,4 -tcr rs i ' ' '-" 't- j v -fr'. - -m 75i i - .w wjk,?v'DCT' S THIS SCHANTON TltIBUNK-VDNEDAV, MAY S, 1901. ;' v " 'v t 1 Otllces BURKE BUILDING THE PEOPLE EXCHANGE A t'CUH.I-Atl OH.Alll.SO IIOUSH for tlia Bf; A fit of All 'h.i llif Himhm to Herd. ll (Male or Oilier I'lopeity In Sell ur lAcliamje. f l,n Ware SIlMilloni t.r llclp-T ws Ninl A"' Ullkinii-iilii IV.I On CjlH "' a.'Vtfli tliu for file Cents Wuiil-lltti-pt SitmWM Wat.lcil. wiiltli Ate Inserted free. W.M'I.H- Milliicr at wi i A I chows, M i"llft1 lltllllC. A VACANT JANITOKSHIP. The Erhoo) Board's Meriting an In teresting One Another Deadlock. Tho tegular ni"otlng of tho school bl.'llll W.'IS Ill-Ill mi Muniln OVlMllllg. Mil I In- nicmb'M-s bolnc pr" -tn. Jolm W. lfMI"S. Hi SoUlll I'llMU'U htl'iOt applied .t i ii'i-lil"ii ns tnnltur. mid Miss Mary H Cuiiuaughloii. now tit ttlnoins tnirg Nonual school, asked for pol i m as t-nohot Jlcitli eolitmuulea t'i us worn placed i llli . A complaint was ic-oliod tioin Jli?. Uinl McMullon. stating tliul pupils iiv.m .Wi. !i Hnml li id 110110 u,mnt datn fic mound h'r piupcitj. btenklng ilnn n ii l-iii" mkI ilnlntr uthcr nns. IlI'Volls t,llng. 'Mill when spoken t" limine t-ij yam v. Sim tviiir-itti (1 the In mil t" t-ihe wiiii' action The build ing c mmtil 1 1 " was Innlructod to report i the li'i.nil what dnii'iige liml ben . niftil. .mil tlii- misconduct of lit; pu i.l w.i-. i-Piled In th- -upi-rlnt" tul ri ,ni'l pilr.i-lp.'il "I ill'' -.liotil. with net i net Ion-, in piovldi- in Immediate " evl.v. T vw lillli ,vem onl'Mul p.iiil. William Nlid'sl i, i.utiiu . . . . '' 'in Hunt I il s"-ei - I. will-. .; t ''''! I K s,ij I !" UnMilr l.lalii ii'Mpniy !,Ml t . iiviMi'ui'il ti.iiti irmpit, . ''! 'l I 1. 1 1 II ui-ti " 1 I.imii Wiiil.. . . -'"I '.,11 IIks ... ... .J" II.M. ll'.aiii.iiiil lui nin).ii' I'i' I. .1.1 4J'il 'H A bill df .'IT' iioiu tlic Knvnilian it in t-t Wiitcr lotup.iny "as- liclil up. ns li" iMiinpunv li.n not yi-t crimpleteil its uiptriift. 3Ir. Moon, ol the liulldlin; -Dlnml t It . upoif-il Unit In' liail li.irt nptltH nitiilo mi Hip Itniuicc In No S ll'.lllfjl. 'I'hf J.nilloi.-' runnnttlfo icpoited im favoi.ibly nri Ml. loV ili'inaiul tur ati Iru'if-atp In pay. mid siigKehtnl Hint n. iimv .lnnltor b- lilroil to takp liN pI.hv. .Mr. I.'i' lias lifi'ii gpMili S 10 n nunitli. The lcpnit v.as rocfhi'd. mutioti tu give Mr. I.co $.'.". toi oxtin work ivrif. Hdoptod. Trcttf uier Moon icpoilPd tin'1 ro pclpl of $'..600 ns follow.'-: Fiptn C'ol lictor vr.itt. ?l,0'iil: f'ollfptor C'lllfoi-d, JJ.Ciift: Collootor, Scaniiiii 'SOn. A nintUm was nindf to lalse A. Wll-s-on Oonry's. .salary to ' per inontli. Mr. Cicmy Ket but 5.V pir month. 'J'liu motion was lot. 'X ho huperintendont rmnplaint'd that student:) had been let Into the ivn tinl bulldlns: befoio fhool houi.s by the assistant Uliiarlaii. Tlio youns nrin was pn?-eiit and liroved to the board Hint he had noth Ins to do with letting the boys in. A U'Kilution wn passed, howovor. I'oi biilillns' students to enter the building iiiitt-icle ot . hool lioiu-.. nndei penalty ol .siihpeiihlon. The following tcaphers. made appli f at Ion for the bomd'f. endoi.sement for mastnr cei tificitc s: Mai'RJiut Mc ndicw, r.liKaboth Thonips-on, Helen I'.ifchinnic, 1311a Iloi.in. Maty Miuphy, H.nali riwifirrt and Wilson Gem. v. The i.flli.'r.'. of the lion id weio instrueted to linnlsh the leeonimendiitlont.. 'I'Ik- High j-ehonl faculty, tluough I'lliu'lpnl Urydeii, linked for the use "t Hit- lliiih sphool arhembly mum on lilt PMiiInt' ol Mi'iiiorial day for the impost of hnldliiR -n enti'i tulnment, I'm- nmocnls l h'IiIpIi .no to go to i'ii' Ifich ,-ihooi pi. mo iiim! and the ".'.Mid Ajih nt tin' Heptlblie post. : iip'jintiM!di'nt liau's monthly ie-i-irt .'ai lead and unified ppicd on tile. Appli' iiiloii tni tli'i position of imii lui of Hie ii'iiiial building were r C'iwd lumi A. I.. V.iniioider mid V. I'.. l.wm.i. The ii"nii'i otterPil to ilo tlie intllO w'niktliat of Ml. l.oe and hi- ns"isiuni nr ?ii0 iici- niontli. Mi. i:uns pnij'o'il to do the entile woik im 1-r.s pr month. I'h.illllimi Mo. kellbiMiy stilled that as Hip woman aisistant's time dues nut mi out till June they eould nut va ' nil' hi r '" Hi'in at tliis tline. mid ik;-s'i'i! tlif IlIllUK ot a janitor In tempo), irlly till Mr. I.ee'.i plaee till ilpi .Moon iii'l.iinatP 1 TlKUli.ls Ticuili Inn tor Ihi' plute at ! pel uiuntli. 