Tm SCHAXTON TlUBlNK-TtESDAY, WAY li, 100.1. 5 ;xxxxxxxxxxx; inn Monr.n.v sioni:. Young Housekeepers Should visit our store before purchasing their housefurnlshing goods. You will be surprised to find how many useful nr ticles we have to sell that you never expected to find In a hardware store. We can supply you with a tin cup or a set of sil ver knives and forks and everything that goes be tween. Foote & Shear Co. J19N. Washington Ave :xxoooooococ THE ORIENTAL. Special Sale of Ftessed Glass Water Pitchers Thuisdny, Mny 16. 1901, com mencing nt S.30 u. in. They aio flist class goods, possessing a lustie excelled only by lenl cut glnss. If the pi ice wns placed nt 35c. it would convey n butter idea ol the value lepiesented. However, in older to biing you hoio to loolt over our nu moious. other ofieiings, they p. ill be sold foi one day only nt 15c Gruerver & Co. 205 Wyoming Avenue. The Baby's Trousseau 1 (ni pf llir in I intiir-tititr sulijieh lo tiiftln- "in wlioli' 'mi" n in nil" Willi I iitiinlni ictiiiiu In tlm wlmiii of t lio t.-inliuiis ni lit Hi iiilrnis li r Hit iliiiilli-l inil in ist itti uiih tu bt h id Our tlr-is;iiois .u.- tlm imPishi of llmr m i.uifp -ion I ho ((Mniliil VIIXOUI loill W nunl nc inn pnlnl Ini llibi s voinTe'it w mil mm (In it , uiiw in in i I Th? Baby Bazaar, i 510 Spruce Street. BiTSHiESaSSE Repairing Done Gratis. ACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOsX0 0 o I Gossip I 0 0 ooooooooooooooooo ?Ii Abo (!n i tibei-;oi who lias horn ctnpli.vol In .1 (i .iKi iniiiii, th" Vibolis il Kim i i. vi is ti ndoiid .'. fun - '1 i it pilot' li tin Yonrg .Mi n'h Dili v l'"iii'll( i lull .it their moms, on tiiiutli Washington avenue, Sunday iiliin. Mini lo Ins (Ii'p i. line for Pumpi H( Ini. mis lo v isi his Mils, wlii .no h lug in Allodia. IIi Mill li ti o on tlio iiiiihI breaking sti .unship, the "Deuti bland" Tliuis lu, and expei ts tu li- absent about six months It Is ten e.ns since he xlMU'd his home In Auslila. Menibois of tin oil ir City Whoel liicn In. hi a cluli dunce In nidi hmiM' list evening Thi iii'hic was luinisho I hj Mls-s Iteunlon. PERSONAL. ttuiiioi luin r -ui' in', n. .id i Milt tn I'lill 111. I.lll I in. i,v r, r t.iiM, nt i ni. c n.i iif, i. ,i iiitoi in Hip i It n ,m .trnl i,i. . S llllll Willi! , lit till Ini ll pilstnlttll, rH)l Slllllll ll III I llUlll" 111 t.lllllllllll Mtmlnv .l.'lni H. Hull-. l (unit il i.-huliv llllll I'lill 111. ilil, Will 1 1 liu IpplllllI 1)1.11' III Sllplltllt 1 ,Mlt I Mis Nplll lllll, Will' Of II llllllt, th, lill 1 IIOVM1 I'll. II HI Hill' till II llllll. Will -lil llilll-iln tut Klll.ip.i im tlm l iiImIiI.iiiiI " s Illtlll'ls I I L" l Iii I lullll. I ilile Ill llsllij Im I Kill.' til III! Ill.lllll Ipvk lll.iliil i, I ul i.f llil. mi, i, mi, it 'III still Mil Ml In Ill till nilllpllll llllllll Ilia nillli l-i.l tin 'uii, I .in inollic u,uL, i, I'll I miii, X I Hi' lipicsius in tlic i..iii.iii Sin K.lK tjpll.ilUl Iii iilumi im Ins linn niiiloM. ui.i u Iii lilt -it nil. .n MASTER GULICK'S VOICE. Physicians Hope the Wmm Weather Will Cnuso Inipiovement, Tho Iboohhn l.ttglo suys of Master i-'ml litilliU, tho wundeiful liny mipia 10, -wlio wna leieiuly unniiullutl tu nntel hl.s cimimviiu'iit to hins; in thu ilj: Ilii fjtt tint tin" jounj nun's lime i nuli ,1.1,1 lust to him, for 1 1 ii- inisint .it Iut, n oiiuIkii.iIi.I lo Mis' (inlli I. Mil') MIS Mill thi iioriiiiiK Im Iiuiiio, U7 llPilfmil .miino. Mas ,-l ( i ill n l luitlill tJlil. MJj Dtill dllll' tu iliii, but ilia Ilni' qujlll "1 III uUc lu'i ill ii)ilinl I In' liiltfmtiiiic i lino Mul.lilili .Hi I .Mtliout llliln-' .ili'l lulluuiil .in ittitk uf Kill1, ttliltli uiiJniilillillj alliitiil III" ioi il mills Hie iliiionri nine a littlt uui u luuutli jy.i, w lieu liu as rnikul Js I la' duIuisI ji tin liiuiUtt if thi' I'tilillsliir' .u-o. lalluii, IuIU on (lie nllit f Wjsliliiluti'i liiilliili), ui tin W.ilil'uf -I -I I J -Inn! tlmi In' lu li t Jiiuifil In iiiililli'. lie is Km unilir lOiistJiit tiwtnuiit li.v a (Jin jii throit ioii.ill. nt J lie (ili.isl- i n, )lis. (lullik Mul this moinliii', Ins Kiiat I ins tint I liu 'wnii uiutlici nu uM in it.tuv ini; In i' ttn'i u!i i', but ut tliu jiik' lie lii'l l wit lio poclliM! hopes ill tills illlPUlou. Mditcr