The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 08, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    fnev'- i .'4,i'y$ J. -
i, - -"' f
Tin. jioduiin iiAiiiiHAiu: sroni:.
Do You
Why your neighbor hits
such n nice lawnP It's easy
to guess ho uses a GEN
LAWN MOWER when lie
mows tho grass. The Phil
adelphia Is a high gvntlc
ensy ruunning', even cut
ting, guaranteed mower.
The prices from $3 to SIC.
Foote & Shear Co,
119 N. Washington Ave
lun If Jim iln tint trally nerd them
until 1'all. iiiuiii y pcnt in them now will
Miicly p.iin 1.11'RPr inlete-l the Mine
uniuiml lut r-lrit In cilt.edjjed
IIVMilMi r,AMI'.S-lliMUlli.. with
ulolies of i.irfeus color-,
I Mil I I. AMI'S- A Ijisp
tin til. Jinplc Mlcitinu to Milt
"fii H'iiiilfincnt. I'liccs tvlilt
pi 'IIN ti'tii'itril, loininciiip -it
The Coat
1 Season Is Here
Hi AnrJ rft an- llic C!iildirn' ( OAT.--. JA( K-
M i:ts mhI nui:ri:i:s in .ill the new ici
H -mil colots. Ciilo liltL- IteefeH fc the 2
W and :; j en- uliK Tin ee-niu iter Jiul full
S li'null. lor tli" I and 0 year ulil u'uU.
I Th? Baby Bazaar,
M 510 Spruce Street.
Repairing Done Gratis.
v Social
I Gossip
0 0
Tht' t'lul) house mi Washington u vo
lute of tho SiTiintnu nicycle club was
tlnongi'd evftiliiR: with friends and
relatives iishi'tnlili'il to witness tho sol
tmnlsslilK of the rites which intiile Miss
liose Levi, of this elty. anil I-ouls X.
I'ohen.of Xew York, husband and wife.
Tile .setviee was performed iiromptly
nt 7 o'eliielc by iter. Klirliiuts, of Xew
Vnrk, in the club imrlnrs on the ground
Manor's otebestra played tlie I.oheii
wrlti wedding niareh as the bridal party
utered. Tlie bride presented a charm
Inn apiiearanee in it kowii of white T,ib
'I't.v satin, trimmed with silk applique,
ami covered with a shimmerim? chif
fon. She can led white roses, ami was
attended by her sister. Jllss Anna Levi,
who wore a dress of white ormndlo,
Tlie Ki'iioni was attended by Harry
Ses'il. '' this city, anil the ushers were
David Koplan, A. H. Lewis, Harry
Itt'lsuiau and Louis iliuorfeld.
l'Villowlns: the ceremony, dinner was
served, a Xew York caterer bolnjr In
chaiKf of this feature, after which
dunciiiRr was enjoyed in the ballronin.
.Mr, and Mrs. Cohen will visit tho Pan
American exposition nt Buffalo, and
then begin housekeeping In Xow York.
.Mrs. Cohen is the daughter of lienia
mli II, Levi, of Capotise avenue, and
is well known and popular. Her hus
band is an enterpiisiiiR young- business
man of tho metropolis, Among' tho
guests from out of tho city present at
tlie wedding: were;
Mr .nut Mh. M. (dlcn. Mr. anil Mrs. I.
.-.nmirK Jlli. It.i.v Miniicb, of .New Voifci Jlr. Mi., M. Ilui Utono, .Mis. II. Culieu, .if
l;'. : llauy lloihuiU, JIIm Ann
liilrliimllz, .1. l'lint., M.i .Mejers ,-ind ll.iuy
iippiiiliolinir, of WIIKo-i-llJtrc; .loeili Mlvri.
i no, vi( lit S-tiiiu.tIi.irs,
Dr. W. P. Honeywell and Miss Anna
I i'.'ihwmls, of Waynn avenue, worn
nlted in iiiuiTiiiKO by ltev. It. S. Jones,
D. !.. tif the West Market Street Con
gregational church ut tho homo of tho
bride mi Wiiynp avenuo last evening
ill :,uu n chick,
The bridu and groom were uuat
t Mided. After tho ceremony n wedding
is served, there only being a few of
Mr and Airs, Honeywell's relatives
present. Air- npil Airs. Honeywell will
reside m a newly furnished homo on
Putnam street In tho future.
