The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 09, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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iSV1 t
Aft St"
v v v
w (iw
Tliey Ran Down the Stoiy Which
Sold They Wcie Dropped fiom Pay
Roll of Fire Department for
Drunkenness niul Pioved It Base
less but Have Not Yet Been Told
Why They Weie Deposed Pattol
mnn Peteis Had a Lively Tussle
with u Filsoner.
The iilcmW of pn-1'oi manful Men
.Tiilin J.ovviy, of tin- l-'iaiilliiw, niul IM
vuitd I'plhtlcK, ill tlti- f'nluiuliltis .Hi'
IMIIl'll f'Olieellll'll over tlll'll lllllllNlIll
lioni the lit. ili put tini'iit Tin' ten
son's' fur tlwli' dlsr liuiuo uc )i n tli ii
Inilv linsutlsfnetiii v. i"ii'(lii, mi at -tniint
of the liimni-i tt the eft'ei L that
both lui'li won- ilNmlssod I'M tliiinUnii-ic-.
This tliuiK" (tit t iiiilinlli.illy
lit iiv.
A minor mik nl-n (iiuoiit to 111.'
i Hi it Hint JVtliilik lniit icril'-.Ml to
woik with Movvollvn J'ni i v In tin- event
of Ills lll'iolutllll'lll. Tills Htlltolllelll Is
liNn ilt'lllt'il In IVtlilli l(. In oonvoi -s.Ulini
nl.ll Till' 'I'llhline iiiiiii lust,
nlslit. I'l'tlllek slult'il linn ln luid
li 'on itil.n mod 111, il lilt dismiss, w ii-j
title m ilmiiki'iiiii'S'.. tun iiivlmdv who
Knows I mi Mill not believe stub u
In Kltl'llli' to tilt Illt stun, 1'i'tll-
tli'lc 'm'i lit' wnltid mi Chief'l
inai.n .'in I aski'il lilm It It was possible
fa.- 1 1 1 in i I'i'llii it'll) to lie ii.umii'i mil
tr tlio rinnkllns. and that the i hlof
nsiuii'il liini It. would be till i Iplit. JIt
i'IiI not m. Im would not woik villi
l'.i.iv. IiiU that lit would ntlier not
li In tin.' -finio rnmpiuv with lilm.
i.nvwv was iiKn soon anil when asked
rtjiii'OinliiK tin' allowed ehniKO of diunk
noss iirlmltti'il that lie h.ul lioen told was tlio o.uise of his
lit- went to si'o the locordor with his
Infill niant, who ol.iinis that Molr told
lilm th.iL was the cause of T-owiv's Hut wliou the it'toulpt was
asked lor an osplan.itlon ho denied over
li.uiiiK Hindi' such an asset linn.
Thus lar iiPilher TVlhilrk or T,owiy
have Iippii Klen an rpl.iimtioii Tor
thpir disiiiissiil, t.olthoi- hao William
l.pwis. Thomas C' or Adam Stolji
hotiscr. The riankllns will hold a spool. il
nipptlinj .it thru ho.idqu.u tors this
p r iiIiik for tlio inn pose ot dotot milling
what ilispnsltliin thev will m.iko if
tlioir piopuity. Fevoiul other inuttcis
ioit sir r
Silks? Aye, and
Such Uncommonly Fine
Silks for So Little Money
That the burden of today's Store News.
Are you Interested? IF SO. READ
Fashionable Colored Silks
OC Pieces 19 inch Faucy Taffeta Silks, heavy lus-
trous make, and not a desirable wanting. An
excellent value for 69c the yard. A seasona- A C,
ble bargain at rVC
2Q Pieces Wash Taffeta Silks. Not a fashionable
-v shade wanting in this lot, and as they come to
you fresh from the loom3, they represent the EO-r
very latest novelties. Au S5C quality for 3yC
24 luch Crepe De Chene, iu the following shades:
White, cream, turquoise, pink, rose, old rose,
grey and black. An elegant and fashiouable nfiJi,
pure silk weave: worth $1.00 the yard, for.... VC
Extraordinary Black Silk Values
Black Silk Taffetas, best makes, pure dye and extra
bright finish. Take your choice they're all right.
10 inch Block Taffeta Silks, woith 62 l-Ue tor. ... 40-
22 inch Black Taffeta Silks, woith 75c tor rn
23 inch Black Taffeta Stlka, wojth 80c, for nn,
27 Inch Black Taffeta Silks, woith S1.00. for. . . top
22 inch Black Taffeta Silks, woith S'l.12 1-2, foi . . . gOo
Peau De Soie Silks -
. No chance bargaiu couuter lot, but silks that we fully
recommend atid warrant. These in black only.
20 inch Peau de Sole Silks, woith 85c, for nnc
21 inch Peau de Soie Silks, woith 1.12 1-2, tor !"' 85c.
22 Inch Peau de Soie Silks, woith SI. 25, for ' 08c
23 inch Peau de Soie Silks, worth 91,50, for '.'.'. 1.10
Rich Satin Duchess Silk
20 inch Black Satin Duchess Silks, woith 75c, toi j8c
mi men uiacK aatiu uucuess suks, woith 85c, tor.,,,, 08c
21 inch Black Satin Duchess Silks, worth $1,00, for, .,,!!! 75c
The last three numbers quoted are really extraordinary
ralues, and as the qualities arc reliable the importance of
;hi offering caunot be over-estimated.
Globe Warehouse
of Inloiosl In tin ineinbcis will alio
be litki'ti tip for consideration and the
pieHPitoo of ovpiy liioinliof at Die meet"
Iiir Is dpolieili
Tlio Colinnblas will hold a nioollin;
on .Monday nvctilng, but It Is iinilor
stood that thpy do not Intend to ills
bind thi'lr ottfunls'iitlnii. They tn o
i bin toiL'd and will keep up a pel man
out coinpntiy, itlttiotiKli llipy will not
take any aolho pint In the llio light
ing Ht'i v Ice.