diilUk is II jcJis obi, but Ills an-ir 1 i- lioin i ifiiur'.t.ibli' one jud wine of hi I'igle inKJiirtiieiiti luio liettcl lilm us iiiiuli 3 Vi, lie t'Jil Hie lionur uf kliuiliK Wfwie tin) I'llilitit anJ )hi MiMuIf. lwtli In .New nrk. ml jt tlic MjltV HoUsP. IK', in ioiuuu with LJ 1 Ills tuollicr, wrrc tlio ifihllv linllnt kiicH t llif Imt lripitlnn itliPii In t'olond lloofrlt nt tlip pscrnthe tittliflvn III Albltil. Ulirn Ills mollicr illstotrml tlnl lip wn lixlru- Ills oli s ilip Win rolnilclil) inlril(il aii.l i Ur l (utiflticil to her lull for a MrcV. CLOSINa OF CENTRE STREET. Some Couticllmeii Relieve D, nnd H. Should Reciprocnte. Ccitnlii of the mriubeis of the coin mnn council n mo oiiposed to the .j)ii.ttnK0 tit tliu tinllnnnce tucrntly In tMidllcetl litnvlillllK' for the cIomIiir of fontor Httct't, between Atlllllu tt venue mid the r.itckiiwiiunii ilcr, ttte litlU ins? of n toinptomlso. 'J'hoy uiKtte that tin' Ui'ltiwitio itiitl Hiu Won itiillt o.ttl loinii.itiv lll ho ety ntnti'ilnllv bcnelltted liv the i tn-iiifr of this pint of lhr pticnt, nnd thtil lltnterolp It nhotllil be Willi? lo do HiitiR'thliiff In lolinii, Tho soniethliiii that they miKRCHt Is tin letnovnl of the phtlfotni of the Steel Wot Its fiolfilit nnd pnnveiiKer slnllon Mont I'heity Btii'et. Am 1 RPiu'inlly Known, tin- station plittfotin coinpli'U'h .shuts olf Cliet i v sin el, neitf Its liiU'iM'i'lInn Itli limn ItiRton nNcnitc, anil xchlilos me oIiIIkoiI to (lihe way mound the plittfotin tu Ret to r'hciiy sttci't on the other slut. Soxetnl putlllons Iihl- bi'Mt jm-o 'tiled to t uttiit Its iisklni; lint s'eps b" l.i!cn to hau the iiliit .i tu loniosptl, but nolhliisr hits i M't b ' n doii'.' In the nuttier. It Is inin i thin piobtbh Unit the oidlniiiti'e will b K'l'ti.l to .i spei'nl eiimniltttT' on 'I'll ti,sih'V nlKliI, wlt'i Instiuetlons to (u"lcr with the ulHi'luls of the i'ompnii., v Ith the ie,s of Ret urn? tl.llll to .IKIti' I lilO lUlilOMll t the plitloini, In '.!' tin tne.Hiiie is parsed, RINGLING BROTHERS' CIRCUS. Will Give Two Pertoimnnces in This City Today. The Klimllm? lltothois' rlntis p hil.itcd in i e Ncstcidny to Rieat ciowds nnd villi bo scon In this pit' this aftpinooit nnd coiiIhr. The Willsoi Untie 'hull's of i'enliiK bad q follow in,i ubout the show: "P.j lenson of the fact Unit the HIur litn? j?totlH'is' ill ens bus neor juld but one islt to Wlllsi's-Hiiiio, and thai ns fai back as lsOl. iniinv thous ands oC frhow-Boeis in this fily and kini.y Mi'io nio-t nstreably dlsap polttti'd today by the inaRiiltudp ol the tttmntis oiRattUatloii. In cntisoiiieiue of this the niosL evicting cilties hand ed down a ety Mekonie eidht, and it must b.ic hopti Riatif.siiiK lo the Jbssis UliiRlitif? aflet the pi'iloini atiii' this atteinuon, nnd the decision was that Hip aRRiPRntion N the 'IiIr est and best in the wot Id' "To be sine, that opiessoii is a sti'U'olypcd one tis applied to i ii cusps, lor ,i m.tjoiltv of them hae held ,i jialont on it until it has i tin out and nil ttaelhlR liti'tisos fioni the doj?, pmiv nnd niotikpy oiltllt to thoso who Juno l Ispii to ihipp-iltiR lnopoitions, lime license to use it. Kill alter look ins? oet the UinRlInf? ThotltPts' otttllt and wltni'ssiiiR its ast iiuinbci nC Rill i iIrpi! fp.itttK"-. all admit that this famous ttio ol iliuisinen ate mote en lltled to the patent tiRltt thin nine tPtiths of those Mlio have been woiUlui? it to death since the dawnitiR of the white tout eta "Tod.n's paiade was, 1 1 diii i'ety point of lew, one of the most elnboi nte stteet exhibits et seen in tlio eitv, baititiR none. It was made up ot llili ty sections, so iliidd that one eoulil leadilv scpn.lto the iopiespnlaties, animals and people ot the ntlous cmintiies of vhleh tbev ate natUes " Tickets inn be had tit nnv time atter S n'clocls this mniniliR' at Mat thews Utothois ilttiR htote, at l.aeka i.inim and AVashltiRton avenues, liotb ii soived eats and admissions ian be had. The iiii.tdc will leni the Riotiiids Motnptlv at 10 o'cloik this inoinlns. A GENERAL MIX-UP. Ciceio Wllinms Was Veiy Bndly Used Up Yesteiday. Theto was all kinds ol tlailble 111 the domicile of ciceio Williams In l.a uiotiil com t last eenitiR about (i n'Undi, at least if all that tamp out1 beloie