The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 15, 1901, Image 1

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"',- Tr'"-"S.vvi."5r,,r. '!srs'"K-' -
A r
fllW.yS. cm?
At a Larue Otitiiourino of Republi
cans Hg Announces That His
Political Race Is Run.
The Senator States Thai He Has
Mnny Friends to Reward, but No
Enemies to Punish A Banquet at
Horticultural Hall Gov. Stone,
Mayor Ashbridge and Other Well
Known Speakers Heard.
isv Inclusive Wlie front 'Die Associated Prcr.
Philadelphia, May II. Republican?!
uf tin? ilnininaiu faction of that party
trnni every section of the Keystone
state paid homage tonight In United
Stales Senator .Matthew .S. Quay In
honor of his re-election to the upper
chamber of congress. Unrring a state
convention, tonight's gathering was
one of the greatest outpourings or Re
publicans to do honor to one man ever
witnessed in this slate. Governor
Stone was there, as were also all the
members of his cabinet, members of
Hie legislature, the municipal heads
of several Pennsylvania cities and all
tin- prominent Quay Republicans of
this city. The occasion took the form
of a banquet, followed by a. reception,
and was under the auspices of the
Pennsylvania State League of Repub
lican clubs.
Senator Quay, accompanied by J.
Hampton Moore, president of the
league, and Joseph X. Huston, who
noted as the senator's escort, arrived
from Washington at 4 o'clock this af
ternoon. The party was met at the
station by a reception committee of
::no club men. wlio escorted Colonel
ijuny to the Hotel 'Walton. Hroad
street from the station to the hotel was
lllled with people.
Senator Quay excused himself to all
callers at the hotel with the exception
of (iovernor Stone and Insurance
Commission Durham, of this city, with
whom Mr. Quay 'was closeted for
some lime. .At t o'clock the senator
was escorted to Horticultural hall,
where an elaliorte banquet was served,
covers being laid tor five hundred per
sons. The banquet hall was in bcauti
tul costume, every figure of the rain
bow llmirlug in the decorations. There
uas no speech-making at the dinner,
this feature of the occasion being re
served for the reception at the Acad
emy of .Music which adjoins Horticul
tural hull.
Theie was not a vacant seat in the
big auditorium when the diners, head
ed by Senator Quay marched Into the
cademy and the doors were closed to
ill late comers except those who par
ticipated In the banquet and who oc
cupied seats mi the stage. Senator
Quay's reception was a particularly
enthusiastic one, Cheer after cheer
uas given in his honor as he took his
at ill
ui" iroiu 01 i no scaup.
President Moore's Address.
President Moore presided. lie made
n short address before introducing the
guest of Ihe evening.
Among other things, President .Moore
"When the State league passed the
resolution providing for a dinner to
the next I'nitcd States senator it was
not known who the successful candi
date would be. There was neither hero
worship nor factionalism in the move
ment. It was simply a desire on the
part of tht. aggressive young Republi
cans of this commonwealth to celebrate
n matter of great importance to the
"After a long and unhappy struggle,
It happened In conformity with the
constitution and the law that the sen
atorial lepreseiitaliou of Penusvlvanla oumploled by the election of Mat
thew Stanley Quay to resume his high
station of senior senator in tin. na
tional congress. We are here tonight
to celebrate that event. .No matter
what -our views or individual prefer
ences may heretofore have been, we
are here now to honor the man who
has been chosen to represent us. We
are here to declare our adherence to
the law by which lie was elected and
the ruin of tho majority under the law.
We uro ,,.,.,. tl, pm.(m,.ilKo those who
are entrusted with the government of
mi- arfalrs. We are lien- to renew our
faith In tho honor and Integrity of. tho
commonwealth and to arouse the civic
prldo of her citizens.
"The senatorial buttle In ponusyl
vanla Is over. Wo have no quarrel with
our representatives, Wo believe It bet
tor to uphold and strengthen than In
defame hhn. There can come to him
no honor In which his constituents nmy
not share. Let T'ennsylvanlans stand
together for Pennsylvania."
Senator Quny's Remarks,
There was another outburst of en.
thu.slabin us Senator Quay uioso to
apeak, He spoke uh follows:
At I Illl'C ,S0IC VIMM illlll till till' Unllll HliilU
lci't ly. Tliiemtili itlMtmos alniusi desolate the
livaiu i't lib uliJiij tovvanl the ricr-
Ml t; ill t . Tl.u associations ul curly csi.iomv
mo lioiif. lis objects aie jjitmii (ir o-t, or
failed in impbitanui ami (line I ,i UUimueciiuri
with idea r.uip clamped about Hid nason and
I dissolution of (ccli.-i oiKo iiic-lllug the hcait,
L Occasions like tin- puscnt mind in pleasant
I rcllif cicca patch on (ho minly dclta-awl aic
1 especially attractive, and welcome. I'lilly po.
I o.nWIuK Hut jour (nbiite U not pcional, but
iltac(.i' pi the iKi ollke ulili which the
I lb-publican ul Pini..jb.!!ii.i have honoied mo I
I thank jou.
My political wee , inn, n , o ln'be mi
ulcr. puil ut fiuil'ii (.nuril i eliinvii auaiiist my
life nor that mv seat in the U lu be pie
mVillucly .Jiatul. but Hut with the sub-clip-ll-l.i
t ui oMlcial 0.11I1 on (ho ISIIi of Janiuiy
m.- irnntctlcw Willi (be (scrlou labors unci ic-p.-vnlbilltlei,
of active pollllo ceacd. cveept in
lVr j. ( nu) be. loiiimltteil to ceitaln ine-u-nut
Vii.Iiii In l,e piwnt legnluliiH1.
