I" - "tt' y.f (VP'n-Bv mri,i'. I 4 fflE SCR ANTON TIUBUNE-WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1901. f y A Well Fed I f ' Child I A child fril on Dr. tlnnd'n Plio.. piMtertt'otidensrilMllItKiowmtciui- ny in woiirnt unci sin-Jii;iii. ji. in the rcoitlt or ulviti" nil tho rood clomcntH necessary for litillriltig strong lionen nntl teeth, Hlouily nerve, n vigorous brain, nud licaltliy liloiiil. Dp. Hand's PHOSPHATED Gondensed milk S Ih Mire unskimmed milk ro- diK'cil li.v n nroeosH tliat lire- tenisuiiy 10101 ioo(i properties .."... .. ...-.. wiiii puospiiniep una n.vpn- , phosphite lidded In proportions 11 wliola wlicntdlet n fiords. Ilr. 11 Ami's PlioppliAtmlCnnil-n.-d 1 Milk win pntinw any cniin Willi a 11 ftlrnnir nrttumtiillmi. Hpnn Inr ; lilt- frco booklet, THE OR. HAND CONDENSED MILK CO. Hi-r.nton, J1. Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. ftP Per PC QuarL LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 3 elcplioce 6rdr Promptly DU vera J ;?327 Adams Aveaus. Piano Tuning. H. K. ZERBE, ", I'ipMnll ,m iiiip I.tt Iota! litiicnco AtJRetail. 'Jnl(i H(i'i pi mtpt .itliMiImn f-'l lh "' iv in i of llir t il.i Ui (Ml ft lct l,i iit h tlnjiif Mil. U( -tiT.i 1T 1 mi Mi -Icnii mil futitii piiipico- 1 IU j llt I'm -I of 1 .( illl.lt tut HlMi'llIU 11 Itlo .it 1 ikrl People's Coal Co. lI(iliMif Nu. WMi Off.i. I'mtli Mreu Kiril.ct littuccn 0tinl .ni'l Twilli & BUNION LABEL SSffi5i' I CITY NOTES ! I'. ' .V W V -Hi.' ui.plntL- .it 1 lu ll. Lmarc, 1 .11 Liu.mii 1 .in. I He-uin mi. hui, li'l" it- I'-'I'I i-'" nlii, r. 11. I'.w ims. iiio n.iiMii. .iii lin.i- -u lumpuny ttill pij to.liy .it Oltplma i. J, rld link .1. liiiivy l-liud liilll.- .11 OI, pli.llll. Mil. (l'i:.N's.-il.- uf tn l.i I.. 1 tliiiii.nlli ..iniiul 1 auk 11 i.f flu- s.uiiplu.ii.t i.. icly on In - I1.1 in ("limit moi.iti. hi lit lltii-cpp.- n.li i on a I U 1.11111111,1 ' 11111-lL ft.tll-. I'lllllli llMIIliT ItlVM.MION ..ill I. is lull i-iioil fm .1 iiuiliiur lit tlu- It. imlilii 111 iindim,- .uiiniiiit.c ul tin- I'lili.l l.-J-liinu ill. 1 i.l In tin- in mi lii.ii-i- cm -.itin.l.it, JI11 1-, 1 111.' pllpll-l' lit llXlllrf .1 tillll' f.u li.il.lm,: III. lilim ilii.-. In tint lt.lt.' illllMllo no imi 1:1.11 is mim n, in, in 1 1 111 j i I --2. $?m JWliWJ Je&Wit--i( 000000.0.0'0M00GM0'K00K.00.0.a'n.00lut0B.0 0rf0?00000000Q000Z00Z0Z0i0xi0Z0ZMZ2ZsZ X0 0 A SHILLING SALE i2y2c i2y2c 1254c. UVIUt 50,000 YAH PS Of X0 0 H0 P II BATISTES AND DIMITIES g The first of this season's high art Ameri- W JJ can printing, a forerunner of the proper hot H S? weather fabrics. SHEER. COOL. SERVICE A- 0 BLE AND BEAUTIFUL. g Greens, blues, reds, pinks, yellows and helio. J? Choice pretty buds and neat figures for Children's uresses. Exclusive natty designs Scrolls. Floral Effects. Scrolls, Moral hrfects, sh street wear. stylish street wear. An early offer of newness; 20c value for 1254c Mears & Hagen h 415-41 7 Lackawanna Ave. Q ttttutttthttttiittttiitttttfhuttttttjrttttttttttiiatt 'ttJttttttttttttttttirj(jrttttttttttjrKKJIiJ of Drinker lirt. Pimtuotc ni faiin lo th Ixiikmvjinii Ii9tplt.1t jmImiIi.v mnriilnit ltli it tuilly rut Mci nn.l ("otpirly lirnUcJ, m (lie re Milt nf mi ntclilriit nl Hip Olp-i-y (troo rolllci, wlirtc tin It rniplntril. In uttiiuplir),' tn mount n initio cir lie llpptit nmt W11 ilrnmnt aloiur, iltli lili f.i-J (0 tlif RiiMiwI, for tctcliil y.iiiLi. MAV SOCfAfi. tn the tirw botouiili tiiill.llnir 1I Dlihkon t'ltv ii Jlny foi-t.il will to Rtxrn on .May in. 'Jlio .irringrnifnM for II nre In ctiarRC nf K. II. Mlrliiin, Jolm (Irtci, 1.nn MrTiimch tin, (JrnrKP V. O'IIjm nnd 1'jtrkk flllRiilloti, ot nittvtnn f'llyi Joseph Jlntion nml 1 limn 11 ltoR-w, nf Obplianl; tcKfph Pouilcil) nml .loliii tVitly, nf r jilioiiiliilel l'. .I, tt(.