j, l - t -" V ,f THE SCHANTOX T1I1BUNU-WEDNESDAY, SUV 8, ItiOl. A COLLEGE EDUCATION XTS ADVANTAGES EXPLAINED BY AN ABLE WRITER. VoiutR Men Ale Advised to Mnko Any Reasonable Sacrlflce in Order to Got Through College What a College Tiainlng- uiu for One Man, The Opportunities Which Aie Of fered Through The Tribune's Edit cationnl Contest. Tin lu wan a vi'iy liilcit'stlim; artlrlo In Uiu last Ihuc of I ho Saturday levelling Pol. cntltlyil. "Why Youm? Men Should lioRln at Mu Hotioni." and written liy ciiiiili'M A. .Seliloi-ou, loiin-'i" 'mayor of llinoKlyn. X. V. lie lolales an liiHtaiifi- win-IP two youiiB ini-n look up (In- Ihiro inanuraotuilnir haul nest of tliolr d"cpnsoil fathrr. without IupvIouh (mining, and inched It on to a deridi-d hiutokm, and (hull kIvpi tliu following Hound uigutneui' A College Training and Its High Value. "The tlliliR that undoubtedly hulpeil the yoniiK men In the cum T innntlon wih tlio luct that they leeehvd .i thuiouRh coIIcrp ttulnltiR. I know tlnil Mi. r.'iiiK'Rlp and other dNtln xulshud moil who luivo been mlf-miulo lmp souo on ircoid an afjalnst a cn Ioko ti nlniiiir li a businessman. My i li pspeiionei' docs not boar out thin onidtiHlou. I bi-ll'jvo that nothing "- i ell equips :i yniintr man for a hiic (Oslul hmlnois cm i ocr. either as a nianuraoliiiur 01 .1 moiohant or both, an does a complpt" co1Ikp colli le. If. in addition, ho has bad tqieelnl pro rif.hloiuil and technical 1 1- litif tipr. " mui li the hottoi. Tin- ctdleKo Kradualo ln.ra four or live yoais of actual ex l i loncc. but ho noon makes up for this il be is made of the i icrlu motal. "(if i. out.se. J am now .speaking of the llnlit sott of young men. not tho dand. whoso collcirc tialnhiR' has j,lwn hhn an ov.iltod opinion of liini- SC'II". I .till spO.lklllfT Of tllO I'Dlll'Kl -,'riilu.ite who is willing- to begin wheie iho 01 dlnary appioutiee lie'trnn: who Is willing, If ho is going Into the leather business, to mm ape hides, and if he Is going into the counting-loom, to do the wink ol an offlcc boy. In one oai such ti young man will Ion in a much about the business as the rnill mirj boy, uiiPiiulpped with a college ducatliiii, will learn in tin go. lie ionics to tin- business with a disci plined in hid. and with a taste tor ie sc.ncli ami investigation, which mean M-iythlns in model n business. Tt is not too mui li to s.iv that the vnllcRu li lined man is equipped with foices that cnnhlt liiiu inevitably to outstrip those of his eompetitois who have not had his ad milages Make a Sacrifice, it Necessaiy. "I'eopli who 'think otlieiwiso aie info led. 1 believe, by taking as the b.isis ol their deduction the coiulltlons .is they weie and not as they are. fnaei the obi business methods, when mil .svsteni was as ci ude as our ma ihlnerj. it made no particular illlfer i im whether or not a man had such li. lining as is leqalred imoollcge. It was nioio a ciuestion of Industry, willingness to wink long bonis nnd to dispense with oidinniy social rectoa tions. Todav. business is a science, and the seleiitillcally-oquiprod man is the one who will succeed. A boy is justllloil in making any sort of leason ablc s.n illiie to go tluoiigh college. Ho will get a foundation on which, if he is the light kind, he is certain to nni a substantial business success. '(July leeently I had in my own '"iisiiii'ss an lllusti.ulon that bears out his i oneluslon. In all our depart ments no tri- to he thoiotighly mod el u and up-to-date, because we know that ih.it lsessenti.il to confined pio p'Mily and success. Sly gientost fe.ir Is th,t 1 .shall boiomo old-t.ishioiiod, tb.it 1 shall tail to keep p.uo with the 1'ipld .nh.iiiie of modoi n Improve ments, an 1 1 am continually impiess inu upon mv people the importanee of pointing out to me any indication that 1 .mi slipping behind. Impiovcmont Is so Lipid tlmt machinery that is of the highest pe toilay may be antiquated In six months, .mil it then becomes the dutv ol ,i piogietslvo business man to tin em It out and leplace It with the modem appliances, it Is a costly ptoiess as a (list pioposltlon, bat the now machinei soon pa..s for Itself in a linger anil bettor product. Hold ing such iews. It Is conceivable that oar appliance's .no as modem as any. The Lesson Taught by n Young Man 'It was a young man tiesh fiom college who taught us otherwise, at least in oun pai tit ular, Ho was em ployed by us in one of our main tan neiles. This institution was In ehaige of a man who was competent, bright, oni'igetli ami, so Mr as any of us hi the tiado know, ilioioughly up-to-date The college graduate was put to wmk in the vats, sei aping hidcs-antl doing othoi manual labor necessaiy to tho ed in .il lun ot a good tanner Ho had not been at woik nianv mouths when. thanks to his tiainlng, he susKOsto 1 mi improvement that saved many lliollHinilH ol dollais, Wo had on one pioniises a deep-well system that sup plied the woiks with water pumped tiom a depth ot sown handled foot. Tim pump in oke one day, as It had don.- hetoiv, and stopped the woiks, 'The young man pointed out that an all pump was much nioio ivllable, much nioio ottcethe. much nioio econoiul oal His knowledge enabled him to piovo to us hs totieluslons. 'flip air pump was put in. Then he suggested that tho same s stein might be utilized In other dhectloiis and do away with a iKilt-iloK.'u biuall steam pumps that handled the tannin? liquids; we could make the one air pump do the work of all, ho said, by an Inexpensive system of piping Such economies aie inval liable to a inaiiiifauliiilUK concern, mui wo am till stitvlng ntter them. llu also suggested the eatiiblishnienl ol a luhorulorj tor the treatment of tho spent bark thnt K the baik that had bepn used up, accoitllug to tho tanning standards tlmt laid always prevailed. Ills eoutsi) In chemistry enabled him to niaku tests of this spent baik which showed that the must impiovml pio cesses that had bojii employed up to this time MUI leu u luige pejeeutago of tannic ucld. We elected u labouit iuy, accoidlng to Ids suggestions, ami now we save this pel rentage and usa up all the acid lu the baik. 