Rev. Mllmnn Well Received.
"llt'V r J. Mlliiuin. the new pastor
of tin' Soi'ond I'lesbyti'ilun chtnclt, Iiiim
itlteudv won the love tind esteem of
hl pinmtt'untloii," says the I'oltsvllli'
t'llfonlclo. "Tills Is fVldi'iiced by the
handsome frirt thai Mi.s. Kucicher
has nt niiiilp to 111 in, which iiuuip
Kiitos In inst about $l0i. Her Klfl t 011
sImIh of tlu piiiIip iPiiiiviitlon of tilt
pastors vtuih, which Is locatt'd In the
Ull'iltPts luljollllllir the elttllPll oil til"
south. The 'ttnlv now piesonts 11 very
neat and haiiiWiiino uppeaianee.
"Il Is a Kill whleli would make Hie
heait of nn minister kIiuI, and I!e.
.Mlliiian thoioilKhly appioi lutes It The
ilt'sk, a uuil I'hali, elm It, ami lh"
oil lllllfjs well- :i spoi'lill Klft to Hip pns
tnt , iKisnualh. as a token of tlio es
teem in whli h Mi". Kiii'iidii'i" hobls
Fell Down Flight of Stniis,.
Mis Jonathan Low Is, of Ninth Ite
lit'nii avcniii, hatl a most niliaoiilotls
fl.lH 1 1 1)111 mm Inns inluiv locontlv.
when she tell headlong down a lllRht
ol stalls nt her Inline.
Shf was enjraKPil In hoiispeleanitn?
and was iMir.lns' some liedclolhlnt?
through the hall, wIiph she tilppi'd.
lust as she loathed the stalls, and
plinmed hpiidloiiR' to the bottom.
The foicp of her tall was bioken liv
the hndi lolhinrr. othPiwIse she wolllil
have been -euiilv Injuied. As It .i,
she suiieieil nioie or 1ps fiom the
slunk and li is not mm tullj uiuwiul.
Tiled to Choke the Officer.
Thomas "Williams, 0f Scianton
.stieet. boeame abuie In TMtiolman
Klnh I't'tt'is Tuesday nlKht, ami when
the ollkPis at tempted to auest lilm,
Vllllaius (ilotl to choku the patiol
niiin. lie siK'needotl, In a nieasino,
Inn tint; his tinker nails in Peteis'
net k, but the ilollcrhty coiiper soon
opi-powpiPiI his man and landed him
in the .station house.
V1ipii the pilsoncwas niiaiRiipd bo.
foie Pollie Miiqisliate TJ.ivlis ostor
d.iy moininq: ho was politrlv liifoimod
that his aetions wotlltl cost lrtm 'MO.
Mo .settled up, but did not look m'
pleasant as a lesult of his epei
lenee. Events of This Evening;.
Miiistiel pi'ifoimancc at Hie llhetiii;
City WliPclniPii's club house, on .taek
.son sttoct, for ineinbcis and t hell lady
Kntoi taininent .mil smoker under the
aiispltfs of Kf stone lot's'o, No .17,
I.ojal KniKhts of Aineiieu, it llieii hall
on Ninth .Main avenue, foi niombois
ami In other knights.
Meeting of the AVest s,,d0 J'h.uily
club at 7 o'clock this ovenlnp: at the
homo of Mr. William Itces-', ll? Thh
tcentlt street.
.McotltiR of Cunip 178, J'ntrlotli' Order
.Sons of Amcilra, In Ited Men's imll.
l'lcctlon unit Initiation ot randl'littos.
The cotntnltlee of the First ltitptlt
ehtlti'h who cine for the sick will hold
nn he cieiitn noclnl this evening nt the
hinne of MIhs IImi I'hltllps, on Itebccea
ltC HUP.
Dr. Sweet at Oneonta.
A cot dial leeeptlon was PNtiMnlcil In
lti. .t. 11. Hwcot niul fninllv by the I0p
w 01th league of the Oneonta Metho
dist llplscopitl eliuteh itccntly. Tin
Oiipnntii Dally Stnr had the following
to Mty In lcfotenop to the event:
"A vi'ty enjoyiible leeeptlon was
ghiMi lust oveiilng In honor of tlo.
.lohn n. Swoet, D. 1), and family, tit
the parlrs of the MethodlHt Eplscnpnl
chllielt b the llpwoilh leiigtle. The
patlimi wcie deoorated In colois, mid
pulins nnd plants weie .scnttcied about
the iooiuh. The lingo number of peo
ple who oanie to gleet the now pantor
weie pieselited, Hint to the piosldont
mid four vlie-piesldelitK of the Ii'.igue,
and llipii to I tev. nnd Mis. Sweet, their
daughter, Maiguetlle. nnd son, Willis.
Their oldest him, Chiules Is now 11
"indent at H.Mileilse uillveislty mill, of
iiiiui was unable to be piesent. The
in w pastor had a loullal gieetlng fur
nil anil the nipnibets of his family
ptnu'd veiy ttgit'oable.
"Dining the 01 oiling leininiatle and
take weie i 1 letl bv the ladles of the
league, Theie Was a shoit luusli'.il
piogiainnie lendeied that was inttch
ell loved,
"The evening was one of 1niK.l1 s0
t Inhllitv and a most auspicious open
ing for Hie social Hie of the ohm eh
dining (ho lit w pastoiuto."
Quaiteily Confeienceb.