1 u.ljl revci jjjaiii l'c a candidate for nor
aeoepl any eiiiiclal position. I have many tilcmh
In tcmcitihcr, I have bo cuctnlet lo pimlli. In
this icinuil I put aside the past.
Republican Wisdom.
(tiiitlcincti of Hie Hcpu'ollcAn itutu ot IMiii'
p.ilv.inl.i, Jon have rc.ison tn he preud of junr
li.uly uiul Its work In your stale. Kvir lmo lliu
lleinilillcui party tame into power lt (,'nvern.
tnciil. 1i,m been wl.ely anil tmnomlrally .nlinlii
iMeifil-aihnlnliilneil, Imleeil, vvllb an economy
vvlileh In view of our population, weallh, titlb
loiy, tnultlplleil fiitlue-Irlc-s, ni.iniif.ieturM, mines,
oil proilmtlon, riillrnaelt ami e.ui.ils, teems al
most parslinony. Witness the flgiilM of our 3p
propilnttoiM for lhifl-lOUili
Total approprlationi. sJ.'.ffnl.'JIS; .i
prnpilnllniiD, fll.tlSlllft! n.honl appro
prlatloiw, $,".,.pillil,(li)ii: normal mhooU anil other liiRlllutlniH, MW,TM)i table lie
tltutltinn, !f7W),Niij indigent inline, lll.SVI;
juillel.iry, yin'l.ODO; Xatlonnl fiuaul, !IS7,.VXij
lotal. ..!I,H.-.,1.VI; balance, W.lir.i.P.V,. f
'I'hil b.'ll.iiiio of .1 little over twe inillinhi of ilefu.M the ctUiies of all of Hie ollleeis
uiul employes of all of the departments of the
rtnle K'lveiiunent, lucliiiling salaries of the lesls
l.iture mill leuUhtire mill neees.iry
espensn Iniiilent to the Minimi of the lrsri-ln-line,
piibtle lulntlnir, aeoloidoal Kin-vey, pensions
uiul gr itiittie.-, penitentiaries and lelonnatoties
uiul their neiewuy eipeiiilituns,
wlildi tiltling In detail are iniporlant In ak'itie
gale. Tin- builiat I'll this city npptoaehes thirty
millions annually, ami the huil;cl nf any one
nf our eltie.s exeeeiU the buduet of the
Male. The taxation per capita upon out popu
lation fur the support of the state novcrmnont
pronr amounts to :Wa4 ccnK liven this is pabl
not iliiectly by the people, but by our corpora
tions, lively county ill the .state, except this
county of Philailelpbia, reielver. (torn the Mute
ticiMiiy more than it pays Into it, The consoll
claleil debt of all the counties, uiunii ipalities anil
nbool illstiicts of Pennsjlvani.i was, in tsli,
$'j.'i.u;i pir capita; in lMi. .s.l..o. In tvusvithu
setts, in ISM) It was !11.".; in b!Hl, .itl.l2. In
Xew mk in ISM) it was trj.lHI; in ltW. I'.Mi'l.
In Maine in ltsi) it was isl.' in IMrfi, fySUHK
In N'evv ll.iiiui.liiii- in P"0, In T-'-'U,
The State Debl.
Whin the Ilepiiblie.iu pally catee into power
in Pennsylvania the slate debt approximated fur
ty luillions of dollam now it i less than ore
million. Then Hie annual interest cbaiiie was
twin- the amount of Hie total debt ami annual
inteiest today. Then all lands vveie taveil for
state puiposes-now they are exempt. Thin, cattle, can lane-, walebes, occupation?
anil professions wetc taxed (or state puipixes
now tbey are exempt and in Hie meantime ten
and one-half millions ol dollars have been spent
upon the schools for solclieus' orphans.
These taxes repealed have not been replaced
by any lax upon individual.-', lu the meantime
Hie annual appiopriation foe common schools
has been incieased iioiu $.iui.ilU0 tu $.i..YH),000.
Since llien Hie lari;e icvennes derived fiom liquor
tieeiises have been divcited almost enthely from
the state to the treasuries of the counlies and
municipalities. Then eac li county was compelled
to maintain il.s own iixiigeul insane- now the
slate- bears lulf the bmilen. The lepealed taxes
have been made up by the icvennes deiiveel tiom
moneys at inteiest, Ihrco-fouiths of which is le
tuined to the counties, and by imposing -icldi-tional
burdens upon coiporations. It is proper
to allude to the fact, when Hut itcpubliean
party cane into pouoi laws lor the protection
of labor weie almo,t unknown. .Vow- Ibeli- cata.
loRue is too long tor cpiotalion.
f have .said we vveie economical tit Hie voii;.;
of parsimony. We shoulel be moie liberal with
bospitals, insane a-ylums and education li isti.
tulions. As outre ted Willi om educational sys
tem there- Mauds in an unbiue position the
gieat in-t ilntt- of this city and
.state. Hie fouudalien of llcui.uuiu 1'iankllii. The
b'niveinity of Pennsylvania under a former con
.stilutiou was the adopted ihild ol Ihe slate and
sinee iheii, mole ca- ha been an object
of its fnsteriiu; care. It has splendidly illustrated
the liencveilence and lionoi osit.v of the pcojile ef
Philadelphia. Tin- coiiiiihulioin of one of the
citizens of this il.v. Ihi- present piovcisf, to its
ci.dowmeut aiuoiuits in mote Hun one million
of dollars. Mine s1 Hie state has ;;iien it
Mno.oOU, while in sifls it has leceived
over 2,s(Xi,iiu. It has already taken lank among
Hie foreiu..t s(..(N ,, c.irning in the woihl and
its rxplniatioiH in Hn- liebl of Asiatic aielu-logy
are tauiili.ii- in all trans-Atlantic scientitie cil-lie-'.
