i' n inrtxw lHlf',n' A--W V .frjt4gff,y( Jjtt V H v , ln.1 a I4-V itf f- r I , 4 1 i 3 ? 8 TUB SCRANTON TIUBUNE-THUKSDAY, MAI' 1G, 1901V ' ,Ti IT HAS GROWN DURING YEAR DIOCESAN UNION IS IiAROER THAN EVER JlEFOItE. JRepoita Made at the Annunl Con vention Which Opened Yesterday Morning in St. John's Hnll, on Cnpouse Avenue, Showed That During the Ycnr It Increased by 2,500 Members Delegatas Ad cliosscd by Bishop Hobnn and a Number of Pilots. An em nest iintl tiKgrcpslve body of men mid uoiiititi ifullicruil In St. John's hnll, on Caiioti'.p n venue, ystoidny t the annual convention of tho Cutlinllo Total Abstinence union nf tho diocese of Sci initoii. It N the nineteenth mi nimi convent Inn of tliK nigunlr.illnn, and the lepoi'tH Indicate that never lio foio vns the iin'inliiM 'jlil so law or the coclctlen which comprise the union In a nioie satisfactory coudltlnn. Sciclctlrt which diopiied fiom the loll of the union yeais apo for one i union or another have lotuuied to the fold, mid many now .societies lime lx-t'ii formed and admitted to uicinbciMilp, During the last year n most vlioiou.i campalRti ntfulnst. the line of luiol enntH hat; been wnvsod by the sotlttlet compil.slnFT the union, undei the tllite tlon of Ilev. .!. .1. Cuiian. luHlur of the Holy Savior Catholic church of Wlll.es Jlnno, who is the president of the union. At pstei day's convention he was hlRhly eulogized by dlffeivnt spe.ikern for the spjendld woik he has tloiie. onp ot Mhom' leteiied to liim as the "I'-.ithcr Mathew nr the Kast." 1XSI3IIT A The dloK.sim union now lm.s a niptn lieishlp of lietween eleven and twelve iliouband, of whom over twenty-live bundled wcie initiated duiintf the l.ist M'.ir. The new societies oifrmiized and leeched into the union duiiiiR- that puiiod aie: Caihontlilf Knights .if t'lther Millie, ! Kom' Cultt. M. Alntidiis snt i t . iV'ilkes ll.iirp s( Man's Ililll imiimi ToiTltllll M. KTIl-' Mlii'll -1 till I IllftK l'.irntii 'I liuininiil.'s Ciilfl, t llnism km it ly IVpIipiI st. nii ( id. is Wiiinnki st. ,l(i.i',i l'idl- Mililnld-M. lilt tins' Ciili.!- .Nnnlim -"!. .Mmsliis i-nltt 1'ist 1 nd, WilKr Him' AtntiN t,nln' 'Inn. pinncc societt. Jlelj. nf (lin-tiiti 1 lilies- Inn. jcrince -iuict5. ADnnnss by r.isjioi. Yesteiday atleinuott the conxentlon was visited by Jtt. Rpv. jr. .1. Hob.ui, liKhnp of the Scianton diocese, who made a shoit :iddie, dm Ins which lie save w oids of advice and .supsw.stion to the dek'K.Ue.s and thiew out .siiRKeh tions for incieasinfr the scope of use 1 illness of the societies. One of the idea he aihanced was the opening; of .i portion ol the halls of the aiIous societies as fiee leadinpr rooms, where pveiybody -would be welcomed. Scoies of ounfr men, bo said, would turn to such a place, pspecinllv rlnrinfc tlv winter months, instead of the millions, whli h too nequontly aie seom iiiK the only places nfi'eilnpr nth actions to the man who has nowbeie hi pai tlciil.ii' to spend Idle brims This would lip pbllanthropj that Mould be appreciated in oeiy com munity which is bl(.sfi with a Father Mathew soiit-tj, the hishop lontlnued. lie closed by feuently asking- a bless. ins on the woik the societies ,ne tn v.iBCd In, and hoped that the union if Sciaiiton will continue to kiow and) piospei. The conxontioii was - Kited duilnc: the day by (be following- cleiKvmen. all of whom dellxered sl)0i L addtesses: Cov. T. r. Coffey, of c.u bondnle: Kev. .1. J. McCabe, ot Aubuin, Siisqueli.tnn.i ounty: Kpv. J. .7. llealey, of l'le.isant -Mount: Ilev. "William Oislon, of itond ham; Rev. V. J. JtcMnnus. of nreon UidKc: Rev. J. V. Molan and Rev. J. .1. O'Toole, or Xoith Sci anion; Rev. J. A. O'Relllv and Re. J. ,r. Oiitlin, or tho cathedral: Rev IJ J Melley, or South Scianton. Till: RUM, -WORK TOUAY. The business or the convention ye.s tMday v.is laigely of a meliminaiy nature. At today's sessions the real wotk of tho convention will be done. One j ear ago Rev. J. J. Cut ran orfeied .is a. pi be a bcautllul oil painlinK of Father .Mathew- to the .society which would .show the gieatosl Inn ease of membership during- the jenr. This will be awarded today to