ft ifcA iff l rtrt v en- "w r 9 t .. v t' t 5ft i(,L fh vn j t '! TFTR SCTJ ANTON TIN MNi:--MONDAY, MAY J a, 1001. T OVER $3,000 IN SPECIAL REWARDS The Tribune's Second Great Educational Contest. ITS RULES AND THE PLAN OF OPERATION Elpht Scholni ships Aie Offoiccl in ronnsylvnnin's Lending Educa tional Institutions Lnfnyotte Col lege, Swmthmotc College, nnd StioudsbuiR; Stnto Noimrtl School Aie Included A Complete Expla nation ot the Details of the Plan. Vol y Little Change in the Hules, Last Yem'-, Winning Contestants ami the Number of Points They Seemed How to Entci nnd How tn Oct the Sttbsctibeis Begin nt the Beginning and You Will Have the Best Chance of Winning. Bi:i!l.XI.Vti tliW mm iilu,;, The He iiiutnii 1'illmiu liiuiiKtiinte It- second Keltic atlon il I'nntesl ulili It, like the f I i t . is pn tn i m i v amiiiilntis poison, not only In Hi i, nit hi, bin- tluniigliniit 1 ,.u K.i w mini iiml ntlii'i fnuiitlis In Nmth-t.i'-tiin I'cittisv Ivm.la It will lie open III t vKn iii week", i lnslm nil Angus! ."I, run. 'lliH lliltlc.itinn.il Contest will hi' ' n jrii itci In m ig-iillndo tli. in Its pinili , .sin, emlii.u lug- special leu. 11 (Is nl ihe ri highest clmi.utci .mil will II" lllllol nut i'l stiht .11 lOlel.llloe with tlio inles or fairness .1 ml lustiee '111" Hi t i oiik st, which occupied the ntl"iitloii nt inn ic.iileis fiom ,lul tn Oe tuber nf - L cll mot with such em niu.igi liieiu .mil was so suttesul In eei vwij tlmt It Ills been deckled to K pe it it I'liUke .ill nllu i pi ins tli it li i e lieen ruillniPtl In iii w-p ipns in miUi to en ise tlnh c he illation lliete -will lie, us v .is tli" i is,- List .u , ,i iom p"ns,itinii fin euli pai tli lp int. .mil tliiiM w'ln aie not miiissiul in Ret urn, niie n tile gi e it special lew. lids will li suit ib leiiumeiated lot tlieii i licit' to In lp themselves In n manner tli it oinnot ifiil to puive sntisi.K tins ! l ii t. it li is stood the tc-t nl a tilal All the Ttevvaicis Aie Scholtuships. Tlih ' li it lias In en dei lili d lo limit Hi sm i I. 1 lew n ds to tlio'P of an edu cation il ill ii.ii hi. and Willi this (iid I'l i i ''Mil s, Iml nsliips ale olleled li the i b"st ediuation.il iuslitli t nm in tin stale Tin i e ,ii tun iiilliiite one nni m il ho 1, (Inn lui-iness ( nllege and two lies, al i oiisi i ..loM iiw.uds In ( Iiiiom lium, thus making the tide, iii" tile iimi1 ,t ikhic,, ' lMiitallnutil Con I' ', ' v ilid In iei. sense r. ist e,n llie iiwaids wile dl Ided, live being si hoi nihil , null live selei loci liimi the so(so ( lantnii mei lIiiuUs At the i lose nl 111" muled e.n li ot tile Hist i('i suiii'siul pai tli lp nits einced such a di ided piPlc'tiuce lol a S( linl rish.p and ii raided the olliei lowaids v illi so inn,) less i.inii, Hi it- it 'was thr.i d"(idnl Unit it nnoth'i contest was held all the icwaid. should he ot an idmatioiial uatme Two College Conines, Tlnie .lie two U'U.ilds tills Jim t i. it il oqiiullv t 11 title l to lie i hissed 'II t," ,h th'j aie em li of the s,nne lill fl Olid l,lla.etle college .111(1 sw,n llunni" college, lagnilli out In ii nth is l.n toui nionths' woik, in i 1 1 I' llai li I w m Id ienn. IK il as tanking .t n.oiirT the highest Instltu tloiis nf I ai niu;, in the tniiutt.v. Upsides thfsi, two Kie.it i nllege m hnlat ships t lie l o Is olfeieil a lull tiller .11 i inline In Ihe Stimiilslmit; Noiliial S linnl, will! nil expenses paid; till oi si hoi nshlps In Hie Suunlon lllsno-s College, I lie wluiieis to have the i luiii e nl eilliei the ( ominei ciiil or steiioKiaplnc com sc the scholai, sblps being lllllii dted Ciood until piollcieney 1st nttamedi, nnd two Mliolamhlps In Hip N tin Ion Colisei Mitoij of Jlusic nniKlni; u list ot elRht special lewinds n a tolal e.i'-li alue of oei lluee thousiinil f1oll.ll '. The Plan Tully Explained. Tim 'I'liliiiue iiiins to still tuither iu- lease its alieady Iiiikp i iicul.itlon dm -Jpk the in t lew nionths, H Is the best and ile ii i t paper published In Xoilli- ash hi I'eunsylMiniii, nml when It onif lln I-- Its ii.v Into u family its mi'du will enable II to louiuln peimitii i'iltl l'i hi it r lo Inn oilure It mo sceU tlio i o-opf i.itlou ot ambltlnus, lulelll KPiit joiinj; niPii and women, ami to f,iilll limit help will lor n hpcoikI time put Into PM'Piitlon ii plan Unit Is bound to appeal to this elum of woiluus, We llio fiolHR: tfi RiP these oIbiI si Imliu ships to the elRbt poisnus who Minll pine to be tlio most HUri cestui 111 attulniiu', points in out mhiiihI Kdu c.itloiml C'ouie.st. Olio ijolut will be ueillteil lor ooiy month'h nubseilptlou lo The Tilbune; a thioo molUlls, hiihsei Iptlon louniliiK tin op points, and so on up to a jear or moip, eiieh tally subset Iptlon tount Iiik 1-' points Tor t'.iiiuplp, a phi's subsei ipUou, fosthiK ', allows credit lor ); points, wIioiimh twphe monthly subsiilptlous, fostllipr fi, also sccuips li points, IIciiko II Is in tbo fntei est of contest nnts to use their utmost oiideaMns to hvciiio loiiK-teuu subspiiiipih. in most liiHtaiues tin should havo littlu cl I til cully In securlns subsciiptions of tlnpo nioiitlip, .it Jl.