The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 13, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    . j l
f Jtif rjf-JiKfriiv- "-JtSff V7 V
1 te
the onr.n.v itnmt Attn siottF..
Should viiit our store
before put chasing their
hoiiseftirnisliitig goods.
You will be surprised to
find how tnsinv useful ar
ticles we have to sell that
vou never expected to
find lit a hardware store.
We cam supply you with
.i tin cup or :i set of sil
ver knives and lorks and
everything that goes be
tween. Foote & Shear Co.
J19N. Washington Ave
Special Stile of Piessed Glass B
Water Pitchers
Thuisdny, May 1G, 1901, com
mencing nt 8.30 a. m.
They nre first class good3,
possessing a lustie excelled
only by leal cut glass.
If the pi ice was placed at
35c. It would convey a better
Idea of the vnluo lepresented.
However, in older to bring
you here to look over our nu
merous other offerings, they
will be sold for one day only
The Baby's Trousseau
U onf of tho n-t Intend nu; MilijeLta
lr. mnthri )ur vltnli lini is untie uitli
pirtiouHp rrfitriuo t tin whim- ot the
fmitiriinij pin m.
Tlif pittnns ire tlif tl mil it ft mil most
attract i w to hr had
Oiu Itsi;nri it I tio rcliiih of tlicir
pinffinn llio ulthiitnl 1lN0Ul Knit
spoils nt iimqniM tor BJb.x's comfort
.nifl tuotliris' lainfiiiiuu'.
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruce Street.
Repairing Done Gratis.
Aliss .Mice Follows olobiatod her
eighth blithday aimivoisapy Sntuulay
riftPiiionn .il i hi- Mump f her patents,
' irner Ti'iilh anil lauotiio htioets. Tlii
atlcinonn was spent In iiioiiy-makiiig
Mini juvenile pleasiuos and befoio io
p.iiring n their lo-i'i'ftiw homos the
little ones oiiioyoil a bounteous
Including ftults, (.indies and ii os.
Those ptocut viol"'
Aliss.s Alvvild.i IVIIuus, Hilda Ack
i'i. era Yo.igoi, Until Maker, Hatilot
Acker, Doiolhy follow , Ilnheit Altili-t-mi
and John Fellows. Tin' following
'nillif, lailh.s assisted in ontoi tabling
nud s"iviug: Alls-o.-, Annii howls, Joan
Million, l.uey Fellows, Hull) Aikoi,
Alidla Fellows and .loaiiotto 1'ollotws.
A volj .May p.utv was held
bj a uiimlwr til .voting people tiom
South Sciautuu at l.ako SeiJiiton jes
toida. The day was wry enjoyuhlv
Hient by tlio young people. Those who
attended weie.
Aiinio Kearney, Alagglo llownid, (iop
undo Dcpue, Lucy Foy.sop, Mniy Alts
Hit, .Mamie Kelly, Nellie Altj-Mt. Annie
Jfivlti. Alice AlcCien, Agnes Shian.
William Coleman, Thomas Shea, laiko
Afoiluiity, Udvviiid Nnuon, IMulok
Flnnlgun, IMvv.tnI Scott. P. Adams
pthtip IMio, Thomas Aluwn and IM
ward Mid.ulr.
II..UV l.urli, uf lliluiimio, i tin b"t ui
mou kaiur.
M i Mlnii'C RnliUmilli, ot Niiiini iiiim',
i-n .itiirncu (mm AllinUr t;ilj,
) nud Vr . V. Ilu.'li jihI iljusliirr, Itntli
liciu nuirnul to l'iill.uli l'ij.
M.,1 Mlltlil N"ldl ftnit iniflly a! Ilio .uiinc
nt Mr and Mli. I). ('. IliniiJ.UI, Jl H t.l I'lUa
trr "utiui T, I' II In ii-liiul fii'in ('.i, ulmc lu JiUiiliil iiiiiund lomt lil
w col.
Jiul.e Julm 1'. Kflly It Hill loniiiifri to Ins
liomn Willi quiiLiy auJ nu) ut Ijo ituiit im
udiHIkt n cil.,
JIu. Akunlci Mrlullcili liu uiniiiiil in lur
homo In l o (II), aiir i tlini wcil.s.' Will
villi l(i M9U1, Mu. J. rliiiiuiur Ail.u, 01
t- nail M.iiu annui.,
the cnsjsimnit of i- All .1 ItiiKi', ibim 1
t: 11 .Mi. JliU Ml.- 'tliniillii II111K1, 01 Ih'I
A1l.m11 svvii'io, lu ( 'UkIhj J, lljai-. Jr , 'it
SOW "1 ul lv 110, j 11(1110 uued.
