The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 17, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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retitiou Presented by Employes or
Cnrbondolc Machine Company,
Embodying Demands of Union
Hands Answer Awaited from
President Trautwoln Hendricks
Employes to Make Same Demand.
The employes of the Cnrbondalc Ma
chine company have tukon a position
.similar to the union machinists In
Scranton and have presented a de
mand for the nine-hour day, also for
other concessions which the men be
lieve are duo them.
Yostordav afternoon about an Hour
before quitting; time. I. 11. Colvln. W.
,. Smith, Anthony Roe nnd John Eow
Is. selected from anions the employes
or the shop, presented a petition slpned
by all or the men In the company's
employ and cmbodylni? the demands
of the men. which were as follows:
A nine-hour day. as demanded by
the union of machinists.
Time for extra work to bo reckoned
.k follows: One and a quarter time
lor all time up to midnight: time and
a half for work after midnight, and
time and a half for all Sunday work.
The petition was presented to Vice-1-esldent
Hlller. Mr. Hlllcr said the
.imiiany could not be committed to
v. hat lie would say. but that It was
hi.1, private opinion that his company
v otild probably follow the example of
the other shops throughout this re
gion. In this respect It might bo said
that the Dickson company has already
Pledged Itself to the nine-hour day.
Mr. IUIler finally told the men that
the company's answer would be made
Known so soon as I'resldenl. Traut
woln returned from Chicago and could
have an opportunity to consider the
men's retltion.
It can lie said that there Is no dis
satisfaction among the employes of
the C'arbondale Machine company, the
1 urpose of the move for a. nine-hour
day being to bring the shop's employes
In line with like mechanics throughout
this section.
There is not a suflicicnt number of
machinists among the employes at the
C'arbondale Machine company's shop to
effect a union of desirable strength, so
all of the employes of the shops, titters,
etc., were included In the petition of
The employes of the Hcndrick Manu
facturing company are circulating a
similar petition.
Tour Forest City Residents Bound
for Dawson City.
William Burns, of Forest City, and
four Austrians from the same place,
left last night over the Erie for the
fVicille coast. From Seattle. "Washing
ton, they will strike out for Dawson
Cly. Alaska, to woo fortune in the
land of gold and ice Holds.
Mr. Horns has been in the Klondike
before and was well satisfied with his
visit and the results of his labors, and
on bis return a few months ago he
Induced four Austrians of his village,
who were anxious to try their luck at
gold hunting, to accompany him on his
leturn. Hurns's companions are men
of powerful phlsiqu,. and with abun
dant revolution to brave almost any
Mr. Kurus. while led by the hope
that ho may be among the lucky work
ers In the Klondike is satisfied to con.
tlniio prospecting, for he declares be
an average fifteen dollars a day nt
this class of work.
Dougherty Paid the Fine.
Mai tin Doushc-rty. who was lined $10
by Alderman Dclavan ror fast driving
on Humlny night, paid the tine last
iilslu. together with $1.7.". costs, but not
without a stern protest.
Last night Alderman Pclavun held
Anthony Numlcy, or Belmont street, in
SSO'J ball on the charge or assault and
battery, brought by his wife.
Lyman McCarthy and his wife, of
Canaan street, were held In $100 bail
each last nipht b the same magistrate,
n the charge of forcible entry and de
tainer. They were charged with enter
ing a house owned by u Mrs. Farrell,
and taking possession without any
warrant or right.
Ex-County Detective in Town.
Ex-County Detective Thomas I.ey-
mon was a visitor in the city yesterday.
I'lic foruior county ofllcer Is now em-
iloyed by l lie Hot tiers' Protective As-
roijdtiou of Lackawanna county to
'l-eveiil Hi.' bottles belonging to mom-
bets ol the association from being
taken ami icilllod by unscrupulous
dealers, who are always on the alert
to use bottles which are not their
.property, thus preying on the business
,pr their competitors, u was a mission
,of this cimractcr which brought 13e-
tretlve Eeyslion to this city, numer-
.oiip complaints having been iccolved
that a dealer In this vicinity was in-
fringing 'on the rights of the associa-
It Is the Experience of Scranton Peo
ple That Proves the Magical Effect
., pf Dr. Chase's Nerve Pills with
Sick und Nervous Headache.
