. ' ' 55BS""? ,i . , i MHHH ww7Hi!!!sft3Y W' 'ifi r? '-. rvj r mm ii ,mt. ,. . i ?? 5wa?vip' i-- 1,1 -"- s jjT"-!, " ''o '.V ' ''-EStr tS.iYf v -. 'rri,K-' "W9 "JPI A - ,"Sh VV"'V' "- , VftJ.'" U , H ;fc& '" V $-.. v . .?. - V' x'. --;'"' " ,v " ' WfT?p, w " . "1 ? tf 10 THE SCOANTOX TIUHUJN'K-FIUDAY, MAY 10, 1901'. T v"' V,1TlJTS?. $! &' ' w v INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR JAMES B. NEALE PURCHASES COAL LAND. Hns Seemed a Valuable Tioet of Land in Schuylkill County Said to Bo Acting Enthely for Himself In the Mntter Decline of Cheat Britain as a Steel Pioducer Fiom Being the Leader, She Has Diopped to the Position of Thittl Bomd for Todny. Tlio foltowlim iiiiponieil In the I'olts vlllo L'lnonlck': IWr limiMiip i1l limtl liH" "" lllP 1 HC.( l n,l I nl till lOIH III "lilt Pill Vl I'"1 i ..mill-. Tlic lhil lrp Hi Hil" illHMlon 1 '" Wltw'.lt till" I nnt V HtniiN'-. "Mil tt'l ll'fl' innii r.f mi hiipmlnlil li'i-. ll l Hum II Mrine," in ,lnii" H N"il". ' ii.iiil(in, .nl it ,,., IihI' m f tin ni"l Jlmlili' mil I""!'- .Hi in lln Iowpi .iiiiln.iiili I'll"'. ",ll,h '' iiimI'iIhIiI Mi .ill 'I"' pilmlpil mu'iint wlili'i mi lio umiIfiI rn -riihiulii.i I" Unl l'"-illt Hip I( ,nl Mini Ii l' il"l I"'1' "'" ''( r'"'r Mill (,', 11m I'hllnldplili ml llnillliir I ""1 "! Inm (niiipin,!. Ill tin- IiIii.iv "( llnl-'ilnl'1 lli, pinpnl.1 U'fon.il In Inn pm-tliiilU '"'" 1,1.11 l"illipill 'lll'K Ml ll ul.l M'l'l lllilll ,m tin- piuiii'il. I'll nif Hill'' ""I "'' "'' I ikrn f t'uiil I m in-' "I tin- pliliililw -HI' in wlilrli III,' lill'lilitf lii'lii-lli ii I" l"'l '"' "' ili it, r In llii' lull tt.n II" i'lnll'ii '" i hi' In." 'I I mil tt.i lli.il '" '"I ' 1 "Ii "'ill ll..ri. I"' Imlll i I'n '!-" "' '"'I '""" l""' nihiinr. I'Ul In l'i". '"ii- I" I, .ill'". Inil I ' lI i-c ll ilm.ll Mil p.lllll'i lin mi .ll I i li'.''l "I 'I"" u,v ihnlnimu mIi"iiii' Imr .ill. nil -IiiImI mk mi Hi, )! I I" i -Iii'il I"" Hiii' "'" '" '"' l.ilinti ninl llinii.iijlilv MH'iKni i"il pi ml n 11m ii.iil ll l 'S"il"l ilni I Ik1 ' ",l Hill Mill Kite ilnpl. II ll III I" li'Mim ttw hull illiil lli'I -l hllllill'.l mil llllllliililli lnill.'l H ll In Li' Imlll I III- -linill'li' H' !" I''" iih. I wllh ill tin Ii'iii Imij n.v ul- unl will !( i.Jill ltd1 llii' Iil.-I lilin- l"i -Inn iii.i- .1 t lit- i Inn, In. II vlll h ivi i iiuiti ilmul l.'im inn- pi i 'In iiui-pujiIm' i-lhinli' ! il (.111 In Illltll',1 fUltll t 111 , , I'ltl lit miihili thli Inn pun ,il puipMii l.ilwmi Tjufjidil iikI ihhi.iihi li.ii inuiii kIiIiiiiiiiiI in ii n will In rii wlnili , fin w hii it pl n i. il it 'Hi mil i ih ml III lli'I I, ii-. Ihc I - hi th pioi n 1 1 will nil llicnwilll III ihr linlnliilltil lu.llll," Inn I mi imiii In .ilmnl lii.l(ii i i"ii lln- ' "I pi'M' mi i- i t.ilitilili ,ii.. .nil il i- i "iiti-'iiiui- ti ilif I ni.l ,t ill, I'.itliilili i i inl ll' hIiiij "l lli.l ll i.li i.il'inll Mm Hi l.i-w mltlllli- 111 I liul fin tin- luniiii-, nf iililiiinnil I, nil ti'im tin- in. up mi in fmlli' i ml in tin w.nl. "f il m Ii ,iiiilil. ii tin t In .mi n lit iipiliiln;- llil'Ii" mi tin' pinpiMlt i In1 tin mm In- .ii hicn Ii lllnpill. 