The many friends of Air. Henry
Watts, formerly of Sanderson avenue,
this elty, for tho past year a resident
of Philadelphia, will bo pleased to leal n
of Ids marriage, which took place In
I'hlludelphla yestorday afternoon ut -o'clock.
The bride, Alias Helen Ci. Kin
noi s the oldest (laughter of Dr.
and Airs. Kobcrt 0. Kluiiior, and the
ceremony was performed at the family
i evidence, IMS Green street, by llcv.
X. ' Stulil. of Delaware City, Delu
wuro, fonnerly a pastor of the Oreen
Hldge Presbyterian church of this city.
The wedding Journey Includes Old
I'olut Comfort utiU "Washington. They
Gruerver 5 Co. I
Eg 205 Wyoming Avenue. I
will he nt home to their friends dur
ing the summer nt the beautiful sum
mer home of the groom's parents, Mr.
nnil Mrs. .1. Watts, near Olen
burn, Pn.
On H.iUirdny evening fleoige li.
Smith was presented with a very beau
tiful clock by employes of the Pennsyl
vania Coal eonipanj. Krle and Wyom
ing Valley llullroad company. Dun
more Iron and Htoel company, Dtm
more Ons and Water rompany, tho
companies he was so long associated
with thus showing their high esteem
for htm. t'pon the clock Is a ptntr.
nicely engraved us follows: "Present
ed to CIpoirc H. Smith by employes
of the Pennsylvania. Coal company,
thi! Krli nml 'Wyoming Valley Hull
roud company, tho Duntnore Iron and
Steel company, the Duntnore tlas and
Water company, as a token of their
esteem and In memory of the kindly
relations nf the past. At Serantou,
May 1, MM."
William H. Ililggs. of Wmiatulc, and
JIIsk Martha Watklns. of Xantlcokc,
Pa were married by ltev. cienrge A.
Citro. at the Methodist parsonage,
North Alain avenue. Monday evening,
Muy (!. They were accompanied by Mr.
and Airs. Henry Haswell, of Oak
street, brothcr-ln-luw and sister of
Allss Wntklns. The bride and groom
hold places of respect and love with alt
who know them. They will doubtless
receive some Interesting attentions by
friends at their homes, as they mar
rled without Inking iliPin Into their
The Hamilton Whist club enter
tained the substitutes yesterday af
ternoon with u progressive euchre nt
the homo of Airs. I!. A. Zimmerman,
in Creeii Kldge. Tlie ladles present
were: Airs. Connolly. Airs. Newbury,
Airs. Klrkpatrlek. Airs. Kear. Airs.
Hrlggs. Airs. Sherer, Mrs. Hower. Airs.
Peck. Allsses Hull. Xeltloton. Ilohlu
son. Van Cleef. ilroadwell, Oerecko.
The first prize was awarded to Airs.
Newbury, the second to Airs. Sherer
and the consolation to Allss Neltlcton.
The year prizes for tho Whist club
wore also presented. The 'winners were:
Airs. Klrkpatrlek. tlrst prize: Arrs.
Zimmerman, second, and Airs. Peek tho
A merry parly of little folks rind a
few older ones assembled ut the homo
of Air. and Airs. Fred Xlekerson, of
Dunmnre. Alonday afternoon, the occa
sion being the birthday of their dangli
t m Cora. Those present wera:
I le.inor Mr . Ivj. llullfr. Macaic I)elii
Holm ll..nil. I'liiri-t SaM.ui, JIaici.ivl. Uiiirfluni.
Cm. i Jl. MckT-oii, Mllilrr-d Nl,-Ki'iwiii. Willi'
Paliiirr. Iliu.i '.'.ilinri. Willl.1111 Ituiily. ('.ill
Si'li'. DiUnc SiMmry, IMwaiil litii,i, Mr. .tn.l
Mi-. V II. N'iil.-t-i'ii. Jb. C, Jl. Si'lslr, Mil.
