4-tv VS 1-1 s Vtr THE SC1I ANTON TIUBLNE-THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1001. a 'J &&E$k Au Excellent Conibhiution. The pleasant method nml noneilelnl effects of the well ltnowu remedy, Smut of Fiob, manufactured hv tho California. Fio Svnvi Co., Illustrate thcvaliioof obtaining the liquid laxa tio principles of plants ltnowu to bo medicinally laxative und pri'sonttnff them in the form moit refreshing to this tasto and noccptnblo to the ay stem. It h tho one perfect Htrengthonlng laxa live, elcnuHing tlio system clTcctually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling ono toovorcomi) habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every object lonaolo quality nnd sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys liver and bowels, withou weakening or irritating them, inqke it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing fign are used, ns they arc pleasant to tho taste, but the medicinal qualities of tho lcmedy aro obtained from scnim and other 'aromatic plants, by a method known to the Camfohnia Fio Svhui Co. only. In 01 der to get its beneficial ffTccta'and to avoid imitations, please remember the full namo of thcComrmny printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN IHANOISCO, CAZi LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW TORK, N Y. Forsalobyall DniRKlsts PrlcoBOs. purBottlo. Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. OC Per Jjc Quart. LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 'J rlfplione Orders Promptly D.llvoMi !7t'3'7 Ad.mj Avenu At Retail. nriloi icdicr inomiit attention tir umi ho. Iii' my iurt of (lie uil lot tml ul liot i i. lit tot cloiin-tic up Niullit '113 (or 4i mi md idUon pmpic 1 j rdaltc II d of l.c-ilitics foi attending tuiK Jt Miikcr , People's Coal Co. Id phono Vn ri(S2 Oilier. Tuilli Mrni Ilrul.ii lnlccn Ouotil ami 1tnlli SK&i? CITY NOTES i i.'iitiiN hum n imiiiUi- f tin hiiu Woiiun's hnslljii jvuiiitlon wlm line mi iittirmil Hie t ilutt "ill I'lei-i n turn Ihuii it .'tuc III it UN I II IMo - Ifilm Imm wlui I'M. tiii liinil it ilie In It iml nut mtls April II, -li ccr U tli itilx-t die u uk n ti tin ilniijt'iu tin v ii .1. nji lur him -lid UWVU1 IMC t OM I 111. Kit iliiL-rani lu -lii 1 1 touted Mai- (oi llio Siiuiitunii. limn. ( ci L opciis .it tlif I.Mium Ijiikiuu in trir- lin-u ililiins iIkiui -i il -limilil ,11 till . -I1IIM. lt)ltl: in MIMUt- I'lliiiliniu I'oilti l.-i nUht -mfil win nits mi Irlm I!. Ncllc. l W ( iptm-i' neiiiii'; Miclml M inlet, i i 1 i IT I i .oti-i- iuiiiii, lli.l llin t U iMi, un his i pi it it V..i-lilli,tuli in inn. Jlul I'l.llpS I-tlltl, .ill nf Mill III 111 tlUU'dl li 111 IKtlll l I I'llMit. I f l t V 1 ll UltlllLlXU Willi -I Hill- lilllU tl IllitHI-, lllt Mill ll ..lMII 1 lii nin, ,ii in o'lluk, tin- nuiiilni? h inn I'. lie Mi.l tun - Mill ii TODAY'S EVENTS. He Ha,., hi uli it in I tiniiiiiMi i Mini, I- to li'i hi I I. lll.ill"' i In 111- Will till, Um 1 lilt- 111 11. ni. .il tho iwial liom .an I I'lui, A lull ttloiil. aim la li qui ate I. V tin" "iinnl I'u.-liMiiiiii ilmrtli In luii' l i in tonU'lit (iiliuil will In. mvcii In Hi -ill i illi si-lmul orclmlt i. I Ik Nranloii llill.-' ioiiallnii, ti .11. lull li 'M thtli ngiiln niittini; toiilt-tit it .s tAlnd. ii ( ir(UWi' hull. Muniilnw iKiuu Sliliuil (oiiMiitimi of tin' Cillnlii lot ll li. tliunio imlmi n( tin' illiitiM' it s union in "i lulin'.i lull, ('j)iou-ii iioiiue. iiiirnin, mil L'liiiiri,;. tH(ul iiKiimi; of tin Jiui-li Wniiir nV union will Ic hrlil I III- remit),; it 7.'H uMniK at tho li lid. m i. u( Mi.' M Iiduiitll, (n M j 1 1 i -vll a(iuio ll:r lii.t of t).( ll.-iiu- uli. ,. udliU fm llu i win will 1 1 uh. n In lit -01111011 lou lultiv ff Mul. t!it Miiiiiie in ( IiiIi'j I'..rili liOU'C, li similiic H s iiMuii Irs ( (', l.iininV -iinhi miuu i, nf in Court Sii.t MitlioilUt I il 1 1 j Orm n will hold I social in tltd diurdi luiloi. 