(ohnel I.. J Jlinliiit, uf UiU.u, V. V.
miiIct HC'S lummiiiilii ot tlit Icp.iHiu(iit ol
i VnK, liun.l in,y oi tic Hi I'lililic, Hunt
Snuiil3 Jiui )' nilli frldiJj In till' ilt.
1 1.111V. Moir, .,11 i,i lit, ;riliv Molr, Uim lliit
din lod;i (01 111 I. in, Midi . uluri' K I'J3
ii ptnt a iilii .lili 11 tim llttin; rout
pin.i liin: u u iitatt iui lit. Ij.W'U' u' clgm.i
1 nil Of ktl'jlll i'ii.
lytri i udiillu, Itilijii icibiil .if. JKIinll, ind
! 1 iin, aithul In lliii ill) n Mlunlj.v in jt
unl i'ic nli luiuin ttnlint. Ihvy mil r
ii'sin ft 5nmc time at tlie luuiu vt )!i lr
illrllo'i pjitnts cv 'tiitli turn.
AU for Kelly'a union oiaulsora.
I Gruener & Co. I
I 205 Wyoming Avenue. H
Thousands of People Saw It Unload
at Wilkes-TJano Ycsteidoy.
It Is isllnmti'tl that 10,000 people saw
UIiikIIiik Hroii.' ilt-ctis unload jciter
day lu WllliCH-Hiurc, whcie It exhibits
today. The tinltt canto In hIx section1",
11111I for HPVoral hours the atrcelM lead
Ins tn the sdunv KfouniH woie Hooded
with peifotmet.s, hotscs, elephantt and
httndii'dt of wuroiir. Hpecttitots woti
not lov In leallzlntr that 11 was by far
the hl?t;ost orKiinlzatlon of Uf elasi ever triinod thli soetl'i'i.
Tb" UltiKlltiK rhctJM will nirlve In
Meinntoti eaily tomotiotv mornlnfr and
by !i n'elorl: twelve ttetcs of teal es
tate will be under eanvas, while the
vUi'a pupiilulluii will he ilelier by oer
1 0111) pi'oplt f'OS burses, !!0 elephant''. -0
camels and evet tiling lu the tinlmal
ItitiKdom that wnilts on Iokp.
The day's exhibition will beRln with
the stent street parade, which has
iniid the KltiKlltiK Ilros, fatuous fioni
Maine to C'nllfoitila. Thue will be
tnoie luiies In this patade alone than
ate owned bv nnv two other shows In
Anietka. and ovety vehicle, eeiy ens
tttiilf, all the hatuesM and even the
banners and flnprs will be absolutely
new. The liaiatlc will be neaily two
miles long-.
Tho line wilt be led by nu elaborately
eaued liupottcd band chariot, dtawn
by twelve white hotscs. lu addition to
the band lu the lead, theie will be
music by a set of ciihedtal chimes a.
Turkish otehestia, thtee other bands
and a calliope. .Moie animals will be
exhibited In the p.nade alone than aie
owned by the oidinaty 11111 of shows.
Ntarlv l.fldi) people will take pat t in
this parade, and rlphteeu of the ele
plrints will be seen
Tho ppifoimnnce of this famous elt
(.!!'! Is plven In the laifjest tout ever
lonsti tieted, and the featuie acts of the
inoiriamme aie piesented by the high
est .salailed peil'onneis In the wot Id.
tn Hi" meiiajteile will bo found a won
ileiful 70filnKUal collection. In which
ate mati inlmals never before seen in
Amerka. Probably the last Kiiafte that
will eer be placed on exhibition In the
world is In Ibis depnUment. It Is the
onlv one of Its species In the civilized
uoilii. It was lecently nenuhed al a
cost of $-'0,00ii.
It behiR the Hist appeironee In
Pcinnton of this famous circus, thou
sands will 110 doubt come fiom nelsli
licnitiR towns to visit It. In older that
ciouds may have eeiy comfoit In at
tendiiifr the performances, a down-town
tUket olllre will be opened tomoitow
moinlnR In Matthews Hios.' 0111? store,
IjOtkawanna iind AVusliiiiKton avenue's,
wheie all those who wish to avoid the
nish at tho show grounds 111 a v buy re
belled seats and admission tickets at
exactly the same pi ice as on the show
Ki omuls.
