The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 16, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    sgrf as
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'7!,J''f"!?T1,t'",' "-Mr
wt U 'f1
fV '
Tluough Cais from West Sotnntou to
Prterabuig and Dunmoro Will Be
Abandoned, nnd All Cms Will
Have Their Taiminus in the Cen
tral City Board Bill Jumper
Caught In Bending Cantata In
Meais' Hall Well Becelved In
quest in Flitch Case.
A. number of cliuiisi's hi tin West
Snautiiii Htiout nil scivkc ale t,on
trinpliitccl )v the Sotiitittm Hallway
(ouip.ili.v when the new summer Hclied
ulo roc1 Into efii'ct n June 15. In
sttnd ot' i ii ti ill 11 f-r (in-- UiKitmli fiom
AWft Scrntitou to PeteisliuiK and Uun
inore, .is Is now done, all tats will
liiw tlmlr let minim in the ccntor .It5 .
the same as the South S raiilon, lit run
IIIdKe. T'ltn Itleiiec and siiliinb.itis cars
now luue.
TiiumliMi will In- made at I'enn and
I.ickiiivnnnu awnties foi nil line-. At
piotiu onlv the 1uii'ii and Lafayette
i.ih inn mound what Is known as the
Washington avenue loop. l!v the new
i'i l.tiwinmit the llvnon, l,ueille and
Wnshbuiu slitel lis will also mil
iiround tin loop.
flldel I he Jiioseia sflndllle the l!v
nou stiiet c .ii s inn tin oiltli to Dilnk
ei siitit ilie AV'adihiun stieet c .irs
inn to 'eteishuiK and the hueine
stieet i.ns inn tluough to JJimuioie on
the Liuii'l Hill line. Theve tlnotinU
c.ns will lie ah.iudorud and ea h line
v ill have sepai ile i.iis. Instead of
tin I'vnon stieet t iiiiiniiiK onlv to
W'esi l,o( list stieet. as Is now done,
tile slfjns villi lie ch.uiKid to lead "Liu
coin I IkIUs," which s the titv lino
tt i minus
This Innovation will f,he the ie-d-il-
lit s or loeilitv additional car
si i v Ice to that u bendy eniovtd on tlio
Hill mm IIik.
Initial Suppei Tonight.
'J lie III st initial Mippir to be m'IMiI
lv the Ladles' Aid society oi the Simp
son Methodist i:ps(oial eluiK h undei
the new p.istoiate will take pine this
evening in the liituie innni between
the houis ot i anil o clock and pi
II fills .lie assined of the ustoni.u v
i M client bill of l.lli
The iccasion will also kIvo inaiiy til"
oppoi ttinltv o iiicetintr with the new
Distnr, riw. II (' Mc ic iitintt and Ins
Will. Till sllppCM ). chaiRe
or the lidiis hosi n lines 1ie.-;in witli
ion svir vi
The Dainty, Dressj
Shirt Waists for 1901
Are being discussed in fashion's circles everywhere
not because Shirt Waists are a new thing, however
(everybody knows better than that), but because there
is a new form of loveliness to them, this season which
is incomparable with any Shirt Waists that have gone
before. If you are in doubt as to the truth of this
statement let us clear away misgivings through ocular
iou Cannot Refuse
To Believe What You See
And it will offord us more pleasure than you cau guess
at, to prove the truth of oui statemeut.
The Charming: White Waists
Offer Irrefutable Evidence
In support of our claims. Describe them! That's
beyond our ability. The variety is infinite and the
various manipulations of Tucks, Insertions. Cross
Tucks, Hemstitchings. Laces, Embroideries, All-overs,
Kdgings, Frillings, Gatherings and what not, are so
deftly and artistically arranged as to defy the most ex
pert word slinger extant, in doiug them halt justice.
You must see them to learn their beauties.
The Colored Shirt Waists
Are Marvelously Pretty
They are much dressier iu appearauce tluu formerly,
and vie with their while neighbors for popularity to au
extent never before known. Scores of patterns and
styles to choose from aud they're all new,
This Is Sure to Be a Record
Breaking Shirt Waist Season
And no house iu the trade is better prepared to meet
it than we are. Many of the styles offered are our ex
clusive property, They were made to our special order
and cannot be duplicated elsewhere; while in the com
mon and medium grade Waists we have gathered in
the cream of the market aud placed them at your service,
Prices for White or Fancy
Shirt Waists from $5 Down
Globe Warehouse
the Inltlnls U M, N, O. P. Q nnd It.
Ice rienin will nlfo ho solved after the
Board Bill Jumper Caught.
A Hluut time ni?o n trnvrlltiK mini
named Mum lee 1 Mnlllund.vvho licinid
cd at ralrchlld's hotel, Hklppud out,
leivliiB ti $10 boiii d hill foi Landlord
Alldoif to ponder over. The hitler ho
eiticd n wnrtuiit ltotn Aldeimun John
for Maltlnnd's nriest, nnd jpnti'rday It
vvns leu I lied Hint he hud been niiested
In Heading;.
