, iffvHtv i-,t. , ' ui.rxi.cauna rPvHp l 'fJHtrtf. A" -ilV fT b i ' 1 ,J THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, MAY 13, 1901 0 slwfcK v. WEST SCRANTON EPWORTH OBSERVANCE AWtflVEHSAKY EXERCISES IN SIMPSON M. E. CHURCH. Seniors nud Juniors Turn Out In Lnigo Nuinbets to Attend the Ser vice V., I.. & W. Saw Mill De ployed English Resibted Attest nnd Turned on the Ottlcei Will iams Used an Unibtolln. Effective ly Severn! Other An eats News Notes and Pei&onuls. Tli" Simpson t tut titer of the Kiniili nsne lii'ld I hell iiiittloi.!iry cm-icWus In ihf iiiiilliiii'liim in' the iliuii'li Inst mciiluf:. which was llllid Willi JllllltllM, M?nloi,s mid ftloniN "f tin' KiH'Irty. Stti(imri hi n-d mid white weio hutur toiibplt'Uuit.d:- Irmii above tin' oikiiii iHf-r tlu- pulpit, illld WCK' minuted Willi U- motto ol tin- soikty, "Look up, Lift up." Tht- pulpit whs iiImi iii nutted with tlnwpi.-i. .iikI tin- p'jililt-uis nf tin- liuilor nt'd : iiliu l-JBiii" lu-u- hulls iu enn- H'ieUOUs I'ldll's'. Tilt- "CI life Wil. on-iMIll-fil ll till' llU'llt'slr.l music till' llU-llt'll ll. tllL- niusii I, IPS fllllll the Sec ond rich, tcrlan i-huti-h. .'u'tor 4ho ilo MUlniHil eeiol.sis, li'il li I'liulriiiau Mitton, Willliim Stiintoii tendeied u eoini-t nodi in mi elf"ille inumiPi. Tin- Junlois i-'cltcd tin- ti'ii t-nitmuiiiil-uiriits In iinlaen and MKh MurcratPt Hindu .s ii.kI tlio iinnuiil r.-ioit of the M'lilnrsi. slimiltif; .in cm oik d niPiiib.'r vhlp of .l. Tiwi ounx 1-idy vl.sltoit finin MnsiuW- .'.fin'4 a tlu-1 "Toll Mr .Mine About .loue," ii lid M fs M.UKHli'l t'l.iwtnid repot ted for the luulorh, who haii an inci.mc of fll ill attendance fit jiifL'tliifju diulir-r tlu past year. litv. .McliiM niott rxpies.sed hlh ri.-iII-turlo at helm," i-otiuoeted with a chinch having hiii'li an esocllent I'pworth league chaptci ami junior uiKuiilzutioti, ami I'otiKiatukiti'd I lie ullleer.-t and uii-mlieis on tin- miui'l'!- llioy Iiavo at tained and the. mind wuil: tlmy an duiiur. lie then sa" them a Iwentv-niinuto talk on "The Pliilosoph. of llulilt and Some of Its- lloi.il I'oiihuiit'i-ncep," In which he s-.iid it Is much easier to foim (iiiurl, habits in youth liiau it is in "Id iiRf. adding tli.it nc aie all crea tines of hahlt. though wc pinfess to ho Kidded by other inlluences. Habit is the jri cit balance wheel m human mm 1 i'iy, lie Miid, and it has, ji slsiiillc.ineo ill. 1 1 i.s Infinitely important to all. If onrmr people only knew their flit tn o they would be more caretul, for HUYLER'S SCOTCH KISSES l'JR sl I G. W. Al" JENKINS', The Latest Wash Goods Arriv They coine a little later than the average lines, but their novelty and exclusive beauty will more than compensate for the unavoidable delay. The truth is, the manufacturers could not get these eleveuth hour beauties out earlier, but they're still in time for all practical purposes and if you care to call and look over them this week at the various Wash Goods Couuters, you will be a welcome visitor. lie Late Arrivals e special oesigns m Exquisite Thoughts in French Dimities Mercerized Pongees, Pretty as Silk Linen and Silk Ginghams Soi-De-Suisse, Novel Effects Mercerized Cbambrays, New Designs Silk Stripe and Check Novelties Foulardettes, Cheap and Handsome . Mousseline Appliques. They're Lovely ' Elegant Silk Stripe Grenadines French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams a i An elegant inches wide. Miiif mi Gish L 1 1 if 11 1 If 1,1 Hon, vi a to choose from, This week Extra Display of Summer Wash Fab rics Every Day This Week. Globe Warehouse ii ye sow, ho shall ye leap. Slu l hell. If n yuiitiB liinn tusllloli.', hll lire In the wtoiiif way, us In- lc simply ncttlim the iiiiuhlnciy UK.ilu.ct Ins ciiimelciii'P, but If hf lives iilonu iIkIHpouk lines hli Mr will he tilled with Joy illld lliippl- ll"1l(. The exercises wcie himuslit to a close with a nolo hy Wllllani I.our, who ren lined erfectlvely "I Will Not Koisuko Thee," nnd u selection by the or chestut. Miss Mohel I'.etinio pieslilcl at I he pipe oiRiin dtirlim the evonliiK. The meetltiK was followed by a nhoi t LOIISC'lllltlOll HPI'ViCP. Competitive MeethiB. The YollUK I'eoplo'.s .society of the Klr.st Welsh t'oiiKieRiitlonal chinch will hold a competitive niPctliiK- tm Wpdiii's'diiy, .Iu no -'1. Follow Iiik Is tho pioRi amine: Mlv.il iltlllfllc. Ne l"l. IYlilHiM.ll II.Uilli; III)'-. !