The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 18, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    !!5?s!s5if- V"'" 7jna-'"-iv"'.'r'C -yf-- 'kc-;"w."-'' ' '" TV"-.xr,sj
yxr-ftPW ''VWP
5fJlK SIMM NO Sanson or frolf will
open today itt inn Country club
I6Y In eimicst. It la the date of Iho
nnnuiil mrotlnK nml thus will
attract unusually Iutko number.-,
lint nst mi additional routine
there will be n siirliiR handicap, when
Die pennaneni siccus will be used Tor
the llrst time IIiIh your.
The entertainment coniniineo bus
oriMlisecl for luborafe reltcshnnMits,
. blrh will be nerved dlirltiK the nttor
ikhiii. Immediately following the an
nual nieelllii,'. which Is called for I
nclncls, there will be u ladles' putting
match on the eighteenth .re.en for a
prize offered by the Rreen's coninilttee.
This will tie an event of much Interest,
unit the pletiiresiiiie scene front Imr the
tiretty club, with a baekR-rniind of the
dark plues. m.iy be Imagined.
The Kern nt on club will no to Trenton
on Stay 0 for :i .Memorial day match.
Two nlu.vs me to be Riven nt the
Palish Mouse for benellt of St. Hilda's
C.ulld and .lunlrir auxiliary. May 1!"
and '2$, by local talent, uinonir which
Ik Miss Preldn Kanii, whose coon soups
ate well and fnvoralily known atnoiiR
her Innuinej'abte friends.
The plays are under the direction of
Mr. Allen Durand. of New York, who
lias had considerable experience In the
line of amateur theatricals. A de
scription and cast of churn t era of the
play;) follow :
tub Titouvnu: at xvrrr.iti.i:i: "
I'.trce in One Aft,
Mlii- Tiouhli .it Saterloet. is .1 hieiv..i Mill'
'ihi for twirls only, ilenriliiiiR how 1111 hi-li
iimkI (Mbw Victoria Brnailbeiit) liy raie'tlrop
tun?. overlic-aitl rt-hejr'.il of n liagcily wiitlen
In' p.iiothy (Mit IJeatriro Morris). mie of the
emiinaiy i;ir1s. Many troubles en-.uo ami the
1 Ml if "the fane is oei upied 'by Hie uni iiellln:;
if the mystery. . series of lndiiious .mil p( li
me events incur ilunnr. tin. entile play.
puinllij Meo IliMlriic Minis
1(i. ." Mi.nm lthndn Wilson
MiMml Mis Alice Block
Maildi Mis Louise lUienpoit
llertha Mi- Tij-tlne .Menu
vtis Ophelia Sit'cric. 1111m.ip.1l of Niiiiiui.
Mbs llornllti Keel.
h.itliltrn. Iub 111.H1I Mus Viotmla llioadbeiil
fourteen Ehnsts,
Cnnieilv in Two Acts
I dhT of famil. nernincs ibf-Kiined witli hi
l.iiuih'. I" t.ilK and ntiri 11,1111 (. li
7S if tin' 1-ecp fiom Hiking an mine d)j-.
the nt llio niuii t '.im the minii',.
and nipiil the lew.'id .iii i'iv pitlntii. Dining
i tie play Mi-s I'liidi Kinii "ill mon oii!r,
mil .Mr. Mirnlil lUltlu. whose- mk res on "if
l" t.i(: i well l.iinvMi. u-ill ai-l lior m turn-. 'Hip pi iv PiiiK in a liintiininnitl
in-up, in whirl Hip entire nnnpjnr paitidpilo.
( A-1".
Mi. Mi '. i.. (Jiill.n
Mi-. .MhMIui.m Mi. I'. IViimwII llni.l
!i-s ,lr--,i( "V l lt lol it ...Mii (Ir.lip TIi.ijipi
Mi- Mic Ml.lillitoti Jllw AlifP Hiock
Mi.-n l.iu.x I'.iir. .in .iilniitcil iiiu r.
Mi- Iipiip Kinn
IikIp liliiin.i- Mr. Il.nolil littin
I 111 Mnl'lliU'ii 'Mr. Willi 1111 Kami
Mi-. V'-ie Mri-. I'. 1'inniHcll llaml
M nt Me lleip TliPinton K 1 1.
In liitimlili, l.p.illli etlKi.,Mr. CI1.11I0 M ''hn
if.nifli r M1I-011 Mi. It. I!. M
P nfi mil Me; II.hI.i lliinlir
I. niii Matii .lulin ll.ililriiian
1 I1I111 Ml? Ticiila Kiln
Mi Vuim llruaillieihl
The Seliuinuiin-ileinl; eoncerl is the
iiuioh-lallsed-of event if the cumin;
iiol. Tile iIIuk'imiii was opened to ihe
jtilili jesterduy, and It is evident thai
the Iimii-e will lie crowded. It -will be
a meat prlvilcBc to 'have Mich an ns
sicis.itlon of talent in b'cianton. mid
it is a sdtl.sfactiim 10 realize that
the townsfolk appreciate it. fc-er.intoii
helped to swell the andieiKe at. the
Xordie.i t onecrt In Wllkes-H.irre last
-eason to the number of lilt) or more,
bin it is painful to record Wilkes
Harrc is not reciproeatiin in patron
age on this occasion, all of w liich joes.
10 t-liow that W'itkes-Uarre does not
ve.irn for tfood music as i-oulfully as
lift-- been itssei ted.
Then; are .still u nuiubei' of kooiI
setts to lie secured.
.Mrs. tieorfte Suuder.soii nave a ltiuch
eiin on Wednesday in honor of .Mis.
.lames Gardner Handersen. Aninnr Iho
;;uests were: Mrs. 'II. II. P.r.idy, jr.,
.Mrs, Duncan. Miss Henuell, Misi-es
Alice and Helen latthews. Mls Au
HUHii Arehbald. .Miss Parke, Miss
JCIeunor Ueynolds, Miss Anne Hand.
Lieutenant Davit-, of the Pulled
Slates recruliliifr station, save a sup
per party at the i.'ountry club Tues
day nlsht pievious to the circus. The
miests were: Jlr. and .Mis. !:. 15. .lor
niyn, Mr. anil .Airs. II. II. Htady, Jr.,
Miss Dale, Miss Alice Matthews unit
Mr. F. C. l'-tlllei-.
The Kleetrie City Wheelnien will kIw
:i il.mce at Jlears' hall next Thmxiav
A 1 tub of Not lb Kud .Vihiiik people
1 Hive ij-sueil inviiatlous to a duucliiR'
11.11 ty next Fiiduy nlnht In the Audi
tiniuni Tlio cfimmlttee In charse eon
.sists of Miss Jennie Belle Smith, Miss
ieitrudi! Uulld, Miss (iraco Athorton,
The Celebrated Gibson"
Pictures in Pillow Top Form.
lon iind ink sketches, from copyrighted Gibson
ii. 1 wings, enlarged and transferred to Pillow Tops so
mvotly as to give lile, expression and perfect delin-
r.ition of features
("lie phases of
A runups," "A Good Game for Two," " The Last Day
;y ii Summer, '' "The Leading Features of a Liberal l:d-
. cm t," "A Little Incident," and "Monday Morning."
" Ke.ilizing that every collection of Embroidered
if .'1 lows ts incomplete without the Gibson series we
,) li.ue secured their exclusive sale in Scranton. It is,
s,o to speak, a "Gibson Corner."