Tlie slate and the people of Pennsylvania
should cheii-h it and make of il, as tiny can,
Ihe lempli- ol science ill the world. 1
have hoped that Mr. Carnegie, mil gieat public tor, might Miettli out his hand lo 't
and endow a tnllege foi the sukeis atiir the
Mart, ol lite and death sin li a iiovvheie e.ii.s
tod i.e.
Our Appropriations.
In iui appiopiiatiou to our uniieiiy vvc
don't by any means conip.ue favoialdy with -uiiii
of our sislii Male-, a., the following figuies will
Stat- appiopiialicns tor the follnumg iiuivcr
sllics loi- ihe .it .up nib year I'iv'.mi vveie: I'nl
veislty of California, sj.".",,(iuci t-iuie Iih-iim-ccI
by sVJO'Mmo f,,r ia., jear): fnlverMly of Colo,
rado, !fl':ii,(Kl; I'liivcisily of Illinois, 2u,iiiMI;
lulvcislty ol Kai.s.1-, -.lio.iiilii- rnivcisity of
Micliiuan, Miu.uimij 1'nlvtisiiy ol .Miune'sula,
Mai.omij I'niriieily of Nelna-ka, i-so.ouu; Ohio
Stan- inibcisli.v, sITii.uoo; Pniveisily of Utah,
sj2.iHiii;' rniviislty ot Viigiuia, sl.vmi); I'nl
vnsil.v of Hist VliirliiLi, s,iHiUi l'liiieisily of
M-eonilu, S'.'.sJ.nnO, in ibe .succeeding year s'lJo.
imi; I'liivcisily of Texas, .IU,riil.
nf tlie l',Tii Mudcnts in aveiage allriidanee .u
the I nlv.isll.v of Pcnn-.vhania 1,'imi an- pom Ibis
lu iuatiii.i h vehinii'iit of lesoiiue we biv'e
advanied -o i.u iiudir the Mlmuliis ol Hu- pro.
Ire live s.iMoiu vvc are alumst aide to pin.
glens ii. (i.ully wliliuiit a l.iiitl. II lemalns
still In stniiii- n m.uket for our .inplu to
insiiiii MiMily wage's and pieveiit tiiki' lu our
io.ll region.. In our civil svsiem theie leuialns
to pinvide a new ballot law In s.ably many of
mil- people. Hi- are deeply inteic.led In' ihe
loieign policy of the nation and all seems well
ill il loniluit, 'Hu- Philippines will soon have n
goveriuniiii b.v loiiscut of their penple and
wltliin a nine ol .veai in ie develop Into itule
piiiib'iue pe.iiilull.v, and under our prnlcetlou.
tiohlen Rule for China.
lu China we have but to applv tin- golden
inle, Heat t liiu.1 a e would have China licit
lis, iccognie Hiat desplie thlir savagely t tie
ciupii-M. iluvviiiii-r i-i tin- greatest vvoinau bum
in Asia sine- Hie bulb of Seinlrluius and Tiuii,
the U'piesent.dlve nf patriotic Chinese tlioiijlil,
mid all can be made well I lure. That nation of
loin huiuhcd iiilllloua of people I pu-scnt on
imiIIi for an almighty puipnsn and while (be
Kieal Kiuopc.iu poivcr iniy ieucll lines of par.
lilion for Chiueso liuiloi.v Ihey will never div
ide Ibe riiiniM.- people. Compaie with China the
.Mcsopotanilau peoples once Inhabiting the laud
01 llio l.'anlcii of lalen, whim Adam and live
vveie iiiaitd. fust tbeit- wcie iu- injteiiou
Miiiieulns, Wlio ihey vveie and bow they lived
and wlun Hu-.i died no one hnowcth, Tbey give
to men the- alphabet uml pa,,-, away, leaving
no moie tiaie utiou ttiu caitli than the shadow
o( a iloinl lliltlng over its iiil.ite. Tluii uine
the ( ijileau and llab.vlonl.uis ami Ilabylou fell,
A.viia aiose and A.yriiiis built Mne'veli, and
both lhec gnat, lilies' me only toeljy com
inericing In till tlulr Modes to Arnerlcqn e.x
ploiei.s. Knur bundrcel years alter the- fall of
Mill-veil, thousands of years ago, .Veuoplicn
inaiilii'il his lircelc-i nvci tins Ute of that city
and knew it not. Then fame the Clialde.un
again, and tlionc a biiif peiiod and
vveie vMiugubhul. A luhloan family fulfilled
Hie lock (if .Iviiis-dcin and grew into u nation
which was the ohoen ot Crd. Tl.o vMble pieo
cm of Ihe Abuighly illuiuliulrd h$ icmplci
mid glinted upon the shmi point am) the hlcUI
of Ihe -Icvvlsli Kihlier as !.e nun bed to lutHe.
That race gave to men their guatcst soldier,
their greatest poet, their gieatest law-giver and
tbrlr lie, .Lb.
H'lieic- Is tin- Hebrew nation now? Duiiiig
ICuntlnurd on Ttgt 4. J
Theu Confer Regarding the. Pollcu
to be Pursued In the
Machinists' Strike.
Strike May Occur of Few Days
Duration, but Mr. O'Connell Does
Not Think It Will Be a Protracted
Conflict Many Firms Sign Agree
ments Granting Requests One Re
quest Is That All Disputes Shall
Be Settled by Arbitration.
fly Inclusive Hire bom The Associated I'rew.