-'i, theipby bPlns,' entitled to tin oo points. AVIienevfr u jivuly subset 11 ri Is HPillieil the lontest.lllt Utpes tweho points and his total lulwiiices. I.ipilll How to Begin, l.'uill pot mil who wishes to PiiK.iri" In thU lontcst, iiiiiip slsuli,ng bis m her Intention, either by mail oi bj ap plying at tlio ollli a of Tlio Tilliune, will In tuiiilslied with a bnoK ot subsu Ip tlon hlunUs, wlk'iPon will be set linth I'm tule.s b'oeininr tlio contest, how the points aie to he counted, and rt lint of the eight special tcwuuls, with their cash alue, JJuih hook of buhsfilptlou bl.inhs ill consist of ten Umps, piuni; spates for luiiuca of ten now subset Ibeis. Uui-h lontcstfiut must nil out one of theso io'-" iiefoio iciohlng unotlKi. Duly one book at a I line will be ruiulsheil Thll eiidi lolilestunl, while wiiHIllir foi h new book, run sllll keep up the eun ass and keep n ineinoiiiniltim of nil new niimps, mid mi leeelpt of thu btiulc fill It nut and immediately apply for another. The Tillilliio will also furnish nil up pllcants with sample copies of the pa per for tl-o In the contest. All lli rpililes for additional Infoi million will loeeho pioiupt alteiitlun. If tlu-le Is any point Mitt do not undeiHtunil do not hesitate to wille ami hiio It e plalncd, How to Be Successful. The book of suhsiilptloli blanks will be ac'tiiinpanleil with llleiutuie ifititaltilng lofflcal leasons why the ft lends of the contestants should sub si ill)-', together with ai Kimients lor the coutestn'nts lo pieetit to their 1 1 lends aild otheis win tln should "-llbscilbe for The THImiio Mead these inn i.nelully. It will P-iv on to (ominit tliem to Plenum. Vuu will then be well equipped with iniiteiliil tor kuIiiIiij; Huh Intetest and ii'inliK Iiik them of Ihe clcslnibllllv of bemmlni,' siihsc ribeis. Uend The Tilb une Muiroir. This will enable vott to finlnt out to nosp((tle subsei lb is sperial featuies which will appeal p.it tleulnlj to them, sueh n ? local eoi lespouileiue li mn tow ns wheio they fount i Iv leslded or h,ie fi lends; the tail Unit The Tilbuii' publishes moie .Siianton news than any other paper; tint it Is the onlv Sitnnton paper that Is a member of ihe Assoc luted Piess, the 7i on fist news-e iihei Iiik oiR.inlra tloii In the woi Id Unit the laiRcst and let lelhible biisineis lioirps uso Its tolmnus tor .uhei tisliiR' tun poses. Hi peil.ilh dwell upon th" fact that The Tilliune b a clean, leliahlo family muspapei, and that its news and ad ei tisenipnts (itit he depended upon w itliout (iies(o'i. "Wheie Thete'h a Will." Iloll't he (llsc'OUl.iKPd If Mill meet with a lew lelmtfs nt tlist Time and p.itleme aie wondoiful factois in ae-louipli'-hlni,' ipsults ye pei -Isiuit. ami pciscneilnt,-, and beat in mind alw.ns the fact that while on iua lelnv our effoih- otheis aie Kilndlng nw.iv con st.inilv. You will luiM- as ood n cli.iiHP as anv as loiv a1" miii kiep woikin,: i:eiy Milium man and woiiim bus fi k nds who cannot fall to be inteiest- (d in an (,n nest en'oit to help them seh( s on in the wot id and who will aid them in ilnbis; so Do nut lioweei, lelv eutlielv on miiii fiiontls, but also so among tho-e whom joti do not Know . Ameiiian ntoi pi .o and ambition aie apth summed up in one word. "Hustle" and the one who "hustles" the most will stand the best i banco of ll.ixlng tln 111 st seleition of the eight Bleat special lew aids. The Plan of Awaiding. The special lew a ids will bo glen as follows: The wiling man oi woman who has leeuw.l ciedit toi the gioatest nuni bei of points on the books of the con test at S o'clock on the ecnlng the contest cli.sps will lno the flist choice or the eight s( holm ships Ij.tf.notto College is stiiciiv a mule Institution, so the winnei of this sc holaiship must be ot the masculine gendei. Svaith moie, howeci. Is a co-edueatlonitl col lege, s0 that eei wiling lady has an oppoi tuniu of seeming a lewaid equal It alue, een it she comes In second. Tlio Muuig man or woman who has i inched iiedlt ten the