Stamped Tops,
. 130 wonln
Ale.B.sis. Meoige livaiiH, llutnhiim Guild
and Itatpll Gillespie.
Dr. mid Mrs. W. G, Kultoii have Is
sued Invitations to a dnnee nt llio
t'otintiy club next Thursday evening.
Mis. 11. Kingsbury entertained
the Krlday Ailernoon I'ard club yes
terday. 'I'lie iiiiiiiiioii.i.nieiit Hint tin.' itecltal
club will lve iinolher line enlertaln-
inetit ns ,i benellt for the Hahnemann
tir.u.kiiiii tt.tvi Viit.iiiiiui imu (ireasloneU
much saturactlon In musical circles.
The nffiilr is dated for Nov. 'JJ and 2::
and will b jr I ven as before, under the
litimaKcnii.'iit o Almlanie Tliiinerinmi
Kmiilolph. Mis. Henry Dl.slc. of Kl
nilra, will direct the reheaisals.
A hummel was flveu nt the Allen
house, Honesdale, Thuisday nlsht In
honor of Auditor General K. It. Ilar
ilenhet'Rli, by about one hundred of his
friends. V. W. Wood acted as toast
master, and addresses were made by
Hon. V. II. Dlminlek, Hon. Thomas .1.
Ham, M. J. Hanlon, Siipeilntendent I).
I,. Hower, X. It. Spencer, John K. ltleh
mond, Coninilssloiier Gcorcie Seaman,
Andrew 'I'hoiiipson and the guest of
the eveliini'. ,
A eiy pleiu.uit siirirle parly was
held nt Iho homo of Kobert lllelitird.
of Mlllisey avenue, last evenlns. Tlnid
was pleasantly spent In sanies and
other nierry-niaUliiR- diversions in-tilllg-cd
In. Those piesent wore:
Hh Maiion. Sarah Hani. v. Oiarp !
en, JljitatPl Willis, May liikfi. How I'llte.k.
.lennie .lonkins saliina I.Mioh, 1'iank AiiiIpi-hii,
i:mn Bi.uc, Wllfrnl Ilait; llcnij Mruarl,
Piciriliilianl, Will BiniiilJt'P
The Mcly members of the Wednes
day nlsht class al Slegel's has Issued
Invitations lor a May Social, to lie
Kiveti next Wednesday niprht. The
pntionesses are Mrs. IS. .1. Lynelt, Mis.
Thomas Ituddv. Mrs. I'.obert Wills.
Mrs. i:iln r.ibbc.ns 'onnetl, Mrs. A. J.
The ni-nnbers of the K. T l club
and some of their friends were de
llBlitl'ully entertained at a marsh mal
low roat by Miss Vloy KIntnei- at
her home on .Summit avenue last even
in sr. Amo'if those present were: The
Misses holla Woodruff, Grace Ather
ion. Gertrude Guild. Dora lowe. Julia
Henwood. ftuth Hann, Ciirrle ltltcli
roek. Isahelln .Tones, Kvetyn Gates,
Nrttle t.iwrence. Helen Winlon. Hthei
(latli, Helen I-uee. Isabelle FeintiutR,
end Messr-J. Tolo Price, Itussell Shurt
lelf. Harry Connolly, Floyd Fuller,
Paul Williams, linbert I.uce, Hurnham
Guild. Don. tiullck, Griff Thomas,
Henry Twining, Will Ktijtir, Walter
Pliilllps, GeoiR-e Fvans, p'red Atherton.
At the Methodist Ilpiscopal parson
iiRe. JIO Dtakcly street. Dunmore, on
Thursday eveninc at S o'clock. Miss
llelcne A. Stern, of Scianlon.and Fred
erick P. AVeyandl weie married hy
Hev. cl'inles Henry NewinR. They will
reside at 1013 Taylor avenue.
The h' eavemem which has fallen
upon the family of Professor Plumley
bv the death of one so beloved and
so indispensable, is made doubly pa
thetic by the alarinlnt illness of Mrs.
Plumley. who lias been at the sates
of -death since Wednesday with the
.same dtead dlsea-e pneumonia. Last
nlsht It was thought that the crisis
would be reached, but her condition
excited the gravest solicitude. It Is
a strangely sad coincidence lint Mis.
Plumley should have been taken vio
lently ill with precisely the same .symp
toms and suddenness that character
ized the attack which was fatal to
her husband, and that their young
daughter, Mary, lies in a precarious
state, al.-o sutlering- with pneumonia.
Indeed, so serious is her condition that
she has not yet been Informed or her
father's death. The sympathy of a
multitude ot friends goes out toward
this stricken household.
Tile ileiith of three ol the lending
edueaiors in this teglon within cmu
paiatlvely j brief time has shocked
Hie cominuult il' I'moie than oidln
aiy soriow. lie. D. .1, MeGoldrlek,
the priest and teachei, so beloved and
so mourned; Professor Plumley, whose
Inlluence was so beautiful In ills life
woik, and Professor Grant, whose line
cultuie and billllaut attainments weie
an inspiration to throngs of .viiiius
people who need such inspiiatlnu have
all gone away and left places hmd to
llll, and the loneliness of which will
cause aching hearts for many a we.irv
lovsmeats oif People
Ml. ami Ui.-. i'lank Silainili, Ji., ulll iiiiiiiiii
.it Wawih,
Ml, .tnl Mm. P I. I'.ol'ii line niiiinul 11, ,m
Vll.uilic I it
M. II Pil' 1 1.1- piiuluii-ii 111 Iwliii nt l. II,
Cii.lon en III ,iiiiip. Mr. ('.'.-tvn anil fain
exhibited are "Heaits Are
with Backa, 50c
l Avanus, Scranton, Pa.
lly liaic irmoiril to the liome irerntly occupied
ti.v I', ti. I'pcki on .trnrrson .nrntip,
'l'io(ror tlronte llllilc, ot bllnud-linrpr, wat In
tlia tlly jrMiMilav.
Mi.. It. N, La lict 11 In NiW Vml. Im
Hip pJ't loctlilitlit.
Mr. ami Mh. V, II. fuller will piMid tlio
Minniier In ballon,
illm llnniml. ol Miiik.v, i',1.! t the Jiuest t'f
Ml. ililllllK, of Jpfloiwiii uiemic
Mr. und Mia, C. h, flilltln will R" I'lilliiIrL
plila tl tei for ii trn' bI.iv.
Mr. W. It. Mom nml llt, f. S. V cilon line
illumed from 11 llult to Now I'.iisIiiiiI.
Mlii Ahn.i Konecny, nl Vine street, l inter
taltilns lllss Ctrtla SltunU. of flillailrlplila.
McisH. .1. H. MoAluilly, .1. L. t'onnuU aliil ('.
II. Conned will -all for Itnropo nrit week.
Mis M.irc.iiTt Mul font nml MI- Anna. Ilaml,
of Montrose air lllllli tplalhe In Ihlx ett..
Mic. W. .1. Van M'oinier. ot Pott .lrnl. U
lsltlnir her iIjiikIiIoi, Mi Ailcl Moore, nt llliljte
!li- l.lll ll'Mall , nl Uinmlnj; iitrime, H
liome alter n inuiith't Willi Itlenili in I'till.
Olnk It. 11. W. Seirle. of the iimv cll'tiirt
IVdcral lourt, ictitrnul ycstetilay Jltciiiuon I10111
New Voik.
