The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 10, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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nil'J SCJKANTOiY T!1IBL,NK--,1U1A MAI' 10, 1001.
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E- 1 " : "fEE
The Tribune Second Educational
Contest Stnrta au Monday.
On .Monday morning next the "-
end educational contest of Urn Sornil-
ton Tribune will commence uti'l will
continue until Aug. 31. To Mmee
,wliindnlo renders who do not' tnuler-
...Slllllll Willi t IS tll"llllt ll.V tills Clltll'll-
llotinl contrst mid Mm grand oppor
tunities It will nfford m the young men
mill women of this section n tow words
of explanation may nol come nnilwy.
Tim Trillium infers n Sl.dflO scholar
ship In Lafayette college, good for four
years, with nil ospoiiKos, such an till
lion. lodging, rli-.. absolutely free H
the young nnin who siiceoeds 111 ob
taining Urn largest number of siih
i.oiibers before Aug. :'.!. emit monthly
wilmerlhor to cniuit olio point, each
yearly subset I her. twelve points, mid
ntlii'is In -loporlon, The one with
Urn Itiraesl number of points has nit
unrestricted choice of tight feholnr
cliipK In various rdiigii.tlnnnl Institu
tions, "f which Lnfo.;'tti college and
Swiivilnnoio oollPRf.'i'afli of Hie value
i ' SI.UOO, IipiiiI tlio list. Tim third spe
Inl reword will be n lhrio years'
ilioluilil In tin' State Normal school
hi Stiond.-buig. Tli' re three special
tewm-ds are offorpil as induconienlM in
young persons of I'ltlmr pes who d-
IVP.I higher pdlllMtloll III IMUV.'ISS foi
Tin- Trlbuim dining their spiiro lime
o- tliplr punintor vacation.
l'or those who desire t" iimillfy for
liifH'iiii.ll" pursuit.-. T!ip Trlluuip will
"I'IVt 111 the contest to n'l'Ml on Monday
tlifo full scholarships In lim Sitiiu-
!"!l HttsI'liMH college. In either 111"
i oiuini'iriiil or business oouiscs, rmii
of i"..em worth W mid to fully satisfy
il I- rpilremenls of Mm studiously In
ilr.ird tin; music loWns portion of the
i'omi'it"ilty has, not 1) 'pti overlooked,
us . viilencoil by Hip nffo;- of two niiol
nrshir.r. in the Scranton Conservatory
of Mi. sic, each In till- Viltlle of $".
Vi mil' men find women of t'niiion
iluli', mhi i-aunot afford to lot tlm.e
urilden opporttmltli's slip tlirouli your
llimers wiiimut at K'ast iiniuirinu ahout
IIipiii. Tim p.irpnis of (his city who
liovf.' the fii'ire welfiiP of their snip
and datiKlitPis uppermost In their
minds and peniii slioiild at least in-ijulri'-
!rto Mils iimsiriii of inlviiinins;
tlli'ieint'Ti'sls. - leltf".' mlilri'PsOil to
".Krlilor Kdueatiiinal Contest. Sernuton
Trlhijp.p, 'c-ranton. Pa..' will lirinu a
t.cpl.v th,i,L will fully expliiin the de
tails nt" the eonlt'St. The llrsl day
will lie Monday and there is no better
way of bPRlnuliiK thnn hRlunlnK at
Urn beir.niiiK'.
Plans Being' laid for Another Active
Season Thiy Year's Officers.
f-'oon the cries of forty love" and
iitlmr endearing terms will lesoumi
through the upper portion of North
Slain slicet, fur the I'arhnndaln Teii
inlfi. Ululi is cetttim; ready to resume
active hostilities towanli the Utile
Kilt ta perchu sphere. The club lias al
leady reorfianized for the season and
Mm members expect Unit they ai;e
Riiiiiff to have a busy hummer of il.
The olliivrs of the club this year will
he: President, Albert Kiltherford; viee
iresldPiil. IJcrtine llunsicUer; sccre
lary, Kkniior .loues; treasurer. .1. Hus
scll .lones. The woi'U of putting the
court in order will be benn nest weeli.
It will be iindeil and rolled and a new
screen creeled.
Tim lirst IiIr event will be held on In
dependence day. when ii members'
handicap tourney will be held. The
annual cup tournament will lip belli
the first week In September, thus
m.ikina: it an added attraction for the
scmi-cetiteiirilal .iollilleatlnn. The cup
(s now Held by Shaffer, of Princeton.
There are several strong teams in the
local club and as there is considerable
tlvalry between them, il is expected
that s-ome Rood exhibitions of the sport,
will lie Riven.
S'.t Type Here 08 Yeavr. Ago.
i .corse V I'll a v, of Xew York iliy,
has i niim to Hones lal" to spend the
nit rry month of Aluy with his brother,
John V. Sixiy-elRl'i years oro he wv
in ,'ippieiitici' In the piinthi? olMec at
1'iiibondale nf Amr.l Wilson, editor of
lip' Northern IViinylvunln. and au
uncle of Henry Wil.-o f the tiUaon.
He Is a native of Auburn, N. Y sient
mvcral years In Omaha, Neb., reiurncil
1'iiM, and since lsto has been a resi
dent of Mie metropolis of-the Umpire
i-iate. lie Rained a competence In the
pi liitimr businej.s there and retired
from Its arduous ami csuciiiir iIiiHim
llfleen yca"s aso A letlied meuihcr
of tlmeiaft In n rm a avis and to leiun
that mm actually i xists and can b,
w.'oii iiiid InlervlPwed hi the town
where the Hist locoinothe linneil a
wheel on Mi- American continent,
i-liould cause all the striiRRliiiR mid the
hiinilreds of penniless followers of tint
art preservative to take up new eour Wayne Independent.
