The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 14, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    irr . - y -t v ttws i$iytS
- ir-
Bids Were Received nt Meeting of
Both Councils Last Night.
At :.1 o'clock i nunc IN met In Jolnl
session tci iciolte bids Ml tin llulit
Iiir oontiuut.
The bids ulilc.ll weit li'icl liv the
ill v ( lei U weie iin tnllows.
rioni llm t'.n! otnliilc (m company.
Iti Uintah tlio iinpi o oil AVelsb.nh
lumps; luil lamps with the patented mid
iiipintul WoMmeh lamp, ununited cm
tlic uppinyed biiulcMiiil lump-posl. nt
II i reel nf $1- pel llilll pel MMi: II
tor tin re .yens, unci ?)U iIoIIiiih per
lump nil II tl - nil I toiltluct.
Till lliniplll. 111 I10 I'lltillQ till" bid
HI oi In cifil I tin lump-posts, lo Keep
t lie limps In oleic i. but I lie punt, etc.,
He- to itniuiti tbc ptopetly ul the blil
do i .
'Hie Lit kuwanii.i A'ullc.y Kloolile
Light -hhI Power Supply loiiipiinv.
villi li was the mile otbei bliliki, and
Mini' i lights supply the i Ity at pies
enl, bid as follows
hlsty-iighl JUVO-cimclle powei .no
lights at $71 pei iui pel lamp on a
our eat cinitiiiit T0 pel lamp nn a
Hupf-jiMi cniitiait, '07. V' nn a lhe
i "ii i inntiiKt mid 'i1 iipi laniii pur
y f i nil a tPli-Pin cnnti.ic I
i"i llc hi' it rsn nt lamp-. !.'
i i. Kill pot ii, nn the basis ot a one,
ilit ---. lite ni ten .m.ii coiiti.iit, V-0 ier
I nip pel m ii
In tin- etonl n lenhhic! a tlner
tcat mutual, the t unipany aRteed
to iuinlsh Itie ol dial Re llliee I 'inns
Ml Jiaik
W'hi n the hlds weie imlieil, tottn-
f I - illownl mi pei hittmlcnt (.tiiiln, of
the mis ininpaiM, the pi y liege ot ad-'ln's-iiifr
ilu- me i tltifr in lieh.ili nt the
inlllp,lll Mi I'llciln ainsr, laic only
in Intl inline Ancliew I .Al,Unlii, ol
I'hll.nli Iplila the ti.neline: topiisenta
ihf ot the Welsh nit complin, who
has bciu iciicinnxi in intiodueliiR the
Wflsh.ich nullioel ol Illumination III
ii in im i ItN s In this e cmr.t t
Ah, Militant alniicl at tefiltlliR the
slateiiif nts he lpuivcl weie made
bv the e lei lib light eonipain. that the
iiloptlmi ul ,s would lie a liaeKwaiel
step Mi .A,ilnue polnii 1 out that it
such would he i hackwanl step, tint
tin titles ot M Louis, it hei c the ire
light has been cutltoly displaced, Hul
tinioie. ItiooKhn, Ltuston, Cleveland
and othfi i ities, when lliollsinds of
AVcMiae ii lights line been in onei i
tion 1 01 seeial (.n would sinneh
lotiiniit theniselM'h to siieh a policy.
Mi Hoy. in, ot the eleitiie liRht enni
pain. lolleiw. 1, hut innti It. 1 hlnifcilf
with pointing out the illftcicnie In
Ihe i.iuelle powei uhhh was l.'i.ilOO in
tatoi ol ills lompanj. the hett elis
tiibutlou of light coming linni the ait
light, and the Met the IIruic In
theii hid was the lowest i fecit cd for
electric lights in L tcKawanna and Lu
.' I ne lounties.
'I hi liglit i oiinuittee lotiuel and nf
i I (11 toe ii minutes' dellbeiation. tc
tuiiied and asked that the mattei he
put o ci fin two wioKs in oidei to
allow siillliicnt time to go into the
details ol the bids
iViuniils agued to this and t tie eon
1 1 act will now eonie up on Wednes
day ev eniiig. May .'
Common Council.
At the legulai meeting ol i omniiin
coum II th e-.olutloi of t-ol i t lounell
that both mum IK meet in joint ses
sion to n nslelt i th stieet lighting bids
nud olbei nreessmt business. y as
Mile el. bill l.lli I a substitute ifsoll
t Ion bv Mi. No.ilan yas iidopted In
whlih the el.iu-e otlioi iipicmiiv
liusnp-s ' was stiit Kou oft, lea lug it to
oinpiPlietiii onij tin. liglitlng i nu
ll. it Is.
The lesoiiiiiop of lommoii mum II
looMug to the pun base of t)t map of
sir.cli-. Horn the )r lawaip an 1 Hudson
nl'o uiPt Us clialli Mi. Mnlois, on
y hosi uiotliiu th le-nlutloii wis
Knot Kii mil, belle yc el ihui the mcis
ui p was i blow at the municipal ttatei
iioitihliloii ina-mii' h as II i iiicti tor
ihe urns. in MitfjiiiR to hi .allied
on cuiiing the wlalei niniiili
lie.-oliitloii!, ( inn uiie d in
ciiautiUr, alliiwam ol .''. to assist lu
I'M p.n lug thi ilupMt ate.
ri'iiiillmi limn t'oPinilila llovo
loiui'riiiy lot Mipplles,
1 lie oidiiiant. ol t- U i t loiiiuil iilng
Hie Nibtlios ol Hi.' ell pnl'co p.isstd
tlist and w'iciiicl leidliig uinl the pnl
ta oidliialite was lejoned lo liicnhe
t miitnltliM .
The bls tiniii loiiuiion loiiutll were
oin until In, bin not wlibmit u e aiisij,.
Ii felt lit' to the bill Im ioiiiiig ie
iltv hall loof ami ihe liem o the c Ity
sollcltmV till) to llairisbuig
Adjoin lied to go Into Joint session.
Select Council Speclnl Meeting.
At a iippi!.!! mi r ting of M'let l coim.
ill held befuio tin Joint meeting, at
whleli alMif tlio lin uilieih yyeie plchent.
Ihu IliiuiKv eniiimlttie repniKcl tav
jnably a mimhci of bill.s wlihh weio
e nle um paid,
. 'I lie MieM!- eoniniltlec leinted II' gll-
iictly mi tho leMiiuiimi fioni ioiniiiin
Do Not Trifle
with danger and remember
fvery cough or cold means
will cure your cough or cold
;it once, It will heal and
strengthen your lungs. It is
a safeguard for you always.
