f- v Sl ... 'j?'i 'e"V' s V " 3Fv -' & J A 1 THE SCRANTON TRinUNE-SATURDAY, 31 A V It, 100JC. itf Religious,... f,m IIH Oncoiitn War 1ms IIiIm to wiy of Itov. .1. It. Hwvl, 1). n.; for Vlr inoilv iHiMtor of tlic Klini'.toii ' At. i. rlimuli, wlui li now In Olllllgl- of tlm Oncotitii oliutuh. Itev. .Inlm II. bvtrrl, I). I., vv.n urtrlnl by 1-irire coiii;ii nit loin )pslrnl,i)' lUi'J t tio twit rr mom wrip ri-tr-lvril Willi much favor liy IIhp irrirnt. 'Hip iPVprrnel rciiIIoiii.iii pp.-ik-i iippir. riill.v wlthnul iinlm cil liny Mini. He- I fluent. plCti'lns i-pealcr, me t finite KiutIMi iiihI. ill-tlinui-li he InlU r.ipiell)-, is r.illy followed be came sysli untie- In I1I1 line of tlmiiitlil. ills' t-l)p N cud nl lint tu hole! iitlctillon, in in.ui)' fit IiIs,jtiii.iiU aie- hiei;c.Hio, leiivint; niiillloH tii tuilp Hip application. At Itic iiminlni: ser vice lln- iliintli was1 utmilpil, Mr. Suiet loiik for his IrU ivonU found In Kpliwl mi ill. : "Hie tiii'riiiili.ilitp rlihps or llnlt." Tin' eriiimn wa-e a pl.iin irnpi I one. ilioliitr, liv eoiiipiti.nii Imw the- ilchts of I'lniM IM-t thar.ulir. life .iml mltatioti ivruimhtbv Illi death hip iiiispniihihlp tti iiiiiiy, lin.itwiit.i pcrinn.it hi I, r.r lln M-.iiiliiy. IHchce nt earth :uo hidden mill miip. ninl. Iirnti', miw.m li itilc; the beau-tic-i nf wort.i n( ml iiip iitnppirililtil liy tlio mmlMlc.-; t lie iliirmi o( li.ittup iirp unobserved, because of tlitlr nhiimlami".. ihe iiiasteipleecie nl .tiehltpi lure .an- linspuiliiiblp In Uiosp nut versed ill the nrt, n the uii-paie liable rle hci of Mirt-.t rrin.iln in.vi-tciips nf their tiiturp. I'lio nuclei I) lug pilmlplos nf I lie riches nf t'hilit 3 lne. II Is broad mnl Keep .iml toueliei all 111.-111-kiml. Me .ue .ill Miilptnis cnltn-lid with mjiiip p,nl of the ele1n.1l 1 1 1 v, ,111.1 n up il our work w. II. .Im pi Ttr our 1 har.iptpii nf If r the X i.-sreiieV-i .1 iiiniiil, we will timl tint we ,ne 1 .nil ir we and lump In know- the ihhes nf t'ltiisl. In (hi-insr. Hie p.islor Mated lint lil inU-Inn hup, was ii"t I" pie-enl mil "lin," miy new nr pirlliul.ir lielief, Iml In pipspnt, as In I lie iiiil"l.,tli!' nn-p,iielnbp lie lies nt Christ, whii-h, In all, ale Hip cie.it nppil nf hiilil.nilly tnilij. Lit iiji limy niir-,i.lns In the enein nf l.'nil'a line.. t'he' eveuinU 1 miirirc itinn mi.ihi tille.l the ilnneh .mil Mi', we-el frie a ipoiom M'linnii 1 1 ..in tin! iVit: lleluews , Ml: "By f.iitli the w.llls e.f .lellihn fell ilnwli, si'trr thi'i were tnllipi-fclil .ihmll e'irn eliy.." Mnvl, rlnqurlltly lie Ini'il of the iee nf .lent ho .mil how- fiitli won nnl lie 111 nle the leuti nf f.iilh's kloi i s .mil nlieelicine In tlo.l'r, ni.lrus iinpresne, divine iiinilein .1 will j Hililli il illii-lr.ilinin nf llie (tilth 'Hie Minimi w.is iiiteti.eii- inkr-. e-.ilnjr ami tlm lnu-o eonciriralinii reeeHcil it my attrnlivcly ami tlmimlitfiill.i. ' " "Tlio elnimincf KvuiikcHhI," AV. II. AVIllkiins, luis iluiliipr tlio ii.'ist wct'k lii-en I'oiu'ni'thiK specliil cvanollstlo HiretliiKS in the Presbyterian inii-Hltiii nitiniR .it 1'rlcolutfS', with gnrnV .success. The looms lutvo liceti rrowtlrtl each 11 orpine. 7Jis subject to-nlRlit -will lip Ills faiurms lulli, "The jast rtotnp "With I ho TIrpi-." Sontl.-iy, May 32, 11 1 lfl:::o a. 111., l'uillau foiisfpfjiillniTil chiiri'h, Proviilenre, .subject, "Ri-eakitif; lUniie Ties;" :':?M ji, 111,, Ii-esl)yterinn Allssiou, l'jii-Pbuicr, subjoi't, "Social -Tmity," a spnuon to men only. No lmys uuiifi- lltleeu ailmiltcil. At 7:S0 1. 111.. (.'Iiristlun chin cli, I'roviileni'p, M.bjpe-t, "Thp ist lionip With llie TIupi-." Aloiicliiy, liny 12, 7:110 p. 111. , I nrt well spimon in the Presbyterian mission, 1'ik-ebiiis. Tiit'.stlay, May 11 lo 1'0, liifliifive, spoe-ial evangelistic ii-n ieiM in the Alethotlist Kpiscopal i-liuieh, .Moscow. Subjects I'm- these meetings pre a.s iiillnus: Tupf-ilay, Aluy II, 7:."0 p. 111,, "The Tin Virgins," "Weelnesilay, May I.", 7.."!0 1 1. 111., "Nil Kooin for Jesus;" Tlmipilay, .May lfi, 7:,;i) p. m,, "The l.iist Iinit.-itliin:" Frlelay, Alay 17, :t p. 111.. sprmon to aguel lieople: Frielay, May 37. 7:1111 p. in., "T.he Prodigal Son;" Saturday. May IS, 3 p. 111., klndergaUon hcrmoii tu i-hlldicp, .subject, "The liii.t Stint;" Satuiday, Alay IS. 7:110 p. m "The hast Rtinip "With the Tiger;" huiulay, Alay 1!, 10-30 p. 111., "nre.iking lloine Tiei;" Sunday, Alay W, IS p. in,, sei inon to men only, subject, "Social Puiity," no boys under fifteen atl niltlPd; Sunday. Alay V.i, 7:30 p. 111., The Young Alan and His Company:" Atonday, Alay 20, 7:30 p. m l'arewell si 111011. , tils furtlier dates now aie as follows: Sund.i, Alay 2fi. 10-30 a. in.. Ilaiupton htieet Alelhodist cliitrch; 7:30 p. 111., .liicksoii street Baptist eliurcli; 3:1.". p. 111., V. AI. C A., Scianton City A.s-o-e-iation: Sund ly, .lune :', 7:30 p. 111., First Ihiptlsl cliuicli, llydp Park: Sunday, Juiip !i, --io p. ni , Presbyterlnn rl.uii-li, Kinghte The l'ull'uvli.i Jit upon tlii? now pasteir e.f 'the 1 in Wilkts-Hai ip, - . 'AlPtlmdlst chinch appears in tlio cur rent issue- of the Cln-lstinn Aelvor-ate: "It is v, Illi tltep regret that the mein btrs 'if 1'ittslMiirf t-onl'ei-encp s.iy t'are upII to .1 II. nit-klord, wlio until ie eently has been pastor or SmlthtlcM street church, Pittsburg..1 Tii other IJicNfoid luis been appointed to Fiist Church, AVilkes-Iiaite. ills woi'k in I'itlslnng has bei'ii eirinently success ful, though the lipid was 11 ellillcult imp. Aluch as done during Ills pastorate in beieiitltylng the ehiliph. A new or gan. one of the llncst In the city, was jecently placed in the church. The bn npvolont t-olltt-tioiiH have bi-pii niiiln talneil at Hip lornicr hlgli uvprage, anil till in nil, tlio work lias been must satisfactory. The tt'llkcs-llirip chinch Is to bo totigratiiliilptl mi the nc-qnlsl-llun o Dmtlior Hlrkfoiil; anil lie nmv lest iiRsiiit-d of a hearty wileoinn should .lie again recoil c an tipiiolut niCJit in uiir toiirniPiice." At the' Penu Avenue Maptlst church tomorrow evening the pastor will give tlio closing spi-nion ledum in the Il lustrated set ps em "Pilgrims' Piog l(S,s." Tlio themo of tlio sermon will be "Tlio Ilitiiel or Uoulali and the Ce lestial City." Appreipriatp to Iho ser nion Mis, 1.'