IaRistintc Millar last night was tine, An ot ding to Cicoio's stoic, .Matthew Uudtoid and Ills wile lamp in shoitly nfti'i '! o'i lock and began to stir things up Tliev got into a iiiiniel and f!cd tniil, aciotding to Ciceio, picked up a banjo and bloke It nwr his i('iieto's) head. .Mis. Iteiltotd walked oer lo the stove nnd. picking up one of the lids, shied ii at I'lieto's head, cutting it open, but on aciounl ot the bald ness of his skull it did no lutther dnmngc. StiaiiRi' to n late U was IJedtoid who had i'Iumo nt tested lit st. Ho chained that rleeio stolen MO Itiini him and nllei a heating tlie tiingisliate In Id the namesake of the gieat oiatot in $!im) hall, Jle then Is. sued a wnitaut tor the nitest of Ued Iniil and his wife and both weie lined $10 on the ihinge of .thsaitlt and bnt tet,, THE TEDERAL COURT ROOMS. Repiesentntive of Sttjici vising Aichi tect's Offlco Will be in City To-day. A loiiimunliatloii was osteiduy n i civ cil nt thu posiniiiif. fioin the iillb i at Wiuhlngton oc tlto .sit)fi Islug ntchltect of gov ettiment liiilhllng.s, in w lib It an liiipoilnut utiuiiiinceiuent Is made ic ginilliik the ii'.uhsig'iiiient of lmiiiih in the Kli1pi.iI building. A ieiteiMiiitallvi' of Sup"ilstng At- lilted .1 i' Taylot'.s ollbo v.-IU be In tlio illv this ntotulni? and confer with the local iiillcliilb, The plnclng of the Kcdeiul nllli litis who mnlui Seiantnn Uieh hrnduuiii teis as a result of tho cip.ilioii ui tho Mew district Knlted Hlatc' I'ouit, bus ncce.-sltnted tho ie .ihslgniiieiii nl iiuniti't.s, and ns nhe.idv stated In tho Tilbtmo a dtaginm of tho looniis of the building 'wan pent lo the MipeiNlhlug uichltPit'is olllco f-ineinl dltJ'H IIRO. POLICE AND ALDERMEN. Dm. if I lie iitU)lliil'U iiliUtil up i )inlt,i lillli bUil, fiuiiil (in the tic,t jiMoiilii 'Hid doi; is 11011' It l.lll'l llClil.JUJllllS IHlitllls" .ill llMil'l. II ill) Ul in.-, a IU1..I...J Hi In,' mi 1 1 nihil, i iMiiiii', was Jiii.slnl ji-tiiilji jt (lie In.l.nue uf Mjnl-li itc Mill ii i.n Ui.' ilurue of inofjiilti, lio hjilni,- l.i'jnl liini iuiln' ui (,11'Jt ulJ on I 'i ihi iMuiio mi sulllUj uliirimon p IiiiuI till' lit: K, Jlallllljl .ilioiiioin InliU I'uliiu ut luio i avtiitu, tiiui was ui iiMul hi, I wnl .a tin iu.tJiiio ol Diroilur llllihiiih on lie ill ui,a of hIIIu liiiioi with, out ii lliiii-f .in I ol ullii lo niliiur,, was kliui I lualiii.' ik.UhIj.1 Jllcili'dn betvrp Makpatp MiIIji Nilthci ihiie was tuUluiithttil Jiul Hip luisonn (u ill-i I.Jlbi'il. lie IHudllicJ a Ikciiso to tlmw Hut lie bail the illlili'H of rl in' at tin,' liiiiubiT of I hi slni't ot ii hkh In Is knJlul It hail bun loiitrmlril Hut lip us sill llij; a lew il.wio ana llelil the plaec f'n' whkn tlic llinise was bsiioil Ask foi Kelly's union crackets, Smoke the l'ocono Be. olgtr, THIRTEEN HAVEJENTERED EDUCATIONAL CONTEST BEGINS AUSPICIOUSLY. Sciuittrm nnd Cntbondnle Young People Realize the Gient Oppoitunl tlos Offeicd to Them The Reason Why All Young People Should Piepaie for Their Ftttuie Cniecr. How to Piepaie Theie Ale No En tiles, ns Yet, fiom the Submbnn Towns These Should Be Rcpie sented Send in Your Name Today. - Yestci day's Entiles. AiiL'iil llittniiri, ,lr , 17 mtli Mini ( iiiIioiiiIhIp, Hum s, liwn.tpr, TU l'llltun nwnup, sci Hilim. Ml vi lull. Miller, ;i I ilinoic an uui' sii mli. ii Miss .Villi i Mum Hill. IJV Ninth III. lull, l lIPIIUl, Silllllnll S U lllhm Mil,.,, pill, Wi.niilii,' mime, siiatitoii. (I W IHI im II, IIjii i, Id Aikpi aniuiP, Sit lllfoll 7. Allii it lain, Jilt U'.t.iiic iniiiii, Sum tun. S. C . Milliili-. '. Ninth Milti slint, in hoiulali ' Mi Is in siimIii, H II INiiu iiiliuo, Sinn- I'll lo 11. I.i ei 1 1 1 il m i , ,i i l.iilui m'uup, s, i m tun, 11. In-, r. nirl.rll stippt, Catlion- ihk. 1J. Mpipi piii, 'JIT I.IuiIpii tUPt, ". i.nitiii I. I.ilii.uil Inm-, 0 II.mIp I'uk aiuiiii', si i Hilim J) Tin Tiibiiui-'s second lldtti allounl I'onlest coninienied ci attspleioiisly .M'stciday mottling. Dining the da tlipio weie Uihtccii contestant" ttt l oiled, ten ol whlili weie lioni fc-ci .ni ton and tin ce fiom Caibondalc. This is a miiili mniis lnoiablc beglnnlns than was teiotded lust. jcai. as thcte iei(. only tlnce cutties the litst duv then As n ipstilt ot the eueigellc ininiiss cat lied on