1I1U ruiiin,- whittling sin! liilton liiilu ii'iili.l will Ln. i li.itmc (il tho iifiiln:,' Ire niiiu jiid nlP v, In temd. 1'ioiud. In jih ,cn di'jrdi ihl.t rherf will I"- fpulal milif at it I uU's 1iuri.lt till- cunln, (.iiii1oii l)i)), jt .ihidi mi uihor- of Vi lit i ami imur d I iuii mn. tnindeiit., ltiivht-i 'lciitiir, will U prucnl Mio ilii of tho dty will ldl.i juit in tht ,fi. tp nml tin sonion will lie uiihcil dj IK I ratici li. lineman, K. f , if tlm l imrcli if Ihr fioo.l Slifphtr.!. (.men Hhl-e ll.i utue mil ( eminence at 7 w Announcement!;. litre will In a oprd.ll tni.tllii' n il.t l.uml of r.mujMi. ol ilis lliMno f.i ilm liiemlleM I ridjj iiiorniii,' -it 10 ii'i !(!., at tin.' uiin. Women'ii (Nluitlin awOcUHun loonn full llendauee is rcquiattd. llic lordfti Mikiioiurv toucti t( tnc t j ret I'njljjteiian chuidi will lute a unique ccldirt tkin el its tliirlleth annlier.ari or) 1 ridaj tiiflit ni IliU wicV at tho home ol Mir. ll. I'. I ail or, when a delightful programme will la "lun and a pltaant t"tljl hour will be enjuwd. tin.- Ilalinenianit hospital in iiuKiiiiont h pluvd to announce ,.nt dm lloiiial dub, uu der tho (li net Ion of Madame limiiban Ktndolph, will give a t-crii-s of i liter lalniiHiitj, .Nor. -2 nil '-'!. for the liitapilal'i, Line HI 'Die aOair ill Ic In llio ualmt! of the fiiuou opfra tar nlwl, no wonder lully suoci!(ul in lu prcsenla. lion Itkt MJiOii. It ii piobabli that thU eunt vill b an annual featiitv l.eruftir. Mrs. Dii ll (onduct hc dramatic part of the prcuriinmc, "l tcfoic liufo will U tuo ijiiIimcu and mo icuin; ptifcruauctt. QXFORDCOLLIERYCOAL rfg&K OREATE8T WORK IN WORLDi Subject of Atlthess of the Rev. Jnmns Hughes, The UpV, JnnteM HubIich detlvcietl nn ntldretH tust nlltlit on what ho railed tho Kivnlcst oilt In llio world, tinme Iv, 'ToiclRn Mltdlotifi." TJieie was it good roiiRteRiitltm In the Atlaiim Ave title t Impel, when; the ittldiCMH was de livered. Ily means of it map or the wnilil, Mr. HukIiuh hhowed the men of tho tiliilut tyouplt'd or coveted bv the picVtilllllK lellulotiR ol' (he world, lie said nn iippioslinnto eHtlmnte of tho poiitilatlein ol Hie woiltl was 1 ,500,000, 000. Of thlt niimbur 40,000,000 ttto be llevod to be membero ot I'lolosfnnt chiiiiheu. Tlicsn ehlirchrH support 6, 000 misHimuii let,, hcslde whit'h tlicie tiiv. 31,101) ntttlvo worlteix. Tlu'ie Is onlv tme nilnslmriiy Htippllcd by the Protestant church for oveiy iW,. (WO or the uiievuiiRollzed population of the (.nth. Tho totul (ttnount of moi'ey l.ilsetl itnuually Ijy these thlltcht's in iJuiope initl Ainerioa fop foiclun mlB Hlons Im Stl.ti.'i.uSS, an itvritiKc or less than lliltty tents per member a year. Air. IUikIh'm mild the outlook wan bilKlit, for cveiy count! y Is now o)ien to the mhiHioniiiy of the cro."., of ClnJst. The imijur ol (he church unc, about llfty .e.iih asti, lor Ood to open tlm doors of the nutioim to the inlbslonnry mid Hie Kixtpul. In 1SS the thellnrr wallw ot Idolativ rell and lite titlmlt hIoii Riven thu Hlblc mid lltu CIiiIh tlnn, who hi the ble.silnir of Ood aie chmiKliiK the avpeet and ehtnaeter of the woild. Only il ict ycats aso, by the Krate of Ciotl, some sltv lliou-and people turned fiom Idols In Tmlln In mI months, nml tho simc iar twenty peiMons avt $1,000,000 tor mission woil;. w oi U. GREEN RIDGE WOODMEN. They Celebiated the First Aaintvei- saty of Their Camp Last Night with a Stag Entertainment. The inumheis of Gletli ttldire i amp, No MiSO, Model n AVoodmen of Aniei lea, telebtated the Ut.st annlver..ny of tltelt ots-anlatlon last night. In Ma sonic hall, on Dickson avenue, with a stair enteiialnineiil nnd smokei. I'llni to the entertainment, tent 1! neu membtis woe obllualed into the oin'.ii.lJtlou by Countv Deputy .lo "epli It. Hughes. O. i:. Tobey presided as ehaitman at the social hesslon, which was enjoved by oot '200 of the memberH and their ftiend-. The pnncljial entei tainer w.i. chailts A. Hartley, who dellghttd those pres ent with bis inimitable miiuluy and feats ot entiilorinIsm. lie hits lately itddtd to his lepet telle a t,tilis ot inii tatlons, ol the leading .tudeIlle tom edliins, winch aie lematkable rot their close nes to the oiiglnal in soice, ges ture and facial epie-s!on. The itni lallon of .lames Ittt limond (Stein oy, 'the man with the giren gloves." was especially well dune. ISauJo. mandolin ami nliat soke lions weie lendued In-a dun of ruloicd men, who also sang smei.il 'coon' songs. Short addtisM', weie made by Dt pnty Hughes, John G. MeAskie, John J. Da ies and It. W. au: Mi. Hughes told of the iem.uk.ible giowlh of the or ganization in (his count j In the btief -pace ot seventeen months, and t . ptessed (he belli t that it had a blighter tittute In this pa ii ot the stale than an other bencllelul otdei. At the con clusion of tilt- eiiteirainniotn a tiibtv lunch was senod In. the l.ttH ft ic mis ol the camp tlieen Itielge camp was oigiuiinl on Mav II, moo. with a ehaiter member ship of tutu. In Hi,- one veil which his (lapsed -inee that time the loitv ineminis nave gtowa lo an even .'00, and lit t aie foi tv 111010 who have been aiteptid l,.v (lu. lodge, l)U ), have not vt 1 ha 11 nbllgated. The pies tnt ollhfis ol Hie tamp aie as tollows: Veiui.iblt consul, (iioig,. f, Atkins; advisot, c. v Sehank. b inker. James Athcilnn, cleik, Joseph Fidiitm; ttus tits, John I'. Uopcvvtll l II Tubev anil T. 1! MeClintoek Tlie ccitiitiiittee which had ihatge of lit night's .hi, tip tompiised the 10I lovving jiiembeis- f. r Tobov. j. it. Hopewell, r. w. St hank. Ali. run. ( nis nml .1. 11 Atheiton GRAND OPERA. ARTISTS. They Will Be Heaid Heu Next Tuesday Night. The music student of Sci.tnion and vklnltv will be out In mien Tuesday eveiiiiij,, Miiv , o heap the eele lu.iKd c(iiuili(i1 j, niume Sclmmaii. Heiuk, ot litiilii, London and New Yoik gi and opeta Mine To listen to bei slug (iiniiifin I.i.ilu uHt be a le-son (hat vot .11 students launot .if. ioid lo ml. s Kcuuitiiu has never had within hei piccliiet.s any Mieh tontiaU to. Hop .singing of "The Supple Ode." by ibahnn "Im Meilist," iJV Kutn, and "I) is Tod und Uas .Madehen," bv r-ehiibiil. has .Housed Uostqn and New oik lUdkncts to gie.it enilius-lii-m ''lie iuiiiirtt,eni( lit I- 10 l,t ihiiiiki'il loi nuking It possible 10 eujov .111 eM nlug ot iniisli by l,ii.il tuiihth.' who ictelve lot tlli-h j-i fv ices dill lllg the ope 1 n .season Horn ?iou 5i.nu ,1 night. Seianionians ina.v never ngalu have the inivilige ot healing the gte'tit est and most sublime eonti.illo voice since the dfljh fit Mllil.llile Alboill, Annie J.oul-o I'nn .md Adelaide Phllllpr- It l vei t'tatityiug to tin nmnagii ineiit tliilt mi geneioiis 11 itpuip-n his been made nml ii jiiainlv flmw.s the keen iipjiicelt'lloii of mil pinpu f,,,. the best. , The piof.iamiiki is one Hi it win sm,.. Iv plcn-e. foi a-Icle fiom tht be.iutl. lul nuinber.s by Muilnnw St luiiiianii Ui'lnk, Hip eniliunt b.ulioiK- M, Fliaiin'oon Davie-, will slug Hie ' 'to. logim" iiom "I I'agllaie!" Thrie imi't jnintout btritone vocalist In tha fount! y who his hitnlleti iJiiglng to m cMeiii that has not taken up thin diilletilt nml billlltnt t.olo n. .1 study, with a view ol siuprlzlng Ills home f 1 lends dm icu.iiiy, u i,S s-onovv. fur u.ly tin (11 fist can Mup, it und ono 01 .li I) ivies' taiibiD iinds in it full scope foi his hlsti Ionic ink pis Mi, PiaiiKLfiii Divlee hits, a ho-it ot admh. us lu Hdo P.uk. who have listened (o Ids magnetic voice nnd lwnnl hts womkitul .slngiuff at the AVelsh na tlonal elsteddtods lu Wales where he if- a pi line lavoilte. The cllngiam opens tomoriow morn, lug at the Lvteuun, and tho iK-liln eholen .-cats Khnttld call eails Lectmes and Demoitstiations. Wi have s-ectned tho .serviccK of Mlts Kmily Mai ion Colling to letuio on and demonstrate the "An of Oooklng by O.ts, or How to .Make Cooking Hnsy," 1 eetures and demonstrations dining tho week tommtnclng May !i0, evtiy atteinoon tit 3 o'clock, at 507 Mnden street. Hoard of Tiade Uulld Ing. The S( 1 niton fln tni Water Co. SIGNED IT WHEN DRUNK PROBABLE EXCUSE FOR WANT ING TO VOID AN AGREEMENT. Interesting Tiespass Suit Oiowlug Out of the Digging of Watet Tun nel on East Mountain Johu V. Fowler tho Plaintiff and Meadow Btook Water Company the Defend ant Hon. Johu T, Williams and W W. Scionton Testfy for the De fenseOther Court Mattel s. Under the Ian n contiact