It lias inner come to any other
medicine--never to all medicine the
ahuudaru'o of .Scranton testimony show
IPfc' the uneciuuletl merit by
Dr. A. W- Chase's' Norvo I'lli-j Thero
'Is' probably no ruso of nervous sick
headache they will not mire,
Mrs..' James Watson, of K0. 315
Twelfth street, tferanton, Va says
"Dr. A. V. eiuise'st Nerve i iire
line, 1 began to mo them for nervous
sick headaches und nervousness, and
had great success in stopping thorn
completely, Ilecently I used them tu
overcome the depression and weak
nesses following grip and they wero
sjgaln successful, giving mo bodily
Utrenglh and nerve steadiness. AsViii
ill-round nervo and general tonlo they
a e grand, nnd I am very much pleased
that my attention was culled to them
through .Matthews Hros,, druggists,
jejnporary headquarters corner Lucka
wanna and Washington avenues.
Dr. A. V, Chase's Nerve fills are
sold at JOc. a box at dealers, or Dr. A.
W. Chase Medicine Co., Uulfulo. N. y.
Jiiig. thai portrait und signature of a.
w. chase, M. l., ate on every pm-Uuse.
Carbondale Department.
i i i i i
tlon by appropriating and using the
members' bottles.
Mr. l.cyshoi was accompanied by
Mr. Itocder, of South Scranton, an em
ploye of the Clordon bottling works.
Cast of Characters for tho Fairies'
Night nt tho Opera House.
Carbondole icsldents can enjoy a
night, with the fairies this evening, for
the little folks aie going to sing tho
story of "The Mystic Midgets," at the
Grand opera house, for the honclll of
Trinity church guild.
A repetition of tho grand success oC
"Tho Llllputlaus" Is expected. The
piece will also bo sung tomorrow nlfiht.
The cast Is as follows:
Prime Olnlllloin, Itulor of the Mjallu Mid-
roU lillnn-u ll.ittlc
Commodore nf Hip Mystic Slilp, Pliiiitinn,
Koliert (,'i.imrr
Unulc, America Van Allen IIWcil
John Hull, Kngland ttohrrl M.iuy
Tci rciici! Mcfilnty, Ireland TIioiii.ih
ltoli Itoy, Sunt laud ()u'jd .liimrn
Kml Vnn Kr.iue, ficriii.tny Herbert lllt(d
I'olleenun, Mine eveijulii'ie ( l.mnrc iIIIm
rutins Zorlll.i, Spain llirry ltnliiils
Oncl.Tiiio Itjti.inlo. Italy Iluisli I'lilli
Count Pierre Cental il, Fi.ince . . ..Kavtmni'l W'.ud
t.ijor Do-Mltle, military comnunilri,
Jolin Ciiati.iitiili
Iv.m fpinlmpp, I(ii."lnii S.itullnul UK
Not Worth ,i Cent, lm-r s.iw.ur
Hop SIriir, the 31 -tics' u.ishep. v,u-lur.
S. Ciiililhi
Tile. l.e-lirr anil ('iiiiiilui, two lilt Ic toon, tliu
I'llllllUII pot-.
Otto Hnnincr ami tli.i pT l'iill;i-rnii
tTfflio, the ogle Wlnfichl Mnitli
Pick, Xli-I;, Trick, Hick, Stick, t'uirk,
Kiunne.1 in the en io of CIln,
llaifiM t'n-e. i'reil l.ewh, C. Oliver, tiilpli
ilisteil, 1'inl Couch, Ilex Mjrri.
MltiRer, Kin;: of the fn-eets II. .TenMin
Titania, IJiuon ef tlie l'.iilef. M.iiid .Linus
Tin.' ml tc ati'l Tidillculnk, wen atteinl.ints of
the queen ....Mui'Kcry Ill.-tcil, Mlvt Mniles
Psyche, queen's tmiipiiiiimi, the nnlmilimriit
ot love MiiitkIp Mawvell
Silver Wing, illuc Spur, I.ieiil I'ni't, Tippy
Toc, tlie tiny lluttctdy (
Nitty Nicliol-nii. Lillian ScilmM, Poro
tliy riilli, (ilailys ndwanN.
i-patkle, Kverlirishl, Sputllij, Itninlimv, Uo.-c-leaf,
(iidiJenhuc, .piceir.s attend.inti..
