The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 08, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Spirited Contests for the Different
Club Offices Programme of the
Minstrel Performance That Is to
Bo Given Tomorrow Evening.
Leek Social Club Enjoys a Debate.
Funerals Yesterday Many Other
Matters of General Interest to the
People of West Scranton.
heli) nil enjoyable meeting liiBt evening
In llii! l-liioch Kvnns' hotel on Juuk
son Htri'fet. Aflcr the business session
a debute was Indulged In on the ques
tion, "Hhnlt n Vow mile Hie People or
the Mussos Ittllo the Few?"
1'bi subject was discussed by Timo
thy Junes, John Neat, IMclmrtl T.oivI.h,
Ditvld Williams, Knorb Kvnns, John J.
Davis nnd Olutuncey I). Drown, of
rittsburff, who was u uticst of the
Voenl and Inslniinental selections
were also rendered by nil present. Tim
otllcors of the uliib are! Will htm Pow
ell, president! Timothy Jones, secre
tary: Knoch I'Jvans. ireasurer; John J.
Davis, musical director.
The Kleetrlc City Wheelmen held a
iplrltcd election last evening, In which
over sixty mcmberH participated. Tim
result was ns follows: President, Dr.
S V, 'Strtipplor: llrst vice-president,
O. It. Pitcher; .second vice-president,
"W. Ilnyden Kvnns: tbinnelal secretary,
T.uther Thoniiis; recording secretary,
"Walter 15. Davis; corresponding secre
tary, Arthur T. Stover; treasurer, Sam
uel AlcCracken; captain, Conrad Lota;
llrst lieutenant, Dctijnmln Allen; sec
ond llcutctiiiut, llhys Harris: directors,
W. V. Williams, Archbald McCrachen,
AVIlllam ir. JUic.
The proposed bowling alleys were
discussed and the committee hi charge
reported progress on the same. Wal
ter Jones nnd David Fuhrmun were
elected to membership. The club de
cided to put a telephone in the build
ing. The now olliccrs will lake charge
of the club's affairs on June 4, when
the Pan-American trip contest will bo
.decided. The minstrel performance
will be given at the house tomorrow
evening. iN'ext Jtondny night a club
danco will be beld and also a public
dance at Mcnrs' hall the latter part of
the month.
Following Is the programme for the
minstrels tomorrow evening:
Overture Orclifntia
0wBln overture Ilonc, tambo9 ami iliont)
fcolo, "At the Bottom of tho Deep Illuc Sea,"
Kinrys Joseph.
Soln, "My Drowsy Ribr:"..'nr. TV. Uowlaml Davis
Solo, "Ooon, Coon, Coon" Thomas Stevens
.olo, "flood live Dolly (irjy" D.ivid Owns
Solo, "O Answer Ic" TV. G. Davis
?on, and danco Williams Bron.
Polo. "I'llney" Ben Allen
Solo. "Down in the Deep Let Jtc Sleep When
I Die" Fred VWn
Polo, 'Iy Automobile Giri".....lolm It. Thomas
llamonlci selection Fred Robinson
Solo, "Jly Baby Girl" Hilly Williams
Snlo, "Miss Phoebe" Luther Thonus
Grand Finale, "Evciy liacc lias a Vhg but a
Coon" Hilly Williams and company
Young Men Are Wanted.
The West Side board of trade Is belli
on Interesting tho young men of West
Scranton In the organization, and with
that purpose In view contemplate In
viting them to attend their next meet
ing, which will take place on Tuesday
evening, May II.
This meeting will he tho annual one
for tho election of otllcors and will be
followed by a luncheon anil smoker.
President Daniels Is now engaged In
making arrangements with several
speakers who will deliver addresses on
that evening before tho board.
The delalls of the programme now
being arranged will be announced lat
er. Invitations will be Issued some
time this week to those who are Inter
ested In the board and Its work.
cnslon promises to bo one of much enjoyment.
Coming Events.
Tho Colonial club of Camp ITS.
Patriotic Order Sons of America, will
conduct a drawing for n $r, gold piece
on Thursday evening, May 2.1.
Tho rilllle for it watch for tho 1en,o
tlt of .Airs. Prnwn, of l.afnyettu street,
wilt take place on Thursday, Jloy 16,
A progressive euchre nnd social will
be held In Young Men's Institute hall,
North Main avenue, Tuesday even.
Ing, Muy M, by Itranch till, Ladles
Oathollo JJenovoleni association.