.Washington, .May tt. President
O'Connell, of the International Asso
ciation of Machinists; President C.niu
iors, of the American Federation of
Labor, and the otllclals of live allle'd
metal workers' trades were In confer
ence today determlnini,' the policy to
be pursued in the machinists' strike
ordered to take effect on Hay 20. The
trades represented were the pattern
makers, blacksmiths, metal polishers,
glass workers and boiler makers. An
address will be issued later, oulllnhu;
the exact course to be followed. Mr.
O'Connell said today:
"There may be a strike of a few
days' duration, but 1 don't look for
ward to any protracted conflict. Jinny
llrms In New York. ChicaRo, Indian
apolis and elsewhere have" Just siKiied
agreements Krantlnis our (requests. A
telcKram from Xew Orleans says thai
twelve linns have signed there. Hvery
firm in Omaha has signed.
"The indications am that b.v .May 10
nt least i" per cent, of the employers
of the country will have aeo,uiesced.
The National Trades' association com
prises about 2.1 per cent, of the ma
chinist employers of the country. While
the emplo.vo'.s' association doubtless
will live up to their agreement requir
ing a nlnr--iiour day we have a dis
pute with them now regarding wages.
One of our agreements with them is
that all disputes! shall be settled by
arbitration, but the association of em
ployers is contending' that that mutter
shal' be arbitrated with each indi
vidual firm, wh'Ie the men want the
matter arbitrated nationally. There
fore, the general order for a. nine-hour
day was; issued and also the call for an
increase of V2t per cent, in wage's.
That order applies to the employers'
association as well as to tlie shops out
side of the association. We the
pledged attpport of the American Fed
eration of Labor, both moral and finan
Congregational Society Celebrates Its
Seventy-fifth Anniversary.
By lcliilvo Wire from The Associated Press.
Boston, Hay II. Tlie Congregational
Home Missionary society, whose work
covers the United States and a limited
work in Alaska and in Cuba, began the
observance of tlie seventy-fifth anni
versary here today. Delegates were
present from every .state and territory
In tho Union. Tlie society for several
years litis been very heavily in debt,
but has made a great reduction of the
debt during the last year, and an
nouncements are expected before the
present meetings are concluded on
Thursday evening of a still further re
duction. The proabllity Is that before
adjournment the debt will be reduced
lo such limits as will not seriously
embarrass the future work of the so
ciety. The sermon this evening was di-llv-eri'd
by I lev. Lyman Abbott, 1). D., of
New York. (
Ninth Annual Convention Held at
By Eulusive Wire Irom The .ntlatril l'rej.
Lancaster, May II, The ninth an
nual convention of the Grand Court of
Pennsylvania Order of Foresters was
called to order tills morning, wltii ::ii
delegates present. An address of wel
come was made by Mayor Muehlen
berg, to which Deputy .Supremo Hang
er C, M, Halter, of Philadelphia, re
sponded. The only business transact
ed was the appointment of coiiimlt
li'os on contests and credentials.
The reports of these were road this
afternoon and the convenilon ad
journed until tomorrow.
Coal Merchants Raise Prices.
Ily i:iIimIt Win- lion 'flic Vss c ia;;ii I'ivh.
London, May la.--flic Pally Mail publishes ibe
following ilespaub from flencvi! "Owing: to
Hie tact that tho (ieuuaii tod niuvliant.s aie
Mishit piU'i'S, the Swivi 1.1II10..1U and iiuiuifac
toiieji hive acrepicil an olfer of tho Iloikefellcr
foal company to mpply coal at Hie price at
which the fii'inuns foimeil.v roppllcd II."
Governor Voorhees on Duty.
Ily liuliishe Win1 (ioiu The A-ociatcd l'ivs.
Tirutou, May II. tinvi-inor Viuuhers iva ai
tho slate tudav loi the lust time siiuc
liU leci-lU lllnes. While tlll wnk he ti.iiij.l
id orsideiiibli- bmliie-s. e wilt pot loiisldci
the epic-lion of culling .111 ctra mm!cii ot the.
legislatuiu for tho me.-iut.
Delaware and Hudson Dliectors.
Ily Kxcluslvo Wiio fiom 'Ihe Associated Pic.
.Vcw Yoifc, May 1 1. The fctockholdcri ol Hie
ni'ljvvaic and HudiOu coiupiny held a meeting
today and uiiaulniously le-clcctcd the old buaul
of directou, vvitli Hie evipllon that (teoige I,.
Wllber, of Ihe Wilbcr N'-llionil bank, icplaiea
James It, Taylor, deceased.
New Corporation Clerk.
Il.v lixclmlii' Wlie fimii The ,jscci.dcu l'ic.
lljuiUbuiir. May 11. John 1', Wbltwoitb, jo
Killannlug, has been appoinlcd loipoiallon chil.
of the etale tlcpailnuut, lo lake illnl June 1.
Mr. W'hitvvorth siiciecel W. ('. l'ain.ivorib, of
lUrrbbing ic.lgiud.
An Annual Payment of, $10,000,000
Is the Extent of China's Ability.
Dy Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, Mny 11. A cablegram
from Mr. Ilockhlll, our special commis
sioner nt T'ekln, received at tho state
department, today, mentions the receipt
by the ministers of the response ot the
Chinese envoys to the ministers' de
mands for Indemnity. The dispatch In
dicates brleilv that the Chinese repre
sent that nn annual payment of $10,
000,000 Is tho full extent of their power
to pay on Indemnity accounts. It wllj
take thirty years to discharge the defft
ut that rule without Interest. Mr.