-trrlck, of I'nivl diiHi', uii.l Wllll.iiii Willi ini'oii, ot 'ttitoop. ot'i'iir.tm wt'.iii! KM:mi;r. .u iumiiiik (I tho etoiMioM.M nf ttu Camtnla CetnelfiV lonipiny, held on Mnintiy, k- f ol low Injr illii'" ti.m urn- rltitoit! .tolili tt. Wll'on, A. A fw-, I urpr. l'hlllp ttliiilinid, (IhII.uh .tonet nnd Itrnn tllldtH. Hip illirctort orLMiiloil .mil rlf.tul tin- r1loliit; otllri-i-: Pruidnit, flnlljiii .Ifin-n; tpiirl.-iy, Itcmy .1lll,lin; Ironnrrr, l'hlllp Illiisliwt: cnicnt ninni(,'cr. IijiIm in.l dull; ?loii, (icorji- V. lloulaml-. Vr0CltlI0t,t)ftH Mi:i:r Tim inmnl niM-tlmr of II10 locklioldrM lit ttiii Srr.iiiloti Kloolrlc Lliiht nnd IIl-iI lonipiny . hold jetlcid.i.v In the MIicm of Hie iiniipiiiy on II10 Hit floor of tho li.md nf tr.ulo liiilldlnir. Tho iJitrdoM clionii toro Cotonrl A. I.. Siomtcn, I'. It. Hill. II. T. tlarttiiin, (I. M. llalltto.id im.l M. M. hlnrK. Tho llrl milled tliieo .110 iol.lonl of Plitlailol phti nml tho hut lo nt ri mtnn. C'olonct Slinwdon wuh ilrrtid pio-idtnl im.l K. M. -lu.l., orot.iry .nnd ti ii-in t-r. POLITICAL. Second Legislative District. Nutlet' Is heii'tiv (ilten to tho ltr.iilillt.in tn(ti nf tlio Hceoiid Imlthitlto tlMrltt oT"L.ul.mjiiiit iminlv thnl .1 irl.inty ili-.tlon will lie held .111 sitiudiy. i'.if I'. l'HIlt nt tho rejtulir polling ph. t-, Ii. Iwcin tin- liowm of I unit 7 o'cloik p. in., for tin- purpoto of ttootiiiB two ilcfr-gitcs to nprr-fl.t tho f-'itl IorI-UIIvo tlKtrltt in tho mm. Inj; Itepiilillcan nt He (.invention to lie held In IhriM.iiiL'. "I lie- (.invention to compute tho tole H1 In- held on 'linxl.it. Mil 21, 1'KH, at 10 (iM.uk .1 in In tin1 ioiiii liouo In Smiiton. In uinrikiiiio iih llio rulis i;ih. niinc tho dl.tn t. it.' itidlditnt will lie toted for dire, tly . tho t.t.rs .it the polK and niii-l n-f-itteV tMl'i I'.i. ditti't (liilrnuii lilt full tnme nnd p. ttolh.e ii.'.ilr". imi p.iy I1I1 ("oiKiniiil fifteen 1l.1t s h. Hue tho deitloli, or his 11 11110 will not ho plijcil .11 tin oIIh hit lullot. iioitlicr will any tOtl-i 1.1 t ll llllU I"' Oilllllllll Ihe ill-Ilia tiullanio (oiiunitteo 111 t.uious irc ilmt-i will londuit tho I'letli.in. nnd the result v ill l.i- 1. nil. .1 t't the 1 1 tin n judge to the ills, til. 1 (.intuition, which will be lompo-c.l of ji. .!,'( n ttio Mrlo.w dl-trat-, wrilt.n imt tie conLilnins; Iiuthcr iii'.ttuctioni will he nulled to (Jih lncinliei of the kiiil dii till I tlL'ilj'KO (oiniiiitlet. Fiedeilo ". I'loit, riiaiiiiun Se.sind Uirti-lHliti' Ui-trat Alt. -I Waltei I;. DatN, SicictJi.1. Thiicl Legislative Distiict. NoIko I, liuelo, kImh Ihit tlio I'ipiilili. 111 t-t nulius; iiiniiiiittic of III. Iliinl loclalitito dl-tri.-t of I.n'.awaiini (Oinitt will uie.t al tlio .if liiti.iliiin loom, ..iiirt liriite, S i.mtoii. nu 1 1 -uiilaj. tlio ci(,l.l(.ntli diy of Mit, Hull, nt i oMoik in tho nltirnoon fur the purpoN ..f r.111 iui7.iti(iti and fiin; .1 1 line when the pri-mirlo- toi I lie (lei lion ci t.it.' .Morale's sliill lie held. Ity oidei of 1. .1. M if tl.ett.. flniiirin lt(-l'-l. I Milkin-, e. i.tJii "(rjiitun, l'i.. Mil 11, 1'itil. TESTS FOR THE GOVERNMENT. Prof. Mooie to Experiment with Wireless Telegraphy. Tinlej-hiii' Willis M0010, oliii'l of tho urMtliPi' Inn can. ttlio last nislit lec tin oil In tills city, in to make cxiktI inenls fur the Kovcvnnicnt itlxiut wlip levs lolfKi apliy. A-3 to tils -ilnns ttith lcfcu-ncc to thr tests l'l'olossoi .Mnoie is veiy letlcent, lint he ndmltte.I that lie is haviiiR- Hie ippmatiis set ti! ttllh which 10 make them. WALDRON'S HORSES ARRIVED IN SCRANTON LAST NIGHT EOR TOMORROW'S SALE. Valdion aniveil last iiIkIii itli foity 1i.miI ol' the llnest tut of matched pahs of wnikeih and dilvers, also a nninbei' of line Miislo Iioik-s-. Iteinein hcr Ihe (.ale ttill positively lake nlaco toinoiiotv, tain or sliine, at t'tisiik's old stables on Washington avenue. ", No.dlsapiiolntmcnts' ttli.