The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 16, 1901, Image 1

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    -$-". ".,, JTl ' '
Mau Not Be Able to Make the Re
turn Trip to Washington.
President Obliged to 'Postpone His
Western Trip Mis. McKinley's
Condition Has Been Known to the
President unci Party for Seveinl
Days Past, but Has Not Been
Made Public The Train Will Start
for the East ns Soon as She Is Able
to Tiavol.
lit lk.illi.hc Win- (mm 'It" - i l.ili'd I'lfW.
Snii Francisco, May 1.1, Owing to the
ei-. mm Inn's i liaidctet- nt Mrs. Mi'
Kluley's Illness, tin president this
morning dolinltoly decided to abandon
his contemplated not thwcsieiu tour
(mil to return to Washington direct
wi soon as Mis. MeKinley liull be
able to stand the strain of tin- Jouincj.
Tin- giaiity nl Mts, McKinley's ton
illtlon bus been known to tin' members
nt' tile president's immediate pnily tor
-eM' days, but has been cone ealed.
In the liollet that she would rally, as
she hud so frefuently done in the
when sufteiing from one of nor pei iods
i depression, and, with n lew ilajs of
absolute iet, be restored to normal
t oudltlon FJut her present Illness has
been iitteniled with entirely new coin
i liratlou.s, w hit h haie not yielded to
treatment, and the president concluded
ibis morning that it was time the
liublle should be iippiiictl of the ti lie.
situation, lie is als-o anxious that the
i.'slUents of the cities and towns alow;
the planned mute of his leturn trip
liuulil receive pinnipt notllleatiou or
ihe t Imtnistnnces which lompel his
il-elslon. The bulletin which Seeietaiy
Coitcljnu gave to the Associated Press
this morning announcing the abandou
nient of tlie tilp. coupled with another
. niiouneonient that Mis. McKinley's
ondltloit last night wa better In -some
lesperts, but in ntlicis, prepared
the nay for the bulletin Issued later Ir. lleniy r;ilbon, a eelebtated
pliysh of ?an Francisco, had been
ailed In consultation with Dr. IJlrseli-leld,..-and
Dr. Jtixey. Dr. Gibbons has
a reputation here for his skill in the
iteatment of bowel disorders, rt was
the pie.sidenfs wlsli that another phy
se.m be tailed in eonsultatloii. not
because hp did I10i linve perfect eon
lidence in Dr'hfelder and Dr.
Uley, )iit because he desiietl that
nothing science could do should be
lift undone, lie was especially anx
ious that the diagnosis nf die iitlonil
ing physicians should agree. I'rur
shite Mrs. MeKinley arrived at the
Scott lesiilence she has been desper
ately ill, Her extreme weakness ha:!
beep the most alarming featuie of her
eondition, Hei vitality has been at
low ebb and she has spoken seldom
to those about her. The president has
been ctnitiiiuallv at her bedside since
taeir m rival here Sunday night, save
the few hours .Monday afteinoon when
he left her to go to San ,Ios, and the
three bonis lie spent yostettlay in tho
parade. Fortunately. Mrs. MeKinley
slept thioush his absent',, on both oc
casions. Strain Upon the President.
The stiain which the piesldent him
self has undergone during the past few
days has been very great. It has been
a personal sacrifice for him to carry
out his engagements here In oider to
not disappoint the people, but lie has
made It unselfishly anil nobly. It is
still his desiie to cany nut the pre
aiianged luogtamme in Han Fianclsco
to whatever extent he can. This morn
ing he thought he would bo able to bu
piesent at the unveiling of the Dona
hue statue and so Informed the com
mittee, but at the last moment, when
his escnit bad already drawn up lit
Joie the Scot I lesldence. Mrs, MeKln
ley's condition was such that he de
t Ided not to leave. All day, except for
a brief half-hour this morning, wiien
he yielded to the entreaties of those
about him and went out for a drive, ho
has lemnined steadfastly at her side.
The members of the uiblnet toluet
nutly consented to cany out today's
Piograinnio at the Cniveislty of Cali
fornia, and at Oakland, hut thev put
no heart Into the testlvltlcs while their
chief was grieving nt his wife's bed
side. The visit to .Mount Taiiuilpals,
ui ranged for tomoriow. has been en
litely abandoned, but if Mis, McKin
ley's condition shall warinnt the presl
dent will attend the reception given by
the various veteran 01 sanitations in
the afternoon,
.Mis. McKinley's Illness lias tast a
shadow over the entire cltv. People
have shown their sympathy in u mul
titude of wavs. All day long nttlu
giouris have been standing across the.
stieet. opposlto tins stcott mansion,
silently watching the drawn blinds of
the room In which tho (list lady of tho
land lay. Tho news of tint serious char
ncter ot her Illness evidently tiaveled
lust, because irom nil over the coun
try this atteinoon telegrams have been
pouring in to the president, oxpi easing
sympathy for Mrs. MeKinley and ask
lug for tidings ot her condition Just
how soon Mis. MeKinley will be ublo
to travel Is a uuestlnn which no oua
can answer now. it may bo necessary
for her to remain here longer tlmn next
Monday, when tho party oilglnally was
scheduled to leave.
It Is likely that il will Im somewhat
iH-tor befoio she will bo able to endure
the long trip acios the continent, but
.so soon ns she shall be sufllclpntly
jttrontf the trip will be matin by tho
most direct loute, probably tho Union
I'ncltlc. No stops will be made, and It
i believed that the tiip can be made
In Ave days.
