The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 14, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    c vv iftw n h,fVii .wjv- --ra 'f wMf i -fim tn-w n r-v -uvv 4 ("a.--'-
vt v----. ' iArr'' --wt-- V' Ktv'v-iirri ' '-"H"-""!-? ,r-n i i" r -tCt -wttr-nva if pt ',ii&ififityi,iFFf9Xvfi. -' iV,xy,xMtuvfm.Kn,tL''fi ivn3r
- &-V try'
. -
An Excellent Conihiimtion.
The pleasant method nml beneficial
cftccts of the well know 11 retnetlv.
Hrnop or Finn, liiatiitfitelured by tho
Camfohnia. Kio Syiiup Co , lllnstrato
the vnlucof iibliiitilnu; tho liquid luxn
tlvo principles of phints known to bo
medicinally laxatixe. anil tircsunliiig
tlictnintlic form tnostrefreshintfto this
tasto and acceptable to the n.VBtein. It
is the one, perfect htroiiKthcnlnp laxa
tive, cleansing tho sy.slem elVeotnally,
(llspelliti(r eolds, headaches and fevers
Kcntlyyutpiomptly and enublinpono
to overeomo habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and bub
htan'ce, aniUtH acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating thcin, make, it tlie ideal
v 111 tho process of munumcturiii-r tips
v nio used, as they are pleasant to tho
taste, but Ilia medicinal qualltiesof tho
remedy nru obtained from henna and
other 'aroniatie plants, by a method
known to the Cxmfoisnia Via Syrup
Co. only. In 01 dor to pot its bcneilcial
effects and to aoid imitations, please,
remember tin- fullnameof theCompany
printed on tho fiont of every package.
I,OUSVII,L,K, KY NEW irons, N. V.
rorsaloliyjll J'riiRKlsti. I'ricuriOc.pcriiottlo.
Ice Cream.
c Quart.
'JtlejihoneOrderi Promptly !! veroi
,-3.-3:17 Adams Avenuo.
At Retail.
iirilir- ipmir 111 mi I .iltcnlmn loi umi w
1 r 1111 ii.ii I ol IIm cili fm toil of lx-1
. 1 1 1 x 111 ilointii- u-i,
1 ti 1 1 1 1 ic- loi slcini mil fulfill innpn k
1 p 11 1II1.
It-' of Jjcilitir-, tor -ilti niliii.; ti nli at
I111U1. '
People's Coal Co.
Irkpli.inn Jw. 0Hj (Mini, 'luifh i-trul
Bird, 11 I ilium 0fnril iti'l 'linlli
1 f-f-f-f-f-t-f t -r
" 4-
0 , l. V l' lln liniiiiiin iiiiiluwil
in lln I iiktuiiiiu I uliuitl uuiiol ill ii pril
i nun.- u-tiulii
I) A If I' XX m- lln Hi! in in mil Mini
s 1 MHipnii piiil cc-tmlii it the llnMim mil
I'llllKMIIll, Nn J, .., I mil j.
I Mil II IS MMM.'IM.I -I i.l .urn 1 mil
Ml 1 111 llouil,, 1 III ol IliK ilt, UPli Hill
ml MrliMllll lij M itrNli Hi U, - villi ,1
llll- Willi- Ml 1111 uiln in m mi
Vitin Wuiiihi'i ( lui.tiun iwociitiun li','
Mill pK.iM 1 111 11 Hum In .it mm
I.OUI IM. IIIMI.III - III. 11 will li 1 urn, ii,
mil iimii'liiu' lji!in 111 mli 1 11 1I1 HUulo
1 1 ;li i!Ip -. InnUliI, ilun tho 1 lull k mi, li iiltu
11) tin i IMllislll iiiij tnuiii mi. 111,
i ill pli Hi ' lulling' Hi.' iiin-i Hiuiili
ui.'iiiuiil li mi nun 1, III. lnniliii, ul tin . lul
XloMIII X Ml I. MM. Ill' IMIII I lolls ,
11. nihil liu.lii,,' ul ili,. illnitol- ot tin III -i ue
Ml-Moll Mis li. I.I lli-L nulit, Tllll lln UporK 11
1I10 ni.i-iiiii .mil Miptiimrniliiit it ml lln
lutir'-, l Hi niriii niinl tli it tliiio 11,1c thiiti
ll.illll.-l .It wllkll M) pllullH Mi in ml
inn Hiiio Mis oiiu niimiilnit ,111 1 Initio
)U1MIIH .1-1.1 ll III pllllll 'Ittllu pill I01I.IIU1
Milt (,1m 11 .mil on,' liiniihiil nml I'm in, ,.
111. 'lun loin In n tiro mills Mm, xiwn
mil nlii. 11 1 uln Wslts mill, II1110 win (mi
lllllllllll III I MlllllJ llllll llstlllllilllls llnl II i IK
V l mil lil 1 ills 111...I1
Delegates Repiesenting C. T. A. XJ.
Will Gather Heio Tomonow.
In Hi. .lnlm'h hull. Pino Hiimi!,, to
lniititiu tlu iinnniil i ninention ul' llin
l.'.itliulli' Tulill Alistineiii i illilim uf the ot Su.inliin 111 open. It will
be an liueii-ttlm,' KUtht-iluK unil a
111 so amniini of iiiinii tain liuhliic(,h
-lll In' tiniiMU'tiil, lui null sir tho I'lt'i
tlim ot ollld'iis nml ileli'Kulos in tin
nNllonal (iiinciitlun to lu held In Au
ifiist unil the seliitlnn nf a plate lor
ho (li t. 10 pai.ule
Woillio.siluy iiIkIu tlH' delegates win
lie BlM'li a tiolley tide abmii the city
nml lln Hllliililis I))' the meiulieiH iii
t, Jolui'h Miiloty and utloi waidh will
be tendoied a joiepllim ut tin. sm lo
ty's linll on Capinist. uemie.