Scranton Paitlcs to Opeiate Xaigo
Collieries Near Shickshinny.
Capitalized at S800.O00.
The iiinpiitles i" the Mehille (Joal
company and the West Kurt Coal om
p my. near Hhkk.shinnv, have keen
pin eh ise.I bv a puly "f S( 1 .111 toni ins
and will 'iiieatter be iointly opeialed
as plnpeitk-s ef the 'West Knd Col
llei.i 1 iiinp.inv.
This now- (inupauy Is capit.illed at
fsno.iion and lias as il.s ollbei.s the fol
lowing: I'le-klent, I r. V. .Simpson;
ti".isiii(.r, 11. II. I'.i ulv, .Ii.; secret.uv,
.1 K. M(Anult.; sulci. it managed .1.
X Ttire
The Mehllle Coal eonipan.i 's eiillleiy
was moie fanilllailv Known as the
mine ot "William Council &, Co Tho
(oiepanv had a capitalisation of S200,-
0(iO and its ollleei. weie AVlIliam 1-
liell. piesnlent; .1. X. lib e, A i( e pi evi
dent and uenetal maii.iKPi . .1. H. Mi -Aiiulti.
tie.isuiei, .1. ,. Cinnell. socie
tal y. The "West I hid Coal company
was composed pi Inripallv of AVilk1
li.Mle patties.
The two ptopeities (ont.iln over 11.
Oiinmn tuns or coal and the i.ipacitv
of tbeii Uiealter is about L'.ioo tons a
day. The pioduit will lie shipped to
mm hot b tin- I'ennsvlvanla and Jer
sey niilioads.
Eev. Tnther Chi 1st Was in Chnige
of the Seivices.
The (uncial of the late William Hay
took plat e ycsteiday afternoon tiom
the lesliliiiii at HIS Linden .slicet, the
seivke.s belnir In charge of Itev. Peter
Cluint, ot St. Miuv's cliuich, South
Sciaiiton, The seiiuou was pi cached
shoitly alter oMock, and the funeial
then moved to the Petcihlmif? cemc
tei.v. whcie Intel incut was made.
A hiiKe lepicsentiitlve of 1 1 lends was
pieseut, the Seianlou likdeikians and
Palntei.s' union atteiidliiK in a body.
The tilbules weie handsome and
maiii. Ainonsr theme weie ,i cte.scent
limn the J.kderki.uu, a (io-K tiom
laither lleiibon, a wieatii tiom Mis.
Cliailes Waiiei, and casket bouquets
tiom Alex. Ila.v, Mi. mid .Mis. Peter
lloltou, T. lllai k and TliiMidoie
Sii.iub A iiuiubcr ot souks weie sunn:
at tin eellieieiy b the l.h deiluaiu.
The llowei-beaicis Mole Kdwilld
Klselo nutl Kieil Ihnilih; the pall-beui'-i"i,
l.mlici P.enson, Tlieodoie Stiaub,
Thcodoie Miller, Kinn llei ker, Mr.
Wolf anil Pied Wldinayet.
Novel Point Raised in Old Forge In
junction Cnse.
When tint Injunction case of Knigess
It. Willis Itees, of did Foiue, against
the Uiiwmiua Pleotiie l.lulit, Heat
mid Power (ouipauy came up for a
healing on diiniiiier befoio .Indue 1M
w.inls, Satiudii.v, tho attoiney for the
dofouilmii, I. II. Iluius, inlsprt the point
that the plaintiff had no snnnrtliit; in
ifiuil, and .llldRP IMvvuuls (outluued
the uiso until he ha." had time to con
sider tills lcati()ll.
Mr, Htti us loiittudtd tout as lluryeHs
Itoijs was not aiitlioilsed by councils
to In lug- tho injunction piocoPtliiiRR, he
could not act for tho bouuiKh, uud the
)iiiioiii;li bciuj; the only paity ullPRCd
to be iujiiied, IkiiKesi Itees can not
Aunucil Event to Jle Held In St,
John's. Hall This Week.
The nineteenth annual convention of
iluli'KnttH icpicsentlng the Catholic
Total Absilnouco societies onipi Isincr
tio Sciaiiton Diocesan union will be
held on Wednesday and Thuisdny of
this wick In ht John's hull, on f'upouse
Tho delegates will la sin to anlve to
moriuw and will ho oxpci tort to icpoit
the 1 1' pieseuce at the Hotel Jerniyn,
which is to be the licadipi mors of the
I io,u d of rov eminent. On Wednesday
iiIkIii a reception Is to he tendered th
lichgates at the BlcycU club houie.