'That young man has a caicei be ond a pi'tmlveutuie. Ho has realized on the e.punse of his allege educa tion " , The Tribune's Oftor, All this helps to prove what a great 'imui (unity there Is for some young man oi woman lu (lie oiler of The Tribune III lis liducatlonat Conlost. Scliolniflhlpft of $1,000 each In Lnfnyette and Swarthinoio colleges arc within the i each of the ones who will devote the nel four nionths to tt little cut-ncnt work, tl.iin your own odticntlon and It will do you it Kteat deal ntoro sood than if paid for by your paiuuts. Ktlll delalts of I he plan will be an nounced on Monday next, hut the rules will bo practically the sntue ns lost, year. Those who wish In enter should send their (unites to "Kdllor ICduea (lonal fontoBt, Seinnlon Tribune, Sei anion, Pa.," and hooks of subscrip tion blanks and a copy of the lutes will ho sent them on .Monday mm ti ll In tho meantime nuy questions will bo alisweied If piospeellvo con tostnnts will call at The Tilhtnip oUlco oi addio.s as above, FACTORVVILLE. Special to tlie Rcratiton Tribune. l''aotoiyvlllo, May il. The giailunllng expiclsus of iho graded school weie hold In the Methodist episcopal church last Kilday night. Thoio won- sis In the class this year, and although young' In .vears, they all showed the cnicTtil training they had along the line of education by the etllelent ooips ot to.iohois. The following piograinmu of the graduating- exorcises was cnnled out: Invoeatlon, ltev. (!. It. Smith: solo, Miss liesslo Spencer; salutatoiy, I 'mi I Smith: essay, "Home Influence," Kvn Ttoynolds: Instrumental solo, Mis. Jr. II. Foster: oration, "Kxpanslon," William Miller: essay, "Tho March of Intellect," Miss .Mabel Lindloy; solo. V. X. Manchester; class prophecy, Oiuce ''atpentor: solo, Miss Hessle Spenuer: speech, "School Llfo," Henry Mnthowsou; addiess. lie, v. .1. X. Lee: prosenlatlon of diplomas, by Pi of, liioiuley Smith; benediction. Keystone acudoiny base ball team met the School of the Lackawanna, on Keystone's gi omuls, Inst Saturday, and conquered them to the tune of 18-S. The gamp was full of biilllant plays all thiougli, and the spectators had plenty of chance for looting dining the game. Mls Aim del Head, foimeily of this place and wliuio she Is well known, but for the past ten or twelve yenis has been a pioinlncnl teacher at San Diego, ('a I., will sail tomorrow for Manila, whole she has accepted a position as teacher for three yeais. Mis. J. K. Zweizlg and son, Haiold. and daughteis. Blanche Xlnn and Catheilne Stalk, attended the Staik Bunnell wedding, at Kast Lemon, last Wednesday, A inotheis' meeting, led by Mis. (!. It. Smith, will he held at the reading moms of tho Women's Christian Tem perance union next Tuesday afternoon a't .'! o'clock. It will be followed liy a business meeting; of the Women's ChiistUn Temperance union. P.iulowna Hebpkah lodge will meet in icgular session at their moms on Tuesday evening. There will he nomi nation of otllcers for the ensuing term. At thp graduating exorcises of the graded school last Friday night, the graduating class presented Prof. D. O. Koe with a handsome pallor lamp, ns a token of esteem. Kev. O. It. Smith made the presentation. AW C. Wrlgley spent last Sunday with li lends in Scranton. Mr. and Mis. S. X. Simrell. of .Seiau tnn, were at the homo of their brother, 1!. .1. Crlsmnn, over Sunday. The common council of this place met in icgular session last Wednesday night and transacted such business as was on the slate. The street commit tee repoi ted that they had let the con tract for keeping In lepair the borough tieets to Mr. Aaron Phillips for one year, lie being the lowest responsible bidder. SUSQUEHANNA. Fpniil In Ilio 5cr.inton Tiiliune Susquehanna, May (i. Hev. mid Mis. Kdwln K. Noilly ni lived home this morning fmm their bridal tour, and aie receiving the congratulations of their 1 1 lends. A number of Susquehanna lelatlvea and ft lends were in Port Jervls on Sun day, attending the funeral of the late L'iIo Conductor John L. MeKnight. Former Sheriff Ward Deull, of Little Meadows, was in town on Saturday. Former Register ond Recorder Sam uel S. Wright, of Montrose, denies tho cm rent report that ho is a candidate lor congiess. Uc Is entitled to the benefit of the doubt. Two young men on Sa tin day even ing In oke Into the L'rie shops and weie arrested by the watehmnn. They will hae a hearing today. Prof. .1. W. Roberts, of Klmlra. oc cupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian ohm eh on Sunday moinlng' and even Inf James Montgomeiy loft on Satin day for Milwaukee, to attend tho conven tion of the Paoiherlinod ot Railroad Trainmen. Hy some locont changes, ('hailes Hi own is now night Krle engine dis patcher. John Montgomery Is day foie niau of the loiind-housc. William rt nior Is night foiemnn of the loimil house. Lewis Hlckey remains day en gine dispatcher. The runeial of S, 11. Canegl.i, an aged losidcnt of Stevens' Point, took plaio fmm the Stevens' Point Medio (list church on Sunday nftornoon, (he pistor. Rev. D. L. Mookln, olliciating. Deceased had been mairloil just tlitv years on the day of his iioaiii The Susquehanna County .Medical on doty will meet at Montrose, on Hun day. Mr and Mis. V, D. Lyons, of Main stioet, mv entertaining Mis, Smith Lyons and daughter, Miss Fiances, of Alliens. Pa. in the Hrushvillp RafMtst chuieh on Wednesday afternoon, after the ser vices the memoilnl supper will be oh sei veil. Mis. Frank Roebo Is III nt her home on the Oakland side. Them