The Last Bulletin.
San I'YoiKiseo. May 13 At 11 p. m.
;-- uirahivaacr left the Scott residence
At that time Mis. MeKinley was re
ported to be Hllghtly better. A few
inoincntH later Dr. Itixey, who luid been
in conslnnt attendance for over 21
hours', retlied to get n little ret.
Recommended by ae Philadelphia
Bench Cases Heard Today.
By nxclti'bp Wire from Thr A"oclittil Prfi.
Hnrrlsburg, May In. Tho board of
pardonH lecoinmended a pardon from
tho bench today for David Jlooenfelt.
of Philadelphia, who Is serving three
months In Moynincnslng Jail for per
jury. This action was taken lit the rc
Miiest ot Judge Stevenson. District At
torney Itotherinel and the police au
thuiitlus, from whom letters were pre
sented by Ittiscnfelt's attorneys to the
effect that he had been unjustly con
victed. Itosenfelt was prosecuted by mem
bers of the Lithuanian club, who wero
convicted and lined for Keeping a dl.s
oidetly place In March on Informa
tion luiulslied by him to the police.
This is probably the fltst time in tho
history of the board that a pardon
lias been lecomniendcd Horn the
A le-heailng was granted in the case
of Martin Frye, or Carlisle, under sen
tence of death for murder.
An executive session of the board
will be held tomoitow to consider sev
einl other eases.
Confeience on Foreign Missions Held
Today in the Auditorium of
the Withei spoon.
lit bMlUHM' Wll.' f.ulrl 'I lie V-nlU.ttfll l'll
Philadelphia, May I.". In accordance
with the lecommendattnn of the Pres
byterian general assembly, a confer
ence on foieign missions was held to
day in tho auditorium or the AVItber
spoon building, under the direction ot
the board of foieign missions, with
the chairmen of the synodieal and
piesbyterlal committees and tepresen
tatlves of the Women's Mission boards.
The morning session was devoted to
tho roailiucr of icports and discussion
of topics of interest to mission woik
ei s.
The tonleience .is conducted by
I.ev. Thomas Mai. shall, of Chicago,
field societal y of the foreign mission
boa id.
Alter devotional exeicises. Rev.
C'haile.s A. Dickey, moderator of the
general assembly, dellveied a brief ad
diess, which wa.s followed by verbal
lepoits linni clmhmcn of foieign mis
sions committees of svnods and pies
byteiies ami other representatives.
Uev. Dr. lleniy C Hvans, of the Pies
bytery of rit. I.ouls, staled that eighty
per cent, of the chinches in his pies
byteiy contributed $7.01 durins; the
last fiscal year to the foieign mission
fund, the amount being an increase ot
about twenty per cent, over the pie
vlous year.
Uev. Ii. .1. S. Cutler, chainnan of
the synod committee of Xew Jeiey
lopoitect that his synod ennd United a
laiger per capita amount to foieign
missions tlmn anv other synod, and
during tin? past year had exceeded the
New York synod, the next largest con
tributor, by seventeen cents per mem
ber. The Oiange and Morris synods,
he said, exceeded New Voik by five
cents per capita.
Kev. II. A. Kelchum. D. D.. ot the
Vresbyteiy of Wllliamette. Oiegon;
Hev. r.. K. McAfee. D. D.. chairman of
the synod committee of Missouil, and
Hev. i. K. Powell, chairman of tho
sjnod committee of (Joloiado, sioke of
their efforts to raise funds, and while
they had met with some success, they
expected within the next year to great
ly inciease their contributions.
Uev. John Halcoin .Shaw. D. D., chair
man ot the foieign missions commit
tee, synod of New Toil:, spoke on "Tho
Duties and Work of the Synocllcal anil
Presbytei ial 'ommittees."
Dr. Shaw said the committee met
with many obstacles, tine principally to
Inertia on the part of ministers. He
explained the methods hv which tho
committee endoavoud to arouse inter
est In the foreign mission question, and
concluded by advising all committee,
members to aim at the pastors who
lack interest and courage. William II.
tiysteen, of tho Vuloii Theological
sunlnuiy, of New Toil;,' dellveied an
Inierestltm address on the ".Student
Volunteer." He told of the movement's
Inception In ISs.l, and how It had grown
from 100 students to 7,000, now wink
ing In the missionary Held. A "ques
tion drawer," conducted by Uev, Dr.
McAfee, brought the nioinlng session
to i close, and the delegatus adjoin nod
until J o'clock this nfteinoon.
During the session Dr. A. P. Hep.
bum, the pioneer nilsslonaiy to Japan,
was Intioduced to the conference,
Encouraging' Reports Made at the
Convention at Lebanon,
Flictitl to Hie tti union Tribunr.
Lebanon, May in. When the con
vention of the Knights of tho Oohlen
Kaglo uSMieil this morning uu
oceul!ve session was ordoied and
the convention leinalneil In seciet
session all day. During the day tho
reports fur tho year weio je.ul, They
won all encouraging, and it wa.s jti
portetl that theio aic '.Wt niBinbers
ami liflepu blanches of the society In
tlie statp.
