The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 13, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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-s.j. wwate9-Hr v ' ; "jV "tmatw m ' : ' -w , w w '
MViVM.BfSTmii'i i- .; "1 ' ' .
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T3fciLik flw jrtr & "tiS .ti3WBiM!W
to ( Tim r i -
r r r 1 I
Delegates Show nn Earnest SpUH
nnd Give All Tholr Energies to the
Preparatory Work of the Big Cole
brntlon Notices to Vniinus Com
mittees. Those In ohuige iC the sontl-oonteli-nltil
eeloluiUlon have enteied Into tlio
pieparatmy work Willi spirit and en
ergy anil the pluiiM so far formulated
mo" IHng cuiried out with dllketie"
and InduMiy.
The nlni of the projectors Is In have
n celebration thill will I"" creditable
In thi' highest dogieo mill which may
bo ill" itieiilclllnble honellt to the tllv.
A celebration Is lonleinplatcd that will
liifi '-' Intci est iiiiunipr thi' citizens
nml will upon the eyes of vlsllnts anil
he tli" means or having thi'in i pp.iul
f.nbondulo as n city of ptngiesslve
aiifl public-spirited citizens of Hip high
est lypf. 'I'll" lii'iiollt.s that come
ft mil a win thy colohiatlon liia lie
nadlty approi'lnted and In leap them
ti mil the Intended Jubilee will mil foi
the enthusiastic (n-oier,illon of the
(Itl.sens, and especially the nieiehmits,
who i .in In' a big laetor in raising the
iunds that will he essential to the sue
i ffss of the his undertaking.
The genet al soot entry requests
!1 committees keep him InfoiniPil of
their doings, In older thai mattei-H or
inteiest mn v he made known to the nssm-intitui and th" public .it
I. .inc. He Is In lecelpt since Wednes
day night of the names of .1 huge
iiuiiiIipi of our foniier cltlons, anil It Is
Impnrt'inl that all cotuoi npil with th"
oiiil-centomiial should keep on tnllecl
iug the names of those who should ro
il he imitations to intend the cuming
le-unlon. Kveiy citizen Is asked to
Irnid In any such names they may
think of.
The attention of the newly formed
societies and labor 01 gnnlz.itions i.s
again p.iIIpiI to the fact that they
ihoiild bo ropiosenled 011 the general
oinmlttpo In charge of the oelebr.i
H011. The executive ollicer.s of the associa
tion will meet wltli the enmmlttep
1 1 0111 the Control Labor union In the
olllre of .1 ,1. O'N'eill on Tuesday
night next to II"c ii----, th" details of the
piomineiit parts the various organisa
tions 1 "pi cheated liy the union will
lake in the demonstration.
The various hoeiotios of ladies in the
i ity nip asked to appoint delegates
from their number io act upon the la
ities' committee, which will have charge
of the loan chibit. Tlieie are prob
ably a dozen of these societies or auxil
i.nles in the city and in one or two in
t.tances changes in tlieir prcsuui ilele
pate.s will 1
The lluaiKO coinmittcp has sent out
.mother batch of leqttosts to societies
for Mtbsciiptions, and the list will be
completed ne.t week, when the plans
of the fitemen and labor union will
have been finally detei mined upon.
Yesterday thcie was a nieetliiK of
tho joint lliciucn's comniittop at which
plans weip di-iu-scd tor the entei
talninent of thp hosts of visitors who
aie expected to bu lieie iIiiiIiik the
Collection of Specimens fiom Com
mercial Museum at Philndclphin.
A much pri.ed exhibit at the Cailiiiu
d.ile llish s-ebool Is the intoiestiiiir col
lection of spei linens uhiih have coma
tiom tlie 1 '( 3I11SPI1111 nt riiil
adclphia. and wliicli wpie ieeeipd
throiif,li the pflnrls of Hon.
1'. A. riiilbln, the lepiesentiUie fiom
till" city.
Tlie specimens .no fmrn Hie Philip
pines.. i! and .isi,0 f,0 u,,,
In oi r--t may b"deihcd fiom an
('..imlnation and study of tlieiu, they
nip a means of lusti iietiuu that will he
utilized wltli piiiilt by the scholai.s at
the school.
The ioIIpi tions Include the raw ( o
(oanut. hemps and loiton in their sc -i:il
star,e ol Krowth and iii.iuuf.ip
ture. .Manila 1.111,111. suuai -caiip, Sp.m
1 h moss 1 lip, sti-iw, nine bioom ,0111.
Me. Thcie .up iHor one bundled hot
tl"(. (iilltHlliliii; seedH, Kl.'ilns .m,l ii
H"piIiiipiih fiom o (.) clime. toilv-Ovo
1. iip spi 1 liiieni! (it forelBii .nnl h.uUp
Woods, loiiy hiindsouiP iipccliiien.s or
minerals e.n i mounted 011 u neat hloclc
liibrlPd w:h the naiuc, umiito whete
fiom and tor what plirpo-e iicil. ami
lll.lll.N lllllll ,11'lll'IOS ,HP till) l-
ineious to iiiputliiii, Thcie au- nliy.
no liandroni.. photo-raphs, hg, p)SVj
Inch, llhistrailns- the pi, s.s,.s ,,r mn.
ufiicluiluj," cotton, i.ipe.s ,iid other aiti
1 It.
The school and tea, hei.s and the
scholium me duly kimipIiiI to Mr. Plill
bin for hla effoits In sen 111 ins the inucli
pild iiil'i'i'tlnn.
M.-.iy Gnniifin Sucmmbs nt Emcr
Keney Hospital After Rcmovnl of
n, Tumoi.
..Mai.V lilimiOll, IKPi LT, jimis, ,,,,1
Jhucigrnp.? liospitiil iliifliiK Saturday
nlKht. Hir death follnwpd uii oponi.
lion which was iiiiiIpi iiiIipii for tho ip
uiotal of a itinioi fiom the abdominal
cavity, also the erliorm appendix and
a portion o the Intestines, that weio
IIKewisp illspired.