Appointed Examiner,
1'rofessoi Kroit. nf the I'lirhoiidalo
t'.'iiii'ini'frl.ii Institute, has accepted au
appointment as exiinilner in short
lututl at Spencer's Business oolleRp In
Hi ronton. This will not Interfere with
hi- t( lulling at Mm tool business col, l.owi et, as lm win enmplotu
h's work in Mm Kleettie tity by two
Il , 'ilii I'daneo each weelt.
Cmpentci'B Will Smoke,
There will be a special meelliiR and
suiokor at the mooting moms of Keil
end union. No. 7:'0, op .Monday
ovmi ills'. An enjoyable, time Is liouinl
to be had by all members who ntlend.
Has n Position in Scranton.
Oiiurles .Mcr'anu, lately local nianii
Ker of the Scranton Truth, has an
cepted a position with liarko Utotlw
;rs, In Kerantoii, llu beslus his new
lutU'S today.
Mrs, Muviay Surprised,
A couslderahlo trathciimj of friends
if Mrs. John Murray, of Ultkett street,
rrndeivd her a surprise paity at hwr
inni" on Wednesday viaiiintr. Prof.
Smith furnished music for dmu I113 and
'cr f'lulilii'ii. tlutlwr iJi'jv, for .ijan a miivc 111
In iiiMiin'4 lluiiif hi Siw 'mi,, iiuPil ilnl
(Ii t n niin'iull.v villi .1 i.'iih.I.i, now occjik!
rn-.i I'lucil 111 i'ii' ill uK H"ii.. tjlli'I Mnilii-r
(ir.iy' hnfi'l l'0'il"i(. t't I'l.lliliiu. 'liny ,,,,,
luiMlfu .ii mill., pit -I--IOI t. Iil. di,i vim-y .'.a!
K tiiuin vine f'i' oii'iIiium. i'iiii,lii.,ilon!
IC.I.Hlu'. IHilllllli: III..I rll.lll,'ll lljuilUoi'. Jll.
UiJi'.i' Mii'iiir. At .ill ilii', S. Sihijilo
uiii liiCi;. AdiliOkS Alliu'S. l.lii;lfij, bult.iy,
.V. V
Catfcondale Department.
! .. , , .
I i p I
ItaincH nii'l other enjoyable features
liiado Mm I'VptiUto; 11 pI'JMsnnl one. At
mldnlRlit an elaborate supper was
served. Aiiioiir tlioe presenl were:
Mr. mid Mrs. Kanford, Mr. and .Mrs.
Wllllain.i, .Mi. and Mrs. Muddy. Mr.
mill Mrs. il. U. iliiswold, Mr. and Mrs.
.1. .1. .leiiUInu, Mr. and Mrs. ilowinih.
Mr. mid Mrs. Itoherts, Mr. mid Mrs.
Meilland. Mr. and Mis. .1. Thomas, Mr.
and Mm. Iloyle, Mr. mid Mrs. I,ee, Mr.
and Mr-1, i'ully, K. IJeiirdon ami l
William H. Davlca Post Veterans
Praise Hospltnl for Kind Treat
nient. At the I.lsl I'eRlllar uieellnu; of W 1 1 1 -lain
II. UiivIoh nost, No. 1ST, lirand
A 1 my of Mie liepublle, tmpartineiit of
Pennsylvania. Mm veterans were moved
In show, in a public and Mthslmitlat
way, their appreciation of courtesies
extended to members of the post who
had undeiRoim treatment In the Miner
Ri'iicy hospital of this city. The vet
erans who have been patients tlmri'
have praised the Institution and Its al
laiies most IiIrIiI.v and therefore a
Mite of thanks to the latter was passed
and live dollars were dona led lo I lie
A Fall nt (he La&t Chance Colliery
Closes the Entrances of the Mine.
A serious cive-ln occurred on Wed
nesday ai the l.asi 1 'bailee mine, cast
of the city. liiiprisonliiR nine mules.
On Monday tlm roof of the mine tmar
the oponliiR fell In. Several men were
al work on Wednesday tlmhcrin? Mm
shaky plac". Suddenly a law part of
the roof came down, -huttiiir them
out from the entrance to the mine.
The few men at work found their wav
with considerable illlllciilty thrntmh
some old workings and Mills Rot to the
open air. The mules remain in the
mine and il is feared that an op-mliiR
cannot be made in lime to Mive them.
.Men were set at work at once In clear
up the mass.
XXU1I.I U1L J.WV uii.iiua.
1 -fore Aldei man .lones last evenliiR
TT-l.l .... rr... rl.n..n.p
to p
iivide for them, and also with as
aiul battery, sayimr that he did
anil strike her and threaten to
her life, and she futthcr aliened
she was in constant fear of her
Mr. Uolden's falhot bcciune Ins
A Unique Event.
The Friday liveniiiR' OanciiiR class
will step in the front next Wednes
day and sound the llrst riiii of a com
Iiir popular mode of attire. They will
Rie a shirt waist dance mid 110 mem
ber of either sex who Is not attired
in a shirt waist will be allowed to par
ticipate in the terpslehorcan part of
the evening's enjoyment.
Has Delirium Tremens.
A youiiR man who Is a member of
a well comieiicd ami highly respected
family of Ibis city was an Inmate of
the city jail last night, where he had
been placed so he would not Injure
himself. He was suffering; the tortures
of a well developed case of delirium
Tonight's Social.
This evening the newly formed
Clerks' union will make its bow In a
rotial way. A May dance will he given
in Mie P.urke building', and it is ev
I eetPil that a law number ol friends
of the salesmen and sai.'swonmn will
be in atlendmice. Piof. Kir Hi will pro
vide the nui'ie.
Attended a Funeral,
Mr. and Mrs. Oeoige II. Trynn of
Tiriile avenue, were In lloueMlale yes
terday tit tending the funeral of Doro
thy, the fourteen-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Meade Tryou. She was
a niece of (ieorge il, Tryon.
Returned from Convention.
Mesibinms Pierce HuMer, .1, Annuel'
mi n. W. K. Nye, M. O. Abbey, A, K.
liialfce and Misses Nettie Ualley anil
Lulu Posit r have leturimd from the
Women's Koteign Missionary conven
tion at Puiimiuc.
