The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 09, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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V fH
tC'onclttileil from 1'iisc ' 1
toumlf.r luilliittiff It uwl rwliiloly lor repair
lrur tlie rollliiR stock u! tlie iotnti.ttiy. Awmv
Infnt No. Ml, liy Min aflli iv It. nln rVPinpllon
fur ?l,i00 from nspcMmcnt nf tiUlrtti Mioji. Av
(eminent 650 iuK.4 exemption from ono black
trnllh fliop mid four titid tilnc-lontti ncrrs nf
lnul, nniounllm; lo $21,850. lly Mine nflMnil ex
riiipllon Is oAnl from avrsmoiit No. frtli ono
paint fhop, $1,600, No. 62, onp tiiwnijor nr
hop, ?I.5U0; No. 6S1, ono elglit-uliccl simp,
JJ.OO0; No. f,ql, cnlwosr shop, !00i No. .", riiop, W). All of llil? iropoily ii rl tlinrit
liy the prfioti nulling nllliUUt n iipcim uy nml
li'irlnfieii'ablc In tlii wicrowful tiiitunrriiPiit nml
i.irr.vltitf uti the blncsi of ttil tr.mporl.itton
It Is for you to niroil.tlti ulifllitr tin1 kooim
ni.iiiiif.Klurctl nr Hi" tnpiln ilmic, ami Itii-'ilil'-ffrrtit
purpM for which tlirM- proper! Im nro
jnj, ar( neniiy ninl liiillprn'-.ihp for the
uioi'"ifiit rpri.itlini of th niinp.iny' n(T.ilt.
I tliry nir, inut nic leprrionlcil liv their r.-ipltil;. Ihfy arc not Ihhlo In limllmi.
Aillilvtil No. t. mill" by T. S. Mnjil. super
iitrmlriit ol tnolii pourr nf mill company, .nln
1 pinptloii titiilcr ni-oiiiiciit No. ").', Klclith
u-.inl. Ono 111.11 liltic lmp, n' No. I!."-'!, one
mutt lioibc, Wii.iiyfl; No. 11, une boiler boue,
'I'll" roiinil borne inkr-il lo lie i-xniipl bv lliM
illnl.ilr become a st ible or t.lm.iiri' pi up lor
liiiniiiuthcfi while tbrj .lie not 1111111I111; out Iho
It renn to 1110 lb it It h alMilutily iii'ii-i-aiy
fur :i Ir.niipnit itlmi ootitp.iny In nrilrr to prop
nly mil the piirprw. of lliflr clurltr .llnl
u'li' rtlu trnt 'fulic ti tin- ptililln to link" pin
bliiiH In tl.c inopi-r '.lull nc nml lum-riiitr nf
their mllliiir .oik when it U tiol iwil upon
the mill, rinmiim piinleiiii tiMdies in
1. ue .hinlhl be uvnl anil 1 snii j1lt place prohle"l
lnr the rrifptlim .mil aie of iniihineiy. nidi
in liHoniotlti'i. while not ii.eil In'poilliii;
lii-litlil or p.ikMtiiit'K iimt the line nf tlielr 10.ul
I !i,'llee it U fully willun the law tint the
tonipatiy lioiiltl pinhle tltenii'lve- wllh ,ttt h
1 pmpiily limn the ".link .n will itive
them lh"'lipl fullili( for laiinir fur the prop
nly .f (In- company. 'Ihe pinperty piimihil In way bv the inuip.'iiiy Immune n pill ot t In"
nipiiul" lianihi-e, .111J i.iiiiuit b" Mibjmletl
1 iiiler the law In Ineul t l.itii,l.
A boll, r vhops 111,11 hlim simps anil tat liupi
l,i IkiuIii;; I" .1 i.nliniil ouiipiti.i nml it t 1 v
1 Itnlieli' lor lepiiis In it nin hii-int'- Mile
j.'i 1 tn tivitinii by lnial .iiillioniic".'
'Ihe lute .In-the Wlllitiin, nf the Supieme
lotirl nf I'enn-iliatila. In. ml: "IhK mii-l
ilip.'ttcl iipnii the .inMir In the nne-lloti wlulhir
-11. -h rrpilM aie lea.-nnibly neceaiy tn the mio
1I11I nn-ei ill Ion of the lm-iiii.--. ot the l.nb
mill cotiipnnj."
i'iiin'i:i!iv 'i ni.i:.
It the hnp I- lor Ihe oiiulnil ion-Inn imn of
I. iiitniithes or can It i nnih r all out ra-es
iil, 11 r t tu lei tl taxation. A nuinnficfoiy h no
nece".iiy pan. nf the erpiipineiil. ot 1 i.iiimmc;
iimipam, wliitlur the nrliKu i- (Otuhteteil upon
1 'lei or bi Mattr, nor tan a rorpoi.itlon en
(..11.1 'I in aiiv other line of biititie-4 than I hat
wliiili i i Inner anil the srneial l.m miilor
s hit It it is uiantril nttthorir. H ma tin the
wenk for wbiili it w.n irettiil Willi a tiUiienf
.ml u-ifitl niilhnf-. as it (.111 loninnnil nnil its
pit ptr.ttioiis to -rne the ptihlti'. anil 1 mnprtc
with its mals .tie within its i.itpoiale poweu,
iikI are theitfole tnirrcil b. the tian-iii tion to
wliiili til" stale Mibirits Us 1!nu!. Ill"
.ntnpJiiy appialin in this tc. by the terms
ot its fturtei. is 11 inniiti; loinpinv, atnl the
biiinr-s a 1 iiiporation may liwfnlly tin 11111-t
I." iIcTiik tl bv tl- ilinlei. S w.itir innipiny
1 .mnot. liMiinfii tine pipe Iki.iii-i it mil neeil
pipe in the 1Ii-11iI111ti.u1 of Hi r or 1-1.. It
1 ainiot rn--i-re in the ntaimlai tine of pltnnbris
-ttl'Plies herau-c it. iiiibIiI be iinht.tble lo be
lile to Mipplr its iiwoiiieis i i:oimU m
bu.iiie-s is one. the -npply nf w.tlri. I h" uil
t'.ail tonipini'.s buini-s ts one, the i ni.uiip of
t toiliicts aii.l pi-om:ii.- from one point to nn
olhrr. A i.tilimil lotnpiny is iv 11 pihtloKis
mil Iii-rs 1 1 1 nihl" it in biiihl .mil opmie
.1 line of ratlin.til tor the pitblie 1 i.nieniinie
ml its uwii piofit. It ltntsl ilemte itelt I., th"
biiine-s for wliiili the -tate has cio.ilnl it. It
line not enthul in th" niiniii'r ol toil iMthout It in 11 not ir-r.ici in the himncvi nf
inakini; .mil iMiimfaittnin-r lion mil -tiel, or
in Ihe rstahliMmitnt nf 1nmtmui.1l Imu-e-, nr
mi' ithtr hii-ini-s rntripn-c not iiiciil. ill to
mil iiM-oinbly nensviiy f,.r the Muievfu iijh 1.1.
