vytfHa&mm,- .-,a.-fvws5ajjf wv -- -?r XW&fW Wl Zfr'iWi$GM&'lQW$tJ'lb ' fc ' THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- THUKSD AT. MAY 16, 190ft 01 P NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. .'peclnl In the 5i ronton Tiibune. lloiK'Kclalp, Mny 1ii.K. P. Klmlilo IcnvoH totlny for Unlmiinu unif Inter will Join lilt family tit Atliintlo City for ii low tlnys. OliiifiU'u II. Ui'i'ki'r, of Now Yoik city, Is at the homo or his puri'tits, on Third (Urcpl William Mulr inul cliiltisliU'i'. Mi?-'. !! T. Whitney, nro soJournliiK ul Atliintlu t'lty. .tolin .H-nkliiii cltt'il ul the home or his lmrenlH, on Dyhuiry avenue, thlH nioin Inif, alter a llmrrt'hifr illness. Kuiii'ial will Hike place at IiIh lute home on Fri day at :: p. m. Mis. li. NV. Docker had the mlHl'or nine on Woilnestlfiy to rail ami break her left iinu at the elbow. I'linlPtedlti and her fairy Kod-mother In .shadow riutitninlmt' at Orneo eluiieh Hiinddy srlinol loom on Krltlny evening. Mho music, Ice eienm and cake for llf leen cents. The Maple r'ity hand of twenty pieces will hold u daiiec In the armory tli" evcnhiff of M'moilal day. Dance music hy the full hand. There m 111 he a js.ile of enko, eamlv nnrt Mowers fiom I! to a p. in. Friday In the Pioshylctlaii chapel, In the r veiling niuslcal pi oki amnio will he iC'lidned. At the niei'tiiiR held In the Presby terian chapel on Sunday alternoon, In the Intercut of the New York fresh air i hlldieu, the following general com mittee uhh appointed: Andiew Tliuiiip-j-oii, D. 1,. Uower, II. A. Dexter, I. Jf. Hall. A. "'. "Wilcox, (icoige V. Floss, Homer (iiecne and V. K. Dodge. Tin oe young men traveling by wagon, hound for the Pun-American exposi tion, became stranded In Hnncsdalu this week. They hailed fiom West chester, P.i. After disposing of their outlit, tln'-y jiioeecded on theh joiu ney, expecting to give dime entertain ments and secure funds to ic.ich the exposition. Henry Hurtling. Demociat, and (. 51. Tletz. Kepulilican, have announced themselves as candidates for treasuier of Wayne county. Tuesday evening, May S, l!cv. II. .r. "Wimltii will deliver a led lire in the Haptlsl church. riuhjoot, "Wit and Uiiiuor of the lilsh People.'' P.ev. Mr. Whakn is veiy popular with Houcs-flitli- people, and will he gieeted wltn .1 Itlll llHU.SC. SUSQUEHANNA. Spc.nl u Ihc Sii.mtun 'Inbune. Husipiehann.i, May 13. Pi of. lieoige P P.lhle will deliver the lecture at the coinnii-iicemen! exercises of the Lamslioio High school. Fred ICiise, si., who lecently untlei ient a hUicessful operation for catat au, in YVilliird hospital. Philadelphia, l.s doing well and expects to arrive home in a few weeks. The oehool children of the place will join in the Memorial Day parade. A lommitlee from Moody post, No. :'. (ir.ind Auny of the Uepublie, and the clergy of the borough, will visit the High school Friday aflernnnn, May J I. Mis. The. ni, is (Iraham, of the Oak li'tiii side, is the guest of tclutlvcs lu N'ew Yoik city. 'haili'.s Kntoii, of Oakland township, is reioveimg from a seveie attack of . ppeiidicltb'. The funeral of t lie late Isaac "W. l'luivn, of Lanc-horo, took effect from I In- Ij.iuc.slioro Alotliotll.st dim ch this morning, tlie pastor. Hew D. l. Meek er, olllciatlng. Internieiit was mado in the Windsor cemetery. I'ountv Kiiperlntendeut of Schools M.oey will examine the si ailed school i lapses Mav :. A leap-year lion will be held in Hogan Opera House on Friday even ing. Mav 31. MKs Muigiirei f'oiiRhlin is visiting lelutlves in New Yoik city. What became of the piopositiou to licit a ential fire station? .Mis loiin Sullivan is the guestof I I lathes in New Yoik. clly. Mis Ficileriik Teal, of Maple uve iiiu. will, on Thursilay afternoon, en I oi tc In thi' Doicus f.oclet.v of the Pres hytoilau eluiieh. l-.ilo Station Agent .1. W. Tonne and wife, of Hrandt, aie doing the Pan American. A National bank examiner Is hi town, nu'KIng his usual ofllclal visita tion Miss N.llhi OrKcoll. ,i 'liinlily-e , teenicd young lady, and a popular pub Ik .school lonelier, is critically ill. DURYEA. The Kiiidu.itliig class of the Duryea High school ato busy preparing for the commencement exercises. They have not ut thin writing decided on a date for the banquet, It is anticipated that this, year's graduates will endeavor to excel all other classes In their exoi i Ises, The juniors ulso are not slow In making a great effort for a successful programme, Mrs. George Ammeimau, of Orovo street, Is convalescing, after a recent illness. The boys interested In the coming de bate, held a meeting last evening and niadu some necessary arrangements. It's a Short Road from a cough to consumption. Don't neglect a cough take Shiloh's Consumption Cure when your cold appears. The " ounce of prevention " is better than years of illness, "I suffered for years from cough, bronchial and lumj trouble. Raised blood frequently. Spent ars in ll'c Dakout and ether parts of not but got no relief, Relumed east anil began taking Shiloh. A few bottles com. (itciely cured in:. 