Senntor Dowling- Will Talk Betote
Catholic Hlstoiical Society,
Senator V, J, Dowllntf. "1 New VuiK
Mty, will toiiiBht iiolivei tho Hi hi of;
me .iay i uiiroo ol icuuios planned
by tho LMtluille Hlstoiical hiiclotj. IUh
topic will ho "Patliollo Uamliiiuilci
n Am'rka"' and the .sale of tickets in-'((.att-h
(hat theio will be u '.uvp nuiii
Lrr In atioiiilane-
Iiiimcdlalely after the loiiiuo ihe
senator will be lendeied u ter. inlun
iy the lliimhci.s nf the so
"'ety and ol the KnlRhLs of L'oliinilni,
pf which oiy,'.nUalluii he Id ii muulicr.
Tor Female Complaints
iiiul diseases aiNlntc linm ,m Impure
htate of the lilmnl I,It lity'n Coloiy
Neie ('iiiiiiiiiiiii Is mi liwuluuhlu p.".
cllle. tfuli) h .Matthews, lirvs.
Deputy Maishal Snyder An eats
Huzleton Man for Opening Letter.
The Ilift nnest miido by an ollleer
of the new Kideuil toint dlstllet oc
elli i oil Tildiiy. when Ueputy Mm shut
.1. Sit) del' at i "ted ('hailes Uiuuh
at llalntnn on the Limine of oihiiiIiik
iiiinilii'p man's leller. lie was Riven
a lioailni; hefoie Ooinmhslnnei' t'. 1'.
Hill, at HiiKlctou, and iioi ill t tod, as
the elileneo wan not nitllleleni to hold
A man mimed Smith swoio out the
win i nut. He was formally employed
In the punie IuihIuokh house as Ditich
but icientlv left It und atuitcd tin
n M'lituie of his own, The iiiulleuliir
letter In iiieslliii hv nil.suike went to
the plate wheio .Smith was roimeilv
employed, and wiih theio opened, and
later taken buck to the post olllee.
Smith, on leeolilmj It, suspected
111 noli of openliiH- the leltei, but lit
the lieuiliiK the latter pioved an alibi
by Khowlnir that he was at Philadel
phia on the duy the letter was opened.
Boaid of Contiol to Consider Them
Next Monday Night at a
a Special Meeting.
The membeiH of the hoaul of ton
1 1 ul Hpenl iK'iii 1 thteo-iiuiii tois of an
ltiitip Inst itluht koIuk IIiioiikIi a 111,111
of loutlue business mid In listening to
a leiioi L on the animal 11100111117 of the
Pennsylvania AM iismii lutlon, pie
p.iRil b. Miss Allio Abuse, .supoiln
tendoiiL or ill awing, who atleiulcd at
the iietixii ol the distill t.
Applleallons lor peimaiicnt eeitlll
t,U( woto leiehtil I10111 Miss .Mol
lle Helm und .Miss, .laisiiict Jteaiil
1111111. Applleatlous lor Noimal mIuhiI
diplomas wile pn si tiled bj Miss Mmy
1. Poiseiiff. .Miss Uosslo J. Ntistou. Miss
Muv lle.imlsh, Jll;s Catlieitne A.
Cojne, Miss tioiliiule Vixoiii.m and il.
V.. .lainlohiin. Tho npplloatlons wele,
in all liistiniecs, Kianied.
Tho icsiKiiaton ol' Jjis. Hauy A.
J'loiie, foi met l .Miss Itose, was pio
senlid by Piesldeut (lhhuti and was
aci opted by the board,
Mr, Sillies piisonted a oiiiiimuiiica
tlnn Uoui .Mis. M. At. Jones, piinilpal
of No '". M-linol, in which that teacher
M't fottli that be icceKesi a lower
siluy than auv other principal of :i
slmllar-sled building In the elty. 'J'ho
(iiiuniunhatloii was refeued to the
teacheis' eonimltleo.
On let oinincnilatlon of tho bulldiiiK
committee, tho Inieiest on the juu -chase
lube of a loi In tho Toiid waid
was letumled Hilwnul O'ilallov. be
lialnpr paid the dlstiiet for the piop
iiiti' beloio the pasments were due.
Tho building committee lepoited thai
the plans and spoeilleatious foi the
thiLe now building loientlv piovulcd
foi would be leailv for the ,ipiioal
ot the boat (I net Mondav night, and
it was ,11 uiidinglv li enlcd to bold a
speolal nuotlng on oc(..isin 1 lie
.sdtng ol a time lor the i losing of
the schools will also lome up at this
1111 Lliug.
Tho te.uheis' p.n mil loi the month
.1usl ended was ),issL( by the hoaul.
Repoit to That Effect Is Being Cir
culr. Jl.
In slieei ialij lIhIos it has boon
peisisicnlJv lepoited tor Mnoial dns
th it Menoial Manager Pi. ink Silllimm,
ot the Scianton l:,iilw,i 1 ompanv, w 111
1 ot li o tiom that position 011 ..lime 1.
'iuiliiistamos have mine io ligln din
ing tho las! few d.ivs wlikh would
si no 10 lend coloi to the lepoit
Mi Silllman. whin .sien last night
,1 Tillmue man, iknled the tiuth of
thr iiinioi.
'in motion of Atloinm I) ti. Iteidv.
1 0111 1 esteiduy tiaiisloned to .lulin
ijuinn the lliiuor Ihonse Issued m juhn
UliolUa, of t-'J Kejher aMiiue.
