.,,-. j ,.-. - . 'jimiT y, jji .. wi TV.-jf!TrrH'"'Ti' vtt v - i 1 I '4 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MAY 18, 190t. . i 3ViM('l m Rl ( ' V j(je.kratt-oit i6tme 1 'iiljlldicrl Hilly. i:icpl Hnii.lay, liyl-o Till.. p i'ul)lllilnR Uoiniun), at Kill) Cent i tftnillu j lino 1,1V V C I1KIIAIII), l.illlnr ,, 0. 1, IIVM1IX', llmlm-n iliTUif. jtfw.torlt Oftlrrl ISO Im-mii l. , j,jr .' s. S V I,.M). Sole AkciiI lor I'oicUn .Vli'illlns l.t,Itrcil t llie 1'o-liilltn' ,it 'frtiilun, I'J , n , S'ltfndLli" ,MjM MUUr, Ulifti piff will I'frmll. T lio Trll'itni" U lino-. plu'l l inlnl -liml I'lli-n Itom It-" filnnlj J''' in on tmrctil toitlf. but IK mil- U Uil I'"V' I t fir .lpin',1, (nr iiililli,ilinii, I" II" ""' I'll mnia nhil I hi- minll'lon inurilinl " ut I'lilunii' It lluil silt innlrilitiliuti -lull 1"' MlW-l li, riii)n.il tivlsltiti, i in: cur it.ui: roil ,MmiriMii. 'I Im lolltmln,.' tdliti" slums IIii nfr V" I""' rath liKitlluii) iipiiii- tn In- ii'nl Klllilti i,iin : if: I Hun of Milliicnn I'nM nibl'I.W, ll'Mr llr mine Vontlnii Jr.. linn foil I111I11- "..'"i .'-" :''1 fioi Imlici . .,:. .. ,'JH '." '' lii " in IT. .1". sum I " IV .IT .IB' f.i.u " )S .!(, . .It I'm mrds of lluti!i, rrsoliitlinis of rftniinlw" mul .lnill-MV. itinlrlhiiHoim In tin- nilnre of m iiillirij; llio rrilinni- iinl.n n iliatKt" of .1 iriiti ,in(' -. . . Mali', for Ctasslflrtl AtlvcttMnir fnniMirJ on UpplllMllllll. " TWELVE PAGES. SrrtANTON, MAY IS. mol. TIipip Is cnoiiRli unstimulated law lii t'n kins In tills town lo occupy fully the activities f tlie flotmrthipnt of public snfv't.v without rrciulilmc Colonel Hitchcock to 'employ boy sojicitois to Increase It. The New Reading of the Law. Till: STREET CAR all Ike at Albany nroso principally over the demand oCwlh union that the com'pany should dlsfliniK" nine non-union men And refuse in futute to employ other than union men, In vaiylng foint this ilemrind W belncr picssed by labor unions .ill ovei the oountty. Tn many rapes wli'-re II Is refuped strikes and "boycotts lrive been declared and vio lence, with loss or life and pioperty, Jias followed. The aim ot the labor union movement In many Instances is not simply t" persuade woi klnumen outside the union to join the unions; It i.s to make It impossible fur a man to sceuie employment who Is not a member of a union la Rood standing. Instead or the unions beinu for the men, a doetiine has ailsen which Is 5u ctfeil that the men must be tor the union1- or jret abused, .stoned, lov nitted and even killed. When these, things incur, as they do all too fie (iientlv, and it her omen netc-saiy lor lhoe who believe in law and older in take measuies to put lak"-"ne.-s down, some ol the le.uleis In the l.ilior union movuneiit. Instead ol cii-opeiul-Imk coidi,ill. with the publlcuuthoi Itles loi the pieM-i allon ol the peace, lat teilv -eem ln lined to cry out upon the champion-- of the law and to pass icso lullous (oniUniulniT Ihein. The de xelopnieni cr such a sphlt Is unilnnux. 1 1 -i.eins to u that tbete has lieen a Rie.u deal of patletue In the attitude whli b the Intellluent publli opinion of ni r line lia assumed toivaid these later manilesiations of oisanlXHil la liot's iiuieasiiiK iiiilaiine-s to the la linr that Is not oiK'inlred. II the ilijht of Hade- uuiiiuNts in their 1 1 lends to mob men who seek wmk on nil Independent basis and to tie up lb" peat elul piocesse of indus tiy until employcis aie either com pelled to seive ;i leeillitlnij afients of the unions or ids.- have to call tor tioops to piotect their piopeit and lies Is to be conceded and aieepted, will not a i const ins or our funda mental laws J In oider? The i ourts liae held liom time immemoiial that the tishr to woilc and Hie light to i, tilt work aie co-oidlnate and unalien able; and that wheie the employei and the employe aie In tiKreenient In an ordeily mannf r, the one paving M'hat lie iiitrecs in pay and the other per foimliiK for that pay the seiviee wnich lie has MKiced to perfoim, It I.s not th" liusiuess of any Ihiid pally to Inter fcie; ceitainly not to Inteifeie by the usi of vile I.uistiiih'o, stones and clubs to forte an indnstiloiis woiker Into idleness and his wile mid chlldien Into want, in the line of decisions homing on this point theie Is mil. to our !'iow lodpr , n .single bleak. I'veiv vhcie and on all occasion, it hai been held by the lepiesenlatlve tilbiinuls of Ameii(an juslke that the sanctity of tontinet Is a condition of civilization nnd the freedom ot the Individual within the limits of thu law n neies