the society which has eained it. This inurnliiK 3'iesident 'in ran will deliver his annual address. In which lie will icview the woik of the year, and this afternoon otlkeiswill be elected and delegates chosen to THE LOST CHORD. We feel it sometimes when we do not show it Feel that a Strength A Power of Endurance a something once possessed is missing, The busy brain hesitates the strong arm slackens Footsteps drag ! Sometimes it is from overwork of brain and music sometimes from excesses, but at all times and from whatever cause, the condition is diminished Nerve Force. It's tho want (if Neiwt Fotee that makes the heait boat liiogular, palpi tate and flutter that cautes the dull, Biay houis of sl.cplpna nights with moiiilnu lausuor that brings slow di BPhtlon with tho food heavy on the stomach-that causes troiublliifi;, numb hand and limbs and loss of muscular power, It accounts for loss of appe tite waning strength --contused men tality, Up and down the system' every vital oigati deinands a ceitaln tupply of .Verve Foice, and when not supplied, throws out dish est, signals. Tin. (jreat scciet of the wonderful succes-.s if Dr. A. "W. ChasQ's Nervo PjUs s their cpilck action in btlnclns up the tundard of .N'eivo Foico and putting tilling people on tholr feet. Tlioy pick jp tho lost choid of health Mis. J. I.. Joluibon, of No. 720 North Main avenue, Si i.intou, Pa. , says: "Dr, A. AV, Chase's Nervo Pills aie excellent. I was so dlzy and ueivous r.nd the btomach digesting Its iood badly. This condition Induced a feeling of debility and lassitude, lleaiing of tho nerve pills at Mat thews mother.' ding store. I got u box- mid the rebiilt has certainly been tine. Thoy Kave the BtomaOi strensth to handle the food pioperly, the nervousness und (IUIppfs dlsapiieaied completely and my general frtrenath and vltror leturued, oiweiuenlly I am pleaied and vl4 to recommend the niedUtne" lepresent tho union at tho national convention to bo held In Hartford, Conn,, In Atiftust next. Places will bo selected for tho parade of Otcober 10 and for tho next convention. Rev. J. J, Cuirnn, of Wllkcn-Uiiiic, will be selected president without op position, and AV. It. Cllhny, of Atcli bald, and James Mahon, of this city, will bo elected llrst and second vice presidents, respectively, In the same manner. There will be ft lively light for Hie ofllcc of secretary, the following- peeking tho honor: Timothy lluikn, Scianton: Thomas Fllnslminons.'vVllkes Uarre; Samuel Connois, Wllkes-Uunc; Thomaa Mulluliey, of Kingston, and Thomas: Flannel y, of Avium. AV. V. Malloy, nf Ca'rbondale. Will have no opposition for treamner. There Is a host of candidates tor na tional delegates. Among- them are John .McDonnell, Finest City: John Me Nealls, Krceland: ThonuiM llandley, South Scianton; John P. McDouough, Uullevue: V. J. Ruike. Wllkes-Rariei K. A. O'Donnell, AVilkes-Hiiue. Tho next parade will go either to Wllkes-llaire or llazleton In all ptoba blllty, and the next convention to Car bondatf. ATTHND10D .MASS. At S o'clock yesterday moinliig the delegates' attended a reiitilein mass at SI. I'etci's cathedral for the deceased members of the union, ll was eeto bratcd by Rev. J. J. Curtail, tho presi dent of tho union, who piesldes oer the deliberations of the convention. The tit st session of the convention 111 the motnlug- opened -with player by Rev. J. J. MiCnbc, of Aubuin, the spiiltual director of the union. 1'iesl dent Curian then minouneed the lol-lowing- appoint m'ciitH: CidlditliN -I Link OMViimrll. Hilkc-llliiei .1. ('. (.'iIIikIiii. Siratiliiii. I' Mcmmj, ( iiIkhi. ilil.': .1. I". Jtcfli-utrH. Kitii'-Kiii. Itcoltilinti-,!. C. t.illulin, ir.uitnnj tlrtw liltliiuii, llkn Ihiu: Jolin MuDotini II, l'inl C'lli ; Willi mi I'ul, I iilimidil : W.tltu MiMdioli, Sir.mluii. tiililltii,' 1 I'. Miilhki'i, Kiiin-iiiu, Willi mi Mil.uisltliii. Wllkc. Hum. C'cpii.tiltttieiiJl AiihihIiiiiiiIi I'. M. Ilmiidoti, WilUvllinc; Mil", Cliitlt-t l.j'.lid, Ni.iiiliui, htnet lo licit, North Si union: .Mint Ice Dime in, smith Siurion. Av.i-.tant t cuIjiIm W illuiii Mcl.niulilin, et Wilkn-Ilino; lliomit fitHninion-, Wlllcs