'I he Hi st ipiai loilv confoienoe of this
ot nloi'Mice your for the Hampton
HI'ool Methodist Episcopal iluuclt
will bo held at Hie church rrldny
evening, May in. All the olllclnl lnem
beis nie loquostod to be piesent. Dr.
til lllln. the pipslding older, will bo
pi. 'sent to (ondiict the business ses-.-lull
The uiuiilipis of the Shnpsoii Metho.
dlst Kpisiopal chin eh will hold their
iiuiitetlv- confeionee mooting in the
1 li tills evening.
Fiist Legislotive District.
The date foi holding the piiinailes
In Hie It'll st legislative illstlict. to .se
lect delegates 10 the state convention
to be held In Tim lisbuig next month,
has not et been .umouiiood, but piob
ablv will be In .1 few days.
The only aspiiaut foi the honor thus
fai mentioned is .lohn 11. Williams,
of !iiuili Main avontio, o-hchool con
tiollei 1 10111 the fifteenth w.ud.
Electing New Flag Poles.
Woikmou oniplovoil bv the boaul of
I'nnttol .no electing now Hag polos In
m.inv- of the s( hool .v.iuls in West
Sii.mton. The polos aio of onoiinous
hngth and tlntkness-
The pole fin No. Pi school will he
tii'Lteil todnv on the rail view ave
11110 s(u t the building.
Two Funeials Yesteidny.
The of Die kite Hannah lt
elle was londmtid at ' o'i lot k ve.s
toitl.iy mm ning fiiim the home of tle
ttasttr.s inotliei, .0! Moililliiu Mitel.
Senile- wtie held in llolv 1'ioss
1, .mil Intoi iiient was made in tile
.1lhe1l1.1l n uietci.v.
Tin- lem.iliis of Walter, the llfloen-innntlis-olil
ihlltl of .Mi ami Mi.s. Will
i.iin 'I'. Dicker, of No. 7 St.nk plate,
weie intci ml in the AVaslibui n stieet
ttinoierv m arteinotm
The sinices weie in tliaige ol llev.
II. I. -MiDeiinott, of the Simpson
Methodist iliuuh. and the
pall-In .Hois weie, lohn T. Decker, Hnill Itobeit anil William Snow.
The 1 em, litis of tlio late .Mis. SIllllo
'lunch, who tiled at Hie home of her
sister. His v. j. jitiiKan, laotJ Wash
burn stieet, weie taken to I'.ubondiilo
.M'stmiliiy inuriiliiK, vliuo the fuiieial
will lake place totlaj. At nuinbei of
nlaihes mini this illy will attend.
Jtov. i:. A Ho.vl, ot the Ph mouth fon
,ie(j.itIoiiiil tluiitli, itiiuliicteil Mhuit
sen lies oer the lem.iins, beioie they
wtie taken to Cailiondale The pall U.4 wcie Hin 1 y .Mlllei, jramice
Millt.1. Xelm.vei and John Hat
ii'iibiijc, ulathcs ot tlet cased,
1 'kit lie Hi ns. opt ni d a bi.iiitli -iiiie
al I'i'tkvillo .vistoidav. The ivtnl vns
ntti'iulei bv inanv well-known people
in vielnltv, niul Hie M'lituie is
looked ii'iou as belnpr siutessfiil fiom
Hie sl.ut, as Kieie is .1 Lug,. Held In
that localllv to diawn tiatle 110111.
A leheaisal , die Wlllluni I'oiiltell
lilluaellt. lilee flub will be held in
Ivniite hall 011 Saliiitlay evenliiK', "w hen
the meiubeis will lake ii) Hie .study of
sevcial selct tlons to be leudeioil 1I111
in Hie niepUiiii to be tendeieil ihe
vltliu, Ivoiltts on .ia. lil, by the
Itobt'i t .Mollis Inline.
Thf Ladles' li si I'atholle lienevoloni
union coiidiieted a compliinentaiydniiee
I.IM ovuiIiik: In SI 1 s hull, ivliieh
w.n. alleniletl bv ninny .vouiib: iieoplo
flolll dlflt'it'lll imiIs ot Hie iil
The Wonieit'.s i lass ,,f Hie Shniisou
.Methotiisi iinis, iiji.d iiniKii will moot
'" tiw atteilliioii iu llieilinicll pin -
Or .1 riunk rieniliiK, ol Wilkes.
U.I 1 1 e. Is the KlU'.sl ot Ills eoii.sius, tlie
.All.ssus Itow.lll, of I.ui'iue titleet.
.lo.seiili Davis, ol .lutksiiu stieet, who
was .uie-,tet at the Instance of his
wife, iliaiKeil with iihs.iuit and b.iiieiv,
IhieatK, ete . was illsciait,eil by Pollio
.VIHKIstiale U.lVies 111 hiii i oiu t yos
tt'lilll IlKil iiIiik. The illiUKt's vveie
wlthdiawn by ihe wile. Ho aviis lined
$.-, however. Toi beliu; diiiult ami tils
ouleily. The weildiucr of l.evvls HoiIkcs and
.Miss .MuiKiuet Jenkins, lnuli of neik
ei'.s iiiiiii, w Kike plait) on Wdlnes
(lav .May .'!.
All .MiiuiK vvoiuoii who wish tn j.dn
the hhilt wnlht tI,ihs of the VolllUf M'o.
Illun'.s ('IllUtlilll lihsruludoii aie in
illie.siiil to leuve wont with (he com
mittee at the looms toniouow ovcmliut.
The Ladles' llonie .Mlsslouaiy society
of the W'ashbuiii Siu-it 1'je.sbj it tlaii
iliuuh will mcil toinniiuw' .uteiiluoii
at the home of .Mi.. T .1 l.uu i.'jj
'aslil)iun biK-el.
