The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 11, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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M' p'-fy2' -U4
Jit "J"- F r V u . i, J A J "
', "
The Store of Fieeman & Son la Giit-
ted Heiioc Work of Firemen.
Special lo the Stianlmi Ttllwne.
Htincsdiilp.-Miiy 10. A II ro broke out
this morning;, ubnut 1! o'clock, In the
Ptoic of Krccnmii & Son, next iloor to
Manner & '. The Hie whh nut IimuikIiI
utttler control until tin? btillilltirr wim
EMttcil from ci'lliir to tnof intil tilt!
lilt kc Mlock of I'loili mill rciiilv-inittlc
clolblitK which the Mini initial wiim
totally licit toyed, I-'tnni llic third Iloor
thu lire found Ilu wiiy Into the mIouikc
mum of Mcnncr ec 'o. tcwtiltliiB In
f-evrriil thntifiind dollnip ilitnmu." tn
their Htock.
The flip miih pii'Vculi'il from siiH'ail
InR Into Munncr'H nlplo mores by tbc
TexttM. No I. cbcinliiil imikIii". which
flld Rood service. tlml u li""" been
used the iluniiinc by titer to Men
nci'n stock would bitvc been iniich
punter. The Piotectlmi I-'lic cmupiiny
and Alffit Hook und l.tiiblci1 coiuii.iny
weto promiitlv on the xeene niter the
fire nlniin whs "oiiinleil. bill ibe lire
hull Bullied Hlli h lie,iiiii befoie belli!.'
(llscoveied iluii th".v , otilil only save
the iitljulnlits biillillnus. Tin origin "f
the flni l it niyxti-i v. Hie only lite u-ctl
In the Imllillnir on Tlniitnln) belins a
llllle I'liareonl lire In the tin'". The
films L'lirry Insiltain.". wbkb nil! pnili-
ably cover the loss.
hpni.ll lo Ihr uantmi Ti lime.
Ilniii'jihile, .May UK Mrs. l A.
Courti Ifiht i" Hie unci ol friend" at
Knctoix i llle.
tin M'inil.iv uioiniiiR next The Trib
une's second Kdueallotul Contest will
begin and all iiiiiik men an. I women
of thlM town should read l he lull di
sci lotion of ll as ll may puive in bo
.lUist the opiioiluiiltv lhe. have he'-n
wNhliiK for.
Altoruey A. T. Settle will K" neM
eok to t'tiloriul i SpilliRS, when his
lf nail son hive been spending the
wltilcr. They will accompany him
homo oil Mi return.
W. J. Silvermone will :ttU"i'l the
rjKhth iiu-cllntr nf tin Kill
rollers of f'ennsxlvanl.i In Philndei
jihlii. May Ifi und 17.
All who have an Interest In the Kresh
Air woik for the poor ehlldien of New
Ynik city shoulil attend the public
mei'tliiR. to be held in tli Piesby
terlan chapel next Sunday al I p. in.
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Klebmond h.irl as their Kiic-t iltirlns; Ibe
week. Mr. Clnules II. llo"e and son,
Howard K.. of tvoryton, Conn.
Osleek tribe of Ileil Men. No. IMS. v ill
iilehrnte their ninth nnnlvers.irv tn
llai tung's hull Tne-day eveninp; May
The of Vliiiotli) T.. the II
j ctn -iilrl daushler nf Mr. and Mrs
Meade Lynn, was hebl nl the iiome of
the parents, in Tracey llle. Tliuisiluy
l Itcriiooii. Seri,es were toiuiucled
ly liev. W lib. tin 11. swlt: Interment
ii I'lleii Dyberty ( pine-tci)
A bainjll"! Ill lionni' of linn 12 1!.
Jlardcnliersh will lie sivon at the
Allen Hoic-e on I'rid.iy pvcnlns. May
17. at S o'clock, by hi" llone-Iiil
friends. Iiresp..( live ,i,' pnlltii-al par
tes. iJraham Walls, of lloiiesdale. past
(ciuinniidci of (.'aptain .lames Ham
lrrt. No. I0S. has been comiuis'loneil
i.i aid-doc.imp of Itas-leur.
ommandcr-ln-chlef of th ilriiiul
Army of the nepublic.
The old Wayne County Savins;", bank
liulldlnpr Is undeiRobiB a chuiiKe. The
I'lterior will be tilted up with olllies.
Ainoncr the Inilivslrle that fuinlsh
employmrnt for the people of (oue
dale and suburbs ate four fjbiss ctit
1Iuk shop", the p-iy lolls of which add
L.iKely to the business of Houcdale,
hut the benellt imm thcv Industrie
does not end here. The alas euttins
business has (titinl the inanufai tuie
hi ilonesilale of seveial articles uin'il
I 'i Klass enitinB; tiiit in meullnii l
Charlesworlh cfc Cannivau, who inniiu
f.ictuie the wheel or elrel" of Iron
which cuts the glas IuiinIiik it In th
loupih. NeNt come the wood wheel,
lnanufaetuied by Wymiiii Klinbl" ft
Son, for smooi bin!; the plass. Messis.
ICiinble have a patent on l hi" wheel.
Willi ll i of peculiar con-Ui uetlnii, so
fiumed that the wear is continually
on the end of the Rruln of the wood.
The iicnI aillele Is a pnli-dlltlK llhH'
brush, uianufactuit'd by Messrs. Knrn
laun & Thlrsk. The product of tliese
factories nre shipped to all p.nts of
the country whore cut r1 i-s is niaiiii
fiictured. Kscelslnr Is ic-ed In packing
the Khihs for shipment. Thl Is pro-
Of outward niUfortuue can darken the
smile of the loyal wife and lovinj;
mother. But when disease conies tlie
smile fades, and in its place
comes the drawn
face and tijjht
closed lips which
tell of the con
stant struggle
with pain.
When the deli
cate womanly
organism is dis
eased the whole
body suffers ; the
form grows thin,
mid the complex
ion dull. The
first btcti to sound
health is to cure
the diseases
which undermine
the womanly
Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescrip
tion establishes
regularity, dries
2.-:'.ins. heals in-
llruiuualioii nnd ulceration and cures
female weakness. The wonderful cures
of womanly diseases effected by the use
of "Favorite Prescription" place it at
t'ic front of all put-up medicines speci
ally prepared for the use of women,
' wa Iroubltil with femnlc wtaknc? for
c clit enr, ami mflercd more than I can tell."
vtllci Mrs. Oust. Mostr, of Ovaiulo, I)rlnilK0
Co.. Morttntin. "My disposition was afrcctt'il to
riich mi tsttnt lint to say a pleasant word lo
mivone was almost on liuposibillty.
'it liail to operations pcrfurmril by raw of
Hie most skilled surgeons of the West, but -liil
lint get relief. Then, attaint niv doctor a
t-trict orders. I commenced taking I)r 1'ierce s
l-'aorite Prescription and'OoMen Medical Ills-i-overy,'
and also followed the nib ice given in
the Common Sense Medical Adviser,
" I continued this treatment for three months,
and to-dav am as healthy and well at n woman
c-in be. I cannot thank Dr. I'lerce enough for
hit kind letters to me."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bil
Isusucss oud tick, headache,
cured from fuctniles lit t'loinplon und
While MIIK Thus It may be ccli that
the cut fitus bii'ilneos, from first to
Inst, Is of no small account lo Wayne
pfrlil In Hie "iT.inlnn rrlliun.
Kmtoryvllle, Mny ID. The WIbkIiis
Conceit company Is billed to appear
here on Wednesday evening, Mu. 1e.
They will no doubt draw n Rood house.
Think nf Kettlm,' n thoiisanil-ilolliir
I'Chol nshlp for slMeen wcitks of ran
vassliu.oi an eiUlvalellt of $:! a week.
That l what Is ofleicd III 'I'll'1 Trib
une's Educational Cunlest, which com
nienie Monday.
.Myron Cobb has moved to West
c'cranlon, wheie he will make his fu
ture home,
Theie are u few people In this town
who believe In the leachhiRS nnd me
rollnwers of the faith tnttftht by one
.lohn AleMinder Dowle. of Chlcaso.
ieetltiRs ate h"ld eery Sunday ufler
uoun at the 1 o.i of Mr, nnd Mrs.
John K. Xwelziv.
Mis. Kloyd WrlRley lui- purchased
llle house owned by C 11. Matbew
son. and located on Maple street. Mr.
i. ml Mis. WrlRley will occupy their
v.iw home In the near future.