The Allentown comnuindery. In
charge of Captain P. If. .Mullen, won
the til st prise, $100 In gold, for belns
the best drilled commander' In the
di 111 contest. The other prizes weie
all awarded at the ball laat night, as
follow-!"; To Harmony commandery,
Captain V C lloftman, Harrlsburg,
$50 in gold, the second best chilled
commundei. same points cnnsideieti
as first prize J0 In gold was awarded
to I van hoe coiiuuaudeiy, Philadelphia,
for the commandery coming the great
est distance with not, less than twenty
two men In line, and $u0 to 'Harmony
commandery, Harrlsburg, for tho com
mandery having the hugesl number
of men In line, l.itlt. castle, of Idtltvs,
Pa,, was awarded $ir In gold for tho
laigest number of men in parade.
Resolution to Adjourn tlie Legis
lature, on June 15th Is Laid
on the Table.
Believes the Membeis Aie Being
Used ns Driven. Cattle for Political
Purposes Business of the Body
Liable to Continue Until July 15.
Much Depends Upon the Pittsburg
Ripper Decision Bhls in the In
terest of Trolley Companies Aie
Reported Adversely.
fit 1 vcliuttc Wile from 'Hip IvkvIjIimI ITh
Huriishurg, May 15. A concurrent
resolution directing the appiopriatlons
committee to leport all bills not later
than May 20, and fixing June If. for
final Adjournment, was olfeied in the
house today by Mr. CHtiner, of .Schuyl
kill. A long debate followed, at the
conclusion of which the lesolution was
laid on the table by a. vote of 9.: to :'3.
The resolution follows:
Wlicii'ai, ThH IcgWjunc i now i nniilug jt a.
tost nf out V3.00CI pr tl,iy lo lb? UtpjyiTii of
tin's ccitmnimnctiltli; and
MIipimu, Tlie last ;xisl.ltnri j .ililc to flnuh
ii its biisini'vs sikI j.Ijoiimi uu April HO nt Hut; and
Wltcri'j, The iiluuis of t icniniuimiMllh
.tie i Idtiinriuic foi an eirly adjOtiriimetit ot tho
liKislttiur-; lie it
Itc-toltcil, Firet, Tlut tin- .ipritopimliori futtmiit
tic is lieifln dir;lil to ttporf out jll liilN in
tlipir liimls not Ijtor tiian ilay 20 Srtuud,
lltai this liou.e hold thife ,sions KT on
eatli and cvciy icculji diy of lite week, 'lhiiri,
If tlut (vinlr rone in, tlut thi lcicibl iturp ")
j. tint slue die nl noon on .lime lo.
Mr. A'ooihees, of I'hlladelphl.t,
moved that the resolution bo'd
to the appropiiations coiuniltte".
Mr. Oarner objected, bteaus.j he s.cul
I' nti ant tho death of the resolution If
it was .sent to that committee. He
thought the legislating had been In
session long enough and lint is. was
lime to please the people by .id limn
ing. Mi. Mis'--, ni DM.iw ire, chaliman of
the appropriations t.onmilfte. explain
ed that theie had been- referred to
the committee 304 bills, and that If it
was required to lvpoit cm May 20, In
the conililion in which they aie now,
it would delay for one month the date
of llnal ad.'oir-nnient. The committt"
is giving cat ef ul considerallon to e.u ii
bill, and when its wcul; is coniiileletl
it will have s.iv.-l Ihs state hundreds
of thousands of dollms. About one
half the bills hav. b. en acted iinun
by the committee, and the onlv bi'l"
yet to he consltie; ti (1it. those for this
large hospitals' in the eastern and
western ends of 'he state, ami lnoe
instittitions which aie asking for large
appiopii.itions. '.Vlitle Mr. r.liss wouM
not agree, for himself ami the commit
tee, to lis any time for the leportlng
of the bills, he thought they ought to
all be considered and repoi led in the
net ten days.
As Diiven Cattle.
Mr. Co my, of liitsjcinc. said that
the way the legislature was working,
It would nol be ready to adjourn on
July 1 or July l.". It. perchance, the
Supieme couit does nol decide the
Pittsburg "rippei" case. "We aie be
ing used as diiven cattle for political
purposes," ho added, "and the sooner
we adjoin n and go home the better It
will be for all concerned."
Mr. Hall, of Allesheny, said he fav
ored an early adjournment, but he
did not believe the losolutlon was in
older, for the reason that It embraced
matters which could only be consldeied
by the houses and m.itteis which could
only bo considered by the house and
senate, Mr. Voorhees withdrew his
motion to lefer to the apptopiiiitious
committee and moved that the solu
tion lie on the table. After the adop
tion of this motion, Mr. Miller, of
Hedfoid, cullei) up his resolution that
the pawn brokers' bill, which was re
poi ted adversely by the law ami oitler
committee, bo placed on the calendar.
The icsolutlon lulled.
Hills allowing trolley companies to
carry fi eight anil limiting to ten hours
a day's work on trolley lines were ad
versely reported from the city passen
ger i.illwnys committee.
Bills Passed Finally,
Tho following bills passed finally at
tonight's session uf tlie house
t.rir,tln" j iiculoti of M-' a niwitl I. Iin
H. I'luimncr. a tnltjto In T.troni' ittiUii.t ljiii.
piny, IVimH.uiij nilUili.
flr.i:itln jii .imiiiil nt !' j moiitli in s n
l.jM'm.'fi, i inlvutc in an .irtillnj,ai.y
lolinrniitliil i) f'jitiiu . Mon.iw, Jlon,in';
tii (.'ulonvl .laiol, 111,'uln's iftiuiti,t, l',im,l.