was communion set vice In the llaptlst chinch on Sunday morning, The Older of tho ICastern Star will hold a social June i:'. The regular annuul meeting or the Susqiudiunna High School Alumni as soclatlon w be held at the homo of the piesicjent, Miss Mumle M. Metzger, on Wednesday evening. AVOCA, James Young, aged fifteen yean, son of .Mr. and Mis, Archibald Young, of the Xoith Hud, wUh instantly killed yesteiday morning in ,0, 3 j,ilatt 0, tlm Hi If company. He was employed us dilver, and was tiding In iiont of the cat, when he foil on the track, the cai passing oyei his body, Deceased was a promising ouns man, of u jovlul disposition and a tnvorite among his companions. Resides his patents, he Is biuvlied by beml brothers mid slstei. The funeral will take place on Thursday nftemoou. Inteiment will be lu La 11 gel life cemetery. An advance In Muses went Into ef. feet on Monday at the Avoca silk mill. The follov-ln; Is the sclt ot wagtt; An advance ot twentyflve cents will be nlven to all einploycs who aro now receiving less than $4 per week. Tits sah wlndera will be paid from $i.2n to $3 per week, nccordlne to the number of ends kept running. Allowance, will bo mado on exceptionally bad Tussnh. Ttlssah dotiblots will bo paid ft 0111 $.!.?. to $1 per week, according In III') ends kept up. Dnndcrs, or tubbing otul put ling on Canton skeins, lll be paid ti per week. Tho mill will i tin ten and a halt hours five clus of the week, and nnployes wot king fivn bonis on Satur day will bo paid seven and a half bonis dining thp healed nionths. The Mttcklow family, of Dtipont, left Vosteidiiv to teslde In Diego, AV. Vn. Daniel MuMllllln, of the Xoith Hnd. accompanied theni. On account of the lack ot a quotum there was no council meeting on Mon day evpiilng. TUNKHANNOCK. fperUt tn tlis Siranloii Tclbunt. Ttinkhannook, May fi. Temple aim. mandeiy, Knlghta Templar, will hold Ascension day exercises In the Metho dist Hplscopal church on Thursday evening, May It!. Tho sir knights of Dlonln Vent coinmandoiy, of Wilkes. Rnrie. and Wyoming Valley command cry, of Plttston, will participate Frank Ace. who is employed at the mill of the Moses Shield Dine Stone company, nt Nicholson, spent Sunday with his family at this place The Women's Christian Temperance union will meet at the homo of Mrs. H. AV. Hal dwell on AVednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The family of John Council, of Hast Tioga stiect, aiclll with tho measles. The Canning- company was contract ing with several farmers last week to grow a limited acreage of Egyptian beets. Hon. Martin Hiunsess, of Xorlh nioroland, was doing business lu town on Monday. C. A. Little, esq.. Is making some Im Piovcments on his losldence on AVvn ining avenue. The remains of the late Scott Stark, who died in Ualtinioio. weie brought hem on Simdoy night. The funeral took place at Stalk's church on Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Inter ment in Stalk's cemeteiy. 'Squire John P.. Edwards, of L.uey vlllc. was doing business in town on Monday. NEW MILFORP. SKihl tn Hip Reunion Tiiliiiuc Xew Mllfoul. May 7. Mr. and Mr.-. H. A. Lyons, of Montrose, spent Sun day with relatives In town. Mi p. Bert AVaterman. ot Hallstead, was In town Saturday and Sunday, and her little niece. Miss Mlldied A'an Cott. accompanied her home. Miss Henrietta Hayden is lslilug friends nnd relatives In Xow Yoik. Forty-tic dollais was cleat ed at the enlei tainnient at the Opera House Snturdny evening, for the benefit of St. Mink's chuioh. Mr. nnd Mis. T. (! Inderlled enter tained niughamtoii f 1 lends Satuulay and Sunday. A son was boiu to Mi. and Mis. C. II. Alney May 3th. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O 0 0 0 0 THEATRICAL. 0 o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ATTRACTIONS TODAY. UADI.MY Mjcnilo.v-l'jltoii 1 iimpim l il inn 1111U mglit, "In the Palace of the King." sturdy, iille lilolo'h.1111.1. 8fr(0il willi uiinaii. tn paiicp.w.n tin- aici'iituMi' 1IIM1 i,ip.c ntnl .it tli T..WCHM jistciiKiy b .Mi-. iol.i Alb 11 .mil lu r spleniliil cniniiiii. In ciciliiiK "In the I'.dare of tlm Kinu" .1 Kiunpuliat loiind-aliout .mil limi-u il iiielliu.1 u niloptoil, ('. Marion I'ldxttoul u.ts coiiiiiiisioneil to vrito a book from wlikli a la fur Miw Allen coulil be tnKcn. Ilo clcctoiI t lie tinii of l'lillip Hie fioconil nnd .sp.iin a the sei'iie of Ins story jnil nude Ills lioioine, (lie cluiacici Mts Mien was deqincil to plav the loely Diru Mai 1 1 lloloie lie .Mendoza. Tlie Moij computed, I oilmei Stoddaid.llieplijHrislit.took it in iliJipe and fiom il eolved the fina diawa seen at tlm I.weiim jesteriliy aft ei noon and l.i-t nisht. Viitli nneliit ar.d pi i w right xtiiut.R tn pioduce a slase clmai tor which Mis'. Allen could efkethe-1- picsent II is not wondeilul tint thcli woik a a good fit, and a swd 111 it iir.o,uesllonalily is. t both peifornuners je-truliy (lie (ai noird cieat triumpli-,. Tlie 1 01 lain calls wic niniicious, lieaity and insistent. In all the iiir,- 1 motions and pa.on dial blluecl the jimnsr Spjulsli minaii, who loil Dm .lohn -n .iidintly. Ml--. Allen wis adinhatdy (omliuin, she piescnted 11 .Mums woman ..f lionir natino ami ip-ulute will l.o wa-, as lea. le.s as he a true anil noble Miei iIm splemilil nene in the tliionc loom wheie.p.IoiN Riaduallv .iiuii-es the noble, of spair tip,a lale of frenzy of devollon to lie Imperilled Don .lolm, the uudleme t..ie MKs Allen 1 great n.'itiou. P I, a hceue woiKed out with line sKIII and cm be 1I1 pendeil upon In .iioiim- the coldi-t nudloiiie, b. the 1.1-1 act ll.e fLCtie UtHecu Djloie-. nnd Ihe Kins ! 11P0 biileinhdlv ilnM-, 'ilu- wnid nuiwli. 1111.1 lu fallen into 1 1 i i 1 0 and !. nn- iiu illy .lo-nilulril will, clicup "thill, hi-," so "hi the Palaiv nr thn Kam" is l.'U libelled "iihIiiiIi,iiii." but meluiliinii it 1- aid of 11 kind that it ii rii. d In see come bill, to Ihe stage. Allei the piolilnii plan, well: l.nud lcuiiutio diamas aid ulteil.t uelc-- diaui. alinlion ili- stniy 01 t,i locs .aid lutes ant ambitious ot pel-ills who aie nitiiunl by i, human niotivi., tal.es stinng hold on the thoal.s'. goiis and in pal eplauis the mandoiis oiu if." thai has atlended tin piodiictlon ut tho play tiom the lipsiiiiilric. lll-s Allen N anothei ii.untlon, and it amUilug tinlliir is needed it i finuHliiil by hn line lompaio., Itolieit 'I', llaiuci as Hon John was I1.111J seme, muil.v and a -ood Ioei, , 1.'. Ilonney vas sulflcleiitly illalnoin us King IMiillp, ami I, leklie Allen mui flireiue lljndisldn uiade ijood impiesdoiij In the iuipoilant toles assl?ued to llu in. William Nouls' v.oik 11, Adoiiu, the lomt jeetei, uttiaclcd ninth attention. He is the actor vhoe pioscniatlon 01 the mle of Iho iccentiic poet in "'Ihe t'luldien ot the IjhUtii'' was audi ,1 (eatuu 01 that inenioiablo piocliictloii, Maicli Van Ptetser. who will be lemembeied by stiantonluiis as Ihe prima dor.tu ol the Uv.. lonlaiu, letcaled rpleudid duiii.ille ahilii In Ihe ude of the I'llme.s-. nt i:toli uinl Ceitiu.la Xornian uj tho blhid sister of DoloiPi., shown! Ilnu discrimination In piocittiua; Hut illtllci.lt lole. 'IIm plav is laid hi the AUuji, the Palate d tlio Kinir of Spain, in 157n, and i iirtacnti.it 111 iv scciii?, all met elaboutely stajed, 'llu? audience tint uoudc-d tlie theatei .ill.i noon and niglil were the lucjesl (hat weie mr seen in the thsatci. In the audieme la,t night was Mi fieillia (LiIIjimI, who was Hit, car sUiieJ jciinllt iv llh llaclidt In "llu Piide nf Jllllli'O." ' BASE BALL. National League. i Bo.luu - it 11 IhowUlyn '10 1 00 (10 0 0.-1 h. Uostou , 0 0 0 u 0 O 1) (I 3-; 7 ( natlriie.sDonoMiii mil Metallic; tlll, law ton and HltUldje. I'mplie 0'D.j At .Sew York It II : PliilJdelphU . .. '.' 00011 I I 00-1 It ,i N'w Yultt I 0(11 JO (Ox 3 It 'J Uatlerlco Duisleby and Mcl'atlandi Tajl'ir and itowiiman. 1'inplic Nash. l Clilt.iyo- I'lltJnii? ( Idcsyij It .1 0 i I u 0 1- 5 .0 i 0 u n 0 H (XI- u II. li. i: lUtteilM-r.hMlno and OT'ciinorj Tilor ind Kilns', t'wplfc !). At (Inelnnitl - II. II II. H. IkjuU ..I 2DII 0 0 (Hi 0 0 11 .1 HI I Chictiiliitl ...... t 0 1MI0 t U0 1 0 l-l 'l 'J llilfrtlei t'nrll and lljlti! Mrnditrn lnl Kehoe. I'liiplie- l!inlle, Ainerlcnn Lcngue. It Plilladelphiii" II. II I' Itrttllmnie t t I 0 14 I Jl a It 1.1 I IMillilitelilill I 1 I) I 110 I O-10 II .1 llatteiir-Siliiiil(ll, Unwell and Itoblh'oiu .Mllllwn, I'latt uriil I'.iweM. fiiitihe-lliikell, Al V.ilihiBlou - , It II. I! lloloii 0 II 1 : I 0 II ". 7 II II W.idilnelon I 000(1 1 Oal-sl I J llillMle"Kelhilu iilnl Crlcei; I'liulik and I Ink. I'mplie. ('.inlllllnii, M Milwailke- r It. II l!. Detiolt 11 t 11 11 t ;l (i I 0-1 In .1 Milwaukee I I 11 0 1) 0 IMI II--J 7 1 lljlli'ilo-'il'l. mid McAIIPln: Spirks ind l.cnhy. t mplie Cntinolh, M Cleirlanilrif (eland ("lilmn, mi uime.iiilii. Enstein League. Illlllfiilll, ."' M'(,l'l, I s.hiii.i, 7; Piiiildi'iiii', (I, Hi ih"tu, II; 'I iiio.ito. I, Monliml, 'I, lluflulii, 4 AMATEUB BASE BALL. 'Ihe I Mop t'oue l'ae Hill le.nn will play Ih" 1. 111 I'ai toiy team 011 the I, ice faclciy Sinmiils S.ilniilas Mil II. P. .1, I, noon, limn a.'ii. 'Hie Cornels line hall team would like to play the Orioles Sunday afternoon, Jliy ti on Oi Ink's ginmiil. An-wei soon. Tmu folltn, nimagei. THE MARKETS. Wall Btrcat RItt. New York, May 7. Today's l..i k iiiukit showed all 1 lie guilalimis of sciiliinriit lioin tiiinyanl elation at tin opening tn ll-iml 1 1 alaiiu oig-lnpr en demoialiratlou in the latter p.ut of the day. The uiaikeL hlnxed aliunsi in Ihely on Xoithein Paiflii. The cxtiaonllinry demand for that stock continued and it almi'-i duplicated esteulac's ilse, aitcanclug an cvtiiuii' iJ'i minpaied with i ,ostiida). The supped. lion Is lint the leient tloit lu v-eiine 1011I10I nf I'nloii I'acitli' led lo a tetallaloiy niotenient nil Ihe put of the powerful c.ipitall-ts who 1011I10I t'lilnu 1'acllli to embairasK the Nnilh ein P.11 1 He Interests with 111 ci.foioed conte-t tn liiiililaln tlnil coutiol. The siiue-s ot the plln must lie aihnilted If such 11 sltuggle U leally the mine of the Inylntc ill N'oilhein I'jcIAi . Hit1 binkeis cinplnjed In the Imjlni; seiu: f -onuj cniiiilioiatlon for such a supposition. A house wlili li was crtdilrd with litre hi; two Iniuiiied Ihniiind shares jeteulay was a Innci of tun 01 Ihuii-ands of slian- toda. and was at the fame time lending mil the stuck foi (he In 111 ft of the shorts to an amount estiiultt'il at one liuudied Ihoiuaud shares thus -liliiin; lo alia." the alaiui of Ihe liorl iutere-l and thus dts. iiMiiagliiK the lopothe-is Hut the I1113 inn nioe. unlit w.k ilrsl;uiit fni .1 -ipteee agatu-t the -licit-. 'the appeal. lines tot lie 1 wenL lo shnw that (he -hoit tnteit"! was amoiiK the indttos. 'Ihe preMiiiiit!nus whlih might How finni tho but of Mich a -ling-ale between gieat gioups ni 1 ipilali-ts li.nl a 1 hilling; etlict on the whole spiiiilallcui. Pen one lliilw II would point lo .1 slntp ol sinilii llseniss between intciests which had' bien -uppncd In b" woikiug' in acioul in sleiil of piogiess in a couiniuull.c nf iiiIimv-'ji it would point tn a Riowih of gigantic liwiltt Willi le-ull ml pnwei of coiupi titlon eseeeding iiiothliiK m the i.ulroid w.iw ot the pasl. It would indicate 11I-0 lhal I lie leading fl111111i.1l inleie-l whlih his been the lonspiiuous ilgm s in all the lecciit gieat I1i1.nifl.1l pi ins had been nnliri'iiei.ilril. llieie weie leais ilo lint the inllip-i. to tollow Ihe colillle li-e in nitluin I'leitie wniilil HufaMii ibh .litre I (hew hole Moil, liinikel. 'Hie Illinois leiriiiliiiK' Noilhein l'aeilit lid not In gin to dike this foini until Lite in the do, ltiHiits Dili the piefened stock wa- to hue ihe nptlnn ul eilnnge with Hie cninmon sloik and so doing aw.ic witli its nrioi cliims sent Nnitlioin Panfin piuiened up mil' 10 pohiN, Caiiailini I 'ar ilii continued Us aihanie on the ttienu dill hs piospeitixe e.tntiol ti, Noillieiii I'.n ilk gnc Ihe latter slock its slienglli. I'ninn I'.n iin was 11111 up to lMi'j lu .01 attempt on the put in it- iriends to i.illv it to figiues 1 nintiiensin ite with Xottherii 1'aiifi''. 'Ilii'so stocks (onslitnteil (he u'ally nntalile li.i. lutes 01 strenslb in Ihe luiiket allci Ihe open ing bulge, which was ipnte general and was due to the imiisli 01 Imtinir nideis fiom the now wldi ly estendeil ispeiulallce inl)llr. Tin so opening g-ains ran noin 1 to 'J points prette gcnirallv and tiom .'! (o I pniuts in sugu and I'liinu Pacilli, The quick fmmils mule upon lli-e prius by iialbhtg and the luipiiiuieul of (he liuunir powci discouraged the roiitliiiii'icc ofllie spcciililion foi the use. 'the tale -elllmr was enhanied by I lie di-n 0111 agi mint of tuuiil holdeis whn aie onl uillini. tn hold on .1 rii. The bleak at the list s -iceic, leichhig s in N'oilhein I'.n Hie, b1.. in St. Paul, S in I'i'ioii I'.nilir. .-.1.; in Itoik M.,nd. .' in llillim .mil Ohio, and between 'J and " pninls in the laitfe luajniity of the active li-t. 'Ihe t'nited Malis sleil .-locks wile again under piessuie tlunugli out and the cniteni go-sip attributed this liijutd. .litem In 1 -liifliiu ot holdings It. mi the steil sloiks inti) aihoads. 1'iiees closed above I lie lowest as bears took quid; profit-, lint the 1 In-,. in' undeitonc continued ilMiriolh weik. 'I0l.1t sites, 2.070.0IW Ii.ue-. The bond niiikel was i.mte active and inegii 111. Tntal sales pir value. ',1S0.IX)H. t. S . deelined 'j and the .Is U pel cent on Hi.' lit tall. The following quotations aie fiirnishrd Tha Tilhnne by M. !. Jordan .t Co., looms 705-7J1 Hears building, Scranton, Pa. Telephone 50M: Open- High. Low- tins- inc. est, est. nw, Aiuciiian sin,ii I"ii1 l,-.ij lis lis Amu. Tohaecn l."i Ul'i 1J7 IJ7 Atihison S7 S7H S.P.. s Atchison, IN 10nT 107i llH'i HUT, III. ,ok. Tiaclion "W r : fP Pill, k Oh 1 112 lb'! K's His ('out. Toll le en .'J'i i'j ,11 "'t t'his. ,t Ohle 'a)1, .11 4ii ii; 4 hie. 4: Ot. West il1. 'Jl'i 2l'a '-'IH (hli n. efc () llli'i 1IW l'l'.lj V!i St. Paul C7 IS7 I7!' ll Itoik Island Idl'i inn lnl nil Kali. & Te., I'l dn Hi i.l n I.011U. & Na-li ICi's P". 107'.. 1UN; Man, Klevalid lie, lu'7'j IJPa l.'l Met. Tiaelion I7ii's 170'; Dili 107s Stis-o. Paeill l llf.1; 1I.IU ll.'P.. Sniitheiu Paclllc .HJi lii'i .11'.. .11" j Noifidk .. Wesiein. ... IPj V, 1(1.. ,-.lj Voltlieiu Paeitle U' Jln'e U7''4 ll.llj Noilh, Paeihr, I'l, . .. I'D ll.l'j I(U 110 V. . Cenlial bll Vil'j lOH'i ltd'; Ontaiio .t M'e-I A; . M JH'i Puiiii. It. It HPj IV" j 111 11li lteaihng llv 41 Ifiij 4l'j IVi Knaillm; llv., Pi '0 Ml 7 7S .sonthcin II. It :H'i .ll1. :i ?.i South, H, l(.. Pi n S7 s'.ij S.Vj 'leiiii. Cud & lion, ,,, Im"s i..'."! n; til I. S. I.eatliei 11 ll'i Us 11 I. S, l.ealhei, IV, 7h'i 7s'j 7s'j 7d'j I'lilon Pacific Ii7'j l.iJ's lili Ui'i I'nion Paeillo, I l'7'a 0? i: 117 Whiii.li, Pi 4J I! 4ij 4- Western (Jnloi nsi 'i'l Onij s,ij Col, I'uel Iron ii JO!'. IOJ'4 loji Amal. Copper Ui' 1'JHj ui i.'.'tj I'luphl's Has 117 117 II. Hi ICO. Illle :.- . 13 I3i 0si Texas Pacific Wis .'.lss 4s1i 4'i'i lT. S. Steel Co il 13 .1IU 6lj f S Sleel To., I'r... 100 iii)"a Us UsJ Scrantou Board ot Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Baaed on Par of 100. STOCKS. Oh, Asked. First Katlorid Bank I2W Seunten fiavtnfs (UnW J50 ,,, Thlnl National Hank .pu Diuie Depo-lt and Dircwnt Uink., 273 lnomy Unlit, II. & IV Co. ii I.xLi. Ituit safe Pcpoilt Co 151) ,,, Clirk eV Snover Co., I'r. IS5 Scranton lion Pence Alls', t-o- 10) Scranton Axle Work , u,', Utkawanna Daliy to , I'r. , q County Sailngn Uaak Jt Ituit (.0., iix) ... First National Bank (Cartondjle),, ,,, bwi Standard Unlllns Co. , y) liadera' National Bank ,,,.,,,,,, MS ,,, Scianton Holt and v,'t0J(S"' V ... Scranton Pass;nxer Hallway, Srit Horttjage, due 1010 ,,,..,,., JU ,,, People'a btreet Rail" a)', 8rt mort. B4e, due 1918 J3 ... People' fatieet Hallway, General Mortgage, due 1021 (15 Dickson McMUlai turliijr (u , KM i..k. Tn.na.ln S. Iionl fi ner fnt. ... im City ol Scranton bt. Imp. 8 per tew, , .! i; Sciauton 'tiaetlen S per cent 115 Scranton Wholesale Market. Ucnieitnl by II (i. Hale -'7 l.aekawam.a ve.i Uulltr-riraniel). ciM. Wa-.le ; licdi, '.'.'ajil.-e.; dairy, lierli, (O'Ja'JO'ii. tlie(e tull ireain. Ual-ic l'S Wnlfin tiesh. IH. o Ijv.; neaihy state, 15',3 to 1U. Berlin I'm liu., choice inanow, VJ.OJaJ.l'U. Tea lUau,-IVi tm., ."holei- ininuw, !-i.iU!u. llrillum Beans -I'ci liu., J.0a.l1. (lieen I'eje,- I'ei lnl . 'tt IVal U THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thin Pour Llnei, ,t enls (or Maclt Ktr Line. For Rent. For Reoto Store in Tlie Tribune bulldiiig, now occupied by the Times. In cluding Desks, Stcun Heat nnd Electric Light. Also 1200 feet of lloor sp.ice on 4H1 lloor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufucturing. In cluding heat, light and power. I-iiquire at office ol THH TRIBUNIi. 'Ill l.i:r-Af Shelter Mand. New Vol It. (routing on I'eomlc (lay, tuinl-hed tottnuei ii loom, S hedioniiH; liihle, fu'ii heists; eoach man's ipntteii; IntuiovenieiiK: hro.nl (eranda; Poll eocheiii emiliiji' dipot! vugon; two he.itii pilvate Inlli hoii'e (! looiiu); windmill vvati'i povvei ; live tnlt.ulis Sew Vml.: slramtmat landiiiir. Addics Hvvnri. I'. SI. Tiliimi. l"0 'Jim stteet. Ilicmklvn. .V. . 1 OK lir.X'l' III Mmmvv. two li luolii lniti-" fm semnu: li.eiliiiil w.ilei: mcl. .mil htile ill 1r.11 of lot: MO foi sr.iMin. Vdilifw V., Iilhune. I'OII ItPAT (ll'IIINfJ M MMI'.lt-l.aiRe tinni-hed dvvelllm: in M.immIv; hjihIoim pnnlii-i, luce lawn, h.ule, pule vvatei. Unit In iliuiulaiiie, kii deii planteil, luin. I). I.. Poly. Mnveil.v, I'a.t 1-red ('. Ilan.ven. .)Ji'j Wahlii(tton avenue.. Sl'.l'I.N el.f.iia I0.1HI-, pi'l pitnted and p.ipii.'d. on .letteiruii avi'iue; ll per Hionth: al o one' him. pplv Coal I'Acliaii'ce, lloom Xo. t. HALF DOl'lll.t: lllllst:. It,!)"' Pine lc'et ; l loom-, l(i. 1 I lilt lli:l M f.'lenlitnii, uu eiclit-ionii. Iiou-e and nioiiniK fm Ihe season; line lui.illo.ii; Mien 11111111(11 vviill, lioui Ihe .station. Willi" Ml-. I'. (', Hall, (ileiil.uin, l"a. lOlt (".XT Siliule hru-e. 1741 ("apoll-e lvemie, Voi tit Pnrk; fiiinlhil m niifiniiMieil. ptdv on pienii-e. l'l.T 1 Oil rtl'.NT with -leiir heat i.ml all moil cm improvement!-. Appl.v at .'.10 Linden sticel. run citi:i:x itmr.i: ".ritKirr. ten room. modeni iiiipimeiimil-,; tteam heat fuinUhed; delr-dc-halde. Booms to Bent. liOOMs Til 111. M At Vn 117 I'eiin .wimie, .i nnd tloor II. M. Hamuli. lor Sale. .wwvuie.- t OK SAM: Hentle drivinc hoie tm lulv ol en I Ionian: k ie.lt haimm. .Ill l.inden -.tieet. I.MIIIW lliivinir llniKe" lot sile; an ideal hone tot anv one; peitee ll.v Miutid and leaile-, S .whim old: weight 'mhI .j O'io lb-.; pine MV), tm hi-.. Apply b') Monioe avenue. Beal Estate. M.iiOO flu.Vf. niX'tiienii. -inIe Iioiih", cood well. Lot iniKJOO. s,,, niton -licet, D.illon. Pi. Wells k Kiatot. M.S'Kl llil.ei liilildilii: lnl, I011H. Mhielcl ave nue. Will A Keiiter, Hun Iltiildlns. sJ.iiui) Hu.Vs ilouldi hoit-e. 7 ioom! on a ntde, all itnprovemeitt'i, except ra-. Dean (.lieel, I'tovi. dencc. WelN & Keatov. Agents Wanted. WAV nil) AueiiN iii cimai-s foi the I'anmus Miialuifi: Collet: eu-ioui in ide. Aildreis Mr. II. Smiliii?, 14J .Main i-licct i:.i-l, Kuehestei, N.. Situations Wanted. sin ATKIN WAVrKD- liy a onus nun .ne hooK. Ueipei nnd t.Vevviilei ; i.ln give tefirciice; Mii.ill s.llar.v. Addle Wesley II, Meavci, l.opc, Sullivan iiiuiitv, Pa. SI'II'VTIO.V WA.S'lt:i)-IIv .i .voiiiir sill, It ,e.ir old, as IHH.-L' Kill nt etiaud trill. Call ni nddtcsTi 401 'iheudniu ticit. SUI'ATIOV WA.M'i:!) I'l.iitical new-pappi man of miny Jens" epeileine wlhes in otitatn .1 po-ition ns" .idveiti-.linf vviiter with some lepula tile and le-pnitnihle linu-c I- a ptai Hull piintd, kliovviui; the li-e ol l.vpe, .ind how he-1 tu ill play it in liniltiil -pace, fan liuni-li tlie iiij lie-l of uierencei. Addieis "'Id. Wiitri," e..ie 'Ciihmie ottiee WAV'li:i Mink h.v Ihe dn .n laiinilie-; i.ln She lict of city icfiicme itdte-s 7HJ I.lm Mlecl. II Jl. Ml I'AI ION WAVmi P.v a woman to go mil hoiisec leaning oi v.oiliinK h.v the dav, I. ill 2.0 l.iiiden .lieet. f-Ill MIOX VTI.I-I a joinis mui, "0 ji im of ajej his live jeaii" espitii'tice a .n j--.l-i.mi liook'ncepei ; al-i is ,i fit si ill.-, hill iii.d ettlj ileik; uond piiuuiti; qnli I. an.; uicmile al limine- Cm tuitil-h In -I eil iiVi et.ii'. ilille-- II. I)., e lie Iilhune, W.WllIII-I'n-ltlni hv luiildle aied lulv, a-hoit-i ki i p"r in .-in. .II l.unll.v ; ttood nlii ence. (.'all ot addle- .,, .111 Allans avenue. Mil WIOV WWTIlll ll.v an evpinenced lni- ii!litihei ; cood uleii uim itivtli. ilillc.--. H , 'I illume iiiAci". sirr.viiox WA.ri:i)-ny jomm nun, a Lolleitm; li.i- lad tour j .u.-.' evpeiieice witli u leailitn; 1'im ol IliU i it; .i.nl cm tuilil-li A Xo. 1 iileiciiie-. Addte-s . e', (5,, 'iriht.ne. DiiIoih Per Im., S,i)i..V). I'loill Hit-t iat(iit, p.l liatiel, l ni Hid iKIdney llean Pir Int., I'jj.vi I'olatoc' V)e, luii-ln 1, lleimuiU Onionj--si..l'aJ. I "i. Philadelphia Oiniu nnd Pioduc. I'lilladelphU, ILy 7.-11 heat -film, i, hie.li ei; contiaet srade", Jlav, 7nj7u1ii. (uiii-.i leiwei; Xo. 2 inued, May, IvlJiit'llii. 0 its He. louei; .Nil. 2 white clippul, .vi'e. tno IllicliaiiijCil. Ilulli'l I'lllil. xood demand ; tune vmt i'l u cieimcij, Ji)i',; do, tin pilut., 2li,, do, Ileal by do.. -! I.'KB-- 1 illil .ind ',jc. IiImIi n; lush neaihj, l.l'ai.i dn. vve-teru, I !!. ; do. toutliweslnu. l-'je.; do, sniilluni, I'Ji, Cheese Steadj ; .V. V. lull eieaiu., lancj- Mitall, U'.sJll'.'cC.; do. do, liu,, new clu. do.. It,,; do, do, do, do, tall In aci.il, isi;.,., IMim.l iiRais I'ncliiutjid. Cutlnii -i;i. lowei; inlil ellins upland-, h J.(U, Tullow-sleadv ; ehv prime in lllnl.-., IT,u; cnuuli.e dn. do,, hid. , lVJul7c,! eake, Ottan'.i. I.hi' pnulliv -senlv, lair demand; luvvl-, ll',!.i.; ul.l n.u-111,', 71; aS.',; wltitci cliliKoiH, IKalle.; .pilni; 1 hli I,. en, itaWe.j duilo, Id. )ir-.u n,tiltu I'iiiii. xood ileiiiind; lowl., ilioiie, Hi , '.!.. lair to good, lllil'..i.; uld ici.)i, ;.; ( t lot; 1 hit kens, tini'ti, 10a! It.; uuliiti-, lievu, pi alJi'.i duel... lOalJe. Kieelpts I'lmn, ,7im hitiel., aid 'J.iitu.niii pouude In t-ail.fi wheal, ,1,in lui-hel; 1.1I1.. 7l.o0il builirU; bai, .'i.mn. Mipimnu Ml.eat, SHU hu-ln'Ni enlu, .'Vl.i.nl l.i.li, I., .,,1 , :i,ief) hu.hel, Nw Yotlt Giain and Pionuun. New oik. Mil T.V I stcallti Hid 'ml) aitlve. Wheat -Spot thin; .No. 'j 1 d, !'... 1 o. Il ottoat, and eJc. elev itm . W, nnfii.t' n IHIiltli, bit. f, n. li. .il'.ui iiiew) llptit'iie c!ici.til nun and IdKlicr; ih.-cd ilnu ii 'ia-... p. t advatt't". Jlav clin.cl li. : Inh 711..; Apt.. (f. I . rii spot dull; Nn. j. '.,i,i. 1 v.itui. aid 4 (. I. p. h. all ml. iiptU'ti mail el i.pe"n.'d Uedv lei; luiiie,! wejk. I U it n jli al .1 paillal 'cl. tut ileellt.e Jl i.v elm .1 .'!' ., lulv, 'ii'v.- s.pi., 4; Oat, -Spot mm; "v. J. .S.I'...' No. 'i, I. : Nn. 2 v.lilf. .MIjiJl. . No. J vvniit", k : nai '. ml, ci, wr!ciii, t,V'..a , ite.: Unci. widH, i'l?1!. Dp. 11.11, ,l.i-,t ,,. tiaidy stcadj ulili evm. '.liHtti -riini; eicuu- ' ij, tJallh.; iJttciiv, lUI'e,; iniliillnii tie in. ' t'l.v. i.aiie.; .uif njiiv, ."lait-i. t hcs. -liiit; laittj' laisc nduuil. lutt...; utifv lai, uluivl. lOlii.s I Jl 1 1 lai.e e,lfl i)t;jpii. unej mull tuluieil. H'.e ; tjnej .mil. iin, ll'Je. IV'.j -lei'lv .tne aid I'u.iw , IP., 3 More Help Wanted Male. WAYIi:H-A hell Im. ulitml li jean nlih !" 1 (In man. si, (Mills hotel. WANTKtTlA 'lulgiil-Imhj" oirniil 1! wlllln tu iinlte liltmclf uHieiall)' iii fill hi iitflti'. Ap ply in own luniluillinif. Addies W, II., Irlh. lilie citllee. WA.NTi;i) Saleilii'"!!. liavelltn; or lotah uieklj salaiy paid. Ileiilck Seed Co., Itnchelei, HAVl'I'll A Inn to ham the ilnnr luilne. nr (Hli' with Millie: t'pcilcn(t'. Aildlrsi, 1)1 lief, Trilnine (ilflit". MAN'lllI) Mtiait, hiiihwoiklin; jmii b man, 11I1011I 11; willing to sell goods and .il He' futne time dn IiIkIi class lllioilnc work. Mmtlj out n( town woik. 'll.e Hindi man Oil and pe chilly Co, t llaee sheet, ellj, NOt'S'H .MAN', between 1(1 and JO", .rood oppn tntiitj to lemi lew bulnes. (ill lielnie P u, in, 2.12 Adam .nnuie. ACTIVi; .MAN by large iiiiiuulaitiiiiiiir house lu woik at home. ?!, m hi nidi pild tnt (welve dajs' ttlali promotion and peiinaneiit ln slllon If mtlfacloiy. Aililii"i. S. I'. to,, .Jl Itiiiisltid .siiecl, Philadelphia, IM. Help Wanted Female. WAXTliO A Rood hon-ekeipi'i, between 2 and K) yeiirn o( tiite; miisl be I'lolwlitnl; unod witRe unit Ileum foi liitlit pirtj'. Apply between 7 allll S p. HI I JIl'ILHIII, Ill.s V. SIIIUIIll MM". mie, dty. WAXTt.ll hypericin eel jchiiik lady fleiioiriaihil. ,dihe.-H Sleuoxiaphii, 'liilinii" olllce". WAN'IIIH i;)ieilenied opcratou on I..11I11-' Mm lln l'ndTttc.11 j Kood piln". Mo wotk iiiven cm. Impcilal riidtiweii In, Ilnu biiltdlns, 11.1-hliiglon avenue. WA.VTKU- rweiilv-llio women foi vvi'aver. wind us aiid -poeleii- steadv vvuik(i-i e'lin make Rood waite-. I'lluili-s pieteileil. Illnoin-bitt a; I'jipel Wmkf. Hlor.iitvliuiis, !'a. BRANCH WANT WFFIOKS. Want Advertisements Will Be Beceived at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stoies Until 10 P. Id. Central City AMII'ltr sClll.rt, in Mtilbdiy- itteet nnd Wilistei u.eiiiii". lifMIAV I'lflll.f., U".n daiii .ivcime. West Side (il.OIKii: W. ,11'AKINs, ul s.uitl, Mil,, avenue. South Scranton HUTU I.. Ii:iil,l't:. 7J'I ('edit avillil". Noith Scianton C.'i:i. W. DAVIS, coriiir Nmih Mini aventiL" and .Market sticel. Gieen Bidge iii.m.i:s 1: .josi:. 1317 imk-uti .1 VI line. I'. I. .IOH.Ns, fi.'o r.'ierii ItiiU'o stt.it. ('. lOKKN'Z. miner Wa-litnlnn .t- line and Villon -lieel. Peteisburg II. KNJ.Pn.l.. 11)17 livlitjj- ivir.ue. Bunmoie .1. . 110.Ni; i so.Ni Money to Loan. JlONi;i to loan on imuroved cllj- reil estate. IICN'RV Bi:i.lN. .IK. ('HAS. 11. wi:i,i,i.s. THOJtAS SI'ltACHi:. ln.',iitsi to LOAN" Low e-l ile; slralslit or i.iniill.l.i p.,jmciils. Stark 4 Co.,Tiadus lil-ls. STIIWCIIT I.Oans for anv amount, interest I to l per cent , ejn be obtained Iiont I. Dun ii"llj. I't Traders' National bank buildini,. 1 Hi: I'll.N'J. Jll'TCU. I.IKI". insukanci; (OM. I'AN'V will loan upon fin-t mciitRase upon cenliall.v loialed piopeilies nj' amount fur tern of jeii-, al low- rale nf inteie-l. (apwell, At loine.v, I'atill Hitlldinsr. SIKIK.'IIT loans in aniouno ysi to sion.ixxi at -lij to 0 per cent; pajnicnta inuiitldv, spmi'.inntiallv oi veailv. Itilrtest on balance. W. Jl Bunnell. tty, Wt-J Jleais nielji. ANV AMOIJXI' 01" JIOMIV TO LOAN-Qnlik, slral,;H learn ot Huiluirifr and Loan. At fiom 4 (o i pel cent. Call on N, V. Walker, .11 1-111 (ntimll bulldtiitr. Lost. LOsT A iiK'dluiii weiuhl i.uiiiRe tolie. 111 eveninj.', e.uiiiuilieir uu llu hill section; ie- watd lor letuni In .1. A Lan-HiR, .111 CI ly ave. I.OsC I'io n 111 .I-nu-i'tt avenue, a small, vtcen, btijtillet Paioiptct; a nvv.iul v ill le Riven foi its letuni. Business Opportunity. I'MII'V l'Vlli:itSTNUl.N"f.' BOOKKKKIM.VO can -re in e fm IiIiiimIi a rouiI po.ltioii al a lib rial mIiij bv Hivci-tltiR sis to tin (lioil.-mil el.it lais In u well i-t iblMied, dividend paving cum. p.inv ludiiss I.. Jt, ,N , liibune oittte. Boardeis Wnnted. MAMIlll-Table boiideis. 111-. Tompkins Wiisliiiilcu aviiuie. Booms and Board. 'IHO l'l.i;sN'l penph, hii-baiul and win, m ivvo Inlli'-, inaj lllnl lni.ild foi Ihe amino, r In a pitvale tniili.v iiviiiR hi Hie Milmibc; tie Rant lilln', tine table; mv iimdeiale linn. I'ui' linns ,itlilie- II., 'I'lllilihi' uliie. I. Midi; fioni mom with boanl foi Ivvo gentle tutu, tin ilains axi'ite riiiitlieiii, HalJ'.i ; western sioiaai, 1 It ; we-l-nn, ii I.U Tn H l.i'il, I lit I'.' . Chicago Qniin ana Produce. I hi. .IK", Mav 7 Wheal nilecl lillly ailive nild fillll liidae, .lulv enilir 'niV I Jl ' b hiRlui; .Inly t mil ilux'l '' l"n. ami (he Jlaj ihllMtv '..I. IhrIuI. .lulv nils e ImvM 'si. up and inovhluiK '.". in 7'j mils impnivid ( j.Ii epiolatlons weie a. lollnvvs: ri'UH - sii'.nl.v ; .Nn, ! -lulnj.' wlie.it, 7H'si 7JJii.; No. 2 led. 7J5i7le.; Nn, 2 nun, ih.; Nu. J vellow, Mi'.'aViUi.; No. J nali., 2'ie Js'si.: 'No, 2 wlihe, 2Hi.; Vn, .! white, 2si, a.IHe ; No, ' ive, .1.1i1e,l fail In tliolte null ill, blllli. I'lalni , No I tllN -ml, l.n'i; Nn. I iii'ilhvvislelli, H.iiTi piltue llninllij -eed, M 7n; Pun. ik, Hl.l'lill.l'l; laid, Jl.iiii-I.lii'a-, ,-lmil like, --js '.'il; div f.lllnl slirtililiis, n7..l 7';. ! shun 1 1. Jl lie. wjli1".!;1.. vvlii.kiv, l ..it Clilcagn Live StocU Mniltet, tlm .(. llav 7 ( allle -Ki'ii'ipls, l.neVi. e-n il.ill.v .Itailj, icnil Iii pilnir .licit, inuhj pmi In li'leillm.l, SIjI. el; ttiukilt. alu lee'lhl., s2 al; lev-, sJ.blaliH, h i'eia, iJ 'nil. ill i.Hi nil., J .'mi built, vintirf. iiiive, s.iai 41 .iiive., i.tjk, tt. 1117 ; 'liit 1.1I atreis, , al.lli. 'i'"a jia.t steel., s, ,iii, 'ei, built .'.ri:..'i II. .j- It.eelplt I'll..'. JU.'Nti. .luin... dm; . ktluut"! bit live.. .' mm ilmiu -t id. "'I lldMil ant I lit. im.. s, Viais, ti.nl It. limit 1 In.'it, -' ". i'i..-7': i.ii'.li I , iv 1. Ida lie). Mtfiit s. 