Take it at the first indication
of a cough or cold,
"A teyere cold settled a throat tad bronchial
tubci coldalwa) tailed several moothi. I
tried bhiloh and it cured me ay once. Am
lad to add ray teitimony.
Reclcr Si. Matk'i Church, 1 cKoy, N, V.
Sblloh'a Conautuptlon Clare is sold by all
rtruKKtata at st5c, 60c, 81.00 bottle. A
rrluleci Kaarantrf soe with every bottlf.
f you ur nut sutl'llfil go to ynur ilniKi;lt
a.att get your moiiry btsib.
Ume fur il'u.tntett looV on lontumption ?tn
lilhwtl' -looi b.t. Weill ( o I Koy, .V.
I -I
Caffeondaie D&tta,mfit.
ooititill that the i Ity engineer be In
illtleleil to piepaic n lnup of th
stleelH of the city. TIiIm will li- (i ti
It y.iH tcnitiptl that ii map, which
would be plitlielv lie eeptilble, rollld be
obtained fiom the Dehiwnte and Hud
son company nt about tltiO, which Is
I'Mtioldenihlv h'si than the cltv un
glnecr lonlcl i oniplele' the wmK,
I'ottnell lltially decided thut the mat
tei wiim taleen up with Mi, Alideioi),
of the iJelawnie mid HuiImiii t'onipnin.
Willi a lew to puieliailng the map in
the po"Hc"edon of the lattei.
The Hie committee lopotled lanr
tibh on tin nomination ol .1 .1. Mi'
Anultv iij i hlol ot the the elepnitiinnl
and the i"poit wn ndopti d
A eommunlintlon was teiehed fiom
the New HilintMillie The lllPUlllliee
lompuiiv. i ma filing ti polity whleh
it held on the ill, building. The lom
p.iny l.s dlolliu. Hence th iiiiicel
lutli n.
Mi Itattle, when iho bill or .'M1 lor
lepiililng the eltv hall ioof wns ieid,
deeinid the t mi as and
unit eel for a lCioi"-ldp'-.ctlon ot the hill.
Mi. Mottle's motion tnevalled, but
It y.ii followed b the adoption of i
motion bv Mi Munition I'it.y I'.n
fjiurr Kttpp be gheu the same op
imtnnltv to eplaln the dllleient
Items of the bills as he had belon- the
limine c e omiulttee, the iii'liibeis u
y bit h sermetl sitlsfled with bis e
pl.inatioiH and 'epeuted airoiilingh
The ieohitioii eilieitlng tlie woilc
as then u.iil and It y i- le.nneil that
the eltv engineei was tiniioweied to
baye the iPiialis made without lim
it feniu to i spense.
Allot I'ity fJnglfiPi Kttpp was beai 1
tend i pl.ifml hoyv i onipllt nte d yeas lh
woiK titnl the ept ns" at which th'
torttaetm uns jilic etl the oilglnil n
oil was neched. Th" blllx will now
be i.ild
Mi. t'.allle befoie ihe inoiloii w.ii
adopted, decl'itod that his nnh pur-ii-r
wis tn defi ml the tapiiyei-'
light-- t.u he hniiesilv belleyed lli.i
the bill ya- eeesye Hryeial ot the
nitmbii! tvats nt themelyes tbat
hcie.iltei uoiK oi tin thaiaetei and
amount wotud be let to lite lowest ic
spnnslblo lilclcldei.
Adjoin nmel.L follov ed
Taken to Emeigency Hospital. Suf-
feiing tiom Compound riactuie
Sustained in Runawny.
John van- a dtiyei, iesitliu on
Aitlibaltl stieet was taKin tn the
Kmeigcncy hospital yistetelay aftii
noon sutfeilng lioni a i ompound tiae
tme ol the lig iii.ii the ankle, an in
luty whhh lie sustained by being
thiown 1 1 lilt his ycagou eani.ii in the
.itteiuoon He was also painlully
biui-id In lilaecs about his
Seals was dining lioni .Teitinu and
whin he neat lug the eiossiug (pf
tlio Ontaiio .mil Wt-tein i.iilioatl hlsi
hoi so bee .inn ltightened anil staitlug
sudtlenly, ilnew him out ol the yehlilt
and into the tliti h along the loadway.
The liappeiilni, yas so sudden that
htMis was unable to lilnist It lioni
Better Cai Seivice.
Mlpet intendt in Kelly ot the tiai
t him cnmpain, has aiiangtd a slight
change in the stnet cai schedule,
which will be gteath applet latcd b
patinus of rompanv. especially
those Hying tlemn the y.illev.
Hen. ltd t the i .ii which leaves Tan
net y switch at midnight and l.aiUin A.
UijITy's emnei ten iiiintilis latm will
go liglit thiotigh to An hbald, Insiciil
ol to the powei lioitfe, as heietolote.
rminetl.y ihe last thiougb cat .south
lett the swltth at Simpson at 1) n,
leaiing hi hind in tills city otten ln
1 itetl y isilots
Ten new cats nl the most upln date
ilye and eeiuipmuit will be put in
Use in ,c jshoi t time They will be the-latge'-t
eats In use anil will hae ,i
s-eating ity ot about st.i uy -Ho
pet sops. These new iars will b" tun
between M lantern ami the liolinmit
slieet swltth, the liaiislet at I'eckyllle
bihiK done iiw.n with.
The Poiest cnj ,,u Ni lunbibly
be i mi miiiiIi as tin as the llighlli ae
switilt and a M'liidule aii.ingiel so ,is
as to do away with an tllsagieeahle
waits in mailing Hie ti.insin. Tlio
now mis will be imii It sinootiiei tun
ning than those now in lisp
Last Night's Euteitninment.
The eiitpitainmeiit giyen In tlio
Mctiopollliui Mule 1)11.11 title in tlie
Uili'llll llaptist i liui, h liist e,-.iK M'iy niui'ii i ii toyed bv a huge au
dlenep The following luogiaiiune was
ghtn in lis enilietv ami tho-o who
bl.lMd the inclement y n U. wt-atlltM
writ lewailleel liv l(. lu-si elleu Is it
those high i hihs eiitei talueth, MMI
.itiiiiuii' 'lhiwi it (In Mlii" Will, n,.