tan be voided by a party If ho can show that at the time he cuieicd Into It he was diunk. Fiom tiicstlonH ptopouiitl ed lo wltnesHos in u tase befoie Judge C.npenler in common plots yesleultiy ll Is gatheitd thut this will be a part 01 the defense. It Is the Mtilt of .John 1'. PowJri against the Meadow Btook Water company, one of the eoneeniH ttllled with the Scianton Oas and Water company, tiid which has for Its presi dent the distinguished president of the lnttei big toipoiatlon, W. AV. .Scian toit. The mathlmry and tootn used ln tho const! iiutlou of the tunnel under the hast mntinkun fiom the Btlint llildge lesoivolt l it point near the Hotile vtiid ate tin subjects ol dlnpute. l.-. Fowler and Hun. John T. Wll IIipm. on Jane C, IMts, contiatied to dig the tunnel. They weie to leeelve ?3'J pel linerl yard, leceive .1 bontis of $"0 :or evvtv tlav tint the woik .stood completed befoie the contiact time, unci loilelt f'O lor evtiy dav It te maiued incomplete ifter the tonti.tct time. Df'teinber I, or seven inoiiths itflei they undt nook life job, thev cetisett work on the contract, with the tunnel only one-thud completed and moie than one-link of the tontrart pet led I ns-rd. The c omp.tuv sieved the tools and pritidtd to prosecute the work with 'tf owt men, while looking about lor olln r tontiactors U step In and take I he phi. e of Towler .1 Willi tins. After iwct months had elapsed the company siitctedtd In inducing Scott tV- Qiiliin, who woiketl 011 the fatuous Jetldo tunnel, to fitcept the job st $f! 7i a. ard mote limn was oilginally allowed Fowlet it Williams, and with the furthei allow ante of the fie use of the machlneiv .mil tools tit (t Fov ler .t Williams had been using cost wasj ixrnnAsnn Scott A: Qtilnn ifmipleted tit 1 ib h ilisf.K totilj. but instead of , i.'ln" JJ'OflO. as was llguted culglnalh, tli tompanv epnided $11,000 on th" iin nel. Mi Foivler 1 Ininis he pi 1 . mally owned i'.llOO woitll ol the tools md machlneiv and his stilt is to tetovet this amount lit the stand vesletdav lie said that Mr. St i.inton told him in Dectmber. ISP. that he need not go on with the work and that his ma ehincty ami tools wete loifetteil to the eompitin. This, or touise, was Hie plaintll'l's meic statement of claim The uii ease ol the plaintilf will route on le btlltal. It will be In the shape of evl-dc-nte In meet that whirli is now be ing itddtitv d bj (he delensc Thislat tet ev lilt me Is to the eiiect that Fow ler .V William- pie nit d with the 0111- p.mv o be 1 eleased fioin thelt con tiact, and finallv, atler sevetal 1 ofti sals, the company agieed to nbiugiite the (onti.tit, piovlcliug Fow li r 1?- Wil liams would give ov.ei the tools, mi cl'lnety and stijipilcs the 1 lite gioiiml, that the company might pio t oed 01' itself lo eomplete the woik. A wiittin contiael. In which Fowler A. Williams agieed lo this, Is the b.ic k b(jiit of the defendant's case . luda iug itoin the (iiiestions asked, bv the plaintiffs tutoinev. it will be contend id that Mr. Fowler did not sn this ugiceirenl. ,,i if he did, II was done at a lime when he was intolc alert and when he did not know whnl he was doing. Mi. Williams, who look the .11,11 e nifut to Fowlt-i's house to seeuio the signatuie, was questioned at length by the plaintilf s side ns to whethei or jot .Mr. Fowlet was .ul suffering fiom alcoholism on the day the agtee ment Is pin ported lo have bten .signed bv him. bill Mi. Williams would not -itv tills was so. might be so, how evei. Mi. Williams said, but he notlc 1 d no evidence ol II. , m:porrroxs ufad Deposit loiii. of Itcpiesintiillve IM waul Joint s, Ji Aveie lead, in which hi tc'stle! lo having witne-sed the signatiiics. as is Indicated hi a loot note to 1 be agieement. Fiosident Sci. niton was on the stand lor about an hour and told in detail of the dealings- nlih Fowlei wil lintus The eoiup.tnv bad llu It bond und could have held them to the lor lt.it. but lefiniued fiom doing so, he Mild, const ntlug, artci Mi. Willlama bad made nuiuetoiis pleas, to allow tin lit to till on Up the Job. The tools which the (onu.ietois tinned over lo the company In consideration of the abiogiitlou of Ihe eoutrntt weie not w ruth moie than a thousand dollnts, Mr. Sci.tnion clnlnud. At Hist tost they weie not woith iiioio Hum 52,000 nml b the timet (hey tame into Urn bauds of the eomptny they neie In such bad re 1 air that they would iot tiling- Ullv pei eenl of iheh original value Jtolitit lleoves, ihe coiiipanj'!, siipti inttndtmt. vt" also tailed (to losllfy. He (old thai tho woik was not pushed as ll should have been end that Mr Fowler who bad Immediate supei vis ion of tlu wink, was fietiiteiitly nwav When the tompanv iinilni(ool." thf woik Itself, it was tmind, .1111011; othor thing", thai one of the thiee mules hail sii.'ived awav and the othei two weie riinlnv lu tl.e woods, Iriving had no feed oi tine foi n long lime Ml, llreves coiioboriitf'd Mr. Scranlon as lo Hie value 01 the iimls and ma thlimiy mviied by .Mi, Fowlm The case be toutliHind todav A Vosburg. of Vosbiug .v. llnvvson lepiesients the plaintiff. The defend, mil's uttoineja aie Majoi IJwieU Waneit. es..Judee H. A. Kunnp ami Hon. C P O'JIallev. of Willaul. War len X Knapp vrJUUK-T I Oil P1AIXTIFF V mm diet of $1,15125 lu favor of the plaint If. was letuinetl yesteiduy morning In tho tase of rennet & ('hap. pell .igalnM F. H (iiilllths and the Jjckson Stieet UaptUt thuith. gar nishee, and Arj.i How en, executor of llio estate 01 Moignu Hovven, deceased Tho jury In tho ca&o of Maiy Mu (lu.skl against I.aaitt.s MOier came ln yt'Hteielay moiuiiig, after having been out all night, and teportctl it could not agiee. Judge Kclwatils. who pieulded in the case, wos at homo III. and a, tipstaff wan dispatched with the juiy'a memifet. He neat batk woid l,liat they might bo dlRfliaigcd, nnd Judge f'ai pouter accoidlngly lelleved them fiom ftulhtr (otiHldeiatlon of the caw The etiKe of the County Savings Hunk nnd Tutsi company agnlnat Klla M. Wilson, executrix, was aolllcd. Jttdg. monl, bv aRiceniPiit. wan enloied In ravor or the plaintiff, for $4,fi0o, with Inleiest fioin .Ian. 1, 1001. Two New Tiespass Suits. Alva M. Quick, n boy who was binned by an explosion of gas at the Mt. I'letisatit collleiy, Fob. I, 1901, brought suit yesterday by his net filend, tleoigo 1. Quick, his fnthei, to set tile M10 damages fiom tho Flk Hill foal ti'id lion company. Attor nej 'I'huiniij F. Wells lopresentst the phi hit Iff. Suit lor $1,000 damages was begun bv William tihcln against. Max ltutlKkl, thioiigh Attorneys M. I.'. McDonald and F7 J. McAndtew. Kheln tentetl u house on Keyser n venue fiomTtutlskl m.tl had moved his lurnlturt wlieii Itutlxkl came along, put hint oui nnd neltd his belongings, so heclalmed. In the Divorce Court. An alius subpoena In tllvoice was ypBtonluv dhetted in the case of Her tlfi 1). Htuullton against Chatles 11am tlto.. I'tlblleatiou was dliccled In the cases of Minnie Thomas against Jaims Thomas and Walter Wtlght against .Muigiot Wilght. In the ease of Maiy Mvers tgnlnst Step'-eu Mveis a illle for a eleeiee in dlvoite was gtaiited. Two Names Added. Julius Tiov and J. C. Rosar weie tsteiday joined us plaintiffs and petl tloneis in 1 he imincl.imus pioceediiigs against eoiiinllnien. A motion to amend the lecord In this leguitl was made bv es-Clty Solicitor Vosbtug betoie Jittlge Carpenter, and theie being no opposition, It was al lowtd tot llnvilh. Dibcbaiged fiom County Jail. Judge Carpenter ycstei.tv signed an older dischaiglni? from the county Jail seven pilsomis, nhose cases weie iMioicd by the grand jut y. Thev an" Clottklb Kolb, Daniel r.ollus. Dav ill Uobeils. Joc pit Mot llska. Joseph XaivilsUI, Sam Fai talne ind Nick Folltli. Jtanlage Iiicenses. Fietltilek I We.vandl. loi ! T tvlor avenue Helena A Stein liO Alder stieet llenige Kronauski Moneevn, Pa. Anrle Dltutih Ditkson City Ainietaie 'lemaglnoll Jessup Ann 1 Al.irmla Jessup William A l'hilllps- Taylor Annie llmini T.tlor COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Viii'ii.' llu iuiimil lull'' nliiiiiiil In ..lie 1,1 mil jiuv ni- em ia tli" ( no 111 Hindi 1 1 or iim t.