-'. , ,, Mill iiiiilitlc, N". ITS, IYiilrinlnl lljiimi I'llrc. VJ I in, I, till"! .mil l'.i. "I.ill'"iril W ilili. 1' Willi mi"', lnlc. s, s,hiio mjI.i. "Iti-lti!: "t Hie 1-iiU. (-i.nsi "' w.ih .): in!?-, .vi (dit- lln cln. "I'ltiiililn. Ilo." I I. ''. Wl nlc, iU (rnli. , Ti nni din, "Ilic Hiril "lib ii Uii'l.ni Plnliiii, Nn. I', Pnilninlnl llinili: pric. .V rut-. Itirlt'iii" Mil". '-Ihilmi lidl." Ne. H". i"'l'l ll i Nn. il, lubr, .'') 1 1 nt s,,,l, r ililtiluii I.-, m.ih ot .lu-c, "rl 'lln-rc ll.iiitti." tiii-prl ll.i mm I. '-'. :'. Ii "" "u rtnilitliiii. f"i ililldifii nii'lcf 1'- Jr-" "' "''' i,1ki,!i ( hilil". pike, ."-(I (dil. Hi-Mi IkIiI iciiIIiik: ill"-. .'0 ifnf. 'I In- tir-l M'iimitiliIp en Hist !- i!tn. fnr rlilhlron iimkr l"i jihis: pilzr. "id n'lil". l,mo ktli i. piic. (0 triit'. No one I lut li.ii t.il.ni ( I'll'" I" i ("ti'lirl- Ipo llHltltlSr I'lfoic fll.lll (Pll'ictn. Ml coinpof IIoim lit ceml llini ninir in ir liilnic .lntii- -.it, t" riioinai Itulicii". 4 11 1 mir tin, lb fluil, lit: English Resisted the Ofticer. Thoniito IHRllsli, of Vim Union nenue. who was formetly Pinploycd by M. K. W.Miibs. toll nsi'.--!i In the bain S.uniday ovenlnR and T'ntioluinn U.nid Pavls was called to awaken hlni. When aroused KiirII.sIi become abusp and stappled with the ollk-or, who wns I'oiccil to usp his club. During the scrap David's drc.ss coat was liadlv toin by KtiRlish, who ie .sisted aiies't tn a very persistent mound- He was fined SJ'i In poliie cottit yesii-iduy nioinlmr by muRlstiatP D.ivles. Hail w:is .ilso ic'iuhed ol 111 in in the .sum of 5500 lor lib appeniance at i oiu t. Martin Mimimhait. who int'Mleied Willi the olllcer, was lin"d V. by tho in.iRistiale. Two Funerals Yesteitlay. Tlu- funcial of the late .lolm .loiics occuned yesiei day afternoon fiom the house, SI." North Filinorc avenue, iind was 1. lively attended. The seivues weie londucled liv lte. 1). V. loncs, pastor of the Titlieinaele Couki -national (.hut ill. InteimeiiL was nuiile In the Wii'-hbuin street cniuteiy. Mi-m- beis of the Hyde Pi.rk Mine Aickk'iital I Fund acted a-- pall boaiois. A sad Mineral occa.nd ;, estetdiiy al lei noon Mom the home of Mr ami Mis. John Meredith, on Noith Hroinley avenue, when another of llieli cliildion line of Inne French ams, tins seasou's importa 9c ble newest effects, 32 Scores of patterns wit taken nwny. This wnst the third diiURhter io illf In lite fitinlly In n few ypui.s. Tho BPrvleen unto lit ehuiKO of Hex'. ThomuR tie fltilehy. of Hid .luck son street Ikiptlst church, ttnd Inter ineiit wns miulo In the Wushbtitn stteet ceil rlery. Pioffrnmme of Cantata. The cnntittn, ".Ipphlhuh and His DntiRhtor," which will be produced at Meals' hull on Wednesday iindTlittiH day evening of this weelt, will have the following oast of eluitnctoisi .kplilhili, tiititti ruler ot Pi.trl - l'nil. Ham C. .Iiiii". t'liplirt Willl.iui l.'iliS Kl.iiil. .Ii'wMi inMkr i,Mim Aluaiut l.l.iii, .lrul.-li priiKO II. Mioi'i'. IIiImii. JcnUli prlm T. 'llionii-oii Allmlil, II Mr1iliKM- .,,, ...I'tnl W. I'.l.llll fillip tttt.i il, Nn. I t.r'tir Slin.iii funp Rilinl. Nn. 