M. n. Cisey, Miprrliilrmleiil ol wnlfe
on tli Liiikawunna rallroiJ, (.jkiiI .ipmiiilay in
Xen Voik.
Mfi Vtanne-ti Ii.h cliv-ed tier Iioiiip. on l.imK'ii
(tipef, for tlip t,ea.un und i-i now I'lltti lilend
.11 I'hrMnul 1IIII.
Itoliert V. AVIillc. of tl.U cllj, .i sradiut'il
from the llahnenlaiin Mp1Jic.1l (oIIprp in I'lillaiti'L
hl 1 TliiiroJa.r nlclit.
'llio IIp-Ip .mil llntli l.jmh, nf Wilke
ll.illi', retnrn.-il Iioiiip nltel spni'llm; ev
el.d il.iH with lii"iids In this lily.
Ilnliy W. lloie", of IiIp.ikii. 111.. lias IP
I HI mil fu lint .ill .ilier hprndili!; .1 few illy'
nl Hip honip of hl tlll'ir. I'olonei II. M. Iliiiri,
Vllicil ItniM, of the M'tllinaieScaxpr ltntmcr
titir lonipiiij. of CIpvcI.iiuI, ()., fnimerly chief
ensllicrr of the LaPkauaiina Iron nml Mrrl com.
piny, w.n in the city jpi-tpiday on a liminrM
The fullnivlns Srr.1ntont.1n weie rrgi-torrd it
llio Hotel Allien In New Ynifc IhU week: Mr.
and Mh. I'. L. pells. lre. John A. Moir, Xtet
Paiinii' Meats, Mm, I!. II. (JaMon. Mr, .t.
Thoina--. I .f. MclT-clcrr, . K. dolinv, M. .1,
kcll. and I,. ,1, Km (hup.
IT JS a imtlietlc I hint; tn ln 11 "bi oth
er to tlio ox" with no instiuuls
hiRher tliiui tlie (IiuUkIiik toil of
thr- day to have no iisplrullons no
aiuliitintis. no hopes: to lie siulfcfk'il
with thi .soildPii, courso food nml tlio
sleep of tht anlmuls of thi field: hut
Infinitely wtdd(r it is to have had the
advantages of culture und refinement,
the glorious ambitions of youth, ttio
In nailer outlook into the wotld, and
yet to he as one Imprisoned within iin
nrPKiiable walls, over wniuh ho niay
not climb and through which he may
never pass walls which likewise balflo
Hie futile efforts of the few friends on.
the other side who would tench the
immured victim.
V li
He was only n porter In a Pullman
car. To be sure one wa.s obliged lo
look twice und shut ply, too. at the
tall young inin with the eyeglasses
and the regular feaunes and the wavy
hair, before being at all Inclined to
think he might have the single purple
drop of blood in his veins which allied
him to an unhappy race. Kven after
that scrutiny one could -.enreely be
certain thai the suspicions were well
founded, He did not have the Dorter
symptoms, lie was so courteous and
thoughtful and betrayed none of til"
grasping instincts chaiaeteilstle of the
"Yes," he said, as he brought in the
soup from the buffet, "1 am of pointed
blood. My father, however. Is very
lighl of complexion, and so Is my
mother. T am usually taken for a.
white man. No, J have not always
been a Pullman porter. After leaving
college T was stenographer for Booker
T. Washington, and r have done much
woik as private secretary, but in the
Houlli we- are so poorly paid, and
sometimes not paid at all. and there
ate no opportunities to work except
among our own people. andthe work
1 could get took me so far from my
home in Washington that made up
my mind to try .something else. I
wanted to travel and to learn some
of the great world. I have been In
almost, every slate In the ITnion, have
traveled with presidential parties and
with the owners of piiv.tte cats. I
have letters from several of the most
prominent, men in the country, which
are really Mattel ing testimonials, but
1 am nothing but a. porter. Some times
when I think of the possibilities which
lie before other young men who have
had my advantages, T feel bitter in
deed at the fate which mllnalls me.
There seems to be no place for me In
l he woihl."
"Oh, Indeed!" lie continued, in re
sponse to a iiuesllon, "I have one
gteal ambition hut it seems very far
oif in attainment. Always I have
wanted to be a physician, but I have
not been able lo i,v enough to pur
sue the necessary conise. I am not
suie that r could find piaettce
to support llle, hut I'd like to take the
ch.uucs," and he removed his glasses
as n -.mlilen mill dimmed Ills eyes.
And ilils Is one of the problem,
which fines Hooker T., Tr.
M.iHin and other noble workers who
aie dall. making? sacrifices for their
people. They titul these bright young
men and women, cduc.tie ihem und
send tlciii out lulu the woild, Olten
I heir own nice can oll'er no ndcriuale
th Id for their ambitions and abilities,
Like this handsome young fellow wllh
his trained intollei t, conscious cap i
bllilles and restive tempeianient, they
heat Hie wings of their ampliations
ngalntit the cold bats of hereditary en
vlronineiit and i.tclul prejudice. The
while p;'ope" will not employ litem
, .ive in the most menial capacity.
They may pot mingle with the while
i workers lr, meicnutllo puriilts or evn
In ilie. hlphnr eii3 of operative ludu--liy
for which they aie peculiarly
tidnpted, It Is indeed & pinblem.
Yet, In sonic respects the altitude of
tills young man answers Hie doubts
regarding thu possibility and feasibility
of uplifting and educntlng the colored
population of tlio south tiwv boy
who Is tlw taken from tin ranks of
Ignorant, superstitious masses reduces
the ivlnilnal statistics by a laige ratio,
foi his Influent .1 n.nst he considered
In iliij muttei. lit the .-outlioin .sihools
training of the bt.iln and training of
th linnci go r.ldn by side. Tills U the
highest conception of tine, education
and although the bovs and girls or thl
generation who huvo beu thus helped
nay eat their heat in out villi thwart,
nl hopes and pitiful dUcuuragenient
and im'v jietlups fall into iiii apathy of
disappointment; yes, ttielr dilldton will
bo farther along In the line ol' mlvanie
and will swell the precession of fit
Hue happiness und proijieilly to the
i. tco In tlio south.
Tiioie ait tome InMuiues of disap
pointed ambition In which a direct
leading I the way of churaeler form
Ing seems evident. The pathos or
thwarted hopes, the melancholy ineiii-
I mm of what might huve been dtaws a
veil over the nobility df atteh a life,
yet above all the shadows Is lifted n
iiato of self saefltlce ntltl the. sweet
spirit of uncomplaining effort which
can never he dimmed,
I have In tnlnil a young man, n resi
dent of this city, who In early child
hood entertained u shining itsplritlJon
which unfolded In Ills lieu it llli it
flow er. Ills one hope and thought was
to enter a certain prnfeslon when he
became ti niati, and lo thai end every
childish energy was bent, Ktiddctily
Ills father, who hud been eiwngod In
proresslotial life In another direction,
died, leaving it large family of which
this son was Hie eldest. Then It was
the little tud, he was only eleven yeurs
old, found that thus -catty he tint
come to n n end or the purpose of his
heart. The path had been very brief
and led but to a blank wall over which
he could U"Ver ellnib.
lie uns now the head uf the hotisft
and the slender lltttle fellow went out
Into the woild to earn not only his own
livelihood, but to aid In the support of
the mother and children.