lion of .1 r.tilronl. It 111 iv iiupmie 11- mail
In any clcnt it i- piarticiblc tn il. It
111 iv' .nail ilsolf of the be-t r.ini iiicn! an, I .ol
jtitn ts .11 Inn as llic-y :ne eitiipments .tint lib
jumts only, atal tnil.e its toail .is neitl.i pit
teit .is it in iv lie able. II may pun hie the
brt known nut blurry ami the be-t iik.ui- tor
ki-rpinir it as tieailv as piible in loiisl'anl onlor
'ml npiir. ll may btij the be-t nils anil idis
ni'1 engines the nialiuf.u tilling 1st ilili-lilnelil- of
lite wiulil ran ofier. It ina.i unpin all nei "
Mty iiKilniiiial tabnl tn !,e p it- mnl anil
iiillm-r siik in tin. iui - i,0 t,iti. of n.
pair, ami tn oiler the ptiblte the cieati-t 111
limey .1 ml f-afetv .itliinibli in ii btislni-s.-. 'Ihis
is Ihe bi.-illmate pmilme ol .1 i, 1 otnpany,
within it is .iniplo 1 mi- tin 1 iiipk'iiunit
of it 1apil.1l anil tor the , ,u!si ,.f t,(, ilul,(...
ailniiiii-lintiie pcmci-. With tin- pimniii- it
lmisi be iniiieiif, if its slip- our its bniiiuluy
liial t.iMtion is .limn-' Ihe un. illi.s iiuhli it
iln nr-.
'i 111; iti 1.1: i'n:.( n.u.
'II. 1 nil", thuniiii-, whlilt I- t he esiraiinl Hie anlhoiiliis on tho -iibjui of tlu In
Inlltv ot inihiiin.s to H hi foi lo. it
pmpii-r- i- tint II is mil) mi mm h their
pmpeily as is inili.pui.ibh' l the 1 on. tun tioii
ol the lo.i.l ami the filllii-j it wr n- ni. .1
-imi-ssfitl npnaiioii that is ix.nipl. II I- not
all uhiih they 1 in l.mliilly lake 01 hoi. I nii.l, 1
their 1I1.11I111-. II is 110 1 iiioukIi thai il is .1
om.-iilciit pim-i-sinn atlPiillii-: it lattlllies in
11111111111111-.' the l.ii-ini" ot tin- ronipini, llnl
iiililinc It tn make pioltN. '. propeny of a
i.nlroail eompin.i is oun.i 110111 1 ixati'oii i
' pull .- only whni 11 1- iiiilNpuisuhlv
IKCtastll- tn tl," opoi.illnn of tile 1 till, ml as
-mil. 'Ihcieioie, the i.illtniil mrnptny that nek
n rrlleic Itself fiom l,e pitn 01 I01.1I iann.n
nm-l coin" within this lule,
A few nioiilli-s npo lonnur 'itj' Solli--itiir
A. A. WisIiiiik: wni iiKkml for an
pinion on tlio s.i 1110 mil t (), tint saiil:
ttnaiil of I My A-es(ii ol th I'ui 01 ismiilim.
fienthimn; 1 hunl .son Imiulili atlld ill nt
tn me by iduiisiI tor the ), lau.ire, l.irkin.inni
nml Wo.irin It innip.iii.i, 111 piiisuince
in the sni:,'e.sii. maile in a 1 otili-l.-.lliuli 1011
bail In iiiut to this nntiir 1 -lioit time aun,
uiiiili was i.iitelpittil in lij the ripiei-oiitattvis
,.f ihe company ami .iwuh he...
In I'onipllinie Willi jour wishes, 1 will i;-i
1011 inj" iew.s as to the heat i-iic-atlon inioliiil,
nf innp, my opinion is b.'iseil upon the truth-inliio.-s
nf the -.tatiimnu nnil" hv upiesi'iita.
tii-r-, of tlm coinpmy in Iln- atllilaill on tile,
wlih h is tho only inhumation at my c-ommiml,
1'rom tho-e allulaiiib It uppe,n- tint the pinp-
For 50 Years
mothers have been giving their
:hildren for croup, coughs and
Mothers havew Shiloh in
the house at all times? Do
you know just where you can
find it if you need it quickly
if your little one is gasping
and choking with croup? if
you haven't it get a bottle,
It will save your child's life.
"SUiloh lwav cured iy btby of croup,
coughs ml eoldt. 1 would not br without it.
MRS. J. U. MARTIN, Hunoville, Ala.
Slilloli'a CooiddiuIIou Cure U o1d by all
rWiiglU at iiSe, 0r, SI.00 A bottle. A
iirlnled iriiaraiitpo kov ullb every bottle.
Ifoiironol utlfllitK to your lrii(glnt
and get your money barb.