'I he roll uii.s railed mid Moon, Ihighi't and iliillaglKT voted for Theo pllllus '11111 lliii'keiili"ri', SwIrimI and Ivitwlu lor r.vaus. It was declared u H . Tlif secii'tiii.N wis then llistiueled to line a ti'iiiporaiy Junltor. Delinquent T.is I'olleetor tiaui.in'.s uner;ittoii INt was thin lak'ii up. The bonid nllowed $10;!, m.iUhis n total of about ll.HOO. MUs OUTRAM'S FUNE11AL. T.hn Body Wilt Bo Taken to Albany Today for Burial. The tuiwal &erveoH over th re in.'ilu.s of Leoimid Outram, wm died "n loiida,v nioniiny nt thu home of hln hrothvr-ln-law, James I'.utl, on Ter ineo Mtretn, were hold last nvenlng at ".Ou oMoch. Tlicy worn eondueted by Itnv. Ch.irlts I.ee, pasilor of the First frexbytftiian ehuteh, and worn htrietly pilvntc. only the family partlelpailiig. Today the body will he taken un the T a. in. tlulii to Albany N, Y wi-oin lennt'in will le nifiile in Hi" Hural si' i net dry. by Hit -ile of hl late wife. Tlio burial servlio will he ic.nl by inn -.mm elei'sfyniaii who odlel.iteil at Mr'. I'uti, tn'H tuneiol A inblm'aiu Wiw rucolvud yesteiday iiurnii'K ftom London fruin Alien out ram, his brother, expresninif h sor . and nsUiiig that burial bo mudn as montlojied. V. V. S. Paul, of Omn ia, hH fattier-ln.law, was heiu in at i ml tin.' tuueial. USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE ptAul.i tn be ti.jl.'n into Hit rlioe . or f (t fcil twclkri, rurioiii ami iljnip, gnj Ru innl adly. If jnu hav Jiklr.i; ircl. Iry AlKn' I .it-l.jv. It H6t tlic fat am! -iijIic, ika Ul (slit l.u ciy. 'iirn Cil'Milu, sl!.n. litlni; feel. WUUn mi' v-jl.oiii sjioti. )(. luiik iuiih and liiinioi'i f all Pjiu ai.l em-i Kit ar.cl icmfurt. Tiy it, 1"Iji. 'snW by .ill ilny,. i;l,l.. ilirl shoe iliulu.'. -.'i rtijt- liljl U' kj.t till II. AiWn, Alkti J. UIwIjI. I.i ltvy, .S. v . Carbondale Department 3 MRS. BIiACKMORi; ONCE MORE. Sin? .figures as a Comulnlunnt and Then Is Aricsted. 3vi'fMiHt! In C'liibomlnla has lioanl of th" ttotihloM butwren deorgc WiihIi liiRtou fciiiiltli and his peiiodleal houae krepei. Mis. 1311alieth rjliickmoie. They have been ulU'd in nil the local nldoriiR'ii'H I'ourls, the county courts, and in every newHpiipcr in this. ' Hon, but they will nut stay settle 1. Last nlfjhl them was. unuther otit hiit'.l:, which ended in u curious mini tier. Last :-atiiiday night tliete was a tint mid n big one nt KiuIHi'h houie. "ti tlieenlleli'l load. It aim ted after mid night and trom what eould be picked out lioiu several i onillctlmr stoik"). Hie woman was the cause of II all. Mi." Ulaekmoie ullrl n otllig man timii .Toi m it started In to see how Utllekly tliey i ollld lid the hoif-P of cii'orge Washington and his son, 1311s worlh. by creating n ininpus. The lather is a sickly old fellow mid was so filghlened that he tun down to Ai de) mini Atkinson's utllce at :t o'clock on Sninlny iiioinlug. got the alder uiiin out of bed, and ho and bin sun (It.ngpd Mr-. 11. Willi assault and bat tel. v. tliienli'iihig to kill, iniilliloiis nils chief ninl a ml1-! ellaneoiis lot ul other thlngi. Constable Moran w is .senii,iip In the houe In fl" t Hie olstni bem mid aiusi them, but they had lied. on Monday and vpsieidny the con slaole lid Dot have a i hmice to mm ve the w.iiimits, bi'ciu-i' v was tcstily liir betoie tlic giand Jure In Scratitnii. Ycsli-l ili. .itteniiion Mis. lU.ickinor went beioie Alderman .Imioi mil s'worr nut :i wmralit (or the two Smith -. on a ehmge of .iss.mil anil balli'iy and thmats. The healing came oil at ! 