thiid laigest nuinbei of points at the close of the i onlest will locehe the .Stioudshmg Not iiml School schol.ushlp, pioyided i lias not been chosen bv the contest ants who ronio hist ami second, in wbli b case he or she would be entitled lo one of the Hist lew.uds 'llie lomalning special lew aids will lie awaided on this samp plan tluougli out. Tli" final th winnei will hnp ,i cholcp of the Business College or Con son, itoiy of Music scholai. ships, and so on down the Hue until the eight teholaishlps hae been awaided. All Below Eighth Place. Tor those that leinnin and who do not get Into the i.inks oi the tit eight tlieie will still be something left to console tliem foi their elfoits. Tlteh wink will not lie piolltless to them, They will e,n li ieiele a llbeial com mission, tally as t,ieat as most can wisseis or agent- itipe, 10 per cent, of all the subsei ipllou monej that they plOl lilt'. "lively labiini is woilhy of his blie," and not one contestant who en gages in this woik and denotes, bis or hei time for the heiiellt ol The Tilhuun w III go mn ew aided Kules of the Contest, Tile sperial tew in (Is will be f,ieu to the pel sons seeuiln the laigest lllllu hi i ot points Toints will he uetlltecl to lontestants seelllillg new Slllisi i llieis to Tlio bci.inton Tilliune as ipllows; Tollits. fine Mouth's Subsei Iptlon. .$ ,."u l Tluee Mouths' .Subscription l,J."i ;! HK Mouths' .Subscilptlon,,. 2.10 1! due Yeni'H Subset iptlon ,,, "i 00 1J The contestant with the highest number of points will ho given a choice 1 1 out tilt' INt of special lewuids; tho loutistiilit with Ihe second highest number of points will bo given a chulio ot tlm leimilnliig tew at (Is, and so op tlnoiigh the list i-.ien coiiicsiaut railing tn secute a special i own id, nnd al'o thnsn who se ll ct the (list two scholni ships, will bo gheu ten ptt cent, of nil money he or she tin ns in. All sub-i i Ipiloiis must be paid in adwnue Onl pew Slllisciibet swill be counted, lienowals by peibons who-o mimes weie mi our subscilptlon list nt tho opening ot the tontosi will not be h ed ited, Tho Ti Ibuiie w 111 lu estigalo each subsei Iptlon and it louml IncBulur n uit way tesetves the light to ipjeot it, .No ti.wisfevn can be nuidp nttor cicdlt bus oiko been gPti, All siibsdlptloii!', nnd the cash to pay foi same, must be handed In nt Thu Tilliune olllcc within tho week In which llioj aie spuued, s0 that papets may be sent to tho subset lbes at otae, .Subseilptlous must bu wtlttcn on blanks, which can bo sciuiod at Tbo Tilbune olllce, oi will bo scut by mall, The contest will c hup piomptly ut S o'clock Satiudii cncnliiK, August ,fl, 11)01. It must be boitie shictly In mind tlmt ctccilt will be gheu only lor new aubsciibeis, and also that after polnti have been irpdltcil o one conlest.uit they will nut be ttansfeiiPil to nn other contestant, whether then on the list or who limy nilrr ihetcafler, Theep IWo lilies ate to bo slilctly Pti fllll I'll, Value of the Special Hewnids. Heholaishlp III l,afitetle ColleRo. fl.OOii Hclmlaishlii In Swaithiume i'ol- lege . I.onn Scliulaishlp In Slioudsbmg State Noi mill School . .i Scholai ship In Sitantoll ('onsei- vutoiy of Music S( liohushlp in Scinuton ('otii'i- wiloi V of Music ,.,,. Si holaiship In Siianlou lbisnes College, eltlier colli so Si liohushlp In Scianton Hiislucss College, eltbel colllse Scholai ship in Scianton Ibislness College, either tout so TS no I'll) M $ 1,1105 llicli mid ewiy loulestaiil falling to sec tlio one of these spei lul lew aids will be gheu ten fill) per cent, of all the money he or she turns In, X. It The ni"t two sehohiishlps do l.ot Include meals, but the contestants sec tiling these will be given loll (Hi) pel cent, of nil the inolU'j he or she tin us In to The Tilbune, lo assist in I living this espouse. Lafayette College, r.nfaw'tlo College Is well anil fnwuii bh known all met the United Slates, and It has -;in(luiitcd liiiinv foielgn students who hne come lo this coun ti to Mulsh their education. It would be supei Muotts lo add wolds of pinlso In desn thing Its standing In the tank or ( diiiatloiial Institutions. The stu dent who gos tbeie as a lesillt ot Ills success in woiklng lot The Tilbune will have nu oppoi tiiultv that Is not likely to oecin again In a llte-tlnie. lie will loielve a lull scholai ship In iiuv couise he niav select cowling four eais, which will include not onlv tui tion, bill loom lent, heat, light, books, launch y and all other plunges cscppt the one Item of meals, if be Is unable to beat this expense he call