Leek Social Club Debate.
The members of tho I.eek Social club
101! &AI.E AT
Loyal Knights of America.
Keystone lodge, Xo, "7, Loyal
Knights of America, will hold an Im
portant meeting in their lodge rooms
tomorrow evening, which all members
are urgently reiiuosted to attend. Husl
noss of much Importance will be trans
acted. At the close of the meeting
an entertainment and smoker will bo
David Jenkins, Thomas Abrams and
Joseph C5ray wilt sing solos, and Clerk
of tho Courts Thomas P. Daniels will
entertain with phonographic selections.
Members of Enterprise lodge are cor
dially invited to attend.
funeral Services Yesterday.
The funeral of the late Patrick Kel
ly, who died in Pittsburg on Friday
last, took place from tho home of de
ceased's parents, fUJS Kynon street. The
services were in Holy Cross church and
were conducted by Rev. Father Dunn,
Burial was made in the Minooka ceme
tery. The funeral of the late Mrs. Hose II.
Rice occurred yesterday morning from
the home of deceased's sister, Mrs.
Mary 13. Newton, on Watson avenue,
Lincoln Heights. The remains wcro
taken to Franklin Forks, Pa., on the 9
o'clock Lackawanna train.
Mortgage Will Be Burned.
Tho members of the First AVeUsh
Baptist church will burn the mortgage
that has been standing against their
edifice for a long time. The ceremon
ies incidental to the event will t.tke
place on Friday evening of this week.
Addresses will be delivered in Welsh
and English by prominent speakers
identified with the church, and the oe-
Keceptlon for' Rev. McDermott.
The olllclal board of the Simpson
Methodist Kplscopal church nro yr
ranglng for n reception for ttov. Hugh
(1. McDermott and family, at the
church parlors on Friday evening of
this week.
A committee hns been appointed to
make the nrrungomonts, and nn enter
taining programme will bo provided.
All members of the church and con
gregation are invited to be present.
General News Notes.
The Sons of Temperance Clue club
beld a meeting in .Morgans' lial? last
evening and rehearsed several new selections.
An Interesting mooting of AVaco
council, No. -jr.. Daughters of Pocohun
tas, Improved Order of Red Men, was
held in their hall ast. evening. A so
cial session followed the business
Council No. lr.n, of thr. Catholic Ite
llof and nenellelal association, have
made arrangements to meet on tho
first and third Monday evenings of
each month In Young Men's Instltuto
The Young People's society cf the.
First AVelsh Kvnngellcal church will
hold a competitive meeting on June
-i. A programme is now being ar
ranged. St. Cecelia's Temperance and Be
nevolent society held an enjoyable so
cial session in St. Leo's hall last even
ing, after their business mooting.
A meeting of the executive commit
tee of the Young Women's Christian
association will be held In the rooms,
on South Main avenue, at 4 o'clock
this afternoon.
leorgn Hughes, sun of eomraelnr
Kdwin Hughes, slopped on a noodle re
cently and Injured his foot iull0 badly.
Miss Florence Uibbs, of South Main
avenue, fell from a step-ladder re
cently and severely wrenched her foot,
St. Agnes chapter, nf St. David's
Kpiseopal church, will conduct a rum
mage sale Friday and Saturday at
-09 North AVashlnglon avenue.
On of Newark's Mit Prominent CIHcsns
I 9 3 Veiirs Old and Unjoys Lift.
IIXItA fiOt'IJ). t! TITAltS 01,11.
Mr. liould Kyn tthcn hr foil lilt stlrliRlli
r.illliie lie slarlnl to takn Diiliy'n Pure Mall Wills
liy, and now he fcrls strong nnd vliroruin.
itriitk'tiipiit-lt afTonU tue peat pleasure at Hie
pu-setil tlniP t repoit lo joti the meat bi'licllls
am dcriilnir horn your I'uie Mall TVIiUkcy.
'" IH J Mrs old nnd enjny the bwt of health.
