-.-'fl v ).nr y w- " wr: fc , A Of THE SORANTON T1UBUNE-SATURDAY, MAY' 18, 11)01. H' -C. Religious.. Tim ttilrtecnlli ntniiiml ronvi'titliin of thi' I'liite.Mtiuit Kilnt'oml church tit the nioi'PKp of I'cimsylv'Miilii will convene In Trinity Hplmirml ulinrch, Pottsvllle, IickIiiiiIiii? on Tnosilny ovpiiIiik, Mny -t. on TiiPdiliiy iivt-nltiK the iiiwcuslim will form In the Sunday Hnhool room nml filter 1 ho rliurcli lm tho fnllowlne urtlcr: f'hoh', Iny lpmtleH, rlerny. nml tliu hllioi. In the Kiini'timry, with Hip IiIhIkid'. will lie tlip Iters. II. 1. .lotu'H, 1). T).. U'llllnni I'. OrncK. U. li.. Al. A. Tolmnn, nml the Iter, .lumps K. I'mv-ptf-', p. U. rector of Trinity iliiirch. The HPrvlcen will be eoniluetpil by Itev. U. Stcrllmr. 13. D or Smith Itetlilplieni. iinil the Itov. Willltiin nilton Mints, of AVIllliiinsiiort, Tim service wilt ln cbiiriil nt the nlTertor.v. the choir will clnjf "KIIhb Wide Ye I'ortiils Kvorlustlntr," from the "Redemption,' by liounod. si a Tomorrow nlylit's Herninn by Rev, Dr. It. '. Y. Pierce, at the I'enn Ave nue Hupll.it church, on "In Ills Steps," will In.ii'mirttU' u series of ailclresses on Rev. ''. II. Sheldon's lemiirkublo story, ami vllt be lllnstratetl by t niiiii bi'r of views taken from ivul life-. l a The IJrotlierhood o St. Paul will h.uv its annual eonventlon at t'tiea, '.V. Y.. next AVediiPHilny and Thnrs day. Rpv. Dr. V. (I. Simpson, of As bury church, who Is the Pennsylvania seen tnry, will deliver an address on "Modern Mfc and Mrotlierhuod" on Thursday. The rr'ciilar uiecthiR of the Motrin dist ministers of Seranton and vicin ity will be held in the parlors of lOlm Park I'liureh, Monday, Altiy 20. ;it. IW."0 a. in. 'J'lie Rev. Francis Oendall will present a wiper: subject, "The Mil lennium, and How In Rcacb It." M Dr. W. ,1. Kidman, the eminent Mlblu teacher join Philaelelnliin, will con duct n j'ilblo study class, Saturday evenliiB, Alay 2r,, at S o clock, in the Second Presbyterian church. Kvery une Is Invited and urged to come. fc'1 The men's meeting at (lie Railroad Yoiiiiff Men's Christian association to morrow will be addressed by Air. I!. T. Stone at 3.lr. p. m. Mr. Stone will also sins' "The Days of Aly Childhood." A cordial invilnllon to all men. 4 Rev. If. 1. Haul will .ead a paper at the Kapllut Pastors' conference, Mon day at 1U.:;0, on "Wycllf. the MorniiiR Slur of the Reformation." There will be ih meetiimr at the Voting: Women's Christian association tnmoirnvv. J.norns are closed for re paiis. Fmtow's Services Methodist Episcopal. Uiu I'.nk c liimli I'r.ijrr and prai-o M-itlu' .it .j'u ii. in. Picae-himr scivieo nt 10..'ie. scmion tut.' ji'.'.i-t.int pa-tor, ltrv. L. P. Sinj;w. I'laes miflinsr :illcr 1 lie liifinliijr Venice. Miuday m lie.nl nt. -' p. in. .Iiutinr League nt :!. 15. Senior Lpunith lciup nt r.;ie. 1'ro.icliliiK soiin .it T.iiU p. in. Senium liy t lie pastor, Pr. U. M. (af. tin. fciilijcct, "Wh.it of (lie Ilypoiritc.'" Sci- Mic .it. Hip I'ini' Strrct Mivion: Siinclay f-rlmul nt ! .1. in.; Kpwoitli le.isim at li.oO p. in. A imhH.iI imil.itiim is trmlcil to nil. -,lnn.v 3Iflliuli-t i:pi-copj i Inn rli. i nrm r Ioiimv incniic anil Ppl.iwnro street ltrv. W. II. Slniriin, 1 1. P.. p.istor. Peotion.il nieetinir f i In' llrutlicrliood of St. I'.inl al 0.::n .1. 111. I'lcuh iii'.' at fi,ao a. 111.; Milijeit, "H Salvation Com-pul-oiy " S11111I.1v mIihoI at J."0 p. in. Dpwnilh lii!iic at tl.;:i) p. 111., .1 union sen lie of eeiiiurs iiikI jniiirii.'., .111 ei'nl of intuit inteuM. I'tciile UK nt T."(i p. lit.: niiijdt, The lirition I. lie a lioiolntinii." IV.tjtT niceliiiL', Wciliiesilay, nt J .'!0 p. in. I!n-ine.-5 intetitiK of tlic llrollieiliood "I St. I'.ml, on the FOtoml fointh Tuosilivs of 1.1 li nioiitli nt 7.:;o p. m. 'i stri'l Mi'tltuilUI lipiM-opal iliuirli Her. .1. II, Austin, p.Hlur. McMnins ptOiiiliin? sirvii 0 in tn..:il; Milijrd, "l.iiu l"p to our Vi-iniis." ll.ii- nieetiin; nt l.::n.t, 111., (I. W. Cluilili, Icnl er. S11111I.1.V srlinul nl "J p. 111., K. W. Plone, Mipeiiiitenili'iit. . 1 1 1 : 1 1 , .1 nml Senior Kpvtmtli )rni;m' uiiieii ini'ilniK nt. o.l p. 111.. Miii.lmlnl In MKi II mil' Il.11l111.111, Miperinti'tnli'iit. Rion ins puailiiim vnicp .it T.."il. The pa-lor will i.il;e fur 111-. Milijn-I "Aliialiani, or Hie Olieilicme of l.iilli." 'I'lii.-- Mill lie tin' InM in n Miiis of FCtnioiH on "UliI Ti'.-I.miuil llpims," Cl.t-.s ineoiliix 1111 TitPMl.ty eveiiinir :il 7. Jilt p, 111,, 31, If, Vine, trailer. I'r.iier iih'I'IIiil' on 1'rMiy even Inir. A roiili.il Mclinine In all at nety sen lee, llat.iploli Stieel klin.li-t :pKeopal liiunh liei. .I.11111'- Ililiniiiurr, iM.-tof. Sctiiirs en Sine day as follott-: Line frjt at 10 u'rlmk; pio.nli ini; Millie at lil.::n b.v liev. Austin Cirilliii, II I) pin-liHtis I'likr; suml.iv .limol nl. 2; Kpuoitlt leiKtie .it i;.:;i); li'.nler, .Mm. .Intiies lleiiiiliiupi; union ini'itln; Vili iiuiim.. Kn-nlti;; pn-ailiiiif; bcnlie at 7."U; Mihjei t, "I'tnllt ami l,u." I'lcil ilrin c Mdliodi.-t KpMop.il ilnnrli llev, Ifrorsi" . Cine, p'l.-ler, lltntlii'ilimiil of . M, OLD PEOPLE Have a charm of their own when they are not weak mid feeble, but bale nml hearty, enjoying the sports and pleasures of youth though they cannot participate J in them. The whole secret of a sturdy old age is this ; Keep the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition in per fect order. The young man who does not think of his .stomach will be made to think of it as he grows old. It is the "weak " stomach, incapable of supplying the adequate nutrition for the body, which causes the weakness and feeble ness of old age. Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion ami nutrition. It makes the weak " stomach strong, and so enables the body to be fully nourished and strengthened by the food which h eaten. " I mffrrfd for six years with constipation and Indigestion, duriug which time I employed everal pbyMciant, but llicy could not reach my cne," writes sir, (J, Foppleurll.of Kurekii Springs, Carroll Co., Aik, ! frit that there was no help for me, coitlil not retain food on my stomach ; had vertigo uud iionld fall helpless to the floor. Two years ugo 1 commenced takiuff Doctor rlerce's Ooldeii Medical Discovery an3 little ' I'elleth,' and Improved from the Mart. After taking twelve bottle of the ' Diicovery' I va able to do light work, and hare liceu lm. proving ever since. 1 am now in good health for one of my age 6a year. lovieit all to Dr. Pierce' medicines.". Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of at one-cent stamps to pay espense of mailing only. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y. Paul 1111 rli nt HI ,1. In. Snlijeit. of Illuming irmmii nt I11..W, "Tlir Wind Sli.ikm Tire ami Hip Sr altriincr Seed." Snniliy N-liool nt i i. m.j ipiaitrrly love Icka). nt 0."n; pie.iililmr nt T.-'lo by III. Aihlln riiillln, folloucil liy K.itriinidiL of tin' t.nnl'.M Mipprr. tVd.ir Aiclino Mrtlioilbt KplMiip.il ilnncli I'. I. Ilol.v, p.nlor. .Mi'L'linx of Urol Ini hood at 0. IS 11. in.; piradillitr by paMnr, ll).."0 a. in,; iptar Irrly tnerliin,' In Hie aflernooii; loir fe.t'l nl l,.tn p. in, Sermon by Itev. Pr. A, (irlMIn, pir.ddhit; older, tit 2 p. in,; Junior lrnswe nt :i.."U p. In.t llpuottli le.mne, ()..') p. in.) frliotl frrinoti by Hie pator, 7,!I0 p. lit, A urlcomr to nil. roint Stteet ilcllioill.t KpUropal ilimcli-H. '. Ionian, p.elor. Cl.n, l.,, u. in., O. I). PeWllt, leader. Pie.iclilng, lu.flt); bnnilay m IiooI, II. I, H. It, JI.uk. rupcrlntciulrnl. .Iitnlor lraunr, Jt.sn, Mrf. I'leil Khnr, Miirilnlrmlenl; Kpiiotlli Iraijlie, l!.,':n. I'rrJililinr, 7,;;n. ,-eal fur. .Nny Ann 3letlioclbt Kpbeopal ilnnrli Snnilay mIiooI nl 'J.itO p, in.. Prank IMnuuP, snporlie tetiilnit. Prrarlilinr liy tlir p.tlor, .1. I!. AlKtlll, nt .'l.:;n. t .f iiicellntf at I p. in,, V, M, XKnn, lnidei, I'l.ijrr inei'tlin; un Tlmiday rionhn;. All wrldimr. 1'lHl (iernini .Mrtltoilbl HpiKiopal ilnnrli, Ait ,iiih ninne ntni Inr plteet- ft. Iloliolin. pastor, l'lradiiii- scribes lO.W) .1. in. and 7.W) p. tn. The Milijut in llio lnotnltig will be "I'.iNr nnd Tine Wordilp," nml in Hie rienlng, "Mo.-c, tlir riidmiiied lilint." Snndiy "eliool at noon and nt :! o'cloik" p. in, nt Hie Tailor Aienne rliapel, Mpwoilh league nieetiiig nt U.4i p. in.; piajer ineetlii!.' on Tliui'siliiy evening. Afik.m 3letlioilbt llpinopal eliiiiili, llou.lhl lilaic Dr. . N llcnlley, puloi. I'lraililng lO.Wi a. in.; Miliicit, "Definite Aim a 1'iiotor in Hie It, ho of Life." Sunday .-1I100I, i;:i) p. in. Christian Kmlravor prayrr ineethitf. 7 i. 111. Pii'.ielilinr, 7.1" p. in.; Milder), "Tlie Opportuni ties of 1 iti late.'' A ronlial iielionio In all. Baptist. "run Mriiur ll.iptbt rliinili Pie.uliiiig nioin hi: at. n.;;n mil rvenluir ut 7,0, by the pnslm'. I'rv. I!. I'. V. 1'icnr, 1). I). Morning pia.t?3 in tl.r Inwi-r leinple t 'i.t.i o'cloik. Thenirt of I lie morning mmiiiom, " I'iie ."-plide ul Life." Sun iliy m hool nl 'J o'i loi k .tl Hie home , hnu-Ii, and ".HO at the Aiiuiienn.in '.nlK-inu. V. P. S. C. K. nt il..:n. 'lopic of the nmiiur srinion, "In Un Mip," illustt.id iiitl, a nuinlier ol liea.ii titul iiw-. 1'iiot Itaptiit eliiiuh, ,soulli 3Ialn airline Itev. P. I". Mathev, pjlot. The iimuI servheH 11101 11 ing .nnl 1'ii'iiiiig by the. pator nt 11. SO 11, 111. and 7.:;n p. m. Subject for the evening Mill bo "Line t'pon l.nie; line 11 Little and Tlieto .1 Little"; Mmdjy mIiooI, '.'..lO p. 111., I'ljiuoulli elitnili, Pr. lleddoe, superintendent. Mr. L. M. Xcwell, of tliu Woman's 3lblon.ity union. Mill mre' the ladies of the ihuuli nl. :'."U p. in. .it I In- home of Mi, llediloe, fl'JI Soutli Main ave nue; li. V. P, I'. servile, liorile hall, li.:!0 p. 111.: legular ueei.ly pia.ier nnetiii, 7."' . 111. All nu- iieliome to HirMi h-eiviie. .I.11 Ivmii J-tieet Itapti-t ihurt'li Moining prai er meeting at !..", leader lliotlier loan .lone-'. Seinion at Hl.-iO by tlir pastor, Rci. Tlioin.i; de (linihy. II. P.: lopie, "Tin; Hoiim'IioIiI of railli." Mimlay stliool at 2 p. in., Prothir ('Itailo- llollev, Mipeiiutrudetit, Ku'tilng ser iltr nt 7 -harp. A mUsion'iiy .-eiiirc will he lield. I'he mldte-M will lie giieli liy Mr?. II. Neil ell, .1 lepre.-ent.itiie of 0111 llomr MRsionaiy so 1 lety. Jli-. Veuell i .1 gifted peaKer arid will intete-t. ou in her ivotk. Cood ringing will lie leudeied liy Hie choir under the leadeit-hip of I'lof. Louis DavW. Von are coidially iniited lo all the -enkrs nnd piivllegrs out' chinch alTord. Ihern llnlgc baptist iliuiih l!ci. W. J, Fold, iator. Moining pra.irr meeting nt 10 n'rlork. Pic.alihig by the pastor nt 0."0 .1, 111. nnd 7-i!0 p. m. Suliieit in the moining. "A .Man of Cod;'1 in Hip rirning, "Tlir Searching Kyr." Sunday silmol al 11. I5. t'nion nicrling of the .Inuioii and Senior- at U.::0. lllal;rly Il.iptist. ilinrcli liri. Dai id t-pfne-cr, D. P.. pastor. 10.31) a. in., the third ternion 011 "'I ho Pattern Player," snhjrrt, "Tile Mis sionary Desiir"; ll.T, ,1. in., Ilihlr Bclionl; 7.II0 p. m.. !,ecor.d sermon on "The Hook of Until," Mibiect, "Until, the Industrious Oleaner." Ihrry liody liekonie. North .Main Avenue llaptit iliuirli Pu-ai lilng in I lie inoining nnd ri Piling by llev. Allien II. Smith. Morning Iheine. "Investment in Op. porluiiily": rvruine lliriue. "The Power of Illeht Thinking." .ihl.lli school at ". o'clnrU; Junior li. Y. I. I'., ut :i.l."i oMoil;; (hri.-.tian l.'inlrnvor at Il.'JO o'eloek. Monday riming ihc pastor will leeturo on Ihr Veil- 'I'est anient. Tues dai eiening, 1 lass , mil r.teinpor.uy speech. Wed iie.ilay, prayer incinng. Presbyterian. I'll -1 I'lrohitciirfii iIiiikIi Sriiiir. 10.:;0 a, in.. 7.0 i. m. Pr. .MeLeod Mill pieadi. Mid week pia.ier srniir, Wednesday rieiiing, 7.13. Sliangn.s urlionie. Sriiml Piesliytriian rlnucli Tlev. I'li.ulcs K. liohiiiMiu, P. I)., p.ialor. Seniirn 0..".