The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 18, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Dne Out of Every Thtee Persons in
This Countiy Who Die of Con
sumption Is ft Negro nnd Yet the
Malady Was Almost Unknown
Among the Colored Race in Sla
very Days One Devoted Negro
Physician's Effective Work in Be
half of tho Physical Wclfaro of
His People.
Special Correspondence of The Tribune
Southern I'lncs, N. C, March 1.'.
AMONG tho surprises that awaited
us on our southern tour none
Impressed us so much as the
physical condition f the southern
nrsro, explained to us by Dr. i. A.
Si'iupf&fl, founder nnd timniiKer or the
J'lckfoid Coloied Sanitarium or South
fin Pine".
Hero 1 4 an astounding slntompnt.
nevertheless true, that nut- out of t-vnry
tlitoe peis-uis In (lib .-oitniry who die
fiom consumption Is i. nut-rn Think
of It! In one cltv h"i' In the hotith
(Charleston) the iiutnlim- of deathi
f i oin cotiKtimpllon In tmi -,i.n wis
3. 1 IP, of which fill ucic whlti- prapl
and 2,"iOS wcio colon d, sho.liM a uath
late of nhotii one to fiur of th" littler.
While the ni'iim mnl es up only nlout
ouo-L'lKhth of thfi population of this
tjic-iil count ry, .tut of th. :(M.OO') or
more persons who die .uuitmllv from
onnsumptlnn In the ?nlted, the
noKio furnishes mot iii.iu tl'litv per
tent. Here Is tho death lato of upkio"-i
as Klen me hy Dr. Sntmg's. and cn
ltirsed hy the sreietitv ot tit" lioaiil
of health of Chariest in, S. C, In Mj
repoit foi lflOO:
t'nlttd States, .!! pei com: Chaile
tiin. II pi i tent : Savannah. '' prr
rent.: Npu Oi leans, ill per (out.; Noi
foll .mil I'm tsmouth. .'!0 per '-out.
.Also fiom statistics Di. denr-re 1'. Still
estimates that about one-thlid of the
deaths In childhood aio due to tuberni
losls In one fnnn oi othci.
There Is no lass of sink people w ho
tinly need and desei u the help and
hMiipithv of their moie fin tuniu
ii"lpil.bois and tho puhlie, than con
Mimpth" uepiop-.. Saaltaiv Insillu
tions li,ie been establlhed In vailoil'i
p.nts oi die Lountiy and hap piod
a liuiM Kutlfxlnn Mini i" of icllef to a
Kir at tnanv 'if this t lass of human stif
fen is and jet It U a sad fait tint lor
two leasoiis at leant these human" iu
.slitutlcins oie of little oi no pt.tLtlcal
henellt to the Ineieaslnpr lietrr'i on
Mimptlvps as no spcclil piovlsion has
been made for the who thus
MSffi'i In such Kieat numbeis
The lonp: established social customs
and laws positively exclude the m'fjro
from anv and nil of these Institutions
In the south, and those in the north to
which he might Bain nrimWMon aie ,i
far iemoed fiom him as to make the
cost elitlieh too Kieat, while at the
j-ame time the iliniatc is too -cvpio for
thp aei.i:e ucfTio who is ni customed
to a mllilei climate than can be found
in the far noith or noithwest. Many
of these who now fro noith to labor
scon return, not only to Inleet tlialr
nclRhbors hero in the smith with con
sumption, but themsohes soon to die
of that same tenible maladv. in.l
lii. my otheis do not lle even to letuin
The icnud, thpiPloiP, is to he found
i rib In the establishment of a tani
tuiltini, sppatate and distinct for neirio
(onsunipthes, at some suitable spot In
the .south and that point is Southern
fines, N (' , sf'ldted some foui tit-s
apo bv JJr. Sciuk"s. whoso institution
has piocd a wondeiful Miciess and a
Ood-son 1 to all who h ivc been ad
mitted to It.
The I'lckfoid 'anlt.iiliim is a tli.ui
table Institution for the laio and
tieatineut of ioiisiimptip neRioes of
both sexes. It is the mil institution
of tlie kind in the country. It is a
Chilsilan Institution in the bioadest
and most liboial m-iisc, iiiulei no spec
ial i elisions belief oi denomination,
and no polltlis dominate Its inan.iKP
meiit. It is a national institution,
open to all paits of this touiitiN, for
the iinfoi innate iipkio. It was found
ed In 1S97 hy Di. h. A. Siiukks, A. jr.,
M. D.i a foimer sline, but now a highly
educated and skillful ploslclan, who
Is well equipped by natiue anil tialn
Iiik nmoiiR his laco. for his position
os sccietaiy and Ki'iieral maniiRci.
Dr. Hliurks iwih cduialed hy Deacon
Chillies J. Plekfoicl. or l.jnn, Mass.,
who aftoiwiml lontilbutcd laisely to
the Cbtabllshment of tho sanltailum,
which btait. the name of that pioml
nent Massachusetts family. While
thoic arc niunv piomlncnt coloied
people In the south who have ilsen
fiom slavery to places ot position and
trust unions them, looker T. Wash
ington, already famous hot c is a good
second In the work of lovu and mercy,
and devotion to tho cause of aflllcted
humanity, In the person of ' Dr.
