The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 14, 1901, Image 1

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films Down from San Francisco
to Attend the Formal Ex
ercisers Onlu.
People Who Hiwe Been Anticipating
n Sight of the President for
Months Ave Disappointed Many
Expressions of Kindly Sympathy
for Mrs. McKinley The Big Bou
quet Prepared for Mrs. McKinley
at Sin Josp.
l" INcliKlie Who fiom The. Awoi'iatctl 1'ie'i
San .in", 'ot.. Aluy 1.1. Thousands
if people between Dclmonle and Han
1o.-, whii have been anticipating 11
sight til' llio piesldent for months, wro
ill.-ainiiiiii'(l to-day. The president's
pu-.-M'iK !. In Jose for tin hour this
nfti riiiion took ilic edge "IV ill" thu dis
appointment, lioiv. where the n'i' car
nival was being Ik'UI In his honor and
i' lioiv ilif Mural display surpassed nny
hiiig cut before seen In thin part
Hi' tlif country. After leaving Del
nioijli' thin morning the t'ahinot carried
.-iiit tin- Itinerary originally planned,
Mopping ut 1'arako mid Santa Cruz,
itutl visiting the his trees in tlie Sail
I.' rcnzii valley, but they had no lienrt
to put Into the test I villus In the nb--i-nj
of llieir chief and Hie keen regret
if (lie people was written on their
Many expressions nf kiinll.v sympa
tic for .Mrs. .McKinley were heard lit
each slopping place. At Santa Cruz
i ivtiiiy of State Hay was the rep
i .illative of the president to thu nd-dr-
.-s of wclc-jino niatli." hy the mayor.
'I'M.- president's presence here barely
mi veil the tiny. He ran down from
San Francisco in bis special ear, nr
tiving here just as the cabinet train
nulled lilt" tlie city from the south.
Hut h- letnnlnetl only for the formal
oereises. When they were concluded
at :!:.".ti o'clock be was driven buck to
the station ami left immediately for Francisco. At .lames square, op-pti-ile
the court bouse, a handsomely
dcointed .stand had been erected and
here the formal exercises took place.
'I'lii president lespoiided to die mayor's
indiess of welcome.
The Big- Bouquet,
immediately ill tin- rear of the .stand
.as Hie bio bouquet of which so much
has been lieeard. It was ninety feet in
i ncuiiifeieiice and stood in its frame
twenty-live feet high. The stem was a
telegraph pole sunk in the ground. It
was composed of cut Mowers of every
variety that blooms. Tlie idea of pre-"-ill
iiitr till, immense Moral offering 1
Mis. .McKinley originated with the
i idle'-- of Sail Jose and tlie prtsentn.
linn w.i niiitle to the president hy .Mrs.
V., i. Smith, who presented lender
voids for .Mrs. McKlnley's. illness and
hopes for lcr quid; re overy. Tlie
niembi is of the cabinet took a Ions
drive thiooimh Santa Clara valley
whli h bail been planned for the presl
dint. visiting on the way the1 .Jesuit
college at Santa Clara and the I'niver
Ity of the I'acilie. (litat propara
lons hatl been made aiming tlie rnuto
In receive the president and the disap
pointment ,n pot seeing him was very
keen. A lib" reception hail been
planned lor the president at Vondome
hotel to-night and 111" pioi'inni was
carried out. The liioiubt is of the
cablliel ainl the ladies of lh" party
all attended tills function.
San Knilici'-vo, May IIS.- I'resitieiH
McKinley returned lute this afternoon
from San .lose to ihe bedside of his
wife in the Seolt resilience, where he
will leinain until tomorrow, If .Mrs.
McKlnley's condition shall be still fa
vorable loinorrow the president will
carry out the arranged pingrnmme,
with some ciiriailnieiit. He will visit
l.elainl Stanford, Jr,, university at I'alo
Mlo, and make brief stops at San
Alaleo and llurllngumc. At Palo Alto
he will In Joined by his entire party
and tin pit-slileiitv olllcliil entry into
this city will talie place toinnrrow uf
Irniooii, in iiccnrtlaiice with the pre
vloiisly arranged schedule. Secretary
CnndMiii said tonight:
"Mis. .McKinley rested well and
conifnrlubly today."
Four Poisons Cremated in the Burn
ing of n Farm House
VH i: -i ilL- Win- In. in I'lie As.iiii.itti Pi,..,..
Pni'l, Me.,' May Ul, 'tin. t.iliu I. nine of Wctty
Midi. Ill SilOlit) W.I- llllllll'il liltf (. Hlli't,
nui Mr. Alltli, Ills wile, ilaimhtii- ,. , .nil I
mother pci-on, ill Hi..riil unknown, tMie IiuimiiI
III lliMlll.
'lilt' 1-llVlllllllaiKL'i, .III' llllil'(l n. , t
l imliT.
More Cruisers for Chinese Waters,
J l.i I'Mliiaiv? U'lic from 'Hie Assoualfil 'u.N
I.DIIlll'll, M. II. "II U Ut"CllCl Ihic," lj
11m Si. IVt.iljinar t-oi iri-ix intent ut tlif Daily
IVlt'iiiapli, "ll.jt ,'i ilu) iciiut ni Atlmiral
Mi'iicll, ilio Uuiau piiciiiimnt U scrnl iinr l
linri' Kitii'lilH ami two nulrci'4 to icliiforin
I lil' lliinlau I'ltt In Cliuu'M' w.iliis In uiilMiu,
1 1ti oi mri'iii, iioulilc."
