'(gf fy9fW'yj(' i" ' y '""JC SHkHM?! fijinv"" vw i?rr-.f.'a.'-tfrp&ttirrp-tifi-;,'tytf ? e-jt ': - . - .. ,',' 'V " I THE SCHANTOiV TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MAY 9, 1901. 4 V Olilce: BURKE BUILDING THE HALL LAST NIGHT. v Knlfjhts nnd Fair Ladle-J Banco In n Bower o Flowers. Uiirbondtito nouncll, No. 'J9, Knights nf Columbus, eelebinted lal evening Hip tlilnl nni'iveisary nt Its oi'ijiinlK ttlon by it grand ball, which, for hiilllnnry of ((inception ami nttinni'c moiit lift nut been oiiiiillcil n 'ur i'iuhilc thB season. It was hold In the spacldm hall In tlio Bnrk build ing and was limited In Iho members it thu order, and their wives, ulstein, mothers, sweethearts and fiiiliilno fi lends. TIio piutlelpunts begun nriiv Ing, most o'r them In ran-laqos, nt 'Unit (-."a, and a large timing of in li'io.lpd spectators thtongod the I rlr.lty fif llii- main entrance to admire mil comment on the beautiful gowns WOlli liy the gll-sts of the- knights. Tim music was lurnlshrd by the full Mural l orchestra, which was prated 1111 thu I.ugo lilntfnrm at tin? southerly etui Dl thu ball and ulun.-U completely bidden fiom view by an liiimciisu banking nf Mow 01 s, pnhns and potted plant. The I'.nll was lavi'Oily and wltlm! tastefully decorated by Hovveri', M all de.-cilptlons, ferns and over. Hipfii:'. In tin- largo lay window at iIip northi'ilv end was a beautifully designed hanging gulden of roses and 'inilibery. A prolamine of mllstlc de-slgn, with Hi- wait'', blue, golden and 101I In 1 Iqnla nf tin' crtti-r embossed on the 'C'lct ami showing a list nf eighteen uuiios. was a liuuds inn- souvenir. F'iniik li. I'llffuut Is al tin- head "f H' f'umii'il, belli? worthy grand knight, and Itichnrr. Klrwin Is deputy ntmd Uiilubt. Tlu' gene al coinnilUoo In fhai-'io r.f last night's delightful riuiftliin was composed of P. is. C'llf f "i, ox-uluYlo: !'. It. Deveis, chiili i.un; :.I, .1. Martin, i:. 11. W. Burke, 'I'homas U. CUmm-tin and Hlehartl Menahan. The reception committee comprised .b.bn F. O'Routke, It. H. Kirwiii, Al. ,T. tlonin, P. F. Coogan. D. L. AValsli. AV. II. l'liilbln, William 1'ooIp. John V. Iii'lnncy, tlcm-n V. Keene William !'. l.ortus and Thonr's !'. .Marll'i. Tlio f-eeiip mi the ball-i 00111 lloor was mi In.-spii'lthiiT one. Tlif liandhomo unttiis worn by tlio tair Ktusts the sp.lendldly illumlnatpl hall, the frn vrance and bc-uitv nf the lloral par nlshings. all added a lustr to the ne-i-ri!-lon that wa a treni-ndous faetnr to the Krind Rlieees... A larpe nuiubpr of knlijlits .mil ladles from out of town were pn.si?!it. AN EARLY MOHNING FIEE. An Alarm from Box 25 Arouses the Slccniujv Citizens. At 2,"0 nVlocl: veateulay ninrnlnR an excited Individual ltisiied frantleally up to the resident" nf Hi. C. T. Ilea Upi and rani; tin- door hell wtlh such a platter that the dnetor thought bis bouse ni on lire and luistned down 10 lind nnt il bis surmise uns eorieet. Tin- in. in explained In bieathle.s tones that IL wasn't the iloelor's hoiiRe, but one up nn the lop nf the hill, at l! (linve strei'l. and lie wanted the key to tin fire l)n nn the iwni'r uf Lin coln avenue an I Wyoming street. The doctor sin 1 endi led it, and the alarm 1'ioin Cn- T was tinned In, waking the mornliu I'Pboeu with its brar.en clamor. Two minutes after thu llrst stroke of the bell, the two Hie companies' hose carts wer- on their way. Tb" Mit chells outfit --ped through the streets without a bit of noise, but the Colum bian varion came along with a whirr ami rattle 01 the gong loud enough to wake eery nn ol the 13,(10 J sleepeis of the city, calling for assistance as It sped up the bill. When they got to Hon 2 and found that the lire was half a mile further away, they marvelled .it the stupidity uf the man who ran all t'.at way 10 turn In an alarm. When i'.o two drivers had go up the bill and In the house, followed by a hundred half-elad men an I boys, they found that the o eupaut'i bad fpienchod the llame.i before the alanner bad turned in the alarm, Th"n theie was more snioKe. The house Is ovn?d by Isaac Tonkin, on Oi'oe street, and Is occupied bv l"o families-, that of Jlr. Tonkin 011 the llret Moor and Henry Matthews nn the second. The bliize was found to have ben in the kitchen, and the great amount of hinoke that bad spiend through the huuse led the occupants to believe that the lire bad gained lonslclerable headway. It oilglimted lioin a i.paik from the kitchen stove, 1I10 carpet isnltlug and causing the dense smoke. Charged with Larceny. Louis Patts was charged by Bruno N'aturiaunwlth the larceny of u pocket book containing $10 In bills and silver. Ask Yourself to Account for the De- presslon That Clouds Up the Mind nnd Darkens Life. lis toe Rom wing of Nerve .Air. Samuel Ilogers, of No, 12S Hydo Park avenue, Seranton, Pa., says; "I ius in a run-down condition head acii's, nervous and sleeping liaUly, and the appetite poor. 1 was told of Dr. A, W. Cbase'a Nerve Pills, and got bo. As o result sleep 'ind eat well again. 