Mtlli'lmllt III 1,1111111111
Itl'M mlii . . , s.1,,1,,1
Ml NiI.ihi p,.ti
iiinililli, "Vli-int,' iii.oi 'II limibtc '.loili
Millnpi'lll in ltniiitiii
llllllli lull, Mulll-. .' ,, ili,rt I Hi till
Viiiiltlle, "I H.i llu lining,"
Midi "ll in ihuiiLiti',
lll. mill, ' lltll i I (In 11,1(1,"
Ml, II hum. It.
ijiiniilti 'Inn', n. slu,i s,n;" , Min
MMH iulll in IJiiululi.
1""1 "'I' Siliilu!
Ml. Hi Hi
iji.ililtt, ' mi. I imi, "
Mtlni'iillloi i.inarlfitp
I'1"" St'luli I
Mom. Hill mil Krnnnh,
IIiiiihiioiis nu . . ,,,,, N a. 1 1
Vuii luii- I'iiiiiIji liirillr,!,
Mclioiollioi ifuirtelle
Among the Labor Unions,
Last night the plunibois.' unimi, ip
ceutb tirgaul.ofl, weio alllllated with
tlio I'Vdeial union
On Siituidu niRlit a huge nuuihei
ot laipvntus and jolnem met in t'ule
(Ionian hall and pet Meted the otg.iti
Uutlon ofNtlmt 1 1 aft Tills union takes
111 the Midge bulldeia and other lIKe
employes und piomlses m ho one of
tho most Hiibstnntliil unions lu tho city.
l.ust night the Kuunent woikmsmet
in St Hose hull and completeil oignnl.
iitlou, Tho membeiH enter tho tanks
ot oisauled labor wltli an emlmsl.ifi.
tie Hpltll
Position with the Lnckiuvnnna,
I'utilck A Kennedy, ul Smith .Alain
sit eel, ban iicieptcd a position nlth
the l.aikawauu.i i.ilho.ut. He will be
emplojecl in the .supply sioie nt Seian
tun. Ml. Ki'llliedj was. tnuuoily eniployed
in the euiibli in Utm gang of fleorg
rill) 1 1 II. the hildge bulldtr.
rPhone j
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Intoicsting Session of the Caibon-
dnlo Cycle Club to Be Held This
The leading uiln nrgnnlatloii of
this illy, lite t'ntbondnli I'.m le club,
will hold mi Inteif-stlng mictlng ul the
i lull house on Not th ('hutch Hieol this
c yelling.
The1 Kiitlieilng will be th" aiinual
unci lug of the club inn' intention to
this fact has been callril to the ineiu
beis' noMeo in tin lollowlng iiotli"
si nt out by tieoige V. .lames, the sec- v
Heat Sli -The minimi meeting ut the
Cat Iioiidale I'cclo club, mid t lection of
nillteif. lor tin enduing .mmi, yylll Ink
place at the club liottsi 7J .Vol lb
('Inn eh stieet. TuchIii. e yelling, May
Hth. ii' S.!n The caiidldiiten lot tb
piliiclpnl otlli ps hip: I'lcsldent,
(iemge S Kimball, y b e ptcsldent. II.
I! Itijggs anil A. II. ''liin': .see lelaiv,
Croigp P. .limits- tteastliel. l'lailk It.
Iieibc, l'leccn new ni'iiiliits y 111 'il-u
be admitted. A full allot dance Is 10
iptcted. 'Ihe aiilill il n pot Is ol th"
olllcets yIH be nail, showing the piog-tc-s
of the elub, or the p tsl yeai.
s Indieiited in Hie nboye tlteie Is
n . i.nt. si .HI I. ii llu. ..111. n nl .'Ii
ptesltlent, nnil this spl lied, but fi I ndl
t Hall v iimis ittteiist to the night s
lifgiam. Kneh nl th" ii'lidleltites, H.
I! Hiigg-c mil All" it II ''lane, has
wanu .idhelelits uinl the ic has beiu
oli-ldetable uithitv among the sup-
poitpts oi each foi the past scvial
y it l.s
'I In anncuin t lueitt lint cleen eandl
el lies will be i pi eit ed Into inpintiPi "hip
Is a good Indlc. itlon nl the st mdlng nf
tin club anil ol its populaiitv among
the young men ot the iit.
Aftit Iho business of to-nicbt's meet
ing then y.lll boa sen In 1 hour oi two.
Anions the nthe- olllitis ,ur thp lol
lowlng logpthel yltli tile candidates
lm ihe same
I'l.ptuln A II ('lane. It H A' in
lirigoii t AV AI. ri"li liet anil (.'. .V.
lioaiel of Uoyetnois ) w. Hum-
phi' y, .lame' i Honle. (Jeoige M.
I'.itletsou, l)i J p Dn, Claude It
hinllh. Al 11 Toppcil. .lobli S I'll. tell,
III W Ai I'll teller. Ifm I y 15 Hllgg-,
Clinton A Mm Kan Tli bond ol goy -
iinoi.s is iiiinpiiMtl nl tfiin membets
Auditing lomnilttee -I. II Toppen.
i: r I'lt. n a Semv, .To-eph A.
Ol tin M' tlnee ate to be pier
The list of i .inrlld ite who ye 111
Iii.poMd al this oypulngs-. n. pi ting In
elude "om' nl Cai howl lie's inns!
pioniinoni and pio'.ievshe 'ill. ens
who-p nn inboi ship yl gieatly In
tn ist thp Mantling and i n sligp of thi'
Th Sloiy of "The Mystic Midgeto"
to Be Sung by Young People of
Tiiniry Chin eh.
AVhon 'The IJliputhins ' yas pie
si tiled last tall, nuclei the auspices
of tin Ladies' guild nf Tiinitv chinch,
e'aibondale yas glyeu a Heat in the
capable inanuet in whlih the mug
piople in tlie pioduc tlou to' 1 the stoiv
In thyme and music of t'i yee little
lolks of Mlliputla. This yeal the
same e ley ei young people will alien cl
an i iiiialh enloy.ible treSt in the stoiy
of 'The Myslle Midgets," whieh tliej
y ill .sing at the fiiand Opua House on
Thuistiiu anil Tililay nights of tills
y ei k
I'm yiieks tile young pco(ile of the
i lunch line been pi ai Using Im till"
musical ptotlnetlon and thej haye dis
til i.yeel an inletest in theii woik that
indlcatis a peitoiinaueo wmth.y of
i low di d audiences on each eyenlng.
The night of musi ,nid .song will
be llndei tlie tlheillon ot Tied II.