.iiiii milllU
lttln'iiij kltitk. li,,Koi, Mil IuiiUk, and r
ili.uiKi! Inoktri from tli imnltloiu. of the ,nt
ef May n, ISM, ilejtlni," a lnl.liis fnoj fir lit
13 went nf the ktjto ilibt.
I'nwidlnfc' tint l. In re ju entire slot.', oi .ny
coiiiitlpi llde lioillou of :i (otk of guiiiU, waits,
or ineiihinilbc Iim Ikhii solil outtlde of (lie
umiiI ectiuo of lufini-ii (lie siJItr tniMi unidsii
to l he niuiipr .1 hill nf sale unti au llemlej
M.'ileii.nit of hl-i trO'liloi.
I'lmidiiiR a mcllioil ior procnJiiif ioi iivlitlni
of law and tuiMisHp nrtlliuiuo am! lui Hie ml.
Intloii of hVi jticl n4liif in loans of li.f
Drst cus
l.i'iins; 1 tai of (he mills on i. WIta
itiwk o nttlf.ciJl 1,'j. torrpinle't
House Bill Incj easing the Number
of Mine Inspectois Is
Passed Finally.
Pj lAcliuhe Wiro from 'Ihe Aswualctt I'rei..
llanlsbuig. Ilay 13. The senate
mot tonight at 8 o'clock ami disposed
of considerable business. These bills
wejo parsed finally:
Dhectlng the- county comnilfionvia
of Centre county to relmbuise John
1. Coiulo, lute slieiirf of that fouiity,
In the amount of Judgment, costB nnd
expenses obtained against him by the
estate of Kniina it. Goodman, for dam
ages arising out of the ariest of Wil
li! m I!. Ktlllnger by the Hheilff In tha
dlsciiaige of his ofllelal duty.
Jhicoitiaglng the establishing of
county historical societies by making
an appropriation of $200 to such or
ganizations. Allowing the bullilets of a new thea
ter In Philadelphia to continue the
tonsil uctlon of the building under the
original plans of the architects. This
bill has the approval or the Philadel
phia building Inspectois.
There was considerable debate over
tho house bill iirohtbltlng the use of
boruclc ucld, Hyllcylle acid, .salleyllale
of sotla or any other irijurlous com
pound for the preservation of meat,
fish or any article of human .food tind
the bill was defeated by one vote.
These bills, which were on the cal
endar for eltlter Hist or second rend
ing, Weie te-commitled to committees:
House bill Increasing the number of
mine Inspectors from eight to sixteen
and providing for the, election by the
people residing Iv the anthracite ioiiI
.producing counties.
House bill requiring the weighing of
anthracite coal before 11 Is screened.
House bill amending the act prohibit
ing the carrying on of the business of
detectives without license, so as to re
peal the piovlso that the act shall not
apply to agents or employes of busi
ness dciei'tlvpK or detective agencies.
Senute' bill ,)ii.hlbtting the sale ot
canned gords toe human consumption
unless tlie year of the canning Is
stamped or blown upon the bottom of
the can or other receptacle.
The senate Insisted upon lis amend
ment to the houpe bill authorizing state
bunks to loan money on the security
of bonds and nioitg.ise.s on real estate,
and to Invebt their funds in such bonds
and mortgages and in inteiest bearing
bonds, etc., and tlie president, pro tern
appointed Senators Weiler, of Hert
ford; Herbst, of Berks, and lleniy, of
Philadelphia, a. committee to meet a
similar committee of Ihe bouse to con
fer on the bill. ,
The senate also Insisted on its
amendment to the house hill regulat
ing the s.ilailes of county officers In
counties having a population of be
tween J.IO.flOn nniT ."n0,0fl0, and the presi
dent appointed Senators Taughan, of
Lackawanna: TJiury, ot Tusu-ine. and
Cuminlugs, of Warren, as a conference
commltl'v on the bill. "i
In executive session the senate con
firmed the apiiointments sent In by the
governor, among them being tho nom
ination of the new controller of Lan
caster countv.
The Snyder oleonmrgailne bill, which
has p-wed the house, was leportcd
from committee without amendments.
After the calendar had been cleated
of bills on first and second reading
Ihe .-ei:ate ac.iotnned until 10 o'clock
tomoriow nioinlng.
Bills Introduced in Senate.
These hills weie introduced In the
senate tonight:
l!y Mr. Ihneiy, of Meicn Providing
that the question. "Shall the letall
tiatllo in Intoxicating liquors ns a bev
erage be prohibited?" shall be sub
mitted to the qualified electors of
each anil every city, ward of u city,
Incoiporatetl boioiigh, ward of a bor
ough and township In the state nt the
election to be held In the cities, bor
oughs and townships on the thiul
Tuesday if February next after the
passage of the net anil eveiy two yeura
the! ea Iter.
By Mr. Went, of Montgomery Ap
propriating TlO.OOft to the Philadelphia
protecttny in Montgomery county.
Setrfimeiu of the lujority of the
Cuban Constitutional Conven
tion Committee.
fit l.M.liune Wire fioni Tlie .Vs-oujteii Picji.
llavuu.t. May 1.". A majority of the
committee on lelatious, Kennies Ta
nmyo, YiUuendus ami L)e Quesada aie
In favor of the committee making an
immediate icpoiL advising the consti
tutional convention to accept the Piatt
amendment. Senores (Jomez and Hllva
aie strongly opposed to this action, It
is said that .Senor (lomez in drawing
up tho minority repoti, intoiprels tho
explanations of Secretin y Itool as an
admittance that tho United States .will
change the Plait amendment If tho
Cubitus Insist upon it.
