The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 17, 1901, Image 1

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Jl T,'
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I !
rwo CENTS.
mumit III i im
Mrs. McKinley Is Still LIiiqgi'Iiiu In
the Shadow of the. Vallcu
of Death.
Responding to the New Ti eminent
for Low Vitnlity Slie Revived Yes
toi'diiy Morning nnl the Anxiety
of Wutcheis Was Tamed to Joy lit
Encom aging Symptoms, but Thcie
Is Little Hope nt the Piesent Time
That She Will Ever Rally Ar
langements for the Retuin Trip
Aie All Made.
It I Item W'l II III lln' ..ii. nlnl I'll --
S.ui I-'inm l-ou. Al.i t! Al I -. Ah'KIll
lr is III till' -hailoW Ml' tile VIllll'V nt
death, ami inn pass .it imv
until ill. This inui iiins, slmitlj betmo
dawn she sniiU i.ipldly .mil it was
! 110(1 sc Wullld illi hofuio lestinu-
tlvc: i oi' lit li" .ul i n in Is , i. (1, Im i she iii.
spllllll.Ml III 111.. pnWOlllll 111'. t Stilllll
lllllts til. l Ui'lf glVl II In hot. .111(1 lllll-
lug tin- du.v impmved in sin-h mi e
t( ill Hint liiip.. oi' hi'i luini'i), slight
though ii is. us i.. Ived.
'I'll" new iii-iiiiui-nl Im low li.illiy,
s.lll llllci'tllllls iulo 111,. f lis!, W.IS Jul-
niiiilsiiMiil In Mrs. Al Kinlcv .mil she
I sMllnllll In the lleatlllotlt. Inn lliM
Illi llllllf,s by , tin. .Jul. Silt has token
lln solid I'uril .sii(, -In- reached hole on
Suiu'.iv, inui I he pli.v.sicliiiis ilimt be
lli ve sh,. could sill vivo aunlhoi sinking
spill such .is slt. I IClloll(--l tills
muttiing. She siilteis little, .mil bcus
up hi av civ. Jim lug In i peiiml ul' i (in
- Iinisiipss tnil.n. In r nilml ha been
li.ii The picsldeut is i mist.uuly .it
Illi lli'dslill.. ,111.1 although Will 11 l, hi
lm-g vigil, is standing the awl ill .sliaiii
with icni.uU.iliK I'nilitiide I'vory han
iiiifi ami public tiinilKin planned in hi
linuiii, lieic. luis been aliauilnnod, and
iln ('i. with luay heai I. is watch
ing Mis. Mi Klulcy'.s battle foi lilt?.
If the i ml iiluiuld tome, the president
nnil his imnv will be ready to .suirt
n.ii'K wlili (lie loni.tins within twentv
niiir iKiui.s. The tiain which lunught
'In in Mill be used on the return tlii),
and all at r.ingeineiits haie been made
tn go hack by this shni tost unite, the
( and Union I'acilh- to Chicago
and ilu-iico i.i the PlMinsvlV.llll.L to
Washington If Mis. Mi'Kiiiley .shall
'uipiovc, it is not believed that .she will
In nhln l.d travel befoie a week fiimi
the cumlng .Moudiiy. All the membeis
nl the (.ibinet. with the possible o--i
option ol Secretary Long, will leinain
lid to the end Ills daughter Is very
III at Colorado Spiings, and be is very
.ippiihonstvo that In mav b" inlled
tin ie .'it any time
The Wenry Vigil.
Milium the lung, vvcaiy watches of
the night, i lie luesident did not leave
Airs. Ah Kinlo.v's bedside. Shnitly b
niiilnlKlit. when Dis. ilii.sohteldor
md Pr ISKey laid down for a little
icsi, thcie was hope that her lite
would be Mimed. All day the pie-d,
dent bad watched the doetols' fuci")
lid si. Hilled the ilcme.llioi' nt the
nniscs i in- oiieouinqement and they
have uised him not to despair. Ah..
Mi Klnley hud appreelably i allied dur
lim the phi ly hours ol the hIkIU and
it In o'rloeh ivni so mm h bettei that
the pteifldeiu had Rone In next door
inr a tew minutes' i attend .1 little
lf( elltlon beillfT held theie Aftel mid
lilwht fur bonis theic wa.s nosl.Kii or
lllc lu the S(Otl miiiLslou (Nii'iu the
niKht lamp bin nine; n lu Mis. M,--Klnley'h
Abuut .". o'elnd; this moinini; the po
Hie patinlillK outside and tile Utile
Ki'otip of newspapei w.hiheis on the
opposite eoi-ner saw u Mil in the house.
l.iKhls lllcKoted heic and thcie, a i ur
rliiKo with lubber tlics ioieil swlttly
lip to the ilour and Di. lllis. hlelder
iiIIkIUmI Tin- wont was w liNpeicd
that Ml.-. McKinley was sliiUIni,' I'nr
a time it was thought she was tlyiiiif,
but powerful iii'tlliiial heai i stimulants
i .ed her sIIkIuIj. When dalli;ht
i.ime the doctoi.s held a nut her i miMtl
t illon and the news .Mi. McK'in
ley's sluUliti; spell was kUoii nut by
Seit'i'taiy I'm te.ou, but no woi'il nf
eiii'ouimjcineut, Willi it went foiiual
notlllialliiii that 'all imikiiki'IUi'IIIk lor
the H'limliulei' nf the piesldcni s stay
III fan Kuiiiclxt it weie (iiincllcil
The picsldeut no ImiKcr hinl iho
heait to hold out 'Tillse hup. that he
would be able to attunl ,in ol iho
film Hour uiiuni'i'il hei.. in h.s umiu.
The honoi ii ih,. Dfiii wei'oa. u.nli
IllK' to hlni now. Ills iiniv iliniiKhi was
foi the Wile howiiiiK belween lllc
mid death, lie .llieucd ihiii all Ali.s.
Ml Klliley's lelathci, be ,u Ued nf tin,
extremely t-i iiimlitinu of her ill.
lies Olid Steeled lliipscll I,,, i. wii st.
