The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 09, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    t-r .
(''')rjgvi ? ' -" ef (S1!!.' ft ' y j -11-i-rJtiy) iviy " vw(;"J
" ' -f ' . .1
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method untl liennllcial
offci'ts of the well known remedy,
Sritui op Fiob, iitnnufuutui'cil bv th
Oamfoiini. I''io Svitui' Co. lllustrato
tho vuluuof obtaining tho liquid luxa
tlvo princlplys of plants known to bo
nu'dii'lnnlly liiMitivo mid presenting
t hum In tin! form most refreshing to tho
taste and ouceptnble to thu b.nUtn. It
isthooni perfi'et HtrciifftlicniiiH' laxa
tive, clutiuslnrr tho system eirectmilly,
dlspolllntf colds, heii'dnehus mid fevcro
gently yet promptly and iiiiibllirono
to overcome, habitual constipation per
manently. Us perfect freedom from
every object tollable, quality mid Mib
hlanbe, und Its iictincon the. lililneys,
liver nnd bowels, withoul wonUeninfc
or irritating tliciu, maid- It the ideal
In tho piocess of manufacturing' lifts
me used, as they aie plensant. to tho
taste, but tho medicinal quuliliesof tho
remedy tire obtained I'lom henna and
oilier 'aiomatii' plants, by a method
known to the CAi.iroiiNiA Km Svittip
Co. only. In oiiler to ,'et its beneficial
efTouts mid to avoid imitations, pleasu
lomemberthe full name of the Company
printed on tho front of every package.
Koranic liv nil Drupfitsls I'rki' rbottlo.
Ice Cream.
C Oiin
'J Orhone Order Promptly Dell verol
.2.-337 Adams Aveniia.
Piano Tuning.
0, 1'itMntt iriiur Hr-t Ion I n hrciifcs.
At Retail.
njjrt. in nc ti i)iit jitltiihin for i i'ii iip
1 ii hi. jiii I fit iho t tr hu oil ot In -t
111 j i i biiit it- vi-.
uiil.ii -if-i toi Mi mi Mnl f.Ui jmrp" i
1mI.Ii !.. i i i I,, lints i.ii lUimliiij Irnlf M
I i iKi i
People's Coal Co.
Iil(ill mo r 'Hi"' Olliii, IVliIll Mill '.
Hu ik. i lilu.rn iimuiiI .mil Tiiilli
h .v ii r i i ii, in. i iiihI-
ii uiiiiiii j Hi ,..linli, .il Hi Hu, mu u.l
Nil 1 mil J m. I lln I n i Urn in. I J iillu num.
nn. ni.Mwn t mi i wii1.--s ,, ,t j,,.
lull tin ill in in. I il III.' himi.ii.i foi ihi I'ii
Mnirii in l imp ilul I In hi 1 1 hi ilit urn.
Jill lull l l lit Mill- Ii lllllu-l i!uu-li.. iuh
HiHI-illi.ll H I. U-liHll. .,-1,1.1 ii iiiini U.i-ii.
I l I. Ml U'l'ulMI.I) Hi.' .til
in. n I.. I llii Ihi il. .iilini i.l. i.i..inliil In Dm...
hu HI I'llMll ,-ifil I I, llltiliimk, uu
linln -miiii In li. lirionUi Moll- Nn n,
I Inili lllirll iiul.liini.- IIujiI, nnii Itiv
HiiiiI. Ni (.iiiiii ., 1 ml m II.un
I IM.I.IIs l.lli: Wll'l I M I II - I.KM ,h i., ,, ,
of Mililulil, i iiiiiur iiiiilnuil In tin II, hum
.lllll llllllv.ll UllllOlil (ulllUII lii nn; i.
12c I2y2c I2y2c.
OVKU 50,000 lrAUl)S OF
S The first of this season's high art Ameri
j can printing, a forerunner of the proper hot
5? weather fabrics, SHEER, COOL, SERV1CEA
g Greens, blues, reds, pinks, yellows and helio. J?
Q Choice pretty buds and neat figures for Children's
Dresses. K
55 Exclusive natty designs especially for Waists. X
scrolls, i-iorai tuects,
stynsn street wear.
?5 An early offer of newness; 20c value for
gMears &
415-417 hackawamia Ave.
00M0.0M0000000Q000jl0M 0&00Z0ti
l)t Ills ilpM liiml to llllll.l' trmlicil tiv il fall tit
Inrk ht lilfilil llul lit .u tiikcn to tlir T.irKi
u.inni lioipiliil, Hi" linen." viia ninpiit licit.
QfJ.laTII.I) S niMMlssioM It. rite tlit of
tin tnlmnkilntiil In llhkriltc.v nt tin In i couit illltltl to ninllty U C. A. nn
H'oiliirr, of this clfi. The hlln, Jtftftiliy
lnnliilnif, ii unin In liy .lml?c It.