Dei kei anil Company, of Xew Yeuk
iltv, who i unt l ill the piece. Miss
Pcekei is now in the t Ity ti, tilling the
t.isi ami clioius
The htoi.y ol "The Mystlt Mhlgeis"
dials with the doings ot tail y foll.s,
who an as lire as the all, anil their
ady entiite s as they loam about uiu
Intel e slingly t Plate' d The tuetiy,
cl. mi lug mtisli ol tlie pit 1 1. adds to the
pleuMllo ol Iho stiiiy, anil as the Mo
ah t mi In stia w III be the a, i omp.utist ,
till ,si c ess ol this leatllle Is assmed,
Tlu sut ul (Itkeih bus been hi is!,,
and the latlits ot tile chilli Ii ltd tn
cottiagid that the, piodui lion will net
an in i eplabk sum lo the fuiul.tliat
is lieiuu' l a In el to leinoyp the nbllga
timis that tesi un the It imposing
i liuuli
Mineib niul Mpchnnics Bank Addi
tion. ( i I nlliiil was luoktii ,ycsiettl,t, Im an
addition lo tlio building of the Mluei.s
mid Mechanics tnuk, mi .otili Main
site nt.
The hank dhotlois )hi t tilt the net
c'(.st,y o linger itiiii teue tn .n milllio
dale the glimiug IuihIium, ot the bank
and the plans on which the piellmluaiy
wmk wns iiiiuinemcd .Mhlndiiy weio
ut t t'pted,
The addition will be one Mm.v high
and will coyer tho gnuiuil iceently
pmehiiMil fiuni Mi.s, Mu.iU r.y.ius anil
the land Im lutletl In another puieluihP,
When cmuplcloil tho addition w lm
utllletl by iho e lei fono ot the
bank and tlien. will be a imiei.mndlug in the .iicoinniotlatlonh fm the
bank's depriitns, I'ontimtm Tlllam
Is in haigcv't the woik.
The glowing business of the Mlueii
and Meelianlis bank, which is judical,
ed in the Inipiineine'iit now- underway,
I" highly Kiatlfjlng to tlio cjlieetone
and testitles to tliu Mictehstiii niotlitxl.s
ol tho institution.
Phono Set vice to Scinntott.
The photio'.soiyiio to Sciantmi otei
the telephones ot the C'.iibouchilci Tele,
phone coinpuiy with luiliigutaled ei.
tenlny to tho tnitlhUutlnii and delight
ol the putions ot' tho cuiupanj mid ot
thoMi In Seiitntoii ot the w lonn
panj who luno been iiulmih to huo
cominunlcitinn between the two plans,
Though tio public uiinouniement was
inudo oi the opening beiMte, It was
cpilckb and geueiully luuueel mui
tlieio was a of calls ten Scianton
Maiy Schoo1 ChildrGi Arj Sicly
Mi.lln (,ui a icoct IWIcu fui Ihllihcii u,o 1
Ic Mtillioi f.uc, niiiMi in Oillilifn', lliiuo
New .i k llicak ci(i (old, In J Ii, ins, ,ui ,.
Ci!, lltjiljilii, hiiinji loubli liitliii.
Demiltlj. ntocc Jlnt KkiiUli tlic HucuU .in I
Pcjtio.c Hinn Mir I mile yijiomi, ciii n
II., ,J "Il t lip I (t liiilliino u , Vi
(ir clilllion hkii IccciWi jii.1 iiiiuiiIjIiiIii, '
hold lo jII el'ii..ll ei tn null. -v.. saiiult
HI lltll tllir.i Mini -. D ma, ,J, Id: ,
thut pief?sed the nbtlRlttff opcratots nt
tho exrhntiRO hole.
As yet only thtee wires ittc In opetu
tlou, but ere Ioiik ten wiles, which
will nih'iittiitplv mcpt the dcintuids of
the splce, will hp at tho disposal of
the local CNi'Iiange.
Thomns O'Neill, of the Wcat Side,
Oifwely Chnigcd by His Help
mate. I'liomas O'Neill, of the West Hide,
huh uitestiel ami lalletl jesteidiiy nn
the roinplaltit ot his ytlfe, who told it
pltltul tale of mo-- mid sttlfptlus: which
nho ehinge'l to eiueltv of Iipi hitsbund.
Mi.s. o'.WIII iPilted n long Htoi.y of
llbllseH She Has beaten tPgltlillh In
bet httHbiind, .she declined, und yns
lltiablo lei piotect hrttic'lf fiom his
nuslifuglits. A few iilghtH ngo he came
hump uinl at Mime taut led kiIpvuiicc
Hew Into a passion and llcteely m
iiaitltecl hi'i, 1h fitiy did tint abate
until she was iihotti eh.iusted tindoi'
his blows and when she appealed In
Aldoi mmi Atkluson'n ollh e hei fm e
was tciniully illsioloietl us Hip coh-p-illiencp
of this latest ciROUIltei She
was sin o in body and mind and had
siiffeipcl. die snld, until llle was In
toletable mid she was funcd to I'PeU
the law to ipstialn hei alleged bititnl
hush mil.
AldPiimiii Atkinson Issued a
for O'Nelir in i est and it to Con.
htable Mman loi sen lie. Tlie t on
stable .set mil foi O'Ni 111 and was
standing In tiont ol the city hall ye--tetdav
nfteinoon when he obseivcd
a liuiti on Ihe opposite .slele who nn
swetecl O'N'eH's ilcheilptlon. Consta
ble Mourn dliln't know O'Neill, but he
was sue er.-tttil In spotting him. tor
win n he nppio.iched O'Neill aeknowl
edged his identity
He was plated in Hip eltv Jail to
await n boating mid on his yyav to the
i ell he le m.ii kr.,1 to the otllici that he
"didn't gyo his wife hall enough of a
Time Is Hope That tho Streets Will
Be Named and Additional Mail
Canieis Secuied.
It will be Riatltying news to le.nn
that the joint stieet committers, nt
councils will ai c In the lequrst
nf l'ostmastet Thomas to establish a
s.itlsfaetot y system of stieet and bouse
numbeiing, in mdci that C.iibmidnlo leeelye (lie additional mall-eat -litis,
to whieli it lias long been en
tiled, but yhieh has been denied sole
ly on ae count ol the utter lick of
Mieef names and house nunibets that
pieyails tlitoiiEliout tlie city.