then, howcpi. The Tilbiino'.s lMiicatlonnl rontcsL bet. line so well known that It was i pei ted Unit this vcai's competition would ho looked lotu.iid to by a knge number ot ottng people i1. ho failed to take ad, image ol 'it the lb si time. Xot hae wo been disappointed Tito iiunibci bc'gltinlna the lbt dav is not onh l.n ge. but It is CNcoodingly lcp lcscntathe of the class for whom an dtiiaiional contest of this kind would I'spiclal at ti action, tlic ambi tious, enteiiit ising, euciRetlc joitng itiPii and women, who lo.illrc tlio tte mendous achanlage to be gained bv euulpplng tliptnsches to the utmost for tlio ii,iv with tho woild in tutiiio life, when keen wit and disciplined minds must ho met and coped with nt I'M'iy tin n In oidoi to hold their own, much less to win a place among the Icadits of the tiituie, the Miiing man and woman ol today must hac a special dtness ot tiainlng must hap cither genius or schol.ii ship, and it im.ii iabh Is hpttet Unit even genius should be dm eloped. The ago ol .spec iali.sin li.i-, dawned and the jouth who goe.s diieith riciin the public sihool Into the woikshop or ofTke has a far less ihiime of tllmhlng up to the top of the laddei In his i liosen ot acciden tal Mication nowadavhj than the Mittng man who pnteis U with a dec cloned, ciiltU.uod mind, that enables him to Riasp details at onto The lattei has a long Man or the loiinei in tlic ince loi Subuiban Townb Not Repieseuted. A foatttio ot the opening ol the ion test esteiilay was the tail that theie wcn no entiles Horn the gieat su buiban Hoi litoty udjaient i( Hcinnton and r.uhondale. Theio is a ast population in this tenlioiv and The Tiihuno goes into pny village, liani let and hotough within a iiidius of flftv miles. In this tci i iloi theie .no many .ouiir people who will stand an equal bunco with theli cit.v cousins II tliev enter the contest. Their Itlcnd.s tne as mum, The Tiihuno can letiih their town eaily In the moining and It contains their own homo news. lasl veat'h contest hud si wlnncis ft oin outside .Set anion, thus demon .stinting the tact tlint tho oppui tunltles tni canvassing in the iinal dlstilcts :nc lcally better than in tho i itv. Room for Moie Conte&tnnts. Although yestci day's opening was miuked by a latgo nuniber of entiles, llieie is ilium for many mote to come In, both fiom outside Siiaiilou and within. In the iit. theio tne iiioba- bl llioie t llllll L'U.UOl) liintllies, w lll( ll will allot d mom tor tony city contest, ants, or "uti tamilles to n lontcsiant. Of, ninny uf these alicadv take The Tilhitne, but the lonte.stants, to be .s,stematlc. will take a piuctlenl (Ciisus ol ew't'V limn-o and will not know he Is culling on a subset iber until be has explained his mission. No matter wheic a contestant icsidos, im or hhe nitty . tin ass wheio thoy pleano, or, lather, whoiu tho hope for the 1.1 patent success, lhittles tuny he sent In at auv lime dining the contest, hut all who begin in tlio oinliei pan oi ibe competition will mutually stand the hot cliinue to bo at the top or the. list when tho leal haul pint of it begins, when tho i'lly has hopii piotty thuioiiglily can vassoil nnd tltoie Is a foiinldable auay nl moused paitlcapaiits to in pi tuke, Heglu at outc. Don't deluj. The eight gieat .seholaihhlis offeted lo the I'lght young puitsons, of either son, wlio InliiR in tlio laigest number of liolnts In the durational I'ontest mo hiticly wotthy of a Rieat effoit, Tho ouiir man or woman who no. gleets mi oppoituiilty like this, If they shtLfiLly wish lo bottoi theh outlook for futuio success, Is foolish In tlm uNiteinc. Pot lull pintlciilais icriiiiI lug this ptnjecit, uddtess "IMItor i:du iiitlottal Contest, Sciantiiti Tilhiuie, rieiaiiton, IM." Membeis of Hiiam Lodge, F. & A. M. To uicinhcirt of Hliuili IoiIkc, t'ul, K. and A. 1 " runeuil .seivlits, of our late lh other l)i. ii. V,. Dawson, will be held at 17.VI Sauileisnu .neiitie. on Wednesday, May 1, 7.T.0 i nt. Inter- incut will e mude ut the uwuleld leiueletj, neur Meslioppen, Thutsday at I p. in, Senjccs will he In i lunge of Illtam lldse, J6I, K. and A M., and membei.s nt tslsler lodges mo Invited to attend. All ate lequostcd to bo at the 11. and II depot at ! a. in. Ily oiilor of W. .M Oigaus for Sale