H. I, Hurtling, who for thirty years
lias been the station iiRenl at this
place, has seveied his connection with
the Lackawanna road and leilrcd fiom
business. Mr. Herbeit McAlplue. the
eftlclenl day opeiator has succeeded
hlui. l'"o" nenily a third of a century
Mr. HardhiR was u constant and faith
ful employe of the company, nnd In
slopping down and oul fiom his offi
cial position, he loaves u record of
which he has Just cause to be proud.
Many fi lends will be sorry to see him
depart. Mr. McAlplue needs no Intro
duction tn our townspeople. He has
also boon a faithful employe of the
Lackawanna foi many years, nnd peo
ple having business to transact with
the company will be nssurcd of honest
and courteous treatment.
Colonel Charles A. Shis and Squire
John S. Kead wore visitors at the the fore pari of this week.
Mei chant Clt-orge Walton moved hh
family up here from Luzerne last
Tuesday. They ore' occupying the
Fied Reynolds propeity on drove
Keystone's base ball learn will play
in Scranton Saturday, May IS1; at Cnv
bondale, May 2.". and at Lake Lodoro,
Saturday, June I,
bp' tn i he rnnlon Trilim
Cnlomlale. M ly 10. The funeral of
Ahs. I :ninui iilb.-on. wife of William
Rmniet Ol'o.'oii, took place on Thurs
day nioinlns-. A bilef seivlce was held
a l I he home. The services were con
tinued at the Methodist church, of
which the .Iceat-ed had been a member
for lwciu-one year-. Row A. Kasl
man preached on the theme, our
"libit lllcd Pi lends. ' Th chol: sane;
c-.cral "elections beauiifully. Nevet
befoii did we "When the Roll Is
Called up Yonder" lendered with such
guild elToi t Mifr. Gibson left a hu eiglit ehlldien and a eiy laiRe
clicle of l'i lends to iiinuin her ileni-s.
Mi. Hell of l-'oresl City, gave excellent
seilce as funeral dlicclor.
On Monday morning next The Trib
une's stcond I'2ducatlonnl Contest will
besin and all young men, and women
of this town should read the full de
scilmion of It as it may prove to he
just the opportunity they have been
wishing for.
The Lii'li' Aid society mel at th"
home of Mrs. II. H. Lewis for tea
Thursday afternoon. There was an
OM-ellotU lepast.
MNs Lottie Kiistmtin and Mrs. Net
tlr Taylor icluined Wednesday, after
visiting ft lends in Scranton foi sev
eial days, 's
John Jon s. foimeily of Morion, N.
Y will move hh family Into the hous
lately vacated by Rev. Charles Todd.
J. P. Mass is visiting his sister, Mrs.
Wolls, In nanvilh. Pa.
Mis Weston Lo'kwooilnnd twe dill
dun, of Deposit, N. Y ate vhltlnsr
friends In the town.
Rev. Mr. Hnllinshed. pastor of the
Piesbytei Ian chinch In Finest City, at
tended Mrs, Kmina Gibson's ftineial,
Mrs-. lobns-on and baby, of Scianton,
.cue i-uiiil; iiii iiiiioiM m paicnia,
'siuiie and MiK. II. II. Lewh.
Theie hn h"pn some Impr ivcment
I in thu loni'lilon of little Ruth Smith,
j Haivev Smith has hem p-jhr-hro I
I in work for Stephen Rions m.
Slrphen Carpent"! Is siucecdlng well
In i anvasing ho' silvei waie.
Di. Wheeler of Cat bondale, wiim In
town on a pioiosslonal visit Mon lay.
The Soring Fever.
Is a uialad. which no on an esiapo
at thh season of the y.iir. The vital
ll Is m-ually oiprtaxed dining the
wlnte" inotiths, and spilng llnds the
system all run down The hlnod Is
thinned and impuie. The kidneys and
liver are Inacll.'c icsiilling in a loss
of enerRV and app?tltc, and a de
iiiiiKcmeiu of the mrp. LIchty'H
Celery Nerve Compouni! will purlfj.
youi blood, tone up your nerves, and
ciie you I'eel'uK fiesh and anorectic.
Sold by Mutthow.s Uros,
Spnljl In the siranioii Tritmne,
Thompson, May 10. The Prohibition
convention was unite n sucoem. Dele
gates to tlie Slate innvcinlnn nt Hnr
ilsburfT June l'7 wui elected and
I Inns mnde lor a moro vlgoious proso
cutlon of tbo work. Pmf, T'atlen's
speech In ibe evenlnif was logical, fnlr
and unanswerable.
All entei prising yotuiK men and wo
men of this town will be heiielitted by
rending the article in today's Tilbune,
headed "Will lieuln Nexi Monday,"
Miss Cioiieher's addiess on ln-r ie
cent oxpeilencos In China was a reve
lation to many and was enjoyed by a
laige audience. She Is noi out fo, n
pleasure Ulp, for she wai off on lha
S (.'clock i rii In the. next moinlns;,
Miss Cora Laymon, who closed a sue.
cessful tcini In our giadcd school last
week, left for her home In Jerinyn
Wednesday afternoon,
litis Hums was doing business In
HIiiRhnmlon Wednesday. ,
To-nioirnw evening will occur thp
thiilecnlh iinniveifary of the wedded
life of Mr. and Mrs. Will Whllney, of
'.no township. This pair lived In tho
boiough for year, nn4 are
Mil irt fit if t'v choir of h M. W.
Church, nnd lltcie will be n largfi rep
tcscntMtlon front town nt their mini
vrrsnry, nnd a Rood lime Is nsittrcd.
Otlr milliners, Mrs, tt. At, Olllet nnd
Mis. A. O. I'ostpr nre cnrrylnp; n line
line ut goods and shilling faces und
employ tlplOMlnto trimmers. Why
wait tot Mnyllowors lo bloom,
A number fiom hero look In the
entertainment 111 Htiirruccn lust even
lug, and report a Rood time,
The Ittiv. 'A. A. Hpaco of Kotlkn 1'nrk,
iV. V., will preach In Ilia Prop Huptlst
chinch nt i' 10 p. m. next cliibbath,
nnd the W. r T. V, will hold servlcci
lb the same clinreh In ihe cvctiliiR.
Kiunk Sliubhd, Jr., of N'ownik, N .!.,
hns rented nnd moved on to Lothe"
lltibb.ird's farm In tho township, an I
Mr. Iluhbanl will occupy his son's flno
icslilonco licit l? Huptlst church, on
Jackson slrft,
FOtiEST CITY. I" Hit- Nmnlitn I'lllmiir.
Potest city, May ID. A huge num
ber nf PninjH City young people hravod
Ihe stormy night and went to Kuynl to
intend u dance this evening.
I in .Monday inornlnR next The Trib
une's second lOiluciitlotial Contest will
IicrIii nnd nil young men nnd women
of this town should road the full dn
sethulon of It ns It may prove to be
Just the opportunity they have been
wishing for
M Hendler has entered lulo negotia
tions lot the purchase of P. CunnliiR
hum's store building, on Main stieet.
The (onslderatlon Is about $1,000.
Patilck Uoutl bus sold his propeity
on Hudson street to KnJItor Stanklvluz
fur $M0. Mr. Dotid and family will
move in Scranton.
The funeral of Mrs. lOmnin lilbsnn at
Unlondule. Thllisdny, wits largely at
tended by Forest City lelatlves.
Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Noble are enjoy
ing ii visit from their son, Mart, of
The tluost lot of (rout ever hi ought
Into town, wi. believe, were caught by
A. J. Lowrle and Walter Hrown. near
Cadosln. this wook. There wcio twenty-eight
of them und they averaged
over a pound each. The largest
weighed one and three-quarters pounds
and nieastlied seventeen Inches.
Charles Vlney has been selected as a
delegate by Christ (Episcopal vestry to
the convention of the diocese of Cen
tral Pennsylvania, at Pottsvllle, on the
The commencement exorcises of the
Forest Cltv High school will be held
Fiiduy evening. May HI. Theie will be
about eighteen graduates. County
Superintendent Moxley will be boie em
the L'l'i and 23d. to hold his annual ex-
The board nf trade has elected the
following ofllccrs: President, T. V. Mc
Coitnick: vice-president. Dr. D. Dwyer:
secietary. F. T. Odder: tieastiier. .1.
Freedman: tiustees, John McDonald,
Allied Davis and K. Feldman. The
president will appoint his standing
committees at the meeting Thursday
0 0
iri)i.n Mii.iiiic.i pjiidii r oiiii.ini.
irt'i nini uilit
What to Do in n Tornndo.