'lln nllh pnllll lit whn li tin llHill Ins I" ui w,.iki.l i- .il ll- ii) l"i ' ml in il Hi' i.lin I ilium of i 1 1'nui- IhU liul f pi ill mil will Luc "f i i-t In hi in 1., thointlir Ii.wii luniiii. II i in,, -t linnii ill ili ln in tit will In- -u iiinl In lln- priipli- rr-iillii'; in tin' iKiml.v 'f Miii'T-iilli-. ItiiL-rlimilli', In-lii lnun-lui .ilnI Clrn I .nl'on. Iinlncilli l'"tt-Mll" Will In- lidlPlltlll. If'! lllll'llll nlilc I if I Ih- ii ip' c.lliunjj nf tin Hun whn will In fill ploitil .it tlio oiicritinn will flow mln tin- (nf fin nf thi biiMiii p. oplr nf tin i mint -r.n, tin" trnllov rnul limiii; Innijslit tin- li'-nlotils "l tint put uf tlio loniiti in limit tinn.li null I'llllMllh. Mr. Xo.ilo wii-. on i nf tlif cliv i, tiM'.l.iy Mini 1'iiulil unl lip lo.ii'hoil. It w.i-., Iiiiiunor. le.iiiifcl ftoni othi'r p.n -lii-s Hint li- i-.' nctili,- for himself in tlio ik'iil .'Hill tli.'il lliuio nf the pl.stillR Mini i (iniiMiitc-. .lie cdiHcrnci! ill It. That ,i i oiiip.inv vlll he fiuniPd In tontliii't tin- opeiatlons is )imt IIUpI.n. Britain's Decline ns a Steel Pioducer l.p-s than twenty ye.ii-; :iro I'.til.iln wii.s a laiKPi' inoiliKPr nf lion inul stcol than any other louiuty in the woilil. lmt ilurinpr the last deinde sm i lias hi on the eiji.inslmi smil development of Oeiiii.iny and Ainerieii (but more especially in the lattetl tli.it fiom the position of Industrial Mipiemaey, Iiik Umd has- ilmpped to the thud pl.ue In the picidiii'tiiin ol' lion and Heel, as the lollowiug statistics prove: I'll.- ll'.DV l'litilil ( llu In l-5'l ltiii.ii-1 innle ."V."2 tin. In is'i'i lliltiiii iniilu li.unimn tni',- Iniipj-p , r.",i;n ii.ii-. J it 1 'i Ninnici iiinh' T.i'rti.f.U I In l!i .Mndui ihhIp I !,i.J'i,;oi turn. Inuej-e (..filSi I l"iu M I.I.I. I'llUDI I HON In H'm liul mi iniili- Mm'MII" ton lu s'l l lllil.lill liilili' 1,-Vi, ,.'"i lnlll liniri-p . I . IT. 7-I ImiJ lu 1-m l.i'nnim t i .,.!!.l,cil l'"ii In I -'n l.iinun.i lu mi' . .. . n,.'iO,i)iiil tni s llutr.i-p . I iiln.'HI Ihii, ll l-'i imili i innlP . I,.'ii,n;i Inn- lu Pi'i'l Ain.'iii.i in.iih' .. Ht.ii.l'i.-.'iT lull hipna-p ... .. ii.ii-' "hi Iuil, The fiiii'Roini; Hsures. s-linw veiy eon 'luselv that the increased KiovUh of .adduction lu Cei'in.iny dutins the last ilecade vvus nearly four limes as much .in that In Kuxland, whilst that ol Aineili'ti was ne.nly si times j;i eater. Ill 1VH1 Hiilalli epoited 1,0111. 1 in ion-:. Inn In IMi'i only lE.TlT.ISn tons, wheieas the value ol' Auieilcau e.poit-. lHieaed flnlll SJ,',:itL',(MlO In IS'iO in Sio.-i.ii'in.iiiiii In ISH',1; IhiKland tlius showed n deciease of ne.nly nne-foiu -teenth, whlli-l Anieiliu MUadiupleil Imr i'poiis, The Amcili'iili epoit-. of it on and Mt'Pl to IaifTlaud In IMul amounted in L.'.TTl! tons. i: T'hllllps, lu The Kn Kiiicerin .MaKii'.lue tor Mti.v. Piesident Morton in City. National Piisideni A, W. .Moiion, of the lutei national Assoi lutioii ot' ,St,i. tlonary Klieiuon and linKineeif., ai ilved lu this clt eiiily ,e.sierilay iiioinlny, and with Slate Piehldent i", W, llaxter will assume cIuiikc of the ?tilho nf tin lliemen euiployeil by Hie l.ni'kiiw.'mna I inn and Stool cninprtny at the Him t li mill, and who liao now been out lor f-eveial weeKs. Piesident .Mm ton will H'liialu In this ily fop an liulcllnlte peilod. IIIh liouie is in Chle.iKO, hut nf late Jm lias been atiendlnt' to woil in the Kant. .Suite I'lPbldeni Haxter will leavu foi Phlla ilelphln tills mninluK inul look Into a number uf ditllcultlt'-s i'sIbiIok )u the QuiiUer city between the slatinu.il y tli emeu ami the breweiy woikeis. D,, L. & W. Botiul. Following is the make-up of the I),, U & AV, boaid for today: 'iliuns-n.'U, m uihi (mi i:a,i-s p. m., r tiiiui. id p n , li. J. UiMu. I'lllDVY, H 10 Willi CM l'j.t-l.'IU j. iii, lint;!, llolint; .1 a. in. A. II. Howl; P j hi., I'. ( ji Willi I'. llartliolcriKw'i non; I p. in , S. O'Coinior witli DaxU'r'b men; b p in, r. W. Iliiim; I. p.' m , J. Jlotli'i. Suininitf, i:tc- 0 a, in , i at. I lloiinliii; 7 (. pi , wifst, O. l'louufclt.f r: I. p, in., i'j,i, Ijj. Carries: 7 p. m is1.!, 11, NUligln; 7 p in., fut Nay Au-, I'., Mi'Ulittcr; 7 p m, unt licni L'lyufi, TlionnQir. 