Iltm: Tmiiitliv lluiln., s,r,inlmii minimi ('en. nor., ilki . Unit. Father Cm inn said be tia. gialltled to see sut h a large ?atbei -ng or dele gates and tt listed the deliberations' of the convention would be ptotltable and harmonious. JIp then inttoduced Hon. John 13. Roche, the diiectoi of pub lic works, who welcomed the delegates to the city in the name of Rccoider James Molr, who was In 1'hll.itlclplila yeslcrdav. The Diocesan union is divided Into four dlstilets, and in the afternoon the lepoits lor c.u h distiitt was pip. stnted. DISTRICT RilPOKTS. William Peel, of Caibondale. lc- piesideiil ol the FiisL distilct, told of work clone In that spption of the union. The moM'ment, be said, lias been gieatly .sttengtl.enetl theie duimg the cji. A society at Caibondale and another at Olyphanl. which hue been out of i hp union lor a number of yeais, ha c been won back and the mombeisblp nf niaiiv sot ietles gieatlv lnci eased. Tu". S Ijavelle, ol AVtt Scianton, made a icpoit lor the Second distilct. Vlgoious woilc has been done to push the moemeut by all the societies of llip distilct. He pleaded lor a genera! constitution, which will apply to pvpiy satiety in the union, jr. iavelle did not pie'cnt tne olllcial icport lor the tlistiict, which will be hc.ud today. John Devlin, ol "Wilkes-iianc, pre. sented the tepoit ni the Thiid ills. 1 1 lot. Duiing- the ear they added T.'fi new membcis to Ibeir lolls, Alexander Mulbei ii. of rieelnnd. ice riesideut of the Foui th distilct. id a Rieat deal of very good woil: has been done there. Dining the la-.t nine months Rro new mcmbeis have been added and tho total membeishlp is now about 2,lfCi. This inciease of membership was brought about by the oxpenditiiie of $".;: for misslonaiy w oi It. The committee on constitutional amendments was not piep.ued to pie sent its report, owing to a difference of opinion nmoiifr the membeis of It. The woik befoie it was lcfeiied to the now committee named and the old one was discharged. SF.CRKTARY'S RHPORT. Secielary Chailes Canavan lead his annual repoit, which showed that the society now has between 11,000 and l, 000 mcmbeis and thnl it gained about 2,"00 members dining tlie year. Din ing tho car the total lotelpls were M,"iT." and the pvpendlttiios, $7fitj.'jn. The balance now In the tteasuiy Is ?M10- The afternoon session ol the conven tion was enlivened by a number of iiniv sical numbers. Miss Anna S. Galla gher, of Wllkes-Rarro, sanif "Rlld liom This is the shape and design of iho Kimulno Dr. A. W, Olinsft's Neivo Pills. All olheis aie Imitations Hnd date not use this design. Do nut allow any dealer to suhstltute a allfetent design fiom tho above. COo all dealois or Dr. A. W Clmse Medicine Co., Uutfalo, N. Y. nrWtSiKlm m O'er Iho Sea" In a superb manner and was warmly applauded. She has a line soprano voice of wide rango nnd great sweetness. Miss Margaret .1. OntiRh nn, also of Wllkes-llaire, miiir "The Holy City" with such expression and sympnthy ns la seldom heaid In the rendition ot that beautiful song. Wil liam F, Iynott, 'of Noith Scianton, was a si eat favoille with the dele gates and was called upon several times'. Ho responded with "Dota G-ruy," "When You Were Sweet Six Icon" and "Tho Curse of a Pretty Face." Rev. J. V. Moylan. of North Scianton, pave several plnno solos, which were executed In a brilliant manner. I-ast night the delegates wore enter tained with a tiolley llde and recep tion by the members of St. John's so ciety nt their hall. The committee of the InltCT society In charge of the arrangements for (lhe convention nnd tho entertainment of the delegates Is composed ot Michael O'Malley, M. .1. Rafferly, 'M. J. Uariett, John Joyce, John Tooley, Timothy Purke, William O'M alley. The list of delegates, as compiled by the committee on eiodontlals, fol lows: s( livxinx l'ltliir Mitlif-w, W'pt ht-Miiltm -Iunc ( dil hulifr, Tlinuiii Fltmlnp. ratlirr Mitlicw Culc-ti Millln Slirrlihli, Jolm Mniplu, Mtilnrl I.li'llc. si. I'utl'.i Socldy, Wtl Sauilt'ii-WjUoi Mi Nitliolf, 'lliotniH railr-.i. St. 1'iiilS CiitltN. Wi-l Scrjiiloii Willlnn Hell l.v, llinltl I