(otet' W. Hi de f. 1- cliirtil l J client Willi t nibi lenient In tlie 1 1-0 1 1 liilni (.mini ijiiir llu sci lie ton pjin ciiii 1111 i inlo i illnwtil to cine pi I llii I (ilntiim il tin J'(jl In clvnu bonis f 11 till' (l)-l-, Itlllll li 11 il IV TWO IMPORTANT CASES. Decisions in Them Tiled Yesttiday with Local Cleik of United States Ciicuit Couit. '1 he suit ol lite John Hancock Mu- tu il I. lie Insuiauee tompan against Missoiuia 1!. Jloupt. Wllkes-Uai te's wealthv lumber man has been decided 111 lavorol the plfiintllt bv W. A Wil cox, the inustet appointed b.v the t'nl teil Slates titcull coin t to adjudicate tlie tmittct Ml. Wllcov's lepott w is tiled jies Ui dav with Cleik A. J. Colboiu Jt is a Milumluoiih clocumenl and goes into eveiv dt tail ol the ease must mluuttlv. Mi. lloupi some .e.iis ago took out a $.'1,000 policy 011 his life in the pktin till 1 out pa n v. The medical examina tion was made bv a local physician, who was .11 ting tempoiaillv for the louip.inv. When the companv's staff medic al examine! came upon the scene and examined Mi. Houpt he touml he was suffeilng liom seven- entaiihal tiouble and lepotttcl the same to the lompanj's home oillcc. The company hail accepted the usual piemium fiom .Mi. Houpt and dellveied to him his pollt.v. I'pon lccciving the lepoit ot Its slufl medital examiner the com panv letuined the pieinltini and de mandtcl thai Mr Houpt leliiiu the lollt.v. Jli. Hiiiipt leltised to accept the pieiniiun or tutu over the policy and the 1 oiupan.v moved in the Fedei.il 1 0111 1 lot an iuiuiu'tlun lo compel him lo give up the polie.v. Mr. Wilcox's lepou dltxloses thai at the lime the policy was wiltten. .Mt. Houpt wits being docloted foi tluoit double He llnds tliat the policy was pun uied ihiough nilstepiesenlutlon and thai, iheiefoie, it Is vltlnted. The master leeommeuds that the Injunc tion be gi anted Another dot Islon In the Fulled Stales touil was mtido .vestetdav by Judge Ailufon. It was In the suit ot Hllsltti A. Coiay against John Jeimyn, i: It. Still ges, the Xew Voik. Sus tiuelianna and Wesletn Itulhoad com pany tuiil othiMs. Sir. Coiay In ought still lu lsOl .ii.alust the above named defendants, to ictover lor coal lauds, Ho allowed the suit 10 He dotmnnt and 11 year ago Ihe defendants pio ceeilid to have It dismissed on the gimiiid that it had not been diligently pitisecuted, as the law ie(iiiies. Judge Acheson dptlde.s that the couteiitlou ot the detendiiiits Is a good one and ills, misses Ihe suit al Ihe cost of the plain till. M. J NORTON AGAIN ARRESTED It, Now Clmiged with Lniceny by Peter Cannon, M J Norton, of Newaik, but (or ineilv 01 Si 1 union, who was .11 tested oil Monday night op the I'h.llfio of jumping his ball, ncarlv two jeai.s ago, and who was leleand alter leaving siilllelont security on Tuesday, was again auesled estcudu, this Ihuo iliiused with huceny. The waiiaut was issued b.v Musis II utu Howe, M tho instance of Peter Cannon. Mi. Cannon eiihiud Hint he slept over night "In tho same room lu the Cn ne house with Mi. Not ton, ami that ftf which was In his pocket when he went to bid was missing when lie awoke. He- thing"! Ml. Notion with taking It 'ihe latter emphatically denied the ihaige, and entered ball lu tho sum of $J00 lot his appearance at coutt Guernsey Hall, 314 Washington ae Sci anion, is the btsl and most .'cllablo pltico lo pur chuse 11 good "ano. It will pay you to call and get pi Ices and teuns. J. W. Ciiuinsey, 1'iop. oinoke the new Kleon tlfjur. 5c. CONVENTION OP THEJV0RITES SECOND DAY'S SESSION YESTER DAY AT TAYLOR. Repoits of Pieslelent Owens nnd Secretary Evnns Weie He aid Dur ing the Day President's State ment Contained Adjudications of Various Mattcis Among the Lo cals nnd the Sccietnry's Repot t ' Showed Iuteiestiiifj Statistics En tertainment nnd Banquet Given Last Nl&ht to the VJsltois. The second day's session of Hit! na tional convention of the Aineilenn Title Ivorltes wits held ycteidnv at Taylor, tho delegates holding buslnc meeting dining the moinlngand after noon, and being1 entei tnlnetl with a banquet nnd entcrtulnmeiit during tho night. The moinlnrj session