The ai title on this subleit yvhiih
appealed in tills ekpatlnitni lu tes
tenla.y's 'Jihtnie awakened mteiest in
the mnttet mui it will be token be
foie the joint stieet ami biidges tom
initte,. of lotinells fm action
Today the loinmittees of both toun
clls will begin theii annual inspection
ot the city's stteets mil the impioye
inents aheady eomnlel cl or in urn
tPinplatlon Aieonlingh . Di. AV. M
rich her, who is a uiembpi m tlio
stitet.s. sewets and btldges emmnlttep
ot splpet tonne II will take the matter
up lietmr the 1olut ommltlei befoie
it pioi-'cds on its yst and y ill pro
pose that oyciv stnet nyei whlih
they w III pass, ami this is meant 'i
include eyety tbotoughfaio Im ihe
tile, yhieli has not been toiniallv
naineil. that it be e 111 istemd toith
yclth find that on the ictuin to the
tilv hall that a n solution m oidi
n.mie, as tin cast m.ij di mand, be
piep.nei1, imboebing' all these names,
and that the same lie piesented to
councils toi Immediate adoption.
Pupils ot Cnibonelale nud Scianton
High Schools Will Join in an Out
ing nt Lodoie.
The pupils of tlie Cm bond lie anil the
Scianton High s( hool will Join in a
.Tune Day cclebialiou it l.alce Lodoie
on Sutuid.i., June 1.
The outing is l"iiirr look' d loiwmd
lo witli liui ileel unlit Ipatlun mid the
pupils ot thi llig.i s hool lu th.s i'iv
reel iissiind ot a dclighllul tin- with
their Scianton lilends, beside tlie
pleas mi hliotes ot the beautiful like
yhlch this j ear pie.sents a .silcpdld
plctuio ol wooeiland beuttty. I'm
gi.imiues foi the day'.s enjoyment aie
being pnoaietl sujel among tlie tlhei
slons whitli yylll ilaltii a got . deal of
iittnst Is the game ot bai-ebill, which
will be plaved bitty ecu t 'aiiis 1 1 mil
each w hool
Nunieious other pastime ai" bc'ing
i onteuiilat''d . nel a day ot i.iic eujo1.-nii-iit
.seems to be In stoio tor the
galheilng at this likeshle t -soi
'Ibis will be among th e.i.llest or
the untitles at I.ako I.ot'cue ami N.t
tuie yylll meet the oiltig pcojile it:
all the llyellitiss of her summer unite.
The outing will be p.utlt ul.u ly wel
t time, an the hihools teel the need of
a ilnv iiniong the hilghtness and glmy
of the ntwly-tohed landscape, alter
the study and toil of examination
Gone to Soldieis' Home.
Alldtcw Walf.h, ul the West Side has
lett tlio elty tor Uamllle. 111., wheie
ho yylll oiilei the hul'lieis' Homo at
that lilac e
Ml. Walsh is a yeteian of tlie Cyl
wai and lias, ihui in Cinliontlali al
most all his llle, Iteeeiitly ho him be.
tome .somewhat lulliiii and, almost
being aliine hue, belleyed ho would be
nioie eouiloi lable among hi.s loiiirmles
at the .splenellel homo whlih tho gov
ernment has pioylded fm Its disabled
sin louts,
Stage Hands to Dance.
Tlie Stage Hands' union of the liiand
Opcia Hotibo yll he hosts at (liiiei'
hull, Wnjm.ut. tnmoituw nlsht, when
thev yll euictitain at a dam a. They
bate pioylded well tor the occasion
anil it lt oApected that tlieio will ho
a good sUed delegation nt Caihonelale
ylsltors in the Wane iminty ylllage
totiioiinw nlsht,
Home fiom New Yoik City,
I Aal; t home fiom New
Yoik cty ami la hning at his home
on Copehind uyeiiue
Ml. Holleuhack has enteted on thu
couise of study font protoeslonai niiiso
In Ui'llcMio hospital and h tilting him.
selt tip thai woik.
Master Mechanic in Town,.
Master Mechanic Thomas I. Mullen,
of the Scianton Hallway company, huh
h ylsltor lieio 'esteiday Mi. Mullen
was lieio making Ids uistomaiy Inspec
tion of thU illusion of tho lallway
loinpuio's, lines
Ft i omen Woie Suctesfsful.
The tail mid itunUdl ol the Cottago
Hose company which iiinie tn a e Iomj
i-atuidii nlsht, was ttilte a suicets
Ih'DPP Noetmicefeirruliilo-H IXtr.iol- CrIZfC -
iUU g AVhon Other Work Is Down. V LL
Wo glvi) n wtlttett gtinrantoo fur L'O veins cm nil hoi k. OL
Tlio fact that tills Is an Incorporated Company ilolui; bind,
lie&s under tho laws of this State, utul operttlnu ti svHtont of O
JOolllees, h a siillk'lenl giiiii.ittlue of out luspmialliitltv niul g
unci no ii LiMicciy in
sMttrio tin ltisi.t
tne of a plnti Tills
j TheWhiie Dental Parlors
and y ill net the oiR.iniatlou about
$J00 This tutu will bo tultlett to the
lund alietnlv in the c ompanv's ke p
Iiir: and ylll be iibetl In tlie oonsti no
tion ot the home foi the loiupmv
yvliich It Is pioposed to cn'i I dining
the summer months and to luiye n atlv
for oeeupaiiiy beloio the cool days of
Tlic pilso of ?I0U lu Kohl, oyei.wlikli
tlieio yeas so much speculation was
yon h, Kdyyatel J. DoiiKheity, of the
thin ot Dousheity &. Mat tin, of I'aik
Place. Ticket Xo SI 7 wast tlie yyinnei.
Tleket Xo till.' eliew the dlnnet set -ylee,
hut as et tlie lucky holclet has
not made himself known.
Mi. Alexander to Lectuie.
Anothet of the leituios anaiiKcel lor
the liencllt ot the pupils ol Ihe (.'ui
bondale HIrIi sihool yylll take plan
on Kilelav nevt. The spcakei will be
.1. 31. Alexancli'i. of C'ommantlei D.i
yies' post, who will speak on some pa
tilotic tlienie
These talks haye been tounel to lie
ItitoicstiiiH: and luspltlnK and aie wlcli
lv discussid by the pupils, who duly
apptoelato the put pose of the leituioh.
LaM yyeek tieotse S, Klmb ill Kayi the
Tonight's Meetings.