rnib in. St. J.i o's lliltiillon, Wol "iianlim 'lliniiiu .1. (Jllroi, .Mm P. siniiKlnii".! st, (Vtclh's Lullis' SocltH. Wist Si i lit mi JIUh MirRiict Me Moon, JII-.1 MmcaroL McAullfT. St. llCIII'M Snoltll, .SOUtll S MlltOII Mist I'IIj. both Piiikin, Mi Agno llcip St. Pt lot's, Hellenic Miles t'liik, -T nuts Mc Ptmoitsli. s, IMti'ft full I, Ilfllnno -llionm Iliukf, .If lilt 1", Mt IMiioukIi. I'.itliii Wliltt.v oiiti(; Mill's, Ninth StMiitnn Mn tin C'.i.iniiulii .loscpli stc-w.irt. , . I. nt It. Km'. .1. t. Moil in. ratlior Wlillli's CuM. N.ji Hi s, untnii Uci. .1. F. OTnoli. si. Mii'i sfi,n, N(,rlh Kli inton I" I Mull. n. .Iiihn .1. Co. It II.. st. Mji-i-i' I 'lilt Is, .N'tirlh Sn lliloli IJind l.i nth, 1'. .1 Mllllit mi si. IMnl's. (Jitoii llltli Mil tin lVrKtertn, IM I ritk I'lillliti- St. I'llil'.-s ( idol-, lint ii Itidgt 'lltonii .1. Ciln, f. .I. Iliukltj. SI. lohii's Sotlft.i, !itii lluwik I). .1. rnnp. litll, 1'ltrltk (Jiilnti, TiiikiIIiv Buikp. s. It)hn CiihK 1'ine llmok M. 1. It irtcrlj , IMuinl llirittt. st. Muims s.Kieti. snti Soiltlton llionns llniiltii, .hint-s iiniiin. s. itiiik'4 Sroiil, Soulh Stranlon Minr-lit- Ptn:t:jii, lliomis It. Siutx. WIl.UI'sItAltlti:. s Al(i.elu, 1'ist Kntl Willi tin ,Mt boiinlilni, l'i ink il'Domicll, llionn V llii.lun, llionua Mil itmhlin. s(. Alm-iiK Cnlot-, I J1 I nl 1 Imnus J. UriMiin, ).imc ronnrll. t'athci Mathtw, 1 ,il I'ml-nnilm I.jnn, IM wjttl Moiin. si Mny, Wilko- lluro-r M Ddlinl riiomas II I itsinininn. si. )ji' III III Cmnp-inv I'. M. Tlmntun, llioiius I'. llit-ih st. .Mot -in-, in si. Mux's I'ui.li- siniiiol duiiiiis, lts (I'tslcii, .Mm Mi (Jill, I', r. Pinko, Antlicu l'thlni-iu. st. Ii.tpli, CtoiKctrmn -Mithii'l llluk. Midi ml Murin lltlp of Clili-tuii I.nlio.' s,0ty, Hob Siior I'.iii-Ii Mi-.-, Annit s. I. it igliri, Mi-s Mn-sirrt I. (.mnli in. liiKtli Sooitlc, llol.t snioi I'.itisli MIs Helen (.'. (iillishci, ilis Mm P. I iilct oninu ii,ci.s Ihhton St. (ijluiel's otitt., Miiluol tniff. gin. Mlthirl Mtlilc.it. .Mm ,1. Oi). nncll. St. (iiliiiiT- nlcN. (mniik l.iiulun. Chailes nn-. sail. Hiintl MiKdwj. Mlthirl Iti in, .lnine Mt (iinty. SI. l.aliiut', l.uli.'s, Mi-s Mjij . Dui; icni. Mi - Aiiiik Ktnn. lit I iiiliml- s(. nn's Vnniiii Men's hmictt, .hil.n I Mi V ills, 'IIioiims (.ill icliei, .liilm Shotlin st. nn's ml. Is, Jeity s0m, .lolin I. Mtllim iiin.i, ( hulls PettiN Pittstiin st .lulin's imicti, ' ' (.ifTiity. SI. .In-iph's iitltts, .Ins.pli ,1. Oilrirn 'Inn imh st. Apncs soiielt. 1', .1. llrinnon Minotil i s. lOMph't, sntielj', l'.iluek fou nt tit, i-uriti, i iit,. sl .io.i pn s c mas, r .1. Miilliiim, I'ttiitk Hi isi oil s, .Mir.t's I, itlirs, Mi's Mirfriiel Mifioii, Mis l.inia ViUoiimiirli Atnca st. Milt's sctnij, ,lolm Mclucitnt, Willi mi Silmoii. si M ir.t-'s ritlets, lohn Wat ei -, t.toigt lloonc. si. Alot.liissotii.lt, lliomis lUniui.t, .hniifc lirh, T. P. Klin.', st. Mu.t .niMlliu, .Miss 1 mi t lo 1 in, Mi-, Mjij- Me. l.'iULlllill Klust, n s Ahijsins, .limn 1". Miilhliif, .lohn 1'. l.ut. Si. Mat sliis tnht-. .lolin 1'. Ml Ciontj, lohn SI. Mit.1.. lluleish s Mo sins snentt, Krinlt Doivli. cilj, Williim O'Mille.f. St. Aln.ts.iiH OJilot.. 'J h. .IU.H llinlt.t, .1. .1. 1'oh.t, S'lilet S( Mot-ins. lohn T, I'ollins, I tlttjril .1. linniRJii. St. Alot-im cnlel-t, Lljrciue ('on nellt, A tlllaiti llcnnell, Nintlcolo St. I'mids sodctt, I necne I noper. I .lit Jul (onnellv. st. ri.inds t a.lotf, John Kos kir, .John t'.i!i. linnnnlli St. Minim's, Williim Jones, Kt ll MtSvtoenet, Xlltlitel llionn, M. Viiinnt's ia (lets, ,r, I'tinK I cc. Su-ir Notch l'ltliir Jhtthott t nlcU, IMer Mnlle.t, .Mm Itili.t. s(, Alo.i-iii. fot.iit.t. On rn Sliljbtin, lohn lime I'oii.t Oilj-ht. Joseph's otktj, John Don It'll, lohn Itrllchci. S. Joseph's iik(s, J(,,n J 1 omit lit, I'lliitk f'leu.v Ciiltonililt' st. itos.i society, John iiini, Willi nn Millet. s. I'.jit icK'r. sooieit, TlioniH Mcllonnell. John Co.lello. Pionter I'.itlier Millitti, Hon, llminai Moonet, MrMinlor I'lin nrr.t. liniuhts oC 1'alhti Mithctt, I), h. Walsh, V.. J. DoiiKlitrlt, St, Mo.t sins socict), Tiniothy J. Cilliool, Sliltlmt Miirpht'. si. .Iii.rph's c.i'. tlolk, John f'naiiiiigli. Olt pliant Pallid Mathew sotitlt, l.ilitanl 1 uihr. Jiine-i J. I.ill.t. (.'