The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 08, 1901, Image 1

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Public Hearinu Is Granted Glerau
men Protest Against the Pass
age of the Bill.
Sis Name Is Erased from the Roll
of the Senate He Will Succeed
Levi McCauley. of Westchester.
Bills Passed Finally in House.
Other Measures Passed.
II,- l'-scliidto Wile twin The A.."0i lated l'iei.
IInrrt.slitn-K-. May 7. The senate
eunimilteo on law and order gave a
public hearing this afternoon on (lie
bill icpcnllug certain sections of the
Sunday Idiio lawn of 17DI. Quito a
I.iiko delegation ol" clergymen from dlf
1'i'inu purls of llic stale was present
and ptotosted against (lie passage of
tin lilll. A number of Philadelphia
bu-ilie.s men were also In atlendauee
tuel advocated the repealer. After
in .ill sides had been fully heard. Sena
te llerkolbuoh, of Philadelphia, who
iiiiunlueed the bill, made a few re
marks In defense of his action.
Senator Kdinnnd I!. Ilardenborgh. f
AVuyne. resigned Ids seal today In the
.-ennte ami itiiilllled as auditor goti
i'i it, to whirl) olliee lie was eleeted last
November. He succeeds Levi fi.
M '('utiley. of Westeliestei-. whose torn)
i pireil at noon. .Mr. Hardotiborg was
utiNioiis to retain Ids seat In the sen
ale until I lie elase of the legislative
session and was Riven a written opin
ion by Attorney Clcnernl Klkin that
it ttns optional with him when ho cn
i red upon the duties of auditor fun
eral. To nvol I possible complications.
Iiowovi r. tile senator handed his resig
nation to Treslilent pro tern Snyder
anil 111' il his bond and assumed charge
nf the department.
House Bills Passed.
Validating judicial proceedings for
thetakingof private property for public
u-e under the act of .lime 1". lS",ii, re
lating: to roads, highways and bridges.
Authorizing cities to acquire private,
property for park purposes, and pro
tiding where such property Is outside
i hi oily it may be annexed by ordin
ance. Authorizing the lishory commission
ers to co-operate .with the slates of
New Jersey and Delaware in assist
ing to restore the sturgeon llsherlos
In the Delaware river and bay. Al
lowing the city of Philadelphia to sell
i he Noble street wharf to the highest
and most responsible bidder.
Authorizing appeals from the court
el' common pleas to the Supremo and
superior courts In cases which are ap
peals from settlements or reports of
county, borough or township auditors.
llegiilating the acknowledgement of
proofs of deeds, mortgages and other
instruments of writing by corpora
tions, the form of certlllcates thereof
and conliruiing these heretofore made.
Providing for the appointment of an
.if-lslaut clerk and two Janitors of the
senate and an assistant clerk and ele-
ii tni' man of the house, and abolish
ing the olliee of engineer and llreman
of 1 1(0 senate and house.
The bin io allow Jury commissioners
in counties hnvlng a population of less
than ;ni),nflii mileage at the rale of six
cents a mile 111 addition. to the regu
lar compensation of .:! a day was de
feated. Senate's Evening Session.
The seunte met at S o'clock tonight
and held a brief session. The order
of business was I ho consideration of
Mils on llrst and second rending. There
were fourteen on second reading and
two on the llrst r?adlng calendar, and
after they had till been road and
ag cod to, the senate adjourned until
tomorrow morning at in o'clock.
Among the bills reported favorably
from committees was the Carbondale
paving bill and the bills repealing tho
Imal option laws in tho Klftccuth and
Twnty-iiintli wards of Philadelphia.
The house renovated butter bill was
'( nniuiltted to the committee on
l'i'ullh and sanitation for the purpose
if giving those Interested a chance to
In heard,
.lust before tho senate adjourned,
Senator llardenbergh, of Wayne, who
today assumed the olliee of auditor
general, sent his resignation and ft
was road. .Mr. Ilurdouboigh made a
brief farewell address.
Messrs. firmly, Philadelphia; Wash
burn, Crawford: Williams, liutlor:
illggins. Cumberland: W'o, Monroe;
Heinle. Centre, and Fooht, of Union,
made addresses eulogizing the sterling
lunljties of Mr. llardnnbergh and con
gratulating him on Ills elevation to the
auditor generalship,
By Knilibitu Who fiom TV Assoi-ijiod IVr.