DMsloii, Xo 11, Aiiiient Onlet Hi
bei nians
t-a t Vincent tie Paul sen lot v
l.uiietia lodce, DntKhtcis of t -i.i
Lackawanna tilbe, Xo JOS, I. O
I! M.
KniKhts of. llonot
Local union, Xo Pill
C'aibondale t'jc le dull
DaUffhteis ot St lieoi-fce.
Funeial of tho Late Andiow Booth.
'Ihe ohsefpiies of the late Aneliew
Month yeie belli esteiday and wuc
attended by a multitude of fi tends ot
the dep.utcd man, to y iioni they- yceto
attached dm ins his e ommindable lite
Hoitices weie lenideu ted in Ttinity
chinch by the teetoi, Itev Sattjei.
Intel nicnt took place in Hillside conic
ton. The pall-heaicis yveie ,lauiet
Smith, Abiaham riuellen, Xichnlis
Mnon, Thomas, Simon, Miihucl Uiik
gnn, .Tames Andeison
Confli niation Wednesday.
Mishop Talbot will he at Tiinitv
c hut eh Wednesday nlprht to eelebtate
the s.ieiament ot f ontlimntion. Itev.
Kollln A. Sattjer will meet the classes
to he eoiillinied toinoiiow, the ihildieu
In the iitteinooii and the adiills In the
A'et y Re y T P. Corfev in heian
AV. A. lluntiiiR, oi Mtanton, was In
toyn vjhtetday.
l!ecucr K. Latite spent Sunday with
his lamilv in Sci anion.
Pi .ink Moyie, of Wilkes- Mat ic, was a
Isltor In toyy n Sunday.
M. I,. M.'uett, of Sitanton, was a
('ill DoiKillle c isltoi esleldav.
Mi-. W. W. Watt, ol C'liuith hticet,
1 1 tonliiied to hei home bv Illness
Mis, Joseph Xbol and son, Audi mi,
ispent Mind i ytith Smantou fiUuds
Di. und Mi.s. T H. Pciklus, oi r,.
est I'itv, veie lallei.s lu town estei
day It. .1. HtlRhcs, ot tho Poote it hii,.,,,
company, was hcie on business yestoi
div Miss .lliie V, lIllMle'S ol Wilkes
P.'ilie, is tne Kilest ot Miss Nellie l,j -unit.
Miss K.i tin mi Adams, of Poit .loitK
lias letuined home at tut yisliuiR with
Mi,, J, T, hulllyau.
Uiyisiou hi eilniendeiit P, ,1 Kellv,
'I Hie ti.ictlou couiian, Went lo
St lanton hint ey cuing,
ieoiK AV. Cillles, of the lutein l
''oiial I'oiiespoiiiletice Schools, was n
Way no e unity on biihluess Mittiiilay,
Ic lm M, Manley, of nuumoie, who
Kpietonth tlio I.lstiuau MIIH, of AVIs
coiisiu, wuh lieio on business ,ycntei
chn James Hoiiniiii, the South .Alain mteoi
Ktooor, nciompauiid liy Mis, ilotiiiun.
enjoyed a eliiye to Lake l.odote on
MU-'.s Amies nutlt'i, o .Moosic, le
tuined homo ye,stciela alter a hhoi t
v Ilt lien. She was the guest of Mis
J. V, Mtllhan, Agiitlia Mill, ol South Main
stieet, lotuineel Hum Pleasant Mount
vesteielny, wheie hho attended tho
tunetal of her gtandninthei
John 11. Joidau and It, W. .Ionian,
of tho Lake. I.otlom Impioycmeiit icint
p.tny, and lloiiuo Jnulan, .sou ot tho
latter, worn hi (-'aibondulo lui oscn
ItiR on theii way fiom I.ako l.odoie,
Piailk Wettlluii of tho J T Poitei
companv, Stianiun, m about town
yesteiila.y with Piunk .Al Po ohialn
Ine oidei-e tur the SacReitown Spilngh
Mlnet a At'tUi't company's pioduet.s, of
y.hlc'h .he lattei Is tlio icpieseutatlyc
The Sming Fevei,
l.s a inaliidy whli h no one can f-tapi
hi thin M'Uboit of the ..iii The
iiy l.s u.sually oeitMii illillnnr llle
w Intel months, unci aiuhiR liuds the
kj .stein ail inn clown 'the blood is
tliliinod and impuic. The McluejK and
liver aie lime the lOhiiltliiR n ., 0hs
of enemy and apptlie, ami u ,ie
laiiKetiLi'itt o the nuiye.s Llihty's
Celciy Neiyc i.'oiiipoiiinl y ill pmity
j oils blood, tone up uiu nones, and
lcine on IceKni! tichli ami eneiRetli
hold h Mutlhewij Hio.
We extract teeth, till teeth, and npply gold crowns tind bridge work, with
out the lenst p.iln, by .i method patented nnd used by us only. When the im
pression is taken in the morning plates will be finished same day, if desired.
Note Our Prices for Perfect,
Full Set Teeth (that fit)
Gold Fillings
Silver Fillings
Gold Crowns
Teetn without I'lntcs . .on
Cleaning Teeth ., . so; "1
eve xuvuriiac;.
Sl'LlUIALTY of Gold Clown and IIiIcIrc Weill
Mntr in I lib bit teeth w b ni , nun ,, im... ...n...i
- ...- , ,j(, in.- iiiniiu ..iiiiwiiiiiii
yyoik Is moit beautiful and cannot he deteeteil fiom tin loqlh. AVhon ptopeily done, will last u llrellinc. Call and see us opei -ate.
It will he a plensitie lor tin to carefully- exuiulne your teeth mid toll you
iMiillV what out woik yylll cost. No cluin,o lor thK lliiint, S to S. Sun
tlajs, lo to t,
( tuci t iiKfivciniii .nl Weniiiln trniiM Oin
Nrttnil s n( s0, s, iiinl.ii, ni I irn t
conn I II In th" ttnlltl 'II nlllt i In t nil il stil .
Ilietnioi Uttl
Allied Moiintfonl, of PilcebuiR, has
openut a btndsoinely lilted up ton
sotlal pallor lu the Meuaii btilltliiiR
on Ala I a stieet.
Pioti'ssoi Kniusliy , ,il Ithaia, X. V ,
yens a uillei lu town ycsteiilin.
All Thomas l. (Jiilllths, ol Second
stnet, ycho has bet n lunllnid to his
homo on Second stnet for seceial
yeeks yyith a sot cic attack ol lheuina
tisni, yas taken weuse on Sunday anil
bad not itnpioutl yesteitla.