Write (or lllutrated book oi lunsirnplion. Snt
iihuui tojuu. i. C, WtlU & Cu..l.cHoY,t.V,
On One Subject Scranton
People Qrow Enthusiastic,
Tltt.1 Inricnse of popular uiithiiMlitHtn
on Iho following subject Is itlmnst dully
immlfpfltdl l).v public psprcsslon nnil
locnl cntlorscmcnt, Iloml wltnt this
clllfcoii sny.1, nml cIL-ipovcm" the cnttsu oC
the cmiHtnnl Miowcrlptr ot prnltto wltlrlt
ftillowH In tho viiUo of Doan's Klilno.v
Mr. Itnyinninl I-'rcnch. of ."ID (inrlloM
nvpjiuc, IlyJp Pnrlc, sayw: "J Ptifforrd
ninro or let's for ten yeat'B with kidney
nnd bliiddpt" Iroublo. There wns tt
eotfilant .sliurp, Hliootlnpr puln nei'oss
my biK'U, and If T stooped it wiim so
severe I could hardly MrnlRhlcn. AVhen
I took cold It always settled In my
back and made nis leel so t 1 1 rf and
sore t could hardly move about. I
.suffered tt Rient deal ftom bladder
ttouble, accompnnled by symptoms if
sembllntr snivel. I rend about Dean's
Kidney Pills In our panel's; and Kot a
box nl Matthews Jlros,' dr'JR store,
leeelved tl Kicat deal of benefit from
them. The dllllculty with the kidney
sieretlons was relieved entirely, nnd I
seldom feel ni'.v ptilns In mv back. My
wife used noun's Ointment with the
best of results. She had eczema for a
year or mote nnd she pot Dean's Oint
ment, applied It and was promptly
cured. There has been no leturii of
the terrible phiKua since.
For sale by all dealers. Trice iirt
cents. t'oster-Mllburn Co.. lluffalo,
N. Y., solo afjents for the Tnlteit
Iteineniher the name Dean's and lake
nn substitute.
rrly uiiiili tin 00111111111" sl, tn ixitniil
Imiii .11-r.v.nii'nt anil Ijn itinn Is iisnl rrliilvly
fur lrpilr ttniK, .iml Hi it nn in w wiirl. Is lic-itn;
ilonc, litlii'r fur this ccitiii,iny or .my ntlnr
cntiip.iiiy .it any of tin" .sltoiis ik-dil'Cil in tlic
afliilaiils. It oiipr.ii tint tlic-e rrp.ilis arc nroos
Mty fur tlm oiirjtimi nf tin- i.illiniil. Tlic ill-."
tinctinii sit"iiis lo lie undo In' tin- ilulili'il i.isi-s
irlncrii Mirli simps ns am .il)M)liitly tiroi-.-.iiy
ami imlispi'iiililr" lo tin." i-ntMiiiclinit of tlir mail,
ami tlttini,' ll for tiso, ami wit'li simps a- aie null,
in lltn I.lln;iU(.'n of tin" Supti'ini" mint, ".1 ton
vrnunt pn-i.rinii, atloulmi; firilitit.-. in imi"
iltictinK tltr liisint.".s of tin' 1 nnipjny ami (if
lililltnc It tn nulii" plnlits." Sir Itailloul I 'n.
if. V.111 I)kr, ri7 l'.i., 24n.
'llio fntmrr iwi'iiipt frnin tivition,
Mliili" lite litti-r lit--, nut. Tin' ilcri-ion")
jrc liy 10 inraiis in .ircnnl upon this qnclion,
lint the (li-itiiittiuii to iiliidi I line 111-t ii
fnnl M'oms lo lie well tJl.i'ii, ami li.H 1111't nitli
Kcmral jml11i.1I N'i lt.illioa'l n.
I!cil,5 (0., f, r.i., Tn.
Tlii-. tpirtioit lias liorn llio uliirct of rcirnt
jtiiln liiirstiu.ition, in tlic ir nt
(,1. s. County of Vrnaiwo. l'J.. Supctmr t.
Itrp". .'Hit, 111 Mhiili cao .Titili;,, Orl.nly unions
tlic v.uinns Hc i-ions of tlic Supniiio rotiil .llnl ilniin tlic rule Tiliioli is thus ecprosnl in
the s-ilUlm-.: "In del t-nniti in the liability tn
t.i.ilinn of r.nlronl propetly. the test is tn 1.
founrl in tlin distinction lirturcn tint Mhhli is
iiiili-peii-ilily niccv..!!' to the npcrttiuii of the
l.uliu.Kl .is mh It. ami tint Mhiili i tieovii tn
profit ilii eniKlin t Ihe huMim-.., o the inrpnr.i"
It i there held that lols ami IiiiIIiIiuks are
riinpl finni lni al taxation whtu Um'iI .i-. khh'iiI
rep.iii i-hops of a milinad, iheie tin" 11-e is
e.i lii-iio ami limited to lepaiis ,iml le-liuihlin,
in te-ii'iisliuetini; .mil re-toring fiotn ilineriuii
lo v.n't. (ondilious the motile and rolliiu: -tnd,
of the (i-iiupany atlt t- itijuiy .mil mi
ni, il iie.u .Hid t o.i r.
An ONJiuuiition nf the .itridaitl0 tiled 111 Hits
e.i-e nill fcltuw the tar fhnp- of the llel.111.11e,
l.'n l.auanu.1 ami AS-tciii H.iili'onl innipini in
tin- cIU an nul u-ed tin .my nou i,,il, iilnf.
our, hut intirely tor the line iri upnr iu
1 idi lit In the -ife tipd.ltinn of the ln.1,1. II.
Hi. 11 (ule. tint llii-v .ue m it hill Ihe
t ill inr i'f the com t 111 Ihe 1 .1-0 l.t-l itlnl. its
noil .i 1 lie oilier .iiiilii.iiii. s to Mhi, It I li.ii.-"
c tiled our .ituiiiinu. .nul tli.i thti .ue, tluie
ti'ii". i'm nipt 111.111 1 e--nu in nml i.i itimi 111 this
111111111 iptlli.
Ul'IMuN I"- ItltiiMi.
I illl .lll.lle that ill the l.l-e of Itlillulil I ').
eilid 111 l'ir-t, IJ-, Ihe npiriii.n m the
fiint if liroul 1 110114I1 In .ii.'iuti(iit In
fainr of the t.ix.itiuii of the-e -hep-, hut .1 eiie
f in iMlnnnlioii of t 1.1-e will shoiv thai it
did iml .1pp1.1t- that ihe -hop- nn iilluui'il iiore
CMlu-iwdy it-id fur the tepaiiiu of tnsines .iml
In Co, is. V.111 Dike, supra,
S"fs as fn ,i- an case to which tin- .iltenthin hull 1 illid in I'.iior nt the ti.iti,.u ,,t tin'
lilllliuil rliop-, it appells tlill the -hi,p.- lule
ii-id In pill mr lien- urnl,, and 111 it imrk hid
In in ilonc tor other 1 oiiipinii-, -o I dn tint thin!;
tint (a-e icinlioU the u.-p.i-illmi nf the ni.itUr
linn iiiider di-111 ion.