II. tun lb" h!i"U' Mill" rn" Inin iiln"-.' Ii iv"
inn liMiniil In ih" .ipiuii.nli ill Iho ii.niii 1
.-li..i"il ilnml Mill n til. Iioi.lhl nf ill-iitflf lb'"
.in .1 fi'w hlnlA h"Ii inn Minn d.iv
In Mit in. ii lif" .nnl pni"ili. "1 li.'.i .Hi" Imi'iI
nn nhli Ii Pint. I,. II. ; ll I int. tf ( liii'.cn
iw.iMiri Imiciii, It .niMiniili. Ilnn'l fill lii.t
inii niiii pen .iouim-II up in a .lii'liuht hmi '.
A iitlone K lil.dv In m.iK" iti.ihhl mi- i
Midnli iln'il linn-", .mil lilt II 1 1. nn 11- fm n
( ion. Ihnifiii Iho -I nit Iiii , M.t
iiiiihn.'d .ill' Ill-hie nil! iniit.1 ilmlnictlnii n
III" nihil' h.llid. don't t""l lli.H mil .il" nuiv
Miil.i diiiiiiifd i"t,iiie .mill tlwi'lliiiA I' fr.iil,
up. ll .ill Mr1 mIiiiIuw. licit"! s-t it I . nn n .ill tho
dimll ,ill. v.illilnn1. Iinlli. W In It the tninliln .Il
llll1' the nil will I." .iM" to p.i--. fiiflj,-li
Mi" li.'.M'. .in.l th" l.iiM.bnu will
It N 1 1. It In .ittrmpt In li.v finm th" .ip
pinuh nl .1 liiiniiln. Nn nno inn pirdfd ulini"
.i tnut.iiM will ti Ike.," up .mill inni'l tut
il i-. nil a in.itlti' nf i limit", Jml ilon'l u.ii'.t1
ciiiiRj in n."li"vi "initaiiliiiii"."
(itlmiii fnit"' .il" .1 mi 'It ii rieii In the
iln-i'-1 'tiiiltnl' tn tn .il plit'iii.inrn.i. Ml
Knoiiii Ii .1 tnnuilu Ir.iicU fmiii mil In
l.l't .Hid .lit lll.i'l fll'ljllltlt ill III" Will 111! 0't
.nn I mltlill" wi"l. In tin intrilnr tniniilnt'-. fnrin
nr. Ih" P.iuli- c tia-1 mul in Ihe (bill Ml--.
Ih .-uiniiH'i' Iminilii nm'."'' mil ut Ih" Itn ky
lllnllllt.lill ttinl.
Ih, tnin (tin .11 III" It.iilrnii nf Mii'ii ii"l
link U niini'd .im I iniiimllid bi iliinlliv k
.Lit lu.nn .mil will l'i' imilintd vitliln Mir fun'
n ilN nt Ih" lliciln, Th" .lUutlinii P iikI.iv
uiniiis will I An liinncinl Minit'i."
t Hit I litt-lmit Mlf'l llpn.i ll'.ici. Ph. I.i
ililphh, wuk thin will b" .i lullb.iiil it
I1..1M111 In . il. luitibuliii'' 111 1111111..IH in-
...I I I..... .1... VI., ,!.., il. 1 .
t lllllll"ll ,ll",l II" III III. ,,,",... .... '.,.,, ....
Vmli, prt'iitliic for ll." Ilii-l Mint1 in I'liiliilrl
I'hl.i tin Kii'.il piit.iii,l.n hiirli'ii'i", "Mv
l..nli" " 'Hi" tli'ici nt "My I..11I.1" U by
li, A. i:.iiii"I, nun Minn" "Hi.- .inn 11111 iini'it1
In II I.' 'llib 1. mi" nf ll'n." blu
l-hnils llhtih (nuilillt" III" fiMtllir.' 'nf mil'1! ,
iniiiuly Iinlli I, i.iiiilnill" .mil cianil pil.iil".
I In iiiinpin.i niinilii'i' 1 . 1 c 1 inn prnpl", ami in
1 lil'l"- l.iillh Mi'ill.v, ( 'Inn iilili iliino.., .Nm nn
Mli.illri, mul i' li.'.uiiil h.i Inimit.ihl" ci.ini'
.'j.iii. thill"". .1 Iiii--, tni .,, Inn; u Rir.ll at
liatlinii nf '."li 1 .i. l'i Ids .nnl f.iinnii. anil lull
li'iiirnilii In Im lii. u'lill lu'iliirnuiiii" In '"nic
l'.i"lnir lii)iv." I'ln 11 i' a giand b.ilh'i in Hi"
1I1I11! ml ih" lurili'i nf li'.miii'' ,iit im .1.
ililil.l llltll.illliv M'll". I'inln. .1 illiliill"; .III
m'Uv ami (. -.11111.1. hi .1 mnrl tiip-ii li.ili.iu ail.
Tli"H thii" aiu "piulillii'i. b.i link" mul diin-,
II.iiiIk.iii. th" Damp julir, liilhpil (,'i"i;i.'y
11ml Mi' 1. 11 ami Nil-fii, wlm dn iniiu llmi. mm
nil .11 i.'liilic luiii'. 'Mi I..11I.1" i, jii-i tin.
knnl nf ,111 t'liliiialiiiiiilil IhU niulu In i.itili
In1 1 nuii. in.l it tilll In pn"iiiid mill Ih"
uni" sr it 11.111p.111v ami all Mir iicalih nt miiiIc
illul- ami in-iiniibi).' nhhli a.iit ll siuli ui.'i
linns ii.iulailti nl Mi" VUmrla llnalii. New
.l. Malinits will be yum nn ViiIiiimIi.i
ami ""ltnulais In "uh 'ic"l if It. ten.
iWlhnl 'i(li-u'i iluiiniii; inmcily npi'i I,
Ml" Hull Wlilli'," Ka I In is iiev siittc-.s Willi
1 jili siuitriliii"; link tl ll- inn, I'limi th"
pi'iilnir pi-if'iiin.iiiit1 nn Apiil I.', ihe riii'.tiint
'H"ii lli'Mlii has lici 11 uniiilnl ill Imih initlllT
mul "lining mid en Mnndi i.lulil "Mis- llnli
Vihllp" licttlm IU i.oinn.1 month with the n,ni
I11.III111I in-ii(t tar Nun wa- tlioir a
piuiiiiillmi npmi Iilili tin' lu, I irii I IV
Ul.fd hi iiniu'i'illi, It i nit i:.t 1 iic In iitui
n.,,1 n iiiti'llBlliliniil. Ml Spriifr li.i lil''d
lis Hill" Willi III" lll.'lit .l'"li'."lll(ll UMillliill." .It'll
talilti" tini-lc nf mill luMctlfnl inolnlti. tint
ll.i1) In 1 nm p. pul 11 at muo. 'i" itallr. -"ii,,
Ih" liiaullliil all, "In puinw1 'i.
M" m," tin' llnrmliij. uni:, Iho fn liuiilii'.
1 Inn 111 ami tin1 paliiutit und innlil niiinhris.
'If I Mcro u Jjtkli1," "ii" .iiiuiiij Ihi s. I.i titiiM
Ihal ale b.'in hraid I'li'iynhi'ii".
II111 lui'llili thcatrr In hi1 ricilnl Mill sr.ii.on
in NVii- York -nn paper- Ii h.ld In h" inntiin
plated by t'harle W, Mnre, purulent nl ih"
New' liinteiilam National hank, wlm, irprnt nihl,
rn thinking of ci"ilinH' n lirje ihect-i on llu
fllt ut th" ItiHiinnri' hotel, taking In the entire
l.'ni k en Itrnailwjy roit''etninl i-tiect, pro.
. IiiiiI tin .it lit r pan lis t.iu ht 1 1 la'ntil.
"Kit r.ifnn," I'lii.' r.iltS ii"W pl.ii, will
hail' ll fli.l ,,iv,'.,i'iln,i .! tlu- 'iieii j'i ll
iter. ' ii i" ik .11 1. . -.'T.
Wall Street lUriew.