.Mtoinoy .lames 1:. U'.uMiis made
applkation 101 the tiansfer ot the II
rensp ot Andiow Khn.i1, of tlie I'ii-t
waul of 'I'a.Moi, to ( lunge Ilam.irskl.
May L'". was lli d a.s the time lor the
heat iug.
ft'nilir (tits limliiiK short Mtoii of Intorf.t
will tn piililislnil iihrn Kloinpa.'iii'.l, for pnblloa.
Hon, li tlie wrllot's lutni Tin- Tiilimo ics not
Lsouinu ics.onili!lil, for 1 pinions line ipic3-ej
Lend-a-Hand Bonk Mission,
Mill 1 of 'lit' Tillii'in
sa Hi.' olijici of ih Hull .11 mil II, ,.k )li
blol, Is In lolldt Mlollil lllliil liooks. 111 li;al is
mil pipilM llnl lino linn n nl mil linl ishlo
.Hill Mllll lllllll llj IUIlo III III! S,,i v,,0 ,,,,,
k mtlli
In' 1111 nuiii .1 1, ,111 it t 111, ml In in
lln,, 1 M, 1 num ,mii ,11, ih.mro imiii.
Mlnio tlie jltt. of si 1 on. I liiinl lr iillni' Moilil In
n 111 h hi. -In.- lln nioiiiil lln llliL-ci mil 1 ii i
HW ilktili Ih of U,-t iuitih .nml Ioiiiii-sii in
ispiiiilli Bowl Iii his f.,r him s,m ,f ,CL
iupl' in iiiil'int .mil Milisiii'n lilipulli t .r
i.liinuil 111 1 1 . 1 1 1 s m, piim. In.t (Int. is a
ill-, llnl is lUstliuli ,mi Uiimiiil 'lln m I
ti 1 ins ,111 i-Iii.ii t . lint tln foil opi,iitnnltii. iho
p.oplo lino linlli. 1 lino Mini 1 In 111 1 Jlwp.i.
i Iho Ktoit Minhl of lanmliiUi m iln ilistum
uhlili ihn loin; lo 11 11 li,
Dili Silllhilll inunllllN Hi (liilmil, iflliKIll
ami situ 1 -o nl, 'or i ithl i. ns thou-imN if
I nil,., in ;' ilins mil pip, 1, Inn, I,,,,, rrni ,,
ilistibilo M.I100U .iinl linn lios 01 hoth uti .,
into :ni-.)in ami fidoij limn-
'lln ill 111 in I 11, im 1 Minis tho siippb, S.itni nf
Iho uqinM nio .is fiilliiiis II00U im I nu. i
ins foi 1 11 nlliu loom, Viutln I oiiipiiil, ri niiil
jnionih' pip. rs loi ili-till.ntli a mi, m tin n.oon
I iln pi.pli, hiv.l,.- toioini th. mi, I, in,, 1 lilinrlis,
slllipll I11111I, 'fil IHD snn.liv nhools foi lilhn il
ihlhliin, iii sain of tin. Wonnn's ilnhs if
s.uili 1 iiciilni ,isU foi Irorllinf hlirarhi-, uhiili
sliinlil ioiibi 1,1 um lulf iiciilni in, I imiii 11 nu
iii ; Poils im nliilu ,iin iho r foi 1I1II
Hi iilu. of this noil initial in 1 -tun. p. 1
1 0111 mi kiiiiiMlloii ujll lul n Inn tit. ami lis
ii llm III 1 Mill 11 11I1 In!. I lln lllllll,'.
Ill lul. lit 11111-I Im pl.'plM l. iho U .inr
N 1 H.i.lin' flitniM ho m nl lo llosion, hut a htkr
lomiliilin: 1 ii-l 01 Mini In, huu tollctli I
h iil.l ho to-nl in mi a 1 nni 4 liiinl turn,
I hi. (on tliul, llosion. His.-, ami will iriiuii
liiMliilinto Mln 11 .nml Ikm in ,uti die nilii,'
''a'"' -Jiili P. Ililkliim,
I ml a Mini Ollui, I lhaioii ,,li ,1,
llitluii, ll-
I lie I'uiii Ui'imc St ns will pin an tcsni un
iln tho an il li Will meet, at iho loIlw,ri
.nil lluUm Kiiiiiinls, Um plijei, JtQ Jt (j
Ioms: lir (iluii, (.ililn-i; ouU io,n, iiluiufi
I hiukl litiln, llift haso; S4nion Sihltto,, on.
lllll lilH'i lulliis scin ct CM , Saul ItllhillO,
rn.lit Ikldi bonk lliirlc. uiitcr fHi; 1 1 1 i e
NjIuiiioii, ,linrlioi, ho Hiapcrl. third lu,t.
ji,.il iliU foi Mi 1 ., I'hiI:
llii:lii.,t t.iiipu.iliiio .. . I, i ,l,',nc,
loMoet linipi ulinc i;,
IM.iliiii Inn mill
ii i , .. V pn mil
n hi ...... t' pi nut
ruiiiiiulijii, ii wuu rndtd ( p. ., 488 Uch.
row Men Repoitcd at Car Shop
Stiikets' Headquaitets Lnst Night
and Sold They Weto Membeis of n
Batch of Seventeen Men Bi ought
on fiom Hobokon to Pill Places of
StilkoiB Statement Issued by the
Council of the Aftlllated Unions
About Nino Hour Matter.
Seventeen men were lit ought Into the
elty yoHtoitlav uf lei noon by the Dela
ware, LaoUinvanna. and We Hern tain
puny to tuke the place- of the stilk
Ing maehlne and ear shop employe.