When Miss Cianiion was ipcelveil into
the hoKpii.i) sins was In soio dislress,
and while the hiiikciiiis jecoKnized tho
i)puiilliin( as extiemely hazardotis, It
was the 'only means of mlior. After
tlm affected iobIoii hud been explored,
It was found that tm case wan oven
Kiarn- than had been appiehendeil,
Theiitiftnt In lier we.ikeueil cuiulitlou
was uiiablo to wiihutiind thu slmcli,
and she died within iibiuit foi tyolKht
houih after the opeiaUon.
Mlhs'aannon's death litis sail tlrcuin
stances surrouiidlnGr It, She was al
most alpno lieie, and except a. bister,
wjip ves at Pioiniiton, she had clului
iipon 1111 lehitiu'b' help. Her futlicM
surylvea her, but Is far away fiom her,
V primlcr to lie lukcn into I he vhoo, ,lllr
fit terl buollcn, iicnom jil i1si,, dll, .,t
hcil rll. It jnu luiu acljlnc loci, liy t7i'
l'ant.:jrc. It iut Hie feci mid liuVu, uqw tr
li.-lit times ia-. I'uica CIiI1Ii1jIii, .null,,,
wrutln- (oci. litUtri uim tjllou, opvi, ii.'
)(a linn., ami liiiiiioiij ( Jll lulu and tin',
lot jii'l ii.iiirmt Tiy It icij. solil l.j all am;.
SiU nnl Slioi! ilcilflf. SJ (nt liUI uikj.'.j
I 1IW-. ,('lu. AIK11 h, DliihtrJ, .i Km, ,
Catfeondale Department
In Iteliiiid, which Is itl."!) her hli thplnee,
mid ft out whence she cuine to Auieilea
abnttt II vp ycuiH UKo. Hlio was em
ploved as 11 domestic and was elii
tiloyed hero nt the leHldence of Verv
ttev. T. K. Coffpy and In the home of
Mis. Mnuvllle, She had but fpw com
panions, hut she was well loKaided by
those who had employed her for her
conscientious service,
The decpused will hp Intel led In St.
Hose cemetery.
Deseivetl Piomotlon of nn Enthusi
astic Woikcr and Piomlnent Mem
ber of the Odd Fellows.
Captain Hairy .1. Hall, of I'milnn
Carhondale. No. Id. Independent Older
of Odd Fellows. Patrlaich MI'llttnt, Is
now lieutenant colonel. Khst lOKlmeiit.
First brigade, of Patiiurch Militant.
Aimy ot Pennsylvania.
'I'hp commission which canles this
siRlial honor to Lieutenant Colonel Hall
has just been lecelved by him frmn
Major (Jeneral Kdwuiit '. Deans.
The advancement of the new olllcer
to tlie conspicuous position III the
hlt'her drcles or the Tattlaich Mili
tant army of the state Is a desei veil
iccoKiillloii of Hip zeal and iIpmiIIoii or
Mr. Hall to the older. The honor Is
one which he can be justly pioiid of.
and his bipthien will heaitlly join In
the felicitation called foi til by the
honor, which comes not alono to Col
onel Hall, but to the Odd Fellow. s of
this city.
The P.itihtich Militant hiniieh In
Caibondiile, w hen oipanized in Decem
ber. IMi'i. it was due. piinelp.illy to the
efforts of the new lieutenant colonel,
and ever sliue be has been unceasing
In fiis earnestness and ciieiK.v In ad
vancing the canton's Intel ests.
Old Resilient Succumbs to Illness,
Due to Old Age.
After a bilef stiusKlp npniiist an at
tack of illness, lne pilnelpaly to the
age, AmliPW I'.ootli, anions the oldest
residents o! the ell v. passed away at
his home. TS Cemetery sheet, on Sat
urday foicnoon. Deceased was hum in
Kilkenny, Iieland, piffhty-slx yeais
ado. Till 1 tpcn iifjo he came to
this countiy ami ipsided conliliiiously
in this city. He was n 111.111 or ster
ling qualities and was well known
thioiiKliout the community.
Mr. Booth is survived by his wile,
tlnee dinmhteis, and live sons, as fol
lows. Miss Sarah I'.oolh. ot Xcw
Yoik city. Mis. Samuel ,1. Crowley, ot
1..VI1II. Miss., Kliv.abeth, .lohll. An
drew, Thomas and Henry I'onili, or
this city, and Hubert Month, or I,ynn,
Tlie runeial will bo held this ailer
110011 at I. "in o'i lock from the home.
At 'J o'cloi k sei vices will be ((inducted
In Trinity Hpiscnpal chinch by the lee
tor. Rev. Tiollin A. Saw j or. alter which
Inn lal will be In Uionkslde cemetery.
Fi lends w Isliini? 10 view the dpi eased
may do so at the house bel'oie the 10
1nov.1l of the body to Tilnlty cliuuh.
Holy Name Society Meets.
The Holy Name society of St. Hose's
chinch held an inleiestinj; mceliii'4 last
Tile Hulv Name Society was
lPil ahoiiL a week .iro and its puiposp
to loslui tlie kiioiI woik aecom
plislieil by the Uedeiuptorlst Fatliers
dlliliiH' tlie iccellt mission.
Tin soelct.i has a lneinbeisbip now of
ner ::ou ai. d it is hoped this will
be appu'Uably iiUKinenled and that
Ihe oiguniz.illon will eei t a powerful
moral and ipIIrIoiis inlluence in St.
Hose p.nish. as similar societies have
In nelKliboi ins paiishes, notably the at Sei, niton, wheio the Holy
Name nicmbpislilp 1 caches to about
one Ihotuaiul .
The May Dance.
The .liy dance which will take plate
In Hitike'.s hall, Thuisday evenlnt;,
.May :'.!. s IipIiir e.iRcily aullelpated
ill secret elides.
The tllllt'lirin will be the f.uewell of
the sp.isou pud a lively Inteiest Is bo
Iiir dlspliijed In the piepaiatlons lor
the eenl.
Tlie poiinoleis o tlie cnlei prise aie
the Misses Annie M01.111. May H, !au
Rlian, Anna Fan ell anil Maine Max
well The paimnesscs me Mis. .I0I111 Jlc
ciuiie, Mis, T. H. Ciiii'hllii ami Mis
M. F. Near..
The Mozart ouliMsi w'l tiiiiish
tile llllllc" lUllhlc.