N'fiv Ynik. Mi IO.-ltfplil ptoRttM MMtlc
In liTMnlilliliiit tiiiin.lMitr in, Mali MtcM la
iliv ii there wn J MIiimI rrhmind In prlcH,
'Unit Is tn iy tho full nt the Icliountl .i
itiy after the mtciit nf the Ictllnc oi
JtMrnljy, hut the Uimc nf tin tcirjiety WJ1
HiiinlKiinr. I.Htp tneri nm .udo luwii"
itlpliiK mil llic net Ipi lllili liumlnnl l
hlttlil alter the trmvcrj bail nlnHily wt In D"
I lie cxtliiintr. hi n tinmtirr nl sloilm wlijill 'f
luil hmiIpIv llltitnl .iHiulil.ti lud.ij mid'
rev ulnae wtiliirili'i rlmhw Ifirl ml "
MUsmirl Purlllt: rtiul(i,i I"'' imriiirii
with Ihicn i,ilni tn Mnirc. llic rilrcme mhmno
iiinliliiir llftren pnliih. 'Iliric w.i Rnnd tl'.il
nl llrnlilJllnll MI1 tnlilflll IhU liiotliltDr, tilf
b the mibiip llut thflr inlalil lie le'
Mlillnir hiiil'C lili Ii """l'i '"' inublr tn m-i'l
tlit ir ulillKilli'ii nllii" 'lfnl.ij ilMHlr m
IipiIuiip. 'Mm n.M tlii'li'ftitr linnllliil
nnd Iturbli. Pirn iifur tin' lienit "iiciilnst. hit
Uhl'll Ill" llllllUI illlll" Illtl'lIIOIIt .i niJile llut
llii" ilniilhK flinli nf oil II"' nii'inl'i'M nl Ihi'
Intl. I'Mhinsp had isnm' tin ontIi Ihr tint I, r
iluiiac tluiiliii: pnfnllv nnd thu ill
llit'll ii.ill hi'i'ii liiiinirpil, n fi'clltnr nf ii'll'-l
ih tiwiilfi"ltil on I ilf.iilll.i aif tliiiiiului'il
the il.o, In llr lillci pin t Hi" do tli.'ie
tIH H lllllllltl"ll "f Willi li'illilll IHi' 'I 'I'l'tll'
l.illie niinitiiinl fm tho I ! lid ' I'lilmi
I'jillle. TIip Imm lin 1 f till Mink illid tin?
.iitiiinpiiinliii iii'nalh if Mi" iiillictMii "
l' ii n inniMrf mil .i-niiiiitlnti t the ' - -111
In miiiir In fnli'ii I'm lilt Iimiii t Ii mm
In innlinl nf Vnrllifin l'.u IHf. whlih w.ih illl
ti.nih iliihnnl li.v Ihi' 1 id"" I'.irlH" I'lK.
I iiilniililpillt tlirro win1 in in.ui. l" iilubc
hweii nt rrviiirtii In Mi" inll.ip-" "I
TIiiiimIii who nl.ilncil llirli iieni mul ili'ln
lnlh,itl"ii mill Him -i'l iil'iml In li'iin'li Ihuii"
ibc li.v lieu p"inl limn In llic iniikil. lllli'r
Imiuih wrip ilin.r wlin I ml mitlrii nnl null la
.lotiri'i'C" liitiii 'iiiil wlm "Mil iw ii I'lnnt in
ki'IIIiii; ill Ih" iiiiic mlliu bnl.1.1. 'I he
IniBiilii limit 1 1 j- vtiv iibii en In tini'lilir
nlile fniti1 .mil tin ii- rtiii tii.iny .ih llui'iill'ii."
Iinlli In liiiml' ,lll stnil.s upipu-lilllig Ihtlr nii
tli.i.f. 'I Iiii inintMiif nl .IIT.ili' w.i' inelly well
.r.iiriil whru llic mm win Iimhh'iI ltd' iiimn
lnir nf Mi" Hltlpim-nt I'lffi li'd with ll1" nlmiti
in Niiiltnin I'lifllli. mi Ih" hid" t i"l'" I"''
iiii 'Ihl ii'inmnl tin' mcr'h.iiliiwinir fi.u
fintn Hi" mul III" iHiiliillni' fnr Nmlhrin
I'.nilli- mi Ih" l.tpi- ill I'.O -till liullu'i .ir.iii'.l
Hie .ippirlirndiiii. Tin1 MniK mill .it iil fnr iM-h
nfti'iunn'ii. lint the piniti'- "f Ihe vllUm 'lit
with ih" '' ,il Mi" nffliT.' nf Ih" i inflii I iii;
liitti(.. In Nnrllii'in I'.nilli" picwnti'il .iliv Im-
ther ili'tuiliilici nn lint grAtmtl. I lie iniM'iiirt
l.iken I i.i th" hinl. width i!it"il hi'.ni Imm
ill Ml" lllllkol li"li Oil.". .Ill'l tllfll il'iMnn lint
I.i i. ill I l'i' In ins, iniiiplrii'd Mir t r.i 1 1 i 1 1 1 -iins
Inllui'iit i . I'll" tinikrt tlnu'il ulimii .l
Mi" Inp with .1 fnliiiK "' i"ti"f mi'i' liiiiinu'w''
hriliill.l. Ill" tllll III I llimi I'.iilfh W.I' -ii:
St foil iiiiiI I..11 l..iwnnn,i, l"'.; t mivil!"il
(!.i, III, llin Huston mul niilg,iliiiliiil C'nipr.
IJii.: I'nwt'i. 1 Mat 11 illlitnnr
nnd iihiii. II; M. I.i.nli MiitliwO'lnn prrft'iinl,
in' it, l)"l'iw,ir" mul llinl-nu mil (inn nil
I In tut". ID. mul ii'pii-fiil.itbi"' "t pi at t It n I li
nll I he iiiipniunt croups finin ,"i In 10. Tnlal
fdlf tndii. LSiKlim .
Ilntiil', wliiih w"ii- well,"'! .ti'ili'iiby, slimvnl
8rni" wide rccoit i Irs hit! nthei' wpre w".il..
Tnbil mIc. pn i.ihi". ."i.n.Mi". I'. S. new
4' iltcllneil ',i nr nnl. nn the l.i-t c.ill.
Tlie lollnwhiK quntalioni are fiirnlihci
Tilhnne hy M. S. .Ionian Co., room' '
Jfcnra buli'llnu, Soratilnn. I'a. Tcltphnnj I
Open- lllah" Luil"
inc. "t. "-t
ni"lll.lll ''.I'r'll PI''". 1 1 a tl J
Amir, ttihiii I i I'll Hi
Milii-nn TH .1 ii''i
Mthi l'i !'' 'JT's -
llri.r'k. hiitiuti ""1 771 T.U4
Halt. "Inn 'irij to.". !i(,i-',
fuiil. Tnl1.11 1 Ii1 ''I l
( In". (llli Ill l'i I''i
( Iiii ,V" (it. Mi-t '-'i "I'j I'"!;
( hh . II. A fi I' t'U'i 1"i'j
-1 Paul f,IUj list a I'd'
Itmk I-'jiiiI I VI 11J 111,1..
Ili'l. .V llnd-iiii l'i' 1 Vi'a I.-i'.
Kin. .'. 'It v.. IM ."i2 ."'i nl
I.uiii'. ,V Na-h ' 1 Hi
Man. i:h'iat"il Il'i IH.'s im'n
ll"! 'Im fun P. 1 bit l.'i
Mi-n I'aiific 'i' In ''I'
mitl 1 I'.iiili,- Ii l'i II
uiiln'l Is Ui-t H .".lis i;ij
Niillieiii IMi uh" IV, Inn l.Vi
Nt.ilh. I'aiitii". Pi .' III". Hi.'
V. (Vnl. il II- l'i'1' II'
II11I..II.1 ,". 'Ai't ''I's !" 'ilik
IVlllia. IS. It III. ll'i'i III
llciihiid III :.; lOii. a:
linillnic Hi., l'i 7i.. 7I" 7i2
'..uilliiiii It. II 'Jii 'T. '.'il
S..11II1. II IJ., IV 'iHH -sjii i)ii
'1, 1111 I'nil iC 1 run 11 ."!' ' "it
I". s l.i'.illiei i Ms 1 2
I . ;-. I.ialhci, I'r 71 7il '.'.:
1 . s lluhlri" en 'M '-'in;
I i, inn Pacific "IH 11"! 'UH
I t.n n I'ai irk. Pi 'il Uni', i I'r. ::t i;i- ::
Mi nun I Him 'in1 nUi uni.
in' I'ui'l .V Iniii ''it "t bi
niil t'npp"! ihi 117 inn',
Ptnpi"'- (ia-, nn 111 mi
line ii"4 ,!ii't .(Pi
Ti-.i' I'atilli ii l-, II
4 i
I. ii
1. 1
I ll"
pi) "
ti. ( al I'iiiumIu"
r. s. -t"ii en.
