'TVS k m7tftVHSiV f atHV t?sTi"' -- '- ' t5nj55J5$ THE SORANTON TlUBTJNli-TUESDAy, MAY Id, 190.1.. 8 INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR END Or THE SESSION or THE DISTRICT HOARD. A Special Meeting Will Be Cnlled Later to Consider the Answers to the Grievances Picseuted by the Miners Condition of the Anthra cite Coal Trade at Pi csent Make up oC the D.. L. & W. Boaid for Today An Electric Road Chnr tcicd Olhor Mattois. The sphhIou "I tin- linanl nf Dish let No. I. I'nllP'l Aline Winki'is of Anicil ii, wliluli was hlmtuil Hulurdiiv at Inml liniiiliiiiiii'loiH. was concluded yoH icnlny tiili'inonti. I'tcsldeiU XU'hollH tiKliln pti'Hlilpit iinil "II those I'l-p.-clU Satuifla.. Willi lli i'i'piltiin " VIip 1'ioslileiit Ailain Kwcuvlire, (if 1'lt liimitli. M'ii' 111 alli'iiilanii'. A numlipr nr liit.il Kili-vaiiii'x enine up fur ilNi'iiw.slim ami unions oi Mmse III I'M lit WOlf Xl"ltAllL'l I III UlP IllVt'Sll- Kiitluii of tlii'in. loi. us I'leslilcnt Nli'liolls i.c"t"t(ii sillied, no Stepsi will ln tiiKcii iinl II ilii- iillleiis mi' "mi' nl tlielr Ki-oiinil. TIip ii'l'iiils of tin' euiiiinlttces nl inliieis wlio wulli'il upon 1 lift 1- WIllollH MllpCllllll'tlllt'lltS Xll'lc lip for i oiisltli'iiUloii vpii Milnv Ian d-ll-nlte iii'tliiit ut" pnstpiinnl. ii" in in' nsi litis ,i full iinwi'i Iipi'Ii kIwii to I In- men'!- milli'il-. Win n llu-i a if ipppIm'iI. :i sin'ilnl iiiiM'tlnu "t ih'1 lllMllI 'xlll l' lllllld. 1'ii'sidi tit Nli hulls iinil T.i hi nl Aleni lims Keiitnev mid Llewellyn Icive tor lliiiiMimir this iiminiiii? In tin' in teicsts nl" I Iip niliiiiiK li'Kl-lalion lietdi'e tin- somite .mil In the npiiatp i uininltlee. ("oininlltppinan Hems I'olllnt. nl' fat liiiud.ilo, "ill l"iie tl'l" lUfiiionii. I'lpsldpnt Nii'IioIim ill i Ian d that In Ills opinion the nilneis' nitiicli to II.u iKlniif.' would not In- npipi-x.tiv. :i.s, I ivin !if-fiii IndlPiitlons tin- "-I'liuto loininlltpp will lppotf f.ioi.ilih" on tlio hills now iinilpr i onsld"i.illon, .mil mice In tlie -pii.ttp tlit v .lie almost sine to lie passed. Kochmen's Sttike. .huiil lwput,v-llp io Knit n t tuplov ml at thp .M.uxine oIIIpi.v ut the Uel.i aio anil Hudson toiiii.itn tlie Dodqp i nlllppiv of thp Deluui io. I..K Kaw.Mina ami 'W'pstiin company, and In .i tun iii'l Iitcli i'iip Lackawanna !s dtiviiu; iipar Hip CKfnid eollleix. hue strilpl; nfTMlnhL the pontrieiois who einploxe.l thpm. A (UL hi wa-ps oi i .islolied till' stiiKc which has hecii In ihokips-s sinip Til day and S.i tin il.i . The univalent xtas iioL in any way i .nispd by the c mn li.my ollifl.ils. laiL is dhritly ljolxvwn pontiai'toi.s .tidiii 1 Sow en, Davis and Moses, van h.ip elmi'tre of the liiek voi If, and lix their own ii'iins with tho iii"ii. The ImpUc men at the Miiixine vent out Kiid.'y. ISowoii inadp a put hi tlmr Mnui't; of twonly-llvp i rat.-, tho sealo foinieilv lunttiiik" fiom v, to lU.iiT. At tho other two xxnikliiKs the (hop In wanes (louried s-oine time iiko. Spp letmy Hudson, ol" the Itoeknien'H union, railed the men out Saturday, about olKht Koincr out at both th" MoiIbo and other poIUpiIps. A inpetins: v. is held la.st niffhl of the Milkcis, but it is not thootiht that any pioecetllnss towanlfi a settlement will b" lnade until the end of Hip iepk. 'I'he lirnknipn'.s union meets, the first and thiid Siuuhivs of each month in St. Clary's hall. Xorth Seranlon. The Antluacite Coal Trade. The .mthi.ieltP trade is Keneially In K'lud Miape tor tlli hP.ison of the yeai. ThP Apt II output is ollieially pstimated at .l,6s.,01" tons, about 100,000 tons mare than hi Apiil, 1000, wlipn. dm ins: the last neck ol the month, Hipio was a heavy movement for shipment up the lakes, This year aelual consumption was miieh heavipr, as tho movement nl' lake eoal is just under iinv. The total toiman;p for the Ihet t months ot tills year is 17,031,7.!:! ton.s. The ice blockade In the St. Hall iier i5; broken and vessels ato making their way into T.iKp llelih?an. A coa slderahle fleet has loaded eoal at llaf Jalo and is on its way to upper lake ports. There have been lift anivals at Lake Superior points jet and uade in bard eoal in the norl Invest is veiy light Indeed. In t'liieago tenltniy Ims Iness is quiet, with the maiKet very Aim. IZeeeijits hy rail me falliiiR: off AFRAID OF THE HEART Hen and Women Apparently Strong, Live in Fear of Their Own Hearts Because They Realize Their Weakened Heart Nerves Are Easily Overtaxed, Most heart troubles mean weakness of the heart nerves The power that koops it regularly beating is Nervo Force, and