Nine Houis for Plumbers.
Tho nib's of th' Phimbeis' union,
which w.i last week, will
Ro Into i-ifept ((inimeuciUR' to-nioirow.
Tile ehlel eucet will be the operation
of the nine-liour-a-dn, chedule, on
wlih Ii the pluinbeis aie espi-clally in
sistent. To-iiIrIii thp IPpiesPlitnthp.s of tho
illlioii will nieit Willi Culioiidalo Fed
eral union, No. ".jut, which tonipilses
all of th trades unions of Hie icily,
mid the new fiiRnnliiatlon will bo nf
llll.dcd with the latter body
Delegates to Scrnnton Convention,
.tallies ,1 (iilliool and .M. .1, Mmjihy
weip 1 lecled jeslcrday liy St Aloyslim
Total Absllueiice soeleiy In lupieseut
that oiR.iul.atiou at the diocesan con.
wntltni of the Catholic Total A list I
111 iu union. Tho convention will be
held In St, John's hull, Pine Hum!;,
Siraiitnil, dill Ills next week.
Received nt the Hospital,
WclllnKtoii lliiyle, who lias been pin
ploetl at .Muylit'ld (iid, was teceived
Into tlio niedluil wind at KnierKi'licy
hospital 1111 S.itiinluy, He is suiftirhih
from an attack of typlioid-pueiiinoula.
Visiting in Now Yoik State.
Mis. Clmrlps Cobhledlck and Mrs,
nichaid cobhledlck of South Wyoming
uveiiuc. left this unit iilut; for R.iRle's
I'm It, New Vuilt, wheio thoy will visit
with their sister, Mis. Ikniy, Smith.
Home from Washington.
The Mlbses Jadwln and Thomas Dur
fee, who left about ten days at,'o for a
Hip to AVasliliiBton. D. (., .110 home,
11 tier haviiiR- enjoyed a dellKhtlul stay
at tho capital.
A New IJositton. e
Mason Tallinau has st'ctiied a
iluii wltli Hie Pin pie UnderUNlng rniu-
Phone i
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Must Bo Iiiaugutatod if the City
Would Have Additional Mail Cai'-
Postnnrtlir ThuinnH and tlio ontho
postal force lieie, the carileis paillcit
larly, mo anxiously itwaltliiR somo
move on Ihe part of the councils to
wntili! 11 satliifuctnry svsteni of sitei'tn
and house ituinheiln,? for I Ills city,
Tlie postollhe pniiloes aie not tile
onlv one Intel estd In such a nieasitie
the cllli'iis Reneially leitiRiiIze the
eiyliiR necessity for an IntclllRPiit lay-liiK-
out and mtiiiltur of sticet.s tliroURli
011 1 Cuibondale and thcli clamor for
siu Ii a system has foiceftllly cmne ti
the ears of the councils iiriiIii and
The liu leased lutetcst on the part of
the postal nnthorltl s Iicip Is due to the
cltcumstance Ihal thp Hm-iiI i'iir of tlio
IhhIiiI depni tinent will close the beRln-nliiR-
nf .Inly. The new year will com
mence tlilllliR- the Hist week of thai
month, the period when the appioprl 1
llons for the enstliiiR year aie In ol
der. Now It Is hoped that appiopiht
tloiis for one or 111010 em tiers, or as
many as can be iniptcssed on th'
postal depailnicnl. will be foitheom
Iiir. t tut. these nppinpilntlons can
b.aidl.i he expected In the face of the
t ouilitions thai ptevall In this city, iu
tile iiuiiiIipi' In which the streets mo
laid out. Hip system tint has been fol
lowed Iu naniinj,' them, or lalher thp
hick of system and the abseiie? of
house iiumhcis on liiinilieis nf ies
deiices. Thp ailthol llies at WnslllliR
tini declined that they would not be
.Instilled in pl.icliiR hi this Held 11101 .
rati lets In 111" abseiue of 11 system nf
suets and house numberlnpr that
would ceitainly opeiate to lacilllato
thp dellveiv ol mall and to eionomlze
in time and labor. Postinaster Thomas
has uiRpd the postal authorities, on
niimeiou" occasions, to Inciease tha
number of carileis, foi the lack ot help
in this dli eel Ion Is quit" patent, but
the answer lias come ba !, with pmis
pcii.tinR lPRiilaiity, that uotliinc will
lie done, or can b" done, until th"
stieets In the outlyhiR put lion of the
city are pinperly designated and the
homes aliius: these thoioiiRlifair s are
svstpmitt lea liy niimboied.
Postal Inspector (Joiinan, who-e
he.idiuai teis aie at Ser.inlou, when
ever lie las visited". has
IllMlliillllv lPpoile.l neR.itivply the 1P
1 nest for 111111 o i.iiiIim's, solely for the
ir,.soii that theie were so in.inv nn
nan "d slieels and the uttnihi 1 Iiir of
lesk.'ences was so faultv. Thp inspec
tor, when he ,11 coinpauied the subur
ban c.iiiieis over their mutes, was
ceitainlv Ifwlldeied liv tile cilcuitoils
paths I lie men followed, the cuttiuR
acioss lots, etc, they weie toinpelleld
to lesoit tu in older to disuibuto their
mall matter within the time allotted
for the dpliveiies. On imp incision the
impeclor siiRRPsteil he would remain
at a (eit.iln coiner until the canlpr
hail ti.uelseil the stieet aliuiR whiih
ihe w."e then walking. 11 so hap
pi r"d Ih.u this poitiuu of tlie caiiiei's
iinilc was the most puzzling mid ion
IusIiir ol all his teiiitoiy. nml before
tlie c.u 1 lei 1 "joined tlie inspector lie
had emeicd many a city block, though
all the time he kepi within slsht of the
Intel"t! and ainu-cd ro pi niiient filH
eltl The inspector on Ills letuin to
Sci.intoii. and In I'orwaidluR his icpo-t
to Washington, wilhlield Ihe lecom
mendalions for additional cm 1 lei's be
i.iuse he could not conscientiously (lsk
lor mine help when their aheady px
istcd suTli 1. ban Hi ai Io the delivery
aysleiu line, and which 1 ould be
ieai'll. and ellrctlvrly leniedled by the
city (iniiKlls by their devising a satls
ltU'liii. stieet''in. one wlich would
conipiphciul the niimhiR of e cry un
ci, rislened stieel and hv-wav in til'
cil, the plachiR of an adequate num
ber of siieit Mgns, mid a sst"iiutlic
ntiiiibei iir.r of th" ic-Idencps.
One RluiiiR Instance ot faulty 1111111
btiiiiR Is to be loiiml In .1 iioition of
the W'psl Side, whete the name of one
sUppI Is made to (onipieheiul almost
all of that section ot the city. The
unlabels in Hie older of the houses run
soiuetliiliR like this- f. 1.', I, 7, u, .4..
tequlie ,1 canier who would b- finul
Iar with the loeatloii of every house,
and one can midlly iippreeinte ihe
plight of a substitute carrier or one
who might be so unfoi liumlc as to b"
unacquainted with tile houses ill the
b tiillty 1 el 'i ted to.
Tlie absent o of stlpet names In the
j M'est Side lecall a laughalile Inc'dellt
that tool; jihtie suiiip lime agi in the
mint lniii.e ut Scinutnu, It was dur
ing ihe 1 1 Iil of a criminal case In
whli h 'tome 'e ( Side lesldeills tig
Ill ed. H--lisiiict Attorney .limes was
the piosot utliiR olllcer at ihe time,
Tlie pio.seciitor had taki 11 II, o stand,
when Mr. Jone.s began with, "When- In
C.u hondnlo do you live, my Rood
The witness sni'ineil piosleu in Io
rule tlie street and after some liPslla.
tiou (ii (lined theie weio 110 names to
Hie slieels Itoill whence she e.nne,
"Ion don't menu to say that tho
slieels have 110 naincs,"' lniiiiei the
iliMiIet nt toi ney.
"Well, no sir, 1 don't believe tliey
have, sir," assuied tho witness. "Souin
of llio pr-iplo 11,11110 tho stlcels tllPlll-
selvps, 1 named the stieet myself that
I live on," lontiiiiiPd tlio woman
luoudly. "I nniueil It Vine .stieet," sv
PinlPd MllliiRly.
II is hoped Ulllt bploie July tho
councils will oxerciso tint piivilcRP of
niiiuing stieets that 1 cedents have
Mciucd to enjoy, heietol'oie, and that
liy the time the postal dopartinent U
leady to iiiiihe the uppiOiihitons for
the (oniliig yeili, Postmaster Tlionuis
Will bo able to point nut Io tlio all
thmliles that iho city r.uthoritles hav
pstalilishi'd a satlstactuiy Micet sys.
teni and that Hip city Is entitled to tho
incie.ihPi! ili'liu'iy service wlihh tlie
lostinastei has so e.uniHily, hut vainh,
suiiRlii foi lor so Ioiir- a lluie. liec.ius.i
of tho taults of the pieseni syatcni.
The File Alaim Bojc Keys.
The Inildi'iU ot the eai. nionilng
houis ot a lew days iiro, wlieu a icsi
tieiit hud to be moused 1 1 (Mil Ills sleep
iu older that Hie key tor tlio the alarm
box could he obtained, iu order Io turn
In mi nlnini, lentils the siiRgentlon that
has been made bet'oie, luunclj, that
tho ke.s for Hie alaim boxes bo easier
ot' .11 cess than tliuy aie at picscnt.
Theio are iiumeioiis- possibilities and
ihiugeious lines, too, to be toutiouted
when theolfoit to locale these kejs Is
besot Willi delays and dltlli tiltles. and
in the event of iho holder of the key
being away, 01 undei the 1 Ileum-
stances of a windy night iho conc
qiicnccH might he scilotts. Tho plan of
keeping the keys In tho door of the
box, piolceted by a glass covering,
which can he htoken when iicccpsnty
to ttlin In nn alarm, Is In' successful
use ihiotmhotit the countiy, nnd It
nould bo followed to advantage In this
city nnd nt tho mete cost of equipping
the boxes with the covets for the keys.
The pflleleney ot the poller department
would meet the possibility of the boxes
being tmnpeied with by mischievous
spirits. Tiotihle of this sort has been
experienced In other cities, hut 11 few
punishments would be eiTf olive dot or
ient on possible orfclitleis.
To Come Up In Common Council This
The bids for the lighting of thu
ritleets of Cnrbniidali' for the coming
year, and possibly for the next tlnee
.ems. will be opened by the light 10111
nilllee of poniinnn council this evening.
The tight which has been sphltedly
waged by the Carbnndale Ohm company
to Induce the councils to Install cas
lamps has atliactcd a good deal ot at
tention, and the outcome of Ihe rivalry
between this coiporntlon and thp Klee
tlle Light company will he awaited
with keen Inteiest.
The Has company bus laid a half
dozen of tho Welsbach lamps Iu oper
ation about the city lor over a week,
and It Is hopeful that their elllciency
has been satlsl'actotlly demnnstralpil
liefoie the council committee.
A. P. ,Mn limey, the Uavellng icpie
.sentatlve of the Welsbach company. Is
epeclPd In the city toda. to further
thi chances of his conipan.v In the ef
forts to Install Its system lieie.
The Chief After Trout.
.1. .1. Mc.N'nlty, piopiletor or "The
Club," a fashionable icstaurnnt and
1 life In Caibondnlo. Pa., diopped Into
town wltli his ft lend, Thomas Han is,
mid together they staited al an eailv
hour for Hie haunts of the speckled
beauties In Pike county. Mr. McN'ulty
is chief of the tlie department of Cai
lioildalp. and he also belongs to the Hlk
ftaleinlty and paid a visit to
lodge, No. til.",, of this lllagp. P01 1
Jeivls Cazette.
Scmi-Annual Reception.
The are in ptogiess fur
the s.'iiii-annual ipceptlon of the
P.les'pil Vlnrln sodality of St. Itnse
chin eh, which will take place in that
(htiieii on Sunday evening. May 'i.
t ominencing at ".'iu o'clock. A huge
number of candidates presented their
11.11111"- at tlie meeting of the sodality
h"Id yesterday afternoon.
To Visit the Pan-American.
Two of Caibondale's citizens aie off
to the Pau-Ameiicin exposition at
Hiifi'alo. They at p Abe Salmi and
Julius Moses, both of whom left here
yp-teiil.iy. They will make a business
tiip to Rochester, N. V., lint bet'oie ie
utiniiiR they will endeavor to enioy
what Ihe exposition nffeis to vlsltois.
Stntionaiy Engineeis Meet.
The union of stationary engineeis
bold a cum ration esterd,iy afternoon
iu McTlche's hall, on South Main
stieet. The delegates who discussed
the mnlteis that tame befoie the con
vention were from tlie unions between
Nantieoke mid Ca 1 hiindalc.
Edwin d Ynirington Stiicken.
Htlvvaid Yaiilnglon, one of Hip most
pioiiilnent joung men of the city, an
attache of tlie geneial office of tlie
Hendilck Mamifacttlilng enmpmi.v, is
quile ill at ills home on Wayne stieet,
buying been stiicken with an attack of
typhoid fevei.
Tonight's Meetings.
Common council.
Olive Heat lodge. No. l."ii. I. (J. o, F.
Federal uiiimi. No. Tl'04.
Patilolie Ouler Sons of Amotion.
C.u bonthile 1 oiiucil. Knights or Co
liiinlnts. A Sewinrj Bee.
A pleasant thimble p.uty was held
at the home or Mis. Joseph Dictileh,
011 Compter?' stieet. Theie were about
twenty ladies in the party and the day
was onjoyably and profitably spent.
Luncheon was served.
Shirt Wnist Social.
Next Wednesday night's social of Ihe
I'liday Night Dancing class will he
its faiowell event of tlie season. The
Mik.ii 1 orchestia will furnish tlie mu
sic and the hull will he beautifully
dot 01 a ted.
Cominp,' Pay Dnys.
The Delaware and Hudson will pay
the pinplojes of the Honesdale branch
01, Tuesday this week and on Wednes
day the employes of the steam load
mid repahs shop.s will be paid.
Home from Gettysburg.
C.eorge Hudson has reliu ned tiom Ills
trip to the b.ittlellehl of Upttysbutg
and Is enjoyablv lomlnlscent of his c..
peileiicps In that historic engagement,
A Painful Injuiy.
Ch.iilcs Humphiey is siiffeiliifr fioni
a displaced knee cap. He was unend
ing 11 dance on Thin, -day evening and
In Mime manner wienclieil his leg.
Pi of, Hockenbeny Spoke,
Pinfpssor llockenberry, or tills city,
dellvoied an addiess hist evening at
the twrlith aunivpi-sary of the Mutho
tllst Kplsiopal churrh at Jerinyn.
With tho D. & H.
.M.itulee HlockfilcRe, of Salem ave
nue, has aereptPil a position with tlio
fir painteis at the Dokiwaie and Hud
son company car shop.
Going to Europe.
Mis, John Hone and sou, Heuwood,
of South Wyoming stieet, will leave on
or about the twentieth of the ptesent
month foi a Huiopeau.
Her Sister III.
.Mis, S. H. Kupp, wlfo of the city en
gineer, has been 1 ailed to Philadelphia
by the Illness of her sister, whose ton
illtlon Is very serious.
Conteit Tonight.
Tlie Mt'tiopolltan Quintette will be
at the Herean Haptlst chinch this even
ing. A highly successful enteitnlnnieiit
Is anticipated.
Mr. Gelder Re-elected.
P. T. Oelder. formerly of this city,
has been re-elected societal y of the
Forest City boaid of tiadc.
I Mrs. Sllsbee Won.
Tie ipsult of the contest for n linnd.
suiiie jjold pin. wliicli has been under
w.ij for some time between tluec mem-
3 We extract teeth, fill teeth, mul apply gold crowns and
ta out the least pain, by a method patented and used by
3 presslon is taken in the morning plates will be finished
,.j'- ".m'rmmm
M.i.aV ...1 ..111. I ill I If"
ifc'iinJiiii mm"
j - .
'- - -
ifefc- '. -
1 hKK WS;U Rxffi H
' V ..U t .ithlilM.
, K TT1.1U I X.
Sf Tlio fact that this Ii an Incorporated Company doing hiHi-
vjt lies1 utidor the laws of this State, mul (iper.Hlng n Mystein ul' O
,, iiiiicl"), is 11 iiiniuiuiit.
9 that we Do lixoctly ai
on t.. m ,.!....
S$ WH MAKK A SPECIALTY or Hold Clown and Itildue Woik. Tills Is a :
4S syiteni for InseitliiK arllllclal teeth wheieoueoi inoie me tnlsiln'f wllliiiui the fc
12 "so of a plate. This vvoiU Is must beau llttil and iminol lip detected hum the ;
UHtuial teeth. When piopei ly done, w I II last a lifetime. Cull mid see us opet- Cr!
'S ate. It will bo a pleasuie for us to carefully e.samlue .vour teeth and tell vou :
i evactly what your woik will coat. No (.liaise for this. Houis, S to ,S. Sun- Ji'
TS 10 to I. ZF
I The While Dental Parlors sr a-.
l)"i-s of the Ladles' Auvllhny Io the
Urotherhood of ISiillvva Ti nlnnien. was
aiiliouneed at the entertainment Riven
In Cambrian hall. Mis. William Slls
bee was the wlnnei, bavin;? tin ned iu
$::o.hi; Mi. Hvan rtlchanls. Sll.Tii. mid
.Mrs. John CourtrlBht, 7.t.'.
V. .1. Tlionuis, of South Chili th sheet,
i.s making some very extensive iiu
I lovements 011 Ills piopeilj. The old
house, wliicli lvis been a laudiiimk for
.Mars has been temoved to tlie tear,
nnd a neat and modern dwelling will
be elected. The new bulltlliiK vvlll 1h
coniplcte in all Its appointments,
Death of a Child.
The home of Mr. and .Mis. Hubert
Davis, of Hieen sheet, was saddened
Saturday by the demise of their II-inonths-old
ilauKhtpr. Mary, who died
of inflammation of Hip Iiiiik. The lune
lal will take place at :! o'clock this
afternoon and Interment vvlll be made
in St. Hose lemeleiy.
Stnte Convention.
Tlie ninth annual convention of tlie
litaud coniinantleiy of tlie Ancient Ol
der. KnlRhts of Malta, will be lu id Iu
Columbia. I.ant..iMPi' county, dining the
week beginning Tuesday, May i. X-
IJ. Hiller. of this city, is the icpro
sentallvc ot Temple lommitiiilery, Xo.
Advisoiy Senate.
Tlie piosldents ami prist picsulcuts of
Hip I-. C. H. A. fiom Carhondale to
Ashley will meet tomorrow afternoon
iu Avow Io bold a piellinluaiy meet
ing pipvious to the oigani.'ilioii of 1111
advisoiy senate 101 Xoitheastuiu Penn
.lohtl Fuller, of Scranton, was a visi
tor here yesteiday.
Mis. Joseph Wilson, or Hlnghmntou,
N. V.. lia.-. 1 etui ned al lei a shot t slay
in town.
Mis' Armstrong, of Uukett aveiniP,
N visiting her lumber, Nathan, it t
Pitllek Qlliiin, of Scheliei ladv, N
V.. founeily of this city, is tin- guest of
lelalives In tow 11.
Tlieodoie Jlotgiili has letiuneil to
Moiiistown, X. ,1,, alter a shoi I stay
with Carbnndale fi lends.
Mis-es Kiithryn Adams, of l'oit jer
'l, and Agnes Hutler. of Moosii , me
auests of Mrs. John V. Sullivan.
MUs .Minia (ialliiRher. of Hatieotk,
Alieh.: .Mis. M A. Kelley mid Alls
Hoiheit .MellalP. fi 0111 Plttston. spent
Saturday witli Airs. .1. A. Kelly.
Fred Hubbard, of the Delaw.ue and
Hudson company's North .Main street
machine shop, Is confined 10 his home
on Washington street by illnes.".
Air. and .Mis. William Aladigan mid
children have returned to their home in
Schenectady. X. V.. attet a week's vis
It at the home of Aim tin 1 lenity.
Air. Sherwood, the new Ontat io and
Western depot agenl, lot met ly of Star
light, has moved his family Into the pioppn.v. on Second sheer.
Ovei .1 bundled people tiom Jerniyn
and Alayfleltl at u nded tlie "Way )on
Kiuil" show, at c.tibondnle, Sntilidny
Ails. Sl.v, of HoilPf-ilale, Is tlie hups'
of her ilailghtei, Alls. John Solomon,
of Alain stieet.
Air.-'. H. 11. 1,'iPPiisl.itle was n Siian
ton visitoi on Suturdii.
Tlie school boaid will hold their
monthly meetliiR. which will pmbably
1)0 the l.i'it meeting ol the pieseiu
bn.-itd, toinoiiow evening.
Hoy Sly, ot Diiuiiioip, whs the guest
of Jni-myu fi lends yesteiday.
Tho Uelavviue and Hudson eoinpaiiy
aie making some alterations mid im -pioveiuents
to thell Alnylielti depot.
Among tlie Impiovemeuis under wa
ate the beautlf) lug of the grounds,
which they will (unveil into Howcr
A twelve. year-old .sun (,f Ai Intel Ale
Hale, of the Hast Side, tell fiom his
bicycle yesteiday and dislocated his
elbow ,
Heai go llhike Is suffeilug from an
abscess of Hie moillh,
.Miss Sadie Timlin, of Alain sheet, m
visiting in Towauda and 01 prion,
Bradfon! county.
.Mis, Thomas Jupllll, who has been
visiting her paienlH. AH. and Airs
Thomas Itenule, of Second sikpi, lias
1 Plumed to her home at Scranion.
The tegular meeting1 of the sihool
boaid was held on Fildaj nlghi. The
following bills weio passed foi pu.v
m?nt; John Pempsey, $11. 2.', Jinnee
J. O'Alalley, estp, Vi: (i. II. llolloimi,
$100: olyphaut electlle llBht
iiieut, iS; I'. H. AlcCanii, Thomas Lena
ban, J. W. Pallen, Thomas Xealon, J'!
eu-'li for time lonsumed In golins over
the cxouciatlon list of ex-Tax Colltetor
lloban. The linance committee icport
ed that they bail negotiated u loan wltli
tho Aleiehnnts' mul Mechanics' lunik
for the payment of the teiiclieis' oideis.
The funeral of the lute Frank Thurs
day was held yestPitlay afteinumi at :;
o'clock. The servltes weie (oiulucled
In the niakely Haptlst chinch h Hev
Note oar Fnccs lor reriect,
" Si.'
t"ul! 3ec Ieein (tiKitnt)
nni,i ui limvi-
uuiu 111111
Silver Fillings
rt,M iVnimir
ji Vltnu vinnii.i
I'onlla Will, nil Din iu .e nn
:..::..: ....-..
.icjiiiiiivr: l:lii . ijiiz
....." ..." "" r. violin ..11 ...,...!. f
klllllltllVbV " - --.. "H . 1 i ii
Kii.iiaoiet: 1,1 i 111 1 u.i r.mii inn i.y iuiu ?
Svo Advertlss.
... ...... .. r . .........ii.nti 1
Dr. Spencer, the paste', In conehi'don,
Ihe lenialns weie taken to t'nlon
eenieteiy, where Inleiinenl was- ui.ule.
Tlie obsequies weie hugely alleuded.
All veipiansof the Sp.iulsh-Aiiiei lean
war me ieitiestcd Io meet at the hotel
oi T. It Williams, on Tiiesd.iv evening,
to make piep, notions lor a suitable
iibseivanc" of Memorial day.
The uieiiibei.s of the l.atly Hllen Pen
man lodge of llebeU.'ihs atleniled Ihe
peri Ices 111 Hip lllakely Haptlst chinch
last evening. An appiopilate senium
was dellveied b.v Key. Dr. Spencer.
Alls. Mm v Sevetion, of Pi ov Idence,
visited fi lends lieie vesteidav.
.Mr. and Alls. John Wiilklugsh.iw. 01
Wllkes-Haiie. spent .vesteiday with
Mr. mid Alls. T. P. Jones, of Lacka
wanna sheet.
John Abbott, of C.u bonthile, was a
visitoi in town yesterday.
It. J. (iiitlltlis. or Yalesvllle. snent
yesteiday with relatives In lllakely.
A spet lal meeting of t mini II Ins been
called for Tuesday evening. The ob
jtct of the met ting will be to take ac
tion on Ihe oll'er of Ihe Seiaitlon
liou company in regal d to the polo tav.
The (onip.inv i,rtiis to spltle the past
account, seine :Hi. pioviding Ihe coun
1 II will enlc-r lino 1111 agieeineiu witli
them to use the smile liiimber of polos
for boiough use lor th lei 111 of live
.vcais as i.- now being Usui. All pop's
itseil by the boiough are exempt fi mn
tii.itlnn. This would In icalltv bilng
the I.p: down (u iiliout lllty cents per
ole. The olilin.inee s.i.vs all poles
shall be tiiM'il SI. Council should b
e.iietul how thpv- enter Inlo anv 1 011-l-.iil
Willi this (tinip.iuy other than
wh.'t the oidiuani e (.ills foi. Jf the
ti.ietlnn eompanv wishes to scllle
its aeeotuu let It do so. but have no
shlngs tied to it. This company does
not giant Ihe boiough any l.ivors
wh.Uevoi mid why should council'.'
Air. .Mail:, Walker, Si. came near los
ing bis lite 011 Thuisday. Dining Hie
night he vvim itiken ill and get'ling up
wttit 10 a shelf nnd took down a bot
tle whiili he .supposed contained ( s
s"ll(e ol poppoimint. He swallowed
aootit 11 teaspoontlll nf the lliilid.
vvhlih proved to 1m .1 solution ol car
bolic acid. Hr J. P.. Siekler was
qulcklv siuiiuiolied .111(1 ad.llillistei ed
to him. Ah. Wnlktr had a vei close
call, his moillh. and stomal h
weie b.ull.v burned wkh the ai Id, but
prompt medical aid saved Ills lile, mid
he Is now on 11 fair way to teeoveiy.
Mr. and Alls'. II. I!. Hilggs of C.n
boud.ile pent yesteiday vvllh ihe jor
uiei's pments, Captain and Airs. S. H.
Hilgg", or Pleasant avenue
T- o in t hi a buggv and dilvlng a
horse at a nil Ions rate ol nieed l.m
down and sillously iujuied 11 ri-yeii-old
daughlef of Air. and Mis.
Uiiisi, of the K.l'U Sl'de. Tho Utile one
was pl.oing with s,,.m othei.s iu
tlie loadway vvli-n (In1 was inn down.
The men made co'effoit to nvolil tie4
act Idem, and nliei innnliie over ihe
child the inJiuniiin brutes whipped up
the hor.-e. and without looking back
.'lied Peekvillew.ild Air, Joseph lai'i
gati, who witnessed the accident and
the Inhuman 111:1111101 of the peipe
1 1 .1 tin s. took .1 lib vee and pillowed
th" men to Providence, wheio they
resple. Their uauiPs weie obtained
and mi rresis vv 111 lollovv.
It N stated linn the men weie In
tiilc.ttcil and were diiviui,- lu 11 most
j lecl.les- ni.innei. The child, after the
1 ,,.... ,. ... .....1,. ,1 ..1. 1 ....,1
aieioeill il nni ,,,,-, iil.., .ik, ,,ii,
ii'iimlned iincouscliiur for spmmiiI bonis
and Is still lu a ciltluil coitilitiou.
Air W. f-. Illnes. the Alain stieet
druggist. Kail a burglar si are on
Thtiisilav night, mid had eMrythhig
woiked all light theio would have
been one 01 llioie di ail hiliglais
tired atollllil the plellllses. SlinillV
beloi'e the llllillliglll hour .Mr. Mines
was awakened by 11 pei Hilar nole.
lie and hlr family oinipy ap.11 linents
ovei tin stoic. Ah Iil ips, alter llsfii
lug 11 lew lllllllleilts, deelded that ,m
attempt was Icing made to gain eii-
llfllie lo Ihe stoic. A double bailejed
idiot gun. which Ah. Plops nlwavs
keeps ll.illdv. was Ills olil.v eompanloll
as he ipiletly nuule Ills wa In a whi
tlow lu the Iroill of the building The
uelse still 1 initialled down stairs mul
Ah. Illnes raised a window ami was
ahull! In shoot Hip uelghhoihooil full
ot holes, when he made the dlsctiveiy
thai theie was no one In slithi. The
burglar or buighus hud lieanl lhc
window iniscd mid bad luailo good
their est ape. A '-Me window with
fieshl.v lil.lde ni.tlks hi tlie s.tsli
'll'iwetl wlicic they hied to lotce ,
eultaute into the hilildllig. Il was a
Itukv thing tor All that he
htai il All. nines or lie would have bin n
a III sitbjet t cr ihe cotoiinr tu sit upon
in ,1 veiy lew seconds atlcr he began
operations on th window'.
All. and Alls Thomas Suiisenbaugh,
of Diuuum". passed .vest -ulay wltli
Mi. ami Mis. f I,. Tilur. ol l'un
pei I sheet
liieat Sat hem A A Ajies left jes,
terday for H.iuville. Pa., and hefinu
Ills leiiiiu will visit Philadelphia III
Ihe Interest ot lhu Older of Ited Aleji.
A f.uev.pll p.tity was tcinleird Su
ppillltendenl Hajcstuul Outside 1'iiie
1111111 Alcliiighlln. of Ihe Sleirick ciee!:,
al the huuie ot AH. Ale l.atighllli Satur.
i day evening. A huge uunihcr of peo
bridge work, with- g
us only. When the Im- gj
same day, if desired. ST;
Fairness Dentistry ?
$t.uu &
c nn .
I' l.w m
t nn fv r,c: in w.
,.vw.v t i'tvr fcj
. MW a
i kb a t Vi. b wr ii---.
NU '-' HHKJWi.,
A TllU.iJ --"
1.1 rtnu in i, . 1 .. n, 1 1, . . .11
-"-cumyitli, lllii .nU'ii.i .1 V 1 Ulllli
1 1,1111 id Ant nt fur tin. Mjoijiii.; I),aiirt tor
jDuponl's Powder'
1 Milan.,', III.1-I1IU, 'imiliiw, Smol rlrsi an I tin
III illlll, ( In 1111t.1l t nilipint (
bidl.i 1'ii'c. Ciih .nnl I vplivlm l!"oin 101 Con
mil lliiililnu .sci.inkn.
tlllM li:-:
'Mills' Itittl)
W. II. Ml'l. 1.1(1 V.V
.... I'il'lnn
.Wilku Hiria
pie were piesent and a veiy enjoyabla
time was had. The emplop.s i,rc
sented botli Jlessrs. lfaes and AU'
l..iughlln with u grand double barieled
shot gllll. Atessi.s lfayPH olid Ale
l.aughlin will leave Monthly morning
to take chnigc of the OnIohI nt Setan
ton. nnd leaves with the best w Mies
cf tlio whole community.
The Cnldon Star Social club, which
lias condiii ted so many popular socials
in tills town dining the past few yens,
will cimdiri t 11 socbi at Hillings' ball
this evening. Alusle by .1 good orchey
I1.1. Admission only "" cents.
Alis.s Kate l.aue of Arehh.ild Is visit
lug 1 1 lends in town.
The Hllte Social club will conduct
11 social u t Hillings' hall Monday even
ing. JI.iv L'Otli.
The sad news of the death oT John
Phillips, of Xevv Yoik, founeilv or this iKiebed tow 11 yesteiday.
Th" boiough council will hold lis
legubir monthly meeting this evening.
The Taylor Silver Cornet band will
conduit 11 giand 1 0111 ei l ami social till-'
evening at St. dotciih's ball. Indica
tions point to the event being a gi.tud
sui cess. Admission, -.", tents. Follow
ing is the programme: Selection, Ta
lur band; selection, Dewey nice club,
solo, ltichnnls Wntkius; piano solo,
.Miss Ha lira Kigali: solo, Ohoii llou
ells: buck and wing, l.vntli and Walsh;
lecitatioil, 1'ianl.i Tubbs; jilano selei -tiou,
Xonna .Inhns: s-olo, ICdward Aliir
ph solo, .Miss li'r.mels; solo. Arthu"
Morgans; enniie skolehes, Kelly m 1
Alalone.v leeitiitluu, A'llo Jones, solo.
Kditli W AVi'klns; selection, Wnt'.lin
l.imilv: solo. Will "lice: selet Hon, Tay
lor ill.iltette. selection, .Misses Flo
sle mid Hl.htchc Hauheld; solo. P r.
CJillllli' sind 1ig, Al. J. AleDnnoiiRh:
solo, Itlmda Clink: duet, Alasteis Har
ry and Fi'ini Is Watklns. letlliitlou.
Small Priie. sand jig. John ltldei
i umle song. Joseph Coombs; solo. W. J..
Jones; duet, Hart Sisters: comic sonc,
John Carey; selection, Joe Coomb''
Pickaninny hand; comic song. Will
Mm he; selection, Taylor band
A business meeting of the Prohibi
tion league will be held at the hoiim
of Allss Saliie Pi lee, of Hldge sheet,
1,11 Tuesday evening. .May It, a I S
o'clotk. Kveiy member Is iefiiesled to
be piesent. Oi ganger Homer H. Iteesi ,
ot Sei anion, will be piesent.
The Taylor Hods played their ilrst
game of tlie season on Hie si html lions
grounds. Satuidiiy, when they defeat
ed .Ionian' Filipinos In a one-sldrd
i oiliest. "Watklns occupied the bu fur
the vh toi Inns team ami kept the bin
well scatteiPil. while, on the oilier
hands, the Koila lilt .Ionian at will,
piling up a seme of i'li Io their op
ponent's 1. Iiatlerles HeilM, W11M1U
mid lilymi: lillpliios, Jonlmi and Kv
don. I'nipiie, Williams
Tlie annual sesalon of the Aiintiu.n
True Ivoriles will assemble lieie 011
Tuesday iniunlng at '.' o'i Im k. In 1 on
tlnue for llltee dil.vs Tlie Wei ill Con
gipgiitloiuil ehilt'i h bus been sei tiroil
for the assembly, wheie some one hun
dred and Iflty delegates, 1 epie.i lltlnu
eveiy lodge lliroilghoul tho t'lilted
States vvlll be piesent. TI
lie lot al lodge,
Nn. 7, Is win king haul
In nial.p tin
event a nieinoiahle one
ami to give
Hie delegates a hearty wehouie. On
Wednesday evening a public ireeiin,;
will be held, vv hell iiddi esses will In
dellveied by the grand olllcers. mil. programme will also ho tPiidiipJ,
at Willi h Hip Anthracite Hec lilb
under Ihe illieetioil of Piolessoi ) H
Jones, the Aln;;,nl iitailettp and oiln r
well known local talent will p.iril
.Mis, Sullivan, an aged lady of I'ulor
stieet, tiled yc.stoiila.v after 11 llugeiln
illness, Heceaseil was a much i-espc t
ed vvi.mau and is slirviveil by n lingt
fainilv of clilldieii.
IJniblcill dlvisloii. Nn. To, Sous n
Tnniperiinee, vvlll meet iu tegular s
ijlou this evening.
.Miss UlKle IteesO. of I'lllnll slice!
was tin gut st of friends in Wilkes,
limit" M'sieidas.
Piolessor and Alts. Al. J. I.lo.vd o
Prlcchitig. visited the l.utor's niuthti'
Airs. Ilubeit l.levvel,vii, esteula
.lollll P. Tllbbs leaves (inlay ioi Co.
lumhl.l. Pa . In attend tho (ii.iiul niu
maudciy session nt Knights 01 Alai
as leptcsenialivo I'luin luvincllde tnei
nuiiidery. No. -"-.
Allss Veltio f'tlieier. of Claik's .Sun,
mil. was Hid guest ot relatives lion,
Guembsy Hall,
;ill Wii-d.luglQii ave.. SctaiHun, Is tin
best ami inml ii liable pluco lo pur
cliase a good Piano. It will piy jot,
to tall and get pilces and tetnis. J W
IJuuiibcy, Prop.
-.OV . II
1 1 ivjur