Cheap. You can buy a good second hand Or. gan aa low as $10.00 ut Guernsey Hall, J, W. liueintey, l'iop.. Jll Washing ton a venue, bcuniton. ra. CHANGES AT THE LYCEUM. Enlniging the Me.ius o' Egioai fiom the Building. Uv stiRRostloii of Hrconler .Molf, tho tlltcctor uf public surety, Colonel 1'. I. Hitchcock, a week ago made mi o nmliiutloii uf the liycptim then tor, and lalor ullRgesteil to tho ov, nets, the Casey lltolheis, Unit cettuln ihnimcs b" nmilp lo fiti'llllulc th emptying of lite hoits-o In cusp of llio or it pnnlo of tiny kind, Tho Citsov Ihothois plnii'd the liuit Ici In the hands of foi uicr building Inspettoi John Ni'luoii mill told hhn to linvi' such Impi moments nuulr as Mould lender the hottso absolulely stile. .Mr. Xi'Imhi tiiitdo it iiiii'int csimilna tlon nnd ilci Idi'd lo build u stout pint foi in, well Riiinilod, oulslde of the cells Ml tho I'clill iiM'ittin side, "o Unit the IniRP (loots then mid In the ten ol the Itinlll lioni of the theillei' c.ttt bo tin own open In the eenl of any dlilli'tilly about Rotting out on the Alcado side of the building. Then Is mi exit limit the balcotiv whlih also opens on ibis phttfoiiii, and tlio r.iIIoi.i can he emptl'd IhioURh the liinln stnltwav, wlllch Is piuelii ally In dependent of the thealei, IhiotlRh the i oi tldots upon which the dtesslng iioiiis otioi, iitnl thus to the sfigc nnd stteet by means of tlu stage door. In (ho ociit ot these being cut olf, tho people loinlng the gullet v citti pns thiough the balcony and theme, bv means of the stulrwnv on the I'cnn nxontte side, to the philfotui n ml the stteet. MEMORIAL TO VERDI. Supeib Conceit Given in the Lyceum Lnst Night to Commemointe the Gieat Composer. The rfinphon society mad" no nils take when It decided on a com oil ineiiioilal to the rtail composoi, Vend. The cent ot last night will long bo leiaembcii d. Tho si one itself was notable When the cm Mil -wont up It disclosed the Swiiphnny s((i.iy, with Its spiinkllng of maids in theh white waists among th" lows ol mi itiii-tuiited men As a bat kg mind suspended high wis a piotty d"lce node up ot the Aiuoi.i in and Italian I'rp3 sin lotmdlug a nl-iek-ft amed poiltalt of thu lllusti ions com poser, en ptofilc. Uannots ot Jlnlv and of the I'nltcd Mates icstod at In tel vals against the panelled wall, while a black diaped standaid ociu plcd the spin c at the light Cioui the upper bakon tows ol datk laics loaned with n tonsp, eaRei oNpiossion In their soinhte e.ces. The Italian societies weie out i't lull loico to do lionoi to their dead coun ti .man. The house pieenied a b' d llnnt apK.ii. im c The Iionos weie oi -rupled h inonilncnt lcpiesentathes of sole t c It ilos, among them heing Mis C. D. Simpson. Mis. H. IX Iliady, it , .Mis William Matthews, Miss Howell, Miss T,ouls0 Matthews, Mrs. William Council, Mi. and Mis. J. f. MiAltullv, Colonel L. A. Waties and paitv. Mi. and Mis II. r. Sandoison. the Misses Hand. Mis. C TJ. Scott, Mis. 1,. W. Hesslci, Mlss Hchlagoi, Miss Steions and othet s. The Svmphonv otchestia opened the piogrnmmo with tho Sjniphonv of Iloo tbnven, Xo. T, in C minor. In many respects It was the most satisfactoiv of the gnat compositions the'. atlon has ess.-oed. That theie should he linn h InipioM'inciit was to be o pcited, but that the noble andante moiemoiit In paiticular should bo ton doted with such superior Inteipioln tion mmo somewhat In tho natutc of a suipiise. The ovoitino to "Xahuico" was chainiliiglv glen, w hile the iniiich fiom "Alda" was one of tlio dlstlni t plcasuips of the oioning, tho wotk or tho lb si iolins hclng. pat tioulnilj no ticeable foi tnste nnd effect, T'nifcssor Tlombciger led In an In aphltmv way mrl his cincful, pains, ttiklrg wink wits novi slinwii mors definitely. The soloists of tho evening, nsldo I loin being the mines so familiar to music loiei.s, ueed'Hl bt.l tc ,ng a bar helot c tbev had tin? house at llielr foot. Tnev nolo n tilo of artists nnd Indeed It has heeii ninny i day since Set mil on has been tiented tu im h a delight, while nei"t In th hlstoi of the city s.