that is why Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills is cioditod with romarkable cures of heart disease. Their wonderful influence in reviving that hidden current, Nervo Force, ntl dispelling iluttoring and palpitation of tho heart-pain or tenderness ibout the heart shortnoss of breath after exeicise oppressed feeling in the chest inability to lie on one Bido irregular pulse weak and fainting spells difllcult breathing feeling as though the heart would atop boating. These symptoms disappear with tho use of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nervo Pills, because thoro is very little Organic Heart Disease, and so soon as Heart Nerves are right the heait becomes regular, Mrs. Joseoh Mitchell, of No, T,s ' " !" ni nn of the 016 Linden street, West Scran- ton Pa who writp; "Hr A W Ph-icp'c Norw Pillc nm fine, I was all out of order, nervous, and could not sleep weak and miserable, The kidneys were sluggish and the back lame nothing seemed to help me until I got a box of the nerve pills at Matthews Bros.' drug store; corner Lack wanna and Washington aves. Since I took them I sleep well, don't jerk and talk. My nerves are steady, I feel strong, and the kidneys are working well aBuui, 1 ttin uiv.v. t.x.11 ,icnacu and 11 aa to recommend the ,,i:: m meCllCine, with the openlni? of lakn nnvlRatlon. At tho lower lakn ports demand Is fain At eastern anil scithoatil points demand Ih its Rood as can ha expected In May. I'rlce.s aie bclnty firmly main tained and Iho leporU or coal huliw sciiil at April IIkiiips mo prohahly hase less, at leant tlipy eannut he mibstah Haled. Demaiiil fioni pnlnls bejimil Cape Cotl Is hotter than ti-nial at this .cason. The May prltcs fo.' fiep-huinhiK while ash eoal f. o. h. New York aie! liroken, J3.C0! pku, W.Si! nut and stove, yi.10. IhiRlticPililB and Mlnhifr .Toiir nal. Italian JLnboicis Hcic. A lai'Ke nuiuher of Italian workmen In six box cars placed upon a swllch alongside, the LitcKn wanna clndpr dump on Hickory street created nitieh PM'llement In South Scranton yester day linn nl nw, as the men wcic at lirst supposed to he hands hiotiKhl heio to talto the phi ens of the taiekawaiiiia slrlkprs. Thoy wcic, however, lahoieis hired hv the Delawaip and Hudson tom piuy tor woik near Honesdale and In Npw Yolk. They weip hroURlit fiom in-ar I'lttshllls- and had refused to leave when they heard the correct uiirps. PlalmlliK to havp Iippii dpieivpil iPKiudlne; thorn. A satisfactory ad justment of the matter took placo yes terday moinlllK and the tialu leftwlth the men, leavlim behind about llfty ile ol their number who lontiiiiled sieadiast In their determination not to accept the piolfpred wages. Another Electtlc Road. The WllU's-lSane and liai-Iilon ISalho.id iiiinpanj. capital VL')"i0n,0P0, was ehaiteipd at Tiplitun, N. .)., on S.iluidiiN "to eoiisliui't and opeiat-J iallio.nl-, oiitv!dc ot Xpw .leiw'V." The Imolpoi.itois ale H. rtfoid .lentlillKs, llenjainlii II .Vilnius and ('hailes W". .IlllK. of .lei spy City, The lout" between Wllkis-liaiip and Ua.lptoii lias been surveyed and it Is as neai as iKsibk- an ah line. The dislaiiep to llay.leloii . 1 1 1 be about twiiily-lhe miles and It I." pioposed to have a ijukker seiviie than by tialn. Steel Mill Employes' Union. A I. UK' number of the einplo.ps at the Smith steel mill ot the Lackawan na li on and Steel lompam met Sat in day uIkIu at Nowlski's hull, South Sei anion, and weie oiK.inlzod into a nuloii. The woiK of oiK.iui.atioii i imietly beini; done .iniouu the mill hands and ll will not be Ioiik bctote the enllie oiMiik lone will li.ive been union ized. D., L. & W. Boaid. Follow ins is the make-up of tlie T)., L. . W. boaid for today: MiiMtW. M i: wait t a Pi-t-s 1 1. in. ii. r. st,,i,., 1 1) l, III , II ll, luilv. II l.spu, ; ii wiia as 1:1-112.11 .1. in . Hi i.nia. . 1 111 , P. llilli'l, in 1 mi. Ciui.e H111 1 ; 11 .1. in, I .1. I'o.iclln; ' 111. .1. II vi-,i(i-; .1 p 111, II. I. I .nl, m: 1, .1. in , II llnur. siiinuiiN. la -a .1. 111. r.i-t, .l.i-'. C.iiii'-ir; l p 111.. ..M. .1. lit m,ii;.iii; s 1 111. vt1, I, ripiiiililkir s p. in, 1 i-l. W II. m!k1-.; 7 p in, f.it n Viu. i: Mi Mll-in; 7 11 in, iic-t trim ( 11111. vtLl.aie; 7 p 111, wn-t foiu t'niici, I hull p-nii. I'lillcis- HI ,1. in , V. 1 . s((i 1 I'll-lllK S .1. in, 1 itim, 1, Hi 1 m . s I'm mn. II 11 .1. 111, M01 in; 7 i 111 , Muiile; '1 p. 111. J,.iuipiu; !' p. 11,, H11I1111. I'.i-iiij,ir l.iiKini 7 1 111. l.illtni: 7 i 111, 1;. link; ." 'n p in, si 11, ten, 7 p. in. Mi tr'iMrn. Willi 1 ..! Wcl-1 1. 111., T. Iiiimlii in: 1. 