(i a. 111. nnd 7.Mi p. in. All nto coidially iniited 10 at tend. (iiren Itidgr I'lcshiteii.in (lini'ih ltrv. I. .1, loin-lug, pastor; Itev. L. R. I'o-trr, .lAslslanl, 10,::n, Mrilir of untliip, with seinion liy Hie. pastoi; II', bible fchool; il.lj, (liristian Ln donor; 7. 1.'i, iiiililp, Mlth Fernion by Hie pas lor, hiihjcit, "WI10 Will Saie Hie C'lilldrrn I'roin Hie Saloons! All inviUil and iirkoiucd, I'loiid'-me 1'irsli.ilrii.iii iluiii'h Sulijrel of .rimnii M I0.KO ii'ilotl,-, "A Suprih Tiutli of Tivo Si-riptmc Pacts." Ilirnlng Hirnir, "tlod In Ihr laith." Un. Dr. f.'uild Mill on npy Iho pulpit, Mmil.iy silioot nml Lmleaior sotk-ly ns ti.siial. Milliner Avenue Pir-hytviian iliurrh, inrnrr of Sunnier airline and Pike street. Moining ser. liir nl I0.."0 ,1. in,; Sunday school at p. m.j ptraelilug In tlir cirning at li o'dnrk; C II, Hitiely, 7. p. 111.; iiild-tirrk Miller, MViliiei- day, 7. Pi p. in. All Mrleomr. Nnslibmn Mnet l'trfby leilau ilntnli llev. Mm P. .Mnff.it, D, P., i.ilor, Seivins. at 10.;!il a. 111, ami 7,:iO p. 111, Ilihlr school .it i in,; tlnisli.in LndeaMir, 11.SO p. tn union Hireling ivllli the Juiiioi', Pia.ier nirrtlng WrdnrMlay 7.M) p. in. Tlie pistor will pirarli inoining anil ri ruing. All wrliomr, Admit Airline rhipol, eiv Yoik clierl The (lev, ,lnmr, llughri, will prc.iih at lii.!) a, 111. and 7.W) p. 111. Suiulay school 111 :t o'clod;. Mr. Iliandlri, Mipeilulrudrnt. Mr. lluglirs will Iracli Hie mens llililn ilns. Christian Kndraior at li. l"i. WrdnrMlay evening Mr, Paine will mn dint an rtangrllalir n'rilu'. Ali ivrleomr to Ihrsr herilir,. ( apoiisr Pi rob In I an ih.iprl Piraililtig by Hie pastor, ltrv. I,. II, I'ostcr, at 10,:;o and 7,:;0; Sunday sihuol, ,1 p. m. ; irnlor 1,'uileavor, (J..S0 11, 111,; .liinior Cnilr.iM'r, 7,K0 M0ml.1v; praier meeting, T.tio ThnrMlay rvrnlng. Heading loom open l'liday I'MiiIng, Kverybody welcome to all servi(c. Episcopal. m. Paiiil'i l.'piecopal chutrli, Wcjf Siranton fclihi.itloii of tlia Holy lluclurUt at 7..'I0 and ln.;;il ,i. in.1 riming i-ony, 7,.'!D n'tlnck; fundi) nli.iol, main drMilnienl, 0.a a, in.; infant dr. i.irliienl, -.".0 p. in. Chrbt's iliuich, coiutr Waolilnglon atenuc and l'aik etirrl llev, ". S, Hallrnline, lector, Scr vlu l.."U .1. in,, -'.SI p, in. and 7.S0 p. in, All tr.it fire. All welcome. Iteformed Episcopal, (iuce Iti'lonned i:plcopal church, Wyoming aicnne, below Jlulheiiy street Itev, Ororgr L. Alrlili, pastor. Prayer and pulse servko at 0.;;0 a, in.; ditlnc worship at 10."0 a. m. and 7.'.0 p. in. Preaching by the pj.tor, . in., "Tho Mind ol Clirtit," Phil, 2: 3-8; p. m., "Our Mat lour," lleh. T: '-5; Sabbath school al 12 m,; Y. P. S. f. K. at 11.SO p. in. Svt are ftcr. trangi'i coulially iniited, ilihlc (lass for les son study on Wednesday rvining at 7.50, fol lowed liy Hie tegular pujer meeting at S o'clock. All ate lU'homc. Evangcliettl Lutheran. Kwngclical l.utliriin .Sumlay after Ascension, (lospel, John, .v;':'j-xil:l; Epistle, Peter, lv:Ml. , trt. MjikN. Wa.libuili and Kourteentli ultcei ltrv. A. b. Raincr, Ph. I)., pastor. Seniles, 10.80 11. in. and 7.50 p. m. ; Luther league, O.ro p. m.j hinday svliool. II m.j Wednesdiy r. 1 iiv, 7.10 p. m.j MUsion band, faturdia, t-W. Sunday School Lesson for May 19. INTISOIJIXTIO.V. rONTIIXT. Wo Into tio critalu inonl Ol ttltnl Ir.ilisplird attrr Ihr apprarntire ol Jesus to tlu rlrtrti In .1 mountain of liitlllce. lining their rrnoitrd their rnnimlxlon llio Knionr may have pmpotrly ivltlnli.tiui fiont Hie iimtles that they inlklil hale time and oppnilimlt.i' to .uljti't their tliotinhlfl to their woiM-witta mission, It l prcli.thlr, hniicvrr, that Iln eaiiw to tlirtn occiislonally, nlllinuah Iln; evnniirllts make no mention ol stub llt.i. It Is believed Hub dur iug thosi! d.iy.4 He. was tern of Die. hundrtil hretlnrii na mentioned by Paul (I lor., xv:"), 'J'hn whole banit etitainly rcluriird lu .Irlilsaletii, prthaiH by iippniiilinrnt with tho M.ilrr (I Cor., .v:7), Wllhoul Uoiilil. the itpprAiatur to .taint's oicinieil after tin aiilval in Ihr cairnl cll.i. lllVMON-. 'Ihr pasrapc .set for our pir."iil study may be illvlileil into livo girat parts. The Hut pari (rrsrs 41 to 10 llublslir), lelates Ihc instructions ilelliried by .Icmis lo the u peed lea In .lernsalcin Ills Inst Molds lo them, ilelenlng on that nccoutit moil, earelul rotislilerallon. In Hip seionil part (verses SO lo M), Me hair un arioitn) of Ills ascension, l'or nil this we arc Indebted to Luke. Static makrs only a slight rrleicnie (Cliion., xvlslfl-'O). liable to lie inUt.n deilood. Jliilthciv closes his fni.spel Midi the comniisKion nnd .lolin with the scene at (lalllre. lint the leloied pl..isleinn, Hie (uiiiparilon of Paul, let the world know hoiv and Mhetr .Irsiis tciinlualeil His enrtlily laboifi, gi.'lng hi his iro Olds of the npostlrs tAclr, iibll!), ninth liifmnu tioli mil loiilaliird in bis l'opol, Till: TLACIIINC, .IIMv tltll'Trili;, llring n."emblrd onir tnoie in the city of .Icm-abut, probibly In the upper loom, when- they had often met (Maik, xlv:15), Te.sii.s iHrtierded t deliver His filial words to thfl npoles, I'orty il.i;.' had passed shnr In,: icsiutcction and brfoie anotlier day dawns Ills bodily pir.-enee Mill hi! lenioved forever fn in their sight. lie llml lecalkil His stnteinents, made before Hi." cittciflxinu (Matt.. xih'Jl) that the prrdlrtions cotifernii.g Messiah miNt nit lie fiiinilrd in Illnisrlf. He ilciird them tu know Hint M'hnt. had l":.ieplirii, ntllictivr :is It secm.'il to be, was iieci'ssjiy to siipiott His ilaliu. In doing this lie hoitoiul nil Hie sailed wilting, mentioning llirui under Ihtrr brads M,i?e5, I'mplirtx, I'-.ilins, Theribr He laid tho basts of Hie new dbpeii-.inoii. I.'liiistl.inlly iim.st he llildie.il, not ,i ri'i'iiiii, not a new brginiiing, hut n:i evp.tu-ion ami a fiiltillmrut. lu utter ir.u Hie apostles went lo thiir i oii'ilr.Miieit witli this Ira.ldng lAet.s, Mlll:y. INr-ItJH r. Haling apptaled to Siriplnie, .tr-u souglit. to pirp.ue Hie apostle-, in study )-erip- I in- aiu;lit. lie uwv: how they, as well as the Mhole .Irwl-h nation, bad stumbled oirr 'ir tnin pails (Mall., xli ::!). llr thriefore oiiemd the ltnder.'