. :, Hiiinilagp will slug "The Holy City" ami tho hyiiin will bo bpfiiitlfully lllusttalPd by tlio aid of u numliPi' of eliolcf stereupticnu views. The IVnn Avenue t;huu-li lias been orowded t tho doors nt all of these iPi-iions, ninl tlio pastor ins planned to contlnun tlic attractive Sun day evening .survlees during the suin nie'r, The Hov A. O. aaelielli-Iu, who 1ms befii Hssccldltd with Dr. Scolleld in pe :pnt blblo couferoiites in Npw Yotk ind Hf.Fton, Is to givo Hlliln readings Monday inn Weelir's-tlny nftcrnoons at I and Monday, Tuesday and AVedncs lay evenings at S, in (iiacp ltoforinod Episcopal church. . Itov, 'It. It. Tliimuisim will rend n paper at tlio Itaptlst pastors' conrer ince nt 10,30 Monday, on tho subject, is Tliero a Fiiiiuo Punlshnient? IR'liat Is It?" Up I)r, William J, Kidmmi. the coleluated Hible teacher, of Hiiltliuoic, nil! 00 111 we city 011 llie 'jst 1 and 2iith af this month. Ho will conduct a Klbln re.iillng t the Seconil I'lcstiyierlan jnuu'li 011 hatiuu.iy night, and win occupy that pulpl.t on Sunday, a will re nis (list visit to Scianton, ami the pecasion will be anticipated with much jievcst, j.-or some months. Colonel lid Airs. Holes have had Ulble nuiil. Iss at their house on Saturday nights. conducted by Allss Savage, and tho coining of Dr. Kidman on this occa sion Is the outcome t these little ser vices. Tomorrow's Services Methodist Episcopal. Win I'.ilk iliurcli Pi,P3er nliel pr.ibe fcrvite nt 11:10 ii. ni. i iircmtiinit Mr le e nt 10.0. Sor' inon ley the piMor, Dr. t. M, tllllln. Cl.iss meet inK alter Inniiiiiii? Kcillie. Sinnkiy st hoot nt '2 p. 111. .Innlor leaRiit- at .1.13. Senior llpw-orlh ie-auiip nt 0.:;o p. 111. At 7."0 p. 111. the twelfth niinUeis.iry nf the I'liw-nrth leamie will lie nli- pentiL Aehlrees liy .Mr. Thomas II. D.ilc mnl Mr. .Imnrs II, Slieplirrel. Spetl.il miisit- has hcen nii.uif.-oil for the nccislon. All .".oiinu peo ple .110 lortllally inilleel to llcnel. Simpson Melhoellst Diiliiop.il ihnrtli-llev. It. ('. Mellennott, pastor. l're.ielilni; nt IftSTO n. in. i S'uiiiliy silinol nt 11,41 11, 111.; Junior Iraciie at .'! p. 111. The .mnberiaiy of the llpwoilli li'.imie will take plaie at the hour of the own. Ini! seiilei-, A line pi ot ,1111111c has hern nr runceil. 'Ihcrp will ho (.peilal iinulo coiiteMIng eil snliis, iiiaitelles, niilliniis, 1 te-. 'Hie neleln-ss will he ilelbrieil liy llie p.ntnr. The people nip. eoiillally inillpil. I'lnlltlence MpllienlM i:iiee.i.il 1 him li- liev. Ik ni rp A. t'uie, p.iitoi. Ilintlicrliooel ot St. Paul meet al 111 a. to. Sulijiet eif senium at l(l.."J), "Piepirly ami Clin.uier in the I'euleros Inl I'lnueli." Similiv j-eiinnl nl 2 p. 111.; l'p wmtli 'leamie, at i'..'l."i, Inple, "Pi.iilliMl lirln llnnlty," le.ulei- ('. l . I).nnii, rse.. In pl.ua of the late M. I'iiim.ii. to whnlil the mlije-rt Will .it-Jpuil. (ictit-i.il niiiiiMi-aiy i'iiiies nf llie llpwiiitli league at 7."l, In iiinie nf '.. i. lleiijamin, prt'sielenl. An iiitpir-tliig liteiary ami 11111.i1.it piiici.iuime is pininleit, A-lmry Mt llimli-t Kpi'inpal eliinih -llev. W. (',. siiiip.nii, ). II., jiaMiii. DeMjtlniial miTtiii;; nf the llrntlieilioiiel of SI. Paul nl f-'lO n, in. At lOWl n. 111. Hie twelllli aiiiibri-iiiy of the Kpuoilit leamie will lie cele-litateei. A jpetl.it procramme liyis heen ptrpaieil for tlic ilay. This is .1 sen ice of cleat inteiest. Similay stliool at '-'."II p. nt. Kpuorlli li.isue at 0.W) p. 111. At 7.::n p. in. tlio Woman's roreien llsiionary mji iol.v of the eliuiili will hotel the aiimi.it meetiic Aililiess hy Mi.s Crouilier, a mi.sNioii niy fiom ( I1I11.1. Piajer iiirrtlni;, Weelnesel.ij , nt T.oO p. 111. lltMiic-s meeting of tlic Htotlierliooil of St. Paul, 011 the sot one! ami fourth Tucsilajs of cat li month, at 7 :'U p. in, SV.its free anil all ate weleome, A-li Slieet .Mi'tho.liit I'pi-copil rlnirtli -Ilcv. J. It. .11-I111, p.tor. Moinimr pieatliiui; fer tile at in .10; Milijett, "A C001I Man." Class merliiifr al 11. SO a. 111., .1. ', M.teis, leader, siiinlij stlmul at -J p. 111., i:. W. Stone, fupei 111 cnelenl; .Iiinioi- l.e.niiie al .1 p. 111., .MNs Kittle Haitiii.in, siipeiinteuiii'nt ; l'.punith league at li, 1 1 p. 111., leel liy the pastor. Kteniiii; preach ini." sen in- at T.::0; suhjett, "ChccifuliiCM." A 11ml1.1l wehnme to all. Nay Aup: Methoelisl Kpitopal cliiue;li Similay -tlmol at -J.':n p. 111., 1'iink lalwanls, siipcrin lenilent. Pteaeliin-j --en lee at ::.0 p. 111, Class niietlm: at I p. m. . Al. .Nion, leailer. All weliome. llamplon Mipt-t Mellioelii-l Kpitopal ihiuih Itev. .lames llitininKcr, pastor. Preaching at 1U.S0, -.ulijeit, "fhe Ilcs,t ltlooel Medicine" ; ilas iiii'i-ting at II. "0; Similay i-ehool at 2; .luniois al it; Senior ieiRiie at (1,;10, leader, .1. T. Itendle: eteitinir pieaehini; venire at 7.30, sulije-cl. "Diiiil's Prater for Open JIjcs." A weltomc to all. (.'01111 Slfeet .McllintlM Kpistoptl chineli Itcv. fl. (.'. I.j 111 111, jiastor. CI.is, !1. 15 a. 111. , O. II. Dp Wilt, leailer; pit-achiittr, 10.H0: umliy se hool, 11.13, !. 11. Clark, Mipcniitcnilent; Junior leJEiie. il..':n, .Mi. 1'ieil Kinir, iiiperintendent; 1'pwortli leJKiic, i.::0; pieaeliiiii;, 7.::0; W eelni,daj- cen lujr, 7.M1, pi it-i- iiiretiiii;, followed liy the ipiaitcrli confeieme. Hi. A. (irillin will pre- lele. Ceil 11- Aieniie MflhodUt Kpieopal tliiinh 1 P. Holy, pitor. All Hip veniies will lip held a-, ihii.il, tin- pi-tor pleaching nt JO.'iO 11. in. and at 7..JO p, m Al all the venues of this eluuili the hi-ats an- fuo anil ewi.tlindy is in iteel, Thp sliaiicr is espet ially we-ltoim-. Ci-iinnn Mclliniliit Kpi.inpil liiiiuh, Adam-, an-iiue ami Mm- stiei-i li. Hulnlin, p.istnr. PuaihiniC seniet--., 10.SD a. 111. and 7.30 p. 111. 'the Hiliject 111 the moiiiin will he, "The rirt toiiiuiaiiilintnl," and in llie ciciiintr, "Jorepli, tho Imoiiuptililt- Iiiiiii" Man"; Siuuliy nhool at noon, and at 2 o'eluek at the Tatloi- Amine ihapel; Kpwnith leauup inti ting at 0.15 p. in.; prajei inciting em 't'liin -..I i ctcnim.'. Afnean Jlellieiili.t i:pitOul iluucli Dr. II. S'. Iltntley, pi.tor. Preathinj; at 1030 a. 111,; Siuuliy mIihoI, 2 "0 p. in.; Chii-ti.iii Kndeaior pr.nor lneclnm', 7 p. m A111111.il tli.ink'-giiini; .-eniee en the (.'