The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 16, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    f i .v &, 4 v i ni "is 8" x' ' '-
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. 41
Have proven by nctual
test that they will keep
perishable foods longer
and with less ico than
any other Refrigerator.
Pure charcoal filling, ex
trn. heavy zinc linings,
nnd perfect air circula
tion make the above re
sults possible. Alaskas
are made with zinc,
enamel and tile linings.
All sizes here.
Foote & Shear Co.
H9N. Washington Ave
Special Sale of Pressed Glass
Water Pitchers
Thursday, May 16, 1901, com
mencing at 8.30 a. m.
They are first class goods,
possessing a lustre excelled
only by real cut glass.
If the price was placed at
35c, It would convey a hotter
idea of the value represented.
However, In order to bring
you hen- to look over our nu
merous other offerings, they
will be sold for one day only
Gruener 6 Co.
205 Wyoming Avenue.
The Baby's Trousseau
Ii mi c.f tlir r. ' inlc 'cMln; .oiljjcili
tu motliet-. our wlir" lin i made villi
lurtiuttljr icli-ici'ii' lo tin- Nliim; o: tlio
IjMi'liotK Ull'llt.
"I in- inllriits .in- Hie O.tintlett anil hi-j.-';
ttl.iellU' til be lull!
K iim ili-iiimr- .in1 (ho e.NiIiwvo nf tlicit
M ni...ii.ii. 'II..' ciU'lu.iloil AHNOI.l) '.till
'.iiipiJ in him .ii.lliil lor ll.tli.v s (iiniluit
;ilji! iiu'lli'-iV comi'iiii life.
p Th? Baby Bazaar,
5H) Spruce Street.
Repairing; Done Gratis.
9 Afl IWnDV
N ii ligliti'tilly inl'uiiiiiil iiml tlior-
I'tplily I'li.loyulilo ilani'c tt;ia kIvoii in
l'io FJIi-yi'li- I'liib ImilM Juki night by n
dtoiii- nf younpr luUU'H.u ho stylo-tlipin-m-Ivi
h tin' ralliiM'iiin club, There were
ucr fl'ii) in iittciiilitiH'o; In filet, ko many
tli;it tin' bull niinii whs liiii;o oiuuikIi to
liulil only a iiorlimi uf tin tlu'oiiK at
me time. who .ittomloil woiu
nut fur it J"lly, hearty time. The. ma
jority of tlio Kentlenioit lne.iont di.s
ennli'd their cntitti iiml tippcureU
tlii-oilKliullt the evonliis: In .shirt wrtiste.
.MtoKOthcr it was a delightful tri
umph of iiiiiiiiiiJii soiiKo over the miff
ballroom etiquette. The young ladies
llo iiiiinaj;eil the ntl'alr were: l'resl
dcut. Jllyn Aiinit Wllllnnis,
.Miss. May Hushes;,
.Miss Sarah AVatson: treasurer. Miss
.Mollie Praia.
in the rooms uf the O'Conuell eoun
ell, Young Men's Institute, of Mlnookii,
lust night there wan an Interc'Sting
evening, the oueliro club of tlio eoun
il! boing preRented with a banner by
the euohio I'lnbs of the other counellH
u this lilstrlet who were bested by
the iiioniberrt of the O'Conuell council
In tlio recent euehre tournament. Af
ter tin; pi'i-sontatlon thorn was a re.
.option and iliiuHug. Nearly all of tho
councils of tlio Young Men's lustititlu
hereabout f worn represented at tlio
The meniberti and lady friends of SI.
Hrenden'a coimell, Yutiug Men's Insti
tute, of West Scranlou, participated
in tholr annual May daneo nt tho
rooms lout evening. Tho mush! for
dancing was furnished by i'rof. I.eo
Tho ineiiibofK of St. Cecelia's Total
Abstinence and Benevolent society, of
West ticninton, held an enjoyable so
cial session In their rooms In St. I.eo'.s
hall Tuesday evening.
Mm iCn. Simpson, of Monsey ave
nue, entertaiiied last evening with din
ner and cards.
.Ultimo' ! !' Wi'dvnwH was in Tiitikluuuocit
,v "ittrdjy. v
iluilcs Pclibjer is home (rem a two wecV.'
ti'n tlnouili Idaho.