. V, M. - . p s,0lU.. t), IMninl 1'. Ixitthr. Jinies J, r.illv, lliiuucil, St MnoliH NKlii.t, .l:nn s Iluttu-, William Meboiiklilin. Jrniiii-St. Alojsin, Ksl.l.t, IMtrl.k lallolt, Willi nn MtCaitni.t. Sitnpsori-st. SIMml',- t-criely, 'llioinn p. (ti.nlt .lissiip- S Junes ..odctt, Junes P. Stieentf, Willi nn l.ilrot. St. .linns r-nleis, John .1, .Mc. liilrvu, iililulil-KiilKhlj uf I'.ilher .Mi'thetr, 'Ihomis J sttill, IMttml J, Jtinilt, rather Slathttv rncklj, I'jtrltk P, PiipitriU, John A, Ittillv. St, 'IIciiiijh inlets-, James P, Keiine.t, (liiml 'Inniitl st, Mnernt, .No. 2,' , n,n.r. Sf, iiuent'!, titlits, John P, Mnrpli, Slicliatl Nc(5 -ut,li. m SLICK MR. ROGERS SENT UP. The Smooth Fnklr Will Spend Six Months In the County Jail, Mufs'lstiale W, S. Millar deals out justice with a strong hand ilurlnir the weeks he piesldes In police couit, and his name Is gi initially bccohilni, n tor ior to the membeis of tho gangs of tramps Iniesting this pan of the state, for with vagiants ho has no sympa thy and shows them no moicy. Yestoiday inoinlug- in police court tho principal case which rame before liim was that of John R, Rogers, tho slick tnklr who tried to obtain clothes Horn several peisops last week, under rals-o pielenses, and who attempted to wheedle somo money out nf James I.,, council on Tuesday night. He was identilled by sovctal of the peisons whom he tiled to victimize and made no defense. The maghtrate committed him to the county jail for six months', in default of the payment of a $30 Hue. James McOloskey, the man whom ho was talking with on the stieet when attested, was also com milled for sis months on the ohaiga of v.igianey. Thoiius licnn.ii d pot slv months for vagiaucy and Juines Ktewait got (liiee mouths on the same liiargo. -Mrs. Jennie Healey, of Dunmore, was com inltted for twenty days on the charee nf Ftieet walkluer. nnd Matthew Lof tus for tho same length of time, on the chin tic nf ill iiiil.eiuii t-i. INDIA AND CEYLON TEA BLACK or GREEN Match It If You Can. After you have tried and failed as you wi 11, because there is no other tea so PURE, so ECONOrilCAL so FRAGRANT and so WHOLESOME, tell your friends about it so they may enjoy a cup of TEA. , ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SALADA J Ceylon Tea - REFRESHING. DELICIOUS. Bold only In Lead Packet.. f0c, ODc. and 70c. Per Lb. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western In KDect Dec. 2, 1000. Soutli Leave- bcinnton for Xtv Voik jt 1.10, S(i0 ft GO. 8 00 and 10 01 a. m.; 12.15, 3 31 p m. Vor Philadelphia Jt S P0 ami 10 03 a. in j 1 ! 05 anil 3 83 p ill. 1'or "trouilshur,; a(, o jq p m Milk acconimiiihtion at " -10 p. m Anne it llobokfli at (130, 7.1;:. Wi", 1 OS. 3.13, 4 e, 7.1' p. m. Arrive nt I'hllirlclphi.i at 1,0(3, .! 20, fiOO and S 12 p in, Arrive fiom elv York jt 1.10, 0.12 and 10 m a. m i 100. 1 SJ, 5 43. 3 t; antt Il.tO p ni. Kfom Ml otidsburs at so; j m. North tf.ve f.iatilin for Bnflalo and inter mediate fctttions at 1.13, 0 33 and OO0 a, m : I 53, 5.H8 nrd ll.M p m Poi Oswego .iml hirjcae al 01s a. in. and (35 p. i.i. I'm Utica at 1.10 j. ni. ind 1 53 p. m. for -Won-tiovo jl fin a in; 1.05 and 5 4S p ni 1'or Nlrholsop at 1 0u .mil 0 1". p ni. Tor (ling, li'.mton at 10 iO a ni. Aimc in ft-nnton from Unlfal'i at l.Si, 2 ''J. j.l" .intl 1000 a. iil; ) .10 .mil tsOO p in Krom Oswcsc and Sjracu-it. at ' 55 .i. n.: I-..- and 8 00 p in rmin I'tiea at 2.55 i. in.: WV Hid 3 HO p m. (.,, icliolsor at 7 50 u. m .ind C00 p. ni. 1 icni Jlontro-te at 10.00 J. in ; ' XI ami 8 () p m. IllooinsliurK InviPien Leave Srrintun for XortlnimlieilJiid at 0(5. 10 05 i m : 153 did 5 30 p. in. t'oi Pljmonlli at l.O"., 3 10, .50 p. m. for hing'toii at B 10 a. ni Arrive it .Norllinmlieiland at 0!'5 .1. ni : l.to, 5 00 and S j i in nive at Kingston ut S 5J a. in. Amu .it I'Juiioi'tli at 2 00. I.J, 0 15 m. Arriif in Vranton finin Norlliunihernnd nt o - ,, ; 12.',5. 150 ami S 4"i It. in from Mii(-,ton it II (10 n in, fioni I'ivmontli .it 7,55 j. in ; j 20 and 5.!J p in. SUNDAY 1 RAINS. Soutli Leave "v mil on at 1.10, .5 00. 