It didn't occur to him to send them
all to the 1 tonic for the Friendless or
scatter them among relatives, lie
did all sons of thing1! sold papeis. run
errands, worked In n stote and tolled,
early and tnte rnr the pitiful sum'
which was so much needed. There
could he no possible hope of continuing
his studios in his chosen profession,
so the dear dream wns resolutely put
aside forever, lie wa.s a. tall hid, with
a handsome face, and as the ycats
passed, the earnestness of that fac
and the unmistakably high principle
e.pies'ed thereon won friends and
good positions, but always wltti hard
work, long toilsome hours, and little
enough pay
He sent his slstrs to school there
were several of thmn little girls with
blight eyes and dark hair like their
brother. Ills young brother was nlso
given the best advantage possible anil
was kept In school until ho was well
equipped for the work lie afterward
took up. The mother, who had become
an Invalid, was cared for with all the
tenderness the devoted eldest son could
boslow, and thus the family was kept
The years have gone and now the
bov In his Lwenty-firih year, still
living a laborious existence, can look
with pride upon the result of his work.
Ills slstets have been graduated at
the high school, some aie ready for
teaching. His brother has a good po
sition In a mercantile house, and the
mothers declining years are made
comfortable not les.-. with the fruits of
her .-.oil's loll than the presence of the
Milldron. all of whom are now grown
and are line young men and women
'.villi (iilture. leliliement, and best of
all. are beautiful in character.
The big- brother snatches hours from
his resting time lo study and better
lit himself for advancement In his vo
cotilon. The ambition of his life has
never been satisfied and of eouise can
not be. Yel In looking back over the
few eais and seeing what the little
lad ac oinplished In keeping the family
together, in bringing up the children
to a supeib maturity, who can say
that his saci'iliee has been in vain? He
has denied himself the career for which
he was undoubtedly gifted by nature:
he has elected lo occupy a humble
sphere and one which may keep him
long obscure and poor, but In looking
upon Hie (inlet, beautiful religion which
he is daily living, and upon the cr
umple which he is leading for thoe
who look up to him as the one perfect
being on enrlh. there Is a lesson to the
restless selfish ones who shirk re
sponsibility and bemoan the unfriendli
ness of fate.
fancy Hess.
s s
('lKMY-lluiilli',v-,f.i(l..-"ii (Oiiipmj Nlslil.
"The Marble Heart.'
Tlie MjiMr Uiuit" w.i I lie pliy itiuii at
llii Auilmiy nl Mn-ie iy the lliiiiHi'y-.l,nKoii
company M.ti'iil.i.v aftenionn, and ill tin- ciotim;
"Viilijel'slinnofi" tt.n llu Jliiiflliin. lloili
ll.ia iiM' r( fill in. titl-Mitinii, a- lliev aie
)-. nto.I in a iiu-liily m.itmiM. The pei ijttifs
tteie all in and up to ilal.'.
Tim atli-ilinuii '"I lie Wm-M" "ill lie ptijcit,
.mil liniitdil. "The Tornado" "'ill bo pii'-onted.
Vera De Noie Stock Company.
Till' 1-1.1 II" Voi'1 Sled Milium will npni
Ms w i-ck'n fiipafn inriit .it tin i adomv ot tu.iu
Moulin' niijlii ly tin piciiliu lion ol "Dcvil'i
Maud," founded on llu Pre. I'm i.w. The hlory
of tin plo tnlloM tin i aim- of Piryiu? Iioin
llu lin-t plnttliii; "f Id Umuifall by lu ,nfinii'
lo hi' -uppo'sed ic-iin. In tin diaiiu ('.nil on
Ilic.ifiH rlun) J Cipliin D" l.i Turn and IV
ttiliaj lluiiii u I'linii. KurN Oiluil.
I api.iln P 1.1 Tmir i. a Ji, and ha in
iiniiil Hie li.ilii'd ol I'liiKc Uilutf Kim K .1
ltr-r.l.iii f-pj In tin pay of lii-iniaiiy, Coiiiilr
Nina IMlol-1.1, known a "l.a IVIili Pijlde" U
a imiiii.Ui of the ('.nulla t.uiip In loe mill Pc
l.i Tom. On In 'leil-iiatinii llul he lne. only
In wile, Nini ciili'i lido a plot wllh Oilolt
lo mill the nun win, has opiumd hei. 'II"'
M'lolid ad shows -iiucialN hciiliiiut(i In
Iho I'.ilai of .lutie, Hie MOM lllil .Hid puldic
itcKl.ul.ilioii. 'llio apailiiniiH ul NIii.i lluni.v
loiiu (In Lo.-illt of llm nest .nl.'Utcn.iut
DiMMiiey ha I'Ccn ippoliiud KoM'inoi in Dull'
Mind, to whiili He Ii Tour bail In in cent und. r
viiilciueul ."III. in lonlliieuieul for llle. Mua,
lepcnlliii; ol I !" nil-chief Mie lu ttiniiuht, now
-if I. in n i. to II. II. mi" l-i iuiuvllle,
!' jiiM, the piuil hl.ilnl i i lo-i-ly ;j,h 1 1 iK-1 uml
mi peion I .illniM'd to I md then
1'ieti nihil,' In im reiidii in lliiuiini'j wooing
-i i.i ill in; lit in. (.ti'il hi. i lotlie aial iouiiiih--leu,
and I Im dlu'iileii :i. a ImiMi liniU'iuiil,
all wllh .in uii'iii.ili ioii-i.'iiihnt ill a pie's ulii-ie -I"' lllllld in l.ui'llli; Old lrlti
in llio H-'iii- ol Iho lligilll.
TI,. 'lell M'. I'ullJ M.ililin, rc Thcie Xny
Ihue at lloine l.lli' You:" 'ong, wlinli Im InHii
Hi" lill t "I loiodoia," pilll lieian-M' oi tin
llelty inaiililH llii'lllrt'hrt, I to Ium 'l (nlll.
palilvu i"i'K in l.ille ""Hull's ii w pii'Li, "The
SilMT slippil." wlui Ii ueiei.iU "''oiodora"
hold., .a tl'e I... I iu, ,ninhli, 'I lie sequel lo
"Ilic Piell.i Jliidm" U "foine, l.lllle (Inl .uul
Tell Mo 'liul.!.' md iull lor the H',tclli'.i that
h.iM hou'iiio iJinoii in l.iril.ii ami Xtnv Vol I..
Tin- alue Niw .oil liuliii;.!'. who hc "IT
l.nhilii" hale tl.e lljlit fur llu hi'W pine
Villi llu lii't oil.lil' piiiiiliiui.d nf "l.oui
I alio" Jl liu Maiihillaii I In' J Id, 'iv Voik.
llle alllllUI. ('llll'' I'lllll, pll'l'l Mlllli! llia-p-
P'jiiiluiiMit ai On.' ii i I'lidi. ami a.s p..iu)l.lic
lonieiiiiiiit tin liiiiiu id the ila. WillUiu A.
liud., iuuiu'iliali'ly ulli'iid him l'l.f") in (adt
in foii'i'ii lotaltlFi j lid .-ill I lie pine ciitiljtht,
I'lUll .l.Ucil Mr hviiil. four l.oiu In miivlikT
the oili-i and lie n litibiii'd il, iiiu. Ii to the man
.i.'ei i di4Ul. llu lo.ialticri lot Hie New Yolk
tea-on alone han teut li tl that amount and Iho
play I good foi loui or lite i'ji. In ionic.