The I'hilsilan nude.ivot .sudei will
hold uu iiiiiioit.iiit meeting loimniow
oventiiB in the "Washburn .stieet Pies.,
b.v teliau 1 lull c ll
The proKiesslvo likIiio and soca
annouiiicd fot pest Tuesday eenliu:,
Iu Youiik Glen's Instltuto hall, mulct
" H ti tin? luiid'uiucit, and ctlm j
no invllcd to ci,ll on any duueUt ami tft
Uee a ttul liollla ot Knii'i IUUjiii for tlio
'I and tuiKs, u inucdy tliat ii KUiiauUtd
lo une diul rtllcvc all ( lironlr and Amtc Con.-lu,
(liii). IhimliilN jnd Luiiiumi lluii I'lln Ja,
nd 60t'.
the nlispleei of Hrnnch Otl( h. C. H. A.,
promises to be tin enjoyable event. A
Irtt'Ko number of prominent young peo
ple will paitlolpnte.
Tickets 1110 sellliiff rapidly for tlio
Icoluro on "Abuthain Lincoln," to bo
dcllveied by Ptof. tleolRO ltovell tit
the youth Main Avenue Welsh Culvln
Istle .Methodist eliuich on Wednesday
ovonlmr, May an,
A tnlont fund social for the honolll of
the JackHou Htioot naptlst chinch una
Ifeld last eVenliiB at the homo of Miss
HlssIo WnRstuff, St; Kynoti Htrcot. Ice
ci cant was wold and other features en
Mod. The otlleei"- of the Kleclrlu City
Wheelmen want It understood that the
name of the club has not been aullior
led In connection with the pioposed
female uiinstiel peifoiinnnoe to bo
Riven In Menus' hall on Mnv 30.
Dr. W. .1, L. Davis and family have
(niton poHst'oslon of the 1001114 over
Jenkins' ilriiif stole, coiner of Mitln
incnue and Jaeksou .stteot.
.Mil. tlldenn Mosei, of Lafayette
Nil eel and Sumner avenue. Is scilnunly
A iluiiRhior of Mr, and Mis. II. tj.
llobalhan, of Hoiilh Hyde I'aik ave
nue. Is iiulto 111.
"'hailes niedv was at tested last even
ing by Constable Hcth Smithoti a war
iiint Issued by Aldetman Fidler nt the
Instanee of Adam Smith. Uledy was
nrralKiied befoiu Alderman Mjeis on
Tuesday nlKhl mi the cliarRe of as
sault, Smith belnc the ptoseeutor. The
Litter alleges that Just after they left
the olllce Itlody assaulted him. .Smith
then HW010 out a wan ant bofoic Al
deiman Fldler and iTtlody was last
nliiht held In ball foi his nppoainticeat
colli t.
Hoit Thomas was niieslcd osterdav
by Constable Thomas K. .Mills while
on a Delawaie and Hudson passeiiKor
tiuln bound for Wllkes-Hane, for de
fiaudlniT a bo.udliiR liousokeoper. He
was broiiRht bofoio Aldernian Meiq
and hold In ball foi couit.
O. V. sillier letutncd home last evon
InR fiom Stan 111 ca with .slty-four
biautlfiil specimens of hunt.
The of .Michael I'iel, the son
of Mr. and Mis. Michael Plel, of West
M.ukol stieet, w ho died Monday, took
place .vestoidny afternoon at 2.S0
o'doek. Sci vices- veto held at the
house and Intel nient was made In the
C.Uhedial ccmeteiy.
Mrs. Henry Athorton. of North Main
.slieet, i.s vlsltinp fi lends In West Pitts
Inn. The Ladles' Aid socielv of the Piovl
donce Piesbv torlan chinch will hold a
nieetins this afternoon iu the thuich
p.u lor".
HiM ton Love, of Plalnsllolil. X. Y..
has 1 etui nod 10 Piovidenec apaln and
has lenioved his jewelry stole fi 0111
the Steele buildiut,' into O'Haia'h mil-
llneiy sloie.
The Libeilv Hose eompanv, No 2,
will hold an impottaut ineotlnR' to
niouow evening In their looms on West
M.uket stieet.
Theie will be a speei.i 111001111 of
Lot nl union No. 1 :H7, ("lilted Mine
Winkers of Amoilt.i. at St. Matj's
hall on Piidav eveniufr, and all mem
bet -. .ire iofiiostod to attend.
Mr. and Mis. J. IL IV, k. of Kolmont
Ten.iie. have letuinrd fiom W.ijne
coiintv. vvhoie Ihev .ittendeil the funo
lal of Mis. (P, KV biotht'i.
The Piovldoiito Piosbvleilan Latlits'
Aid stxietv will hold theii annual mei t
IiiK this afternoon in the sm ,il 1001ns
nt the (Inn ill. All the ladles f (hut
L011K1 oration aie invited to allond.
Mis. Met, 1 Ostoihoilt is entei tainliiK
Biiests fiom Philadelphia at her homo
on O.ik stieet.
Hi. Dawson is sei louslv ill at his
homo on Samlet son avenue.
Mis. Kli.abitli, a fonnoi ipI
dent lieie, tlio widow of tlio late Ueu
bon i 'in i, who lotontly lias boon icsitl
infr at Ul.iok AVnlnut, died on Sunday
and her it mains weie luoiiKlit hole Tor
Inteiniont jesterday. lit v. W. II. Olb
bons, of tlio Presl)teilan chinch, offi
ciated and Intel ment was made in the
Duumuie oei eteiy.
The ruuei.ll of the lato William
Foiirst oociinod fiom the homo of lilt
son-in-law. AVilllatn Kush, of Blakely
stieet. eateidav afti'inoon. Ho. C.