H'illlim J.wlnlj, Y.hooo fimo a a Ijiritone
singer is wurW'wUc, wa in anion Ti?''lay.
Mr, anil Mrs. Cfntro Monahau, ol rraiikllii
avenue, aio rejoicing over tho anlval of a lady
Tho ci'Eagtnieiit Is ar.nouncdl oi Mis Amelia
TUclurjch, ol tliU tlly, to Hairy l-w-'U, of lial
1 1 more, Mi
MlM i;iitjlrtb Stalk, ot Wat I'ittston, is I'C
ins entertained by Mi to I'loieiicc hkUltr, of
1'iovidcncc tvdtl.
Ciptsln I'. 1-3 lu Weaver, nf tht rdiloiial start
of tlia I'liiUdelphln Inquirer, is ciiindini; a few
Ja) in S'rantou.
frrsldtnt .ludo II M. rl.'iul Ij confined to
lil bed nith a sccie cold. Judjc John I.
Kelly, who has heen 111 for wctlt from n.u!ny.
H iihlc to he about jc'tcnlay, nml spent an
hour nt hli office.
Mis. f.. Mlllnr i vhlllnir Irlemli in Riilll
van county, V. V olid will not return to the
city until June I.
Attorney ,1.une .1. O'Malley mm In HnrrU'
burs yesterday attending the meeting of the
board of pardons,
Ktunley Co.tnc, of Adams aicnue, Icivei todiy
for l'Ulsljiirn, to accept a position with the
WosllnghouM comnatiy.
Ocorge A, Cuitls, of lUckctUtown, .S". .In edi
tor of tiic llacliettitoun llcpiihllcaii, is in the
city till? week viiltlns friends.
,1ohii b. K'Tr, of Synense, X. V., U in (he
rlly. Mr. Keir l mmuKcr til the Itie 'llie.i(ri' tlrriill, tu width the ."i i nntoii theater lie
longs, P. P. Wlilttemoie nnd 0. J. 1'oncli nro in
JCiw lork In attendance upon tlio annual fe.!on
of tho National Piano ManuiacluicrV asorlalloii,
at tho llolfiuan House,
Handsomely Illustrated Lecture by
Rev. B. P. Y. Pierce, D. D.
An Illustrated lecture on "Tito I'as
slon Play" of Ober AmmcrBau will be
Slvcn by Dr. Pierce ut the i'onn ave
nue church on Friday evening of this
week. It will be remembered that J.
liawrpnco Stelle and Ue v. Dr. Pierce
visited Ober Ammergau this past Hum
mer, during the presentation of tho
Passion Play, and the pastor ot the
church secured many choice plioto
ptaphs of tho people of that wonderful
village, in the Davarian Alps, and
studltyl the play and its performers.
The lecture will be illustrated by
about one bundled views, many of
them the most beautiful views ever
placed upon a screen with a Ftoreoptl
con. Tlio views will pivo many scenes
of interest In the villnRe, the manners
and customs of the people, and perfect
photographs of the players and the
scenes and incidents of the Passion
Play. No cards for tills lecture will be
sold, but an offering; of twenty-ilve
cents each will be received at the door.
It will not only be Interesting to see
the views of this marvelous lellalous
play, but to linve it described by one
of our own townsmen, who was an eye
witness, will add greatly to tho Inter
est. '
Struck Off $112,700 Worth of D., X.
& W. Property Added $26,300
in New Assessment.