Harrlsburg, I'll., May 7. The order
ot business In the house today was
senate bills on tiiml passage. Tlio
following, passed this stage:
' povlarintt want die tile of tin- bridge in llic
Sii-ipuliuiiu i liter bcttvun Kat '.eivbliun; mid
Moiitiiiidon, nluili J.i u allied ana) by I lu- llouj
n( IMS,
I Kin? tl,c saiaikis of ccuiily supiriutciidnita
of schooli. at frln for Hi'' Hrt one bundled tihooli
ttlthtn Ms jurlkdU'timi: $o (or cadi kctuuil abovu
tme bundled and not owe t'K), ami ii (or caili
hIi't.) abote '.!, piotided, tlial I lie alaty altall
in no ciw be Imh than "l.ouO per unnuiii nor
jioio, tluu W.W, and, plot did further, tlut in
all counties hat Ins P.VI0O bqiuic inllci or a
k' liccl trim r.MiTiKns ictn anil oiu'-halt inonllis
th ttlulfi ul tlic kvipciiiilcndeiit hall not bo
U-s tlian .l.rjW, and llut a convtntlou of school
iIIiiIoh nut tote iilni an intrcaio in v.iliiy,
ttht-li shall be taken doiu Hid kdioot appiopiia.
tivn for llic 'Jialiict.
iMitVcrUliig coui'ly (oniinl.-nown to damto
'.:oi) iimually to county liUtoilcal foclctlos tvlildi
havt tr'iii jiKorpoialcl at Ic.iot IIiiit car and
bat: an it-.'tlvc intnlHijlilp of 100 pci.-oin.
ulhnriJi.g co'.niy loiniiiiwioiit't) to iTiit or
of r.i Ii county in incniory of the soldiers anil
Mllnrn of llic late ttnr so .11 to authorize tho
cointnlwlnnrii to pay debt iilroaily rontraclnl (or
and about the erection anil tnalnlcnann' o( suili
a monument and fur work done and material fur.
'Iho Mlnriuati hill niillioiljsltiB canal rompaiiir
t )ic I heir water power for dolne-flo, ni.aiU
f.Kltirliii; and roimnerclal puruies.
The hill providing for tho publica
tion In separate pamphlet form of a
certified list of all charters of Incor
poration was defeated, I'nder the
present law tho charters are published
biennially In the same volume with tho
pamphlet laws.
The bill exempting farms and farm
ihdM from assessment and colleotlon
of any taxes for the purpose of light
ing or supplying the same with water
was also defeated.
The Voorhees Bill.
The Voorhees hill providing for a.
rr'., mission to a vote of tho people at
lite next general election of the ques
tion of removing the capital from Hnr
tlsbttrg to Philadelphia was taken up
for second reading on a special order
at 11 o'nloek. Amendments wore of
leted to Hie bill providing for the lo
cation of the capital at Pittsburg, Al
lentown, Lancaster, Clarion and Som
erset, and were promptly rejected. Mr.
Vnonhoes. of Philadelphia, said the
itieslion of removing the capital af
fects the entire people of the common
wealth and under the constitution they
have a right to say where It shall be
located. This bill has not been Intro
duced either as a bluff nor a job. but
was nffuicd In all sincerity. Philadel
phia has no Interest In this matter.
H is a question whether the house
will agree upon any bill for tho com
pletion of the capltol. T do not believe
an agreement will bo reached on this
question unless great pressure is
brought upon It. Philadelphia offers
the most available site for the capltol
and the people should be given a
chance to say whether or not they
want it located In that oily.
Mr. Xesbitt. of Allegheny, made a
speech In favor of locating tho capltol
at Pittsburg. Mr. MeC'laln, or J,an
enster. said that If the capltol was
located in that city a free site would
be furnished along the banks of the
I'onesloga creek, or adjacent to the
Franklin and Marshall college.
Messrs. Clarency. of Philadelphia,
and T.ack, of Chester, spoke in favor
of Hie Voorhees bill. They argued that
Philadelphia was tho natural capital of
the state and should be made an ac
tual capital city, what it really is.
Mr. Knontz, of Somerset, argued
that it would be a mistake to remove
the capitol from llarrisbitrg'.
Mr. Until, of Lehigh, guaranteed that
If the capltol was located in Allen
town the people of that city would
donate (I fly acres of laud as a site for
the building.