H. Xi'Wlmr, of the Methntllst Kpisco
I'.il 'hui ih. otllclited and Intel moot
was made iu the fiiMiid ,imy of the
Itriiublit plot iu Dunnimo ct'inotciy.
Tlio iiininiaffo .lle, under tlio iiiiiii
iiKUiioiH ot the Yoiins Ladles' MU
slonai.v tilde of tlio l'loshj toi Ian
i lunch, will open this incuniiiK In the
llotan A- Iloaley hulldhiK, on ('lust
nut stioot.
The at i.ninonionN for the Kiand le.
nie ot tlio Independent Tue company,
on .lulv l'uuith at Key.stone maiden,
ate eoniploltd and tlio (lie hoys hid ov
I'ocllinf a IiIk lime on that duv,
Tile Ladles' ('athnllc Itoiievolint as.
soci.itliui will lii-lil a special nit cling
l'liday evnliiK at s o'doek. M
ni'Miibt'ls ate leiiuoslod to he piesnut,
as busliiiss ot hniioi tn in c Is to ho
Ill adilitioii to the inoRianime ar
laiiKi'd fot the eiueitaiiiiuoiit at the
home ol Mi.s. Uuhilel Swan, of
Clicny snoot, Jits. VmiRhun, inosl
tlent ol the Women's Chiistlan Tein
Iieie.iiKO union, will lie (iiesont and
Bin' a Hinit aildifsi The West Sldo
r-.m.s of 'lenipoiaiifo ij0 ,.U, wjj
also I), piosenl and slut,' soveial ho
lt i lions,
Ili fun. ul of i li. Ijic 1'iltiil lliiuniu tool.
iIki Itu vl iv in. .riling .it li ii'tloil, fiom tlio
-itliu. till I i. mil aiiuui soiiii.H VMit.
luld a '-i l'i in titlidril In ltd it In r
( uud int. run ill ui. lilac i. in the I aim
lll.ll H III. Il C 'lilt lllllt litis vim I .li.llll I'll.
nil, Vloimu Dull, IIionii" loid in, Hit Inn!
("It iu in, 1 1 jiiis I anMii .nut Mli h u I 1 iii.mii
Mh 1 iIh ird Kids .ml iljinjntiis viuur jnd
Inn, ,ir. vlrltlin; fiiuids ti WilLts Hiiic
I lie uiill i (nd .t iii i)iiuir Viouiii'
C In Ul i in l-.islilion will lutil at. I lit-
lildJi nlit. iiiulliil Itiluir will Im !.' i
Id li Colaiid Hitli- Ml iiifiuliH an in
viid In 1 1 n; llirli fiiuid'
M 1 sKili uu Mini,- if t lio Iiiiiii i Mitiunr
iliui, liedl 'riKsiljj nllit it Otrinaiili lull, luinlv
in' ml.. is weiv idiiiltiod inlo ilie ofilv, V-iv
In lis ciu adupii il and a lomiiiHit . appoint
J to lick iltci a suitable idue fui an t(ui
Im 1 Iu ("iiiuiiitie iiiiiii I .iu Vlfnd i.ulliiiii.,
iuu t IIoihiI and li.d slIiuiiI Hi iikiIiid-
vvii4 l.ii'.d) allu.ilul
I In lulu ul of tins 111.' Vi laioliu (Mil
hj liold .VfslfllljJ .iflniiuOM Jl - ll'llutll flolll
I In' ii.iilin. . In iiiiiii i oiu I li niUio,
lu'ld ll Uu lillllsi, hui in llulhC of III). VV
Vuilt. rj,loi if ili- Midori slicl 'n
Inlnuu limn li InKiiiit-ia js in ok. m ila.
I'iiuiuii 3i i nu uiiHloii.
Iliu iiuiliiiif it I'liihs'liiinli i ilt-. Ni 'si,
Uulu of llin Hail (.ill, wlili (i uus lu!, 1., t
(Miiini: at llaituuu's lull. vsji I.iikiIi atiuiilnl
lv im lulu i. Duo laiullihto wai niltiaiid into
tin' unlet
llio lol uliKIi vva i.hlll lo tin ( liuuii ol
l'inu lair l',v tin- lluiiioiid laud and Imiuoia
mull ( "lil i.l li ji tliiuiiil nil Ij1 (Hiilua; at
(iiliiiaiiii lull. 'Hie iil.'.o of land, ulilili Is Ids
llu fut, m- ui.ii . llil,tt No, All, li ulilili
IaiiiIi Kliilloi vas lln? Imldti llic alunu iiiuiul
ran irttivr lurtliuUu al llic ruliluiic id .Mi.
Chillis lildl, Oil I'lllsllll IVlllllis,
'llic alalia of fur luintd Iu from bov 37 JuH
That is what the purchasers of this region find in our vari
ous departments, The opportunities for saving time as well as
money naturally appeal strongly to the public. This daily bul
letin tells of new discoveries for the benefit of the patrons at
Jonas Long's Sons' Stores.