Hockhill makes no mention of tho sub
ject of interest, nor does ho touch upon
the means by which the money is to
be raised by China, or say who Is to
guarantee 11 loan necessary to be
It appears thai, the Chinese feel
themselves obliged to submit to tho
powers In this question of Indemnity,
us In nil other things, and though real
izing their own Inability to assume this
Indebtedness of 450,000,000 taels, they
fed obliged to make the effort. .Mr.
Hockhill has been instructed to con
tinue his efforts to secure an abate
ment of the total indemnity, but In the
present disposition of the powers little
hope of success is entertained.
Jury in the Joint Case Brings In a
Verdict of Guilty.
By Kiilmivc Win- fi 4.111 The Asociateil 1'ies".
Topekn. Kansas, May U. The jury
in tho case of Mrs. Carrie Nation,
phiirgert with "joint" smashing', t tils
evening returned a verdict of guilty.
Sentence will be pronounced tomorrow.
It is the general Impression that she
will b released 011 the payment of a
line and costs. The defense made no
effort to deny the truth of the accusa
tion, but tried to prove that Mrs. Na
tion was Insane at the time of tin; raid.
The verdict is a general surprise, as It
was expected that the jury would agree
to bring in an uoqliittul.
Mrs. Nation was convicted for break
ing Kdvvarel Murphy's saloon, one Sun
day in February.
About Thirty Have Been Turned
Over to Miss Mary Custis Lee.
By i:elusive Woe ttim The Associated Piess,
Washington, May 14. About thirty
of the George Washington relics, which
have been in the national museum for
yours, were to-day turned over to Miss
Mary Custis Lee, of Virginia, repre
senting hu- brother, George AVilliam
Custis Lee, the heir to the relies.
These relics consist jif blankets, sets
of china, including mo given to Mis.
Washington by General Lafayette, and
other souvenirs.
They don't Include the swords, c.inip
chests and a large amount rf other
Washington relics now- in the niur-euni.
Tbey will lie sent to a'l addies.s to be
designated by Mips Li-e.
Sequel to the Postal Seizures by the
Turkish Authorities.
11. I:--Ii-mvp Win- fiom The Associated Pie-.
Constantinople, .May It. lu conse
quence of tlie recent postal seizures
by the Ottoman authoiitles several
MusM'linans, including a priest of tho
Fi.tih' Mosque, Iiav be-n arrested.
II is reported that l.e-shad Pasha,
formerly minister of finance, has fled
Irom the count try.
Pails, May It. At a cabinet council
to-day, M. Del'ionsse. the foreign min
ister, announced that TYancj had
joined In a most vigorous protest from
the power-s ayalnst tlie port's postal
Members of Federation Pledged to
Discourage Playing of It.
Il.v lixrh'alve Wire from The A?so:ialed Prrs?.
Denver, May 1 1. The American Fed
eration of Musicians, in convention
here, has selected IUuThIo, N, Y for
the next annual meeting.
The date was not llxed.
Kesolutions were adopted character
izing "ragtime" tunes as "unmusical
rot" and pledging members of the fed
eration to "make every effort to sup
press and dlscourase the playing and
tlie publishing of such musical trash."
After Settlement of Indemnities and
Compliance with Noto.
Ry i:rl113ive Wire frciu The Associated Pieii.
Paris, May II. At a i-nblnet council
today M.Dolncasse, minister for foreign
affairs, announced that tin- French
government will lecall the French ex
pediiinnnry corps in China so soon as
the last clauses of the collective noto
have been carried out, and after tho
settlement of the Indemnities.
Two thousand troops have already
been repatriated.
Case Against Kiupp,
It.i I.Mlusivo Wire bum 'Ihe Usoci.ited I'iiX.
Ileillu, May lb- 'nine time ago Heir Kiuep
bought 1 coal mliio at l.iiuillal, in U'c.-tplulii,
belonging Hi the coal sjiidlcale. The latter
icluscil 10 allow liar Iviupp 10 have Ihe output
of Hie mine and ioi.eiuently be Instigated suit
against I lie mid syndicate. Tho I'ljiikiuiirr
Zi-iluug now anuouuics tint Hm i.w In, jus.
been decided against lliic Iviupp.
Pennsylvania Pensions.
Il.v i;ciblu Wile limn 'Ihe .WciLtrd ('lev-.
Wa-hlngloli, May 1 l.--Pin-lon have bien
giaiiied ih lollons: John II. Xlcinejcr, pun
more, haw aunt county, .u; Wallace llagen
liucli, Wilkes-ltine, (111: llelenab llouavviU
(widow), King-ton. l.ueinn loiuny, 'fs.
Big Fire Near Warsaw,
Il.v i:rluslr Wire from 'Ihe Associated I'lcvi.
St. lVlcr.bnrg. Ma) U. Sl bundled 1
lli'D-lvvo house, jilt liming one bundled ami
nincl) shops, line belli ilcstio.icil by lue at
llicsl, in ihe pioviucc of .u,jvv. The lo-, I,
given at ll,(s'o,0ii'l roindes.
Count Bout Is Better.
By nxilusivi- M'hc from The- Associate) I'io-j
Pail.. May ll.-toiini le I .i.lelljuc.
who ha I'nu ill Id' Ibe past loiluluiil. Willi
intestinal tumbles .end llncalmcd Willi appiu
db Ills, i.. ji-ivv- much bellcr and able tu -Il op.
He will ui be opelJleil upon.
Strikers and Sutnpathlzcrs Cripple
the Service of the Union
Traction Gompanij.
Police Acknowledge That They Are
Powerless nnd General Manager
McNamara Calls Upon the Militia
for Protection The Tenth Bat
talion of the Third Brigade Called
Out Exciting Features of Yester
day's Riots.