Ai'jml ten years njro t found my stieiiRtli v.
la Unit me, nnd tin. Uioughl Hashed neiiM my
, ' ,i,"A,u ' novr l" h- "n Invnll'l 'he re'
iV !"'' I ' 'i Ron'' eunimon ""liso told me
thai what 1 needed wai a tonic nnd stimulant,
Mitnrllilnff to Keep up my streiitflli and ward olf
',, i"S1'- .' WiH "-toiiunende.l to try DtiflyN Pure
Mall "hwkey. Alter tun or llneo week I
notleed n ihaiiRo comltur over me. Nature
i-erined to take on new foi,,. and life and
-detiRlli were returning nine incur. Jlv tiled,
woiieoul nervoiia stem itiiuneil, mr bialu
bceaino clear. I Uil ilellehtfiil fleep, and
would awake refeshed, feelini; tliat life was
lint a bunion. My appetite Is e.uellenl, eefiht
fair, hearing Rood. I am ptwltlve I owe my
pi-eiit (iindllloii to jour Pure Malt TVhl-key.
nil -saii.Miru a u iiioliinKing my life: not
life of inlnery, but one of contentment and hap
piness. I Miall continue to nv it 1!h the
hope dial I will yet pa.vt the century iiinik.
tiiatefully ymntf, KJttlA (JOUI.l),
, , l'aik House, Newark, X. J.
Dud Pure Mall. TVIiNkey will do for all
pic people what if has fur Mr. Could. It will
liullil tip the strength of the young who are
weak anil sickly: it will positively cine eon
sumption and all lung nnd Ihroul troubles and
al wasting diseases hum uhateier cause: it aids
illavalion and circulation; It lones up the heart
and invigorates the biain. 'there Is none "lusf,
as Kood as nulfy-s Pine Jfalt Whiskev. It has
prolonged the lhes oi thousands who have u.ed
it ns I he doctors dliect. It will ravo vours if
"u y,i1l try II. it is nlwdutclv pure and
contains no fusel oil. It Is the only whiskey
luwiMiy the goieinment us a medleine. All
''"'W'-l'1 and gtoceis. or diiect, M a bottle.
Medical booklet, i ouljlnlnir iiiniiv eonvineliiL' tea.
...... "rL "' vclv e who writes
M.ill Whiskey Cn Tlodif-ter. X. V.
Frank Jordan and Miss Cassie Can
ville Suffer Injuries in Runa
wayOther News Notes.
Silks? Aye, and
Such Uncommonly Fine
Silks for So Little Money
That the burden of today's Store News.
Are you interested? IF SO. READ
Fashionable Colored Silks
O C Pieces 19 inch Fancy Taffeta Silks, heavy lus
M trous make, and not a desirable wanting. An
excellent value for 69c the yard. A seasona- A ft -,
ble bargain at TyC
20 PieceS Wa,lt Taffet Silks- Not a fashionable
" MX hade wanting in this lot, and as they come to
you fresh from the looms, they represent the Cft
very latest novelties. An 85c quality for OVC
24 Ittcl Crepe De Chene, in the following shades:
White, cream, turquoise, pink, rose, old rose,
grey and black. An elegant and fashionable "lCr
pure silk weave: worth 1.00 the yard, for.... VC
Extraordinary Black Silk Values
Black Silk' Taffetas, best makes, pure dye and extra
bright finish. Take your choice they're all right.
10 inch Black Taffeta Silks, worth 62 l-2c for 40c
uitu iii lit n. xiuieia siiks, woi'tll YOC tor 59c
23 inch Black Taffeta Silks, worth 8Qc, for. . . " rtfie
27 inch Black Taffeta Silks, worth 1.00, for. , ' "70e
22 inch Black Taffeta Silks, worth $1,12 1-2, for ', . 85o
Peau De Soie Silks
No chance bargaiu counter lot, but silks that we fully
rccommeud aud warrant. These in black only.
BO inch Peau tie Solo Silks, worth 85c, for. . . , ,
21 inch Peau de Soie Silks, worth $1,12 1-2, for
Ha inch Peau de Sole Silks, worth $1.25, for ,
22 iuch Peau de Soie Silks, worth $1,50, for
Rich Satin Duchess Silk
20 inch Black Satin Duchess Silks, worth 75c, for 58o
21 inch Black Satin Duchess Silks, worth 85c, for, , G8c
21 inch Black Satin Duchess Silks, worth $1,00, for. ,.,.., 78c
The last three numbers quoted are really extraordiuarv
jyalues, aud as the qualities are reliable the importance of
j:his offering cauuot be over-estimated.
l-'runk Jordan nnd .Miss (Aissio can
vllle were .seriously injured yesterday
afternoon, while drl'vlnp; down tho
lower end of Tripp street, known as
Tripps ravine. Jordan is employed bv
. J. Sheerln, of Hyde I'urk. as a
huckster, and was peddling his Roods
among some of his customers.