Testivities Ahandonetl.
hi Hi' Ity the bulletins at die pew-,
pa pci mill is aniiouiii Iuk that the us.
tiWu a the w "! i'f i abaiiiliuieil
lell lll.e i p,ll iipnn iho IllUllillldc.
Not lllllll 'hen .is It Hilly ic.ilixdl tUi.l
Alls, M( Klnley , i , at deaths dooi.
Tlii'ic was no us, iihiU'lil. only a fc-l.
Ins ul 1 pesi fyi,iniln. loi the lieail
of the nation wiUcIiIuk his nil,' b.mle
fin her lite. The people im longer
awaitfil the pii'iileit's ouiiiis Their
VOlees llllelled Hid Ul'H slnild ill
fii'onps nn -be sir-ctt. ill-., i uih ilm
Inlet' tidiua.s iioni the sicl. looin. Tho
lilies ..lid Imiilicis all , iliiill' i-eellleil u
nioi;eiy in the pi -.oiii nt the dylntT
wlfi ol Hi--1 lib t " eciith" nl th'iioun
ti. The Miiioiih ciiiuiiiitlces In chaint)
of the niiiiicimis ntei luliiineut.-- hm
rledly Issiitd bulletin that eveij thiiiK
had been ibillliluil' , out of I'.-spccl to
tl i iie.-.iilem.
.Meantime- an air of ih-uili it-elf pttr
Vtideil the Scott lesldunce ServillitK
ll'tted ubt.ilt IlUe i li.ulow Al.ssenj;(r
boys i.'ll'i ilet(i.iiiiti uml cable uoin
nil jmno ol tin woi Id. iiniuliliiti for
new of Mr. Alelvlnley's ronditlon,
p.isseil In cndlesM sti'eain.s to the iloor,
which opened noiselessly nl their tip
pioai h.
Tile piesldilil i ollld not b" pellltided
to leino the slek loom mid he leiTiultied
I here eontiilitl" with the doetors uml
ntnses', .-eemlimly Itieiiimlilo of fatlKlie.
The loom lu which Alls. AlelClnlev
lay Is a unnv i liambei- at the wotllh
eust I'dinei. but the Hood or sunshine
was excluded, lesl the brlK'Ill MfSht
lilluht ilNlltib the patient, i lathered
In the ndjolnllin' loom Weie lllc llidlei
ol the cabinet. Alls I'.aiber, Aim. Ale
Klnloy's nlcee, hud lemallied nt the
Kiott telilcnce nil iilulit ami Ah. ami
Alt'. Alore, nephew and niece of Air.
Alt Klnley. weie summoned early thN
uiniiitiiK lb-low stall. the membeis of
the cabinet, Potlinnitor General Hinltli,
Secretary Hay. Secretary tlltcheoeU
and Sec'ietary Wilson weie wnltlim-.
l-'iom time to time Secietaty Corlel
you, who ha entire ehaiite of every
thing throutiliout the eiil'ie oideal of
the last lew diiss. 'ind who has li-on
PKseni abnosl lotitlnually, came down
to keep ihein itiloiined or the deelop
ltli lit. Ml.. All Klnt'-v sllflered little.
She lay piaetlciill in :i tllioi iind
the doctois s-aid th 'ie vat no.-paln.
i:civ one nt the lesldence lealiy.ed
that she was in the shndaw of death
and that it would ie,piiie almost n
iniiaclo to s;i(. lim-. At J I o'cbn It the
physician bad another i inisultatlnn.
No beilei." wsis the .stalemi UL tluy
Is-u.-d. I'lUately tjiey shook their
Iliad. Al..s. "lc Klnley had no icseivfl
'heiiLrtb te call upon. She had taken
lii',icllcall. no nouilshiiK nl I'm wnul
ilas, bin even with everything -ijj-.iliist
hei- they Ji(l there mo ?till :i lure
dianie for her lo uti''ive.
The Revival of Hope.
As tin- day pioj?ie.sed theie was a
hoi I cubic nnpi moment. In Alls. Ale
Kinlev' condition and a distinct k
ival of hope in the mind of tin- anx
loii watcheis al her bedlde. H''i'
mind cleaitd anil she al'il the ptvsi
ili nt about the ladles of the itibliu-l
and how they wen- enjoying them
sehes. Sb a ilesho that
her illness should not be allowed to
Inleifeie with their pleallie. Ill
illtrhicick and Alls Wilson, who we re
in lln- nt-M loom al tin- lime, were
.sunimoiieil iind she gieeted them with
a faint smile Diu-liiir the piogtess o
luntheou. will, h I'listniiisler (
Smith and lillehinik toek
will) the plesideilt. Alls Itailiei- i .11111'
down stairs and tnld the small nuii
pan.v thai Alis. AIi-KInli-.v had Inst
asked tot i illi ken and coffee, s.i n-
flic was -.iied ol Ihi- lliiiliJ nollilsh
nii lit which the docloi'. weie k! Iiir
In i This c- Ideiice of ievl hie; strong-Ill
nil" (onsldoieil c'tiemelv prratll.v int;
ili'i1 lour a time the little coiiipany
.-as alniin eMiltnut. Peihap. how -eri',
the hope they tell was dlspro to tin- slight grounds upon
which ii was hased. The doetors. of
i nurse, iui,i i onipelled to tetllse Alls.
AlcKiule.v i-nllil iiiod. Knr two da.
the.- have pecn able to give her only
beef tea atel btatidy. together with
the other stimulants tor hei cliteebled
heirt ,k tiiiu Nilro-gl.vceiine and the
most powciiiil stiintilants known to
the .eotessinu have been re
sulted In
At about halt past inn o'clock the
president (. t itled lo go tor a walk, and,
lucoinpanlcd hj
and the sccictaiy of the intctlor. lie
studied thioitkh the ueighboi ing
stieets, returning the lespeeltul salu
tations which weie met with from all
who ice (ignited and one or twice he
stopped tu shah,, hands with thos,v
who stepped up and lequested
Jii ivilege.