V boiiO'JU iclic-poinl'iit uillos llwt liiiiui,
ailuetul iiiolhcr ol tlio-e plju aboiii whkli the
uillii. an hiijllv difjilielii';, I-iaol ZjiiiiwiU, at
imiseut, i iiklii!,' tliiu;; va. fn tin ilcn of lu
laiuhliiiit. hi), and attuuhr Utlk' lioui h
M. .lohn'. Wood, Mr. y.Jnu'uill i nuiilfolly a
tiiiin. I"' ii" k'f Killed Mrt of )irwii could
Iind aii.Ulilii;. wlica lie "Jiitid It in that dm
ot lib. It, l a', i old loom at (In top of
hm) Ions:, i'ay fllslil ot vairK. op.ii bouktlivbri
line nil) uialljbk ul llu- tutjl wall tpac:
lum Hour tD t.eiliiif
4 4 4 4 b
''lnv.i uiite tmowlciltr l it ilanRCiuii ttiltiB.
s'o In all tlilnti lt in lie nciurntf."
Ite.nli of llu Mini would cnMtly aid ini
In my ta.-k bv l.lnir riiiiioiii (not iitiv
wrlly for iulillcallon), wlikli If pollilo will
l.i atiirt'ird In full in an elilv lint" of tie
Weekly Palad and their rrrclpt iit'riiinvlrdRed
liilincillalely by null. .Ml mtdi loinniunln
tlon mutt, however, .n A injl'rr of mime,
bear the writer's ronril natin and oddrrs
' idlirrvvlfe tliey lantiol bu liken ildu con
Homing' Instincts of Animals.
Tin: i,h'i:mt(is of what i iii.timi" md U "lOJitn'1 li.ue lo tn klioivledae
lirur been iluinil III a Utiliiuor.v liiannei,
nml fhli want of ii correct dcl'iiillon of llir I'to
ntftllnitr of animal, i r, In tf wider etif.e, of m
ttunlc life, tnut lie looked for In the ctieine
(Milldilly of (.oru'illy oli-rriimr, ilailfylni iiiu'
Inoiilln lnrii mimtier of tut undir a aioal do
ierll. of londitlon', with the nere-Miy olwn
tub e(lulon of the indllldiullty of tin oh
finer; I to mv, to obrre facts an tlnv
an ill therm-el ven kiuI to duiw the ion-ilii-lonn
fiom them Irom u piiudj ,ihtrai't point
of li.v without Iislii lnnut.tu.cil In the oli-ei'
ilioni .mil In the dianiti;; of the im
(IndoTi hy clthri' pivilomly aciplileil knowleilije,
iipp.irent anatosie and by iniliiiilml inenla' pe
( ulljiilliH! in otlier word-, to vik and .iln Iho
liulli .md nolliinur but tin trutb.
We nil baio ii nioie or tei luild lonteplion
In oin mindn an In v.lal we mean when we u-'
llio cptt's-!on le.iKti and iiiliiut. und I m.iy
be tiiimllled lo .-t.ltr tlnl II la i oiiininuly i on
(edid (hat intiml in Ilic eeruthm nf an ailiou
plompfed by an inale umlcfliied desiii In atl.ilu
a lerlnlii pur-Kke, while in l.'Udoliilii; Ilie aillon
I proinpled by a well drlltied and coniriou-i pm
poe und (he eiei u'.ioii of the action I -suided
b llu loitlral ilediHtiun of prcM'ously obrned
fiiet. It in nlso lonccd-d, on all hlc, lint
the Rrenl liiollicB around which all other .u
tliouprd mid aie bill p.uln of limntanle life aie
ell'-preMTMitlon and th" attniiimenl, of li.ipplnen
in flic wide.t hi'nie of Iho letni. Motiicn wlihli
me inn id and Inneparibtc fiom lite, in fait, ate
Ilic Mr I'WII'C of life,
Willi aninuls h.ippiiics on-istn in i omplete
hoilllr comfort .Itlonled II by lt 3euiloiurd nr
lounilint;., and it feel luppic-t "on Hi ualiie
he.ilh." ni the poet ban if. Tim neiy .iniinJl
and plant foeli iincoinforlable am Iherefoie mi
h.:ppy when irnioved from II acra-toined mii
n.iinililii; and will i-triw to reluin in (hem, lo
It home, und in thin unrniiHinii cfloil wll'
ofliii oWKoloc. lu our lliinMrif.' Iiiinun croII-u'
al mind, apparently lawipeiable olmljilet lo al
lain the union ionsly ('esiied did, and thf. i
what in known as the homing In-line I. Iheie an,
il is true, a laixe niimher of animals and plant-,
thai vciy easily lud qukklv adapt tliruiM-lM
lo new -.iiiiouiiilinss and lo:c tli lonuiiiK for (he
old home in n phoit time, bill Ihcie an many
olherii who nexer .spein to be able lo oeuoine
this home fkknesn ar.d lluiie but poorly or mil
at all in the new t-tirraumlin;'. Ainono; plauls
(his ii firqucnlly (onfounilvil Willi iiutaoiahle it iiifliieiice", but in iminiulf-, as in the
ciiiier pinion. Hie bee aid the muiii'ious wan
(IcriiiR biuln of pas-ase, who ,ien aftei jear ie
vtll Ilie same bicedi'ii plaees, the dimale tail
not be blamed, Xoi is II ncres-uy to ephin
the appaiendy unexplalnable fatt lliat (hee mi
Sratinc animals or hoininc animal' (an tltid
Iheir v.iy omt inrredible di-tanfes (o theif (lumi
nal honio.nor lo illumine with i-eilnin Piencb S"i.
(nti(s that thr.i liae (.peii.iy rnnstnieled or
Kins of .1 "MmIi env" in their heads, e:i, or
owe, but it i.m le.nlily In explained m ,i nun Ii
mole simple .md t.iliom! manner.
It is a well-known ami iirll-(et.ibli!ied fad
lliat inan.i aiiiuial-, and uen men, are more or
less influent oil by or -enilive to (he inacnelie
iiuifnt M bit li is known to phyt-ital silence m
(he munelio nierulian of a it'ii .pot on the
siiuiee of Ihe e.nlh uhi'h inior bt the surface
lit thai pot at a s-ben enisle whidi alw.ns ie
mains tniMint. A parlbtilai meiidUn luuuitiLT
into (.pan at a .ingle will iiattuallv
be si i fimp luiid bj m urn paiallel with as well
as across n larce mimher of olhris, and ion.
tiieiitlv if a rairiei' piReon, for instance, has been
blnrated lmnditds ot miles awav, It will mjnli
iiiitoii-tioitly for a magnetic uipiidian luuniup:
iu the ditritioii of i(A borne nuriditn. -md by
tlt-n kirpiu:; tint diicction in the Kline manio'i
n (In naneator follow Ihe direction of the
compis needle in trosf-im; the nt pan, the taiiier
pigeon by followimj its own indh idual i f.iupas-
find the d(i'.ed hiveii.
Why with ,oii'e niiimals the peurplion of tl e
lnaKTietb intlutme is le-s pionounietl or appal
enl is dlfliiiill lo (..iv ami must be lift for iiituie
iuwvllKatorn lo deiclon.
Increasing Human Vitality.