It Will He Conveitcd Into a Club
Hottso for the Fhcmen of the City
and Will Serve to Keep Allvo tho
Spliit of tho Old Volunteer Days.
Companies Aie Making Inven
tories of tho Pioperty They Own.
Permnncnt Man for Keyser Valley.
Fixing Flio Alarm System.
Dm Inu the last week the ottlceis of
the Kb omen's Itcllef association signed
a lease for the three upper floors of
the building at 2.H Spiuco street which
It was decided to take for club looms.
The woik of ipnovnllog and decoratlUK
the Intel lor will bo begun nt oiue and
will be pushed to a rapid completion.
The committee on an alignments for
the big celebration upon the date ot
the fotmnl opening of the looms will
meet this week and will endeavor to
tlx a dat" ror the event. Tho date will
depend upon Hie time required for the
tlttlng up of the looms, but it is be
lieved thnt everything will be in le.idl
ne's by the flint week In June
The pantile of the volunteer com
panies, which is to pieccde the banquet
to be given In the view club house, will
if present plans rue cm led out, be u
toichllght pioceslou and a deteiiulncd
effort will be made to get out the full
rtiengtli of each company,
The mcmbcis of the Columbia Hose
company are to meet to-night and It Is
geneiallv uiidei stood that some action
will be taken upon thu lenioval of
permanent nun Lewis and I'etheilc'?,
Peeling among the mcmbcis on ac
lount of the removal of thee two men
Is i tinning ely high and resolutions
expressing the sentiment of the corn
pan) in no mild tonus ate to bo piswed,
It N whlspeied.
All the kinks in the fire nl.nm svstein
have been pretty thoroughly stiaight
oned out dining the past week bv one
of tho Ci.'imfwcll company's lnspoclois,
vlio spent scvenil days In making a
thoiough text of the svslem and In
getting at the mot of the tioubl" wheie
tiouble existed.
e .
Xoihing has ns yet been decided as
to when the bunk and call men aie to
be paid. Tlictc aie sonic who lavor
paying them cveiy month and othcis.
Including a number of the men them
selves, who believe that to pay iheni
twice a year, say befoto Chiistuins and
before July 1. would be a bettor plan.
Tills latter method is tlio one adonled
In seveial cities in which tho call svs
tein is in foicc, and gives univctsal
Tlie ( aptain of each company N to
Keep tlie time of each call and bunk
man, who aie to icpoit to him as .soon
as they anive at the scene of a Hie.
The time is to be computed tiom the
sound ot the aim m to the ictuin to the
house, and a i coord of each manVpies
enee or absence is lo bo liansinitti d to
the thief within twentv-four bonis
after each tlie. A icasoiiible lodue
tion In the p. iv ol (lie bunk and (.ill
men cm be made bv the hief for un
oxc usable delay in lepoiting for duty.
Xo bunk oi i ill man is to loceive less
th, m one houi's pay lor t ach flic at
tended. Tlie call men aie to lecelve
sixty cents pop bout and the bunk men
seventy ( cuts.
1 1 is delinltely settled that a peima
nent man will be appointed lor the
Ke.vser Valley Hose company, as pio
ided for in the geneial leoiganization
oidlnanie. When Dhector of Public
Satetv Hitchcock Hist announced his
appointments thoio was no mention
whateiet made of the Kejser A'nlloy
company, and many believed Hint no
appointment would be made, on ac
count of the vigoious opposition to tho
lecognitlon ol the company, which
eioppert up ill councils.
Common Councilman 51. J. Not ton,
when he leaned that no appointment
had been made, was veiy augiv, and
pick ceded to tear tilings up in a nice,
quiet way. The lcsult Is that his coin
panv Ii to hnve its man. It might be
mentioned, on the side, thnt if bv nnv
chance the appointment is not made,
the tlboctor of publlo safety will Hurt
it extiomelv rtllllcult to get thiough
common council nnv measiiie he may
want passed, lor lu that biniuli Mr.