undoubted ly sectiie some light emplo.wiiPiit In Kasfon that will aid him In his en deawir to secuie an education. In nn cont The Ti Ibuue will pnv him 10 per cent, of all the inouev he secuies foi It dining the contest, which will pinhibh go a long way towaid pa big this -penso also Tlie aluo of this rewaiel Is fully $1,000 Swaithmote College. Swailhmoie College, at Swai tlnnoie, Ii about IS miles fiom Philadelphia, was founded in ISM thiotigh the effoils of membeis of the lellglous soiletv of Ti lends for the put pose of seem lug to the oung people of the soc Ict tlie op poi tit til t lot hlghei cilucation millet the guaideil cue of their own lellglous faith Otheis ate admitted upon the same tot ms as Ti lends and nothing of a scct.u Ian untitle appeal s in the in stiuctlcm nt in the management. It has t laigo and Inci easing Incultv, and its lee tin ei s aie fiom the best college and business institutions in the United Stale. The Tiiluuie olfets i s,. liohu shlp valued at $1,000, whlih is (he pi Ice nl the fllll lout .veils' ionise, exclusive ol meals Tills lew in el should uppent pai tlculailv to voung ladies as tbeie aie laige numbeis ot the tali sex In Its classes. The Stioudsbmg Noimal. The Stioudsbuig State Xoiiuil School, ot Stioudsbuig. P.i., Is one of the best of its kind, having a tucultv 'oconit to niiuo and a coune ot In stt action especially adapted to the ptu -pose of teaching teacheis in all the pnli and aits of pedagogv. It has a tin ce-v cat com so, and the winnei of this special lewaid will have all ex penses connected with the tluee-vear com so paid, including tuition, bo.nd, books, statloueiy, eh , its value being $li73 Scianton Conseivatoiy of Music. TIipic aie two scholai ships olfered In the Scianton Conseivatoiv of Music. each -alued at ST.1). affoiding a gient opportunity to secure piano instiuctlon under teachpis of acknowledged excel lence The Tilbuno has selected Coutsp D as the one best adapted to the m.i jot ity of students This eoveis the en tile school jear of foity weeks, the pupils leeching tin op lpssons each week two boms a week in planofoite in plass of four, and one houi In gen cial tialnlng class, sight plujing, kov -boaiel h.umony, teehniciue, tiansposi tion, etc. If the winner of this scholai -ship should not bo sulliciently ad vanced to take this pailluular ionise, atiangemonts have been made when by Its equivalent will be given In tile eouises suited lo tbo needs ot the student, which would extend the time hevond the limits of one .ve.u's instiuc tlon. Scianton Business College. The Set antou Husluoss College Is too wi II Known to need extendf el comment. The tin eo .choku ships opeied by The Ttlbuni mo cacl. valued at $00 and aie unlimited In lime. The wlniius will be entitled lo take either tlie c outmciclal iv shot tluincl coiiisp, as he or she do Mies, i'hp complete coinincicl.il couise rompi st's bookkeeping, penmanship, coiiespoiideiice, pi ess iopjng, com iiipi fiiil laws, business ailtlinietk, shoithiinil methods, i.iplel calculation, piactltal giaiuniar, couinieii lal p.ipei, tonus and customs and spelling. The shotthnnd couiscj embiates the tollow lug studies; .Slioithand, t.vpewiitlng, manifolding, poninanshlp, puictlcil gtnnuuar, (apltulliitlou, punctiiatlcm, filing letteis, spelling and piess copy lug. What the Contestants Did Last Yenr. Chillies Itodilgiie, fif .s W'ebstpr avenue, seoiupd ooii polnls, equal to "'! subset Ibeis foi ono enr each, and ic colved an nnU'i" lor a lour eais' si holaiship In Wyoming Seininai.v, vnltu'd ut "si OOP Aitluir Kemmeif't, of I'm tmyv llie, seemed ni" points, cciual to t;. subsctib eis for ono vear cub, nnd tccoived an older for it lluee jc.iis' scholai ship In Pdooinsbitig Stato .N'otmul School, valued ut $073. IUvUI V. Ull Hey, of Pun bleiue, se titled no points, equal to !I7 subsei lb cts for ono vein earh, and t delved a piano, valued at $I&1, Miss Maty Yeagct, of .Mos,ow, s cut 0(1 2'J'i points, equal to .'3 subset Ibetb ten ono year each, and iccelvcd a couise in piano institution at the Scianton Cottspi wiloty of Music, valued ut $7. (Miss Yeaget did not outer the contest until It was within i bout thieo weeks of closing.) Utiseno nolund, of Oiinnmii', seem eel tJ7i points, equal to ".j suhscilbeis lor cue year ouch, nnd U'cohcd a scholai, ship In tho Scianton Husluess College, valued at '.0 lliver Callahan, of " Vine stiett, spcineil sso points, equal to :'0 suhscilh ei! for ono .vear each, and iceclved a jcholatship In the Scianton limbless College, vuluc'il nt ?W. Miss .lennlo Jleycts, of J.ake At Id, sicuied :'.'