An otlleei In that elty eoimnuiilcated
with the iilileimnu, who pent a. message
back to the ulTeet that If Maltland
settled the bill with rostn, lie could ho
iclpiihed. If he does not do thin, the
prisoner will he bl ought heie lo await
the dlsposlllou of his ense.
A Cieditnblo Peifoimance.
A laiRi audience wltnef-sed the pio-,
duetlon of the cantata, "Jeplithah and
ills Daughter," In Moats' hall last
ovcnlnir, nnd the perloiinaiHo was a
ei editable one In eveiy lespeet. Tlie
elumis woik was except tonally good,
and the nolo wlnfiliiK vvas In kecnlm?
with the excellence of the pto
ductloii, H-nKhiK, rostuinlnir, etc.
Pi or. iliury . Jones as "Jephthah."
iind .tltH Phoebe Smith as "IphlKcnla."
his daughter, gave an ei client Intei
pietation of their lespetllve paits, and
the lenialnder of the casl vveie c(tially
ttood. A scjiuid fiom the Thltteentli
leglment assisted In the pioduetlnn.
Conductor P.ivles deceives much ciedlt
tor the woik he has ai eomnllshed In
iliilliaff the .slngeis. The peifoimance
will be lejicattd this evening
Cannot Learn Fnrticulais.
Mis Hulilo Tltnian, ot 10JS J.tckMin
slice I. wh'ose dang lit ci, Theiesa Itus
sell, was so seiionsly injiiKcl in a vvllil
wiL pei foinianee In Indiana on Mon
day, telc'siaplu d cstotd.ty foi lutther s about the vounp; women's
condition, but the only humiliation she
leccived was she was dangc loudly
hint, and is not likely to lccover.
Tin ic is no doubt about the sill's
Identity, as het mother leeched a let
ter from her recently in which she
said she was Kointr to Join the .show. Vai'spii Has been a. clictis ncr
fiiimer evei hlnce she was fomteen ol age. She is now twenlj-two,
and duiinprliei caieei earned the solui
(uct of "Qui en of the Cow C.lrls "
Reception This Evening.
'I lie Itobeit Mollis lodge ol Ivoiius
will lender a lcceptlon in thou mums
this evening to the visiting delegates
to the fli.ilid lodge, now in session at
Tavloi. The leecption will bo of an
liiioim.i' natuie, at which addi esses
will be ddiveied bv seveial of the v IM
tois and local Ivoutes
A. number of .selections will be len
deied by the 'William Conned Anthi.i
c ite Glee club, and thei e will be olliei
fcatuics of an i nteitalnlng natuie. P.e
lieslmicnts will be solved and a sniok
ei will lie tnioved.
Inquebt in Eritch Case.
Coiunei Itobeits htlcl an inquest in
liis olllie last night in the ease ol the
late Michael Flitch, who died suddenly
on May 1 In the "Hlslng Sun" tene
ment nt tho comer of Scranton and
Seventh streets. Sevcrnl witnesses were
examined, Including his hilde of a few
Mr. and Mis. John Llnko, with whom
Frllrh lived, nnd Aloe Fillch, n brother
of deceased, vveie nlHo exatnlned, but
their testimony ahed no light on the
mun'H Hiiddcn death. There was no evi
dence adduced to indicate that any foul
play ocettned in the case, and the Jttiy
lendeied a vol diet to that effect.
Injured in the Mines.
Petei Price, of 106 Lafayette stieet,
employed as a rock worker In the Oa
ju.uso mine, was sevcicly injuied
about I lie head yestordtty by a fall of
i oof,
lie vvns tcmoveil to his home, wheie
Dr. AleKenge was called and dtessud
his Injinle.s. Mr. Pi Ice will recover.
The Ladles' Aid ocle-ty ol the Ply
mouth Congicgntloniit chinch, hold
their tegulir weekly session yestciday,
at which much needle woiki..wus f'
eomiilishcd. Ilie meiubeis ol the Washburn
Stieet Piebytetian church met after
the pr.ivrr meeting' last evening In
an open paillument session on Bible
school woik, and discussed the need ot
Inci eased effoits along this pnilictilur
Miss Mai Katuhei's class of the St.
Mai it's Lutlieian Sunday cchool, con
ducted an Ice cieam social In the biso
mciit of the chinch last evening, which
pioved to be an enloyable affair and
vvns llbeially pnttonl'ecl
Dmglais enteied ha Itenuett & Co.'s
meal house, on West Lirkiivvnniiu avo.
nuo, .Monday night, and emptied tln
eontonts of a money diavvet, which
.imounted to u few eonpeis.
Two valuable- pups owned bv Clem
Mush, weic stolen liotn hH place ot
business recently.