'a1.n, null, ni i.7.''ia1,fi' -iu-i . Iincllt ll.Hii -linn ami la iiad.v; ellint limb,, up in s -11. .v.milnl .!..',.' K d H ili.lt. witliel-, It ll Hi till I,. Iwlee. tniMil, sii.n, we.i.iu -hup l '0.1. 'n: voatlltus. .l'jiJi. lulu, lamb J .i.l'i; "v-ttiii la. lib-, l Lil I. New V01U Live Stock tv Vi id.. Mil .' tle""Ve 1 Nii.ni'ial.v .1 ! l.'lliv- llu kill, li'lln a' s'...'! pi nu'l id I jlin. ', a' lejeliiij: "u elh'ii , . al, sf7n.il 'el stlfii lied lel.ii.- Mi! kit lu-i lit. .I'l.tiv tltl.pid lv-ll. "I.lv'j)l 'ell li ouiillnl -In ,. luisj jlsuf I(iuUt, 4s siVIl- I'll'" "''I II U"., t't (1'iU.. uwli-. CI 71 I'll ha I I .SITUATIONS WANTni) t'KBB. DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents Thn Pour l.lnci, 6 Cents for L'ach Extra Line, PROFESSIONAL, Certified Public Accountant. 1:. c. si'M'i.ni.Nn, 'jjo itttoADWAV, m:v Votk. Architects' IIDWAItl) II. llWH, AIKIIITIICT, (.ONNCLI bulldlnir. iiii:i)i:iticiv i.."fmowN. AiinirrKor, phicr buihlliiR, 12(1 W.ishliicttun avenue, Scranton, DentiBts. im. v. v.. i:n,i:sni:it(ii:it, pauli ntJii.ut.Nii, Spineo atrert, Scuttton. nit. r. a. i.u'iiArn. in wyomino aviinui:. Instiuction Musical. l.lll'.V I'.VANS, Lincoln llclfthti", Scranton; in i-linillom Riven on piano or organ; reference, Hi. Jl won, Wllkc'll.iiie! term moderate ilmp ittt.t.it caiil, Lawyers. I'llAM. I.. HOVI.i:. ATTOIt.Ni;Y-AT-I,AW lloonn U, II, It) mid IS Hurr bulldlnir. I'. K. TltAUV.ATT'Y.COJIMO.VWIlALTII nLHO. 1). II. Itl'.fLndLi:, ATT0I1SKY LOANS NKCO. tialeel on leal etati see urily, Meurs buildlnK, eoinci Waslilnttlon avenue and Spruce tlreet. Wtl.LAKI), MAKItKN .. KVAPP. ATrORNing and Viiiiitsclloin-at law. ltcpitbllcan bulldln;, Wa-hhiRlori avenue. .ii'ssi'p . .ifssri.. .vnoiisi'.YS l) coon. Mllots-at'lnw. Commonwealth Imlhlltij, IIooum pi. 2H and 21. linWAHl) W. TIIAYI'.R. ATTOrtNllV. fiUI'iOI. nth Hoot, Jleatt litiildlnR. 1(00M L. A. WATI(i:s. ATTOKNHV-VI'-LAW, llOMlb of Trade buihlliiR'. Si rantott, Pa. PA H KHSOX .V WILCOA, TIIAIICIIS NATIONAL II ink bullditi-. C. COMLtilS, ..; ltl'.prnLlCAN DUIL()(NG. A. W. (iniTIIOI.I". OITICK J(0VE() TO XO. 211 Wjomlnc avcime. Physicinns nnd Sugeons. UK. W. i:. AI.LLN, .11! XOIUK WAMIINGTOV on s w. i.MOiti;Ai'.. onicn 3J9 wash- ingtoti avenue. Ke-idenie, 1318 Mutual hroiiie di-e.i-e, luin;-, heart, kldneja and Rcnitn urinary otRam a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels and Besturants. nn; iii.k cm"':, ui and ur iranklix averue. Kites lea-onable. P. '.ar.hV.n. Propiietor. SCKWTOV llOfsir. VCAIt D., L. & W. PAS- tictigci depot. Condiiittel on the European (dan. VIC I OR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. H. IIKICCS CI.CANS PRIVY VAULTS AND ce-s pools no odor; only improved pumps used. A. II. HriRK-t, propiietor. leave orders UN) Ninth Main avenue, or Kicke's drug store, cor. ner Aelitns and .Mulberry. Both telephones Seeds. (i. It. CLMIKi: et CO.. SL'L'DSMKN AND NliRS erjmen. store 201 Wachinglon avenue; giem liou-ea, 1'iJO Noith Jlain avenue; store tele -phone, 782. Wire Screens. .lOSLPH KUKTTKL, RKAR fill I.ACKA. AVK , Scianton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens Miscellaneous. niicssMAKi.va ion CHILDREN to ORDKU: al-o ladies' waislt. I.ouii Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. MIXiAHOlT. BROS.. PRINTMKS' SUPPLIES, EN v elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, liu Washington avenue, Scranton, I'a. Till-; WILKLSUAHUB KKCORD CAN BK 11(1 in S'cianton at the newi etanda of Beismnu Bros., 400 Spruce anil SIM Linden; XL Norton. iii Lackavvama avenue; I. B. Schutzer, 211 Spruce stiect. LEGAL. Till'. A.N'VCVL JILKTINO ot the stockholders ot the Dickson Manufacturing Company will l, held at the ofllrc ot Hie company, in the city 01 Scianton, nn the eighth day ol May, 1001, at 11 o'clock a. 111., for tho purpose ot electing; Dijce loiii nud vntincr unon n.th other matters as m.n come befnie tlm lueetlnir. Ij. l BOWER, Secretary. tSTATi: 01 IIIKVM II. WHITE. LATE Of Oler.binii, County of I.ackevvanna and Stat of l'tiir.sylv..nla, decea.-cd. LetleiK nf atlininl-tr.Uii.il upon the above etatt bavins been manted to the: uuderiiimed, all per sons indebted thereto will plcasa make pron.pt pivmenl, and tho"! luilng tlaiins against the es tatn will inecnt them fin pajment to CHItlSTIAXA O. WHITE. I'HI.I). (.'. IIAVYI'.V. Administratrix. Atlentey for tho Estate. l&TATi: 01' ARMI.VDA NEELI), DECEASED. llteM testamentary on the estato ol Amilndi Neeld, late of the City of s'cranton, deceased, Iiiip been trranted lo the tinderslgnd, to whom all pcrfuns Indebted to said estate ate requested 10 make pajiuent, and llio-H luvinj claims nr drinand-i, 10 make knuvvn same without elclav. C. Jf. NEELD. II. C. REYNOLDS', II, C KI..NOI.I)s, Eccu(on. Attorney 101 Ealale, IN HE: ESTATE OP DANIEL W. SULLIVAN"! To Whom It Jlay Concern: The Oi phans' C'ouil of Lacliavranna County Im trranted .1 utle lo show tauso why Mary Sulli van, esecutri"C of the list will anil testament of Daniel W. Sullivan, should not be discharged, Kctiiinablo to next Argument Couit. MARY SULL(VAN. (I. C REYNOLDS. Execulrix. Klorney loi Estate East Libei ty Cattle. I I..1.1 l.ilicil), Jlaj 7. Caltlc Sdeud.t . ejti 1, 1 Ti. '".'". '()'. I'llni", y aia1,(0; good. 1.10i.'" nni,- siroiutei; iriiiio neavy and medium. 1,.s1a1fVl; heavy joikera, flSl: light do MS0.i1.; pins fi.70a17.1i l.ip, tVI.30al.JJ, lunshs 41,1.1 10. Shet'p Seiailjj be.l wethers, ill,rai4.t0; elio.t lambs. V11I.H; Liii.llinili tu good, i I.SOalj Vf ealii't, llal 'Ji. Oil Market. 1 IHl ( tu. Maj 7 -( 1 1 illt bilari.M, 110; I'filH. 1 ite, no bid. siitpuieiiti, ttfl.inu: average, 8,. I'.n, Rim-i, OS.&ni); avenge, ei,"S5, FINANCIAL. W N'ei.'V'S.'.'X.'WA' $200,000 United Railways of St. Loiiis, Mo, 4 BONDS. Yielding Investor 4,60 in nuuuiuu aicvuunc a. lu. a Nassau St., New Yoik. 1 EUQHK1 r!