7 p. lu,, iut from i'jmii:!, Jlcl.ane. Pull. it. 10 a. ri., P I". Sfior, , lnlir i u. in, llon.i, 10 in., S. I'm. rtrtyj 11.10 a. in, Moimii; 7 p. in., Murph); U . in , il. bljplcj,; 10 p. m , Widcuer, rMnirrr I:hkIiic87 1. m., Oitlncyj 7 a. m . .Slnsrri r, : p. m,t SUnlon'i 7 p. ni.t Muriimiii. wll'l "nh VeJl a. m , J. A. I1nli! 3 i. m., .Villi wllh M.rrlhj'ii mens 7 n. in., M. Cinmnt!)'! 10 a, m.i J. ' Vntnn, II. T, StupleV tin iii it . m.i !'. ti. ltoBor: 1 p. m., (1. KitinMrrl 2 p. in i A. V, Mullrti: .1 p. ni., I), iMmlotphi p. in i Cl.irlt, with John Ui liigiiti's infill B p. rn.i M. l.oitBhntyj 0 p. m,, M. HIiiIp.Ii KpUliJiti'i nun. NOTK L', fVitiiliiclnr Krttliitn will call .it tNtiiniiilfr'j fitflrc. Ciitnliiclor I'. Illrlhnloiiicw will inn tlh U. f, Minii'n new i otnnii ncltur Willi train 02 I "r I -Oil, Mil in. until fnrtlifr nnlltr. This nnd That. A hipi'Miir; nf the hoard of District No. 1 will be hold 9aturtlny nt local hoiultiiiartei.s. John Plcire, ot ritthUi'Ki retire senlnllvf of the AmnlKainated Asso ciation of lion, Steol nnd Tin Work in i, left the city yestenlny, uftor a nov el nt days' local visit. National tannnilttremnn, I'leileilck Ullclier, or the mine woikeis, and Vlro Piesldent Adnm llyscavaBe. of Ulsttlcl Nn. I. won luesont at a miners' uiiisi nieetliiK held last nlRht nl Finest City. The local union of Mvilehinen held n well attended nieetiiiR- last hIrIU In llcotinniv hall. An niiiniiiil of lniitlne business was tinusacted. hut tinthlnir took place which was of a public na 11111'. A. IT. Heschor. or I'.eadlnpr, Pa., was a visitor of local labor leadeis vestei ila. Alt. Heschor Is a member of the 1'itr llulldei.s' association and Is also a Keii'Miil oiyiinl'er of the Auieilcau I'ViliMiiilun ot 1iboi. V 11. Thomas and V. .1. Ptltehaid. ical (ppitx of tills section, fonueily i onile( ted with la'ne io.il lllteiests In West NliKlllil left .ysteultiy to test nint new coal veins, ll lliey ptovo .siitiir.li mi v, they will open up a. iol llerv. The tiud Is situated -."cn miles below Simmon". A , Va. 'J'he l.ai kiiuiiuuii uillioad has (te nted the ollk'e ol an additional divis ion passeiiKer aseut, In in dor to inoie pioieily handle its .suburban tralllc. This tialllc lepie.-ents a dally seivlie of L'.'" tialns, iipnu wlili-li nioie than -0,000 passeiiReis ale ciiirled to and liom New York'. Newaik has been chosen us ilivlblon headiiuaitets, tiuil (iuy Adams, who for two eais has oi'cnplid the iKisitlou of tiavellntr pas .seiiKer ai4i'lil itndei the supci vision of (ienei.il P.u-si.ncr Audit 1-ee, has been apl'iiitlled In tile new ofliee. Mi. Ad ams' jm istliftinu will liii hide all the lomp.in.l's lines in New ,Ji'i-i and as tar west ,i pnitl.ind, Pa., also etend Iiir ovei the MaiiRor and Portland and Kiistein tiiul Noil hem lailwajs. WHAT WALLACE SHOW IS. Means a Holiday Wheiever the Cir cus Pnvs a Visit. The annual vit-ll of the (iieat Wal l.ni' Sliovs