Going; to the moity City.
Mrs. T. .1. Maxey and son, liny, w hi
leave la 11 few days to join Mr. Maxey,
who is Incited In Plltsbllig. They hae
been spending the winter with Mis,
MitNey's mother, Mrs, W. 11. Searlc.
The Battle of Port Hudson.
l the high this afternoon
(ieorge S. Klnib'ill will describe Mie
' Passage of the Klept P.ehlnd Purl
Hudson." and "The I'haigc of tlm
Wink Utigiide." The public Is Invited.
On n lrishlng; Trip.
11. U. lieyiloMs, K. H. Maj. Thomas
M'ididleu an I (iiiURe Sluipklns went
1111 a tl-ililng Hip yesterday to Ijobln-i-oii'i.
1 on. I. They expected to return
to town 1 lift uiiirulng.
Ate Now in Force.
M.onr Kilpatrlek has signed, thr ap
propriation and lax levy oiilinniuvs,
the Ih'st two iiiea.sure.s to pass coun
cils this llscal year, and they are now
III effect,
Addressed Prayer Meeting,
Mrs. Newell, who represents the
Women's llaptist Homo .Mission ho
clety, addressed the prayer meeting nt
the llctoau llaptist church lost even
A Tumor Removed.
Miss Margaret liannon of fepleyvllle,
who was n ft inner resident of Mils elty,
won optvdtcd on in Me l'mowney
hospital yesterday for a tumor.
A Comine Basket Social.
The Soon of Temperance v. ill give a
l.iskct social tit their hall on Wcdncs.
day evening1, May '.'-.
To Mi', and Mis. Harvey Swan, of
No, I, a boil.
1 Oolden eiileled hall in S.V10 for his
ar.niie at court lo answer two
ses preferred by his wife, Khun.
chaws her liusband Willi deseii
hei and their chi'd and refusiiiR
ThollG :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Jack McLaughlin Tries to Hnng;
Himself, in the City Jail.
Kor Mm third Mini! within il few
weeks a man tiled to hang himself nt
Mm city Jail lust evening. This man
was not a prisoner, but was on Mm
verge of delirium tremens, ills name
Is John Mi'Iiughlln, and ho Is pupil
laily known us ".lack" and also us the
"black sheep" or 11 good family.
He was taken to the city Jail by Olll
cer c'lirden yesterdav afternoon, be.
cause he was unable to care for him
self and was evidently on the verge of
collaps". He developed symptoms of
delirium ttoiimns soon after being put
in "Steve (illhy's" cell, mid Janitor
Kllleen begged Chief MeAnilrew to
have bint sent to the hospital, as be
aiithipalPil trouble front him. The
chief was willing lo do so. bill lm was
poweiless, as Mm city does nol pmvls
iou for trc'itdiPtil of siuit cases al. Mm
About ! o'clock Chief MeAllill'PW
wenl Into Mm jail and looked at Mc
l.itushlln. The man was then con
scious, "'or Cod's sake, Mae," he said, "gcL
me out of here, or I'll have the hor
rors." "Oh. no. I guess not. You're all light
now. If you can talk so sensibly you
nir In no danger nf Mm tiPiimns." was
the chief's response. "I'll Ret you some
medicine." and he walked out
A minute niter Mr. Kllleen went Into
Hi" Jail and was startled to see i body
dangling fioni the top of the cell, lie
gave a cry and started out for help.
lie encountered City Treasurer Connor J
in the corildor. and shouting. "Hurry
up., here's miotbrr hanging."
started back. Connor and Kllleen got
ipilckly in the cell, and lifting the man
up, Connor nit him down, as he had
cut down C.itby a few weeks ago.
McLaughlin had made a noose of Ills
susneinlers, passed the ends over the
grating al the top and put his head In
the noose. He was gasping for breath
when he was lesctied and had not
iiuite ln-st bis senses. He was exam
ined, found to have sustained no ner
inanenl injury, mid was taken to the
The Inn pievlnus attempts at suicide
In the city jail were made by Peter
McCaiin. who succeeded in bis wish by
means of a pair of suspenders. With
in two days Constable S. A. fillhy
made three attempts inside of two
hours In the next cell, tirst using his'j
suspenders, then his necktie and Mien
his shirt, lie had nearly succumbed at
the last trial, when City Treasurer
Connor cut him down. Mr. Connor Is
a handy man to have around.
Foundry on Fire Again.
An alarm of tire from box 12 at
about S o'clock last evening brought
out both hose companies to the old
foundry owned by Lindsay & Walsh,
but which is popularly known as Kar
ly's foundry. This place furnishes a
lire scare at fretpient Intervals, no less
than four alarms having been rung
In on account of it in less than a year.
Last night the nmn at the foundry
worked until nearly 7 o'clock, making
a casting, and Mien went home. About
au hour after Miss Kaiiy, who lives
next door, saw a blaze at the foot of
the cupola, and she and her brother
bravely tried lo put It out with buck
ets low aler before sending in an
alarm. Klnding It Increasing, she sent
home hoys to turn In the alarm, while
she continued at her work. Pol'ore
the tlremen could gel there she had
so far Rotten the best of it that a
1 ouple of additional palls of water
by the men put a stop to Mm blaze.
Then the huge crowd went home.
Funeral of Mrs, Church.
The services over the remains of Mie
late .Mrs. Millie Louise Church took
place yesterday afternoon at the res
ilience l.Vj Salem avenue. f!ev. Char
les L"is, nf Mm First Prnsbyterlau
church, delivered the funeral sermon,
A inali' iiiartette, composed of Dwlgbt
Crane, II. K. Clark. I.tissell M. Shep
herd and W. M. Clark, sang "Some
lime We'll rnderstauil" and "Tim
Christian's (iood Night." interment
was made a l Maplewnoil ucemetery.