The J. W. H. circle of the Hampton
Stioot M'ethocllnt Episcopal ehuieh will
give an cntcrtuinnient this evening,
under the dlioctiou ot Mis. Randolph
Jones. An excellent piogiamnie has
Ixen an inged.
Mrs. duties Auci, of OM'oid stieet,
is eiileitalning Mis. .laiiKs Conioy, of
HrooUlv n, X. Y.
The Baptist Voting People's union
of the Jackson Stieet IJaptisL church
seivid stiavv hemes and ice cieam to
a linge number of pations in the base
ment of the chinch last evening.
Mi and Mis Addison W. Chase, of
Xonh Main avenue, and Mr. and Mi.
Fiank 1!. C'h'ase, of Xoi th Rromley
avenue, left 'esteidav morning for a
lew davs' visit to Bultalo, Nlagai.i
Falls and th,. I'aii-Aniciican esposi
tion. Hoiatio Pi Ice has opened a barber
shop at JO J Xoith Main avenue, iut
to Musgiave's ell ug sloie
Membcis of the AVilliam Connell An
tluaelte cllee club aie leciupsted to
in-et at 7 o'elopk this evening at the
Kobcit Monls lodge looms.
A meeting of the West Side
c'ential Republican club will be held
In theii looms this evening.
-V 'Vet acquainted" will lie
Riven this evenng- in the chinch p.u
onaue ol the Piovidence JlethodisL
KpKcopal ehuieh bv Kev. and Jlih 0.
A. Cine.
Alaslei Toniniv- Mollis the boy so
pi.inu. who lias Rallied a wide 1 epila
tion din ing: the past .veai, while .sinsr
Imr at eiiteitainments, sans two ol his
latest .oiii?s at the Auditomim. Tues
d.iv evening, and nut with gient mic-
'Ilie fuiieial ot Mis, James (iilei took
place yesttidav moiuiii tiom ho Lite
honii on West Mai Let stteet. The ie
mains vveie conveyed to Hie Holy Ros
ai y chuii li at 10 o'clock, vvheie a sol
emn high ina--s ol icqulein vvas cele
biated. Uev. .1. .1. O'Tuole was c ele
liiant: Rev. .1. .1. Dunn, of Rellevue,
duaetiu, anil Rev. .1. V. Mojlan, suli
cleacoii Mis John Lynch sanf? "Ave
Maiie" William F. J,j nott sunt;
"Xe.uei. My- liod. to Thee." while the
lemains woie behiR removed imni the
ehuieh. Theie vveie a Liirp number of
ti lends and i dative-, pie.sent ul the
mass, ami the doial otieiuiB- weie veiv
hantlsome. Ilie ptill-beuiet.s weie An
thonv P.iclden and Panic k Thomas, of
f.iilxmdulc, P.mielc TiRtie, Joseph
lltnley and John Ne.u.v. Interment
was made in tin- c'uthcilial eenieteiv.
Tile luneial ot Panic k Minphv, of
Paikei stieet, took place vesterdav af
leinoon at '2.M o'clock. Sciviee-.s vveie
coiidui tetl al, the Ilolv Rosaiy ehuieh
bv- Rev. J. J. O'Toole. Inteiineni. was
nnicle in tlie c'uthcdial tenieteiy.
I.iifei evtnitiK an eutei lalnmept was
Kiveu in ht. Maiy'H hall, untlti- tlie tii
leetion of tlie .Sunday .school teac-heis
of tlie Holy Rosaiy chinch. A laige
uumliLi- vveie pieent and llsumed to
some- of Ninth Seiantou'.s best talent.
The follow In a: pioKramme was icn
deied: Duct. Annie (iolden and Alice
Faiblen: jiiauo holo, Maiwuet Thoui
ton, iluel, tVlla anil Maiy levcis; .solo,
John HiiKhe.s: duet, Katliailiu- hulli
an aud Nellie McTeut; iccitatltin,
Tlumias t'laik- violli- solo, Maiy Mc
DonoiiKh, tiiintette, niiio t'onnci.s,
Nellie MiTeul, Maiy U CLlil; and
Ku thin iiiii Sullivan.