'J W. tt, IMIII'lm l'lili;cnl.i, .kllitlnli-i ihiclil"i'- MLrt I'liorbe Smltli d.tli. Iilil5clili' filiml Mt. II. lli'.J .N.kiiiiI.KIihiI'k llrr..MiK I'nmilo .Innn-Mirchnlit I.imIi. Miiiil nf fillc.iil Ml-- l.k'ic Mii'lMiit Aiii.pI I.ltll" H-mIc link I luini-. riiicnitiui; .kwldi olilkrj, million hi, I liri.dil, it'. I.lritrldmi, Mr. V. .1. nin'c Airempaiipt', Mr. .luini I. .1 unco, Ml Mu.i .luiii". Air. Walter ll.!ll'. I'dlllllHllll. II. Puli The piodiietlnn will he Riven under the inisplrcM of th'j Hand of Hope, ot the Sumner avenue I'rcsbylei Ian tlituch. Chinch Meeting. Thursday evening, May It!, the 1, W. II. cit dp ofthe Hampton Street Metho dist Hpls'eopal church will give an eiilertalnnicnt under the dliecllon of Mis. Uaudolpli Jones. The piograiitint-: pviir nii-i P'nn scl Mi. l.inric Mmio Tnlili.iii, 'ItdiK "1 (.c." I. . II. pIu'p Itml.illoii. M-lnt'iil MS lk-,.ic bluli- s-i.i, m In tcl Mi-s Mi ,1"ii'j lilili.iu, "llllvi Di-I'iilinl I. . II. link- Pint., ill'. Ki.in Miiilwil'. Ml-n lllirl WJtkltn ll,lt,ilir.t Mis; (I, ul, lino Phillips Piano .ii'tl iliiliti ,ilii - Misiib Nclll" IIi.'im' mill l.ottlc llr.ili. PAH!- M.CIIMI. I'iiIiIimii. "tloildo-n nf l.ll'iiti"....! V. II. (ink 11k It.iliui .'.Mifl L'i'ii Mmrl i-lv Pint Ml-. W.ilklii. Mt. Mil.liinn l.'ii Itilimi Mim I jilt ip .limn Pi.i'1,1 '.nlo . iji, I lurk stuite T.ilili.iu. "i,i.i.il Nisln" F. W. II. mile Ailni!'frn. l"i ftiit-i; lip ik.iiii cvtr.i. A Hoiseless Cnninp,e. A .Miung imiii gixing the iiiiiuu of Tliomas I'arioU and lesiilenco on Twentieth stieet, hiied u hoise and buggy fiom Liveryman Smith, of Oakfonl cDiut. Siituiday night, and h .i 11 ho wanted to lrlo to Dunmoip. The hoi se w;is found on Key-er iivcnue jfsteulay by sfveial hoys, who till tied It over to the police. Later the caiiliiRe was tound in Keyset- Valley badly wiecked, but C.tt Kll ! still missing. Smith uppeaiol sit the station house at U:.'iil o'clock l,i-i niglii in eairli of Ids ptopeily. The hotse was plated in Wymb's liv ely Mr safe keeping. He "Wouldn't Go Home. .'oliii Chew ne. of SliTinnn avenue, .'tailed homo Katuiday night with 11 halt gallon of whiskey under his arm and as much nioie under his belt. When bo i cached the coiner of Jack sou stieet and fl.ile I'aik ineniie he (hopped the Jug and spilled the con tents in tho stieet. Tho Muu.g man bemoaned bis loss billot ly a'ld the How of tpais almost cipialled the- How of whiskey. Patiol 111. in Lowry tiled to Indiae him to go honi", but he lelusod. He was then Inched up and lined $1 by Police Mngls. tiate Davie, yentoidny morning. Saw Mill Burned Down. A saw mill owned by the Delaware, Laeluiwanim and Western company, luf.itcit on the A Vest Mountain, near the Diamond leseivolr, binned down .it ti o'clock jesteiday nioinlng. and tho lonlents. together with a quantity of liiinboi, weie ilestioycd. Tile Hi e bloke out again at nonn and an aim m was sent in fiom Uox ;UT, hut the liremen weie unable to reach the scone, owing lo the distance. The .eeoud Ihe ocelli led in a lumber pile, which was destioyed. The damages will amount to several bundled doll, us. Entoitnined the Prisoneis. I'.eoigo llowen. of Asw ell Court, was ai tested Sum day night at the In staii'-p of a woman nanifd Mrs. Wnl teis. chnigpil him Willi assault and l-iitlery and with making thieats. lie did not seem lo mind being ar lested. iind for several hours (lining the night entei tallied the other piison ers iu the station house with all the popular songs of the day. He tur nkhed bail al toutt. First Baptist Chuich. Mi. L. M. Newell, r"piPReiiting the Women's Home Mlsi-louuiy society, lad ihaign of the nioinlng prvhp. Mis. Xiwi'U i.s a very pleasing speaker end a.i hh-- pi (tnted the wtnl; of the soclet;- In I' Cnlteil .Stales theio wore teair iu many cies, The pasloi, liei. H. K. Matthews, pi culled as usual iu the evening fiom tile Iboir.c, "Songs of U.ivlil." The choir continues to render nmslu of un usual beauty and swc(tuess. Used an Umbielln. David .lonos nud Uany Willltiins, nf r.f!e u.-. engaged in a tight Satunlay night at the lornir of South Main nveiiiu- and Hampton Rlieet. Tim for uier was loo much for the untoi, wlm ptiiietuii'il .lone-,' neck with tho point of an tiiiilnella. Injuilng him m.