1' SmsIp, Mi-;. A. I!. Si-.iil.
-I. . i-lii-i. ili i-ii'ui p.i ( imor ac-nl uf llic
Ct-iilinl Itnllov'l "1 'cw Jpi.v, i- in I'hil.iil'l
plii.i. Mis. .1. i:. M.iplo-, of Olhc sliect. lta re
tinned after s-petnliiic .1 week with lelJtbcs .it
New V01K .mil IliooKl.ui.
III. Itrv. nit1.,,p IIi.1-.iii In in U.iliiniuie. par
licipdlintr in the t-iifinoiiir-i iiielileiit In ((in
m nil'-.- the l.-il lut on Cndirnl Jfarliiiolll.
.1. , l.iiwiie Hell. ReiHial traltit! iiuimkci' nf the
('( l.'.iiliiM.I ai .Vie .Irr-cy, li.w tndeivil
hi-: te.-igii.ilioii 10 li((iuie pftL'diir 011 July 1.
The many triend-i nf .Mr, and Alls. Aliuin 11.
tlrnien-!, of Ill'i Jlnlberiy Mrppl, wi-ie ye-.lcrd.iy
((iner.iliil.itinsv tlicm the udvcnl of u son.
Jlis Ilertlm Gjll.itnl and JIKi I'rohnun, nf
New York, me t inning Jlle. I. A. Watiei.
Jll i-i a sNlcr of Ch.iiles riohinaii,
the theatrical ni.ianate.
The Bohemian Girls to Qive a Min
strel Performance for Charity.
On Thursday evening-. May "0, the
nohcmlan Iiadles' club will give a min
strel performance at Alenrs' hall. "West
Side, for the benefit of tho West Side
hospital, which promises to be an im
portant society event. The Bohemian
club recently organized, and comprises
a number of well-known young ladies.
This being their first appearance bo
fore the public, they intend to make It
one of the social and musical sniecesses
of the year. The hall will he elabor
ately decorated for the occasion.
There will bo twenty-two young
ladles in tho company, and -they will
be assisted by tho Klectrio City AVheel
mon's Minstrel company. After the
performance a social will bo given.
Tickets can be had from any of the
members, and also at the AVest Side
hospital after today.
Hubbard's lectures are iinhiue. Try
Special Bates
in the Delaware and Hudson Uall
load and return on account of the
great musical concert by Aline. Schu-nian-Helnk,
Allss Aland Powell and
Air. Frangcou Davis at tho Lyceum
Tlieulre Tuesday, May -1st. 1901:
Time of train, Itatos.
Wllkes-Uarre .... 7:0." p. m. ,i!0
Plttston 7:20 p. in. .o
Oyphant 7:2!1 p. in. ,J"
Cnrhondale 7:0,5 p. m. .30
Tonight, Klhert Hubbard, at liioyelo
G, A. B. Encampment, Gettysburg,
Pa., June 3 to 8.
Foi the above occasion ticket agents
of tho Lackawanna railroad will sell
imiiid trip tickets to Ciotlysburg. Pn
at i ate of one-way faro for the round
trip, Tickets will bo on sale good go
lug .luno 1st toXdh, Inclusive, and good
for return until Juno lPth, Inclusive.
Is a lecture worth a dollar? Hnb
bi.rd's it.
Tickets for the concert to be given
in Guernsey hall Friday. May 10th,
for the benefit of tho Lend-a-Hand
AHsslouary clrclo of the Green Itldgo
Presbyterian church, can he had at
Powell's muslo store,
Aleutal eitvlaro dofcribes Hubbard's
Local Hi!, Hi'otheihood of lilack
smiths, will hold a bpcclul mooting In
Odd Follows' hall, Lackawanna ave
nue, Friday evening. All helpers and
blacksmiths of tho D., L. and W, H, R.
uro requested to bo present.
Klhert Hubbard tonight at Dlcyolu
Guarantt'ed long Havana tiller.
A6k for Kelly's union crackers.