1 comider il the greatest of leioedies. HENRY T. DETCHEH. With 1'. I.. Camp & Co., Broker, Buffalo, N, Y. AMloh's Countuuptluii Care la sold by all AruRgUU ut 5o, 30c, 81,00 u buttle. A r rioted guu.ru.nteo goe with every botflo. t you are uot mil I tiled go tu your druggist and get your money back. Write for illuitralcd book en romumpiioo. Kent irahoul rcit to yoa Si. U. Welb Vo ,(.tKof,H.Y, Ibuhort Hon en and William Hohhn aie prcpntcd tu tight Ctinite Ullla and 811ns Itandnll, who HkewlHn nre tire paroil to dofeiid their points. Mrs, Thoiniis t.'ox and son, I.tibcn, visited In Hernnton on TiieHduy. Mis. William Hhales ami tlaiightor, Nettle, and HlHter;, TJlllan and Helen, visited In Hcranton on Tuesday. Mi. and Mrs. AVIlllain I'lows were Hciantoii visitors on Tuesday. The social held by the Hnwoith lonmie last evening was a stiooes. PITTSTON. Fpfi l,d to the Pcr.inton Trllinnr. l'lttston, Alny 15. The boaid of health at n special meeting Tuesday evening adopted a lengthy report con demning iih unsanitary the elty hall. The report also recommends that coun cils find another meeting place. William Thomas, of North Mnln street, has secured a position in Alont rose. The plant of the Pltlstou Gazette will he Improved with u 'type-setting machine. It arrived yesterday. Aldermnn ,T. ,T. Doyle and .Tallies Whalen, of Upper I'lttston. attended the Ilurlte-Laiigan wedding In Carbon dale ycsteiday. A class of one hundred nnd forty-flvo children will be conllrined in St. Mary's Unman Catholic church, Upper I'lttston, next fjumlny. Dr. Keveison, pastor of the Yvost Pittston M. K. church, has arranged lor a coin so of lectures to he given lu Ids church next fall and winter. I'-alllug in l he yard at her home in Port Griffith. Mrs. Thomas Hurke frac tal od one of her limbs. Itev. Coiirteuay Fenn, the returned nil.sslonniy from China, who is at pres ent holding an ollicc in the Presby terian Allsslonary Hoard, with head quarters lu New York city, will preach In Hie Pittston Presbyterian church next Sunday."" Upon his return to New York City next week he will he ac companied by his wife and family, who have been staying with his parents, Mr. and Airs. S. P. Fenn. at West Pittston. Oscar Hlterleh and Aliss linimaUrnd loy, two iell known young people of this city, were united in marriage this' evening by Ilev. Air. SSubor, pastor of Ut. John's Lutheran church. The dance of the Corlnthia club takes place In Keystone hall Thurs day evening of this week. Klaborate arrangements have been made nnd the event promises to he one of die most fashionable functions of the social sea son. TUNKHANNOCK. Spi-iiul to Hie su.mlnii Tribune Tiiukhnnnock. Alny 15. Alarrlnge licenses have .been issued this week to the following parties: Hurlon T. Kenoy, of l.aceyville, and .lennie li. ,1a j tie, of Golden Hill; Herbert Dixon, of Bardwell, and Nellie K. Tannery, of Lake Winola; George H. Jones, of Tiinkhannoek, and Ada, Titus', of Lemon: Kdward Detrlck, of Pittston, and Elizabeth Grogan, of Serunton. Attorney L. P. Weilemiin, of Scran ton, was doing business In town on Wednesday. Aliss Nellie Hoyoe, who has been visiting her sisters at Scranton, has returned home. AYIlllam P. Hillings and family and Charles Hittlspaugh. of AVilkes-Harrc; C. AI. Kishpnugh, of Harrlsburg; Airs. Emma Lull and Wilbur Klshpaugh, of Sayie. atteniled the funeral of the lati cGorgo Lull, at this place on Wed nesday afternoon. Attorney D. C. Do Witt, of Towanda, visited friends and relatives in town on Vi dnesday. The martiage of Aliss Ada Titus and Air. (ieorgp 11. Jones took place at the Alelhodlst Episcopal parsonage, on Tuesday evening, al S o'clock, Rev. H. If. Wilbur olllciatlng. TJie J. F. Wiggins Concert company, of tills place, gave an entertainment at Kactoryvillc on Wcdnesdny, Alay 15. Thls'ovenlng they ill glvo a concert at the Opera House In Nicholson. Alis. AV. Pardon and daughter, Louise, who have been vl<ing rela tives at Dallon the past week, re turned home on Tuesday. The Spring- Fever. Is a malady which no one can escape al this season of the year. The vital ity Is usually overtaxed during the winter months, and spring Hilda the system all run down, The blood is thinned and impure. The kidneys nnd liver are Inactive resulting in a loss of energy and appetite, and a de rangement of the nerves. Llchty's Celery Nerve Compound will purify your blood, tone up your nerves, and leave you feelhig fresh and energetic. Sold hy Alatthows I?ros. TAYLOR. Ai the business session of Lacka wunua lodge, No. 113, American Pui testant association, on Tuesday even ing, the following officers were 'in stalled by District Deputy Grand Alas ter David I. Grlfllths: AYoithy master, AYIlllam J. lUehards; worthy deputy master, Samuel C. Evans; recording secretary, AY, (1, Howells; linanclnl secretary, Thomns JI. Davis; assistant recording secretary, David JI, Jteese; treasurer, Thomas D, Aloses, This evening will occur the grand social and parlor suite contest at the Calvary Baptist church, which has been attracting tho attention of the public- for soino time. An excellent time is nssureil those desirous of being present to hear tho lesiilts of the con. test, which will bo decided at 10.30 p. m. All the delicacies of the season will bo served by the young ladles In charge of the event. The public Is cordially invited, The concert and benellt drawing for Alia, AYIlllam Goodwin, which was an. iiounced to ho held this evening at Weber's link, lias been postponed until Juno 20. George Afarsh Is at Columbus, wheio lie Is attending the Grand enmmandery bosslon of ilui Knights of Alalia, as an alternate from the Invincible mm, mandeiy, No. 2,"2. The progressiva euchre party held In the parlors of the Church of Tmniocu late Conception, on Tuesday evening was u giand success. " The Reds, the homo base ball aggre, gatlon, will play the Urothers' team, of Pittston, on tho Old Forge grounds, for a purse oe $5, on Saturday after noon. Tho following musical and literary tulent from this town have been en gaged to participate In tho concert of the Ladles' Catholic Renevolent ana. elation, of Old Forge, on May 20! Solo ists, J. E. Watklns, Misses Olwen How ells and Edith AV. AVntklns! AVntklns family, AVntklns quartette, and Louisa Nichols, rncltrr. Tho excursion of Iho Taylor Hose companies, Nos. 1 nnd a, nnd the Toy lorvlllo band to Aloiintnln park, on June 11, promises to be. a grand nffnlr. Committees nre hard nt work perfeet lug