Keveiul of these leportcd at the lat
tei'H headituatteiM last night, mild
they wore brought heiu by falio rep
reienlatlons and nuked to be sent buck
to llobokeii, wlieiie they ciino
They hud been lilted at J n day and
boaid, they .said, 1 elng till that the
nnlv trouble In g."ii-itun con-1'ded of
a number of Italian laboieii bolnpr out.
All mo union mju nni in -i)il j of
longshoi omen's and other local.
The wages' offei -d them to emio hero
were exceptionally high, the 'aveiago
wage being a tilllo over Sl,i,9. utnor
than thin, theio wcic few changes yes
teidav. Tins men continue to jtnntl
willing lo meet .Master IJulMc Can
Held, and onler all hands to continue
to ke(p away finm tho shoH iintll
the nine-hour dav Is giantod. l.asl
exonlng a tologiatu was iceelveil tiom
Kingston, imtiounilng the toiulltloti'3
thtie. I load as lollows:
I' I. Minilnii, s'nininii ( iihiiihlni
J utilhliiK tint up ( ointnitln
Not ii es woio posted (stel day in
Ihe Lackawanna y.nds and nt the iu
ti.uui. lo the car and machine shops
to the effect that all men not lopoiling
for woik at 7 o'lloik tn-niot low moiti
ing will hi dlsihaigid. They au
signed b Master Car Hiillder 'auflold,
SupoMniMvient of Jiotho Power Lloj A
and Stoieki.orer O'Connoi.
Tho htilkeis heaiil (ally of the no
titos, but doolaied no attention would
be mill to them. Thev appear to le
Kaid tlie notices In the natiuo ot a
The lelleis to the siipeilntendentH
ol tlie aiious eoinpanios woie milled
.Msti-idav niotnlng by the coiiueil ot
alhllated employes nnd no tmthot ne
gotlalloim will lake place until answcis
base boon ieeoiod. The full text ol
the loiter is as follows:
Si i niton. I'l , Mn 1J. I'Kll
(.nitlcuipn lot llrir sj,). -f ,0 loiimtl if if
nililnl ma. linn, lioilii, i ii, hi a I, smith ml pit
Inn shop imploiis of tin- Conn il I ihot union,
ot Minimi, I'.i , it i iinilmj ln.1.1 sun In. Miv
M, liol. iloculnl In in-tiiut i n h I .ilfii npio-uil
nl to hohl i inrolitifr not Iilri linn Iinln-, May
17, In ilntilo on hoii In iiislruol tin ii ihliKitis
lo this to ait on tin ipn-tiou nl Ho it
liluilc of tins loiunil mil tlii' im u it npusiiils
ton ml ihi-i linns to mIioiii tin piiilmn fir i
iilui hour iln mis ptt-inioil II in- ihijiliil lo
icionuiKiirl lint nih li ila;i nistrin t lis ililf(;alM
In ink in linn of I lie nun whom this mum il
upic-dil-, (ontlmnii? um h. fm tlio-o limn uhi
Bruit our pttition foi tho nino Iioui ilai is pn..
i-enli ! on! lint tins mil tlio loiUs n.iu
pasinu it .ieiic lint if sm potiiion h irtinli.i
thin iiiunhirs -Inll t , ml i mi. lo w.nk lull nino
Imiiu mi sitniilai illume: Hie siiiiiiiiu niontlis,
nli.ii i lulf liolnlii iHiiiuilli ui i nt i il. hut llnl
tli- men iipli-.ntul hi Ihis iniiuiil shill not W
pioiinlnl hi IhU mtiin II from insnij imik tu
llni-o hops Mini ill nit atatc to rrni pititun,
nml -n notifi ilietn nut liter thin 7 ii in,
M. nni n. Mil "ii, 'iii
llo-pn tfulli,
III Ml'lll:i. I! I'VMPIII I I
rh liiiuiti,
II (,M l.M.lll It
IHnnis of I In n n I tli 1oiJ,'P. No .'il In
iiiiiiiionil oiiiiion ol Miilimists
. v. 1 1 1 s
.11 I I" scl'i.l,
lihK"itis of ,n ua: lo.luc. No. 71. Iliothiiln .1
of lliihr Mikcrs mil lion slnplniililiis
W 11,1.1 M ,1 liMMHI
H inrilo of ( ir Uuihhis' linirn, No 7 01,
Wll.l lM I IMIII Ill's.
II IikHi of s,riin union No no, liilnin
nuiii lliolliuhnoil of ltlachsiiiahs'
(,i iiui. r ui nu im.,
UN I.I AM I. Mill lllllll I'
Hi It. His 1.1 iho Pillini MiKiis' smiiii,u ,
si I niton mil Klllitl
.1 I. M Ml I IV.
r ii. l itwi is,
alii of 1'ti! ill I. ibm uiiioii, X i
The loial fjltuntliiii lamalns ihe siiiie
The Suanton council authoiltios aio in
i nniuiunleatU n with tho unions almig
the line nnd hue inched a eoniiminl
(iillon 1 1 om. the business agent nl Ills
tiiit in. In which the Intttcr states the
mill nio pledged to abide bv the ion
slltutlon Till, melius a .sttlkc im .Mi'v
in unless the nine houi dav petition l-
giauted. The dlstiloi takes in tlllooii
kidgos, liieludlug those at Hobokon,
.loi soy city, Xewaik, l5rookln, Now
Yi ik, and other place-
The l.acliawann.i men who saw Su
lioilntendi nt Lloyd at llulfalo roe In
ihe illy, but am voi leikent on iho
siibicot of this inionlew with hhn,
Ylioie huo bton po fiuthor i cssution
of h.lior and will be none bolore Alav
LP, iicooiillng to the nuic hlnlsis' Uad
otts Itunun.-i weto pl"iullul estinlay
to the cliiet thai ear loids of men welo
bilug Impoited to take the stilkeis'
linns, lul those w'oie found to bo
Inlse, as only n low additional .special
olllcei.s weio biotight In,
The htilkeis (leclaro that a number
of men binught on by the lompiny
base U'ti'Mil to woik when thoy louud
a Milk" to be In lnogiess, a coinnilt-
lio of Klngi-ton iltlhll'ios weio In
Ihe clt estoubiy and it pot ted at th"
i a.bullilois' lii,uliiiai tei.s thai tho men
weio mi' to a man at Kingston Thin
does not iiilnciilo with tho Mitemenl
made bv .Miifloi Cm bull loi Cimileld.