sary soelll safeKliaid. Hut If the new doetrliu N to pie all that only those woikliiBiuen aie to woil; In peace who belong to union', ami Ih'U only those Industiles are to pioceetl which atlmlt lo their uiauitKe. meul and contiol the olliceis of imlnns, whether employes oi not, then a new leading of the law will he necosary If theie is to he iny tonuection be. Iween liw and fail, If llune is in he no ionuecllou, It may well he asked, What Is law woith'.' The Republican stale t onveniloii to nnnilriaie a laiidldato for just(.L. (l ihn tuipiuie coin l to hlliieed dustlie Pot. ter and a uindiduto for state tieasuior to sm tied t'olonel Haiuett will be held (it ll.iiiMniig August il, Pnicticnl Philanthropy, Amove.mi:n't whh li is t-MUUitr considerable inteiest ainl at tcnilon liv itin of Its den ude anil piactli.it iiattue. Is lluil iimli'i taken by the Aiuluacltc Reglutt cuuuultleu of llie Hlntu Voiiug .Men's ('llllstlaii HH-iUclatlDii. This in lidzatUiu puiptMe ;o cialillsh tlu-u. UlUiK lUnailes In ever.s niluiug village i! tlie anthracite region. The books will be minted In ailous foreign lan guages as well ns. In i;nglNi, and In j'baiucter "'ill b'J lulucatlonal and ie. Uirlou.Si ami will Include many of (he Ik tit woiks of lletion. The puipose Hf the asi-ocUiiloii I.s lo icaih that ee. inent of our piiiulaiIon thai Is most 1 neglected in the provisions lending lo moiul i(iul smiiil liiipioement, , The jil.ill inclinles as we)l u .ysiem of oiganUallou piu tlctiktily uiuiiug the jijung men, wheieby theli social in- if linutloiirt will be ciifiiuru'gcd in bo'ttet channels than at, nicscnt. A un aux. Illary to this wotl, the nnoeliitlon will keep In the Meld n nuiiinrr of Miting men tialned In evangelistic wmk and the tondiict of lllbte classes. To innUe' this work, iiltiat'the and popular dur ing llie summer seaon, tniue tents and lillinbei's n "gospel wagoii"" will be illllb.ed. l-'nr the ias two or Ihiee years this lllilulle work lias been undcl contem plation by the committee, and the ex peilniont has been milled far enough, with the means available, to demon strate llie thotoilgh piactleahllllv of the pioptislllou. The gient deposit of anthtaclte lu this region, with all the wealth II affords, has brought with It countless piobleins as to the disposi tion mid luiiiuigemeiil of un tilleu popu lation. To make of the hiVt or this element a desirable i llUenslilp: to edll ciile their on'sptlng, lo bilng about an nuslmllatloii of vodat lelallous which iiiiiv he of advuiitage to nil" cIiish with out disadvantage to atiothei, and to eneloie the icmalnltiu mn lor element that utliiches ell ' neither to out count! v noi to our customs. b an In lliletue which shall Increase 1 heir Use fulness and the safely of the commun ity in which they piednmlnnte, Is a ptoblem won by the most pioroiitid student ot social economy and or the means nr the slnceiest plillantllioplst, and the Aulliraclle rommlttee of the Young Men's i'lusnn association Is entltli-d to the eiedlt or Its solution In a most practical way. After the woik has been thoroughly established, mea.stne.s will he adopted to make It pernimieut and lo a degree self-sustaining. It I believed the plan will he hemtlly supported, Inasmuch a.s the huge dependence upon this class of people in the valley makes any Im provement In their Intelligence, hon e.stv and faithfulness or the utmost benefit, to their emplnveis. The uitlve correspondents who are trying to telegraph Postmuter (i..n eial Smith out or ofllce will he obliged to lenew the woik some othei day. - - - - For Universal Peace. AKKW days ago we gave place on this puge to the rail Issued lo the women or the ('tilted States by Alis. May Wilght Sewall. pic-ldeat or the International Council or Women, to hold demonstia tions late in this month everywheie In the Inlet ests or unlveisal Intel national lieace for bilnglng in the reign or ion i Illation and atbltiatiou or national din ci cities Instead or the settlement theipor by war. It appeals that one ul the ablest woilieis Tin the end pioposed Is Mai iime Ln Comtesse Hoi tense de la O. Nicola! or Eunice, now in Philadelphia, wlio says she piefeis while In Ameiica to be known simply as Madame Nico la!. The Bulletin, of The cltv named, sa.s that she wants lo cany the move ment lo a much higher plane or en thusiasm and piaotleal puiposo than that indicated lu Mis. Sewall'.s inu gi amine. The Miillellu gives an Interview with Madame Nleolai concerning her plan, which Is best elucidated by her own statement, which we heiewltb uiiote. The time nppaieiitly has not ai lived lor the aihitiament or war to cease; but The Hague lonfeienre nun ked a step io a plane wheie the nations be gan at least to look towaids the time when "nation shall not take up swotd against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." Madame Nleolai looks, with puiposerul eneigy, to the I'nited Stales as the leader in the mm eh of piogiess towaids that end. She says: "America stands todav lu the eyes of the woild as Fiatue did in the leign or I.uiils XVI. All lountrles watch Its varying opiesslons and anticipate Its glowing power. But tlie led band of war shadows the tutuie, "What Its handwriting will be depends on the piesenl. 