The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 08, 1901, Page 4, Image 4
' r iq M ..!- U " ? Vk"V JrW "V -JJ ,"f 'MP Tfwi-y, A JT y ' W rr THE SCR ANTON TKIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, MAY S, lOOf. v. fuMI'licd Dill'. I.xrrpl Simla) . ti- Hie ; Tilli. jnr.jJ'uMWiliig Coniptnx, at nil) lent a Monlli. 1 B VIhiuVi i a 1 1 n tMiiir. "5J -C JlYMIIir, )liiiltic MiiiJtr - p-f " New Yolk Dili's Ml Ni-jiu M. . 5 ItKI.I.AM), hole AgniL for ronton AJcrllms. I titan I at llir IVi-lofllii ul 'i I mton, I'J i us .Viond f Ij-1 Mill Miltci Ulifii jpirp hIII permit, 'I lie Irlliiitii' l h!j Kind lu irlnl hoil lelten fiom 111 frlimls nriw Inpr nti luiiuit topic but ll mlf I that hcf nnl lie tlgim!. .r pi'lillntlon, li) Ibo Mll a rial niniij md the lundltloii irnH'nt l r' trpliiiwr u thai ilt tojitrlliutloiu Mmll tic mliJ'U If, ..lllnrlat to nlllnrlal inl-loli. mi: i lai uaic rem aiivmui-imi. IIi" nolip laMn tliows llie prlrf pel llieli ram lll-ruiou. fplie lit lr lluil 55IIIIHI 'm' " I Itllll ot IMdiiurrlll UIM'LW. I j;inr I lleadltu I'-i llisii Vii) IihIik ' ,.'." "" .T5 Vin Inrlic JO .'I l'i") " ii I 175 I'll " IVj I 17 (ml ' 5 ' ,i,5 t'n'11 I'oaltlo" ;i .ti .i" is I ul i inN nf lliiii!t, Knoliitl in- "f noiiil'ilcii" ml -Inillir mntiH ullotn In Hi'- nilmr nl ml ifttMnf: lie rillmii" nulxii ii ilium iM " etils line. riilr for ( Ij'.llinl iiirtlliu finiiMicI m uppl'tiillrti i-i'llAN'liiN, M. 'S s I'lfll. 1! till, W i- (lllllll, Ijp lnkt.ll ful Kllllltcil f'nt public opinion i mil I'llouite llir; Ki spin's nf iln iilili hdmolh In ni"--Ioii "Hill .Ttilj j nt fill pvuiIh. notlilnrr cm (iill'il ifllilll to lOII'l "lllllll 'llllill.ll in :,fi'il hi ion li ;. rltfrliiFf wcitln-i. tnY uilfiiiii'iinii'iit ol' the smMiooIs nil .Illlir. 'is ,'is ,i Inipi Hn-n,. wr-HlM tern lull' II In rnr Ik'Hit tn lifjrin cnUrr In Hi' ti'll Ih'ii tn in.n'tlic ciur-lty on liiinl.', .iii.I i..n hrr.t liv ,is:lns tin- l.n-ii'i-i ,ml mijlriii till- l.ildr Id per hi) hi I'iImi, Inn, v( dm,) miiI; In nililsiiin lii' I. less Work; Same or flore Pay. r l MniltMin loiiM ! atl-iinr-d lllluilRllnUt tin' i niilM'tltlL lll 'lw tl i('4 dl lllf I lllllltlj, ,1 llllll'. hniir il.n In .niin' inn ,m c Iplit lirinr ilny In ntlior ti.iiKs, with an fli;lit-liriur i ii i i ,iii in iniirhp of tinii-. wmild nut lie liuiiii hlul.'. It nirrN'JIv tn In' siiil til it 111" uhfi "i-iiln, 1 ;illi'iill Im cifrlit Inmi'., iloliu,' Ills- I'"M, i'inii n iliiii pay unit 'lluillil lino tlic iPiiuilmlor ot the rl.iv to ilcMitu tn u'i'ic.itluii, iiiJ.ti uotlrin .mil roM. Uia m'nt m hljoi ul tlif llnw inplil teildciii'.v nl inmpctiliM' I tl tficwls tn coniblno lnr ci nnoinli' ic.i--niii, .mil lieui'lU ih Hint It InliiK.s tin- cinlil-houi il.iy mill li ne.iu't Hum it w,i.. Sii lmis .ih inniliii lii' taplttil li.ul tn l.n u miitlnimlly tin pin.speit nl iiit-tllliMl innipotitinll. It wits in poop position to talk about i.iis insr i.i:e .mil .it tin.- hiinu- tlmo Inwrr Ins tlir nunil'd' ol limn& In the unit of pay. Then t lit cinplocr who nilcht pcr 'onally look with l.nui upon ,i niititM. In illroctliin fnicil to inni.. U-t a bhonltl uncluibiil liiin. Now, with sunt inloicst.s rcntPicd uniloi the con trol of u few stiniifr iMptnliis of In tlilfti. who, so tai ,i tniiipotltioii is cniiii'iiii'fl, i nniin.incl the HpIiI, labor Ii.ih a ii" ihuni" to ni.ikp its point felt. Hut Is it tlif Ik.sI w.i. to licshi with stril.o talk .mil wiili ai' .itiikintr? Hat. cm iv other niuthotl ( boon thorouplily UietJ .mil fouinl w.inttnp;? It will be peicrivetl, nf, the ptnjiosritltin tn ri'tluee fiom a ten to .i nine houi day in a iiidusu.v is -tui.iIent, wline w.ige.s umaln the nnii.'1 tu an Iniip.iste nf oer 111 ner cent, in tin' cost nl the pincluetlon in paitlriilur Iiulitstiy. This, ,iS cionomlitts know, b ,i laiw .step to ink- .'it niii-c .mil one u-iuiiiup c.ittfui preliiiiiuniy llsniin,; Mini inmleiu i -feutiNf pii-.iu.inj.f niein. That even -body would welcome it if it eoulil mine Mlliout tioublc nr iosw . certain Uut It is wuitli the e. pensp m a toimii.ii),. .sttlki', when with mote piilipif it would pmlMblv come Ihrouah piMteful i volution, is bv no niein.s an cli at a" it ought to be in tisiln in i.imj public sc nipatlo with a mneial attike ninseimut, with the .uiNieliis that -ueh a nmvenit'iit I always liiiiLs, ' .ulnali!ii':, IiuiiM-liiB enthilsi.isiu ' i.s a u-'oiiMiui'tid citUi'ii niiitht to lullv equip llllll foi the wiirle's nia-t-uleal pen h Ijj the ith nf .lulv A Wrong Foundation. rum: ynr.N-ij. puMiiius ut O. niaili' a nile of iijiift foibliKlliiK thu nr'-- p.