John DiiukIhm, of I'lovldcnte, was
one of the laiKo uuiubfir ot nieii who
lell these pill ts tor the West dltllUB the
".siiMieiisiim" of IS77, Me went to Ne
vada and loi-.sevei.ll e.u.s Wlote lemi
lails to hlsstvo biotheiH, IMwaitl and
AiiiIioii. whom lie left behind In
N'lantoii. I, iter die lettein kikw- less
irtiiurm, and htlll latei iliey iea--(d
allogetlur. A.s the- yeu.h Hew by and
nothlntff was lieai il Horn the absent
biothei, the Inotheih In Seianlon took
It lor Hiauttd that lie wtib dead, and
nbout ten yiaus ni;o ucelvetl vvhiit was
MipinM-dly lellabln Inltii matlon that
this vv.iM so Last Suiiday moiniiifff the
mNslniff biothei- letuineti and, ,S may
be believed, iheic huh a bappt ilino in
the DiniKliei household, lie will epiiild
n fthoit time hc-ie and then tutmu to
Nnvnd i, vvlic-ie lie has .-.ouie iltji uiin
intr pinpei ty,
A veiy iinp'iitani iiiuetluK ot tlni
ladiCK of tlie- Piovldciiee Pit.sbyleiian
conuioijutJon will bo hehl this atter
noon in tho social looms, MeiuneiH of
tho Aid ttoeiety and ludle.s of thai en
tho t-iuiKieBiUlou aio invited. Woil; lor
tlie new ihuitli ye.u will be conoid
eietl Tho masoiw have begun the founda.
Hon walls jor the now ehuieh Ik-Iiib
ci c tcil on (,'hiiuh avenue between Oak
and Maihot stieetb.
ThoniaH MoiBan. of Summit avenue
K iu the, htlll leceivlUB treat
meut loi his eye, which vv-ab ueeutly
Injuiod by a bit of Hloel that Hew Into
Alltm i coii.-lt lo iuii until it sits Le-joml .l,c nt micJUliK-. ilit-v ai, "Oh, il ulll
vttar anjj," but in mot cjm. It vtlll v car
Ihti.i aj. I ciihl lliry- lie iiulutcJ l. lr tli;
buucfelul incclicliio ullcil kcuip's Djbjm,
U ncilcl on a poaltitc nuaraiiU'o lo cuic, ilicy
vtoulj iiiiincillitely kc IIii? cwtjllcnt (
Ukins the- iliit Jo c. I'llco Vx and 30o. 1'ilal
iz Irte. At all clriushu
When Scranton Citizens Show
the Way,
Theie inn be no Just iciiyou vvhv
uny leader of HiIh will continue lo suf
fer tho tortures of an ochlnf back, the
annoyance of uilnary disorders, the
datiKera of diabetes or any ltldney lilt
when relief Is so near at hand and tho
most positive proof given that they
can be cured. Rend what a Sorunton
citizen Hays.
.Mrs. j:. a. Jones, of tnio Lafayette
.stieet, cays! ".tliineH.s of the knees,
bloating mound the ankles, pain
nc-ioss the loins when stoophur llftlnrj
auytlihiB or when 1 eeited myself
eleaily pioved X had kidney com
plaint. Donn's Kidney Pills weto
In ought to mv notice tluough an nd
vettlsement I saw In one of out- pa
perse, and I piocuietl a box from Mai
thews' Bios, thus stoic. I followed up
the ticalineut until 1 ued several
boes, Tlie lumeness and the bloiitlnfj
dlsuiipeaied. 1 know of otheia In
Sei anion who used Doan's Kidney
Pills nnd obtained gieat lellef."
For sale by all dealers. Pi lee 50
rents. Fostei -Mllblli u Co., Huflnlo,
N. y sole asents tor the 1'nltcd
Rcmemhei the nutne Ooan'a .ind
take no othei
it. It i-- let uncertain as to -whether
the sight of the eye can be lestored.
The icmalns of the late Mis. Anna
C'llffoitl vveie Blven Inteimeiit yebter
elav moi nliiB at !l o'elotk In the Ca
thedral (cmeteiy. The funeral vvas
held fiom the family i evidence on Oi
e hard stieet nnd was laiBcly attended
by siuiowIiiB friends and lelatlves of
the deceased. At SI. Petei's e.ithe
dial a letiiilem muss was eelebiated.
The Sct.inton SaenBen uncle met tot
lehearsdl last. evenhiB in Alhletlt hall
Runic li No JJC, Ladles' Catholic
Renellelal a--soclalion, will meet in
reBUlar session tills eveniUK In Phai
niuey hall. All inemlieis .tie ieo,nested
to be (uesenl.
Mis John Nealib. of IJeoc ti stieet,
met with a dlstiesshiB accident ye.s
triday af lei noon, being kicked bv a
mule on the left side of hee head. Tlie
accident oecuired near her lesldence.
The kick which she leceived lendeied
her unconscious. She received an ugly
wound and hei left ear was split no
badlv that stlclios vveie nec
essaiv to close the wound.
Tho 10-yeai-old son of Mis. StaenB
lein, ot 020 Ciovvn avenue, tell down
a (light of stalls vesteiday and dislo
cated her light elbow ioint Di .1.
J. Walsh re -set the dislocated liiem
bei. The Lov.iliv dub of the young Wo
men's CMuIbtl.iii association will meet
on Kildav night. The meetiim will be
ol spceiii 1 Intel est as a gobpe! song ser
vice will be conducted hv James Main,
assistant seeutaiv- of the young Men's
Chiistian assoeiation. The Young
Men'.s Christian assoei tlton choius will
slug liveiv- niembei ol tin- tlub
should lie piesent.