.lautlings of tlie npo-tlrs. applying tlie dlrri't rncitiy of Hie Holy Spitit (Psalms, ci.. IS), as nfterwnrd L.Mlia rei rived hrlp (Acl., .witll). Tills spiritual ipjiikening granted (I. l'or., ii:ll), He rpl:iincd certain passagrs Hi.il irlrirrd to the Millcriug, death and rr.niicelion, sliouiug Hist. thr.M rvonls wrrr loirtohl by the Christ. Vront that He ndinncrd lo unfold tho nlternate piupo.-e of .Mrsinli, us lrligious and not political, nnd Irk.! to make them nuclei stand that they Mef called to bo witne.-ses. tint they une to preach .inning all nations, begin ning nt .leiusalem, that Hie themes of their pte.iuhing should be lepentaner and lemissioii of sins in His name. This lotMitutcd a Miy ion ii.se statement, of Hie apostolic function and nf Hie spirit, nnd scope of the le-jiel (ba., .lls.ii; Ho-., il :iS). I'DWi:i!. This l.i.-l iiu-iiiictiou was dniibllc.s reeriird with lnlsghing. How (oitld three apt is. ties begin such a woik in .leru-alem and con tinue it to distant cities and lauds fl lor.. ii:tl)? .lesus did no) long leave them in iloulit. "Tatty jo ill Jrnisalrm until ye In: endued with power from on high" (irrsr 'i). He intruded that thej' should go, not. in their own name and strength, hut by that help which conirs iioui ajiove (II Cor., iv:,"). Had Ihry brrn attentive to His foimrr word', tliri- might have knonn that Jesus would build His own tliuiih (Matt., xvitlR). ll.nl thry duly condried Hie b-.sons of other day., they would lime known Hut teehle insliunienls in IkidV hanils hernmr inigbtj' f.ludgrs, vii:7), a tiutli which altriivard was learned and applied with much four (.1 f!or i:27), KINfiOOM. lt is dilhiult to s.iy wlial iuipirs sion the foirgolng made upon the minds ot the npostlcs. Iluf one matter, drat- to their hearts, and to (he hearts of all their people, the .Master had omittrd, and the rrfetrnce. to power mny have brought It up. And so they inquiti'd, "Will thou nt this time restore Hie kingdom lo Israel" (Acts, i:fl)? Shall the Rinnan joke be luckrii and the people of Cod deliicredf Miall Ibis be a picliniinary to tliat pienibing? Shall Hie ptoinlscil power he itrd for goiriu mental piupniirs? Hon- strange the tine-lion srems tn us! Hut the people hid not learned lo separate hetHcen chuicli and Mule, 'Iho tMAAm.....am...imn.imtttttttAAAAi Mnrnin? Piilijcct, "flearinir Witness for f'liiUt"; PM'nliiS .sulijiit, "Tlio Holiovoi's Triimipli." Ilcily 'IViiilty, Ail.ims avriiur ntnl Miillieny Mrcs-t Itrr. ('. (i. Spirkcr, p.istnr, oniii-i, lU.tiO 11, 111, unci 7,::0 p. m. ; Liitlni- le-.iitiii', ti'U) p. in.; Miniljy si'lmol, Vi m. i .Mivion I1.1111I, Satunl.iy, 10 j, in. M. I'aul'.s, Slmrt avenue-Itev. W. C. L. I,.iin-r, pa-slor. S'lviccs, ll)'lll a, 111. nml T.t'.ii p, m,; Sunday Kclioiil, 2.::(i p. ni ; ('.itii'lulii'.il liltiu-. linn, .'I, l-'i p. in.; l.ullior lcimio, W'ciliicsil.ij , 7.!M p. in. Sprcijl cniirr?iliiiiij nicctinc; .it ".-lu p. 111. Willi's, Milllin airniie lloi. I'. I'. Ki.wliii.inii, p.l-tcr. N'lliics, 1ll'!(l 11, in,; MmiUy mIiooI, i p. 111, (Inist ilnncli, (iil.ir .iiciiiio nml lllreli Mint Iln-. .Liiw Witl.o, p.ilor, loi loci,, in,:iii .1, III. anil 7,:i0 p. in,; ,"iiiul.iy si'licml, -' p. in, M. IVIoi'.s, 1'in.rntt avrmir llev. .luhn It 111 clulpli, pastor. Sen lies, lO.Hil a, 111. aii 7.:;n p, in.; Sunday t,cliool, 2 p. in. I.mniimiii'l ((Iniiuii-I'oli.sli) I.iillici.ui ilntnli, Iti'CM' strict ltrv. IVidiiiaiul Satldmrlrr, pi-. lor. I'rrjcliincr in tlip flenuau lauciui-r, at 10 a. m.; humlay school, ! p m, flracp Knslislt T.nthcr.111 cliunli (lirncrul S.in"'l cottier MjiIIsoii uti'iiuo .1111I Miilliriry mIiti ltrv. Luther Iles.s Waring, pastor, n.ai a, m,, t-iiuilay mIihoI; 10.K0 a, m.. rllrino oilip, subject ot scrnion, "Tim Ascrn-lon of (liir Lmil"; 7.00 p. 1,1,, Y. I'. P. ( K.J 7.1-1 p. 111,, illvino iinisliip, sulijrel of wrinem, "llaily Jlis.loii.iii Workers ol Our Church in llrjlltrii i.ands," The public is I'orilially InvKoel. Miscellaneous, (.diary Itcfortncel 'clniii-h, Moniuc teicitiic ami lllbbon tirr-l ltrv, M. 1.. l'iinr, iiaslor. ,ser 1 ices Suiulay nt 10.KO n, 111. ami 7.;;0 p, m, Sim. day Hliool, 11.1.1 a, 111,; Cliri.llan KtukMieir, .0 p. in.; rutclirUin S.itiiiil.iy, I p. m. Moinlns Hibjcc-t, "Waitlns;" i-wiiliic nil'jeit, "Tin" llur. leu of tlnlit's Last f,'rc.it Praier, yi., (he I'tiliy .mil I'cifecliou of Ills Cliunli hn I'ulon of ChiUlcnJotit." People's 1'ruhiliitiou c lunch llev. llr. Hlui, pastor. Tlieip ill lm iecul.ir pieaihiiii; fcciico on S.ibb,ilh nflciiioiin at II o'clod, in Moic' lull, llicjkcr flteet, (licen Iliilge, Subject, "Smiift Nrcdnl Pliiki-s That llemeii WouM Cnininriul." AP arc welcome. All, Poul's I'ttiiciwIUt iliurch, I'lnc- lreet, pear Adams aii'ime llev, .lames n. TillliiKh.it, Main uiperinteii'lent, will prrncli at 1U.:(0 a. 111, Simla)' toliool at 11.1.1 a, 111. Won I'nileil r.v.uiRclieal ilnnrli, 1I0 Capoiisn nH'iiue'Pii'aclilnc, Q.'M ami 7.K0 by (In- pastor, Itev. J. W, Jlcs-i'iiKcr. Subject, "The' linmiita. Me I'lnlKi'" utul "t'liilstun liilefrrlly"; Minel.iy fcbool, 'J.'M; Junior Kiulcaior, I p. 111.; Senior laidftivor. 11.30; nuyrr ineeliiipr. 7.."al Wrdnrsiliv rvcrnlnp. All teals fue and cverjlmely welcome to all imiri's. I'li'st I'ritniliic MfllioJUl ihuuli, (inen ltidmi Itev. il, Lees, pastor. I'rcjililiiir ut IO..10 u. 111. ami 7 p. ni. Subject,!, ''(,'routh In (irate," "riilclily in Little Thine." All wrkomc. When You Get a Hendaclio don't 'vastc u minute ut eo tn your druggist and got a box of Krausc.'s Headache Capsules. They will pre vent) pain even though your akull were cracked. They are harmless, too. Head the gtiurantce. 