Til" board of city assessors, fortified
by the opinion of City Solicitor AVat-s-on,
that no railroad property abso
lutely necessary for the operation ot
the road could be assessed for local
taxation, yesterday decided to strike
oil' the following assessments which
had this year been made by the old
board of assessors against the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and 'Western Rail
roatl company:
Old machine i-liop S'i.OOO
ltouHd hotivc I'n.CHK)
Kmht-uhifl icpalr shop tJ.OOO
I'j-oiii."vr car repair .-.hop I, SIX)
lei house In fourteenth want l.fleo
Iloihr icpalr simp !XX)
I'.iinl hhnp r,no
switch shanty 1Q
Supply Mole Mil)
hwiti linicii'n chanty 'Jtto valuation '112,700
The assessors have affidavits from
the several heads of departments of
the Lackawanna company, setting
forth that in none of the above-named
buildings is any entirely now work
done and that they are (absolutely
necessary for the operation of the
The properties which tho company
asked to have exempted, but which
the assessors decided to allow to re
main on tlio books, wore as follows:
N'ew palti'iii -hop ". Ij 2,1)00
New paint shot 1,.ri0n
Old machine shop, not in u-i' 10, on)
Tula! valuation Ijia, .100
In addition to this, the following new
assessments against tile company of
property located in the Eighth, Four
teenth and Seventeenth wards were
iidded on the books:
I'lnir .ides land, I'.iithtli waul 10,fm)
Old car shop on thli laud
Thice lots on t'lill' street :i,G(0
Two lots on I!riilc sheet 2,0u0
Tun Int-, near t'.irlucri's yaiil 1,'JUU
Tienly-tie iicu-i io.ll land, I'ouiteenth
".ml .1,500
Toial valuatieii f20,:joo
Knights of Columbus Have a Big
Seventy members of tho .Seranton
council of the Knights of Columbus
received the third degree last night
to tho accompaniment of very inter
esting ceremonials, a banquet nnd so
cial sessir n nt tlio knights' club house
on North AVashlngton avenue.
Almost all of the U27i members of
tho Seranton council were present, and
there wore besides 240 members from
New York, Philadelphia, Jersey City,
Uliighaintoni, Wilkes-Darro, PJttston,
llouesdale, Carhondale, Susquehanna
nml Great lieiul,
The degree was conferred by Sena
tor Victor ,T. Dowllng, of Now York,
and a corps from tho New York coun
cil, consisting of J. O, Sonne, Wil
liam MePonoiigh nnd John Corbln, as
sisted by tho regular degree corps of
the Seranton council.
After tho degree work camo the ban
quet and social session In tho upper
hall. Dr. Walter M. needy presided.
Addresses wtire iiiadu by tho members
ol tlio Now Yoik degrco corps and the
following local knights: Attorney 'M,
V, Conry, Dr. "W. If. Mcdrenvy, At
torney .niehard J. Hourke and Attor
ney W. V. Shean. Songs were ren
dered by Professor 'William A. Kelly,
ot' Afchbald. and K. J, Kelly, of this
city. Ilov. .1, V, Moylau played plnno
numbers nnd Frank O'Hara gave vlo
lln selections.
Special Rates
via tho Delaware and Hudson Kail
road and return on account of the
great musical concert by Mine, Schu-niaii-Heluk,
Miss Maud Powell and
Mr, Frangcon Davis at the Lyceum
Theatro Tuesday, May 3lst, 1901:
Time of train. Hates,
AVkes.raro .... 7:05p.m. .CO
Pitlston , ":20 p. m." ,00
Oyphant 7:29 p. m. .5
Carbondalo ,, 7:03 p. m, ,60
" .
nesting' of Alumni,
There will be a meeting of the Alum,
ril of the School of the. Lackawanna
held at the school rooms, Thursday,
May 1G, 1001. at a p. m., to take action
on tho death of Prof, W. E. Plumley.
It Is believed that ihTs hour will bV con
venient tor many of tha alumni, who
can go directly from this meeting to
the funeral services to be held at 3 p.
m. J. W. Oakford, Chairman.
' '
Ask for Kelly's union orckri.
Not a Man Reported for Duty nt
Either Machine or Car Shops Im
ported Men Depart During the
Day Large Number of Employes
Brought In At Meeting of Car
Builders Inst Night It Was De
cided to Continue Keeping Men
ftom the Shops.
Tile notkes posted by Muster Car
Builder L. T. Canfleld and Superin
tendent of Motive Power and Machin
ery T. S. Lloyd, announcing that nil the
striking employes of the car and ma
chine shops departments wiio did not
return to worki yesterday morning
would bo discharged mid elforts made
to All the men's places, failed to have
any effect, n not a man reported for
duty yesterday morning.
No work Is being done at (lie car
shops, save that performed by the few
foremen who have been there since the
beginning of the trouble. At the tnn
ehlne shops the men Imported Tuesday
morning were busied during tho day,
but the strikers reported sending a
number or them back to New York,
together with the others who came in
Tuesday night and members of a party
of about eighteen men who arrived
yesterday afternoon.