The Ladies' Aid -ocielv of tlie Ce
dar Avenue Methodist
ehuieh will hold a itimmage s.tlc nt 211
Wyoming avenue, beginning Tuesday,
M.iv A. Those having lontiibutions
mav have them eaiied toi by sending
vvoid to the set maiy, Mis Dalton. 7,20
Pear stieet, oi to the paisomigt, on
Cedai avenue.
Oi. t: J cn.imbeil.iin and wlf- left
yesteidav for Philadelphia, vvheie the
doi tor aoes as a delegate ..o Hie gt n tt-seniblv of Piesbv teilitn i lunch,
being held theie.
Mesis. Hopkins and R?dd. of Hie
tianspoitalion depaitment of 'In IMe
lailioad, weie In tovtn jestettliy.
iZm. n Swait-, ot Chinch -.tieei, v-as
uble'tti b about .main vesteniav, nllcr
his icceiit aeeidont.
(!e-oige Winlersleln enieml upon hl.
new duties with tin- Lile comjiany
Mis. 4. L Rice Is III at hei home
on Mill stnct.
Miss Mollle Ciine.v. 'if In ink" -r
stiett, Is sutToilug ttom .in atiavk of
tv lipoid fever.
A veiv (iicitly wedding was snieiiiii
1ed jtsleitlay atteinoon at J o'tloelc
hi St. Joseph's, church, when Mr. Peter
Iluckley and Miss Catheilne I'eeney,
both lopulai vtiuiig people ol this
place, weie loined III holy wedlock bv
Rev. Pathei Ilea. Tlie Illicit sinaitl was
Miss i,ulu Mcl")onald. of the West
Side, and the ginoiu was atttudtd by
John llollein, of Mlnooka. The bilde
and her maid weie chaimlngly attlied
in tt-iy btiomlng tostunies, and jne
.seiited a )iett appeaianeo Alter the
cueiuony, i shoi t tlilve was taken.
Ppoa leturnlng, the paity lepahed tt
the bom - of the bible's pncuts, .Mi.
and Mis John Feeney, of .Main stieet,
wh"le a sumpluoux was so veil.
II i-fiimi il Mrtuti t Pr Hint mil Potwn
tin- 1 1 Id il Ma lilo Ik nit, tl siniUroim m
nur ami llu'.'ui -luct Iat mi nil. Dr. V.
fi. siuii.i,ii, 1 1 (In- W ii v viitlioilUt I ilit.oi d
tlitiiili, iituhc-l the mi nil wii, l)r I. 1 1,.
f.iill'l Html iiratti uii-l Pit ( tun- h t
llu s,)iii( in, smi.iin .ii ko vtilli Lie il.
inline n( (In lulkiitt v, llli nliltl. lit iktriml
Igie H Milltiin clialni llli lent; Hint.-. Ike
l illli. Hiei-. Mi- L linu.iU, Pi 11 l.-.
Mj, Ht-litit Von Mnrtli, I I'. Iltuiittill, s,
svtilltlli- llli) (tl pit lilll till 1 . f 1IIU-11 M In III!
luliitl liy i ijiuilcttt- turn tli PiovMuicp I'rv.
m ni in olmiili 1 no inciiiUrs of llirjui loiLo,
il lift- nil Vtetptfil Miviie, ui ttlilcli lie
u i i iminliu, illtiitltit in i butlj, llu llorjl
iirtiilti-j tttic tu!t ami IciMtldil lie liody til
It tali n lo 111 nk Walnut, Wtoinliiu' cnuntt, tills
li.niiiing, ttlitie inlilliicM ulll d null; m
Otirlitlit cniclci
V W Piillip i tiuilii iu lu.e adilliicn
lo liis Wasliiiitiou nt inn. itslticDce.
Hit (iictn niilge Woiiuti's l lirUtui 1 1 1 1 1 1 r -jhc
imiui tvlll liolil ils uviilur meeting tins
allt'inixm ai o o clock, in (lie I variolic al durih
uii Ciiiotiit,- av ime. Ml innilr nn ir-ii-,iu
in It- j in ii nt liii-iiii'i uf tliiioit3iitu I' .ill
ill lit- ciaiirauttl
I otal data lor 31 ij li, I'M!
Ililtifl tciiiniatuiii hi dt,ie
Uiwt,t ninit-uturp 19 difltoj
Itclallto litunldity:
S a. iu Tu ici tent.