arrangotiicnts, nnd tho event bids fair to be tho lavgest and most enjoy able one to leave this town, Alosir.s-. John C. nichnrds, Walter James and ltev. D. C. Hilwiirda will leave tomoriow for Lnnsford, I'a wheie they will represent the Welsh Hnptlst church at tho convention to bo held at the above mentioned place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The funeral of the late Airs. AVIlllain Jenkins, whose death occurred on Tues day from bronuhltls, will be held this afternoon Horn her Into home on Union street. Services wilt bo conducted at the AVolsh Congregational church by the pastor, Rev. J. C. Evans. Inter ment will bo inndo In the Forest Home cemetery. ooooooooooooooooo THEATRICAL. ooxxxxxxooooooo ATTRACTIONS TODAY. Ar.UlKMY HunllcyJairlin (omp.inj. MrIiI, Good Plays Well Presented. (ioml pl.it n pudental by n fnnipany of rooiI pl-iycn i.s wli.1t. the Huntley .t .luKnoii roinp.iny, ippc.irlrijr this wri-ls at the Ac.idetny ot MuMc.iro giving the patrons ot lli.it popular plajhomo. Vostculiy alltmouii "Ho.inoKc" was priiciilttl In a cr.v cap.ilile manner. List ovciiins, "l'or l.lbeity nnd I,oe," ticintlful war itiuiua, was Iho nthnctlnn. The plcie was lianihoinrly htagol, the M.onrry was inagnlliccnt uml much bcantj im inlilnl liy the womlciful electrical iITolIs u-eil. 'J his afternoon, "A Mslit OD." .1 very funny comeilj', will ho plajril, iiml tonight the tele bialed melwlrann, "Tlie 1'atal Caul," will he picsonteil. 'Iho specUltits liy the vamlevllle iinnibeis will lie cli.ingeil nl will peifonn.inic. Vera De Noie Stock Company. "lleiil'a I-laml," tlio play founded on the cclcliutnl l)ri'.fiw e.i'.c, will be the attr.ietlon on Monday iiilit, Alay i!0, at the Academy of .Miimo. Tbeie liat noter been a ca-.e which baa eauni'd fo much Interest tho world orr as Hint of Captain Drejlib. Tho .toiy of hii life is thrilling to lead, but when It i draniatieally told with the Minie and lnechanicil sui round inirs lilii' lhat of the pioduition which will be at tho Academy it lairnol belli but make a pic ture neur to be loiKolten Thi-. Lompaiiy will runain bcie a week, pie tenting "I'nust," "Tliicc MuKetiers," "Car men," ".Monte CrMo." "Chiel;," "The Tort's Daughter" and 'Camille." BASE BALI.. American League. Al llihloil I!, li. i:. Wasliincton H ; 0 ft II li 0 (1 n- I in 2 Boston (10(10000000 '.', i IJ itliric- I.ee aud fiiady; Cuppy and Ciiser. Umpire lla.-Kell. At Baltimore- 11. If. II. Philadelphia 1 il I 0 I ! 0- j II :t Baltimore 1 2 I 0 0 U I !i h 15 :: llatlciies Pialt and l'otteis; Howell anil ltoh iii'ou. I 'm tire Lantillnu. Other rlnln not siliedukd. National League. Al llnslon II. II. II. St. I.ouis 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0(1-2 !l 5 Ilotou ) 1 2 0 2 2 0 1 S 13 1 llatftries .Tones and Kj.in; Willis and Kit triilsc I'mpiie Knille. At Brooklyn- II. II. i:. fincinnati .. 0 0 II (I 2 1 2 0 1 (I li 0 BrooM.tn 0 n 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 I T 1 Batteries Phillips and Hewn; Me.laine, Mo duli aud r.incll. Umpiic Dit.ter. Al nil.iilelplii.i- I!. II. II. Pitl-.lnng 0 0 0 1 0 2 I 0 0 I .1 r, 2 1'lilhili-lplii.i 0 0 100 00.10211 12 .1 Batteries Wlltz and Zimmcr; While, Oitb and Mcl'arland. Uiniirc .N'.'ish. At New York II II. II. ( Iiiiaao 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 il 10 ,; Xiw York 2 0 0()tl(iOl 10 1 Bitteiiei Tailor and Kllug; Milthewsnn' and Sniilli. Umpire (I' Day. Eastern League. Tiiionlo, I; Uaitford. ::. Montimil, !1: M'oritolrr, o. lloilie-ter, S; Syiaciw, I. Ilultalo, :i; riotideme, 7, College Gaines. Ai Bethlehem- i: II. i:. IhIiIkIi Uiihcrslty..0 0 0 0 0 10 1 .1- ." h 2 Mate Collcffo ,...j 0:1 1 0 2 0 (I , 11 17 2 Batteries Taj lor and l'in-ons; Miller and lltiurr. IJinpiic I'Mlcr. At I'nnieton I'ranelon, 1; llninn, .(. At New ll.itcn Yale, 10; I.ifajctie, 1. At I'irlWe IniliaiiH, 21; fiiujiielMiiiia, 0. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Bevlew. Nctv loik, May 13, Tho stock luaikct shotted cmpliatic fjniptouii id relief late today aud n coveied vigoiously fiom il-f eaily .icute deprerf lim, rislns ktiunidy ocr last iiikIii'k lcii-1 uml iM.ihlUddui; Mittalanti d net gains in the majoiily ot bloik-i. At one time iluiliuj llie day piici-i had deillned in a f.ilily M-usjIionit luanuti, Iho los.-eii tioui lat nlli t level etiniiliig fiom .'! to 10 polnu in u Iiiko number ot impoiiaui i-lmks. .Noitliwest had tost d'.i; fjemral Kledlii, HTjr.j Cleveland, 0. O. & St. I.cuU, 7Te.; Lake Iliie and Western, 7; I'nion I'jillio awl Missouri I'.ullk-, IiVj; C'oniollilated tlas and Dil.iu.ue and lliuboii, 6!s; New York, C'liiciirn uud fct, l.ouls teiond preierred uud Ainerlean Tobacco, 5; Aiuab gaiiuttit t'opiiii', 3I&; Pemer and lllo Ciaude, I'i; Louisville, .Manhattan and l'ioilcV (in, :i'i, and many otlitr of the btamlarU railtoad tioiks in niuili as tluco polnH. Tito level uf net b'alii-i at tho liighfat U tho mora reiiiaikablc iciioldeiini; tho aiutu weakne&i laily In the day. Tliey reailicd In Hoik bland, 7 poinH; M. Paul, 3?i; Atchison, Hi; lluillngton, l'j; llal. tlmoio ami Ohio, tli, while tho net gains us a rule weie all the way lioin a fraction up in 8 points. T'Iicm! pallid wcio only slightly bided at tho dose, wliidi was II1111 aud act lie at about the top. Tills stions lemvery .