Sciuggs, of Raleigh, N. C who has
given up his prhato piactlco In that
city and Is devoting his ontlie tlmo
to the intciests of this sanltailum,
w Itliout pay, llo has made a study of
the cuuses and treatment of consump
tion and Its lolatlnns to other dis
eases, and in seaiching tho lecruds
of this Institution for the last four
years wc Hud sixty-six per cent, of his
patients, (by arresting tho disease),
havo either heen cured or so imptoved
as to return year by year to their
former occupation and aio self-supporting.
Wheie is there a hotter rec
ord? Show It,
Dr. Scruggs gives sonic piobablo
causes of the veiy mpld spread of con
sumption among tho negioes, In these
Sudden tiansitlon fiom blaveiy to
f i eedom,
From a onco active llfo out of doois
to .in Inactive life Indoois,
Want of many substantial comfnita
he had while in slacry, and inability
to provide) them.
Without a caie, while In slavety; nu
t,.ing set fiee, had suddonly, with an
undo eloped Intellect, to grapple with
a dlfllcult situation.
Irving In cioudcd and uiibunltaiy
tenement houses, Ovor-ciowdert and
badly ventilated chinches and bchools.
Ignoianco of and dlsiegaid for tho
laws of hygiene.
Mixing or ciossiug of tho laces.
Maiiylug without duo icgurd to
health anil family histoiy.
Want or familial Ity with tho caily
history nnd symptoms of disease.
Failure to place sufficient safe
guards around the health of the com
Jmr family.
The sanitarium Is located outside of
Southern Pines nearly tnldwny to Plne
hurst, on a plot of gtound containing
nt present four ncrcs, reached hy the
rinehurst electric railway, Upon It
has been created four modest and neat
buildings, alt paid for. It Jim a ca
pacity for twenty-four patients. Jtt li
pioposod to erect twelve additional
new cottages and ono central building,
which will ho erected as soon as funds
nre donated for that purpose. Dr.
Scruggs Informs us that ho staitcd
without a dollar of his own nnd de
pends on subscriptions to erect the
buildings nnd furnish mans of sup
port. His first donation was $300, fiom
Deacon lMckfoid. H bi rowel tliROO,
which ho has since rjpatd, and to-dity
theic Is no IndcbtoJnpsa. Thp Inst
generous gift. Mrs. S. It. Flnglpy.
(42,000) was for a building, now com
pleted, to ho ibvolotd Piped illy to tho
rntf and treatment nt negro women.
It Is called Hubbard Cottage nnd a
handsome and well fitnlsmd mu lern
bti'ldlng sixty-four feet long, divided
Into three apartments, containing
twelve cosy bxls
Tho negro tp1 In this coin. try es
pecially neg'-o womanhood, should fed
deeply thankful for this generous gift.
As no Idleness will he eneouraqol
nt the sanitarium an Industrial depart
ment, with sufficient gnrden land, will
bo piovlded, so that patients, when
able, may take moderate out of door
evoielse, an 1 In this way help to fod
thcmuolves: also a well ve.itllatcJ,
suitable building In which cnrpentois,
thoemaker.s and other piadltlonors of
the Industrial arts may find welcome,
home-like employment,
The .sanltailum has tpfused lill ap
plications th1- Inst seison, all foi the
want of accommodation. It Is opened
fiom November 1st to .May lt yeaily.
Fifteen dollirs pur month In advance
will provide for one patient. This In
cludes medical attention, musing,
boaid, lodging nn I medicine every
thing but laundiy. One bundled dol
lais will car for 0113 patient the entile
season, and one bundled dollars will
pay for a faun of ten acres, for tho
giowlug of supplies for the Institution.
This sanltailum ic endorsed by thp
leglsl.iluio of Noith Carolina, tha
chamber of commcico of the city of
ltalelgli. and by 0 scoip of the pioml
ncnt cltlz-ns of the Capitol City. Tt
also has the support of both the 10
llglous nnd secular pi ess of the state,
besides the commendation of men of
national icptitatlon of both races,
among them Hookoi T. Washington
and Rev. Di. Hdwaid r.veiott Hale, of
Koston, Mass, In these wotds to the
Boston Tianscilpt, June lfi, 1S0S: "In
the various efforts to lellove invalids
by sending tliem to the .south, none Is
moip piaclically can led on than th
coloied sanitarium which Di. J- A.
Sciuggs has established at Southern
Pines He Is a well educated negro
phsiclan and has op'-ncd this con
venient and well equipped home for in
valids of bis own i.iee. It sweeps wide
In Its hospitalities Di. Scruggs is i.ow
in ftnston, hoping to find people ot pub.
lie spirit who will help him In an en
terprise which to him means haid
work, with few thanks T am glad to
recommend him to my friends."
The Northern people have graciously
gien ncarlv $30,000 000 since 1S65 for
tho education and Chilstian develop
ment of tho negio, nnd jet until the
establishment of the PIckfoid sanitar
ium, thioe and a half years ago, prac
ticalh nothing had been done to in
line the health and life of those ne
gioes who in such gicat numbeis
hac been the iceipients of that large
and geiiPious gift.
The poor unfoitunate nogio seems to
be a "w.mdeier and a stranger In a
weniy land," moie dbteussod, criti
cised and even despised and 1 ejected,
than any othoi element in our countiy
to-daj. Tho whole civilized wot Id has
its ce upon the black lace, who aie
of ten lompaierl to the ihlldien of Is
nicl in tluii iouiney thiough the wll
dei ness ,
Who, then, can lefuse assistance to
such a woithy and chailtable Institu
tion as PIckfoid sanitaiium? To my
mind it Is the best Investment any
good, benevolent man or woman can
make in tho caue of down-tiodddP
and allllcted humanity, and will give
the laigcst and most gmtifylng 10
tu ins.