I". !. "-tiel l'i'..
Scranton BonrU at Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
rirst liHnk
Scranton jaiiii?'. Hank
third National H-ink
Dltiie Dcpo-it nn.l t)i-tuunt Hank..
Kconomy Usht. II. -V I'. Co
Laika. Tru-t safe 'Ivpogll Co
Clurk 4 Snuier Co., I'r
Scranton lion V'.me & llfrf. Co. ...
t-cianion Aci" Morlm
LuiUawaiirn lialiy Co., t'r
County SnlnKii llink .V tiu-t Co,,
First National Dank (Carbondalc),,
Standard Drillliit: Co
Tiaders' National llank
buanton Holt and Nut l'n
Scranton Pasi'nxrr Hallway, first
Mnrlcacr, dii" UU0
People's Mre"t Hallway, Bmt moit-
itae, due 11U9
I'eoplc'a Street Itailway, General
niortRai:", due Mil
Iliilven Manufuturin!; Cu
Rid. Askci
Lacka. Town'hlp Si hool .i per lent. ...
City of Siranion St, Imp. a per
Sitanton Traition (1 per cent 1!5
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(('unci led hy II. II. Hal". S" l.ukaninii.i Aio )
Hullei t'li'Jiniij. old, -Jinili.; ii"-h, "j-.'i.'.'iui,;
ilaii.i, U"-h. I't's i-O'S-i .
I Iipim" I'nil i ream, l.'".
K)ri! Mi'Hin lli.-h, 1 1 ' a In ,n
H.iip, In1.1 m P'i,
III me Pu Im.. limit" tn (1 1 mv. s.'..'.
l'i .i Hun- i'i'1 Im.. ihnlit" ininow,
Muliiiiii lli'.ui- I'ei Im., r.M'li'.'.IJ.
(iiein Pea- I'd hu.. M IHil.t'i.
Oulniis I'i'i hu., '1, .".U.
rimn -Hc-j-I iHleil, per hau-l, l,u",.
Itt'il Iihiii".! l'i r Im,, .', I.'h.'.Vi,
I'maliii' .'N hi-hel.
Uiiniiida llnii'ti- -.'.il'ij'.'. I".
Phllntlelplil.i Qrntu nnd Product
I'hllaililphli. Mai pi Wlit'al "-le.uli : uni
Hail itiath, May, 7'.i7l'i I'nili,. i,i.
Inwill .No. ! mixril, M ly, l'lsll'ii. Hat'
I'll lit. hut quid; n. 'J while tllpp"il, :ib. Mul -IU
I'll tn, Ian diniaml: taiu.i wi.-liin tit-am-cry,
ik.i dn. do. piinlN '.'b,; !. nenln cl.,
!.. :ku 'IimiI.1 ! lush lieailiy, n'Si"., ii, .
we'lein I'J'v".. dn. 'iiiilhiie-lern, I'Jivc i d".
MUilhrni, l.'i. I'hfi-"- 'liailii V , full
I'liain, old, ill. i lie tn limy, ll'.'il'.'i,; do. ilu.
ilu. . new", ilinitt", l'i., do do. il... ilu., laii tu
Ciiuil asl..f. Ilillnul siiuain I lu li.iirji il. I nt-
1 1 ii - l'i in, 's" luuhi'i; iiihlilllii": iiplimls,
' 7-lri, Tallow Ste.nli, illy inline in lilul-.,
1'ial'fcCi iniiiiti.i dn. d",, bill'., iillxi.:
laku, SUaaiji." poultii- "i,iili, tan lie
in.. it,l ; luiil., IPjal.'i.i iihl rmi'liH. TtjiSt,;
m llit 1 1 ihlikin-, l.'allt.l piiii ihiikfli-, ".'ill
.'"it'.i iltnl.s, lUapl'sji, IIii'smiI pniilli.i - I'Iiiii,
Kuiiii ilt'iiiauil. tmiU. t linlii", lb,: dn. fair In
isutiil, H'alfl'ji.t did iihi.1i i 7i.; iiij.i'hk
ihliktm, fmiii, PuHii.i liuki'is, iiiicn, in 1 1'.'.'
!ii"iit I'lnur, baiiel., ami l.-t 1,11
puiimls In .ail.i; wh".il, lii.min Ijii-.Ii Is; imn,
p.i.iioi lui-litls", nils, n'l.ti-xi hii-hi U. i-lilpnii'iiU
Win it, il hi"; cm, l!,t'i liuilul-', cais, 11,.
uul luisliiU,
New Yorlt Qrain nnd Pronuc.
.New- Vml Ma) I". -I'loili -linuulai axaiu
ami harelv .liadi. Wheal u)l i.i-y. No. 2
ird, aJ'Ii. I, ii. h. H'nat, and MJUi elei.uur;
u. noi tin ill Ihiluth, -h- I. n Ii. alluat.
llplluii. hruk" sliaipl) in Ih" li'll'ii'i.'U. tlir a
iniililj) lalli they ileil slea.b at inJr. nel
dn llni'. May flusi'd MiV'i 'i'1.'. WiC-i M"',
7Jc. Cm li--spot raj) ; No. ".', ." 1 3 c . rlvwuii,
and .IJi. f. ii, b. urlii.ll. Dplinns uHiied li id)
and lain unit I nil nnd ih'si'd fJ-.i al l.llVc
ili'illni1. JUv il'vnl. Haii'.i Jul), I'
isfpl., t'lc. Oats -Spot 'lead)") .Nu. ;, ill-jr.j
.No. J, a-'li". ; No. ! while, .llt.i Nn. :i wliile,
Wsc1 trail, mliied wraiuii, .U!saJI!ji.; trait.
white, :i3a)7Jie. Optinu., dull and ca.lei. Hut-In-
Sirnnui oreaiiifi), Uallc.i fuilnr), ll
l.c: imitation ireauier), tlalTc.i ule dali),
IVit.i'. I hve-a- Vuiil and '') i fJiu) llut1
inlnred, li)i,t.: Inic.i liue nhll". 10i;all)Vii.i
fnii'y iti-ll rolnird. Il'i".; faui) .-null tihlte,
IIVic. Kbki i:i;i 'Jb '""l I'liina , llill'-ji.j
Miiiilieiu. Hal"!".; we-liin 'tnraie, l,?iji.;
we in, nsi.lai pJikcl. IJ'silJ'.-iv.
4 Lines 10 Cents
.Mora Than Four Lties. 3 Cent for l.'ich ntr Lin.
For Rent.
Fofl Reot.
Store in The Tribune building,
now occupied by the Times. In
cluding Desks, Steam Heat nnd
Klectric Light.
Also i.ioo Icet of Iloor space on
4tli Iloor of the Tribune building,
su'tuble for light inatifacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power,
(inquire ill otlice of
TO I.I'T- t Mieller Island, New Vol I., fmiilllirf
nn IVitmli Hi), finnl'lud iuII.iui1: 1
tl.OIII', S tll'llruiillHi 'Illlll", fil'll Ill'M'-, HM'll"
man's iiuatbi; iituuiiu'iiiuit'! hmnl hm.iii'U',
Poll iniheis: t .in l.iui" ihp.'l1. vasuii. IW'J
In ati;" li.illi hnii'" f.l mom"); wlniluiHl
wiiu i pnnrii Hi" inll.uti.' .Nmi "it'll.! 'li'"iiiilt'"U
lal.illiij. AiIiIipm llunei, F. M. lilnmi. l'" -" '
j-ln-vt. Hincklin, N. V.
! I tilt lll'..NT -I'.liiiinl "laht mom lioiiie. 'i''-"'
ih'ii; talinti.iti" wa-h till". !'!": r-h nit 'Id". I Ijn Mnllini); 'we
nf ilti. fi-hlinilil" ilriitin:: uintntxl
II ir
I'Ptn ti'day, I'miii'S!',
I roll III. Nl - :;!( Moiiit" .iitinic. 'Ih" fini'st
Moil. In Mie tin; fmii mini deep, ill
hlil inineiiliiiu". omi'P' 't".nn I.i at: "iilti'di!
j fm laiireni mall liiml). dpeu mdj). I'mueayi.
I tilt HUNT In Mii-nm, two il-room Iiuiiim l"r
"ii-nn; liulinit water; freek nnd "thai" in
liar of hit; -.:il fm sia-mi Adilrets V., 'Inliune.