"When near North .Main uveuue nnd
Tripp street the horse hpeamo frifiht
eni'rt nnd ran down the hill at break
neck speed. It collided with a tree
standing on one side of the road, and
ho and .Miss Cassie Canvllle, who was
riding with him. were thrown out.
Jordan struck on his head. ind
passersby, who happened to see the
accident, imiekly hastened to the res
cue and removed them to one side of
tho road, when Dr. J. B. Corser was
summoned. It was found that Jor
dan's skull was fraotmed and that he
received several slight bruises. After
receiving medical treatment, he Mas
removed to the Lackawanna hospital,
and Miss f'anvlllo to her home. Both
were reported as rest ins easily last
died very
12 o'clock.
Coming- Cantata.
In a few days the people of the
North lSnd will be given a raro treat
In the form of a. musical entertain
ment and also a beautiful cantata,
entitled, "Our Flag," which will be
given by the choir of the rcinniial
Baptist church.
Conductor George Davies, y ho has
charge of the singiiK, requests tint all
persons taking p.irt be present this
evening, as a rehearsal will take jlace.
. GOc
. 85c
. 08c
j iiursiuiy evening. Alay y, an enter
tainment and social will be held at
the home of Aliss Jessie Wells, r;V
Tlolllster avenue, by Class No. :i of the
Primitive Alethodist hurch,
John Gross, of t'learviuw street, was
lined $2 by Alderman .Myers last eveu
iiiff for disorderly conduct, the cliaige
being preferred by his wife.
Andrew Smith ye.Uerliy had Charles
Uewedy arrested for disorderly con
duct and aault ami battery upon him
while attending a Aline Workers' union
meotliiK at Kt. Mary's hull, Uewedy
was held lu under $:!0n ball fur ap
pearance at court.
The entertainment for the benelll of
No. -' public. school will be given on
Tuesday evening. .May H, In the Audi
torium. .Miss Jessie l Stearns has had
Hie pupils under drill for the past two
weeks and the alfalr promises to bo
very enjoyable. A military drill by
twenty young ladies, an old tliim min
uet by twenty-four misses, a drill by
a number of sailor boys, a broom drill
by the little folks, solos by Allss Daisy
Hollo Hall, recitations, music, etc.,
Admission. !" and L'," cents.
Globe Warehouse
Enjoyable Event at Knights of Co
lumbus Rooms.
A most delightful progressive euchro
party was conducted ul night lu tho
Knights of Columbus club house by
the members of the Catholic Histori
cal society. There wore about seven-ty-llve
present ami during the play
lliuslo was furnished by the l.awreltco
The prize winners were uk follows;
First prize, celery dlbh, Pr, John J,
Brogau; second prize, , half dozen
china plates, .Miss Nellie Heanilslij
third prlzo, bon-bon dish, Allss Aunlo
Orrt fourth prize, tlr tree, Allss Agnes
l.ynott; llt'th prize, cup and saucer,
Alisd Alary Coleman; sixth prize, nllvo
dish, Allss Allnnlo Smith; covrnlli prize,
palm. Alias Elizabeth Oaughan.
i well ai tho IwnJiOMfat, and others
tic invited to call un any iltugeUt Jii'l KCt
da a trial but tie of luniii'a lUUam for ilio
Threat and Lungs, a remedy tlut U KudruntecJ
lo luro and relievo M Chronic ami Acute Coushs,
Atthnn..UiuiiihltU J'J Contuinptiou.
and Wc.
I'llie i'tv.
T.INDSlor. .Tames T.indsey
suddenly Alonda.v nlclit nt
of heart failure, at his hnme
1H Elm street. Deceased was B3 years
of age. He returned from the Hoses
Taylor hospital two weeks ago. where,
he was confined for ten months with
a. severe attack of the grip and a heavy
cold, but left tho hospital in good
health. Monday night about S.30 o'clock
he returned from the yard and was
going to ascend the stairs to his apart
ments when suddenly he dropped to the
floor unconscious, and remained in
that state. Dr. ,T. Jtcfirath was sum
moned, but could not do anything to
revive him. Death occurred at the hour
mentioned, lie is survived by three
sons. Jntnes, Lawrence and Anthony.
Tho funeral will take place Thursday
afternoon at ", o'clock. Services will
be held in the St. Joint's Catholic
church, and interment will be mode In
tho Cathedral cemetery.
William Alelster, aged M years, died
yesterday afternoon at .". o'clock, after
a year's lingering illness, at her home.