Senor Humes was not pivpuiil at to
day's meeting1 of ihe committee. The
mnjoilty claimed that lie wa.s trying
to delay the bilugtng of the matter
luifuio the convention for final action,
Wotd was sent Seuor domes', today
that he would be allowed twenty-four
hours to di aw up tho minority report.
At itUl.iy'H meeting, tlie niajoilty
voted that owing to the explanations
made by Secuttary Hoot to the cnni
iniHslon we niUisu the constitutional
couwution to accept the Phut amend
ment an n basis for future tivntltju
with the I'lilled States,
Clmigcd with Killing Her Stop
Daughter by Means of Poison,
lit i:diubo Wire tieni The WiLllcd I'm.'
Mount Holly, X. J Mjy ir,, Mis.
May Haines, against whom tint Bur
lington county giainl Juiy yestenluy
found uu indictment charging; hoi with
the mui'der of her stepdaughter, b
means of poison, at IX'laneo, in .March
last, today pleaded not guilty to the
indictment and was icinunded to Jail
tor tilul.
Mrs. Haines came Into conn fin lying
In her aims her two-yeai-old child,
tihe was uttlied handsomely In black
silk, and appeared Indltfeient to the
pioceedlngs. Because of the publicity
given tlie case, Judge finriison lias slg
nllied liN Intention or tiylng Mis-.
Haines at the October teim of conn
Georgetown Defeated.
Bjr Ficlmlu Wire Irom 'Jhe Associated Vte
AwiapolU, Mil., Mav l'i 'tlie uilet, ile.
fiatisl the Clonal on u tulla-e tun in J two.
mile tliiUhl .t I' rvtt- on Hit sunn bi .(
iiiii'Tjii In jl)iit ntc length..
Over 2,000 Soldiers Land on the
Scene ot Trouble to Pro
tect Propertu.
An Excited Ctowd Attacks the Non
Union Men Under nn Escort of
Cavalry Bricks and Stones in the
Ah Many Non-Union Men Weie
Cut by the Flying- Missiles A
Number Aie Injured by Being
Cut by Cavnhy Sbres.
By llxdinlic Wfie 'urn fhr lvoilat.1 I'icm
Albany, May 15. Militiamen arrived
on all tiains today, and no seilous liots
In connection with the stieet car stiike
ensued. Over !!,000 soldiers are on hand
tonight. The only time today that
tumble occurred was upon the arilvul
of non-union men to take the place ot
strikers. Tlie streets were crowded, and
every effoit was made by excited
crowds of men to assault the non
union men as they were being oseoiled
by cavalrymen through the stieets to
the car barns. Bricks and stones were
thrown, and the militiamen iieciuently
charged with drawn sabers uu the as
sailants. Many of the non-union men
were cut by the flying missiles, but
only one had to be taken to a hospital.
Of the seventy-five men who arrived,
about a dozen tleseited and ran fiom
the wagon In which they weie tiding
and disappeared In the crowd. A num
ber of pei sons in the crowd along the
stieets wete slashed with sabers, but
none were repotted as setlously in
jured. The soldiers wete jeered and
derided throughout the day.
The city is quiet at midnight. Xo at
tempt to inn cars was made today or
tonight. Botii the strikers nnd the rail-,,-ad
people say "tc has been no
turther nttempt Millions for a
settlement. TI my says that it
will proceed to m. cars tomouow,
under guard of the 'dlers, and f!en
eral Itoe. in command of the Moons-,
says he will assist to the best of his
ability with his 2,i00 troops.
Mais ha), tli non-union. uuuni)un,
who was injured yesterday by tho mob,
is very low and will piobably die be
fore morning.
wandering willies
Sixty Mayors nnd Burgesses Discuss
the Best Methods of Bidding the
State of the Tramp Nuisance.
By r.xclimce Wire fiom 'Ihe iriattil Pri-s.
Philadelphia, May lj.ln a lousing
confeience of about sixty of tho may
ors and burgesses, or th"ir represen
tatives, of the state ot Pennsylvania,
which was held bote this morning, the
death knell of the migrations of tho
tiainp In the commonwealth of Penn
sylvania was sounded. Tlie move
ment staitPd b the Philadelphia In
quirer some time ago reached a head
when representatives from all over the.
state met at the Continental hotel to
dli-cii".s the best means of ridding the
state of these pests. The confcieiict!