Xoiloii and his twelve Democialle i ol
league.s i iile ihe iiiost.
u i t
Al meetings ot the seveial volunteer
companies, held dining the past week,
tlie societal let, hnve been Iustiuctcd to
niiiko e.xhnustlvo Inventoiles of the
piopi ity In each house belonging to tho
c ompaulc;'. When this Is done the
membeis of the seveial lioaids of
tnmtecs will confer Willi the ho.nd of
dhectois of the Piieiuen's Hellet asso
ciation tor the purpose of deciding Just
what p.ut of the furnishings shall be
sold uud Just what p.ut will go to lui
lllsh the new club house on Spiuce
Plict lop Hitchcock has oxpiessert his
intention of iiiuchaslng fiom each
company any ot Its furnishings which
may bo lu good condition and which
the i Ity will need. Ills pin chasings
will consist principally of beds, bed
ding ami ohaits, and will piobahly bo
made this week, attop a jfeueial In-
The meiubms of the Xcpiuno Ihiglne
c (initially have decided upon a novel
way of disposing of their furnishings
which will not go to tho city op the
telief association. All the stuff Is to
be auctioned off, plpce by plec e, ; omu
lime in i he neap lilture, and the mo
oeeds ileilved limn tho sale nu to bo
used in pijlng fop a baiuiuet to lit
tlugly celcbinte the letliemoiit ot tho
company ficm the neilvi Hie.le;liiliig
i auks
To this hamiuet me to he Invited tV
leioiilei and tho meinbeis of his olll
olal cabinet, as well in all th oilier
i Ity otllciiils mid the membets of both
blanches nt c otiuclU, Select Council
man Julm J. Schneider Is uuo of thoso
most actively Inteie.sted in tin tlieiliiir
thls plan.
fie ill nii'U of (lis Kimie Mikn mil iuet
jt tlie Minion liiHi,c, at S n'lloik tlii oieiun.,
'flic Mi Ml .uilui will hold a mi-otiii.' ,il
Mhe irdiliina of Xns, It. i;. I'ouill. iW Jifliicfiii
Mtciiiii. (lu- .idrrnooii ji 0 i'l 0'iioiK. Ml in.
IcrcKil lu til- noik Id' iKIillilli niiilnl lu t
tlivl Pi" I'liixipjl Ituinid rnpl mil nail j I the
Hull iliol IhU c-Mliin.- t 7 Ii ii'iImU I'l ) Vljrllu, of N.i. i'l nln.n!, mil nil, on
"Clll,IH." Ul.'l Hh- Illll'I'lJt 101,'llllillC" ulll !
part tliivujli 1'ivf. O'Mjllij .
They Aie Contemplated by Members
of Bicycle Club.
A number of Improvements ate con
templated by thi tnembeis of the
Sci'ititoii Ulcycte club, and II Is ox
pec ted that bfore long work will be
darted lu tr.tiisfotnilng the vacant
lot adjoining the club house Into ten
nis coml", blind ball alleys and base
ball pnietlop giottud,
The lot Is pltuated on the corner of
Olive sheet and Washington avenuo
and Is owned by Mi's, S. n, Alheilon.
It Is a wide mid spnclotis plere of
mound, mid extends back fiom Wash.
Ington avenue to Urlck cotttt. A laigc
picket fen 'o will be eicct si tiioillid
It, and .it the lower end of the lot It
Is intended to eonslmet the hand lull
lllll'V s.
The tenuis court will b- laid out In
about the middle, and at the upper end
where th" public can have the lull
beuoilt of tho music will bo built a
bund stand. Kvciy week concerts will
be trlveo there bv Mallei's band. The
giotiuds will also be used by the mem
bers desiiing to wii'ie nway tiieir time
In playing catch, mid all things con
sldiiod till" prolet"- of the club nu
thoiltloM when curled out will fill , a
long fell Miint.
Xo positive action has been taken
lis of. bill II Is itlnumr n fni pnnn ooll-
clusloii that some will befoio long, and
innt ny too miuciie oi mo summer tno
chili members will bo In full enloy
iii"iit of the giounds.
Sciipnie a Smooth Tongued Youth
Made nn Attempt to Cniry Out
on S.ituiday.
The police have been notllled of the
opeiatlons In (he hill section of a new
and clever swindler, who Is using a
lather Ingenious modus operandi, by
which It is fenicd tiioto than one un
suspecting housewife has been de
ceived. Satutday evening he visited n
lesidencc on Clay avenue, and when
asked by the lady of tho house what
his business was, glibly and softly ic
maiked: "T regiel exceedingly, madam, to be
the bent or of bid news."
The answer was not one calculated to
nrousp any pleasant leollngs, and when
li was asked what his tidings weie,
li infoimed the lady that her husband,
a well-known centtal city merchant,
had spilled vainMi all over his suit
and that happening to be in the store
at the lime, be had voluntecied his sor-
lces to go to Mr. "s house for a
c hange ol lalment.