HAM' liorill.l. Hot MI. HiO l'lnc 'treet: lx
luolus, nil,.
W9 (ni:i:.V Itlllt'.i: irilKIT. ten n-nini. nioderii
lniiroietiientsi steam heat tiinii-hcd: desir.
Situations Wanted.
sniMlliiV VNTi:i) lb a jnime nun In store
m nlllt" in lii t'u an) klnil nf wink; has
had fipeiienic ai timeline nili-maii; tan tin
nl'h lelueni". Ad'ln'is Hxpeiienie, 'li.biinc, tiiy. j
Ml'l VIIO.N WAM'I.D H) a .miiia: nun nl S-'1"'!
Imliiti; cm slit" lefeiinies. would ilu .in)
IhitUl piefu In hatn a tiailc. A'ltiifs Ii. I'.
ll., Iiiluint1. i
Mil A'HON MANTi:i)- Hy a woiiun lo so out,
b) tlie day. ii.t'liinu, iitiniii'i hi ! amiuri
in In lake wink hum . Call oi adili li.
Hn-ill, IJPI I t' aienii.1.
A iroul) lilllb would Ilka a plan" in a pin Up
i.iinily; is a i?oi d wmker; will p,u m the
iiiuiiii fnr Ihe Milium I il pirieriul; mill i
mind laniil) netd icply. li-s M. ('.. Tu'mine
Itl'.l.l.Mll.K Mll)l).i:-iil.l) I..IJ lining e-.pi'ii-eiicc
iiniihl like tun-ilia; iniitliitineiil i.i-ed
piifeiicd. Adilli- 'M.," Unn l", l'.l.
I.l). in "xpcitn.i-d ilut-niikPi, would like In
lake in plain -.'wiiic Address M. o. II.,
't i limit" i.thic.
SI ri VI ION VA.NTi:i)- Hi a )omu man Imok.
keriiei and typewrilei; ir.u nil" lefune1;
,-iK.ill -alaii. AiMifM Vital") II. iiici l.npv.
itlliian iniint.i. Pa.
MI'I A'llo.N WANII.I) H.i n .iiiiini; ifitl, 11
juis old, .1' mil -c Kill ut eiMiul il. I all
in aililii"-.- tni 'I'll uiluii -in ci.
Mfl .VI ION WANTIHI-I'iattital newpapp. nun
f many ipii,' pvp.'rifnip im,...- to ..l.l.ii.i a
po'liltm as a.lieiliMits wiit.i Willi -nm ; i-'l"'"
hh1 an! ic-pnnsihh lion-". Is n pl.ii thai U.iiti'l,
knnl1 inc. the us" if I) pe, and huw h"-t to ills
pl.i) It in limited -pin1. Can fiiniMi 'Hip in')
lu.-l nf ipferi'iiii's. Address '"Ail. iliitii," taie
'I'rihimp nllii p.
WA.NTI'.I)- Work b) the day as launiliPv.; i.ui
iiiip liP'l of tit) it'fi'ient". Atlih",' 7iri I'.lin
.-luil. M. .M
Mil ATION W ANTI'i) III a noiiiin In no nut
linu-eile.niiiu m wirklnp; by th" da). I all
J'.it l.lntlen iliiri.
ITl.VIION W.WTI.H- Hi a .iniiiia iniii, -o
iiai- nf nm1; Pas Im leu,' "p litni" 1
,'n a-i-lanl limiklipepei ; al-o , .1 flr-l ila.s
bill and uni) ihik; ituml piiimin; tin,:" at tittup-, (an fuinf-h h "il nl rtfei
ti'.i"'. ihhcss II. II.. i are Tiilmnr.
AN'I III I'ofcitlc.-i b.i iiiltl.lle astd lad). -t
huii-"k""P'i In Miiall fainil) ; Rdul nfei
run'. Call m aildic- .N .'ill danit auiin-
Dllt'.VIION' M'NNTKH Hi an i.spciicmed -tin-r.cri.ipliei
: unoil refeit mo, glien. Addiias
W,, 'I illume oriiie,
t-1'll'ATIOV lVA.Nli:i)lly a toiiiti; man, as
collettiii; lias Pad tuui ,i at,' iipiiitrie
with u leailliic: f'lin of thii . il. :i,i. i.ui
A No. 1 iileiciiic.s. Adtlicss , (', (!., 'Inliune.
Chlcngo Grain nnu Produce
( hiiaitn. May in. Mnket, new Imlii, wa,
iijaiii'l wheat nu a liiii". lull ipuil 'ill's liter
t. iuid a reiuiei) ami the tint wa, stea.i.i;
Jul), 'nl". hniei. lull! wa- weak, ilnsini; I'
I.ih'pi fm Ma.i, and 1i.i'se. ilni.n Im Jul). Hals
i lu-ed ii. Imm ami pnnishm, 5i7'zv. Iiislii'r.
t ash nm il, it!. 'lis weir a.s (uUiiuk:
rh'iii Hi-: ! No. :i mu lut; vtliMi, lAiib.i
Nn. i led. 7..'a7li1 ; Nn. 2 nun, .11 .."i.'c. : Nu.
li Hull, 5II-.I i.'l.i Nu. 2 nal-, "J"jl.i'il,;
N... 1 white. 2l'"..i;."'4i.; N... :i iihlt". J'tlli
iiiKjc.i V,. 2 i.ii, il'-i.; I t".din luiii...
1111.. II III tin IIP IlllltlllU, ."11.-..; Nn, I
ll.iv sieil, M.i.,i..; mime tltimtliy sied. '.j.m;
miss .uik, 'll.ui.ill.1.1; laid. ..!J'ji,.lii;
tln'll lilts.
' in-.. Hi; ill) 'illul h.iiihl.'iis, nl.
shnit ileal -Iihs, is. 2uS,2.'i
" ' "
rlilpno-n Ilvn Klnok Murltfil '
cuicago i.ive bioeK mfiritet.
lliii.iii, Mai HI. I at lie Hr(cil', l,..'H;
Mfll', Ml.lill In -low; l.llllh l' 'In. k, -Kail)",
uin.d in in iii," Mii'i, s'lal'in; 1 In in, .li 1 in.
xl.noil.lHii tntkei, .uul nuln., ihuiie. .i.atl.i'
nllicn, weak. M.l'.i1,1ii; uni., .'.7."iil l; hell-
in., W.75.II.75; iililiei". .Mlla.'.7.1i hulls, al.m.t
HiMdc, '.'.7.WMU. lalw. .U.Ik, VI2.MI.7.1;
Tpmis fed .Kic, 1 '.'.'lai.pi; Ti va hul't., ""-.7.1
j) --,
iluL-s ll'iclpls tniln, IviiKI; Iniiicrinn. K,"
linn p.lliuitril: hu ii.'i'i.'.Mitui; wiak, tup, i';
mixed and liililuf, .1 7IM1.77' ,i Kind tu ilnnc
In ,n 1, 'l.iJIil'U' .iii",h li.MU. viliilVi, ii;hl,
I..1 li'.t1.7J'"i, hulk nl oh., (i O.U.1. 7.1.
Mu.p HtvelpH, ,mi .heip. .b.ub in
.linns' ilipp'il lamb', film, wuullid, .naili",
(iihirailiis. up Hi .".Mi Ruml i thnl.c twlh-
il., l,(l.:iii Mil In ihuiie nil.M'l, 'l.'iilal.l',,
ii, si, in i.lippi. Sl.2tl,l..l'i; ),.iiliii., tflv.111 li;
ill be lamlii, 'lalJflj we.lun lanihs. l',tiiiii.
Hew York Live Stock.
Niw Vuk, Mi) in. "-leers and Lull-
,n nu
Inn I mul .le.ui.i; uni", ni.v; itieiinuu ti,
L-iuil iniiti, Hl; Imi'i; "lieis. a,.uii,i; hut!.,
n ... ... .... ..1 . . .'
Mal..1U", ittwii, ".'J' t'alips, il mini ml)
lilt; pints wiais m iu..ei. u.11., ...
."j-.Vl; np., .1 7',
lui'p Mead) ; lamha, Pu jn . .iu; .uin,
I.i ml. i. mu waitlnl; illpped nhp.ii, .,1. vi.n.Vi;
few iiuolul, 1.7'i; illpped lamln, i.7".i ",.:.'! ;
illplKtl mill. l '.'.I: win. led lamb., i'i 11.I , i.71;
iriiis lambs, j.'al W) ".uh.