to this i ity has almost made it neec-iny tor the holidas of the ve.ir to be liieieased. So highly Is the Wallaec Show esteemed heie. and so !itilnuslv is itv i.nnuitl cmniim' awiilted. that alieady it may be safe to credit the Wallace show day as a holi day, full of Intel e -I and pleasuie. Oilier leiiteil entei puses may visit this city alternate ve.ns, and whll- .some of I hem piesent mei Itni ions pni Kiains, our people have concluded that the iittiae.lions nt Ihc Rieil AV.ill ice Shows, under It-- piesPtu ii) inauement, nit imcurpassod if not uneiiiiallled. Nevfr in tl:e histoiy ol this, city has any other In? tented amusement .irt KieKation visited here in three succes sive .sp'1-.ons. The established ustoui has been I" allow at least one year to ellipse In line plav Ins Hi- same low u. This was neit s-.it, nod ii(.U!-e of the teuileiH v nt Mime man.if,ei.s to adver tisf kici--sv eMiRseiated slalements and to so mislead the public as to the niPiil of their attiactions, that the ptiblli would lie sot Ply displcned and tliP shows did not daiv letuin until their shoitPomiiiRS bad been t'oitrot ti n. Not so with JJ. i:. Wallace, llii honoi.ilje ronducl of the sie.it elieur, enteipilsc lie.niucr ills name hns dem o.istiated thai in the aniuseinent Holds, as well as in the comnieicial woild, intefjilty is sine to win. Mo has kept faith with the public, and the people ill tin li i'.ie .iRer to (low (I his bipr tents fttinu.illv. The time In coming when it will be tiscle-..-- to spend htin dieds of doll. us for kI.ii III? pletoil.il bills to diaw people to hi- sio.v-. since the n.rip announiemon: that AVallacp Is comins' will pack the tents. The liip.il Wallace Ishows. eiiluueil with additional le.itures, will Klve two pit li nuniircs In Scianioii on Kildav, (all tents lain pioof) tain or .shine, maklns- lis thhd annual visit lieie. WATCH DOGS. Ever on the Alert Alive to Eveiy Form of Oppiession Kept on Edge Buidened Beyond Endur ance Nerves Give Out. TJie machinery of a mill that kiIikIh day and nlahl has to shut down now ami then for lepaiis, It lb the .s.uuo way with your nerves. Overwnik, closi application, our wny.s of llvinp; Inline about neivc waste that sets up sviuptoms of v. n ions Itluds, It may be lallliiB .slieiiRih, weakness, Iaumior, headache, sleeplessness, ele. Wlintover It is, neivc Ioki' is IaUilllR and the nu'aiis nt lestotliiR- tests with Dr. A, Cbase't- Neise Pills, A great many people In Sci anion vouch for this, AllloilR them Is Mis. Joseph Alltdiell, of No. Dili Mnilcn stieet, West Hei an ion, Pa,, who says: -Dr. A. W. Cha8e'.s Noive PUN aio line. I was nil out of in del, nervous, ninl could not sleep, weak and miseiabk The kidneys wcia slURRlsh and the haek laiiu. Nothlnsr seemed to help ine until I ot a bo-: of tin ueivo pills at AluttheWH 111 us,' diUR stoic, ti'iupnraiy hoailiU il tel- mi nr WiishlnKton nnd Laekawtinnn riluci" I took lln m I sleep well, don't JeiU and lulU. J uei ves . -up steady, I iee sti oiitr. and the kidneys are win I, I UK well again, I am uioie than pleased, and kI.uI to u'coniuu'inl the medic Ine," Dr, A W, I'liiisuV Nervo Pills aio sold at eOe, a bos at dealers, or Dr A. W, Chase. .Medicine i'o., ilutfalo, N. Y. Hee thut poitialt and sIrii.iuiio of A. W. chase, M. 1),, ine on eveiy p.ickiiRe, RAILROAD TIME TABLES, Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western In I fleet Dec S, 1100. Foutli- I.Mt! SlIJIllOII (oi N'cw Vmk ut I 0, .'HVI ,Fi.nn. I-no ami toOj in Vl'.'