1 am not icl'eniiig lo the Philippine conflict. I am thinking or Alaska and the rootpi lilts that Sibeila may take towaid Its boundary lines. It was the young cai Inn's Inlluence that made Russia speak out for peace not long ago, but Russia Is not making piep.uatlons lor peace. "It s fioni America that the Hist clear, luminous wind must come. Ki ante may speak the second, Two inlluence may hasten It. Women In national otgaulzntion and new methods of teaching hlstoiy lo young Ameii caus. It is well to exalt wilor and death for one's country, but side by .side with the niaitlal tread of hlsloilc events should he tanged the woiks that are pncllle; the wilter who Inspired men's leason, tlie artists who taught them to love beauty In all Tonus, the masteis who disclosed llie seciels and applied them to Inventions of poweitul machines. If history were tuught as It should be taught, theie would be no mine useiul auxiliary to ideas of pi ace." The Hiilletln gives the Infill million that ihmugh all nations or the East and the West Madnnie Nleolai has liaveled to shape the thoughts thai will llud e-pie.s.slon In the llrst steps taken bv her Philadelphia associates In the Alliance of Women for Pe.ien, li nlso savs that a huge meeting of icpivscntntlve women souti villi be called by Madame Nleolai, who has he'll appointed vleo-iiiesldent-U-large lor Pennsylvania by the Alliance. A committee will be appointed lo vt-lt Was-lltligtnn and uige the appnininient of a nationul boaul nf niblti'.-Zilon. of whom should this boa id consist ; was asked "Aiiieiicnu men. And when I siy Ameilcans 1 mean pa i lots whose greni-Miiildriilhof, weie horn III America E.veiy other nation should have a bond of Its own When dim. cullies ai Ise between mo two loun tiles these builds should meet and adjust them. If America takes the Inlllatlve I blove that the whole wcild will fall Into line." An Inteiestlng Item Is thar the prosl. dent of the "Alllame for Pence." which has its headiiuarteis In Pails. Is a daughlei of Vli tin Hugo. Prim ess (labilel Wlszlewska. She Is the wife of a distinguished scientist. The Hiil letln stales that blanches of the or guniiMtlou flouilsh lu Ausiio. Hungary, (Iclglum. Dulgaiia Dsumaik, chile, Eg.vpl. Spain, flihiule island, Wash ingtou and 1 niisylvania. .Madame NiiolniV home while lu thh cottutiy I i:t Wl South Hio'd strod, Phlladclidilu. Many inamlnent wum.n In that city nto Inltlng a deep Interest In the plans of the "Alliance for Peine" as piomtilgaled and iliged on by hei. Si ulli Cniollmi, which at l-'oil Sum teV Ill-fit the III st guns ngaltist the uiilnii, asks ur Pennsylvanlui which sent In the nation'. s capital the "ElisL Uefetideir" of that union, the loan ot the IJberly Hell, which lang out pin clitmatlon of thu blith of the union, TIh- governor of Koutli Caioilnn, 'isk Ing or Phlliidelihla, which has been made b.v law, as It has iiIwii.vh been actually, the dcfelidei nnd caretaker of tin- Hell of Liberty uses niemor able wolds, He wiltes, asking otllelal ly for the loan of the hell for Chni les ion's coining "Interstate and West In dian Imposition"! ".Mine than one bundled yeais ago the soldleis mid statesmen or Peuus.i twinln and Suiith Carolina wioughl logelher for llie es tablishment of the gieat Aiueilcnii Re inibllc, mid It Is my earnest wish that they and their people shall alwa.vs stand mid work logethei for what ever shall piomote the glory and good of our common couuti.v " The people ol' the not Hi will icspotld Amen to the wish, Theboardirtiveiseei lorltarvaid uni versity have done well In tesolvlng not to lay upon that Institution the dls-i.