Tuio Bill Aenlnst Roberts,
flj i;clulu Wire from The AMOdatcl I'icsi.
I.oinlon, M-iy la. 'I liu jri.iml jmy lotlay (ouii'l
i trui" bill (if ii).iiil.-.ui;litii' a; j nut "Javt " Ito'i
ntK the pnnilM ttn, en April 23, fatally m
Jitifl "Ulilj" Siuilli a lio.sli'i; I'onickt ai tlie
.Valioiul Swilins I'luli: Ihr irlrin-, Dounlj,,;
Mini.Wi llclli.v.ii, ol ll.f National Spoi i In- iluh
uml ulliir, luikciiuiJ in (he liijlil.
Dentil of Dr. Rice.
fb' lAiiuslve Hue Imiii 'I lie UaciuHil I'liw.
N'iw Voik, Ma l.l In. ( liaik". Ilitc, uiie of
lie IcaiHiiB .iioiliiidiui, 1. 1 Hit" miiiiliy aii'l ful
IVMiilv yi- tiini,i nl tlie Sew Veil. thJiitli'j
iii..illlnelil. I iii I in lli'lleiue l.o.plul Hi.Jii vl
Itilima, )i. Itiu- w (liainn.iu ol the conn
Ailll'i' i ihili.l In die .S'alionii! DiuvUU' a.
K".UUmi to iiHH' tin' 'luiiii.ii.O'"ila.
Fatal Accident at the Pan-American
Ily I'srliMltr Who fiom 'Ilic .Uwthildl l'iw.
llniTitlo, Alay 'J. One mini was shocked
to death hy electricity and two of Ills
eonipiinlons who irled to rescue hlin
from tho splittterlniT wires were se
verely burned at the 'I'lin-Amerlcaii
exposition grounds to-day.
Tlie Injured arc Uuxlmls Stroniplu
wiz and Andrew lCoslc.kl.
The Hum were engaged In wheeling
dirt from beneath tho mnnufiiciures
nitil liberal arts building, where some
e.venvalliig Is being done. Kroin burns
found cm" Klellg's face It Is evident
that he was struck hy a live wire.
Tlie shock stunned him and In falling
forward he grasped several other wires
and pulled them from their fastenings.
Klchg'.s comrades rushed to his assist
ance and their hands and arms were
fright fully burned In their endeavors
to t dense hlin. When the current was
shut off It was found that Klellg was
dad and the other two men were iiu
consetotts. They were removed to tho
hospital, where It Is said their condi
tion is serious.
Report of the Commission Shows
That After Their Visit Here
They Favor Piatt Amendment.
Ily i:illl-io Wile loin The AtMiiiulnl Pie.-.'.
Havana, Alay I'i. The Cttlmu consti
tutional convention met today in se
cret session and formally considered
the reiuiit of the commission that
went to Washington to obtain more de
llnlte Information regarding tlie In
tentions of Ihe United States govern
ment. General Sanguilly excepted to
the report on the ground of Incom
pleteness, pointing out that the com
mission made no reenmmedntloiis.
A protracted discussion followed, tho
opponents claiming that the commis
sion should have made recommenda
tions as to the acceptance or rejec
tion of tin Piatt amendment, as was
expected they would.
Senor Juan Ooinez moved that the
report be referred to the committee
on relations, whose last report has
still to be acted upon. He admitted
that the commission's visit to AViisdi
Ingthi had thrown new light upon
the amendment, but lie thought it only
just that the committee should be
allowed an opportunity to change the
leport in order to confirm to new
conditions presented by the commis
sion. An attempt was made to take an
immediate vote with reference to the
amendment, but tlie motion of Senor
liomcz was dually carried, the com
mit leo being instructed to act prompt
ly. It is expected that several days
will elapse before the amended report
is submitted to the convention. A
movement is on foot to delay action
until after the municipal elections. A
majority of the committee favor the
Plait amendment.
A Decision of Interest to Married
People Who Desire Separation.
liy i:iliiiie Wne In. in Tlie A-'nciatiri 'if.
Philadelphia, May 1.'!. 'I'lie supreme
court to-day held that when a mar
ried couple, after differences, agree by
contract to separate and to "live apart
us though they had never been mar
tini, "the wife after tlie husband's
death cannot recover her dower rights
ill tlie estate,"
ileoige ,1. K.iser and his wife,
Catherine, of Lycoming county, agreed
10 separate, Tlie contract was signed,
sealed and acknowledged by tlie par
ties! before tin alderman. There was,
however, no separation acknowledg
ment by the wife. Tlie county court
decided that III" wile lost her dower
right whn site agreed to sopnrate.
Tho ease was carried to tlie superior
court and the lower court was re
versed. The superior court held that
the absence of an acknowledgment by
tlie wlf'i at tlie time of separation
gave her the light of dower after the
husband's death.
Tlie supremo court reverses this ami
upholds Ihe lA'cmiiing county court's
Enthusiastic Cubans Attempt to Pull
Down the American Flap.