Mr. l'lrleh, of Dauphin, moved that
the bill be postponed for tho present.
The motlun failed by a vote of 2L' yeas
to 12S nays, after which the bill passed
second leading by 110 to 47. It will be
taken up tomoriow for third reading
and final passage.
The bill increasing the appropriation
for clerk hire for the Supreme court
from $1,000 to W.JOfi annually, was defeated.
The Business of Caring for the
Homeless Is Being Carried on
l!.v I.m lu-iw tt.ii" frui'i Tin Un: ,1 l,.-.
Jacksonville. May 7. No more bodies
wtirt- found today, either In the ruins
of Friday's lire or in St. John's river.
Intensely warm weather continues,
but the work of bringing order out of
confusion anil Hiring for the homeless
is being curried oil systematically.
Supplies of all kinds are arriving and
being distributed.
A number of contracts: for new build
ings have been let, while surveyors are
rapidly marking off the property lines
II was announced today thai the
Windsor hotel, the tlardnor building,
the Hahlwin building and the opera
house will be rebuilt at once. An order
was formally promulgated today that
the idle negroes shall go to woik or
leave the city. Tills had the effect of
lucioasiug the gangs at work In vari
ous parls of the city, but some of the
negroes are dlssatlsllod and declare
openly that they cannot be compelled
to leave.
The ivllot' association today fed IS.OOO
fly Hxcliitlve Wire from Tho Associated fi'fsi.
Ilarriiduits;, lly 7.Tln following nolUo was
po-lnl at llio IVniilvnnl.i Stool voiK,
III, iritllilll., .Ill,li I. Ill,, VI. !!, 31 III,, I'l'tlll.
sylvaula Steel wniU ttill lie riMorVd to tho
MICH la liiue IH'loiu .i.lliiiuy i, run, lll' n
all advance nt about 10 pel tent.
iMuned) "II. II. (Mninliill.
"siiieilnU'iiilent and inan.iaei."
The ioiiiuny employs nearly 7,0m ieiin.
Steamship Arrivals.
l.v Cm In-no Wire fmm The Amlitul I'ris-i.
New Voil, May 7. Anitcd:, Ant
ttvin and Southampton. Chared; Ur.iUid.un,
Itoltfidaur Kiiedand, Antwerp; flnmiinie, l.iv
uiioolj St. Paul, SoutluuiiiJtoii. Urowliead "
l'.i"d: Nomadic, New Voil; (or l.tvciiiool, tin.
tlllo Aniieil; Anchoiia, Xetv oik f.r lilis
1,'uw (ami pioircik-dl, lliemcn Anitcd; K.ibwr
Wlllieliu Per (iuivo, New oik l.t Clrrlmuis
and KouUu'nplon, IIouIokiio Anitcd; s'l.iteii.
dam, Nt"V niU Ut llnllcnlam (and pioieeded).
I'l.iiiioull) Sailcil; Pretoiia (from llainlni'g and
lloulosuc), .New Voil.. Iteai liyhcad I'avned!
Itliciu, liiciuin dr New VoiU.
Slnto Pickers Scent Dnugor.
!y llsilu.lto Who (loin 'Hie As-odjtcii 1'nv.
Shamokin, May ". I'ltt liiniclinl emplota of
the lloial iiaU lollliri vtic ilirnwu nut of cm
plojiaent today by the 14c piiUvs toin on
fctvlke bci-aiikc llu-y claim tho Incakcr I In
danser of coltqwln;. 'liny , they will not
Hi in ii tQ ttoik in 1 1 11 a new blinding i i roiled
or the old on l siiUita'Uiallv leiuiied.
Mavch Preparations Postponed.
Uy I'.xcbulvj Wire fiom The Aitochted 1'ieai.
Ilazlclon, May '. Pie.Ident John Taby, of
W.trlet No. u of the Unlliil Mine Workers, who
ii at llarilaiiur;, notified I'lotdent 'Jhciuaa lluRy,
of the lluk'loii dUlrict, to in.'ke no (uithr
prcfiaratlouij for the proposed inauli of itilorrd
to the Hale capital until ht rtctivti tircrd fern
Iilni to CO ale-ad.
Numerous Interviews with the Min
ister Lead Officials to Believe
That He Will Retire.