Yesterday was the day upon which
Stipcrlnlemlent Slade, of the luinmnro
Iron and Steel company, was expected
tu trlve his oniwor to tho men, In re
t '!! i'i ill. nine-hour day petition, ne-
i 'i' -', to a statement made at local
i aluiiavtei's' during tlio early part of
tin week, Mr. Slade, however, when
interrogated by a Tribune man, denied
that ho had fixed any date for giving
the committee his reply, and declared
that work was going on as usual at
the shops, lie declined to discuss tho
situation, or to make any statement
regarding the posMblo course of action
of I lie Dunniore employers.
Kihleen iiien arrived in the city
from Iloboken on the 1.5." o'clock train
yesterday afternoon, but when they
learned of the existing conditions re
fused to go to work. Two of them ap
peared at tho car builders' headquar
ters and stated they were employed at
Iloboken, being offered $2 a day and
board. One of tho men said lie was a
street car employe by occupation, and
the other claimed to be a sold boater.
Twelve of these left during the .'ifter
noon, and about twenty were sent back
to New York during tho morning, both
machinists and car builders defraying
the expenses. Some of the men sent
away in tho morning belonged to the
crowd brought in Tuesday morning and
quartered in tlio paint shops. Chair
man Campbell yesterday stated that
the outside help imported evidently
were in awe of the strikers, as one of
their number reported at the machin
ists' headquarters yesterday morning
and asked if they would be harmed if
tlioy left tho shops.
The messenger was assured of proper
treatment, and then loft to join ills
companions. Tho Lackawanna strikers
mot yesterday afternoon in Ilulbert's
hall and discussed matters generally,
and tomorrow night the Machinists'
union will meet. The Federal Labor
union was in session Tuesday night,
and adopted the recommendation of the
council of affiliated employes, regard
ing the course of action to be adopted
Monday in case of a negative answer
from ttie different companies.
This union takes in over eight hun
dred helpers in the city, all of whom
will go out Monday, unless tlio nine
hour day is granted. Saturday night the
council will meet at 7.30 o'clock and
hear the reports of the delegates from
tho different unions regarding the no
tion taken by them on tho matter. The
machinists' delegates will act for them
selves, as empowered by the local.
Chairman Campbell in a conversa
tion with n Tribune man declared that
It would be the policy of the strikers
to keep away from the shops and In
no way interfere with tlio men working
there. From now on it will bo a wall
ing game, and tho employes think that
this sort of manouevring will eventu
ally win out, While tho outside help
brought In will not bo interfered with,
Hie strikers declare that they will take
pains to acquaint them with the vari
ous phases of the local situation, as
they claim that all the men brought
hero so far have been secured by false
At the machine shops yesterday work
was reported to bo going along most
satisfactorily. Tho men brought from
New York were said to be performing
their duties In excellent stylo and to
bo suflicioiit in number for all present
needs, They are still quartered In the
paint shop and tho force of deputies
nt the yard Is waxing In number dally.
Hetween one hundred nnd twenty-llvo
and fifty men are said to he now em
ployed In guarding the company's
Tho notices posted lu this elly by
Master Car Jiulldor Canfleld and Su
perintendent Lloyd worn also posted
at Kingston, IUiffnlo nnd tho other
places where tho men went out, with
practically the same effects as In this
It was stated at the Lackawanna
station yesterday that men camo In
on every train In wnal! numbers and
that at s o'clock last night there were
fully ona hundred and fifty men quar
tered about the shops, nurlng tho day
meotliiga weio hold of tho flio pullers
of the company, but no statement was
given out regarding the local's action,
its members refusing eviii to give tho
strikers any account of the transac
tions of the meeting.
The night shift of ilto puller mot
in tlit morning at Ilulbert's hull, and
the day nhlft at car builileia' head
quarters during the night. A general
meeting of tlie enr builders' uuiun was
held last night at Economy hall, which
was w.oll attended, and of a business
like nature. National Committeeman
Frederick DUcher, of the Mine Work
ers, gave tho men a brief talk and a
large amount of business wus tran
sacted, including hearing tho reports
of a, number of committees.
An important feature of the session
was tho outlining of a, policy to bo
pursued In event of attempts being
made to operato the car shops with
outside labor, Tim point was cinplui
sized that the strikers are to strictly
attend to their own business and keep
away from tho shops. The recruited
workmen are to bo unmolested, and
the union will prepare for u long
Work is being secured for the mcu
and In this way they will be cared
Ton until such time as tho dllllcultles
mo adjusted, Of the seven hundred
and fifty men now on strike, fotir
tntiulied are already nt work, having
found places a.i painter.'1, carpenters
or laborer.!.