8 p ni. Ji .i.t tt'it.
l'ntiiitjlon, 'it liouit ended & i in, noiir,
neat lit r, sliat
Jo.seph Spencer Knight, a prominent
lotldent of Dunmore, died at his homo
on Jilakoly sheet ycHterduy morning,
after an Illness of one week. On
Wednesday he contiiidcd a Might Tilil
which graduallv developed Into (ineit
monla, resulting In his death yester
tlay. Mr. Knight vvas one ot the best
known citizens of Dunmore, having
lived there for upvvnids of twenty
ycats ip was bom hi llnneock, Dela
vvaie county, N. Y sKty-four yenr.s
ago, and lived th"ie until 1873, when
he took up his lesldence In thin val
ley. In ISBl ho enlisted n u. volun
teer In Company I, Heventy-sec-ond
regiment of New- Yoik Mute, and
fought for bin country under the com
mand of Cienenil fllekles until 1Si!4,
when he was honorably discharged. In
180S he was mauled to Laura Hull,
daughter of William Hull, of Mount
Pleasant, this state. The deceased
w'iih one of the (imminent meinbeii
of the Dunmoio Methodist L'plscopal
thuirh, and hn.s been the teacher of
a huge IJIble idiibs In thu Sunday
srhool for n number of ycats. lie- was
possessed of a quiet, happy disposi
tion, pleannnt to oveivono, a loving
husband and n good ft tend. He ts sur
vived bv his widow, who has the sym
pathy of a host of acquaintances. The
funeial will be conducted bv the
Oinnd Aimy of the Republic, nnd will
be held In the Dunmoie Methodist
ehuieh on Pntutday at 2 p. m.
PATRICK MURRAY. The leinalus
ot Patrick Munny, who died at Wheel
ing, W. Va., Satin day night, after a
Inicf Illness of typhoid fever, at lived
heie yestciday motnlng nnd vveie con
veyed to the pironts' homo, fins Min
eral streel. The funeial will take
place tomoriow moining fiom the
house, i't 9 o'clock, and front St.
Petei's at 9 P.O. Inlet ment
will be In Hyde Paik Catholic ceme
tery. Mi. Munay vvas a young man,
U'fi yeai.s ot age, and well known bete.
Hut death was a complete surptise to
his trlends, and especially to his par
ents, to whom he vviote last week that
he would soon come home and stait
in business for himself. He left bore
about a year ago, and for the past
two months has been in the employ of
the Raltlmote and Ohio inlhoad, nt
AVhcellng. Resides his patents, he Is
suivived bv his sister, P.eile and
biotheis. J J, and M V. Mill I ay
The liuienl of Mi.s. Ktehnumi will
tike plate this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Those who de-siie to view the teiniins
tan do so tod.iv fiom 11 o'clock until
tlie time for tlie tuneral tei vices, in
the Zion Liithu.iu chinch, on MilTlin
This afternoon tlie tuneial ot Wil
liam Rtlgar Plumlev. late headmaster
ol the School of the Laekawannu, will
take place. The set vices will be at 3
p. in. in the Plist Ptesby teilau elturch
Intel mem at Metuchen, X. J, on Kil
They Aie Contained in a Geneial
Older Issued by Inspector of
Rifle Piactice Caiter.
Vitst Lieutenant Lewis I! Cat lei,
It'spt't'toi of lille piActice of the Tliil
teenth leglment. has lust issued a
geneial order containing tules and teg
ulations for the- Mtidance or tin1 mem
bcis of the tcgimont dining the tide
piactlco season of 1001.
Tlie season opened yisteulay and
will continue until Oct. .il. All uiiali
tving scenes must be made mulct the
supei vision ol cither tlie Inspector,
the Hinge mastei oi an assistant lunge
mastei, or vvhiih latter theie aie to
be thiee to be detailed ltotn Com
panies 1. V and IS by the commanding
oflicet.s of these eonimnnds. Regimen
tal C'limmissaiy Seigeant llniry J.
Humans is appointed lange miihter.
'Ilie nhksou City l.inge- Is to be
opened tot use on alternoons only.
Candidates who have never qualified
as maiksincu will be Hist leqiihed to
tlassiiv at "tin ee ranges, vi: 100, 20i)
and iiOU yatds. A candidate Intending
te. quullty-wlll be allow etl two sighting
o,- wattling shots in addition to tlie
lite to be counted in the scote
Complin v commandei.s aie ditctted
to iiiMiutt theii commands in sight
ing nnd in tlie ptoper manner of hold
ing tlie title ten illfle-ient lange.s. Tliev
aie also diieeted lo itthisl that their
men qualify eailv in the .seahon. Lieu
tenant Caiter insihts that "this tegl
inent mtutt lertaln Its fottuei ptestige
ot qualify ins, evcty meinliei."
To Be Rendeied by Sabbath School
The 'ollowlng piogiauune will bo
given at the Set ntitl Picsbytetlan hab
b.ith Smool oithe-stui torae-it tnnlgltt
at s o'cloclt, iu tlie lectuiu loom of
tint t lunch:
iinliiMii, llniiiiinl tltfiiniL niliiii lliomn
I Volil, "lit III' vl " stliillli'it
' Ml. Itililt WIIIi.hii-.