.W, 1 : n in. I'm 1'hilaililplil.i al fr.H0 and ltfoj j, m ; l-j n 3 in I .I.::.- p. in I'ur Stioii'J.ljiii at c.iu p. in lllk aecoiiiiii'iJ.UW.M at :i 10 p. in, .Mine ,,(, llobol.ni at ll A. 7.1 10'.! 1J0S, S.15. , 7.1'J p. m. Airlvu at I'liilnlrlpliij at I W, I J,' J 00 ami 8 2i p in. Atrif licm .New Uik .it l.io, uji ai 'l i.ii i ni ; i.iw, 16S, fin. s.i-i anil 1I.S0 p. m. I'l1" Mroud-bun; at kO'i a fs'orlli Leave .Sfranton lor Unflalo and iiPr. nifilUtt (.lotions at 1.13. 0 05 ami DC) a. in: 1.65, 6.18 and U.35 p. m, I'ot Orgo ami Siracusc at l5 a. m. and 1 S3 p. m, pr 1'tU.i at 1.10 J. "' "i"1 1 M !' m J'or lion, tree at 9 no a nil l. ai"l HI f in For Klcbol-ou at 4 00 ud 0.1ft p- rr Nlnf. WmM Pf ' R iJDDV Worlds 1 Hlfc I iKnii W "pi i ' y. . ,f V BEHIND THE TIMES You certainly are if you don't keep posted on the styles and prices of footwear. Stir up your neighbor and tell him what he is missing by not reading the papers. Hope nobody will wake up after it is all over and say we didn't give him a fair warning. Shoes at these prices can't be had every day, and we can fit any foot that grows. Look at these prices and see if there is not a temptation in it for you. There's money in it for you if you come and make a purchase For Friday and Saturday. Men's In all leathers and in all colors. Men's $4.00 Shoes .,,- nndOxfords.it 2i.a Men's $-5.-30 Shoes . and Oxfords at ipo.Uvl Men's $3.00 Shoes and Oxfords at p.Z.5U Men's $2.00 Shoes - and Oxfords at pl.5U Men's Fine Shoes in black and Lin, worth 0 S1.50, at 55C See the celebrated "Stetson" and J. & ll. Shoes and Oxfords for men. The swellest of the swell. THE STORE OF THE TOWN. 1 I. I, :30 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. li-.niton at 10 20 J in Vrrno in Si.inlnii fu.m liun.ilii at 1 !'. J.'iJ. ol'. nnd 10() i in ; J.o 11ml -0? p. ".. I 'mil 0-rso and r.iii-i. at J.H5 1 in.; I-'.5 'ind 'so,) P. I" I-rnin I'tlci nt 'Jlj a. in; l-.:.i ami :i ro p in, I inm Mchol-oii at 7 V) .1. 111 .mil il 00 p m. ,oln Jiirlro-c .it lO.mi .1 111 ; .'0 and fw p. m llloiini-Iinic lllvi.inn Lcivi .--craiiiim (1r Nnrlliiiintrrlaiul, at ".1". 1 Dj a in.. 1 j.'i j.i I 5:0 p. 111. for Pl.imiiiitli it l.ir;, S.I0, (,.50 p. 111. l'oi' hini-ton .it S 11) a. in unc it NoilliuniliPil.inil at 0.f'i a 111 ; I 10, 3 i anil -, i in. Anlvo at Mtvi-tnu at f 02 .1. in. Arrivi nl Phmontli nl 2.00. 1 .1-. 1 11 p in iimr in -i ranton from Noi tluniilicil inrl at 0 42 ,1 111 U.fi, 191 ami Sl p. m. 1'iom hin(r-.lnn at 110.1 a n. I'luni Plwnuiitli at 7.S5 a. m.j 3.-'0 unit fi '' p. in. .HM1V 'lltVIN." Siulli- lca( uintoii nt 1 10, ."00 .110, p, in.: .1 l! unl ...ID p. in Noith-I rue --! mtmi at 1 li, (1 J j a 1.31. S li anil It "'' P in lllooiii-lniii; llivl-icn l,tsvi t-i ranton at a. in, anil 5 fiO p in llOj in : HI OJ Lehigh Vnlley Bnilroad. In I'.tlMt Mairh .", HOI. I 'or Phllaildpliia uii'l New YotK 1). . II II It., at Oli ami 11.51 a. 111.. onl i.19, I J7 (llluk Di iiiininl i:iic-.-), ai il 11 M p. m bun (la.vi. I). II. II. li . t .''. b.27 p. in I 'or White Hum 11, 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 o 1 1 ami prinolpil pointi in tlm mil rtKiuiis via II. a; II. K. It, lit:, .IB awl 1.27 p 111 I'm I'iiIImIIIc 4.27 p. :u I In lUtlilclicm, ll.slm, Ito.'illns, llarrn'mrs liul ptinciiil liiliuiiidl Hi -t.it iou. 1I1 11. &. , It. It., (141, ll.;i .1, in.; 2.1b, 1.27 f III K K Dil. nidinl i:prci), li:n p. 111. hiinih.n, I), ,V II, It. II., 1 '.. K27 p. in I'm TiiiiKli mime I , row null, KI111I11, liluia, Cirntva and priiidin! liiliTinnli itc st.ulom. ii 1)., I.. 4. V. II. It, MS a. 111.; l.ol and .l.io p. in. Tor CIoiipi 1, Hoilii'-t.