The pall-beaters were: Maurice Mil
ler, Harry Nciinoyer. Julius Spaeth,
cousins nf Mrs. Church, mid Maurice
Watt, Max La throne and Dwight
1 lane, wlntjrteie ushers at her wed
ding less than two years ago, A num
ber of sorrowing friends from mil of
town were present, and many beauti
ful Moral tokens were deposited on and
beside the casket,
A Juvenile Bicycle Thief.
Alderman Jones had a youthful prls
1 im.' before li I id last evening In Mm
I "in of Maurice Cavlsion, II years
oU, who was charged with the larceny
of a bicycle belonging to Albert I!,
Join's. 'Phis Is the second time that
Mr, Jones' wheel has heen stolen, Mm
former thief selling It for $:t. He Inst
patience at Mils second attempt.
Alderman Jones was inclined lo rIvo
Mm boy every chapco and division
admitted that lie had taken the wheel,
hut only "10 try It.'' he said. Subse
quently ho pimaiieated to such an
extent about It that the aldermmi'R
smile changed to a stern look, and,
after giving the youngster a sound lec
ture mi Mie value nf telling the truth,
he held him In .$UI ball to appear, Ills
uncle becoming his surely.
A Delegate Once More.
Oivf-n Loftus, or Seventh avenue,
ope nf tlm oldest crnidiictorH In this
section, and who is usually selected to
11 presenl his fellow knights nf the punch
at national conventions, departed for
St, Paul, Minn., oil Wednesday night
lo act as a delegate to the national
convention nf Mie llrotherhood of I Ci It
nail Conductors.
Diagram Opens Tonight.
It is evident tlint nil the. high claims
made for the Metropolitan Malu quar
tette tiro being accepted by the people
of this city, as the sale of tickets has
been very satisfactory for the little ei
fori made in that illrei Hon. Touinlit
the. dlagiani opens tit ('link's, drug
store. Ciirboudale's ilalm 10 high
musical tastes ian be sustained mily
Pan-American Exsiosition
Buffalo, 1X1. V.
Accommodations for visitors. Pri
vate home. Best residence section.
Near exposition. Send for circulars.
Mrs. Aclisali K, Hartzell,
431 Ashland Ave, Buffalo, A Y.
by giving these artists n full house.
Tim local management has assumed it
big risk In attempting to handle stic.h
a high-priced company so late In tlio
Tailors Form a Union.
Last ot'enlng ajiother labor otRiiu
Izatlon was nddrd to the already large
roll of t'arhondnlp unions. Tim gar
ment workers of the city, or 11 largo
part of them, held a meeting In Foley's
tallotliiR' rooms, on "Main sited, mid
look l he llrst steps tou'ind the forma
tion of it permaimiiL organization. A
charter Is expected within 11 few days,
When the formation will be completed.
One of the '11111111 objects of tlm new
union will be to frame and maintain a
uniform scale of prices. Considerable
Interest was displayed In Hip move
ment. Through Trains.
This Is the way llawiey views the
forthcoming- Krle management:
"The Krle will shortly begin work on
the new brunch from Carbondale and
Jessiip to Klnidale. At tlm latter place
it larg-e yard has been surveyed capa
ble nf holding n largo area of truckage,
When this Is completed II Is said Mint
trains will lm run through from Port
Jervls to Avoen. mid that nil passen
ger tralni will also run from Port Jnr
vis to Scranton direct. PYir local travel
between Hawiey mid Honesd.ile a pas-'
sengpr coach will bo attached lo Mm
way freight, and it yard engine will
run between these two places and con
nect with all trains going paeh way."
Keturnetl from Banquet.
A. W. llaslam. Mm local reprosentn
lle nf Mm lutcru.itlnnal Correspond
ence seho.ils, returned Wednesday
trout Philadelphia, where ho baa been
.spending several days with T. .1. Fos
ter, president of the schools, and J. K,
IJeliiinri. manager of the advertising
department. The purpose of their
visit was to attend a banquet given by
i social club formed of members of
the schools' Philadelphia, corps of
workers. He holds tlm enviable record
of being the best collector In the em
ploy of the Institution and as lm Is but
one of several thousand men employed
In 1 he same capacity, it will be seen
the honor is 110 small one.
Election Next Tuesday.
On next Tuesday evening the annual
election of oillcers of the Carbondale
cycle club will be held. For president
(Jeorgo S. Kimball Is unopposed. Kach
oflheother otliccs has a number of
tnndldatcs. The election promises to
be an. exciting one. Ten new applica
tion:'. Inr membership me on the board,
nil being names of prominent business
and professional men of the city. The
ensuing year gives every Indication of
being the most prosperous in the club's
A Prosperous Bank.
The report of the First National
Dank, just made public, siiows that it
Is In a most prosperous and stable con
dition. nsides dividing a good share
of the prollts from time to time it Is
piling up a great surplus. It shows
lawful money reserve in bank. STS.Uiifl.u.",
mid total resources of St ,r72.G'..tjr : sur
plus fund, SKiO.Oon: undivided prollts of
S41,29"..7;. and individual deposits of
$1,1 IS.S10.2-I.
A Tree Fell on Him.
Mis. Peter Llppert has returned from
Mllaiivlllo, Wayne county, where she
intended the funeral of her nephew.
The little lellow was only four years
old. Ills father was cutting down a
big tree. and. unnoticed by him. the
little boy got within reach of it when
it fell and was crushed, death result
ing instantly.
May Go to Europe.
Henry Salmi is seriously contemplat
ing a trip to Kit rope this spring. For
the past two years he has been en
deavoring to get away, but ill health
has prevented him. It is not nt all
unli'mly now, however, that he will
shortly leave here for an extended vis
it to the old country.
Meetings Tonight.
Poor hoard.
Junior order L'nited Amerlcrn
Coinpan.ons of the Forest.
American Legion of Honor.
1'niteil Mine Workers, Local No.
The Royal Circle.
Mrs. Frank White, of No.ii, Is III
at her home.