-veicly. ratioluu'ii Hint and I'Ivuiih pl.ired illf ii under attest and both of them weie lined if." em Ii In police uuirt yes triila moiiilng, Anioiifj the Cliuiches. An oftnilng for the boaul nf chuich election was taken up at the Wash burn strict Pii'ffbytciliiu chinch yis teiday. Tho sai'ianit'llls tif Hit) Loul's supper wi-iii iidiiiliilntnii'il at tho .l.icliron stieet Haplht cliiiri Ii X'steiday niorn Itig, Tho lie.l't liaiiil ot Mllowshlp was nho cMeiukd lo a nuiitbi r of new lllcmheiH Events of This Evening-. Meetings of tho rr.iuUlIn Hngln.! cotupiiny nud tho Columbia Jicsy ntul Chemkul tiimpany In tilth- lusjieptho IUII tcis. Ituiuest at Cotonor llobeits 'olllcc to Inuulio lino thu death of Mltibael Filch, who died suddenly In tho tpne. SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow a tonsil to urn until it ;,iU lir.tgnil I ho iculi ot inciliohir. 'Hid ollcn J), "iIi, It ul nut jj," 1'iit in 4iiiu.l u,.-, it will jirji then huj.i. t'ciihl HA' Le Induced to rj I ic mrics-U;t luedkiiir ulkd Im iii IIjUjiii, whiih i told on j hiuoi- xuiLiiitii- iu iiiii-, ilicv llCll'l IlllllifilUllll mo I lie CMlllcut cltut udr'r ul.iiu tin tint lu i' t'ti'- :'Ji, jnd iOi. 1'iul tkv Inc. At ull JlUfjbU F8III Is Burdensome to Many in Scranton. Life's Journey Is a heavy burden With u constantly itching back, With miliary disorders, diabetes Willi any kidney III . Doan's Kidney l'llls telleve nnd cure. Mrs. Ji, W. Williams nf 1103 Luzcrno stieet, mhvs: "I hud a dull, aching pain nil the time light In the small of my hn'ek. There weio Hints when f was tpilte com fot table. 1 ut If I did any woik to amount to anything the nehlng btgitn. J was always wotse when 1 did wn-diliig, Ii nitlng or heavy house woik. Kcry motulng I was stiff and lame when I got up and It hurt ire to stialghten in lor stooping. f g"t Doan's Kldtuy Pills at Matthew- tiros.' dim' stoie and used thorn legularly. In a short time 1 noticed fin Improw n ent and continuing th" tientnitnl was soon cnlliely cuted." For ,iIo by nil ilenlou. Pi lee V) cents. Fnstor-M llbui n t'o.. ntifl'alo, N, V., sole iigents for Mi" 1", S. Itenienthpf (he nam" Ontn'-i and lake no suhstllule. ineiit Iioiiso at the torner of Peranton and Seventh street;;. General News Notes. The gospel meeting at the Young Women's Christian n.soiicitition tooms on Satmday evening was In cluigc of Mks Knther Rnwlandf, of the youth Side blanch, who condiieli d a vety In leiesllug nicetlng. Tho sliiit waist class will meet at tha looms this even ing. L. W. Clamor nud family hae taken ot-.scsslon oC tif h new residence on Fan's Heights. Silas Hartman conlemplates the erection ol an up-to-date dwelling lnui-e on Swetlaud street in the near iu tu re. August Wcisiniskl. a l.iboter in tiie continental mine, had Ids mm frac tal cd recently b a fall of coal. Personnl Parnginphs. Mrs. A. F. Stuckeit. or Ninth stieet, is le-.mciing fiom the effict& of a ic tent inji'ry. Itcuben S. CJillingbam. of Tenth stieet. Is sulfering fiom an attack or ilirumatlsm. .Mi-s Millie Coons of South Main avenue, Is leioveting fiom a long ill ness. Miss Lleela Lauor. of Noi tli Main nienue, sprained her ankle. lecenlU. bv (..'ililiing her loot, iu the sprocket chain of her bicycle. Miss Anna Van Aukcn, of Wyoming. Is the guest ot Mr. and Mis. Frank Uryant. of Academv street. Mrs liiilir.d Ttose, of N'oi th Sum ner nenue. will spend the summer at Albany, X. Y. Attorney Chailos Oliver of. North Main avenue, lias returned home fiom Gettysburg and Hartisburg. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Twelfth Anniversary of Epworth League Observed at Providence Methodist Chuich. Last night speilal sen Ices were i (in ducted in the Piovidenee Methodist Kpisi opal church in observance- of the twelfth anniveisary of the organiza tion of the Kpworth league. An In tel esting programme, consisting of mu sic, readings and addresses appropri ate to the occasion, was carried out. The league colois, red and while, piedomlnated in the decorations and tho plattonn was made attractive by palms, lerns and rod and white geran iums in bloom. The woid "Forwurd" Iu large led letteis graced tho space In the i ear of the pulpit and under It weio twelve huge white uutltese ciosses, each lcprosonting a cut- in the hlsloiy of the league. The tlrst yeui, entitled "Beginning," irom 'Mi to "Mi, was netted by Miss Plana Watkiiis: 'HO'01, "The Hpwnrtli llciuld," .Mrs). Stonier; '0I-'9-'. "Jtapld ciiowth." Watieii Iteese: '!J-'!i5, "OI11 dal Sanction." Miss Honsoti; '0!