. L (I, nf U. l'.'i., 7.15 i. 111., when thp n inlm-. of s',-tilt, ne: lode, Ao. 1.I.0, will attend ill a built. , Bnptist. Pemi Vteiiiie ltipti-l thuith, Penu atetiue, he. twitn Spun-.'' and l.indtu street... Pieaeliiuir, mntnfuK at 10. -.0 and evening at 7.::0. by tho pistor, Itev. Itolint I'. V. Pieice, 1). II. Mom. ins pia.iei- in the lown templo at fl. 13. 'Ihemu nf llie iiioriiiuu' st'iiuuii, "I'he I'alaee nf tin Knnt." llilile mIiuhU, at llie Penu aieniie eluuili at 2 n'eloek, and at Iho Aiuiitum minion at 3.::0 o'lln.k. enni,' Piopli'' iiit'itlm; at 0 30. Ttpiej nf the eu'nimr si'imoii-lei line, "Tht- Land eif llenlah and the I lt-sli.il lit." The senium will lie illu-ti.itc 1! with many elioite w'ews, ami will he the limine si'imon on the "PjIkiIiii's I'loftiess" sriiis. Mis, lliuiidtae will Mug "Tup Holy Cil,," and III" h.niin will he It iiiiKoiui'ly llliistraleil. An etaiiKi-IUiie' alltr inirting will follow- the rsMuinu, l'nt llapli-l ihiuih, South Main airline lle, S. I', Mathews, pator. .Mis. I,. .M. .NpwpII, it-p-li'-entlng the Women's Home Mission oiirty will oitupy Hip pulpit al Hip iiuniiiiig i-iiin, 11,30 11. in. 'I lip usual 0 1 1 1 i 1 1 ic smiep at 7.30 p. m.; Stn11l.1v Mhonl, -J:il p. in., at Plymouth iliureh, llr. Iipihlnp, aiippiliitf-iiilcnt; It. " Y. P, I, Mivltf, n.'iil p, 111. at Itmiie hall. Krgnl.ir weekly pia.ier lueetinu', Wnlui-selaj, 7,:;o p, m. All .tie ennlially 1 1 1 1 1 1' I . .1,11 1,-ini Slieet HipilM ilnuili -Moinlnir play er nitetiuir nl i.::o, llnitlu-r I). It (lilihlhs, leiil- el, Muiiiliig Minimi In Hip pa.ini, Hot-, ' 1 1 as ile 1,1111 h.i, II. P.; tnple-, Hip Sight of the lietiajal," 'Hie bonis siippir will he .uluilii isteied at Hie tlo.o of the mniului; sprtlip. 'k, rlcht hand nf fellowship will he- epmpi n, new- lui'iiiln-M. Siindn- 14 linn I at 2, llinllici Chnh'.s llolh'.t, Mippilliilemli'iil ; etiiilui; mm mip at 7 rh.it p; piaisp ami sntic serviie, fu luwi'tl lit .1 shin I ail, Ins-; tuple, "pel lis i, C l.ifp. ' 'Ihls seiUu- is holt ,in,l iliieifiil and wp liitlle. all In ennip, tlli'tn Itiilpp lliptisl ilnuili Mnrnliii; piajer iiiipUiik at 10 n'tluik; pieaihiic In Hip pisim al 10.311, Mis. Newell, nf Phil idelplila, will Up IIhi'.iii aihlii'ss ut 7.30 under the auplees nl tin- Woman's I'uii'inu Mlisioniry wit-let) ; Sun-eln- sell. ml at 11.15; mietini: of the Junior mi 1 ,rl at :i,:.o; piaei uncling of the S'cninr roil to at ..'to. Illakily HiilUt tluiiilt -Hiviei Bpeiiti-r. J), P., pistnr. liHiiti a. in., si'iiuon, "I'he llalloncil .Name"; 11.15, lllhle sthnnl; 0.15 p. in., H, V, P. 1.; 7.K11, l.idr lllleii Prnnun loeige, No. 2.', H. of II,, will atuml the ttniies. Kvcohodv wtltonie, ' Presbyterian. Hut I'lolivlciian ihtlllll-llcV. .hllllPa Mll.COil, I). 1)., p.utor. Sprvltev- at in:u 4i. m, ait.) ".Ml p in. Moinlin; tul'ijcct, "Thp lloippl o( ci.iM' Artpii-ou"i tvpiiius subject, "pome llllilr riitlhs Tout bins Iho I'owpi- ami linpoit .nne of Money as lllu.tiatiil by the Mmk (Mm lilci.' Ite-cpiit Vxrmy in Iho Hjic tor Ilichc," 'Ihe bPiiiiitl I'lPsbjti'ilau eluuili. hPivlen at 10 30 a. in. ami 7..'Hl p, m, Dr. Ibiblnwin will pri'.iib lit Iho iiiornini;, There will bo a servite ot wini! In tho cieulii!;. A lonllif Imitation 1 iwli'inliil to all. Washburn hlrnt l'ifhli'rian iliurcli Rev. Joint I. Motr.lU, 11. 11., pastor. Svrvkes at lo lit) j. in. aii'l 7.."U i. in. Illl'lo sthool at I.' ni,; C. 11. oiiiib I'lople ut (.) p. in., .iibjnt, "Prap Heal ritrUtlanil,," le-jelei, jw ficrlru'lc liar inuiiMii; ira.vti nioi'tluif, Wnhipwliy evenlui;, 7.80 P- m.i dubjetl, "'Ihe Cliiirih' lllcmril In hcritJinc." TIip pa.ttu- villi preath inuiuliii: ami cvenlni,'. (MTcrliii; (or boaul of church cm lion liioinlni; ami eieuliiK. 'Hit; putor will prcarli inoriilui; ami cu'iiint'. An linpoitjnt annoiiiiic nioiif villi bo nude at tin; moruiut; (ervlvv. All well onio. Ailauis Avfiiue ihapel. New Voik .tieet The llev. Jainc. Ilut-lii't will piraih at 1U..-IU ami T.!ii. Moiiiiiic ubjeit, "Heaven on lUrth"; cvritlui; eubjeit, "'I he brionei Coming ol Christ." . Sunddv School . Lesson , ic Great Commission. j.E.Giibert,D.D n-4. ......ill. tA in Secretary of Amctlean Mav il flatt XXVIil: 10-20. society of Religion! May 1A Education. II ' IM linili;CTIO.V.-It fhoiild " lie icnicniticrcil lh.it the life of .Ifsiis Clitl't in litis wmhl liad totilaiit leferenro tn the welfnu of men. II.' t.itmlit nnd flrtcd for tho Ktiod of ntlicm. lie was ni tilled with the uplril of tieneiolruee lint lit- iduined to he it tiltssliur idler le.llliiB tho woild. It was for this purpose that He wlcit td a tnnipiny of tllsclples, that lie Ratlieted them tpRrtltir and ilisliuetpil them tor lit'arly thieo tar, that they mluht lie Ills witnesses nnd uprcociitatltcii, that In fait He tnluhl perpclualo Himself nnd eiiliirk-e Ills work liy theni. This phin nhapeel Ills toiirsp nl pimt'il'uip. He left riai.y Hilims undone for limn In eln. Ills piul.; icsuiroi'iion woik mnl inflnciite wie nil eliitttt'il to them. We Iiate seen liow ly tllftcrent nielli tils nt lartous times lie mine tn conilino in lain persons and brlnij tlinn into Itillcst sjm p.tlhy with Ills purposes. The Wnineu, Hip two JomiieiinaT I" llinftians, Hip ten In Hip upper loom, 'I hennas tho doubter ami Peter the fisher man, weio r.ll neltliesscil In a manlier milteel tn llielr elUposltlons. We sn now mmleltr in wl.nl ttiuis nml .spirit lie cent out theo men to their llfcuerk. ltKTItnAT.-lt Is prnhable that the etenU by Hip sp.i-Rhore sluillril last week ptpiedcil what we nre now tn tonslder, iiIIIioiirIi on Hint point we may not lie positlie. If so it piepait-ti fur this later Interview-. 'I he eletcn tlisilpRs up-pe-areel tei hp sepnrilrel from the laurel- bnerj- of follnwers, .iml llio.t letlrcel toRellii'i- tn one of Hip mountains of (iilllrp, tint (.Pttlou that had belli fi dear to Join tluntiuli Ills ministry. N'o one knows what mountain was j-clcttcil for this ielre.it, .illlinucli many ponjielures bate been made tnmciiiliii; It. 'Hip Krp.tler liiiinber thin!, it was the (..lino as Hint on wliult the sermon was ilelhrrtd (Malt. Ml). The-y ipsnitesl thither In ohedicnet- In mi appointment whiih Jesus hail midp, posiihlv at the mm, but nut leeoieleel, hut fprt.ilnly anlit Ipalcil In Ills li mark (Matt. ahIiKJJ, anil pintnlsrii tliinuuli Hip wnnuii (Vprsp 10). TIip mountains wpip In qiienlly t-lnsM-ii by iipii in Spiiplmnt times fur ijihltuit puipew.s, as Sinai, llcriiinu, Olivet. 'Iho pine .-itiuti-phpip, Hip holy iiiiet, tin- elpcp soil lude, thp inspiilnir niandeiir ot nuh plates i., well known, WOHSIIIP. 'I he- elcten oiislit Hie pl.nc lirpt and Jesus trimn allcrwiiid. 'Hipj fullilliil liia command and funnel their ipwatd. nd whpn they Mw Hint the-y wni.lupppil. a, thi-ic .some unusual Fplendor iiitiiilluir His hum- ,n some li.uc nn.-Kis.lpil? Hid Ills Klniy bpaui loitli fiom His litrsun as on a fpw olhpr oicislor.n, nottbly whtn- Mtises and l'.lias came: tn talk with Him? (.Mitt. .ii:"). Tliesc epii'stimis, .nis iii' sponlanpou-ly "n the iniiiel, e-annot bp an. Mt-iieil. 'I he hlsiniian nnly mikes us knnw that by snnip inelhoel, eitlier physical ni- ps,jchi. e.il, tho ill-iiples were hinutrht to a retcient pirll. I'm- a Ipiw lime H.ey Ind tien and heard Hie nntehless Teacher and witnpsscd His i.nmlerful elppils, onlv nt inliiv.ils rptoKnizing Ills tiup thar.ieter (Matt. i:l(l), but nmie fie quently Hiinkinp; nf linn r.s a teuipiii.il piinio who would be.stnw fatnis (Mark lvi.1l). Vnw they are comlmi-cl that l,- i, indt-cd a Diiiup person, the- pii.inis, ,l .Mnssiah, who wnuhl set up a Fplrilu.il kiiiKtloni, and they olleicd Hit- hom age whiih was line lo one of suili c..tlted un title nml station. POl'BT. It is PMceelmsly difficult to lirini a company of men into a lonunoii thought and purpose. The more honest they are. Hip create r will be the diflittilly. i:.iih must nintc in Ins own way, some sln.tly and cautiously, nthpis epiiekly and boldly. 'I he- iliirupiiie.s' in tllp Clni-tian thuiili ban- aiispn loss fiom ,m ol sptnt than tinin a dcsiu- to be ridit. And so it seems Hilt in this uinll band nf eleven then was nut ii-n(-L iiiiaiiumty nt .senliiiieul, "Nunc doubted," the tet declares. Cleat luiikucss pinmpteci thp writir, who was oiip nf ihpin, in makp thp confpssion. Thp statement is v tillable as show in;," that run then thetc was stub iu tpsrit.v anions them that they wen- follow inif their convictions. lint why thd Hipv elniibt? Some liny h.iu- IIioiikIiI lint lip vvliuapppiii-il was a disimhoelieil.spiiit ami not thp ip.il Jesus Willi His on ii body. Ilclipf in Khusts was tout inon (.Maik vhl'l), and it was vastly ta-le-r, thi'iefoip, to coneluelp tli.it a i.pec ter was bofou tliint tlian that .1 ilr.nl hndv h til pomp to UK Ollieis may Ii.ivp qucstieuitil, picii .idiuittinil that Jesus was w.ih tlietn alive, vvlietlier lln were- Ditinp, and Hieii'loip vvenlliy tu icipive woi.-liip paid onl.v o (foil (K. .':,i). PO'i:it. .li'.tis did nut fuis.ivp tlm disciples, neither did lb- icpiov.- the in, bce-auso i.nt of them lulii-veel whih- part doiihlcel. or .vet dhl lie sepaiati- llie pans lejetliiiK mit- and "ie t.ilnin the olliei. L. l.i,cw dial all vuio stiult'iits in Ills school, ouip having m ulp loss piou'iiss, but ilc-stintel tn itiaduatp Willi hiinni and IiiiiI lit ii- nppropihte pkues. lint lie spiaks to the wli.ilp tninpiny, elclivpriui,- the .s.'ine iiip.iKp lo a, another lesson i'uder.I, an advanced liutli in wlndi Hip Imtlt previoiislv iilteieil nildlit find new M-iiifioanip. lie ele' tl.iied Hut all power, in lip.ivpn and raitli had been Kivi ii tu Illiu. 'Hip asspition itaitlos us (veil now, anil niu,( luve been recpiveil wllli :iui.i70!!ioul by lint bind, by bclieurs as well as iloubtcii.. Clnist had ta"ken full,posses,io of all that lip bid bpfoie tin- toiiiul.it Ion of tho world (John .vii:,5). What li.nl been teni polarity laid aside in His humiliation hid been reeovcieel to Him a.s the find-man (laike xiv:2t!l. This truth was liilpiided lo be Ihp basis nf what Hit- Stviour was about to .iy fuiHitp to the ds. eiples. lie elpsiivd them to know that He now had autlioiily whiih lip would evince. Ti:CI 1 1 Mi.-Wli.it will this mighty run- s,-t these plpvni men to eln? Theio need be no liui iLtuou in ins mini-, pvirpt nut vvlilcli Ills vvi,. I ,,. , ... . i Mi.im4ttw'""AA,ft)l(lA.A,AJAAAA..Atf..A Sunday school .it :i n'lloik, Mr. Cliamllor, mi. Iiriiiitciiili-iil, Mi. HiikIh-s will ten li Hip iiipii's Hililc el.tssj (!, V.. .it 11.11. On We ilue-ela, iu iwslor will fpptik on sons" .mil show hy mi .in, nf a map Ihp Ipirltor.i ami aipa of Hie Ii Union-, of Hip vveirlil, at 7. II p. in. tlrotii llhlifp I Ii,itpri.ui 'iliureh Mmiilni; M-ivicp nt Im.iiiij pvpiiiiii; i-rrvltp .it 7. 1.1. l'.ilor Itov. I-.UP .1, l,juiiii; will pip.nh. Ililile siliool a. i n'clocki ntPt'lini; of tlio KiuIimvoi soiie-ty ill il.Ti p. in. Miuini'r Avpuiip l,i(ki,rit.iii eliurcli, Siinuirr vinup .mil 1'iiip slupi, .Moinlnt; s-orvlpp, eon ilm'pl h.v Mi. ItPAihcl lliowu, .it 111.,'in; Niiuliy te nml ,it p. in.; eveiilni; hivIcp ,it il o'doik. 5lr. I'linulpj will pipieh. Il.iu.l u( oip, Moii. tl.ii nittlil ,i) 7.M1. t.iiil.il.i rclir.ila.il at ,Mp,us' lull 'iih'-iln iiliihl at 7.MI, I'loviilniip I'rivh.vtpiian chin th Thp pastor, lliv, lr. Iliilhl, villi ueeiipy thp pulpit u (lu lu. HI .1. III. .iml 7:.i p. in, hPiviip.,. Miutliy mI.oiiI at ik.i; Ihnlp.ivor iiiri-llui; at ti,:;il p, in, 'Hip pals of Hip e-hiirt-li aro fiPP. Tho nllnlni; ot Hip eliy will ho or eo.-pcl wcik .liiiniij; pi'iiplu of forplan nu pi li, , f'.iMHIc Chapel OW.jIrilaii) -I'ip.ii1iIii2, at l(i..iH auil 7.M1 hy Hip pi.lnr, IIpv. I.. II, I'u-ttr. h-uniliy tuhool, ; p. m,- Se-nlur Ihulpavor, (i.ill t. in.: .lunlor Cuilcimi, Mouthy piiulm;; ira.icr mcpllni;, .'M lluiiHlay c-vpiilntfj ir.nlinn ruoiii, 1'ihlij i-vrnluu'. All vvelrnmr. Episcopal. Si. I.ukp's r.irlli llev. IIospis l-lai-I, p. p., rector; Itcv, II. .1, llaiiKlitnu, finlor ini.ile; llev. M, II. Nash, jiiuhir tnratp, Tiftli huiulay after Kailrr, ht, l.ukr'a iliurcli 7-.,J1 .1, in., holj louimun. Ion! lU.uil a. lit., nioiiilus piajer, lltan.v ami trillion; 7.:i0 p. in., ptenlni: pi.ijir .nul m-i. inon; tUJ a. in , Munliy fihoot unil llihlc i lasws, M, Maik's, ptiiiiiinrc 8 a. in,, holy cnuiiiiiiii jou; lU.llO a. in., senium ami liolj 10111111111)011; T-: " p. in., cviniui; piajpi- ami t-eriiiou; ;i p. in,, Siimlay mIiooI ami Ililile tla.-scs. llJst Kiul MImIoii, l'iecoti av cnue i.Af) p. in,, Sunday .ihoo) ami Ililile Ujvni ll.ucj p, m., eveiiim; pr.i.vir ami k'Uiioii houtli Shle Mission, t'iir otieet -J.S0 p. m., Similay scbeuil ,lul lliiilo tlasspj. St. fj'roi '-, 1)1) pli ml -4,ut) p., 111., Sitimlay fihool ami UII1I0 classes; U.M) p, in., evcului, prajer ami Mriuon. ' 'Iho st, llavhl't 1 linn It. Wet bcraiitou Itev. i:. .1, Mt Unity. Celebration hoi) cut liiri.-t ut 7.:) u. in.; Jlatliis, liliuy ami H'lntoii, al 10 .lei; cv enlnj; nail,- ami .n,lir.v, at "."') p. in.; Suuila) si'inol, at -J. ,"H i. in. ClulstS ilinnli, comer Uarhluston avenue ami I'aik tlieet-ltev. I". S. Ilalle'ntlne, ipvtor. Sir vices, li).30 3. in.. 2.S0 p. ni., ISO p. in. All feats free. All welcome-. 1 M Reformed Episcopal. Urate, licfouncil i:pbtopjl ihurvh, W)omln; I 1 iloui dlitab'S, for none may restrain the nl ninthly. Shall they niRnnbe armies or trovrin. minis? shall they form Insllliitloiis nnd et.ib llli niouiiienls by folic? They weie dlic-eteel to leaeh, to lmfolel what Jesus had tnunlit, lo iiikp men lo live nttoidlntf lo what lip tauuht, Tlipy were to rely wholly upon the truth, t' pfilliiL' no victories rivp thosp that came liy periii.isoii ami iiutnutlon. They were lo ap proach men as iatlnn.ll nml fire and .ifk them In aiecpl what the .Master uave, nml leave all (tee tn nreepl or reji'ct. They wcie tn desire only that 1 1 ii Hi rhoulil be a transfnrmlni power In the hearts of men (John villi !I2). They wtie not lo wilt until men rame to them, but they were lo co forth, nnxloim to tarry the truth to those who tin not elpslre It, who per. haps have never hoard of It, who might never licar it unless some one binuuht It (limn. :U), They weie lo go everywhere, lo all nations and peoples, l'or the Hist time a iuilteral religion Is proposed. Siuli was the duly enjoined. Not ri.lliuslin.ts, imr nialnis, not ihetnrlclitis, but leathers those; weie to be, ten hers gnlnjr to the whnle w oi M. ll.M' VIFAr. Tlio eoiiimiiisli.il lo tenth pii'senled a high 1'iillitir. Noiip i-nnlel he more huiiornlil.i or IM ful. He' who teaches another mml he a student (Horn. 11:21), mil thus enihh lilius.'lf, Put lesiis hid nnollter duly tji be laid upon Ills dlclplc. They must baptle. N'othlng is' iahl heio pontemlng the innde, and path mint therefore ilclcimlne for himself this question whiih his ciihciI so tniiih dispute. That tup tisiii -vas to be In three- inimeg tir rather, Hip .-'on and (he Hub- (limit. Hut why lnpllpf Why not In- content with .the teaching? IV r.uisp, 1. It was iipprssary to give unity to the It-aihitig. TIip Inoiil flelel of Christ's thought must ilnd Its i enter In those three gieat tiuths pcrlaliilng to the Cod head (Fph. II:-1S). 2. The liMihlm; seeks not only cnrreit living, but .1 cried fallh, nitd tint failh dethiied lo men, mining tn ita fnlii:.ss by suiii deelaratton inadc in baptism (Mails wiilrt). ::, T.lfe and filth, .sjinbnlled in an eniliii imp, would cnnstitiilp a rnmpnny, thr eluuili, lipid together for milled service, Jesus had pievioiislv expic-sod Ills purpose to build the limit It (.Matt, xvlil). BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS. By Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D. From Author's Notes in "The Sunday School Lesson Illustrator," Published by F. H. Rcyel & Co., Chicago, ill. iBwJff3icT?NBiiBSMiHFiaHWtwWOBg LMRBFvKvflSlSsP'rrep.'H mm All The WWMBEM II s PREACH v'iC?ry,iBH,fl Ki;7 hy &05.ptL isjifi' -iw&'SflB B To everi- WMfesSpeM Anion- the illnsll.llinos on ,l.ia.v Innies In ,,..- .,. l i ..i. ....... ..i ! ...i i.., n.areel tbi, lit!,. i, lure m Pvn.es,. in a si.unlP ' ", til" l"Mlt, I II lllll'll I I 11 III. 1 II I 1 ".- way, tho idea nf the misMonaiv call and tlio mission uy lomiuissinn. .(cuts Clnist was the gieat lnissiniiaiy fiom heaven lo a lent vvoihl. He give- up his life tn 'avc- tliosp'nho wetp lo-t in sin. Paul was a gieMt mi. .mit ut lie pie.u lied lo IHO .lews llie guspel nf s illation tlilnugh Jcslis. lie did not wish In gn tn the pe uplp ano-s the- sea, but the vision ami the voice le velled in the Maiidoiiiaii tall. Hip will ol Cod and tin- vvoihl Ins liciiel Hip guspel Ihiumth the i. nit l.tbois uf Paul. ( oiisciuus nt Hie woild's uy for help m mv noble ihilduu nf Cud have genie fuith tn pieteii llie glad tidings of salvation. .Maui at hemic aid ahinad aie eiiing still lor the help which Cliiistuiis tan give and wlin. It lliev been com maiuled to give. 'Ihe it.ittit.il iiiiliou is this: Am I helping Hie M itc i to sue Hit- vvoihl? Soinpsiuips it is easit r to pleat It Chti.t in Hit woild than it is to live ( Ittisl at home; and vet 1 would rot gin- mm h fur a m in who will ...,t i.il.w... , I 'l.i I.. I ..- I.T.. ... I.,.. t 1...V ........ ., ,,,..,l T .,..- ... Ill, lit,.. II, Mil,, I '-i.if leH'.inn i. tn.l ... ttinii.. i.l.i'.l. !j ....1 .... I seiuel lor mmllestatiun lo Hie tviuld at Iaige, nor is it lite- te.i'1 ( liiisdniilv wlni It is kepi fur self and the- liniui- ciiclo and withheld Iloui lite licpdy.i siitre'llllg wulhl. "Co till thi fiicnds what the 1 1 lull, ,,,iie fur thro," Oh, Hie power of CluMhn UU IlinilOi rl'lwi 111 I, U.AIiil .Lnl. li i.iii.iIj I I.,. iiivin; tin uiiii n 1'iriii i nnv nil n irin lir Co,, :lll t,0 i,,.. n eioll is nuikeil ! aveiiup, be-low .Mulhpiiy stirel Itev, (ie-nri;)' I.. All kli, pistor. I'i.i.vpi- ami piaKo soivlec, !i..'li) a. in.: iliviuo woishlp, lO.uO a. 111, .mil 7.MI p. 111. IIpv. A. C, Catbelein, of New Veuk cli.v, will pie.11 It iiiniiilui; .nnl pioiiini:; Sibbalh m lioiil .it VI 111.; V. I'. s. C. 1:. at ii::o p. 111. On M011 1l.1v ami leilupil,iy aflpiuuoiis .11 I oM.uk' ami .Mouilay, Tiic-clay anil Wceliiesil.i) evenings at S o'clock the- euiliient Itiiih- Mltolir anil niiv.inn.uy to the ,1ms, Hev, A, C. Cubelelii, will five llihlc icailiiiKs. All welionip, Evaneolirn' Luth-sinn. lit. no llnalish l.iithrran iliunh ((.Yiiu.il Jiju oil), ttnuci Mulbciiv ftticrt anil M.ulison at p. line liev, l.uHii'r Hess .ii intr, p,i..(or, i.;m a, 111., hiliuliy mIicioI; 1(I."0 .1, 111,, illviuii vvnrshlp; 7 p. 111., Young 1'eople'i, Soelely ut ChriMiin llmleiveir; 7.1.1 p. 111., pn.u-11.1n; liininiiiif -mil evinins b.v the pi-tor. i;Mi)boily vvchoiue, Miscellaneous. 1'iul 1 hiiieli (( Inist liciilist), ni'i 1l1nio au ntie, 'uiiilay tcivitc, 1U..KI .1. 111. ami 7.K11 p. 111 ', Sumla.v mIioiiI, II II a. in i i-ubjcit, "Mnr l.iK ami liiimoiials:" tpslim011i.1l m.-i't hits Weil noil.ty i-wulUKis at S o'clock, 'Ihe e htm It li abo open fitly ilay ibiilu Hip wiek. 'iho Ililile ami all I liilMi.in Sei. nte lilii.ilnie Is kept in lis flyi public rca.Hui; 10,1111. "Stltmc uml llt.illh," wllli IvVj to tho scrlpttiic." by Maiy ll.il.tr Kelely, will be leuiieel to iuvi-sti'atnn wllhuut iIiiikc isilors ami letteis of iiiiiiliy arc vit'litiincil ami Kiteii I'ouiteotis attention ami iiiioiuiallon fue. Clival) Itefiuiui'il ihiutli, .Montoe avrittip ami (JiK.nii sticct Itcv, .Miiioii li. I'nur, pa.lnr. Si iv lees, 10 o0 a. 111. .iml 7.-i0 p, in.; Suml ly nlniol, ll.l.'i a, in,, i.ilethlsnis at I p. Ill, Sub jects (or Minil.ii. "llie Last tlieal I'louilse" ami "sk ami It Shall lip tlivpit oti." Services ut All Souls' I'nltii'sallst, ihtiiih, on l'iiip sliett, near .Vlnin avenue, at lo.MI a. 111., ceimhitleil by Mr. A. .1. Ponley; Sumlay uhoul at ll.l'i a. 111, Stale- Siiiermlcmlrnt Itov. Junes iillinsbtjl will lomliiu the ivcrvlce May l'j in the luliiest n( ktale mUsioiis. 'Iho I'eoplp's Piohihitlcui iliurcli The Itcv. Hr. Hint, pastor. Theic will he- it'Kiilar picaih luz M-nlii- on Salili.tlll aftciuooii at II i.'ilmk in Motel's ball, 011 llieaker street, firetn' Ithlue. hubjetl, "Suiiio llviU for the Hospil to Coriett." ,., aip vvclioiue. 1'iii-l I'liiiiltive- Motli.i'll-I, (,'rtrn ltielue -Itev. ti lacs, pistor. Itcv. A. Ivtson, o( llonestlalc, l'j., will pieailt ut l.;so J. ni. The pastor will i.tciipv the- pulpll in tlio ftciilu:;, subjeil, "Hit. in.iiill.v'.s little bleilniMi tu the .Jiw." All aie vvckoine. Xiou I ulleil Kv jntrlfi al clinitli, HJi) Capuusc aviiiue-l'itailiinc, IO.mO ami 7.".0 by tlic pat tor, Itev. .1. W. Mi-stinger. SubjeeU, "A Con eblioit in Chastlsciiicnl" ami "ihlist Hip llrenl ami Water ol Life." Sunday Eiliool, O.M a. in.; suiior Kmleavur, t)..'0 p. 111.; .lunlor Cudeator, pravcr iiui'liiifr, 7.OT WidnejOay even- l'ltl'.SKNCI!. tcui li.ul lima prestrlbeil n lery simple medo nf establishing Ills kingdom Ihinugli IH4 elbilntea allri- Ills departure. lie would make individual converts in nil lauds who should eon(oM faith In n triune (toil nml untie tlitnisclvt'S in n society lo tibstrvo all Ills teat In Ingt He hi.ll preceded Ills fust ructions by I he announcement of Ills power or nnlhorlly. lie followed by a botelei nml molt' comforting trulli. lie would be wllli limn nlwajs. Tlirj woiilel i. ever bo left to tlicinelvr, In Hie weailneas, elouht ami fear that must ever tome tn Hip solitary worker. Though uncen He would be their companion ns the) Jouinejtil over the mountains and vallc.v.s, as they sailed over the fcan, ns they stood In the sj nngoRiU'S ol Hit- cities, ns tliey poke In Hip teiuntry by Hie vvajslile, as they rniminlcicd li.iid.lils and perils, as they were persecuted by enemies, ns they were misunderstood or forsakrn by friends. Alwavd, under every ilrtiimslnmr, I hey might ronstnntly expect llim to be near. II Is harillv pinhabte that then Hip IlMplcs fully imileistnnd what vv-iit meant, but the-y aftirwnnl did umler. land (Acts xlll:ll). lti:i'l.i:CTI()XS. I. It Is ntwa.vs well tor thoe who love Jesus to meet aiioidlng tu Ills ap poliitmenl, mnl Hit re ought lo be soine favorite sput to width He nnd they repair (II. :V!I). 2, Let none be alarmed when hollevots me imt fully agri'iel, pruritic it t lit ir cllirerenics are held III all honesty and charily. It may oeeitr lint Hipsp eliirpn'iites shall work for gnnel, in l.ngrr views of truth ami Innadrr servlic (vets xv::i'i), 3. The pnwer of Chi 1st Is the- disciples' sure sup pint. Wlial lln unlets, cine may safely at tempt. WlteiP lit- tllree Is cup in ly trustfully go, I. The chief iiisliiimi-nt In all right sen lee for Jesus is liulli. lit- w lilts none but enmcrls, those- who hi'iullly aieept the trtitli and com mini tlulr Hies to It. .5. Tine tomeits to ( hrist Hunt lotifcss the thrie mimes anil enler Ihp household to lipt'ntiip liiPiubcrs of the groat hotly, no longer separated to Individual plans. II. II is not hero asserted, but wo may rightly Infer Hilt the great eoiniiiissifm is pcrppluil, Hip nne woul tn alt leliovprs to build thp Lord's hoiisp (Itpv. ii:17). The powir will neur fall; Hip piiseme iietcr di'pait. the Cliiistian's ciiuinilssiou. lias Jesus blessed Jew? Do von believe hp will bless othei.s Is it not :i Clnisti.in's duty, in well as a blessed privilege, to tell otheis of Jcmis.' Kvciy line (Tiitstinn believes In nilisionaiy elToft. .lestn Clnist was heaven's niis.sloniiy to the vvoihl. The; disciples weie Hist eallcil On is. ti.ms at Autiuih, wiitii they bciame mivsionaiy in spint. .Testis died for all the woild. lb- toitimissiotied lbs disciples tu go into all the woild and pieaeli lti gospel to cvety cicatute. If tin- vvuilil shill knnw of ".le-siis, thp niiglnj to sue" Christians must tell them the stot.v. Let us note a tin fads. I'iirt, Jc.iis elesitc-s all men to be spd, John, ili, In. Seconil, only thosp who know and lovp Jcsue will bps.ivpd. Ihlid, millions in the woild "', "m kmm "' "'-", "" -"m. lOllllll viirisii.ins rvriyvviinc- .tip t iimiillssioiicil ami Ili 1 If 11,1 , touiiii.iii.icci to give to llie woilil I lie gospel or sjlt.ition. i'H'lli, in (In- flin-.ti.in cliuiihes luiliv tin ip .up linth inon mnl money enough to itive the i;o-ieI In .ill the wjnlil; hut how h.ill ve' tto up to t.oil .mil tpiifess ili.it we the! not help In biiic Hip vvoihl lo Ills le-pt li,v hotl otii tjifis .mil mil pi liter Lot -sniie uieuilipr ot tht- -.ilio.il lei tie Iho pot'lll, "t.o 'fell the Meuv 01 .le-i.," hv Mill I!. C'olh, .- " 'tin tell Hie- tol,v of .lp.il, 'I'll MilllP puiil -ill.. It I, Mini; 'Ihillkif Hip nine vou lie. ml ir, A.lil liow it liLiiio (vou whole. "Co till Hip Moll ot .lt-,u, Te. Hi.iui;i'i- .vou miy nippt ; At.il tluell upon His nipiiy, In .nee tils lit It .tin! swetjt. "(In tell Iho lot.l of .le-l., 'I'n llni.p vvltii htvp not lip.ini; Anil nuKpit -.nurd .is lovely s Iho- Miuir ol Minn- sue-tl hinl. "I.o till the stvij, of ,lpiii, 'I'n people, uii'.ii .ii'iel mii.iII; Ih lllt'lllhll Hi', till! SlVloltr, (l.ivo up lli.s life fui j." 