3" Inst night. It was a hearing, sine enough, tor JIis. P.l.u I. moie pouied out such a siting ol ve hement di nunciatlons that evetyone wilhln a wide laillui was lonip'dli'd to listen. It was lumi work to ( het lc the volley ol Itilid woii! mls-Mes that she hurled nt the .Miunger Smith fthe older one was too ill to apiie.tr.) While he was nt the height ot her !iti.iiigu, Conilable Jloimi glided in .ml sank quietly Into a seat in the r".ir of tlio i ourt. Sinitii pleade 1 not guilty and 131ii.abeth giew dramatic as sl.e toll or tlie dire thing- that were goii' to happen to III in and what would be his ultimate fate. Her geslutes and oil e mid expulsive Micabulary would cer tainly oul-C'aiile I'm lie Nation. The nldeimmi dually told smiilh he would have to hold lilm !'i bail, alt'iougn it appealed to mi unpiejudlceil '':' that he wai in mi'.fh more danger of as sault and lmtlPiy than the woman. Then Mis. lilackmoie left the loom, closely tol'owed bv th' i oast.ilil, whom she had not poieeived. She got outside in tlie street, when he sl"ppjl up to hei, inodueed his wan ant and stopped hei lurther piogiu's. Without a liit ot leslHtuuee, other than a yet moir lgoioiis ussmtlt upon the Eng lish language than she bad given cnt to pievionsly, Mr. ItlacKmoie sub mlttod tu lior a I rest mid was led imko nunc to tlie city's stionghold, widen is a tmniliar stopping place Im her This Is about the tenth time In about three yeais that this tlio have -lought the aid of the mints to straighten out their difficulties. Two eais ago Ai de) man Jones committed her daughter to the House ot the lloud Slienli'id. to shield her fiom harm. The healing 111 this i asp will lip betme Aldeiman Atkinson this atternnnu. OBITUARY. Millie Louise Chuich. Mis. Millie Loiiisi.- Chinch, wife of Mauilie T. i 'hutch, ol this city, died .esteidny nt 1- o'cloik noon at the lesldeiKo ot hf sistei, Mis. William .1. Moigan. at l.'lnti Wnshbuin slicct, Scianton. after an Illness extending oer several months. The cause of duith was a complication of disease Mrs.i'huieh was a natlo ot tills elty, linvlng been bum beie on December f, ISio. She was a dniigliter of John t. rimer, who has been with the Van I'.eigen i inipauy loi half a i ciitury. In June of IMli she was mauled to Maui Ice T. Chuiih, of this city. She was an active nicmbi.r of the Kli.st 1'usbytei Ian iliuicli and Sunday school, and define lier maiilage was assistant oiganist of the c lunch and a member of the choir. She went to visit her slstoi, Mis. Morgan. In Scraiiton, about two mouths ago and wu? taken seiiously III them and had been compelled to lenialn. She had been lulling steadily, On Sunday morning last hei husband went tu seianion to visit her and she had lin pi oved so much during the dnv that lie was gieatly eneouiaged when lie let her In the evening to letuin ln-ie. About S o'clock lie received a telephone message that she had In come veiy 111 again. It being too late to get a train to Scianton, he gu a caiilugc and diove down. lie IPUl.lllleil with dor until the end, Shu was unconscious when she passed away. She Is sur vive d by her lather and one sistei, Mm, W. .1. Morgan. The lenuliiH will be bmught tn tills city today on tin I0..SH a. in, train fiuni fc-ci anion. The fuue.nH will be held on Fllday atteniooii at 2 o'clock-, the liov. Chatles Lee dcliveiing a funeral ser mon. The Intel incut, will be mnde nt Mapluvvood. Sftw Viola Allen. A large number of people fiom this city, iiudHteried by tlie eMubliaiit ptlce. ot seats, journeyed to Scraiiton lust evening to see Viola Allen mid her company play "In the Palace of tlio King" at llio Lyceum theater. Among tlioso wlio wont weio: All and Mm. f. It. Manville, Mr. and Mm. N II, Hlller, Mi, and Mis W. T. Cub vllle Mr. iiml Mrs. Charles Perkins, .Mr. and Mrs. Kiaiik Dennis, Mr and Mrs. II. 11. Van Heigen, Mr. and Mis. If, 1-3, May, C. P. Connoi,, Mrs. S Sing er, .Mrs. Josoph Htlir, Miss Mlnnlo Tioweu, V, C. Mminen, Mrs, l. c. Wliffler ninl Niivvoll Van llergen. To Ilan.lle the Dlagtiuu. Mr. !eor&o 1. Avery will have charge of the diagiatn ap Clatk'a lrug moid Fii'lay Jiuf Saturdaj fven.ugs. This fact in-iitU's courteous treatment to all the p.