Numerous men have secured posi
tions working on the Colliery Engi
neer's new printing plant, and tho
now electric railway company is em
ploying others for construction work.
It Is expected that nil of the men mow
out will soon have found employ
ment, as alt of the men nte skilled In
their different trades.
President .Tames O'Conuell, of tho In
ternational Association of Machinists,
Is quoted ns having yesterday ppoken
as follows regarding the situation:
In fnimtiliilinir their plan for oliUlnlnu a
ii'iliicllon of tlielr wirltln.' il.-y to nine limit.?,
flic iiMclilnluli liavb nilonteil a. roritervatitc
i-otirse anil one wlilih ttiry tlilul; will appeal mot
slmnifly to tin cmnlojcii'.
It It not our Intention to liutil'li (lie lirnu
who Mnii tlio anieemcnt for the nincliour ilaj
liy fAllIng out tlulr men Jut borause of utlifis
lio are i4ubborn. Wo do not belle, e eucli ac
tion luKjwaiy. 'J'lic fact of ll.c men working ni
ter May TO, uliero ircomcnta liae been slijned
nml lille wlicrc tlioy have not been, vc tlcein a
pctveifut enough aiKument to attain the tlcdre-l
cnil fur all.
Our rime It i)ropirliic;. Mere than 1C0 cm
ploji'M hate aetcilfil to our demands and I
have nn ilenbt tho proportion will bo Inrrcatrti
I iv Monthly, when the agreements arc to to into
The situation at Dunmore may be
marked by Important changes today,
ns tlio men are anxious to receive some
intimation of what is to bo done in
their case. They have usually received
the Saturday half holiday during tho
summer and It Is most likely that they
will be willing to give this up in re
turn for the nine-hour day nnd H per
cent, increase in wages asked.
Michael Cummlsk Committed Suicide
in the Large Body of Water at
No. 5. East of Minookn.
Mk-hael Cummlsk, of Minookn, met
death by drowning In the big No. u
reservoir, two miles east of that place,
yesterday afternoon, and according to
the story of Michael lliggins, who was
with htm at the time, it ivas a case ot
Cummlsk and Ulgglns were tvio of
n small party of men who. wore loafing
In front of a saloon on Main street,
Minookn, about - o'clock In the after
noon. Cummlsk invited Illgglns to go
for a stroll in the woods and iHlggins
accepted. They walked along leisure
ly, chatting on ordinary topics, and
Cummlsk, so Iliggins says, gave no
indication that he was contemplating
any rash deed.
After nn hour's walk they reached
the reservoir and began to stroll along
Ity edge. Suddenly Cummlsk stopped
and, facing Iliggins, said something
about having just received a letter
fioin his wife in Ireland and of his
not having opened it. The next mo
ment he reached iirto htb itrousers
pocket, drew out what little money he
had and threw it to Higgins, saying:
"There, Mike; good bye," and before
the words were fairly out of his mouth
he turned and plunged head first ino
the wafer.
AVlien ho re-appeared Iliggins jumped
in, grabbed him and tried to drag
him ashore. Cummlsk fought desper
ately and succeeded in tearing him
self loose. Higgins grappled him again
and continued the struggle sometimes
on top of the water and sometimes
beneath the surface. Cummlsk was a
powerful man and, made the more
powerful by desperation, it was more
than Iliggins could do to bring him
ashore. It was not, however, until
Cummlsk had broken away again and
disappeared that Higgins returned to
the shore. He watched for Cummlsk
to come up again, but the vigil was
"When he was satisfied there was no
longer hope of saving his friend, Ilig
gins hastened to Minookn. and gave
the alarm. A parly was organized to
seek to recover the body and at f)..'.i)
last night they succeeded, under direc
tion of Iliggins, in locating it and fish
ing it out. It was brought to the home
of his sister in Minookn.
Cummlsk had lived in Minookn for
a number of years and was reported
to bo ii man of good habits and sound
sense. Ho was an occasional drinker,
but was perfectly sober yesterday, and,
ns far ns any one noticed, perfectly
rational In every other respect.