was called to oidei at 0 o'clock in the Welsh Con gregational chinch by Pipsltlent Hum phtey Owens, of Fair Haven, Vr. A numbei of additional delegates wete expected to be In attendance, but disappointed the convention by lulling lo put In an appaiance. The gi enter part of tho morning was consumed In listening to the leport of the presi dent. His statement wa lengthy and yet concise, and wns heard with moikctl attention. It consisted ptlnei pallv of answers to ciuestlons icfeiied to the ( lilof executive for Judgment bv membeis of the local lodges dining the year, and Involving vutlous knotty points. The leptul was lefeiud to the spctktl commttttee whose names weie given in vesterda.v's- Tiibune's story of the pioceediiigs ol the convention. The committee will In turn repent upon the picsidcut's statement today. The af ternoon session was called nbout .1 o'clock. An iinpoi tant fcntllle of the ni 111 noun's dolng.s was the lepoit of Secietatv Hvnns, of this elty. It showed I hat Hit- total amount, in the association's tie.istiry was $10,107.31. In the peiiod Horn 187! to 1'Hll, the older Ins buried -seven hundred and flltv nlne membeis ami has pild out . 'Ilk benelits, sJ01,SM7-l. Tin: i:i:1j1ff fcxd Thus tat, $11, 100 31 have been donated to wido.vs and otphans of deceased membeis or to needy biotheis. For butviug dead members 01 their wives, jfil.ijOO )." have been ex'peiided. which mokes a net total of S271.0S1 'M In tv.enty-eight vt.ns. Dming the tc-mainde-r of the atteinoon .1 lice dis cussion was hold of matters pertaining lo the older, either of an entlielv new diameter or postponed fiom the lust convention, which was held at Foiilt nev. Vr. 11 was halt-decided thete lo hold a yeai ly tisteddlod. and this epic'stlon was hi ought up ycsteidav loi dual ac tion. It was voted down. This inclin ing and afternoon the convention w.ll be lesumed ami fiom all indications at least one moie session will be ntcs aiy tomoirow Among the mntlei-n upon which action Is et to be taken tie the icpoifs eit Hie vailotts t ommlt tees, election oi ollkets and ehot'-e i,f a place for the next convention. Kcianton. Xcw Castle, l'a .and Rome, X Y, aie all miking u sttong light for the convention, but it looks u.s though this city's lame as a seat foi eomen tions will be too ninth loi Ihe other nspnants 101 the honoi. Piesldent Owens will be a eantlldate lot 1 ('-election to the piesitlency Last night the visiting delegates wei entei tallied by the membeis of Temple ol Lov e lodge, Xo 7, with an entertain 11it.nl at the Welsh t lunch. An excel lent piogramme was lt-ndeied. which intituled 11 selection bv Antlnatlte Clee tltib: . nidi ess, Chuirman Owens; solo, Hieh.tid Watkins; leeitation, Thomas J James; seltctlnn. Moait (imt telle; addtess, rtev J. C. Kvans; solo, M. I! Mcngans, leeitation. Miss Sallle Fiise; solo. Arthur Moigttns; addtess, n. p. Davis, Scraiiton; solo, W J. Jones; nd diess, John J. Kv.tns, gi.md secittaty; solo. Mrs Robert Mowelhn, selection, Mo.ait eiuaitetle; leeitation, Miss Sal lle Piltuj solo, J. C. Watkins; addiess, Rev. V. C. IMwaids; solo, .Miss Uellth W. Watkins; selection, Alillitacile tlleo club AnDitKsscs Dni.i vi:m:r. The addiesses made bv Keiietiuy Fvans anil 1'iesldeiit Owens weie along the gem ml line of ivoiites' pinposes and woiks, and .showed the advantages of the oidei. The fvorltes were otgan Ied in ISiV) In IM mouth, the lute Hen jainln Hughes, ol' West Sci union, being the talker of the older. Us Hi. si uiesl dent und the man to whose eftoits mine than any one else can be attiibuled its bllttess. Following the entertainment a lun iiuct was seived by thn wives 01 the &bbiiribIMiM On Time With a bught new dress wear. A bift fill Silk Foulaids. Black bilk 'I wist, Stiipe and Check Grenadines Hntnelv New Line ol us '00 Swiss Mohair ti j In dainty light shades of rose, blue and linen, aho g Ug darker grounds of navy and black, with pietty Urines, Ip '& Crepes g. S This popular leather weight material, plain and g figuied, of self colors.in the vei v proper spring shades g 3 Remember, We Have Graduation