-.trous of thu Mutionolltun'H i-oneeit at th Uaptlst elriuh next .Monday evening. Born. Tu M, and At i s. Mai tin Loftus, of Vino strtt, a sou, Phone s NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 HAS BROUGHT SUIT. Mis. David Wilson Asks $20,000 from Van Bergen & Co. tor Hus band's Death. Aim. Louisa Wilson, widow of David Wilson, who was killed by Hie es-plo.v lun of a hollar at the foundry of Van P.ergeu & Co., limited, on the morning of Sunday. November IS. 1000. Ins In ought suit against the eotporntlen to tecover daitinr.es In the sum of S-.,00O lor her husband's death. Site has ic tulned Kilwmd C, Newconib of Suitin ton, as hep attorney mid thu papeis wem tiled in l'lollionolmy Oopclnnd's ofllce on Monday of this week. Mis. Wils'oii was Inteivliwed yestei ilay alternooii by n Tribune leporter. Shu would mil talk for publication nt fltst, but loferred the leporter to her attorney. She finally said that she would nol have brought the suit un less slip hud been certain of winning II; that a number of experts had ex utnlned the boiler soon after the ex plosion mid hail found IL very defective ami incapable of standing n strain. Kui'theiniom, the sta bolts ot the holier weie Misled ami rotioded to such an extent that some of them were bioken mid others greitly weakened. Chailes o. Mcltm, iiiitnagcr of the Van Meigfii company, was also Intel - lew oil. He expressed sitrpilse that the suit had iietuullv been brought, al though he admitted that lie had been told ij was I'lintempl.'ileil, He did not i am to .state what steps the conuiany would bike, hut said timt il had 10 talned Wlllnrd, Wntmn iS: Knapp. of Siiunton. lo look alter its Inteiests in llio maltei. Ho snlil that the company had paid all of the funeral expenses of Mi Wilson. It will be leeallcd tlt.it at the coto nti'sj Inquest that u number ot peisons testifier' Hint tile boiler was In good shape, so far as they could ascertain, that Mr Wilson had himself cleaned il a .slim t time pmvlou.s to the explosion: that he did nol mport any structural weakness In It: that theic was only a few iioiinds of steam on, owing to its being Sunday, that in spite of the colonel's Whirls no one could be found to tcstit.v to any iluvv in the boilei, and thu the jure mluined a verdict exon ciatlng the company trom blame. The case will be watched with much inteiest in its luttiie developments. Died in the West. MkhaM Walsh, ot Pike stieet, le ceived a telegiam on Monday evening announcing the death that nioinlng of his biotliei, Mm tin F. Walsh, ol Paik Cltj, I "tall. The p.n tlclllai.s ale now tliiknow u. Tile deceased uas a native ot this city, having been boi ne li e lil'ty years ago. About a score pf ye.us ago ho went west and spent many yens pros pecting in Coloiado. Nevada, Wyom ing mid I'tah. He was also In the cat I'e business, but of late yeais had been a meichant In Park City. Ho had bteii quite successful and is believed ti hai had considerable pt oporty. He was anmarilcd and Air. Walsh s his only -iitvlvlng i dative. Butial will be made .uday ,u Pai k City. The Cottage Fair. Another l.nge eiovvd atlended the Cottage Horn company's fair in tho Muikc building last evening and every one piesent had a most enioyalile time. Them will now be a lapse until next Snltiiilay night, when the last night of lun will be given and the thaw bigs for the MOD in gold and the dinner set will take place. Is There One for You? List of letters lomaining in the C.ir bondale piisloflice. Alay S, l!i01, for per nios unknown. J. II. Deny, Itolieit Pel kills. Aliss Kalley, Mls"s Kliab-th Pari. v. Alls. Jo sephine Williams Iiene Huluies, Julia 13. Cm lis, Poreign Krancesi o Man ( uso, Ciuseppe Allccoielli, rtosailo Cog n.Uo di Iloeco (inetnuo. A Coming' Concert. The Young Ladies' Social club of the I'll si Congregational chinch will give a conreii In the auditorium of tho chin cli on Wednesday evening, Alay IS. Some of the best local vocalists and Insli unientolists have been seemed for the oi caslon and all enjoyable lime is assuted all who attend. Won a Pair of Shoes. Tlie oidei for a pair of shoes ulteted as a dour pi o nt the Cottage Hose company's lair by Alannger Manners, u tlie People's Shoe company, and which was diawn by ticket No. llMS was won by Allss Lizzie llurd, and was ledeeiiH'd with a handsome pair ot loot coverings, Governors Met. The boat il of govwnoi.s of llio Car bondale Cycle club met nt the dub house, on Chuich stieet, last evening to look over Hie business uifalisj of the club for Hie past year, pmpaiatory to thu geneial i lection to be held next Tm.sdiiy evening. Will Acidiess High School. On Piidny afternoon lieoigu S. Kim ball will make mi address lu the High school auditorium, to which the public is tin link Ills subject will be "Tho Itattli' of Poit Hudson" and will bo Identical with tho speech ho made at the