No ono could bo found Inst night
who could throw nny light on the prob
able cause of Cummisk's rash action,
The fact that just before he jumped
into the water ho spoke of having
received a letter from his wife, whom
he left in the old country, is taken to
bi significant,
Lackawanna Presbytery Met Yester
day at Forty Fort.
An adjourned session of tho Presby
tery of Lackawanna was hold yester
day afternoon In the Presbyterian
church at Forty Fort. Itov. John Mc
Cotnb requested that his pastoral re
lations at tho Forty Fort church bo
dissolved, and llev. H. H. AVells, D. D
was appointed as moderator.
Tho Forty Fort pulpit will bo soon
filled by a successor to Itev. Mr. Mc
Comb. Isaac M, Thomas was elected an ad
ditional ooiunilsslimor to the general
assembly, which will bo hold at Phila
delphia, and Charles J. Itlehards was
granted a letter of dismissal to tho
Presbytery at Indianapolis, having ac
cepted a call to Columbus, 1ml,
Itev, Dr. .lames McLeod, of tho First
church of this city, called attention to
tho death of Licentiate W, E. Plumley,
of this city, head master of tho School
of the Lackawanna. At tlio request of
the convention, Dr. McLeod led in
prayer for Prof, Plumley's family, in
which two of tho members arc 111 with
pneumonia, Tho license of Loral Evan
gelist Antonio Milinlsl was renu'.vcd for
another year.
i .
Martin Golden Chnllenge3 Boys of
"Eight or Nine Years,
Martin Golden the S-ycar-od son ot
Patrick Golden, of Hellovuo, is out in
tlio field for "hand ball championship
honors, and challenges the youth of
Lackawanna county to meet hlfn at
the good old game.
Any hoy ot eight or nine years will
bo eligible to play young Golden, who,
however, limits hits challenge to tho
youngsters of Lackawanna county, A
homo and ihonio game of alley ball Is
asked by tho chullenger.
Organs for Solo Cheap.
You can buy a good second hand Or
gan ua low as $10.00 ut Guernsey Hall,
J. W. Guernsey, Prop.. 314 Washing.
on avenue, Seranton, Pa.
Smoke the Pocono 5c. cigar.
Ho Brought in Three Points Yester
day nnd Is the Only One to Be
Credited with a Subscriber in The
Tribune's Educational Contest.
Watch tho List Grow ns Soon ns
the Others Start in to Work.
Three More Contestants Enrolled
Yesterday There Is Plenty of
Room for Now Names and a Great
Field for Industrious Young Peo
ple Tho Standing of All Contest
ants to Be Announced Each Day.
t Standing of the
. .. . ..
t Leading Contestants t
f 1. R. Leo Huber, Scrim-
-t- ton 3
The first return ot points In-this
year's Educational Contest was made
yesterday afternoon. Three were hand
ed In by Ii. Leo Huber, of Seranton,
who thus becomes the leader.
There were more entries in the con
test yesterday Frank Kemmerer, of
Factoryvllle; Charles R. .Tones, of
Green Ridge, and Robert Campbell, of
Green Ridge. Mr. Kemmerer Is a
brother of Arthur Kemmerer, who
cninc in second in last year's contest,
winning a three years' scholarship in
the Bloomsburg Normal school. Rob
ert Campbell was In last year's con
test, and although ha did not finish
among the first ten, he received enough
encouragement from the commission
he earned to enroll his name for the
second time.
Although the applications for the
books of subscription blanks have
come In in encouraging numbers, there
is plenty of room for now material and
plenty of territory for thorn to work
In. As yet there Is but one contestant
who has scored points, so all who start
now will do so on equal terms with the
rest who have entered. It would be
much better for all who arc hesitating
to start, now, when they can "toe the
line" with the whole field than to wait
until a number have scored, and thus
have to begin with a handicap.
Where There Is Room.
In the city there should be at least
thirty contestants, in order to cover the
ground in anything like a thorough
manner, while outside of Seranton there
are more than three scores of towns
where an energetic worker should be
able to do first-class work. Among
these towns which are as yet unrepre
sented in tho contest are such places
as Pittston, Avoca, Moosic, Olyphant,
Winton, Arclibald, Jermyn. Mayfleld,
Forest City, Vandling, Uniondale,
Thompson, AVaymart, Honesdalc. Mos
cow, Stroudsburg, Elnihurst, Clark's
Summit, Glenburn, Dalton, Nicholson,
Foster, New Mtlford, Montrose and
Hallstead, in each of which The Trib
une has a good circulation and many
friends, and whore thoro are excellent
prospects for any young man or wo
man who enters. Besides tho places
named there are many others offering
first-class opportunities for an ener
getic canvasser, who works under the
conditions of The Tribune's Educa
tional Contest.