The sti anger can led a tailor's pastc
bo.ud dcllveiv box", which ho stated
was given him at the stote for the
clothes, His stoiy did not have the
pioper ling about it, however, so he
was told to wait on the pinch until the
clothes weie socuied. Th" stote was
then called up and a telephone conver
sation held, in which It was learned no
accident ol any sot t had happened. The
man's clcci ipllon, moi cover, tallied
with that of a person who was in the
stoie during tlie afternoon, and had
thoio evidently learned the home ad
clioss of his piospoi live victim.
Tlo next move was to call up the police station, but by the time
a p.iltohnau icspnudcd the young man
baa depaitod. Ho is sboi t in height,
weighs about 110 pounds, has a black
moustache, nud S.ituiday whip a datl:
slouch hat and blue suit.
Siitiiidnv iifieinoon a similar game
was w oiked at a house In Plait place,
with like results. A man with a lailoi's
cleliveiy box called theie and informed
the lady ot the house he was sent
by John Ward foi a suit of clothes, as
a can of paint tin own oft" a step-ladder
had completely splatteicd him, near
the l.jceiim, and he was awaiting his
clothes In Davis' tailor shop. In this
case, also, the lady was suspicious and
sent Mr. Man otf with the advice to get
a note liom Mr. Wind befoio attempt
ng to got his clothe i.
Was Given at the Southwoith Studio
on Saturday.
Tho Southwoith studios of music, on
Washington avenue, weie ciowded to
their utmost capacity on Saturday af
ternoon by a delighted audienie ot mu
sicians and music lovots. The occa
sion was the giving of a delightful
piogrammo of music by Mr. V., II.
Southwoith, Misses Coidolia Fieoman,
Julia C Allen and Doiothy Johnstone,
with Ch.n lotto Jilackmnn as accom
panist lor all the Mtice, violin and numbc'is. Thoi inugi amine was as
IIu-miii .. . VMliirue
Mi Suulli mull
sum mi in Mdod'c
VINs Vllin
.Vb.ns ... . Hum in 1
Mi-", I ilui-tunc.
(.iuiilitil .ne Vllu ll.ii
Mi-.- I'm mill jml Ml--. VII, n,
( lniilii-(.i) I'ii linte
(ll) I lilt isle.
Vli s,, ul, v., , illi.
Ciiiiiud ii' vum
MU, vlltn aid Vlks .lului-liiH'.
Iimiiiiii -( i) siinnnu N (,'uiii',
(hj siiimni' Sun,-,
Mis t rimi ui,
lii nui kcl i) Alli'Kli'.
(.10 AdiKl'i
Vlks Mine
SilmoiKir . .
Mk .loll lit! ulli'
... .MjciiiI a
City Will Conduct Its Affaiis on
Thnt Basis Heienfter.
Hoc otder Molr has decided to hnvo
genetal city w.iirants paid twico a
mouth in the fuluio liiblend of onlv
once a month as 'n the pioi. Iff has
lucopdliiBly ditc'CtPii 'bo seveial heads
of diipai'tmeiits ti tinnfi'ipt to I im
cveiy two weeks nil outstanding bill'
against tint i Ity
lu speaking to a Tiibutn topoitop ip
Rtitdliih' this cliacig" he snlihuhat theie
was not a well loKiilafd latgo cltv In
tlio I'ouiiiiy In which claims n-j not
paid ofteiicr than nn a mouth. As
long as tlio city had tin mone) to pv,
ho said, lb e wm no go 1 1 10 c-ou wh
ii should not pay piomptlv.
Card of Thanks.
.Mi. William Hay, of 31.1 Limit a
stiooi, wishes tu thank all who mpa
t hissed with her ht hep leioiu beieave
ment. The Pioper Seal."
The sell you want Is the L'ninn seal
not the Tiust seal; It Is dust pioof,
genu pi oof and tint pioof, .Mann
Inclined and delivered ovety day
by Al, J. Kcdly's Vnlon Homo l.ikery
Smoke tho Pocono 5c. cigar. '
Smoke the new Kleon cigar. Oe.
Snya That tho MemborB of the Legis
lature Knew When the Ripper Bill
Was Passed That It Contained No
Veto Provision A Chnser Pre
pared Containing the Piovtslon
Which Will Be Intioducod If tho
Ripper Is Dcclniod Constitutional.
A. A. Vosbuig's Views.
It linn bi en stated so often or late
that tho Intent of the Icglslatuto lu
passing the ripper bill was lo give
the recoidcp the power ot veto that
a Tribune man sought out Senator .T.