-edlt which a few "autl-lmperlallsts" deslied to foice upon It by having the boat it refuse an honoraiy degiee lo the president of the 1'nlteil Slates. The degiee Is one eminently fitting to fall upon President McKlnley, both 1 1 om Ills ofllclnl position and his per sonal abilities and woik, The Ohio sllplenie colli t has sus tained the light of the presiding judge at a mm dei ttial to enjoin the publi cation of testimony II" there Is such a light in minder tilnls theie must be the same light In other tilals, which would mean a foini or pi ess censorship not to be toleinted In a fiee mutiny. This i tiling can not be pet milled to stand. i " An effective fire di 111 in which the pupils hud been thoioughly trained, pi even led panic and loss or lire in Hiooklyn public school. No. i::. on Wednesday, when the building was on llie. Such llie ill 111 ought to be a compiilsoiy part or the training in evei y si hool. 1'ntll the raels of the strange death ol- Rev. father Phillips aie definitely established, lomment may well be le-sei-ved. Rut ir. as looks piobable, there has been foul play, public opinion will not lest satlslled until tlie mysteiy Is cleared up and complete justice done. If Kin nee is really becoming lone some lor the piesence or an agitator, theie are several In this country well eiiuipped to breed discontent who can b spared. Air. Dole, or Hawaii, seems to be anotliei one of the piophet's "not with out honoi save lu his own counliy." The Sultan of Till key seems to he troubled these days with every sou of e II save the yellow newspapeis. ll Is Impossible foi the most pessi mistic ptophct to piedict a tailiue of the liny crop this year. TOLD BY THE STARS. Daily Hoioecope Drawn by Ajncchus, The Tribune Asttologer. Ast I ol ile ( jl: ."i.S.1 .1 IM , tin MIlllilJ.l, VI l,i ' Is, J'KIl V lllllll lulll "II llii- 'In "id II 'IK' Dlllllnr llltllllink lll'l 'sillil. Vllll.ll Ml lll-lllt' H to llllll is lllllllli'.. II is i.isi fm III most iinilliliss ii.ini nil Un. mn lil lo ii.uk .i joke .il tlit- l.illuii ii w Im stnuijlii, .a III.- loot ut tin' luliloi of sunn- of ll ill -ol limn pipus "1 1' n.ii iiuiti'i tin- nli.i llut III'- iniii'linl iihIu-1 si union i- i.ismc Wall iieit inultoii. 'I lio f.nuiilr In mn of (lit sliul lulilin.' pinj li iin.luiil'lulli : "lit llie I -mil I lint i in In ill in .il out- I iini. N'r III II of i inn l.lulili ll Ituinins mil Hit' limn ll"' In-Ill I. Mmiklpd n fui m i oiilil mil n Li' in.iilt iiiini' nliilbr I' tin' ii"t "I .i lulinie iilinl. AJnccUus' Advice. Hi mi nil.! i lli it .mi iiiuliii'll.i l- i.fttn limii' list fill III in ll"' i'1'iiiii'ii of tin lll'.llllt'l liiiK.iu State Hospital; Apportionment; Closing Schools REPORTS Itom linn tilling linll inte lliat thie Is mme than a i.mi.1 ,.,ii.llilllt. Illllt ill,, t.lKlfll- l"w" I"'. -......., - una hospital will become a stale In- vvi at! i..d..i. I..r...... li.. iiIml.i iiT I lii. tiit'e- llllllllll I, 'lfll- l,,'- ,,,..- ... ,,,- I', -..--- t session. .Meiiilfls of tin- legisla te from up tbl.s wav aie .ponding ..,. 1 .. . 1... , .. I... 1. ,1,.. Itritil , ,, I en tui men oesi fiii'i e r. i", inn1 fi'- ,,'...,i,,, etinvi rietl lulu a st no Institution and .1...I I I. u.t.M.l.iiiimiln.l l... til.. .,!'- tin the 'H 14"! IV lis S-lll.0-IH,,, ... .,," ' is of men whose llllluueuce counts ...... will IlKI .. , III 1 Dllllll Itttl loi foi ri,in,-i iiiiih 1. 1 ii" .-i.- i...,..,. t vv iiiilil mean much for this mm- ...li.. 1, ,1... I....... ..? ,,,,itr1i I, , .1 ila It urn lllll.l II lilt II'M' "I HHIIVHIH ll ll ',." siitnl is lO.illzi'il. Sciitulun's ligllt Kin It un iusllliitlon Is coneetleil and i onl.v wonder I.s Unit a detei mine 1 bos to the ef i'o 1 1 was not made yeais ago In be- half of llie Lackawanna, We nib tlie center or a huge and populous mining and miiliiilucluiltlg teglou lu which (he slate makes but cant piovMnu ror ,1... until ..f (In. l.tlltli-iil llllil tl I il till. lilt' ll "I I,,," Hlimi ', ...... .it. ....- abb to piocure pioper lieiiinienl ror themselves If ' llie slate assumes i-liu kliwauiia li w ill mean a mi ire of the I.ai PHI 1111 11 11 llllil 11 will IIH'.UI II lll't'llll up illation lot uuliuoniiuff ami also I ..I- .. I.I..1. .. I. V II fll matt lll lllll III 11 lilt It 'l,l IIH'MIS I'.iu ,,i, Ie for noi essaij, Impiovemeui.s and extensions - o - ..... ..I... I111...1 1,..., .!,, ....Il,..l 1,i, 'I'll ,,- ,,., ,,,.,.- ..v., ,,,,.., .