1'rlco 'J.'c-. gold by all druggists. " Jesus Ascendsinto Heaven Luke xxiv: 44-53. long Paining of rrtiturlrs hail IKcd the thtrmo s the foremost objeit of Inlrtrst hi their mliids, Jesus Mas tcry gentle wllli Ills dull pupils. "It Is not for joii to know Hie times," 0 said, Then qtllrkly lie leluilied lo their lunk ot ptraclilng. bet polllli.s alntir. .lit oil Jii'ir mlnbtiy (Iioui., Mi:7j. mi: Asri:si)iS(i .ir.-is. OLIVIl'l'.- Some think Hull nil the foirgolng mms In Jerusalem: ol tit-i i, that In ilmle or p.nt It oictuiril as Ihr lompany w.dkril forth finni Ibe illy. He (hat as II m.ij-, .Irsus Ird (be aioslrn (irtse An) mil through (he eastern gale, Hie same Hunnitli width He pawd In (lilh-iin-line, iiiiohs (he llttli' alley, up (he wixlciu lnpe ol Ibe Miuiiit, of Olbes, probably along hi! way by wlili li Hie tthunphat pnncsdoii entcieil Iho cll.i, and c.imr nl last lo the brow of tin; hill wlirre llr had Hrpt iitnl lauientrd (Luke, Mvsll). Tlirtr liny p.itisrd. behind Hietn was (bo gie.il illy. Ilefoie them the lit Ho tilhuo of liethpogc uud the town of Jlrthauy, Iho beine of M.u.i, nppeated. Tbtit was Hie sp'jt uleclcd for tlie ilosing uiii in llio life of Jesiw, Thence He piiipiwd to reditu lo His niieknt liume (.lolin, .ttl"J. IlLnsSIID.-Lllllig Ills hands lowaid he.iien, an attilude of rei rrrui o. nml Divine. commiitMou, Jesus prayed for the npot1cs nnd uoiked and pioinLsed; ajr, and imparled bli'Nciiigs. wiici and precious innine'il! If, on the way In bin mans (l.ukr, :,.lv:'l.!i, two of tin lu found their lie, n Is biiinlng within Hinit beeause of Ills uonU-lf at the mountain of linn-dlgurntloii llui'e lejoiied III Ills pie.-etne (Mull., Miiil); iC oim nt the sound of Ills loier braved the iltep to meet Him (John, .1:7) how must they nil haie hern in-piii'd nnd encouraged uliiti Hie .Mastei hole tin m idoft in His luajerl The gentle down of Divine giace descended on their heads an I brails. A he.iirnly .ituiiisplirii. gathriid about (In in, and Ihey xornird awhile to lite in .mother lenhn. Already the pionibe Mas being fulllll'd, They had a forela-le nf that Mlilrh Mould ronie in tlie day of power ( cts, HrJj. . I'AKTIII). Tliat si cue of Idcs-ing uindua!',,. ibniiKCil, and nmither. more iiitpir lie, followed. Wliili! Hie .Siviour mus j-ju'.i ll:,--r. His lolin be e.itnc! nllcicd and wit- slmily lined. They see Hlui vi-ing and leinoviug fiom tlieiu. An un eartld.v glnty was leiealrd in Him. And they iii.-tiiirlllcly fell ilutin to wot.-liip tine ,"'), the old conception of Ills diviniti- having ie tuineil tn Ilieir iiiinils. ,-hotlly "a cloud rieriied Him nut of Ibeir sight" (tK it!i. I'm' a time, Mondeiing nnd benlldereil, lliey hmk steadfastly toward heaieii, as if epeitiug tn BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS. By Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D. Prom Author's Notes in "The Sunduy School Lesson Illustrator," Published by P. II. Revel & Co., Chicago. 111.1 Our ieiv of Cbri-t diierls our ivoi-ship of Hint. Not the cntuiliv Milli ;i dead Clni-t, 1ml Hie rmplj- nnss and the iben, liting Clni-t is the iu-piin(lon for the holiest Moiship. .Multitudes see ;i gloat deal moie of the noss on ihicli .lisii- siilleied, (ban of Ibe ilhimiiied cloud which 1-ocoiicd llim "out of their .-iglit." They foigel tliat, while our (heal High l'rie-r. has en lined into the holiest ot all, we aie to liie In faith, "He is ii-en" from (he tomb nnd nboir the world, but lie does not fnrgei the win Id nor foisnkr bis own people in Hie world. .Icmis did r.oi nsceud to (he 1'iillirr immrdiately on Ills iiMUiectioii, lor He Mould rstablish the laith of His dbciplrs in Him ns the living Redeemer, nnd when that was accompli-hcd "He Ird the in out ns far as fo Rellnny, anil was p.ntcd from 1 110111.' ' 'I lie same my-iie gloiy light, Hie i-m.-kin.ih nf Hie leniile, and Hie gloiy of tlie li ligiiia- Hon, (lie "Manife'st Pn-ence ot (Jnil" cnino In icieivr Him. The eyes eif the disciples were luriied upiv.itd In behold their l.oid .nui mil.-., caught up inlo gloiy. So 11111-t (be Chli-lian eier he Inohing up wnril by laith In behnld the touting of (he King, tnr the oil irpe.iled pinmbe 1, -' wi ,.0IW again." BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY. t5perl.il to the Srrjnion Tiibunis. I.r-wlHliurir. 5lny 1(1. The "A I lleitno" Klvoii hy (lu; college men cm lust Mon day, iv.ifs 0110 of tho must successful social events of the year. Kroiu I tn 0 o'clock they ontcrtiiinecl In a niot-t pleaslni,' way their friends nf town anil kowii. The recojiticm wits held in tlio Young Men's (!hristlaii ttssociatlnn rooms, in West college, and so taste lully were these rooms tiiTangeel that little of the ordinary appearance re mained, Kvcrsreen trees, potted (.hints, nnd an abundance of wild fertins gave the place an almost tropi cal itipcarace. One feature especially noticeable was the collection of col lege cushions, over 1M in number, ami of all varieties. Last week, 011 'Wednesday, ituckuell defeated Dickinson, on the Carlisle ginitnds, by a score of 1(1 to 1, Tho lesult was Pfimewhat it surprise to both teams, as a much closer gamo was expected, lu a second gnmc nn the home grounds, Jlucknell again de feated Dickinson. Tlie game wan most Interesting, and abounded In excellent l.lnj'H on both adieu. liuckueli 2 n 2 n :i n 1 :i x 11 Dickinson n o i n n 1 ii o- a On rtaturday Iho Iliicknell Freshmen defeated the Susqueliimnu Ileserves by n Kcorn of II to S. Looking over the scores of the past week, It seems that Matthnwson, of New York, Is not tho only base ball player Mucknell ever had. ,Ou Tuesday tho annual Interclass Hold day contests took place, in which three local records were broken tho mile run, two-mile run and tlio high jump. The Hophoinore class won, hands down, scoring 71 points out of a possible lHft. The .Inn lens scored SO points, the I'Yesluueii L't) and the Sou inrs .". Summary of llrsts: 100-ynril dash Tiffany; time, II seconds. Ono mile ruu-Hlelfer; time, i.W, 120. yards hurdle Kd wards; no time. UiiiiiiIiik high jumi Pearse: height 5 feet, ii Inches. 