was an enthusiast In one, and the re
sult nf the deliberations will mean the
elimination of the evil,
Two sessions were bold today and
many plans were suggested foi wip
ing the nuisance from the state. At
the morning .session Ma or Ash
bridice was presentee! to the confer
ence, and In a happy spteth weliomed
the representatives. A rectus was
then taken for a few- minutes, when
tho mayor met the' men jieisoually. In
his brief address, Mr. Ashbildgo urged
that concert"d action be taken and tliis
thought seemed to b the prevailing
.sentiment of the confeience The
morning was given oxer to the dis
cussion ot" the b -st means of dealing
with tho U.mip question and in tho
expression or personal views, The
meeting was enthusiastic and when
adjoin iimoiit was taken for dinner
each and tveiy ouo piesent was satis
fied that the conference could not but
he productive of good,
The real woik of the conferem."- was
accomplished in the aftmnoon session,
when Ii was decided to appoint a i oni
mlttre of ten, which was Instructed to
confer with the nuthoillieu In other
slates where the evil has been elinil
iiiiUd and tleteimliic th" best means
it adopt for use in this shite The
committee was Instiueted to meet at
an early date and take action fin im
mediate relief. It was also decided to
nigo the cnfoivfiuent of the laws
which now exist In infuienie to va
grancy. A resolution thanking the in
qulivr for lis pan In urging the move
incut was passed uunulinoiisl,
3v Ktrlwhe Wirr (torn thi- Moclittd PirU
Siuinnkiii, Mj.1 l'i -1. I l ih'i, t mliui.t-iit
Jitiiilit', ..lid ul.c ifl Uf "'MllhltM i.'ihh'nls ii
Nw1l,iinhi'rlJ!i'l tou'iii-, died at hl l,.im In
thl ill, I'.Jjt, hem r.i.jl.,i,
Alknto.ui, Ma l TiUhnun II i."..i .Jt.-a
thin vtfiilnc trcm JiiKiuir, ji.I v, ,t.i. Mi
t.oitl tw. itjulrr of uilU of f.tiili; i muiut
ficia IM- In ISI'i, ii'cniilfii4i nl n ttuel)
idiools fiom 1:' lu lts'i", Ji.d hn luMiiusitr
of .llinlDiif nnilfv 1'icnli'iil l.ltuuln .mil I'rf.i
tlonl .loliliM'll. aid thill of ilitii lioin s;s in
Nt Verl., Mjt l V-in I si,i,k. tdiiui
ot tint I'nitiiiist, j IjIjoi ii.ncnil, tthu tj, inriil
It tnmlUtd t( trinilnil u.ii ji imjilot)
of i li.'AAiim jwl Sflitciu i d In tin- immiiifii
tury lor thrte month, U dud nl tiii.'nnionu
at liU h'Hiie in l:ioflltln 'hcrlui l j ur.
di,lt.d JlUl triilin- (Mcrlv ilm of hi. pWittlur,
Mrs. Qage 'improving.
P t:ilujbe Wire fi in 'lit Auoclitrd I'ic'v
WMhiiijtcin, ill) lJ.-Mu. Cage ir.ttil mm.
furcablv Ifldiv nnd tonlvht liot- cundlliun en
Ihf vtholi Houtsl a illiu liiiiruH'intiit
Weather Indication! Totla) I
1 ClnirrJl SoiIoik lllinsi nt Mi. Miliinlit.
PNnitlpr al Mb on.
Win Ik of tin. s(ji,. 1.,ikiii.ihri
I'jliil II in i' I;mi.i.hi In i Wit Mmlnl.1
t! t'ltlmlidillr tli'inlllnt'iit
.1 I licit r'ase llduir- the l.act. itt.ilini I mirl'
I unM'ntloti nf 'hui- It oi lit i.
ole jnd loniiiiint
6 lot d l.lrKaitJiiiu snlli,-is Did .ot "'put
for Woik.
'Ihe f.' i'oiii-t I'mhr
Ii Imil-Wfl 'iranloii nnd Mildlibiii,,
T ClHtnril Nmtho.lsti'lll I'flilJ Ivniil I.
rin.tncljl and t'oiimiti, tJl
8 l.orjl ClrtlMlltioll of the l'ilii,li- I'nl.ll ll--.1
int'lii c I'ltion.
Senator Holdelbnugh, of Lancaster,
Has Two Bills "Recommitted.
Threats of n Stiike.
Bjr r.rtiuiivr Vn (.tin The- lwo IJled I'rr-x
Harrlsburg, .Mav 1.". The leglslathe
committee i (presenting' the anthracite
miners, which is here In the Interest
of several incisures before the legis
lature affecting the niineis, was thrown
into a lluiry tonight by the action of
Senator Heldelbaugh, of kancusler
county, chairman of the senate mining
eoniinhtee. In having iwo of the mln
is' bill le-eommltied to his coimull
tee. week the nilneis' eommit
tee by a tin eat to have the undei--gioiuul
worlcei.s inarch on llatrlsbiiig,
succeeded In having three of the bills
leported fiom the committee. The two
bills reported" back to the committee
tonight provided for Ihe Increasing of
the number of mine Inspectois tioin
eight to sixteen and that they be elect
ed by the people of the anthracite
counties, and also for the weighing nt
coal heroic it was screened. Mr. Held
elb.nigh's reason for le-commltting the
bills was for Ihe pin pose of making
"slight amendments." but he would
not stale further what tin: amendments
were. The milling committee met im
mediately after the adjournment, but
took no action, and another meeting
will be held tomouow morning. It
was subsquently learned that one pio
posed amendment provided that the
present mine Insjiectors be not dis
till bed until their terms cpliv, an
other that the tetnis of the Inspectois
be increased from three to live years,
and that another amendment pt oxides
that only a certain number be elected
each year, so that a number shall hold
o er.
That there ma be another great
stiihe In the anthracite regions Is
not outside the lange of possibility In
the nejr future. In the Semite mining
committee there is another bill which
provides that the mlneis be paid u
inte pei ton Instead of a rate pel tar.