Tailor Gowns
No lady feels well diessed now-a-days
without possessing- at
least one stylish Jacket or Eton
Stilt. Summer or Winter she finds
it impossible in this climate to
he unpiovided with something1
both seiviceable. nnd attractive
in this line. It is seldom that
she is so foitunate as to secure
elegant tailor-made, s'ilk lined
and handsomely tiimmed suits at
but little more than half piice.
but such an oppoitunity awaits
her in our Suit Depaitment this
lliuiili Inlli Suits ( hruiu mil tin I inn,
hhlisli jitliptt tr lions foniiti Cc
pi lie, si , now
Pi toilful Blur BiiMiltlotlt 1 li 11
feints foi nu r price -', now
( liniots 111 Inmwi. rm, M e K, Win
....I tn,. ut.t-sisto s,,) $15 to 20
Misses' Suits
Mines' Suits In 1 rnailil 1II1 dicviott n '1
li niiopiiii wnr fmiii slT V) C j f. Tk
P. V
VNo i lnl of I li u tntl li.lit flilmc Miilt
wlnill mil 1 1 cm fi j to r, Ntm fin
all PU
S('dil Ult, -lulitb si llnl .aid fnlrtl
Onli oiu -"M ti iiili pin C ) Sl
Ciller 3.OU
lliuni lloi'l.s mil lu-. lil ul nil Mliiic- . Ji
I ini-liiu Hi ml, i' .ul I" 1'iiKuc . .. . ."u
l'i III lllltti 11-. t I d' 71 n il
sinUntt Hit" slid Ids, im i il.vtii t.
Dirss ,Stt-, Is-ollitl ls ,"i
1 aim 1 tiled sill. diiliH I'f
s. uin' sK 'Jo
M11I11110 Collou 2i
Nil i m i tit in. Puis U
Itiliici lltlt I'm.' '
You know our standard of
yoin money bad;.
I I lit II louis I ona's sons lle-t iiiiiniis
ill the initi It ti Us i Klin nts 1 1 Miiiiiisoii liinl
sprnu- win il, I" in' 'll pi I i . nt . IiiIIpi tn in
tnv ol It. 1 lliui iiiildd mil will pioiluu 10
lbs nioip lui id li tin- biiul. Cl 11
fun. ki burtl, s l'i, pi i Mik. ."
( ol I I I Von mt i nii illt. ili In Hi, i nli
ll n in ( il dunk wliiid will nuke limn nips
In llu' pound tud 1't llio liusi (tououiicil it
I int. It pivt. to buv oiu Vdiiiu "fXr
In i al AOW
Indn i oMoik w is on i-ioned 1.) t
idtttliit' lino in llu n-dkiiit of Vtntiii ( IIKoiil,
in 1 iir Mint lirtfn' to tin- pioiiipl .Htion tf
Im soiuh su in, ,u i ii..' iiuipiiib , Ihe dip vv h
iiiul,li- iMIiikiiMiiiI lie ilmii,'!' was MUdt.
s Vluv su, mhIi l. will niul iu liktilai sei
.dll tills (HlllU il n'llolk III I'll lllil.ll i lull
llu- film id of llu 1 1 nioiitlis old tlidl of Mr,
.mil Mi - Viluil IMiuhtil) tool pljii vistndiv
.ifliinooii it 2 n'llnk. s,.nju viup In id il
Hit' fiiuilv iisiiditc on Iiuiii; .iituilt, mil Iu
III nn nl was iu nd- iu ll't 1'illndiil minim.
Idi' nituibtis of il.t! snuion ,llidiii t lull
Will llll'i I III lltlljl MSMoll tills IVlllllis ti Hun
io. in-
Illl 1 I. Ills III III' lllll.'ll.' llil II (if ill! I, lllll
Hid,'!' I'll-l'lll II HI lllUllh, Who.. IIIIIII4 I !
Willi Illl' ll III Ix ll, II, I, I lllll K. .Ill' lllll'-ll'l
In 'nut Iu Idi limit li piilou I lid it jIiiiiu'imi
iu I iiMoil.
Vliit i.toiL,!' s,,u and -on, ,1 mil , of I'lul t
ililpdh, in piiisls of Ml. V , li,t, of S,
lIll.-'Ml .llllllH
llldv CMIilui; Id' muoi'I ii nil ol II. i C
I ml U Iu. Inn li, ot Will is Hun , will Im llio
1.11. ,-U an I pi iv a iiiilih kiiiip of leu phis with
llu- ( .iron IlhluP Windmill ..1 I lit- i lull In iiou
tn uillliu .iuiik Iliu I. Ittli lllilo I ".in
will In tiptiliiid b.v Will Uiiilu I. tint will In
I Jlllp.j-id of llio f'dloHhu I'llUls' II, I', .Vlo'ill,
liul M.i-.iu. I.unsi, In (liaiuaii uu I
Will W.i.ltl
I, Kill JtiiUc tauip. No 2), I'slllnlli Oid.l
sous of Anil I lii, Ih Id an Inlilislliu' iii'iliiu
liiinlav tvenliii," iii Vj-oiiii hall. 1 if. ksui jirini.
spun luw intiiibtis luiilid llio lullfli 1) id
,ut .iit.l fio pu in.sii ii.iu foi iiieiiibcrlilp vn-i
luiivul Npt llu ttiniuir.. iijtit
mi; of llu- wnip will hi luld I uuku dual ir
I in.ciiuiiH In llu lumiutl
l.ioi.p I In lav oi M isi i inn n iiliiiiu.I tn
I'lilkiili Ipiii i .ii Simla.
AI.IIXANOnU AlKMAN -AlfNiiiiil.M-AlKnmii.
of i!!1) l'ast Jlutki't ntu-el.
died csP(ItO' nitiiiiliih" at 0 o'i Im K,
afti'i an lllui'.s of about duvon Wft'U.s,
lit) was born In Am biiiailill, rVtitkiiul,
Kovpiiibfi i. ISH. .uu! i. inn- to Ainci
lea vvbcii ciy ouiik'. Ills di'.itli wan
iliip In n Iiio.iKIiik; ilovvn, as ho In on III juxir lii'iillb Im- ss-veuil
jfais, anil Mime llmo iiko vlsliml lii.s
liullvi- I. iinl In tlif hope ni lic-iielili ti;
lils lu'tiltlt by the till), llu was insltlc
A flue selection of ftist-class
Black Silks, guaranteed qualities,
at a gieat i eduction.