Ilu;;!. ea); wtoterii hu.,'i, .1,1 it
Ih'Us, ;ii.iH. PL
East Liberty Cattie.
East l.ihilly. Mai PI I'atlle -ua li . i,ri,
Jj.,V)aVulj piime, fi 1'u.i'i. IU; U'"i I. "i. I ki-ls'i
llns Active: piime lirai), "'lMiI in; nu-.i
buns, t i.".iaj.'i''j: be. I .iiiikpi.,, ",: li'.iit
tin., ik'i,7.'ir.Ml; pit:". a.til'M).!!; "kip.. "I..VU
J.2"i ruiixhs, lai..,ii.
,shrri- Miadi; be-t wtthp.s, l.laial ilj
1 hull I' lamb-. 'ia'i 11; miniumi tu k("I, kSl!",
leal cull is, il-luni.
Oil Market.
Oil fill . Mai P. Cirtbl haliitips, Mu. tpi
llr.tale.s. ni bid Mil)iiiient, l.',"i-2, aiea.e,
lij.oll. Hun,, J.l.u.f; airragc, ru.lil.
Help Wanted Male.
j . v iUI "j jn rj iv r-Jt
WANTKI) 1.1 uood Millie riltlen for Job nut nt
ill.v. Apply It "Iflif Hiitke llrit . I'oiini'll
tVANTIIH noik him. riinitiii nnd hflpfiK.
Apply .lohu ll.iv. , ii. Man In mines, DehmJie
and llujsnn Cnul t'u. ,
VANTi:i)--V Kinnrl. haul work lint nm. mill,
admit 1! wllllliit tu "lt nmidi nnd .11 ll"'
tine llin" tin IiIrIi-iIiii ladnilliff woMi. Mi'Ml)'
mil nf timn wcik. 'Ih" "iiiiiler-oti IHI """l '"I"'
ilatl) I'"., I llnic strret, till".
CAItl'IIT-IAM-'ltS wanttil at bmlli' larpel Mon.',.iwuiiiil .-uena".
WAMKII -Silnini'ii. Intcllnc nr Imnl: witMi
Mlmy paid. Il'n'ik Veil 'n. Ilmli"lei
y. v.
Help Wanted Femnle.
WAS'ir.l) Olrl for Unlit huii-ewnik; ln.iilrn MtliMer nienui1.
WANICII IMM!'lll.Ti:i. Ilnml mul f"wir
Uiwliliuilii', H1' Mt'iiiii".
W'WrCII A ttond hninel.iTpfr, belwcii' uni'
10 irart nf nn : lini'l b I'rnlriil inti Rouil nmi h"tm fm i iirbt pall). Appl) hetwim
7 ami ' i. in, t Miil.i " V. Simimr i"''
nil", i Hy,
W'ANTi:!)- Tiienli llic '.imii"ii fn w",ii"i. .ilnd
rr and pin'ti'i"'. M'Mil) wnil.ers can make
Clinil Wllm'. rallllll-1 p'ffl'lll',1. HlnolH'llltlK1
Cnipii Wmk.-i, tlluiiiiKliiirir, I'.i.
Salesmen Wanted.
WWI'IIM .il"'inan: t.t lnniilhli and rxpfiisi1-:
pciiiuiniil. I'm) Nuistiy I ,.. Il.t.h.-l'i,
N. V.
Agents Wanted.
WANTKII- Asnil' I" e.iniii tor Ih" 1'niii'U',
... ..,. .. .... . . . ... ,... ...
A.lilr. i- Mi.
.. InS IIMMIn'-aVeet'.". Hoihe-V-,; VVi
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
AMICtir CIII.I;TZ. miner Mulheiry
itiect an.) Wcd'lci1 aienue.
(ItSI'AV I'lt'lll.b, t'iu Adams avenue.
West Side
UiXllttii: W. JHMil.NS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
Fm:i) I.. TKUI'PL:. 7SI Cedar aicnuc.
North Scranton
Oi:o. W. lAVl!. lorner Xoith .Main
arriiue anil .Market street.
Green Eidge
ClIAItl.KS I'. JONT.S. T'J7 Ditksun
an mi".
I'. ,1. JOHNS. !E0 Cicrn llidce -treet.
C. I.OHI7NZ. coin" I Vailiinlun ale-
mm and Mai inn -luol.
W 11. KNI.Pl'Kf.. 1017 Irunff avenue.
j. ii. no.Ni: & son.
For Sale.
IMKIti:-.!' NH IN'silirCT the iliiutien: imj
tun. nf Itairii. Mt-Nall) A l.'o.'s New- Hi'iei'i
it . .1.- I .'.-.I wi il.u mil tlm Wllllli.
: -i' , ''- ' .'" j '" ' ,"Me u
' ' :".,, .V 1 I fn, -.1 in cluh.
, '""".. "v ",,.,' 0..,i .ntatiie, lilt
I'uitlteid 'triet, iMiaulmi.
l.vlllHV Dihin-,' llor-n fnr silo: an ideal horse
Im anv hup: p"if"iily -niunl and fparlesi;
S lens old, nt'ljilil IH'O to SOU Hu.; piii" W!
n.i less. Appl) E.VJ Milium: aicnuo.
Kenl Estate.
Sl.OOO-Hiiis sivionni. '" nuiise, coon wcu.
Im liiiv.'rt), Miantoif trict, Dalton, la.
Wells k Keatm.
sl.s'i) Dins lniil''t.t; lot. KM.'iU. Wheeler me
Lite. Wells .. K f "i, llurr niiildinjr.
4J,!i(i0-lliii!. di.ulili house, 7 rooms on a sid", all
Impiiiipmiiiis. "Mcpt Kas. Dean utieet, lion
di in e. Wells H lii ali r.
Business Opportunity.
'll' MH' WANT 'IO MMil". MONKV" in S(ocks
(ii.iin in Cultmi mi -uiall iniclinenl, mile
in ns llnllli'ilinlell. Wp .11" not lllllkciS and do
I nnl Milliil iiiinunl.. rininr k Co., Chliann
Mm I, i:ili,ui?i' Imlhliin.", lltitacn.
Booms and Board.
LAItUK front loom with IkmuI fo. two gentle"
men, tbi Atiaius aiiiiue.
MI.1 HANK". INiilM'.l'ltN r.MX'fRICIA.Ns,
I'lieniin. el"., lien liipua" punplilet contain.
ii.c. iiie'llim, .I'ked b.i cvjiiilnltc lioiid of eni;i.
i inn-, ,enl life. lien. . Zjller, Publisher, hi.
l.tiiji. Mo.
t " rTTTmm "" SS
s:, ., LUHIM.A'I IM' IHSI'IIKT- N'olite Is
,(l,iy J,,,.,, , lC uqmhlicau lotera of the
. ... ,,' ti.,.1... .11., ,1., ,,r I i. Unm.i inlllltv
', ,' ,,,"111.111 eletiion will bo hold on SaUuf.
,,,, ii,1, 1. iniii. t ihe reitulai noIliiiK Places,
liii'iiin'lhi" hniiM nl I and 7 n'cloik p. ill,, fnr
., ,., t tlettimr tun iIpIi-jjIck In nprp
,,-nt th" said lesi-lallip di-tiiil In the niiiinv
It. i.iiblli.iii .tale iiiiiipiiliuii m I'" li'ld in Hir
llMiUIK. llle inliu lillull I" 1 miipulP lilt" Inlp
w1 i(i iiM , M r,,,..,.,,, U .i, imn, .,t ,
ii'ilmka in. IU tlie in HI Imim in Mianlnii.
III ail' .llllllt" Willi Ml" Hllcs tf.'IPIIlillll Ml"
ib.liltl, Ih" ..iniliilitp, iiillli 'lul mr iliiciil)
b) Mm nuns at Mi" and must ipu-l.-ter
wlili ll 1IM1IU iliiliman hi, full n.1111" nmi
i.lolllic uhlie-. ami pi) Iiii a.-rs-menl lllleeii
di.s befi u- ll i'l"itlun. "i hU iiim" will nut Iw
plait'l on Mu nilltt..l I'.illul, nellher will any
mips t.isi im him be 1 minted,
'I li" dl-Uh I ikllaiic" 1 niiiinitliv III laiious pre.
ibuls will tmi'luu lie ili'illiui, and Ihe result
will It1 ie Pd In !'""""' i,"(1c " l'''dH;
llin iiiiittlitiuii, wllllli will ho iiimpoaed of
julacs nf (In i.nluiK illsllliK
v iiiiini, ipiiIip iiiiilaliiiin: fuilher instriittloni
w II l 11 ailed In ..uh number nl Hi" 'aid dis-
ll'H iIbIIuki iniiiiiiill (.