Alma Slephen-i. .lanet Flnnlie. IMm '
Kditli Lewis Lizzie lli'ililnc, Knnena
Violet, iilei-pr.iy, tiolilemod, Ifitltrrciip, the
ipieen's faorite.
llinuali Lewis M.iliel Will?, I'lmciuc SIi--Poii.ihl,
rioience IINImp.
Am ixoii-, Kiiiit, lleniii.',, Lillian deary, Xora
Oliver, Laura, Lulu Caniphrll,
l'cnselly, Lena IIMcil. Maill.
Air her C.idet L.a Waller. Ldle 1'iiiuey, Jintli
Crocker, Ltlicl Pickiri.-nn. Mahel C'.iinp1L'll, Lulu
Itocmmrlmcj cr.
Among tlie specialties that will
prove attractive features are the
"Goody. Ooniiy ("Mils," Impersonated
by Hazel Morgan and Hazel Maxwell.
There, will also be twenty f-irls In red
for the special Uelsitrle drill. Iwenly
onc white sailors, and Hie Ki'und
chorus will be composed of one hun
dred voices.
He Is Suffering; from a Dangerous
Purulent Opthnlmin History of
the Case.
Dr. flillis. among the foremost of
Carbondale's medical men. Is sorely af
flicted with a purulent opthalmia.
AVhllo affections of this character arc
dangerous even in their mildest form,
yet Dr. Fletcher, who has charge of
his brother physician's case, is hope
ful that no serious results will follow
the tumble. This must be said fpiull
lledly. however, for cases of this char
acter, as has been stated before, are
exceedingly dlfllcult lo manage.
Yesterday Dr. Mears, a specialist
from Scranton, was called in consul
tation. Ho confirmed tlie diagnosis, and
his judgment as to treatment was iden
ical with the attending physician. Dur
ing Dr. Mears' visit the eyelids of the
right eye, tlie affected organ, were
closed tightly, because of the conges
tion, and to relieve Dr. tiillis there was
a slit made nt tho corner of the eye.
The affection of Dr. Gillls is due to
the eye becoming infected from ti min
ute qnuntlty of pus Hying into the or
gan one day about a week ago, while
operating on a patient at tlie hospital.
The doctor was lancing an abscess,
and just as he made the opening the
pus llew directly into his light eye. He
tool; the necessary means to avert any
possible trouble, and the matter gave
blni no trouble until Frlduy of last
week, when signs of septic poisoning
manifested themselves, and the ease
continued to develop until It reached
Its present condition.
The hundreds nf friends of Dr. Cilllis
earnestly wish for his complete recov
ery. The news of his affliction has
caused many a pang of regret.
Harry Forbes, of Erie Offices, Ac
cepts Position Under Mr, Hib
bits. Harry Forbes, who has been an at
tache of the Krio railroad offices in
this city for over ten years, has re.
signed his position with that company
and has accepted a promising offei
under former Superintendent Hlbbitts,
of the Jefferson division of the Krle,
who is now mechanical engineer under
tho l.'nion Puclile railroad, with head
quarters at Omaha.
Mr. Forbes was the stenographer at
the Kric oiliccs hero befom their re
moval to the general olllce at Dun
more a few weeks ago, and was close
to Mr. Hlbbitts. The latter appreci
ated Mr. Forbes' ability and worth,
and a lino.-;', so food as he entered on
his new duties in the West, he ten
dered the office of his private secre
tary to Mr, Forbes. Tho position prom
Isud splendid opportunities, and Mr.
Forbes readily accepted, Hu will leave
for Omaha the forepart of next week,
and will carrv with hhu the earnest
wishes nt a legion of friends iu f!nr
hondale, his birthplace, where he is
greatly esteemed.
Visiting; Old Friends.
Mis. T. .1. Stowfirr. of 'P,-ln,Ir rtki,.
nnd her aunt, Mrs. John F. Clarke, of
iicrantou, too miter a roriner resident
of I'arbondule, wero visiting relatives
In this city yesterday.
Mrs. Htewnrt, who frequently visited
In tills city, was called to Scranton by
ll.r. ilentli nf her bint hoc nimilnu T.-
O'Mtilloy. She will return to her homo
in ii.u west ui-iiisih.
Tlie Barbers Dance.
The Harbors union conducted a suc
cessful duiKv In lturke'R hall lut evening.
'Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Chief McAntlrew Hopeful of Outwit
ting the Fugitive and Effecting
His Capture Within a Few Days.