I'poil his leiuin In the house he
chei'illj told a giuup of niwspaper
men as'sembleil iliiMe that Airs. Mc
Kinlev was holding her own. Dining
the alteinoon the picsldeut exptessed
the opinion tluil (he publli was en
titled to spi-cltic Infoiniatlon u-gaul-lua
the natuie of Alls. AleKinley's
Illness mid the ticaiinent she was u
(iilng. i'. tn that time the bulletins
i .-tii-il at intervals liu e .e.stoulay bad
been oi' the briefest and most, vague
(hai.Ktei and the public was hugely
In tin dink iis m the character nf the
tumble which has biought Iter to
death's dour
Ic. was at the pie, ideal's distinct le
(Ues Hiai a signed statement should
be piepiued by th,. physicians and
glen to the pi ess. l n'clock to
Jilsht the slateineiit had not been i
Hleil, bill it was ..pi., teil lap. i- n.
A Little Gill BUhbs Ploweis.
The ladies of the cnhliii'i also took
advantage of the slight liupioenieiit
lu Alls. AlcKiuliV.s couililiou lo go tor
a shori drive diuim.- the alteinoon. .Ml
ila.s long Lafajcll pail;, opposite the
Scott ifslilepce was Ulleil with eiowiH
ol people in aw n thither not so much
h itniosliy iis by au eagei ibshe tin
illicit news Uuiii the siik fiioiii, Tin Ii
pioloiiinl soi low was nppiiioiti finin
the sllellt. le-pectfUl W'll.V 111 Which
llley ob,ei the lllillllctlolls of the pn.
Hie to keep b.lck l.-.Vnl tllO cllplug of
tin- load, who h iiiiis tluough Hie c, p.
tei nt: llic pail. Although fully 17)
aids finin the liutise, many iif ihein
spuK in whlspeis l.ale In the atter
uuiiii a lil'le glil with an a i infill oC
llowei le,'ie. itie bliiecoatH and as.
i "tided the si, i 'Phi butler npncil
the iioni. "I bioiigln llvse lor AI.i,
Mi Kllllec ." she lisped, "iit are Ha
sui i y I hope she w ill be bettor soon."
Thn she handed inei- the iinvvois and
.slipped nua.v,
Seclclai v lias Is iitleily wni n nut
b,v the strain ol' the Iitil few day, and
the t.itlgiie ni the long louiiicy Ho
us-lrcl lu Ills loom at the holei all ia.
Alls. II iv who was i.t the Si nil io..
i. inc. hiipi tii in fiepiently advised of'
tip d eoiinelil- theie.
- - j
Goiupeis Will Be on Hand. i
ll l.-iliem Win f i in Hi.- ,.iipi p., ,
Md'liiiuluii. M.i Ui-l'ri.likiit riniiir. of!
ill. Viiitiu.ui IViliiiinuii i,l I.ilior, will leave i
.SAlllllll.V 1.11 Cllitlljull, lu I,? l,iri. ( 4V j,i( j
lln- ilitii mi 'Aiiuli lln- i.i, In- foi a strike ut ihit j
in ii Inui. I.i uW. i Hi it Mi. (I.iiii, i nn.l I'u .-
il. nt llluiiiHll, .ii il.c' Silimnl ,,.nhiijii ,i
M iihlm.i-. wliu nluiiioil lii'iu Plill.iijili lili. n...
j. il ih.- siiuiiiuii in put iiv id he vtij luor
.ille 'll.iv av MVfi.t linn-, llivu- luvr itviiul
lln- ui.ilut'iit
Valuuhle Mnuuscilpt Bible.
Il.v t'xiliiilve Win- hum 'llio ou'atca l'ni
l..)iiii.'ii. )U.v Ii). niiiiii-iriiit Itilik, i U lily
lllUlllillltul. of ubuul li- )CJI J 1 1U, tu vjlj at
luclioi; lint' t'.'-lj,- Kr 100 uln
Thfi Resolution ol Mr. Went
Fix June 6. Does Not
Meet with favor.
Bill Providing for the Ri moval of
the Wilkes-Bime Couit House to
the River Pnrk Is Pn&sed The An
nua! Allownnce of Judges of Su
perior Couit Incieased Other Bills
Passed in Senate and House.
Ii.t l.. Ill-In- Will- finin 'lit' S-oiiilnl I'm"
llatiisbtiig, P.i May IC The nil ?
lion of (mill ailloutnineiil ol the legis
latuie ag tin came up lu the eiiale lo
dav in the bum ol a tesoltitinn pto
scnted bv All. Wenlx, ot Alontgoniery.
The it-solution ll..'il tlie adjoin nnieul
tor Julie (!. Air. Poi hi. of Union, moved
that the r 'solution be refeiied to the
toinnilttee on uppiopl liltlniis, lu sup
poitlng hi- niutloii Mi. l-'nchl .said
lime weie over Hon itppinpiiatinn bllH
unacted tiiion in the J louse and that
soviial icieniie measures were .dill
pending before the (leueial Assembly
lie said It was unwise to pass sippin.
pilaticm bills until it was stn liovv
mm li tevenue was on hand, iind he
thought, tin- Ilxing of a delinite time
for adjouri'ineiii should be deleued for
the pleent.
The motion was adopttd bv a vote
of "'t yea, IT na.vs, Hie detail ot- be
ing 'is follow:
V In llilK.-ltlllll, l "1. Ill'll UBS, hlilil, Imllt,
I , llnily, (iiiiiii'lncU. Hi i((1miil;1i. ki'..-.
Matfc-a. Mt'ilMliii.'iiirt, Wi'l.v, (11.11I, scull, si,.
.on, S(),l, 1. Sl,iltl, StllKllllll. Slllllll, V.ili-
.mt:li 111, W.t.ltl'.irn, vVi li mi- J t
jli - lU'Vil, lelhl.ei, Dinix, I (ltni.l"ii
l'linii. Ilouili-, llfin.v, llnli.i In-. Iijii'. Mm
tin. MiIIpi. IIiii-. M1v.11 1, Mri-s. W.11,-1,
WiMt -!T.
These bills win- passetl linally:
House bill taxing trust companies two
i cuts 011 each Jl.ilOn of l list Hinds for
I he put pose of del laying iho expen-es
of the state bank ilupat tiuent for ex
amining the aciotinis of tiul eom
li.'iiue. The fuiui paing bill.