Ill the li,'lit of tin" .lllthnlities Mhiili 1
I'ili'd, ami in. nn ntlu r- Ik-.ii Inir upon tlii- p.,iut
Mhiili 1 ix.iiniiiiil, I .nil nf the npinhiu tint.
.K-uniiiil.' the luui'itn, of iln" t. ill nn nl.- innl
in iln- allidiiitN lih'il tin- piopetl il.'. ml. ill
ill thl'-e .tttldlliti- (.11111"! liK.llll' he .I--0 ill fur
tin ptnp if Iiitiun ipil tisitioii.
cty Iriily'.mui-.,
A. A. Vn-hiui;,
City .S,
Fmiui'i" '"lly Stilleitor .Mctllnley uu
May L', ISIis, furnihlted tin opinion to
Ihe board of levMou and nppeal. In
which he said that shops used by t.ill
lo.itl companies for tepalr wotk and
not tor 01 initial const i action ate i'X
empt ftom tiixatlon for local purpose-j,
The l..ickawaun:t lion and Steel nun.
pany asks to have Its assessment of
$L'.1."i,U00 slllcken oil' for the teusoli that
It Is abandoning Us shops, mills nml
finniices heic and louiovlntf the inii
chineiy ftom them, The liuanl has de
cided that the mills and other piopetty
still exist and that tlio assessment
must stand. An appeal will be taken
to court.
The Set anion Ittillwny company asks
to be relieved ftom a St.'.OOfl assess
ment on the Mndt'tt street barn, nllerr
lUB' that it Is used etitliely for rupaliH
and oilier thlims In connection with
the purposes for which the company
was chartered, This assessment has
been sttlekeu off. The opinion of the
solicitor, with I'i'I'eience lo this, fol
suiilnti, Pa , April Ml. Uml
T"i 'I i Huji.l nt illy Ai-re-i'ii of the City of
(iintli'liieii! Ill the liutliT nf the .ippetl ill the
! union lliiliuy 1 1 u . 1 1 tinin the .ie. until
of Umi) ill the lllu'lttli lut'il of tlm c Ii v ni
i Ulitiili, hi Iln," j-,-.-iii. lit So, l(i., fin ihe
-mil nf H'.iXiu. and al-u uilli lot N'n. Ii In
hloik I'-'. for S-ii.iKiit, Mhiili utllilaiit i hiim-tint
time aie ceil tin liitllillims circtril Ihiiinn fur
the piirpo-o i'l idoiing (Jli j r.i I tulhUlilnj; Iho
line In I hflr I'.iiiom line, uml tlut tin' &jld
lull i nr Imililiiig ir.iiUiin the repair .'lui- of
tint rouipjiiy, ulic-U" all the work is done nr tlm
tejulis of tlio ij n awl rollln; stoik of the tone
pany, It is alli'steri In the amiaiil tlm
Imildlnt; and Ijnd su ccnipiei) Ii itisolutily nu"
Cj.'jiy for the proper ninagimcnl and conduit
of tlic road.
The Siranton ilallnay ioiiiUiiv is a imputa
tion autlioriicd by the lam. of tin) coiuiiioie
i.o.illh. It lu nrlaln cotporale rlsjhtu, ainniis
ulilcli is the riitlit tu aeiptiro nil estate by pur.
i'jum' and to i-w-uo btoelc tliircfor. I'ropoity ae.
ijiiiml in tlii May lucomc-i a part of the li'.in.
ihl-e ami capital Ho. I. of the icrpnration, lor
v.hkli said lorpouticn h oldlKi'd to iiu.uir uu
ilr the liw of llic I'oiiinio'iuMlih, llirin;r boon
l.ncd by Ihe loiiiinonivi'.ilili as iire.-ulbid liy
law, Hit" ripital ft oik in the laud punluseil
for Hie nccc.ijjiy a-e and operation of ihe nud
liy tho tale of CJpItal atock is not liable for
loral taxation.
I ntiilciMJiid dial the teal c,lalo ske, to bo
roll, Mil fiom taxation has been prneurn) fn the
iiiaiiiicr di'ii'i Iln il, and tint Its mo Is bjolutcly
uccctoary for tlic iuccr&ful optrttlon of the rati.
If lhl.s lie tnie lliry are cnllllni to the telle!
Ud for. ltcpcclfitlly milunltlrtl,
tl. M, Watson.
Tho American Telephone company
has a building In tho Twenty-first
wind used entirely for telephone pur
poses. It Is assessed for $3,000, but
under the opinions of the solicitor thin
has been stricken off.
Tho nppeal of the Central Pennsyl
vania Telephone and Supply company
Is held under advisement. It desires to
have the $4,u00 a.sscssiucnl iifraltiMt the
telephone exehunge, on Adams avenue,
sttleken off.
The D., Ii. & W. Board for Today.
Conductors to Be Measured
for Uniforms.
Following Is tho make-up of tho D
I.. & boa id for today:
Wi:i)Nl'P.V. MA i.
Wild Cats Uisi-s p. in.. W. W. t.abiri 10
p. tn., W. A. Il.irlholoinou.
WIM Cats -12..1J o. in.. William Kith, n
(i. in., T. I'llrp.itiiiLs 10 a. in., .1. .1. Cnilolln:
I 1 1. in,, II, W. Ittsliltnt, 5 p. in., It. Cajltier;
II p. in., .1. II. Mastrrs.
Summit?, Kto.-il a. in, ea:. .1. Ilriitilitiii; T
a. tn., we-t, (!. I'lonnfelkei; ip. I 'Jti .Lis.