Raid ho m sic i dey to a Tilbuno man
Theio aio toily-ihieo men winking
ut Kingston nnd a huge numbei nio
nlM) still ui woik In lluifalo"
oil being naked what llnal dlspusi.
Hon um- io bo mado ot llkks, th
Diim'I eniiloyo w1iom Mis-peuhlt u pir
fliitalei the stike, Mr Canflelil ,in
hweud that the Mispended im-n had
now (if ml o Agin In tin niatltm
1 lit Isjs." Mid he, 'bus been oloited
mnsiable at Doei ami I haullj think
li would wish lo lesnnni woik for us
when he has a position ot Unit inline,"
This now leaves the nine hum day
as the solu Kilewitioo advanced by the
men and Mastei llulldei Caiilk-hl wlnn
utikeil wll ho declllHil to dlsotiss tllks
mallei with the loiiimitleo which
Mailed upon him last week, Mild
"Why the hltupi have been winking
nluij houifl leulaily each day. il only
In lug i)i'i'.i?luii,ill that the baiid.s aru
busied I'm ten houi t. We have been
on the nine hour il.i. for several
months and 1 fail to sco whole tlui
gi lex am e oxiht.s along that line."
Mi. Canlleld lelt this city loi New
Yoik last nlghl. Piosliknl .lames
O'Couip'll. of tho Intel tiallutial ,s-o-elation
of Maihlnl.sts, and lliit xhe-
IREE to Yoa Today
I by fending J. our liaine nnd inldies
JL to Win nei'u Safe Cllle Co., Hoi lies
tiM', N V, l-'ue HUlllpIo bottle ot
Wniliet's Hare Cute, the only Hpeellle
lor all Kidney, l.lxer and 1t Inuty ills
en sos,
pie.sldeiit of the Aiuoilonii I'Vdoiatlon
of l.aboi, It itloled ai miiUIng the fol
lowing assirtlon 5estetday at Wash
ingtott: "Wo are In a poltioti to tie up every
simp, lo stop evotv xx heel In the mu
i hlne shops and unless' our demands
aio met xo Will do It."
The men duplexed about the yard
known iih "lit o pulleis" xxcio oiganied
on Satin day and aio expected lo go
out on the 17th If the nine-hour day
has not then been gi anted.
Chairman llumpluey Campbell, ot
the council, yesterday received a let
ter fi om the axle xx oiks oltlclalt stat
ing that the nine-hour dny proposi
tion Is under consideration. The car
bulldois' union xxlll meet tomorrow
night In llconomy hall.
Abo S'oldinan, one ot the Lackaxxan
na special olllceiH and a In other to tho
detective, Ike iSeldman, had a lather
unpleasant opc!ionce xxlth some of tho
sliiheiH whom ho mot last night on
li'iankllu avenue. Hot winds passed
botxxoen them and the affair xxas ter
minated by a stinging blow admlnls
teicd Held ma ii.
Matter Will Bo Brought to the At
tention of Select Council
Thursday Night.
The iiietk)n of dliectlug ihe Seian
tou IJIeclilc Light and Power com
pany to the sticet lights to n
height of at least txventv-tlxe loot Is
once mot c to bo put to a dliect vole
In councils on Thuisdny nlghl.
Shoitlv after tho eontiact for the
it loot lighting xxas nwaided to the
i euilianv. a lesolulion nfteied by John
II. Jioche, was .adopted, dliectlug the
company to place its lights on mast
aims at n minimum height of eighteen
feet liom tlie giotind. This xxas
passed and tlie eompanx placed Its
lights at the minimum height.
Almost Immediately after the change
the cllUons in all parts ot the cltv
began loiompkiln tint the lights xxhen
lil. ucd nt tho heiijhl ol eighteen feet
weie loo dayling upon tho eyes of
both t)oilesli bins and dilxTr? ot vehl
i lcs. Kspeclilly did the latter com
plain, suing thnt xxhen a dilxer got
within u half a block of one of Hie
loweied lights, he xxould be so blinded
until It was passed, as to be almost
unable to see mix thing.
elect Coiiiii Vaughan theie
upon intiodmed a lesolutlon, diicttlng
the connianx- to laiso Its llehts to n
lulght ol Iwentj-flxo foot. By the
tonus ol the (ontiact tho company
is obliged tu place tho lights at any
liolglit tlio i ill max- direct. Sir. Yaii
glian's it solution passed select (oun
i II. bin was killed !u tho common
About two mouths ao the cnnipiyix
had intiorlucid in the select coimell
a lesolutlon deilaiing that the paiti
i iilui sertlon of its i ontiact xxlth h pio
xlded that It .sliould be docked tor an
outiie night lor all lights found to
be out. was not meant to apply to
li,;hls out lor nnlv a fexx- minutes, but
onlv to lights out foi n piolonged
pound ul time Mi. Vaughan succeed
ed in having an amendment to this
lesolutlon adopted beloio It was pass
ed, pnix'iding that it should not go
into off ei t until the i.Mso
Ihe lights to a lulght of twontv-tlve
lei I.