-1,(1,, ,!, I, ...I !..!.... .It.4.t..i. th wan int i un ii i iiiiii vfjijuinr iii.'iu.ii .i. ...i.,.. . .......i . I.... .,,.. aie 1 1 i' hi i ins iiiini' t i i ii iii i (n i iii'iii be tin l thai ll Is not al all likely lb, it .... ...v i ...i. i.m ..in i. . the l lilt' fllt'llll ,ll",l ll,l!t'l 1,111 lllll , , pai-sed by the jeglshituie bel'oie tl ad jtiiuns. I'p this wav theie h, an ur gent need lot H iMliljllstlllcIll of ds lllet lines I'm- tlie icut-im that wo have ginwn laplilb sluie the lust nppor. tloiimeiu and lie louniy I.s tn cn lltleii to iwo more uiemheis ill the house of lepteseniatlves. M'tieie are dlstih Is of the state wbo-e population has shrunk siiae the att apiiiitll'iii- l i inent. aim uie-e uaiuiaii.v nnj'.n in n clinnge In cxldllni; itiiuiilitiiis. other countlea have lemiilned ptaotleitlty stationary and 'they mc not uiglng a chango because the now enndlllnns inlght not be nit Impiovenient on tlie old, fioni lluse two rotces and tlie gen einl diead or an nppot tlonment, be ause nf hi- unuoynneeH and obec tlons tiiiit alwav-H go vvltli a leciistlng or tlie lines nf legislative and sen i torhl dlstrlcls, it s likelv Hint np poi iloumcnl iiiii.v in- ctowileil In the wall dill Ing the ta-t iln.vs or lite se!- tsiiin. tf an iiiipoitloumctit hill Is pns-ed t.nckitwnnna iininty will have live ills lilet.s ami .sl lepiesentiitlves. Tlie nresent Kotn-th dlstilct will lie made to 'nciiide the upper pmt or ll, " coun ty, all nr the country dlsiiUts east of Hi" moiiuta us and a good poi-iion of the eoii-try m it nf Un- molintallis. Th!-, won' I make n great hoise-shoo dlstriet with slitllelenl populntlon lo entitle It lo two ropieselltiltlves. f'f the leinalnlng rmir dlsti lets, thice would be loi-aied within the boiindarie.s of the illy, as lie)elofoie cl I'oith In deliill lu Tlie Tiihiiue, and olle would ciimpiNo In a geiieial way llie len-l-torv which now cnmpllses the Thlltl legislative dlstilit, which Is icpieseiit ed bv Hon, IMwanl .lames, Jr. The Third illsirlet of Hie SKIlt vviuil of this eltv, in vvlilili Mi. .lames ic shh's, would, under the new nppoi tlon ment become u pail of the Klrst legs. Intlve district, which is- lepresenled b.v Hon 'I', ,1. Ite.vttnlils. The hitter's ob jection to the tacking or the Twen tieth ward on to the Klrst dlsu-h t, lclnfiu-ied as It I.s by the ptolest of a number of prominent Republicans of that dlstilct, lias-- not caused any change In the programme nf nppoi -lionment. and ir the bill goes through West Scranton and the tall piece of South Scranton will be bound together. The membeis or the bo.nd or si hool contiol me in a sad state or mind Just now over the iltestlon or closing the 'cliools. ir the rules ol' the hoard, which provide foi a ten months' s, hool teim of twenty days each, aie lived up lo. the schools must icnialn op-n until duly L'. Everybody ieiilles that .Inly l! Is too late and that It might woik Injury lo many pupils, especially the vounger ones, to keep them in the school loom din Ing the heated pel Ind which will be on us berore July L'. The teim i tills, until that late date because or delay in opening the schools lart Septembei. 'I' wo new buildings were not readv on the th. si Mnndnv In Sep tember and the opening or schools was dela.v ed a w i ek. Tlie membeis uf the board would like to t lose the schools nit June 11, but ir they tin so will have lo p.'i.v the teat hois a roll month's pa ror eight days' woik and take about Sin.Oim out of Hie pockets of I he tnparr. K they don't do that thev must vio late their agieeuient with the teachois to giv" them a leu mouths' term. The teacheis object v Igoi ously to the pto posltion to pa them tin eight instead of twenty days in June They aie lilted for ten months, they say. anil ought to be paid tor ten months. o Theie aie seveial lit Hi- mat lets nf detail which make It tlKllciilt ror the boaul to give them a full month's pav ror eight ilavs wot k The pay or teach eis Is based on tvvent.v dn.vs- work each mouth and the p.i-ioll has to contain the certification or the ollicers of the dlstilit that it Is em t ct l. They can baldly be eperted, they say. to t et -tily that teacheis weie emplo.vctt twenty da s when as a mallei of fact the.v weie only employed eight, espe liallv in view of the I'm t that they must make a sworn ictinn to the state school aulhoi itles toncerning the number of days the schools weie open. This lepoit must lie accompanied bv the alllilavil or the piesldenl and see. teiaiy ni the boa id and the siipei iu teiideiit of the dlstilct, How thev would leconcile llieir two statements ,s something the nlilceis would like to have some nimble Intellect eplaln to them. The onlv w.n open b.v which the leiard can t'o-e the schools June It and give' Hie teacheis thii month's s.ilarv I. to have a le-ail lustment or salary mid allow the teacheis the same sain i y tor t leht days In June that they leceived tor twotilj dnys In Ma.v. This the dliei'tnis rt.it- inight hi ing tlnvv u some angry protests from the taspuy eis. As a mmpiomlse It has been silg. ge-ited that the si hools close on June "S, which would i educe to a minimum the unpleasant toudltlous Hie hoanl uow flnds itself muf nutted with. Hefoie the net school year begins new rules will be adopted iiy tlie bo.ud. which will make a iepetltlon of the piesoiu condition Impiesihie. INFORMATION AND ENTERTAINMENT, TOO (ji ilu In.is of .in Vniiiit m si in,!n:r .nun of To.miil nun. tin nnniliti iinntii iloi nl i n,.in, tin' innp ii isiiti litliiini ihh roiinlii iml Hit li. ullii.