-i, Ilnfilii, ViiKOia r.ill, Chliasn and ill pulnts wist, ill I) A- II It I!., 11 r.1 a. in, lltll 1 Dial I. Ili.iu.unil i:pu-s), 7.IS 10 41. u:n p. in. SmiiuUj., I). I: 11. It. It, 11 IB. 8.27 p in Piillman pnlor and slecplnif nr l.rhljjli Vallrr pal Ion vir en all tiain lutwirn WllkrH 11 irri? and i"a Vmk, Phlladolpliu, IIulTato ami mh prn.lnn IlrUse koi.i.i.s' 11. wn.nrit. c-.it f-upt., ;a cmtumi i-tll it. Nl'tt Vlllk riiMii.o s. i.rr. upm p.i. ai., '.'ii coiiiand fctrnt. New oil. A . M1NM:viC1II:II. lln. Pan. A',-t , Kniitli Pclhli'liiin, I'J I'nr liil.cn .mil Pnllnun r(""c rut loin apply to l'0'i l.ackjuaniu a(imi', t-'iaiitoii, Pa. Erie Rnihoiul, Wyoming DlviBion. Tinii 'latlc in I'tlut Spl, 17, inoo Tiaiii-4 tor lliUi nnd leu it point-, lonnct- Iiik at llaivlry uilli 1 t it" ralluud for New eulr, .Niubuitr and Iiiuiiih ill.iln piiini-, hatu Sum. ton at 7.01 a, in. and 2.2a p, in. 'Iraini on ho at Sujntim at 10..0 a. 111 and '. Id p in Schedule in Effect March 17, 1001. Tialns leave Scmnton: G.15 a, in., week ctuyb, for Sunbuiy, Hnuisburg, Philadelphia, Balti moio, Wnshington and for Pitta, bin p, and the West. 0,38 n. m week day&, for Haaleton, and tor Sunbttry, Hnuisburg, Philadelphia, Bnltinioie, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the West. 2,18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1,58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris. burg, Philadelphia, Saltimoie, Washington nnd Plttsbuig nnd the West. Foi Hazleton, week days only. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbuiy. Hazleton, Pattsville, Hnuisburg, Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg. .1, n III rCUIN-.ON (leu. M.-r. J. 1). HOOD, Geu. Pass. A tit Ladies' 200 pairs Ladies' Fine Uongola Stock and Patent Tip, all lace, worth $1.30, all sizes, at 95c 172 pairs Ladies' Fine Dongola Lace Shoes, cloth tops, woith $1.25, all sizes. . at 75c Ladies Fine Oxfoids -. at 50C (We have some for $5.00,) m RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Centinl Bailroad of New Jersey. Station-, in Nc Vork-1'iiot of I.thcily -.tucf, v it., and Sjntli I'm. 'iivn: tmii.i: in r.rriXT .ov. jj, mmi. Inins line hi r.inlim tnr .Sew Voik, Ncu.uk l'luaticlh. I'liilailrll'liiii Ill-Inn, ItotliU liom. lcnlown, MjuUi Chunk and White llann at S 1) a in.; rxpic5'1' 1'10' CXI,U"-S !"'0 a. in. Mm d'i, 2.1.1 p. in. 'f'or Pitt-t'i" and Wilkcs-llano, S::o 1 m ; l.p) and .tno P ' f"'"'!,.J' -','"' I'- i" I'm llalliinorp and via-lilne-lon and points Sooth and Wr-t "' Hilhlcliiin. R W) .1. to ; 1 in .unl .1.00 P m S-imdi., -Mi p. m. I'm l.("'K Hi me hi Ott.111 tliovc, cIl,, at s 0 ., ,,, nnd 1 10 P ni l'or lleadiii. Ulimnii and llarri-hni, Iriitiivvn, I" 'U a " lln(1 'lu P. m. . I.'i n. 111. r. m AI. Mind iji, " l'or l'iitt-.vlllc S.O 1. 111. ind 1.10 p m llironisli tickets to all points ( i-l, ,otitli .mj vnc-I at loo-.t rales at the ntation. II. P. IIM.DWIN'. lien. Pavt Ast. .1. II. OLIIAUSI..N', (iin Mipt. Delnwnie and Hudson. In KfliH-t Nov. 23. 1000. 1'iilns foi CatliondiU Iran hiraiitun at il "0 7.r,l, Sit, PI U a. ni-! I-'W, 1.20, 241, j,3' 0.J1I, l2"). 