.1. 1:. Richmond.
Salloi Ciawley Shot and Perhaps Fa
tally Injured Last Night by Jos
eph Yescavicz.
Mm tin Caw Icy, known as the
"Sailor," as shot last evening and
snlouslj, pel hops fatally itijuicd by
Joseph Ycscavltz. ptnpi it-tor of a sa.
loon at the coiner of Main avenue and
Stephenson stieets, Dm yen.
Ciawley was in the "itloon In the nf
tcineon with a ciowd of young men,
who left tho place without paving for
their chinks, and who pioceeded to ten
things up uiound the rest of the town.
They left Crawley behind them and
when they loturnad to the saloon In
the early evening they found him lying
on tho floor with two bullets In his
Ycseavitz admitted having shot
Ciawley, but said he did it In self de
fense, He saj.s that Crawley Insulted
Doth Ills wife and daugtei and that
when hu icmonstiated with him ho
tlunw a beer glass at him (Yescavicz),
cutting open his head.
Yescavicz says that Ciawley then
diew a revolver and nice at him. Ho
says he pulled the gun away fiom him
uud Hied twice, Iloth bullets enteied
tho body and ono pierced Ciaw ley's
lungs. Ills condition was repotted to
bu seriously ciltlcal eaily this morning.
Yescavicz was lines ted and will ha
given a hearing to-day.
Does tho typewriter affect llteiaiy
style',' A w liter In tho Rostou Tmn
scrlpt thinks It does. Ho says: "As
a geneial rule tho typewilter pioduces
a suit of staccato, disconnected, jeiky
stla; to chungo the metaphor, a
lleshless and bony stylo and awkward
withal. What Is wiltten with the ma
chine seldom has the ease and expres
siveness thnt the saniu authors hand
wilting might havu possessed. Tho spe
cial woid-by-word planning that goes
with it, bo It ever so slight and even
unconscious, does get In the way of
fico expression, and theio Is a tendency
In the writer to think out his sentence
less thoioughly, and even to use steieo.
typed expiesslons, which fall In moro
conveniently with one's practice." It
might requite generations, ho adds, for
typewriting to become Instinctive with
civilized people, ay hand-wilting Is.
tCancliKlctl from P.ije 1.)
had been away from Ha7lct&n about
two weeks. During his absence ho Is
said to have attended tho ceremonies
Incident to tho elevation of Mgr. Mat
tlncllt to the rank of cardinal.
Fathir Phillips was pastor of St.
Gabriel's church, this clly. Uo was
born In 1851 nt Hawlcy, Wayne county,
Pa. where hla father worked In the
mines. He attended the public school
at Plttston, Pn., and finished hla
studies nt St. Charles theological seml
naiy, Philadelphia. He vmir oidnlned
to tho priesthood In 18713. Ho was lo.
rated In various parts1 of the Scranton
diocese, coming to llazletou four
venr.s ago. Recently the tvvonty-llfth
nnnlversaiy of his elevation to the
priesthood was celebrated heie and a
Inigc number of priests and Catholic
dignitaries from the aurroundlng towns
came to lozleton to do him honor.
Father Phillips was n prominent
member of the Ancient Older of Hi
bernians and the Dlks lodge ot this
city. Ho took nn active part In st
tllng the A. O. H. dlfllcultlcs a few
years ago. He was a strong temper,
nncc advocate and his Influence with
the men of all nationalities who make
up the population of the nnthinclte
legion was recognized by mlncis and
mlno owners nllke. His pat tlr-lpatlon
In the settlement of tho Illinois' stilke
of last year Is still fiesh In the minds
of the public.
Father Flt7mnuilco, cuiate at St.
fiabrlel's chinch, gave out the follow
ing statement:
"Father Phillips left bote at fi o'clock
Wednesday evening, April 24, for New
Yoik. Th" following day I iccelved
a. message fiom him telling of his safe
anlval. That Is the last I heaid of
him. His mission to New York was
In rcfeienc" to the stations of the
Father Phillips Wns nt One Time an
Assistant at Cathedral.
Rev. 13. S. Phillips was well known
In this cltv, and when the startling
news of the finding of his paitly de
composed body was teceived here ves
terday It was the sole topic of conver
sation. Those who knew Fathoi Phlllliis in
timately vveie loath to ciedlt the sen
sational story told by Dr. Stanley, the
man who Is being held on suspicion of
having caused the pi test's death, and
when the later dispatches hi ought tho
announcement of the police authoiltles
thnt Stanley had contradicted his Hist
story and was giving conflicting ver
sions of the affali, thoie vveiu many
brought to believe that the effoit of
the doctor to conned otheis with the
lesponslblllty for the death was a con
coction, suggested, eiy Ilkelv, by
reading of the Riegel minder case,
which has been before the Philadelphia,
courts all week.
Bishop Hoban, who has been associ
ated with Father Phillips In ecclesias
tic, charitable and sociological woik
for many yeais, said to n Tribune re
porter last night:
"I have known Fathei Phillips Inti
mately since ho was a semlnailan nnd
I have formed such a high estimate of
his character that I cannot bring my
self to believe the scnsiitionnl stories
being told of the manner of his death "
As to the funeral, the bishop could
give no dcllnlto infoimation. Ho had
been In communication with the 1 da
tives of Father Phillips concerning this
matter, but no decision had been
leached. Tho meinbeis of Father Phil
lips' eongiegation ate anxious to have
the sei vices held theie, and piobably
their wishes will bo acceded to.