Tile senate- bill, which penults the
holder of a wholesale liquor llien-e to
change the location of bis place id'
business in certain cas-cs. was icported
fiom the lioltse Willi aniciiilnient. and
the senate, under suspension of Hie
lilies, eiiiicutted in the amendment.
The house bill, piovldlng I'm the elec
tion ol mine inspectors, by the voleis
of ihc anthracite counties and increas
ing tlie number of inspectors fiom
eight to sixteen,-wa.s inputted I nun the
nailing committee by Air. lleldclbaugh,
of Lancaster, with amr ndment. One
amendment piovldes that the pteseni
inspei tors remain in ollice until tin Ir
term expires, and another incie.ises the
leim of the new Inspectors fuiui lliieo
to five ye.11 . There weie a number of
othei amendment which, however, do
not affect the bill. Tlie calendar was
chared nf bills mi (list and -sec nail
In the House.
The lollnwing senate bills p. -.--i-il fln-
Piovidiug tor -the i
zeine toiinty coin l
troiu the -'ity siimie
emoviil of the l.u
al Wilkes-liarie
to the Itlver pail:
Ptovlding tor iiilnonty lejiresenui
tiim in the supie'iif court after J009,
when inoiv than Hnee judges ate lo
be elected at the sillli- lime.
Cicutiug mid dellnlug tic oll'en.t of
ilisotdeily conduct by per-ons on lail
loads and lallway cais, publli- or pil
viitc paths and picnic gu.untls kept
tor the riniiisemeiu of the public, and
ilxlut, tin- penaltl's lor 'he conmilssltm
01 fiiic ll oli'ene.
Incieasing the allowance lo
the judges of the litipetloi court tor
eleiU hlio ttom fl.Oiiu lo S-'.r.urt. or so
niticl' theieoi u'j nine be necessary.
Dt i hit Ing Iho species of lish which
aie game llsh and Hie species ol llsh
which ate coniliier' ially valuable I'm
Joint icsolullon pioposiug au aniend
nu nt to Section Pi, Al title 7 or the
iiilistitutioii so that a dbchaige of a
Imv lor railure to agiee nt- other
lieccss.nv i"iu.e shall lint woik ail .tc
I'loviillug lor the i-xtlugulslunenl of
,i,y gioliud lent ilnuilltv or other
iIi.iiho upon leal estate after tvveut.v
uiii yeai. and making the same up-
plic.lble 111 eases wheic tin- i ullllllull-
wealtli is a putty i-lulni.uu the same
as In the cue of other patties
Minimizing the pulltemeii of bor
ough to pel mini the dtilii s of high
i onslable.
i:-euiptiilg filial tllMllion the land-,
building and Hinds -if lice publli'
iioil-ectailnil lilnai'ie.s in boroughs
and townships vleldltig inveuiius iui,ly
pai'tlullv ul1lcb nt for the iniilnleiiaine
of the same,
Vim following n'liale bills failed:
"Niilhoilr.lng the owner, e-..-co ami
tiiiilp.'U nl' laud bv polices to I'm bid
eiltiulni: llieieon loi the ppipose of
shunting i l inking wild animals, binl,
camo or Ibil.
AttthorUlllK ali.v bniiiuKh on the
Wlitlnll refUel of the boanl nf health
to i online and pave or completely In
i lose .no eicek, tun oi iiaiiiial water
way oi lies' than navigable Mrciuiis,
and fur this purpose to eiu r upon,
condemn and tab1' ptoperty and mate-
t til net essaiy lu sin h tonllnliig and
pallig or complete eiiclosuie, and pm
vlding for th .1st oiialniueiil and as.
s.sesstuent of costs damages and es
pouses, as Well as tlie levy and eollec
Hon of benellis arising theret'ioni and
constituting such lieiicfttK a lieu upon
the piopertlea upon which they me
tespectlvply ai-es.-e(l.
lUtboi'l'.liig justices of tin- peine to
id also t.s notlilk'B public.1
Bills Defeated.
The ciiiite lill! piovldlng tlmt news
impels in Philadelphia ihull ehaige
'lie tegtdi'- i ouitiiercliil rate for nil
i.'lli lal lull -ill) In? WiiH defeated.
The seii'ite bill to piovlde for the up
polntmeiil of a turnkey for county Jails
In counties, wheic the shotlh nets nn
laller unci hti his iesldeut(. in the
enttnly prlon, was nlso dei'euted.
Providing for the service ol" nolle e to
build or lepnli- sidewalks In borough'!.
Poi Hi" ptoleiilon and lucre.!'' of
llh on such pints of boundary lakes
of more than Mm) aiie. as HiIh enm
nionwealth has Jui Isdletlon over, and
hi water on any peninsula ot In attv
Imv ndjficdil to or connected with Mich
lakes to dei lure the species of llsh In
-noli wni CM which are game fish and
thoe which ate coiunieielalh- valuable
lor food, to legulate and provide for
the liajmenl of lleen.'e fees for the
cinching of the sane
Aulhoilning tho township commln.
slonei, of tovnhlp m tip. H-st class
to enter Into a c-ontiact with auj one
or molts Iapa.vei.s of the township for
making, amending' and icp.ilrlnir the
public lilghw'tt.vs mid hi idges in uch
tow nhlp.
Piovldlng that hei carter all bonds oC
iudemnlij given to the sheilif In coiiu
ilis 'liaving a population of moi-u than,
l0,(lno "hall be justltlcd befoie the
Judge of the countv and uppiovcd by
Air. Tioxell, of Lycoming-, Intioduced
a bill to titnvide fur the appointinunt
by the governor uf a commission to
i odlty the s, hool laws of Pennsylvania.