He Is Secretary Hay's Choice for
Successor to Mr. Conger General
Chaffee Will Withdraw from tho
City of Pekin in the Near Future.
ISy llxiluilUe Win- (mm Til? Awiclal",! Piw.
Washington, Jlay 7. The numerous
Interviews with Minister Conger, tho
article published over his signature;
and his public djseusslon of the. Chi
nese trouble! leads officials at the state
department to believe that he is pre
pared to hand In his resignation and
that he regards his services as minis
ter to Pekin ut a. close. That has been
the understanding at the state de
partment for some time, and If Mr.
Conger voluntarily retires he may re
lieve tho administration of some em
barrassment hi effecting a change
which lias been regarded as Inevit
able. Seorolury Hay is anxious to have .Mr.
Itocklilll appointed In Jlr. Conger's
stead, but the president, has not been
inclined hitherto to adopt the secre
tary's suggestions. Mr. ttoukhlH's af
llllatlons have always been Willi the
Ucnioorittle party and his diplomatic
acquirements are not regarded as suf
lle.ient to justify his nppointment In
preference to the experienced diplo
mats who are in political sympathy
with the administration. Mr. Uoekhlll
was urged for the China mission on
the retirement of Mr. Deijjiy, but ho
was sent to Greece Instead.
The withdrawal of the American cav
alry from Pekin will be followed Im
mediately by the withdrawal of Gen
eral Chaffee and the Infantry, leaving
only a single company for a legation
guard, ft Is probable that before tho
close of the month there will bo no
American troops whatever on Chinese
soil with the exception of this one com
pany. ,
Chicago, May 7. Minister Conger ar
rived here last night on his way to
Washington, where be is going to re
port to the state department. He de
nied the report that, he is at enmity
with Minister Wu Ting Fang. ".Min
ister Wu." be said, "Is entitled to the
lasting gratitude or every American
citizen. The statement now being cir
culated that I ever challenged his
truthfulness or his honesty of intention
Is absolutely false."
Mr. Conger will remain In Washing
ton two weeks and will then return to
Iowa to spend ,the remainder of his
two months' vacation. "If 1 ret eive
the nomination for governor," he said,
"I shall, of course. Immediately resign
my post in China and conic home for
the campaign."
Powers Framing- Negotiations to
Overcome Russia's Objection.
ISy ll.siliiiii,' Wiic limn Tnc A-w ialcil I'ii,-
Washington, May 7. It has devel
oped that the movement for the open
ing ot China to foreign trade and com
merce has the active approval not only
of the United States and several other
leading powers, but also of Chinese
ollielals. About the only doubt as to
the formal position of China Is that
caused by the empress dowager's re
cent creation of a council of state.
How far that council will have au
thority to cheek the action of the pe.ico
plenipotentiaries Is not clear, but the
negotiations are proceeding with the
prospect of uniting the various
branches of Chinese nuthoiity In the
support of the present plan.
The attitude of Kussla also Is the
source of some solicitude, although the
negotiations are not being framed so
as to obviate any objection which Kus
sla might raise If the opening of com
merce was to apply principally to Man
The 117th Annual Meeting- of the
Diocese of Pennsylvania.
Ity i:vclu!vo Wire lion Tii .Ujooistoil I'n.iv.
Philadelphia, May 7. Tito one hun
dred and seventeenth annual conven
tion of tho Protestant Kplseopul
uhurch In the diocese ot Pennsylvania
begun hern today, The opening ser
vices consisted of the celebration of
the holy communion by nishop O, AV,
Whlttaker and an address by Itev. M,
(iiotou, dean of the divinity school.
A number of special committees were
appointed, An Important feature of
the convention work will be the elec
tion of deputies to th" triennial gen
eral convention, which meet In San
Francisco, beginning the llrst Wednes.
dny In October,
Thousands of Feet Consumed by the
Flames Near Williamsport.
ll.v Kscludte Wins fiom The A.ivi.itid 'rc.
Willi.itnspoil, May 7. A special to the l,.e
cite and bulletin trom Aiiahi, Puller toiiniy,
"Panned hy licay ttiniN the lne in the f..r
e;ls al lilt,' Unit. Cowley I'.uu and ('looked Hun,
which broke out ycslciday afternoon at :i o'llmk,
aic rapidly ilestrovln;' HioumihU anil llioiKiinti
of feet of valuable timber and baik. Ilwry
availaldo man in thi tielnity lia been tailed
Into ervlie, but as jet they have not suci ceded
in galiilnt; ai) headway uliatctcr. The laihoad
rliovt end all mill liive iloscd in order that tho
men may awlst In cheekiup the flatiiM.