The interment will likely take place
In Pltttson. Father Phillips bad on
seveial occasions expiessed a desiie to
bo but led with his father and mother
In tho family plot In the Plttston
Catholic eemeteiy, and it is pioposod
to cany out this wish. The probabil
ities .110 that the body will be bt ought
fiom New Yoik to Hazleton for the
sen lies, and thence to Plttston for In
tel merit.
Father Phillips came Into paitlcular
pi eminence by his woik tow aids medi
ation in the miners' stiike last tall,
and the tlueatened stilke this spilng,
but he was known veiy gencially bp
foio that by his having succeeded. when
hundicds of others had failed, in bilng-
Ing about a conciliation between tho
two factions of the Ancient Older of
Hibernians. As a token of its appi eol
ation of Father Phillips' woik, the na
tional convention of the order made up
.1 huge putse of gold and picsented It
to him with nn engrossed testimonial
It also unanimously elected him as its
lopiesentntivo to the Intel national con
vention of Irish societies In Dublin.
Father Phillips was also a promi
nent wotker In the Catholic Total Ab
stlnco union and took an active part
in Its annual conventions. He recent
ly oig.inlzed a Father Mathew Cadets'
society In his parish and at the dio
cesan convention held in Scinnton this
week Its delegates leported a mem
bership of 455 and made claims for tho
banner offered for tho society showing
the greatest growth during the year.
In addition to all his activities as a
priest and humanitarian, Father Phil
lips was to be found in the fiont rank
of every good public movement In tho
city in which he lived and was gen
etally beloved. 'Ho Inteiested himself
In local politics, was a leading mem
ber of tho boaid of trnde, and at tho
piesent session of tho leglslatuie was
chaiiinaii of the 1 oinmittee of cltlens
which wont to Haiilshuig to lobby In
tho Intel ests of the Havvoith h that
would make Haloton the seat of a
new- county.
hiiiiu: 'iiiuv wii.r. kind
Humphreys' Specifics
I'VHIS, 3.', me 1 ticmic-Mjrcel, ami jll phar.
IOSPOV, I, Kin,; IMuanl St,, NpmkjIc M
Ur'.SM, &tiituinilitz, 8,
Al.rXAUUII , luc- Cluif IMiln.
IIMiOV, Hill clrt .Wnal, 118 A. DJ.
IIIHC'M.OWI, 5, (ille Sti ,iu
lllll.'.Sil ,S, JS, rue Monlatnn ile h Pour.
HIO PI! JASHllO, a, Um iSomahM l)lt.
Ill KNOS Alti:S,' Hi, ('alio PloricU, 110.
SIIAICO CUV, Callp ikl ColiM-o, 3
IIWANA, Tenicnto lie) 41, ) Coiiiajtrla, V,
II0M1MIMJ, HrllWir llniK Co., I M
PAN AM , Plan SmiiU Vna
0NAP, Jt ill Drue btoru.
Dr. Humphreys' Specific Manual, a
pcikct cpito-i e of flic Donuetk- I'rJitke ut Mccll
cine, mailed (or the aAin;,
lluiiiiilirfju' llumcoiiatlilc JlcJIiInc Co,, Cut,
William and John bis, Saw York.
Father Phillips was born In Hawley,
Wnynp county, In 1811. Ho received
his early education In tho schools nt
that place and his classical training nt
St. Charles college, Dlllcott City, Md.
He took his theological course in Bt,
Charles seminary, at Ovcrbrook, near
Philadelphia, and Sept. 20, 1S75, was
ordnlnod to the priesthood by night
nev. Ulshop O'lliuii. Very Itov. T. F.
Coffey, V, (1., of Citrbondiilo! Vtev. 13,
J. Mclley, of South Scranton j Ilov. F.
P. McNnlly, of Clcoigctown, Wilkes
Dane, and Hev. M. 13. Lynott, ot Jot
myn, were ordnlnod with him, nnd each
celebrated his silver Jubilee last year.
Immediately after his ordination
Father Phillips served as an assistant
priest at St. Peters' cathedral and
later nt Holy Kosnry church, North
Scranton. Ho wns then nuslgned to
Frlcndsvlllo, Sttstiuehtintm county, and
after a few years woik there was
transfeiied to Hnzletnn as nsslstant to
llov. Father Cunmilnsky. His first
pastorate was ut Plains, whoio he con
tinued until three years ngo, when he
was made pastor of St. Oabrlel's
church at HaIeton, to succeed Father
Cummlsky, who wont to Home to en
ter a monastery.
The high regard In which he wns
held hy his fellow priests Is attested
hy the facts that when the Pilosis'
Kuchnrlstlc league of the Sciauton dio
cese was formed lie was unanimously
chosen, and without solicitation on his
part, to be Its diocesan director.
Old Peon's Exhibit
af Pan-American
spec hi t'orrr ioihIi nre of Dip Trllimip,
i'lnh'Ulplih, VI u 11.