The !UIMih company's employ cm of
Ihe (llenwool. Pile and Keystone t ol
lkiles will be p ild to-day.
Han v (Jiilllths .mil Miss Maty hw it Ic
yytie aniotiR those fiom tills IioioiirIi
who iitte.uditl the e oin ei t at the l!e
lc.m thiiti It, ('ail)ontlale last evcnltiR
I'oiiuc Ihnim M ccIrci has been c ou
Pt'eil lo his home on Cciuetei stnet
the past two days with eye ttouble.
Sainiit 1 Pilot has seemed a position
yclth Xelson Monls .V Co, Ihe ychole--.ile
niial chalets eteoiRe Oakley
has been ptoniotid to siUsiuin for
the t iiiupanv.
The P.iu-Aint lit an oi.iiu.iade Is the
I.i .soda eh ink.
IMIth. daiiRlilei of It and Alls Jo
st ph AVateis of West "I lybelel, is con
llm d to hei home 11 Mine ss
Miss Ad t Lutey, or hciontl stieet, is
Itev S D Alolkl. the new pastni
ol ilu Piimitiyi' Methodist ehtinh,
pnaihetl his liist 'niiitm hcie on hun- inoinltiR and niiule a yen- lay en
able impitssion on tlio e onioRulion.
Met. John M'Ciiiniuss ol Pi ci land,
who was pisloi ol the local chinch
etnal eus ,iro, pieaihcel in Iho
eycnitiR mil aftitwinls spent som.
time In riccIIhr his old nit nds in the ion
Mis Pi oil Hoi swell md Mis Hush
Pbdon haye lenlycl the 'ad neys ol
the dentil ol their lathei, Diuiel P.u
l'.et, ot noisetshiie. PiiRland.
lli'V, Tncotioie Cook lias assuinetl
rhaiRc of the Piist Puniitiye cluueli
at Plj mouth The new eliaiRO is one
of the most tlomishliiR c huiilics of thll
dsikt His manv lil'nels, while n
hlittillR the depiituie of All Cook
alii' his cstiii'al)!" yyife. unite in thelt
best y Ishes toi his stu ct"--lul woik in
l,b ncyy Held
.Mis i:ilahclh Davis, of hiisiiiu han
ua stieet, is seiloiisly ill
W. it Laiidei. ol SlioudsbtiiR, was
a y Isltor in town Sunday
A laiRO nuiubei ot youtiR people Horn
hcie attended thi May dame at Die k--iiu
last eyonltiR.
IhiiRcss A. 1). Haines, of P.likih.
and U ('. He .ins. of Susipielianna
sitcel, yliitctl lilends at Hunca huit
day .
l.ouls JCikou niade a business liip lo
A likcs-l! nie yeste iday
P.ey. .lames Ilev tetuined tiom 11
mouth on hatunlav, wheie he hid lie en
iillentlinR the Piimlthe Methodist
Alls. Mioome and son, cii l'tii.i X"
A', ,ite tile Rlteiis ol Ml. and Mis
Maitiu Ciippeii, ol (ii nltv stieil
Mss Manic HnipPi, ol Duunion,
.ipent Slindaj at ihe lesldenii ol Wil
liam Hal per, in l'lakelv
.Alissos Psther ami M.iRgle Hauls, o
Pltiston, ylsitfd Miss 'lillie Day is of
Plakely . oyer Sunday
' (lli'UHonil," c beautilill diauia, will
lie piodiited by a i oinpanv ot local
talent at Hie Father Mathew Opeia
house on AVedui'silav eyeniii!,', .May .'J,
In lioitoi ol ihe thll ly -set oiul utility ci
.ii, y of Ihe Calhollt A'oiinj, .Men's To
tal Abstinent c nud Iteneyolent stiflctc,
i im ,ii III tick i .lames illianih and
William Voik lett Satiinlay toi a lisli
illtr ti ip al.Ploy Itlt nt e iiseiMili, They
iciic heel that place eaih 111 th" attei
noon unci attt'i UshiiiR -r 1 1 il hums
without e, itching . sinsle Unit, they
dci idi d lo 1 1 tut II home The 1 1 In
hitched mi tin it mule km in in tin,
Hill 1 1' v and smiled hotuewiinl. Oil"
of the iiiunbc'i at ted us eliltei; tho
othei.s i in bd tlu'iiisfh, s upon til'
w,irou boitoiu alid weio Miolt last
ae-bep. The dllMI lllKetl the mules
aloiiR. hut tlmtll.y fell into a do.:e and
Wllrt soon sb't pills piatetillh The
lllllle tmilll ein oilliteieil iuiiucioUk t loss
mads and totii cotnei.s, inn n ih
inn bothei then) in ihe IcaM. Tilt v
plodelecl ahum jllsl us ihej pleiu-t'd,
and Jiiitt us dawn tnih lueiikiiiR the
dilvi'i awoke, looked aboui him and
dlMoyeied that hi was in a tetiitotv
net ti llted Its It I lit heroic Ills loud
"Whoa ' lo the teuill awakeiitel Ids
coniiaclps, who unit klj ).piiiiu, to ihoii
feci The ie was not a house ip night
They- admitted to one auoihei that
tllci weie lost. The Untied llle
team about nud atici dilvim, mailt
a mile i.iuie lo a linni house Here
the, iiuiuiletl us lei the !nc .tlioti of
i'lckyillc Tbe.y wen ahtonltilii cl to
li'.nil Unit they weio In lielltou town,
.ship, iiiiiio miles 1 1 tint home Tlu
fauui'i put thrtit on the iMht mad
and uttet mail) holms' nitil the out.
til at i it id al I'eiktillc Tho both
wile illfrRiistttl and the mules weio
moio tn
iolin ti. Hayes, biipeiliilentlcut. ami
AVIIIiain McLaughlin, otithhl t I'uieimui
at Hie hlenlilv ('ivCk eollien of tins
Temple lion loinpuiy. huti iil,;iieil
their I'o-ltlons. in nctpt the ni.iuae
nii lit ot the Pioplfti Coal lomp.iii ot
ht'iautoii biliie lltclr tojouni al tin
Painless Dentistry f
. $1.00
$3.00 to $5.00
., PI ATF5
rin I taJ
'fill! Il 1
without (he
Sleitlik Ciei'k tltese Rentlcnion have
niade a host of it lends, on Siituiday
etenliiR a Iuir,. nunil'ier cif the out
idotes met ul Hi hoiue of Mr. Mc
LaiiRhllu ami tsate him a im st .iricc
able sin pi Ise, alonr with lliein wat
.All. llujis. , t,0 pi 0,,e,. tlnP j())m
A P.elllv, In a neatly yyoidcd speech,
puseuied lo Mi. McLoimhlln a new
eloitlile.b.iiiellcil ItiiuliiRtoii hIioIruu.
with huntiiiR coat. As hoon us the
piesentatlon was m.teti. Mi. Ileilly
tinned to Mi. Hates and mescuted
hlni a slnillui outllt. Uotli tame fiom
tlie employes ot the Sleiilik Ctcek.