firaud Aiiny meeting a month ago. Will Deliver Addie&s. Piofivsor II ,1, Hockenbony, pms. dent of Hip school bo.ud, hus been in vited 'to deliver the annual addiess to Hie literary society of Alibi Ight col lege, at M.veislown, dining "Oiuineneo meat week, School Teachers III. Aliss Miirgniot AlcAndievv, of Cottage street, and Allss lliinna Ilanett, of Kallbrook stieet, Icavhers in Hie pub lic aoliools, aio 111, and thu Allsses Alary Doildleau and Lucy Keaiiiej are sub st'tutlng for llieiii Mstings Tonight Wllhani 11. Davles prt ,su u;, ij. A. U. Pioneer castle, No. 205, A. O K, AL C, I Fidelity conclave, No, 130, I. u. li. At Hie OpvA House. Saturday night-"Way Down Kast." i .. ! Clihugo of .Place of Meeting. Thu Women's Home MUsionnty so. clxty of tlie Klist Pre.sbyteilnn cliuich will meet this at'Winuon in Hiu Icc- tine loom of llio church. The meeting Was to have been held at Ilia rosldenco of Mrs, John J. Uelgeluth, on tfalJmi avenue, but owliiff In the death of Mrs. Chinch. It will be held In the lecture loom m !l o'clock. May Exhibit Old Machine. 11 Is rutnoied that some of the mem bers of the Columbia Hose company ato taking active steps to fotward the old hand engine, which did duty In fighting fires In the early '50s In this low n to the P.in-Anieilcati exposition, lu be ptneed on exhibition there. The old telle of by-gone days Is stilt In a first class condition In Mayor Kllpal ilek's charge, and It would undoubted ly exclle eoiiiililoiable attention It placet! beside a modern fire engine. The Passing Tluong. ii.lng Dlx and Calvin Dunham aie In llnrfalo, N. Y. Miss Agnes Martin, of Olyphant, spent Monday lu town, T. V. Walker and his adopted daugh ter, Iiene, am visiting In New York city. C 13. Lathrnp spent last week visit ing his daughtci in Paterson and his son in Wllllamsport. Allss Josenhlno Mvers lias returned ftom n week's visit with her mother, Mis. Homy Perry, nt ML Cobb. Misses Kittle and Alice Brady, of Honesdnle. are being entertained by Airs. Daniel Toolan. of Wyoming street. Miss Annie Quinu, formerly of this city, but now of Poit Jervis. Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Airs. Patrick Qulnn. Marshall Scutt. ol C.irbondale. where he is employed 111 the silk spool mills, eame here on Saturday night and went away this nioinliig. Tunkhannoek Conespondence. Airs. C. K. Lathrop and Allss Helen Lathrop have returned fiom their trip lo Washington, D. C. Airs. Lathrop spent a tew days in WUIauisport dur ing her absence. Miss Kate Byine, of Washington street, i attuned last evening fiom an extended visit with her sister, Airs. Udwaid Huche, ot New Yoik city. Airs. Kocho accompanied her home and will visit with hei for a few days. JERHYN AND MAYFIELD. Air. William .1. Westington. of rtiish biook stieet, and Allss Rachel Pnrlltt, two well known joting Jerniyn people, weie united in man Inge last evening by Itev. Thomas Cook, pastor of the Primitive Methodist church. After tho eoiemony a icepllon was held at the dome of the groom's patents, Air. and Airs. William Westington, of Ttusli brook stieet, and a. substantial repast sei ved. Patrick Kumy, u runner in Hie Dela waie and Hudson colliery, met with a painful accident while at work yes terday. He was in tlie act of pulling a blo-jk fiom in front of the wheel of a car he was about to uin out of a chamber when the car started a little quicker than he anticipated, the wheel l mining over tlnee ot his lingers, cut ting them off. Later lie was attended at his home on tho Kasl Side, vvlieio Doctois S. D. Davis, of Jeiniyn. and Jackson, of Maytlold, completed the amputation, The injury is to his light hand, the second thiid and little lin gers being those he has lost. An infant child ol Mr. and Airs. Oeorgo ltotcll, of Alayfleld, died Mon day of pneumonia. The funeial took place yesterday. The Hit or Miss Cooking club was onjoyablv entertained yesterday after noon at the home of Miss Kmlly Rich, -of Alain street. Oeoigc Myers of Alaylield. Is laid up with an attack of catarrhal lover. Alls. T. K. nri filths mid two children, of North Alain street, are visiting triends at Vandllng. The employes of the Delaware and Hudson colliery lesunied woik yester day after a week's Idleness. The col liery