-i mm li Italian opoir. hi en beatd Horn a local stuc,c Mndnmo Xoldl was a tiial Italian singer. In method, appeal anc" and pas sion, ito doiotlon to her ait. Young and bonetitiful, she mpliMited th aitdloiK o villi tho lh st ileal, limpid note of the niin fiom "I.a Tiusiatn'' Hhe bus a pine high .soptano, tho up per loglstor of whli h is supeib In Its flPN-lbility and sweetness, she was ,.u. toied lepiatcdly and si,iir one sunt, In 1'nglMi, "Tlic Last lloso uf Sitni nu'i." lit nothing was she mote satisfactory than In tho iamoiis ti lo lioni " b.ndl." "With her midnight hulr and the loses at her cot sage, ouo was (on .stantly besot witll th- ib'.slie to .ee her as "Cniinon " HlRiior Masslnnl lll be glvm a warm welcomp if ovot lie comes lioic aRitln Dlamntlc to a high degiee, his .splen did tenor Nolct! leit no loom (or (tlti sbm. Ho fcaug tho "ItlRoiottl" ballad with of tone and delicacy of Inlet picliitlon, anil was poihaps hoaid nt his host In the pilsou duet lioni "II TlOMltOIC." Ho leiehcd many piuoips, Slgnor Alketto, whoso baiilone wns bt'iiid to .such advantage In the trio ftotn "Lombaidl." was espcelallv pleiisliig in tho gieat solo "Ibl tu," whoic by tho wny tho on bestial iniompnnlment cantnlned an nttr.ctlo bit of Unto plalng by Htigeiic Hum SlQllor Alhoito muib as an oiicote th Toiemloi song, w lihli oi pi body wMied to hear, for it seemed eminently suited to him In wilio and pieaencc. The iciiu't'it was ceituinlv tho gtcat- est success ot r"c aided In the fluonl- t'lei of the S.wnphony society. Mav Its .shadow nor the Mhiulnw ol Its Rltted lcadtl never glo less The unci lithe I'lmiinltlet In chaise of the iclobin. lion was i omiiiisod of the tollowlng1 P. Cniluul luesldent' .1 A. Cus"ese, ho piosldcnl: .1 call.uioiie, socio- tnty: .1. 1. Kloio, tiensuict; Doll, .1 Villon". .1 C.nluctl, Hi . X. CitlllUOl, C. Moioxlul, d Plstonl. S Pe.M.ntlno, I. h. Kioto. O Plme, .1. Znuoner, P ltlcia. .1. Oblil, V. Htii im, .1 Cappy. lotto. " . - - "The Pioper Seal." The seal ou want Is the I'uloii seul not tho Tutsi seal It Is duut pi oof, genu pi oof u ml Uiu-i piot' Mann. liictuicd and delheied tinsh eeiy day by M. .1 Kelly's Union Home l!ikei DIED. Mlllul In the l.incitriiK) li)jiilal. at t ar bon.ljlc, on .-Jtiinln, Mi.i II, I ml, h. I nil NkhgU. luiipul luftflij l .' P in from i I.f ii'-klriieii el Mm till'ilnv llll'i.'li'ni, lni..o. I'a. AN AMBITIOUS PLAN AFOOT PRESIDENT AND HIS PARTY MAY VISIT SCRANTON. A Stiong Effoit Is to Bo Made to Have Them Stop Off Heie on Their Wny from Buffalo and Attend the Ball with Which the New Thii tecnth Regiment Annoiy Will Be Opened Committee Has Returned fiom Its Visit to Wnshington and Feels Veiy Hopeful. Colonel I.. A. Wattes nnd .Innies II Tin toy n turned fiom Wuslilngtou at h o'clock Inst night, after ha lug visited Now Yotk city and Washing ton, when- thc.v, loRether with the other inenibois of the ooinmlttoe, cn U'tided ItiNltitllons to Vleo-l'iesldeiil Kniispvpli and Meiiloniiiit (.ieneiul Xelson A. Miles to attend tho mllltiny bull with w tilth the new iiiiuiu. or the Thliloenth loghnont Is to bo opened. The comiulHoc l not onlv pel fei Uy rntlsfl d with the lositlt ol tltelr iilidl I'ticos with llnospw'U nud Miles, but llielr lilp bus unloldeil othet po"slblll lles hlthoito tilithotlght of, the rulllll tueni of whli h in e nhnost "too good to be line." Tho fact ol th tuiilter I", that (he pios.Miie nt tho bull of Itooseiolt mill Miles Is not only hlghli. ptohahle. hut tho chain os nie own that Ptosideiit McK1iiIp, Admll ll Di'twv nud llio entile paitv of ills, tlngtllshod jioisdiis who tile at (Oitipuli Ing tho ptosideiit on ills tinns-coulln-entul I lip will gtaie tho social nfflr. It nin bo upinopi Into to state bcio that It Is the de-dio of the iueinhei.s of the Imitation (oinmltteo to inteKillv lolinlu f i mil at oltslug within the hosuni of tin public nnv inlso hopes ol the pipsoniK of tho ahovo inontlottpd lllus ti Ions pet sons at the hull. Tho com mittee has not leeched an nniiialllled pumiise lioin an of the nntlonnl ce' l.ilties and wish the local public to take nolo of that tact, so theie will be no I.iIpi disappointment". WHAT 'I HP. COKOXHN SSTD "We do not wish to build tho suc cess of (his .itlitlr upon untultllled icp toseiuallons," said Colonel Wnltcs hist nlRlit, "lint piesont cln iinislaiices ate so shapkv; thenisohos that It now looks ns though not onl. Wooseolr. and Miles would bo pipscnt. but the