Make Returns Promptly.
Those who have already enrolled
their names should make returns to
the Seranton ofllce of The Tribune as
soon as possible, as their new sub
scribers will be much bettor satisfied if
they receive their paper the morning
after they have paid for it. Those con
testants living in Seranton should come
to the olllce before l" o'clock each day
they have points to record. This course
will greatly facilitate the necessary
work in connection with the contest.
As fast as points are received they
will bo credited to the contestants, and
a revised list of their standing will be
printed in Tho Tribune, the following
The eight scholarships offered as spe
cial rewards for a summer's work are
an incentive that should appeal to the
industrious young men and women of
Northeastern Pennsylvania. For full
particulars regarding this Educational
Contest read tho advertisement on the
fourth page of today's Tribune. If
there Is anything you wish to have
further explained, or if you desire to
enter tho contest, address a letter to
"Editor Educational Contest, Seranton
Tribune, 'Seranton, Pa.," and you will
receive a prompt reply.
Wallace Circus Is lu the Front
The Commercial Travelers' club, of
Indianapolis, published tlio following
statement in reference to tho Great
Walhico shows, which exhibited In In
dianapolis: "A largo number of tho members of
tills club have seen the performances
given by tlio Wallace shows, nnd the
public has the.ussurapcu of reputable
citizens that tho performance given by
tho Wallace show Is .second to uono,
and the performances aro of the high
est class known to tho profession,"
It is tho universal verdict that tho
Great Wallace show ranks second to
none. This up-to-dato aggregation,
which offers many new features, will
exhibit In Seranton on Friday, May L'l,
limy flrotvii, a jouux man tUio sM he v.113
from llethlelirm, receded ticitment yuterikiy ut
the latkaiwiiua hutplMl for a kully twullen
hand, upon which he ahl a heny pKio ot iron
hud fallen.
John U'Mallt.v, of IhW Jj.U.-,n .tint, hail
tild lift Itanil caught 111 the new pre ut Lie
TiniM building on frpiuio ticet 0tirilay after-
I Oils, Paints
: MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company,
. 141-149 Meridian Street. T
8p llt
Wholesale Liquor Dealers,
noon ami lifclly rriidietl. He tecelveil trrAlinnt
al the !.ocl::iwniu Initpltal.
W. E. Plumley.
My H.'.ir Mi. l.dlloi'.
1 tvas clad to f-er a very jntn'oclalltc nollee
in tin Ttcpulilictn this mortil.iK eomerniiin Hie
life .ind trotlt of the l.ilc headmaster of (lie
School of the I.a;kaiinnii. I want to honor
niyrclf by pajln; ttitiule to I1I3 incmoiy. 1
ivaiit to do tliU ns one who iprct'latrs keeidy
the kindly sjmpatl.y which lie ro Rcncinmly and
hi warmly extended to me about two am,
when f first becamn Acquainted with the hreadlli
ami wisdom and incllnwnrM of I1I1 noble son I.
Mnct; that time, at 1 friend and a t'
scholar, ho has helped nie lit most uflecttvc wu.
I h.ito vuilked with hint through our fiitp.i.ii.t;
tallejs and oer our glorious mountain coin. I
h.tM.' enjoyed tho hiKpilalltv ot his Pike county
uimp on the shore ot or.e of the noblest Mict'ti
nt water this noble f-tatc of ours contain", Ilu
deliiihlcd In Retting tlose to the heoil ot naluie
In ilt prNltne Implicit,,', lost he enjotul
telling close to the Tieart of rstute'.t find. And
there war the Kie.itncs.'; of (hu man. lie. w.n
thoroughly lonvcreant with all the refiurnirnU nt
our liipheit civilization and yet in wat not in
the least tainted by any of tho artincialltin
which belong to citiliation pone stray. lit
could 1mder.-t.1nd the poonhl ami most, iciioiant
of niin. Ho could show them Rcnuine. sympathy
without the fhadoiv of condescension on hi pan.
tie could, on the other hand, jiict at readily
understand and s.unpathirc with the bivl to do
lu our rominunity. 1 want, to say 1 for tme
have lost a friend. .Vn, by no me:inj. tie Ins
only tone before. And the many sood deed?
and kindly acts he has done am still with ih,
and shall be with ns forcer, They ore bearing
fruit nnd wilt continue to bear fruit in the
hearts and lives of many who are still among
u- Tho bns of lit iciiojl will remember livs
kindly woids of coiir.-el and eiuouiairctneut.