Dresses for All. 3 3 Mears & Hagen 415-417 Lackawanna Ayo. MWWMWVWM O " c 2 Dinner Tea Toilet PS3 SETS VvxvaT Geo. V. Millar & mMmmmwmtmmmAmmNm 0 Bicycles That Run Easy. 0 new X?ll KKHKKKK;SUKKnKSKMKnKnKXKKKM m a Base Balls Gloves flasks Bats, Etc. by equipping themselves from this excellent stock. Juvenile Base Ball Goods We make a specialty of getting all the acces sories used by grown-up men in the game of base ball, such as gloves, masks, etc., in small sizes for the little fellows. We now have a large stock of these juvenile goods. J. D. WILLIAMS & 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. mcniheis- Tonight the iltleft.Ues will be entei t lined hv ISolieit .Monis lixlfre, ol West siei.int'in THEY WILL DRINK BEER. Higher License and Refoim Does Not Decrease Consumption. Sales ot I.imi heei timing the month or April, this eti, liy ihe feudal I'eniisvlvanl.i Flieunih t timp.tny, e ccul these let Apill. I'JliO. In .l.Olitl li.ii telh, unci the stlts ul the K Itobinson'.s Sons' bieiieiv, which supplied ,t l.tiKe poiticiti ciT the saloons ol the city, ic imi Is an outpiil lot la-l inimlh ol 1,1m) battels moie thin in Apiil it ,eai a no. In le of the lessenliiK ot the num ber or i itv saloiin-, bj Ihe inls in the pi In- cit llei.liM's. .mil the clcsiut, up of iio ninny speakeasies iltnln.tr the past M'tti in and ahoul Hiiaulun, the I'aei thai iheif is anv intie.tse at all, and not a hlfr tli-eiease, in the amriiml of heei i iiiisuineil, Is qulio ten! likable. When You Get n Heatlnche don't waste a minute but ri to iutii' tltiiSKlsi anil K't ! bo ol Kuiist's lleitdai he Capsules. They will pie venli pain eseu though our hUull weie tiadietl. Thev ate hntiuloss, too. Kead the gn ii.tntee. 'i li e ."Ic, Polcl bv all tllilBKlsf " Boilei Mnkeis, Notice. All nti'inli'ts ul f.oilfre 71 ate lnv by liolllletl tn be piesent at tlie leKtilar ineetilM toiilllllt. II. I St ImiiR See'y. at. line of choice novelties for S"' array o! the most beauti- sr e: Grenadines c ff: I P. a vi d .2 naiing uisnes Just the thing for waim wcntlier. Al ways ready. Lobster a la Ncwbeig, Welsh Rarebilt and other appetizing dishes, with out heating the house, aj a. oj 'I lie pi ices aie from Pt" lO .p Lamps Glassware Etc., Etc. Co. t2Kl!LASS 0 II Is timt iiiipurtint tlul n lilmla 5? llttlllat l I iM IllllllilU mg Hi lltlillll i'rnivt I. Iiiiilleiil, illiS Innl no I, I' iniiiiktii , 0 llio liuiiEtiKs in llie "si riitilon" JJ pun ml lithium ni niiiiiliiK nml u JJ nliiiiulli iuil.es it lie tiiciH iluuu1,. mm Vlll'll fill ill lIlnHI Cif iltlit. 0 I'nti h In milt Ihe pin ki 11 imk. 126-128 Franklin Ave. g BITTENBENDERfiCO Our stock of Base Ball Goods will surely prove interesting to any player of the national game, who will look it over. Amateur clubs can certainly save nxoney and at the same time get the best BR0. Security of Possession Is the titasinetl ilieititt of eei ptop. eifc ownei oi piospetlie puiehasei. riuiueiitH, it Is not until tlie sale or exeli.'tnse uC a holding Is tleshcd thut the-t loud upon a title is distocied and contemplated plans .tie deleated. Title Instil, tnec Iull inoteds against delect uf ttatth, pense of litigation in slim i. It pimiiks eomplete In dt mnllicatioit lot anv ln-s at King liom lite contestt il ,illtllt ol oui ptopetty tights final il Mint liitetests will! a polity of tlie Title Guaranty and Trust Company Of hcrantcin, Pcnna. 51G Spiuce Stieet, W llu-, I'll -III, 111 .11 II Mil Hum. I,. ltil,ii A kc i ic-uli il, i Knii 1'ic s Hull liu-l Oifmr. k n v. n n ki tf. v. n k w. v, r. r. h I TRV l ! Clock's Best; Union Hade Tobacco ,1 .V X A Good Smoke or Chew. A Tilol Solicited. Satisfncttou Gu.irnWteadr . rl X X X s MANUFACTUKEB BY ", X X The Clock Tobacco Co ' X I M 0-J4-40-48 Wyoming Ave. - Scinnton, pa,- . . ;,t ''X tKttKKtHKItttttktKKKHK. FOR THE NEXT 00 DAYS " Gas Rangjes On Sale at Our Office nt Cost. We put them in your kitchen ready for use. All connections FREE, on thst floor. Double Oven Bnnges, 0,75 nd up Scranton Gas & Water Co 115 Wyoming Avenue. ," may i. wot. TRIBUNE WANT ADS, BRING QUICK RETURNS ,r: