The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 11, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method nnd beneficial
jffcets of the well known remedy,
Svnui or Fios, manufactured Iy tho
'J.u.tronmA Via Svnur Co., illustrate,
.hcvnluoof obtaining tho liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative nnd presenting
them in tho form moat refreshing to tho
taste and acceptable to tho Ryatcm. It
is the one perfect utrenffthenitip laxa
tive, cleaning tho system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and foyers
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, nod its acting on the kidneys,
liver iind'bowqls, without weakening
or irritating them, make it. the ideal
In tho process of manufacturing flgs
arc used, 'as they are pleasant to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qualiticsof tho
remedy are obtained from tscnminml
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to this Camfohnia Km Hymn
Co. only. In order to gut its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
romemberlhu full name of tho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
FcrsnlBljyall DniRuists. PrlcoMto. perbottla
Ice Cream.
c Quart
'JtJej I cr c Orderi Promptly U'-' vore i
;;,.,:; Adams Avenus.
Piano Turning.
'07 1'iisinlt sivrnur. Hot Will rcfoicncui.
At Retail.
(lili-lf. iriflii' irmpt Jtletilion fir (,imi il''
lmiv .iii.i' I'.m ol flic lit tur nl lust
tii'Hhl,i' f.u- iIuinoIU' u-i.
SimIIci- !!' lui rli-Jin imil Ui-lmy unp.'.-r
i fiu Lilly.
I'.i.-t nf I'..i iliiic.i foi .iticwlins Ii.hIc .U
People's Coal Co.
I'lcpliotif No. !H.V. OltUc, Tuitli htrcc.
Ilir.iKci In l urn n OmohI iii1 TmiIIi.
fiHWCfR ig&Qt A SEES
it. . it. r.u nws iiic .mi iiii.i-
miii iniiiMiii ..iiil ,ip-iiiI.i.i .11 llii' Wlillr n.iK,
In ni,t ii ,Nii. I, liiiilril, .mil CmIiimiiIiU' .Nil I
II.. I,, k W. I'AV DAY.-. 'Ilio l.'lm,iip.
I, .ii I, aw. mi' i .mi) U i -ii hi , miii.iliy p.iiil llin imii.
Ili'i'.- nl tin' MIkiiiiiMuiik iliiMmi ,irloril.i.v.
'Inil.i.v tit.- SiiiiiiIihi .(.ml nidi iilll In- I'.ii'l .mil on
) lli. Ii.iinin.'ii iiill ini'lip thrir ,prj
'.iinlii'.v. 'Ilr' nl .ill the i.i'., iiilliiilcs
A ill ,l,'n lie i.lij lint i,l,
liiri'l UN 'IIIAMiS.-Tlii' iiMiMsro i,f (lie
Vl'IIIIS Wiillllll'l. I'lllMllll iloriil'Lltlull ttii.ll In
lllllllk Ml-. Willi, Mil I illllll'll, tllpilisll llm-l!
ii'iiilf-i' il.p Inline hm- irlwn liy I'ihIomoi' W.
L. Moiiic, In lieluili n( Ilio .i.,nii,itiii. Tl,c
luilci. v.. , ill, I iiImi Ui.iiiI. IIii- Iiimi'iI nl Ir.nlr- for
llirir .irM-nilily in, .Mi-. Atlii'ilnii, V.iltir Hun.
ell I', A. . UnwiT .mil Hip pii'e-,
AMATIM It I'KIII'tlllMANCi:. TIip nnulpiir
piifiirin.ii'ii Jl M. I.iiKp's r.irlli Iihu-p, M.iy !i7,
'.'l, prnliii'i.- In lip ,i Kip.U miitpv., I'nslpu liy
riuih- lliiilliut ,in nut, imil liikiin m.iy he
lui'l ,il II t ml p.- I'.ijiip'i-, Mi'iiii.iii ,V I'iiiiiipII'-,
rinlpi Hiii- Iiiip, IIp.mihIiN IIiiw,. I i:ini,,ly ,v
WjILiioV, Sih.iiiK iV iciuri'n unit .slmtt'ii, i'.u
lliip.ilil in II, i' l.irir ,ili, I tniurily IimIihIp m'iiip
i'f Si,iitPr lpl Kihinil .Inlll.u' ppnph' ulm .no
iiiiihi' Hip illmlluii i,f Mi. II.ii.iihI,
On Monday iiinrnlug next The Trlli
uiic'n .sqeond ICilncatlnniil Contest will
IickIii uud nil youner nion ami women
nl' tliisJ,oyji should teuil tiio full do
si'ilitloiof It as ll may prove to Im
,1ut tho nppnrtiinlty they have been
wishing for.
New Ico Cream Parlors,
The'Uawaniui Pulry company,
wlilrli Ipib for some time past i.'atereil
to tin extensive tuido in disposing of
Ice I'lnam In bulk, bus adder len ereain
parlniH tn its establishment at :w. und
37 Aduina uvenuo, which will lie
opened to-day, where cream of various;
llavoru will bo nerved by the dish at
nil times. The parlors Imvo been tltted
up In an .ojeKant manner and the
wantB cf patrons will m looked after
day r.nd'cveniner durliiK the summer by
h corps or trained assistants under di
rection of D. l' Stone. As the fame of
the Lackawanna Ico cream has been
already established, tho retail depart
ment will no doubt enjoy liberal pat
roiiuge from till start.
A jarUjulere imcl pedestal and u Jap
anese ta.. ppV'-'will ,b8 given free to
each purchaser.' of bno pound of bak
ing powiier'Saturday und Alonduyonly
at tho Qrand Union Tea company, ail
Lackawanna avenue and llii South
Jlaln avenuo. .
r j 1
Imported Cigars.
Dally ;recofpt6 of-the llnest' goods.
Two phones. Dean, IQS.Conncir butldr
ins. ' ' i ' .'
. .
A rumtnauG. sale will be held at 129
Penn avenue, May U, la. and 18. A
great variety Pf desirable articles will
qffo'rod' for sale.
0fllcer3 for I he Institution Wcro
Chosen and Reports Read.
Tho annua! Hireling of llm tlln-ctors
of l.ncktiwnniin hospital wim held yes
tcnliiy In the lulniliilntnillon building.
The ipportB of the olllcern were rend,
elections held, and plans for tho com
lug year discussed.
The election of orili'rrH resulted tin
follows: President, .lumen P. Dickson!
tteHHiirer, 10. 1,, Ktillori secretary. P.
Sllns Walters, superintendent, Miss
Kiln Kineineri assistant superintend
ent, Miss Carolina C'liighorn! head
nurse, Miss lluttnii; stair physrlnns,
Doctors A. ,1. Council, 11. V, Logan, O.
Krigur Dean, C. L. Krey, P. K. Ounster,
.1. 1. Ilea, L. At, fintcs, ,1. A. Munley,
W. !. Knltnn nnd Louis Kroy.
It was the llrst tluio for llie ex
panded directorate to meet. Konner
ly the board conslstPil of nine tneni
lift's, Last full Hip charter was aiiiend
c'd, with permission of court, so as to
enliirgp the directorate to twelve nieni
bei'H. .laines I. Dickson, H. L. Ful
ler, flow .1. A. o'p.ellly. Hon. Alfred
Iiiiihi, J, (irorge Mlslp and J. l' Sny
der arc the hold-over members. Colo
nel i. It. nipple. Hon. William Coii
noll, Conrad Sehrneder nnd Tlinmim V.
Spraguc were chospii fur three years;
O. K. Johnson, for two years, mid W.
K. Hallstp.'id, for one year. .Messrs.
.Sprugup, C'nnni'll. .lohuson and llall
Etead are tho now inomhers.
Tho directors wish to thankfully
acknowledge the receipt from .Miss
Deatrlcc Morris. troiiKUirr of Hip ljul
Vive club, or $10, the proceeds of a
rake unit candy sale which Hie club
conducted for the bcncllt of tho Hnillli
wurd for children.
Number of Conferences Held, but
No Change in the D., L. and
W. Strikes.
Yesterday whs May 10, the day llxcd
by the council of afllliated employes
Upon which answers were to be re
ceived from the employers presented
with the nine-hour day petition. No
replies were had, however, except the
answer of the Dickson people on
Thursday, which was so stated In yes
terday's Tribune.
At a recent meeling between the em
ployes of the Finch Manufacturing
company and Its employes, tho latter
were Informed that tho lirm would
follow the lead of the big manufactur
ers In the matter, and If tho latter
granted the nine-hour day they would
duplicate their action. Humors of a
like stand taken by McCluve, Brooks
& i""o. are reported by the council au
thorities, hut nothing lias been heard
from the Dunmore Iron and Steel com
pany. A meeting was held Thursday after
noon at the Hotel Jermyn of manufac
turers, owners or .superintendents of
the largest concerns In Ibis part of
Pennsylvania, at which the machinists'
demands were discussed and plans laid
for futuip sessions in consider u joint
cotirseof action to be pursued. Thurs
day's meeting was an assembly of
members of the Manufacturers of
Mining Machinery association. Tin;
only local representatives present were
Superintendent Jl. N. McLaren, of tho
Dickson Manufacturing company's
Penn avenue shops, and President I.
II. Finch, of the Flncji Manufacturing
Others of those in attendance were:
President Jones and Secretary Nichol
son, of tho Vulcan Iron Works com
pany, which has plants at South
Wllkes-Hurre. West Plttston and Mr. Legramle, secretary
of the Kxeler Machine works, and the
two Messrs. Touhlll, owners of tho
Touhlll Iron works at West Piltston.
The session was devoted entirely to
a discussion of the uiue-bour demand,
but no definite course of action was
mapped out.
There was no change yesteiday in
the situation at tho Lackawanna
shop". The loeul ollii'lals of the coun
cil are In enmmdnicajion with the
shops along the line and have received
telegrams from the Jersey I'lty, lloho
ken and other locals In answer to the
messages sent from hern. Tho Jersey
City telegram made known tho fact
that a meeting was hold Thursday
night and tho Scranton strike brought
before tho union, while the llohokcn
dispatch says that the local troubles
will be discussed at a meeting; to he
held Monday night.
National President O'Connell has
telegraphed headquarters to act con
servatively and his counsel to sill the
branch union is of the same character.
Klectric City lodge of the Machinists'
union met lasl night In Hulbert's ball
and Instructed its delegates to the
council of afllliated employes to take
final action on tho nine hour day
iiuestlon at tomorrow's mee'Jng.
The .situation at the car shops also
remains the same. Yesterday after
noon a special committee waited upon
Master Car Builder L. T. Cnnlleld and
asked his answer on tho nine-hour
day matter. The grievances, Including
the dismissal of 1 ticks, were not
brought up for discussion, At the end
of the meeting the committee stated
Hint Mr. Cnnlleld refused to talkahout
the nine hour day.
Master Car Builder Canlield was In
conference last night with Oeneral Su
porintondont T. K. Clarke and other
Lackawanna ntllclals at tho Scranton
club, bill refused to make any statp
ment of what transpired, either at
this meeting or during the lime he was
clokptrd with the strikers.
But It Is Thought He Will Ignore
Council's Resolution,
Controller Hoiyoll would not say yes
terday whether or not ho will heed
tho resolution passed by tho select
council on Thursday night and which
will pass tho common council on next
Thursday night, directing lilm not to
countersign any warrants for bills not
approved by the auditing committee,
Tho general Impression prevails,
however, that, acting upon tho rulo
laid down by Cty Solicitor Watson,
ho will Ignore tho resolution and will
justify his contention by the conten
tion that councils huva no right to
abridge Ids powurs In that manner.
If ho does Ignoro tho resolution, just
how council can compel lilui to obey
It Is a little bit of a mystery, with tho
city solicitor nnd tho whole adminis
tration with lilm.
"The Proper Seal."
The seal you wunt Is the Union seal,
not the Trust seal; It Is dust proof,
gorni proof and trust proof. Manu
factured and delivered fresh every day
by M. J. Kelly's Union Homo Bakery.
We Will Help You
to furnish your rooms with all kinds
of rugs, by our low prices. AllchaeUan
Bros. & Co., 121 Washington avenus.
A Celebration Was Held Lnst Night
in tho Association Rooms Secre
tary Adnlr Reported the Wonder
ful Progress Mndo During tho Past
Year nnd an Addics3 Was Mnde
by General Secretary Warburton,
of New York- Prizes Awarded
Winners in Membership Contest.
The local branch of the Unllroad
Young .Men's Christian association has
had a phenomenal growth and has
prospered wonderfully during the past
year under the ninnagpiiipiit of Us
spcrel'iry, W. W. Adair, This fact was
forcibly Impressed last night upon the
large .iiidleuce which gathered In the
association ball lo attend llie exercises
In connection with the celebration of
the twentieth anniversary of the or
ganization of the Scranton branch.
The hall had been prettily and taste
fully decorated for the occasion and a
selected orchestra, under the leader
ship of Professor H. J. Hatter, was
seated In front of the Ktngc, the front
of which was banked Willi palms. A
number of the leading otllclnls of the
Lackawanna road liad been Invited to
ntlend, bin the disagreeable weather
undoubtedly kept them nwny. Kx-n.-noral
Manager W. F. Ilallstead,
however, was present n'nl occupied n
prominent place on the platform.
After a stirring rendition of that
splendid old hymn, "Onward, Chris
tian Soldiers," by tin audience, and a
rervijnt prayer by Itev. James Ben
nluger. pastor of l lie Hampton Street
Methodist Episcopal church, Secretary
Adair was Introduced by Frank P.
Bryant, who was presiding, and In nn
Informal way presented his annual re
port. He told of I he grCat and unparal
lelled increase In membership and In
the amount of dues recrtved during
the year, but said that this did not
tell all that had been done. '"Phc
best result," said be, "Is in the men
themselves, who came in touch
with the work, bringing new life and
encouragement Into the organization."
He spoke In the kindliest terms of
the manner In which tho Lackawanna
company has encouraged and fostered
tho'work In every possible wny.
The statistical report, which was
printed on the programmes, showed
that the membership had been in
creased during the past year from M2
to Sl'7. The receipts for the year were
$..H,.C, as compared with ?:;,S07.S4 for
tho previous year. The total attend
ance at the building during the year
was .'i.'I.Sito. Tho total attendance at
entertainments during the year was
1.770, as compared with C,T2 during the
year before, showing the Increase In
interest In the social work. The num
ber of beds used during the fiscal vear
If-nil-inno was KS. as compared with
I, '"A during tho year just passed.
When Mr. Adair had llnished, the
chairman presented the llrst and third
prizes won In tho membership contest
to the .successful contestants. Tho llrst
prize, a gold watch, was won by A. O.
Leonard, and the third prize, a dress
suit case, was won by S. S. Lonne. The
winner of the second prize, a $10 gold
piece, was J. fiilligan. who was unable
to be present.
The address of the evening was made
by fieorgo A. Warburton, general sec
retary of the New York city railroad
ahsociatinii and an association worker
of much renown..
Three elements combined, In- said, to
make the liailroad Young Men's Chris
tian association tho successful and
helpful organization that It is today.
The llrst nf these, he said, was the
fact thai it originated among the men
themselves. It was not something
which llie companies got the men to
adopt, hut rather something which the
men started and In which tho men
themselves insisted tho companies
should co-operate.
The second element of strength, ho
thought, was tho fact that the com
panies contribute to the welfare of tho
organization, and at the same time to
the welfare of their employes.
The third element of strength, he
said, was the strength contributed by
tho parent organization, the Young
Men's Christian association. The Young
Men's Christian association, lie said,
contributed strong and manly men to
carry on the railroad work and not
only men, but methods.
He said that ho believed It would not
be very long before there would bo a
new Hallroad Young Men's Christian
association building In Scranton. Tho
railroad company, ho said, could not
go back on the work already done and
if It wanted that work continued a
new building was absolutely necessary.
The exercises were brought lo a closn
with Hie singing of "My Country, 'lis
of Thee."
They Aro Additional Features of tho
Great Wnllaco Show.
The f ireat AVollace Show, which is to
exhibit hi this city Friday, .May L'l, has
added In Its list of roatures a complete
miniature circus, or dog- anil pony
This season Mr. Wallace will have
one hundred and two beautiful SIvH
land ponies. They nro well kept and
of Possession
Is tho treasured dreuin of every prop
erty owner or prospective purchaser.
Frequently, it Is' not until tho snlo or
exchange of u holding Is desired that
the cnud upon a title is discovered and
contemplated plans aro defeated.
Title lnsuranco fully protects against
defect of search, exjionso of litigation
In short, It provides complete In
demnification for any loss arising from
tho contested validity of your property
c.uard your interests with a policy of
Title Guaranty
and'TrUsf Company
Of Scranton, Penna.
512 Spruce Street,
I.. A. Wjlrej, I'lCtMcnt.
A. II. Mcfllntoi'V,
II. A. Kiui'p,
Vlic proiilriit.
II. S. Hull, Trust OiBccr
groomed, hainesRed with ornnmontal
trappings, driven hi four, six and
eight-horse teams, pulling a score of
costly, hand-carved, nllded, model
miniature dens and cages. Thin mini
ature menagerie was tlrst Introduced
In the tented Held by Mr. Wallace last
year, and It was so universally ap
preciated thai hp concluded to Increoso
It this season, and this year hn will
have In parade one hundred nnd two
ponies, Since tho circus and menagerie
proper have heen Increased, the addi
tion of the miniature dog and pony
show Is eiiulvnlcnt tn a free miniature
circus to nil patrons or the Ureal Wal
lace Shows.
The trained animal department thM
season Includes the group or educated
pigs, the (rained boar hound, pony and
baby elephant, and the blggerit trained
elephant ever seen In a circus ring. In
the menagerie will be seen nine lion
cubs and a baby kangaroo. When It
Is remembered Hint twenty-four funny
clowns arc employed With the Wallace
shows, It must lie acknowledged that
the offerings of the (ireat Wallace
Shows this year are unusually satis
factory to the clilldicii and younger
friends or the circus.
The Great Wallace Shows will visit
Scraiilon Frlilay, May lit, and will ex
hibit on the Ash street lot.
West End Wheelmen Won Three
Games at Wilkcs-Bnrre West
Enders Beat Green Ridge.
The Klkfi' bowling team wound up an
Inglorious career last night by drop
ping three games at Wilkcs-Bnrre lo
the West 12nd Wheelmen, who thereby
cinch their hold on second 'ilacc. For
the llrst time In the league series a Ho
match was played, the second game
being 7l"-7i;!. It was lulled off and re
united: Klks, II: West Und. St.
The bowling was wretched on both
sides. Yost led with W.l and an aver
age of 17!). Tho scores:
rtul'lliis I.;:. Pin l.'l
rillr.v 1oj 117 111 4UI
M.i(Ioii.i,iiliri' .... 127 I! IIS 411
ll.ii.Lim IH! i:i l.'n' Wi
Illi-lil 17.! I.-, I III -MS
Total 7;!H 7l:i 7ii 21 j.
vi:st i:.i) wiiKKiAinx. 1! IS I 1H0 .V-.7
n.uli i:ss ins is ass
Piiiiirlt i:w l:;'i 171 ft.
Krlly 12 l.Vi 121 :iri
Weiirand 170 i:;n fit v,
Tot.iii ;n 7.ii 220.;
Tho league averages are now:
Won. -Lost. r.C.
niriilo elllh 2" ." .8.1.1
Wot Kml Wheelmen 1.1 !i .li'J'i
Il.iikiN club 12 l.'i .111
WfKl Kml N'o. 2 12 !." .Ill
lllaik lILiniomU 12 IS .100
Klks 8 22 .2117
The West End Wheelmen No. 2 wore
the guests or the Creon Ridge Wheel
men and bowled three pretty games
with u. team picked from club mem
bers, winning two of them. In the last
game Davis, of AVIlkes-Barre, rolled
the highest game bowled In a match
this season. He went through the
game without a break, and by bunch
ing live strikes was able to gather in
'S.K. His average, IS" L'-3, was high,
and Weckesser was a good second with
20.". and nn average of 183 2-3. Tho
nitKK.v liiniii:.
W. Weiiliel Mil 10.: 11.1 I'iO l.ll 110 117 121
M.i-on : 1.-H lwi Mil l'tt
Mci'l no i:;r, im :m
Muoie 171 Hi l.Vi ."ill
Ti' SI'! $r, ti')7 2.121
Ilimlrr 17.-, Ill 12i 117
P.nU l:i 2"i", ,VK
.loiios 117 111 112 10')
fur 12", 17S 111 !!-
V. ci l.i.vrr 17;: 3tt 17.1 Ml
Tola I j 7. R.VJ 711.1 2I0.
City Solicitor Favors Plncing the
Company on the Offensive.
There nre several plans under con
sideration for the bringing of a test
ease to establish the legality of tho
ordinance fixing water rates for this
city, but the-plau that City Solicitor
Watson Is known to favor Is the
placing of the company in the position
of relator, rather than in that of re
spondent. This could be done by getting one or
more consumers of wnter to refuse to
pay the present rate when requested to
do so by tho company, nnd to insist
upon paying no more than tho price
llxcd in the ordinance. This would
force the company Into bringing suit
to recover the full amount of the pres
ent rato and would make the con
sumer, backed, of course, by the city,
the defendant In the case.
There seems to bo no doubt In tho
mind of any person who has considered
'the matter but that the legality of the
ordinance will be attacked by the com
pany and as it Is generally presumed
that they will take the case up to tho
Culled States Supreme court, In caso
they lose In the slate courts, it Is
deemed advisable to liavo the matter
brought up as ipiickly as possible, as
such h course of procedure would take,
at the must conservative estimate, at
least two years.
Kdward radden and Thomas Harry,
who wero arrested about a month ago,
on tho charge of attempting to crimi
nally assault thirteen-year-old Kdna.
Hunt, In a Lackawanna box car, and
who were held In ball on that charge,
wero rearrested yesterday at the In
stance of District Attorney W. It.
Lewis, on tho speciilu charge of crimi
nal assault.
They were arraigned beforo Magis
tral Howe in pplco court yesterday
iimrnlns and wcro committed to tho
county jail without bail, to await the
action of the grand Jury. Tho district
attorney was moved to cause the re
arrest of tho men after having care
fully boiio over thn testimony adduced
"at the tlrst hearing.
Fancy Vests.
See our large lino of fancy silk, re
versible vests. Nothing like thorn In
th city, Thoy are really worth as
much as two ordinary silk vests. Come
In and see them. Wo have a variety
of pleasing styles and tho prices aro
right. Hlehards & Wlrth, 326 Lacka
wanna avenue.
Local cUU for May 10, 1101;
lllldicet tcinpeiMtuic ,, ,. 61 dcpiccj
l.nucct Invrcrjtine ,, M degncj
tlcUtbc liiimidily:
S .i4 in. tl rr i cut.
S ii. ii) 07 per rent.
1'icilpiUtlon, 0. IS iiu'li; weather, laliiy.
That in Which Frank Sllllman, Jr.,
of tho Scranton Railway Company,
Is Charged with Bribing Old Forge
Councilman, Hnn os One of Its
Main Witnesses P. W. Gallagher,
the Company's Former Claim
Agent New Indictment In the
Wnyland Caso.
Yeitdrday afternoon the grand Jury
heard the case In which General Man
ager Frank Sllllman, or the Scr.mton
Hallway company, Is charged by Wil
liam Hcpp with having bribed council
men or Old Forge borough.
Among the witnesses examined were
William Itepp. the prosecutor: Wil
liam Cnllagher, who waji nn agent of
the defendant nl the time of the al
leged brlhery: Patrick Coyne. Hubert
Staff, Thomas Klleoync, Anlonl lilnn
eurdl, Thomas Stevens. William F.
Munroo and Patrick (iallaglny, who
were in tho councils, and H, J. JuiIrc,
who was the clerk of councils.
The prosecution Is mainly founded
on admissions made In the hearing of
the equity case brought to enjoin the
borough from giving the company n
franchise. Five of the seven council
men, Klleoync rUancardl, Stevens,
Munroo and (iallagher, It was admit
ted received pass books from the trol
ley company and were paid $10 apiece
by the trolley company for expenses
for attending the hearing, although
they had been subpoenaed by the oth
er side.
It Is also possible that, other testi
mony bearing on the transaction was
adduced from P. W. OaKiiBhor. who
was prominent In the negotiations be
tween the company and tho councll
nicn, and who, since that time has
been dismissed from the company's
employ .
Among the other cases heard yester
day were those In which the Munici
pal league charges bribery against ,T.
.1. McAndrew and P. V. McCann: per
jury against Anthony Dunleavy, and
obstructing justice against S. K Way
land. In the last named ease the ruin
to quash the original Indictment was
made absolute by agreement, nnd thn
district attorney was later directed by
court, at the Instance of the Municipal
league, to prepare and submit a new
bill of indictment upon the old tran
script, without further preliminary
hearing. This is for tho purpose ot
curing tho. defects In the original in
dictment. A return will be made by
tho grand jury today, it Is expected.
Denies He Had a Slot Machine.
One or tho thirteen men from up-the-valloy
towns arrested at the Instance
of the Municipal league for having a
r.Iikcl slot machine on bis premises,
wns AT. J. Gallagher, of Wlnton. It
was charged by Agent Hobcrt Wilson,
in the Information made to court, that
the officers of the Municipal league,
on March S, 10(11. found a slot machln'e
in Oullngher's hotel. It was seized
and carried away and was one of
those destroyed with other gambling
paraphernalia at the driving park two
weeks ago.
Mr. Gallagher eamc into court yes
terday, through his attorneys, Wlllard,
Wnrron and Knnpp, and made answer
denying the allegations or Agent AVI1
lard, Warren and Knupp, and madf
answer denying the allegations of
Agent Wilson. He avers that be was
not proprietor of a hotel In Wlnton at
the time the Municipal league agents
allege they found a slot machine in his
hotel, and further that be did not
maintain a slot machine on any of
his premises.
Corporations as Joint Defendants.
The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Uailroad company and the
Dickson Manufacturing company were
made joint defendants In a J10.POO dam
age suit, instituted in Prothonotary
Copeland's office yesterday by Attorney
P. F. LouRhran, for John Ceha, a la
borer at the Cliff works, who was run
down by nn engine. May 21, 1S00, and
bad his leg so badly crushed It bad to
bo amputated.
Ho wns engaged In wheeling ashes
from tho Dickson company's shops
across tho tracks to a dump, where tho
accident occurred. It Is alleged tho
Dickson company was negligent In re
quiring' him to follow a dangerous
passageway, and that, the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western company
was negligent In not exorcising tho
care that would have prevented the
End of Equity Court.
Judge Carpenter yesterday finished
taking testimony and bearing argu
ments In tho equity case of Canluu
ugnlnst Kirst.
This exhausted tho list, but court
was convened In session that the re
turns of the grand Judy might be re
ceived to-morrrow.
Marriage Licenses,
f iabliesh Scranton
Josephine Saurleku
Josoph Haischofsky
Sophia Vecosku ..
August .Mc'iniiicko
Katterinu t'iuzlar,,
Pnsftuale Luongo ,,
Pasillali;i Cuprio . .
Alfonzo I'etiu.lllo
..' Archbnld
'.',sn Ash street
...S.oM Ash streot
Theresa rruecauto PIttstou
AV'oJozeeh Klocek Olyphant
Anna LuJas Prlcoburg
John .,.,,, Prlccburff
Vinccntlna Oscwska PrlcohnrK
Making Arrangements for tjie Com
ing' Armory Ball,
Tho executive committee of tho ar
mory ball met last night In tho hoard
of trade rooms and much business was
transacted. Present wero; Colonel II,
M, Roles, Major J, W. Oakford. Homy
nelln, Jr.. Colonel F H, Hippie, Major
J. 11. Fish, Captain K. K, Chase, Cap
tain D, H. Athorton, Lieutenant W. K.
Ounster. W. O. Parke, W, II. Taylor
and A. CI, Hunt. Colonel II. M. Holes
reported for tho reception committee;
A. CI. Hunt for the Ilnor commute;
t.'uptaiu K. F. Chase for the music
committee. It was decided to lutvo
Bauer's full band of forty pieces, and
Alexander's Ninth ltcglincnt bund, of
W. II. Taylor reported on the decur
atlons. (','. It. Manvllle was obliged to
decline the position of chairman of the
transportation committee and.M. T.
Smith, of tho Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western, was made chairman.
The name of H. W. Cross was addeir
to that committee. The supper com-
5 r$? vf
Geo. V. Millar
n Bicycles That Run Easy.
5c t ii c!9elK9s( III. v
2k. - Xy
You certainly are if you don't keep
posted on the styles and prices of footwear.
Stir up your neighbor and tell him what he
is missing by not reading the papers. Hope
nobody will wake up after it is all over and
say we didn't give him a fair warning.
Shoes at these prices can't be had every
day, and we can fit any foot that grows.
Look at these prices and see if there is not a
temptation in it for you. There's money in
it for you if you come and make a purchase
In all leathers and in all
Men's 4.00 Shoes
and Oxfords at
Men's $j.5o Shoes
and Oxfords at
Men's $5.00 Shoes
and Oxfords at
Men's 82.00 Shoes
and Oxfords at
Men's Fine Shoes in
ack and tan, ' worth
1.50, at
See the celebrated "Stetson" and J. & M. Shoes
Oxfords for men. The swellest of the swell.
mltlco reported by Mr. Hellii. II will
he served iu the administration biilld
Iiik. T. J. Foster resinned as clmlrmuu of
the prlntlupr committee and Htnnley
Allen, uf the Colliery ihiKlnecr com
pany, wns appointed in ills stead.
It Will Be Constructed to Relieve
Lackawanna Avenue Sewer.
Chief Knslneor Phillips or the Htireau
of Knelucerlns ban prepared plans and
specifications for the construction of
a sower hi Hallroad alley, which Is
to relievo tho main sewer on l.ach.i.
wanna avenue.
An nrrlliKiiu'o iirnvidinc for its con
struction was introduced iu select coun
cil nn Thursday night liy Mr .Meivin.
It- appropriates the tuuu of TU'.COO for
tho construction of the newer, which
i'liioiint was provided for iu the sower
bond 'ordinance passed lust year.
For Thought
Spring Is hcio with Us dowers and
thoughts ot Summer cottnges nnd of
beautifying of city homes. Flowers
look piottlor ntiilil congenial environ
ments, Jardlnlers, llower stands and
pedestals, on which to place tlicin, add
much to their .beauty, lfyou haven't
asked tho prices or theso goods, wo In
vito you to Inspect prices and styles.
vu, I
& Co. fflaffi!"
It U iiK'Ht litipnrlniit. Ilil bicycle
limilil lo c.i.y riinnliis.
tle.illliliil eweke Ii heneflcUl, tiili '
li.inl work i'. injuiitlK.
The lie.nlnsi ot tlm "Si'i anion" (
snmantce IIkIiIik'S nf limning mill 111 ;
MuiiKlh ni.iki.i it tho niot iliitalik' 1
ulirrl (or all cI,ism of lirlcra.
I'rlcM to suit the poikrthool. j
126-128 Franklin Ave.
200 pairs Ladies' Fine Dongola
Stock and Patent Tip, all lace,
worth $1.30, all sizes,
at VOC
172 pairs Ladies' Fine Dongola
Lace Shoes, cloth tops,
worth Si. 25, all sizes. .
at 75c
Ladies Fine Oxfords
at 50C
(We have some for $5.00,)
Coal at Retail
Delivered to any part of tho city AT
Gibbons Coal Co.
Telephone 1383.
South Side.
Oponinp; of the Season.
The amusement season at Nay Aug
park will bo opeped on Sunday, when
tho merry-go-round will ho started. It
has been decided tn place the price for
lides for children at three cents each.
AeU for Kelly's union crackers.