is working halt time. Distilct Deputy Hawkins, ol Pi co ding, paid a finternal visit to the local lodge, Sons of St, Cleorge, .Monday evening. m OLYPHANT. The smoker held lu the I3xceIslor Hose company's rooms, on Lacka wanna stieet. last evening, was one ol the most enjoyable affahs ot the season About forty membeis were piesent, a delightful piogianime was nndeied liming the evening, and about midnight refreshments were, served. Piepainlions am being made tor a mock tilal and suck social, which will be held in the Kcystgne hall Friday evening. Af.iv 31. for the benellt oL the Susquehanna street Baptist chinch. Airs. John Shields and son, Illehard Shields, aie visiting- mlatives nt Amiibald. A social and onteilal.niient will be held In tho Methodist Kpiscopal chapel tills evening. A fine piograinme das deen arranged for the occasion, A small admission toe will be danced. The regular weekly assi nibly of the Juvcnis ilancinir class will be held tllis evening, with Law mice niJicsti.i in attendant o, Albs Alaig.net O'Connell has accept ed a position In tho shoe dcpattnieut of Atlierton - Million's cash store. A inei'ting ot the new hoso company, which mconlly org:inl.ed at Grassy Is land, will be hold tomorrow night at Council's hotel. The wmk of cousti Hiding tlie inch under the street near the Alay dildgu will bo commenced in a tew days, to puinlt the building ot tho nairow gauge railtoad to the new Tllrdsoyo sliatt, Tho Pel.iwam and Hudson has itM'eod to pinteet all properly owners in that section whose mal estate may be affected by the Improvement, and also to leave the stieet In perfect con dition. The degree slatt o the Ludy 131eii Pininan ledge, V. H. 1! , will meet Fri day uvenlng at Hied moms in Hie Sweoiiio, building for pinclice, PECKV1LLE. Ilev. Air. Guest and tamily Inti Mon day tor Won ester, x, y where ttev. Guest luii accepted a chaige In the P.iptlst i lunch at Hie above named plaic, Allss ,7uso Collins, a tablo waiter at Hotel Wilson, mot with u serious ac cldcrt on Saturday afternoon. Aliss Collins was putting in a screen at the dining rouni window when she lost her bniance and fell on; tlio w Inelnw, u ills itiii.e of bu vui al feet, sulking heavily on the ground, nreuKlu her light aim near the dhow and dislocated the wrist joint. A physician was called, who letluced the finctuic. Will Williams, was a Scianton visi tor yesteidny. Tlio Central Pennsylvania Telephone company bus Just completed the new telephone Hue bravc-en Peckville and .Marsh wood. The Wilson Fiie company's new leant of blacks ate thu udmiiatlou ot the Imal hoisemeu ami the members A UNITED STATES MARSHAL Thanks Peruna for His Rapid Recovery from Catarrh. EX-tNITED STATES 3I.1RSIIAL MATTHEWS, OF MISSISSIPPI: Hon. S. S. Matthews. e-CJnltod States Almslinl of Alississippl, In a le cent letter to the Peruna Medicine Company of Columbus, Uliiu, will ton fiom Hazellmrst, Sliss,, says: "I am happy to say that I am cured of catarrh and need no moic at tention from you. It is a great satisfaction that I am able to write you that Peruna has in my case done all that you claim, and that I will need no moie medicine." 4s i i 0 v PPPp No charge incWhen TEETH We give a written guaranlej for "0 yeai on all work. Q. The fact that this is an Incorporated Company doing busi ness under tho laws of this State, and opuiuiitiga system of O liO otllces, is ii Htifliclenl guarantee of our tesponsibllity anil 2 that we Do Exactly a. We Advertise. 5 Thflt lAJhiita nnntrai OiB-lmB'n 5 im wig ug ini 091U1O r:::," :.r" ' Swwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww of the lire departments. The Wilsons have secured the services of Air. Geoigo Biiidlek, who will act in the capacity of drivei. Claike Brothers' new stoic will be open to the public today. A geneial Invitation lias boon extended to Hie public to visit the stole tills after noon and Inspect their new stock. Advert Hod letteis: Aliss A. Rich ards, Jauier, l'3vnns, Suvaii R.tihat.i, Tom Km Ik. V. V. Mace, postmaster. D ALTON. The commencement eeulse.s ot ihu Dalton High school will be held lu tho Alulhrdist chinch on Tuesday evening ot next wool;. A Veiy lliloicsthig pin grammo has been 11 ranged for the oc c.u'ion. Airs. Theodoie