-iei:i.s puulin in face of the cMiinie sensitiveness 01 the early market. The proj-'rei--, uf tho liipildatiuu wliiili caused the early weakness was in Itself an inline diuto relief to the i-ltiutlou it nave tiurtln; iiafuranie uf the, solum')- of stock eJnliuiit,o houses who weio cniciging irum any dangers lb it may bavo beset them by tho rapid conursior, of their resources into cash acls. It was the loir lhat this could not bo said) done which cvei liuiij,' tho mailtct yesterday, The more of ft thai was iKcomplishtd liie Ice, rciiuineil to do, The tact began to Blow dealer also that speculative! uccouuts in the stock market itself were all that bad been allcclcd by last week's slump, Tl.cie lemained some buljiis with borrowed funds whoso loam weie. not stiftlcieut to protect their holdings by udditlonal secunly or tu take tlieni up ciitiisbt. The (selling cut ut IhU clars was still in evidtneo this- luoinins; ami no chi'U. ho support was in tlie liuiUct to help them, Tho fellinj- came ut spasmodic inteivaU and for llio yieiler pail of tho day 110 illeetive buying was cvlilcnt, When it became evident that the urgent liquidation bad spent its lorco and that Ibvio was u hi we lestive lorco bclilud the mil) the buying orders grew in uiluinu and in tail who largest ut kbout (he top level. Total sites today, 1,1(11,000 shaics. The market did not fully leiour Itoni its early weakness. Business was iiioilci.nely .11 live, 'i'otul sale. Jl.b'w.oou. V, S, 3s advanced li per cent, on the last call. The following quotations ire furnished Tht Tribune by M. t?. Joidan A, LV., oomi -OJ-701 Hur building, bcranton, Pa. Telephone 500.1: Oniii. lush' Low- (,Toj- Insr. rst. est. in,:. Aineriian Suyar llo 1I21J Mjii ll-jii Amff. Tobaico lilt.. ji,$ no 121 AictiUon (..,,. ....in M Atchison, l'r. xiit.nt n.lji llrook. Traction .,...t 7Pi IHU. k Ohio ih OuU C'nnl. Tobacco ,1,1,,,, iVl;i Chr,. H Old I'l t'lile. h tit. West I'l Hiic., II. a 0. ,.,.,... lll St. lMtil .....iJ.'iiU Itock Island ,,1 ititll llcl, k HuiNoii ViVa Kan. k 'lev., l'r. M I.ouiJ. is Naih 1, I'l Man. CleMtid t .- (, Met. Tiactlnti ....f...,lVl',i Mi.so. Pjilfle ., '17 Hon Hum ti I'.nillo I." Norfolk k West. ....... IsVj Norlhciii I'acino in Noith. Pacific, l'r 101114 X. Y. Central llT'.j Old. k Wclcrn SOU 1'riui.i. II." It IIS I'nrlllc Mail 3:1 Hc.idliHr Hv, ,.., ,'lnU heading Hy., l'r Tli Sc ullicrii It. It ,,, 211 South. II. ll l'r. M Tpiiii. Coal fc hoti ..... Wi I'. S. Leather 12 U. S. Leather, IT 70', t'. S. lluhber 20',i I'lilun I'.iilllo lfVi I Inn I'.ullk', IT. 8) Vali.ili, I Il'.ilj Wcnlcin Union !H)t'i Al11.il. Copper Ill) Peopled (!.m HVi'4 I.rle :i,i Te.as I'jclllo 12 Am. Car l'nundiy 2'lij t'. S. Slcel Co IIH If. S. tiled Co., IT. ... UOi'i m:w youk (iiiai.n 71 1)3 72i I'l r,i 20 l'C. loin I If bVVj MM imu 1I0JJ 1WII '"!'j Wi Al I I3U lOlltj 1 mu :wri 1WU ::i :i7ti 7.1 27 M Ml i 12t, 7.V; 2H"j IIKI1.J nt :n nt ici'i 1.1 2.TU 1H4 01 03 W (.'! Al 'a tin ma 1 lid i 110 110 CI I', P3 K',i lilU Wi Wi. i" l.PI 100 113 2'J 110 naii ji 1 3i i.')' jin so ni& 7l 20 Ii3l; btt'i 31 Mil loivi 10 Mi 30 .I'l'l 22 if. 3'1'i 8SH rot; pi KU 4iVl 20 i'l-. 11 OS 1I7U !" J .".I' j Jl'H'i 1lo?s 13s Iriti 4'1's liO lil'l 10) II') ilOji II Its 31 S7,t 27 SI 61i t JO', i l(lll!i lJr,, 31 WVi 110 itw'.i fl'llk II an.i 1.1 no:; Cloi In, T',i 1.1 MARKI.r. IIIrIi- Low e't. est. rsu 77 Open- WIIKAT. July I'OM.V. July IliiT, 42'i 41 li7i Bcranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. First National Dank Bcranton Savings Dank Third National Bank Dime Dcpo-dt aud Discount Bank.. economy Light, II. & V. Co Lacka. Trmt Safe Deposit Co Clark & Snover Co., IT Bcranton Iron Fence & Mfg. Co. ... Scranton Axlo Works Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr. County Savings Bank ti Trust Co.. First National Dank (Carbondalc).. Standard Drilling Co Traders' National Dank Scranton Bolt and Nut Co BONDS. Scranton Pas:ngcr Hallway, r,r Mortgage, due 1920 People's Street Hallway, first mort gage, due 1018 People's Street Railway, dcneral mortgage, due 1D21 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka. Township School 0 per cent. Bid. Akc 1200 ... 3G0 4SO 275 46 130 100 113 20 :ioo 300 39 113 If 113 115 US 100 102 City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per cent 102 Scranton Tiaction C per cent 113 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Coirccted by II. (!. Dale. 27 Lackawinn.i Ave.) Btittct Cieiineiy, old, 20i21c; fre-b, 22a22l3Cj dniiv, flesh, llH:J2Ql,fec (hcese-1'ull cic.iui, 12,i1" lStgs Wcslcin fii'-li. It ' j lo 13c; ncarbr state. 151- to Hie. Beans Per tin., ibolce niaiioiv, .f2.33.L2.CO. Pea Beans Per bu., iboice marrow, 2.3ia2.C0. Miilluiii Beans Per bu., 2.40i2.13. (ireen Peas Per bu., Sl.IOal.45. Onions Pet' bu Sl.10.il.30. riour Best patent, pie batiel, s'l.Oi. lied Kidney Beans Per bu , 'f'.fui.ao. Potaloe 30o. buliel. Beimud i Onions J-'M'ia'J. II. New York Grain nnd Produce. New Yoik, Jl.iy I.I. Klnui Quiet, but In Id luuio fmnly. he.it Spot steady; No. 2 red, S2"v. f. o. li. ittto.it. and bijie. elcvatoi; No. 1 1101 ilium Duliitli, ihl'ii'. I. o. 1). alln.it. Options upiucd steady aud llurcaiter developed n stiong tiiiddtiine; losid stmng ut lal'sC net iidvauie. May clostil .SI'bc. , July, 7S!ae.; Sept., 73v'hC I'orn Spot llrm; No. 2, Dl-i-ic. elevator, unit 32e. f. o. b. nlloal. Oiitions mado veiy sharp ad vances; closid flim and Hafii. tut highci'. Mav clo-ed 31c; July, 40'sc; Sept., 4')e, Oats Spot bteaily; No. 2, 3.ie.; .No. S, 3.1c; No. 1 while, 34e.; No. 3 white, .T3!'je. ; ti.tcl; mied western, 32!ia.UVic; ti.ick vvbite, 33iia37l,i;C. Options active and higher willi coin. Uuttei 1'inn; cieaniery, ISallk.-.; factory, Hal3c. ; imi tation cieamery, 1:!j17c.; stale dairy, 15alhr. V.UK Quiet; slate and 1'cnn.i,, lie.; westeui, stoiage, l.l.illc. ; westun, legular packed, 12.1 13c. Cheese New, rpiict; fancy laige, colored, So.; fancy laige, while, SliaSijii-.; fancy small, loh, icd, tji;e. ; fai'iy small, widte, ft. Chicago Grain and Produce. Cliicagu, yUy 13. l)iv we.ithe.