- " m
Local d..iu fee -May . J'.dli
lllidiot Icinpciiluic "u ilcijiecj
l.owc.t tcinpciutuic . ............. II deia-j
Pelatiie lnunldit :
s a. in .,...,.., ti per cent.
i p. in 60 per Mt.
i'lctiullutU'P, ncuc; u'rithtr, r.rtly cloudy.
Rev. Albert Hatcher Sivritli Formal
ly Assumes the Pastorate of the
North Main Avenue Baptist
Church Address by Rev. R. H.
Conwell, D. D., of Philadelphia;
Rev. J. H. Haslam, A. M., of Wil
Hamsport, and Rev. W. J. Ford, of
If a man Is to be Judged by the com
pany ho keeps, tho North Alain Ave
nue Haptlst church has a rich find
In Its new pastor, ttev. Albert Hatcher
Smith. Ho was Installed lasl night
with formal exercises In the Audi
torium, the participants In these ex
ercises were close personal friends, the
main features of tho exercises were
three addresses, and these addresses,
of their character, were three of the
best, It Is no extravagance to say,
tluil a Scranton audience has ever list
ened to In one night.
A mention of the speakers' names Is
nn earnest of this. They were ltev.
Russell H. Conwell. IX D., Philadel
phia's eminent divine, author mid lec
turer: Rev. J. H. Haslam, A. M pas
tor of the First Baptist church of
AVIlllamsport, and Rev. AV. J. Ford.
A. AI.. pastor of the Oreen Ridge Hap
tlst church. Rev. Jlr. Smith was for
years n member of Dr. Conwell's con
giegatlon and wrote his biography. Ho
was a school friend of Ilev. Air. Ford,
and a life long friend of Rev. Air.
It was well that the Idea of conduct
ing tho exorcises In the church was
given up. The Auditorium Is one of
the most capacious meetings rooms In
the cty. but Its capacity was taxed
last night. In the audience were
churchmen from all over the city and
nearly every Raptist congregation was
represented by Its pastor and several
On the platform were seated tho
speakers Rev. Air. Smith, Professor
Elkanah Hulley, principal of Keystone
academy: Rev. G. K. Guild, of the
Providence Presbyterian church: Dea
con Giles L. Clark, of tho North Alain
Avenue Raptist church, tho two solo
ists. Airs. Albert Hnteher Smith and
Airs. It. S. Smith, and Allss Kllzabeth
Owens, accompanist.
After tlie church choir, under the
direction of Hugh Williams, had ren
dered the anthem, "Rejoice Ye Daugh
ters of .ion," prayer was offered by
Rev. Dr. Guild and Deacon Clark then
introduced Professor llnlley as chair
man. The first speaker was Rev. Air. Ford,
lie had as his theme "Scranton as a
Field for Christian Work."
The need of longer pastorates was
one of the things ho dwelt upon. In
the thirty Raptist churches comprising
tlie Abington association, lie said,
there have been ninety-nine different
pastors in nine years. Long pastor
ates are possibly not an unmixed
blessing, he argued, but the highest
efficiency in church work cannot bo
obtained ) frequent changes. That
the Baptists are not the only sinners
In this respect, lie cited the fact that
of all the English-speaking Protest
ant pastors who were In Scranton
when he came here nine years ago,
only two are j-et in the city.
The corruption disclosed in city hall,
the thirty-two divorce cases on one
week's argument court list and the
large cosmopolitan population evi
denced by the fact that twenty-one
different nationalities were represent
ed in applications for citizenship lust
year were mentioned ns indicative of
some of the fields for missionary work.
Scranton has been given a bad repu
tation, he said, but lie wanted it un
derstood it was not nn evil city. In
no other city in the country, ho de
clared, were the churches better at
tended; no set of newspapers gave
comparatively more space to religious
news that the press of Scranton; Scran
ton nion of wealth are especially gen
erous givers in their contributions to
charity and Scranton pastors are uni
formly well treated.
"Tho Demands of the 'I'wcntlelh Cen
tury Upon Our' Churches" was the
subject of Rev. Dr. Conwell's address.