.Miss Lulu Foster Is visiting relatives
In Plttston. . v
Hon. M. T. Ttiirke Is visiting his
family 011 Pike street.
Miss Katie Powderly, of Scranton,
spent Wednesday Jn town,
W. H. Holllster spent Wednesday
evening in Wilkes-Ham.
Mrs. William Johnson Is very ill at
her home on Washington street,
.tiny Chamberlain is on 11 business
trip lo Chicago and Kansas City.
Miss Annie Hrennau, of Church
.street, Is visiting in Wilkes-liarre.
Mrs. Frank Do vers, of Canaan street,
Is confined to her home by Illness.
Mrs, J. ft. rtowison and daughter,
Doris, mo visiting in ninghiiiiuou,
N, V.
Hubert II. Lewis, of Oneonln, has
returned homo after a short slay hi
Mrs. John Keif, of Onshore, Pa.,
spent Wednesday with relatives In
Pilchard Hocking mid Alfred Wallmy,
of Jerniyn, were Carhondalo visitors
Wednesday night.
Thomas York, of Herrfeh Centre, has
moved to C.irbondnle. He has n posi
tion as track foreman here.
Mrs. John Mrady. of Waymart, Is
t-peiidlng a few days with her sister,
Mrs, Harvey Swan, at No, I,
Harry Oihlln, of Dundaff street, has
accepted a position as soliciting; agent
lor T. A. Walker & Company.
Trainmaster Henley, of Siisquehnu.
na. mid Mrs, Henley attended Mm ball
of the Knights of Columbus 011 Wed
nesday night.
.Mrs. Cieorge n. stnim and daughter
left on Wednesday fur .Mlddletnwn, ,
Y., lo spend some Mine with .Mrs. i. V.
IMward Ihirke, nf pji(. street, bus
accepted a po.-itlon under Truckman
tor Nugent on the Ilonesdalo branch
of the Delaware and Hudson.
1). C. Henscnter, of Church street,
has so far Improved as to be able m
get out for a short time each day.
W. H. Stephens, of Helniont street,
has accepted a position In Ituolmster,
N. Y-. mid bis family will probably
take up their tesldence at that place.
Thomas Wells, one of our most es
teemed and highly respected cltlzenm,
died at his liuiue. the Mansion house,
mi -Main street, at SUM o'clock Wed
tu'fiiay I'vruiuB, after u few days' ill-
PPFP No charge, for PiiIuUhh Mstraut. CnCC-
riVE-id uKVlioii Ollmr Work U Douu. niVC'C
Wo clvo 11 wtittun mmratitou for LID years on all work. Q.
Tito fact that this Is an Itiunrimratutl Company dolne; n.
ttess under tlm lawn of tliN Statu, and opor.ulnj it systont of O
"0 ofllcos, la :i Htillli'leltt guarantee of our ri's'iniiHlliillty tttitl 2
mat wu ijii ux.:ii.iiy 11 1
days, in to t.
I The White Dental. Parlors
ness of pneumonia. The deceased was
thirty. five ycarrf old, and Is survived
by a wife and one child. .Miss .Icau
nette, also by his mother, Mis. Peter
Wells, and three sisters, .Mrs. Frank
Doitcrber, .Mrs. Thomas Slddons and
Mrs. John MoDonotigh, nil of Mils
place. Deceased was a member of Con
clave 2X0. Improved Order of Herita
sophs. and Division X". la. Ancient
Order of Hibernians, of .lerniyn. which
socielies will attend In a body at the
fnnetiil Saturday uuirnlnir at 10.30
Itichard Harrelt, of Hill street, la
convalescing;, after a severe attack of
John O'ltourkc, of Main street, Is
critically ill of diphtheria.
Joseph (Slldeii, will!" at work Wed
nesday evenhiK in White Oak mines,
had his hand so badly crushed that it
was found necessary to amputate two
of his finsers.
John T. Williams, who was in lured
In the mines here over a year uro,
was at tlie Scranton private hospital
Tuesday. His case, which is said to
lie a remarkable ope, lias attracted
considerable attention amoiiK medical
men and he has been invited to attend
the JUale Medical association meeting
in Philadelphia.
Peter McCartney, of Maylleld, has
lettiineil from Philadelphia, where he
has been under treatment in Wills
hospital. The Indications aio favor
able for the restoration of his sIbIH.
Justice of the Peace Silas H. Hills
has received ills commission mid will
hold his otllce in the new buildlns:
erected for the purpose 011 North Main
Miss Croticher, the well known China
missionary, who has been dollverlnK
lectures lately throughout the valley,
will speak this cvenlnpf in the Metho
dist Episcopal church, on the "SIko
of Pekin," in whi:ii ah will describe
her thrllllnpr experience la the lato
Chinese trouble,
Mr. and Mrs. Itichard III own and
niece, of the Denulngton stock farm,,
left yesterday for Delaware.
David Thomas of Paeon street. Is
improving his properly by the erection
nt a nice porch.
John Bruce, a boy employed at the
Maxwell silk mill, had his linger nail
torn off and the tips of his lingers
painfully lacerated last evening while
at work al. the mill. His injuries were
dressed by Dr. I. S. drover.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Kinback were at
Carbondale yesterday, in attendance nt
the funeral of .the late Millie Louise
Tin Steiiiek Creek colliery was Idle
yesterday, on account of tlio breaking
of a drum.
Tlie drassy Island w.ishery of Mie
Delaware and Hudson company has
closed down until further orders.
Windsor Poster Is visiting friends at
The Crescents, of West .Maylleld, and
the Peckvllle Juniors base hull clubs
will battle fir supremacy on the Molt
Haven grounds on Saturday afternoon.
The game will be called at '! o'clock.
Mr. and .Mrs. John It. AVIIIImns, of
dieen P.ldge, spent Monday with the
former's parents 011 South Main .street.
class 1'! of the Haptist church will
give n concert at the church on May
l.l. Miss Long. Miss Daisy Hell Hall
mid a male miaiiotto from Scranton
will pattliipate, also Mr, Watklus and
Miss Anna Sands, of Peckvllle.