Colored Silks and Satins
V uncos ."Din (olnrd sailn". In ill tdi
nri ilifliililo sliuli-, (.sill litavj iuill(j uud
li mil nun' tiiil'li, llrRtilir pilir. 'i"i . 70r
spocnl Ayl"
27 purp- ill inire .lipnici- Iltbutii il'.',
in i splendid lini' of i idols', iniludlii!; rroi il,
vvlille niul Id ul. liiuln pneo, TOs
: itilil -6-71'
17 1'ini n 17 iu. i rul 20 In colored l'alTtli',
lillfli Mid', iiili uud liistious, rlioitist him t
mid Lieiiinir idnde-i Milt ibli for ti ilsLt or
pain i.iis; lOKiilu valui', ("it. A C-.
Spnuil ac W ilri 1'ioof siK 'J7 in, i, alisi
InloK imMiiiiiii.ii inif, Htii'l(X), :i
Now A WJi,
s 2". j.i id.'
SI. Ml Bi uIp,
. stc
.s 10
MMC Sls( in ip lorupaieil iu inanv
itji- Tlio ml", tonipirison tint lounN,
liowivn, is tlio iM'ntil irooilifst of llm
iiiilili, plus I lip littlt nr-s of Uu prai.
Wo no slm inir ( orded llibulii
W ish sin.j, m pluldi and liii(., il Yr
per j nd .i
A Fine Line of 89c
Foulard Silk at AX Cents
1'dIM l- HI.MiHJM I K Nik J'i-1
ool 1 imk h Poplin-. iiinipiiMnj ill tlio
w rmiiK lint-, old id-i, fuiipi mm, ptlo
I'liu ,t,u; , ( I'-lni. pilik liihtul (if mi. Acr
JUIlIll plH, t" . plill! w
( OIOUI l IU V.1 ll -M inrli. in 1
lu, pink, pill lilm . brnwii, -Mm
miim Mvttul i lltuuln ni ihi Mini,
snei nl , il,i ni 1 itllis' i mi-Dit-H
sjij pcr it
I lillis S2 ",ll liiiltnu ol 1 if i -Iioin CI Ort
Mihav nvvid PI.yW
excellence. If the goods are not what
I'lll NI.s-1Iip a .'ii'itn ii I v iliu Hi .n
tin old. r vitni.i (1 ft ii 1 1. Slid lit sinia
(Im I'iiiiii-, -in ill pit, vm uu il
sueil lusi urns II not, i lbs ni , . ,
VI VI, I' I Mil VI I V lol
lirni liinl, ;m. ,i Ik ililij ippitiu and
pu iu tis ood tliistiuli si,, , il
till!.' Iiolllis toi ...
Long's Sons
ioioiiinn at tlit Dlikson lnlnf foi six
teen jt'ais, .mil vviip ,i nioiiilii'i- of
Piiiviiltiiti' t oiu I,ivi Nn. lid, llt'iit.i
snplii. Hr is .sin v Ivi'tl b.v a win- and
luni" clilltltcn, tluci- iluiiKliifif., Jo mo,
Annii ami l.sjlii'll.i, , iml oni' son, Uob
ort, iiiui linn- biiitlicis, Ilobi'il, or
Allsli.illa: Jolui, of IIioiKvva.vvillP, I'.i,,
anil Cli.nlps, of Avoi.i. Tlio fiinoiiil
scivlio will lit litlil nt tlit iiouse on
IMilay at '.'.no ii'ilmk, Intuiini'iu at
roifst mil
mum, nitiiiiiiri' .ui!i,i: - .iis.
HllilKi'l Xnlili., an nsoil lady, lniiiit'ily
.i uiili'iit ni DiiiuiKui', (lied at an eaily
lioiu ,vistiiiu,v intiiniiK, nt Hid liuuii' of
lll'f ll.UIBlltt'l', Ml- .l.lllltNS I'dopci, oil
.Noilb .Main nvi-niii'. Two utliei ilanh
Ifi.s and a sun also .snn-hu In p. They
an . .Mi.s. .lohn Wall. in', or Kansas
fit J. Mo.. .Mis. Wlllluni Wlnvlii, of
Mlnt'iHvilli, I'a, and I'.iulik .N'tihlc. of
HanlliiKii, Cal Tin- liiiitiul si'ivlifs
will Im hold .it Si I'.itiUU'.s Catholic
(litiKh nt li ii'ilmk tiiinoiiovv nun ii
JiiK" Inti'init'iit will be maili' In llio
Diinnniit' tciiii'ici.v
WII.IJAM IMniJ.--VIIH.ini ISItlil, of
lloihhil.ili', illt'd Tiio.siiuv ai tho luniiu
of lilt, dlUKllli'l, Mis. ,7. C. Hiuusmi, oil
.lofioi.-on nvoiiiii in tlio xovftitys-intii tli
.win nl his nf. lit It, siiivivt'd bv iwn
iI.niKhliils'. Mis Halt-sou and Mis.
.Mm Hui Hi own. (iiloinu'iit will bo ni.ula
111 IllllU'Sll.llo (0(1,1)
Mlts .lu.SIUMI 1UI.V.V.S.KA -Mis. .Io
Rfi ltou.iskii illoil josteidua lildl llltiB
at liei H'sidcmo, on 1'ilUiiiu iimiuio,
arti-r a two weeds' lliititilni;
Tho loiuains vvt'io lasi'ii io the homo
ot lii'i nau'iith ai Ashloj. im, vvhero
InlPllllcnt will bo made,
HOKCItT .n).'i:s.--Utilii'i(, tin- ln
tuni i 111 Ul of Me, and Mis. Thornus- :
Jones, ot .17 I.ailtlls Mioot. died ester
day, and will bo bin ltd loduy In llio
W.islibinn stieet (enteti!i,v.