Dr. W. ft. C. I.alM.n s-'ajn that after the adop
tion of a proper diel two of the principal fai
loi on which the onset ml ion and imiea-e of
human lilality depend an biejthins' and sleep
on:. It i. a 1'oitunak Ihins that bifalhinc
is, cf all flio fun lior.s. the one most, easily
(onlrolled and del eloped. The lunjfs may be
null, -hiimken and tieble, Ihe ihe,-t nMy be
(ollap-ed and the vitalil may be low, .if I
lew wed.n of rfsolule luiniiis of (l.e n.ilnial
nioveiiKida of lenplralinii, taking into toii.iden
lion that the.'. nioieimnln aro ditiinnl in Ilie
teen, will ofli ii rau-e an ii, n'dilvle cliffeiente 'u
Ihe ieeloimnf and aetiiily of tin bins., in the
loutour of the dic-l and In Ihe (.ineial health
and nerioiis italit. Hieathiu;r Is a podnl
element ill liuprmlui; nuliilion. II atcelerates
the niistallli iiioM'inenls ol tin .slouiacli and
intct-tliiM. bu impoitaur tn diemlion; il oiilitn
Ihe food; it H mines fiom the bodv, thlougli Ihe
lilliRs, i oil a in Hii-oiiou wate miltein, the ie-if-litiou
of whidi weaki ui and dtpletes Ihe oi
ii.initii. Moi'isiM'i, Ihe ium attitude, iicdlrul
tm pioptr bie.itlilnc. of it-tlf an etinrmoiu
econoiiiy of ilal foice. The number of pin.
pic who know how to k'ep piopeib ik ioiii
pnatively -null. s l)i. bil.oii fa.i. Ihere i
a ticliniiiie of sleip nldih im imdetelaiid
Huff a lr, IIIU f..iy In- eel, In fom liouis all the
leep he needs hi ihe Iwenlvfoiir. and IMUiii
i an woik lor a whole week with two hours of
.sliep iljil.i, fpiuilni; ill that allowiimt! .n
uul as many people air able to deibo Iioin
four tiiiu tin' aiuiiunt of .li'i'p. What is needed
l inol ptople I. not tuple loip,bul beliu ..hvii,
'llu man vbo tises in (he liloililni; uiurfiislini
aller eiiilil bonis i-lcip dots not kuon how o
-Itep. Mi lias allowed his inuil. Ii. b.-ioini
and In ii in lin (Oiili.iiliil, and .ill uiKln In- Ii.,,
Ikiii holding: them li'id. Let him it'foini bis
ilii'l, ntnily inc to (.it llio-o foods v)it i wH Kl,.
lillil 1 1n- mo. I emiji' at llu tal i vpeinllluie
ol lilalin, and lit Ium leaiu lo H'l.l Ihe mil.
i f.vtiut at will, and he will know Ju.iiu lli
.liip 01 thllilliiiod-thi lvp will. i U iiMud
lii.ius" tlit bodt is linbiuiieiied ami nhi'd.
Evil Side of Biid Killing.
M. I,. , f.iiial his in .iilh e In a I'll lull n
I'luili. lo'.uual oil tie Ills llul tin) In fall Im
naiiily IhioUKh kllliui; oil the blub. M. bchal thai if a mm would employ in ihe riiine
! ii of niivious creaiuies the atiu tnu.i mid
fuuiliiilty that lie deirili'S tn (lie uottiul de
(.tiuctieu of bllds lie would nifer mui Ii es
tin- iniouls of illi i. and other paiaolles and iiftii'
iiilluir would be Intitule.'', hs- il leaUiicd In In
Kit p.. I. nt all kiriLi, o iii.iinljlns that fioni
time iiiiliieinorUI hlnl. hue been the ubjet I of
jt tile puisiiil, until now w.i.s oine ,i
pa.lluie, uieliil to -i roiUfii ilejiei. fcinie 'I
iiiiintaitipj tin (,illibiiuni nf iiatuii bj piitlln
i 6top Ii) tin rwci-MVC piopat-iliou o( buds,
has In'toiiie j ponn.iiKUl iljnsir, tioni which all
boil ot lu-nll'.idi'.s will not .im lomuiuiilti'j
wheie It cct.ts, M. Libit dbides blidiatiliiii.'
into two flJuM pi'rmi-uble ,ind llit. 'flu
Ijllir. he ai, iu be uiuiiped undei .-dti.
held: (siptuie by lobbeiy o- iie..i, bv deio ,
by kiiaiei .aid by poi.u'ud foixl, Ml Ihi.e a e
oppokcil to Iho liilcie.-ls of llu uinii'i, lonuaiy
to Ihe piiblitt luallli, and iu many ijsi-s .miullv
-.ilnst the law Yd i'Mi)wb.iu buds ns
lielliC tullil('ly jliusldtied, and eieiy eai
touit i-piile. is extilliilliatid, lu be een lu'lo
kfler oily in inusi'iiiiis. In (he koiiIIi uf runic,
lu -wln, iu Italy ami in litr.ipl. whrie the In
Mi'iroMib bird lie ul.ipii'jint; Iioin l.v.
liL-eils of varlou. kinds have betonn a pel and
a meiiiii- lo lbs iulliuinii of uo and il"
imiifull 'l the iniubitjiili., I'eil.jpt. i lie of
the moot tciiliis'iii' lllu-lulions m iho i"il
whKh may be wioi'shl b) the wli.ili-.-jtc il"
..ttuctis.ii of lb' biid life urlnideil in leidit vi ir
Is that to In. vecu lu the l-ljml of -tjin.iiu,
into whieh tin wvi iriliiatliucl Iran
iudli lo kill Ihe rata in tlio (am- tit Ids.
A soon u tl.o iiiomoa-e had diipo.vd 01 t'.e
awll.ble uts it killed off ueaily all I lie birds,
both, sroui.d and Dec. The tonwciucme n
iImi bcl.rc loi) 4 ncourge of tlek pivicd our
Experiences the Invigorating Effect
of Paine's Celery Compound.
Hun. !'. fc! Hoi an who lias Ii en
.several I lines" bonoicd by Ilic citizens
of St. Paul by ro-clcclion us mayor.
joiKcst.s mtiny of tip cl.aractcti(lit -s
tliflr. R to make tin rc(Utatlon nf a
'Vruintl man," and it tin Inst ji-iron
In tlio woild lu publicly endnm nnv
tliins: of wbicb In lias nol fully In
foiincd lilniKolf.
Mayor Dorin decided to take P.Uni't
Celery Conipound this .sprlii';, haviiiK
beard inucli of Its wmickrlul ctlli'iicy
from liliyKlcians. neighbors and inti
mate fi iendis. fie was not dlMtpiioint
ed. Ills experience with this f;ieal
icineily i.ih so nullifying Hint a 'few
days hko be sent the pioptlolors a tes
timonial which adds conclusive proof
to the statement of physicians lliat, nf
all the spline remedies that can be
had, Paine's !elery Compound stands
tar above all others in Inmost and
giciit lesulls:
Mai-cli 111. 1W1.
Dear Slis 1 am convinced that ev
eiyone, sii 1. or veil, needs to take ,1
sprlni? remedy, and for that pm pose r
leiiovc notliini? can equal Paine's ("el
cry ( 'onipound. I commend It especial
ly to Hie nervously .iillieted. Veiy
truly yoi:is, K. P.. DUUA.V.
lie island, and life ln'iame a bin din fm b' Hi
man ind bta-t.