-'fit, "Ciinvc-ntlons," Miss Hernlce Conger; !i-'n. "Fxpansiiiu," William Itiight: ".i.-.-'ftii. ".Missions," .Miss Hertha White; '!Hi-'!7, "The Jlllilois," Miss itllth 15011- .i.tiuiii; 'Ii'-'fc,, "Itcadlng Course," Ota lleese; 'liS-'HI), "Frutcriilty." David Watkiiis; 'Dli-'uO, '-'I'estlng Times," Isa bolle Itobluson: 'OO-'Ul, "Tiie Now Hi a," Mis. Wetherhy. A shoit nddtoss on " Du!en Ways ill Willi Ii the League Has Helped tho Chun h" was Ien by Hoi;, fl. A. Cine, and u hlstoiical sketeb of the 7-TovI-ilencc- chapter was ic.id ly Miss Walk ii', A pleasing fe.ituio nf the evening was the signing tif the hymn, "Watch man. What of tho Night'.'" Funeinl of 2lvs, Isaac S. Jones. The funeial of Mrs, Isaac. S, Jones, of Hill street, took placo yesterday Hfteiiioon fiom bur home Set vices weio conducted iu the Purliun Con giegatloiial chinch, of which liny. It. J. lleese is pastor nnd In which Mrs. .lonos was an nitlvo worker, Tho church was crowded to Its utmost by relations and friends which attended to pav their l.He tribute, of lospeet to tho deceased, Mis, Jones was of u beautiful christian nature, which nuulo her loved hy all wm know her. Thete weie a number of lloral pieces, showing tho esteem In wlili h tho deceased was held. Aiming thesti wero a star iiiid itescent fiom t tic Sunday school of (ho Puiitnii CougieKatlon.il church, a large ttnd handsome pillow from the church congregation and it laigu number of sinallei hoiupiets fiom different friends. Iliteinic-nt was made in Ditiiiitoie cem etery. Ii. D. Jones liml charge of the tlllieial. Y. W. C. A. Notes. This attoruoon the Bible class will bo uddi esses by llev. A. U. Uaeho leln, a lonveited .lew, one, also, who is being gic.itly used among his own people. Mr. liacbclcin is the editor of the little paper, "Our Hope." which has iii.inj stihM'ilbois In this neigh but hood He will hold tervliTs In (Ji ace J.eformeil chuicli, notice of which will he given In the papers. Yuit am most rordlully Invited to at tend the meeting In tho Young Wo men's Christian association rooms, 204S North Main avenue, Tiipsdny after noon, May 14 ut 4 o'clock. Mr. Alrlch will continue the study In tho sixth uhnnter of Daniel Tuesday ntlcinoon, May 'J I, Miss Westeolt's einhioldery class! meets Tuesday evening at 7,;i0 o'clock. All who wish to join this class may do so at this time. Miss Weseott will also give lessons In painting and lace work. Junlois' Bible class, Wednesday af ternoon at n.30 o'clock. All young glils arc Invited lo nttohd this class. Kitchen garden, Thursday ufli'i-noon al 4 o'clock. Thursday evening, niblo study ut 7."i) o'clock. .Sunday school lesson' and C. I. Scollold's eurrespoiiilcncc courn (lie tho subjects to bo consldeted. All who wish tn .loin any of these classes of the association nuiyy call on secie tury ut rooms, -jnis North .Main up-nttc. In the Churches, The cantata, "Our Flag," will be given bv the Memorial chinch choir, at tho Auditorium. June It. Tickets may be had of tho niembeiK of the choir. Next Tuesdayevonlng the Young People's society will appoint, delegates to the annual meetings of their union, to he held at L.insford. May 18-0. The chuich will appoint delegates Wednes day. IN A FEW LINES. Miss Mary Conway, of West Miukct rtioot, lias left for Muff a hi, where she will attend the Pan-Atneilean exposi tion. Forty llouis Devotion began .-it the Holy Rositry chinch yesterday nioinlng at the JO.ItO o'clock mass. Miss Jessie Sterns, of Peckille, un der " hoso ditectioti tlte entertainment for school No. 2,"i library Is to be given, held a full rollout sal at the Auditori um Saturday afternoon. The drills which Miss Sterns has so carefully ni ranged w.