,, , ,l!t'',11,,' ',.,"'.
. .' liilimin s.i,n.l l.eul'lallii" llijtrict.
i l ti-l . allc 1 I. Hill, ','-f;l':
lilllllli l.i:til!"I.VIIVi: HMHICT- Niillin ii
Imrli' Hll'H l".u Hu II "111111111111 slanditirf
I luimuitlii' nl Mu- llilnl leslsl.illip ili-lrlit of
1..11 1. .111.11 n.i liiiiiii., .im iii.-i 1 .11 tut- aiuiiiauun
"( l",'"', '" ' '.. "". ..,,.uu, 1 w
piuhb-entli 1I.11 of Mai. lii'H, at .' u', ml in the
t. .1 tlni inn n.i., 1. nl nl ,r inly if j..,. .!
.ilieini'un. '"I Mi" l"i'l ''I' mviiiiatioii and
ic.iir.' 1 t'liie uln 11 tin piiniirii's fur he election
ut .nil' ililiKJlis .hall In" held. l,i mdrr nl
T, J. Matlhen.s, Cliilriiun,
Alleiii -I. E. W ilkiin. Si'intaiy,
."tianimi, I'a., Jlay fi, I'lOl.
Speiial In Ihe Kranton Trihune.
.New Alllfunl, Mny (), MUs M,iy
HuhC, oi' lllugltuiiitoii, Ih visiting her
puients, Mr. unit Mrs. Churlcs,
Leon n. Tiffany, of Klnssley, wus In
tuwn this week.
O. l Hums, of Great llcml, was fn
town on business, Friday.
Mrs. l). V. Iluger Is entertaining her
mm, Km nk Itohcngiunts, of Colorado.
.Mls-s lv'l Ion Kug.ui litis returned fiom
New Voik, Mlieie she lias been spend.
' " p '
ng ci'verul week, with friends und
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Pour Llnei, ft Cent for Utch Eilra Lint.
Money to Loan.
ilUSt'Y to loan on Jinproird city real dial.
11KNHV Dlll.tN, .in.
MilN'IIV Tt I.OAN-On real eitatc, Urgp o
'inall mnnui'.l-i, al omo: rates, I tn per cint.
Ilo.i lomiv DotigtM jc Van DfUMii, 61.1S13"4
Cuiincll lliilldlnit.
MOMJV TO I.OAN-Hin Inimlrril tn fifty lh"U"
mnili Inlnrttt I In It pel lciiI t partial iny
infill on laiRi' I'i.iik aicepted puimptly, Hey'
mil l 1 .11 Mc.ii.-i Hull. line
fl'Mimi n LOAN' l.wwe'l rates! ultalitlil or
tiiuiill.l)' pnytneiit.i. buirk k t;u.,'l'raileu' bldj.
hl'HAltlllT I.OA.NS for nu;1 atnoiint. Interest 4 tn
ll per irnt, tun he nhbiined from A." Don.
iHI). Hi Tr.iiltr-" Nallniiaf hank liulldina
.VIIIAIIIIIT Itiaim In itiiiimiiitu .'0 to $t00.0iin
at l'4 tu 11 ir lenlV piynifnli liuinlhli',
nenilannuillv in- yearli. Interet on tiAlaJiic.
V. M Hiiiinell, Ally, Mil . Hears HldR. i
ANV AMtU'.NT Of .MOM'V TO t.OAN 'ijulik,
'tral.-l'l leans ,ir Htilldlttjt and Loan. At
from I ti. (I per icnt. Call on N. V. Valkcc,
.".tl-JIS I'cnnelt builillii';.
Boai'dor-: Wanted.
WAM'lIll -Taldp liwuileis. Mm. Tonipkliii, .Ml
W.i-liiiiKtuu aiiinii.
Certified Public Accountant.
U. f.
! - ,
hiilltliiiK. I'-H IVj-l billon avenue, Uiraiitun.
nit. c. i:. i;ii,i:m i:i:t;iut, i-auli nun.Di.Nti,
Siiui" slieit, hir uiluii. .
1UI, C. C. I.AlHlAf.'fJ, 115 WVOMINO AVCNCiL
rnANK i:. novi.K, attornkv-at i!a
lloonw 12, 11. HI and IS Hurr hulldliv.
Haled nn leal elate security. Meats liiilldlii-,
enrner Waslniiston aicnuo and Spiuip slrccl.
WIIXAIII). UAltltKN KN'Al'l'. .VnoitNP.3
and lounscllora-at-law. Kepuhlkan buiUlliii;,
IViislilnsttm aiiiiue. ,
jiisiui ,t .ii.sst'i'. ArroitNT.vs and i'oij.s.
t-cllor.'-atdaw". Comnioniiealth builillng, Ruuuu
1(1, so and 21.
003-P04, 0th floor, Mears biiildlnjf.
!.. a. wvriins. attorni:y-ai.'-i,av, doauu
of Trad" biiildinjr. Scranton, F.
llink liulhlinc;.
c coMi:m. 0-13 iii:pt;nuaN ruiuhno.
. -
a. w. ni'ifiiioi.r, oivici: moved to no4
211 V)cmim; uicnue.
Physicians and Sugeons.
ai cnuc.
infrton avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulnciiy.
( hronic diseu-r, bines, heart, kldnr) ami
itcnito-iirinary organs a spciUlty. Hour, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Besturantj.
aienue. ltatis iea.onabla .
I'. ZErOLER. rtopiictor.
enser depot. Condi t ted on Hi." European
plan. VICTOR KOC'.II. Proprietor.
teM pools; no odoi ; onfy impioicd iminpi used.
A. H. lirisKs, tropiicla3r. Ecaio ordirs tt'O
Noi th .Main avenue, 01 Eiikc'a diusr 'lore, cor.
ner Adams and Jlullieny. noth tcleplioncj.
G. R. CLA11KK k 00.. 'SEEIfcJlEN' AND Nl'l'.J-
erymen. store 201 WTaahington avenue; grciai
hmibps, lUV) Noith Jiain avenue; atom tele
phone, 782.
Wire (Screens. '
Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Sorecni.
also ladies' ivalats. Luuia bliocntakcr, 21J
Adama avenue.
1 elopes, paper tu;?9, twine. Warehouse, lo9
Washington avenue, Scranton. P.
ill Scianton at tlw tienn standi of Rehmiii
Bros., stoil Sprncc and Silt l.lndin; M. Nurtou.
Mi I.aikawanna aienue; 1, ti. Sihulzer, 211
Spruie street.
ESiTATE OF JAMKS ELLIS, laic nl the n-iluujh
ul Diininnii', ('oiinly nf Laikawamu and
Slate of Peiinsiliatila, deicj'cd.
I.rllirs nf mitniiui tration upon Hi" ahnie eititn
Im in- ln'i n cianttcl tu the lunlerslRiied, all p"i
mm Imh hlui Ihrrelti will pleaxo make pintupt.
pi.iiinnt, and lluisi lining ilainii atrilmi tha
colali' will iitifiiL ih'iu mr payment 10
JOHN l. i:i.,
Money Will l!arn 11 1 z Monthly
The oldest estahllshed in Amerha, No ceilifleaU
lioldir li ih eur last n (int. Payments made to
all subs.1 rlhera fiery IS days. Nn tumble. Nu
delay. Honey refunded nu demand. Utile lo
day or particular freo to any' address,
O, E, Slatkey k To,, Hudson llld'i; , Men- Vnrlr.
Bond Offerings.
j?la. Cen. & Pen, Con. 5s.
Payinp 3 34 to S 3-4 per cent,
Tort Worth & Rio Grande, 1st
Gal, Har, & San Ant. 1st 5a,
Iowa Cent. By Co, 1st Ss,
Long Island City & Flush. 1st
Louis. New Albany & Chic. 1st
Mexican Cent. Ry Co. 4s,
Missouri Pacific Trust, 5s,
Minn. Gen'l Elec, 1st Con. 5s,
Rio Grande West. 1st 4s,
St. L., Iron Mt. & So. Refd. 4s.
IVmplctc Circular List on Ion.
"iJ.'A'AABlJU L'AUliHS."
1001 (1'oik.ct Edition) now ready.
Spencer Trask & Co,
37-20. Pino Street. "
State Sireel, Albany, N Y. NP.W VORK
I '
' i
. 1 m "S f.