1. m, D. Hi.vnM , 7 ,1 111. I'. W.ill; s .1 1.., M liiiliui; loi. 111,.'. lilnli,; ll .1 in, I) 1'ifVir.iM; I p 111, . (,' ll.iiniiiit, J p in, .1. .. llu-li: '. ;i 111. M. fiunirli; ", p, in, .1. T. Mmiii, MiC'iltlrt'i. nidi, ii p 111, 11 f !-- M1I!U 1 uiiilnctor Vimlv Mdliirull Mill inn ah P. M( lliltV diir t.xinnniw nUht, Mil II, 7 p. in., o I-.I finni .S.iv Vim, 111 ikiin.ui .1. .1. ( utniiiin- iipoiN frn iniiy Willi I. Ve MINler tin' t I1I1. lliiUiii.il P. I'.nlillei un 11111111-. foi dun unli 0. (Vm mil I rip. Ill iVeui 111 (. Iliiilvlnil up. nl-, fin iluu wall P C .0.111 umli tic xt tiip COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Willi 1111 siiiinli.i i iiMdih.i 1I1-1 lin. a i nil in-.ihinl. In tho i.ii-o ot PituiU fSilliqhrr .icainst Mar lr.'l livt'it- ii.iirt iri.iiaul .1 rule tu npiu jmL un lit. .lolin M. Mrtouil w.i. m-1ih1j .ippuaitid imiiiiilviiaiiir In t tKc tr-tliiinnv 111 the ilnoiic 1 ,-e of I Mill Mc Vim n'ilnl Ilinlrl "Mi'Viin, 'I hi ituiiil juri wn nnililo to loinplifl lis wink ,(vterili.v, ,n wis cspcrlcil it wmilil In-, lmt In ill piuliilnlili a llnal lrpcit will bo iiihIi toil IX. .Inlm 'l.ilor w.e .ii-lonliv ipiiiiitul 1111111111 -.lulu 1 f(i I il.c tiMiumm un llm inlc foi 1 innilt tl,.it!.in in the iliuii 111 Ihu 1 .in 01 tho Wi! ItiiU' l'"il fi'inpiin isiln.l lloheit Vuu stuiili tt .ll. K""ul,,e Dr- w-cn(Wh w.vo pm. A" "thoib nio ImliuHous and daio not "o thli, ileMun 0y ,)t aIIow anv ,,,,. tn pjt. mic .1 1'lifeum lUieu rumi tin above roc all dealeis or pi. A. V. Chao JK-ilklue Co., Iluiralo, N, T. EXTRAS WANT THEIR SEATS ALTERNATIVE MANDAMUS ON COMMON COUNC1LMEN, Summoned to Show Cause Why They Refuse to Accept the Extia Couti cllmen Judge- Caipentcr Sustains a Controverted Ruling of the Late Judge Gunstcr Jackson Sheet Baptist Church Case hi Common Pleas Court Sister Sues Btother No Repoit 10111 Grand Jury. The dozen Ftopubllcani of the seven teen "e.vtia" common rounellmon have, at lam appealed to roust to hecine their bcntH. A pplltlon for a wilt of altci native mandamus was lllod p, terday hy their attoiiiey., Voshui-R- and liawfim, and court srautpil the peti tion, making tho wilt returnahlo next Monthly mornlnir at 0 o'clock. The petition la as follows: 'Iho petition ul John 111 iu, .1, 11 ('Mid lint', T. J. fcnouilcn, .iWpli i:.m, l:, ll. ltolntlnit, 11. I!. I'.ilno, Matlil.H Stlpp, 'lliomis W. 1Iiiiiib, John T. Jimn, Kmiii I,.iih, IM ml SiciriiiB, I'lul K- rifpirlfiillv hoHilli! 1. 'lint plini' tn J.nniiii, IIHIt, tin- illy of Simtnii w.is 1 i of ttn tlit 1 it (li-, iinilt r Hie rl is-lih .itluii nt 0f the ropnnanwrnllli ol Pi nii.ili.uil 1, .mil It ippi.irinsr by thu I niti-il 'I itri (cnsn-, tiKInc ilniliii; Iho 31 ir Pull, tint the niil lily I111I .lilt.iiitnl to ii pnpiil ilinn in tltllin; It to nn .iili.mtu In i1.i-nIi1iII"Ii fiom the iltj (it thr- thtril tliss to 0111' of the iiianil cl i-". lion. Willi 1111 , Monc, KOttinoi of the 1 0111 tiimmriltli of I'tnii-.tlt inh. ninlir the vl .il of the tuiinnumu illli, c 1 tffinl tint f.itt niionl hurl to tlip piopi-i- mnnl(lnl .inthorltlci of the ill of s, ,, ton, -.ilil (i llllli .lie lirniif ilitul Inn Pi. I "01, mid hiving In in Kidwil I 'J Hi" pioptr .inlliorltic on Jin. 1(1. llidl, ilnlf rrconl nl in tlie ollko foi Kioriliiitr of il.nN tn llm imnitv of I.itl.iiM.inni on ihl list iliir, 1 U .1 ir-'iiln' initthiK nf tin' M-lnt iiinnill of tlie tit of s, ! niton, the t-iliflt .it e of I tie puirnor nfincil to In tiii,n;i ipli 1 nf tliN pelt. tloii m moitid .nut ilhrilnl to lip (iitciril it taii.c npon ttio inliniti-i of tint brunch of the 1 mini 11, .mil tint on J.in '-'I, 1!)1, it a lopilu milling cf the LOiiiinun cninirll of tho titv of si 1 111(011, lhe suil (eitEfu.itr wis rrti'ot'il iml ihniliil lit tint hrituh of tunntiN in In (iittrnl up ni the itilnuti-. , lint ninlir tho iiiiitNinn-, of tho tut n br mx to (Eliit of Iho oionil (.l.e-, the (tniiidU proiicitril itr;nl,ir .niit hjjll, it otn pttition. its hohcti! mil ovjiott to ho nlilo to pioM", to ai iot Un mil npoit tho nmnlir of ulilint. t is .ililis in the t.n iiiii w.iriN of flio (lit of N 1 ni ton, lint lopoitdl tho simo Ihiontth conmntlii"" of ttitiiKiN to tlio tlininiiii of tho rniinnnn ( 01111 1 il. the 11 poit in 111 -.iilnnlttdl ,iL 11 rinlii iniot ni'j of iho (ointnini (onntit hold .1 111. L'l, Tml, tthlih rrport Imius tho innnlii 1 or 11 siT ut tav ihh -, in tho it 1..1I-. tt.oiN of tin til ol so mton N .ih fiillow: I 11-t v, ml Sinnil wml Ihlnl vtiiit Piinilli w ml Piflli w inl sistli w.inl spi ntli w ml .... I.uhth w ml .... Mnth w.inl Toiitli w.tnl I tin nth w ml ... hwlftli w ml .... tlilrlu nth w ml . Pointrontli w 11, 1 . I'ltKinlh wjhI .. siMtinth wml ., Sownti i nth w nil I lirhlionlli w.ml . Miioticnth w.iid 'lui ntli Hi w.ml .. Iwinti Int w.ml l.'i, l.oi 1 ..I, 'II I.IJi ..l.fi'l ..1,1,1 I.I'M . fiTI .l.lil . . 