550, I)0" 1 1. in ; .111 nnd . 40 p in North Leave ccismn at 1 13. o r, i. m ; 1 3i. 3 Is and II " p. m r.lnonianuiK Divi'-ion l,eve Sc-anton at 1005 n. in. mil 5 50 p in Lehigh Valley Baihoad. In l.lleet Maieh J, 1P01. for Philadelphia and New Voik vn p v. . H. tt , at (..l'i ind 11 ij ,i. m.. aid 2.18, 127 (Illitk Diamond Ltprcsi), aril 11 ..0 p. m. hun daj, I). & II. It. It.. 1 5o, S27 p. m 1'or White Haven, Ili7lt-ton and principal nolnti in the coal rcsipi.s, via D a. II. It. It., i. ti, 2.18 and 4.27 p m. I'm Pottsvllle, 4.27 p. in lor HethlclH.ui, Kasttn, ltciullnj, Iliu-ia'iuis nd prlncipil inteiintdlatc KUitions vu I) & 11. It. It., 0 4-., 11.31 J. in.: 2 1b, 4. '7 tlSlack Dl.i iitoitd fpre), ll.i.O p. m. Suiidav-, I) ,t 11. . U.. l.W. h'27 p. in Toi Tnnltliimiocl , 1'ovvantla, Kliiui i, IUhcj, Cicncvi intl print ipil intt-niiedialo stuloiis. vii ). 1 A. . It It.. S.Os a. in , 1.01 and .'1 40 l in. fur Ocnevj, ltotlietl. i. Iluualo, Nhi.ua, I'-ill. Chit.iiy and all poinU ivtt, via I), .v. II It. ( , II 01 a. in.. 3 30 (Illat'k Diamond Utpifs-j), 7.1, 10 11, 11 ,0 p. in. rnndJji, 1). . II. It, rt , 11 55. 8.C7 p. m Piillniin pallor and eleepini; oi Ld.lpli Villi?,' pailon cars on all iriiim hetvuen Wilkcs-lliri'ii and Xtw York. I'lilUdelplila, Hi, Halo .ind fcus. pnisloii llrl let JiOI.UN II. Wll.ntin. ficn hupt,, 2il Coillauil (.tieet, New orl. CIIARIX.'s S. I.H". Cen. P.if. Agt,, 20 Coillauil ttrect. Xtw York. a .n'onni:maciii;i, hiv. im-. ai.. south l'cthleliem, l'i. I'oi tickets and Pullman re-vrutloiv, apply to ."flo LacUivvinna avenut., Scranton, I'a. Delaware and Hudson. in uncut Xov, 25. looti. Trains for Tnliontljle have Scrinton it ii"0 7,51, 33, 10 13 ll. 111! 12 00, 1,20, 2.1(, ;, 1 . 5 20, 0.25, 7.17, P.l. 11.15 p. in.; 1 Id n. ni. for lloni'ndilc 20. 10, j:, a. lu.j 2.11 and 5"0 PYui" Mlkeslline-o.lS. 7.IS, S.l), p.,ls. jojj. I1..V. J. in.! 1.2'. - l- n-si '. U 10.7.1S, io 11 H..0 p. in. for I.. V. It. It. points 0.15, 11.31 a m ; i 4.27 und 11.10 p. m. for l'enns)viiiii It. It. poti.ts o, 13, vsj ,, in : i.lh and I 27 p in. foi Albanv and all polnta noith rt,2n n, nI w,0-W,,,m,hUMlAVlBMV8. for (urliond lie I'.OO, ll.io a. m ; on ;i,v. 5.47, 10 52 p. in. I'ot W ilkea Uarre-0 3f. H.J3 a. ni., 1.3S, 123, 0 27. S 27 p. III. for Albany and points not th 1.5; p. m, for Horn mI lie O.oo a. in. and 3.12 p. m. l.ovvii.1 utcs to all poinU in United htatei iM Canada. .1 II untniPK, i r. A., .Vlban, X. Y. II, V l.HOsS, II. I'. A., N union, l'a. Central Railroad of New Jeisey, Stations in Sew lork foot ot Liberty Mrat, K, It , and South 1'iilJ-. T1MU TIILK IN rilTIICr NOV. '!3, 1100 'lialm leave bciantnn tm New- York, Nc-iwrU, KHialKth. I'lilladelpliu. I.i.loii. Urllilehriii, At lenluvvii. Slaiith Chunk ond Wliitc llann at S Kj i! lii.S Muiui, l.W. Mw. 3 00 a in. huI1. davs ' l'i P I"' For i'itiston and WiUe-cIlaire. 3..'0 i m m tnd S p. I" &'"'. l P. '" foi lialtiincie and UJihliiftoii and points South and West m Hjthlelieni, i.SO a. m.; ,., and 3 50 p. "i. nula. 2.15 p. ni. for Lot's Biantli, Oiean Crou, etc, at s.0 a. in and 1.10 P- m . Voi Heading. I.iImiuui ami llarrinbuisr, n .m. knlown, 8.W J. w. '"! I-W P. i Sundii., 2.13 P- Hi for Pottsvllle, 8 SO a. ni. ami 1.10 p. m. 'Ihrouah tickets to all polnls cast, mill and west at loweu laten at the fctation. II, P. IIVLIIHIN, Cen. l'a,,. t, .1 11. OI.UAUi-l.X, (Jen. bupt. Eiie Railroad, Wyoming Division. 'tlino 'iiible In Kffect Sept. 17, looo. Traii'-t tor Havvle.v and local points, connect, inrf at lUulty with I.ilc ralhoad for New orlc, Newburu and iiiternicdiato point;, leave birau. tun at 7 0.1 a in. and 2.25 p. ni. I ro i its) aiil'e al sraniun at 10 V) a, pi. and '1 10 it m. Hen Scott & Go. Our Preparations for Commencement Are complete, and we now of fer a most comprehensive line of materials for Glass and Graduating Dresses The following in All White for Graduating Mousellne de Sole, Pllsse, and Satin Stripe Dimities, Per slan Lawn, White Chiffon and French Organdies, Lnnsdowne, Albatross and Batiste. In Colors for Class