Senator Heidelbnugh Stales That a
HeaiiiiR' Will Be Held Next
Week on Scieened Coal Bill,
la I l1ii. hi- w I, Uuiu lln- A..uitiiii I'ici
lliiiilsbiiis, Alay !. The situation In
legaul to the mining bills, pending be
fine the geueial asseiubl,v, lein.'iln.s
piiicucaii.v uncuangeii. 1 lie only it--
Hon taken lodav inj of the' bills
was the spoiling limn the senate coui
mlltee on mines to the seriate tin- bill
piovldlng rot- the eh ctlon of mine In
speetoi.s bv 1 lit- Miters of Hie antbia
tite coal pioducing counties and In
( leasing thfh nuinbcr fiom eight to
sKieeu. Tlie bill wa amended by al
lowing ih ptesenr Inspectors to ictaln
their ollices until their teinis expite
and that the tonus of tin- inspeclois be
Incieased J'lmn tbiee to live mmis.
Then- v.eie ,1 number of amendments:
to the bill, but they don't ail'ecit the
pin pose of the iMcisiiie. All thu amend
ments weie jitepared bv Deputy At
loiuey Ceneial Kleitsj. 'if Sciantiin,
The bill piovldlng fot the weighing of
coiil lii-roie it is screened, which was
sent back to committee last night, was
not lepniicd out. Senator Ileiilelbaugh.
of Lancaster, chairman or mining com
mittee, said today thai a hearing will
be held uu the bill nct we"k.
The cummittee nl' niinei.s wi hen- in
the Inteiist nf tic milling bills Is
poWHiless in .11 cept any amendments
to the bills. AH of (he pioposed laws
weie appMiM-d hy tin- miners In con
vention al llay.Ieion. and tlie (oinniit
tee's iusti actions aie to si e that they
an- passed without amendment"!. The
nilueis' icpic'sentntlves aie still mak
ing' sii'onn' ell'01 ts to have the other
bills In committee lepoited out, and
they Hileiiite statements m.ule by
Litem last night that they will shut
dow 11 all the mines unless the legis
laliue pass the most linpoitant mining
hills. 01 tlie (dill uperaloi make eon-
i esslllllS.
The senate lin.ilue lommiitee met to
day and lieaid mgunieuts in lavor of
Hie bill nlaclng a pioliibilive ta-c on
1 oiup.iny sime ouleis. I). J. AfcCarthy,
of Fieeland. lepiesentlng' tlie mineis,
was beaid, aHer which the committee
adiouincd until Tuesilav uiternoon at
:: o'clock, when both sides will be heiinl
linally. Tlie bill will be leported to Hie
senate 011 Wednesday.
The house bill, piovidiug for a medi
cal 1 11 sit the bottom of niliii slants',
passed second leading In the senate.
and will 1 ome up fm llnal passage net
Tuesday night
Sectetaiy ot United Mine Woikeis,
Ninth District, Sends Ultimatum.
Ill I Mil -.HP Wll- Pulll Illi '.. MlltOll I'rc-v
Shiiniokln. Ala HI Tho niinei.s of
tin- Mnth Pnlt-il Aliiif AVotker dl
tilel me Incensed at the action of tho
siate sen. 110 last mghl hi retuinlug' to
lomtllltt'-e for ameiidmeul the Inspec
tors anil -(iceulllg of coal bills.
Si 1 1 clary George Hm tlein.of this dls
tni 1. -i.ivi.- ill bills must pass the sen
ate 111 lui'.'i might. il form, nlhc'vvl-if.
th'i ji.u-c-'i ti llarilsburg will im o
lei p.l.
Tlie iiniclals ot dlMilel bo.uds .n,
', 7 and !', he says, will ineei nt Hit
2elou on Satuiday ,nid lake actloii on
the bioken piomlses matle by senate
b'ndei.c that tho bills would become,
laws without aiueudiuuut.
Secietaiy llaitlela says that lliicat.
uf a getteial strike would not lotco Hm
legislators to fill 01 able action so ipllck
ly as uu Iiivuslnii uf ilu state capital.
Ill Wiif iroiu i'i - h illfd I'u'H,
Philadelphia, May PI, -The buy lu
the case of .lamb Wynne, elmigod
with Hie murder of liev Pathep
Ciiarlis p. Iteiiii'l. after being out alt
night, today In ought In 11 verdict of
guilty 01 minder In the second de-
Paihei Iticgil, vvlin Inui ih.llgt of
the human i.'albiillc iliuich at cliil
leiihain. Pa., neat' lieio, was I'mind
If ml nn a dooistcp lu Hie 'Tctidei.
loin" dlstrh 1 on January , Ileuth
was due to "knockout chops" and
Wynne mid eight othera who had been
di bikini- with the piltsi, worn In
dii led. II was testilied' that Wynne
butighi the pul.soii and placed it In
Pallid IllegelV glai-s of liter. Tim
trial of ".Sailor Hob" Hiyan, the sec.
ond of the nine defend. mis, began at
nine, and tho oilier caser will be rap
bll.v disposed of.
Ohio's Piohibitiou Candidate.
l!.v KxUil.lw Win- Iioni 'Hm- Usoclatpd I'lC"
Livk. Mjv- 10 II I. I'iiu-J. cit CU'Vi-liml.
vj, u.iiiiliuU'il voviiiifti In tin I'rohlliltlon
Uli.- ' 111 . ,liri luic- 111.I11.
Five Hours ol Gon.ereiH;e Palls to
Settle the Strike oi Street
R.illwiiu Enmloues.
The Executive Committee Will Con
sider Their Proposition and May
Accept It Today The Shooting of
Two Men Hns a Depressing Effect
on Membeis of the Twenty-third
Regiment Geneial Roe Takes Ex
tin Precautions to Have the Troops
' in Sutticient Numbeis to Quell
By I icliLlvr Wire hum II" .-".i ulcil I'ii-j.
Albany, X. Y Alay 1B. l-'ive boms
of coufeietiee tonight with all the war
ring element represented failed to set
tle the Albany mi Ike of street rallioad
The Rtrikei- waived all demands fop
the lemoval of the nine non-union
men. The eNcittllve committee of the
United 'I rat Hon company will consider
the proposition in the morning and
may accept it and settle the strike.
In the meantime .Major (ieneral Poo
Intends to take every piecuulioii, and
at midnight tonight mclered otfi the
Ninth regiment ol Now Ynik. It will
ai rive here tomoriovv afternoon. SOO
Sii'iing, and if the strike I not settled
will assist in opening up the other
linos of the traction company in this
William Walsh, one m the men
wounded by a bullet 11 0111 a squad of
the Twpnt-lhlKl legiuielit, deleiiding
a car. died, at pi.15 o'clock tonight.