piosl (lont of ill" T'nlted States and a hair coii op tho most lllusti lous poisou nges in tin laud." A loilew or the Im idents ut the In- ll.uion i ommittee's flip will gio a licison s good an uppoi tunitv to ap pieciuti the aboc possibilities as the membeis of the lonnnittco lliciusehcs Congiessiiinn Connill, Colonel Will ies, M.ijm Hieiett Wan en nnd Jinnes IT. Tot lev, es( , ( ailed upon Vlco Pitsldent ooseclt In Xpw Yoik city on Satin day moining and extended their imitation Mi. Roosevelt hesi tated at (li st until Colonel Waties de scilhod ei ruKiblv what a decided Impetus his ptpsence and sanction would lend, to not onh the Thhteenlh icglnicnt. hut the National Gunnl of Pcnnsvhnnla. This seemed a new way of iooklng at tlio matloi and bink" down all hosltaniy on the pnit of i,ip tco-pipskleut. who stated that no would ceitalnlv ionic to Scianton if some Impel a the engagement at pios ent iint'oiscen did not pi event him. Aftoi a ion- pleasant (hat of nonilv half an lioin the cominitteo 'ivllhdiew. Tbev Immediately called upon .Non tenant lienoial Miles, who happened to be in Xeu Yoik, mid extuided an Imitation to him to attend the onon Ing of the at nun y. OeiiPinl Miles ie (luostod to bo pet mlt Ud to withhold his answer until he had looked ovpr his list ot itituii ougafientents. ne later stutod that ho would attend the opening it il woto nosslblo. Sl'iifiHSTIOX KI'.OM THUDY. Hut ing llioii inlet view with tile v ice piesidelit, 'Tedih" let tall a sugges tion that unwed the Invitation com mittee to hasten to Washington and begin opoiatlons to tnptuie the ptesl dent and his imitv for the led letter evening The ptosldeutial p.nty will he in Mulfalo on June 1.1. TIipip Ad Dewey and fieneial Miles will lulu It. and on June II the onlho i nn louise ol (elebtltios ate scheduled to pass thiouRh Scianton. If the date for the opening of the mmoiy Is fixed tor June II. can iulliienio enough be hioitght to heat tu Induct' Picsident McKlnlev and Ills pat ty to stop ovot loi it low bouts.' ConRiesstnan Cou ncil, Colonel Wnt ips and the icst of the (otntnltteo think il inn nnd tliev aio going to ptove It, ll siii h a thing Is possible. At Washington, cnniniuiileatlons weie opened with Seitetuiv of Agii itiltttie Wilson ami Posunnstei (leti etal Chillies H.ioiv S' tltli, w ho me with the ptesldentlal pint) In the west. Messis, wili-im and Snillh huvo vis Ited in this i Itv and huvo ninny fi lends heie, and they will expend nitiih uf their Piieiey dm Ins the lest of the ptcsidtiitlul nip, tiylttg to liiduto Mi. Mi'Klulpy to stop olf at Soiunton. lulliiPlii e will ho btiHight to hdtr upon the ptpsldont fiom othet dliee tluiis In the meanwhile and unless tip. lot soon i In tiuistam os should soon knoik the sthedtlle ol dales avwy, or tiu trill the It lp, the alius e-uu'iitloneil possibility will develop into dcllRhtitil pinbabllllles nnd lioni thence Into i"t tuintlcs. congicshtuan counell did not tettun with Colouol Wattes and Allot noy Totiov but will lenuiln in Wiilihmton iiulll Widuesda), M. J, NORTON ARESTED, roimer Saloonkeeper Visited Town nnd Wns Piomptly Nabbed, M J Xui ton, lot mm I) a saloon keeper ill tills ct), but how (if XcA aik, N. J . canto to town I'csleula) n a llille Mi, u'spleudfiit In a high hat and a Pi hue Albeit tun, but ho hadn't been nuui' Uiati a n-w limns in the i In when he was miostui by , . Count) lli'U'illw ,ov shun oil a iiiplas ssiitd b) foittt Xcail) 1 v .veins ago Mi Xoitoh Oils, Paints Malonejy Oil & Manufacturing Company, 141-149 Meridian Street, TELEPHONE 6S-2, SrSs, mm rj. v TO -T(aRvrjc- v,r & .k v mu, ja.J:".i v n ivji -iTS ".... 