'sii.iulon, I '.i. lii', Ml seats dip anil pvpijliudi wtlcmnp to all i-civii'us, Clul-li.in ihiuih -I'ipiiIiIii' by Hip p.isioi, Itev. It. W. llvnicr, al II a, 111., 'i.iihjii l "I'.iw 11." Iliuutuier Kvaiiuell-l illi mis will kIvp his leetiup, "I'Iip I..i-t Itomp with thp Tisn," at 7..'I0 p. 111. Sunday m himl al 10 a, 111.; Chi is tiau Kmlcavoi at (I. II p. 111. All .nc welcome, MUSIC IN THE CHURCHES. 'Iho choir o( Hip Si'eoml I'iPsb) let I. Ill iIiiiilIi will kIvp .1 Mini; ami piai.c mivIic, wllli hhort aelilre.ss li) the pastoi .11 ho iteiiluu Millet-. Miss Johnstone, ItiipiM, fioiu I'hll.iilclplil.i; .M.s .lulla Mien, violinist, ami Mr. Harvey Hok-iiI, oiKanlst, nf Si'iaiiion will ii-si,l, Mr. .1, il, I liaiup, niuaul.t ami dlieelor. I'icliiile T1I0 for Hup, Violin ami Drum Aiilhiiii, "Piaisp Yi- tin- lailici" lioiiiui.l . t holt, ll.iip ami iiii;an. Solo, "Hip Heavenly Dumiii," Trihanip Mr. lllppel. Ilaip, Violin ami Otin AiiiiiiipiiiluiPiit. Violin solo, "Aiiil,tmc" , Ilupniit Ml-s Mien. Quartette, "II01111111 lli" iu, u Missis lllack .iml (lara.iu, Messia. (tippel ami Moiimii, llaiiluiii! Solo ami I bonis nf Wninui'n Vulecs, "l.lst the- Chilllhlo lllttl" (Thp Hoi) Cll) ) ' II nil Miss lll.nl, Mi-mI uurn lliewsiei ami Hut Inn in, Mlsscj (Jjiaa.iu ami Spent ir ami Mr. llalph Miliums. Hail) ami f)ii;.iu Ati'iiiiipiiiliuciit I hem, nf Miu'i, ulle, ".Sealer M) lio. lo Tlieo" ' Mienry Messr.. tilpppl, Halph Williams, Itn.l.-ilik, Wllllania, Tone)-, Moiciii, llolllslu, Kellow ami I'ierte. llJip soIo ss .lolnistoiie Alto solo ami Chtuiis u( Men's Voices, "Hy tho llaik Hupluatcn Stieaiu'' (1'i.eler Ihe- l'alin) , Hoot MUs (lai.iK.111. II Ji Aciotiipaiiliucnt, Aiitlieni, "Onto tin- I.011I o( llloi) I. it" It (t Holt Mls.s lllaek ami Choir. Hup, Violin ami 1'iauo Aiiouipanliuiut, Oii;au I'batliule , .silas Mi. jlanc) lloiHit. H II II 'Ihp followlus proKiaiuuie w.us rendeieil at a pupils' lecllal In Hie tlmllo oi Mi. ,1. M. (hmm last '1 IhiimIjv adiiiioou; n m. 'lliiMilluir S-piIni:" Ml l.'iace Mii.tan "Xoctuilie" Mi.-s Mae (laike. "May Hell" Mls dUdi, Walkin- Uz in i) llal , JUIsa lluth lUulcv- ...Illve-Kln; ......Mendel Ilohlll Clivplu THE FAME OF MME. RUPPERT HAS NEVER HEEN EQUALLED HY ANY OTHER COMI'LEXION SPECIALIST. ,.' The most imitated woman tn t the world TlIK UlSCOVURER OF PACK Ul.KAClt MME. A. RUPPERT'S', BaceT3leach Removes Permanently PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, FRECKLES, ECZEMA, MOTH PATCHES, SALLOW NESS, and WRINKLES NOT CAUSED BY FACIAL EXPRESSION. ::::;; Does not cover up but removes the blemish.! Da ace BRIGHTENS, CLEARS and BEAUTIFIES the COMPLEXION It Improves a Good Skin and Works Wonders nvith a Bad One, ITS MERITS KNOWN THE WORLD OVER. USED AND RECOMMENDED BY REFINED PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. cAbsolulcly Harmless and cAfauays Successful, j Drop In and ask to have Mme, Rupoert's Face Bleach shown to you, and htcve its merits, manner of uslnjnnd woml:rfiil results explained, -0 vou win dc sansiieu it is wnai you ncco lor jour complexion. We always carry a full line of Mine. A. Huppert's Gray Hair Restorative, Egyptian Balm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap anil Hair Tonic. Call unci liavo tlielr nii-rlts lixplialiiril to yon. Abk for Mini.-. Kup.wrfn book, "HOW tq e BEAUTIFUL." FREE, Jonas Long's Sons SOLE AGENTS. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Klleet Mai eh !l, IfXli. for Philailplphla nnd Xcw York via I), .t II. It. It., at 0. j ami 11. 7 a. in., nitl -J. IS, I.J7 (Blick Dianioiitl Kxpii'ss), and II. HO p. m. Sun. ela.vs, 1). & 11. It. It., 1.3S, 8.U7 p. 111 l'or White Haven, lllleton and prinoip.il points in Hip coal icsion-, via I). II, It, It., (i 13, 'J.IS and 4.27 p. 111. I'm Potlsville-, 4.27 p. 111. l'or Hetlilt'licin, l!.,ste 11, Itiviluii;, Haiusbiui; nml primipal iiileiintdlale stations via I), it . II. It., el.tj, 11. Yi a. in.: 2.l 1.27 (lllitk D1.1. iiiiiiul Kp:es), ll..'IU p. in. .S11111l.1v s, 11. ,v; II, It. It., l.OS, h.27 p. 111 l'or Tiuikh.ititioi I., I'ou'.uul.i. Illinii.i, Hi lea, Cenei.t and iniiulinl iiiHiuieillitp sl.ttions. u I)., I,, .v: U. It. It., S.IW a. in ; l.O", ami :i.lo p. 111. 1'or RcnpiM, Ho. he-ler. llitllahi, Viiirau Calls, Chlcaiio and all piilnT wist, vn I) ., , H It, 11. im u. in.. :i..ii (lllaek Dianioml Kvptess), 7. Iv, 10.41. ll.::tl p. 111. Suutla)s, II, A 11. ii, it ll.ril, .1.27 p 111 Pullman p.uloi nml fleepinjc 01 I.ihluli Valley pailois eats 011 all ttauis between Wilkes-Hatip aiiil N'ew Voik, Philadelphia, lli.llilu ami mis pension IIiIJrp ItOI.I.IN II. Wll.ni'lt, fii-ii Siipl., 2i! (.'oillaiid htreet. Nt u tn U. CIIAIH.I'.-s S. l.i:K. lien. Pass. Asl., 2il Coitlantl btieet, Vijw oil. A W. .NONNCMM llCIt, Div. Pass. A','t .Smith Pelllbhem, Pa. I'm tickets and Pullman reservations apply to EO'I baekaw 11111.1 dvt-ii'-n, rVuiilon, Pa. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Mations in New ,oik-rool of I.ibuty silieet - it . ami South I'm). ' ' timi: TA'ii'1'- '- i:ii'i:c-r xov. 2.1, 1000. 'Irains leave Solution ten New- oil;, .Nenaik- riiabetli, Pliiladclpliia, I..1-I011, H.-tleli-l Al ltntown, Maittb Chunk amlWhltp Haven al R .lei a. in.; CM1"'-- 1-1! cspicss, :i M a, m. sun. tins, 2.1.1 p. 111. I'm- Pltt'-lon -""l iNil.e-HJiic, S..10 a. in.; l.pj and il.W P- in- Stiuda.is, 2.11 p. ,, l'or llilliiiio" .tun - ". tsiiiiiKiou ami pon(s Miulli and West via lle-thleliiin, s.,;o ,,. ,. . ,, and :i..Kl l. " Sitnila.vs, 2.1a p. m. For l.ona Ibancb, Oiean Oioh-, etc., at ;;o a in. and lWl'- '" , ,, Pol lUaelliiB, l.ebmon and llaiiisburi;, via ,. lentnwii, S.::o .1. 111. and 1.10 p. m. .snmla)s-, 2,1.1 p 111. I'm Pottsvillp, S,.".n a. 111. and 1.10 p. m. TIuoiikIi thkets to all points eMst, ,uuth and w'eit at lowest lates at the (station. II P. IIAI.DWI.W Cen. Pass. Agt. .1, II. Ol.llAUSi:.V, Oen. Supt. Delaware and Hudson. Ill KDeet Xuv. 2.1, Pint). Tiains (oi Cailuindale Icivo Scraiiton at 1120, 7.5.1, s.'l. 10. lo 11. ni.i 12.00, 1.20, 2.11, J.il' 6.20, n.2.1, 7,57. D.I3, 11.1,1 p. in.; t.lil a. in. IVr llonesilah 0 20, 10.1!, a. 111.; 2. II and 5.20 p. 111. I'm- Wilke? Ilaiie-il.l.i, ".!, s.l.l, i.:is, 0.n 11, .'.1 a. in.; 1.2J, 2.1t, a..!J. 1.27, (i.10,7,13, 10 II, ll.M) p. in. l'or I,. V. II. It- lioiuts.