1 am voiy much pleased with them and clad to lecouinieiel them to otlieis. Tills 1 can do (.onseleii llously." The maiked success of Or, A, W. Cluibc's Nerve Pills, with the followliif,' symptoms, Is attested to by Heiantoii people fljiobblnu. palpitating heart. Sleepless nights. Sudden startlngs. Morning languor. Plain fag, lrjajillity tn work or think, KxhuuMlon on exertion. FlagghiK oppptlt?. Digestion Mow . Food heavy. Handy excited. Nervous btiensth (alls Trembling bands and lliubn, Loss of Klcth. Loj-s nf musiiilur power, lirltdblf, despondent. PIOTliE mmi Carbondale Department HHIWWilMf WIM II J befoie Ablet man IipIpviiii on Tuesday night. Hot h of the patties ate Italians. The utiilntirf said that be had the pocketbnok in his hip pocket on iMin tluy, while iiiaking mciry with a ciowd of follow counltynieii, and when lb" fun was over, the imckothook had ills appeaird, KhUk had left tin parly a. short time before and stlspbloli was dltcclcd to li I til becuutto bis little Kill. It was alleged, told Ibtiiiu thai she luid found tin bunk and slv"ii It to Louis. Fait;: was 1 (.'presented by Attorney flraniPf. The evidence being deemed lusiillklenl, the alderman dismissed the 1. ise. M3.S. BLACKMORE "SENT DOWN" She Is Taken to the County Jail on Three Charges. The hearing In the case of Mrs. KIlKubolh Htackmore, charged by (!"orge Washington Ktnith with uttei ing tlneats, InrcPiiy and other tbitiKS, was held before Aldernian Atkinson 2.1'stPi'duy cfteinoon. She was In no ways tamed by her contliienient In the city jail over nllit, and as soon as idle got her breath lifter her c.lmb up the .sleep ascent of Tike street, she began one of her customary tirades against her accuser, which the aldei lnan trior! In vain to suppress. Home ol her i-bcilcest expletives Wele enough In cause the foreman of a section gang to turn pal with Jealous.. Utorge Washington, a well-known chaiacter, tnld nf the midnight row In his linine and of hnw the defendent tried tu strangl liim and bow slm pulled nut his whiskers. He said: "fcWie and her husband and mv son vein talking, her Jiusband tr,ing In Iumuu'i her to so hlme with him. !-lie had been drinking 11 good deal, and was piettv well over tile bay, and when 1 joined In !be t ilk he grabbed me by the whiskers, shook lny head till It Kittled, mil then threatened in burn m- nut, tn Whlteeap me and to break up all the furniture, and I 1 ni; down here to get a Wan ant for her, I was so seared. Why. Atkinson, you know theie ain't tlnoe decent men in I'arbondale that would tiy to Whlteeap me." When the woman was a-kod what all" had to sav to all this .she spoke he,- mind so lively that Hie alderman wn.T comrelled tn hide his face In bis docket book tu cmic-al his blushe.s. He tlun held her In $J00 ball on each nf Ihrre separate charges, and Constable Moran escorted her to the county jail. Advisory Finance Committee. J. I'. H. Kaynor. R. A. Klly, Krauk Hoemmelmcyer. John H. Thomas and P. (i. r.IeDonou'gh have been appointed by the seml-eentenulal a-snciatloii as an advisory Unance i-oninilttoe, and they are senMng nut ciieulars to the various fraternal, benelielal and iiatil otle societies to contribute tlnaneiallv to the success of ibe demonstration In Pepteiuber. Cpon the willingness of these societies to lespond, many other subscriptions are expected, and it it hoped that each society will show a liberal snhlt when the circulars are read in th"ir meeting. The celebration should be a credit and a benellt to the city, and the accomplishments of thev ends depends eiitiiely upon the citi zens tbeinsehes. The Funeral of Mrs. Church. The remains of the late Millie Louise Chinch were hi ought to this city yes terday morning from Sernutun, and taken to her home on Salem avenue. They wote mot at the ifepot by a num ber of sorrowing ft lends. The pall bearers were I). L. Ciane, M. li, Lath lope, K. D. Yarrlngton, Harry Nd meyer, Maurice Miller and Julius Spaeth. The latter three were cousins of Mis. Church and the former three were ushers at her wedding. The funeral will be held ai her late home. l.'J Salem avenue, this afternoon at '.UO o'clock. The services will hi; conducted by the Rev. Charles Lee, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. The interment will bo at Maplewoud cemetery. Sunday School Class Entertains. A. C. Purple's .Sunday nchool class entertained it few of their friends In the ltaptUt chinch parlors last even In?. A Suinriso Party. The friends of Jason Stoddard, of Lincoln avenue, tendered him a pleas ant surprise party on Tuesday evt 11 ing. Cominc Home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hubbard will re move next week lo tin Ir own house mi (.inrlield avenue Whttt Governs the Various Moods from Bubbling Brightness to tho Depths of DojnessionP Force by Dr. A, W. Chase's Nerve Mr. Thomas SummeiF, of No, liiin Jackson stieet, Seranton, P. , ,as: "Dr. A. W, Chase's Nervo Pills mo .1 splendid cum for nervous sick bend uehes. Mine were terrible at thins. I was nervm.s at thu saine time. The Nerve Pills weie recommended tn nie, anil I got a box at Matthews Urn,' ill tit? store, and they completely cured tho headaches and nervousness. This I think Is recniiiiiiendatliiii i-nimh." Whim a Medicine att:tius the fame of Dr. A. V, Chase's Nerve Pills, parasites spring tip in the form of similars, When buying Dr, A, W, Chase's Nerve Pills, the gen nine will always have the por trait,signatnre and initials A. V. on the box, like this$sr jo cents at druggists, or Dr. A, V. Chase Medicine 'V,., Buffalo, N. Y, rPhonc : NEW, 286 010,0423 A MAYDAY PA11TY. Ftipils of tho Powdcrly School Havo 11 JTIcltl Dny. The pill lis of Ibe l'owderly school bad a gala day on Tuesday, and en joyed it May party on the hillside west of she Muylield yutd, where, super vised by their teachers, they made liieriy to their licatTii ronleiil. b'leld day spoils, gaiiies and 1111 outdoor spelling mulch woio enjoyed inid Ibo teachers provided pretty presents for Hie winners of the seveiul contests. A bane ball game was played be tween leniiis styling themselves Ibe Algt ntiiilns and the Humus, the tnr iiier winning by a score of 17 tn fi, The tiO-ytird dash was won by Thomas Mablil.'li. Joseph Toohin carip(l off the lionois In the sack riu e. Tho high and broad jumps went to Jo'epb Ma gee and .luM'ph Cannon. " The girls bad a hundied-jard dash. Miss J-'adgen coming In ahead. The spilling match was the feuture of tin afuinuon, Mary Kelly and Joseph Mc Donald canylng off. the palm of pro lick i,cy. A I noon a lunch was seried in true picnic style. It is to be Impel that the other schools in the.cllv will ariange 11 Held day on similar lines, to enable the pupils to get away from their desks and books and live In the open air one day 01 tlu; school spring lorni. The lleUis ami hills utford oppoi tunitles for a most delightful com re uf study at tills season uf the year. FO.H 7.HE KOYAL AKCANtJM. lhe Metropolitans SaiiR at the Ginnd Council of New York State. At the niietlng of the Crand coun cil. Koyal Arcanum, of the state of Now Yoik, held in Xew Vork city, the MelionolitaiiH sang-, and they ie lcIvpiI lroni the gland legent the fol low ing comniendatory words: "I de sire tn lomplimuu the Metropolitan quartette 011 their masterly lendition uf the .selections sung at the meeting of tile Crand council. Thu thousands assembled in the ltrooklyn tabernacle on that occasion were loud in their manifestations of the pleasure afforded them." Hear these artists al the Hap tist ihuicb next Monilav night. Elected Officers. The annual business meeting of the Trinity guild, was held on Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Charles Perkins, on Terrace street. The leports of the otlleeis showed that the guild had acocmpllslied much good wiik duiii.g the past year and plans were outlined for a continuance of the activity. A number uf events will bo allied on I bin summer, which should add materially to the llnanoes of the new 1 hurcli fund. The animal election of ofliccis re-s-nlted as follows President, Mrs. Kichard W. Pethiek; tieasurer, Mrs. Clmiles Pel kins: secretary, Mrs. p.ullin A. Sawyer. No. 1 Breaker to Start Vp. The millets at No. 1 are getting ready to go to work again, alter five weeks of idleness. Tho new breaker is now completed and the engines were started up yesteiday. It is now expected time work will be leMimed on Saturday or Monday. A slight accident occurred M.sterday winch may nuard the be ginning. A buy named Connors, seated on a mule, dragging a piece of lumber. 1 an Into one of the guy ropes of the smokestack and befoie he was un tangled all the rnpus supporting 1 ho stack had been torn loose, leaving I lie .striiLturc in a shaky condition. Booming; His Candidacy. Auditor "Billy" Johns, nf Seranton, wiih 111 town yesterday, shaking hands with his many fi lends and incidentally hunzting his candidacy for the nomi nation of controller. Meetings Tonight. 1! oorj,v K. Itandolpli camp, ,Nu, ;;s, Sous of Vetermw. Mranell :, C. M. H. A. Carbondale canton, ,'n. In, P.itri arches militant. Decorating. 1'cl ora tors aie at woik on Hie in terior of the Hotel Hairison olilce. Will Dispenbo Milk. Frank (bites has accepted a position with S. T. Urn mini, the milk dealer. Constructing; a Besorvoir. A gang of between thirty and forty men urn at woik op the hill known ni "Sandy's Field." coiistmetliitr a large leservolr for the Hendricks Manufac turing company, Tho water s to be When Men and Women Drop from tho Ranks of Workers, Nerve Fotce Has Bun Low, Pills That Makes Them Great Mr. Henry Albert, of Nn. fill! Pilch, street, Scianton, Pa., sus: "Kor about n years my back and kidneys bad been surf lume, and the secin linns in bad shape N'nlliln;, sueineil to help up. until I got Hr. . W. Clm.-o's None Pills at Matthews Hi us.' drurf stole. They did tile woik. cluing the surt-iiess and liinit'iitbc- making; thn se cu'iliuis healthy, and g luaally giving lue health and sin nslli." wasp m&.m.:csM.j 5 Used for lhe muchltio works nnd will be stored (here ngaln.il dry weather, being supplied by lhe pumping station above lhe works, nn Dlindnff. street. Rome nf lhe residents of Dundaff sheet mo talking of trying to' obtain h supply from the trscrvolr, hut II Is believed that there Is too much sul phur In the water In make It HI for domestic purposes. A Flno Prorcratnme. The Joint social and literary Hireling of the l'pworth league and Young Ladles' Missionary society of the Thst Methodist I'liliri'li was held at S o'clock last evening at thn churrh, The fol lowing programme was rendered; Vocal duet, Mlna Frank and Claude Olvor: "Essay on the X-nay," Willis flardlneri ludies' li lo, "Tho Lovely Hose;" "The Outer Structure of God's Temple," Dr. W, J. Maker. The pto granuuc was followed by a social ses sion, during which lufreshnients weie served. Gone to tho Grand Council. The grand council, Royal Arcanum, of Ponnayhuulu, i on vened at Cicttys buig yesterday, rieorge Hudson, rep resents lhe Carboutl.ile council, utid he left 011 Tuesday for that place. Mrs. Hudson accompanies her husband on the tilp. This trip Is of more than usual Interest, to Mr. Hudson, as It will lake him back tu the scones of that trrrlbl battle In which bo participated, when General Lee's forces wore turned back toward Virginia and the dentil knell of the Confederacy was sounded. Delegates Elected. The itctail Clerks' Protective asso ciation on Tuesday night elected David L. Walsh and J. J. O'NeNIII delegates to the national convention to be held at Huffalo on July !t. Committees to lake charge of the dance tomorrow night were also elected. David L. Wulsh was appointed 111: representa tive of the association on the execu tive committee of the seml-eenfennUl celebration. Suing: for Divorce. Another divorce case was instituted at Seranton on Tuesday. Annie and John X. Davis are the parties to the sail. Mis. Dais, lhe llbellant, says she had to leave her husband on July 10, lf!5, after six years of married life, because of his cruelly. They were niar lled in Avoca on March 11, 1SSI), ami lived for a time at 1107 Thompson sheet, Seranton. She is 11L present liv ing at SI Williams avenue, this city. Oil to the Convention. Owen V. Loftus and Councilman Alex. .T. Kennedy, respectively con ductor and brakeman on the Kric rail road, started last evening lor Detroit, where they will attend the national invention of the ISrotherhooil of TJail road Trainmen. Attended Mrs. Wilson's Funeral. A number of Carbondale lelatives were in Clifford on Tuesdaj. attending the funeral of tho late Mrs. Anna M. Wilson, who died Sunday at the age of eighty years. She was a member nf one of the uldest families in this sec tion. To Attend a Banquet. John Naylnr and W. It. Jones, of the local department of the Metropolitan Life Insurance company, left last even ing for Philadelphia to attend a ban ipiet at the "Walton hotel, given by the insurance company tonight. Listened to Hubbard's Lecture. Doctor Wheeler, Miss Missel AVheeler, A. L. Jones and Charles Munn jour neved to Seranton last evening to bear Klbert Hubbard's lecture on "P.oy ciott'.s Ideals" at the Bicycle club house. A Slight Blaze. The awning in front of Clark's drug store, on Church street, was ignited by a match thrown from a window In the apnrtnient aboe. The blaze was ex tinguished with the help or Dr. D. L. Bailey's garden hose. A Theater Party. Alderman and Mrs. Millar, of Scian lon, gave a theatre parly 011 Tuesday evening. The guests were the Misses .Mary and Belle Mule, of Carbondale, and Miss Bessie nice, of Seranlon. At the Opera House. Saturday "Way Down ICist." THE PASSING THRONG. Mrs. Charles Schuester, of .Mitchell avenue, Is ill. Mrs. A. A. Burdick, nf Kiglith ae tiue. is very ill. Miss Edna Bailey is ipute ill at her homo on Utirfleld avenue. Miss Agnes Multudy, of this city, is the guest of IJonesdale friends.' Mrs. If. C. Wheeler and daughter, Hazel, spent Tuesday In Seranton. 1!. 11. Smith, formerly superintendent of the Hrie and Wyoming Valley rail road, was in town Tuesday, Dr Willis Carson, nf Wnyuiarl, was hi lown Tue&day. He had Just 10 tiirned from Washington, D. C Mis. .Melllus, of Wyoming strei-t, is so ritleally ill that a consultation of physicians was held yesterday, Mrs. Reynolds, who has been spend ing a few weeks with her sou, John, of Su'antoii, has returned lo her lionio mi Jeffrey street. Mr Swigert. Carboudale's able mid hustllufr business man, was much in evidence in Susquehanna on Tuesday. -Whitney's Notes, Mrs. John S. Berry, of Carbondale, spent Monday with Honrsdiiln friends. Mrs. Mury Ammermun and duughter-ln-law, Mrs. Fred Ammonium, nnd in fant son, of i'arbondale, spout Sunday with the formor's uncle, C, L. Whitney, lieorgc Nichols, engineer of ill, lias been spendiliK a week at his lionit! in Carboiidule, and Thomas Cawley, of the latter city, Is tit the tluniUe. Wayne Independent. OLYPHANT. A niU'di.iln of more than usual In kiest uud merit was held n tho Fuller M'lthew Opera House last veiling by the inusle pupils of St. Put tlek's aca.leniy, In honor of llev. P. J. .Murphy, pastor of St. Patrick's 1 Inn eh The programme contained many delightful iiuuibeis which worn listened to with great pleasuie by the laige uudlenre assembled. Mif William Foster, of Clevelund, i).. was called to this phu e yesterday on account of ibe serious illness of her 'ihtcr. .Mis Mary Mason, of l.mhn. wanna street. .Mif-ses 1,'tta Dougherty and Lama O'lJara have aeiepted posltloiis In C.i.ikes' inv storo in Prckville. Mrs. William lllnuneliksb. of Flint stli"t. Hlakly, inel with a liaiiiful ac ildent yeslenlay nioinln. .Mrs. lllin- iliieli'legli was binning some rubbish in TEETH m PDPP No chnrco for PnlnlcxH JUstrui't- CDCp r IV Cti lug When Olhor Work Is Dono. IvLLrf Wo give n wrltlon gtmruntoa for l!0 veins on till worU. The fact that (Ills id tin Inoorporntoil Coinpuny doltiK Inisf. ncss under tho laws of this Stute, iintl npamtttiK n system of liOolllcus, is astink'lunl guiutiiituu of our ivsponiiliillty uud Hint wo'Dd Hxictly a. Va Advertise. a hiyn, 10 to , 1 The White Dental Parlors the Burden, when her clothing became Ignited from the flumes. Several neighbors ran to her aesls.tanco and succeeded in extlnqulMiInK the blaze. Her bandrf and back were severely burned. Alius Minnie Harduer Is ill at the home of her aunt, Airs. Henry LJe.iu pre, on Delawaie Mtreet. Krank Thuistou, of Joutth htieet, was taken to the Lackawanim hoapl tal, at focranton. yeHterday. aufferim; with nuirale;la of the bead. JERMYN AND MAYF1ELD. The adjourned lueellng of the May field borough council was held on Tuesday evening and Yatico Adamiak, who was elected to succeed P. H. Ber gan, was present and was sworn In. The tax levy for thu present year was Used as follows: Light. U mills; water. 1 mill; street. 1 mill, hpeclul. I mill. The htreel eommltteo decided to make n. tour of Inspection of tho boiougb s-tiei Is, to see what repairs ate. neces sary, and Burgess Sullivan and coun cilman Clythe were appointed lo look after the borough's Interest in the in junction proceedings which will come up at court lomorrow. An appropria tion of $;."i "as inadc to the boaid or health. William Mellow, of Second street, was yesterday dlbhurgi-d from Dr. Wheeler's hospital, after an eight months' treatment. Eight months ago he underwent a very ciitical oper ation in the institution at the handa of Dra. Wheel"! and need Burn':. Ho remained in the hospital unlll six weeks ago and has since been an out door patient. He Is now so rapidly re gaining bis strength Unit lie expects in a few days; to bo able lo resume his regular occupation. He speaks very highly of his treatment while a. patient ut Pr. Wheeler's hospital. Postmaster Orlfliths yesterday re ceived 11 stock of the new Pan-American stamps and any of the same can b obtained at the local postotllce. Airs. Peter Ultmoie, of North Main stieet, was plcusantly surprised on Tuesday evening, when a number of her friends loaohei! the home, pre pared to spend an evening with her, in honor of her birthday. The visi tors wen cordially received and bad a most enjoyable time. During thf evening, thev presented her with a. handsome rocking chair. About S o'clock last evening dense volumes of smoke were seen issuing from the inteilor and root of the Hotel Avery. People on the street were al -traded to the hotel by the smuke and for several minutes it was feared the hot"l was on tire. Fortunately tbii was not so. (J;i investigation it wa1. found to originate fiom the burning of some waste paper and other tefuse, which one of thu attendants was 1011 suming In the furnace. . Tho Delaware ami Hudson company will pay at their colli. -ry hero tomor row afternoon. Attorney and Mrs. Homer Carey have moved into their comfortable new home on Alain street. Hereafter, Attorney Carey's oillee will bo hi the ri.ar end of his residence. The commissioners appointed to di vide the boiougb of Alayllold Into Not ing districts, met at t tie council roomt yesterday and beard testimony from prominent citizens. Tho sentiment Is universal In favor of a division of tho borough into three oting dln tricts, but theie Is dittereuce nt opin ion as to where the lines should be drawn. In order to give all an oppor tunity to espiess opinions, the hearing was continued until Wednesday after noon, Alay 1."., ill 'J o'clock. The Ladies' Alagozlno club will meet tomorrow evening at the boino of Alis. Jolin Mellow, of Cemetery stteet. rriub fi, Cook, of Jefferson Junc tion, is the new rtution nsc-nt at tho Delaware and Hudson depot, A son was born yesterday to Engl, nior uud Alls, Hall, of Ninth Main sti eel. A child of Stephen Alaivovit;:, of Alaylleld, died Tuesday evening of membraneous croup. The Crescents, of West Alayllold, ac cept the challego of tho Peck, II lo .luniois to a game of baso ball on tho Alott Haven grounds at :: o'clock Kat urday afternoon. . Mm tin, mana ger. .1, Han is, mpttilii. Itieharils Hawkins was a Cailum dale visitor last evening. PECKVUXE. IVckvllle was Invaded yestcrda af ternoon by a largo crowd of people, who caino to attend the opening of ciaikn Hits.' new slon. Honn'h uilli laiy band, nf Olyplmnt . wiih pieseut and luillished uiuslu fur Iho occa sion. Air. I,. H. Thompson, who has been sui'fi'rhiR from blood poison, l. im piolng slowly. Class Np. lis, of the ilaptist Sunday Maiy ?ch03 Children ?n Sic'tly Miller (lui rl IVmifrit t-.r I InMicii. uf 1 l Mfilliii ii.).i, 4 ii'iite in I liiiiru' Hoi. io, Vtv U'il, Midi, up I (.'Mi in '.'I In ui. mi,. woluo-f. llvMiliilie. Mciiwili 'Jit.iililcr. Itrllni.. Iii-ohIoi.-, inot' oi'l icuIjIl' Hie IIam., m, 1'cstipy Woiiii.. Mi... KniM- Mjkiiii, llcrid' n I 1., ,.!: "II i. Ibe I ".vl niC'liiiiK'iu lh- iiorl.l In- ilnMicn wIm.ii fi Hrli ami leiiirljiniin,." Sulci h nil (IniSjUti. oi I'.v null, '.'Of. s.miptc rail I lil.l.'. .llu' MKii . Ulm.lnl, l.dloi, .V V. We extract teeth, fill teeth, and apply fioltl crowns and bridge work, with out the least pain, by a method patented and used by tis only. When the Im pression is taken in the morning plates will be finished same day, if desired. Note Our Prices for Perfect, Full Set Teeth (that fit) Gold Fillings Silver Hillings Gold Crowns Teeth Without lla cs , Ss.o: Cloanluc Toetlt 50: VF. MAKH A SPECIALTY of Hold Clown and Hildfie Work. This in a sNKteiti for Inserting artificial teeth wheio one or more arc inlcsliifT without tin if of a plate. Thin work 18 most beau tlful and cannot be detected from the natural teeth. "When properly done, will last a lifetime. Call and see us opet -ale. tt will bo a plennure for tin to carefully examine your teeth and tell you exactly wbn I your work will cost. No cIiiiiko for lliln. Hour.'i, S to S. Siut- school, will bold a concert mi Wednes day evening, .May 13. for lhe (impose of sU-rtlng a building fund. Sec the pro gramme Inter. Admission, adults'. -" ei'ts; children, ir, cents'. As 11. K. I'agJii, driver for K. A Peek, was driving down the Ceiiiote.-j hill yostetday afteritoon, mi. of Hu lun ses stumbled and fell. It required the assistance of several men to extri cate the horse frvn the tangle. The boisr. wim uninjured, except a lew i ills. 10. liielimr and rton leeently put In plm o at their slop a largo g;is en gine, In fiiinisli powe- fur tin Ice cicii in-making uiiichlnriy. TAYLOR. Arrangenients are fast being coin pleled by the local Ivorltcs lodge for the holding of the ir.tud lodge session, which convenes here on Tuesday, Alay II, to be continued for four days. The Welsh emigres, illonul church has been biuiiul for the assembly, which will be opened on Tuesday morning at '.' o'clock. All the visiting delegates will piobably arrive hen on Monday even ing. Representative will be present from such well-know i. cities as, Poult ney, Hinokv City. Allddie (ii.indville. and other cities. The inembeis of tin lorni lodge, under whose auspices the event will be held, air piepaiiug to give the visitois ii loyal welcome and with the assistance of our townspeople will endeavor to make it one of the grandest occasions' in the annals of ivoritism. un Wednesday evening, the promoters have ilecubil In hold .i public meeting, when a piograninie of inusii.al and literary iminhcis will be rendered, which wilt be followed b.v ;t social ami banquet prepmetl by the ladies and wives of the iiienibeis, to the grand otllcers and icpicsenliilives. The concert of the Taylor Silver 'or net band, to be held mi Monday even ing next in the sit., Joseph's ball promises to be mi excellent llterarv and musical deal. An elaborate pro gramme, rendered by the best of local and oul-of-town talent has been nr langfd by the committee. Tickets, 2T cents. A titat is in stoie for the people of this town in the advent of the euchre parly, to be held In the purloin iifMhe Church of the Jnmiai'iil.ile Com.ep. Hon on Tuesday evening, Ala.v II, un der the auspices of the Ladles Catholic Aid society. There will be handsome prizes for the ladies and gentlemen winning. A programme of mush-a! and literary talent, under lhe direc tion of Miss Kate lie.lllloil, will be lendeied. IJemetnber the iiv Menu sm la I to be held at tin Calvary H.iptlst chuuii parlors on Saturday evening. The dosing of the pmlor suite contest be tween Alis. Ren.ianiiii Williams and Alls, ltiehard Unbelts, which was- post poned Horn the recent fair of the liiin h. will occur. 1 r. W. H. iilnistentl, our popular physician, has been appointed as poor board pliy.dcian nu tin Hansom poor board district. Organizer Whitney, of Seranlon. at lenilol thu session of the local lodge of Modern Woodmen of America nn Tuesday evening. W II. 1'eteison. station agent of the Dfl.iware and Hudson company, who has b;eu t.'inporaiily tilling n similar pesitiou in Jerniyn lor the past month, resinned lunge of the locil station jei.tmliy. Agent Twist, who has sub stituted for Air. Peterson, was ie moved tn nudum Tower, of the s uno company. In Liizuiue louuty. The funeral of the late John Siiil ders, of f)d Forgo, took place yester day atternoou mid was hugely m teudid. Services were held at the J.linily icsldelice by lhe Uev, P. c. IMwartls. or Ibis town. Interment was made in Alarcy cemetery. .Misses Kditb and (leitnule Watklii". and Allsses Klosle ami Hlainiio Han lielil, wdl known lalepi of this town, participated in a tniiecrt iu Peckvillo last evening. All the tickets, sill s and money for the benefit drawing nf .Mis. (looilwln. to lie held on the Uitll at Webei's link, must be in the bands of tho committee belore Alav II. The best nf latent v ill paillclpate In Ibe pro gliill.Uie. Ill iiliouneiiig tlie iiame.s In the uiaUe iip of the Taylor Keds bi,tc ball train, the wilier nniltle! the following plav eis: lla.ves and AK'llugh, who are as signed to tliird b.i.ie and short stop lespecllvelj. iiiis evening the Wonien'.c Cluis Hail Temperaino league will conduct a pallor social at lb" home of niiJ if its incii'beii-". ,Mi. i. Allied Ihickmau. nu I'llloll Hlicel. A giiiinl lime Is us silled all wiio alleinl. All the ilellea. cie.s of the season will In served. !! I'ii sbmeiiis served and a tilver niiciiiig will be taken. MQOSIC. Miss eiiiuit Din spent last evening In Sciamoii. The SI. 1. A. P i lub will meet liuiioi tow eveniuu'' at the boino of Miss Hlaiuiie i'legclliis, nu Alafu slcel. Ilair.v lirb'iier has relumed liom Huttalo. The funeral nf James. Iho lifleen year. old sou of Mr. iiqil Airs. Art bio Voilllg, of South Atoosle. whose ileolh nct'iiiicil 'Kuesday at No. l;i blmft, will & Painless Dentistry f ,,,,,,,,, , , $5.00 p I Ul) 50 $3.00 to $5.00 & 5 D PLATES s l3toSl&- 2 Jti- WMUht. .."Tv r ( oriKT I,.ii k.Tu.inin .iil Wioininj "'inii' Oirr J riik Mi". vleie, Srrtnlmi. 1,jift lnt il j run pin In II" otl.l "i ntllir.i In I nllol St.ilcs - Innrpoialnl. . flVAfA m.pnlir ul Till". (ONPlTinK OF T1IK jl S. i.iiitoii. in Mi" SUlo n( IVniilv,inii, at tin il'i.f of Inwlni'si, April 'Jl, IIMi iti;sufitci I.e.HH .in. I .li.rouiiU $I.5S' "ill ''' iiicnh.ifln. m rurcrl .ni'l niKrincil . I'll . I" H. Iimiil In m'iiiii lireiilitinii . . .V',(" ni sioiU. mi, Miiticf , i'ti ii,im,;! i'i IlinKlin; limi.r. fiiniiline ami llvlurc Wl.oml 00 Jltii lieni N.ilien.iJ bniks uiot itnir .irciiIs) C.OI1 '! Dili' fieni vl ito Piiik-. .mil lonl.i' . I",''! .it liin fimn .ipprevcil tcrrii1 .iuiiiH.... h'MI.OJ til h'tftnit pf nne st.imp- t,''fi!5l I lii'i l,- ami iillioi i eh ilrin- "I.iil.". ! I'Mlianpis f.ir clr iiiiitr Ii'iiim 'l.n-", "- elis el el Ik i , ilioinl IuiiK' I .') Oil I'l.iitinnil p.ipu in i rm ,i, nti ki'h, .iinl ci'iils ".OlD.!, Law fill nienry iirrn in Innk. l : Spn in Itiijk'i ..n l.csil li'liilir llnlrs 1 1 VII I I" fvi'..''ll I!" ll(iliiiiitinii tuint "illi I'. S. I'lO.K nur i,!. nf cm iihlieio '.!,.MI i1 Ilur trein I". lioisinrr, etlirr tlun .Vr It'll, I. .'l. HI lilli'l ,,HH1 tfl 'I'ul.ll . . . 0ll'00,t, 1,1 M1IU1 Ills. j .ipn.ii hihk pii'i iii . :ivi.iioiii sinpln, tunil I.iiw i ini I I nilniilcil I'lehl-, lo tvpner tipI I ic pml .... Il'i.iill ID I Vitiaiial linik noirs oiilt-Limlinz . .Vi.OO'i mi llnr n, mlnr N.itlnii.il lunks i'.'.mII II I Hin I" stJlr hinkt. mil l-.Jiil.ei-. . '"'.Vi'. t" ' Dm' tn .i pieinl irwnr .n;cnln. . . . 1 1170 7 1 ! hl'liviilinl tlepn-lls Miltil lo i link. ",:. ! ril ' liiii.ind i nlilii.ilrs of ilipii-il T'.Vi'i ''I I C1tillt.il ihri kv . . ".I'I i I .i-Iiu i'i. ditiks tiin-t.tiiiii I.io- ., Neli'rf .ni'l lilll ir tile iiiinlril Neii.' IIIIN pii.ilil,' Ni.nr l.t.il'ilittcs ollirr Ih.m lli- jlinir t-l.lliil Nun Tut 1 1 .... .... 'i,7H.i.2 .'I si ili' i.f 1'ciiiiMh.iiii.i, I 'iitint.i nf l..itk tn.iiin i. .4 1. i .i H IVM. I'.elurr nf llir atioir niit.isl li.Mlli, lie M.lrnilllv huimi I till tlir .ih.iir j..,t int'til. i tnii.' I'i llie li(l ef mv kiimilritsr nn I lirlnf. sv VI ' I'd-r, I .i-lnci Sllli-i nhfil iml vmi.iii .i lirfmr inr t til" sih tin "f Mn. phi. w.m.i i it i: c;i nsii.i: ( i'in.1 1- Allf-f Nni in I'lihln W. It slulllls. li I lllllisti.N. I. V I.IM:N, luir.toi be held this afieinoon al ZW from hli late home. Interment will be nindc In l.angcllfle cemetery. Mrs'. Svvarts, of .Moscow, .spent Wed uesd.iv Willi her sister, Alls. S .1 Hinds. The !:io ahum of this nlaee w sounded j est. M-day uiorniiig ahout in 'M o'tiot k, vi hen Hie wiih dlscoveieil in to hoiiup oei'iipleil bj the Jlorrlsse.v l.un iiv, on South Slain .street. The Ho compiin.v lespoilded as soon ns pnshlb'i nnil did excellent wink. The fire started in tin back pint fit" i lie dwelling. The hose company got a .stieain of water on the back part nf the house and gol the llie under control. The front part of the bouse was damaged mon- h water than by (ire. client credit i" do llie friends and neighl'ms who assi.-aeil tlinii in sav Ing their gooiK MOSCOW. Air. and ills. Wallace Swans, of Scianton, visited iclnlives lnie o -r Sundny Mb- Kthol Welli. of South Canaan, Is visiting at tin- home of her hi other, K. X. Wells. Alls, t'hoiies Perry was In Seran ton j'csteiilny. Mis.. Sarah Uress, of (iltlnn. ivas lhe guest ut her sister. .Mrs Unirg-i itillree, Slinda.i Air. chailes Warner and .Miss Abit tle lllllds. of AloO..e. WOte the gllestl nt Miss Nellie Hinds Sunday. Sirs. Al. P. JShoili'i-. of North Scran ton, called on fi lends heie jestei day. .Mr. and SI is. !'. II. Uusli a ml chll clreii weie guests of Seranlon frlcudi iv i r Slllidav. Sir. mid Airs, llihvnid Sajre alul ehil. lieu, of Avoi.i, vlslled In io l.i..t Sab bath. iiininas Jnliii and smi, AVillaul, of I'llllhlll'H, Sell jestenliiy aninng fi lends in low it. Charles Hinvvu lias soil out his bai ber biisine.-s to J. n Sherman, n Scianton, w-bo lias laken chaise. FLEETVILLE. The fiiiu'iiil of .Mr. Jacob tiumaei took place at the homo of .Mr Alva J.evviH at 10 a. in. r-'ridnj, Alav :!. Air lllllliaer was seveniy-eight years old and had uhvu.vs lived Iu Heniou town ship. ev. Air. Thompson, of Halloa nlllehiled. Inlelini'lll was made al Cllf ford. tnvlliR In nur having "lib sever, inonllis' school Iu this inwusliip, tliuc select schools are being taught Mist Helle titbits leaches at Walls. Illr. Allsi Caswell at Alarslibiook and Allss MdU Smith ut I'ieeiville. Waller r-'uiulmiii and son. ol I .11 boiidale, iec In town Suinl.i. i;. Sweet, stoickeepei, will have ar am lion sale Tuesday, Abu 11. Tho Siuing Fcvei. is a iil.il.tdj Willi 11 no one tan .iii al t 111- season of the y,ir. The vital iiy is usuallv iivci-Hixcd dut'llis 1 1" winter month, and spring llnd.-, im system all run down The blood i thinned mid Impure. The kldiuj air liver me iuaiilve--iesuliiiig in a o- nt eiiu'SJ and iipl'illle. mid a .! tailfieiiieill of tho nerves. 1,1. Ilj Ci'l-i.v Neive Compound will puulj jour blmnl, tope up your nerves, am cavi Ji'U leeling fic-ih ami enerseln. Sold by ilallbews Ilios. i A