C. Vuttghan last night fop the ptnpoe
of getting his views on the sublet'!.
"When the ilppep bill wus Hist In
tioducod," said tho senator, "I noticed
that theie was no provision for a veto
mid 1 called the attention of some of
the tendons to the fact. A general dis
cussion followed and It was learned
that the petson who framed the ordin
ance had omitted the section giving
the executive the veto power ,
"I suggested that thu bill bo
amended so lap as to Include a piovi
s'on for a veto, but I was not listened
to. Those behind the bill did not want
lu nnicndid and It went throtih with
out being changed In this lespect. I
can't see how it can be figured out that
the legislature Intended Including a
veto piovislon for every member who
voted for the bill did so with his eyes
"Hvciv member know that there was
no specific piovislon for a veto, jet
the tact wns not disctis-cd either in
committee or on the floor. No section
of the bill as It stands now can be
construed in any way to mean thnt
the lecotd-'r Is given the "veto power
over any oidinanee except general
or special appiopriiUion oidinancos. If
It Is so constiucrt It will be by a very
vclid and wondeiful piece of reasoning.
"Theie Is, however, a 'chaser' to the
ill 1 op hill which Is leady to be intio
diicpil in case the latter Is" declated
by the supi erne court to be constitu
tional. This will give the lecorder the
veto power and will piovlde a moans
fop passing oidinances and losolutiotts
over his head. The 'chater' will also
piovlde for the election of cotin-cllmen-at-laige.
Thli will undoubt
edly bo Intioduced If tho lippcr bill Is
decinied constitutional, but 1 don't
tnlnk the chances ot pas.dng it me
very blight."
Tho senator said that the prevailing
sentiment during the past few days
in Harrisbuig has been that Hie ripper
would be deckued unconstitutional.
In ordpr to be prepaied for such a
contingency, he is preparing! an act
to fill some of the gaps in the old sec
ond class city geneial laws which in
the case ot rittsbuig and Allegheny
aie tilled by special acts applicable
only to thoio two cities."
Foinior City Solicitor A. A. Vosbutg.
when asked by a Tribune lepoitcr
whether in his opinion the city te
coidcr has the power to veto oidin
ances, under the ripper bill, lcplicd
bv calling attention to the fact that the
only piovision in this bill i elating to
the veto power is At tide 1, Section 2,
whie h i elates to the approval or disup
pioval of apptopilatiou oidinances or
Items t lioi eof.
"AUinlf-'sny." said ho. "the Afucl
biomicr bill confcn no expiess author
ity upon the executive ollkep ot Hie
city, to veto any ordinance or icsolu
t cm which may be passed by the
councils, and I fail to see uny piovi
slon which confers Mich power upon
him bv nocess.iiy implication. Fiom
my knowledge of the history of litis
li'giuhitlon I am of the opinion that
this omission was intentional and not
accidental." i
All. Vosbuig said that the Act of 1S7I
confened veto power upon the mayor,
but thnt tint provision seemed to be
fully covcied bv the repealing iliiusc
of the ripper bill
"It Is not essential," said he, "to the
validity of tills act that theie should
bo any power of veto conteiied upon
the leeoidor. The legislative blanch is
essentially the law -making power, and
the veto power has only been confeircd
upon tlie executive In. inch of the gov
ernment, as a cheek upon unwise legis
lation. This powei ol veto, In national
concerns, was not originally Intended
to be ns t:ciiienlls used as It nftci
w a Ida ciime to be.
"Chancellor Kent. In his Commen
taries, p. . says. 'This qualified
negative of the l'lesldent lias lu tho
ptogiess of tho tulniliilstiution of Hie
government, rinoe the Hist publication
of these Commentaries in IS.'iI, become
a. eiy mavo power, and applied under
tho oidinnry name of veto with a la
mlllnlty which appeals to have been
anticipated by tho c.eneiatlon which
adopted tho constitution.'
"Whether It is w M op olheiwlso to
take uway fiom tho city leeoidop the
powop to appiove op veto legislation
I iihsed by tho city councils Is a inaltep
eutliely top the leglskitute to dotep
iiilne, and as it is not conteiied upon
tho tlilef executive by this bill. II does
not mid, In mv opinion, all oidin
ances. and ii'-olutlons icgulatly mid
log.ill.v p.issd by the city councils aie
French Organdie Stationery
We aie displaying Whiting's line of Fiench Organdie Papers
which is now complete in seven difteient shades and sizes and
which has become so popular for fine coiiespomlence.