It would not be a Conwell address if
it had anything nf the hackneyed or
commonplace about it. Ho made his
argunientuni "Strive less to get to
heaven and more to bring heaven on
AVhen Christ prayed, Dr. Conwell
went on to say, Ho did not pray that
we should go to heaven. The Savior
prayed, "Thy kingdom come."
During the last century wo have been
reversing the whole Bible doctrine. We
have been too anxious to get to heaven.
Ours has been a sort of Chinese
church; we have been going at things
backwards. Tho church of the new
century Is going to bring heaven on
Clergymen are dally called to preporo
persons for death. Tho Savior bids us
get him ready to live and ho will be lit
to dlo any time. '
Evolutionists of the lasl century held
that nuin was descended from some
Imperfection, Ho had origin In somu
sort of a protoplasm and passed from
one state to nnother till he attained
the present perfection of his awfully
sinful Imperfection. At the last ses
sion of tho world's congress of scien
tists, the chairman declared that ho
was ready to believe that God mado
everything: that everything was made
perfect at tlrst and thaU evolution Is
progress towards perfection that was
lost. Tho next scientific congress can
be expected to have Its chairman de
clare that evolution Is tending towards
another Paradise on earth.
Some of the means of bringing heaven
on earth were interestingly pointed out
by Dr. Conwell. and Illustrated In that
Impressive style of which he Is a mas.
"Make men more healthy," was one
of his charges. Act tho Good Saniail
tan, It Is essential to tho spread of
the gospel that men should be healthy.
Religion s hi need of better digestions.
It Is the dyspeptics who will arltichse
tho new pastor. They are good, well
meaning touls. It Is not their fault.
The blame lies with bad biscuits.
A gymnasium was oiio thing above
all others a church should establish.
Dr, Conwell declared. "If God ever
called upon us to do anything, He
called upon us to establish a gym
nasium," ho said, and In Illustration of
this, told of the wonderful worth that
has been accomplished In muklng peo
ple healthier and happier and Inci
dentally attracting attendance to the
church, by the gymnasium he has had
established at his church, the largest
Protestant church In America.
We would give a thousand .years of
effort to be able lo think and write
ns beautifully as Longfellow. The
angels have greater nullity In this re
gard than Longfellow. When Christ
prayed "Thy Kingdom come." he
meant that wo should have minds like
the angels. Therefore establish ichooln
and help bring Paradise back to earth.
Some of our long, dry prayers In the
pulpits effect little more than the
prayer wheels In India wheel.i on
which prayers are Inscribed nnd which
prayers nre supposed to bo repeal oil
by tho owner of the wheel every time
wind, water or roiiio other such means
gives It n. revolution. Nothing practi
cal Is accomplished towards what the
church must tend, nothing to make a
Paradise on earth.
Do practical good, have a bro:idr,
deeper love, less sectarianism and more
real modern Christianity.
The address of Rev. Air. Haslam was
a scholarly and Interesting treatise of
the qualifications of, a good minister.
Kuthuslusui was a prime essential, ho
contended, unit he defined enthusiasm
ph "God within us." It Is necessary
that a minister should be a. scholar,
but more necessary was It that he
should be an enthusiastic herald of the
truth, having the genuine nllrulslli!
spirit, wholly abandoning himself to
Christ nnd looking welt to his own
heart-fellowship with his Savior.
All three speakers spoke warmest
encomiums of Rev. Afr, Smith and con
gratulated the church on having se
cured so able a pmtor.
The music by the choir and the solo
work of the new pastor's talented wlfo
and the oholi's regular soloist, Airs.
R. S. Smith, was will in keeping with
the general excellence of the pro
gramme of exercises.
On Alay 17 tho Scranton public will
have the tlrst opportunity of enjoying
a lent urn by Rev. Mr. Smith. Ho will
fcpaak at the Auditorium on "Some
Folks nnd Other Folks, or the Great
est Problem of the Ccutur.v."
City Controller Howell Wants to
Protect Himself Before He Will
Countersign City Warrants.