Postmaster I'. A'. Muee has obtained
from Washington a supply of Pan
American stamps nf different denomi
nations, which are now nu sale at the
The i.Uyplmnl Minstrel company gave
a performance at Duiiiiiore last even
ing. They wore aceonipunled by Hr'iiu'si
military band.
Thomas Mahon, a former well Known
resident of this place, died at his homo
oil Mulberry strojt, Scranton. yester
day of pnoiiiiiouln. Tin funeral will
take place to-morrow morning at
The members of Mie Olyuphaut Con
clave of Heptasoplts will give a smoker
In their rooms Thursday (veiling, May
Mrs. J. ,. Waning v as leniov.:-!
fiom tlio Hahnauiaup hospital nt
Scranton yesterday very much Im
proved hi health,
The proposed extension of Susiiuo
In ma til reel to IVeltvlll', lei ling train
Ferris street, ha.i been reported ad
vcisclv by the vlewcrn. Their report
was Hindu (n court yesterday. They
claim thai the building of the exten
sion would be too expensive compared
with the hone-Ills derived. Tile vlnwers
were A. II. Dunning, Thomas Walkey
and John K- l.amhll.
The ludlrs of the Initial socl'ty of
the Plakeslre elupch icrved supper in
tlie chiin h parlor last, evening. Thero
was a large attendance and n most de
licliius spread was ptiiaken of.
Margate!, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mis. D. '. Hvatif, nf Siisiuehanna
j.treot. Is very III.'
The borough roiunil will meet In
tegular monthly session 011 Monday
The lawn nt the Central mhool has
We extract teeth, lilt teeth, niul apply gold crowns and bridge work, with
out the least pain, by a, method patented and used by us only. When the im
pression is taken in the morning plates will bs finished same day, If desired.
Note Our Prices for Perfect,
Full Set Teeth (that fit).
Gold Fillings
Silver Fillings
Gold Crowns.
Teeth Without Pln'.cs ,.!j5.oo
Cleanlne Teeth sos
nc luvui u:!..
Wl'J MAKIO A SPHC1AI.TY of Clotd Crown and P.iIiIkc Work. This Is a
H.tHtom for Inserting artlllelal teeth whine mu or mote are iiiIssIiik without the
use of a plate. Thin work Is niosl beautiful and ciiuuot he tletecleil fioni the
natural teeth. When properly done, wi II last a lifetime. Cull mid .see us oper
ate. It will he a pleasure for tin to carefully examine your teeth and toll you
evaetly what your work will coal. No tiiiirtte for Mils. Hours, S to S, sJtin-
.in... irt ... 1
("1111' l,.i 'i.iu.nui.l .mil W.ionilns .ivrmir-. Oirr
Xcu.irl." slim- Slnio. Si tdtilrin.;rt iIhi .it
ii'iiiiiii in I hi wurlil. 'HI 'iflin in I nllnl M.iP"..
lii'.-n bcaiitllled by a number nf plants,
which have been urrmiged in tin fiont
of the building.
Mrs. 71. K. Klngslny and children left
yesterdav to spend a week at Polls
vllle. Mrs. M. I!. Hull nml daughter, Mlsi
flm-a Hull, returned yesterday from
a week's slay In New York.
Mrs. Charles Thomas Clarence
Thomas mid ICcelyn Davis have gone
to Hiiltimoie Md., In spend a mouth
with lelntives.
A very pretty marriage was solemn
ized at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. John
Thomas, of Pnltin street, on Wednes
day evening, when their accomplished
daughter. Miss Mary J., was united in
holy matrimony to Mr. Kdwin White,
of the Pyne. The bridesmaid wa's Miss
Jennie Carter and the best man was
Aitluir White, brother of the groom.
I lev, D. (.'. I'M wards, pastor of the
Welsh P.aptist church, performed the
ceremony which united the youn
couple for life. At the conellisioi' of
the ceremony congratulations were ex
tended ami a reception follow"!1.,
which was al tended by relatives and
immediate friends.
The otllclals of the Lackawanna
company are contemplating a number
of :mpiovements at the Taylor colliei;,
h'-ro during the summer mouth.
I avid I'M ward, sou of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph rtolilnson, nf Old Fivcc, died
yi sterility, after a brelf illno":. The
funeral will be held on Satuiday af
tci ream. P.ttrhil will be 'nado In the
Dnryea cemetery.
Watch for Monday's Tribune. It will
contain a full description of The Trib
une's Second Kilucmioiial Contest.
Tills will be the grandest opportunity
ever offered for tlie young men and
women of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
You may ask, '-How can you make
such liberal rewards'.'" Never mind
how we do It; we did It last year and
we can do It again. Monday's Tribune
will contain a lull descilplion of the
plan and the rewards, and the contest
will be formally opened on that day.
If you wish in enter on the llrst day,
send in your name now and you will
receive u. book of blanks with full In
structions on .Monday.
I!ev. Ivor Thomas, formi'iiy pastor
of the Welsh Congregn' I011.1: iinri.Ii
of this town, will occupy the piili'H
in the Xobn Congregational c'.'.i;iv''i
,if Kendliain, on Sunday, May I'J.
The young ladies of Mie WeHh llap
ilst church will conduct .1 lawn so.i.'il
111 the church lawn tomorrow even
Ins. The Women's Christian Temperance
league will meet this afternoon at the
Welsh llaptist church.
i'lchai"! J. Davis is Improving from
bis Merlons Illness.
Taylor. Pyne nml Archbald collieries
employes will receive their earnings
for the latter pail of April tomor
row. Washington camp. No. I'.C. I'.i riot i
Order Sous of America, will line, in
session this evening.
Atloriiey John M. Harris is In Phila
delphia on a lmsiii"is trip.