Injured Men Continue to Improve.
Ncary Goes Home Today.
Nathan Cobb, the escaped assailant
of Constable Ncary nnd Dompsey and
Msborn, Is proving n shrewd and adtolt
dodger of tho police department of this
city, but If the plnnr laid for his cap
ture do not miscarry, and there Isn't
any reasonable fear thai they will,
then the fugitive will not be til largo
much longer.
It Is not only suspected, but it Is
known to be a fact, that Cobb Is In
nreeiilleld township, hiding In tho
refuge which was thrown open to him
l.y bis friends or relatives after h!
leached them at the end of his event
ful lllglit during tho lonely hours of
Tuesday morning. He was seen In
tirccullcld on Tuesday and was also
spied there m Wednesday and by per
sons who knew blni, and could not bo
mistaken In his Identity. While his
hiding place could be located, yet for,
prudential reasons Chief MeAndiow la
constrained to leave Cobb unmolested
for a lew days at least. The chief,
howevr, is not worried over Cobb not
being apprehended, for he in willing to
hide his time and forsees no reason
foi the plans that have boon set afoot
to miscarry. If Cobb Is no! within jail
dooss Inside of a few days, or If nf.
least his arrest has not been effected.
then there will be some greatly siir
prNeil police olliclals 111 this city.
Stories have reached t'hlct' McAndiew
dally since Monday night that. Cobb
has been at his lonely hut every day
since the murderous assault. This has
lien amusing news to the chief for no
one has kept close surveillance of the
miserable dwelling of the aged hermit.
II was really funny therefore when
yesterday Osborne one of the wounded
men came along and meeting Chief
McAndrew, who was conversing with a
lew friends on Main street. Informed
him. and with an earnestness that be
spoke bis sincere belief, that Cobb was
down at bis lonely quarters, and had
been thereat Intervals ever since .Mon
day night.
The chief's face was overspread with
an amused smile, but desiring to test
Osboi-n's knowledge, he assumed a
serious face and said with becoming
"Aie Von certain. Osburu, that it was
Cobb whom you saw'.'"
"Am I sure," answered Osborne., al
most eonleinplously, "am I sure? Well,
if it's not Cobb, Ihon It's his own
brother, for didn't 1 see him with my
own eyes'.' and haven't I been looking
at him for these sixteen or seventeen
When Hie chief, however, informed
Osborn that he knew a man had been
in charge of the hut and enclosure since
Cnbl) abandoned the place, taking care
of the stock there, Osborn was willing
lo admit that perhops he was in error,
as he observed the man only from a
distance and could have mistook hhu.
Osborn said he was feeling ImpHtived,
but that he was slightly sore and stiff
fr-.m bis wounds. The wound in his
sid, which is .severil inches deep, has
not begun to heal yet and has to bo
carefully tieated each day, the opening
being filled with aiitlsoptk gauze to
prevent septic poisoning.
Dempsoy continues to Improve and It
was stat"d at the hospital yesterday
that lie would be able to leave for his
home quite likely before Monday.
Constable Neary will leave tho hos
pltut some time to-day. He had his
mind sot on going to his home on fcjoulli
Main street yesterday, but lie was per
suaded by the hospital surgeons to re
main at least another day.
William Sheffield, of Simpson, Meets
with Mishap at Silk Mill.
William Sheffield, of Simpson, is al.
Kmorgeney hospital, where he was re
ceived on Wednesday for treatment for
badly burned hands, the result of com
ing In contact with the business end of
a poorly insulated electric light wire.
Sheffield met with the mishap at the
old silk mill, where he was called to
make some repairs to the roof. The
wire that caused all of the mischief
nnd harm was dangling in his way,
and looked harmless enough to be
handled. Unfortunately, it was n high
ly charged electric light wire, one
callable of terrible destruction, and
still more unfortunately, it was poorly
Insulated, and when Sheffield, uncon
scious of danger, grasped the copper
stiaud, the destructive current seared
Ills ilcsh and caused him to yell out in
awful agony. Ho was terribly shocked
and had a narrow escape from an
awful fate
At tho hospital the painfully burned
hands worn annoiuted and carefully
dressed, and the patient was uppiecl
uhly relieved.
Out of Town Guests nt Social.