Leioy Smith, shot in the some melee,
was sligntly impioved at midnight.
Tne shooting of Smith and Walsh
brio a vviy depressing elfect upon the
Twenly-thild leglment and to-night
when th .-tones were builel at the
picket men .11 mind Quail street barn,
they did not tire Into Hie dark.
Two privates wit bit and hurt, but
Ibey did not caiv to take a chance by
liiinvt. It was held by the oliloeis and
men generally ilia, the .udei lo the
was entirely jiistlli"d, but theie wa
general 1 egret at the coiiS-:itlonrs of
tlie volley.
With the addition ol the Ninth icgi
tnent to-nioirow th-i" will be over S11H1)
gtiaidsnicn hi Alb.niv.
They Ransack the Home of Ezia En
gle and Seciue About $20 Cash.
Uv 1 xclu.iic Win- fi nm liic -.ori itcil F'ri'Sl.
Lancaster, Alay Ul.V.y.iu 11. lOngle,
a tanner living a mile- 1101 th of Alaii
etla and his wife, awoke la.u night to
Uml burglnis' lamps Hashing in their
fates ami two men with gleeu masks
covering tlieiu with levolveis. Two
oilier men with similar masks and c.u
rying levolvers vveie busily liiiisacklng
the room, while another stood guard
outside the house. The two .searcher?,
alter 1 omplellng the hm-ntoiy of .Mr.
1 Ingle's room went to that of his
daushtois, but beyond seating them
did them no harm. They then went
10 the lliiid floor when- the boys slept
and while one guaided the lads Hie
other went through the room, secur
ing ." in cash. When the lobbers de
si ended to tin- second Hoop the- boys
ailcluplcd lo lollow and weie dtlven
back al the point of icvolveis. .Mr.
Ihigle Wii3 dbecteil to 1 ie and was
bound and locked In a closet ami Alls',
Kugle was ordeied lo slay In bed and
keep unlet. The buiglais cut the tele
phone who and then depai led In the
illlcctioti ot the IViiusv lania laihnad,
They wen- poorly paid tor their nimble
as they only got J.'u In cash, two
watt lies and some 111 tides of small
Millie. All. Ihigle was lee,ised b
membeis uf Ills lamily iumieillately
nfter the ineii left and the entire neigh
borhood was aiouscd. Despite the fact
iliat it was almost daylight when the
bin gluts loll thu bouse no li aie uf
1 hem hns hei-u found as yet.
- . -
Mr. Muehlbionner Opposes Mensute
at Eveiy Step.
In ImIii.ivi Wire frrm 'Hi- Wr.ljtcii 1'ic.s
Hanisbiirg, Pa., Alas' PI, When the
Miyder-llanls gai hie bill
i.ime up fop consideration on -et ond
1 (tiding All AlllelllbPullliep, uf Alio
gheny, fought eveiy section 01 the
measllie. lie liiov ll that the iiil.ii
cliiitsu In section one be stiitcl; out
bill It was defeated by a vole ol elu
ens and iwenty-suveu nays Those
wilt) voted in the allliuiative vven
Alessis neiki'lbich, lipttry, (Jiady,
Ke.vsep. Aluelilbronnt r, .Sent I, iiii. mid
Mr. Ahii'lillu uuiii 1 us,, nmveil tu
sltikn out ulliep .sections of Ihc bill,
but all Iho motions wote defeated bv
piactically tlie S.llil vine Tile bill
was then ndvaiiieii to mini leading.
George Bliapp, n Five.Year.01d Lad,
Killed at Salamanca,
111 I M llnivc- Will' t' M 'l 0 V')u uli-u Pi-.
I.lllle Vulby, .V. Y. Al.o Hi -Heit.-live
W'heelei, uf the Ihle liillimul, slim
and killed (Jeoigii Sluiip, a "i-yeai
Hhuliii bo.v at Suliiiiianui today.
Voting Shuip and two 1 umpuiiluu
weio tiding cut a I'i eight luiiii into
Salamanca w In a Wheeler s uv them,
The bo 1. in and Whet ei nnleted
tllelll In step. Tllc.v did not heed hlni
ll'ld In- tli'ed Ills levolvel. the ball
stilklug Sh.'ilp 111 the back uf the head.
He was taken lo iho hospital, wheic
he died two huiu-.s l.ilc:.
Wheeler claims thai lu- Hint (it the,
: It and that the killhii; was nccidulitul.
Wi-nther Imllcatliini roilnv:
I .Mo. Mclilnli'.l iur I) utli'. lln.
S-i mull nt t!i-- I'll tv trrlim n I An
'Iho .Mini) s. sinntlmi
Unite "t til' sin't- l,r(.lijliin
'J bitirr.ll I iii li IhIjIp I) pulim-in
.'. Lu.. il -Vl.ei.l Mi. 1. in 'i- ( mi. I1I1 ml lit t nun--IK
si-ilium in hiiivlit Tnnplir.
4 I. Vim Id
I in-e nl lli I . P. I. P. C..11V1I1I11111.
"1 I tn nl -Allc-iii il l.i'iil' 1 Lev V inljloi P,
iliartinl. l'mmcss nl t'e 1,'lm itlimil I'.mliil.
6 l.o ll '-! Striinluii uml shIuhIuh
t-itiitiriiil .mil CiiTiiini'it'l il.
fi LikjI t'C'lil I'lmcicliHi,;
Explosion of Gns in Cupola in D. &
H. Foundry Wrought Groat
Havoc Yesterday.
'J'lvlve ini-li weio Jii'ire or l"ss ser
tullsly in lined y.'sli'ldity aCteiliooli bv
an (.'NpIoHlnn ol lm.s In a cupi la in thu
Del.iwaie .t Hudson inutility conneclod
with the i:.nt .Market .slie-t shoii.
The ICust wall ol tin- building was turn
out by the foie- of the oiplo.lnn and
buck siJllloicd lit all tliiK'tiims.