- and damage iliiins gave uti upw.iul impetiH to tile wlie.il market today and July iloscd r,c. higlier; July lorn iloscil 9J.C., and July oils Ha9ic. higher; il.y corn made a new reeotd, OOe., and clrnuil 4c. bigher. .May oats gaui'.'d 2'ie. ITovisiom i tiled dull aud eli-ed without m.ilf rial change, C.ih quotalions weie as fullows: KIoui Quiet and steady; No. 2 spilng wheal, 72'.ji73',ii'. ; No. 3, l')i7lc.; No. 2 led, 707ia 71vsi'.; No. 2 corn, S2!ia35iie,; No. 2 )ollow, .I'lViilS'ac; No. 2 tuts, 2ll.;'t.i.'!0... No. 2 while, .ila.U'.Jc. ; No. 3 while, 2i)a2:ii4c; No. 2 l.ve, B2c,; good feeding bailey, 4Ai.12i;.; fair In ihoiee malting, 53a30c. J No. 1 llav seed, M.7.1',i'il.74; No. 1 norlbwcstern, ?1.73!Jal.7l; inline timothy seed, JaJ.Ci; mess pork, IfH.Ci) nll.ik'i; lard. ij7.00.i7.Oij .short nlw, 47.90aS.10; dry sailed shoulders, 0)ia7i; shoit clear sides, Sf.lS't. 18.23: whiskey, tfl.'JS, Chlcnpo Live Stock Market. Chicago, May II. Cattle llcceipts, S,;.oi), steady lo slow; liutdicis' stock, active, steady; good to piliue stccis, Ifj.lOaU; poor to medium, lrla3; slocker.s and feedeis, steady, "sSi'i.tO; cows, 2,s3i4,ili; beifeis, b-2.lj3al.f3; i-anneis, f2.ru 2.S0; bulls, f3at.!0; eahes, stionger. .1.73.ri.23; Texas fid stterd, Ijl.23.'i5.10; Tf.n bulK, 42. 71m y.so. Hogs Opened shade c.isin ; clo-ed stioug; tip, if-i.S7',i: inhed and hutchci.-, s",,flili.".S71!'; good to (hoice heavy, fV.73a.1,S7,.'; lough heavy, s,'.M)tV70; light, f."i.30a3.S0; bull; ot Mies", f3.73 a5.S0, ' Sheep llereiptH, 12,fW; sheep, stiong til lllo, bighe; l.iinli., 10a 15c. higlier: top rlipped lambs, f"; good to ilinlct' witbiis, HJaaLflO; ftir to Limit i' niisctl, 6lil.23: western Muip, fl.30al.Mi; .teatllngs, fl.lOal.ul: nativo lamb-, M,4ln3..'V; wistun lambs, .s,ifl.-,.."io. Buffalo Live Stock. List Bufl.llo, Miv 13. neceipts: Caule. ')!; Flii'ip and Iambs, 27 lais; hogs, ..'7 i-ns. "Ship nienis; Cattle, S'i cars; sluep and lambs, il tars; bogs, 3 iai.s. Cattle Steady: elites, rliolrr in estra, M.3'1 a!i."3. hJiiils), ihoiio lo ctia, f'.l.'uj.'JO. Sltei p, wethers, sM,2.lal.."0. Hogs Heavy, xVi'af!: pigs, S-3.71a3.fo. Oil Market. Oil f'lt.v, Mav 13. Credit balances, lu7: ter. flllealcs, no bid. Shipment, 7S,.Hh: average, til.MI. Huns, 10.1,030; average, M,27l. FINANCIAL. OLDEST! SAFEST! BEST! WALL STREET Money Will Hum lllg Monthly Returns, The Investor's Fund Pays Fonibinonl lily, Tint oldest rstalili-lied in America. No ceilllleale holder has ever lost a icut. Payments undo lo till subscribtis every 13 ila.vs. Nn trouble. .No delay. Money icfimJcd on deniind. Write to day tor pailitiilais, tire lu any uddies. (', I?, Mackey A. Co., Hudson HM'tr., New Yoik, Bond Offerings. j?ln. Can. & Feu, Con, Ss, Paying' 3 8-4 to 5 34 per cent, roit Worth & Rio Grniitle, 1st !l-4s, Gal, Hur, & San Ant. 1st 5s, Iowa Cent. By Co, 1st 5s, Lone' Islnnd City & Flush. 1st 5s, Xouls. New Albany & Ohie. 1st 5s, Mexican Cent. By Co, 4s, Missouri Pacific Tiust, 5s, Minn. Ocn'l Elec. 1st Con. 5s, Rio Grande West. 1st 4s, St. L Iron Mt. & So. Refd. 4s. ( umplclu Ciuulir I.Ut on Apfilicatlou. "STATISTIC TABIiES." 1001 (Pocket IMttlon) now lead), Spencer Trask 81 Co, 37-20 Pino Streot. 63 Sljtc Siicet, Albany, N. , fiKW YOKK THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Lines, ,1 Cent (or tltclt Ihtrn Line. Tor Rent. For Remit. Store in The Tribune building, now occupied by the Times. In cluding Desks, Steam Heat and Electric Light. Also 1200 leet of floor space on 4th lloor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at ofiice of The Tribune. FOK RUNT In Datton, rottapo of nine room, furnished, for the season; one of llio ucst locations lu the town; llvo minutes to tho station. Apply to (). W. Gallon, Dallon, Pa. TO lll'.XT for threa or four inoiitln from date Mi.ull furnished loltase, opposite Methodint I'pKiopal diiinli, Wuverly, Pa.; sultoldc for fuiiillv of four or live. Price for Mason, ?. Inpiite 410 Connell buildlns or P. H. atone, Uaverly, Pa. l'OU HUNT 010 Cilltoon. steam heat, laundry, almost new, near street earn, larue porch, pleasant nelglihois. Open for in-pcctlon. llrlng ycttr friends. Mr, ComcK.rt. SUVKN PLTIAfANT ItOOMS, JctTerson nvenue, in Rood condition; rent cheap; alio a ham. C. Smith, attorney, Coal I'xclMngc, Kocm ffl. WO Olli:i:.V milCU SrilUUr, ten rooms, modem iniprovenients; (.team heat funihhcd; dcslr drsirable. For Sale. TO!! SALi: Tho lumber In tho "Onlliclnlr. Ico Ilou-e," t.Wc of ImlldiiiR lOi feet by 00 fc.it, situate in tho N'iuettentli waid ot Scranton, at Crown avenue and Locust street, ia olfered for sale. Piirdia-iT niu-t tear down building and leinovc all timber train the premises not later than .lime 1, 1101. Written proposals tliotilri be addres-.ed lo Tlie Transit Contract Co., Conm.ll buildlne, Scianton, Pa., not later than May 2i. 1WH. The company icserviii the light to lejeU any or nil biiN. HOW CAN UT. 1)0 IT.' That is, sell Hand, .Me Nully (c C'o.'h new luiiiuuoth rcvcr'-iblc map of the United Sinks and the world for f. Well, the publioheis can tell, peihaps, but at any rate they atithoiio in to sell at that piiee in cIiiIk. Addre 1'. X, Chase, local leprescnlatlve, 11U r.iirlleld street, Scranton. FOIt SALK Pacini; horse, harnr-ii and carriase. A bargain for tasn. A. II. Il.ikei-, lii ljuiney avenue, Dunmoie. Wanted To Rent. WANTIIll TO HUNT Small sl.ible for pair diiv iuk Iioisch. Addict Stable, Tiibune olllce. Furnished Booms. l'OU HUNT One laiffe funii-hed fiont room; also ouo ido room. &17 Adam avenue. Booms and Board. ROOMS AND U0A11D, nllli piivate family, at ii.'3 Washington avenue. LAHOi: fiont room with board for two gentle men, -110 Adann avenue. Situations Wanted. A FIHST-cr.ASS COACHMAN desires a situation witli a private family; understands the cue of liot-es thoroughly; sttictly temperate and 10 li.ible; good iefereni.es. Address J. K., !U1 Penn