Among tho out-of-town guests at
the shirt waist social. wUii was so
successfully conducted Wednesday
night, were the following:
Cecil .Manner and David Harris, of
Forest City; Misses Davis, Moon, Ten
nis and Swick and Messrs. Art. I'lsscr,
Freus, Griffiths ami Wright, of .Ter
myitj Miss Calloway, of Archbald: Mr,
Keller, of IVckvlllo; Miss Ulsner, of
Scranton; Miss Hughes, of Wilkes,
liurre, and .Miss Ileum, of Cleveland,
Jluiinl of Sister St. O'olin.
Janii.'!, liuiko and sister, Miss Mary,
of Hrooklyn street, have returned from
Wichita, Kansas, wheio they attended
the funeral of their sister, Sister Mary
St. John, whose death was chronicled
In Tho Tribune at tho time of her do.
Sister St. John's funeral .is hold on
Thursday morning. .May t, In the
chapel of Mt. St. Mary's convent,
Wichita, where a solemn high mass of
requiem was celebrated by ltov. Father
A iiftdi'r to bo ilukcu lnlg llio sliooj. iir
dvt feci tuolk-n, iicitou unit il.tiup, .mil get
tlii'd easily. If Jon limn acliiiis ictt, iry Allvu'i
I'uut-liJte, It li't tlie fci't uiii iiules new tr
lislit tlioeij c.w. Cures Cliilblaiiii, .wollrii,
(.ut'alinK lift, I'lbtcit uuO valloin puU. lie.
Ileus 1 ci in ami lumbal of all pain ami j;i,ei
lit ami imnfoit. Try It today. Sold by all din;;,
ul.-l. and Mine dcjliir, ij u'liU. Trial paeki.-u
lltl.U:. AdJrt'., Alliu s. Olirutt'il, l.e lt', X, .
O'keary, ot Chapman, assisted by Rev.
Father I.enehnn, ot Dodge City, as
deocqni Rev. Father Chapuls. as sub
deacon, and Rev. Father Tlbcn, as
master or ceremonies. The music was
conducted by Rev. Father Hull, of Em
pire City, who presided at the organ.
Tho Oregorlon music was chanted by
Rev. Fathers Dlrretihack, Able, Nnglc
and O'Brien, and Was of the most Im
pressive character.
The chapel was lilted to Its capacity
with clergymen, nuns, prominent citi
zens and the orphans of the Mt. St.
Mary's orphanage. A beautiful sermon
was delivered by ttov. Father Tlbcn
over the grave.
Engineer McCawley Returns to Work
Thomas J. McCawley, of Klghth ave
nue, ban resumed his duties as engineer
on the Delaware and Hudson railroad,
after being Incapacitated for work
since early In December, because of in
juries received In ti wieck on tho aboc
road at Hint lime.
Mr. McCawley was engineer of a local
freight, and on the day of his disaster
his engine Jumped the rails at a point
near tho Marvine shaft at Providence
and toppled over the embankment. Mr.
McCawley was pinioned beneath tho
wreckage, and when released his foot
was found to be terribly crushed. Tho
bones about the ankle wero shattered,
and the outlook for saving his foot wan
iiiseouraglngiy dim. A course of treat
ment was faithfully followed here, und
subsequently he went to Philadelphia,
i wheio the "linking" process was fol
lowed, under the care of specialists. In
the hope of renewing the shattered
bone. The treatment was marked with
good results, nnd tho crushed foot was
suved from amputation, lie is obliged
to wear a support about tlie ankle, but
he has the free use of his foot and the
weakened parts aie steadily strength
ening, and ere long the little dlseoSui
fort Incident to his walking will tlis
appear. Mr. McCawley Is temporal ily in
charge of one of the passenger engines
between Huucsdale and Carbondale, the
run ol" Kiiglneer George Nichols, who
Is on a vacation. The news of Mr. Mc
Cawiey's return lo work will be picas-
; Ins news to his friends, and his asso-
i elates iu the railroad service who sore
ly regretted his misfortune.
Electric Light Plant Improvements.
I A large new power generator has
been Installed at the electric light and
power station. The use of electricity
for power purposes has greatly in
creased in town of late and tho de
mand on the company became so great
that a new machine had to bo put In
, use, the old one being overtaxed,
j The new generator has a capacity
! of ir.o kllowats, fifty more than the
' one which has been in use. H is of
the most Improved pattern, known as
the AVooil system, and was made hy
the Fort Wayne Klectlic works. This
machine will supply all the electric
power now used in tlie city. The
company proposes to put in another
engine in the near future also. Prob
ably one of the latest pattern Corliss
machines will be gotten. There are
two huge engines now In use, one a
Corliss and the other a Ridgeway.