' 1 VltulllilIIIIIIHlt )
llaip MiuiUt in 1. I lit Vlhici , , .sdmiLUir
Ui-s piuoilit liiliii'loiif, I'hll ulilihl.l.
I'Ijiio, (cniiltti ill P Vlltim . , Muiilil-oolin
t. -i etiliil lot llu ul with On In li.i )
vii.s VI ilt I Itiimit.
Oitln-.tii, "Ulltlt II mi "II' I'loplii!"
Mi toilicil
I'iiiiO 111 s(u ii, tt lit Hi i io! ,. I.Jll.
(hi W lit iili.viiio I. id
U Milirl lltin.ii
I 'ilie (i) I Vtilt i-
(lil VutMiliKlit Ni.lit.
i't) Hit mi'.
I mil I lie C.mIi, "I lll.llnl" .... 1 nine
.Mr. Illllill WllliHil
ll.ilp, lull illli ii Until ' ( imlluia. Iln-li
t mi ' M.i-( U'lll
Mhi llomtliy .lulihUollo
Orihi.-ll i, l'liitt rjlllJ.-i.i . t.niinuil
Ml Ih nil" II. PirtMin, Vtti niuiiM
Mi ,1. M (liinti. Until i
Five Gnngs nt Woik on the New
Tiolley Road.
Woik on tho ttoetlou ot tin Lieka
wanna and Wyoming Valley Rapid
Ti.uiHlt company '.s load Iniwieu limit
and Pllthton has now benuu In
l-'lve Bailgf. of luhnieih illicit ilve
ilifieiellt Mib'COiitiaetotft aie iiigiiBed
In the kiadlns at dlffeient points alon;
the ten-tulle .stietch between tho two
These ronttneloit. tue M. II. U tie,
of S'Craiitou. 1'a.e . Hon, of Seiiinton;
Dt.l.ui t'v Co. ot Philadelphia, John
Nov ill", of Se-taittuii, and Patilik Me
llow an of Aveia.
The U'lng Hiidge. lompnn, of ("io.
laud, . whiih has tho contiaet for
all tho Inlilgu woik, ts nmkltig i.ipitl
logic'S.s with the abutment.-- ol the- big
btitlge ai Aveia.
The lompiny is tidvei Using today
lot- bid.s for teal Ing down and dealing
away the (iiithcliu Ire. company's
plant, at the coiner of Ciovvn avenue.
Splendid value will
department. You can not attord to look
hastily at the fine offers we make. We
buy at low rates and can sell at less
prices than the majority.
Our (Willineiy Depart
ment will offer exceptional
attractions today. We shall
show a special line of La
dies' Hats of very superior
value, elegantly trimmed
and of the best materials
nothing shoddy. Many
different styles fiom
$3.75 to $6.50
A beautiful variety of
Children's Leghorn Hats
edged with shirred and
tucked mull, and trimmed
with ilowers and mull
rosettes. Special
price .pl.o"
Ladies' Oxford, mannish
last, heavy and light, up-to-date
toe; unequalled . .q
value pli4
Jonas Long's Sods
Michaelian Bros. & Co.
To our Saratoga Springs Store. But
that we have about tnty rugs 01 an aica, vvuiu. . v.w.. .. . .....,
in our stock longer, and we will sell them at sacrificed prices.
Best Wilton, Arlington and Smyrna Rugs
Also China and Japan Mattings
At Reduced Prices.
UnnajerJ and Leasees I ol MJiujer.
imi in,
lliin-iln Vhiiiiti 'V iv,ln ""
II .In I.mhIiii, 'V Cinl ml
I inl.n Mtliutf ' V Vlnlili lit 111
I milt l.tiiimu Mltl irl li (,! '
, M'l Wl Hi
In KtiHikirc
Every Womau
v si aO
MARVEL Whirling Sprfi)
llHMion itaiilijrl"f' ; '
. t - ..! '
' ' ., Ma.I I .IfltKI It I 1
ll'ltlllt ll 1
It I It a iHt taiai i"
A,, r. ujr..irill
II Ii inn .t nil pl tin
nil tr. bi 1 iiuUliiiil'i'Tll
llllll lift linok .r.uu 11 !-'
lull jurlit iilJitiucia !": " J'V'J
lllllllll1 IU 'llH' l" I '
ltunmui). Utiles Hill! N'W "ii
an I I.ofiiat nm I. inuKf vvav- for
tln imllfv ii)ininii's itivt'i in mi.
WiIIIjiii itittii tv n .uiiitul ttiiinlit 11 II'
lll.l.lliti ul U Illllill II I illli., tttl) I'ii. 1
i. j, 11111111 jt n7 l.jikj.iiiti.i ituiiH C'uiiU
tlallunl t Ii4t (. ot It'll l -mi' Illli' llli I'll' 1 il' iHI
iiiinvit ilitl 1 iiiiillil 111 Jin) 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lilin M 1.