::7 Hickory street, with cancer of the
stomach. The deceased was a respect
ed lady and well liked by her numer
ous friends and relatives. Besides her
husband she is survived by a son,
"William, and -two daughteis, Mrs. AVII1
lam Kvnns and Anna. Deceased come
(i this country thirty-four years ago
and Tiveil In South Scranton ever since.
She was n member of tho Women's
Aid society of the Hickory Street Pres
byterian church. The funeral will take
pjace i-riti.i.v afternoon at '.' o'clock.
Services will be held at the '"Hickory
Street Presbyterian church, nnd inter
ment will be made in the Pittston ave-
nue cemetery.
"WIU.IA.M ItlDD. William Itidd. of
Houesdale. died at the home of his
daughter, .Mrs, Dr. Hateson, on Jeffer
son avenue, yesterday. He had been
in i.iiunK ileum miring mo past sev
eral months and for two months had
been visiting his daughter, In the hope
that he might, be benolUted by the
change. He was 7-1 years of age, and
is survived by two children, Airs. Dr.
Hateson and Alts. .Martha Brown, with
whom ho made his home. Short ser
vices will be held at the residence of
Dr. Hateson on Thursday morning al
! o'clock, after which the remains will
be taken to Honosdnlo, where inter
ment will bo made at 1.S0 o'clock.
THOMAS LYNCH. At fi.SH o'clock
Monday night Thomas Lynch, a well
known citizen residing in North Scran
ton. died at his home, lib' 'j'hroop
street. He s survived by a wife and
one daughter, Nora; one sister. Airs.
John Home, of Pittston avenue; and
ope brother, .M. K, Lynch, of Throop
street. The funeral will take place
Thursday morning at in o'clock, with
a requiem mass at Holy Uosary
church. Intermcni In Cathedral ceme
tery, AfltS, AI1I.LIK CIll'UCII. .Mis. Alll
lle Church, wife of .Maurice T, Church,
nf Carhondnlo, aged Wl years, died yes
terday aftornoon at the home of her
sister, Airs. W. J, .Morgan, 130ti "Wash
burn street. Deceased was an estimable
young woman and her death will" be re
gretted by a largo clrclo of friends.
The remains will be taken to C'arhon
dale at lO.lii o'clock this morning, when
Interment will ho made on Thursday.
wife of John 11. Thomas, of ISWii Wash
burn street, died at her homo yester
day, asod W yeurs. Deceased Is sur
vived by her hiiblmml and several sons
and daughters. The funeral services
will be conducted at tho house ;lt .'!
o'clock tomorrow afternoon by iter,
Hugh Davies. interment will bo made
lu the Washburn street cemetery.
The funeral of the hitc Hannah La
vello will be held from tho resilience of
her mother, Airs. "Winifred I.avclle, L'O.'!
Meridian street, at 0 o'clock this morn
Ing, Tho funeral of the lato Charles K.
O'.Malley will ho held at 10 o'clock this
morning, with services at St. Peter'H
cathedral, Interment will bo made in
Cathedral cemetery.
' The funeral of the lato Michael Shea
will take place Thursday morning at 9
o'clock. There will be u solemn high
muss of requiem sung at St, Peter's
cathedral, and Interment will be made
lu tho Cathedral cemetery.
A Large Attendance In the Metho
dist Episcopal Church Yestorday.
Officers Were Elected for tho Ensuing-
Year and nn Address Was
Delivered in tho Evening; by Miss
Mlrander Croucher, Recently Re
turned from China W. C. T. U. to
Conduct nn Entertainment.
The t'lghth annual meeting of the
"Women's Foreign .Missionary society
was held In the Methodist church yes
terday. The llrst session opened at 10
o'clock with a. largo number oC dele
gates present, and In tho absence of
Mrs. Meeker, District President Airs.
H. D. Long presided.
Tho devotional sessions wero In
charge of Mrs. Fuller, and the meeting
opened with the singing of the hvmn,
"Blessed Bo the Tie that Binds." Rev.
C. It. Ncwlng gave a. brief address of
welcome and Indicated his thorough
sympathy, with tho work of the society.
Mrs. Yost supplemented his welcoming
remarkH with a few well chosen words,
to which Airs. Annomnn, of Carbon
dale, responded.
Tho minutes of tho last convention
were read and approved as read. They
showed n balance on hand of $l.f,0.