Till. I Sl IMIsI IV f Piiiinjlvinl.1 l Hip
unit c Im ihonil intttliitlnii in the t'nllul
M itp wine li I111 it) ixliililt it thp I'm
m 1 1 nn rvposlflon al H11IT1I0 llio
tluii- .mil .'it I ( n t ion rf Curntnr rutin of flic unl-Mr-tt
imi'.ciiiii hi'i linn iKiupttil for sonip
iiiiiiiIIm piHl in flu- pippuitlin it tills cxhlliit
it Imo JiM bun lintillpil nnilir lilt illrrrlinn In
Hip ViiIIiii polol, il luillil Iritr mill Hiiiirpn In lip
11. p of tin limit uiiIiUl- 11111I minimi fi iIiiiin of
tlip rllmoli'Kii 1! ilipirliiuiit if tin- (vpnitini'
'Huh ivliiliit U ot tun fold pliirutii, lotKi-.titu'
of sju r-iiiK lis llliiilir.tliu' (.iiiiih ilipi l. Hii
Vimiliin hiilimii mi'l Hip i iiIks of tin I'lilllp
pine Islnmls, rpprp--nillm; the mill-rial wlilili
Mr. Colin Iih lolluliil iluiiiii; thp iminc o
iiiativ M-iH in flip t'nbiihll, imi'iuin I tit
P. iins li mil iliiMt is Hip hrRi-st In Hip li
tlirupilniriiil I111II1I111.', mil imp of Hip irirest
ftlnclo i'liil lis nt Hi- c-Mositlon II w is ai
nuuiil nt the noilition of tm c vtiosillon in in
airirs, 1 nit it tlinr ipn-ul wish ilip specinuns
of bull in 151 nits foini tho nir-t Import mt put
cf llic lli'pllt.
- o
Hit- lollutloii of bib 11 (,11ms .it Hip Unl
VPIsitl 11111-1 11111 f t III Willi li flu- .-potiiiicns' it
Hu- PM'tnilli 11 wpip tiki n is lit fu thp Iipsl
in Aiiith 1 Ihi 'if (.nuns a II11IT1I11 nrt ill
ti.iiliil lo (Ibisii ip Hip hkhi poptitu quints ot
Hit- bull ills I'l muiiilt nil tlu-c funis ippuii
to hltt- litill -uliil .111 1 ilitm-toiy .mil to hic
! 11I t toinnioii s. nut in Ihe mil uirion of Hip
soiilliwislini t'niliil stit,, ' C inipUinints
piiiplojid .ippi ir In ho iiiutiisillv ilpineil fnnn
1 few Mtntilp wiipins sntli is iirrotts, sppns
nml hliclN Hip In Inn it lints in tlip cvhlhlt
are ins.jt!tl is flints of (Iiiikp and iiiips of
tli-Nlirilj lliu in- ii-nill Usui in Hu- kuim
of thuipp, mnl the flints of iltxttnlj 11c ni
ronipanbil li.t Mkhs mil iiicnnlitions Hie tlicc
Kaincs hatl then oiuln in nn .lliciint (lislom
of foi tune tolling of whiih tlitv tiri- in e-ssin-till
pirt. Of tlrsp, smiic hit, isimpUs aie
shown from opi tlnitt (rllus mil fiflnn lin
(tuistip stocks lluv no of (.nit vnifh mnl
of all miiIh of 111 iti'ilil: spin upils wnnil, lioncs,
beitir tilth, wootlihutl. teeth, w limit shells,
sea shells, tt.
TIipsi- Kiiiips tw 11-11 lilt plitcfl in silence .mil
in Hu- pitsent ili line lost ill (heir formi r
iiliKioiis elninitPi. It is curious to notice in
this connection tint In ctiipril ill Intllin (.'inin
ippoir to hie Iipiii plneil oil.'inilh hj men
mil linn u'itin otu In lime lo the women
Sonip of tliem no ipnk int in ate, but when ir
iiikpiI in 1 series is in the exhibit llipsp i iirious
mil hi tPiot neons ohjuts btiotup pufpeth In
tillEiribh One tif tin- (rmips most loiiimonly In
list ,111111ns thp Inih 111 lulus is known lo the
whib-s ns "II1111I" It is pi iv t il Willi two lion's,
one pi nn iml Hu- olhri uiiiLul In the miihllr
with 1 bl iik luiiil lino plittr holds j bono in
eiili luti'l mil Hie othi i ptitei cue-i s whhli
b ml ciuliiiis tin plilu one Ihi- hull ins n-i
to st ike t tin tiling lht on thesp
(r.itnes, but tint lute bet 11 ilwoui moil In, tin
Intlnn .i tils mil nt- mm Mippl mti d lit the
pi itnu 1 nils of 1 nllliHoii
loiiuiast inning the nmcs if ilevfenlv wis
tin bill (rune. Ihh wis fipiiirutlv in mtir
tiilul i.mtpst mil wis ilittil b, thp mm with
1 1 u Kt t luting 1 in Unl hoop nt Hie en 1, of
wliit li Hu- litrossp hit is 111 rvuiienleil evmi
pie 'Hit- bill is touted with tlipr si in. 1'Jtli
tide hid lis inctdlir iicktl, the olijttt htbu
to thitiw the bill moss n (-oil vii) lillltli re
st inblin Ihi otu- listd in milium fool bill
lljis bill (rune imoiiu: Hu- bull in tribes wis ton.