-it- carried out In good shipe Tlio programme will eon-dsL of violin solos, drills, local solos unci piano solos by some excellent talent. Itev. Mr. Davis, tho evangelist, ptoa--he-l an Interesting s,ormon Iu the Voting Women's Christian association mams tn Ninth Main avenue yoio.--1'ity p flu nonn. Mr. Davis has for sou.' lime betn doing woik in t lit; line iu North S-or.mtnn, James J". Haagetty Is about to eieit a tluee-stoiy bilck building at Clear view street and Noitli Main avenue. He- will occupy it as a depaitment store. Pea Coal $1.00 a Ton Deliveietl. to South Side, centiul city and ceiutnl Hyde Pnik. Addiesjj oidei.s lo ,1. 'I. Sharkey, l!Hl Cedar avenue. 'Phone BGSJ. ' DUNMORE DOINGS. Anniversary Service of the Epwoitli League Kemaiks by Itev. Ncw- ing- at the Methodist Chuich. La.M nU-lit iit the M-'thodist -hiue'i Itov. Newir.g dellveied a spciial m'm iuoh lo mcmliers of Hi- Kpwoith League upon the twelfth annlver.-aiy uf tlu society, taking lor his subject "Tho Chill th of To-Motiow." He took his text, fiom Matthew .".til chapter, 121 h and lllh vci'.s": "Ye -iu-the sail of the earth. Ye uie the light of the woild." lie 'old of the begin ning of I'no sO( lety. which was otgan ized in a chinch ut Cleveland, which has sIiko been called Kpwnrlh chuicli. He said in pait that the (lunch's Hrsl duty .-as to bo helpful to mankind. The chuicli niu.-t be t onscientloiisly aggies-ive, destioylng that which is bad and pieseriing all that Is good. The church Is to be meek and kind r.ntl loving, hut must be always at war wltli wickedness. To-nioiiow it must occupy tlio ground that lo-diiy was held by Its enemlPs-. The tlrst thing needed to make tills lisult possible i.s the entlie consecration of its nienibeis when tlio Christian people w 111 he in fact the salt and light of the oat th. lie lefetied io the wonderful ini ptovements in the londltlou of those lounlries whore Chi Istlanlty lias a f mt. hold. No other lime or land over ot foied such oppoi tunities for the ad vancement of the young people. The wontlerlul udvaiiconieni In the condi tion of women is due to tlio Inllueneu of Christianity. He referred lo tlir multiplicity of divorces which lie consideied one ol iho gie.it nien.ii os of ihe country and iiientlotud the fact that dining .VJ I yeaiM of Home's hlsloi.s, wlien Iter power was gieatest, a ilivoite -was never hen d ot. When lamily ties be gun to li disiegiirded lier downfall began. In closing he utgiil every Fp w tut It League member to woik lor tho saving of souls. Unclaimed Letters. I.clteis iciuiilnlng unclaimed dining the pet led ending Muy II, Kidl I'd -ions lulling for Ihesu leltcts say ,ul i rtlsed: Mi-s I', P. Ann, , II, lili; .tilT. imiii .ihii'Ii, Ml-, W. I-. IImiIj, ..II AiI.iiii.-. ii.-niiri Mm. M Ilirmn. IJH Moiilnc jiouii,'; ,1. P. Hull-, im. I' li,i,.i (Jjlliultd. ( I.J'. P.i.vli, (in Ininl.ir thtil. II. W. IMu'i', .telin I 'icy. I.l.ii k-inlili, Ml. lull I It p II t If K. Ii i:illr..ic, Tin llu .in line; Win, (iiliu, .1,1 M lluili.v, .lulin I', l..i nib. Ml.. I .. I'll j, Pill) (iiini ltid;e fliut; X 1 1 .- -i lldoiu .M.wis, S. I'. Mm re, I lot u,p Mill'-I, u'! Monii.e imtitir; Mm Mitillini-, (.m tn"k, I'l.ilik Milton, I'jt i i t tjuinii, .Line Miutu, .l"i.v p'liiilull.ii II 1. I .niiiuiilli M il it. i, Kilfj'l) .MiiIuiiiiii, Mliirlll Mlilii'li II' ) Borough Brevities, The Woniou's Mi.-Hlonui socet of tlio Ptesbj tPtl.in chinch will unei mi Tliursduy afiemoou ut L'luO trclock at tlio homo of Mis. J. ti. Hum The Ycuug Ladles' chile will nincl mi Thursday evening at the homo of MI'S FJoiPiice Fowler, of I'huny stieet. Miss Lontz. of New Votli, mid Miss May Bioolis, of WilkPH.II.iric, ate h.