- iinnili n. of Ijluipi.' i lu "inilll m-ni" -1.1ml. I. fnlli'iis: sulilfri. pt'i Ili.iinO llilnl.i- Ainu. Mill.. Cii'.ii lllll. iln JIii.oiiiI .V, I 'l in..' ,-Vi.iimi ti I, iiinini I'lJ.ini 1'iJ llll-.ll SIKI.IUHI 1 1 Ml Vii.liii , , -4.l,mii sl lllll -J'l-i.lnlll -', Snin ii'i.iinti in I iiiit.il Mil TIi.ihhi pi i'mliiril ikl' ml IMsiniii Is.fK.i s-, iiuii imi j-i.i-i'i ;u lii ii in ii U IT.ntiii tm smilm ".lino in) I hi. .pull i ol om. .ohliti iiiiriuiiu in i.i I. nun noli iiiilli.ni Viiii'ili.ini i M"! loilui, tit Inn ril.vln .iint-. ' V -liu'.ilii;; li nv In i' pnlpll. ii.ii liuin -lin.itl pn 11I1I11,;" Hit' Ni ii Voik sin, linn qUilll's III,' lillts of Ml HUH', lllllllli lil'Mll'llll in iiitiinp'illi in iliiml i: "Ilu- lliini-ni nf Cuinnum I, in- " 11 llio Iln. 111-. I ll IM ill t li. 11. mi ills 'lint lli'lp I ln Yniili' M.i li in Win ill tin' lint' for 1,11.'," Il.i llin Iln. III. stillvli, "lint Au i.i.i Vim," lb in Iln. Hun ... laaiit. "Nil, i'i in tin. Hum,.." 11 tin lltt II I). IUiiIuiii. "llie I'ioili'. il Violin i. " Il.i tin. II 1 lt"1" rt llniii. in i I li "llio sinijitii ,, hnJj, 1'intli in VnliiuK tin' lli'jrtli..nt. ef iott, ill-" 111 Iln' Iln. Hi. VI. C 1'iti'i.. VI ;,t nf lli.'-. tiipiis i mil, I If h unllitl , iilti' at villi in liimulni't in iii.'i.ip. n .mil ii'ini' of limn falls ni"li' linn ilu i, lent. ill in I1 i .-1'ln'lt' ul I. ii.pi 1 pn.ii hint'. lllll' I. J lllllljlll 1 I JIM in VI'I'i'U iioiili piisiitlni; fm (uiiiiiil . imli. "If un '' mm m sillllll Cllill.lll.ll i (,11'U'lll .un i il.i n liuio ivnikiui .iml limn iiiin.viii Ilu' ni'i'i;ii "I lis in lk, Ilu I si ( t loll ol Miilil li lllllll. i I in ui jiil.lli'ii nmltiuki in pi in ul uni nun iruni 1. iikln vilitn lit' nill. iilitie l mil. I'" "lii'in In- will, Jin I il iviul hj.'o In mil. il"i "' .JIlilliim Vlulll's lili' I'sylltul il,ln ol 1 l"i b i iml piininlli Hit' tiKiiii ii . .I'H.il ii w piinuiili l he cnui'i n IjIwi , f. mi ii'jii lus ,i tUlit lu tin pioilui'i nf lii-. in, I, ..in Im .uiiii' tm .i un, iiiini. Uni an nun -InnM pm pi-t' lu I'Iju' i Ijh ol) inir il uni' I'"' .- pi' v elii ir ilul im iiuu klmiilil viul. in .un .,'inl illilll.tll UlllHi 111' I'OlollJl'll n 3 mil' -Jl'llll .llllil, ii' im "in iiiiiuni tvoi'l'l In lun' -In.' iiii it l'l .m.i lur pi "plf. Ilia Ulll a I j u i n . It I in. I,ut uiiwr vioim, if It !c uijiltil I.i in liliioii5ilik' UjiI.v jn iiilou.'il I' i lull n v ' THE TRIBUNE'S EDUGA TIONAL CONTEST $3,000 in Special Rewards. T III: SCRANTON I'RIUUNM: iMtionnl Contest which, like the llrst, is open to every ntnbi tious tiefson. not onlv in Scranton. but throuchout Licksi- 'wanna anil otlier counties This contest will he even preater in magnitude than Its prctlecos or, embracing special rewauh of the very highest character, and will be carried out in stiict accordance Willi the rules of fairness and justice. The first contest, which occupied the attention of our read ers from July to October ol Mast year, met with such encourage ment and was so successful in every way that it lias been de cided to repeat it. This yeat the spec .al rewards are limited to those of an edu cational character, eight scholai ships being offered to the very best educational institutions in thu state. Tile Special Rewards. Scholarship in Lafayette. College. $1,000 , Suholarghiii in Swiuthmoio Collego 1,000 Scholarship in Stroitdsburg Normal School 075 Three. Scholarships in Scranton Business Colloge, $00 Each 1FJ0 Two Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, $7t3 Each lbO $3,005 l:ach contestant failing to secutc one of these special tewards will be given ten (to) pei cent, of all the money he or she turns in. N II- Hi" Mi t Hio ilinlii-liip. tin not in, Pnl" titcih, Iml nr i ontiM inU -ninlii; lln-r will li.' uli'li Im (I'D lur uni 'if .nl Iln innni' In or -In; linn, in In I In liitiiihi', ii, iisIm in pi.titm tln-t iiinii' Rules of the Contest. I In- iini li'li.llil. lull