The Disappearance of Species of
til :i ireent leflure Sir linbut Hill, oi l.'iudon,
Slid dial !f he liad i vvlli In impart im Ihe
nivv (tntury it woild be llul some ol tl.e i in
nml bluliTC and Wi.ii'ii-rful aiiimaK of I be wnihl.
vhlfh .nilii.ilii.i) was lat sweepinu .ivv.ij. e.niiil
bv nine mean be prei-uird tor tuliue Kriieia.
tloiif. II N a wi-li Hut ilvlliilion ilslf
should et ho, bill in -pile oi lb" "les'-iu-s"
wllllll J IP btlllic ehtablisheil III ."lile pillti of
Voith Viiitnt.i In pioleit and pic-ei ie Ilie
Kieii wild animal, and in -pile ol Hit lulu
n. ili-ll j 1 lonuiil ms whnli .in- (iili-ied upon in
limit, die dr-muilis eflfil of (In hiinlei's
rirtt , dnie tue min.i peiir wliuh lie ,ii
liroaihiiic.' I'Ntiiininailoit. 'llu t-.ii.ift- In fin...
the Intliaii lien .mil Ihe Indian ihiuoci i.w, lu.
nhite hlppopobiiiiu. are all eadly illniiul-liin;
iu numbeis. mil peihap at I in beKiiiulna of
he,! tenlui.i Hie eb phalli iiu.i he mi ih"
In i.hai-1 the file of Ihe illno-ain-. ll.e iii-'il"-dons,
Ihe puiodaelyl of tin icpllle u'
rind, 'llu pal iciilni.i, -o inb in tool.,
eiial jclilivpiii"! t. In -illn'ied mt lnu.iiMilei.ibl.
Iiumlxi of tin wmld's inluials In In-i oiue ivlin I
extinct us the dude
flf (he biid l.lVe beiouie i Mill' I .till
Inj: Ilie la-1 leiitm.i, Ilie be. I known .piili- I-,
of coiir-e, tint nf the 1:11.11 -int.. 'Ihe li-l
Known llrllbh ii(Imui w.i Uilltd ueir VViiu
i;uii,)eaii jieiiiiitu weie di.itioinl. widle 111
"nun with .1 gun." 'ft 11 umi later ll.e lal
Kurnle.lU -pes inn III Wile d(tloved, while ill
mpiiia llii'-e lull 11 "I iiiu blnls h.ue ilie.nli
Income ivlinit. Si.ilb all the .nil,' ikcs
niiinhi rlni: hilt x'Uli in all, llul .oe pn.-Hinl
ill publif or piir.ile collei llnti line will atiet
t'd lilstoilff. I'lieli' value a jaeli 1I..1I -tin
blgae.t prne eiei p.ilil 11.1 ,:i) ititlni.1 lur
one bid hi'l'iii'.'eii to .1 f.iiuoii. 11 itm.ilM.
Vinous the lea-ts the inot -eilons Ins ! Ilie
South Vflliau tiiaui;a. nhiih Ml 1 vlitim In
the liado in hide huiilhiu, III the i.ul.i part of
tilt tilillll.v Ihe tiiKU,t w-1 J- li'iilinnll 1 Hie
sbet'ti iu (,ip ( 'nloui and the iiiamie Toe
Sttite, .did wa. tn he iin't Willi in ihnti-ainls 011
Ilie Kf.t-. Libit,
III Hie viii lil -1 ipi.tuu 1 wa. boiitiht fm'
Hit Xoolnulial niulili-, and Miiue e.11 lain Mi
lieoik'e (liev a in lie, IIh.v wen nol
lilo-cil Willi noeiit, bill tin malt .uivlviil mi
ni bsT'J witliln a .1e.11 of Hie di-appeii line (f
In fiivtuiiii Im tlui 11 ol oitli Vfiiia.
'1'ivo olln'i' eilinit .pule ol inaliiio widely
dllTeteiil 111.1. he inciil toit.-il tin "l. ml loiloi.o
nml 1 hilttrllll. 'Ihe b'llHltl.i lin uiioiiid I- ihe
I.UKli.h "lame (nppei" fl'idjoiiiuiun ilbpitl,
wblih wa l.i-l sun aiiiiiii:' the biiuoln-hire n lu,
but whnli iiobi'ib I'Npiil- nil In -ie aealn,
The Antiquity of Man.
I'll. in Ihe woik of liabiitlle and .Vduili de
M.l It lit I 011 the 'piehl-loiii oiii;iii
and aiiliiitiili' of nun, a thin! uml eulau'i'd nil
lion of whiili lu jul bt'ili i-.iiul 1 1.1 the I'.nis,
publlalittii, is ta'cin Ihe folnwlm; miluule of Ihe
jeiiKlli of time iliiiini; w-hlili Hn eaitn lus hid
luiinan inlubi'tait. Aiionliuic to ILim' an
llwritlf no'ortliy evhli-nte his yit belli
found of nun's eiUuie hu'oie lin (Jii.iituiiii.i
Hite Ha nio-1 leieitl of llu iteoloiial .ue. -altlititisdi
iben vu-n Teitl.11.1 ii,i-iioi ol mm,
mole inttlliittiit than any il Hie IM-Imu" .111
duopold-, tin- Ijtist of Wlinli was Hie now it
mom I'iliioiaiilhlopiis 1'in lu..
'lin ik Vbalillei mkIiiii 01 ilionoo:,i i
based 011 the d vclopineii 01 human I111I.I1I11.
Ilic aiicie.siie .tips ol wlinli aie aroiiptil under
epjihB, enli n.iliii'il li.'iu t-uiiie will I-iidwii
loialilv wheio Hie iiilluit staifc ill iiii(ioii l
louiiil In its pillil.v. ii ip.Kli jte ii'iomiiid,
Iv.o of width, however, an- Iriusitmnal, Itai
in; four nuiu tliviiions, as follow: ( ht'lleau
ipodi (pioclaual), Tfc.oK' eat: Sloiisltilaii
epoch uljiiil), 0il.(V) .teaisi holiltl'Mil fpnili.
ll,nu jeaisi Vljgdelenidn ipnli. .'. -i'l i-ai
'lotal. SJi.KiO iea.
lo Ihe.e -Jii.OiW .uais of rail.i ij lailenuiy
an- 10 be added "the U,t1 uai -Hue Ihe be
trliiiiiin: of lin lii.torlc peilod lu r..vpt, md 4
prohibit' lCOm) )ial ol I'lolohUli'iii' .ind N'eo
llthic." niakluu a itr-iml lotal of '.'.iMnirt,
vi lilt h tlio :uiHi"rs belieu lo be "a vei.i modfr
ate ijlliuali! Cvr die jniiiiilli of man "
Laigest Electiic Srawbiidge.
what i believed lo be Hie IjitjeH eleetrually
opcillcd tiwwbridgv 111 I lie woild )u ICU'Ullj-
liec.utse ,i man I mnwiiiK old ll
in od nol l an invalid, Old .njc isn't
a d'MMse. A man at s'xiy should bi
well, end many at seventy aie as well
as t ver ill Hii'lr lives. '
till! ns lt!sV (onies on Hit blood needs
to be rid of t heuiniitlMU and the mti--cles
or neurnlnl.i: the nerves need
fcedluK and the brain nourishment.