Invlnelbli mmamlery. No. .Z,
Knights of .Malta, will convene in reg
ular sefisi'iu this evening.
Mrs. William H. Jones and son Wil
lie, of Carbondale, are visiting her
mother, .Mrs. It. W. Itecse, of Main
Itobeii Llewellyn, of t'lilon si ee",
wil leave next week for a trip to Ills
native country, Wales.
The Century Hose company. No -',
111 1 ready for tlie receiving of bids for
the supplying of new hose.
Prof. D. I'!. Jones, of Main stieet, is
Improving from his recent Injuries.
The closing exercises of one of the
ino.-t successful terms at the Waverlv
High school were held al the Pnpllst
church hist Monday evening, l.l hern I
applause was bestowed upon each se
lection by the large audience, which
crowded the house to the doors. The
following !. the pi'OKi.ininie. M'e".
lion, orchestra; sulul,ilor. iippoiiu
Uilies," Hoy D. Sliiue; ess.i, "Shakes,
peaie's Men," Kalhryii Wolfe; vocal
solo. Mis, i:. M. i'ilf.iny; oraUoii,
"Silicons," P. William Tyler; selection,
oichesirn; (iralion, "John .Marshall." It.
N. Miickoy selection, orchestra; i-u lec
tion, orcheslra. scarf (hill: primary
exercise; selection, orchestra; oration,
"The True Aim of the Public School,"
Joseph M. Stevenson; solo. Mrs. 11. M,
iill'an.v; essay, "Tru Nobility," Ada
lino (jardner; selcelloii, orchestra'
valedictory, "The lulluenci of Wealth."
James 1 1. S'lnimicr; piesnnintlnn of
diplomas, t-ocniary of school board;
award of prices. Orchestra Flri-t vio
lin. Karl It. Stone; cornet. Walter
Tinkliniii; piano, It. Harold Parker;
lias'i Wol, Wcstcott stone; trombone,'
Howell Kink. Kvery one did. un.
usually well, but loo much praise can.
not be given to the .solos rendered by
Mrs, U. M. Tiffany, of Foster, M
whose beautiful singing compares fa
vorably Willi Mie best. A number of
kodak pictures were taken during thu
afternoon by the itev. .Mr. (iodsh.ill.
who ably assisted In making Hie affair
a suci-i'ss. The interior of the church
wan bi'iiutifully ilecnroiUcil with dow
els and plants, kindly loaned by Plor
1st Chalice, of tills place, and othcis.
Mrs. A. Ifi'ilforil. who has lieu 111
Philadelphia with her daughter ilttr
igit Mm winter, is occupyliiij her old
Painless Dentistry f
.$3.00 to $5.00
n F5I ATF5
n iuii & uriivu
' REfJlli
.Ki '
RKi'iuir ol tiii; (OMiiiioN up Tin.
.11 N IMIltrill, III III" Slip' nf I'cilll.-.lh.llll.l, .It HI!'
linsc nl limini'W, .nll 21. UN1':
ltlOl lit I'.S.
ijuiii- .iml iibtmiiiM i,s.y,.itr 'o
(IvchIkiII.'i. mi nml .iihI iiiirrtnril. .. (ill ''
I'. S. Iiniiilt to riiiii' tiicul.ilion .... .Vi.onii 111
siniK-i. '.ii'iiiitii'., on- n,(i'i,'!'.i iii
lt.iiil.hi',- In tan lift lit r- I listing ;;i).(H'l I II
lint' (mm N.nii' li.niks (not iim'iw
:ig nls) C.KH "
Phi- (nun M.iti' luiik-. ,iml li.niki'is.. I'.2-I a
Diiu dent .iiprmi'il U'-i'iM' .ikimiI-,,,. I.illl.ifi" "M
Il'll'tllllln t.itnu I,'"i.! si
Cl.i'ik.i :!)'! i.Uirr i'IOl Ill-Ill- "Y':! ,',';
I'M ll.lllr-i fur I'lr.illlli: liml't' '-!. "-'1 '!':
Nnli-i nf mini .lli..n.ll lull!.- l.,.."ilHI 111 p.iper finiriuy, niiki'K
atnl mil "'I" "'
I.nuful inntirv u'.riip in t '.
Spcilf ....'. sniViVI :
l.osut triiiler nnin- II5,:IM "" ".'.(. "hJI SO
Rrilrniptiiin fiiml vmiIi I'. ". Trr.H-
iiiit (.- nf 1 iuiil.illi'in - n' ,v
I)i:, (inm I'. s. Tii'i-un-r. "Hut linn
.-., iiiK'niplliin (nml .'..DO) .0
i.T'id.iil' "J
'ftl.lHHI ni
1,iiii,(i"i nl
1.1 xn'i.riTi:.
Sin elm fniiJ
I niliiuli'il iniilil-. Ie.-s rH'ii-'.' ami
l.iwi iui.1 Il'i.r.ll '11
N.itlon.d l'.nil. ni.tiw oiitfl.iiiilinit .-.n.oiio "1
Pun totntlii'i- .N.nion,il h.iiiki i!".',,i, 11
line I" -Mie Innk-i .mil luiikrei '."'.T'J.: C
linn tn ii) pinieii ie-.i'iw .ii;cnl- II, IT1' "I l-iii-il- -uliio.l tn .-I :,. T..l.-!'li I
iifnt.ioii i oiiliin.iio. of ilopn-il T-.;:'ia 'i
(Vllilliil llii'iki ".i-l ' '
Ci-liioi'-i ilink.- niil-l.iiiilliia l-l""
Vnln- :ilnl 1 .1 1 ! -X r.'-iti.i Ollllli'il Sol
bin- .