siilunl in ill'lir of unit iiupoitnnte, flic plit
us Hi si bitokiiu' mi ion bt uiiKltil rites It
wis n-ii it l ittompiuif d bt sous .mil iIiikcs
Tin Indiiii wotntii hut thiir ottn lull (,'jme,
width wis utility distiiiet fium Hut plitul b
the mill, mid wis piitHiillt' the Jllll- .is our
fiuulhr Kinip of "shlniu." lirp uiiuiher of
bills iml bill rickiN fiom ibilertnt tiibts me
ivhihllul nl Hull ihi. is will is Hip i men's
shliuit Mit-kx md lulls
'Hip rillplnii iJiiniis shown in Hip evhlbit lluotv
mi IntPiistinj (.lihllttht on (In- cliaiiclei j( our
niw colonlsU 'IIhm- mines ire in in mv u.
sptits nn ll minis to oui tiun md those of the
Kuropean unions nml mint of them .ne doubt
less of spmUli orisln Others cm lie trued to
riiinise, Miliy ami Hindu shiiikii I1u Tib
iplno ifimis ill tlie evlublt wen- old ilunl it
Munili nml are consnlored flue fpiiiiiiuis The
most i oiiini. ni ml popiiln is ,i j. i tntil nr cjmu
plil by the iiatlus litlni; in the towns and
villiROo anil is known he the ruphntilou-, nime
of "putl piill-lteiu." (irnups of both seves, nuny
of wham are piofessloiul licitKan, mi be tetn
in the inirkit pli-ia it mil hour of the do
bittlnir their Mint alms upon it 'lids ginio
is pi ob iblj of Arab niuin, iml is found widely
illstrlhmeil thrmuli st i nml Miiia. w In rev i r
rili InllutiKi i' lute pinetiattd, In Ci j ton it
i. i jIIi. I "ilunii," .mil In Ihi- itiiiUlits Pit tie.
mciili, "cliriukik, ' lebn," idi.teil in both ilien
the Kline ni in the Philippine Minib,
He evlublt im bubs a imiiibei ot olhi'i c
CtedliiKly IntuiMlnir mil until 1 illplno game,
.llnoni,' which nut be mi lilloiiiil foothill llu
is poi pli,-il In ninle-kiii pints or with n p'4
si, In on li cildum, bill it is lootbill Just the
nime, In ti-id, n rill in lull is u-ul which is
only foui iniliis in iliinitlrr i. ml hollow iiisldi
llie rules of the sum' an mole marl Ilko Hits!
of IIukIi thin meileiu fudlull I Im camp
wis iiitii'diiiid Into lb" I'ldllppiiiis fiom Mini
Mid .lu.i, wliue tliu nilltts Ir.iiuril It fiom
l'nsllh truli is, 'llic.-i- latfu writ nlso rmpon
tllile fur the intliiluition of u sort of billhnl
Kiuif into (he Plillipplms It is pli.tid on U
blis with lone Iml', but with woodui of
lon lulls, ThU gmit Is nlso iisul to kmiiIiIp.
In fict, it is niid bt" Cm ilnr Cubn tint Hie
I illpliios Kimble inoie Hun Hie iuulian In
ill ins ' Ihi Into biMiileil cue dlic game in
wliit li twci.l (lie nun pli it one slitiu,'.
- u -'this
i.liililt of tlie I'mttisil of Puiils It mi t
al lliilliln will uud.'iibledb In a ur.tu ot at
tiittlui to i biters nml will be iiuilp u soimp
if bin 1 by iill ilhiioloiiiul ttnlei.ts. W II II
V picket! home ami nn iiitliiisl.iitie audlcntr
will (.red -Mad im hilimuum Ifclnk, Miss Mjn.l
Powill, Mr. ruiiRCon llnlm nml their brilliant
accompanUt, Mr. Isidore Iiitkstone, in it 'lu-n
di eteiduc nt Ihe I jlcuim It isn't of tin Hut
we arc pritilrRcil 1" injoy a ctinlnit of classic
niiiilf b artists uliiite lrluuilis aie familiar to
two loiilliiuil.s mid who me In the jirin c
and uiilth of tlili taieti Ihe priv'iainnie
printed Ulow ii ldhl lueritoiious, ioiiI lining
at it docs composition u( the mister uiusiilaai
of tho Mneteintli centur. A (,'lam.o at the
diagram clearly demonstrates that wc arc
1 1 ZULi
Saturday is always a
busy day in tlio millinery
store. A faint idea of our
extended assortment may
he pained from the follow
ing list:
Sailor Hats for Children
Made of mixed straw in
assorted colors, each
Saiior Hats for Ladies
Made of pearl straw
with black band, each
Another style sailor hat
for ladies is made of straw
and has a double rim, each
Pan - American is the
name of a novelty in ladies'
hats. The price is
Ladies' ready-to-wear
hats, with polka dot effect
on one side. The hat itself
is white; pticc
A rather recent novelty
in ladies' hats is made of
felt with Panama facing.
Ask to see it todav.
ii 1 i i v U v Vt il i v V i V i i
We extract teeth, fill teeth, and apply gold crowns and bridge work, with- :
L out the least pain, by a method patented and used by us only. When the im- jjj
pression is taken in the morning plates will be finished same day, if desired. 1
stjv M
0"i. Ik :Sk JwrnK
fi. "fSS, .iiA&SSM
ii t x? vasiJri! h 1,J
.tLiuV. -. .f .-. . ,ill.L'iil!8iy
yUAi. , ' ' mm ni i f
r iVti ti iug When Other Work Is Douo. -T IvE-i d
We give a written guarantee for '20 years on all work. 0.