Dress Printed Foulards, Pongees, Dimities, Silk (iinghams, Swiss Grenadines and Mouse line de Sole, French Challies, Lansdownes, Albatross and Nun's Veilings. Elegant Line of Fans Fur Graduating Presents, 126 Wyoming Ave. New Phone and Old Phone. Coal at Retail Deliveied to any part of the city AT THE LOWEST PRICES. . Gibbons Coal Co. Telephone 1383. South Side. HENRY BELIN, JR., (icncril Ascnt for tin- W.voniir.s DMnct foi Dupont's Powder liillnr, Illisliiu, ssportliiu, Mnnl ele-"! anil Hie I'optinno Clieniltil Compam's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. MfelJ 1'u-e. fip-t iml I xplodors llooin I'll (.on lull lliiililln,' Reunion ACI.NLII.-s: Tlllls iniin I01t ll Mill It (. MiN . . W. I'. .Ml 1.1.1(1 N . .I'lt'imn I'lMiiuiith .ttill.rslliua ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. 'the new rudolf7 Oiein 1'iont. Atlinln' f HJ. New Uifc,v's fammu lu alt li .Hid ple.isiiie lesott. I nesc nn the Coisl. Mo't .ippiovtd Hot .ind ('old s vwiter luth-s in liciise, fito to Ktiists .siici,U inlin; itatif, Oithistt i ind d inline. . CIUS It. MM.RS Ovvuei and i'top'r Grand Atlantic Hotel jnd Annex. Virumia vc. iml tleith. Allantu1 Cih, X. I, itlh veil; .!"U leaiilifiil looms t iisiiite, suil'Io nnd v.ltl. IhIIi; hot .mil ruld v i-w.ilet h.it li-; in liokl ind mne. I.oiatlou t,elut ami .eiilral, vvllhiii fnv vauls of the M,.(i l'iel Oii.liiv.lri, Otleis i-pifiil hpilin; litis, su to l" h.v vvieL, 'J ."al up hi ilij, '.poi'iil I lies to funillej ('oielm tuft t all trains. Willi, toi liookli t CHAlilils I., tun: RAJLROAD TIME TABLES. PENNStlVANIfi RAILROAI Soliedule In Effect Maich 17, 1001. Trains leavo Scrnnton: 6.45 n. ni., week days, for Sunbuiy, Hnnlsbuig, Philndelpliia, Bnlti moic, Washington and for Pitts bmc and the West. 0.38 a. in., week days, for Haaleton, and for suubury, Harrisbuig, Philadelphia, Balthnoie, Wash ington and Pittsbmg and the West. 2.1S p. in,, week clays, (Sundays 1.B8 p. in.,) for Sunbuiy, Horiis burg, Philadelphia, Bnltlinoic, Washington and Pittsbuig and tho West. Tor Hazleton, week days only. 4.27 p. in., week days, lor Sunbuiy, Haaleton, Pottsvllle, Harrlsbuig, Philadelphia and Pittsbuig. J. II. Ill irillNsOV, (Jen M-r J. 11. WOOD, Ucn. 1'asj gt, SsS7?t.T.gajo Time Card in rfftct Dee, ,10th, tflOO, SCRANTON DIVISION. sn. 205 !0t xa mi tw h-HIIHNS ll I AM I ' S llu 710 Vr..N. .V, IAIM I.t ' IV PM PM FM ll) IV 101 Vl H 0 114 " ( idil-la llaneoek l.v. . 3 U9I a I II i S lii ! 31 4 ii lUllU 3 10 41 IS St inn (lis Slaillulil IWton laik. II- 8244 . 2 3M vvinnoisi . .lovniFlk , " . UlkOIl ... ' HeaNiupIt, " IjiIoiiiIhIo.. " I oret I Itj " I itiboiitJalu id ' 2 416 Ci 60S It itdiZl ll) 00 U 111 (J Oil DM ll r5. moil is 30J5W Ull II I v f.-uli;- " I llll VI " DIUIIJI " eof " 9UII1 II ' 811111 111 uMiioa " a Ml I ml " S601101I " J6t3 ... PJ itasani I IMlUtSi .6 40 ..8:sj (urOoi'ilale "IllMSMtSi ,.vnti jiruivi . avHeld Iil . M.ull.M , Jerlinn Vnliliull , Ulnloii , I'.cLvllU. l)l)dont rniebiiri; rliroup ,1'roTld. live 1'lrLl'laie . .biramon ,..B3I " l7(S4UM , " 7 01S 3P01 " 7 (Ua5t09. , " ,7 ni ti6o). 1 " 7 18SM6 12 ;; 17 B7 1 ua 5 it " 7 29407621 " i .til foe s; ' J a.tf Hcsi ,' J.U4iiaa Ar 1 ID4S06SS. IV PM PVI ..8U fa .()2S 9 8 1i,10. ' BllUlOIUM " 608, & Si lot ' 81H 8.1-1 HI IV 8 OJ K tl HI 1 1 ' uar 14 to to l.v IPSI 111 ut Sfflssmfflzs&s&to iuHrtT.fTirrnuTiiiniM ys-- AilJitloool trttuilrave Cartondtlc fr Aliitl.l iril 615 fill ritil't H in.Uy, ud 7 50 f m SiinJuy out) , xrltui J tSlivll.M rrd?a)inin.lS.C0iii 'J"n'"i. AJ.Iitloojl Irului Irtvo .s. riuloii at700pin Suiidtj oolj . ItopliliuttolllUlloni la l"orl-ocrtle, itiWnjl 7 J mm in,) train Utvri MklUrM VarJ lor 1 irtioun't t , V..U1 4ll)lorriviiii(aCLtruoiiUit'itsUtiii ItaUs 3 veuta it mile, I.ovroilt ItnttK tu Mil 1'iilnU Wail, v. c. siNDCnsori, j.c. wtnit, Ola'll'an'rArnt Ir.t, Aitat, :iv Vonilj. eroiu. r. Vl4.lt Hayes 6c Varley, If tt If tf V V If tt tc tt It It It It It It V It It It It It V K V It It K It It It It It V K It It V x y n V V V V ll V I! It It K tt It V V V ' K It It V ru-126 HpruceBt., Between Annual Sale of Undermuslins Commences tomorrow (Kildiiy inoiiiltiK) with a slock ot Laillcs' Untlprwcar, complete In ovory Uclull. It Ik a KratlfyltiR fcattite to know .'hut our unitcrwear suIch luivo ulwiiys been huoIi a decided success. We huvo tllfcoverrtl that ladles discriminate nnd watch carefully tho store that hoop? the best made Kumient, the best mntctlul, tho best cut and Ml the details that ro to tunUc up a llrst-rlass article of untlerclothlnp;. UrcortlH prove tho disci Imln.Ulon In our favor. Prices nro vcrv low for Iho claH of merchandise wo carry, no woithlosn trash ever llnils Us way Into our Underwear Department. Here nro some of the prices. It will ,iay you to see them and supply your wants for tho summer season. CORSET COVERS lliimlieiN of new elfrct-t of tlicFc timely MCJi.ililesI a (rooil Ciinbrit! Cmir at he.; otliti;), M'ir., lt)c, 2,"iC , CA.'., .t it. 1 so nn up to tlio ililntlesl anil rleliest Kind, a lilali n s, All it econoni piiies. GOWNS Ufi lining witli nn ctn (rooil fr it incur, full anil well mule at .Vie.; ihoose at eis sttRH up to Mi. We olfti ! sidles nt "He. anil Me., the ti-tnl dollar kind, .mil a coiiotts v.mttj of dunt.v ncli utiles at l. tfft WiffM mlwi illfl ititKiiRi(tititiitatititatitititttaiit(iitta(ittKttitittttit (........l, JL SUMMER FURNISHINGS Our new stock of fabrics specially adapted for this seasou, is now complete and comprises all the new novelties in Porch Rugs Porch Curtains -- Fibre Carpets Straw Mattings Summer Draperies WILLIAnS&flcANULTY : I Temporary Store .j. Carpets. Wall Men's Underwear We have it, all colors, all sizes, all kinds; ranging in price from 25c to $2.50 per garment, sizes from 28 to 50 iuches. Positively the most eoraplete line of Men's Un derwear in town. It will pay you to call before buying. 4 IS SPRUCE STREET. Have you tried our 10c Linen Collars. NEW YORK HOTELS. lW WSAA ,' V W'VWV WJ;STMliNSTEI. J10TKL for sMeentli S-t nnd living Place, NEW YORK. AimiIijii run, r-s M I'er Hiv ami I'iivuhN riiioii'in l'i in. ?li I'.r Day M t'tMrds, E-n'iul lilU. to lainiliin T. THOMPSON", Pi op. 4 s.t.s). for IliiMnes's 3Icu In the heart ot tlia wliolesal . district. For Sliopirer.s I t mlnntci' walk to Wannmakamt S nitnuiLi to Bleud Coopoi'u ue j. Bture. Un.iy of access lo tho grvac "" Dry Goods Stures. For SlRlUseers One block from n'way Cars. elv. "t ini; easy lrnniiortutlou to all points uf Interest. 4- HOTEL ALBERT NEW YOUK. Tor. 11th ST. tc UNIVEr.SITT Pt. Only one Block from llioadway. t Rooms, $1 Up. ffiSii. : Pocono Heights Hoti.se Auomniodatis W, inudetii iiniroieiiicnt; limn i.lii iiiiM on jircinisc: ttinij uiudvuk. ti-t in tuiKO. Said lor iIimiIji. Xgjy Samu3l Edinger, U Pocono. Pa, U It K It wnshington nnu Wyoming H U It It k' M JV X K n x n x x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X .1 X X X X X X X Skirts I l'niluilU aliiit; giwil muslin hoilv; rlouble lulllo ol niiibik-, 50o. 'Ilili i-t tlio lowest lirlic. OllieM as IiIrIi as sr.CO. The Ustnl ilollir qiiillly MP sell it 7ii tiollier lino of 1". H.v lis .it f; IiilI.hI unci lunistltilictl tllui. Drawers TiiiKul Dr.lvvciR of good iniislin for this sile, nt lie.; luijri and lictter kinds at 1!l. nnd -!k ; tin iniinciis-i' variity, up a? IiIkIi .is fl. One lot of Jliislin or Cimbrlo llriweiv, both umliielli ind wide, .it Jx,, dtserves speehl tiitntioti. X X ri"rr"r,rTTT,rTV,rrTTTTj4 126 Washington Ave. Paper. Draperies. V OF SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Suiplus $525,003. United States Depositary. Special attention given to JJUSIXKtiS, IM'UtSON'ALand SAV INGS accounts, whether large or small, Open Saturday evenings from S to 9 o'clock. Wm. Connkli , President Hi.nry Bij.in, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. H. Pick, Cashier. Lager Beer Brewery Hanuficturer3 uf OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to 465 N. Ninth Streat, .PA Telephono Call, 23.13. 4LSiJH WrUorrl k Slrlflurr tmt roltU, tn4rlp latsitisSliriiaki'ii Urvn.SiBijrurhtoru1rkllMoaUlittUs4ki Iflplfinirrj dlrl d rltctrletl frcvJ, Mrgtlua tptr.i in m S4 IfctUJilpblt, I. Vol (4ruu bprtUtkl M r j44lKk It I, .m.I I At.k &B..Mk Ilt.lltd l.a afl.L iT