7.17, P.la. 11.13 p. ni., l.iu j. I,,, l'or lloiu-dito 0 20 ID.lu a. m. ; 2. II and fl "j Viir Wilke-Ham fi.15. 7.4S, Ml. n:i!, pi n 11..1-. a. in., 1 .!!), 2.16, .).J1, 127, ii.10,7. IS, 11)41' II :o p. in. ' for I. It. It. p.ilnls-0 13. 11.3.1 a, in.; i 4.27 and II.. p. m. ' I'm l'iiii..tv.inU It. II. point 11.13, ti y-j ., 111.. 2.1 and 1.27 p. in. I'm Allianj ind all points noiih (,,(, a ln and .! &J p. in- -.INIIAV IIIMN'-, l'or faihoiidatc & 00, 11 u.l a, in j ? , :i-, 5 47, 10 52 p. in. I'm llllkM lunc ti.'.", 11.31 a, m.j 1.3-1, 12s, C 27, ! 27 p in l'or Adnm nnd point noilli .1,1' p. m, I'nr HoiicmIiIp-OiW .1. in. and .'1.32 p. in, lonrsl tutu lu all pulnti in I'nlicd statu and Caiiadj. .1, 11 nt nnin;, o i. a,, uiuny, v, y, 11. ( HOvS, II. P A , Sonnton, pa. 3 (me C'nrd In rffrct Dte, 30th, WOO, SCRANTON DIVISION. iffl7,aaspf """ tKji nb m Ig'f'l "wions ifhf jifl'i i.-3' I ( I PM" ih' - ' . 7 1l)Ar.N.V .VVtMSt.I.v. Htm , , JM P4 PM W 101. 105 Al I ailo'U I.r, ., 8 031 SU 1010 968 " llilll.iHk ' C 1JIS5 10 11 145 , MUrllKld " 8 2jj 4S H.'l 3 SI ' ,1'inlon I'aiu, " ,.,. 2311 SS .1011 8S5 " .Ulnuuoil , " . 2415 C5 , . .. 1001) J 10 ' rulliU'lk'... " ., 2 505 11 , , 950 lis ' Ui.oil ... " ., 2 695 SJ .... 1110 I ID, I Ii ll -..lit Ml. " ... 8W5J0 .... 9J0II la " Lluondalc, " ., 3 WE SI .... ;, ll.f, ' loir.tlltt " . 3 19SI3 .... PI IIIIMI " tVlLonilnloid " UM8US5I ,...8i0 JO, I'aiijunililu, "'lOOSMStl aao 01 . " ,VMiltu llriilire. ,7 03 ,. .681 1)0)11 Mji Hi Id rd. '7 Ml 41S (8 , ..US' UCUII 11 " fa,!.l "7OI3UC01 , . OSlSillUJ'i " J em. j ii 7 W3 456 03 ,. fi SI .tll 1)1 nliUld " 7153316Ui , SU.tWIIOI " Willi, ..I " 7 133 646 1J ,. SHuuioftr 1'iit.viiiu " 7 S3 a we ii. . sit idiiow iiKiimiii " 7i.;cse:i ....6 111 8 4010 M ' piUVbuit;, " 7 11 1 07 E 2 ... 803,SJI04 " llirnop 7 314 108 r ... 601 U .110 IS ' l-iuiil.iu. 7n.lJ (C3I . .803 U.i.'lu it piiiklluiu ' 7 aril He s 6 0, Ufl 10 401,1. biiuiiu.ll . ,l 7 41(41633 ( U IM IU fi ?1 AilJiUontl ttnlul lnvo IVtiondtde for lliltitlil V lid 6 15 onl ixniit Suu la), kid 7 topiii buuiicy only, eiiriiluz v,'1'1ltlulllllrallltlrvecratout7CJ0plllbunllayou, tloi'iiinieatallttailmi to rail.niidal.-, airltlin; at 715 liii! nn. iralnlravra MatlitM iac.l fix I ailouJ.lc altL4)ui il.!l),arrifn;Kit(.rl.Mj,ial9.i'.iu. Hates a centi per mile, I.oncit l(at tu ull roltitt) Vt, i c rNOCnSON, J. C WCIOH. Cla'll'aia cAl'ul IravAicut, .Sew VolHitj. ticiaJiWu. 1 KvJLsfcsil. BOSTON TEA COMPANY Headquarters for Ten nnd Sonp Clubs A. GARDNER. Jr. Prop. Three Mammoth Stoics. Furniture of nil kinds given with our celebrated Tens, Cofiees nnu Bonps ltnuUing Chnirs, Side Donidf, Chamber Sets, Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Wilting Desks, Book Cnses, Couches, Cnrpets, Silver Wme, Hall Hacks, Blessing Tables, Tea Set, Etc. Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers r OLD STOCK PILSNER 480 to 455 N. Ninth Stroot, Telephoas Call, 23!. THE 101 POWDER CO. Booms 1 and 2, Com'ltn BTd'g. BCBANTON, PA. nining and Blasting POWDER Mid at Mooslo nil Hush lata VorU. LAFLIN -t RAND POWDER CO.'