Visiting Knights of Columbus.
V. V. Connor, James Gorman, Hicli
ard H. Kerwin, T. A. Kirkwood,
Thomas Monahan, Mark Campbell, T.
Tiliilhollund, John O'Rourkc, .Martin
Hagley, John Cluue, P. h. eNnry, P.
r.oylan, Anthony Hughes, A". F. Tor
tus, Kdward Dougherty, T. J. Mona
han, It, .1. Kilhulleii, of this city, and
Vv. Dwyer and James Walker, of For
est City, were among the Knlghls of
Columbus who attended the conferring
of the third degree by Senator Dow
ling, of Xew York city, at the Scran
t .n council rooms, on Wednesday
Out After Long Illness.
Andrew Wells, of North Church
street, was able to be about the streets
yesterday for the first time in many
Mr. Wells, who held a clerical post
lion in the Delaware and Hudson of
fices in this city, was forced to abandon
work because of his frail health, lie
was confined to his home during the
winter months and as he moved about
yesterday he was warmly greeted by
solicitous friends, who were delighted
with the evidences of his recupera
tion. 'Down on the Farm."
Charles Mauley, the favorite mimic
actor, supported by a strong company,
will present the great rural drama.
"Down on the Farm," at tho Grand
opera house, Monday nfternoon and
evening. Special bargain prices have
been arranged for this engagement.
They are: Kveniug, 10, 0 nnd 30 cents;
matinee, adults, 'JO cents; children
under twelve years, 10 cents. Watch for
the street parade at noon.
Contract for Work at Lodore.
The contracting firm of Collins el
Nolan, of this city, have received tho
contract for the erection of several
refreshment booths nt I.ako i.odore,
the work to be completed fop the open
ing of the excursion season at this
popular resort on Decoration day, May
Lecture by Mrs. Bailey.
Mrs, U 13. Halloy, of Saw York city,
national lecturer for tho Women's
Christian Tempernnoo union, was at
the First .Methodist church Wednesday
night and tho Kaptlst church last cven
inK, whore she gave powerful talks on
Vieitinp; in Cleveland.
Mrs, Joseph Uoluud, of South Park
street, loft, over tho I'rlo Wednesday
nislit for Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. ISo.
laud will visit iho J.ako Erie city for
several weeks, makinc her stay with
relatives there.
Entertaining Visitors.
Mrs, John Estnbrook, of Harford,
and Mrs, .Sue Williams, ut Ridsway,
Pa.; Miss Sarah Anderson, uf Wash
iiiHton, l"). C, uro Kiiests at tho lioiin
of Dr. W, w. Klotcher, on ilirkott
On a Western Trip.
N. R. Culver, of the Hendricks
Manufacturing company, left last
evcnlus on tho Krle tlyer- for Cincin
nati, ulilo, Mr. Culver Is 011 a busl
ness ttlp connected with tho Hen
thicks company.
Tonight's Meetings,
Junior Order United American Me
chunk's. l.ackawuuua encampment. No. 10, In
dependent Older of Odd Fellows.
Tlio Misses Julia and May Tlghe, of
Fallhrook street, visited Herantou on
Mis. Edward J. Uousherty, of Park
"From the
No charge
inc When
We irive a written
The fact that this is an Incorporated Company doing hitsi-nes-,
under tho laws of IhU State, ami oper.itimja system of
-Oolllees, is usiinicieul g larautoe of our responsibility ami
that wo Do Exactly ai W-: Advertise.
a, rri
streot, was a visitor to Scranton on
Wednesday evening'.
The Misses Ilutchinss, of Moosic.
were the guests on Wednesday ol Miss
Marian Crane, of Lincoln avenue.