.' points, iquul to l'i sub. siiibpis tor ono .vear each,, and tc if, veil a scholai ship In the .Scianton Business College. Mi',s Meveis cu. tctPd the foulest just one month be toie It closed ) David C, Spetteer, of Hloomsbttig, so rill oil tS5 points, eqUitl to Ifl subset Ibets for one vent omit, utid iccelVed a Co llimlilii Itlcvi le, valued nl $7i" Miss ijiiiu. Slim ell, of Caihoinlale, seilued "i) pnllils, eqllill hi II sub "libels loi mn1 von t inch, and ie ii'lwd a (.old wutc It valued at J '0, I lal iv these, of Hyde I'aik, .ecUieil IIS points, equal to 10 subset Ibetn for one .vear inch, nml seem oil u canieta Valued at I0 Six ollleis tecelveil mill I o!llllllsons nmoiitilliig lo about ?1". It will be noticed that the contest ants Weie not Miiillned to the celltinl It.v. bill weie localeil In vnilous plni es, some of wbli li ate quite a distance fiom Scianton Ik'shles llioso in Pmv Idcnce, llvde i'.uk nnd Dtiumcue, sumo of the most successful cotupctllois Weie In Tin loi i v llie, I'm bondale, hnko Allel, Mos(ow, I'eckvllle, ami even as tin iiwiiv as ltkioiusliui g. Hako Your Spaie Time Piofltoble. J. ist .vein a number of the cimtest aiiN weie einplo.ved In icgulir situa tions ami devolicl onlv their spate time I the seeming of siibui Iptlons, This was especlnll.v the case with the wln neis of I he Mrst and thlicl special ip viit ds, cum of them being emploved In 'I law olllee and llie other ns n ding cleik Vet thev found time to woik lor themselves aftet business houis to good advantage. To achieve sullsfacloiy tesiilts It is absoltiicly nocoss.it v licit joti go Into it wltli your whole hem t and m itinng cleteimlnatinn to accompllsli something i ellnlte. ilalf-heai le I effm .s cut never bilng complete succiss. if j0u li'iiko up jour liiltul to cii'.m. go hi to win, mid icsolve to woik faithfuby, not foi a clay oi a week, hut until the very last hour of tlio c ontest. It Is not necessaiy tn go to I'pnlher pait of the city oi lo iiiiot'.er town to begin vour canvass Shut light wheic voti ai". You can gel the most sub si ilbeis In jmu home community, wheie jim aie best known. Your fi lends nnil nelghliois will become In leipsied In jotii ambition, and jou can c isllv secuio tlieii subset iption's Then j on cm biancli out. - Begin nt Once. 'I'heie novel will be it moie oppoi tune time lot you to eeminu mo lo solicit ubsu Iptlons lor The Tilbune than ngnt now. (let ,i bonk of blanks and call upon the Influential people nf join locality and tell tliem about tlio i;du atlon.il Contest mul wmi ampliations Thev will be glad lo do what the, i an to help vou The ministeis will commend win fin viuu woitb.v ambi tion, tho editois will comment on it In l hell otpeis leieheis will speak ol It to then pupils, and business men v.ill teiomniend jou to theli emplojces. Affei vou have gotten thp people who have Infliieiico iiiteiested, eommeneo a bouse to liciiisii canvass Call on ovciv boclv ind get as m tnj- names as you can Alwavs cai i v votn book of blanks with vou in which to entei the names ot subset llieis You will then have them at band to lead to those jou aie soliciting in oidet to convince them that tlieii fi lends and ttelghbots a.e subsei ibins. Till.' DOCTOR sat at (lie cuitained window or bis reception mom and icMeued that bis total capi tal consisted of his opeiating c halt, his instiimients, a few medical woiks and a waidtobe ikli in simllai ilv. He smiled. Tlio dot loi was mitoi tiinate in look ing blllp like a lising phvsltlan m that he can led his !0 veais much as if lliev weie but JO lis face was lound and led and boj Mi, and be clung to a jouthful habit nl wealing a little, nar-low-biimmed, lough stiaw hat, which, peiched on the vetv top of his head of lieiy bail, impaited to it much of the look ot a late sunllowei Yet, though tailuie meant death to the love to whom he hail given the best ot bis life, and tor whom be hau fought with all the tetuuliv and coinage of his tempeiamenl, be looked in Its lace and laughed, Mill In this pailiiular lustain o Ills mil tli was suddenly cheeked. A tall man In a tatteied duster had stopped In ticmt of his bouse, and, glancing at the sign, was now doubtiullv mount ing tbo steps. The doctor had scauely time to spiing to his feet and udiust bis hm to a moie dlgnllieil angle holme the bell tang. Then an idea sel 'eel him, He i.in to his Inner ollli e, and, allowing a decent iutpivnl, ciied "Come in," and shut (he door between the looms. As the nnn in the duster entenci and looked in mind