7I ..l.mil . 'Uii . l.'.J'i Mil l.s.t ..1.I7S . 1,11 l inh 1 tins ipporiiuniiiont -ttii.il of tlio w itil In. nno intllloil to .idilitlim il ( 011111 iIiikii, ind the niittn nf tho 1 Hi of "i 1.111I1.11 11 lonlmirli , htrillt ind itnlirh ur il hN prm I un itinn ill 1 01 li,nr llnl llio .iililitnniil lonntiliniii in tho w.ml-, should ho oliiitd ut tlio nol nninuipil itulton, oiiiiiititt not It -,-, ih in 0110 month ,11111 iho ilito of 11. h rntitniti, in .iitoiiUmo with tho i t ot Jin. s"i, Is'i",. .mil ollr pi I it 10m it wtrr duly and losilly old tod 1 tnnnt ihnrn it sin li 1I1 i'i mil. In wll, Pih 111, I'lHI. and who rilnriiid le iho piojioi oloiiion oflkor, undwiii tliiitnpoit intitlod in oit-, in tin i oininon 101111 ul 01 tin 1 lit of st 1 mton, 1-, 1111 inht r. thtnof, mil 10 1 i-l in tlio in;; :ni.iti"ii nf tho ili sin t mini nl on lie In-t Momln of piil not ( 11-.11 in,' llu'ir ill it inn, .i piotiilod In Im I it tho ilefoiulinK .i"innin In 11 1 i tho iininnm lonnill of tlio eltt nf Sainton, iiliwod to .illou Mini prtitiouoi-. 01 Hit ol Ihim to In swniu In .iii.l iin.ilthoil At iDininou 1 oum ilintn nf llii; 1 itv of s( mton 1 Mill iifn-o to illow- torn potiliomi 10 iiiilltt is 1110111I01-, of n I 1 1 1111 h 1n11 pi til inni 1 -i, linn slinnnist llnl ihot no lri;ill iliittii toiiin iltni n nf the ill nl iiiii ion mil iiiililud 11111I11 1I11 1 iw In nil .i- smli, ,md lint lh(i Into I101 11 illmilH iloputod of Hull' llKht In .nl 11s .ii.l( lonntilnnn In tlio difindiia--, u.pu Ifnlh pi it tint 1 iiiiiidiinn-i nnv ho N-iml l Iho o.ihl dofi miauls, 1 niiini mil ItU tin ill In locoho jrini iidillonois is nuialnn of the iuiiiiiii.il ooiiiKil ot iho dl of union, nut tn illnw tlioin 10 (iiillf .is miiIi. and to nl is sin h lounoiliiiou in Iho ir 111- ictlun m the liii-tnis.- of Iho lonniil tint tonus lufoio llnl lll.llllll of tlio IOIIIIt.ll--. 111l Miur iptiliiiK'r- will nil pin, ilt Vn.lniri! Inw-n'i. MlnllK.ts ol till I'llillOIIII-, The wilt is iliippleil to all of the twenty-one moinhei.s of the oxlsilnpf lommoii poiincll. Much hnpoi t.incp altailips to this action l)ppau!P ol tin- fact that pouii ( IN will he pallid upon to elPPt a mayor if tlio "Ulppi'i" ai't li ileclared imtoiihtltntloiial anil If neitlior I te em ilft Molr nop ".Mayoi" Robinson - 111 hp ablp to establish his illit to Hip ihalr ot tlio plili'f cNPcntivp, As the poiineils now atanil Hump Is a Pemoiiallc niajoilty of two on lulnt hallnt. Should conimon louiiell be c pamleil the KpiiuliliraiatiWiailil have a maioiliy ot tin pp. In Common Pleas Couit. Ki'imcr & C'hiiiicll walnut H. 11. Hi lllilli.s, tho .lapKf.on .slu.'t-: Ilaptl.it chuii'h, K.iiiilshpp, and A:,!a Kowph, e- pintor of the I'hlatu ot .Muikhii lirnvpn, dpi eased, IntprM'niim' PiPdltor, Is the tltli' of a latht'i ponipHeatou iaso, which xmih the Ih hi in pom.! hefo'e .lllilKji .1. V. falpDllter ill tll main (01111' 100111 when the tlueo weeks' .May let 111 of common pleas opened yestei day. In 1SH7 i:. 1!. (ItlllltiiH, ). iPiiKms nml John DniM's bonowtd ifJ.oOO from tho West Slilo Hank 'or the nsp of the JtipUson stippt Uaplitft rlinrch, ot chilli they wi'io oillcpfs, From liino to limn $l,.!0fl ot this amount vtts paid, Tho hank K'it judgment lor Uu ipmal'i dpr iiKulnst K. II. .iUllllh. an I this Judgment was hoimht tip by .MoiKan llowt'ii, of Sprint,' Hiook, lutlier-ln-lnw of Mr, (lililUhs. Uowi'ii iiiocppded to have tho tdierlfr Ml out Utllllths and tho salo loalUud ?J,77.". Fbiiiht (Miappell hud 11 Judgment agalnm Clililltlih tor monoy loaned him wIiph ho was startfiiB In Iho KU'ceiy husl nt"K Bomo yems bpfori The day of the sheillf's sale they issued an at tachment ppeution atruhiHt the rhuu-h fot tlio money' they ilalmert the r hut eh was owlmr linlliths. After these pro. ceediuKs vveie bcRtin, MurKan Monnpii camo In with an ,iMKiunrut ot ill if lllhs" claim on tho cltuivh and was allowed to Intervene, Tills makes the suit h thrce.rnrnpiPl one. The iiuestiou Is whether the Chun h owes; (iulllllis aiiytlilntr and it It does, who has Hist claim un it, 1-Vn lii'i tiilll or the Jlorwin llotvcu pftatc ViisliuiK .'i Dawson lepifscnt Feiiuei' iV I'happcll. W. flajloul Thomas lopiestailn tlio llowou etatp, and V. S. Dlehl ici itsenls the chinch. 