IhIiI, lllnl liU boiiil mill neeluil lilt cotninlwlon.
ol'IS.V Mllll'li:i)liilttik tjiihiii. ol KVjr-f
mi inn', .i ntiolnl jislrtihv nt llir liifliiiu; ot
Dlrmtrir nf I'ulillo lfrly Illlcli'Pik. on til"
llillKf of illlllir Ihiuor ulllmlit I llifho ,1llil
.-cllliii,' In iiiliiuN II" m.h nil ilgncil In rn M.ii;
l-llllll1 ItOHO lllll Wis pltnlfll tlllt It IK'tt .Motl
ili.i, wlun In- will lw illicit u iii'iiiinr
II 1, A I'Ws I'lii- Oil in up t.uUiiu His
in iiml U i firm i oiiiintij' -wilt )ny toil.ij- it t lie
Dhiiionil, M nil III" nml Morn initios, Tomonow
nl tin- Miinhlc, Anclilticlrwp, 1111m, llilltii'l.
Until. I'iMpIoIip nti'l coilatil. Saluubl nl
Hip AhIiIiiM, ll"llruic. lliMiin, t ,imib, Ion
titiotilil, 1lrit.,p. Ihiiiptoii, Itiililm, lluli- I'jiI.,
(lutil, I'.iih, "loin iiiil '1 i.lrr
M;i HlSMm IK1S. -'riio miIii.iiiiiiiIIIi.' ol
till' IMltllllp (lltllllllltfP of III! Illull S, ho.ll
Miiinnl iiviiilitloti. piitrii'lnl vilih Hip I t-k of
fiiriuliiir u wf mi (.(llnlliiii nml lit la, mot
MSllIlll llflltlllHl.l III hu oflllP Of VIlP I'lPsI'
ilitit (. K Dmlils .mil implied lis report. Ill"
nporr will lie fmlniilttnl for the rulfticitluii of
tliu ivrcnllip ibinmitlrp nt i fiiluip nmtltiif.
I U)sl 'Mil. S( IIOOI.' It Is Hint
tilt' lllllllli' Hi,. lills III (lP till will I liv-l- on
I I nl i.i, .lime !'s -lhp ililc Ii Is in, I, lit li'iti
IIMil In tin' ho ml hut .'lino '.'- h the , lie tint,
s rins to fiint tiiot will. Hie In. Hi. Il Is not
piisl!i tn tln.p iniiili i.itllir Him lint .Hid
uil in the 'Jim ilns winch nr mpiltcil I'y Iho
ruin of the ho n I on icconiit of Ihp lite clitp
in whlilt the m lino nj ni it in .s ptinihn,
I! II M . ANMVI,l!sin -The mil.
inlllru of in in icf mriit of the lhllrmd ilcpul
nit nt. ol the lnniu- Mm'tl Cliiistlin iiml itlun
hup iviicd itn Hit inti-t foi llieir tmiitlitli iitinU
iiKin ixirtisi. liieh Mill he luld .il tlie
l.nil.llnir on liukiiniii iirtinr, lomnirnu rili
ins, i i.inlni iuin' ,i( h o'i hu k I'lisiilint . II,
'IiihmIiIi, t.nipril -iiuititc!iiciit I'. )'. (Iirki,
M. I'. llilNlinl nml (, V irliiiltnii 'up r
IiiIpiI in In Mi. Wiilinrlrm n ie
'Ii .iimitpisiii ml, he, IIihii mil I p Inrni'liul
h lljin i iidirsti.i
III C Ix. 1 1 IE SU1.TI.I liiiiL.tu niiiitil
O-lrrhont. who I i I'nnllnr chir.ulir on I n k
iin.mii i .iipiiiip, i line to Kriff Pslruhv In mil..
In.- Iilm-ilf too finiilhr nllli I pcdeslmii.
nil." ns he is finnlinrh I nowti, ippro n.lii .J
tin slr.injir ilul enoeinrpil to force liU i irn
on the nun, nml un the littrr teinved In l.uj .
tin i-lttirk lmi). Iiist.mllv the Hi.niKer
hill "(Mi" i Mow lltil him olf Ills
fdl, and Hli In fot mil the huckslir's l)Hk"t
in. I oiuiKis into tie 'lint. .spprlitor Inttr-
tuiril .it this point nml -n,,! "( ' i rum fin
llirr iiuiiMiinent
M. J. Maitin Will Piesent His Bond
ns City Solicitor to the Coun
cils Tonight.
Attonipy AI. J. Mm tin. who claims
tliu olllic of city snllullnr, by iituo
nl" tlto plcctlmi by iniiiii'lls Thin s nmht. -illl tonight submit hli
biiml tis city .sollcllfif Ini- thu
nl' cDtiiiu'lls and tuinoiiow will make
fin in. tl ilyni.iiiij niii City Solicitor
(iioiri .M. ,ilvoti, for iios-'-psi-lon of
tilt' OlIll'C.
Alt-. tin is i.lalnmiK ..uccosor-t-liili
tu A. A. A'osbuifr, fotincr city
solliltor. In se ti'iin, un(lcitlic olil
I. im.s, mouIiI have evpireil last AloncLiv,
the Hi st Alnnil.iy in Al.iy. If the now
int. tho Hlupcr. Is ilccl.itcd tiiKonsti Alt', ll.n tin will pioipcil at
l.iw to mist tin- ini'.sptit city miIIi itor
.tiul Ii.ivp hlinsi'll I'staliiisliPiim that
nllli in
Thu .is(. of Mi AI. n tin illffcis lrom
that of Mi. Itohlnson, whom coun
'ils elfi'icil iu.i(ir, in lli.u the tPim of
Mr Aloir as ni.tMit ilupt, nut lmkI until
not Apt II. ttuil bPtdi o AH-. I.nbiiihoit
an .issttuip the olliip ol chief pspuii
Um' In- mil' t sliow thai Air. Aloir Is
noi only nut ipi iikIpi-, lmt nlni
he lost In- position as lna.Mir hy ac
icpthiR tho olln e or iPdinlpr.
All. Alaitin wailed on City Soil-Hop
Wat; mi 1.,-t Alomlav and foimnllv no.
tlllpil him to acatP. Alt. Walson,
luioci, iIM not nial".
Upiight Pinno for Sale.
A tiill-sisscd rinlKht ( h and I'lano,
iii in ly a Kood as nuw, lor ,s,i,. at a baipain. Will lip sold lor i.iih
onlv. Oiin't miss it. as p.nij- lPninj
il lor snip must nali.p on II at oucp
Call today and ou will )0 .stupi spd.
A'cu inn w,i it at i',min.pv inn, :i
and :;ih 'isiiiiKi,m nip, Si'iMiiton, Ii,
Guernsey Hall,
"14 W.i'shliiRton ao., Scinntnn, It the
best and most i-llablp pluco to pur
chase ti snoil Piano, it win pay jou
to call and sot pikes and teini". ,1. W.
(!iieiiu-py, lliop.
Ask foi Kclly'.s union ciaokeii.
T.lKi .Mini llllll tolls In Si lilii'M
Who iIups am, ill ui plioti'iKtapliPi's
llnlsliiii!;" Sclulmvi'.
stripes and Fieures for K.
. ' T M
Iltseived Law Point on Which the
Case Hinged Is Intel OBtlugly
Trented In the Opinion by the
Piesltlcnt Judge A $25,000 Suit
Bi ought Against tho Baibei- As
phnlt Paving Company by Mlsg
Sarah Mason Ginnd Juiy Honia
Taylor Annexation Case.
l'Kslilont .ItldRp IMwuiita vi'Sipuluy
lriinlpil tlown an opltilnti lrfuiltifr u
new tilnl In Hip cusu nf t H, Kiialis.
vho was fouiiil Riillly nt tho last ti'iin
of t'otut oC illpsally lunctloliiK ilon
tl'tiy. The opinion toniN ns lollowi.
t Imlrtiilnl Hie Jury Hut nml II Hu
tHtlmnny, crchllv tlial of lln ilitcnibtil, tliri'
rimlil rrnilcr tin other irilkl thin uiillH'. 'Hu'
ilffomliint ailiiilltnl on lli( thml tint he tin
prirtiitiiK ili'titl-try In tin- cilv ol 'irantmi
lllioiit i illptuma (ioiii anv college or otlirr
liitiliitlin: tint lir lmi tin luetic fi.nn lh.
stnle liotnl titnlticr ami lint Ii r u i not j
pli.nh'iiii ur fiimiim. Tlicp fjrl wpip niull.
pntul. 'J lip ilofemliiil rollfcl rutin Iv nn om
iii(itlrir. nf (lie llu, ulilili he tUitn hlmilhl
lino hi en iliclOVil In hi finr.
TIip hu of Hie np, In our juilmnnit. Krloir.
Millie Hip ilifi nilant i pru tiling iluitUtiy
Hi" In it- Hum In buitiUm tin.' lit of .1 utiu III.
1M'I, M ill furcp. If. j tn ruiiUtuN, Iip Col
Inwrd hi profi'lan from l'i" to Mptonibct,
I"i7, III h iloliu; it In ilul ilioii of Iho Ihv.
He illil not illimpt to iompl,i with Hip prow
hlons of tho nit of 1VH mil i h ililp to nr
ri t ntiv tl ly iluritu; tint pirioil. UN ioiiiimI
ri'.t III np on Hip let of lull n, Ii'jT. It I
pimlilcil in Hut srction Hut (torn .mil .iftor tin'
Up.! iltv ot Oikliir it sliill not ho Iittfttl foi
any phmiii in I'. ntwli mil to 'tulir upon tin'
piactup of ilititUIri" without inniphin with
Hu' i nmlltioii Hu n in nl fort Ii 1 lie ulioli filnic
of tin ill ft tii I lmllt upon tin mini "nilci."
it is iliitnril tint, hiiinc pruticcil ilentKlry
In lcrintntt uliili- flip jit of 191 m in foui.
tin ilifendint c mnot hi ilnrpil nllli "cnleiini;"
upon Hip priitito nf ilpntlMn Ihthi-p Iip ip
suineil tin oil ot lii iiafpiiui in Iho -amp iltv
in li'iS, when thp ait of 1S')I Ii id lurn rppeileil
and the irt of 1'7 ha tiken it pttip. Wp do
not -pp how It I possililp for a pci-in lo i'cipp
. pen illy In ploiilnn is in pi usp a innitiut
and pirlltiit ilolition of tho law.
Iho ilcli mhlit, I'.nt, wi not nsilproil linilpr
mi prior law, whuli in Id p.ii would hp tho
itt ot 1M5 lint wp uold fiirlhit lint when Hip
difpndint intenrl in olhrp in M-ianton in !
and lieKin tin pnetfip nf deiitNIri' In "entcuil
upon Hip pmliip of ilmf itr" within llu tnnn
irirr of fho tlilrtcinth leillon nf tho net of J')7.
Dtp irrdnt must therefore (and.
Taylor Annexation Case.
The Kiand jurv ilcvototl lipittlv all oC
jpteulav to lifni iitr aisumi'iits for
ami against the petition to iinncc to
T.i.Iof hoioiiBli the ronticrunii.s lands
of Lacka. Minna township.
BoiotiKh Solicitor John ir. llinii-, H.
I.. T.nloi'nnd Hon. t". T. (VM.Ulpy, of
AVlllnrd, "W.itrPli k. Knnpp, lOpipspntPd
tho pptltinnci.. The PM'pptaiH's tittor
ni'js HPiP tho solicitor of T-..ick.iwiinii.i
township. r. .1. DoilUiop, "W. .1. Hand
and II. r. Conty. TIip pilnolpal .iiku
nionls ipii ni.tilo hy Jlests. Ihutls
ami t'oniy.
'l'oday, Oistrlt't Atuunoy I.pwIs will
Iitpsptit the police itnd loiiKite
iises it N ospectid tin jut v wilt lln
ish itv woik hy S.ittnd.iy.
Suit Against Baiber Company.
JIhs ?iu. ih Mason, 1- her npt
fiiptiil. Mai tin I, ftitanc. of run-st
City, binusht .i ".Ju.OUO d.nnajri suit
isainst the r.aihpr Asphalt lilup
cunipanv .pstoid,'ty.
On the nlRlit of .Tulv 1, l.isi. while
crushing- the iuiPi section of 'nniitiff
avenui and Suiiicp siippI, fioni tin
Hotel .li'tmvn coiner, tii.tako a I'tmi
iIpiicp car, she .stppppd Into n 'hallow
tiPinli, which the her company had
ccaaled lor the new telephone i om
pan'i lontluits, ami. fullin;- heavilv,
hiistaiued a dislocated hip. The injury
htiiURht on hii disease anil .spinal
ti oniric- and one ol her lef,s was con
tiactcd four inches. Her phy.sicians
t..i' she will be peimanentlv ptlttplpil.
H Is aliened hy the plninliic that the
tieneh was un pro tec ted and that ah
.solutely no ptcc.iutions wete taken to
pit". cut pedestrian-! tioni falling into
It. Hon. .luliii P. Qiiluiian l- Iter ;tt
toi ney.
Pioposed Boad Is Too Expensive.
View cis A. H. Tiiniitii,'. John K.
l.anihic and Thomas "SViilkcy je.stetday
lppinted advei.soly on the ptoposltlon
In build a new ioiii ltoui Siisiueliann.i
wtitft't, Olvphant, to Jluln stieet, lilake
1. Thev epie-s the opinion that lite
load would he loo epenshe fur Hie
henellls that would he detlveil.
Their tepoit and their hill of iiiin
for slc dtis s' wink and inlie.ini. w-as
appin.eri h cum I.
Equity Couit Is hi Becess.
OwIiir to the of .iiuiKl. ,i0),n
P. Killy, who was piesldiiiK' in equity
i out I. tlto tase of i:i)i P Da vies
against the PI rjt Welsh Uaptlht eliuich,
Which w.u on all week, had to he io-,t-poneil.
.InilKe Kelly espeels to he ublc
in he nut hy Matiuilay, hut It. s not
likely he will (tike up t(. t.jutv
One ol i he open i jisi"-, that of "H'ln
ans iiKiiin-.t AViimus, an aniliablp .suit
In pailillon. was taken up hy .iiiiln
lldwanN, It win, lefened to (Ipoikp D.
Ta.Nlur to makti the p.titltlon
Liquor License Tiaust'eih.
Thi le.statiiant license of Steve Pow
laki of Mayllehl. was ,e,ieiday tiani
fened to Tlieodoic Wachii, and tho
hotel license in' Patrick Joyce wan
ti.iUHi'eneil lo VinuK Koala.
Aplll Jii. Iho hotel lliviiic nf Tlieo
dine Kiokenheitv, of Tliioiip,wa.s tians
fetied lo .Mlcliaol liiaeniila. Ye.sieiilay
couit was pulitlnned to tiansi'er it to
(liihi Id Pelucoi, of Puimioie, (iracsula
havliu,' kIvmi up tho liuslne-i.s. Tho
petition was icfened to Alloiuey Lay
ton JL Si hoch as commissioner to take
ti'Stliiiniiy, The heaiimt will he had In
com t on May ;.'.
Haulage Licenses.
pjnd .m ,.
( umlliiu .Mlliurji: .
ludoiki. i-ullhJii
.Maud (.. 'Ilioini, .
.iwjn lliil .
Mil J Ihonu
. Pi lii'lllUll .11.. t
.,..S llvllllllp StlKt
,,V.i (.pint rim i
i'O I hiiuln .in hup
. ' lot
In the riute of ll.inlet Moiimi. I no ot . t
si.rJtilon, lutci of .idiiiiulli.ituiii mm .McUi
1j) si Jilted hy KiKUtei Koch to Saiali slucimi
Cniitt jejleidiy uppolntul W, , ltitior a one
of llu) Ujuin of the propooed piiuto mid in
l.rlilnh traiihip to Miccred lltorgc ItiiluriUou,
who lu inoieil out of (he louuty
'lhioiuh Willi fc Toiny, bint in ('ciliiunt
was biought .Milinljv iu I'lollionotary Cope
land's olliro bv Ciioliur L. Ilo.ihnrlt and otliers
asaint 1j.ic II. 1'ilU to (.jlii po,i.lon of the
mil.ue of . luit of liud in I j i lor.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. Uonley,S3L Wyomlns ave.
Solemn High Mnes of Requiem nt
St. Peter's Cathedral.
A.'nmlei fully sad nnd Impressive wpip
the fniurnl fipnliei held ycilotilny
liiiiinliif,' ovcf the lcmahiM of the talo
eiiailcs K O'.Malley. The remains,
n ftct heliur viewed hy n multitude of
rilt'tido nt the hciine on (llhson sti-pet,
weie taken to Si. Point's cathedral,
where a solemn high mtiMs' of mullein
was rplphtatcil hv Kpv. .1. A. O'llellly.
Tlie full choir, under the dlipellon of
Ptorosi-'or Schilling, aiiR lvls ltequlem
In 1C iiilnor, and at the offertory I'm
feisor William Kelly, ot Atchhatd, riiiii;
"O .k'su SII " Ho sunn this .eanie sp
lectlou Just three monllni liefon. when
the dead man pllKlitcri hh tioth to the
niintr woniiiti who now mourni for
Tlie pall-liraiei! wotp as follows:
Pi link HurIics, Moses O'Malley, S1
icsler (tlllosiile, .tohn Hnrly, Prank
I'oiinery nnd Joseph Ilanuon. The
Mowers were pari led hy Finnic Stllll
an, .loseph lluddv, .1. P. McCarthy
and .loseph (VMalley. Interment waa
litinle in the Cathedial cemetery.
The llutal nieces wore both numer
ous and elahotate. Coniplcmnti amoiiff
tliem wns an anchor and t, ln
seilhctl "Our Kil'iul," friTm the ranter
hoys of the Tiuth, vlth whom Mr.
U'Malley was so popular.
Fhst Time for Judge Aichbald to
Piesldc in This City as Judge
of the Middle Distiict.
1'nlted States pom t was cumenptl
hcie for n hi let' session psterday
inoinliiK' hv .lliilfro Aichbald, to enable
the local atloineys lo ho admitted.
Thete was a latwe assemblage of the
law vers within the bar unclosuie at 10
o clock, when .JudKC Archhnld came on
the bench, and all atost tiiul lumalned
standliis wlille Cilor K. M. Orecn on
r.oiuiced thu .IihIrc nnd foinuillv da
i i.i led the couit In session.
Judge Aichbald peimltted ec-JudKe
1C. .. W'lllard to be admitted of bis
own motion, and upon bolns sworn In
moved for the admission of tho sixty
file oilier attorneys who ha'l qualified
belore C'leilc Soailp.
(.'Iiciiit couit was adjoin ned to meet
at Willlamspoi I on the second .Monday
of June. The dlsttict contt was ad
join tied until this morning-. The dis
trict couit will he continued in session
by ad loin nnieiit fion day to riav as
lonpr as .Indue Aichbald is in the city.
This is to penult of the tlon of
any huslnp'-s that can not be dealt with
In chambcis. PipiI C. T .eonat il and his
deputy lor this distiict, J. AV. Snyder,
of Potter louuty. ni lived last ccninp:.
Mr. Siniler was duly installed as sttc
pesnr to clink l.owty. Mr. Snvder Is
ii close and political tiiend of l."onaul, and was one of his
deputies In the "Western dlstilcl.
John P. I'ospii. the assistant clei k of
the distill t Loiut. .mixed -.esteiday
ltoiu JMttshuiK anil assumed his posi
tion. He Is a. jonus coloied man, xxho
has been connected as a cletk xxlth the
hVdeial couit In the AWsteni distiict
for a number of yea is. He is CNpected
to sx stein, it be the cletical woik or the
new couit it nil open up tlie account and
recoid hooks. Mr. Jcosun Is a college
Kiaduato and ,n unusually biiRht
xoiuisr man. He seixed for a number
of xeais as set i clary to Senator Will
iam rilnu. at Itppublican ler.s
iu PiltsblllK.
Pioposed to Call It Up Tonight and
'Give It the Gaff."
Wheth-n or not Its ft lends wish it.
the oiriininte ii.tucliislni; the Cential
Itapui Tianslt (ouipany is to he called
up in ; 'let t loiiihiI tonight iiml put
to a tesl.
"Put. I a tet" in this ease cm he
llbcally tuinslateil into "ncttlny: Hie
Ra'f." A majoilty, It Is claimed, has
biLti soeuieil aRiilnst it, and it Is to
be six en it? quietus. The company
may uali.e this an 1 sppU to sap the
oulinanop J i om death by M'.bMlluliiur
AVuslihiKtou for W.xoniln's avenue.
This would ni".iu icleiencp to a torn
nilttce ami .l ilelax- Iu final disposi
tion. "What il would eventually mean
Is of eouip, too lor oxen
a Kut'-'s.
To pioxe that they h.ixe no enmity
tow at ds the new- company and no al
liance with the Sitauloii ltallxx'ay the ptopetty hnldeis on
W.xomliiK- iiumii', who litive been
IlKhthiHr the tianihlse. will haxv an
oidiuancf Intiodiiced dedleatlnn Wyo
ming axeniie loit'veras a boulevairi to
he fiee l'oni traiks and railioad
itoi-slnKs, other than those that now
i st, ami to piox'n their kooiI t.ilth
be.x oud all iiies(on I hey xxill Insist
upon lis adoption as virtuously .-is thuy
now oppot' the new toiupan.x's fian-
i hsp,
Blaze iu a Vacant House on Ridge
A tin, which was undoubtedly of m-
ceudlaiy ot litln, In like out Inst uislit,
shottly alter : o'clock, Iu a -vacant
house on HlriKO stleei, hetwien J'les
uitt avenue and 'ioft stieei. Tho
house baa been v.unut lor live nr sK
yeais, and the uwiieishlii of It has been
Iu dispute lor some time, between tho
Most estate and Albert Matthew p.
Tim Kellels icspoiuled to a still aim in
ami succeeded In e.MlnsuisliIiiKT tint
hliue alter about inO daiuaae had been
done. Olio of thu llicmon said that tho
(he stinted on a shelf underneath the
Mali's and that theio was no question
Inn that It had been stalled by homo
pel son or pi isniis,
A Tine Oigan for Sale.
A beautiful Piano Paso Kimball Oi -p,au
lor sale at a bargain. Don't de
lay, but come at oiue ami seo II, fan
be piirihased lor earth at less than half
Iihe Tim niKim Is neatly new and
1 ilnished In the tidiest shade of
inahonanx Can be seep today at
(iiienise Hall. Illl and DPi Washington
axeniie. scuinton. Pa "
The .xou want Is the I'moit teal,
not the Tiust seal: It Is .dust pioof.
Keini piool ami tuist pi oof, Manil
la! lined and dollvoied lio.sli e-eiy day
by .M. J. Kelly's Union Home H.ikeiy,
Xi dU.ippoIntineiitf; when Schlleyer
llulehe-j ) om photosuiphli. snap shots,
loul dJll foi Mi S, I'iOI,
IHkIk-I toinpuiliiie Tn di'stcci
lowr-t luiiprrat'in! t,i) iIr-cs
I'.rlJlhe liiiinidil.x .
S i in M pr cut
s p. in Ji pir miiv
1'ui.lpiljllcii. UJvC, HUtllll, cloud'.
Captain of the Bacltttn Team Stands
Fhst with an Average of 171
22-27 for Twenty-seven Games,
Roper and Mooie Lend Bicycle
Club Team, Taylor Heads Black
Diamonds, Charles Wcichel Elks,
Wetgand West End Wheelmen nnd
Cair West Endeis No. 2.
An tinolllplal computation of the
nvetaRps of the men xx'ho tolled In the
tournament of the Northeastern Penn
sylvania bowlltifr leuRUP, which Is now
closed, xvlth the exception of tlitee
postponed matches which the West
JJmi Wheelmen have yet to mil xvlth
the Daekus team, the VAha and the
West Thid No. L'. has been made for
Tho Tribune, and shows Captain Hilly
Hopkins, nf the Jlarkus team to lead In
pert entage.
Out of tho forty-four men who i oiled
In the tournament, the IJackus nie-n'i
younpr lender stands first xvlth 1T1 L'2-27
for twenty-seven sanies. These flf
tiies make an aveiafie almost Identi
cally the same as that with which
Hopkins led In Iho (list tournament of
the year. He did not mnke thp Ipbkup's
lilKhpst individual seoip, 20J hehiB the
highest ho ever l oiled In a match
Kainc. but as lias bppn before pointed
out in the Trlbinie'.s howllni; column,
P his steady, tesular work xxlilch
makes him the top-notchcr.
ROPKh. I-iKD Til KM.
The Bicycle club bowleis. wlnnets of
the lonKiie'.s championship, were led
by "Biir Uoper, xxlth lfi 5-21. for twenty-one
Kaincs. Chailes Moore xx'as a.
close second, with 161 1-fi for eighteen
Karnes. Captain Wardell, who rolled
In all thlity K.ames, made a neat aver
age or lfifi 1-... The 'IJlaclc Diamonds
were led bv "Jack ' Taylor with 1G9 "-12
for twehe tramps, smith Rot man
rolled iu sill thitty of his team's
matches, and was second with lfi2 17-",0.
t'hailes Wcichel is the only Elk xxho
has bowled over PIO up to date.
Wcichel has done splendid xxotk and
in twenty-one games has an axetage
of 1118 2-21. He is tied with Uoper for
hlprh soote, each lnviiiK made 225.
Steady, tollable Chiis Wfisan led the
West i:ndois with IfiH 2-::, and thu
West Kmlers No. 2 host man was Cair,
xxho averaged lii" 11-12.
In team .iveiage the Blryclo club
was far In the- lead. The men's ixoik
throughout the season was one of the
finest order, as is shown iy the lact
that of tin sc men who played dur
ing tlie season four averaged 16", and
the loxv man had 1K4 1-9, xxlilch Is far
Horn poor. The team averaged 16; 1-12,
which is ceitalnly a leenid to ho pioud
or. A complete list of the league's
bowling1 shows Iho tollowlng axoiages:
thi: avi:kagi:s.
IIii.kIi cltili-Diithrlil. Id-. 110, Milthrll,
Vt?V); Wonuir, 1511 9; Jronr., liiilt;
Jttpir, lffiT-'l; Wiudelt (r-ipl.). Kill 1 6.
Wit Pnil I". W. ttJliJT; 'lost,
1"i)11S; (itiiti (Cipt.). I'm I r,; lniir, 1V-8 !,
XliOKiml, lii.'il'ir,; WrMlit, Ui'Ji; Wliilnnii,
1 ll'J.I; Hull-, lri0 2".
lttiUu ( IiiIj llopkni (Cipt.). 171 22 7: Jlns
1n, r,7ll-'4: iliiciliiilt, 117 I. '7; lli-rkfi,
H'. I 'i; fwn. lid I. 'I, W. Meirlid, 1.1;
SimIIv, 1 il.
r lnd No J-lIniitoi (I ipt.), 1IS1 27; .t
V.'. Dim, Jl'iji, in, .Teius. 1 1 1 'J !; Xuko--ii,
111.' Cjii. 1.; MJ; Kill, 1J'I2(.
llluk l)iiniuiid-IUiiis fi ipt ), Hi l'l,
Kii. 1JSJI.,0, Woitliiiir, 1(.-, Sll; Curiitin,
I-.' 17 Ml; 'laxli.i, 10'jr. U, iioiiud, 1 ";
s'niir, ll"i '. b
I Iks lloll. Ill 10 .'I: C. W in lid. 1t- J 21 .
Rutl. J-.l l'l; Hil,ii (P.:t.), Hs H 27; I'lnl
lilis. 141 sn. Ii... l'l. IMilin-. 14S17J..
yii'li-t, LCi lltclil. i;os'i
of this number, the lolloxvlng only
boxvleil in tluee games, w. Wcichel.
Sixellv, l.eon.iid. Ziecler. AVilcht.
Whltmer and Bull rolhd in hut tluee
gamps cnih. The league .standing is
now as luiiows
U.Hi. Ii-t Pi.
Ih.X" Ii . .... 'i ,"i .
W'i-1 1 id Wli Hli in I 'I . ,71
llukii 12 r, .in
Xcl Kml Nil. 2 12 I'. tit
III n k Hi iiiiuiiil I' Is .Iii-i
ui. s ia ,
The niAi game rolled will be tomor-
iow nighl. when the Ulks tind West
Hudeis xxill meet.
They Will Exhibit Heie on Fiiday,
May 24.
The inap.ngei.s of many tented on
tetpilses make It their custom iu eir
laufrmg the itlneiaiy of their shoxx.s
to make their visits to any one city
two j cats ap.ut. Most shows visit bete
peiy othe.1 eai. but the Wallace
shows nio the es-ceptlon that estab
lished tin nile.
It Is with ple.iMi'ie that lids paper
unnounifs to Its readeis thai tho (ileal
Wall.ue shows will again lslt .Scran
ton Fiiday. May 21. This will make
the t Illl (1 xlsit of the Wallace shoxx.s
to this city within thtco jcjis, in
lulklng to our leportm, thu agent of
the elicits said he would challenge anv
olher slmxv to pioduce siuh a reiunl.
This t ity Is no ovcoptlon to MV. Wal
ltuo's nile. Three. I'otu ths of the
towns ami ilties on tha loute of the
Wallato shows liaxe heen lcHitl liy
Ibis ihciis foi ihiee, four and llx-e
suiiesslve seasons 1) Is dollbtl'ill If
tiu.x otlit'i i'Iiciis could iniitluually
inako "lepp.itci.s" and live.
The abllltv of the Wall.ue .siow to
diaw ImmciiM ciowds annually is due
lo tho fact thai they do exhibit all
ihey adveitlse and inoio too, Tim pen.
pin luixii Jeaineil to look upon the nri
xertiscd nionilses of Wallacn with ns
much lonlldeiuo as they would upon
llio willteu pledgo of thu most bun
oied oitUou or this community,
B. J J. Wallaot has kept out or the
(hens tnist. Ho Is opposed to any
sthenic which has a tendency to mis
lead or dccolvo tho public. Jlu piefuis
lo manage his own shows, to pay big
f .il.ii it's for etraoidluary Uatiues und
ho siilecls hopoiablo and icllablo peo
ple for his .ulvaii'o vmli and sees tu
It thai his shoxv is ttuthlully and hon
estly adveitlsed,
s long as ihu (licit shows
Mslt this city annually, jus't so Ions
will hundreds and thoinand.s oi ipopla
who can only afi'oid to take tho tlma
to see one e hcus a year, wait patient,
ly for his i i.inlng. it I not many days
until May Jlth, when the Client Will
laco shows in all Its magnltuito nnd
splendor and with an cxcellenl icpu
tatlou to .sustain, will islt Hcianlou
for t-o pei foi mances.
non't fall to ie.0. the full desuip.
lion and mles or Tho Ti Ibtine's L'duca.
tlonnl Contest In Monday's. Tillmne.
