
a. n. nitiiitis i i,i:ans privy vaults ano
ii'S-s pouts; no odor; only improtcil iumps tnnl.
A. II. Uriel's, pioprlelor. Leave ordeis Jlnij
North Main atenue, or I'ickc's dnic slnre, cur
lier AiliiiiH and Mulberry. Itolh telephones
erjmen. istoiu l'01 tt'a.shlnt;ton avenue.; giem
linu-es, 10SO Nuilti Main utcnuc; ttore tcli
lihune, TH-'.
Wire Screens.
Kcianlon. Pa., maniilacturer of Wire Screens.
also ladies' waists. Louis Shoemaker, tni
Adams avenue.
i elopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, ILO
Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa.
In Scranton at the news btands of Rehni.m
Bros., 4U0 Spruce and SOJ Linden; M. Norton.
.'22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. SthuUcr, 211
Spruce street.
Sei.mton, Pa., M.i.v IT. PHIL
RIDS WILL BE TH'CI'IVI'I) at Ihe oflhv of th
lily iccorder vir to anil iniludius Tii"sda'.
the, 'Jlst day of May, 1001, until 4..'!ii p. m., Ipi
.ill Litj adtertiului;. Didders must dimpli wit i
the .ut of .iN-eniblt , entitled, an jet lor Ihe ko
ft nun nl of cities of the t,econd clas-. Appiuti I
tho Till day of Alaiili. lll.
JAMES .MOIR, City Reismlei
District Court of the Cnited Mates for D i
Western District if Penni-ylunla, Fieim.i
Lamed, of Yostville, Lackawunna (oiintj. Peiin
siliania, a liauknint tinder the Aet uf Cunvu
nf .lul.v J, lS-'s, hat nn- -i pllt-il fnr a full ili
iharKi' from all debts luouhle nstalnst his esl.u
under fild Act, iiotiio i.l heicby iriten tu All
known creditors ami othei pen-ous in inteiesl, Ii
appear before the oaid Court uc Pittsbuiif, in
said district, on the fourteenth daj of .fune, ltKH.
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. ti show cause, i(
any they hue, wh.r tho prajn- ol the tald pe
titioner should not bo cranted.
ESTATE OF JAMES ELLIS, laic ol the lioioiia-li
nf Duninore, County of Laikawann au-l
state of Penns.tlt.ima, dei eased.
Letters of ailinlnlstiation upon the nhote estate
hating been Slanted (o the undersiRiieil, all per
sons indebted llienlo will i!cnv inak" pmiiipe
pajTiient, ami those hatlntr elulnis agiinst thf
totatc will present them Mr p.ijnunl lo
Honey to Loan.
JSlO.NEi to loan on iinpioued nity teal estate,
iu::;itv itni.i.v. jr.
S-,iiiv TO LOAN I.oiiest rates; itralitht or pajmenls. A Cu.fiadui' bide.
4liai,:l I bans m liuliuin and I.uau. Ac
f i oin 1 ti, fi ier ii'iii. Call on N, V, ttilkcr,
,MI'15 (Vnncll bulldini:.
".-V-- "ii x
SAFEST! Money Will lirn Bin Alnnthly
nrcTI Returns.
OLoii The Invcatot's Fund Paj'aSnni-nionthlf,
The olde.t fstabllshed in America, s,n eerllfli.ilfi
linlder has ever loin: a crnt'. "uyrm-nls mad tn
all subsenberu every 15 days. ,Nc linuhli-. Nn
delay. Money refunded on ilemaiid, Wille to.
clay for particulari", freo In anv addrevs,
C, K.'3Uckey k Co., HucUon Uld'., .Ny Vor!..
- -- - - ' ' - ' ' ' J " - "-
Bond Offerings.
FIr. Cen. & Pen. Con. 5s,
Paying 3 3-4 to 5 3-4 per .cent.
Fort Worth & Bio Onnd,nit
3-4s, 1 ' '
Oal. Har. &, San Ant. 1st 5s,
Iowa Cent, Ity Co. 1st' 5s,
Loup Island City & Flush. 1st
Lous. New Albany Sc Chic. 1st
5s, 'V '-
Mexican Cent, By Co. 4s,
Missouri Paciflo Trust, 5s,
Minn, Oen'l Elec. 1st Con. 5s,
Bio Grande West. 1st 4s,
St. In, Iroii Mt. & So, BefiL 4s.
t'lijnplHc Clri'tihr l,l,t -on Apiitlcallak
1001 (I'otkct Ediiion) now ieadj-p
Speawif ', &; tjCo,
T-S0 PineJStMot. 'J
fi.t SUlc Sireel, Hnny, N.Y. NEW VORk
I ii i