By i:cbinlve Wire from Tin- AAsoelated 1'iewi.
Albany, May 14, When darkness fell
this evening, several thousand weary
street car strikers and sympathizers
went to their houses, but they were re
placed by as many more, who took up
tlie vigil to prevent the United Trac
tion men from running their electrlo
ears with non-union men. The dark
ness brought some confidence . that
there would be no attempt before
morning to move ears, for two attempts
made In broad daylight had brought
bloodshed and riot on such a scale that
tlie local police, aided by scores or dep
uties and Plnkerton men, had been un
able to quell tho disturbance.
One man lies In a hospital seriously
wounded, one of the two ears Ibe com
pany attempted to run is In the gutter
near tho car house, wrecked, and tho
trolley wires are cut in several places,
practically crippling the road. Inside
tin; car house, afraid oven to look out
of the grated windows, are about seventy-five
non-union men, whom tlie
company expects to use in running tho
cars. 15a rly this morning- there were
about liiO of them, but by nightfall
sixty-five had deserted and joined the
ranks of the strikers.
The- men claim that they were
brought here under a misapprehension
and that they supposed they were go
ing to Philadelphia.
This afternoon tlie police practically
admitted that they wore powerless to
take care of the large crowds on the
streets, if cars were run, and General
Manager McNamara immediately called
upon General Oliver, In command of
the Third btlgade, Tor protection. . Hii
said: "Wo intend lo run out cars if It
takes Ihe entire National Guard of
New York slate to protect us."
General Oliver Issued an order as
sembling at their armory tonight the
Tenth battalion of Albany, comprising
four companies of the National Guard
of Infantry, and the Third Signal corps
mounted. General Oliver said that lie
would warn the remainder of the Third
brigade to be in readiness for a call.
An Exciting Riot.
Tlie riot to-day was full of exciting
At tu o'clock a car shot out -.if tlie
depot door ami tli" crew met with a
roar of hlsfcs and shouts. Tlie ear
11. ado rapid headway, however, and
manuged to go over the route and re
turn. The second car did not escape. When
the doors were opened the mob surged
towards it despite of the efforts of the
All restraint in the meat crowd
broke. The crew of four men unci two
policemen on the car were at once tar
gets for a perfect fusllade of stones.
They camo from all directions and
crashed through windows front, tear
and sides of the car.
Tlie men aboard dodged and jumped
from side to side to escape them and
were successful with the exception of
the motorman. A great jagged edge
rock struck him lull In the forehead
and he dropped to the lloor of the
It was ti deep, ugly gash the lock
lol't and the blood Mowed from It lu a
stream. Tlie assistant, as soon as the
man dropped, grasped the brakes and
controlling handle and faced the mob.
A few feot more and the car was upon,
an Insurmountable barricade. With
a sudden Jerk It came to a stop and all
aboard It were tin own forward.
Tho two conductors and one motor
man then joliied tiles strikers ami tho
wounded man .vent to the hospital,
lie said his name was Marshall and he
lived at Green Point. L. I,
Five arrests were made and thus
1 ndeil tho first day's attempt to run
Rioters Were Arrested.
.Several thousand strikers and sym
pathizers charged at dusk on a wagon
load of non-union men who hud been
sent out from the Quail street barn
by the company to repair the trolley
wires, which bail been cut during tho
riots of the' morning. The wagon left
tho barn under tlie escort of llt'ty pu
tt olim-u. It had no sooner stopped for
tlie men to commence work than a wild
dash was nuido for ilioui- Tho pollco
wen) powerless to stop tlie storm of
stones and bricks showered upon tlie
non-union men from vacant lots, cross
streets and house-tops. The nu-ii lay
upon their faces In the noor of tint
wiiKoit and surrounded by tlm mounted
men, who used their clubs on the more
aggressive of the rioters and tho non
union men were hunted buck to tho
burn, Two of the nun. union men were
Injured. Several of ihe mob were se
veudy clubbed. Tin no arrests were.
New York. May II. Tonight l.leti
tenant Colonel llrady, of tin.- Twenty,
third regiment, announced that lie
would start for Albany with ihrec hun
dred men nf the coininand at iiildulnh:
and that the remainder nf'tiii- regi
ment would follow on other trains as
quickly as they could hi- mobilized,
Mr. Clevolatul's Rivals.
Il.v I'.U'lii.ivo li.. friti Tin- ...ul.,i.i lv-,..
Toledo. I).. v.i,. II. Pinner I'.e-lnM liro.ei
4 levclaud. who 1, 'l.i.lnv ut JlbhlU His.. 1,
living ilium r In-K than u.ual 'Ivi nth 1 a'l
gl"i have 111 d tn-a.-u sl. In-..
Weather Indication Today:
1 (Ipiipi.iI Stale llppubllcati Honor Senator
Bloodshed AtlctuU the Albany Mrikc, rally In Han rrnuiUc-o.
fjiber I.eaitfM Confir.
2 (leneial f'ntbondale Department.
3 ( The Wurhl of Spoil, '
4 Uditoilal.
.Vole oud I'tiunucnt,
D Tiibmii- Contest Sloiy-"Tho Matin."
8 ltrpoil of tins (Jiutiil .fury.
Senator Howling' l.eitine.
National Convention of lvnrllr.
7 fxir nt !hi.p Ihiml-t Inipoilcd bv the P., li.
k W.
liicicn.sinir Inteiest lu Ihe I'oli-
Illngllns lliuthet' .Manimolli CIhim.