-n Sc hi lever llnl-lies youi photographic sii.ip -lititi. Guernsey Hall, 311 Washington tive., Sciantnn, is this host and most reliable place to pur chase 11 Rood Piano. It will pay you to call and got pi ices ami trims', J. W. Guernsey, 1'iop. II you can't think, don't he.n Hub haul. Who do. amateur photomapliei's tlnl-hintr'.' Sclnievei. "I! tyi'iott Ideals" Is 1 : 1 1 . 1 1 jlub. haul's Iheine. TiiKi' om lllm lollpi to Heln e. 1. lllllibard's l.-itme-. ,ue Ulll.ll" 'I'ty one. " Aek roi KulJy's uniim uiackeis. ' air 0 0 M0 1 M0 0. 0 II. 0 0. 0 especially for Waists, Strinp; tmH Pimn-ae Stripes and Figures for STRIKE OF MACHINISTS LACKAWANNA SHOPS STOPPED WORK YESXEBDAY. On Account of Refusal of Supctln tendent T. S. Lloyd to Recognize the Union or Receive Any De mantis Made Through It, a Com mittee of Shop Employes Yester day Waited Upon Him His Re fusal of Nino Hour Day Prcclpated Strike nt Noon Yesteiday. Between hIk anil woven litindied men employed nt the machine shops) of the Delaware, Lackawanna ttntl Western Rnllrond company went on .ittlke ye. tertlny noon, because of the refusal of .Superintendent of Motive Power nnd .Machinery Lloyd to Rrnnt their demand for a nine hour day. 'Superintendent Lloyd stated In the aimvotlntr letter to the demands, which wn published in yesterday's Tribune, that lie would In no way recognize any luittests niiulp through any save shop employes themselves, nnd this resulted In the Lackawanna men yesterday taking the mutter out of the hands of the council of tiftllntcd machine, boiler, car, blacksmith nntl pattern shop em ployes, eleetlnjr their own committee and wfiltliiBr upon Mr. Lloyd yesterday morning. They weie In session with him long: ohoukIi to receive n dlieet tc fiisal of their petition. A meeting was hold of the employes befoie they went In to wotk, ,aud a committee of sixteen men chosen to confer with Stipeilntendenl Lloyd. They weie admitted lo his ollice about 10 o'clock. They had been Instiuctod ot the meeting to ask an Inimedla e answer to the demand for a nine-hour day. In view of the f upciinlstu enl'a icftisnl to lecoRtiize the uunm One of the membeis of Hip commit lee was asked by Mr. Lloyd what he lepiesented, and deflated that he was present as a union man, but the sen eral impipsslon conveyed by the com mittee was that they weie there as shop representatives. On Mr. Lloyd In foi miliar them that he could not, and would not, leduce the wot king hours to nine at the ten-hour wage, the com mittee left the otllco, informed the men, and after 12 o'clock the shops weie idle. "WAS I'NPanMKDITATIID. Chairman Humphiey Campbell, of flu- council, declined that the stilke was cut h ely unpremeditated, and that as .Superintendent Lloyd had asked that the restraining Inlluence be ip moved tiom hi.s emploes, this was done, and the strike lesulted. Yesteiday afternoon the LaiUawan na strlkeis met at Hullierl's hall and elected an executive and press mm mitten. One of the flit actions 01 tho latter was to issue the following state ment: I.) II.- l.illh.l .11 ll'l ll lit'tll - Si Ihe pi.--.- ... imiilii.' in. 'nl i m -ih i .1 hi tin liiieliiu' of lleli...r., Lick in. am I .ni.l W.-ste'ii i.iiliui'l iti'iilute- tin- .iltrii.o.in .It.t.hd to jdtt oiil th- tollnttliu in ie'i.l I., lie I), I.. ,. W. If. II. rmpl.iti'-' it (ion n. ipinii.ii; oik to.lit ; All. t.lnd'h . otiiiii.niK..ti.ii of 111 Ml I.I tire id In lliiiiiiiliu II I niipl. II, . duplit ilo rf will. Ii wis iiiiili-il tn Ih. ton iiuploti'-. "f tin I'.. I.. A W. . ii.ii;iinr hue, who ,.i- in tho totnnultie who i.i.iittil i-iilioii 1. 1 ili iiitit''liom d.iv. wn- i OU-.I.I Mid l. tho tnii!o, ot llio suasion -Iiiiji (hi- ii i n in.: .in-I thtt I.. I. I'd In Ii.im i umiilici ... the -. imi. m -In 'n iiiiji an to Mi. i.l. n.l lo. ,ni ii.wii l.i ih. pill ti.ii -oi the oiil. -ho ii do ii on. i . Mi. I 'o. -i.il. 1 1 the linn Ii. 111 .In u.-ilil imi h- ,:i imi iiinl Ihe in ii .iiil mii!. 'ihe inn mu n.,. (.llldl ..111 it II. (111. lilt lulji ... . ,i i i.aiooil V-.