Miss Mary Hannon, of Scranton. has
returned home, after visltlnc her sis
ter, Mrs. P. F. Connor, of Fultbrook
A dastardly attempt was made by
E.011,0 one on Wednesday (veiling to
bum down ths Delaware & Hudson
breaker und had it not been discovered
! just at tho moment It was there is not
' the- rllshlflst doubt but that the flames
would have jjot such headway that the
. whole structure would have been con-
suniod, Tho fire was started by means
of cotton waste, which had been thoi
oughly soaked with oil, and this was
placed iu the southeast corner of tho
main structure on the lirst floor, Tho
flames quickly communicated with tho
brace and side of tho structure and
extended upward a distance of twenty
fuel, finally bursting- through tho cor
ner of Iho building'. The flames wi.-io
seen by sonio Utile boys on tho East
Side, who Informed some nion, who at
onoo ran to the Inoakcr, The watch
man, who was on the oilier side, of
tlie breaker, discovered it. befurti th?lr
arrival, and had got tho hosu run out
when they reached tint breaker, The
work of extinguishing- the Uanic-. only
occupied rt few moments and the ser
vices of tht Artesian Hose 1 ompany.
who promptly responded to the nlutni
made by tho breaker whistle, wire not
required. When tiv water was pomed
upon tho fire tho cotton waste was s.(lll
burning. Theio is no tnai hltiery hi'llie
part of tho breaker where tho Urn ol.
ourred uml no cotlon waste kept near
it. There is not the tlishtest doubt
tho breaker was deliberately try on
lire, That it was so piotnptly dlscov
ot ed is a mailer of congratulation to
tho petipla of Icrmyn, and tho only
regrotabl'3 feature of the affair Is that
the culprit was not captured,
Mrs. John Marian, of Alain street,
was taken suddenly III a few nlijhls
uso and has since remained in such
a critical condition us to give lur rola.
tlves nnd friends conslderahlc alarm.
Two physicians have been In almost
constant attendance and It was (cj.
ported last evening thero was Just a
slight Improvement In her condition.
Sumner and Alonzo Uuvls. two Jer
myn youths, who conceived the Idea of
visiting- the Pan-Amctican Exposition,
stnrted on their trip on their bicycles,
unknown to their parents, about l
o'clock Wednesday morning. I.ate In
tho day their continued absence made
tho parents of both boys uneasy and
ut night when they failed to return
tho uneasiness developed into alarm.
Prairie Grass
Prairies of America to the Homes of
In Color Beautiful
In Design Artistic
In Use Comfortable
In Durability Like Iron
In Price Reasonable
Over TMRHE HUNDRED Original Styles
and Designs,
Hill & Connell
Showing Prnirle Cirnss Purnlture in
nt 121 Washington Avenue and Look Over
Their Very Artistic and Useful Line.
We extract teeth, fill teeth, and apply gold crowns and bridge work, with
out the least pain, by a method patented and used by us only. When the im
pression is taken in the morning plates will be finished same day, if desired.
Note Onr Prices for Perfect,
Full Set Teeth (that fit).
Gold Fillings
Silver Fillings
Gold Crowns
Teeth Without Plates $5.00
Cleaning Teeth 50c
for Painless Extract- CpCp
Oilier Work Is Done. iV.LA-
euuranle3 for 'JO vctirs on all work.
WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of Golil Crown iinil Bridge Work. Tills is a S
system for Inscrtint? artificial tooth wli fro niu- nr more are inissliiK' without tho JJ;
liso nf a plate. This work Is most hcau tifui iiml cimiiot lit detected from tlie i
natural teeth. When properly done, wl II lust a lifetime. Call and .eo us oper- S
ate. It will be a pleasure for us to carefully examine, your teeth and tell you St;
exactly what your work will cost. Xo charge for this. Hours, S to S. Stfn- !
days, 10 to 1. S5
. .... ... . ,in .ritf
n n ik 0 l "ht Mine
1 niu ti 11 in llii
llicoi jiorati-d.
The parents then commenced to seek
them and discovered the object of the
boys' sudden (light. Yesterday 11
brother of one of them received a
postal card near Montrose saying they
were all light and asking that no un
easiness )! felt at their absence. It is
expected they will soon tire of their
I lip and will lu a .short time I) holiie
The concert given in Assembly hall
on Wednesday evening under the aus
pices of tho First rtaptist church, was
fairly well attended and the program
thoroughly appreciated. The local
singeis came in for a liberal share ot
applause and the numbers rendered
by tho oirt of town participants wore
greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Whnleu. of Car
bondale, who Is tho po-ssoj-sor of a
louud, full soprano voice uf lonslder
able compass, sang tiounod's "The
Woikor," and "We Wore Together."
Miss Patterson, also of Carbondale.
toiig, "A June Madrigal," and a Car
bondale quintette. Miss Cora Ester
brook, .Mrs. AVhaloi. AVillinm Hubart
and Albert Estorbrook. sang "Uu'iu
Yea Cry, Mil Honev," responding n a
well deserved encore with iho "Mill ('
Fare." Mr. faturave and Miss Nute.
of Peekvllle, also ciiino iu for a share
of the evening's honors by their slow
ing of a duot, and a recitation by M'ss
Note. Much of Hi" success of the cop.
cert was do in fhe able direction of
Mr. Kich.-is'd I lurking.
Tho lVlawaro fr linden colliery yes,
terday started mi thrco.imait r time.
Mrs. ch'irlos Davis, of Si-cm. d
sfei-t. is visiting fii'ilds I" Avm i.
Mir. Tliomas Hurler, of Main si root.
wa a fricrantoii visitor ei unlay.
The Firemen's union, No.
C.I, will meet n their rooms this even
ing. All arc requested to attend.
A niohl eiijosaiili.- I line was at
tho "seed" social In the Presbyterian
church lust evenlua. There was a largo
attendaiK e. '
Mr. and Mis. M. J. F.uhlon and two
children, of Sei.mton, spent yesterday
with Mrs. Ellen Murphy.
A meeting of the new hose company
at Orassy Island will he held at
u'f'onuoi's hotel this evening.
Mrs. John McCourt, ot Scranton. was
the guest uf Mis. John" O'Mulloy, of
Duumoio street, yesterday.
Tint Mi owns, of this place, will cross
bath with tin- Moosle team, oil the
Mrowns' guiuiids, tomorrow afternoon.
Kev. i:. .1. lluuslltnil, of lniniiiuic,
was a caller lu town yesterday.
A Hungarian miner was injured lu
Eddy Creek colliery yesterday morn
ing by a full of took.
Miss Com tiiiflln. tho noted elocu
tionist of North Setautou. will take Iho
loading putt iu the play, entitled "l.yu-
the World."
Painless Dentistry f
$3.00 to $5.00
ami riiiiii .ivcinn-f. ' ,
Moic, Srr.iiiloii. l.aiKit ilciiui jj
uiiilil. if) ofllri-i) in L'nitctl Stales
You who once possessed sturdy phys.
iques ami steady nerves, but now have
insufficient physical force to properly
attend to ordinary duties; you who
haven sense of "all-goneness" after the
slightest exertion; you who are dull,
languid mid old iu spirits at nn age
when yon .should be fullof physical fire;
you who may feel that your life Is not
worth the struggle there isa scientific
means of redeeming nil the precious
powers which seem to be entirely lost.
Have cured thousands such ns you.
Don't experiment with your health or
money. We will take the risk. If six
boxes do not cure you, your money is
returned. 1'or yeais we have been
curing meu on these satisfactory terms.
Si 00 per box, for $S 00 mailed In
plain package. Hook tree. AddrehS
1' iviLoiciNB Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
Kor ealr- by John II. Phelps, Pharmacist, cornci
Wjomini; avenuo ami Spruce street.
ji Hifnc. iiuariaicriia rurr iuukj iuiii rtltilt
ruHlno). rnilvirloinnl A bhrunkrn Onto.
lYn-ncari rum! I to, 10dj. Urt frtr i-rarllrl& A ?rf
IhaiIUl ttpcritnrHntiirTMiinr, Send forl-ouk "Trulb 'il
HtoMtufury intsihn a nmnrat rrauj. juDUoninu paper,
-. MAmiKAcrunnn nv
ti- xtrri: tu i; XA M K.
wood," who h will be produced at th
Father Matlu-w opera house next Wed
uosday evening,
iiurglars have aan made their ap
pearance in this vicinity. Dn Tuesday
evening they broke open the tool lion-
nf the Delaware. mi. I
loin; several articles oc vaiiu- iroiu
both places.
.Mrs. Muiy llejnon is coiiliucd to lut
liuuiu by illin-ss.
The choir or tho Uriel? Methodist
Episcopal church am preparing to
serve reiicslnuonts on the church huu
mi May u0.
fillip z
lllill1lk. Bii h.TrWHQIIIk. -. .l
O Mil . ! M 1 , XisW v)