8 Local- West Soianlon and Siiliiilluu.
l Ucncral Moitheastein l'eniis.vlvanla.
l-'inaueial and
10 Local ludustiial and Labor.
Federalists Hope to Be the Semi
official Medium.
By riti!uive Wile fiom 1 lit A-ociated I'lrsi.
Manila, May H. Now that the main
declared object of the Federalists
peace and American sovereignly has
been almost, accomplished the party's
future Is discussed. Under the coming
government, which Is to be composed
of appointive olllcluls, there will be
slight use for party activity outside of
municipal elections. The leaders hope
the parly will be considered as the
semi-official medium between the gov
ernment and the masses. They are at.
present endeavoring to obtain the re
lease of a thousand prisoners who
wre convicted of purely political of
fenses, the contention being that they
should have the same amnesty as thos,s
who wen- released when awaiting
The appearance of Insular issues will
quickly test the result In the forma
tion of projected opposition parties.
Fifty Insurgents were captured tills
week In the Lagunu Hay region.
Accident Occurs in a Tunnel One
Mile East of Shawsville.
Uy K.cluivi- Who Horn Tin- Associated I'us-.
Itoanoke. Va., May 11. News reach
ed here tonight of an accident near
Shawsville, on tlfe line of the Norfolk
and Western railroad, about twenty
miles west of Hoanoke, about (! o'clock
this evening. As a resuli of it, four
men are dead, one cannot live and two
more are said to be burled under a
mass of stone and dirt. The accident
occurred in the tunnel one mile- east
of Shawsville, in which a large foiee
of men was at work, .lust how it oc
curred is not known, it simply being
stated that a eave-iu tools place, with
the above result.
All of the men killed and injured
were colored laborers. There Is a
track around the tunnel and trains will
not be delayed. The names of the dead
and injured could not be- learned.
Justice Gumniere Says That He I's
Guilty of Manslaughter.
Il.v Km liih Wile 1 1 .! The Associated l"io .
Trenton, May H. .Justice H.
Ciuiiuner of the Supreme court, today
charged the May grand jury. He in
structed tlie Jury lo indict Samuel
Shlun for the murder of Thomas Ap
plegate, the Washington county far
mer who was found dead lu his stable
witli his skull crushed in. Tho court
also charged tlie Jury to find an in
dictment against hldward Hupp, con
ductor of Ihe llordcntown local train
that collided with a section of tho
Nellie Uly express on the Pennsylvania,
railroad, and In which more than il
dozen persons were killed. Justice
Guinmcre In charging the Jury, said:
"Supp Is guilty of manslaughter and
should be indicted.""
Passenger Agent Baldwin Retires.
Il.v LM'lu-lvt- Will fiom 'Ihe- Aoeiatei I'less,
New Yolk. M iv II, -II vv.H auuouiireil tod ly
I . .11 his own ieiiie-t, II, P., who
for foity-nini- .vein has oecuplul the pu.-ll ion of
L,'i'i.ciat p.issi'iuicr alum of the Ce-ntial ll.iihn.uj
ol New Jersey, ha icliied at half pay tor life
with ibe conrlisie ul Ihe loul. Ml. Ilihlwlu
Is in 111 health.
Mabel Haines Indicted,
lb Lvcliislve Wile- from The Associated I'u-tt.
Mount Ibdly, X. .1., Ma.i li.-'llu- siaii.t buy
loilay imlh led Mis. Mabel liable., ot l)il,iin.i.
lu homicide, which In Ihi slate covei all ile
jue of minder. Mi. II line is aeiiicil ut
1 1 1 v 1 1 1 ;;' beaten and poisoned her slepdauuhter,
(iiveliilidiue, :t veal ol auc, the ilainihlel elf
l.ei hii-baud by .1 picvioiis mauia-ao,
Honor for Mi", Cockrou.
Ily i;eli'sivr Wlic from Tl.u Asocial cl I'kjs,
New Ymk, May II. . Iloiilke IViiktali loday
nulled a di-liiiywMii-'l hniior at lln binds of
Ihe liouiau I atbollc ihinih. iihhlhop Cur-
man. .siuiouiiili'il ti.v other ilic'iiiiaih1. and vvhb
bililtlnv ccreiuiiiibs, loutiinil upon him the I -laic
lui'dal, of Ihe N'i'iii P.iuie uuiiiisliv.
Woolen Mill Destroyed.
Ily i:ilu-ive Wire- Hum Ihe As.iulaleil 1'iriu,
I.1.1I. Il-iv -n, I'.i., vla.v II. Ilieti Ibn..' woolen
null, eioplii.vlui; "vei buly liind., w.n. de.siio.viil
b.v Ihe lodaj. I.o.s, Mi.imu: uuianio, if'i.mju.
'Ihe mill vva iiutiil In lMI .11. d l-.i. luin m.'i
tiolhd b.v the Itbh faiuib lluuuidi Unci- kuuU
lb lit.
Mrs. Gage III.
11 Dwindle Wip fieni Tlie Assoelaled lrii.
Wiitlihikluii, May II. Mi. liaj.-e, wife ul sis
lei nv ol III.- Ticihuj Uiiie, vvliu has been 111
for some time, is i.:.iicil lo be In a sellout
uiidllio'i, and while lui filerd. hue not ui en
up hope Ihey aie vii.v aii.1011. a lo Ihe mil
come 01 l.ei tllu .,
IV r,s.Iu-ve Wbe (111111 TI." m ut"l IT-'S'.