expeetantlj, he iipeiuil it again sliglillv. "In just a moment " he said, looking giavely nut ai his visum ami bowing, "Ui you ghe tne a nioiiieiit beloio jou go out, doctor,'" be said "VVhv, jos," sulci the doctor, "Mop in." ami bo nuHlnonoil with his hand towaid tho inner ollke. "No, sh," paid tbo man, "1 don't be lieve thill's necessai.v, I T only mint ed in see you about my llttlo gltl." The doctor looked at the man again. Ho did not appear as pi utilising ns un der the milder glut o of the .stieet lamp. ins ii.ii mowed Milieu us he twisted It In Ills llngets, nml a gil.ly bontd cov eted his c o.ii M-skinned lace, doing awav by Its lepglh with the need of (l necktie, A subtle oiloi ol oil pot mo ated hs being ' O!" ho mi id, i eiiiceulliig his disap pointment. "What is II"" "I don't know what's the matter with her, hit." continued the man, "She's hud u level ul least she don't somehow seem to get hotter, -l m aliald If something isp t dime soon thut " "What doe tot.' I can't take another man's case, jou know," said tlio cloo tm "A doctor on the buanl of health, Onlj u health ollli ot lie was. sh," mi. sweied the man qulc llj 'He euiuo tlnoiigh inspecting the biillelliig one das." "Why lmven'1 jou bad a doitoi bei folo It tbo case s so seilous.'" asked Woiknuiu, nilldl "Well." lopllod the man, visibly cm baitassed, "l haven't had much woik latclj ami times has been so kind of hind -I illdit t have anj inouoj " Ho could not topless a shudder nf disgust as, mountain tho iikety stubs, ho saw tho gteasj-, iiondescilpt tenants- si.x oi seven to twice as many feet Ijlng and sitting aioitiul the open looms. Tho ah was heavj wltlievety known odor of inn leuiiliness, mingled In one nauseating whole The mini tinned iipolojotlcully, "We used to live up town fill thc-l " he said. "This Is pioit) bad. out His Case JONAS LONG'S SONS, 1 his week is ollered an uiiexiiinpleil opportunity lo secure Purnlture at prices which hjive never before been ollercd in this city. Out stock is selected from the best In the cotintiy, We show goods i from iiuiitifactiners that h.ive no stipe-riots, and the piices Will Milt .ill pmscs. j z Sideboards -rw . i.''ViiXII3ti3 r. . i -r-?- ' nu ..' -zm tmcir PArmK v,f 'll j- ,fi.? ' -....? VV5K' a r - -tit itedi "s-;- (Jthcrs $13.25, $H., Si5.7S( $18.75 and Dining Chairs t vejj I t IT.;. ft' nmV Y' 1 X, rrfr A' A tempting array of neat oak Dining Chairs, of special design, close woven cane seats, sub stantial steam bent back posts and brace aims, understock and extra linisli, $1.25. $4.50 ifiiif ft 1 f'oich and Cottage Furnituie, a mammoth assortment of Settees, Rockers, Sewing and Reading Chairs, built of extra heavy maple stock, close-woven oval leed seats and backs in gieen, red or nat ural finish, 74c, $1.69, $1,98, $2.98 and $4.50. Jonas mom's not ns diitv. though, Mi. Up one lllgbt moie This dooi " In tbo dim liRht ,i woman by the window looked up ctuiikly. "Did vou fiet one, John,'' -he .isked, .mil tben ns she (.uiAbt sight ot the unfanilli.il flKino and the medicine c.ise, she luilf lose, K.ive ,i ctulelc hob .mil buist into li.vsteilc.il te.ns, buiy iujr bei Lieu In hei liancls "Vou see," s.iid the m. ill, si 111 upolo Ketlc nllv, "she lui-n'l bid anythltiK to eat foi tlnee davs Khe'.s weak like." ' O, come," be said, slcpplliK' cbeeiily fin vv .nil. "Don't feel that vvuv. I'm Kninsv In niie both jou and the little sbl Vnu'ie you'ie not suuni, ou ltnovv. Uy the wav, wheie is1 the little Kill.'"' he added, as bu mentally noted, "Uvstciia; lack of pioper nouilsh meut," as the woman's dl.iBiiosis. The cine tor ivnlkeel over beside them and looked down nu the bunch of tacts In the cot not. She was a Utile cjiil about " e.us old, ns tar as be could .see. He slat ted b, 11 k a little as lie ell ew f'ln-ei, tin tiom bN height when stnnd Imr In- bud not seen how teulblv slit link, 11 tin Utile limbs weie and how deep weie the hollows ol bei temples, but his IIiikms closed civet bee vvilst .Hid be timed the sLlni,lj .sensible beats 'I he dm lin limk liei teniieiaiuie and nski d hs (Hiesiluiit, with fcical Ktisto. lie IclL be hud a llh'lit in elilov all the dcllRlititil sensations ot uiieuulliir; it case whli h v as -ii piuel.v and enllie Iv Ins own but bU 1 omul luce vviln kled us be ilnlshcd hs L'samliiiitlon. I'm a mlnule in two lie stund looklui; down ul lite little huudlii in .silence. Tho man ami the woman looked ul him aiiNlinn-h "Wlmt'i v mil' 11 iiiu'V" be nsked un opee tedly of the man. ".Inhn linwei," Mild tho mini .mximis 1. ' Well, then, .Inhn