The societies of the district reported
as follows: Carbontlaln has SO mem
bers nnd raised ipi.SO. Carhondale
band has (in members. Honosdnlo has
St members and raised $lt.Gr, the band
there having 1S members. Dunmore
has 1." members and raised $.'!3.1.". Ariel
and AInplowood Sunday schools con
tributed SL'n towards tho support of an
orphan. Salem camp ground gave $1
for a like purpose.
Airs. K. H. Clark, of TTonesdale, gave
a selected reading, and Airs. i'lmnV..
of Carbondnle, reported in tho Interest
of the twentieth century offerings.
Airs. D. 11. Long read a beautirul me
morial to Airs. CI. X. Place.
The afternoon meeting opened with
devotional exercises, led by Airs. Clark,
of Honesdnlo. Allss Anna Long gave a
select reading, and Miss Preston read
a paper written by Airs. Jfeekcr, on
"Women's Foreign Missionary AVork
In the Last Century." Airs. "Walter
Nye, of Carhondale, road a paper on
the "Outlook for tho Coming Century."
Airs. Siege, of Dunmore, read an In
teresting paper on "The Value of the
women s Foreign Alissionary Society
to tho Home Church." Allss Snark's
gave her experience In reference to the
work done in foreign Molds by the Wo
men's Foreign Alissionary society. Airs.
James Bush, of Houesdale. road a
paper on "The Value or the Society to
tho Individual," and Dr. Fuller, of Jer
myn, made a brief address.
Tho nominating committee reported
the following nominations for the en
suing year: President. Airs. Meeker;
Hi st vice president. Airs. Pierce But
ler: second vice president. Airs. Hul-
ler: third vice president. Airs. Yost;
recording secretary. Airs. James Johns;
treasurer, Mrs. Ncwlng..
.Miss Buby Yost rendered the solo,
"Knrnostly Co Forward," In her usual
beautiful voice. The devotional ser
vices of tlu evening session were led
by Allss Sparks. Helen Powell, a lit
tle four-year-old delighled those pres
ent with a pretty solo., and a trio
composed of Airs. AL O. Abbey, Aliss
Sadie Aliller and Aliss Julia Foster,
all of Carhondale. next favored the
(onvention with a stirring missionary
The address of the evening was made
by Aliss M Ira tula Croucher. of Tsun
Una, China, who told of conditions as
she found them in Tien Tsin. A vote
of thank i Mas tendered the trustees
and the ladles of the chinch for their
kind hospitality, after which the con
vention adjourned, dosing a very suc
cessful meeting.
Special Diseases of Men
Do -B-Jr Cente P"
Scatter -liliipjllll on
Faculties HP Specialty
dliinJu. 5 i v"r;r"K f'0l y oLm or rendition preullar to men, or II ymi har iimm
will, "Sit .M0t P!'uinK' Pfmnncnt rute, I want you to rornc urn) havo a nodal chat
Tnrt Z:i.' ""' "I'l-dti to yoii MV MYS.TKM OK TltKATMKNT, whlth I hnv originated
.i fc.ii. pi.?,"r,n,y "''"l1" '', "IW'lence in treating xperiat illmuw ot men. I liavn
A.JL i"f ?'" "' '' "m'' ' ttlal ''V'mrntfl or electm medical r;mnblnntlon or dlmllar
.nni w,1,c" "'.' not nl"' ''"l"r,t .""e '"" peculiar to mrn. Jly education, my wperl
vl.i 1"J'eoneIrnfc. my reputation condemna all aurli rockery- i will pir me a
fitihhl,,. . Khc-TO" VRl'K op CIIA1KIH J thorouiih permmnl eiatnlnjllon ami nn honet
2! i .I J'."r .L'"sc' '.' " flr'' biettralile t will tell jmi no, and advi.e yon no that you
win not be luimhucKcd t.y nnjcnipiilom petitioners who claim to cure nil. If alter exim.
nnp you, r find you curable, I will lnure you of a permanent cine. Inasmuch ai I will
ff . " " '"'l'n Kiiarantee to refund jou every cent you Ilivr paid me In caw 1 till to
f ?l1,, ' "''"' nn W 'or ""'"lilies, ns they are always Included In the nomlml
, asked, nnd you know to the rent, uelore you start what jour whole treatment U Koine
ro co?t, and I will make no falne promises n to the time for the bike of getting you u
patient, at I piomle only what I ran do, and do as t piomlc.
UXXATUnAI, l)I8CIIAnOKS stopped in 6 to to ljs.
AMISSIONS and Drains stopped In S to IS days.
t'l.CKIIS. I caie not of how Ioiir standing, I will dry them up at once.
STItlCrOm: cured without (utlinc or dilating
IIYIIHOCKI.B or any Kwelllnirs or enhrs;ements reilueeil al. oiue.
l.MI'OTKNCY by my ayatcm ul trealnu-nt Is curable irrcpecthc ol Ihe time Mamllnir, or
your ni;e.
llbAPDlin AXt KtnXI'.V deranrjemen' by my ajitrm of (le.ilineiit show hizm of im
provement from the very hrRinnlnK.
IIHKUMATISM, being rauieil by impure condition ot blood, cuied prnnanently by
SPKt'lKIO nt.OOD rOISOXINU, pprmanrntly cured without the tie of Iodide ot Potash
or .Mercury.
WltlTI'. if j on cannot rail. All roi respondenee Ktrlelly confident hi and alt replies Rent
in plain envelopes. Inclose -eent stump to Insure reply.
OKFien llOt.'ItS. 3 a. m. to fl p. in. and 0 to 8 p. m ; Sundays, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Mill AND
in i
Permanently Located nt
Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Building
426428 Spruce St., SCRANTON, PA.
(Organized Under the Laws of Texas.)
Shares of the
Par Value of
Thursday's Entertainment.
On Thurxliiy ewniiiK next, tlii;
Women's Christian Tent permit u union
will coiHliu-l n social nnil i-ntfu-taln-"Hnl
ut the lionii" nl' Svi. Oabriol
S waltz, oil fhorry stioet. Ilssca
JSuby YoM,'ivtlii Snydor. Xcttlo
.lones ami MuiK-arft Tri-s.skr will tiiko
part in Hit- Piitoriaiinnynt.
fMiiirlfs Hruwii will exhibit his jiru
lihaiihnno. Iti'fiv.slnniMits will bo .solv
ed anil a hIIvit olTiMiiiK will bo taken
Tin- inibllc i.s I'niillally invltril to at-tonil.
Poor Indeed
art- tlioe weighed down by de
predion. Men rie in this world
through buoyant nerve force.
The loi of this force dally drags
down to failuie some of the world's
brightest minds. Such u condition is
commonly known ns Nervous Debility.
When you lose self-confidence tmcl
feel your strength, energy mid nerve
foice ure slipping away, it is high time
you seek sensible: aid.
You prefer health ami success to
misery nnd failure.
have no equal nsn nerve restorer. A
couple of boxes will dUpel that heavy
feeling; the imuatiiral weariness ills,
appears and replaces languor with new
force and vigor of body it ml brain. Sis
boxes will cure any ordinary case of
nervous debility. If not, you gel your
money back,
.00 per box : 6 for So (H). mailed in
nlalll liacknce. Hook free.
MUMCl.NU Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
for sale by John II. l'hclps, I'liaimauat, toiuer
U'jcinlns avenue and Spruie street.
50 I
Resfore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood
Cuioliiipoti'ucy. Night KmUloiw, Loss of Mom.
oiy, .in wueiiiiif inPii!.es,
illcllectsof I'ltaliii.-nor
oxceas mid indiscretion.
A nervo tonic and
,oiooa ouiuior, xsrtdKs
till) nlnk ulow lo unln
clipeks and rostiuea tho
,flro of youth. Hy mall
.nrio lipr lirir. fl liny,, fitr
$S.60, with our bankable Kuurunteo to euro
or piura me money poia. ncnd tor circular
and copy of our uaiikublogutiruiiteo Ijoi.ii,
Positively fiimrnntped euro fur I.ojs of Power,
urleocofe, tlndovoloped or cSliiiinkou Orguiij,
Parosbi, Loconiotur Ataxlu, Nervous Prostra
tion, Hysteria. I'-'U, Iiisiinity. PaialysU nnd the
Kosiilts of KxcostIvc ITsoot' Tobacco. Opium or
I.inuor. Bv trinil in niain n.u'L'nirr,. mi.Ofl
box, a for $5.00 with our bankable guar
antee bond to cure iu co days or refund
money paid. Address
Clinton & Jackson Sts , CHICAGO, 111
Sold by McUumIi k 'Ilignus. Urussisti. SOI
tailawjiiiu uunue, bt union, Pj.
till FA Mil
0 Em M vfl non-Msesiable.
President, HAL W. GREER, Beaumont, Terns, tnemher of firm of Greer A
Greer, attorneys.
Vice-PrE8II)KNT, WM. WIESS, Beaumont, Texas, president Reliance Lumber Co.
Treasurer, W. S. DAVIDSON, Beaumont, Texas, President First National Bank
of Beaumont.
Secretary, C. M. ELLINWOOD, Beaumont, Texaa.
Preaident, Vice-President and Treasurer as above, and
R. A. Greer, Beaumont, ex-senator and present representative
Thomas Lungham, Beaumont, county tax collector.
E. A. Fletcher, Beaumont, first vice-president aud general manager, Tex9 Tram
& Lumber Co.
L. P. Ogden, Beaumont, capitalist, director First National Bank.
John N. Gilbert, Beaumont, Capitalist aud Gcn'l M'g'r Beaumont Lumber Co,
W. B. Dunlap, Beaumont, capitalist.
P. M. Whs3, Beaumont, Treasurer Reliance Lumber Co.
W. E. Brice, Mason City, Iowa, President Mason City &,Clear Lake Railway.
The Home Oil Company of Beaumont CONTROLS 13.000 ACRES of valuabla
proven oil lands, comprising some of the best properties in the now famous oil
fields of eastern Texas.
Three thousand acres of these lands lie in twenty-two tracts in Jefferson and
Hardin counties, part of which is located within (5,450 feet of the Lucas geyser with
its enormous output of 70,000 barrels of oil daily. Other tracts of our land In Jef
ferson county are located within 4,500 feet of the Beatty Gusher and still others in
the Big Hill and Pine Island districts, all valuable properties. A number of tract
are located in the Sour Lake and ScratoRa districts, in Hardin county. In the
Saratoga fields there ia one well already down to a depth of 225 feet, at which
depth oil was fouud iu paying quantities, and which the company will immediately
drill to the far larger deposits undoubtedly lying in the lower strata. Other wells
are being sunk in this field and will be heard from at an early date.
Ten thousand acres of our lands cover eight tracts iu Starr county, one of the
most recently proven Texas oil districts, about .TX) miles south of the Corsicana
field, nnd probably a continuation of the same belt. This district is favorably
spoken of in the Engineering & Mining Journal of Pebruary 9, 1001, in an article
written for the Journal by Prof. W. B. Phillips, lately employed as State Geologist
for Texus, and a scientific oil expert of the highest standing. These tracts show
the strongest indications of oil deposits, and it is believed will develop among the
richest producers of the state.
For the purpose of immediate development of our holdings the company offers
a limited amount of its capital stock at
which price is subject to advance without notice at nny time iu the discretion of
the directors,
Our lands being located in different tracts surrounded by properties upon
which ptoductive wells have been developed removes the speculative feature of our
proposition and makes the Home Oil Company of Beaumont an investment of
real merit. In addition to the operations ulready being carried on by us, wells are
being bored at various places in properties adjoining our holdings, so that practic
ally all our property is being developed indirectly and in increasing in value daily.
further than this, we have a cotnplct 'Willing outfit purchased from the American
.; round and iu actual operation, A careful
!;oiotighly convince even the most conserve-
.. v, while a reference to tho management
:t will show that its affairs are in the handl
questioned ability,
iVell Works of Aurora, 111., now nn t'
onsideration of this proposition wi
ive of the value of stock iu our o
f the Home Oil Company of Bea-
f men of the highest integrity uuil .-
Subscriptions may be sent diiect to the company's offices, as below, ol
oney may be deposited ill any haul; s-ibject to the company's draft with certify
ute of stock attached,
Make all drafts or money orders' to V. S. DAVIDSON, Treasurer.
Address nil communications to C, M, ELLINWOOD Secretary.
Send for prospectus.
Home Oil Company of Beaumont,
ar noti: tii v. . a si k.
managers and Lessen.
Local Manager.
oi: fcoi.ii) i.i:k
llrliiin rii.ii nnnl ol tht lllil I ,i niiirt.
Tui'nIja M.itimv "Vi'kJ. I iiy-IIi.i ''
ThcmIjj' i:iiiiiLii -'A Vjlul Lift ' Nj
Wciln.wl.iy AUIiih'p "Hh.vjI Ujih."
Wulnwilo.v Ku-nini; -'Tor AiioUm's (time.''
Mlilll' IMttfKs 10, 20, :m (ruts.
mati.mii: ritici:i-w, -m iwu