City Controller Howell has refused to
countersign the salary warrants for
the month of April until such time as
City Solicitor W.itfon furnishes him
with a. written opinion setting forth,
among other things, whether or not tho
controller and the recorder would as
sume any liability in cis... JI.ese var
iants were countersigned and paid, at, t
thnt If. when this had been done, the
Supreme court should hand down an
opinion declaring tho ripper bill uncon
stitutional. Tho various clt.v employes have be.. n
crying so for their April salaries that
Just as soon as the appropriation ordi
nance was signed the city clerk
time in drawing the warrant and
sendlni;- them to the recorder for his
signature. The recorder signed them
and sent them os-er to the controller,
who, realizing that he was under heavy
bonds, decided not to countersign them
in a rush, but to wait until the citv
solicitor bad given him legal advice.
The controller in bis communication
to tlie city solicitor also asks that offi
cial to decide for him to just wliaL ac
count he shall transfer unexpended bal
ances from last j-car which are not
provided for in this year's appropria
tion ordinance, tlie section directing
that they be merged into the general
judgments Item, having been stricken
out by select council, reinserted by
conimon council and again stricken out
by select.
The controller also asks for some In
formation regarding tho legal status of
the auditing committee. The members
of that body have decided that they
will make a fight in council for the
continuance of their powers and pre
rogatives, and with this end in view a
resolution is to bo Introduced In coun
cil on Thursday night directing the
controller to refuse to countersign all
warrants, the bills for which have not
been passed by the auditing commit
tee. At Alonday night's meeting of the
committee the only bills which were
presented were contracted before April
1. None of the bills contracted since
thnt date or since Scranton organized
as a city of tho second class were pre
sented. This was because. It had been
decided at a meeting of the recorder
and bis cabinet, held on Alonday morn
ing, to have all heads of departments
ignore the auditing committee and send
their bills, after approval, directly to
the recorder.
In his communication to the solicitor
the controller asks If It will bo pos
sible for councils to curtail any of the
powers vested in him by 'Section 1 of
Article IX of tho Ant of lSSfl, govern
ing cities of the third class, which act,
It Is believed, is preserved by tho rip
per bill. Tho particular section of tho
act which the controller refers to In
prescribing his duties snys: "He shall
examine, audit and settle all accounts
whatsoever In which the city is con
cerned." During his term of office, which has
already extended over two years, the
controller has never heforo questioned
the right of tho auditing committee to
pass upon bills. Those who are going
to make the light for the resolution
directing him to refuse to countersign
warrants for hills not passed by tho
committee maintain that It will go
through councils with n lush.
Given Last Night in the Grace Luth
eran Church.
A splendid musical treat was given
at the Grace Lutheran church last
night In the form of a musleale, under
the direction of Allss Jennie Kaufman.
This Included soprano solos by Allss
.Tennlo Kaufman, Allss Kmina Ludwlg
and Allss Robertson, recitations by
Miss Dora Al. Howe, a piano solo by
Mrs, H, C. Ward, and violin solos by
Will Allen.
Professor K. K. Southworth and Allss
Rose Rlehl acted as accompanists.
"Tho Llltlo Dustman." sung by a
quartette consisting of Allsses Jennie
Smith, Kmnw Ludwlg, .Maud Alay anil
Jennie Kaufman, was one of the night's
"Itoyrroft Ideals" is Klboit Hub.
bard's theme.
Smoke the Pocono 3c. cigar.
Organs for Sale Cheap.
You can buy a good second hand Or
gan us low as $10.00 ut Guernsey Hall,
j. w. Guernsey, Prop.. ;)H Washing.
Ion avenue, Scranton, Pa.
If you can't think, don't hear Hub.
Smoke the new Kleon cigar, 5c.
Ask for Kelly's union crackers-
His Departure Was Wholly Wanting
Any Particularly Dramatic Feat
ureBade Good-Bye to the Sheriff
and Warden in the Most Common
place Manner and Left in Company
with One of His Daughters Order
for His Release War Made by
Judge Kelly,
At Inst James Gannon Is free, lie
was liberated from the county Jail nt
4.1S o'clock yesterday afternoon and
wont away In company with one nf his
The order for his release was made
by .Judge Kelly after the formal ac
knowledgement In open court of the
famous deed, which Gannon refused to
sign, and which Sheriff Schadt signed
r htm under authority of the new
net and by direction of the court.