0r0n00000Mj0W0X0fPrf 0M0rir0'ini00M00X0X00.0.0J'.0000.0,0,' Ill III S II 0. " C2 . . ' 0 3 0 0ur Preparations For Commencement 0I Are complete, and we now offer X a most comprehensive line of J5 materials for m 1 in b 0 THE FOLLOWING IN ALL WHITE FOR GRADUATING-. Mouseline de Soie, PHsse, and Satin Stripe Dimities, Persian Lawn, Wash Chif fon and French Organdies, Lansdowne, Albatross snd Batiste. IN COLORS FOR CLASS nRFQR Printed Foulards, Pongees, Dimities, Silk Ginghams Swiss s, Grenadines and Mouseline de Soie, French Challies, Lansdownes, AS batross and Nun's Veilings 0 ft 0V. OH sS s 0. X0 0 0 0. 0 0. .0 l 0 H tj 0 ft nit 0. UP ft Elegant Line of Fan for Graduating Presents, 126 Wyoming Avem in a- 0PM.0000A0000AP0Q00W0'a.!t0rSJi,0M.ll00X0PX I'H'sldent .luds0 l-fhvaicli1. In luuit loom No. .'. i iriiK.iiypil In Ir.MiiK tli. cihi' uf iiik;ot (ioilnoy iiK-ilu-t 1' r. Cod I toy. The'- .itc s-istM nml bioUcr .Hid Use in Wintim. Mi. liodli( Kopi lioltl and Ills Mslc'i' llvod uitli lilin, .KlliiK ir the e.ip.idt.v of lioiicKcfpo''. i'hif clair.i'- j-lic u:is. to lei-oixo (fituiii :iK(h and iliut up to Lit IWi'inber tlic aniiiuntc"! to S:w. Shi' olloi.'il io ((.ttlc toi $:i(H), hiiu v.iy.s, and lio imrc'd to i.iy her thai .iniount, lmt now k fdsi.f to lc up to his .ih'i( eiiKMii. Hi- (luiiiot. thit! .ii'KtiniL'iit and claims tluio nocr was any Lnnnact Ii-Iwimi tl'i'in. Slio niiiile lior lionn ltli liim, hi' .s.iys. was piovidi'd with I'Wi'vtlilii'j -.In- wanton ard peiloinicd thi- clitilus of lious"U(.'(.'pcr In loilhldi'iatioii oC his upporllliK lit'i. laist CliiNtnius li' was' mm lied and this pi ovol'.cd Ills Mh tu'fc lie. W'lii'n lie camp lionio wltli his hiidc ids Mmpi, lit' alk't-i's, as saultPd hlni, and llien (pilt the hon". It as vot until aftor tills ni'iuiiiMU". h( alleges, tluit slie niailc any I'lalm for .vastPh. llo i cfusod her dcinauil and .slie liinit;hl .suit. Josopli O'l'.ilen and M. .1. Martin rtppour lor tho plain tirf. 'I'lii' ilpfpiulant's uttonipj.s aie .lumps .1. U'Malley and 10. '. Newioiuli. The oiist of tlie Uxtter Matdilne iiflh usfilnst. ti'c Cnllion Coal euiu panv and tlie ease of K. II. l.oi Kurd im-aln.l M. T. Kollcr were repoited m ItU'd. Til" ease of Thomas XU'IioImiii HKiill'sl tii'oipe V. I'ottei was iIImiiii lluueil. In I lie i.im of V, M. UiIiiiipU nualnst tlie KfjniiP Aeatleniy, .IikIk Caipon ti r Used ndoii, to-day, as. li llnio lor lieaiiiiK mmunents, tlie nttoriiiys havlllK UKiL'i'tl upon tlie fin Ih, The plaintiff li- represented by e-l)l.stlit!t Attorney Miutln, of W'UKes.Mane, and Mr, Mullen, of Man Is it Mullen, of Philadelphia, htrt'etor I.owiy iep-les-ent the defendant. The follow lllfif u.if.e.s woip eontlnued: Patrick Kfiichan against P., Ii. & V. Itiiilioad fonipany; Mleh'iel Ktufforl aRalnst Scianton Hallway company; NcutfOss Hi os. auainst AVIIllam Shaffer; W. . WllllimiH against John K. Jones.; .liuncs a. Steveim nKnlui U . 1,. & Y. It, It. poinpany; Kmo Kee. Kim nualnst Metropolitan Idfo lusur i.hiv lompany, Subtntns Judge Gun&ter's Ruling, The hOiuowli.it eeWmitetl illsputu bo Iweeii llllen O. Kelly anil Juines F. Donnelly, ot' Jlurtlhon .xviiiu-'i mcr tlie coiiHtiuetUm of a InrKe fence, was tho Mihjfci of an opinion bunded down ycfittiilay by JinUn J. W. Paipentor, The ciiho was tiled by tho lite JudKo iluiister. who sustained tho contention of the plulntllf. .Mrs. Kelly. Hetoi.t Hip exceptions could bo U"uid. Judge Clunstt'i-'s den tli oceiuicd, anil the other local judK.s tlPLlin'd lt hear Uipih Tho inatter was lukrii to tlio supeilor i mil t by the dofund int and tho supirloi t oiu t sent the v.ik- ljuck with a lullnir to the eltPit that .lie loen! JuiIkos, nr one of th"in should dls.po"i of the pn ctptlons. Tno case hoaid 'n t!f e.Meptlons hefoie .llitlsjo C'aipentei and lie decided that JittU'c Ounsur'.s iiilini? .i. collect. The escpptlons nru dls uiistd In tlio follow Ins opinion: We Jj iivi 'livui it KuuiJry to ili.unj tin; X0 0 0. rxiiptiHUs fn tliU i ( (hi.iiI( inn at l(iia(li lint vfini In lie lia.od upon (lie 1Ihii,, (s wis Hh . 1 1 - m i u 1 1 1 u ...ii tin ni, Hi ll If llio in in il .i i- id ,nitc li ., . i to Pi molt ( (t, Un iinniliir of 1,1111.' ilnli.-. nl i lit initmil nl whiih llio I. m i w.it litlh i oiitn i inl ..luiiild no) bo npi.ii llio p' initio'-. -IiIi ol llio lino lino lultMin Im 1 md nil tl n ot llic il. nml ml. -In tumid not Im i ii ntlid to liln i. t. hi k f. ih. ihUi tho In ml liio i t appi.iri 1 Into liwd liU i utit lii-lon- upon a ililli li'.ll, iml, ui' tlillil , tlio iniiiit mil, llnl .1. tin ti in i plop i lid lmt one in. li on to llio I ind o Iho iloti ml. nt. and tioni thuo .nil tin. Inlf to K l ih Ik- on to I In I ind ot iho plnnilir. tin ditiiidn.l -huiild In tiijotmd fioni -ii ton Mini liiu' il 'Iho i mi'.ii nil linn i.iiiinl In il- lo.