avenue, cily. WAN1FI1 Situation, by a lady of cxpeiicnce, as bool l.eeiier and stenographer, cashier or olileo. assistant; iiierenccs, Addiesj lloukkeepei', 'liih line office. SITUATION WAN'l Ul) l)y a woman to go out by day washing, ironing or cleaning. Call or address Mrs. HunhiII, 1210 Cedr.v avenue, city. SITUATION WANTUD Hy .1 ii'.in, spading, gar. dining or cutting lawns, or cleaning yauls or Using tlower beds or lajii.g tidevvall.. Ad diess 1.100 Providence lead. SITUATION WANTUD Hy a j oung man in sloro or oftlee or to do any kind of work; has had experience as tiavcling salesniin; can lui - iif-.Ii lefcrcnce. Addicss Utperiencc, Tiibune, city. Sl'lUAIION WANTUD Ily a joung in in ot goa.I luililtx; can give referencs; would ih any thing; pieler lo le.irn a trade, Addicss li, P. II., liibuue. KIll'A'llON WAMU1J Hy a wonim to go nut by the da.v, washing, iioning or i leaning; in- to take woik home. Call ur addrcs.s .Mn., Itusscll, lil!) Cedar avenue. A HOOD (illtl, would like a place In a pilvutn iauiily; is a good vvoiker; will go tu tlie cciinliy lor tliu unntnei" if profeued; only a, good laniily need leply, Jlisn JI. C, Tiibune. HUMAW.1. JHDDI.U-AdUD I.ADV having epeii inie would liko uuining; lonllnciuiut i.i-i1.-. j.nferied. Addles "II,," Uuuinoie, Pa. UA11V, an experienced tltesiinaker, would like In take lu plain frcvviug. Addie.-s JI, t), II., Tiibune olllce. Sl'IIATlON WANTUD Hy u ;oung man as book, kcepir and typewriter; (an give lefereme; small fsilarj. Addicss Wesley II. Weaver, l.upe, fculllvait county, Pa. SITUATION WANTUD-IIy tt young gltl, l .veats old, as nurse girl or ciraiid gill. Call or address 401 Thcodoio strict. snr.VriO.V WANTUD-Ptaetleal newspaper nun of miny jeais' exiverienie wishes to obtain a position as adveillsing vviitcr with some irpui.i. ble and rcsponslblo hoiie, Is a practical pilntei, knowing Ihu uso of tvpe, uml how bent In dlv play it In liinltul spate. Cm luruisli I he veiv best of lefeieuiert. Addtrss "Ad. Witlii," laie Tiibune olllce. WANTED Woik by tho diy as lauudies; ap give beet of lily uierenie. Aildn-s 70J Ului Edict. M. Jt. Political. ltVYVAWVS sixo.Mi i,r.iiisii.viivi: i)i!Tiiier-.smiro i, hereby glvui lo the Ilcpubliiait volns )(1 (,0 Second legUlatlve illstriit ut Liekanaiiui county Hut a puniaiy election will be liclil on sum day, May Id, 1101, at the regular polling plm, littvrrtii Iho hours of I and 7 i.VHIc p. m., jur tho puiposo of electing two delegalu, 0 leim:, sent Ihu said legislative tlUtikt lu tho loinin llipublieau statu conventloii lo be In Id In Ji4r. tisbuig. Thn lonvrntion to rumputu lit. 1. will be held nil 'lueday, Jla y, pull, t lt) o i lock a. in. hi the i unit houMi lu t-iuiitun. lu utcoidancu Willi the mlcs. govt ruing tlie dUllicI, tho talidldam will be volul fot diiectli by thn .uteia at Iho pulls .uul mint tegUlu villi ihu illstiiu thallium Ids mil name an,i postoiliui addiiM, and paj his jmitiiKin tiiuen dajs bifore Ihu elulion, ir his name will not be nlau'il on the ulilclal lul.lol, iieiihu- will any votes cast foi him be counted. 'Iho dlslilit vlgilauie tommlllee m vaiimi. pie. lintts will louduct th'l eleitlon, ami the usult will bu ripotled by the mum jiidiii. it, i in, tllct lonv.nllon, wliiili will bo coiupn,eil , ju.l.'es id' tho va i lulls ili.tiku A wiltteii notice lonlalnliu- liuthir iii.tnuiln will bu mailed tu .Mill I'letnUr ol tin, M lt tllct vlgilaiuo lonunltKc. Piedeiii ; -,.U Cliaiimaii Second legMinu Disiiju Atlcsli Nallt-i' U. Hails, heciclarj. T1IIHI) l.UUlsUATIVi: IHsillllCT -.Notice i. heuby glvvu that llie Heiublleaii standin' cbinmittiu of the 'lldid legislative itUtrict id LacLivvaima coiinly will meet at the aibltratloii loom, couit house. Scianton, on Sjtuidav, the eighteenth day of J'Jy. 1WI, ut 2 o'doek'iii llie aftenioou. for tho purposes of oiganUatlou atrj fixing 4 time when the piiinailcs for the election of state delegated llull bo held, fly older of T. J. Jlattlicws, Chaliuuu. Attest: I. 12. Watklns, Seeietary. scraaton, I'l., May ii, lvOI. 3 More Help Wanted Male. w S1.SV WANTUD Ah experienced collector for Scr.ni. ion ana its vicinity, for installment homo, first of lefereuees required. Address II, 1!. It., Tribune office. CHUCK I1IIV WANTIlll at the Hotel .letiuvn, 15 or Hi jc.im ot age. At.ti AU(H)Nl) vvlte utan nukns vraulrd at once. 12. .Io. Kt.lttcl. WANTUD 12 "tone cullira. Apply aC ofilco of Hiiikf llros., Connell building. GLASS CUTrCIM WANTUD Uoughen nnd smcolltel-?, slrnily work Hit- wliob- year. Umi1 lor Cut Mass WorUn, US Johnson avenue, llrook Ijn, N. Y. WANTUD Chef lo act tin eoolc ut quick lunch . counter at "Tin- Club," 4.1 south Main sticet, Cirboiidale. Call or oiMtrm J. J. JlcNully, above numbei. WANTUD Men with ilg to adveitlse mid lutin. dure Xfnnnreh Poollry Mixture; straight ml- lj'itlfi weekly nnd expenses, Address Willi stninp, Monarch Jtanf. Co., Ilox 40J, Springtlehl, Illinois, WANTUD Ten shift laborers for HiifTulii. Ap ply Immediately. II. I). Johnson, Sll Connell building. WANTED Salesmen, traveling or local; weekly Falary paid. lfcrrlck Seed Co., Hoeheslei, Help Wanted Female. HULI WANTUD A good girl for general house work at .117 Franklin avenue. Agents Wanted. WANTUD Agenti to canrasn for the Famous Smallng Corset; custom made. Address Jlrs. If. Smallng, 112 Main street Hast, Itochestcr, X.Y. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Bcceived at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City AI.DI2RT SCHLUTZ, comer Mulbeiiy stieet and Webster avenue. CUSTAV PICIIUL, 10 Aihtnis avenue. West Side CUOltnU W. JUNKI.Ns, 101 South Main av cnue. South Scranton I'KUI) L. TURPPU, "il Cedar avenue, North Scranton C.UO. W. DAVIS, comer Vuith Main avenue and .Market stieet. Green Bidge CHARLES 1 JONUS, 15-i7 Dickson avenue. P. J. JOHNS, ICO Green llidgc street. V. l.OKKNC. corner Washington ave nue and Jlarion stieet. Petersburg W. II. KNUPIT.fi, 1017 living avenue. Dunmoie J. a. bong a SON. Beal Estate. 