Giiuuon received word of the order
for bis release from Warden Simpson
at 8 o'clock and at once busied himself
In packing up his belongings and put
ting on his good clothes. He was about
ready to put on his coat when his
daughter arrived.
His departure was almost wholly de
void of dramatic Incident. He shook
hands with .Sheriff Schadt and Warden
Simpson as he was passing out and
while waiting for a car went across the
street to O'Hara's store to say good
bye lo James O'Hara, who had called
on him frequently during his long in
carceration. He seemed to be well pleased upon
being a free man once more. He de
nied to a Tribune reporter that ho
wanted to stay In Jail and said: "I nm
well satisfied to get out." All efforts
at drawing Gannon Into an extended
talk on his release proved futile. It
was a grand opportunity for him to
boast of how be had kept Ills word
that ho would "rot In jail" rather than
Mgu the deed, but he let tho oppor
tunity go by the board. "Well, good
bj-e now." was about the extent of his
Six years, seven months and twenty
one days was the length of Gannon's
imprisonment. He will make his home
with a married daughter, Airs. Gerrity.
of this city.
Will Be Held by the School of
the Lackawanna on Thursday,
June 13.
The twenty-eighth commencement of
the School of the Lackawanna will
take place Thursday evening, Juno t::.
The closing exorcises of the lower
school will be held on the afternoon of
the same day. The commencement ap
pointments are as follows: Annual ad
dress to the school. Waller E. Gunster,
class of lSflO. vice-president of tho
Alumni association; farewell address.
William If. Alainwaring. of the gradu
ating class, Plttston, Pa.; response for
the school. MoNuIr At water Phillips,
class of M02.
The exercises will be held In tho hall
of the Bicycle club. It is Hoped that
the Rev. Dr. Cann. the aged principal,
will be present, and will confer the
The second annual meeting of the
Alumni association, of which James
W. Oakford. esq., is president, will bo
held in tho parlors at the close of the
commencement exercises. The school
dance given by tho seniors will follow
the exorcises. Admission to tlio exer
cises will be by card of invitation.
Tho names of the class of 1901 are as
follows: Dorothy Ressell. Alice Allen
Knapp, Helen S. Powell, Jerome Bar
rett, Wllllnm Connell Dimmiok, Harry
Lewis Jones, William II. Alainwaring,
Gardiner Spring Flumloy, Robert L.
Reaves, Jr., Ambrose L. Spencer, Jr.,
Gordon Al. Taylor.
School Notes.
Allss Clare von AVettberg, of Hatt
ford, Conn,, a graduate of Welleslev
college, has been bead master's assist
ant at "Lackawanna" since tho begin
ning of tlie Faster term.
On Tuesday evening, Juno 11, a "com
mencement" concert will be given bv
the students for the benefit of tho Ath
letic association, '
111 response to the request of S. ft.
Alott, chairman of tlie Joint -Memorial
day committee, the following sun-committee
has been appointed to collect
funds, for the observance of Memorla
day. from the students, alumni, and
friends of tho School of tho Lacka
wanna: .1. Taylor Foster, chairman;
William Matthews, Harold K, Connell.
Percy Chamberlain, Gcorgo Sanderson,
jr., Joseph Wills, Allss Alice- A. Knapp
and Allss Dorothy Ressell. Last year
this school collected tho largest amount
turned In to the committee. The alumni
especially aro requested lo see that
Odd Boxes of Stationery?
At prices that will surely interest you. The
above may be seen iu our display window. . .
Oils, Paints
Malony Oil 5 MandiacKiring Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
ifebcrnurvc ox-:.
proposition which ought to
Interest yoii is our
Bottled Beer
And if a doubt flits' through
your mind that it is not the
best for the money, you are
not familiar with what is
usually offered.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
their contributions
of this committee.
go Into the bands
Twelve Bunk and Call Men Sworn
in Yesterday.