-ipi'rs to piint any u'teii'iu e.s :n. rational inuiilei tilal theie in 11 uaaiin is that Inas. inueli nf. Iniif oiliei eliaiKcs aie peuii- Iiir; aKaliift the piImiih'I', who might ' inn,, to be til d again, tho eu'ei t nf publkiiy to ffitlmony l:i the liist tilal oiilil be to pH'Juiilee the scttliij," of 1.1 other Impatilal jiuy. 'ifhcie aici tfiiiibK' nbjcctlniii to tlio e'tiiloliliiR of iiiivndlary couit lliir.i- till'. efFiecnillV details of erlm.-. il. .. haw a 'tei'.loiii y to e.clte ipitttit Ion. ' tun tlif. .iw lCb to tlio Judge iiu een .siishlp In tlilii respn't, and tha reason Ip'oitoif! for ueiobi'K ono h not toiniiirlifti. It favoia too inoailly the nli'l notion that tu b-i n Romi jui i nr u ma'i uiiBlit to bo it ktiow-iiothlns: whcieas common s, uud ciuumou cMjciU'iiie both touch that thu Intelll. r-'tiilce which encoui.ises u man to ie.ul in."Asi.'ipeia anil to form opinions, cop ccinliiahat hq leads Ik precisely tip) Kind which promote;. Judicial weighing of ldence In tho Juiy mom. NVo are hut disposed to rjiu'i it'l with th( SaniUtbky Judge tiouiiise ho hns lutilntiu on the bonietlmes too loujlly" nssoited rishth of thu ip.n.s; In Inuhy Instnnce.s they need euittill nient. lint we do object to the piopo. t-liion thut lanomnco nnd Jury com petence, mo neccbsailly Inteicluinae. nble toiii?). I is inther dlillculi now to duttn mine tiom Peklu iiuw-h who btlongs n the nlllante. Thu clt'ctrlo lights, in this ilty are till kept at the lowuied ponltion.where thpy absolutely blind every one walk ing towards them. Unpleasant colli slunb between neople. and not a iv fallb got from Inability' to see the un- J tn a prosii rVpiineM In flnRftonc p.tvrmenl!". nrc the I'oiHIminl ifsiill". t'oinicllH Hhotiltl un to Us inu llchts bcltiR nils-etl tn their fouiier position wlthuut Intmcr dt'lny. It Is contended that, hiivlnt,' t'oinpclloil the llnlit coinpniile" to pro tu Mil' I'Mienpu of Itmiriim the liglitH, coiiiiuIIh slioutil help pny Ihat of their tnliilti1; iifjiilu. Whatovcr ileelnliiii ninv lie llnally iniiile an to Mint, the t'hiiiiKi' nf elevntlon shuiiltl be innile at once. t'ontliiiiuiis wtilkliiR: uf cniplojt"', foliiPlited nuillll.V by iiRltutol'i believed to litnc been coiifelmisly or union n'loiisly CBHi'tl on liy rival Intel phIh, Im ciftllteci III Miniu of the iiewnpiipetH ol Vllke-Hniio with having- iliheti away fiom that tlty a kIIU mill that, in mute tinmilill llinc, hail gien I'liipliiyiueuL to nmiiy peitmlit ciikoi for the liicoine II offeted; tmtl c Imve no teuton to rlotibt the explauiilion. nstmiiilet kIiiiI lar in kind and In tiend am lieiiitciit. Capital sninellini'H it unfair to Inbm, tliniiKh mil half t'o much In inmiprimix times us In tlitll tliucM: but cutiltal laiiuot IiprIii tn eipial labiu's iinfalt-nc-ts to liibor when prfjitdlic or emo tion sweeps a-dde the tisttalnts of pllllll'lll c. Traveling' Free Libraries. ONH UP the most Uheful iecl opinenta of the iiKidein II liuiiy sHieui Is the tiael llig llbi in. w hit h in i It s In li'slibills nf i'liuill lot'illtlos the edit c.itioinil nth 'intnm's fniineilv wllhlii tlie iimcIi of ic-ident.-. ol lame cillc-t ouh. It Is not i onipllincnlai v tn lVuns.'itMuilii that II .shntiitl hae been the last but one nl nil the mates to adopt this beiiolkent s.s tniii, nor is It cifilitabip that the iiu thcianer' ut Ibis puipc-p ban up tn Ihl: time liatl tu tl"pcnil wholly upon Pihatp in in oloiii e. Ill l'l'l a .stale tl.ielllK 111)1. itles i onunls-'lon was elal)ll'-hed, but rm apptopiiatkui was Riantctl lot lis nininti'iiimte, Th. nienibets of the coiiinils.dnn wpip ileiPi mined, howeer, not to let the oppm lunitv pass without eurteuvoi iuir to pitnp thr beliellcial chaiaclfi ut the weak tut i listed to them, and Ihev i.ilsetl .immiK 111' h pei.nnal lileud.s the Mini nl .' Sim ith w hlih to inausuiate the moc luenl The tonunis.' ion puuh.i'-ed a laiK'' lllllllliit nt bonk', buses ill wbiill they could be ennecd ftoni place to plate, all the umcaty stationei.v and blank" tijiuis, and hne alieiil.v pl.u ed twehe of such lllnaiie.s in .u lints pails nf the .slate The desitp to put at least one bundled mom, within the louite nl the nest two e.ii',, in aii utih totalities w hlih will otlieiwit-e lie without the pn Ilexes of books. 'I he i oinnilt-'don hae nut leeched a penny of conipcii'-ation noi cen theli ti ivel ing; e.Miense.s to anil liom the at Ions intrlinus whlih luue befn held at tin State llbiai. in Hat lls-butfc. Theli t ntiie wink in this mat lei has been in tilt naluie nf a tltuial ion: uud while the tlo not ask lor p.iv loi lliciiisphea, it is unjust that they tdiould not only bine to p.iv theli own epi nse.s while senilis till stale, but ,iImi ait at,'i.s lu I'ldei to :et liiuds whi'iewith to do the states woik. Tills eniiiinlsslun has .isked the pic sent legi.slal in c foi an appiopila tion ol 1ii.i)imi tin two eais, oi "i nun a eai, to tuable it lu cany on ith l.ibois on a si ale Htllli lunth aiuplt and PlfcctUe tn ltatli I he m.i joi it of bonkle.-s litucns in the smalKi i "iu iniinitks nl Hie i iinuuonwe.illh. '1 he letpiest is iuodi"-t. pinper and timely. It is not an applliation for thn liene lit ol any local irf-titulion or indivld u il. The tiavellns libiaiie.s hysteni benefits iM'iy town and illa,;e in tlie .state, and eipially concerns ail count let" So lai as we know, this ie f lies t lias no poweilld influ ence at if bails, is not taleulateil to .ml anv poii or t.ution and is bptore the Ii'sislutinc tlatly on its meiits n is up to the legHlatuie to say what .shall bo dune without. Mi. t'oiuy oiilpith wishes to nn tlne the tiadic In ehilaiatlng bect ages cMdus-hel to the snake season. Literature nmi the Public. K. ANl'IirAV LAN'! l Im'S to i em uk that "lltei.itum eimtiol be taught, ' and iiuoteh Mr. Augustine lllr- mil's PiieeiliiK nuestioir What, in the name ul the I'odlelun, lias the feneral pu'.illc to do with llniuturo'.'" Tlie New Yoik piper w hit li gives Mr I.ang'.s dli turn to the Ameilian public lnihtens lo Miy that it "agiees with him." It would hae been as well lot these Mipcilor pciMiiiH to look the fact lu the tan that both lltciatuio and the love of litciatum can be "laught," evi n to llni j 011111? ehildmu ol "the guii'ial public." po loftily looked down upon by a bio'wser in the olumc.s and piteiollb doeuiueiits piehoned ill Hie HiKlMuii and other woiideiful uld AVoild llbinrles. I.lleiatuie anil the loo ot It tan lie "taught" b ilailus it In the hands of tlie .muiiib; and theie is n gieal wilume of "llteiatuie" tine lllcratuielliat uen Ml. I.ang and Ml. nitmll cunnnt, by any lest applied, iUny ts !, tlie noi nmi ihlld will speedily ionic to lose when given him to mud. Thmo am a good ir.aio; siineh, piobably tliousan ts, 55 hoi o chlldieii hrne leained to Invo llttiatino, have been "taught" It. by liming- It lead to them In the begin ning, Mr. Iaim' says that "xdiat Is leaintd ot liteianiiK at OmopI coinen fiom leadlnK Mm bes.t llteiatuie, that of Gieeco and Itome, and fiom mailing lor human plousum ' That last ciauto Is le.illy to tlio point. K'.'u joung diilditii. to say nothing of tliose a few yeais older, "leun" llter.ituro by "leading tor human plef.nirc " master pieces in tlieh i)55ii InnKUftSje. The llteiatums of Oie'o and Homo are Hlt-at. 15ut lmgllsh Ilterntuie needs no sneer at tlio liaiuls of any "piliolur" 55ho iho-) to mikt) a fetish or an Idol of tlio classics, denying a knnnl idge ot lltuiutute to "tha genual pub lic" that iloe.s not read tho nmstor pieces of ancient Qiee.ce and Home in the oilglnil tongues. Thu would-be high nnd tolect cluss lliat can do that numbeis remaikably ttw of the giad U'Uib of Oxfuid, or any other univer sity. 11 would he well for literary snobs to gain n lilt'" '' in m-n , M tiling what tiUo llteraltite li liuUHvo. or, and. also, the capaullles of "tlie general public." They 55011M not lie Imimril either b' aciitlltliig a little, hitnilllty, even thmigh they have themselves wilt ten books which Mi" Itodlelan library Jtcepei s nnd tlic gelt eial public nf ti bundled your lietiec tuny, or tuny not. Ivivo know ledge of. As the loitiul 5 oi Id I.s, nrtei all, only a sniull iitiice In Mils em of electi lolly and of Intel national Intciests fomver Impliiglng tiion another. 