( urim;; 7 p in., cast. W. II. Nlihobt; 7 p,
in,, i-iisl N.ii Auj, II. MeAlllstir; 7 p. tu., nt
Horn CitviRi, 'riioinpauu; 7 p. in., iet fiuin
iiijiiR.t, .Mul.ane.
Cullers 10 a. in., I". )!. Snoi.
I'li-hem-M a. in.. Ilnusei; In :i. in, I'm
nitty: H.n u. in., Mntini", 7 p. in., Mutph;
0 p. ni , ,l. staples: HI p. in,, Wldetier.
l',isent;or Ilnuims -7 a. in., flalfney: 7 a,
i'l , Sitij-'er; .r..:o p. iu hl.mtnii; 7 p. in., .M.i
jniein. Wild Cals Wel-I a lit., (t. ltantlnlph; ", i.
in., (i, Clark, uilli .lohn (.''.s men; S .i.
pi., M. I.tuiuhni' ; 10 ,i. tu., Kctth.iui: 11 a.
in., M. (inhleii; 1 p. in.. I). Ilauicort ; 2 p.
in.. A, (I, Ilanmiitl: : p. in.. I.itltiur, ititli
lliitiiliean's men: I p. in.. .1. (llnliy: .1 p. in.,
U. W. I'ltKir.iltl; ii p. tu.. Prank Wall.
Typos Strike at TJticn.
The latest strike announced Is that
of the members of the typographical
union nl Uticn, X. Y. President Mar
tin D. Flaherty, of the local union,
yesterday received the flowing telo
ti .uu, relative to the matter:
l tin, x. v , Miy
M. ll I'IjIiciI, piesnhiil Si'ianton T.ipuijr.iphi.
i il I'liiou.
Mnl.e on. 'Ihonits .1, (aitlilh.s in MianHui
ailn i.its. At I foi ti-. W in", '
A J'lanl; lliikin-oii.
Tite nine-hour day demand Is said
to be the main glcvnncc of the L"ll
c.'itis. Mining Notes.
rit-jphea ltobcrts, formerly foicman
of the Duttonu-ood colliery, who re
cently resigned his position to take
the assistant furenianship of the Stan
ton colliery of the Lehigh and AVilkes
l'.arre Coal company, has been ad
vanced to tho fotemanshlp of the same
colliery. The change ins necessitated
by the death of the late Richard
Lloyd, foreman of the Kmplro col
liery. Lehigh and Vllkes-Hnrrc Coal
fomptiny. AVIIIIatu M. Thomas, who
for twenty yen is has been foreman at
the Stanton colliery, takes the late Mr.
Lloyd's place at the Umpire colliery.
A inception will be given Mr. Itoberls
by the mine foremen ot the vicinity
al an earlv date.
contractor .lohn T. Kvans, of Koa
vei .Meadow, was in this i ity on .Mon
day, lie is engaged in (hiving it long
tut ivi between tw i valleys and it will
take iwn years to complete the work.
Mr Kvans was foimerly Inside fote
n. an at the Ullss colliery of the
Delaware, Lackawanna ,-inil w.-toru
u.nipany nt Xiintieiike.
This nnd That.
L.ii'kawauua railroad tiainuieii have
been notilled that a repicsentative of
.1. .Mat shall .t Hall, of Newark. X. .1.,
will be at the Young Men's Christian
association moms, Iloboken, this after
noon anil evening, for the put pose of
measuring passenger ooniltietois. brako
men and baggagemen needing summer
Organizer I:, .. Court light e.ster
d.iy teltitned from lierniee.
cc.unty. where, with ".Mother" Jones,
he Investigated a local strike, lletweett
two and three hundred men have been
out I bote for live wt-k. A mass
mooting was held Tuesday night, at
Milicli both ''MntlU'i" Jones and
fiiuriilftht were pte.sent. (in tlieip ie
ttun, the foimer slopped oil' at AVIlkes
Iti.i te.
Delnwnie, Lackawanna nnil Western
in i:nert ii,.,". e, roo.
Soiilli S. t -i nl uu fin- Xcu Vorl. it I it
"in fi.Mi. Mm and HUi u. in.: I'J.f,., ;i .-j ,, m
I'm' Philadelphia at h.on and 11)01 a. in ; 1 ,;
and :t.l;.i p. in. l'or "-timiiMiiiij; at O.lo p. m.
Milk aiiciintnnil.iliuti ai in p, m. Ani ;,t al (...HI. 7 I-, 10 '.'S, U.(), ,ji j (v
7.1' p. in An lie at I'lnliili l.hi at I. On, .j.i;'
Him and iJ.'Ji p. nt Atiiie finni m tllv ,J
l.lo, .. k! and i. in.; 1..1.', nil. -i.-,
and 11. .10 p. in. I'lOtii .-tloii.l-liiii ,n s.fjj a.
Vnrlli l.rave " lalilnii for lliiflaln 1 im,,,.
mi'illale id.iti"n- at l.t'i, ti.J.I .iml 0,00 a. in :
1.5-1, a. IS 11 :' p. in. I'nr (l-iiep, .iml
suaiii-' al 0. !-' a. in, and l." p. m. "m
I'tlia at 1.10 a. in. .iml I. ft.", p. in. I'oi Von-Iio-e
at i.m a in I t"' ami 5.1s p. m. r,
Mihnboi' al 100 and (l.lj : m. rm- H;,K.
luiulnn al n.2i) a iiiu in Ni.imoi Hum
llull.iln at l.2i, -.'''. '!' .iml lo HI i. in,; :i.."0
ami MO p. in. I'l o.n O-iM'ito and .S.uadi.e at
".'fkl a. in.: 1-' .Ii mi'! MW P. in 1'rom I tl, i
at "-'.n.-i a. in.; Vi.'-'i .aid '1...0 p. m. ,,
Niihol-nn at 7,ft) a. in. and (100 p, m, ;mn
Monttn-e al 10.0H a, in i ik.'O and ,s,(K) p, ,,
lli,(iin-.buiK lilillnii--l.ftip Sciaulou foi
Xurlhtiinbciland, nl .!". lo.ltt it. m,; i-,.-, a,h
fiSO p. in. fur I'ljinoiitli at l.Ofi. ,1.10, ,s',(i p
tu. I'm- liitiK'.luii at KIO u. in Anive ,n
Nottliiinibeiliml nt U.SS a. in J I. In .l.rm uml S.5
p. tu. llii nt -it S.rii a, in, Arilve
at I'liimuitli m -'.00, I.,'!-', IMI p, in, .Mm,,
In S'raiilnlt fiom .Norlhinnbciliiul at 0 l' a, in.;
I'.Ml.l. I.ful ami .!" p. in, 1'imii liiiiK-.tor at
11,01 a. n. I'mm I'lyiiiuiill: at 7.3.1 a, in.; y ".'ij
and i ::.' p. ni.