- hlK oiitertilined by Mrs, a. D. Bhili iugtou at Ihe "iloiuesieuil. ' Thoi'lilldieu of l''red Ht-i ry who m" lieen sick with diplithetia for mini lime mo convalescent. MUseo Fdlth and Lida limiser, of Taylor, visited filcuds In low it ctei diiy. I'.'dwuid Swart.!, "f Chuiih siiiei, who was seveiely kicked by his imu M-cral duy.s ngo Is lmpiolug iihcly. The pal ties with whom M. J. Kfliui han lett u Singer sowing machine a bhojt time bctoie Ids deuli will confer a tuvor by conimunlcating tliu fads to his widow, Mis- M. J. Kcnuilian, of Hunker Hill, Dunnioie SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES, Bridget V., the 11-year-old ilaughtoi of Mhliael Hideu. mot with a tetlous accident last Filtlay noon at tho Sau- AMUSEMENTS. v vsv cvwvvs LAST CALL ! TOMORROW IS INGUNC vrs " .v-in. &(, ..fVMt ,n ,: m $8$ Mk v&m 1000 PEOPLE 500 Horses 100 CAGES OF WILD ANIMALS 30 ELEPHANTS 20 CAMELS 300 Circus Performers 3 RINGS. 2 STAGES 1.4 MILE RACE TRACK 65 Double Lengtii 12 ACRES TENTED WEALTH ENORMOUS STREET PARADE VWAA- OF 30 SUB-DIVISIONS tm sa.oo.ooo 'm CAPITAL INVESTED v, $7,400 Actual m EVERY ACT A NEW AND ORIGINAL HIGH CLASS FEATURE KfNlII.INU BROS.' I.Allisr TRAINHO ANIMAL SCNSATION. 20 ELEPHANTS IN ONE GREAT ACT MUUL'IANI-CUSI.V I'CHFORMIVU IN ONI". RINCi. AT ONIJ ll.Mli, UNM2N I rtllJ lJUIXIIONOI-ONKftlAN. INCONjUNCriON WITH I III! WORUD.I-AMOUh LOCKHART AGR0BATI3. DANCING, COMEDY ELEPHANTS MORE THAN 300 FAMOUS STAR PERFORMERS. ... s,., U''"' THE HOLLO WAY TlllO ; I iN E (iAJltCiNETTSS "'"""-' J" lMcwv2mvu,y nI M 1'am0,H" MM.ict ii..)., ";;' ,U"M'S ,:,r''- MISS AMELIA TKELEY 0. r- I n j ft n i -iiitl ni)if of otliri- (licit Kqnine Ill-lli s Jtlu- Bnen s Sliiorse ntf MMt,",u"m'li Big New Tree Street Parade in" Thirty Sections EVERV rVI O R IM I M C3 AT 10 O'CLOCK, One 50c Ticket Admits to Evorything. Children Under 12 Years, HalfPrico. Special Cheny Excui3ions on All Railroads. Will Exhibit at SCRANTON, TUESDAY, MAY 14th I'lli'.niiil nii'iilipiiil ,lt .ii"! .iilmi lpii .linu- iliy.it M.il the llin." Hi it; (.lore, corner I ii I. luaniiii .imi W i-.luii-:tiii .m inn I ulil.i- clliir .'liuu.'-, puir-. at (luunldwn ufllic .lie cMitly till Mini' .Is ill Ilill il .1' lllllll in kit W.I4lill- in (.Iiow ClOllllilS. SaaVV3bggSSSBgrggSSg CI5 I-? one biRiial wltii-h foietclK iiliyical decay. Another t-- pale ltu.lcs-..skin. The muscles shrink and liecomc dab by; the body beconus ciiiaciitul, .ind thete is nu enrly tciidcniy to iniinil shoulders. 'I lie .step hiks eln-ticitv, the ucries hecome weak; mental and physicil activity are. -ibiitilcn. This condition is called Asi'ohs !: bililyt h i!- cured by the uc ol They feed the hunrrty licncs lcuve the weakened organs and make life brighter and sweeter tn any mm or woman who has oiiUered from plij steal di.ilu-.. SI "I Jiet box- I! bines (with lesal Ku.ii.intictociirem icltindllipinoni-v), Vii Hook tier 1'i.ai. -Ml uicim: Co , Clci.cl.uiil, tlliio. Kor snlo by .lolm II. I'lielp?, I'li.irnuiUl, corner U Junius .it'imic ami hinmc etuit. (llolt i-llk mill. 'I'hf Kill, with .-iilllf utliL'l t'iiip(it-.s of the ntlll. wns I'lolb Iiik nhdlll iluiius uiintl houi, mIk-ii oiu- ill llll-lll H.l( lll'l' II Mllldl-ll pll.sll, Willi ti l.iiuli-il li'-i- hfiid tliiotmli oiu- ol' tlb' window. Tin- liriiUf-n Kl'th-i cut lifr I'm i- linn, the- lip to tin- link, nuking ii w (inn i ii hum llo inclii's loiiir. Tin-IllJllH-ll ,li I Ml.s- tlllil'll to 111. J. .1 W.iIhIi'm olllio. w Iii-ic oiRhl stlclio.s wot-p foiiii'l ii"i ( snry to t loso llu1 wotiiiil Thiillliis ViiI:-h. ul' .Mliiiiokii, li.ul Ills let I li it m I .si't-Iiiiitdy Injilicd Siittiiduy llioniiiiK liy Kt-lllii it sirtii'li with u Iiiihi- pli'io in' iimI wliilo ut woili in thu iiilnt'x. Dr. .1. .1. Wiil.sh ilios.scil tin' llljllll-d IIH'llllll'l-. t'liuip Nu. Mil, I'.itilot t-'ons ol Aiiici'l 1,1, Will llll'i'l ill loKtlllll m'.shIuu lids ou'iiiUK ul s n't luck iu il.iriiuau'M hull. .Ml. l-'ili'd uiid d.iUKhl -r, "I Sl' k lllc, Ms:i., mo Iho KtKMts ul' .Mix. Willi, nu .Sti-.Mii nud diitiKliK-r, .Miiudi-, on I'l-diir iim'HUi- Tin' I'ltiici.il il' Willi nn Ahiri Won lOOk l, KM ,('.ll'lll.l .llll'l iiijoii id -' o'l-lock IIIUII 111" I'lllUlly l-PHllll'lllii Iu .Mllioolui. Tlu t-i'i- lies wi-io luld iu St. .liisiiir.s ritual! nud wi'ii- l.u i ly iiitcuilc'i ly thi- iitiiiu i'imi-i iiit'iidrt ii r thu di-i'iM-'cd. The HI. AloyHtH mm loty illld tht lli'-iuhi i-ii ul llu- Aiu-ioilt llrdi-r of IliliPiuliius utti-udcil the iiuifi.il iu .i Imdy. lutei iiu'itt w.i i uiutl" III tint Jllltook.l f.llliolil l-iMlll'llMJ. OBITyARY. Mltr'. ANN): I'l.II'TiMt!). Mm An lli. Cllffiild, widow ol tin- liilo I'l-lm-Cllli'oul, du'd latin r Miiddonly l.'iht uiKlit ut tho iiiiitily liiunr- ut si'i !)