55 o note that Monday, May , was tlie day of Mel betitne'H celebiatlnii In honor ot tin heir of the Hilllsli Impel lai tin one. wlio. Willi Ilia wife, Iuih leached Alls Itnliu In the Jotilney mound the wot Id to sec and be Been lu all Hrltlsh colo nies. Tlie dnv 55 as clioi.en as? being Ihal of Hie opening or tlie Kedeial pailliiineul ol Allttiallu. My tlio bye. it Is not leu woitliy or note that bolli West ami Soiilli Austiallii, lu the ci en I Maud colonial omphe or mpiili llc whlclli er you rliorne to call it, foi It Is both have given paillnmen tiny surfiar.o lo their citizens of both ri'Nos, etiualb. It Is mtm.shlng to uud tinii the bthct of V"idl In his will that two gieut h"i'iilUleally scaled chests 111 his li'iti'-e near J!usoto, chests containing' pilvate pnpets, should be binned un opened, with nil their 'contents', lias been obewd. Them hae been far too main Instances where pilvate imperii of the distinguished uf p.uth have been I ubllslietl alter their deathIn illsie pmd ol their wishes, olteli to tlie dent il. cut or theli inenion-. The Instauee wlilch brought Tennyson's impassioned and Indignant pi utest "After t'eadlng a Kile and l.etteis" Is one that ins had lai too iniiue pinalliN week the unanimous 5titc of the New Yoik assembly, appiopi luting SlW.uiiu rm' th" i)i t'sen.'.t lou of the r.llls.ide.s of the Hudson, .isslilcs the l.eeplni, for tlie 5hoIe tountiy and lnr all fuliim time ot what mniains ol that glorious sejneiy. Ne5V .Tei .e.5'.s legisl'itmc hail, liefem, set apart "sl.ii.OiiO lot the i ani' pui pose, and the lohit "Palls nles I'oniinlsslnu" appoint ed by tlie t55o htutcs to cslabll&h an inteistale paik, will now go toiwaid 55ilb its appointed 5501k. That is souK'thilir lor all I'nlted States citi zens who take pilde ill tile beauty of til li land tn ic.inlce 05 ei hiii nic tontlnuis to annnuiiii' its nc55- dlsctneiles until the woiltl s, ems to li 15 e gio55ii i.ated 55UI1 the sense of 5ondei .mil aicepts each new thing tlius told as a matter of ionise. The latest is the dlseo-eiy of solid ail air ftoKeii hollil bv Piofessor A. 1,. Met?;, ol Tulane unheisitv. New Oilcans. It pmsented itselt to him in eonemte toini as tlie lesult ol some evieiiments he was making with liquid ah, the piop eities of which and Us possibilities aie ! no means .cl known to siluntlsls. While niemoilal seniles aie being held m Ameiica as 55ell as Cngland lor Sir John Stainer, the gieat chinch inu-ic coniiosei, anothei, almost as 55 ell known and hououd, has dosed his eai thlv t aieei, ltithanl Head, since l"ijf oiganlst ol Si. Maiy's thumb, J'ailtlinglon, London, the 55ilttr of niiich lamous liMiin mil it, among "Iheis of the niiisic usii.illj, sung tn "Itotk of Ages," died on Sunda.5,May .". The epedience ot the lodge men 5I10 atttniptoil to Initiate Mr. Not man llcinlng55.n , nt Kansas city, should be a 55aining lo those 55 ho In tutltie at tempt to instinct a "Unci" in Ml" imsteiips ot the ruder lo lllst seaieh the candidate. The eMitement at tending one's Ihst tilal astiide the Knit is liable to make a man 55ith .1 loaded ie5oler In his hip pocket a dangeious visltoi, 'I lie 1 1 nil tiee blossoms and the loliage ot other tiees have bien open ing by leaps and bounds mienlly tn tho balmv air. Theie !t no doubt about the 55 01 Id in theVe noithein teniperatp climes being the AVoild Dc.iutiful lu this May-time. The human is never lelt with out tails on It tni pi.ittlcal sympathy nnd aid, for the lecognitioii, so, of the hum. m In othei hood. It Is Jnrkson- i 1 If. l'londa, that makes thu latest one, and It 55 111 not call unansweied. As ih- political tuition ol I'uba aie alieady indulging in 1 a lies and ie vulviis, It will not be tor the leadeih lo attempt a (ltniml 55 Ith the United States in older to keep up the ii'iiuiii'd escltenieiit. THE OLD COUNTRY BAND. I :i 10.111 1I1.1 Inmi i.l t.likii Hint, vn lien jt a ami I mi in Iml ,; Win 11 iiiii-li, In In- .shcoI In lis iiiu-l hi os 11 ill OtllCI IHli-O, Wlui iiinlid .iu 1 mumed mil 1.11, ji.i1 picij ImIIii.- Iiuil: iinlf.iini-, 5tilli taiMih l-i(l "cm .ill our 111 .III, ljl,illll Oli, lnm lii'i-c rlloub iiiiuliul .ihunt nil rluv linllilii! I lie 's,iian" n,i lillul 5ith iiiu-it sstrct. tit.) tllll. Willi l.ll.'lll IIM.5 1 lie t.mii Ii.IK. upon tlicir tlipo, I lie inmi- III tlllkl-, lll.-lllll, Willi lioii.a pi indiii lu t lie I nut , tlioic up tunic other meet, Hie Iii'j Will, jmi un rj suc- vvi slnll imt liy 10 lll'lt II WlicncM'i lint ulil luii'l JS uut, wc ft 1 1 0 53 luaiiliu! hc.iilc it. Wu Ktpt llio ttrp tlie lijitliiicn likl. in I l.ept it ipillc .h will, .5i, J nlujt.s lie. uei timer up wliui it wa. lime lu jell. IVrlup.. tlit.5 iiuile Diiie iluiuril Kilii tl.e tlilu I in tn IjI.'.v lioul tlne 1111111 .11 tilling ami loiul 1. tliet by iljlit eliwM ilui I'lllupj Ulil l.Mllblli liiilll'l lllll," CMltlj (Mill Hid l'u, l'uljv, llio "llllll," iiil.i.-e.l siiuc nolej jml luutiU ma uf pljce. Hit wlut uii'il vio n In 11 5e miu lio. -10 our iiiuiilluinl t'ipj.,t "llic I ill 1 I lid llihlul Me" 5511 1, guoil .u suiivi' .e-.t; Out little luik. w uulil iluislilin up, out I llUUV. llti UOllllI HIV) 151,1,5 'llio aunt' ci oui uillil blb.-tn pljj a hoi 11 tune tin, I've kcipl full iidii' I'jiiih imc tinii, jih) pjlil to i.ct 1 i it; , l'5c IicjuI I Ik 111 play theli lowlect jIii Jul folilv sjilly u cc t ; Uut nevei lu. 111.5 In In,- tliilllc.l ultli iipiuic nioti! ninplelc ThJn lnn I luaitl our village luml 1,11 uunh lu.r 1I0 III III? tm. . lulni l Sjne.5, In 1'JilIsilclpliU l.c.Uei. A FEDERATION OF BOYS CLUBS ORGANIZATION 1'ORMED IN THIS OITV YE3TEUDAV. II Comptiscs All tho Boys' Clubs and IiulUnhlnt Associntlons la Nortlicnntctn Pennsylvitnlii Pub lic Meetings Held In the Auditor ium of the FnHsh House, nt Which AtldicBses Weto Made by Ilev. Walter D. Johnson, Mrs. H. W. Palmer nnd Kcv. Dr. Istnel. An ni'Kiinl.ntliiu in be known us the Slate l'Vii"nilliiit of Hoys' clulis wat lornicd yestenlay nftei 110011 in thu 1111 dltoi lum ol St Luke'a parish liollpe, at a convention of mptesentntlven ftoin the boys' lliduitilal u.soclatloiis and tioys' cliib.4 or Xortlieaslein I'ennsyl 5 aula. Them wvie Milily-lwo dclegato l.ingiiiK lu age ft 0111 tv.elve to seven teen yearn, and alter n geneial dis cussion It w ns decided lo adopt a pre llminaiy lonstltutlon, which had been piepared bj Mncolti i:. Hi own. mana ger or Mie local apioclrillon. and Mis. II. V. Palmer, of Wllkps-n.-nie Tlie esetutlve blanch or tlie fedeia Moti Is to be a const os, to consist of two meinbeis Horn each club alllllated 55IU1 the feileintlon. This congress In to meet nt least twice a year and In conjunction with at least one or there meetings Is to be a public tally or the teder.ited club'. The tedeiatlon Is to tif continued by and illiccted by not less than tine" adult dlmetois, to be I'ht'seii hematter. The object or the oigulii.atlnn Is lo incmasc the Intel est lu boys' club wink, to cneoutngo the establishment ol clubs in ItKalltles whem none exist and to Incten'so the eflieiency and gen ii&ufulness or tliose almadv cilab lishpd. thi: n.rns nurriKsroNTMD. The delegates lu attendance lepie si nted the InllriH Iiilt 1 luli.s! Rncs' In. diistiial association, of Wilkcs-Dai 10: ralvaiy Roys' ilub, of Xorth 'Vilkcs--liJiip; Foity-Foit Rovs' club, West Stianton Uojs' ilub, nnd the Hoys' Indirutlal assoeiatlou. of Sei. niton. The ofTlceis elected 55 em as follows: I'lpsiilent, John Corny, of Foily Fort: vice pi evident, chils. r.annlek. of Sd.mton; seemtarv.' Walter Banlleld, ol Wllkes-Uaue; tieusumr, William Aston, of Wilkes-Baiie. Last night theie was a public meet ing in tlie paiish house, at which the 5501k wlilch the Ro.5s' asso ciations are accomplishing1 55 as dis cussed by Itc5 Walter D Johnson