In Km lu-be Hue linii'i 'I !' Ai-oi l.ileil I'le-
.intl.iKii De I nli i, .Mai PI. -'lime Hj, an k
I'iliii',' kill uan.e lu'l VM'i'ii liu ineiirai'H uivl
I uli.uu hen' Thi' 1' won by th.
i'ni'1' nl II In H. Dniiui; the riilhini.iMle tlein.
"I1.I1.1II..11 which ti.llmwi! Iiiimili N climiliil on
Ihe llehl n ml ,'t Jiihilae.l Cnlan .-illeiiipteil Pi
lull! iIumii 'he Aimrle.iu flair to half Tin
Aniiilian ptaveis inieifircil awl a Itwly- kiIhi
ni.isje lulltirti'il. A nmi.hI of rural cuinl-i ihew
Ihiir iiiaeh'.tis ami the crowd, 11.11113
"ilia la I'.iniler.i Aineiaano" ("l.oiifr Ihe tlie
Ann riC'iu I'lutf.")
The kimiiN .iin-Kil Ihe nltinilcr, who illl.ilm
i'. intentional iliiiopeit to tho flair, ami mll
11 w.t a Ihoiislitle.'i Jolw. lie uu u"lii-eil,
.Nu one was " I V'l.v hint.
Non-Suit in People's Case,
Ily 1'M'liMvo Wiro fiom Tin Anclateil 1'iis.i.
llairbhini,', .May la, .lml slnnintori jianlid
.1 lion ult today in tho iirtKi'filliivt iiistlti'ltil
a j ear alio by William II, IVoploJ, of ,lirt.v
SllnlO, UKJlllt ('ont'lenMll'lll St. li. I ilnwtoa 1,
oi llarrlfhint,', lo leeoxr .wi for tiinii'lnii,' itfi,
lain liifoiniatloii lo ho nc in a tpeoen !n Iho
kisUlatmo of lillj ugaiiot the N'll.n ux bill, ow,
Ini; to Die fallnro i.fhc plalntiil' lj appcir
Sijuilnt, tie lU'Ui'ilant.
The Pan-Ainevicnn Exhibits,
Ily Kuliiolic Wiro funi Tho AK.ociattil 1'ie-s.
HiiIIjIo, Miy ll.--Siiiciintenilt"iil f licpy, ol the
liainpoit.itioii ileiiartniint of thu I'anAiiHik'iu
eio,iliiMi. annuumvil toilay that f(l nr lenl. of
the i'hihlt ale id plaeo uml that l.j- Saliinhy
ni:hl '. i4. t' mil. unult'i he coniplt'le.
Steamship Arrivals.
Ily I'mIiMio Wiie I'ronuTho Anjclateil I'uw.
New Vuk, May I J. -nvotl: r.lhloilj, (il.v.
li'mv; Mliino.ipuli., I.011.I..11; Kal-eilii Maria
'ITieicoia. Hrinirii, etc. Ciiaieil: Sirila, 1 ner
pool. lUiiilmiit Sailed! ITioeuitU. Xew Vork
liivmrn Auiuili Kornlgw Lull, Nw Vork,
Military Seconding the Efforts o.
the Glvil Commission in the
Work ol Restoring Order.
Treasury at Washington Has Begun
the Payment, Including Rents and
Rewards for Surrendered Anus,
formerly Borne by the Insular
Treasury Quartermaster's Em
ploye Gets Five Years for Selling;
Government Bacon.
By Hxcliiaive Who from The Associated Prcsj.
.Manila. May hi. The military olll
cials, generally, are seconding tho civil
settlements of affairs In the provinces
with the notable exception of the prov
ince of Uatann, where Mujor W. I'., commanding the Sixth artillery,
has sought to enforce his own ordin
ance to collect taxes and has not au
thorized civil government in the prov
ince. General MacArtlittr has ordered
Major Vose to cease his unauthorized
assumptions of authority.
The United States 'fiiillpplm: commis
sion finds that the Internal revenue
collections in most of the provinces are
not sulllcient to support tlie provincial
government until the beginning o( the
collodion of land taxes, a year hence,
and appropriations of $l!,nOtl to ?;!,U00
tiro to be made from the insular treas
ury in favor of .several of the prov
inces. Those appropriations are to be
considered loans. In addition, the prov
incial laws are tif be amended so as to
require a tax of one peso from nil
males over eighteen years of age, half
of which will go to the province and
half to the municipality.
The treasury at Washington bus be
gun Hie payment of siind-y aimy ex
penses, including rents and rewards
for surrendered arms, formerly borne
by the insular treasury.
ft is considered certain that Colonel
Charles A. Woodruff, the chief commis
sary olheer, had no connivance with
the contractors' frauds. The appear
ance of his name is explained by (ho
fact that the latter paid the renting
ngents a portion of the rent for Col
one Woodruff's house, above the price
which was named to Colonel Wood
ruff. That amount Colonel Woodruff
ofl'.'ied to refund when Tie discovered
it, having in the meanwhile left Ihe
house, but the agents declined to ac
cept it.
There have been several captures
and surrenders In Cavlte, l'.etungas
and Tayabas provinces. A number of
camps and quantities or .supplies have
1a en destroyed.