! t luu it hti'Pi-i. .sin- li.ul hoi'ii .i murium t oil) lie. 1 1 ('i.-i.ihp iiir Miiiio tunc, hut lior b)iiipi iuw did not In-, onu .ililin-Ittt-- uulil , t'Mlci il.i. ulti-ruooii. .t ml, t'lotish iiii'dh-.tl itHsi.simin. wits .sjiin liuilioil, she iUhM-i iiwuy ut S o'clork. ,-ho i.s survlM'd hy tliu tulluwiuK cJill ilit'li: .lolm. .luiucM. 1'i'it'i-, .Mh-hui'l, Thuiii.. Williuiu, i'liiliii, Surah. Itiiil Bft, .Mis. .I.tiui's, Whllf, Ml. l'.UiliU .Mc.MulI. n unit -Mix. IMilliu .Midulrc. The Itiiii'rul .tuuiiiiiiii'iucni will In iii. uji l.ttir MltH. JA.Mi tiltllllt. -Due of llic oldest ii'.sliicnt.s of North Huuiitoii, JIl.s. .i.tntCH t llll'l-, IMt-HMl IIWU.X .li- tcttl.iy uitc'iiiiig ut ".nu u'cloi'U ut iho l.tmlly lioino, luo') West .Mmki't f.tu-t'1. Tho rlci'pairr-ii wits jtlM to c.iih old and h.id i)Pt-u u iisidout of Not tli Su.iiitun fm inuny veils She W htirUcd h. .1 lius-Lmud iho tulluwliig children: Thus, S&Jjts AMUSEMENTS. CIRCUS DAY IN SCRAM '"itji GILD'S NEATEST itlWS THE Invincible Monarch of Amusements And Boyom) All Dliputa cr Doubt tho n GREATEST SHOW m EARTH 85 DAILY Expense THE WALTER L. MAIN ALL NEW BlU Fashion Plate ShouJs The 20th Ceutury Amusement Idea. CLUANEST. BRIGHFiST. BEST. AMEKICA'S ONLY REPKESENTATIVE Double Circuses, Menageries and Hippodromes. SCRiT0N,HDIlYJY20 VaUZJ'J? rr. ' 1 he I.ntfl Fen .ill n, 1 lit: I'SlllIllj .(ittave Corp. "I li.iril-.. mi' MU (. I Mill's in biHil'liiln. .Milil.iiy Mjiihiu. la. The "Bloody Sixth' Rough Riders I'rcsli from their Plul tppine Victories: A VAST ALL-STAB PROGRAMME tif s, ,ivi, I il ,lli, I EXCLUSIVE FEATURES. I iii.i: tii'i: mi: i'MIiici i ios in im i i ill. tin' '.til, inn Han, tin' Wi'ild's M, ' U ,ii' Inl lliu'li llhri, mi llie Allium!, at Jl a in .in I ti ii p. in 'Ittii PI. Ill HUM M I s UMIA -Ho. i ipin t t ,111, 1 i p 111 I'll l,,l 1,1 III. I l,(('IU- I .111,1 -. l. III. l I INI ,111 ali'l i-wnill pi IIOIIIImI" i- i'n -I Il iilllil'l II "I- -lill" Wall Ipliiut 1.1111 I ,. I,, i. i ii Sili' ai IT. A. BULJ3ERT'S MUSIC STORE mi si, in niv imiiiii, -in .us ai 'i . ii Grand OichtMtinl Concert One Houi IMovlous to Each Pcit'ourtmco. ACADEHY OFHUSIC, KUISA nUKOUMII'.K IIAKKV A IIKOWN Mmiascn unU Wsscoj. Local Maiugtr. Al I 'lilts. Ul I k. HONTLEY-JflCRSON CC Pi tn ui Monday Evening, An Innocent Sinner." Mil iinr Pino. 10 -iml '' 't-nl.'. I inline Priii'- I", A. 0 unU ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS, THE NEW RUDOLF. O.iaii I iimi Minim Niw luspi . Iiiiiihh li.altli nnd pli.ciii' n- il l.ilBil in Hie I fa ' Mn-,1 apiniiuil lb I and I iild hj.ii.ilri Uil t liiii ll" t" Rt""i" iiinl iun. Km.... lliilu-.li I ind 'lai'iin. I II s II IHII! Ilnilll 411(1 l'iil Grand Atlantic Hotel ind anncx, ii;iiiu t .iii.I ll i.li, .MUmii i o s i St!i MJI. il I'laillillll liitillls tli-lill. .i am null lull. I .,( and iM -iiuj'.r u.itlti 111 iiuli'l Jlld llilK li.ali'in xliil .llal ntl IMtliill 111' Will-. Ol III. Mill I'l I Ol 111 t llllila cpuld p in-' III ". s! I,, si, In , ifj VI 11(1 ul 'lav P" I il I tl' Id Ulllllli I -JJ i I nu i . M II..HI- Wnii i"i houMit t II Mil. I.s I' HUM lii-lily. t. .Mis. Annie No.uy and i I'oiiiiuiiii t'oi'i'cllni.in .1. tiuos J l!n -. The fiiuoi.il will ho held nn AVoiiif. day luoiuluK ul 10 o'i lock from iioi lioaiy i luu ih, with lutei input In t'w CtUhcdi.il cciiiuiciy. iJCSKj?, ;v . . .JZ&JC. b A -) ,J"3 11 1 V y5Jtzrr"Li:t'tTfI5i''-r-'ic(?rJ 30l