Hill- IM.l.llllo
. s.i I I I i 1 1 c ollii'i' ttinn llin-n .ilinvn
ioi.ii -'. -."i
St.ilo of I'niimbiiiii.i. mmly of l.:n k.iw.itm i. -
I. ..i:ie I'o-I. C.i-iiliT i if Hi.' .ilinxp H.IIIII 'I
. . .. i. .. , ,i. .. ,t i , .,
n.illl., un Murium, -ut.n in.ii in' .",'- -,...
mi'iil I- Inn' I" I lie In -I nf my l.iimili'ilin' .tml
lii.ll.'f. I-'V IC I'O-T. f'n-liii
Sllll-I llliril .ll'il MVWII III liPlnli" IIIC HlH '111
ii.o nf m.iv. i'hii. w.m.ti'.i: i;. (irssici!
( oin'i'1 -Alli-f Xol,nv I'ulil"
(I. I., lilt K.-ON.
.i. . i.isi:s. i)iii','iiii.
ki.i'oiit in-- 'Hit: ( MMiiTins op tup
at Su.'llli'll 111 III" nf I', ill III?
ili-n nt Im-iiii.--, nil -.'I, IMH:
I - .-iml lli-i mint- s Iifi. 'H. ,,
(Hi'iili.iti.-. -riiicil .in. I im-i'i ini'il... I.i'111' I
I . - lionil- ini'i'ine i ion. . . ".ii.imiii
P. S' I'lihil- tn - I . . iloin-ll-. J LI l.l HI"
I'li'ininiii- I'll P. -. liomN II.ikii'I
Mm!,-, -iiniitio.-i, i'ii llu. HI
ILinkiiig linii-i', lm nit iii r .mil lilnii'- llii.ikiie
( lll.'l- IC.ll' llWhl'il .-.'I,.. li
li lllilll I'.lllk-, (Ilnl ll-ilie
.ii'i'nl-) i.-;'ii.
Ilil.' li. nn !. iln I'.nik-.iml luiikii-.... ".H'i I
I in.- Iiopi ippimril i'i-.'iii' .units..,. ;ill..i-.. ,1
Inn in. 1 1 t. . 11110 -l.m.p- I." I ''
Clliik- .iml olli-1- .1 -Il III 11'- Il'.l'' 1
I'M ll lll'iO- I'll I'll'.llill'.- In.ii-o N.ll H
Siiti- it nlllil ll.llinllll li.lllk-l I" "'" piper inlll'ir.l, 1111-l.i'U
.Hill tl'lll- ' 'I
l..iAtul inmii'v 10- in' in I1..11I1, i.'
Sp.oio II,I2:I in
Lead ti'iiilir null'- -'.',71(1 "'l I'M"' n"i
Iti'ili un tlnn liiinl wllli P. s. Iii'.i-iiioi'
(V;, .if ilniil.ili.n II vrt iM
lino llnlll P. S. IIO.I-PIOI, nihil' (Inn
(.-, Il' tllllll) .'..HH H'I
Tot. I .L'.l,''l.!'l I
I'.'ipltlll -Inil, p.ll'l ill - 'MMHIII III
Ni,ln tuml iin.iMmi'r
I'llilhiili'il plnllH. Ii" l'plll.-l'i. I
I.IM'S p.llil I '..WI II
S'llinll.ll I'.lllk linliw nlllll.lllillllS "II.II'HI in
lllli- tn f.tliiT II It ion it InilkH i.i "1 'I
lino 111 .-1. Ho IuiiU .mil Innkiii i.-ll "7
liliiilunU imp.iiil Mid"
Imlniilnil lim.i. -ill. i. -il In il:r, k. t. ,i.'..'l ,
Di'iiimil nilllii-.itiH nl ili'i"rll Il'i. ulii '.')
1'iitilii'it ilniks II " '"
C.i-llli'l'- 1 liri k OHI-I.lliilllig I,- "1
I nillil M.ltiS'fl
T0i.1l -Mr'- ""M
M.iio nl Vim..l' mu. Coiiiii i of l..,
I, I '1, ink I.. I'l.illlp-. 1 .i-ln.T "l tli.- ,iln"
nil I I. ml,, il.i ...iliiiinl.i -eir Ilnl 1I11- .il.n
ht.ilinii'iil 1- Iuii' m Mu- In M nf mi' I.noiilril.i
ami IicIikI. I' I- lilll.l.ll'S Ci'lili"
Mill 1 1 .'mil smll I" I' in" Mil " It
,iu f piii. inn. wm. . wii.cnv
(oinil tti-i: Noliiii I'ulil, f,
Clls. I' MU'IIIPW--,
I.. W .Mule-.-'. IlimtiiK.
honie mi .Mu In street, which litis been
thoroughly renovated dining her nb
bcciiee. Prol'. Hillley, of Key.slonc academv,
will iieiuiiy tllf pulpit at Mie li;ipllsl
church next S.ihbnth iiiornlng.
Aiibiir Christy in Kinking ,nli
slmi well on IiIk property ni.c .tho
high school. They have real h''d 1
depth of about one hundred feet, with
Wrong Indications of water.
Frank .lermyn mid family are now
occupying I heir minimer icsldcine mi
depot street.
,1. A. Ulieil Intends to conic up noM
week, lie has one of the llliest mine
uier homes in this vicinity.
(in Sundav morulug, .May U Itev It
IS. Thompson, "'" the Dalton Haptw
church, will prcai II at the t'ltui' sllicer,
llaptist chuieb.
The high school lilii'.ti will be open
for students to exchange booKi- li .
twciu thn bonis of ::;.'() mid I ;io p in
mi Wednesday of each we..
At the icgnlar nieeMug nt ti.. I-
worth League cabinet it way .c I b-1
to hold n litiivtry Miiial ill Me hop!
of Mts. S. K. W"lls oil iiiiirsilaN - mi
ing. May Hi. lt'al. I'l.'gr-im will In
n i'iIu known In noiii wi"i;'s newn 11 m .,
II. X. ratiick mid wifo ol Si i nuor
spiiit the 'l.iy with their unib' I s
Waglii'i'. on 'ciliieil,i.v.
.Mr. nml .Mrs. Hlanlo Hten.s ('
Sitaiitou xpent SuHday with relaiu
vyj -