-nal n in In ion ttoitld null u iim n,t, in t i-t m tin old httlc of v in in linn, tor in-tinn', tn ai i it on llio n I ilito di mi ii-toii. ut Iho ii -pti tlto ili'N nf tin Mtiial i iiN "( '.villi h il ni. ion it I in 1 1 l. 'Ilii to thtiilv. a limit i not iillnl upon to do 'I In l". I. iml. i Iniind i.j lilt "llm Hit fi in o U Itmv in, .It un ih" 1 1 in', Iml In mi. li i mm 1 in lliat I In- nuilliiili fito nf Iho po-l-. i tii 1 1 ill Mill ho tin in it li. in 1 1 iL.it ditlslun Inn RttMiti ,lu 1..I-. in iMi -linn, I. llli' Iho pn-l- ind l iil ul un: nil Vl-, Itill.t'n lii.il; tthili tho Milllll iilt tin ii tlio IioiiiK tu ho pnl nn tho line ttill ho on Iho diM-1'.li lino, loitln' Iho Im li il tuiii 1 v on tho 11.1111111111'- liinl " 'Ihi- Undine mi- tipiKiiiul li.t Hit ti-IIinoiif nf tho ttilnt'-MS ttlm tii.. lallnl nn Inlnlf nf t'e li-piillw. pintle, and in tthiili thuo m.m ni iint'iii; .iini tti' no nl iho opinion Hut ih Inl lli.il Un (Id film', which ttai Imill hhiio ti ilrl l;n In in Iho n tl of tin hnn?i - li n k u llii' alloy, tta- mi toii-ttni lid tint Un po-t- tii' ttlnillt ill tho pi 11111111'" I mil, itliiln llio liuiul ttuo uhnllt mi tho i'i li ml ml'-, Mnnld mil, ttloti it li. i inn di!i.ilil( tn 1'iiild a finio In I u oi li llio h.ii-i-, '-;lvo tho plalnlill ant llu'ht In -ii inn-lint! it llnl ant pnl nl it uniihl 'I I' ll i ( I Hilar on in tin planum'.-! I ind thin on In imp. II tta- -lid In llt-.nt i-, latil-. 5 I'i , -t I. "An I'linpoil hi- a lUhl In pljio Id- turn i tn lit mi Id- Imiimliiy in anlit ipitloti id IU I o i oiiitnir li diti-loii finio; iinil, iotiMiinntt, h IiiiiiIi nn Id- iiiililioi' liml ii- mi Id- cmn I In IlllllpllllV nl Ml llllldl ,n( it n- lllppilH l'l In inn ---.lit , liki lln p.l.-l--ioll lit .1 lllllllt 111 iiiiiinion. li li"l adtt'i-o, lull for iho lam Ml n linili; and, n il i- not an oii-i.i, il tan liiiliui Kite lint tal.i' attav in.t llhl " 'Iho llm' lulttii'ii tho lols al Un point in urn- lliitllr.t I- .it L ll'.hlllll inihi- limn Un -nil' ot Iho pi linllll'.- Iiuii-o, and ai lliii niiiott -poo I- n-nl hy Iho pliliiiill In purlin; H mil tlio limit ti llio liar n( Im iiiiiim.-, -ho in n tn; iiop. (lit niiini In no nili Miuttiiie ttlili.h ttill nn ni'it--iillt liHonn ni. nn lino in llio u-o of II, and a- Hit) ildtiidant l.n jupihnl nn ilhl hy llio iini'in'i' in ttliitli tlio liiiio m tin inl tta-: iiin-lintiiil, tt. tlillil. Un ih. ii. ii ul llio trial jidao t ii lilil. And lint. II iv 1 i. ll"'!. lln' iMiplioa- lilid t" llic In dliu- ol lln ind.! it lio i nidilitnl tin' trial tf tld- la-o kit ins lutii plmil up ni lln) Ht,ukii iiiKUiiiint lii ami IntltiK lutii lull .r Biidl hy ilium il litfori' llic mint in Iniu. tlie niiilti alltl tliiu lOii'ltlctJlluii nf llif iiui.tlum niopillt ral.nl l'l lln in. tloM mil illmli tlio txuptluni, and it l onliiid, adjutlu'i d ami tl'1 irnil tlut tlie ildiinlai.i, .Ijiuci. I. IKiiincll, lil SLti, tiit.nil and niiplmn. I"' liricjflu pot puiullt iiijolit'd fiom lon-litiitln,' i (euto on tin- ilit'i'ion lino Imiui'iii Ills III ami llio lut ot iho plaiiuilt in mii li iiunnii ll'Jt tin '' tllaH I'Mrml ill m lliu land of llif plamllll u m itc di.tiiut ill in on In tlio land ct lln dif.lidant New Social and Athletic Club. I'oloni'l P .1. FlUaliniininh .ipiillotl to (nun .w'stt'itl.iy i'oi- ti ilidiui' j or Hie South Hide Social and Atllli'lli' I'luli. Tlio hiilisi'illit'i.-- am I'oiinty t'oniniis. sinner John J. lurKln. foiiiily An'Utor W. 11. .Inliiis. itfioiili-r of Oct'iLs l.'inil lionn. i limits (1. l.mwui, John C. Hchiiuli ami W'lllluin Tannler, SUMMER FURNISHINGS Our new stock of fabrics specially adapted for this season, is now complete aud comprises all the uew novelties in Porch Rugs Porch Curtains A Fibre Carpets Straw Mailings Summer Draperies WILLLAriS & flcANULTY Temporary Store 126 Washington Ave. Carpets. Wall Paper. Draperies. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILRQAJ Schedule in Effect March 17, 1001. Trains leave Scianton: G.4D a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg' and tho West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, and for Sunbury, Hariisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg ond tho West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, week days only. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury. Hazleton, Pottsville, Hariisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .r. n. IILrnilN&ON. Gin. Mgr. J. U. V.O0D, Ucn. I'us3. Agt. Delawnie, Lackawanna and Western In l'llott Dec. '.'. 1000. Soulli l.citc siunlon (or Xm Voilv .it I. ICI, ,11)1 r. no. seo and 10 0"i ,i. in.; lJ.Sr, 8JJ (i in. Vtip riiilulolilil.i -it S (10 jikI 10 0" a. in.; l!jri .niid ;i ;; p. m for Mruinisiwri- .it li III p. in. Milk .iCLOinm.'ilition nl .110 p. in. Anivc .it lloliokcn Jt l.-'O. 7.1S, 10 JS, U 03, .1.15. LIS, 7 l'l p. in. Anne ul I'liil.-.ddplii.i .it 1.0(1, 3 21, 'MKI and i-'ii P m AiiIvp fiom New Voil. .it 1.10, O.M awl lO.'iJ i in.: 10". IK, r. 11, S n .nut 11 ..o p ni. 1 loin stioiiU-uiug .it S03 a. Vnrlli I ciic '- i.mli'ii for tlulTilo iml inlrr nitiliali latlini'. d 1.13. 1J3 ""'I '' IH1 a. m ; 16.1, aii .ind 11.13 P. l". ''"I Oiuea.0 anil .stiai'iirc at I'.l"' a. in. nml 1.35 p. ni. Tor l'tl( t nl 1 10 i in. "I"' l."1"' !' "I. Tor ilon-tic-c at C"0 a in; 105 and 3.IS p. in. Tar MilioNoi' l I 0" 1,,a ' ' I'- '" lor llhj? luinlon it lu -0 i. An lit: In Scrintnn from Unllalu .il I.-', - "'3. 3.1 1 and 1000 a. m.; "1.0 iml t.Ov' p li I'ro" O-wcgo and luu-c it j 55 a. in.; I '' J"1' O P- '" ' mm I'tii i jl 2.OT a. in; li .'3 and l.."0 i in, lroin Mihol-uii at 7.30 .1. in. and 0 0(1 p m. I'lom Mintiii-i" it- 1 1")" a- '" : "-'" ""ll s"1 I'- '" Hlooni-liniK 1 iil-li.n-l.(H( Niatiton for .Nmtliimilictliii'l. at I. 15 10 05 a in.; l.,Vj aid 5 50 p in. l"r I'ljinonlli at 10.5, 3.10, h 00 p in I'oi Kingston at h.ll) i. in. Auiic at .Nortlunnlicilanil at ') ..5 a. in , 1. 10, 5 00 and s r ii in Srihf al lvinK-.ton at S 5J a in. .iiur .il I'hniiiilli at -,10- ''- !l '"' I1 '" Anno In Si.ranli'11 li""1 Noilliumlici I mil at fl IJ a. ri.; 1 150 and h 15 p. in. I'rom Kincitun at ll 0.1 an. 1 I"'" l'l.tniuntli at 7.55 a. ni ; .J 20 ad5.:5p '"SIINIMV TinlNS Sinilli- l.ivio siunlon al 1.10, ..'00, 5 50, Id 0.5 p m . .. .li and .. in p ' Nnitli l.i.nc t-i lantwii at 1 15, i 15 a. m.; 1 55. 3 lJ and 11 15 p. in lllooin1mi: Unl-iuii '.crai' tuanton at 10 0j in. and 3 50 p m. Lehigli Valley Railroad In i:n.t Mauh .!. 11H)1. Tor I'lillidolpliii and Not li It nl 0 15 ami 11.55 a Voik ia I), t II. aid 'J. 15, I SI (III uk Diamond llxprt-o), aid 11 ..0 i ,i... It .1 II- It. II . I Til. S.-17 n. in in. sun. rn'i Wldle Ilitni. IhMon and piin.-ipil polnti in the mil region-, li D. .v II. It It., n 15, " IS and I IT P in. I'"1 I'litlnxlllc, I. .'7 i tn. "lor Ilclliklnnt. I'ii-lrii. Hndliu, II iiiU'iors and pilinipil liiliiintdian. -t itinn') lit I) .. II. ! It, 0.15, 11.35 a in ; i.li. 1 J7 (llluk Dn in'ond 1'xp.i-). II "0 p. in. suiidit-, D. k II. 1!. K , 1.5s s"7 p. in. lot- 'liinkliitmocl, I'ottindt, I'luiita, Win a, Clniota mil pundpil liiliiiiuiliito -tallow, m 11., h. .X. . It. -s'te " "' ,'u" '""I " '" '' 1'u'r (Jtncti, Itoilo-t.i. IlnPiilo. Nimaii Pallj, f IiIlisd and all point, tti-,t, tit I) .x II. lt. It . 1115 .1. III. .i.'l IIiI.uk iirniiuiiii Lxpiis-j 10 11. II .ll P. ni. Siindl 0. .x 11. It, Jl 55, 'J7 p I" , , I'lillniin pnlt I i'i'' -lcpplns "' LpIiIuIi Valley r..i in- i us on an iiain Imtttppii Mlkt- llirio aid Vti "i 1-. l'liilid(lilili, Iti.tf llo nfid Mt, iirn-ltin Un lso liOI.IIV II w n-nl II (ipi .supt., 2il Colli ind .'u C'oitland Al , S, uth KtliLt. l'tt X"ll r iiiii.i:s s i.i :, Hi u I'a-i t , Hit. Ii- -tint. Noil .oik. a w ,omiiin 11, II. ll 1., Ml. I' I. I'oi lliktt- and I'ullii.iii lP-p-tiilioni applf to ;W l.ai katt nun ilti'l u '. S union, Pi, Central Eailroad of New Joisey. stitlon- in -tt "ik foot nt l.iln.ily -tunt, c" It . and fJtitli 1'niJ. 1 itj tmii.i: in r.irnr ov .'5, i'i I'nlm Uaio Kianli'ii lei Nut" iul Scttaik, rilalptli, I'lillatli Iphia, lai-lon. Ilitlili In in, l U ot n M.mli H'""1' '""' wl,il" ""','' -'l '" a in . cxpii". 1 1". I'"'- :l'"" ' ln' !"" ... .. ir. I. in 1'n'r Pill-ton and W ilkm-llmp. KM i ,i mi ,, in Mindijs, a I i p ill "'"(Ir ll.'ltl.i'oK -"'I WH'liliiktln a .M i. in I. HI I and points Slilltl li nml Wrl '' l' tlililuio. s . 0 ,i, in , i rj, ,, ui hiindatrt. '.'.13 p I 10 and ' ' . ' ... ....I. il I!,,... ... ... I'oi l.lllln ItiaOLll. u",i" ,.., ... , in c, .11 ,.l 1.10 P. III. ' I'ur ItiJilln-. krlniioii and lluul-lntr,;. xh M. lilltutMi. b.iu ' ""' '", I' '" sillltl IJ-, " I'oi I'olint lilt, Sin i in mid I 10 p. in 'lliimuli tlik' I- I" .'II pnliit "'i "'"Hi iii'l mat al luMii ritin at Hi'" tiition. II ! IHI.I1WIN. tli li. IM- V't. .1, II. 01.11 l SI.S, tii n Nipt. v . -. Irw tf- mBmxfSB lAfl 1 try :t?