Tlie fact tliat this la an Incorporated Company doing busi
ucai iiuvtut iiiu luwn ut
:ai oiiiecs, 18 a HiiiiictuiiL giiaraiiteo oi our ruaponsiuuity ami jj 'ijui i MUM . H ' lffliW!l
that wo Do Exactly ai We Advertise. M(jpwipiijjjjp
WC MAKE A SPECIALTY of Gold Clown nml BrldKO Woik. This Is ti
Bsteni tor Itibertliiff tcoth whoio onu or moie aro missing without the ;
iiiso of a plate. This work Is most beau tlful and cannot be detected from tho J5'
natuial tooth. When propel ly done, vl 11 Inst a lifetime. Call nnd seo us opor- ?:
ate. It will be a pleasure for us to carefully examine your teeth and toll you fi;
exactly what your woik will cost. No chaige for this. Ilotirt-, S to S. Sun- !
(lays, 10 to 4. "
tfipi till 1 M. I n I Turner ackitwmn Mill .iinniiw i Ot'rr fi.
ins wniiB U6nt8i rariors sssi? """- g
to nn appreciation of tlie inuirnltuile of llio con
urt, fnnn preaint ippeiLintea lnrtll) a neat will
In- viiant. llie lunRraiiiine:
I'Aiir rutsr.
Kirgliitto and Alltgretto Nartlini
MIks Maud IVntdl.
I'mloKiio from 'TanlUtel" I.contatallo
Mr. J, Ffraniicon-Uaties.
Aria (a) "Ainilda" Handel
(hiht, I'.inl (In KiikII-Ii) Mendelwolin
Mint- Stliuin inn Ilelnk.
(i) Scliiimuin
(li) Bteno do It Szirihi, o I Ilub.
MIm Miud l'mvfll.
SoiiK-r-f i) lodi l.nniiinil Old Stotdi
(b) Tempi ir'n l.oti- Song (h iiihocl-
Mi 1). I'd nucon llities.
1'Altl' hl.COM),
sonifs (i) Ule HUt Dii Milne ICiii1kIii,.1nIhii4
(li) SipplMlip 0 lo ,.,,.lli iluiu
(i) Mi-fne In- 1st tmm Ilraluni.
Mine. Scliuin iiin-IMnl..
"I'.injsie ilu I'liist" Wiuilawslil
MUi Mind I'tmill.
Vrla "1 iriio id l'lttotum" Itoashd
Ml I) I fi.incirm Ditlu.
(a) Her Vtifinllult ..Siliul'eit
(b) m Mtcr .Stlmlicrt
(i) Uuliln ...Sdiulieit
(d) lliu Allmidit (Ilu; AIuiikIiI)) Stlmlieri
Mine. Sdiuiiiiliil-lldnk,
Ml Isidore IlKkslillL', .UIOIIIMllM,
Under the leaderalilp of OrxanUt I, M, ( li.ini o
thu fulloulnt; iiuisit i stltt lluiii ttlll lu iisnj at
.siiuml I'resliltrian tlmidi ut luniurrun's ser
nrem rrilmle Lillicrts
Anthem. "Wc Will (.ivc Ilunl,,"
(I lorn tho Orjtnrh of "lltMniir.")
Offtrloi uatliiu, "Hum l a llolj Clt.t,"
Mis'os uml (larJKiii, Music'. uml JlorKJii
Organ I'oitlwlo, "Mirtli Uiitiniplulc" )iilio3
Oman I'relinlv' "( liant I'iMuiile" Iluliols
Vntlirm, "llie Dij U l'it ami liter''. ...Marks
Mr. lilppel ami v.inli,
liurtette, "Ihe Hour of rrijcr"
Oirntory-ljnaiiette, "One St.rtl Mleinn
'lluiiifrlit" funnier
Ou'an I'ostlude Mindclsnohn
llio iiitccoJ ol the CoiiM.riatorj ot Music In
this tlty ii (,'iottins more auj more apparent.
There is no ono part of
our Furnishing business
that requires such close
attention as the neckwear
division. Anyone who has
had anything to do with
selling neckwear at tetail
will tell you the same. This
fact is back of our en
deavor to make neckwear
a feature in itself. Have
wc succeeded? Wc think
so. Today you will have
an opportunity of deciding
You will find our Fur
nishing Department liter
ally overrun with the new
est ideas known in the
neckwear trade.
Derby l;otir-in-J lands,
Imperial s. Reversible
De Jeanvilles. Windsors,
Windsorcttes, Band Bows,
Shield Rows, Club House,
Graduated String, Bat
Wing, Butterflies. Stockv
in P. K., Madras and
In fact, if yon call for
something wc don't have
we'll thank you for it. Tn
addition to a complete as
sortment of regular goods
wc have two surprises.
23c for a tic that is made
just like the twain scarf.
Sec them in the window.
i!."c for one lot of oOc
neckwear, just as good as
ever, but the assortments
arc broken.
Note Onr Prices for Perfect,
TC.II 0 T,.H. tU.I-'iM
G .. pi:nfiPS
Silver Fillings
vjoiu wiuwus.
Teeth Without Plates ts.oa '"
ciean.B Teeth 5ac z
biita tbaic, uuu uimatiu(j n nynvvm til
Without a corps of competent instructors it
would hate betu impossible to hate Kivcn sucli
a recital ut ua ititcn by the Consort atory In
the I'nrlih Home on Thursihy evening. The
Tribune is promt to offir ttto C'onsertatflry schol
arslilpi in its educational contest,
The tolloniiiK miislial (.elictions mil be ren
ilcrtd tomnnou at the Kim Park thiirdi under
the direction of .Mr. J. Alfred l'emilneton, or
ganist and choir inatrr;
Oriran, 1'iiluiln in 11 . ,, Cilkin
Choir, 'The I,o.t ( hord" Snllhm
Ort; in, OiTerlory In (i llitton
( hnir, lit inn ntlieni, "lltdemption."