The fnneial of the late Use.u' I'ilio,
wliti died lioiu Itijui K'ti leielved iu the
LuiUuvvuiimi lullioud iul, will take.
Dress Goods
ninth (Hui. VVirslid t'riponi.
r. Imll llhik llilllliiilln, i
t'llutd III iik Silk I'luisliul Henrktta.
4"i Intli III u k Vlirop.
A' fill h III Ilk nrlpd Siipp.
41111111 III iik. 1 rimd siinh -
69c instead of 89c
Regular $1 Quality, 89c
I'lutli .ill wool I until l'oplin.
4". imll (link Sitin Soldi.
4 ' hull I ine nniui
I'. Inch I it'iith Wlilptord.
fill Imli Wursti d Srp.
Wilmli rriMiiiltc
1 1 hull li mli I'liindli
89c instead of $1
(.ItVNIli: stliriNfisV-ij Hi al(ool
r.riniti- Siilllii(.'s, i filuic nlncli will not
spot nor .sin ink; guirautrcd to vnar. Ml
llip hpiniH: blind t old rosi", n-.ctii, pud't
dltip, t istor. nav. brown, inirtlp, cnttiet,
crov .mil til it k Id kuI ir pnii-, Sic. Aft.
Spicht (his week uyc
1 III:ni It t'DI'MNS-U piciefl 4". imh all
wool I lined Poplins, in a full assortment
of lolors. iiielil.linc dink. Iliul ir r7 5f
prito, s (X) Sptiial '"w
Shiurivt.s' Vi inch all vmol elra hcny
Sklrilinrs, in blup, Inown, Oxford rey ami
lijrlil Kret. llfnulai price, 1 M. Qnr
spuiil tins weik tyi
Pocket Books
iriou-1 Pltlei in (-oil, atlie itnr. Mack,
brown, tin. eli , wild stt rlitiic pitver coi
iii is Iliuiilj sold al 0-i. Spend sTQr-
i Hosiery and
I iikv Ho i, ill inlois, .striped elTiels, wave
tlrsimis, dots .mil Iikuiis, blue, led, B
vul.t, eli lJl
111 C'K l.lsr.C Wonderful vilue; visually
sold il ,VI(,; tliiee htjh's, llcmlirinilt TCp
tntl llitliiluii stupe, (hop stilih,,.. '
. ( luliliiii's l'nl llhik rlbhed, 1 -
I dnibli! Into and Role 2C
1 Vits I iiIks ( icain et, t tped f o
link IUC
Pure Food
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
thev are said to be. you get
VIVI.I' Hill hl Vsr IOOII-1'iepired bj--pdiil
pioiiss li oui best bdiley in tit and
ili"iut vnIh it, pirnrt food foi IC
boh .mil In llu 2 pukijct XJC
1 MltV s( (I o I'l.VS-l.ino qui(.
H, iquil in I'u mli pei, pir uu,.
('MM lis 1 ipiii (i Cipei, fimj non
piiicl, per bottlo
sr,l OIL r.tniiillv mill as im
(uitiil, liro quilt boitln
Uanijcn and l.eiiers Local Maniger.
(I fills Wl.l h".
in idi'iti'iip
M llliei' bull.
M.I, NUNC Will U"
Vloiidiv KiMiiiu -"n lnnoioiir Shiner"
Mainto I'll es-HI ami 'il mils,
I veiling I'rins-li), o, u) cenn,
O. (ill lioni Ml nit it ( il) . iv luii S f.iin.iili
In dill Hid pli.wiie Usui. I.iuu-i in Hie ( oa-t.
Mo-t appiosid liul and ( Id N l tier l.-ltlis hi
liriisi, tun io iiiiiii- sp, ul Spi(ii), Cads.
Oiiln iml illinium
I II Vs ( MM II- lliMiu ami 1'iop I.
Grand Atlantic Hotel nd annex.
Miklnli Mi iiii.) Ill iili, VtlJMk ill. .N .1.
slMh i.n. o'U 1 1 nit i iii t looiiis ensiilli', khuld"
iml wild huh: hoi .aid uld sp. walci Latlii
Iu lioiu ami amxv loiauou iiir t ami initial,
williiu li valds of llu su( piu lliihestii,
IMlu.s (.puiil .-pun, nilts .l ' in si , hi wti'L;
V '" ul' bi dii sp,, , ,(,., tannins, toatlui
niul all II..UI- Willi lol li.nil. In
I llll I.s I Idl't
idaio at J uiliak toniouow .illei noon, j
The miWus will bo eoinlui led at thai
lioiise. .Vdi h Siunim iivtiiiio Iih
I . i mint will In- id, nli in Const Hill
teinett'i v
Tlio ol tin lute Mis .liiim .I
Thomas will tulii iiliut'.ii ,1 n'cloi k till"
afieiiioiiu at the house, II' :s N ashbiu il
slieet. Hits llimh n.ivlts will ollli N
ale, and Inlet ment will In mudt In thii
ashbtiin slioi't ii'inetiiv
'llio iiiiieial of Hie I. in TliimiiiH
l.jmh, of Thiiio)sii(ei, will Like HhlJ
lids nioiiiiug. A IiIkIi muss of iei(ulciil
will lie iiloliiuteil .it the Holy Hosaiv
iliiiit'h, uud iiiteimeut will be jii.idu III
tilt! t'UllKlll ll I.UIIIL-tOIJ'.
'0 j., tm. v-
j -H