and Mrs. Tl. M. Palmer, of 5,ilkes-l'aim, and Hoi-. Dr. Rogeis Isinel. lector of St. Luke's chin cli. "While them 55010 a few gi own-tips at the mooting, Mie latgest peicentago of those In attendance 55010 mcmbeis of the local industiial assoi iation, all biiglit-eecl and clean-faced young sters biimful of boyish enthusiasm and mady to buist into tumultous applause at the slightest piovoeation. The meet ing was presided 05 ei by James Me Gann, the pmsident ot the local ihi.ii t Idtloii, a timer and manly little fel-I055-, who intiodueed each speaker as happy as if he bad been doing just that suit ol thing nil his lite, and who mad the mpoit of the aftei noon's cou 5ention. The Hist speaker 55as U05. Mr. John son, ot Wilkes-Burt c. one ot the best li lends the boys or that city have 05 cr had. lie told ,1 little something about iust wiiat an ideal bos' club should be. It must tli si and last have the element and atniosphcm or Impio'.e nient about it. he said. Tlie hois must bo attiaeted into the club looms and oh the stieets bv some mi 1 cation and 55 hen once they am In the club something uselul must be givpn llioin to do. H" tgld of the nec essity of discipline In Mipsp oigunUa tloiis and lioiv best It could be ob tained. r:Di;c.vTioNAL pitocnss. The process of education must not be too ligld, he airt, for the tlass ot boys who become members of the In dustiial associations am generally too tiled to allow themselves to be diilled In anything that does not Intomst them. Mis. 11. M. Palmei, who Is the 5vire 01 Congicssman H. M. Palmei, and 5vhn devotes much time and attention lo the Hoys' Industiial association of Wilkes-Hat 1 0, gave a most intoiostlug .11 count nf tlie 55 oik 5vhlcli that or ganization has dure In that city. Dur ing her talk one could see that her heait was full ot love and devotion to her bojs, as she called them. "Thi so bo.vs Industiial associations," said she, "seek tn save the boys befoie they aie lost and to slnit them out on the ibTht tun k, instead of trying to switch them otl the wiong track." The glee club ot the loeul associa tion sang a Hoys' Industiial associa tion song In .spiiltcd stjle befoie the last speaker ot the evening, ltev. Dr. Ilogers Isiael, was introduced. Dr. Isiael 1 old of (lie beginning or tlie local uhnoclatlon. how- It 5vas started less than two years ago with less than twenty meinbeis and hoiv its member ship lias grown until now them am ino moinbeis ami "Ou mom seeking admit tance, but unable to obtain It on ac count of Mm limited size of the nsso elation moms. He told of the new classes 55 hlih hii5-o lately been tunned for iustiuction in archltectuinl drawing, electrical en gineering, bookkeeping and tclogiaphy. "Since this association hns been foimed," said he, "my heart hns giovvn bigger and bigger, so that I tee that I have con ailed 55lthln It evniy boy In tho city of Sci union. My heait earns lop them, and J only wihh that wo wem pmpamd to accommodate more than tlio limited number wo am at pmsent," The piogiauinie was concluded 55 Ith an exhibition of tumbling by the tumb ling class mid sonio clever gymnastic woik by tlie Dm kin biotheis. GOVERNOR'S APPOINTMENTS. Number of Justices of the Pence Have Been Made. Bi Kxchnhr 5Vie lam Tlio 5-noiijtcil I'icii Hntilsbiirg, May 7, Tho governor to night sent to tho senate the nomina tions or the 1'olloulng named peisons to be jllstlies ot the peace, to seive until Mie (list Monday in May, 1D0J: Hlalr county Jacob Cuin, (licenileld township. Chester 1 ount William C. ritein. Sadsbuiy township. Columbia county Clemuel 11. Pur Ker, Pins township. Delawam louiitj Fianklin X. Close, Upper Dai by township. Umen iouut C, A. Mestiezat, Mo livinguhcla township. Lancaster cotinly0. W. Collin-, Coloeinln tinviishlp. Lebnnon cuunt, William it. I lull luiilt, Bethel township. Luzerne county Kicas A. lllppcn steel, Itollonb.ick township. Montgomery county (Jinnies 12. Buckley, Umen Lane botottgh. Noithainpton county .1, A. Heck limn. Hanover township; Kscliur C. Yengcr, I'nlmcr township. Nortlitimberlnnd county S. H. llurf tnan, Delavvato tovviishlp. Someiset county .loslali S. Betkley, Lincoln township. Westmurclnnd cotinly ,t. P K'ncliu loln, Jeaitotto boinugh. The governor also sent lo the senate tonight llio follmvlun. noniliiatlons! Homy I). Heller, M. D., ol Heller tow n. to be iitiiirantliit plislcliin for the port of Plilladelphhi, lo serve ftnni April M. 1S1H, until Htlpeiseded. William It. Tucker, of Philadelphia, to bo muster waideii of the poi t of Philadelphia, to seive fiom July IB, lOOli. for three onis. Joseph U, Itosi'Ugiiituu, nl Philadel phia, to be n member 01' tlie fiee llbiary 1 nmmlsslon, to seue until Jnnuaiy It, limi, vice C. L. Mngoe, de ceased. Ucoige It. Helsey, of Maiictla, Lull castor county, to be 11 member of the boatd to examine expert accountants, to s-erve ti 11111 May t. W01, lor thme yen is. . ' GERMAN-RUSSIAN RELATIONS. Said to Vo Strained Because of SlightSx.of Von Waldeisee. Py l'clinlvi 5 lie Ironi 'Hie ,5s,oititeil Pics Blrinlnghaiii, May 7. The Post totl.ij says that lelntloiiH betwepii the Her man and Ttusslnn governments aie veiy mucli sttalnetl. Cliwo cormsponilpnce Is pmccetllng between the two. The Uci minis aie objecting to the nianv slights of Field Marshal Von Wnldcmee bv Itiisslan otlliets In China, Designs! It is some satisfaction in buying furniture to buy goods that are not peddled all over the city. Our posi tion in the trade, being that of the Largest Myers In Scranton, enables us to control the product of the very best factories in the United States for this city. A Metropolitan Stock at less t h a n metropolitan prices. HillfcConnell Washington Avenue. Scranton 2 !! HOTEL TERRACE. I'AUl.Oll 110 1 hi. 5iiivniiioil limn. Iji-iu-piN-nl luiiikuto (lidiso. ruiiiuifiiL .nnl lioaidcrs. W. II. 5llli:. KcuLAit Har.Ris. Maimf ictmi 1-. 'f II line-., mil iIimIci. in llou.1 I iniiMiiiu Onuil. linnks anil 'Iriiillni; 11 m. HcpaiiiMB to. 'Iclnilionc l'B 117 I'din a5i nuc. Siianluii, l'i. L. SOMMAR. nuililii'K Ciiituittm. rinplos union men IMInulci ilirerlnll1 al5i.ii. liciuadcliiis iirnl 1C tiring a ulUIIj. 326 WASHINGTON AVE. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STORE Will m!I all tlicll Minplrs u( Hue impoiti-il Jljilia -liilt. loi moil at ii'ii . 5oitli M lo Davis steam dye Co. 310 PENN AVE. (iooda nllcil (or Jml ilclhcrcd. l liuuln, D.5clns 'ml I'lra.iu? ALL WORK GUARANTEED, PHONE 3736 Golden Gate Dining Rooms. lrt v'J (rut well in the ill), l-l5c Jlcil 'Ikket.. l no, Su:ifl(y 1II1 urr i .pcilolljr. Heme made I'Jdi; 244 ADAMS VE. W. A. HARVEY. tlr-Urle li Int. md I Kline- l.leitrlu llcll .ind lelipluiu Woik 309 Commonwealth building. J. B. WOOLSEY & Qo CONTRACTORS ANCI BUILDERS. Dcalrm in Plate Glass and Lumber 0- ALL KINDS. Kingsbury & scranton, Manutailiiicis' ,ucnU MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES, Ul.tllll ,i.-nita ful .lolm .5 lliKbliiiu'o hum lu'. 5Wic Itupe ain) lleitiUal 1 1 0. (intla I'irilu and Ihil.liu Mf Co.'i Dcltlnsr. I'ailins, ll"( .iml Mviluukal Rubljei (luud. hii05l nil I'jikln,, I aitii'a Oil I lollilic It'ioiii .'Un I'auli Hid: FREOKLES, Motti, 'Ian. lnm put' md all l, ilUiiluilllon. inniililil.5 liluuitd i mi n. 1 1.i 1 hi'iiio treatment uud un lomploiiun iriideinl ileal ami tmootli HELEN BUCHANAN, Hoini4oo0-.. 11 J Ma.luuciuli v SHOFF'S HAT FACTORY, Jll prme sluelJ Nvji Hold hlimn ll the ni5 Id. (I. lu .-.pun,: Mjlej. .,10 U05. In, Scvt IhU Midv In Di 'Ju W. H. GORDON & SON. llouo Ma'Cln; and (IvUiul Uljiksniill In 5a:u 4i)l (.auiacu Uuildlnj ami liuhbu Hie iuj. 330 ADAMS AV1NUE. ALWAYS BUSY. Our Oxfords. Low In cut. L05V In pi tee. High In quality. Lndles' fiom 75c up. Gen tlemen's fiom $1,25 up, Lewis & Reilly, Wholesale and Retail. . it v. . m v. r. tt r. tt tt tt tt t x V ' tt K t! K K X K X X TRY Clock's Best I Union Hade Tobacco X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ft' ft' A Good Smoke or CI105V. A Tiial Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. MANUrACTUEED BY The Clock Tobacco Co., G44-46-48 Wyoming Ave. Sciantou, ?n. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt p. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Ciil Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereati & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. Business THESE ENTERPRISING OEAL.ERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Cos l'mc Old I'mti. lluisiiiidie, mil ."juIiiiu. r.iii.ily 'liailo Onlj. P. H. FRENCH. AOB CONNELL BLDQ. ESrescheus Great F ire Sale 124 WYOMINQ AVENUE. ll55 l.lllll!" On 1 ii.. 1 ui iml .ill I Iml- ol Vck55car. BRESCHEL CO. Scranton Laundry, 322 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Call by teliplioue iece'5c pumipt. attention WILSON & WASBFRS. Spectacles, MADE AND REPAIRED. "lliafh .ill " S. H. TWINING. 131 PENN AVE. REGULAR SO PHOTOS ROR $3.00 AT CRAMER'S 311LACKA.AVE Hanleys Sakery, 420 SPRUCE ST, iaLCt6(jr lo HUNTINGTON lo mako a i.jlv ut flue bicad nliiRf Oidus fin balads,, ( iiiqiictlcs, cU' , piomptl) lillul ,5 lull lino u( Lie ( leJUl and lie) GOODMAN'S SHOE STORE, 11v at IK I.Ji.ka5aiiiM 350 SOUVENIRS GIVN OUR CUSTOMERS, WALTER E. DAVIS. 214, 216, 3W PAULI BLDG, Attouiey-nt-Law, Sciantou, Pa. THE MOST PALATABLE mil IIl.i1iI.iuI IIi.i 1I1. 1 1 lm .1 lie tia ll.ll 11 In. j urn I 11 u il .1 III lU I'llllll 1 t'llll llllll' III. Ill 1 111. I lllllll 51llMullklL Mill Jill "l'i I III A. W, SHRADER, t 'i IJft 1la1us 5i "Hue 'ilali.u I'J llulll liliphjiliip The scranton Vitrified Brick and tile Manufacturing Co mpany Makri. 11 I'.aiii'.- Ilil.k. Hi M. II l)il l.uuatlei 5,i nl, iilliii. .U) 55a.liiualuii 1 5uil at Nj" uf, lu . I. . V It It FINLEY'S Lace Curtains at Factory Prices This VVCCK. To close out our entile stock 0! Lace Curtains nt once, owlnp; to lack of pioper display space to sho5v to ndvnntago the largo nsosrtment of curtains necessary for us to cany in stock, wo havo decided to discon tinue our Lnco Curtain depattment and to close out tho entire lino in the quickest possible time have cut tho prices away do5vn. We nsk no pioflt on any of the numbeis, nnd in many instances have maikod them away below cost. It is impossiblo to give a description of tho many quali ties and designs. The low prices marked on them will havo to do the talking. Tho follo5ving aio somo of the reductions 5VO have made: At 59c, loduced from 75c. At -75c, reduced from $ 1.00. At 95c, reduced from $1.25. At $1.25, reduced fiom $1.75. At $1.50, reduced from $2.00. At $1.75, leduced from $2.50. At $2.25, leduced fiom $3.00. At $3.00, reduced from $4.00. At $3.88, leduced from $5.00. At $4.75, reduced from $6.00. At $5.50, leduced from $7.00. At $6.75, leduced from $8.50. At $7.50, reduced from $10.00, 510512 Lackawanna Ave P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue The Dickson Mannliicturing Co. fccranton and 5VllkevI!arro, Pa. Jlanufauiurori or LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENGINE Boilers. Hoisting and Pumplns Machinery, General Office. Scranton. Pa. Houses. ... . 4.4. . Guernsey Hall IS THE BEST PLACE IN SCRANTON TO BUY A RIANO OR ORGAN Don't fail to come and .see .1. bargains are waiting for you. J.W.GUERNSEY, PROP. 314-316 WASHINGTON AVE. SCRANTON. PA. In Nc5f (luertiiey tniiMfnc;. (!nld Medal lj riiotograrhcr (liildiiiis i Aitut FOR SALE ni'l.l.ll.S 4n4 51. OS-, nl ill Undo alio lloiL-ei and lluildiiif I ."Is at lur?iin. UOIIhEl. I lill'l'l II and (.IIUOMUl at ALL DISEASES OF WOMEN. 5 speiulK, D Trcierini, It mm I, out (iliilii ilore, llouri, I tu 1.0 p m I nnMilUllon free M'liono OiiO. M, T. Keller's I.ukiMinnal.Jnn; 15 oik HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WE ARE SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROFIT, BERNHARD, jeweler, JIi l.5 li 5NN5 551 M I EDWIN S. WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER ROOM 2BCOAL EXCHANGE, SCRANTON. PA. THE SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANUFACTURING COMPANY We uut the ljiset tl tl.Kk ol liuliiilli,, l"ai- XSH. u"la uud Hamlin 5ie Kjt3 alo IIK05LK iiinbiellJl f . 13 Alk ut. I I... n.iil 1.1 il f 'A jf Uieni H (iiiall J KOOil Wtr J Ji. 5Kmtt5 j' "l ""' RUJUnlec out Sr"S 5Ci I'riic lo I'f lower Hun US,. 1 c X. IEA nt. t.nxn I.. 11... .1.. V Hr v"j ilv.i ... nv .,.. Ik npaii all our j-uod. (01 UIIC ,5CJl I lil.i; Ol' nniicir:. 313 SPRUCE STREET.