1.1)00 Hnj six-iooin, single house, good well. Lot lOov.'OO, Scranton street, Dallon. Pa. Wells k Ke.itor. $1,!!)0 Ilnys building lot, lOxl.Vl. Wheeler ave mte. Wells & Kcater, Burr Building. . . SJ.POO Buys double house, 7 rooms on a side, all improvements, except pas. Dean stieet, Piovi. denee. Wells k Kealor. Wanted To Buy. WANTUD Five tliaies of Hie People's Honk stink of Seianlon, Pa.; name pine. Additss JI. II. Ciaver, lliooklvn, Pa. Boarders Wanted. WANTUD Table bonders. Mis. Tompkins, OH Washington avenue. Money to Loan. MONUV to loan on improved city real c.-tale. HENRY BUI.IN, Jit. CIIAS. H. WKLLKS. THOMAS SPRAC.UU. JIOVI2Y TO LOAN Kive hundred to lnty Ihou sand; inlciest I to (! ier cent; pirti.il iiav Hunts on laigo loans accepted pioinjitly. Hee 1'oliU, LOI Jleais Iluilding. sS"-0.iim TO LOAN Lowest rates; stiaiislit or monthly payments. Stalk k Cn.,Tiadiis' bldir. STltAHIHT LOANS for any amount, intend I m 0 per cent., can be obLiined fiom A. lnui nelly, 10 Tr.-uhrs" National bank hulliliug. ANY AMOUNT OP MO.NT.Y TO LOAN-lJuii k, stialgl.t leans or Hulliiing and Loan. M fiom i t', 0 pel cenl. Call on N. Walkei, :ill.315 Connell building. Employment Agency. 'VWVVV KANE'S UMPLOYJU'.NT Ill'IIUAl'. IX Lai l.a vvatiui avenue, lluds sllualiiiius for all iIj-ms and uallon.illtv ; towns, city and eniiuliv. Man vvmiiiiiI. Uniployen invited. M'leine II-'. I'm siou tkiluis and copying .Ulcudul In. Proposals, SUAI.I.Il PIIOI'OyALS .vlll lie uuiveil al Hid utlue nl Hie .seiietai.v of tin- Stauluu Piior lloaid until li o'i lock nimii, I'lldav, .May 17, llill. lor tlit eieiliuu and compli'thm ol .illii.l. lions and nddtlliius In the boibr Imu-e, uud lo tin- ilisptiu-aiy at Hillside Homo in auoiilaiuc with plnu and s'i iltiatiuus iivv leadt in i ) hands ot Edcurd II. Davis, Altliiteil, I'nunell buildina, SiI.iiiIoii, P.i, 'Hie .-urn ul MWI lu i.i-li ut lerllliul c In ik slull ho iiith-ed witli . . li piopikial, wliiili sum shall be loilillnl lu 'In' Sil.illlull Pool illslrli I ill ta-ft n ii'lu-al m inai,. slim on tin- pail nl' the Haitian. r wlnvi' pin jios.tl shall be .iriiptcd tu eMeitlo emiliail willi. in tin ili.is tit lir tlio nvratdiug of Hie oJine. Tim Iio.iul tuiltos tin riithl tu lejist .tin' i.i all bids. (. .1. (ill.l,i:.sPIU, See tot in PHOPOSM.S will be inelvnl foi fl,e j.iuitui.bin Ol Iho Slllli-(iti ..h'llin.lkl iliniili mi 1 1 1 M I'll, ddi-i.ii (lia-e, N-lli VVligh.i. .1. P. Ili'i ilnlph. ('ouiiuillie. To Wlioin It May Concern. THE PAIdirs with .oi,i"l. J. hennriuu bui a Sinai) scniing mithliu a short lime h"iuu bis de tilt will 1'i.nter a la-oi b.v couiuuuili.iHiig Ihu fans to Id. widow, .Mis JI, .1. Keiiniluii, .if Hunker Hill, Ih'iimiii' PROFESSJONA. Certifled Public Accountant, I- C. SPAl'I.UlMl, -HO IIIIOH)W.u7 MAV Yoik. Architects ITIWAKll II. IMVIS, AIM HITIXT, I0NNKIL building. rituiiuini'K l. nitnu x, aicciT! iT. tiKXT IMale i:cliingo Hldg , l.'O Wa.liliiglou ave. Dentists. lilt. (1. U. UII.P.NIIUlinKII, PALI, I lll.ll.tllNO, frpituo stieet, Serautuii, DH. C. C. LXUDACII, 113 WYOMING A UNiTl Seeds. il. II. ILAIIKU k CO., SUUDSMUN AND MUSS, ci men, store) 01 Waihlngtou avenue; giten liousrj, IDoO Noith Main avenue; store tele phone, 'ii. SITUATIONS WANTED I'RUU. DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents Than Hour Llnei, 6 Cent, (or Each Bxtra LlM, PROFESSIONAL. lawyers. FRANK 12. IIOVM2, ATTORNIlY-AT-tAW. llooms 12, II, 10 and 18 Burr building. I". K. TIIAUY.ATT'Y.COMMONWHALTI! fltlOT. 1). II. UUPLOflLK, ATTOIIKKV tiOAKR NEOO Hated on real estate security. Meurs building, comer Washington avenue and Bpruco street. WIMiAIlD, WARREN & KNAPP, ATTOnNGMi and rounsellors-at-lavr. Itcpubllcan building, Washington avenue, JI'.SStl!' k JESSUP, ATTORNF.Y8 AND CX3IJN. sellors-at-law. Commonwealth building, Rooms ID, I'll and Ut. UnWARD W. TIIAYI2II, ATTORM2Y. ROOM? DOTMWI, Olh floor, Meats building. L. A. WATI1KS. ATrORNHY-AT-LAlV, BOARD ot Trade building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON k WILCOX, TRADERS' NATtON.Mj Bank building. C. COMKOVB, 1)1 J TtKPUIIMOAM BUILDINO. A. W. nKRTIIOLI', OFI'ICC MOVED TO NO. 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Sugeons. WI. W. 12. ALLEN, GUI NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. S. W. IAMORI2AUX. OFITCE .139 WASlH ington avenue. Residence, 131S Mulberry ('lironlt; disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and genltO'lirinary orgam a specialty. llouis 1 to 4 p. in. Hotels and Besturants. 11112 ELK CAPE. 12J AND 1J7 FRANKLIN avenue. Hates reasonable. P. ZEIOLER. Pioprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NHAU D.. h. k W. PAS scnger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. a. n. unions cleans privy vaults and cc3 pools; no odor: only improved pumps Used. A. B. Utiggs, pi-opiielor. Leave oiders 1100 Notth Main nvenue, of Eicl.c's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both tolrphone. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL. REAR till LACKA. AVE., Scianton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. UftESsMAKINO FOIt CHILDREN TO ORDER: aNo ladles' waists. I.ouia Shoemaker, lil-J Adams avenue. MEOARfiEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, US v elopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, lsO Washington .avenue, Scranton, Pa. THE WILKESBARRE ItECORD CAN BK HAD in Scianton at (he news stands of Heiim.iii Bros., 400 Spruce and 503 Linden; M. Norton, '22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzcr, 2tl Siinicc street. LEGAL. CITY OF SCRANTON", Department of Public Safety Proposals to furnish the City ol Scranton witli one ilrst-clasa Hook and Latldci 'fiuck. Scaled proposal will be received by this de partment, until i o'clock p. m., Tuesday, May iS. 1WH, at its office in the city building, to furnish the City of Scranton witli one flrst-cliis Aeriel Hook nnd Ladder Truck, with all modern itpiipiiicnt: and appliance complete. Bidders will state when they will guarantee delivery of the machine. Prices epiotcd wilt be on the truck delivered. The city lescrvcs the right to reject any or all bids. F. L. HITCHCOCK, Director ot Public Safety. Seraulon, Pa., May II, IDOL CITY OF SCRANTON. Department of Public Safety Proposals to furnish the City of Scianton, Sli-lnch File Hose, not to exceed 2,j0u feet. Sealed pioposals will be received by this rle pailmenl, until I o'clock p. in., Tuesday, Mav -'S, 1001, at its office in the city building, l" supply the City of Scranton with the most ap proved brands or ipialitics of 2i-incli Fire Host', witli standard couplings, in lots as wanted, not to exceed 2,."0O feet, niddera will furnish sam ples with bid, staling when same can be d. Ilvued, pikes to be on goods delivered free if frilght eliaiges. The city lescrvcs the right tc lejeet any or all bids. P. L. HITCHCOCK, Diiector of Public Safetv. Mianton, Pa., .May II, l'X)l. CITY or SCRANTON, Depailmcnt of Publio Safely Propa-als lo furnish the Clly el Mranton with one No. 1 Steam Pile Engine. S'.ihd ptoMisali will bo lecelved by this de pailiuent, until I o'clock p. in., Tticsdav. May , lhtil, at Us ofiice in tlie city building. In lumlsli the City nt Scianton with one No. t Fn si Cl.i-s Piston Menu l"lie Engine, complete, witli ,i capacity nt 1,100 gallons per mimit-. Piiccvs will bc imoted ultli and without lubber lilt's, iltllvered in llio city. Riddel's will state whin they will guarinlee delivery of the engine. 'Il.e i II v icmmks llie light to ieeil any or a'l bid-. I'. L. iiricncoriv. Iliuiloi' of Publit Saffl.v Miauli.ii, P.i., Miv II, 1'iOi. Tltl'STHU'S hAI.I2.-'llie mideisiKni-tl Tlttstce, mi der deed of Inisl made b.v William Meyer and Fleilt-lii.l Mii'l, hU wite, ilalid Oil. 21. LsJ. and let oided ill the ollue for the tieoidlug of i Idd-. lu and tnr L.Kk.in.iuui I'onuly, iu ll.n' llniil; I, paae 1-". etc.. will sell at publio sal", vi nihil- in nulii.v mi vv'ului'i-d.iv, Miy 20, lull, .it, 10 t,'t luek a.m., al tin- vililti.itl.m llnom in Ih I unit lloii-c in Hie ll.v ni Mi.tulou, all tli. lolliiulig ileciluit lot nl ii,'ic nt land sltuite ill the fill nf Si.iiiiou, County uf Lackawanu i and Male of Piiiu.ilvaiila, liuundeil and !(-( I lln-il a-, fiillnvvs, to wit: Being Lot No. 2, iu Sipm or llloik No, l., upon stint called and known as .Ictli i,-"li an line uul l.iuileu strei t, upon the plot of I In' ClI) nt i.iiiIiii, 111 I .-illicit to i'i, hill iiifildi'd. Slid nl biiug forty (10) Iroi iu until mi .lelliiioii .ivruiie and one hiiiiihid an ' liflv (l.'O'l iVil In di pill. Iiicauteiuenl of dept in iiiuiiiiiuin leu flO) led iu-iile of thn siilewall. i.ii bolh avniue and stieel, wllh tlie rluhl lo ittebi-i'. use and nuiipv slid leu (10) leet In from ot slid lot mi avenue and sheet lor crllarwav, poult, daa. ha.v -window .uul sluiil.l.irj, but ii"t llie littlit lo rieit any building tin icon. Eseipi nig and te-iivliig the col and luinerals a ih .-..inn- win- I'Meptiil and Ursivid lu the deed fiom llie Mi-.iiiili.iuua and Wvomlng Valley Hail mad .mil luil lunipiiiy fin' said hit dated Oil "s, In., ii'ioidi'd III Limine Count in p.ed ll.mk No. Us, pige 27.'. Said 1 ,t Is Iulpioi.e. with a Iwosioiy lrii k dwelling hou-e wllh t'n lull lend mi .lefleison .nemie, and i ilotibit luii-tniy fi.nii' devilling house on l.iiuifu strcrt WIIMs OF SM.H-2'i per lent, cub at tie limn of sale, and the balance, lo be pild within nun Jeai; defeitul pa.vineiil. Willi Inleiest, ti ll,' -t'liiiiil bj bund and innilgign on the prrm. Im-s. IHAIILEr. II. NUIHTElt. WELLES .V TOIIHUV. TiusIm Mliiilie.vit lor 'Inisfrr. , in Tin; coi'irr of r ommov pleas of Laeh. viaiiiu iiiunly, No. ,(,, May Teini, 1001. Nntlte Is heivby given that uu application Ins lt u nude by thn DicUon Mauuiactiiring com pany to the .ibiive-iuuuii miiit, under tho pin i Ulcus ul an act uf Iho guii'iul as-eiubly of tliti riiuiiiinuHCMllli I'lilillid, "An act to enable Courts i.f riiiiiiiu.il Pleas of this touuuonwealtli i el.aico Del iianie. lvle and title of coipora tioits" appioveel Apiil :'", Iful, for the allow .ii'ti- ami Hiiiuiiv.il nt Ibu cliaugu ot tho name stile and I it In ot s.ii'l eoiiipanv to Dickson la I'niuotivc W'mks. The petition is now mi tile In tin i.iliui ot the pK'llioiiotaiy of Raid rotiil. vl.ritUH HAND ii .M. J. HIND. Solicitor. l.s'iATi; III' Dm J. Phillip;, late of the hotoiu'i ol Uiimnuif, county ni l.ac Uawannt, ai.d tale ut Piiiiisvlv I'ua, ikceasfd. l.clttis testaiumtaiy upon the above esl.ie having been gunted lo the undeislgiied, all pei sous baling claims or demands against the said csialu will picenl them lor pavjii-nt ami llio't ihiii'hti.'d thereto will make iiumedlate pavrueni I'll MILKS II. CENTER. Executor. Connell Bldg., Scranton, I'a. Wri.I.US .V- TOnilEY, Atloiney for Estate. EaTAli; OF (110RC12 WARNElt, late ol the (Itv of s(.rautoii. County of I-uluwaniu and Stale at I, niikk li.ml.1. ilsfpjsp.l. i.eiiiis ci uutuiiiisiiaiion, i.eiiiis ci uuiuinisiiaiion, c. i. a. upon it" abovu estate having been gianled to the iu dcitlKtied, all pcitoim having ilalucj or d mauds again.c said c.tate will present them ttr p.iinenl ami Piosc indebted thereto will uu'n liiitnedlato pa.vment to UllllUiaiD PJ.lIlll'Ilb IU PIIH IP DEIILL', Adinlnbtntor, V. '-. IHTTENIIERR. Archbali, Pa. Jlttcrnfr for Faille. r