Smill.-I cue .--I i mtiiu at 1,10, .1.00, ,150, M.01
p in.; ...:m and :i.U p, in.
.Sen til l.r.iM' Suonliiii at 1 IJ, tltij a, in,;
l.Vi, 5.1s ami II..IJ il in.
Illooiuibuii; Hivltion l.cui Stanton at 10.03
a. in. and .'i.50 p. nt,
Delaware nnd Hudson.
In lifted Nov, S3, I'lO).
'fialns for I aibondale St union a: fi ,'0
7,rKi, s.W, 10. ii a. in: U.oo, l.-jo. t.n, ;tj.,
6.2'i, o.'Ji. 7.a7, . r. 11.1.1 p in.: I. U a, ni
l'or Ilonc .iUI--ti so, a. m ; j.n a, r,.-o
p. in.
I'oi Uatte 0 Ii, ..Is, rt.U, o.:;i, ,).3
UfW J, in.; 1.25. S.ISi S"2J. '-'(. 0.10,7,3, jo u'
U.M) !' in
l'or I,. V. II. Ii- pouili-CtJ, 11,53 i, in ;.jj
i.-'l and 11.-0 p. in.
for Pun ha nil I?. II. poii.U-615, y.jj a
in ; '.Mi and 1.27 i. in.
l'or Albany Jiid Jl poinU noith 6.20 a. tn.
3tu v. in.
' s-iiNiiAY 'a:ixs
l'or Catlioiidale 0.00, 11. Zi a. in.; ? , u'.oi,
5.47, 10.5'J p. ni.
I'ur WIIKe"llJire 0.8S, 11.53 a, tn.; I3S, Mi
G.27, 8.S7 p. in.
I or Albany ami points noilli 3.5! p. in.
I'ur llotii'silale y.on 9. tn. anil &.V! p. in.
I.uirit latis to all polnti in lulled State3
and Canada.
.1. II. UUUPIOK, C, P. A., Albany, N. V.
H. W, CltOS. 1). P. A., Scranton, pa.
Erie Railroad, Wyoming' Division.
Tiuio Table In lifted !-opl. 17, 1900.
Trains lot lliwtej ami lot .il loinlrf. connc, t,
iitK al llawley uitli Krio raliioad or Xcw Yorlc,
Nciiliirt and iutiiinciliatc pointi, leaie Si ran
Ion at 7.05 a. in. and '.'.-.''i p. in.
Traln.i ariikc at Snaiiloii at 10 M a. m ami
9.10 l. in.
Value for Value.
That's what you get
when you buy machine
made Ceylon-India Tea.
no willow leaves in it.
It's all tea and the best
tea grown in the world.
Ceylon Tea
Sold only in i.ead FaekeU.
50c, 60c. and 70c. Per Lb.
Money Will Harn Big Monthly
The oldest (laMiieil in Atucrie.i. No certifnate
bolder lias cirr Icmt .1 cent. r.i.inirnt- nude lo
nil suliM-i ibers every IS ilajs. No trouble. Nn
delay. Money refunded on ileniat.d. Write to
day for palilalia!-?, free to anv ad.lnit.
(.'. i:. Mai key k (X llud.-oti llld'ir., .New Yoil..
Schedule in Effect Maich 17, 1901.
Trains leave Scranton:
0.45 a. m., week ctitys, for Sunbnry,
Harrisburg, Philadelphia,. Balti
more, Washington and for Pitts
burg nnd the West.
0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton,
and for Sunbury, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and the
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays
1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris
burg, Philadelphia. Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg nnd
the West. For Hazleton, week
days only.
4.27 p. m., week clays, for Sunbuiy.
Hazleton, Pottsvllle. Harrisburg,
Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
.1 II. lUK'HIN'-OV. On. .r,
J. II. WOOD. Hit,, im,,. .;t.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In KTnt Mauli 0. ItOI.
I'oi I'lnlailelpliia and Xcw 101K iii 1). t; ,
1!. II., al (ill and 11. 33 a. in., ai d L'.ls, I .'7
(111 uk Diainiiiid i:pie-A), aid 11 ;'! p. in. Min.
ila.i-, ll. ,t II. 11. 1!.. 1 .'.-, s.27 p. tu
l'or Ubite llairn. Ilululun ami ptliieip.-.l pointi
in tin- mil icului,-, li.i I), ,-c ll. it. K, o I"-,
J.1S and 4J7 p. in. Tor l'ott-illi-. 1.27 p. n.
l'or lletlikbtin, K ill n, I.'ivdnii;, ll.nri-'ji.i
at.d piiiulpj' ilili ilni'ili.ili -tit'.uiH lia U. ,v II
It. It.,, 11. 31 a. in : il!-. 1.27 (Iliad, Ilia.
inond lprc-), ll.:a p. in. tMiinln-, i. ,: II
K. 1!., 1,., A2T p. in
l'or Tuiikb.imocl., Inwandi. Illiuli i, ltd u ..
Cleneia and pilnclpil liiteiuu-iliiti. -t.itii.ii-. via
1).. L. A: . It. It., Mis a m.i, and .Mi)
p. in.
Tor ReiiOM. Ito. Ite-lei, HiiRalo. Mauai i r.ilN,
Chliajtu and all puiuls wist. u ) k II. It. I; ,
U.Vi .1. tn., ."..'!-! (Itlail. Iii.unond i:pu',), 7. p.f
1II.-II. ll.:.u p. in. Nnulajs, ll. .t . a. it ,
11.33, e.27 p. Ill
rnllin.ui pailm and -.let pins ur l-ililuh V.ilh,
p.illniK Lit- on all Haiti-, betimu Ilki-lliu.
and Xeii mk, l'liil.idilplii.i. Iliitlalo and mi,.
pulsion lit! lj;e
IIOI.l.IV II WII.III It. !eii Supt., ."tl I'oitl.iud
htlett, Nil" ulk.