II, Miller is spending a few days with lelatlves in iJliigliain ton. The 1 u.iiitry Is picsuilllug a boaiitllui appeaianco about now. Just as the verdnnt liillsiilos piesent theniselve.s and too tallage upon the liees begins tu shout I'D lb. Alls. L. Palmer Smith entertained fi lends tioiu Sciaritou on Suiulay. Cliailes Yon Storch and Mi. Bene dict me lep.iiiing a house in Sumitnii this week lor Airs. W. II. Brown, f this place. The tollowiiig ladles will servo a sup pei in the Baptist 1 liuivh on Fiidav evening. Airs S. L Fliin, Alls. . . Dean, Alts. Frank Colviu, Alls Clamuco SI'jIIO and Alls. l. R Tiiuiup suu The supper will bo leudi at ' o'clock. A business meetiiig of I ho La dies' Aid society will bo held at I o'clock, tu which all members uie 10 quested to be piesent. The closing csoiclses of the public school at Cilenbuiu will bo held this (Wednesday) evening. Allss Lena Noithup, the teacher, has been tinkl ing the pupils for tho mnditlou m a pleasing pi ogi. inmie. Alls. L. AL Newell, of Chicago, guve .1 very Instinctive talk hi thu Baptist church Sunday morning on the woik of the Women's Baptist I lome Mission society, Thu gold and silver medals ofieied some time ago d,v Piotessoi C II. Han yen tor ptollclency lu the giaduaHng Uasa liuvu been aw aided to Aliss Pat. tei'sun, of La Plume, who it-cehcd Hie nob) medal tor llrst honois. and Allss ALuile Capwell, of Dalton, ihu silver mvila) toi- second honor. Qull .1 number lioiu this place at. leaded the commencement exercises at vVnvejly last evening. .".nmvj P. Dickson has moved his family fit 111 Seranton to this pl.uo tor tlif: . uininer. Air. George Noilliup has been inak ing e.xtenshc linpiovcments to the In tel lor of his house." ii ii; ii ih id; V We extract teeth, fill teeth, and apply gold crowns and bridge work, with out the least p.tin, by a method patented and used by us only. When the ini piession is taken in the morning plates will be finished same day, if desired. Note Our Prices for Perfect, Full Set Teeth (that fit). Gold Fillings Silver Fillings Gold Crowns Teeth Without Plates 5.o( Cleaning Teeth -' 7 for Painless J struct- Other Work JsDone. iV-- W13 AIAKI'3 A SPECIALTY of Gold Ciown and P.iidge Woik. This is a s.vstem for Inserting artitlcial teeth wheie one or mom are missing without tin use of a plate. This woik Is most beau t f 1 ill and cannot be delected liom the nalutal teeth When piopeily done, will Inst a llletime. Call and see us oper ate. It will be a pleasuic lor us to larelully examine yom teeth and tell you oNsictlj what your woik will cost. No chaige lor tills. Hums, S to S, Sun tla.vs, 10 to I Iniiiii bid, in.iinu ,ml W.wiu!iiR .immiih.3. tw.11K s)m. store, s, r.mton. t.inrpl A'U' York Announcement. er's Furniture is. the btibjei-l of tliisiinnounccinnnl. Tito ti'i-in stands for ovoryi hinp; timt isroliablennel fasliioiiiiblo in 1'iirni turo, in both tlio siniplo and ornato linos, vvliotlior wiintoil for town or country homes. Two other impor tant fent m-t's tn o t ho moderato )fi('os at witicli the uooikni-o marked, unci their uiii'iiinlU'd itsortmentK Diiiiiik-I'ooiii furniture in all finishes ol Antique. Belgian, f-leinish and Golden wiiinalilts.IiininsCluirs.Chliia Closets and Mile 1 .dies to match. Bedroom 1 urniture In all the vaiious woods and finishes, mcitiduig special lines for cnuuti homos, brass Bedsteads in over ;o pitterns trom Sis. 00 upward, laiam eled don lledste-ads from $5- up. LatfM designs in Parlor furniture. Library I tirnitiirc. Hall l-'urnitiite, Venetian L.ir ved furniture. Couches, .settees, I asv Chairs, Rockers, Dri'ssiim Tables, Chev.il Glasses, Writ iiir D.skb, etc., in unequalled assort ments, and all prices R. J. Horner & Co., Fill 11II111 n .tliikci ninl Intpnrlrm, G1-G5 W. 2'M St., TJow York iAi(nlulnii IMrn Murj BEAUTY, SI GONQIIEROR BELLAVITA AvBonlc Beauty Tab!et3 and Pills. A pjr Fic'tlyifiiiuiil ini.imiiieeiitii'iitmrnt fui nil .iu lLordciv. Restores the bloom olvouth to failed lacei. in di -s trr itmcnl r.0oi tfi diiys,' 41.1x1, by mail lenn fuiTiicjl.it Address, "Vlt'A .MtDIC.l. (0., ClnlcK ti Jsckiea Stl., CbkOP Bold by McGarrah A Thomas, IJtug. gluts,, V)i Luckawanna aye., Scrunton, Pa. PmCEBURG. W II NN lidams tlie Drumiuei Lvangellsi, ' loiiilutied another or .sunt'ssfiil . v.uigellaili meeting in the Prcab) teu.iu uilsslon hi Piltebuig last, night. The iiitwidancu was veiy gieat ly Incm.ioeil. I3veiy scat was taken and the intei ml was deep. .Ml. Wil liams took tot nis subject ",Nu Boom mi- Jesus." Ills subject tonight will be "Th.1 Last Invitation." Miss Cnsslo Williams and Miss Bessie Crnlg. ut Peckville, sang thmo veiy line selec tions, to tho delight of all present, Tho deslio of all is that they come again. Air. Williams will speak eyeiy nicht this week. I3stiu scuts will be .