Ibinei," cnuilnueil the ilnclnf Biavel.v, ".voiii- child is hluiviu." Tho lllilliV eves filled with lent-. "i'lif (iiid'.s Mike, inistei " be mi-.iul, "I IlilVell'l 11 cetil Hliuvllis! Sluiv iny'" Don't do that," be sihl hbaipb, "Don't! I loisol. You wait heie, I'll bo line U In hadl an bom," nml whiil- llilf (iiiii'Kiv, no eri lliem Ka,lllK ftt. pldl at tlm diioi thioush 'which he i.iliMied. The atlltleniilU in the Tllllil uVcmio ,shci, ptciM'd e. toinildnblo than ho hud leiilid lie vv.ih vei uiictlous and oily, It was onlv when his 1 u.iiouior had Iclt with the ticket ami a pltltitliv Mimll hill iupo-,ltii1- in his walMio.it liuiket that he jicilillltoil Ithnseir a Kleiim ol KliutliiK t.iilsacllnn nvei the wutilt It had hcliuiftoil nine tn the cloi tin's tnlltei As It win, Nitiuil.i.x itlKhr he I011111I mini) ot tho othei .shops Mill npi-n, When ho Intel lblled all thc-,e Milailo for hli pin pose mid hud llulhhed cilf with u cliuyKt lie cllscnveicd hlnif-clf us the posscr.oi nl eviutlj oven ten t.s. Hut tine to his cued, us his canlial dwindled with e.uli put chase., he hmi .smiled, anil now a.s ho bin lied bad,, aloiiK the ulle.v, his slilnlni; laic faltly beutnecl Tlio niun unci woman weie sltiln on tho door us he'biiibi tiliunpbantlj in upon theme. "Ilcie, I!o.vef," ho cijed, "do .vou and otii wile want .seiiuethins to cat.' Hot up out of that if utt do.' JONAS LONG'S SONS. Couches An excellent solid 0.1k Sideboard, 20x14 Fiench bevel minor, oriiiiiuentfll st.iudttrds and biic-.i-brac shclv lug, shaped double tops and ne.it jilt trimminus, lias lined silver dinwcr tuul looiny cabinet. Keg t1lar.t12.50, tri Out price.. IU.i?V 1 educed to $I9S' 1 1 iV SJCftJ wB ' VuvM II h il Lil! ,1111 We point with pride to the fact that we carry the finest line ot Go-Cat ettes and Baby Coaches in Northeastern Penn sylvania. The essential features of our Go-Carettes are the self-locking-device, tiie adjustability of the desk and back to any position and the independent and simultaneous action of the reclining at tachment at prices ranging from $3.30, $5.85, $6.76, $7-75. $10.00 up to $35.00. A complete selection of patssols, lace covers and repair parts for carriages 01 go-caits kept in stock' $2.98 Long's Sons tiyft And not waiting" foi a teplv be diop ped bait ol bis pni knges beloie them and, placing the lest moie gentlv on tbo flooi, pi oc ceded to eiptuie one of the lolling mangos and eiil It In fill cos. The woman, who had looked up, slaitled at his Impetuous enttanie, caught bet breath qulc klv as tbo pack ages tell and the golden fiuil buist foitb It was mouths since she bud seen so man) things tn cal. Then she lose and stood bv him e.igeilv as be peeled llie oiange The man of medi cine looki d at bei. smiling Ituiuii Inglv. "T want to see bilbv eat Hist," sln tahl chokliiglv. lie had not been lung enough in pur lin to become baidened, and his Im petuous until was far fiom piocil ngaiust such things The child gave a little sigh nf satisfaction us In li.ld the iulcv plei es to bet mouth, and one pitilulh t II In little hand i losed nei his mll as she weaklv bit iimi tliem ".lolin"' nled the woman, "look'1' "I'sliuvv"' -aid llu doitoi, lie ielt op. plisscd bv the weight ol giatltucle in Hull nianneis .Inst undo thai spit It lamp and tin milk, will sou"" Then .vou I no gn ahead and eat, I'll attend lo the babv," When the flatten had finished bis task be gave mlnule lustim tlnns about the medic lues he had niKed unci I in noil to gn. As he looked clow II on Ills lllll idlv diminishing imichases and nolle eel how evident the nne.ssli) ni mml h,i,i been to Hum his e(s tivluMeil with f-alKlac tion, lie hesliali d loi a nniiui ul nnd liieu, .11 tualed bv ihe w lilltl.lt alltv which luul -11 tin made his snuggling- lit wot th Its llv liu s-.tl siiddenlj flown be. s-ide them on the ilocu The nnm looked up Mtipiisid and hull tose, but tho woman, alter a qulc k glaiiie, ie.ichecl out am) hiiniled him an maime "Thank .vou," said, "I btllevo I will It malteieil nut thai even hs l.itigh tcl could lint help Wllelt be Mild hie np eiatiltg 1 hail, Hill as till' cla.vs went nu, ile.-piie the gi.uliml dlMippcMiinic of Ills most c In il-hed book.s and bits nf rill 111 tilt Will I, man until eel nil Ills dallv virdls tn the tenement that Ills patient .s loiidltlon was gmwlm; s,my( but MIIHl. Wnt.