'i535-r3 - pV rixr . -yrrr CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. was ntte-dcil nt tin Instuncr of Uur batii .Mclilnnls, his housekeeper, who clungcd hint with doiiuiulliig her out of her wages P. c. Coniimi, of Olv phiint, went hbi bull, but when court I lino nit hod .Mr. Not ton hud left the clt). Mr. Connini was obllRed to fot folt lite amount of bull and ho iceetitl.v pltued l he "iiplits Issued bv omul in the hands ol Detective Levshou. Mr. Norton wits t tken to the loiitial police station, wboie he was lodged ovot night. i' will t nileiivor this laottllllg to IliiW lOllit I ('lease llllll oil bill. PATRICK GILLERAN'S FUNERAL. Requiem Mass Celebiated in St. Petei's Cuthedial. Ala n v ft lends nnd teluthes .ttte'itded the liincil of the lute P.itilck (lllletati I linn the liimllv icsldome on Not th Washington nvenu vostoi.lnv moin ing. At SI. IWet's citlndial a ipiiulcm niitss was i olehnled hv Itov. P. .1. iJourIi mil Intel tnont was made in the i.ithi dull oometciv. Tito pall boateis wee John ,1. Hiliov. P. J. Clliov, Wll lliim Kellv, Mlchifl CoiiRblin, John I'onl .1 ml Thomas K.tdgeii. - . Mm l Inge Licenses. William .1. li.iineJ I'lo.isiint Mt. Pianecs M Silget DaleVillc Andipvv Xot.nv IJ.'i Tctitli sticol Anna .Moiesio . ..1,-'J Albtlght nvc. living M. Hoiiwi . ...Ml Oak stiepl Ihnniii J. '-euiloss Ml Oak sticol John Motsa ..South Washington ave. Matv S.tllR.nt Second sttcot Kicd l.oltnei .! X. Washington c I .enii Hotiek Dimnioio snoot Special Rates it thi Diliivvuic and Hudson P.all toad and tetuiii on at count of tho musical i (illicit bv Mine. Scbu-ii-nn-II"ink JII-- Maud Powell and Mr. Fiance on Davis at the I, v count Tlieatn Tlie'silav, Mav JNt, 1 101: Time of tiain. Kates Wilkos-ISatio .. . 7 0", p tu ,i!0 Pittstoti T Ji! p in. .''I Ovphant T-21 p in Jo l"uiboiiiliile T.ii'i p in. ."'0 A Caid of Thanks. Mi and Mis. John II. Meieditll wish to extend thanks to t!i- lie-. Ml. Hop kins and P.ev. Thomas Do Ciiuchy lor soivIlcs lendcibd at the t uncial t theh (l.iughtci. Hdlth: to the loader and choir of the Jackson siuet Dap list i Inin h. the Sunday School teacher. Miss Iteniella Hvans, and diss; also theh Menus and iiciglibois foi theh m.inv klndni ssos and s.v mi..'li.'. Tiy the New 5c. Cignr "Kleon." tiutnanlped long Havana fllloi. A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist in the world today. Compared to any necessary investment in business, UieprofttfromaTELEpHONE is incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE AND SUPPLY CO Manager's office, 117 Adams aicnue. SpeciaS Notice Recent and advanced scientific piinciples ol constuictioii tender the Mason & Hamlin Pianofoi tes instalments par excellence. This .statement is home out by musician-, whoie iccognied lolty positions lender lo their wouls an e,-cathedia loice. A lull stock ot these instiiimeiits may be seen at the w.ueiooms ol LB. & CO. i;il-i;;:i WasHinon Ae. Ladies' Jackets and Skirts We Make III I .0 hub J- 1 .' I it '- III till' hud 'I be nut.' ol 1 1 In, liui'l ami .ii. ' lie all 'mint (hi ,.uliL. Iml. i, liu 1 Ji Jll in,, i ill lie (ir I ..ii b li'l lei iP ie.ii all) i hue Kin? Miller, Mercliant Tailor, 1U0 SPRUCE STREET, $$ and Varnish A Snap Tnily It's to your interest tfl keep in touch with what we tell you in our ads so many pleasant surprises are printed about our Green Valley Rye Just take one swallow, you will take mote we are sure. " I. mil ArtUitr .'ara tt.lN " ll..H.I.. C ll...nM flak n.. (Irliltltlii 4. .Inltnmn. Vli Dri Arthur II. Christ) , Cshler f 4 Capital, $100,000 Surplus, $100,000 -- -f f f 4 f f ai iiiusi mm soft SPRUCE STRCP.r. Comt House Squme, SCRANTON, PA. liitfit'st Paid Oil Silnj,s Accounts a A I IIIOIlll p In in (liutor to icecpt 4. 'V all 111 mil. 1 uf I iiisls, In mt it 4 . llciolni, 'liu-tir, l.n.liili 111, AilmliilstiK In in I.Miiitm, nrui: i ,r 11,1, itinK no piotiit. 4 . JC nl lij tin. llnliuiH l.lntlk Mum . Dlkl.CIORs Z, I- A. N utrcs, (I. s, Jnlininii ' "T Wm. I". Ilallstciil I!, I. KhiBSbu-y Kverctt Warren Auk Rublrwm .loe-pli O'Url-n Jtt f tttt Lawn, Timothy, Clover, Millet! 325-327 Perm Aienue. Don't Worry Alioul tint katlin "-l 1 1 C s: 01 II VXD BM1, We !me 1 I .io wsoiimcnt of llicm at liu 1111, III' I'lill I s, in fait ian ,-JK ,1.111 11 pei cent oil all ipuUlirs 412 SPRUCE STREET. The Climax Window Awning ... $1.75 Hundsome, convenient, dui nble, cheap. It can be put up by anybody no tools or ex psiieme lequiicd. It is not only fust-clnss but distincly gilt edged". Awnings have heietofoie been made to order only and lequiied the service of an expeit to put them up, and the cost has been in most cabes beyond leach. We put the pi ice within speaking dis tance by intioducing the Cli max. Sles to fit eveiy win dovv foi sale in Scianton by Wr tCOMOMY CREDIT YOUf CERTAINLY! 221 -223-225.237 WYOMING AVENUE. SEEDS B i Vin, ji jfevg!e'lt'A- m.-f rtw