-cm ted for the meeting tonight ,Tho great multitude lake tlili rem edy without ntty ftiither advice than the dltcctlon to be round upon the bot tle and in Vhe pamphlet, There mo those who prefer, however, lo corres pond with Dr. Hnittitiin during their slckne.ss. To nil such ho will tnuUi' piotupt and carorul answer without chaige. Hun. ,1. 1 Crookor, of Buffalo. N, V who was for .ears superintendent of .schools ul Muifalu, In a loiter dated October It!, Writes! "I have been a suffeier fiom ca tarrh six or seven years, and after trying many lcnictllos was induced by n friend to take Peruna. The re sults havo been highly satisfac tory. I t n k e plcnsuic In icc- ommendlng Pe runa to any one I I.HI ,1 i' fumkrr, sup-l lliin.iln, S Y. I'nlilli' "si IhmU suffering with catarrh, as my cttie in complete." Hon. 11. II. Dovliier, eoiigiessmnn fiom West Virginia, lu n letter from Washington. D. C, to the Peruna Medicine Co., says the following of tliplr catnrili tonicity, Peruna: "I Join with my colleagues lu the House of Repiescntatlves ill teejoni mending your, excellent mincdy. Peiu im, as a good tonic anil also nn effec tive cum for cartarrh." Mrs. Mary C. Fentress wiltes front, Paiadlse, Tex., the following: "f think 1 can say that your good advice and mcdlcluiHitiM cured me of chronic cn ttirih. I have had no pains In my head since I have taken Peruna. r have been in bad health over since "."!, and have taken a good ninny medicines which weie onl.v of tempor niy lellef. Peiiina Is the catmili run, Tho Pel una stopped my catairli of Hie head so that it did not become chionlc, and I uin very thankful to Di. Hart man's advice and medicine." Peruna Is a specific for all catiuiiin! diseases. It acts quickly and bene ficially upon the inllnmeil mucous membrane, thus lemming the cause o en tn nil. C'.itairh Is catai'ih wherever located. Catai ih is essentially the same evory whi'ie. The lemedy that will cure ca tarrh in one situation will cure it in ail situations. ' If you do not deiive piompl and sat is tactoi.v lesults lioni the use of Pe liui.i. wi'ltc at once to Dr. Hartiiuiu. giving' a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you hH valuable advice gratis, Addi-ss Dr. Hm-tmmi, Piesldent oC Tho Iiartman Sanitmium, Columbus, O. iV i (i V Viz Painless Dentistry g $5.00 $1.00 50 $3.00 to $5.00 Mil PLft I ES (Ivpi Irnl il -.'Il ollkn 111 L 111 1 01 1 SI lit-, BOSTON TEA COMPANY Headquaiters for Tea and Soap Clubs A. GARDINER. Jr. Prop. Tlnee Mammoth Htoies. Fuinltuio of all kinds given with 0111 celebrated Teas, Coffees ami Sonps ilockiner Chaits, 3lde Boajdr, Cliambor Sets, Bureaus, ChitVonieis, WiitiiiR Desks, Book Cases, Ciiucbci, Caipets, Silver Waio, Hall Racks, DiessinR' Tables, Tea Soti, Etc. 1 till CELEBRATED GORDON PIANO Befoio buying, send for catalogue: h c finunnM im film. Ave, I. -, JV.X"S if New York Cl) ATLANTIC CITY HO TELS, THE NEW" RUDOLF.' On .ill I luhl MIjiiIU llli. Sc JCleC) 9 Union., lu.illli .iinl I'Iumiii- itiuii I.. an w I ii ilu I oj 1 Vlllut Jiiulll lltit Jl.ll l tllll SlM Wull't lilllu I III iff. I US' ' t.lhl. Si0tu sjulnj, Itjt. , Oivlie-itu jml dam in.. . I ll.s. J, Its, oii,i and Piup 1 GKANO ATLANTIC HOTdL fNO ANNEX. iiiiini U' ami Hi itli, Vtlanlit tilj. I simii uii -JJ liaiiiilul iuuiii, iiimiiic, tlll.lt nil mill I11II1: lnl jml n)ll ewjlci' bal lu I lot 1 1 mil jiiiuv Ituail.iii piktl ami itlillai wUhlli ti lauU 01 Hit Sill I'lu. Oitlu-.lii lllkls nntlil riuiiii. lain. 1J in lj ,j mc .'.;n up I'.t iIjs sh1, uio. Id (ju)lllct. Coaili'i iiuvl ill liulie. Wnlt Im lumUtl. CIIMII IIS II. IOIM. liWftoi iiii n Jill Jffl VlliT)i'ffTjViUPl"r- jjT ii"iiiiiitii i.li j t.j'ORDON1' 1! I