C II.Mtl.i: s. I, IX. lien I'll-. M . 2U Cm I land
i eel, Xiiv YniK.
a w. .nM:M.('iini, nn i'a . .,t., s utb
I'ellilelielu, IM.
I'ur tiil.eN anil I'ulli'ilii re'i'riatiuns apply to
Itl'i l.aikan.tuii.1 amui, Nr.intun, l'.i.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
Mattmii In .Now Will. -I'uvt of UU ity -tt,.,;
v II . and 'outli I'l'il.i.
'i'imi'. TMH.i: i.n i:rn:cr nov. -j.-,. h,.),i.
halm Km' Mi-nit"" '"I New Vuik, Xnv.iil,
l'llabitli. I'lilUilelplilai r.a-lun. Iletlib Item, Al
b'ntottii, Maiwli fluiiiU and V lilt" lUirn at ..:
a. in '. i"liris 1-1"; c"iii'm, II..V) a. in. ,-m.
Jai-i, 2.1'' I1" l"
I'nr I'ittitcm nii'l Wilnf-Haiie, .io a. in ; i.pi
mnl :i.Wi p. in Niiidijs, 2,li p. in,
i..... ititiiinnie and Waltit ulwn .n.,i ,,t..,L
t-oiitli and Wi"t l'1 llHlilflii'in. Mill .i, in. j l. pi
and il.Wl P. !" ii'IJ, -MS P. Hi.
I'nr l.'iint lli-incb, Ocean tiioie, et... jt ,;n
j. in. ami 1,10 !' '"
I'ur llcailniK. I.ebaiioii and llanNliiiis, jj ,,
leiitoiMi, K."" J, "I """1 l"'0 I'- HI. Mimlaj ,
2.1.1 . in.
l'or I'ott.iIlK". S.:.0 a, in, ami I. in p. .
'Ilnniijli tit kit-, to all paint i cut, routli and
uml at InuiM iatc at ilie utaliuu.
II, I', II.M.IIWIN'. (Sen, las. Aut,
.1. II. 01.11 l'hi:.V, On. taipl.
Time Card n tfftct Dee, UOth, OHO,
ISO? 803,8)1
al 3 1
la wo ,
d a n c
PMl 1
7 10 At N.V..W.I8iI St.I.r.
. IV
" ' n fv
2 Kits
.- III60S
. tbllll
,. tUt!)
.. 3095 SO
101V l M.r.. I'adotla . .I.v.
1031 IlU " . Slailurlil
)U " . huintrlil .
Ill ' .Pr.tluii i'url,
lit " ...Wlnttooil..,
1 15 " ...I'ejiiltlle.,,
IS " ...,0fon... ,
1081 IS II ' .Pr.lluli i'url
UIOIKI " , I'ltuatntMt,
UXI1 J'.' I. I'nl,..,
SOU 31 " "Kuiltl Citj'.. "
1 11 Una ' rarbauilaloVa "
9 09 1 91
.. 3lsts
i wa'mia
OK iiliiu
.. fM
a toil to,
oti. . .
a wiiii
kwii n!
.UlillH llfldrfii. "
MajrrtclU YU. '
. MKHeli ,, "
leruou ,, '
rchtalj.,. "
7 onuses
1 163 lit K
t nitiiit
H Ml If 0.11101
6 a: i Wit 01,
Wliili,n .
S 19 tlC 10 67 '
311 I1IJ10U "
911 SIOIUW, .
09 S3H 10 tn ' ,
61 inbuilt
7 S,
" 7 IS
" 7 JI
" 7 S3
" 7 :n
176 Si
PrI, i-lniri"
,8M tuiais
.8 031 8 3J 10 li
at I. Ila,-i".
6QU KWIOIOI.l... Stallion
Ar.,1 10
Iti S3,
rM u' aw i
AJJltloml tiiluiliii. Cirocndik for MiituM Ytid
6-.'.l"x!.cf 'f ' "unJ , mid 7 Mian tjuad.y uuly, tiril luz
til,tlcl.l WtJ 7 00 im.nJ S-OOimi.
Additional train tli-aii; rulclu t7 QOpui Sunday oiiti ,
tooplnatttllitatioui m l'orlinill, rrulrn ' 7U Pi'i.
oil tralnleovn Miinrl.l Yi,l far I 'wboadtla tttUiau
uall), arriilDi at tarlioadalo oto.51 am.
KateH 'J cent pur mile,
I.oneit JtHtc to all VnlnU Yittt,
J. C f HDIRSOH. 1, c. WEUU,
I'll'll'iM'rAfot. liar. Aunt,
Aaw Cii. Straatuu. I a.
Scott J Co.
Consult Our
Lace Department
For everything that is new and de
sirable for Dress Trimming. Many
exclusive Ideas nro here shown hi
Arabian, Maltese Cunij
and Point de Afencon,
Laces, Applique Hands
and All Overs.
Choice lino of Plain nnd Fancy
Tuckings, of Chiffon, Liberty Silk
and Silk Mouselinc, also of Satin
Liberty nnd Taffeta, with hemstitch
and real Vnl Inserting!).
Large Assortment of
Fine Silk
In White, Black, Persian, Black
and White, etc. Stitched Taffeta and
Satin Bands, in nil widths.
Elegant Line of Silk and
Lace Neckwear.
126 Wyoming Ave.
tfiMiiiracturcr.s r
435 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telcplton.- Call, 1X$.
Gas Ranges
On Sale at Our Offtcp at Cost.
We put them in your kitchen ready
for use. All connections FREE, on
first floor.
Double Oven Ranges, $0,75 and up
Scranton Gas & Walcr Co
115 Wyoming Avenue.
MAY I. 1901.
H " 0J A.Ai "V
Im "iteiulli "-t .nul Imti, I'l.m ,
Aim 1 11 .111 I'l in. -a .11 I'll Dai .n,d 1 imli
i:iiiupi'.,ii I' -I m I'. i" Hi iml I pii.inl..