l,r .,-llfli to tli p i.iih -i.tinin tin l.iiKi'-it mnnlnM ol P'lillts Points ivill li-i nililitl In it'nlr-t.iiits .run liu liru siili-i iilw t. to flu' s, i iiittni lliliini. .i. lull,,1.., Ponili. Illli Vlo'ilh-s s l,., tlpln.M s 'M I llllri' Vlinillii ..h.ilipl,t I -1 siv Vlmiili,- s,, ilpHon ., ,, u'.",'l I, "no Vi-n's sul,.tiiilion 3 1) I! Hi. i onli-.l ml iiitli llio liislii-t niiniliir of p,i, u lllll 111' jlun I lluliil flolll tlio list ot -puill UM.IIll.. till- I Ollll "tllllt null tin- iitoinl liljrlttst 'iiimtipi of i.iinis nill l L'inii ,i ilioiio ,,f Hi,, i, iniiiiin.' iiiiniN, nnil .11 on ilnoiiuli Mn ll-l I'.nli i mill, .1, mi lilllnu" lo .f niii .1 -pi i ill loti.nil, iml .iNii 1 1,,.-,- iil, ., lot t tin tin-1 uvo .( Iinl.iisltip, mil l,r jiiirii ten pn t fit. of .ill inoiii.i ho oi ., tuini in Fill! paiticul.us will be furnished all interested, including a list of the winners last year with the number of oomts they secured. Address EDITOR hD LIGATION All CONTKST, Tribune, Scranton, Pa ALWAYS BUSY. SSVFZ.. Our Oxfords. Low in cut. Low in price. High in quality. Ladies' from 75c up. Gen tlemen's fiorn. $1.25 up. Lewis & Reilly, Wholesale and Retail. P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. s j j fj i DR. E. V. BEARDSLEY DENTIST. rmnicil.i vvlili Ur lllll, 3SI SPRUCC ST. MRS. SARA ALLYN, MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT 1ri;.',ni vi,..ns llulliliii!.'. I'jiIoi. uppii M nli, 'IIiiiimIjj iiml s.iuntl.iv pvtnin,".. CLEAN SHOP. CLEAN TOWELS, CLEAN BARSERS. DIME BANK BARBER SHOP WITH BATH ATTACHED. 25C. SCRANTON. PA, THE LINDEN QUICK LUNCH. OP. WINDSOR HOTEL, SilU tin. lu'sl Sloal.i, I Imp" J ml l.un 'it' H I Im iln. 'lit a. Jul In uiiiiiii' nl PETER STIPP. Ci'iii'i.il (imtiulor, llmlili'i mil l) iln in jlllllillli,' slum (illlillli, IV 'f 1 11 ll-. i ,n iuli Teli ilmin' '.ViJ Ollln", ...7 ,i.liiiuiuti jii imij ASK YOUR GROCER j FOR KmKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND f-KUari ROASTED COPP,1;, , fc, uUi"fc7-rnTs7c I I . ni.1 511 iJiUwuMM iviiini' iiii.iiiiuitiiii'i il Wnt" sirifn, ol all Uli'il.. f'Ui. liiii'Jitil t"i ll.t- fiun m'J.uii U null' all '"'"' " I"" " .tri'iiu" i'ii Dili UOOUs ills uvll.v GOLOZN GATE CASH STCRE. 1 l Ili4.it I'li'lTlilni, ileuki In lii'i liiutti it ami ru'li-luii'i Tint' i-'iu "ll ''. I'"" ,'"- ZOA VVuliiiiilui J'UiUf THE NEW WALL PAPER CO. Ilu. im nlil nuo U l" i k oil I i'i title m li ami uiiuiliu Om pint.' j i'i luuu llun Jn.v Ollillj 303 SPRUCE STREET. NSAR PIVV AVZ.i A W If rMT J, f -- 4 VHV I 'l 1 U vAW : . 3 miimmimMmmMtWBmmmmmmmmBmK'uailmmmmmmmmmmtmmiammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Scranton's Business Houses lus inniiK-iratc.i Its second l:du- In Northeastern Pennsylvania. .Ml Mih-tilpllon. must lir" pinl In nli.nnc, llnh -imv siili.iil"rs iiill I ninli'il. Ki'iit'ii il In pii.iinn iilni. i' minis lino mi mil' stili.i iiption ii-t tutor Ir VI 1 11 nill lint In- iii'illtiil 'tlio I lil, hio villi liiu.lU.ili" i .nil fiili.niplinti mil if lot ml iitcunlii n iii.t ii.i.i n-rtiti- ilio luht tu n i'il 11. No liiin.fu tin 1 1. mull" nllt'i tii'iUl hit oiuo 1 otii alien. VII Mili-iiipt on., in I tlir i i -ll In p'l '"1 iini. inii-l In liiu.liil In it 'II"' 'liilmns lllll.l, lllllllli tin link In llllil h llll'l in .f uttril. mi ih it pipt'is mn h" ut nt to Hit" Mili-i ul,ns il unit still. tupili, nt nii'sl li utittin on hi ink-, uliiih i in lu suMitil .it Iln' .Iiiiiuni' otllti'. in mil li- .ml hi null. Iln" nmli-t mil il.i-r ptoniptli it S o'il"tk Sitinil.ii ninli,.', Viun-t ,11, Iiuii, THE I People's Bank, I Alears Building, Court House Square. s Capital Stock, $100,000 Surplus, - - - 25,000 Savings anil Business Accounts ft Solicited. h Ptesident il Vice Pies. - - C. D. Jone3 ?$ - G. P. Reynolds - - H. M. Ives Cnshiei- - DIRECTORS: (' II. .Itint-s,. Iiuii ml (J'liiiui, M 1'. failci. s.imlttl s))nttr, T, ( Vim sn.uh, v it vy.iitn.iii, M I lluli-i. ii C I' KrwiuMi, 'llioinis spmuue, .M t li in Dunn, (', S. Wnolmiitli, (.' ' I'lillon, The Dickson MniiuTiictiinii-,' Un. -crauton nnd WllUo.-lisi'rj, i. .Mu-iuruo'.uriiri u.' LOCOMOTIVES. STATIONARY nNQINES Uoil-M. Hoisting nnil Pu -iplni Ma:iln;ry Ocnrral Office, Scranton. Pa- VMMJ ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. SCOUniTY BUILDING i SAVINGS UNION. Hume dlllct", -jii.-JIW Mur. lliillilini.', ti.ni.at-H J liriioril Inilltlliu ami loin Ini'lnim tin mahu Hi i-nii" nl I'liiii.vhanlii '''"""''T'cr'go""' rtirrrci-i. o innmrfan Miivoi 1'iciRlit, I'liiinliiit' ninl II us mi', saf... I'i llios .nnil M iihlliL'i; 27 LACKAWANNA AVC. gill mm iw -?