Mr.nil.i. May :!. A civilian, Sylvester
C. Klelcher. an employe of the depot
Miartermastor, has been sentenced to
live years' Imprisonment In Itllibid
lulson (.Manila) for selling government
bacon and coffee,
The trial of Commissary Sergeant
Henry Wilson on the charge of stealing
supplies was begun today.
At a conference recently between
Hrlgudler General Vunston and Gen
eral Lacuna In the province of Xueva
Kcljii, Lacuna promised to collect his
forces and arms and surrender as soon
is possible.
Dr. Thomas E. Eldridgo, of Philadel
phia, Is Charged with Having
Plotted Against His Wife.
Hi i:oliKii Win from The As-nelalnl l'
Philadelphia, Alay 13. Dr. Thomas K,
Kldrldgc, a specialist and elect ro-iher-apeutlc
physician, who is accused hy
tlie police authorities or having con
ceived a plot to drug his wife with
morphine or blow her up 'with dyna
mite hi order (o secure two Idlers
which are In her possession, was to
day held in ?l,r00 ball for court. I'uul
K. Schroedei) testilled that lie had
been employed by Dr. Kldrldge In tho
capacity of a private detective to se
I'Uie the letters, and ihe doctor wanted
him In drug Mrs, Kldiidge. If he was
not successful in this, Sehromler said
Dr. Kldridgo offered to furnish hlin
Willi dynamite with which to blow
up the house occuplt! hy Mrs, Kldriilgo,
The doctor and Ills wife have been
separnlcd for some time ami a suit
for divorce is pending, Mrs, Eldrldgt:,
on the stand, said her attorney was
In possession of the letters ho hus
band WUUled,
She also said Dr. Kldridgo had onco
attempted to smother her and had fin
illeutlv made threats to Injure her,
She was compelled lo leave hlin owing
to his brutal treatment.
Conference of Iron Workers.
Py Kxclutlvp Who from Tlie AaocJjIeil Prc5.
I'itUhuri,', May 13. A t.onihiii.jtinn nf
tin iron wotkimr tiaiie-i may louli fiom a ron.
ferenee held today lioUeeu IVsidjnl 'lhod no
,1, Seli.U'llei4, of lliu Amalgam ilftl .Worialien nf
lion, Sleel and Tin WoikuH, and ,1. W. 1'iyile,'i'aiinei- of tliu hrhljo mil Ui'iKlmai
lion woiUis. The plan iiatllneil K ileal an of.
fenilie and delenslic alliance ho ffNtel he
Imei, Iho lion nuking and I lie hen eniiies;
1 1 adc. t
Gave His Life for a Satchel,
Dy Inclusive Wire Irom The Associated I'reai.
l.aiiedotiT, l'a., .May IS. loeph SwelUer, aed 70 J ear, of .New pamilh", o,t liU life
IliiM t'lddni.', ulillo 1 1 i utr lo save .i saliliel (inn
talnlm; uollilni; of ,.iliio. Suiltrer wj. niitiie;
aloiis the Conotof-'u iber liear ilia oily wlen
liU fatihcl rolled Into the waler and wa we
lled away by Ilic iniienl. lie wen, in after it
and (lot heiond liU depth and drowned 'uefoie
aid could leach him.
Pensions Granted.
It." Kxilrlio Wire liom The Aio.'lalcl J'i.
Wa.hii'alon, May It'.--Wllmot Vail, of uli
hahl, l.aikaHJiilil einnl), lu-. he.'n planted 1
pentlun of i?5 J imjiilb-
Advance Guaitl of the Annunl Con
ference Already on tho Ground.
fly I'.xr'lii'hc Wire from Tho Aoclatid I'reM.
Plilladelphln, May IS. The advance
guard of the Presbyterian army began
to r.ppuir here today, when several of
the retlvo workers of the church ar
rived to take part In the nnnuat con
ference ol the board of foreign mis
sions, which always precedes the meet
ing of the general assembly. This con
ference will begin at fi a. in. Wednes
day and continue through the day and
evening. Among the delegatus that
have arrived Is the Ttcv, Robert Hunt
er, tho held secretary of foreign mis
sions In Ihe T'nltcd States, who wilt
pieshlo at the conference. The gen
eral assembly will open on Thursday
morning and hear the sermon of Mod
etator Charles A. Dickey, of this city.
Dr. Dickey Is spending the last hours
before the opening mooting in pre
pinliig the sermon, which he Is re
quired by tlie constitution to preach on
Hint occasion,
'I'lie general assembly will he held In
.lalvnry Presbyterian church, Locust
street, above Fifteenth street.
It Provides for Six Corps with
50,000 Militia as a Reserve and
an Increase of Yeomanry
to 05,000 Men.
Ily U.ulidu' Wne fnmi The Associated l'liv.
. London, Alay '!. The war secre
tary, Air. Urodrich, In the house of
commons to-day, moved his army
scheiiic providing: for six corps with
C0.(:0li niilitiii us a reserve and increas
ing the yeomanry from J'J.OOO to IJo.ona
The liberal leader, Sir Henry C.mip-bell-ltanneimaii,
moved as an amend
ment Unit while desiring to Improve
the ellleaey of the army, tlie proposals
largely iuei cased the existing burdens
without adding substantially to the
military stienglh of Great liiltnin.