Tiy the New Oc. Cigar "Kleon."
I Novel Effects
Gracoftil, sensible, wlde-nock
Rolden brown, tindeip;ln?.e
nous oinor nowers; seven sizes ami tour siinpes. Tho under
glnsso decoiatlons and blended colois lemlnds one ot Rook
wood. They are very effective.
8 Inches 92.00 10 Inches 94.75
0 inches S2.75 12 Inches iJO.OO
We Invite comparison of pilces.
Geo V Millar &
VJGU. Y. ITllllitl X
j, 0?3rU"lB39B WjUB
VSH- 00W& TVtA ill
- --TOim-IBMTOBKHar.pJ:
It will be the finest foity head of horses ever oll'cred for sIe in thii
city or valley. They consist of draught horses, coachers, cobs, single
or in pairs: drivers of every description; grocery teams, work teams,
roadsteis and general purpose noises. Sale positively, rain or shine
today, May 9, at 1 p. m. Horses can be exchanged up to time of
sale. Remember the date. Sale takes place at
Cusick's Old Stables, Washington Ave.
Bicycles That Run Easy. g
5 vpi
We Offer a Limited Number of
Detroit, Rochester,
Romeo and Lake Orion Railway
First Mortgage 5 20-Year $1,000 Gold Bonds.
The above company operates an electric railway system running
out of Detroit, Michigan, through one of the linest sections of the
state. Eighty per cent, of the tight ol way is owned 111 fee simple.
Lines are built according to steam railroad standaids throughout, he.ivv
rails with cedar lies on two-foot centres, permitting a high rate of speed
to be attained by its passenger cais. The company also does a tjeneral
freight business. The road is bonded foi only $14,200 per mile.
Full information as to bonds, together with map of route, tie
sciiption of country, statement of earnings, etc., may b seen at ou"
Wo have made 11 thorough investigation or Hie above prop
erly, and rcconiiiieiHl tliec bonds as a sale and eonservative i it
Title Guaranty
516 Spruce Street.
.-t J .SA. -A.-lJ A
People's Bank,
Meurs Building,
Court House Square.
Capital Stock, $100,000
Surplus, - - - 25,000
Savings and Business Accounts
PiesWlent - - -CD. Jones
Vice Pieb. - - G. 1 Beyuolils
Cnsliler - - - - H. M. Ives
lilOlllJ. 'pui.lll,
.Mlliur Diinii,
I). H Woiihu.illi,
. (I I'liltun,
HUliaul O'llih-ii
M I'. ran-r.
-Jllllltl hJllllll.
I' T on Stoiib,
l ji malt,
M 1', llcjloy
Thomas Louglmey Fatally InJiueU
by Fall of Rock at No. 5 Slmtt.
Thomas KnuRliucy, u labmoi at .No.
S sliiilt of tlie l.'ili I'oal rotnimiiy, dn
Mlliil M'htciiluy by a rail or lit K.
llu wus ab'i'il blty yeaisi, anil un.
in Jardinieres i
shapes, giound coloilnp of S
deeoiatloni of largo tulips and va- fe
Co HI Wjoralns: Arenno g
WU. W.ll In .nil Look Around Z?
It t timet iiiipotttnt tlnl a liu j iip J?
elmtilil In (MM 1 iiiiiiiii. C5
lli'.iltliful rvoiii-o I lioiioliiut, Inn'
I1111I uu.k !- InjiiiaiH ;
Iho lii.ninc nf tlie "-ir niton"
puiiint t' lii.litnis of tunning mil it
FliilUtli iniku il tlio 11101. iluiabV''
wliccl foi .ill ilivi of nilirs. '
I'm r to hiilL tin iiod.cllionk.
126-128 Franklin Ave.
and Trust Co.
i ii
it Ii . 1 ' .1 , w.
z" yi'iVA
Don't Worry urn iiutiii-i mii i. ot iiwii mn.
Wo II lo i l.le aiini(iil oi lnm al llu
IIKilll' I'lllU., ill f.itt wit iu. ion It ici
lllll III Jll ,l (ll Ijlllllll.K
mai iliil. Tim -will tnko jilan
limit Ids lato iet,lilciiic timioiimv afti'r
noon. Foi Feuialo ComnlaiutB
anil illt-i'HM.s arUIn1' f i om an Impure
hl.ltl Of till' lllllllli J.l(llt's Tl'lolV
.Vi'ic (tiiiipiniiiil is an Invaluable sn.
clllf, SoM b .Matllicwfj iJio
..'. K&SSSai fill v
x v i . . mwiK w tj ii
-5ram- f
Is -- -"5J- l