16-pound shot put Taylor; distance, :tl feet, ti Inches, 110-yard iltusli rjoodall; no time taken, lfi liouncl humiuer throw Wilcox: no dis tance given. 220-yiti'il hurille Olas key; (line ;;n seconds. Ituuniiig broad Jump I'enrse; distance, 20 feet, sis Inches. Two-nillo run Fetner; time, 11.0. 2220-yard dash Tiffany; time, 2l!i .seconds, Pole vault Theis; height, 0 leet, " Inches, Jlnlf-mllo run Fetzer; time, 2.21. On Tuesday next, liuckueli 'meets Dickinson lu a field and track contest, on tho home grounds. The event prom ises lo ho of great Interest, as both teams aro confident of victory, Monday evening, Immediately fol lowing a contest of the Freshmen girls i HY J. E. Gilbert, D.D Secretary1 of AmerlMn Society of Religious l-Jucatlon. ralrlt sonio futther glhiipse of Ills glutton form. Hut lu'cscntlv to angels In Hm fonti of inen appeared and mliti "Why land jo gating up Into hem en? This same Jesus which Is taken up from you ehall so (nine In like manner a Je hate seen Him go" (Aitu, lill). This ptoiit le mil jet fulfilled, Mas hi full hatmony Willi many of the Maln's Motds (.lolin, .ill ill). IHITHIINLD. -A new thapler In nposliillc lilt loty lias opened that day. That llt iilpeaiaiiie of Jesus, Ills closing Mtirds nt tender loir, Ills departure through tho opened sli.v, the Minds of hr.lirnly visitor", m full of comfnil, all (Ids Ididril to mite their lir.it t nml make Ibrni feci Hint (he r.me In iililch Ihey cm enlisted mus not lost. 'Ihey icllirncit to tleiusaleni, found tliu upper loom made sacred by blcvcil nsso elallons, and then) engaged In player (Artu, 1:1.1), They deteiinlned to wait until the -Mas-Irt'n pinmbrd iorr was brslowril. They were 111 no danger of tinning again (o sruilnr pur sulks (John, .l;.'l). Their lieivfoutnl faith and hope bound (hem (ogcHicr In a compact ami lo.ud biolheiliood. Soincllines the' Mrnl (villi Into the ti triple, but returned tn (heir ujipei mom s.itictmu.v. And nhva.m. with glad heatls (hey Mete "pialslug and blrsslng Hod" (Ulse ft.ij. The fotnid.tllotis of Hie New Testament ihuuli Mete securely laid (llpli., il!-')). Noth ing mole l.s needed but pouer. -' COM 'I.I MON". Spr.CIAI,.--lloiv slow wrie the fulloiiets of Jesus In uiideistaiiil Hint uud Ills catw! How unlikely lh.il such men could nllerwatd propagate fables, iuii-liiut a tlelilloiis cliaiaclei, nnd then iiioilulni Illin to the wmlcll How ivlnc t inilly Ihry jii'lclril lo Ihr tiiilh! How slupldly nnd tenicioiisly thry lirld to preroncclvrd opin ions! Hew lluS prison of .h-ns lo-o lnnneaiir ubly nboce nil Ills n--.oii.ilcs, sublime in its niatihliss bi.iuly, in its complete unity, In Its imiiite lonsi-lcucy! Suiely, tbr-e gn-prl.s ale tiiilblul leiie.-eulatlotis of llim. (ii:M:RAL.--"lletween us uud His il-llile piesetice Hint clo'id still mils. Hut the e.ie of laith can pidie it nui! bihokl Hie gli'iilicd Riiliemer lm niiw slttetli ut the lighl hand of (mil. The it.ieiw of pul.ler can rise ,lboe ii liimitgb it His ble.sing can desi-eud. And il lie Is gone away, jrl He has ghrn 1n Ills Holy Spitit a neater t-rnsr of His pre-euce. a clovr infolding in (he nuns of lU (cnilrrurss, than we ciiiihl li.ue eujiArd rvtn if we bad bird with llim of old. We may be as near tn Him at. nil times us the beloved di.ilii' was when he laid bis brad upon Ills hir.isl." "I'ailli's ln.il i- nn iipii.uil, niiwaid one ' l.n.iK nboir tlir suu"riiiu;.s of the cioss to Hie gloiirs of tlio clown. Piay. "Thy Kingdom loinr," and Mittih cngerly, expiilnntly, for the cuiiiing nf tlir King. .IrMis will i nine' agani. When lie Mill ii.uie we cannot now tell, 'but He noicr biu!e- .1 piotiii-s', and He has ptouibcd to i oine again. The flisl (line .le.-us i.ime tn eat lb, it was to be our Sj'aiiour; the second lime lie will iniiu' it Mill be to judge Hie Morld lu lighteoiiMu-s. lie said "I will mine agiiiu nml tuiiiuil tli.it pioiu ie tile saint- me iniou.-.ly biohing. U His cuiniug Hie prai ri fill watclieis will be bold (heir Lord ami irjoke in (he J.lght j the un. Mitlilul wnl be in rlvni.il dai l.ni". Keep jour l:HilfJiH Limp tiiiiiini'il .mil lmiiiiii!.', fur Iff sucli an liuur lis ,10 think not of, jnnv l,nnl cnmrili. Tin' III 1 nit'.it ti'(s hum wlili li rmr l.nnl 11rc.11 licil wi'ic: Itlll'lI.NT. ( DMK, lllll.lliVi:, C()XI'IS', W TCII. "('niiii', Lend, nml wifo Jii.iy Tliu i-ur.-o, tlie- (-in, llio olaiii. Ami in.ikc this lillglili'il 101I1I of oing llniio own f-iir worlil apiiii." for the ilecl.'iinatinn prize, the annual Sophomore oratorical contest In argu mentation took place in Thuta Alpha hall. Krnest llnughton, a member nf tin; Sigma. Alpha Kpsllon fraternity of the Unlvorslly nf Nebraska, was enter tained by the members of Zotu chapter of this university, on Saturday. The annual institute contest in elo cution was held in Jlucknell hull on Saturday evening-, A large crowd at tended, In spite of the unfavorable weather, anil all were well paid for their trouble. 