-u.hli..ii .11 'liihini-t-. in f.t Pi (lillllill lit .llflll.ltl.l .ll'ploM- .11 (In It'lllll I uluii union, imi w '- lliiiupl'ii't P. rinipiull 11 horn, t of .1111 .oiil.inpiili.l ...II. hi, in. 1 1 id I,, in .nit v n ,nl!-c 11. Mi. 1. 1. ml .i-L.,1 I., .1 i t III. his unploti- .mil lli.t 1i-i..hi ,1 1.' ..nt-' 11 y k-. v ithoiit 1, tuivlhu in. 1 n ti w!ii w.ul out wilt ho M ioll..l lo ..II ih. inu H ituiil..l with ih. nu "nil -. r.inl 111, l'.i , Mit" 7. Pill The e.'i-lltive lommlltee 1 lei Ii d Consists of seteiiteen meillbels. sjn- teen of whom tunned the coiiiiiiltte.' which waited upon Sllpel illtelldelll Llojd. Vesterday's meeting was at tended by lepiosentatives of each of the depai tim-nts on .stilke, who. In ttiinpllance with the )etiies of mte ui those prc-ent, ruse sepaiately. .showing the member In attend, nice- from each depai tment. In addition to the mat liluisi- builer inakeis and blacksniiths, then: aic also about two luinilieds laboicis ousttllte. It is cNiiccted that the prcoipitalc at -Hon of tlu1 Lackawanna men v., 11 spread to the shops altuiK the Hue and thai Mr, Lloyd's ditei'l ieliis.il ,it the nliie-hoiir day demand will lestilt in a goneial strike today of the nui 1 hlnisis of the Pclawate, Laekawan na and Western Itailtoud company. The Lackawanna has shops al Huf falo, Kingston, Iloboken, I'lica, 111 1 11I1 .1 Hlnghamtoii, Syt.uuse, Newark nud Jersey City, f-upelinlt'lldeilt Llottl I el used to see any newspaper men esleida,v m uiiike any statement iPRanllug the situation, The stilkeis' e.Nceulivi' commit ten meets today and Fiiday iiIkIii the men will hold another .session. LETTERS EROM. THE PEOPLE. I Tudor thl" lieidiiig .hint loiter' of n(erot ttill ho pul. li-li. . I whin .it 1 1'lnpaulod, f.u puMli i. ttr.11, l.j Hit- wiIIh'j. mine, 'llio 'I illume doei not a-.-uiiie nsioliMhllilv foi opinion? hue ispieuul.J Statement fiom Chaitinnn Campbell, )..iltm ol In. 1 1 Hume Si Mildly put 1110 in iii.uil iluuiuU ,.ni . ..Ilium- 1, h.tln leu I lotliui', to ih. 1 I1I1 ilul.'iliu .1 tiv..il'm o- woik on the p-11 of the IKlii.tie, l..i. I. lu.iiiiu ,iud Wi-urii ralliojil nidi lo.l.i.v . 1i.1l 1I.1K ,i,'o 1 w.niiid Mi. Pliiu the ni'-ii ttnc uue.i-t and hint to liohl, hut we liopdl In ketp ill III'.', Ilu-iv lilein- 111 110 p.iwii- n 11 liiniiulil In .c ii- tn .itold .1 slil.ti .it tlili time, and I think tho lullu.ii.o of nit.'lf .s 1 I11I1111 111. .aid nf tin iii.-iiiiilluiii itlfiii .ill. I would Into hot 11 I'ltulhi- had Ml. l.lott' IiIii'mIi no 1 ln-1-t .1 mi ill.-nlii,' with II nml iipaiatiim lilt men fioiu th. Inlliinu.' of the le-t, ai tar .H Ik (niild. I lie I ut lint ho thiii m-i.tiil mi ii 11.11 inu I .em, aid hi nun n.ic 1I1011, lau-ed 1 In in 10 a. t cuijltli with h- i.'.iilt of wlili i ,tou .in aware. I am tin.' I eel. In tain n lini polun of "retocidtlon1' for msi 01 iho-o I iimi-eiiL in thl- luatlri, Imi toi (ho peaio of ilu- illy Ja.t i.ow, ioiue one hcttei lute a iul raining ln fliioiuo 111 the anil coin eiiiril. If Ihe 1 u iplo.) era tl.lt.lv 1 1 . i-.v tan siil.-titiilc an.iiliiiia- littler llun lhat uhltli eti-U I loi one ill.r them t ii. on p. tliinily, ni.d nil t.lllliu; 10 ihe them all op pijtluultj nuu-JI) In dial tilth llii'ii (iiiilm,M squut. ly, js Mr i.hij.l did. I wl.'i n. jj,u In II prat I had iiolliln lu do Willi tailing Ihe llvla ware, Laikattanna and W..-tiin rallio.nl men nut lodiy, and knev; notliln of tin Ir imttlnus with Mi. Uuul this luoinlii.', nor their final anion, until I wat tent foi at about 'J.l'i p, 111, to pie blJ(; oter the iiKctiug:, Now the) aie out, my ii.poit and n 1.1111 pott ot tlio ether union attlliated tvtlt fir. fr-ely pitcn them alona; all rlplit lines, uud hepe to mote at one man for the nine hour Ua, Rv-lk-ethill), lliiuiphir,t 1). Cniipln-ll, b-raiiton. I'a , iLt 7 C'lialrnita SEIZED LIQUOR DISPOSED OF. It Wns Dumped Into the Sower Yes terday by the Police. .Siipcilntcndent of Police Homing and several police offleers yesterday nf let 110011 disposed of the large stook or Intoxicants which wore seized on Monday In the speakeasy iald on John Ituiniuler's place, on North Main ave nue, There Is n sink In the floor of the main cell room iu the municipal build ing nntl down this the stun: wns dumped, from whore it ran down Into tlio sewer. Tho Moulds thus disposed of Included thirty assorted quart bot tles and several large Jugs of whiskey, wines and cordials, about fifty gal lons ot whiskey contained In two casks and two cases of bottled beer. There were two half drunken pris oners In the colls light near the sink and as the liquor was poured down tlicy murmured to theniHelves and talked with tlio ollleers about tho "great waste." "Hay, please throw a little bit over heie." said one. as tho smell assailed his nostrils, bin the ollleers weie deaf to all tlulr cnlteallo.s. STRIKE AT CAR SHOPS. Confeience of Men Employed at Dif ferent Shops of Company to Be Held Here Today. There was little work nt the oar shops of the Delnwaie, Lnckuwannn and AVostci 11 itullrond company yes terday, only four or live men report ing for duty, nnd these, with the shop foi emeu constituting the entire work ing foice. Master Car Hulldcr Canfltid was In his olllce and about the yard dining the gicjiler purl of the day, and was soon by a Tribune man about 1 o'i lock yesteiday afternoon. lie declined to state wiml efforts were being made lo recruit a new staff of employes, nnd with a quiet piiiIIp, nut all questions with the response. "I have nothing to say." He varied this once by declaring, "At present I am saying nothing, but merely sawing wood. We will have something fop you within n few days." The men nt the Buffalo shops ful filled the nssuiuncc made Mr. Canflold .Monday Ib.il unless Jllcks was icln stnted they would stop woik, and went on stilke jesteiday 11101 ninu. The glievance committee of the local strlkeis wiled Buffalo yesteiday af ternoon for iufni million, and shoitly fil'ter .1 o'clock- lecelved the following hi lef telegiam: "Buffalo car shops are out." An Assoeiat.'d Press dis patch say-- that not near all of th" inch cpjit woik. A deleg'ilp fiom the Dover siiops named McDonough 111 lived In the city yit-terday and otliets aie px p( i led fiom F-.iffalo and Kings ton loda:. . It is likely that on the lattei's nriival Master Builder c.infiel.l will be nolillpcl of the willing ness of a joint committee icpresent ing Ihe tlnee shops to wait upon him. The lo or delegate denies the story published iu one ot yesterday's Xew Voik papeis that twenty-live men ie 1 111 ued to work at the shops, lie says that only one man. Ihigene Altdre. tiansleiii .1 'here I10111 heie. is still at v. 01 k. I'lo-itl.'tit W II. Tiuesilaie. of the Lackawanna, is 1 'potted iu .111 Asso ciated Pie. ilispat.-ii ,h txptessitu hiinseir 11.1 liillov -, legaiiling the local .stiikc: "I iindi'ist.iiiil ill 11 all ihe men ein lilot.tl in Ih.' iMi-ip.iiiiu3. Idack--.ii. 1I1 and paint shop-, in the number ul I.O00, h,ie stiuek because We stis I I'lidid an emplote. Tills action was M'i'.t uniu-l, hec.tiiM the man Ilii ks gin-sly tlisobe.tt-tl the company's 1 tiles in itiilliiiK woik .mil leaving the Mounds vliboiit 'i pimli. I am not liilonnnl wliotliei" the men will ;;o bail; lo woik or mil. If ihey do not, their plates will plobibl.t be (ulckly Mipiilletl. Their going will make no leal liat.iship lor 11 for seveial weeks to . ome. Iiuaiisi oui rolling stock is ji.-l now 111 llist-tlass condition" .Mr Cantield was .-.en last night by a 'I'llliiiue man, and c -pie-sed himself as not being mir th ulnily wol 1 led ovi'i' the local conditions, lie said that moie men woiked esieitln, than leported on elthei .Monday 01 Saiuiday afternoon. T.nil.-ht, Clbeii lliibbanl, at liicyele 1 lab. ' WANT A STATION IN DUNMORE. Citizens of Thnt Boiough to Petition the Lackawanna. The tfsidents of Duiinioie are atuiln making an elforl to huw tho Dolawaie, Lackawanna and AVestein It.'illioad company erect both a fielghl and pas .senger station lu the boiough. Seveial petitions aic being ch ciliated and iiuiiieioiiH signatures aie being se cured. The petitions aie addiessed lo lii'.sidenl Tiuesilaie ami tliu dliectois of the company, and suggest that the station be located at op neap the foot of Smith sticet. Thoy point out Hun Puumoio met chants (leslilug to ship height by tho Lackawanna are obliged to haul It 11 distance of two miles lo the height .station In this city. Is a lectin e bald's K worth a dollar.' llub- PINATHAR ENTERS BAIL. Sudden Re-nppeaiance of the Asunll nnt of Michael Aiigrosini. LnwieiiPo Pluatliar, ihu young Hal Inn lor whom tho Duuiuoi-o police have been indiistrlously .scotu-lng the bor ough dm lug tho past two weeks, and who Is charged with having stabbed .Michael Angroslnl with a knife, yes teiday .suddenly appealed before Hur-aiK-s But when und entcied ball In the mini of j00 for his appe.iianco at court, lie gavo no oxplauatloii ot his wheie. abouts dining tho past two weeks, but It H thought that 11 lends have had him In hiding and now that Angioslul P practlially well again and no morn sei Ions 1 hurge than uegtuvalcil as sault anil battel y can be piefeneil against Pinathap he daicd to ventiuo toith again. Mental catluie d-seillK'S llulibaid's lectures. TO ADMIT LOCAL ATTORNEYS. Judge Auhbald will cunveno United Slates couit In this city at 10 o'clock this morning, to enabla membei.s of the bar of this und adjoining counties to bo admitted. At tho formal opening of the new court in Hnnlhburg, Monday, Judgo Archbald made Scranton tho seat of the eouit by dliectlng that the records bo kept here. 11 1 i:ibcrt Ilubbaul tonight at Bicycle club. PROF. MOORE ON WEATHER INTERESTING ADDRESS IN THE BOARD OF TRADE ROOMS. Described the Conditions Which Agi tate the Atmosphere Air Hns Great Density No Man Can Pre dict the Weather n Week in Ad vance Stereoptlcon Views Weie Shown Illustrating the Move ments of Storm Centers nntl Plans Used for Danger Signaling. Professor Willis Moore, chief of the weather bureau, lectured before 11 line audience hi the board of trade roomj last night on "Air and Storm Phenom ena." lie was Introduced by Hccretnry L B. Athcrton, of the board of trade, In his own gtneoful way. Professor Moore, as many people know, Is a nitin ot distinguished per sonal appearance nml most profound scientific attainments. He gavo a most delightful lecture, which was full of In terest. In beginning, he described the con ditions which agitate the atmosphere and the production or waves of waimtli from the radiation of the earth. Hiiof allusion wns made to Ptofessor Trlp ler's experiments in liquid air, and to the fact thai fifty miles from the earth thete ks not enough nlniospheie to radiate light. Ten miles from the eai til's surface llieic Is the same eter nal peace, no curients to ascend or de scend, and If It were possible for two people to exist thete they could not hear each other speak, as there is no medium for the transmission of sound, while the lompeiature Is 100 degrees below zeio. .Six miles fiom the eaith are the selrrhus clouds. The elasticity of tho ah- and Its narrow strata may be in part realized when II is considered that one-half of all the atmosphere Is be low tho top of Pike's Peak, although It is but In recent yeais that the fact bus been discovered. Beyond S.O00 or !),000 feet theie is little change in the temperature, either at midday or mid night, but a uniformly cool air. If mechanical eiiglneeilng could manage lo bring II clown to us or take us up to it, (luring prolonged hot waves, the comfort of tho i.ice miglil be Inoi eased. Xo one can say lhat It Is impossible. AIP. IS IIKAVY. We sneak oT "(lilies light as all," foi getting that air has ,1 density ot one and one-thiid ounces to a. cubic foot and that no live men in this 100m could cairy the weight of air therein, for it aggregates tlnee tons. A lumioious deseilptlan of Hip cipher employed by the meteorological buie.iii was given, with the methods used to obtain ac cm ate knowledge of weather conditions. The speaker believed that the basis is being laid which will 10 sult in reliable piedictions for man's guidance for 11 season in advance. Then will arise some new Copei ulcus, some Galileo, or Newton, or Kenter, who will unlock the seciets of the clouds and of (he coming seasons. Piofessor Mooie declined that today no man could predict the weather .a week iu ndv.iine.nnd scoicd the quacks and impostors who tiy to deceive peo ple as to Iheir poweis In this diiectlon. incidentally mildly icbuking the press for assisting in dispensing ignorance, while In othPi lespeets it was such a mighty agent for good. lie then stated that while the niele 010l1uit.il bureau 1 an predict wind stoi ms and thus wain localities to the pioteelion of life and ptopeity. theie is no such ceitalnly about i.iiu or snow, which may be puiely local. Then, in the nililhl of siippiessed laughter from the audience, he began 011 the subfeet ol thai tth of Mnieh last INACdrUATION DAY WKATIIi:it. "illl tile Hid Ol M.lltll." saitl he. "I 111 a cloud was to be seen for hlill dleds of miles westwaid. Now In Hie winter, tain m snow always comes fiom tlu wist In 1 he summer, inlus aie ol leu local and may fall in any piece, but thai day theie was a clear bill ot health wesl fnv S.OOti miles and I had no idea that theie could be anything but a dear day, and theie 1 ..me that II tt. X sloun liuhl over Washington aim Baltlmoie. Jt would nevei happen again In a thousand yeai., and It was all Litause of my piedictioil. of colli se, "Tliei was 11. newspaper mini who 1 iiiiiu to gel my explanation, and 1 told I1I111 'o go go oh' and Wllte the veiy meanest, ugliest things he could say and I sluaild tcel obliged to him. for I had Intended having a man to kick me all nei town." The ptolc-ssoi deseiibed the meth ods used In taking obset vations over the gieatesl aieu in the world fiom South Ainetlen In the Canadian Northwest, fiom which come 1 epulis (T.ee dallv fiom all stations. A number of stet'eopHcon views weie shown, Illustrating the movements of sloim cent. -is nud the plans used for danger signaling. In the 1 use of seveie 1 old w.ic. I ho. huienn's wuin-li-gs had been the means of saving K 000,(1(11) In piopeity in tho south. A Wet Indian liurilcane was ri.i pulcally portinyed and the ilalvcstoii honor was dosciihid In Its iclatlon to tin bin. 'ait. IM'SIIKD STOHM NOIiiilWAKI) Tho high pie-mire pushed the stnun northwaid. but instead of going to Ihe cost as It nidlimrily would, a low pi efc.su 1 11 .stoi m dlveited tho path, .sending ll toward tlio gulf. By1 tho warnings sent ten million crafts put In and not one wis lnt. Tho warn ings went to (he Lake legion, It Is es. I limited, saved lluca tliues that num ber by holding thmn in safety, .be sides, liuiumerablo precious- lives. The Louisville tornado was vividly poiliayed, with innuy of tho add Inci dents. A tornado Is pot n cyclone, but Is an accompaniment a little wheel witliu a big one with four KindL tlons, Flifcl Tornadoes oicur fn-iu April to July, Hecniid- .Cyclones niuve uom tlio pot thwest. Thlul High tcniperatuio lu south west corner of cyclone, Fourth High humidity. A cyclone is from SOO to 500 miles In diameter. A tornado but 1,000 jaids. The latter Is easily dodged by running cither northeast or south- west op Into a cellar of a frame house, Tho Hoods at Lonlsvlllu nnd Pitts burg, and the weather bureau'.-) warn ings were described with graphic touches. Muny Intcicstlng pictuics were shown. The lectin c was given tor the bene lit of tho Young Women's Ohribtian as sociation. Mr. M0010 is iie guest of CoiiBH'S&m-tn Council while In the city. -WlnWWWWyWWWWWrt'MtfrtVW'yrfilWMWIfc 1 Novel Effects Qm Irnceful, sensible, wide den brown, undeiglosie us other flowers seven golden finite rt trii9.t rlarnrnllfiMa ntirl mIa nrtarl rnlnt(i vamltwln rttM ..r t)HAt. D..,..w wv 1. vaunt wvuv,t. vuiUJ) K ICtlllllUD UilU Ui. AIUUU fa wood. Thoy nte very eitcctlve. 5fc 8 inches $2.00 10 Inches .?4.7K S 0 Inches $2.75 12 Inches ?0.00 5 We Invite comparison of pi ices. Jj CVvxviAa.. I Geo. V. Millar & Co. KS5"!2 I mmimmmmmmmtmmrmN WALDRON'S AUCTION SALE 40 HEAD SELECTED HORSES-ARRIVED LAST NIGHT FOR TOMORROW'S (THURSDAY) SALE, MAY 9, ATI P.M. It will be the finest forty head of horses ever offered for sale in thi city or valley. They consist of draught horses, coachers, cobs, single or in pairs; driveis of every description; grocery teams, work teams, roadsters and general purpose horses. Sale positively, rain or shina tomorrow, May q, at i p. m. Horses can be exchanged up to time of sale. Remember the date. Sale takes place at Cusick's Old Stables, Washington Ave. fj Bicycles That Run Easy. f Ks5050SMK;esKKK$jfCnK:sKnKK5: We Offer a Limited Number of Detroit, Rochester, Romeo and Lake Orion Railway First Mortgage 5 20-Year $1,000 Gold Bonds. The above company operates an electric railway system running out of Detroit, Michigan, through one of the finest sections of th ttate. Eighty pet cent, of the right ol way is owned in feo simple. Lines are built according to steam railroad standards throughout, heavy rails with cedar ties on two-foot centres, permitting a high rate of speed to be attained by its passenger cars. The company also does a general freight business. The road is bonded for only $14,200 per mile. litll information as lo bonds, together with map of route, de scription of country, statement of earnings, etc., may be seen nt our olfice. Vu luive made a lliorougli invesligatloii of (lie abore prop erly, and recommend these bonds as a safe and conservative in vestment. Title Guaranty and Trust Co. 516 Spruce Street. t f$V&5&&:sr&$:$$$$5$$$:$i V WWWswsv-fc. i sv Vssf AysSWViA THE. ii People's Bank,? Alears Building, 1 Court Mouse Square. Capital Stock, $100,000 Surplus, - - - 25,000 Savings and Biibiuess Accounts Solicited. ' l'lebideut - C, D, Jones Vr O, T. Reynolds - H. M. Ives h Vice Pies, Cashier - DIRHCTORS: 'I lioiiij-. ,-pustie llliur Piuin, t), -.. Wooltuiith, W. 0. Pulton, Jticlunl O'UrUii M. I. 'Jii 1 Samuel siiitii T. (' im Moiili, II W'jiinan. M T. ItrJlcj. "EMILIUS," A KOMAN DRAMA. It Will Be Piesented nt Lyceum by Pupils of St. Cecilia's Academy. The students of St. feellla's acad emy will present .it the Lyceum tomor row afternoon and evening a lyrical diuinu, entitled "Kmlllufc, or the i J VV in Jardinieres - neck shapes, giotind colotlng of S decorations of latge tulips nnd vn- w slaes nntl four shapes. Tho Under- 5 II is nia-L important that hictfr jj Hiotild Ire cay running. f?5 Ili'jltlitul ccrei-c is bcneOclal, bill lint! o.-k injuiicns. 'Hie lioarinsi ct th "Seranlon" C5 nlng and its gS piir.intce lchliif.-s of rnnnli mrcliclh nukes it tin mot duratilo vlicel for .dt clai-ps of riders. I'ritcs to suit tlie pockctbooV. 126-128 Franklin Ave. Don't Worry Sbout Hut IciHic. SI IT Cs; 01 II VM) IHG We lute 1 Urjio j v.oi i iii.-in cf H.nu at th. IIKilll' I'UK'l.s 111 j.t jii -.nu .ton 1, p.r (C.ll 1)11 jll I.' u. (lllill.k UfffluiJam. 413 SPRUCE STREET, t 'low ned Mnttjis" iilc .ictlon ut tlu play lakes phue In Itonic during tin lelsu of V.ileil.111, uud will enlist tin services of over tlfly of the student-). The matinee Is especially lutendt'ii for liilldieii, who can sciiun admis sion to any p.ut of the house tor Itf. teen cents. The price for adults will be fitly cents, B1TTENBENDER&C0 Mt gi v gm dm