-? M. A. FRIEDLANDER cfi CO, Imp ni.HPil (lit ir Vllllliiuv i:i.ilili.tiiiiiul I' s t 'Jllti ijlll. (.. npii'.li' unlit ll ,l.t '9' J At A EH I. OUICK, IISIIUU Mil I'll UIIIM. VMi TINMM OM I'h im, ii"' N I'liuiit. ! .lii'i I unit .iiuu .ii.iuii 1W ,l,liT1 -I" ,.. mm-tmi FRED H. WINTER. pa. CAPOuae avcnjc, M.iptp liitii riii. .iml I'iumi.iiih V fi, I Inn' of kiiahti., U univiil ihil.i ht WUtMM"Ml M, REGULAR S3 PHJTOS FOR S3.00. CRAMER'S laJHavc, JUDtWU H- REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I Ilul luiann fi i Hiiiilv lloii.s,. 'iiiiH Iiuu. I i- 'I i nun!-, i imIki liit , 1 1 ol. i . r aii'l lli-.un' i'i"iH.v ami lliiililin WILLIAM C. LOOMIS, It. n.ii 4 timl a H mi 11 i 1 ti. twiT.i muv MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES AT S, RADfN'S 123 PENN AVENUE MERCHANT HSU8e,sleNAN0 IHILUH. I DECORATIVE 320 NORTH I . ,. WASHINQTON.AVS, t PAINTER llfHii iii ml pr In; urnt- at hoil o.ili- PAPCR HANQSR, 32t NULEERRV ST, COMMERCIAL QUICK LUNCH PARLORS. dunlins. I'lii' l'ni"l, rolilt.' Mi mi. ii, lira H'Mlilc l'rii' lt'iii "Ij aii'l ii'iihi IH sml !.'Jl siiiu." itiirtj Nu,i,ion Pj FINLEY ' S Children's Outfitting Department Jackets, Dresses, Hals, Bonnets, E!c. It Is u iiiiiiii-ul liiMtitici for mother to want tliplr clillihi'ii ili,Csfeil lo-vvlti-liiiiKly nnil pii'lty. With tlila nhn in vlnvv, mIio In itlvviiy-i on Uir nlort I'lll' "IlllllKM llPlllltlrUl" foi- till" IllllJI'll- nteiit of lii'i- iliu lliiK-ini'silily a urvv .liii'Kot, lull or hoiiiiol. This Is vvlicici tlio olmi-iii-U'rlMlle fi'iituii' of our Hton rninos In. She knovv.s our kiioiIp Iiiivp itiiln toiic nnil nt.lr about tliom not luiinil olscu hei c. Pique Jackets We aio tiiovv liif; a Loiiiplt'lP line of ll'l"."t" ,f IU"lt ut'l. Ill HllOlt 1111(1 tllP Ill'VV tllH'o-utl.u ter k'UBtlt, Uiifclun or 1)OX rout, lii tsi.oH fioni one to s- .vrniR. Infants' Jackets tn c.isliincK lluiincl ami 1'ioi'liotct.. Children's Headgear In Ricat vnili'ly of styles -'ilk, InvMi, until, iilqiii", rtc, i'iiiikIiik In in In" fioni $1.00 to X'.OO. t'lillilion's Sun Huts', in all toloii, ui :nc. Small IIo.vb- l'Klini-n ami l.iivvn lints. Clllltll pii's' Lawn I'.nuiiPtn. (laillty I'oidpri i'-H'tii'it Moiintit'i anil Sun tton iipt.i, fancy It linnii'tl. Children's Brasses P'lnrit Hup nf lnnpr and ihoi t ilresiM, with lapp ami i'ioili nlilt'i-y ti liiinilncr. Ijitiplir- (lips-.sos, wltli low nppk ami liorl hlccvo.". Children's Underwear Full lino of M K Hill's!. Nislil t .lllll 1.1I11R MUliU Underwaists Full lino or .Muslin I'tiilpi-vvpar in nil ffiaiti's. Nislil Liovvns, iiavM'-s', Slim t anil l.oiiR HMits at popular prices. Tin' Fours, II. .t . 1iIp.iI ana Nnz.ii'Ptli. Klil Shoos Now line lu all hlj 1cm and i loIoi-p. 510-512 Lackawanna Ave A Secoad-Class . Citv with a First-Class Stock of Co! Glass, Sterling Silverware OSooks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereati Zt Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. YOUR NBfOS I 'f' J I i 1 FRANK M. MOYER, Contractor and Builder. OSO PENN AVENUE. .TnbMng of all l.lmls promptly attpniletl to IMIMVII.s l fllll lll'l I I.V M'HMII ll II. THE HOME SUPPLY CO. 3 Cii'iU fi.itilinr.". It it. Iln. .mil tiuoi imerincft u, i.., ji not.ile piltci .11 i 724 W. LACKAWANNA AVE,. SCRANTON Hf JI WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY. Ul PVIIIIM! spi;( ,m, P. (3RO5S, 422 SPRUCE. JAMES J. MURRAY, siiiics. i iii il.f Hunt ,. Cm iipII l'ii in im i,t i .In 1 1 in. Lil "ml- ami irntllrttlon Cirlun I. Hi, .in-, ii uli.i .uni (.cjunl III. UOlk II ii.ill.i N". I U I. it I. .ut. unit utfliilf, I'M I WI'MU' .'137 sMj'()s ,'r.STi:. STEAM DYE WCRKS. iml I mull Di v l lc.iuliiK ninl Ullnliliing (ititi K iallil fm ami tit live tui j liliiilin in i minoitlt'ii, wolf & MCLANE, ass' tO.AO AVE, Easter Millinery WENZEL I'ijiI.i il l'lunitrr. 'I itini rs aii.i I . i sii i ur- 1 innaiis i iM! L I il I I 1 lltUlillI iii)iit'il.v ilonc 'ito Vilini .ni', M.ran lull, I'J WILSON J COMPANY. I mini it 'hiiliiii illniil .It'rin.iii lliillilln;), ,i sj,ti,. . iiit'i s., union, 'i suit, ,U'seH, ni.1-. i.inis ini'itl in icnH. tlotlilns tr in, ml, i.ill, il lul aiiiliklhu tl Sew I'liunc. Z'rii H, A, RIEFENBERQ, I'luinl'in,. lniiiiHK ami llfJlnu' Mlc aqrnt lur llo'UliI I'tiiiiaiL' i'iU ,,i,iu. 1 I- Sli l.'ii'iui lieet M F, WYMC3S, FUNERAL PIRECTOR, Hi' li lnn Sin 1 1 "2i i mui. r I all., 1 l'.k liuiic llinivi" l'io:uit Mtrnlicn THE GILHOOL WAGONS ARE ALWAYS LEADERS RCMEMBCR THE NAME AND STREET, 3IG TO 32S N. SEVENTH ST, I .