Tlds bill, along with othets, was ap
pi oved by the miners in comention at
llazletou. ami T. P. Nicliolls, of Sciuli
lon, president ol District No. 1, of the
rniled Mine Workeis of America, snys
the ininere will Insist upon their
enactment. .
President NIcholN said to mf Asso
ciated Presit representative tonlghl:
"If the legislature does nol pass till1)
bill or the opeiatois do not make
some eonecHslons along- the lines laid
tloii In th" bill, it Is my opinion that
a stiike wilt be Inauguiated In the
tonl regions which will be greater In
numbers than the stiuggle of last fall.
My district Is a unit on the preposition
lli'ul the mln-is be paid by the Ion
liiHlead of bv the car. District No. ?
Is better oiganlKed lor another strike
tunn U was last year, and No. ! always
abides bv the will of the malmlty."
The Membeis in Session at Lancaster
Also Select Willlamsport as the
Next Meeting Place.
lit I kllliitO Who 111 III I III' IMklililiSI I'teoK
l-.incuster. May I.. At iMliiy's ses
sion of the statu convocation of tho
Knights of Malta, at I'oliiiubla, tho
committee on election leported Win
election of tlin Pillowing by the re. cut
vote of coiiimnudt'tU's:
l.lJliil i,iintii.iliiii, I s Kuii.iM, lllruOK
Imu: i'iji.iI j.rt I il '- It'l. Ijii.t- I. II'iiikIiI",
I'l.tLullt;'l tri'i.urti. I li. W lim.lti,
hnnliui.t i fund ,"inoi wjhIimi, siiiiihI I, liar
ilttl, Pfliti ilJinl 'iitnil. iitu 1' Una Is,
Tlio following oltiettls were then
edeeied bv the riiii(l iiiiniii.iiidury.
l.i mil ztiiei ilNsinio. .tmio. I.. .1 irUon. Wil
li.iiimli , !.uiiil iiiiliin trtii'-ul, 1'rrd.iiilk l- I I ,,,.! 1.1. I K L lllll .Mill.., kk.lllll I I II.
.l.i.. s. i .inli.i. . .1.11,1 tk iriifli. Iliitkllil .1
Strike Against a Foieninn,
lit l,tlu5tc Win- fiom I Iih ktvlaii'd I'let
Ullulii..iioit. M.i IJ.OW" himdiid hollt'i-injltti-s
ami lirlici, niiiilejul al lite I' Kttln
laiiijuny liniltT M.iik., an on slrikt'. 'J In nin ip-ictJiiio is Ihe tlruiis oiio-.flioii to l'oic.
nun liwlfi. Ihe iniii iljhii tlut hf is ulijvt'.
tikiiutlt. and 6-K mi lii divthmio. 'I his Jfitr
indii the toiiiiji.t it v.iifl in ills' cilt'taii. e
Luniinillit', .i-illW'lt I'liiKiis,' lo tin. Idi l ilirlr
Crldfi. vU ;iuit! irt)ln', ii,-tni.e tt. P"
kiiii.i. I'hIUdi lihu Miiinin npri'-riiuio ,
llir. l'in)i.'i. s,i,,i,m liiuihin I rltit rslit'ti:. t,
lluliliiii. II llttss I'liliiui. Willi iinoitiii ' liiiti'.
Ii lloiiitlnti, I i itltill. , liihii . I., Millet
Iliiie 'IhiM'Ikiit I'Jihilii'. lit itlliik. "'ilium
llmiiu., s9iiii.l.lii. .Iji"h II "'uu m. Vol..
Wllll.inispurt was .selected as ihe
n-xl metitlug lilac e The pei capita
was ilvul at '' fill, anniiiilh snnie
a l.i -t year,
Steamship Auivals.
lit- llt.ln.iie Wirt; froni J In Ifoound fin
Ne' Wis Mn li -Vireedt I'tciriii, Imr
linni. Ilohiii'olliin. .Sirli I U'jictl: Kilstih Tlnn.u. liirimii jimI s.'nUuniiii'ii; I.J
liiuinr, lluue. Ih'ijirmii, l.uii.i.c.. Sold
s i.uir, oiithJiniion; Majtsiik.. I.ltt'lji&ol:
ki.lliJik, lntcit i litil'ioim Silled- Kif
ei WillitOm Pit lirose Uii'ln Hlrniili and s.nilh.
iiitt)iil, Ne Vt'l. smlhiiiifitoii-liiit'fdi
st i'i. rw iih
Six Miners Lose Their Lives, and
Five Others Are Fatallu
The Shaft Wns Considered One of
the Snfest hi the Country Explo
sion Caused by Reckless Disregmd
of Ordeis The File Does but Little
tOamnpe to the Mine.
II.- I.t le-lw ,in Hum I l.i" Assctiiti'd l'n.
Kairinount. W. Va., May If!. SK
miners lost their lives, tlve were fatal
ly Injutetl anil three seiiottsly burned
in nn explosion ut the shaft of the
Ueorges Creek Coal and lion compaii
at Farinlngtoii, "even miles west of
ibis tlty on ihe main Hue of the Balti
more nutl Ohio uillioatl this morning.
The dead are:
MUVUIP lll.l. ..r Miimiiiuioii.
.Mil' Ml IHH.s. i,f l.,.iui((.nin-, Md
,f. II i:l.ltstlY, uf I t,'iv,,n. . .
ii in m.i i:hiii:i,. i.i r.iiniiii'4toii.