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Bleetrlo Battnrloa. ElaotrtoEiplodeirs zplodla; blasts, Safety fuss .mi Repauno Chemical Go.'s explosive FOR, THE NEXT 90 DAYS Gas Ranges On Sale at Our Office at Cost. We put them in your kitchen leady tor use. All connections EREE, on fiist floor. Double Oven Ranges, ij9.75 and up Scranton Gas & Water Co 115 Wyoming Avenue. MAY J. 190). TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS H Watch our You want LION iis is BHHeaaHeHBBHHelHeUilUalHHeMHKeai If, on the other hand, you want a coffee which, in ordi hide imperfections, is "highly polished" with eggs and other preparations, then do not buy If LION COFFEE were common, ordinary stuff, coffee drinkers would'nt insist on hav ing it. It is used in millions of homes because it is the best coffee in the world for the price, If you doubt this, take a single package home and try it. . In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list, No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed lr4rfranr (iiinlrn ic 4Yt nnl .... 2 ..t.!L. At-!. If i. ..If.. i ..f.l .,...( """ v win SUMMER FURNISHINGS Our ut? w stock of fabrics specially adapted for this season, is now complete and comprises all the new novelties iti Porch Rugs Porch Curtains o Fibre Straw Mattings Summer Draperies WILLI AriS Temporary store Carpets. Wall MEN'S AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING WE CARRY A LARGER LINE OF Than Any Credit Clothing Company in the World. e ljuy for sPot .casli sc1,1 i credit. No Extra Charge for Credit at the 317 Lack. Ave Second Floor Open Evenings PEOPLE'S Hull 1 1 1 Said the bait to the fish. Or next thing you know you'll garnish a dish. I came from the store of Florey & Brooks, And I'm dangerous. Ill I BROOKS 211 Washington Ave. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIG ... MANtTFACTUHED BY . . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Cff-.MiTK thi: vt mi:. te Prof.G.F.THEEL,527s?hrlth. tM "2mm lilllrlhl-4 I'a. Onljr titritiAB hi-rl.ilil (nf f "Tfajj Amrrlfa. i.uaranUe-tlu curf aUuhy mail I'riintr i -rlKk 1"H' "t f iftMjs Aliuifi, Itluo I riiltun, ISrrtfiux rVSja Iiibllll7,Ittl 9lnhoti(t, irl-iretr ,t IrlfliirHimt lFrrb riMt rored I In 10 ilji.3r. jrAtrt prr!lrilV O yrnrti Ihotpltiil fipprli nft In Of rmany. Kf ad for tinnL 'Trntb"f i I ItHVilrtir tf rj medlml t olf rtrlnl friuiU. SIt nllon IhU imiifr.f V . - . . 9 -- '4 hi lil A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH oJ I4HT1 J II II ifffn next advertisement. COFFEE because it to tuiua ill wwui U1K excellent fcOUte ' Carpets & ricANULTY I 126 Washington Ave. X Paper. Draperies. . !. r-J J.'l' OUR TERMS ARE EASIER Credit Clothing Company. OF SCRANTON. Capital 5200,000. Surplus 5500,000. United States Depositary. Business, personal and sav ings accounts invited. 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Open Saturday evening, from S to 9 o'clock. W.m. CoNNii.r, President Hi.sry BruN9 Jr., Vice Pies. W.m. 1 1. Pi ck, Cashier. HENRY BELIN, JR., tn.mi.el e,ct fui tin Njiniiii,; D.-tuct tr Dupont's Powder Miiiin,', llli-lni', .poilin', -innl,( los, ami tlif Kiimiii') ( hi irm hI tnnipin.v'H HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Siftly I ii-e1, CiH jihI I ilenliiN. litum lot t ull. Hell lluili!hi- .-cmiiIcii. M.I.M II.-.: n nn-! iuni) , ,I(HI II -.Ml I II . -ON . .. . Iil-t n . . . I'hlil li H. I, Ml l.l.ld N .. .. like, II ill) OF ALL! If you went to buy a Hon whelp you would'nt accept a kitten as a substitute, even if the dealer urges you. Now, don't accept a substi tute for LION COFFEE. It is bound to turn out a com mon yellow cat, with none of the strength of the lion. LION COFFEE. auiu, WOOLSON SPICE CO., TOLBDO, OHK), 10. a J ; )