-cl.IJ, 11,35 a, in,; 2.1d t.27 and ll.eO p. 111. ' l'oi l'ciius)lvaiil.i II. It. poii.ts-lljj, D a in.-, '.MS -ind !'-" P- "I. I'm Alliaiiy ll"1 a" 1'olntn north 0.20 a. in, ami 11.52 p. in. SL'NDAY THAIN.S. Teir Caibondalc 0.00, Jl.KI a, in.; ;. , 3,r,;t f,.47, 10.12 p. in. l'or Wllkcs-lliuc! O.M, 11. .11 a. ni.; 1.5s, 3.2s, 0.27, P.27 p. in l'or Albany nml points north 3..1 ' p. m, Por llinii-il lit 1),00 a. 111. and .1.52 p. 111. l.uwcst rates, to all poinU in Uniied States ami Can. nla ,1. lll'IIDICIv, (.'. I". A., Albany, X. V, II. W. C'HOoS, 1). I'. A., Scianton, I'a. (0 "Ihe- Soii of Iho Hi. ink" ,.,.., I.ick "Walt. Aiahi'siiip" I., tik MKs Mabel lit null-. Ill leipii-st. Mi. II.iivi') lliw.nl lepcaleil put of tin' pioiiiaiinuc plavul al .1 111il.1l tho wick befoic. ,. n 1 'Ihp Sibbalh sihoul oiihcstit of Ihp -seium! Pie.bvliriau eliuiili will kIvp a e-omrit in tho Inline 1110111 nf llie eluuili lieu Tliuisiliy eieu Inv, M.tv III. Miss .lohiistoiie, haipUt; .Miss Hi utile ami Mi. Charles ll"i'i.im, pianists, ,111,1 Mi. 'llalph Willi Jin., biilinne, will as-loi. .Mr, ,1, M, ('lunil', cliicelor, PRICEBURG, M. l' I'.iililon, uf SftuiiKiii, was a uik'lf In town l-Vlilay al'tpfiiooi). Itov. V. II. Ileilelfi', uf riliiiiiiiilviu, lias tt'tunu'il lioini', iifti'i- siciiilliiK tin- fom piiit of tlic week wlli .Mi. ('mining I111111, uf .Main sUii'd. Mlns l.tilu W'elrninl luis rettifiiPil lioini', utter undotKOIiif; 11 Hiim.-t'brul tipt-ratlim nl .Scraiitiin. Tlii't'c 111 lie iiri'.ilH'Int,- set-vices In tin I'rlmlllvu .Mftlititlist I'liiut'li Stin tliiy by Hit' p.istor. Men iiIuk' .stilijcrt, "The Uiiscttliif; Sun"; ttvi-nltiK- riiihject, "A tSiintl Coiifeffltm," Sunday school at 2 p. in. .Mi. Tliouiiitt CtieiU, uf JiTinyn, Is V'lklitnr I i"l ltirilliiii lt'J t i-ri'i ( V "if Mailo atrcct. 'sT' Fof thirty years a successful career each PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect March 17, 1901. Trains leave Scranton: 6.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, and for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the West. 2.1S p. in., week days, (Sundays 1.08 p. in.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, week days only. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury. Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .1, II. III'ICIIINSOX, Gen. Mnr. .1. II. V. OOl), Gen. Pass. Agt. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western In Kfleit Dee-. 2, 1000. South Leave.- Scranton fur New York at 1.40, n.il'l 5.50, S.OO and 10.0.1 a. in.; 12.55, 3.3J p. 111. l'or Philadelphia at S.( and 10 0.1 a. m.; 12.55 ami M.S3 p. in t'01 Slroiidshiui; at (1.10 p. in. Milk accommodation at .1.10 p. in. Airivo at lloboken at 0.10, 7.1S, 10.2S, 12.03, 3.15, US, 7.10 p. 111. Auivo at Philadelphia at l.Oti, 3.23, (1.00 ami S.22 p. 111. Artivc I10111 Xciv York j.r 1.10, (I..I2 nml 10.21 a. 111.: 1.00. 1.52, 5. i.i, J.pj nml ll.M p. 111. 1'ioiit Stioudsburir at 8.03 a. m. Xoilli leave fie union for IleilTalo ami Inter lueelialo blations at 1.13, C..i5 anil 9.U0 a. in.: 1.5.1, 5.4S and tl.'lj p. in. rot- (Mtcgo and Sviariisi- nl 0.T1.1 a. 111. and 1.35 p. in. I'nr I'tita at 1 10 11. 111. ami i..'j p. 111. l'or Mon. tioso at U.iK a in; 1.01 and C.fS p. in. for Xicbol-oi. ot I 00 and 0.1.1 p. in. 'or p,ng. hauiton at 10.20 a. in. Aulvc in Scranton from Itulfalo at 1.21, 2.51, .1.1.1 and 10.00 a. m.; S.3U and S.0J p. ni. 1'ioin Onvvego and Syracuse at 2.53 a. 111.; 12.1.3 and S Ot) p. in Kiom Utiea at 2.53 a. in.-, 12.M and 'IM p. In. l-'iom .Nicholson at 7 50 a. in. and 0 00 p. ni. ITom Muiitro-e at IO.cVi a. 111.; 3.20 and 8.00 p. ni. liloonisbini; Hlvislon Leave Scianton for Xoitliuinheil.mil, at (1.1 1. 10.03 a. m.; 1,35 and 5.50 p. 111. l'or PI) mouth at 1,03, 3.10, 8.50 p. in. l'or KiiiKston at 8.10 a. 111. Anlve at Xoithuinhcilaiiil at O.S.I a. 111.; 1. 10, 5 00 and 8.11 p, 111. Airlvc al Ivinsslon at 8.52 a. m, Aiiive at Plwnoiitli ut -'.00, l.iiJ, 9,11 p. in. Ailivp in Seranlon from Xorlhiiiubcrland at 0 42 a, in. s 12,:i5, 4.30 and 8,1.1 p. 111. I'lom Kingston at ll.flj a. 111. 1'ioin ri)inoiitli at 7.55 a, ni.j a.2il and 5.M p. 111. SUXDVY THAIXS. S011II1 Leave irmloii at 1,10, 3.00, 5.30, M.05 p. in.; 3.;il and :-.)0 p. 111. N'oith-I.r.ivp Scianton at 1,15, 0.;I5 a, m.i 1,53, 5. IS nml 11..H P. I". lllooiiialniiK Division Uave Scianton at 10 05 a. 111. and 5.50 p. ni. Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division. Tinio Table- in llilcct Sept. 17, 100O, Trains for Hivvley ami local poinls, connect. hit; al llawlcy with Ihio lallrnad for ,N'cw Yotk, Xewbiui; .nnl iiitcimcdlalo points, leave fc'crin. ton al 7,0)1 a in, ami 2.23 p. in. '1 1. 1 ins unite at Scianton at 10 'M a, in, ami P.10 p. m. Tm Card (it effect Dee, ,10th, 1000. SCRANTON DIVISION. 2171,806,201 wa goI tn s. as gai STATrO.NS 7U-r.N'.Y.W.lj.ltlt.I.T.' U Ml 10 IV lpsAr. ('AltoslA .l.V.i 10 40 2 1& llttlli'oclf " a I 10JI IIS " , MaillKliI . "... 2 824 45 10m aai " PiiFtouTaik, " ... asilu 10I.VJ2S VVIltwood. " . SiiiCi Mm Ualit . " PltftOll Talk. " VVIltwood. ,1'ojnltlle... " . .Umou ' (Intrant Jit, " Union tlalo., " Koiict i-itv.. " lu.s, u ., u , ,...,.-. 1 1 . nit) 11. His) I Oil " . .umou " .. &1852S a nil I ti .. atHsso. OSi'.lHi .. sons it, ejus st, 195(3 816 51 . CM Oil II til " CaiboniluluYil " 1 Jill 1. 1), . . 19 t B40 1! u 10 tt - e Hiuuneiaie - 7 oes I i If ut I 'J 111 II II ,31 JleilleM )t, e toiiiutt ssi ! 90JII II aaa, stwuew .',.., i.L-j. 1 " jf VIM HI tie oi 16663. 616 W se-iinu. - ,7 pug 1 ti.hl.ld... "7 lS a 21 .si It Ol. an atviii 01 I 18 i IH 10 & - I'lilivllln j7 91? i5i (2 Vlli.lnt, 1 Y, IB. sla ,s 61) ittJlils.1 " i )l) pliant. . ' 7 2lJ(B68i .611 8,01000 " Pilceblliv . " 7S-jIinIs, .61 8 31-10 1 riilewii ' f ni ! It G It . ,80o 83.VI0IV ' l-rovelnii-e. ' T K) II e II-; Bin Dalian " PuiLPIate. "7av!j7ll P' 'M ''' IM PU PHI , Additional lralnilra Ctrbondttci for MlitlfH Tlrd utilijiirM vrj7ojl,mailj&arpnJ ' .j,.,., ,, ty.i si'"i"eiriiiitec;iri)lgiit7airniSuiidtot. lie iiilua il ill HalloiK tu l'tlnul, rrivuii t 7 is f r oiy. pru, ""'I ""i'i ifiiijiv 1)Vt ILUi Hate a cent per mile, I.oneit Itatea tti ull ruliit Yel, 1M 1 00' . . 1CQ1 MM. .. IU 5 V. C. -.NDIK30N, PJj'H'm'rAifot. e) TortCitj, 4, c. W(lH, Irti-iAiciit, 0(rtatQu,r 1