Appointments to bunk and call places
continue to bo made, and there now
seems no doubt but that as many men
as aro needed will be secured before
many more days. Recorder Alolr swore
In the following men yesterday:
Neptune Call lit'ii, John Ithlri Wil
liam lllH'-t'.T.
oliniibi.iH CV.1I men, J. m A. S. .MiCh llatnl,
.1. Km nk WilllaniK tind (italic, I'. Jlohllmr.
Itelicfi-Cal! man, Ciiailc.-s I). Ilohln-on.
l.Viii'nil l'lilnney--( .ill man, 11, b. Sn.nlu.
VlaiMivi -Cull lii.lli. John II. Mtltpjolm.
William Cniiner-liiink men, Ijlwln Mniiei!
mid Kimsl Slnui'U.
H,iitl"l--('.ill man, II. A, Conniir.
Hook nnd l.aildci' Hunk nun, Albeit WalteM.
Recorder Alolr expressed himself as
being very well pleased at the class of
men who have been appointed and
seems confident that they will be a
credit to the department.
J, A. Wii.leiiiiiith .i aliened jiMriday al
the iiilaiie of his mhi, 1'ied W'iiiteiiiitilh, who
limine llial he dcluiiiled him out nf a hoard
bill .iiniiiinllinr I" kmt fc;. lie va- toinuilllnl
li the county jail in def.inll nf (X hail. ie
'pilled hy M.iidMiatc llnvw, hefoie whom th?' w.M tiled.
Alheil, lllichl.l. of l, ntll'ct, tt.K .IIH'.-K-.l
yesterday al the iin-lante of Director of I'nhllc
Safely llltchrock. on the eliaige of M'llinj;
llliini' without it liien-e. lie wat held In SW
hail liy JljsMr.ilr- Howe.
The enlargement of amateur photo
graphs is a specially with Sclirlcver.
A Special Meeting
of the Bricklayers' union Is called for
Wednesday evening, Aluy 8th, in Raub's
hall. By order of the committee.
Sthriovor develops
work lestillfully.
amateur photo
Try the New 5c. Cigar "Kleon. ;
American Lady
Our own shoe, built from
our ova desigus. Come iu
and try 011 a pair, uo obliga
tion to buy you know. We
are glad to let you see this
splendid shoe and tell you all
about it, whether you waut
to buy or not.
Shoes, $1.98 Pair.
Oxford Ties, $1.19 Pair.
Clarke Bros
Ladies' Tailored
Suits We Make
I'll the lady a-, the feathei fit I lie liiul, 'I lie
mike, sl.ile, lit, finish and roiies air all pcilrtt.
Our iiing utock H now awaltinc .inur ju..ifr.
Hon, lie sl.ul id M'e Mm any Unit'.
Kinjr Miller, Merchant Tailor,
Stationers and
and Varnish
Wfl 'UN
l.uuU Arthur Watreni Pruldtnt
Orlando S. Jnhnion, Vice Vies.
Arthur Mi Christy, Cnhler
Capital, $100,000
Surplus, $100,000
Court House Square,
Interest Paid oil Savings Accounts
A t lilOltlZIIll hy ll Clutter to (pt
all maimer
nf TrusH; to act as
Ileielirr, TiuMee,
lor (ir i:fciitiir.
(luaidijit, AilnilnUtrt.
'T'lli: V.Mirs of II, Is aie protril-
ed liy the llolinoi Kleitilc Ahum
I.. A- Watrei, O, S. Jobninn
Wm. H. MalLitead I:, P. Kingsbury
Everett Warren Aug. Robinson
Joseph O'Brien
4, fJ, i. ff
A glance at our Men's
Furnishings stock will con
vince you that we were not
napping when the good things
were passing around fo,
Spring. We are in a position
to advise you in the point of
"A Gentleman's Furnishing Store."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
325-32T Penn Avenue,
A Couch
Is Con
venient. In the sitting room, where
you can lie down and rest
when you are not feeling well.
There is a certain soothing
comfort and peaceful rest one
has on our
Couches that commends them
for "tired feeling" these
Spring days. Thirty.six pliant
springs and a heavy padding
makes each couch soft and
yielding and coverings of
rich velours and tapestries
make them handsome,
i-',A it sf
,. ? 4Jt-