Vcn uL. Miy II. luuiil i:uvne laiil.iii
lie Mlikb-vvt.! .li..! i.s-lai al -ni'i.l Pail.. .V
.1. lb' bad belli ,1 .llli-IM fltilil ! 1.11 1 liUe.I.e U'l
Unee jcar-. I n'tui HqkU'.'ivs yi piiimluiiitlj
Inline tl i-liHi niiwl ymi- iivn .n Ih pm-
lu il ,1 1'iit le-i' rillvij.v iiiiijui in Vvhlih b-
w.i- .'ivmiili'i iilili I'll '.i'!' Ipi'i.l i.ip u'lsls.
On flccount ot Mrs. McKlnleu's Ill
ness, He Confines Himself
to Day's Exercises.
The President Decides to Make His
Visit ns Brief ns Possible Sun
Francisco Residents Give this.
President and Party a Royal Wel
come An Impressive Parade.
Uy i:cluslvo Wire from The Awocialed Presi.
Sau Francisco, .May 11. President
McKlnley made his official entry Into
this city, the objective point of bin
tour, late this afternoon. After being
formally welcomed by Mayor .1. D.
Plielan. he was escorted through tho
principal streets, attended by a mili
tary and naval turnout, lie attended
it public reception tonight In the largo
nnve of the Market street ferry depot.
President .McKlnley decided curly
this morning that, owing to Mrs. Mc
Klnley's lllness.he would not visit Stan
ford university, as has been planned,
bill would limit himself to the (lav's
exercises In this city. At 2.10 o'clock
this afternoon lie left tho Scott resi
dence for tin- Valencia street station.
Here he met the train bringing the
members of the cabinet and remainder
of his party, who had fulfilled the pro
gramme between San Jose and this
city. President McKlnley was also met
here by Mayor Phelan and formally re
ceived. The president, the members ot
his cabinet, Mayor Pholau and tho re
ception committee were then taken by
special train to the Third and Towns
end street station, where the military
and naval escort was waiting. Long
before the hour set for tho president's
arrival, Third street from King to Har
rison was a solid mass of humnnltv.
On the arrival of tho train at the sta
tion there was a terrible din. The
whistles of the factories and macliine:
shops of J.he neighborhood were turned
loose, bolls of the yard engines were,
furiously rung, thousands of voices
joined in tlie noisy welcome to the.
city's guests and a general movement
among the thickly packed humanity In
the streets added to the Incident. Tim
procession was formed, ami the. march
up Third street was begun. A platoon
of mounted pollco, Troop A, the special
escort, of the president, and tho vet
eran guard of the flrund Army of the
Republic came ilrst. Then followed
President McKlnley. with Mayor Phe
lan and Irving M. Scott, chairman of
tho citizens' executive committee. Cheer
after cheer arose from the multitude
and were re-echoed along the thor
ough fares. With ills face wreathed in
smiles. President MoKinley gracufull.s
raised his hat and bowed his acknowl
edgment, of the ovation.
The Long Procession.
After ihe president'! carriage cams
the cabinet. Governor Nash, of Ohio,
and staff and the Ohio congressional
delegation. The long line of carriages: followed by -1,000 troops. Infantry,
artillery and cavalry from the Pre
sidio. led by General Shutter anil 1,om
marines and sailors from the battle
ships Iowa, Philadelphia and Wiscon
sin, under command of Admiral Casey.
From the moment the president
eniergeel from the depot the cheering
was intense, but as tho long procession
got under way Its fojee seeniet'l to )w
redoubled. Far up the line the- cry
was caught up. lllock after block, In
Kiieeessl.ii!. was soon faced with a,
surging mass that broke forth into ,1
vociferous proclamation ol welcome.
The line of march was handsomely
decorated with Hans, bunting and
evei greens. At Van Ness avenue,
President .McKlnley reviewed the pro
cession, after which ho repaired to tho
Scott residence fop dinner.
The president was driven to the ferry
depot at S fi'elock this evening. In tho
largo and handsomely illtinilnatoif
nave of the largo building the presi
dent received a vast crowd of people.
.Mayor Phelan delivered a brief ad
dress of welcome, to which President
McKlnley responded.
Kntering at one door of the novo
the people passed down the hall to tho
southern end, where President McKln
ley stood surrounded by members ot
Ills cabinet and other prominent visi
tors. The president did not indulge In
handshaking, but grai'iously bowed ns
the people passed, each 0110 snllttln;?
him with a small Hag.
Ameiican Derelict Drifts Into Brit
ish Columbian Cove,
lie lltclcKlvu Win- fiom Tli.' .Vaociated Press-.
Naiialuio, II, C .May It. Tho wreck
of the American ship Colusu has hceu
found in a rocky covo at the southwest
side of llmmlll Sound, Queen Char
lotte Island. Tho ship was apparently
sttlppi'il by Hi crew and abandoned at
No iracc of camp lites or other signs
of human occupation could he found
around Ihe cove. The ship's name s
still oil the stern with the letters "IT,
S. A."
Steamship Anivals.
Ily ll-ccludve Wire fiom Tho Awoclatcrl 1'reu
New Vul, Miy It.- billed: Mivia! I.lvcipool;
(iiomic, l.lvcipvol. Iliittciil.itu iiivcil: Pol
dam, Nivv Vmk via ISoiihujiio. Ilouloajie-
I'liociiiiia ilium II unburn). New oik.
I bciboui'u Nun d: l.i.i- W ablcisce, New Voiij
for llamle'iv.
.".-... -.
Washington, May II Kou cast foi Wed
in il.iv and 'llunsila.i : Ki.tiiu l'cun.vl
vaiili I'ab- Weiliii'-dav and ThuiMay
i',lu fiHiltiiJi-U'il.v vviii-l.. Iieiiiiiniu vj
tOt tttHtlHtt t
. ii5- -r .