Sir Henry complained that the pro
posals of the government were "showy,
pretentious, expensive and ineffective,"
and ho asked for figures and dellnilo
Air. Wyudhniu. the Irish secretary,
in defending Ihe general economy of
the military establishment, said that
while Ihe J'ritisb soldier costs in all
111 annually, the American soldier,
not taking into account the pension'?,
i ost Xi" annually before the war with
Spain, and prior to the date when the
Vnlleil States had foreign stations.
After several other speeches tho de
bate was adjourned.
The civil list resolution was adopted
by IMS to 19 voles and the civil list bill
passed its Hist, reading.
The galleries of tlie house were
crowded, many peers being present,
Including Karl Roberts, the Duke of
Marlborough and the Marquis of Lans
downe, as well as many peeresses and
wives of members of the house.
The discussion was regarded as dis
appointing and Mr. Ilrodrick's propo
sals apparently failed to excite enthu
siasm. The only really interesting
speech was made by Air. Winston
Churchill, who. following In his fath
er's footsteps, entered a strong' protest
in behalf of economy and against
"ever-growing military extravagance."
Air. Churchill created a deep im
pression by reading Lord liandolph
Churchill's letter to the Marquis of
Salisbury on his (Lord Randolph's)
resignation fifteen years ago, empha
sizing the need of public, economy.
"1 am proud lo raise the tattered
banner of economy again," he said,
nnd, proceeding to point out that the
expenditure for defences had doubled
since the date of his father's letter,
lie asked whether tlie population had
doubled or whether the offensive
forces of other nations had doubled,
lie argued that the navy was Eng
land's real defense and Hint tlie result
of the present policy would ho a weak
navy and a uselessly strong army, llo
declared himself unable lo support
either Air. Urndrlck's resolution or the.
amendment of Sir Henry Cainpbell
IlauneiTiiau. Tim house listened In impressive si
lence in .Mr, Churchill's eloquent ap
peal. His style of speaking Is still un
equal, but he has the power to tlnni
inate plirllanient.
i I.
Carlos and Ramos Julia, of Juana
Diaz, Accused of Embezzlement,
lie l:tllhlu" Will' fiom The .Woolalid Pre.,..
Ponce, p. R .May IX Carlos and
Huiims .lulla, respectively postmaster
and assistant postmaster ut .luiiti Dliii,
have been nrtcsted on the charge of
embezzlement. The amount Involved
Is not mentioned,
Inspector rimllh, on April 27, found
Unit the postolllco at Juan DIuz should
have n balance of !.ri"j, Xi cash was
on hand, The bondsmen of tho pris
oners will reimburse the government
in full, Tho Julias Issued money or
ders on credit before receiving the
cash and It Is expected they charged
their customers a commission.
Races Were Very Tame.
Ilv I'.xliwlri Wiio fiom The voilatiil 1V..9.
(iiiiinnati. Miy l.iAuoiit O.fuvi wne in at
loid.uiic at tho l.atonu today, '1 lie Deiliy
wan lie. feature of thu inmamnie, hut it wvt i
uiy lame allalr. Hernando, fiom I.auil.unai.'s
.table, won it in a im1Ioi and euiiilied hi. uwn
ei lo tlie eittlit of .),iX'.
Churchill May Be Premier.
Hy i:iliidio Wire fiom Tho .W.u.iltd lie..
London, .May II. Mr. Henry IV. .Ma-iihaiii,
williui," In the Pally .". t tills moirlnj ie(;aiil.
UU Mr. rliinililllV. i-l'('icli hi the IOU1II10U3 la t
l.lalil. fa.Mi notliiii-" like it h.w been hianl aineu
lila.UU'liv died. lie piedi.ts thai Mr. (Tiunlilll
will ono day le pinnlei' of Cheat lliitalu.
Editor Otis Lincoln Dead.
Ily llMhVilc Wne fumi Tho WecMcd Pius.
Wllkes-llaiie, May lit- ltl l.imnln, luau.i''.
Iii:; editor of Iho 1'vtiiiiii: Time., ef t lit -t eily,
died it 111" home In Ivliiil-t n., UjU evening, of
pneii'in'iita. He wa liuin in Oweo, V, V., and
wn It leal) of mv.
The Gltu of Padiir.nli Sinks In
Twentu-five Feet of water on
the Mississippi.
Two Passengers Are Drowned and 22
Members of the Boat's Crew Are
Missing All of the Officers Are
Saved Dr. J. W. Bell and Mrs.
Harry L. Allen, of St. Louis, Mo.,
Among the Victims The Boat a
Total Wreck.
By nvtliniit.' Wiro from Tho A'-oci.ilui I'iim.
St. T.,ouis, Alay 13. A special to tho
Post-Dispatch from Grand Tower, 111.,
The steamer City of Padtlcuh sank
in twenty-live feet of water, live min
utes befoie 10 o'clock last night, In
less than live minutes after striklnir
a snag and while backing nut from
Rrunkhorst landing. Two passengers
wore drowned and twenty-two mem
bers of the crew, most of them ne
groes, are missing. All of the officers
were saved. Only about twelve pas
sengers were on board nnd all were
saved except (wo. The body of Dr. ,T.
"W. Hell, of Hell's Landing, Tenth, was
taken out of his state room. The re
mains of a young woman, on which
was a visiting' card reading: "Airs.