'IO.W I'ltll.l.ll'IM, llilhn. '
The Injured aie:
C Italics Cirptiili'i, fitull.r
I ml Ifunttr, fjt.tlb.
IIumIii'I llnr-oli, fjlilly,
.lix. Hhini'.t, fjt.ill.
Il.ilhn, fatilh.
liftiTwin r.t-t. linllt iiuiniil. j
Ihn. It iiiilititlgc. Inn md nnd lu iifsetY.
I(.ilt..n, loniiitl and I uiK'd.
The fleorges Cieck company has
beadijiiarters In the Kqultable huild
liig. Haltlmore, and extensive mining
Interest in Maiylantl. This Is the Hi si
mine the company lias opened in this
stute anil fully $1,000.1)00 bus been In
vested and the mine is ono of the best
equipped In the Kalrniounl coal region.
Colonel It. I.. Homervllle, an experi
enced and capable mine supetlntend
enf, has charge of the works. The
mine was onlv recently jiut in opem
tlon nuil about 125 men were employed,
only forty of this number underground.
Owing to a short ay In the car supply
the men have only been making about
half tlmn for several clays, but yester
day quite a number of cms weie left
in the .nine .-u.l the ma..tgemenf de
cided to break all records with today's
output. So, bright nnd early this
inclining the miners, who reside In
t o.y cottages on the lll-top above tho
mine, made their way to tlnf mulii
opening and the car carried tlieni 2.10
feet into tlie earth. Fifteen of them
were assigned to a portion of tlie mine
that has been worked for' some time
arid the remainder were put to work
on headings quite a distance away.
One ot the men In the looms. It Is
aliened, lui'l smuggled a toieh into thr
mines, us- a ghes so much better light
than the stitet lamps pieseilbed by
the co'mpany. There Is an immense fan
which sends live thousand leet of fresh
air Into the mines at cveiy revolution,
and as the shall wns considered one of
the safest In the region the miner did
not heed the frequent winnings of a
fellow employe, who warned him of tho
risk he was taking. At 9.11 the mini r
died u shot and the smoke, which wii
very dense, caught lire fiom the torch
nnd spread to either the gas or dust
and the explosion ic.sUlted. Fortunate -Iv,
the mine did not catch tire to auv
extent. The eploslou vented Itself
tliiough the iili'-shatl and almost de
molished Hie building on the surface In
which the fan Is located. The men in
tlie headings did not know there hud
been all explosion until uolllleil. Tie
air was soon turned in, ami in a short
time the headings weie cleared of foul
gases .md the woik of rescue of the un
toi tunnies commenced, Il was .1 o'clock
before the woik was t niitiuded. This
is the most seilous explosion that ever
occuiied in the Fail-mount coal region
New Yolk Central Will Locate at
Oak Grove.
lit ,,liisii Wire fK'iii lh'' l.iiulfd F'rts.
Wllllanispoit, Pa . May 11. The.lei
sy jshorc lieiald this morning- Issued
a sptcial edition in which It declared
Uiui II had Indisputable Infoi minion
tin. t tlie pioposed Now Vork Central
nnd Hudson Klver i.illroad car simps
will be limited at Oak (June, line
Creel; township, I'iinton county.
Tho shop"' will be the Ingest on lilt
Ntw York Central hjiImii mid th't
l'i eight yards will also he on u tuani
inolli scale, so as lu act nm module In
creased tratlk. Mil' big yaids will
have a lapnt'lly of handling S.QOO cms
dally, and the whole plant will be
cojji'mensuii.ile In lis puiicilion.
lit l.ulnme Wll-' ficiiH I'1" vjii uiril I'd
lliriishni!,, Mi JV-Clurlfiit win imuiI n
iliv lit I lie -illtt iltuilmilit .W foil'Mi: 'III"
I Jit I'lll Poin't Co i I'lll'liim. cijiltil til,l:
Tho Colli so lllll "'''' '" t'ull'-JC' Hill. Uunr
t'liiiilt. t ipiUl d,0"). 'Hit ilituiiis WIN .V
llio , m. oiiOI llfd. 1'illl.ult.l'illil, t.tiUl JII
inini 'I he 'lliiuiiiim SinUll.t Co., Irwiiisiilk',
uiilj l,li Til" Nil! mil -ind t nlk, In,
lifinuil tauiuhli. I'ltt'ilt '(limit, i Until f,li.
tXl '
JJjti'i, p.l, M.i 11. 'I lii l.uifU Cluiulial
Co., vl Williu Unit', I'J., i iiKt'ipoutnl hfif
ic.lj-, i.inul. l"i.'ie
Killed on a Grade Crossing,
R.t l.vliuiw Will- hoiu Iht AkOiUtcd rrfs
lljrnhiiigf, Mj l'i. Ilohi'it Kuti, of thi cit,
wjs itiiul. Ii in evjncfs t tj In lento mi l"
I'liins.ilranii lailimd. jI j -ndt tiotfini; nm
his Iitinu. uiui in-liulli Uilliil
Hft tiHti -r
- 4
f -t
f Whiiirftcn. Ma U-I'rtrt'ca't for f
'1 1'iiiviljk and l'i i'lit. Ilakirin I't'iint.W
f tjnU tail Tl.nrvlat jnd I'lldiy, lllit f
f la fr. si, hoiittuil.v wlinN.