Thor- suiii -w hat s,.uu-lv inluieJ
f.iO UlUVIII. Wl'.l Mil 1,1 I olUd. llC lilliklll,
liiini-. time lingiM Miia-licil; will luvr- ro he
iiiiinl.iti-il. Ih I- u vm nf (jjitiln Iimi ph UiiJ
irn Willi 1111 Kiiij.niiiii. "t I'riiiliiirn, m jlp viuurnl
Jllll piiiifiil ml..
.luiiii Cr.nli. uf Willi. 1111 niliii, ml- .111 li. ail
.Hid hit k.
Iliinl J. mil. .11 Mil-, in I im 1,111, Inner- iml
rut-, iilintit tin- In, nl .1111! I1O1I1.
Ill lllllll W1IIU111.. nt (Jli-ill', illt- Oil f.ui
mil h mild.
Uillljlll Wlilllili-Vi 1. fun 111111 nf tin- ! Ullli 1 1-,
Cue mil li.iinl-i luill.v 1 ul.
Siv nlhei vvuikmen icielvcd slight In -llliies.
Km email Whlttmever list rlbes
the explosion tu alt aceuniulatniti uf
gj in the 1 upnla 11-ecl lui heating
Recorder Moil Attended a Conven
tion nt Which It Was Discussed,
llccoidei Alt.'i leliiined .vestcik.y
fiom I'lilladelphht. where he attended
the cuiiveiitiou uf l.iavuis mid bill -gesses
held in that ( ity uu W'odne
cay under the auspices nl the I'hili
delphia luipiiier tor ibe puipuse of
discussing vv.ij.s and means fnr Iho
solution of (lie p'loblem oi getting 1 Id
of the ttanip nul.s.inie In the titles ol
this state
lie .staled toa Tilhuiie man ve-ler-day
ul lei noon thai he was tonv luted
that the niilj .solntlou ot tlie problem
bad been 1 cached in this tit.v b. lie
working 01 all lboe sctiteai oil Im va
gi aricy on the county in,ul.
"I was about lite nuly 1 hlel eei ti
ll i pi cent." said lie, "who wa.s able
to npoit te-ult. I was aide In i.--poit
that we me n at lically lu-e fiuni
tianips in this city, dial 1 lu .,iv,
I ree or them in the sense that they
do -ml camp 011 the outsklu ol tlie
lllc Mild li.iiiiiti. lln. .-Illynns .. tlit.i
do in cither cities of tile -tale,
"We set'lu lo lie abuut the only
county In which piisuneis me wot kt d
en the loads, und it seemed In be the
concensus ol opinion at the gatlieilng
that this plan of 0111. was about the
best pl.i.v to adopt In st.iie ibe ttaiups
Tile ' ii. 1 has been appointed n
member u' .1 special .uuiiultiee w hit li
I tu devise Mini.- plan vvhiib (an be
generally adnpled llilollgboiH the
- -
Release Refused in the Case of Pat
rick Battle, of Lackawanna.
B I'-cilusivi' Wli fiuni lln- .iilitcil l'ir"i pisburg '.M iv i:.-.'.iiilniis were
II (omuiended li.v ih- bo.ncl ol paitlons
lo-day top William llnw.iru, li-avop,
koppbii; a bawdy house, and Anion li.
llalli, in l.eliaiieil -o'-nitil ikgice inur
i'k i'.
A ' oininiit, iilun ui -eiueiii.- uf lite hn-lu'lsuuiut-ul
was ie umiueiuled fet
Tllulllils .1. Kohl mil. Weslmoivland,
111. st dcgiee mm (lei.
Ilelieaiings woii gunned In the oan-s
ol John Ah Ciiollck, l.tizeiue, secomi
degiii' imndep, and John I'lldiedge,
Ktivks, biiigluiy. ,
I'aidons wen- ii-iii.-id lalwanl John.
0U t'hi'SW'P, Vilgl.lllc.V; I'.tlllllv li.'ltll'-.
Lack'uvvaima, mauslaliglitei : Ihully
Whiki Ilium. .N'oitbainptiin, felony:
Jie-'l Stump Hoiks, embeaaleineiii, and
llair.v V.. mllli. Vork. felony.
Tile (.li-e uf llai'VOV SlliiO Alleghenv.
I. luiiy, vv I- in , uiidei advisement. .Ml 1
nlhei cfi-is uu th - c.ileiidai w.pi 1 on.
tilllled lllllll III. Illpe lellll
Anotliei Witutie Who Saw Woman 1
Loiivb Dnd Mon's Room. 1
lit I'miivi Wli I 1 I ic Vs.o. uiiil t'icii
Washinpiun. la.v It' In tin Ajim
llllll del lllj-tei.v tnda.v .1 Secuml wit
lli ss tu the lies, i-iit uf a unman on Hie
i'ulol til 0 ei.i)e Iniinedi iti-ly ultiip the
shunting was loiiud 111 Willie Wolfe,
a 1 1 -,v'- old buj wiiu lives upjiuslto
tin !i(ii".
Ills H111J 1 111 iiihunuos of Ml,
ll.u koi. who yc-ti't'day ilairucd 10 have
-ion a Wiiiaiiu de -end 'ho Hie n. (ape
-lllllll.l I'll', tile .puis well- ll-altl
111 I .1 l Ml II !
I P.
IV l.ititeli. VI, 1 I, tu. 1,11111 111 1.1. : 111
iu' n iuieiiiiJ I ul P. 'iii.ii. l 1 UII411I
Iw. ll.ilti N.mll.l- In Si V, k vvllll i Uju ml. iui-.i unl .1 .iMiiiiti 1 juci
sw. Ipilii'lim ttium Uuiu HU4U lu,v. im lU-ir
VSJ.V IU ill ( Itl'tlP llUiUll .lUicnl, w'tt'l, y
& Ui 11 ,.l'i4Uil .1 ai cvpnis ,'j ill" iunfii
Mil pi-
Approved bu an Empliatic Vote al
H3tli Meetina ot Presbuterian
General flesemblu.
His Addiesa to the Assembly A
Plea foi- Biotherly Love Intel cst-iug-
Sessions Held in tho Calvary
Church in Philadelphia Oidcp oC
Business for tlie week.
t!i l'.'li'.i Win- from 'Ini' An-.ii'lildl I'rfW.
I'lllliidolplii.i, .May 111. The l'resby
leiUn general asseinbly, which begun
its one hundietl and iblrtecnth inret
iag here today, disposed of two Im.
pullaiil mailers dining tlie afternoon
session, liev. llemy Collins AUnton,
I). U., of San Aiiselmo, t'ul., was elect
ed liiiidPi'tilot, and. by au emphatlo
vole. Ibe asseiiiblv decldetl to accept;
the "I'eotla plan" oT chooslnt,' staiul
Ing commlllee.s, though an etfort win
made lo obviate the system. Itev. Dr.
Al lutein's only opponent was liev.
(leorge 'I'. I'uives, V). D LL. D., ot
Xew Vulk. iind uf the til! votes cast
Ur. AUnton leielved I'.'.T and ni.'l'ur
ves 'J7tl.
The opening si'Ssiun of tlie general
nssuiublv was called tn uiiler bv liev.
Ur. Chnile.s A. Dickey. Hit- letliing
moderator, al It o'clock in Calvaiy
Piesbytei iau 1I11111I1, wheic all the
business meetings of the assembly will
be held, of Ibe li.'.o commlssoneri
lllele won- but few absentees, and
11111st nl these will doubtless aiiivo
nut laloi than toinoi low , liaving- been
iniavuiibililv delayed. The eilllie nave
of the 1 bun li was occupied by the
1 iiiiiuils.sluneis and the galleries weio
crowded with spe, tatoi, ii largo num
ber uf them being w onion.
Calvary chapel was given uvei to
the vailous local committees, who es
tablished lieaibiuai lets In the building
i'i order to be within easy access ot
Hi.- visiting dole-rates. The reglstr.i
iimi ul ( oniniissiuneis began emly tin
noiuiug iind fi urn that hum- until
lonvenlng time liev. Dr. A'. II. liob-c-i
ts wn kepi busy leeelving creden-t-als.
The opening hj nm, "1 l.ove Thy
Chinch. (1 Coil," was sung by the
,-s .isscmlil igo of delegates anil spei -tiitnii,'.
Wilhiii the chant el with ttev.
Di. Ilk key wen- liev. Dr. .T. "Wllmer
('hiipiu.iii, of New Ynik, liev. Dr. Sam
uel .1. Nit ns. or st. Louis; Ttev. Dr.
I lei lick Johnson, nt Cliicagu, liev. Di.
Jiuberts. stated clerk: liev. iv . II
Il.nit li Noble peinianent cleik, and
liev. Dr. .1. Sp.iihawk .lnne-, pastm
of Calvary cliiiioh,
Refeience to Mis. McKinley.
liev. Di. Xiculs ulloieil piayer, in
which he made touching n-feii'in e m
tin- illness nl Alis. AieKinley. Tlimi
tame the einion or liev. Dr. Dleke.v,
who spoke two bonis on the i inn
ing uf the kingdom r cinist. At tho
1 onclii.-iiun of bis seiinon V. lilcki v
(instituted Hie asseinbly, the 1 0111
niissimieis standing dm lug: the Invu
cailun. lieies, was iheii taken limit
" u'cliu k, when the toll of coniinls
sluiiers was called and the mgauUaliuii
of the assi nibly ompleted.
Di. AUnton was eooiioil to the pul
pit by Dr. Walker and h- Alollatt and
m.lile a brief .iddiess In Hie asi nibly,
He s.llil;
"Fa t hei ami linihii-n: Vnn will b...
lleve im- slineii' wlu-n I say I I hunk
von wlili all ni v hem 1 im- this expres
sion of jinn i ciiilldence, I nm sure t
iluii't liudni estimate Its illgplty and im
pui iniiee.nop jour geutruslty und kind
ness When f remember that you
must have passed by the belnved uml
dlstlngulsheil hi other whose uanie was
toupleil Willi mine, I muni he panlnuoil
fell' ONplesSiug 1II.V gOllltiUe ll pi ise at
my election. -
"I thank .Mill in tlie name of Cali
fornia; In the name of home missions.
I am bound to Ihiow myself upon
.viuip Indulgence Alv faults will In
man ami nhvlou. In the kingdom or
the world they are who rub.
lu lite kingdom of Christ giiati-st are
the who ei vo and serve well. 1 hop?
the sphll of btotllelly love Will pie.
side uvor all chip dellbepallons."
A motion bv liev. Dr. Nlcholls to
noii'i one 111 In the "I'eotla plan," wlih h
places the appointment of stiuidliig
committees with the assembly Insteai1
of tho uioilepatop and whit li was adopt,
ed bv the St. l.OlllP aseblv
elicited 11 stui m of pi utesi, As ibis K
iho Hist eap of the plan Hm assembly
It tided ll give it a ti lal and Dp. Mch"
nil-' million wa laid on the table,
The Peoiia Plan,
Hi tin- "I'coiia plan" the ehuu'h !
divided llllo election district,, I'lli'h of
Which decides' who of Its nioinben
shall be pbii od up, tile snVflnl tillllllllt
toe, Til'' nililluis.-auliol'S s. lei l I heir owe
cii.ih'iii.iti, Icav ik the niniluiatop with
1. 111 .iitthoi'ltv in t.K- maiiep. Tho .'iiiii
m' iii's will In 1- luted loiiimtuw and
P'osi nied In ibe ,i.soiiibly op Siitiiida.v
At Hie sugge.,1 inn uf ihe coiuil)ltto of
iiiaiigi ineiils iho assemblj dccioil in
meet daily at !) a in. -j. ;i and S p, m
Theie was uu business tonight. Hm
t'iinmls,loiieis p,u Hi Ipnilng hi tho ad
I'lltllstratluii ui lite's Vuppei 11
I'l.hut) ' bin. b
V iill'l"ti 51 1 '1
1 11, 1 s unUv 1
l.l t ililuv 11 1 -1
I l.l . II ll
. l.u-i a-1 fur I'u -'a
' 111 I'. mi.C.ii'j -
11 ill. . I14I t u!it 1 4