Harry T.,. Alien, St. Louis, Mo was re
covered from her state room.
11 Is supposed that most of the miss
ing deck hands, who were on tho
lower deck, were washed down the
river. The boat lies about one; hun
dred feet from Ihe Illinois shore, the
forc-iinrt of the hurricane deck being
under water. She appears to be ji
total wreck.
Movement Initiated by International
Association of Machinists to Es
tablish n Nine Hour Day.
fly Kiclusiit" Wire from The Aswcialed Pic.-.i.
Washington, Alay 13. -In view of tlie
movement initiated by the Interna
tional Association of Machinists for
the establishment of a nine-hour work
day. President Gompers. of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor, called a con
ference of the ollicers of the organiza
tions particularly Interested in the ma
chinery trades of the country, the con
ference ( (vurring at the headquarters
ol" the American Federation of Labor
in this city today.
Air. James O'Connell, nf the Interna
tional Association nf Alaehinists; Air.
John Alulholliinc', of the International
Association of Allied Aletal Workers;
Air. L. It. Thomas, of the Pattern Mak
ers' League of North America, and Mr.
T'l. J. Lynch, nf the Aletal Polishers"
PuU'ors', Platers and Brass Workers'
Union of North America, met and dis
cussed tin various phases of the mat
ter and plans have been determined
upon so that a concert of action will
bo taken on or before Alay -0. The
purpose of the general movement Is to
establish the nine-hour work day fur
all engaged In the machinery Indus
try. The conference will be continued
tomorrow at the headquarters of the
American Federation of Labor, when
a general policy will be decided upon.
Plenipotentiaries Surprised at tho
Amount of the Indemnity Asked
by Powers.
Ily I'M'luai".. Wire from The A.-viei it.'d I'rew.
London, -May 11, Dr, Alorrison, wir
ing lo tho Times from Pekin, Alay 10,
"The Chinese plenipotentiaries are
drafting a reply to the ministers of
the powers, expressing astonishment
at tho amount of Indemnity demanded
and urging a reduction on tho ground
of tho empire's financial dlflleulties, hut
undertaking, If tho full amount is ex
acted, to pay in thirty annual Install
ments of tads from the llkin,
salt tax and native customs.
"Pending a revision of tho tariff they
also ask the powers to consent to an
increase of tho niaritliiio customs ami
the Import and export ditties by one
third." Kingston Machinists Join Strike.
He Kwliulvo Wire (mm Tho Associated l'ie.
Wilhivllaire, .May J,i.-Thi" maihinUU tin.
plnu'd at tho Kindlon rlmpi of the l.aei, i
wanna lallioad joined tho other iiiarhiui&U an",
on strike at S'eranton, Doier and Ihiil'alo today,
MI the machine, thop.i ef the l.aik.uY.inni mm,
paiiy aie now idle, Nutlet w.n. jened nil tho
Mrikei.4 ut Kindlon lonhht If Ihey did ii"t
ritui'i lo work In, Weiir.i.-'il.i.v their pliem would
lie flllul by "Hut in ii.
Long Drawn Out Buttle Ended.
By Exclusive Wire fiom Tho Assoelatcd Pics.
Philadelphia, M?y M. The luiisc drawn out
kiial h'ltllo. which lias been In the IVnnlvaiiia
niuitu lei' a jiar or moie ov'ii- iho hiiidn(, ol
tl.i. I'iiteumi.', .Iohiiton, Ilbniiliiiii; and Ij;.
em lallioad and lis connect iou, w.u. settled hy
Ihe atato Supitnie lourl Utlj.i . The ti.iiu maUa
lilviilutpillie liile grunti'il hy tin com I on Pee.
It, wlileh cAteiitl-, the lime for Ihe eoniplelinii of
the luad lo .Ian, I, lMi-'.
Jail Birds Escape.
U llulmlu Wne Horn Tin ...uialed ITee.
r.luiira, X. V.. -May l.'.--lilliim AiiiIii'm and
William Paly, riuiei frcnlm; linn, in the
WclUhoro, I'a.. jiil, c-u'.pei lal nlsht. The..'
tit.iwili'1 thioiih u J.M..II aperlme in Ihe wall
and I.imi'Ii.i thene-eho in Ihe tfiound In. in no
teitind try by altl of their lied hlankel uhiili
tliei lore up cud uiadc iulo topes.
Weather Indications Todnyi
I (tctierilt Three Mm Stiiliheil .it (.'.Irlioinl.ile.
I'resltlilit McKinley at San .lour,
lllir Sleaimr Wieeknl hi Ihe .Mislipil.
.Mllitiiiy Aldimr Civil tloeiumcnt hi the I'hll
3 Cenenil Carhotnlale peuilinii,l.
3 Iflwl Men In Take ll b. .V W, ."-Hikers'
I'I a-c.
Nolo and Coninriit.
fl lfltal Aii'iu'cloiH (Ifioninir nt 'I'lio TiUnim'
Setiind Kdueatloiial t.'
IIIVoil to llaie President MiKlntey and Patty
VWl hVr.uitoii. ,
0 Wejtt Sei'.itllon and Suliuhaii.
7 Conor-ill Noillie.i-ttt.rii I'eiun.vlv.uila. and
8 ! Coiiiieilinen Appeal lo I mil i
Indiiilrial ami I.ahur.