Since ihe passage of this lesolutlon
the cunipanx ha made infant nipt to
i ilso lis lights and is still b anjr dm ked
for all lights louncl not lighted bv
liatiolineii, wllhoul legal il to the
length of lime thev ate out.,
as long as the conipanx is willing to
siainl this rkn kage, ihe iltx- cannot,
undo! tho lesolutlon, i ompel tho i.iis
ing of the lamps.
Iloaliiiig the situation Mi. A'au
gli.tu has decided to adopt a new
iniusi. of proceduic. Ho will intio
iluio mi Thin s( iv night a lesolutlon
icpeallng the oilglnal lesolutlon of
Mi Itoehe's, lixing the minimum
height of lights at eighteen leet. Tho
lesolutlon will fm tin i pioxido that tho
minimum height shall be twenty-live
loot and will ellieet tlio i Ity continllor
not to louuleislgn anx wauanls dinxvn
In laxor ot the company, until such
time as the lamps ate labed to the
heght above mentioned
"This will put the matti'i to a illieet
vote,' said ili. A' xcsteidny.
"Theie Is not a single poison whom
I haxe talked to on this subject xxho
dins mil say thai the lights should be
lai-tel. 1 think that theio will bo a
MUlii lent number of ccniucllmou who
lenlio the public sentiment on this
iinstlon, to pass tlie' lesolutlon,"
niiecioi of rublh AX'oiks John l"..
Km he has untllleil the company that
the now lights, io bo elected as pio
xlded lor In oidlmini es pasupd letent
ly, must be plaied at a height of
iwontv-llve feci Horn the giouiul.
The Dolawaie, Lackawanna & West
em Raihoad Company, Office of
Master Cnr Buildef.
Heianton, l'a , Mn lil, I'iOI.
Notice Is heiobv glx n t) all poiti n
lleiei'iloio eniplneil in the iar do
pniimi'iii of till" C'linpaiiy at rioi anion
ami now out on stiike, that, unless
ihoy lepoit lor lutv ,ii oi Ih foi ii V
o'clock a, in. on Wednesday, May inth,
Ibilr places v, 111 be peiinauontly 1111 ',1
bv the employment ol otheis
I. T Cantlild,
Master c.u Hull lei.
The Delawtuo, Lackawanna & West
ern Unihoad Company, Office of
Sup't Motive Power and Mnchin-
s, ..iiliiii. IM . Mu j I.I, I'iOI,
.N'nllio Is Iniebx glxoil to nil poisons
Ii, ti lutni" omploxiil In iho m.ulilneiy
ili'liattiiii in oi this lompiiny ui nan
ion and now out on suiko thai, un
kss they i cpoii lor duty ul oi befoin
7 o'tloclv a in. oil Wodnesd.o, .May
1'itli, luOl, their plates will bo poiiin.
iii ntly tilled by the emplnviueni of
T. H 1.10.x d,
"'isupiiiiuuuleut M I' anil ,M,
Quoinbey Hall,
3H Washington "ve., Scianton, Is tho
best and most tellable plueo lo pur
chase a pooil Piano. It will pay ou
to call and get pi Ices and terms. J. W.
Ciiicrnsey, Pi op.
Steam Heating and Plumbing:,
r. V, & M. T. Hovvley,23l Wyoming ave.
Kiuoku tho now Klcon cisar. 5c.
II imcluiloil Ironi I'.nic I I
aim xxas poor and Cobb got Into the
Chief MeAndiew was at the fi out
of the hut iitteinntlyly Itaniniei'lng
awav at the dour and the snapping,
balking dogs und did not know of the
encounter on the inlboad tiaek until
Cobb win In lllght the second time.
He fiallessly dasliid Into the woods
otid hi out oil about In the t1aiknos for
a time, but, teallzlng how futile It
was to try to find a man there In the
um k, bo icttiincil to the nilliond and
helped Neary to the city.
Though the blood xxas fnlily pour
ing from his neik, Neaiy held a liand
Ucrcliief to his xxotind and walked with
Chief McAndiow's usslstnnce to tho
station house and thence to the hoa
l.ltnl. The physicians found that for
tunately the xxotind xvas not a neces
sailly latal or even a dangerous one.
While It was lenghty It wit shallow
and none of the larger blood vessely
bed been seveied.
Cobb Is well known thtoiighoiit tho
xxholo country bcioboiits and can not
xell got away without being lecog
nlzeel, He Is sixty years of nge, about
flxe feel sex'en Inches tall, vxolghs 140
pnunils, and Is nil actlx'e, why fellow.
It Is said he served a long tcim In the
penitentiary for killing bis vxlfe, when
l)o xx ns a lesldent of Jeninyn some
txventy odd yeats ago.
kcunu op ANOTiinn ArrrtAY.
Tlie jilaco wheio Neai.x's encounter
with Cobb look place Is In the iiclgh
boihood of the ciosslng xxbeio tho
(lulnii-Oallaghei nffiay ot tlnee ycais
ago occui red.
Meiubeis of the two families got Into
a quint ol and old man Qtilnn was
killed. The (lallaghor bnxs, thole
mother, and their giandmolhei, Mis.
Dempsoy, xxe-io arraigned for the kill
ing. One of tho bovs xxas found guilty
and sent up for two anil a half years.
The Dempsev who xxas stabbed to
night Is oil to the n.illaglieis and
Osboino Is Ueinpsev's brolhcr-ln-Iaxw
Osborne got out of the penitential y
four mouth'' ago, alter serving tluce
vcais for stabbing his hi othei -In-law,
James AValsh.
His Fii st Meeting with tho Man
Whose Skull Adorned His Mantle
piece A Tlnilling; Story of Fion
tier Life A Bandit's Last Fight.
l'iniii the C'hiuiKO Tiiliinic.