-1!L& Time Caul in rfftct Dec. :10th, tVOO, SCRANTON DIVISION. laJTawT"' oe &i i'he bTATIOV. f Vzi Isllilj II '12 i I fl "1 . AM jj .' 7 io vi v w ijiiMj.v ' s n- I i;j" PM " " "PM Pf ,,1015 ins Al Cadnnlii I.t . i 05 ISO 1010 1(1 " llaniMl. . " 3 114 Tb 1031 a IS " Slurlll'll " JK1 (S ,.to:t til " .Innoii I'aiL. " ... 2 suss . 1015 125 " WIiiuoihI. . " . 8415 15 ...1000 J10 " .lojruldlf... " . 360611 , ... 'J v l Aj. ' nrnou. . " , a 68 & cS UHJItlt 1 li imaiit Mt , " . 3 01 5 f u 'JIIHi Lnlulnlillv , " . a IX) 6 31 ,, S.itllll lortH til, " . 11U6I8 ,,,, pst diiii.'i " luiboiiiiaiaVii " afaias'i ,.,.840 UIOII'.-'J " I'mbou Into "7 00aSI5 5l ,. aSd Hill " tXllllo Hll.tLTi'. " 7 01 . BSI llbltl II " MitlUlilYil " J Ml 115 18 ,. f. S3 'J 01 II 11 ' lalMd "J073U(il ,. B20HMIIU Jillinjll "7UJJ1S61S . i W 1.111 1 1 tlilllmll " 7 13 61 bill . HI8.m1II(;I Ulnl.,0 "71'361UU . 619 8 III ll) M l.-ktllli' " 7 j:'S 606 IS . nil miiDM oiu.ii.iui 7 . . 4 cn 6 :i . dll 1 10 III h) " I'lkihuip T Vj 07 1: 4 ,.. 809II0 " 'tlllui.i " T SH lOCK . bCn KIMOI' ' I'rutl'IPIlir " 7 IM I4C.11 . GUI t01 " link I lace " i M17bS? bU, Ktoio ii.t birinKni ti :i'H,0t,S5 Plit IM IM IU PM H.ll AJJitloiiat trains If art. I arkomlalf fcr Mattula md 6-IS I'm rtrint tii ila,onJ 7 bOptil ftumluy gnlx.airitiua mMuvnill aril V CU pni au.! 8- Cd pin a.aittiitiioln4liav i'i raiitoiiut-nii'inhiinaflti till, itoniiiijiiltallilalluna l.i I arloimak. amtuiji al 7 la m. i J train liatra Matac'.l Yar.l Wr rarliuuaali al tl.aai Uall),orrUiiigat (oiiwo'liloato. iam. Itate.i - .(-until pec mile, , I.oncat Iditt'i tn nil rnlnts West. V. c CNOCHSON. Cid'llaia'r Afiii iw VurLi ilj. . t. wusn, I rav. Airnt, frrraaUu. 1. v'M'l THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital $1500,000. Surplus $500,030. United States Depositary. Business, personal and sav ings accounts invited. 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Open Saturday evcuings from 8 to 9 o'clock. Wm. Connli.i., President. Hi.nky Biun, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm.TI. Pi.ck, Cashier. Lager Beer Brewery Mannfiicturera or OLD STOCK PILSNER 435 to 455 N. Ninth Street, .PA Telephone Call. 2333. NEW YORK HOTELS. vvSlnsteii hotel for. Sixteenth St. and Inlnj I'lace, NEW YORK. Ami'ili.111 I'I in, si.Ml Pa- lHy and Upward'. I'uiopean I'I in s,oo per iy and tlpttatd t-iin i ll Ititts In r.innllct. T. THOMPSON, Pi op. -- -------- l'or Business Men In tlio heart ot tho wholcsal district. For Shoppers S minutes' walk to Wannmnkors; S mlnutcn to SIoboI Coopar'a Bis fcUore. lnsy of acccsa to tho treat Dry CooUu Btorca. For Sightseers Ono blodc from B'wnx" Cari. glv Inir cany transportation to all pulntu of Intel cat. I HOTEL ALBERT NEW YOJIK. I Cor. Ilth ST. & UNIVERSITY TU J Z. Only ono Block from Broadway. -r X Rooms, $i Up. nao t """ Il'atuiU .... lli.I Tit 11. iriu.i inn iLMII lilt II O ltlllli:!,, ,n 1 1 l'l IU' irtliir.lmi. mill ut iiiipiorii Iml. .I...I lu...l. brut.il It HIXP1 mil liiitliiilirjuiiil (ijii; !'"' i ., u lllt '(I'.IICl l,ll".. Rutin ft.'), Timw nds , Nett Voik. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Dolawnio nnd Hudson, u In 1 tint Not, '-'a, tlion liiliu loi t ailu'iidalt lmt .sirinton at rt'0, Tu'i hK 10 1J '' l-'-W, l.). 3.11. ua.', S"i I) J3, J i7. V. 15. II 15 P m . I Hi a ill Kir limit ml lit- " -u' )IU" " ; -' ""' " " V'vm WilUHllirti .!. 7. IS, J.. 3. 0.M, lot', 11 5. a I" i 1'J'. - . -'''' '-r' " W 1" '! II all p. HI. ,. , l'. I, II. 1! l"t -U. I'i, 11 05 a in ; J.jj, I-J7 iml ll u ,1' ,'" ,, ,. I CI IMili'tlU'il-i 1!. li, poll Is t). 13, U.3J j, ... ' IS IIIU. I Kl ' l'or AH any md all pc'.nU north o ;ii a ,, ami M'. p. "- sUMIU IHMNS. l'or I'liU'iidili.-UlJO, Jl.J.) a. in 0 17. 10 aJ l. "' rut WilU.IUircJ, ll..w a ni as?. ...7.1-v "'.., , II, JO.', lor Al"a'l " ('".." (....- p in I ,.r HulilMllll' 'Mil . and P. in. luttul lain tn un poims in iinini s,ai "U L"1iUll llllli It I. ! . M'ant N II, . I IIOss, II. 1". A, s. .(iiioii, l'l Eile ItnUiouil, Wyoming Division. I'nni' laldo In I lint Vpl. li 'i 'liauii loi llitli md K'ml puni'. i mu t. ni' al llittlu ttill. .i ic lallini'l lur New eik, 'wl.uix Bil ItiUniiwIljIi' iwliils lcivo Si ran. Ion al ".Oi a in and 'J.'ii p m. lulu., aiiitv al ftiantuii al 10. '0 a. in nnl IM0 p. in. His is :Ev. Woman - . W HlnlirtslulniiiUlii'iildKiintT t vS nlniiitiliawtiiiittiliil A ' S olA MARVEL NVhirlinq Spray ttt S; J tlie m tt filial S,rbf. ru-r V 5; i L i(. (, lion. llfSt sal C O-V" . crt lnl I'mm-iiiciii ' ilV3'" """ IlllraiunlutlaiillJ II 1 b) y v y -f-