We also have n new nnd hnnclscnio line ot Wedding Invita
tions which will ceitalnly iuteicst buyeit. in this paitieulap
line. Many new novelties in box papeis I'oi the .spring anil
Oils, Paints and Varnish
t MaIonv?y Oil & ManiilacUiring Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
Cj5(k 2Ss"i i
tj?-i i-sy VI 'A i w
m J- :
J i,
I. i-.ti v
r-i -- 'ner'j.- i
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
vnlld municipal legislation without tho
appiovnl of the city ree older."
Ginnd Jury In Session and Common
pleas to Begin.
It Is expected the grand Juiy will
complete Its worlt today, and that this
afternoon or tonioirnvv will icport In
the Sllllman, AIcAtuliew and AlcCiinn
bribery cases and the case In which
Oeneral AlanngT Waylaiul, of the
Lackawanna Telephone company. Is ac
cused of obstiuctlng Justice by refus
ing to answer questions propounded to
him In tho councllmuulc bilhety hear
ings before cx-Aldciiunn Fuller.
A three weeks' tei m of common pleas
court will begin this morning. Judges
Hdwards ami Carpenter will pteslde.
Special Rntcs
la the Delaware and Hudson Tlall
load and ictuin on account of the
great musical conceit by Aline. Schti-man-He'Ink,
AIIs Aland Powell and
Air. Fiangion Davis at the Lyceum
Thcalte Tuesday, Alay "1st, 1901:
iini" of tiiiln. Hates.
Wilkes-Dane .... 7:05 p. m. .('.0
Ptttston 7:2(1 p. in. .'in
Oyphant 7:2!) p. ni. ,j;
Caibondale 7:0(5 p. in. ."0
Tiy the New 5c. Cigar "Kleon."
Guatanteed long Havana filler. l
Try Our
from our own
creamery, at
Per Pound.
Clarke Bros
Gas Ranges
On Sale at Our Office at Cost.
We put them in your kitchen leady
for use. All connections FREE, on
flist floor.
Double Oven Ranges, S0.75 and up
Scranton Gas & Water Co
115 Wyoming Avenue.
MAY I. 1901.
Ladies1 Jackets and Skirts
We Make
I'lt (ho Lull .u tin' I il lit i. Ill Hi' Mill Tlie
imki, .Ilk-, lit, flni'li anl ili i .He- all piifut,
Olll splilln' tml. U Hull .lU.lilllM luili Ill-piC
Hon llu kIhI l ii' .urn ni.i t i 1 1 ii-
Kilijr Miller, Merchant Tailor,
BROS. st'Ss,d
A Snap
Truly It's to your Interest to
keep in touch with what we tell
you in our ads so many picas nl
surprises arc printed about otlr
Green Vallev Rve
Just take one swallow, you wil
take more wo are sure.
onU Arthur Vntrci President
Orlando S. Jalinsnn, Vlca Pres.
Arthur lit Clirlsty, Cmliler
Capital, $100,000
Surplus, $100,000
Court House Squnie,
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
Al ItKllliyill) i Hi (hukr to -impt
ill in (tint r uf Tiut, In irt in
Ilnilur, 'luetic (tuatill in, Ailiiiinlttri
tnr or I'vptutni.
Till' of IliN II ink mo
nl Ii Hie lloliiii'i Htoitik Akum
S.l fti III.
I.. A. Watres, O. S. Johnian
VV'm. I'. Hull Mead 1.. I. KlneMlury
llverctt Warren Aiir. Robinson
Joseph O'Brien
325-327 Penn Avenue.
Don't Worry
Vlirnl llul Irillici s ( Vs' oi IIVVP n VO
Wi- lint i l.ic .T-nrlmi nt if I lion .H llu
I.K.III' I'ltK I s, ,, hi , mm MU ,i pel
itlil en all i:iwl ipnlili
The Climax
Handsome, convenient, dtu
able, cheap. II can be put up
by anybody no tools or ex
pal ienoo lequiied, It is not
only nrst-class but dlstincly
'gilt edged", Awniugs have
heietofoio been made to order
only and lequhed the service
of an expoit to put them up,
and the cost has been in most
cases beyond leach, We put
tho piice within speaking dis
tance by intioducing the Cli
max. Sizes to fit every win
dow for sale in Scianton by
Al 1ST Wtm I :
.sun bi'kuci! srRi:i:r. I
- l
) "-