This Is a stoiy without a moial.
Piofessor G. Fiank lydston, of the
niodkal deihirtment of the University
of Illinois, tells it, impelled by Its
luith. Its dates aie nebulous, its
place is ilinnosota onlv, and the
names of tho chief cbaiaclois aie le
piossed. But Its tiaglc elements aie
all theic.
About ten jeais ago Di. r.vdston
was visiting a filend In the noilliom
pai t nf .Minnesota. The filend xxas, a
pi.ietieing pli.siclcin of moie than
middle .ic, xxlth it on giay hair and
boaiel, and illstinguished by a snoxv
x bite hand ot hair that tan fiom his
light temple half xx'ay aiottnd lil-s
bond. Dr. Ljdston ncxer had u
ni.ii ki'il this pccullaiity, and the
tilund. In tho tlnee oais Dr. Lvelston
had known him, had never letened
to it.
Hut on the oeeaslon of Di. T.jelslon's
visit the Minnesota physician had a
peculiar skull on the mantel in his
study. It hid been beautifully pol
ished, shoxi lug to striking adx. linage
the stiong, xx hue bulldog-like teeth of
th" man who had lound his being in
the long, lnnow. aicblng ei.mltim.
"What would Mitt sav of the former
ownei oi It .' ' asked the filend, notic
ing that Dr. I.xdston xxas ojelng It
li illi, ills-.
The doctor loinaiked soxeial (initial
iiioguhiiitics and made a geueial ob
solvation. 'That is tin skull of a nuudoier
who xxas hanged." continued the host.
"Do uu fee this."' lie continued,
blushing his lingeis thiough the
xxhlto stieak at the i igln side of the
head. "The ow nor of the skull did
that, too"
Then the phskian told the slory
Ten .veais buloio when the Noith
west xxas still tumble with tho xxnn
di'ilng Siou. and by still meno law
less xxhlto men, tho physlehin lino
gone li om Ilollexue hospital to a
town near Ked Wing. Most ol his
vx oik -xxas In the piobing for bullets
and sewing up knlte i tits; but the at
mosphoio of the gieat Noithwist xvas
pleasing to him, and he stayed.
One night he had i call by telogiaph
to go to a small station thbty miles
down tho lailioad, It was IS degiees
below zeui, dink, anil a blinding
suoxv stoun vxas blowing. Wrapping
up, tho eloctor went down to the lit
tle lailto.ul station to wait lor a train
xxas almost due.
Just as the phslelau loaihed the
station platfoim two young eountiv
men xx ere getting out ot a buggy and
saving goud-b.xo to tiie man who had
dilxen them Into the little village.
The three reached the waiting loeun
door, to Hud It looked op tho Inside.
They pounded at II lor si'xoml min
utes, until llnally It was Hung open,
nml they woie looking Into the tun,,
le-i of two toxolxois.
"Coiiiii in heio," was the ouler, and
thS uuaiiiiod iloiior ami the two
(ountiymen wont In, only to find the
.station agent bound and gagged and
lying on the Hour The two men woio
blink masks, and it was evident that
they meant lo bold up the tiulu, then
almost due,
'Ho tliiougli 'eni, I'ete," was iho
lonutik of tho man of th' ukull, "I'll
cox or 'eni "
1'iito nmilo a s.Ulsluctoiy haul Hum
the pockets, of the two cotiiutynieu,
but tho doelor hud only a silver watch
und S In sllxei. I'ote made a paitl
uilaily ugly iein.nK to the doi tor,
and vx lion Dm doctor tosenled it the
lohher gnxo him a kick.
The (oulompiuiiiis I. Iik was the
stiaw that bioko the patience of the
ph'shlnn. l''i)gctilng the loxolxius,
the doctor swung ids fist, sltlklng the
follow in the face. At (hat instant
tha u lion's conipanioii Hied and iho
doe tor dropped in his triuks.
.Seeluy the light on the two counti,x
men closed in on tho clespoi. nines, but
when the shooting xx-as done both lay
dead on the llooi. The lohbeis were
tillfhteiiPd, howux-er, and gave up ilm
attack on the Haiti.
Within half ,n hour a was on
their H. At daylight. In it inn
nlng light, Pete was shot mid killed
Ills companion was .shot tliiougli tho
shoulder and was loiced to siinendir.
A legal exeiution followed after a
few weeks, and the boil) of the bandit
found Its way Into a nodical school
In .Minneapolis. Later the skull of
the xxas sent to the living
victim ot the hold-up, foi in the mean.
out heating
Tlie prices are
Geo. V. Millar &
Bicycles That Run Easy.
Base Balls
Bats, Etc.
by equipping themselves from this excellent
Juvenile Base Ball Goods
We make a specialty of getting all the acces
sories used by grown-up men in the game of
base ball, such as gloves, masks, etc., in small
sizes for the little fellows. We now have a
large stock of these juvenile goods.
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
Coal at Retail
Dcliveied to any pan ot the city AT
Gibbons Coal Co.
Telephone 1383,
South Side.
t line tin' plixsidau hntl n'tnxmed
fiom the bloxx of the kI.iucIiik liulli'l
Today tin Minnesota jili.x si
paints out tin" skull cuxi'ilnK' ot tin
motor ii'iitii- xxhiili piuinptcd tin1
pullliiK ol the icnulxei tilh'Ker.
Baby Biother Pioved a Dit-appoint-ment
to Young Eobeit.
s i: Kimi, jn the Um nl lln ilil niontlis ,iko 111 lie ftoliut,
xxho had at x'ailoiis iliius made pa
thetic li'feienn's to tin- fuel Hint he
had neithoi a In oilier mil a pun. xx.ih
asked by his lonil p.uenls xxlileh ol the
mlsslm," pileh he xxould take il he
could Ills i hull e
ltobett deliheialed, and at l.isi ile
eldeil that upon the xxhole he beliexvd
he xxould lather haxe a luothei.