""pi, uil Italic in I .ltllilil-3
27th Street, Broadway and 5th Ave, New Yor!(
European kSMs Absolutely
In the centre of the shopping and theatre dlstrl-1
A Mo,cm JIM- liij f uu 1 1-t In nil ti at 1
n.tiitfc Lintrliiiigt ati'lilcontl .11 iitf,, ll.imiiiol. At . ....
nnUttlau. tn 5 1 uucstll IM (.If, ttllh I. 111. , ll'tanl
(wld "liter ait tlcleplmti In cicryiMir.i. CuUtiHunsK 'lf.1.
X For Business Men
-O In the lt;arl ot ilia whor.i!
district. Z.
j For isimppurs ;
T minutes' wulk tn WanatiiaKrii", -f
X S nilltutcH tu Sir-irel Coopei a Ulp; .
t Bturc. IZnny of niccss tu llifc sieu; T
f Wry Good aturcs.
X For SiKlitseeis
-f One block from B'wav Car', t'lv.
Ine easy transiiottatloti to all
points of Intel est. -f
4. Only one Illock front Uroadivay.
Rooms, $l Up. p'&lt',, :
'f -----f-'-"f
Pan-American Rxpositlon
Buffalo, IM. V.
Accommodations for visitors. Pii
vnto home. Best residence section.
Near exposition. Send for circulars.
Mrs, Achsah E, Hartzell,
181 Ashland Ave, Buffalo, N. Y.
liis is
Plan F
CAUTIOiV Lnnk IVl -.!
for lettering "W.
B." Erect Form
stamped on every
On sale at all the e-Malili-liiuent in 'ii.inlon. it your deilcr doe not h.lvr them In stoilc.
srnd liii name ami prlee dliert lo in and we will see tliat joii are supplied.
WEINGARTEN BROS., 377 Broadway. N. Y.
! fr T T T T T T T ! T T T ,. V T T "T T
4 4.
Wc arc now prciiarcd lo show you an entire NEW stock of
4 1 4
j Carpets !
I Wall Papers and Draperies j
Every item is this, season's yoods, and we arc prepared to serve J
4. vou promptlv and at our well-known low prices.
Temporary Store,
t 126 Washington Avenue- $
! 4
Magnificent Display
Of New Parasols
Our center show window will give you an
idea of our exquisite Hue of New Parasols.
These lovely sun protectors are un
equalled both in beauty and price.
Your inspection is respectfully solicited
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
il Be 1
Said the bait to the fish.
Or next thing you know
you'll garnish a dish.
I came from the store of
Floiey & Brooks,
And I'm dangerous.
211 Washington Ave.
Prof.Q.F.THEEL,527 bVx?,;':
VHI1fl(,Ll, '. Clot tltrata brtUHl iaf
tratrlttv. Uatrtulrri lo tntr ! Ifj uill IVUklr
I'ltrti.Trftb rir i tu lit d)t)titM-,41uiP.i
h- at -A.
uivuq vihiii .irrvw vrumiji vi
furlroffir tilrkturttfto cutUorU
o CutUorU I Bdrfrlup'i
frtuJ. IviilUn pPr,T
.BiriV3iirifrii uiihiiph irniu
ir 1 pttipg tirry adifi q t uiri
00 Fly
Th N(w
Erect Form
Aflrr .ill Ilie jears Mlilfem l'.nlilon
ua turned lnnlialt Nn ultnrt liicitli.
Ins tin lilmliiiK-iio litiliitcsllon nn
remilt from tin" "W. II. Urcct rortn"
ivldili lltrniiH .ill tirevure on two lilpt
nml liltli tniiNile-i. 'lite Hutiti! U lielil
rrrrt anil pli.iiislit anil U itlien a lino
Iirect I'orni 5lvle 701. Ilrnvy
front Rtrclj of wlille nml ili.tli lean;
lilp Roml, $l.on
Iirect 1'orm Style 7DJ. -lllp-cuieil".
Iieaiy Irotit ilrel; mail nl
Imperii il lll.iinmiil Sateen In lill
ami iliali, '"80
Urect I'oftn "tyie ,9".'-",'
luipnrleil Cnutll". full ttnr. '''M r,lt"
furtui.ill. hleii'ler lmimn.Sl.7S
I'.rect Form Stple oo-lmprojeil
.-(it ('until. 1" tl110 and
dull". Mil Rnri.l. I'l" i',w
I'.rccl Form Style 060
-Of cMIl lt' IT
routii, in iiiti- jiki '!;;;
and Mark Sitecir. Mil
gnnil, lil.ncut,J.5n
-'rect Form Style 001
,., 1 i.i r'nutll: lull
lll Illl im,"" - , ',,11,,
eureil. It." '",i 1,7Ul!l
P .' .1. f..,- fnlli" 1 cu-lopeit
lllllll-ii. "v MJV
L, f ?2.50 M
WltU J." "S
Capital $200,000. Surplus 5500,003.
United States Depositary.
Business, personal aud sav
ings accounts iuvited.
3 per cent, interest paid on
savings accounts.
Open Saturday eveuiugr
from S to 9 o'clock.
Wi. Conni.i.l. President.
IIin'rv Bi'.i.iN, Jr., Vice Pros.
Wm. II. Puk, Cashier
Every Womai
..: - - . -S.V,'
iu ittifri'Kt. klinuld Lnor I
iL ,vS: , sL.
M ARM L Whirling Sprd
r 1 14' IV tul9jri0. V1
tiU'i i'" ftou. tri pm
pit mom I'niiTvn tm
ItL tour ilruBiUt for It.
If IiTiniiut titily tlm
UllllL'l. .. 11 Ilia
:.; "r?.v" ":::... 1 1 v
ui in r inufciiu m iiiiiiiu ii t.
Itntraifrl Uwk 'i' M jrifs y
n 1 1 ii.tll. ti t ,i r j ii tut illiui 1 1 iiii In l
villMl,lluWillril vl '' . t'
ltuum t.0'1, Tioin, P'l; , New VorV
..' I Tin
i. IKM
l aflL
i .