'I'he contest was a most excellent ono and the contestants re ceived much well-merited praise. The re-suit of all contests will lie announced at conuneiicemeiit, Juno Jti, TUNKHANNOCK. Special lo (ho Strantiin Ttlbiine. Tuukhnnnock, May 17. The llaptist ladles aro building un excellent prn giani for their 20th century entertain nient, to lto hold on the evening of Juno 21, In their church, Tlie Twen tieth Century club will be eoiiinosi.il of twenty ladles, all over 20 years of ago, Tiieir costumes will be both an cient and modern, Mrs. Ralph l.litle, of Montrose, assisted liy local talent, will furnish music, Miss Florence 1 liiflc nml nthei-4 will I'l.i.h,, 'I'll,, ml. mission fpe will bo one cent forVach century, or twenty cents. Doors open at 7:110; entcrtalumeut to begin at S o'eloek, JIverybndy Is most cordially invited. .1, Seidell Swisher and wife, of Sciau tnu, worn visiting friends in town on Thursday. The foundation for llio Keeler limnm b.trn, to take tho place of the nun re. cently burned, Is being placed by tliu HtniiK masim, Hiram Cuuitrlglil. Miss Fannie Stark, is the guest of friends and relatives at l'tlt.stem. .Miss Nina Carney, a- student al Wood's Jlusiness Cnllcgo at Seranton, is visiting hor aunt, Mrs. Joseph l.uce, on I'ino street. Mrs. Allien .''ranee, of Wilkes-Hario, Is visiting her mother, .Mrs. Kvellim tJearharl, on Warren street. Tlio Wiggins conceit company, of this place, will give un cutcrtuimue,ut In the M. F. church at Meshoppoii next Monday oening. 'Mrs. Patrick Hoyec Is entertaining her i-'lsler and daughter fiom l.oveltoii this Meek. The Women's Itellet Corps Is arrang ing for memorial i-ervlce.s on Decora tion day. Mrs. liydla Maynard, who siiifered a stroke of paralysis last week, is lapidly growing worse and no hnpos aro entertained for her tccoverey. Colonel ldcar Oslerhoui is a eandl- elute lor county treasurer on tlie lie- 1ftetiT' VAyl THE FAME OF MME. RUPPERT HAS NEVER IJEEN EQUALLED I1Y ANY OTHER COMI'LEXtON SPECIALIST. (MBIB: ' The most imitated woman in the world Tiik Uisrovr.RER ok Pack Ht.rAnr , ' MME. A. RUPPERT'S FaceT3leach Removes Permanently PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, FRECKLES, ECZEMA, MOTH PATCHES, SALLOW- NESS, and WRINKLES NOT CAUSED BY FACIAL EXPRESSION. : : ; : : Does not cover up but removes the blemish. RaceT3leach BRIGHTENS, CLEARS and BEAUTIFIES the COMPLEXION & It Improves a Good Skin and Works Wonders luith a Bad One. . ITS MERITS KNOWN THE WORLD ' OVER. USED AND RECOMMENDED BY REFINED PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. cAbsolutety Harmless and Mtuays Successful, i Drop In ind aslc to have Mmc. Kupotn's Face Btetch shown 10 you,' and have its merits, manner of using and wonderful remits explained, to you will be satisfied It Is wbat you need for your compleiinn. We always carrv a full line of Mine. A. Ruppert's Gray Hair Restorative, Egyptian Balm, Almond OH Complexion Soap and Hair Tonic. dill unit have (heir merit explained tcf you. A.sk for Mmc. Rupert':; hook, ' HOW tq E BEAUTIFUL." FREE. Jonas Long's Sons SOLE AGENTS. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Vnlley Eailroad. In Kticct Match II. ll-OI. For Philadelphia nnd New York via 1). k II. It It., at O.I.", and 11..VS a. in., aril 2.1S, 1.27 (black Diamond Kxpics-s), ai.d 11.30 p. nt. bun. d.nis, I), ft, 11. It. It., l.Sti, S.27 p. in Tor White llavrn, Ilaslclon and principal points in (lm coal iciflon-, la I). & II. It. 11., il Ij, 2.18 and 4.27 p. in. For Poltavlllc, 1.27 p. in. lor llcthlcliein, Kaslr.n, Hooding, Il.iirisliurs and prlnciiul iiitcitiie'diatr stations ia D. . II. It. It., 0.45. 11.51 a. in.; 2. IS, 1.27 (lllark Dia. nionel Kxprcs), ll.iiO p. m. .Sundays, I). & If. R. It., l.iS, .S.27 fi. ni. I-'or Tiiiikhannoil;, Toiv.tnila. I'.lmir.i. Ithaca, (leiicva and priucipil iiiturinedialc stalions. lia 1)., L. k W. 11. It., 8.HS a. in.; 1.01 and II. ID p. in. For Geneva, Ilochivler. Buffalo, .Nlacjaia Falls, Chicago and all point- west, via I). .t II. 11. It., 11.63 a. in., :i.a."t (lllaek Dianioncl r.xpicss), 7.IS, 10.41, 11.80 p. in. SiiulJjs, I). t II. It. It., 11.51, 8.27 p. m Pullman pallor and bleeping' or Leliiitli Valley pilloi.s tars on all lialns between Wilkes-ltarrc and N'civ Vol It, Philadelphia, lluflalu and Sus pension 111 Use 1IOI.I.I.V II. Wll.lU'lt, On. fiupt., 20 Cortland Ml eel. New Voik. CIIAKIXS S. I.Ki:, lien. P.s. Ast., 21) Cortland Mieet. New Vork. A. W. .NOXNI.MAC'Ill.lt, Div. Pais. Ant., South Pethlehein, Pa. l'or tickets and Pullman reservation,) apply to SO1) Lackawanna aviumr, ?cranton, Pa. Delaware nnd Hudson. Ill l.tll'Lt NnV. 23, llHJO. Tiaiiw for I'aiboiiclJlc lean' .Setaiituu at el.JO, 7.KI, S.5H, 10. U a. in.; 12.U0, l.'JO, 2.41, 3.32, 6.211, ii.2,1, 7.57, I). 13. 11.13 li. in.; I. Hi a. m. For lloncsdalc 0.20. 10.15 a. in.; -.Ml and 5.29 For Wilkccnaiic ti.l.'i, 7.4S, S.I3, H.as, M.i.i 11'.5 a. m.; 1.25, 2.1S, ,'l.ai, 4.27, U.10,7.43, 10.(1, 11. )W p. in. For 1,. V. It. It. points C.l.,, 11.55 a. in.; .'.13 4.27 and ll.r.1) p. 111. For l'cnn-sjliaiiia IL poiMs-iUj, y..jjj a, 111.: 2.1S ami 1.27 p. in. For Albany and all points noitli 6.2(i a, in. ami 2.52 P. Ill, ami .o 1 s0.N'i)AV TI1AINS. For rarbondalc u.OO, ll,i:: a, m.; :i.h, jj.ji, 5.47, 10.32 p. in. For WilKon-llanc l).oS, 11.55 .1. m.j 1 !?, X2i, (1.2,', 8.27 p. m For Albanv and point 1101II1 3.,v; p. m. For llonwilalc -0.1)0 a. 111. and 3.51 p. 111. Lowi'M latcs t all poiliLs in L'niii'il St.tlci and Canada. .1. II. lU'llDICK. (!. P- A., Albany. .V. V. 11. W. t'KOsS, I). P. A., Scruuton, Pa. Central Bnilrond of New Jersey. Stations in New Vol k .-Foot of I.lbcity Mrcet, N. II.. ami Smilli Feirj. timi: TAin.i: in i:tT'i:cr now 25, 1110.1. Trains lcaie Scrunloii for New Votl, Ncwaik, I'.liubi'tli. Phlluilclphia, Faton, llelhleheiu, Al lenlniin. Matich Chunk and White llaun at S.ai a. 111.; I'xpti'ss, 1,10; c.pic.s, 3.50 a, in. Sun daw, 2.15 p. ni- For Piltston and Wilkcs-llatic, S.30 a. in,: LIU mid 3.50 ii, in. Sundays, 2.15 p. Ill, Fur llalttmoic and Washington and points ' South ami noil iw iicuiicnciu. n. a, in,; i.iu ami 11.50 p. ni, Sundays, 2.11 p. m. For Loiir lli.iiu.li. Ocean fiiotv, etc., at 8.30 a. in. and 1.10 p. m. For Itcadliit;. Lehaiion ami llairi-'huri;, via Al. leiitown, S.30 a, in. and 1.10 p. in, Sundays, 2.15 P. in For Pcittsvlllc, S.l'fl .1. in, and 1.10 p. ut. Tliriiuah tickets lu all points casl, niutli and iveft at lowest rales at the tt.it ion. II. P. IIAI.DWIN'. Jen. Pais. Afjt, J. II, OLII.UJSF.V, Hen. Supt. publican tlckcl, subject to tlie.Itepuh llcan primaries, Daniel Herman, of I'.iHm luwuslilp, Is dangerously ill witli pneumonia. Tito "Crystal Steam T.aundry" lu tlio store" room on Kust Tlogtt street, for merly occupied by Iv. Illlkmvlch for clothing nnd furnishing goods, lias closed business nnd sold Its supplies to .Mr. Hymen, of the baud laundry. Tlie llradford Soldiers' nnd Sailors jn-nriiitiini lias decided to hold its an nual meeting at Towauda litis year. The date set Is August 20. District Attorney o. Smith Klnuer was a business man In Willies-liarre.