I tuli llotti' imni lutioii i-in niitl nl lie
iil-vihi u tiiulilf In u aii'l vt.i.
Iu lilt II unit jll 1 ,, tlllllt lit
nllirm Vilil.n, tt II! I.MItll .nuiiii. -
jilt. ml iiui'lj mi He 1 11.11,. ni niiuit,
I lllllllll lit Mill tllllll Mill) illllill ll.ll t 1
In 11 Int. mi lutou' VI'IuiiiJii Ktllcn ui
Vtlill In (lllllll) Vt H lllf till Illllill, Mill t
lu.l tittoni ilul no (Mnilh) 1.3-1 lliiitti fit lu-t
IIU illis Nllilll ilniitH, mi 111 ll.ll tljl
uiimjc li) 1 iuii- Ilul j! II"' liim tthtii Vim
I..U iIjiiim! It- Hut ililii'l lit llu lit iMiillul
j 111 lutl V mcial uiiliur Mine j. I'KMiiiul
il tin- I11 1 In-; 11 llu tin in lil Ij.i iiltlil
Itfiirt) VM 111 Jll Ilii'lOt Ni'Ht t'l llu wiliuat't
ttiuM -pill. I n.litli, mil Hull J. lin iiit
luiMiu Mini tiuilii i.itiU I'iiIIhIi mil I ni!llli Out
oui.' nun. Iiittitir. .villi, I'lihi-h jx I jml Jimlliti 111.111 tutilil -imI.
jlitl Viu'IMi I ul m I'ulhli. M.lrimtii HiiiMt
vtuiil I iiil, liU iUillt 11 In tin' null vtli luiilii
tltiiit J.nJUli ri'tl Ktliiliiiun iiuiilit iiilt'il'itt
llioni lit V-I'lUli lo (lie tfionl nun. ulio utiiilil
luiit llu'iii lii(') IVIItli mil Hit llitm Jl llii.'
tilliic. Wiit-ii the iiituiNi aiitwcii'l llu' uo.
riM vtould Ui. rttiutd lit IliU iiirJii) the jl
" &L
- j
be found in every
Special Sale
Black Si Ik Grenadines:
Black Silk Grenadines,
45 inches wide, 3 widths,
satin stripe: also 45 inch
iron frame, regular
price $ 1. 25. Special,
Black Grenadines in
floral and stripe designs,
legular 1.00 quality.
Black Fiench Silk Gren
adines, latest importations
in design and weave, 45
inches wide, five diess pat
terns in each quality of 6
to 7 yard lengths.
Regulat iij.oo
quality. Special
Regular 17.50
quality. Special-
Regular 22.00 ..1fi ftft
quality. Special.. lo.UU
All-Wool Serges, extra
width, extra values, have
been sold all along for 75c.
They come in brown, cas
tor, navy, royal blue, myr
tle, black, garnet. Steam
sponged and shrunk
en. Ourpiice
124 Washington Ave.
In a few days we have to ship the gieater part of
oui stock of
beloie shipping we may tell you
Fashion Plate Shouis
The 20th Centmy Amusement Idea.
Double Circuses, Menageries
and Hippodromes. '
'llici T.iii.i iu u' n, I The IllooJ Sixth"
Tho Feinalf
X.ounvc Corp
'I liiiitlt.iuc' VOl St.
I vim t in liituliltiin.
villa n viiiiuiitiij.
rosli from their Phil
ipine Victories:
or -iiiviiitiiji imi
1 111 I. Ol'IA Vllt I VIIIIIHION lij llu- I. ill
t iih 1I10 Vuli mi Hjii l 1 Wui M' MiH Wont'tii.
ml ili-.ii 1 iu 1 1 . hi llu' .itun'it .a 11 j 111 Jul
IVVil I'l IIIOI.M VM 1 1 ill Doura rptu Jt
I urn) T i 111 I'ltl'Jliiiii ' 1 1 iiiii- jt i an) S
n in tiiuiKiiii nut ouiiiiirf 1 tiioiiiijiiif equal.
I.i .iiii'Mi, inn in .Inn iiiiiuuut uiiiJi
II ntl ' It t.,, j
tin Mutt lljt tuiiiui in nit, 11 u in
Gi.uid Oichestinl Conceit One Hour
Pievious to Each Feiformance.
llllllUll IllllUStil III tltllll' t'lliUll ItjUlllt'llJ I)
iuii. ml lin liuliliuj; Hi ml-ciior in f ) lull foi
lil-, jiit 11 nut) tl mill 1
Pen Conl $1.50 11 Ton DeliveieR.
io Soulh Sldf, Iiy anil centra
llilt' l'.uK. Aililics.s oitici.s to .1. T,
Slim Key, 1911 Cetlut uveuue. 'Phoni
iA& pX&&"
. ,