-e As Ihr 1 lllld g;te, wrakii the dm tor glcW desi'i,ilr The llu) tIi ssnss i, the ,.iim ,i.. and ihe dally nbo e-l.stiinc Iii tint hloMUUble, rnspluir adviilIKi nl llie il.eiisf, pioveil loo tol midiilili in ciiHin to his nilnh ir, lief beball he Ull nod in one ilinlly .if tit aimthei, mil1, in llud that ,ow Vntk .swaii'iid wlih uneniiilo.veil and tlitil huiiilieds nl ,1111)11(1111011-1 siond Inline him Ifllt linw -lllllii the thought of Ills fuinii le iinpalientlv -uiii ,1 his llu I..UC ill cveiv book slick 111 llllllittllf iimi nig- I'.ittei la mote .vcai.s or kIiiikvIIhh and s iv in, in icgiiln what be had lost thiiii to Ins. what b had tn iitt-iiotawl loughl foi lit had liiuglit omr I'm III'- taiiel. and he had won llie t-ei oiul Ikht would be 1 iit.Ui tni tho leiollei llnu ml having mivlcI a lllo I'lid.itinted, b' liiacle uunlhoi plUi un.igc InTllIld live, rue The iopvIi 1I011 Dial the Utile gill would .icnit be beytiticl t oi o el y unless .snmetblrig: flioultl be done ulmoiU at oiko buincil Itself indelibly into hh JONAS LONG'S B6NS. AVVlAvA vAiyM An extensive showing of Couches and adjust able heads, divans and davenports, having latest patterns, Belgian Velours, upholstered upon an imptoved steel woven wlie fahiic with patent non-pull-out buttons, indestructible -h . and luxurious Couches. Puce pV.4y Adjustable Head Divans from $16.39. Hall Racks Our line of Mall Racks has been selected to confoim in price to the capacity of every purse. We cat iv them in quaitered oak, with French plate mirror, metal drip pan and ornament. 1 biass hooks at $5.50, $7.00, $7.85, $9.49, $10.25 Up lo $40.00. $1.69 rrc corscloiisness. The little gill he hud swoin to sive was dying-. Tilde was ono lemaininu hope, but It was haul to think of. So far hi bad been able to keep bla Rllsteninp Ii.Miumeuts AVIthout thorn the lust link would be binl.oii. The lint would be inetely h flat nothing more. 1'ieclselv a week liter Di. Woiknian sal In his Hat liolillni; an unopened lettei In his band. John l.oyer bad lust leri him. ITe, too, bad a letter, but his had )i-iii opened, and he ha ' 1 c me 11 oin lb" tenement to ieul It and to icllei lie huskilv hi- fhank. lie I1.1 1 added 1'iiit he bad found woik ill last sin til wages, but still woik -and that now he would be abl to put 11 Utile aside each month fur Hie iia.vnieni nf the doitoi'' bill. Ills wile's am le will) whom he bad fiuniieliel upon his inaiilige, on noil a cmilage f.tcioiy, and with theli lecon elilillnn. elicited bv llovei's unolotrv and a leil.r Horn bl- wile, a nosltlon had In et ofieied him, Wmknrin .-tailed when lie lie.enl the name, ten Ii was snoi'.vmnus wlih nianv Ihous nmla of dollat.s. Ills bookcase jaaied einptllv and dreaiily fiom the faither .side of tie1 loom. Tn th? inner ofl'ce the inin"i wheie llie opeiMthiB- ehnlr had sloid was iugle?s anil desolately vacant. In tho other coiner tlie polished Klin's n his instiumeiit ca-o mouiiiecl sllentlv llie loss of Its blight steel icfleetioiis Tho walls, oxropt in one place whew hH college diploma hung, vveio line for iilituic nnd haugiiig.s nnd nil had t.otii' the 10 id ni tin 1 est or Hie -..'ike of 1 ne snniM 1 lllld, The iliicioi looked aiouild at II all, As l'i did -o lie nolle ed auoih'f lettei r.itiy,nl uniler Hie door iliiougli which John Hojet I id lu.st pa.sMd, lie pol(. ed II up womlei Inglv. It was the see. 0111I hitler lie had locoived In month' Then lie guve n gnsp half of nimtro. nieiM, half of icllef, nnd wholly of cje. Iltbi. It was wiltteu upon tlie paper ni' th" rni"lgii Henmen's hospital, nnO II nad. Di Wdlliim Wiiikimui, 2 P.ntntaln I'lace, C'llv "Deir Sh -Wt have the honor to In 'nun .vou that 11 bond of trustees nt ihe Kotilgn tfoniuon'.s hnspltul lmv mi.inhnoiisl.v voted 10 nfai jou the po ill er. nf XI -1 iissHiiiut ic-ldent physl rl.in in lilt vueipt bv Ihe lecent cjeath el llobei, r t'lmk, Tho Hnl.ii.v' nl t 11 lieu tn the ollli e N blliall J-'.inO pel nullum-but tbo tiuste.s liope, for th" fitl'O nl the hospital, that you can .e" ,mhii wa 1 itr tn Its nceoptutie, "I'lil-tlntr lb it we niav heat favor iibl in m vou on tho matter, we ate, no mils. "I'oielgn rfeanteii's Tlospltal, ,M 1 .bu kson, Hot tetnry, "M.l T', Jtoo." Tni llt'-ee titlnutes he sinned tflupld" I j at liio lellur, living in imdeistand H was tint until he tumid it over and - ,w the mi 1 vv 1 on th- back In John Hovers' hap Iwiitlllg, tint lie believed Den- Dm loi I couldn't say this, m I wiolc Il Mi Fobtei, tlio cnnlug? iiifiti. s Diefldtnt of the bnanl l tiustees Iihn Uoj,er." And then Woikmaii ceaiied, for the 111 -I time In ull his ictimjgle-, to l.iuh Im-liud, his eves p,pvv sitsplelousiv 11101M. Hut It was not foi sortow l!oiloii Ulobe. Ask foi Kellv'jt union ctaokcts. $1.98 ?' .isii,t jiw- ,