Messis Hayes ami AIcL.iiirIiIIii ic
.' ponded and In rIowIiir wonls thanked
(he elouois. The etenliiR was most orr
ioyably spetu. Melieshments teie
set ted, ami at a lati liouis those ftics
t nt depai ted lot home, one and all
yyishiiiR Messis Hayes and MeLniigh
lln hint ess in tluu new .lositions.
Tin n will bo class lucetlltR held In
tlie P. Ai. t hutch tonlRlit All klndlv
iuy itetl to attend.
Miss l.oiiettiL Oeoiiie ami Mhses
.kunieaiitl ilai.y Mll'.iaiie, or St lantou,
spt nt Sunday afternoon ttitli Alls. (Jus
.Schmidt, ol CannalL stnet..
All. Willi im Mohinsoii ami Mi.John
.lai y is ot Se i niton spent .Sunday yylth
flic nds in town.
The diuininet ot,uiROis( AA II. Wil
liams has tliti iiiR tin (last week been
londuetiti', special t y mmelistie meet
hiRS in tin Ptesby lei Ian mission looms
al PiliebuiR, ytitli Rood sm i pss.
Mi. Aithut oi Main slreel
yens at .Scianton jestenliv to hue i
pltee of steel etiatliil fiom Ills eye
Alt. ftcoiRf Hcckc r has ictuined, af
tei yisltltiR fi tends In the country.
The liunibeis ol tlie High school
Alumni ate uiuistid lo meet in the
Ctntial liuiltliiiR tonlRlit at 7 to o'clock
to atiaiiRe lot theii anuilal hamiuet
The niciulieis ot Hie L idles' Catho
lic Heiiey olent asset iatlon ami the
Citholle Mutual ISetiellt association
hate completed at laiiRciuents lot their
annual hamiuet ami ilitite. ytlilth -vt ill
lie eoudiitted lu AVashlngtnn liall net
Thin sdav eyenltiR
.Aiiss Heitlllde Pi ie e ictllilied to her
home at Ca na dt nsjs on S i tin day . aftt i
spemlitiR tie past ttiek with Itiemis in
The Duiiuioie IUrIi Sihool Alumni
assoi i itiou will meet in tlie high si lmol
bulltlliiR 'I'tiestla, etiniiiR at 7 ,0. All
memlieis aie ieiltcsled to be piesent,
P P. Me Hale has letuined ftnni a
shot t stay at AA'ilkes-P.aiie.
Alls. AVilllatn Sinioson, Mis Hlmer
Vit l.ei s and dan.;hloi. Ctene. .11.,
siientlliiR some time al Atlantic City.
W K. hteainet has lesisned liis
position with the Kile ami Woiuin-r
A'ulle ltaihottl foinpany.
The lesiileiice of (ieolRc Williams, oC
ltlooni sttett. is licitiR yiiy iiiiuh I111
piot ctl b. a 1 o it ot paint
1 ! 111 P.e.yia who tetentlv 1 '
slRtied the position ol iMiyin.istei ytilli
the Pennsylvania Coal company, has
liiiti appointed siipei lutt iident of th 1
Diimuoi'' ceiuotet ami will in the
llllllli deyote Ills entile lillie to tills
liny hlv, ol Clieitv stieet, spent
some Huh ittently with flic nds in
Jet HO 11
Penn&ylvanifi Bniliond's Position
Concerning: Noith Rivoi Pioject.
lit' Wllf fl mi lit Wu i mil l'i ,i
Philadelphia, May II Pout th Vic
Piesldcul Ilea, ol the Poiiuxl It.inl t,
Itallioatl (ompaii.t todat' gate out th
following blateniinl 11 ennuee tluu with
the lopeut that the Peniisy It alibi Itall
load loinpriin wan bukli-R tlie s'oith
titer blldge ptolttt
"The J'ciiiih It aula ltallio.ul coiu
pau declines lo s,iv auMillnc ahoiil
the .mth I the 1 Hi Idgc 1 onipatii , be
yond the tact ihui the I'cnns. lyaui 1
Itallioad company has URieed to uso
Ha indigo tciminal. when built m
ionium Hon with other lallioad cotn
pinlcs ti'iiulnatliu on the wiht sitio
ol tin Nottll thei, lutt tilt Peitnsyty 1
11I11 Itallioad touipiu, Is pot backing;
Ihe Ninth UKei IIiIiIrc toiiip.iin ti
nautlulli, and has not hem iihked to
do .so "
Ihe Pnte ot Dt, Heiinnn, ot Topeka,
I ly li.iu Wat Hull 111 'oiatril ro
Topukii. Kan Mii I.! Dt. llu man
eoloicd, with liilullj hlmt cult today
by the iiisiiibtts uf a tUiliiue 10111
mittcc Hi 1 man Hed at Iho lioine oi Alii
(let)i(jo Hamlei, ytliose IiiihIi mil l.s s-a tl
to hiw died uudt 1 lieiinun'.s t an m y -eial
eel. a atjii A mob tUlicd tin
liliiie ami found lleimait annul win
a (.hoteuii nnd icyoltct AHei a neu'
lle, the wiapons yyeie seeuiccl hmuo
one then din hat Red tlie cliolguo
wotiinlliig' lleiinui lu the abilouitu,
The c mint immediately disbanded.
Liiiciuo Comt Sustained.
R,v It lmiito Wae to m I lie itioiiitol Prfi'
U j.1imi;1i 11. Mt 1. llu siipui,,, , onrt i
iU.t aHtlliftl 111 jul-iuilH ot the luniiiion (il 1,
.1 Illtill, (tllllAV t ilic ,1. tlf Poll Pfl y
il ! Utuii 1 1. 11111111 jml W t 111 UIU 1 t
I ill ,TpP