-nil Friday. The C. class literary Unit of Die high school met Willi Miss Fannlo DoPuo this wei'k. Those present outside tlie tlass were' Misses Pearl Detiich and Phllena Avery and Mcsms. Alllo Notts and Frank Dctrlch. -:& w id l.ii.,r...,l.. ...I cl,r,n1il t-tinw t .t 't . uboutlbonondriful MARVEL Whirling Spra) W.SS .-rfcV. I lie new if. )"' '""' . " ft. f 10f UhU oerrii,,,,. (,i.-b .-,. 'tl .ll l UIUI'IIITIII I'att'litcl 1 lltlrio.isleisiaoei; , . . ., iu.t for l ABv " b ,'.li.n.,l iily llio XWV 'fO i .llli:i..am'itiiu ,NT fJirs.- lu'i.biiuemiiitauipforll- X V mated book .ilti.U Bile Y' ,jf II iaill-ulanaii'liUin tk'iisln t u luabi.'igliii;. 1M(IIK,II., t if oui tW), Tiinccs ldg., New Voik, For thirty i years a ' successful career i-1 .iic'.t- l'.. I !' PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAO Schedule in Effect March 17, 1901. Trains lenve Seranton: 6.45 a. m., week days, for Sunhury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 9.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, nnd for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington nnd Pittsburg and the West. 2.18 p. in., week days, (Sunday: 1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, week days only. 4.27 p. in., week days, for Sunbury. Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. I!. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Msr. .1. II. WOOD, Cen. Pass. ABt. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western lu Kilcct Dec. 2, 1000. South Leave Scranlon for Nciv Vork at t.4f .".( 6.50, K00 and 10.0.", a. in.; 12.55, 3.33 p. in. For Philadelphia at S.OO and 10.03 a. m.; 12. M and a.US p. in. Tor Stroudsburg at 6.10 p. in. .Milk iiccouniuidaUoii at 3.40 p. m. Arrive .it Ilolioken at (U0, 7.1:, 10.2S, 12.00. 3.15, 4.1", 7.10 p. in. Airive at Philadelphia at 1.00, 3.2J, 0.00 anil 8.22 p. in. Arrive from New York a I 1.10, U2 and 10.22 a. ni.: 1.00. 1.62, 5.43, 3.-, and 11.30 p. lit, Fiom Stroudsburs at 8.03 a. in. North Leaie Reunion for Buffalo anil inter mediate stations at 1.13, 6.35 and fl.00 a. m ; 1,65, 0.1S and 11.35 p. in. l'or Oaiicgo and Svraeu.se at 0.33 n, in. ami 1.55 p. ni. Km lit lea at 1.10 a. in. and 1.53 p. m. for linn trosc at 0.110 a mi 1.03 and 6.18 p. in. , Nicholson at 4.00 and 0.15 p. in. l'or lling. Iiaintnn at 10.20 a. in. Airlic in Seranton fiom lluffalo at 1.2), Xfll, o.4" and 10.00 a. m.; 3.SU and 8,00 p. in. I'roni Oswego and Syracuse at 2.55 a. 111. J 12.Si and S 00 p. in I'roni Ullci at 2.65 a. in. I 12.38 and 3.30 p. ni. Ktoir: Nicholson at 7.M a. m. and (1.0O p. m. Kioir ilonlioie at 10.00 a. in,; 3.20 and 8.00 p, m. nhioiiisliuiE Division Leaio Seranton (ni Noilhiinilictlaml, at 0.15, 10.03 a. m.j 1,35 an 5.50 p. in. l'or Plymouth at l.tti, 3.10, 8.50 p. in. l'or Klnsston nt 8.10 a. m, Arrive al Nortliiinil'crlanil at 0.35 a. m.j 1.10, 5.00 and S.4J p. in. Arrlvo at Kinirston at 8.32 a. in. Arrive at Plimouth nt 2.00. 4.32. 9.43 p. ni. Airtw in Seranton fiom Northumberland nt 0.13 a. m. 12.35, 1,60 and 8.45 i. in, I'lom Kincston -n 11.00 a. m. I'lom Plymouth at 7.53 t, m.; 3.2( and 6.33 p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. Soulh-Lcaic Siranton at 1.10, 3.00, 3.30, 10.01 p. m,; -l.:i:l and 3.10 p. m. North Leave Seranton at 1,15, U.33 a. m. : 1.55, 5.1S and 11.35 p. in. Illooinstuiri; Jlivl'iou Lcavo Scianton at 10.0J n, in. and 5.50 p. in. Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division. Time Table in UlTcct Kept, 17, 100O Trains for Ilawlcy and local points, conneit. . ins ut llinvley with Krio railroad for New Vol It, ! N'cftbun; and Intcrmriliato points, leave) Scran- ton at 7,03 a, in. and 2,25 p, in. ' Trains auiiu at tViantoti at 10.30 a. in, and 0.10 p. m, ; Time Card in tfftet Dee, 30th, 1900, SCRANTON DIVISION. MATION3 7 10 r, N'.V.,W4idi(.r.v, fii'i ' i u ,,'lOl.V 10&Ar. ,.. t'Aulosi&,,.LT. . lOIOlJU .1031 11 IS .IIKIUlMk ., " " . MarhitUt... " .I'nvtoiiWrlf. " " .U'luMeio,!.., ' ' ...Poyntclla.,, " ' ,....Oreion ' ' . 1'ieasant Sit, " IDtlllbl . to Ullil lo oo u ie IIH0 IX 91011 IS' 0 .til 1 1 IV " UI1I1S.V ' 1IUS.1, " io ii mi. " uoi ., " DOIll II " ii oo It nl " a mii on S0.SU 01 " 8 5011 01 " HI 10 H " II II III 1.1 " II0IUM " s:lIOls " kuioi'. " it ; m ii .IDIOiOl.r. IM 1M Kori'nt nty.. " (arbondtloYd " ..C'aiboud4to . e .U'lilte UrlJire, " , ll'iule-lj Yd, " .. MajlloM,., .-lurinin .. " Ali-libalJ.., " Wliiton... " 1'ickvlllti .. " vi,iw,iiinii. .... PM im a css ....ato ....aa3 7 001 MCll J M... '., 7 03 IliH 7 07t U60I. .. B8I ,. asQ ,. 829 I twa lint . . . 8 1.1 . -6 82 1 laa asss : 7 119 7IJI -- a is :;. ill .. .809 ....601) - - 8 0S tiiataii... . 7ipjiti .Obpliaiit.,, Pik-rbure,, Tbroop. lrosldenee., . Park rtaeo.. Sat ft! IT- : ; Ml Ijh... . - ax ocrunion Ar 7 lojsdau... KY 1M cm pv 1 AiUitlootl lialcit leaie Caibondile for JliibeH Vr.( f ftiP'i.'f ! fi;t "."."V' ,"d 711"" Sund. only, irmiii,- Ailditljullfalinlo6i-riitoait700pniSiiolti)iily it.n.plnue. IliUllon, 10 1'arl.onetak, irislng at 7 44 pm daily, airliln j at CaiWudala al u.43 am. Hates li centt per mile, Lonest Hate to all 1'oliila Vt. 4. C rNDCRON, CUu'l I'au'r i'nt, K VArkCiti J. C. WfW. Traf. itnt. Dcreutoa. fa. I nfrtr:-v-atiiiiTlnifli MiraitM. Ili,ifi ....' oo'h iiiilBf- :i::iMiM VBSIt 1111 II i t w &