On,'an, I'osllude in I) Minor Ilieh
Oik in, rrilmle in A Hit Major Caluott
Choir, "I (.line .Not to Call the lli?litcous"
"i iuient
Ori;an, Ollerloty In I' , Wilty
Soprjno Solo ,,,,,,,,, .Silittcil
Choir, Iljiiin Anthem, heltdcil
Orgin, I'oalludc in (I , Ilach
1,1m I'ark Qmrtette MIm Kllihetli 'Ihonns,
soprano; Mrs. Lcnorii 'Ihompaon, contralto; Mr.
Aitidl Woolir, tenor; Mr, I'lilllp Wan en, bao,
Tho Mind Daniel toinpuit, ttlilch U on llin
huirih in .Nett York, is an ntl-shoot of the old
Ulllnir romp m,t, and stilt carries one or tun
of Ilu- ptople stlin ttcre ttitli the orirauizatUn
lil It en tt.iu zo,
I li.- im nil eis of the toiiKrtsalloii of Kim Puk
iliii.h aie IhoiouliKlt dtllKhtid ttlth their new
tunlralti), Mr Inoie llionipson. lit. r ttork
biith in (he rjuartctte and MJloa U lie;nnd tritl
tliin, Mie It tinipiestionabl one of tlie finest
tin.'-is iter heard in thu illy .Setei in the lib
tor.t (I tic l.lui I'ult ipurlette has the blendlri;
u( fin Mites Ken o tatlifutcrj as it Is now,
'Ihe illicit. Iiimniioti at llie lirt I'riihjteriaii
i hurt li ttlll bo ot i til) Mitbtautial iharattir.
'Hit- nilti nt of the double quartette bat ninth Im.
piutul Ihe music and is unit It apprctiated
iithim, "Ihe Mittp" l-'ontcr
Solos fur soprano and baw and iholr
Trio, "(In 'line Kadi l.iWw Soul Aw ills "
( ! oin Ihe Licatlon )
Soprano, 'lenor a ft. I It is-.
Dm I, "O Iiil He tiloru 'Ihtc" htan,
Soprano and Alto.
Antluiii, "IValm of lift" Cruiililunk
One ol the bitt "jiara bwli3," William
Boys' Wash "Suits l1 5
Hoys' cheviots, duck
and linen crash wash suits,
light and dark shades,
large sailor collars, deep
shields, prettily trimmed.
Si7cs 'A to 10 years. Satur
day, each 8!lc.
A nice quality duck and
cheviot wash suits, light
and dark patterns. The
collars arc large and nicely
trimmed. LTi patterns to
select from. Sizes 'A to 10
years. Saturday, each Md.
Boys' Wash Knee Pants
in light and dark colors
well made in every way.
Sizes 'I to 10 years. Sat
urday, each, LTic. '
Straw Hats for the small
apd large boys; variety of
colors unsui passed. Prices
to suit all. 1 !lc. $1.!S.
And every price between.
A special lot for Satur
tlav at L'.'c.
Shoes Three Kinds
All special.
Ladies' Dongola Kid,
light and heavy soles, lace
or button, the" pair. $!.!!).
Misses' Shoes, dongola
and tan, button or lace: all
sizes: worth $l.-."; Satur
day. JKc.
Little Gents' Shoes,
made of dongola kid and
satin calf; the last is of the
mannish stvlc; Saturdav.
Painless Dentistry g
CE l( .
$1.00 &
50 !
!"" w.w ,
jgfa '
liJHl II 1 1 1 V III
JVeir Fori: Announcement.
Horner's Furniture,
We bid for your patronage or
tho following grounds:
I, Our stock represents tho pio
duotloiiB of tho BEST MAKERS
ONLY, in addition to goods of oui
own manufacture
'2. Our nssottmonts ore a? cow'
ph'to in tho plain and jiiopeii$li
goods suited to tho modest homo, at
in the more olaborato nnd intlstli
lines required for tho moro pioton
tious homo or mansion.
II. Our piicoa are tlio lowest' n
which luiuituro of standard quality
mid heating tho stamp of stylo anc
merit in its appeal ance, can bo manu
faeture'd land sold.
All tlio latest iloslfrni and flnlshes
In each uud omjit line, InLludlng
tho fnsliloniiblo llerht woods and
offoetR tor Bummer fnnilhlilnif.
R. J. Horner &tfGo.r
FiiinUuio alukcrs imil IaipQrtcaK - '
01-G5 W.a-Sti, NowYorfo-
A visit to tho establishment oflt J. Horner i.
Co., bfins ou lu touelt with cterylblng that I
new uud worth scciui; lu the i'urultuio world
hettapaptr Com num.
.fc'AI u
3 tPTi
I.uiltvik, nt l'luilanU, called on J. T. Watkln
this tck 'I ho ulftiit bcfoio i-aillng for Ih
Main Mi ItulttU plajet) (In? "Hlegende IJl ,
landei" at Manvl&Ur. , ,",?yV ,j
Jl II l i..
'Ilia tjchubert quartette tWII participate in r
concert at l'lcaant Mount in June.
r V