"Heeause, juu hoe," he ephilui d, 'a
pony costh .so mill 11 to keep. Wo xxould
haxe to build ,i stable to) li Im. xxoiildn't
xx e, papa""
"V(h," his tuiher iiusw ei eil, "and
lenlly Iheie Is no loom in old back
j ai if lor a stable."
"No," the child HHieed, "and we'd
haxe to buy liux- foi hlui, loo, xxoiildn't
"Well, then, I'd uillier haxe tip 111
lle bintlier, because xxn xxould haxo to
iay foi a poux, and the pouj uilKht
klik or bite, 'on kiioxx, and Ihe little
lumber xxouldu't, xxould he,'"
"No not Im' a while auxxxax,"
Ho the inatlet xxas lett hi nho nin
i'uiii about .i mouth iik, xxheu little
llobeit xxas told, one nun iilns:, thai a
little hi other had ( oiun lo llllll.
lie xxa.s iIcIIkIUciI lie danced aiouiiil
in the hnlli- ami made sue h a nu ke mi
the titalirt thai the mu ho thieatennl to
1 uo hlui sent nxxay and he xxent into
eiMtaclch oxer the baby xxheu they per.
lllltteil him to see l
Ho ahked loily. soven thousand iiues.
tloiih 111 a Klxen time eniKciiilntr the
Utile one and the liidiicemeiiis that
(iinl had (ousldeied befont ilecldiiut m
send t iloxxii fniiii lie.ixell. lie xx.iutul
to kiss the baby and hold il in his
ni nis, and ho Insisted nu kiioxxiiiK xxhy
it had no teeth aad xxhy, 11 il had hum
an iiimcl, U bad xxaiiled lo collie iluxxn
hcie fiom lieaxen to haxi ti' stuiiiiu h
ache, anv xxnx
lllll Jtubeit'ti eiilhtislafiii hcKun lo
xxiar ofi' utter the lapse ol a xxcek or
two. 11 .xab iilnujs "Sh'Sdl! You 11
xxake our little baby hi other," or
"Uobert, "jou must be quiet ' Vou
xxlll make sour bah hi other 111."
Ill lad, the baby In other seeiui d lo
be Intel fcilun xx (lb little llobei t' tun
to an eteiit that hud bieu xxholl un
expected, and the oilier exeuliiK: xxlien
ho xxas HlUin-,- on his tathei's knets
down In the lllnai.x the bo.x iald
"IMp.i, 1 don't heliexn I want in lit
tle baby biother. attei all. 1 (tint
have, any lull xxlth Iilui I'll tell Mm
what let's do. Let's tiade for a pony."
"Ob, xmi couldn't do that."
l.lltlc Uobcit kicked his heuU aguinst
Chafing Dishes i
nst the thinpr for warm wentlier. Al
ways retidy. Lobster a la Ncwbcrg, Welsh
Rarebit, and other appetizing dishes, with
the house,
from...... .
$4 to $7
Etc., Etc.
VyxxveCVfeAX . i
Il It iiux-a. Itnpnrl mt Hut a block)
ti, nuiii lio ci).' riinnliu,
lldltlilul rvruUe lc lirmflilil, lull
llllll mii-k I' InjuilciH,
'I In1 In 'iilnni of Um "Srriinlon"
pun nil-p llklilmis nt iimnliii; nni Hi
flllllKlll in ikm II till' 1110-1 lllll. Ill'l
i1hpI lor till disvp uf tlili r,
I'rim lo suit tliu poiKclliiiiil,
126-128 Franklin Ave.
Our stock of Base Ball Goods
will surely prove interesting to
any player of the national game,
who will look it over. Amateur
clubs can certainly save money
and at the same time get the best
Security of Possession
Is the tieasiued ill cam of exeiy piop
eityoxxnci ot piospcc tixe ptiu baser.
l''ieiU(iitIx", it is not until the sn(. or
ci liaiiKe ot a holdlUK is desiied th it
the i liiinl itpuii a title Is disioxeied anil
contiinpl.itcd plans aie ilclc.itcd.
Title Insiuaiiie ftlllv piotei ts iiK.iinst
illicit nl seauh, epeiisi' ol litiR.itiiia
in slioit, it innxidcs i ompleto in
deuinlllc.itiiui lot an.x loss ,n IsIiir: tiom
Ihe contested xalidll.x of .xoui pioppity
lliianl join iiiteiesls with n pulley of
Title Guaranty and Trust ' Company
(It birantoii, I'cnnu
510 Spiucc Street,
I X ilio-, I'u'.iili ui II lniii, I'rn,
II X. I III, In, I llllill s Hull,
X he im-,1 li'H I 1 1 "-I DilM'-r
Gas Ranges
On Sale at Our Office at Cost.
We put them in your kitchen teady
for use. All connections TREE, ot
flist flooi.
Double Oven Ranges, ."50,75 and uj
Scranton Gas & Water Co
115 Wyoming; Avenue.
MAY I, 1901.
. t tt . k . v. ,. k . K v. n r. n n
I Clock's Best
Union flade
j Tobacco:
A Good Smoke oi Chew,
A Tiial Solicited.
Satisfaction Guniauteeil, '
I I ,
:Tiie Clock Toteo -Co,
G4'1.48.48 Wyoming Ave, X
Si Scianton, Pa, ,-n
his tathci's shins lot a moment and
thought. Then he said
"Well, I don't suppose we lonld llml
anybody that xxould xxaul to tiade a
pony for him, but don't ou think jou
could tmde hlui lui .1 gcMl,'