They will bo in.-phed by bU simple faith and
singlene of he.ul. Kveiy one who came ir
rental t with him will hate some good eau-e
for rising up and calling him blc..-ed.
Ye?, it is not as tho? without hope, we aic
to soirow for hir.i. We very welt know he is not
dead, but only asleep.
"Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep,
IVom which none ever wake to weep."
'. S. Rillenliue,
Christ's Chinch licctory.
Seranton, l'a., AscenMou eve, 1IJ0I.
Via Lackawanna, on Account of
Dedication Dny at Pirn-American
Hound trip llvo-duy couch excursion
tickets to Buffalo, via Lackawanna,
will be sold, good (roiiiff Sunday, Jlay
19th. The above will be an addition
to the regular dates of sale for this
class of ticket?, every Tuesday and
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave,
Try the New 5c. Cigax "Kleon."
Guaranteed longr Havana filler.
The greatest commercial
economist in the world today.
Compared to any necessary
investment in business,
theprofitfrom aTELEPHONE
is incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Manager's office, 117 Adams avenue.
At the recent International Ex
port Exposition held in Philadel
phia, 1899, the Mason & Hamlin
Pianofortes were awarded highest
distinction over all others, and
were the only pinnos to bo
recommended to the Franklin Insti
tute as worthy of a special distinc
tion and extra medal.
A full stock of these supoib in
struments may be seen at the
wareroonis of
L. B.Powell &Co.
Ladies' Jackets and Skirls
We Make
I'lt the Uu ai lac f'4lhi. fit His bird. Ths
in.tUe, st.Uf, fit, lln N!i ami prices aie all perfect.
Our bpiins itoeli Is now aw.illirs J'r InspeC'
tiun, E11 elatl to ?ce you any time.
Kins: Miller, Merchant Tailor,
and Varnish
A Snap
Truly It's to, your interest to
keep in touch with what we tell
you In our adsso many pleasant
surprises are printed about our
Green Valley Rye
Just take one swallow, you will
take more we are sure.
216 Lackawanna Ave.
I.011I.4 Arthur Watrest President
Orlando S. Johnion, Vice Pre.
T Arthur Ht Christy. Caihler J
t Capital, $100,000 t
Surplus, $100,000 4
4 - 4
4 Court House Square. 4
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
4 A rniomzi'h y Iti Hurler lo accept 4
4 nil manner of Tinstsi to act m 4
. Hi'i'civer, Tuislce, tiiiaiilljn, Ailnilnistri- u
. tor or Kxecnlor. .
'T'lill VAt'M'S of lhi Think are protect- j
. 1 ed hj' hc Holme Klcdrio AUim j
I . A. W'alru. I) C Inlm.nN
Wm. K. HnllAfeat E. I. Kingsbury
. Everett Warren Aug. Robinson "
.:." .. ...
. a use i'u m urifii
We Refer to the
1901 Shirt Waist,
For Men.
You will be "out of style" if you do
not wear one. Ask to see them at
"A Gentleman's Furnishing Store."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
325-327 Pcnn Avenue,
Not in Quality, .,
but in Price,
Beginning today all our odd
pieces left from this spring's
selling 20 to 50 yards hi a
piece, will be offered at VERY
LOW PRICES two-thirds or
less of former prices.
Brussels Carpet Many Pat
terns for room halls
anaetnirs; regular price CQr
Axminster CarpetRich nnd
heavy pile goodsjothera ftC-
ask i?l.S5 and 1.35,, VOC
All-wool Tilled lugrain
Choice patterns, 75c EJCrr
grade .............. OOC
$1,00 grade
Brussels, J(f,
Hm t)im
ii l
- ttat,fc,-ijiijEg MtKOM