1 '.'line's cell r coiiipouud is food lor
Hie hi tiiu and nerves. 1 1 builds up
tin stienylh of (he body. The saddest
iKi'.orance Is for a .lcls person not to
know the lemedy that will make li ini
well. Fortunately, few people have
fulled to bear of the i-n arakble cures
from the use of Pain's Celery Com
pound. Por rheumatism, neuralgia. Iinpuio
blood, nervous diseases and kindred
troubles. It is a po--itive cure. The cx-
perimenlal efl'ort" of s es und score?
of ni-oitlleit spring1 lemedles witli
whli b the market is constantly re
eiuiled aie lu st.irtlliiK contrast with
tlir thorouslily silontlfic way In which
Paine's Celery Compound icstorc-i
health and visor to th- worn-out blood
aril nerves.
New sliengtli, new life, in vv health
i O'lies J'riini ll us'--es-i i ci. illy Is till-'
tine In Hie spi liter.
hern opened at Midllelown, Toiin. In all, th
new IiikIiw.iv hi blue tn ik' the (Yinneitii ut
nur .it this point is .ilmiit l,::i) feet Ioiil'. This
leuslli is mid.' up of four lived spins, two em li
J.i) ful lone ind two cadi 2a"i lut Ioiir. The
ttiitti and movable "-pan i I'i'I feel loner, the
id, 1 lieiim lo 1,-ivc a ilcn- thaiiiul of 3Jtj Ket on
tub eide of the if iiiu iiei. The width of the
bridge, a tlesi tihed ill Ilie Iteiicw, i
that letpiireil for inn line id tairi.ise liavel
.111,1 one line 01 cleitih (,ii. li'iiilin: twenty
sl fed fi'i'iu lentil to 1 uiler of fru-is. I'ro-vi-ioii
lu -ilo hi'tii made for ( oniiectini; tw
It font H.h'walk lii.ul.d- In ihe fiifine. I'.lre
ui'.ill.v Ihe ('(piipiiiuit ioii-1-i- 01 iluce .
hoi-epower 1110I01-. nut f,,i iiuiiiiu tud the oib
ir two lor hloikiui.' up lin uul. npeialed fiom
a liiinlh sii'puiilttl his-li up in the lenlei pm
'Ihe bind. irn? ii latioli t done In, uiciili ol I
pill of toKi'li .11 i' oh toriiti, whidi an- ili.u 11
Insjetlier b.v two hione mil woikiiiR on .1 livlu
and led ii.iiid -irew I ha I I finned hi bei. I
l!tals liniii the m,, im. I'nivi-iill III lit in limb
f..r .iiilitiuilli.illv eisiidln; Ihe opeiatoi when
the mils n -uiniiuitb Helit. Ilnih He uni 1
and 1 ud -it nf 111. 11 hiiieit jii piniidi-d witii
1 lull bee. "vhlili rin I"' Ihiiiwn out of '-tar and
lite opi lalli II pi I Oil noil In IIJII'I pmU'l It ln'te-
Chenn Coppet Panels.
V dieap deitiii' iinlliod of pn-duduK i"H"r
piinl-. fiite and olhei' bulldiiti: iliioiailoiis ha
iinvv iippciinl. Tin th ii;n 1- lut I'M'tiited in
pli-leroi wis. 'Mil iimdi I i- ilieu nuted wnli
1 later nf inppi'i hi ihniiiliie; li oh-d.iialb
I'll.- Hih kin's of llu ii'iiini;' be ii'.nlil.t ton
linlltil. Il 111.1t n'lb have lb. tlud.iie.s of pi,e
or il inn he an uphill 01 ,111 huh or more In
lllii l.ui... iiii.nllliu lo Ihe 1h11.11 lei 01 tie sei
1 1,,. iiiulinl 01 il. Ilii pinio-i- Is vi ry niii'li
iluapii 1I1.111 the ii-ii.iI ni I (.istlui;. Vlli
Hit- 11.11 1 Ix I lollliul hoi,, Il '.HI be pul
Ihinnuli llu pni.e.-is im lini-'hlii-.- Hie mii
Iho lu .111 aill.tli- iiiiuinr. I'li-lu iimdi I. Mid'
.1 llin-t' 11-cd in ih.iwin.' ihnol-, (an be iuiim
wiih a vu thin lam nl mpi'i'i in Hil n ,11
ill, win 11 liny will wlili-l.iiid a an nl deal '
halt! Iiindlliii:, liiiiiialmn ami ihluu lor mu
ilnni' -iiiIu art i'j.p'1 1, till iliii'ahle when toilin 1
In' lids w,n, 1 the malim.' is piadiiilly Imprr
1 Inn. In the iiitluui'i nl II" wt'.ilhei livihaiisi
Public Telephones.
I'llhlli lih'phiilll'. Will ioll he iu.lallul
siieel iiiilnl ill Ntw II im ti. They will -1
what ii'iuibi liu li'M- On uill of 11k
.Mis i Ilie will known blue bell. I Ilf,)'"
oi.lililli.l Im kid, bill i tpihi'd b.v dinppin
. nlll llltn .1 l'lt. W I I II tin' lluol i open
iiiiiie. ni out iliiluir leli iiliiinlii i.i'iii.rllon Is
..inn- a. .11 ,iiiv imblii pie l ioii,,),lt', (.cli'l'l
11,1 bilm; hiuii; auMin-l me ilini. w neij im
mill' I. hiiin, up, the ilmi -Ion aiiloiiiliii
The .iiuplit-i ind Ihe appouii l.i mnt tonipll
i.iiul Ihiii'.s whidi we imilii iu mu 1 "i
I'le. and limn 01 lr. iiillli III' aie oi"
li'-1 only Ihe mo.' dllln nil to li' hue, lull al-o
fitipnntly tan In' ileihuil iu llu idniplo.i nun
lur, ind ililiniijli appall nil.v lot illy'illfleieiu m
li 11.11 In, iiu) be loveitd lo iliu'tsiiiii. ilcflni
thin wiili "dill" and "1 1111 rr." bntli of
l. hull an 10 be il tit'. t a "Ilie llaht tliina 11
Hi" u nun; d 111."
V. illll-lt. Ili'ili-. I mat uiei-llull thai u.jl do I
in tir nillie l ill iu. lutht pi lie. but when '!"
po-ileil tm lin biiul. and tan ot tin' uiiliei ai
he "inn' 11 "in ibe mini', it is 11:1 1 : ind li l'
nil 1 ailed ipiiiielliim, 1 oinpiisiui; the 'kill, re
in nil nil Hit- in1ai'e of Ilic Iiod.v, Ihe.v Jl u
tlnli ri(!lit plan, bill 1 soon a they develop
within tin liue ol Hid body, wheio lln'y up
be nt no u-e as 1 pml'-i linu .diidd ae.iint ei
It uul iiill'i-'in el-, lin' beiouie i.iniri nib..
I 'ail seiler. M. I)
Tluee () Dollnis.
That -.hotild tend Itulf the town Into
.M.thon'.s .Shoe stoie toduy. licnulno
'run eli Patent Lcutliors. i)ftirds. nipt
stilclt 1111 1 patent kid pxtcnslun edsos,
swell Oxfonfs. Cost you about $1.00 at
nny other stoic- Sec them at Mahon'n
Shoo .store, open la(e .Saturday nlulils
Kstui clerks. "
Blnnk Account Books.
Norton, Wyo. a,'-',, next Dim.; bank
t-3. . .