He Believes That Home Rule Would
Ever Bo a Menace to England
in the Hour of Trouble.
Ily llxrlutbi" Wile fiom The A.nocialcd Pre.
London, Alay IS. The marquis of
Salisbury, speaking to-night tit tlie
banquet of the Non-Conformist Union
ist association, said:
"It Is a sad retrospect when we think
of the number of young lives that have
been nilelehed. the splendid hopes cut
short and the amount of blood shed In
the war in Sunith Africa. It is a griev
ous retrtupect. Yd from it liny sug
gestion of wrong on the part of the
empire is absolutely absent. Indeed,
there are circumstances which can
make every lover HI' his country look
back with exultation and gratitude on
the two years just passed.
"These circumstances have been aide
to show that the spirit of our country
men has burned as bright as at nny
othcr period in our history. When t
was at the foreign office. 1 used to hear
not Infrequently that our time had
passed, that our star had set and that
we were living on the valor of those
who had gone before. Tlie war In
South Africa bus shown tlie strength
of Knglund, which was never more
conclusively shown. There Is no power
in the world now but. knows that if
it defied the might of England It would
defy one of the most formidable ene
mies it could encounter."
Subsequently the premier said:
"If home rule had passed In 1M'.1,
what would Kngland's position, with
it hostile Irish government in Dublin,
have been to-day'.' AVlmt would our
position have been if we not only had
to meet the triinsvaal and the Orange
Free State, but also an equally hostile
Ireland by our side? Wo know now
from our South African experience
tlie danger of letting Ireland hava
measure of independence. AVe know
now that if we allowed those who are
leading Irish politics unlimited power
of making preparations against us, wo
should have to begin by conquering
i eland, if ever we had totlight any
other power."
The City Authorities Unable to Cope
with Perplexing Difficulties Un
less Supplied with More Funds.
Il.v lAclu.-be Mire hum The .Wocl.iteil I'l.i-.
.Tacksonvllla, Fist.. Alay lit. At a
meeting of tlie executive committed
of tile Jacksonville Relief association
today It was the concensus' of opinion
thu'. the amount of money so far con
tributed for the relief of the fire suf
ferers was far from adequate to meet
tlie demands, and ex-President Ciar
ner, of the relief assoelallon, llishop
Weed, of the Episcopal diocese of
Florida, and Mayor Howden were ap
pointed as a committee to Issue an
address to the people of the United
States, '-'he committee has Issued Ihe.
following iiddroh:
Tn lliu I'eople of Ihe ITilled m.iio.
We, Hie iiiidciKiKtifil, lepii'-enliim the people
ol .kuUnmille, wUli In i",ii'vi In tho p.-oplo
ol tin. I'liiletl Stales tin he.irtltll gratitude of
Iho ptophi of lldi nlv lor tin- way In which
Ihey line rci-liiindoil tn our null.. Tin- lellef
toiuinlllei' of Jacki'iunllli' enl tin a M dement
mint' tl,ii ."inn In iitiiwrr t" tlie iiiiini'niir. in
imhles width tin," loumiitlei' have lecei'td. It
was then ton -..nil In c-tluiaU. the cloil of
tho ilama-i' or In esllmato Ihe iMilil nl tho
i.tetN of tint petple. It K now Itn diys Mmh
tho dial Ihe ami wn are l.enliu lnjr In leali.n
Iho uivaliii'M of Iho taliiiilly which h.r. hefalliu
iw, Wo lliu- leichoil many ceneioiH donalhun
in tho way el" fond and ilntliln,', hill wo
find oui'i-ehes coiifiontiil with the nitd il
i Iciiviiiic awa.v Hi" ilehiis and nt c.iiing tor tho.n
win) aio i.ick. II l-i inipo.ilhle to leinlef le.l
ll.itii.iml or moie penplo hnmclis wlthoul
Heme .ulleilni;; ll ! Iiiiui"il.le to meet all
the i'.im'.-. of IK id a l. nine.
The ii.inll.iry lOiiditlon nf llih chy ni'l-l hn
puieded and inaliitaliiul. I'nlt.4 we i in haio
the lid of the iliarilahle people nl the I'nil.'d
SlateH wo are compelled In atknowlediie our
inidiilily tn rope hilly with Iho filiation. Only
Hin-o who have hern in lh t ilv can realize
tin; nature of tin ilUtn. m ini.nv nlm hoe
lit't'ii lurneil ml "f houe and home., tan ip
pieilita tlie il.i:i;t r of i.likniv, liom tho huihlhd
toiidilloi) of Ihe peoiile, lil.lklni,' tlie situation
Ilio alainiiiii.'. It "ill take a uiy l..n;o aiuoimt
of money ,H tin in:illirl i.llniato In calf lm'
tho atlual hi nl- ol Hie people and put. Ihe thy
fu .1 pioper condition, uur duty toinpeli n hi
tall upon Iho hi'iii'iuiii and a I way- naily ieoilt
nf (hi.- country tor .i-.UIant,o in lids our Inter
of neiil.
C-ii'iitil) ' I'- d'uiicl, ili.iiiinju, J.,i, ilio
IMiii n.vul.iiluii; .1. I',. T. liiwileu, nujei;
II. II. "ecd, hithop slate of IToiida.
Heal Estate Dealer Falls.
Ilv l'tlib"he Wire from Tlio As.ochited I'icaJ.
I'llea, X. V.. May M.-t'liailei T. Vnailili. .1
leal date thaler III hjiaeiw, ha, llletl a pell
lieu In liaukiiipicy. P.I.I-. .n7,i'iT; .i."el..,
iiolhin;.". 'II lii- ilibU,,).i:l aio cocnied. Tin
urv.t'1'iin il claiue. aie ,"jH.:17."S. Tlie Tplfeopal ilio.
ne o( IVulial N'ew Voik 1 u heavy ticdilor, but
il i Ihoii'ht thai liiiuliiaee- the dioce-c hoi tj
will piotcil Ihe duiiii loanvil
Stabbino Affair Takes Plane Near
Garbondale in Which Gonstable
Ncnm Is One ol the Victims.
Nathaniel Cobb, a Notorious Char
acter of Carbondnlo Township,
Probably FntaJly Stabs Daniel
Dempsey, Severely Cuts Daniel Os
borne nnd When Constable Neary
Attempted to Arrest Him Slasher
Him in the Throat Despoiato
Struggle in tho Dark Cobb Es
capes Into the Woods Followed by
Pperlal to the St r.inlnii Tribune.
C'nrboinlule, Alay 111. Constable E. J.
Xeary, Daniel Dempsey and Wllllum
Osborne were the victims tonight of
a knife murderously -wielded by Xu
thanlel Cobb, a notorious eharuetet
living on the outskirts of the city in
Fell township.
Xeury's throat was gashed from h
point behind his right ear to the tip
of his chin. Dempsey received a
thrust in the body that. It is feared,
reached a vital spot. Osborne had hl.
arm slashed. Cobb got away nnd is
supposed lo bo billing in tlie woods.
Dempsey and Osborne were stabbed
about o'cloek. Neary received
his wound about midnight, while at
tempting in arrest Cobb.
Tlie llrs t affray took place near the
Powderly breaker, In n saloon. Cold;
is an eccentric old fellow, who Is
very vicious when drinking and wher
Dempsey and Osborne got. into a
quarrel with him lie turned on them
like a flash -with a long, keen-edged
bunting knife and began plunging and
slnslltng at them in a fury of rase.
AVIien Dempsey was laid low and Os
borne had lied, Cobb backed out of
the .saloon, still wielding his knife,
and disappeared In the darkness.
Word was dispatched to Carbondalo
and Constable Neary with Chief of
Police .lames AIcAndrew started out
in pursuit of Cobb, llo was reporter:
to have been seen going in the direc
tion of his home, which Is out on the
old gravity, not far from Shepherd'?
Crook curve and thither the ollicers
look their way.
Guarded by Dogs.
Cobb's home is a rude, but strongly
built, hut. lie has lived there for
years the life of a hermit, his only
companions being live big" tings. These
dogs were all running loose when the
ollicers reached the place and all tin?
time they were npproachhig the lull
or about tho premises they wore com.
polled lo light off tho brutes hy swing
ing heavy shovels, which they picket.'
up in the yard.
Chief AIcAndrew went to the front
door and Constable Neary lo the rear,
They found the doors locked, the in
terior darkened and everything qule'
The ollicers began simultaneously tc
batter down the floors with the shovels,
Incidentally lighting off tlie tlogs. Con
stable Neary Dually succeeded In fore.
lag the rear door open and was about
to push in when a dog sprang at hlin
In the moment that his back win
turned to swing at the dog with lib
shovel, Cold) dashed out of the open
door and made for the railroad.
Neary followed and Died a shot It
tho air, at tlie same time culling upon
tho fugitive to halt. Cobb slopped unif
threw up his hands. Tho ciiusliiblo ap
proached and was In tho act of reach'
lug out to grasp his man, when Cobi;
suddenly brought down ids right hand
containing a knife, which on uccouui
of tho darkness escaped tho otllcor'!
notice, and swinging It viciously at
Neary's neck, iiitllcted a gash fullj
half a foot long,
Neary Is a big man and, as ha
often lieou attested, Is all gilt, anc.
despite his terrible wound lie grnpplcc
Gobi) and fought desperately. Tin
men were locked lu a close iiuhnie
ami Cobb strove madly to Jab hit
knife Into Neary's body. A hulf-dozei
holes and silts lit the hitler's coat tel
of how vicious was his at tad;,
Cobb Escaped.
Cobb evidently thought ln had glvet
Neary a fatal stub, for of it sudden .he
pushed himself tree and started dowr
tho railroad embankment and off tow-'
ards tho iindorbruMi. Neary was reel
lug from fulniness, but, steadying hlin
self, he leveled Ills revolver and emp
tied It at the lettcatlng llglire. Hit
(l oiiliniicd "ii I'.ii' -Ll
HHf H l fl
f. i
f Wj-hlnslrn. May 1J.- 1'oieeait forTiiM- i
tli) uml Wi'tliitula.1 : Ki-tciii IViu,)lwulJ
- Pair TuimIj) and VWdiii.iJi); .
f weet lu ii'-illiwel wiii'U.
, '
' ..)
4 - '( ' '
,t j U . VS?