"Tito lieaviist liwMii tilll bo llin (ioodyeats
and tho i:inpoilimi l.muber conipauy. (ircet
I'xcitcmrnt pievails throughout the ilisiild."
Charlton Mine Started.
Py Dtclusite Wire from The Associated Prcn.
.Mianiuaburs:. Saturday, May 4. 'Iho Me.tcr
and Clucluii mine li.i been iaitnl aiiilu.
A Large Class of Ladles Enter Re
ligious Llfo nt Wllkes-Barrc.
Dy Kclu.dvi! Wire from The Associated I'rcM.
Wllkos.rtnrre. May 7. At Mallnck
todt convent, this city, today a large
class of ladles took the white and b.luok
veils. Those who lok the white veils
were: Margarel Koslcr. Gertrude Kcl
lon and Mary Kellen, or Westphalia,
Michigan: Mnry Stelnknnlg. Sioux City,
Town; Mary IHrsch, New Ulm, Minn.;
Gertrude Uelhle, Detroit. Mich.: Con
slnnlne Filer, St. J.otils; Kllzaheth
Guilty and Ottlla. Rehmldl. Hrooktyn:
Kllznbcth Kemper, Baltimore: Cathar
ine Itelss and Josephine Dnrst, Phila
delphia; Mary Dahm, Munnyunk, Tn.:
Florence Sprecht, Elizabeth, N. J.;
Mary Rullzer, Home, N. Y.: Anna
LKoler and I. aura Tlaitptly, mtlHVllle,
I'll,; aiiiiii. iviicKenoerg, jionesiuiu',
I'n.: Margaret Morkel and Mary Itel
del, Sornnton. Pa.
The following' look the black veil:
Agnes Schaoffer, Lmmurs. Iowa: Flor
ence Kutzworth, New York; Frances
Sahm. Hrooktyn: Marguerite Unban,
nnltimore; Martha Dttsol, Pottsvllle,
Pa.: Ileglnn Keller. Tlonesdale; Cath
erine Amedle, Kmnia Demuth, Mary
Oojltringor nnd K'llznboth Thees, Scran
ton. Jtf. Itev. nishop Unban, of Rctvin
ton, presided at. the ceremony, and he
was assisted by a largo number of
Among the visiting olorgy were:
rtevs. F. W. Souglnius. Pottsvllle: M.
Itlegcr. nonie, C. Y.: O. Gcrlcman,
Sioux City, town: II. Ashman. Phila
delphia: W. Hnuselmnn, Brooklyn; C.
Ilertkon. Philadelphia. The sermon In
Gorman was delivered by Ttev. C. Von
Gudonus, H. ,T of Buffalo, N. Y.
A Number of Kegs of Powder and
Dynamite Explode Near
l!y r.i.iisire Ttirc from 'll'.e .SM'ei:.l" 1 Pu.-.
Wilkes-llnrre. May 7. Ten kegs of
black powder and a box of dynamite
were being hoistvd to the surface in
tho Henry colliery of tin Lehigh Val
ley Coal company this morning, when
a trip of c:ns going down tho plane
ran away. This caused the car con
taining the explosives to come up the.
plane at a terrific rate of speed. At
lite top o'f the plane there was a
collision, which caused tho powder to
explode. The powder ignited the dy
namite. The trip of r.ars weto blown to pieces
and the wood work ,u the head of the
plane wrecked. A score of men who
were standing neirby ready to go to
work, were knocked down and some of
them quite Fevetely injured.
Patrick Shurpe was burned all over
the body and he Is in a serious condi
tion, .lolin Burke was burned on the
face and hands. .Tames Burke, his
brother, sustained bums on the liead
find may lose sight of one eye. Thomas
Puffy was cut by Hying timbers and
Is In a critical condition. David Mor
gan was cut about the face and head.
Piece of American Ordnance With
out Equal in the World.
Dy llxiliKivc Wile from The .Vqneiated Picm.
Washington. D. C May 0. Titer.'
will be on exhibition al the Pan
American ixpositioii, Buffalo during
the coining summer the most marvel
ous piece of otdnaneo ever manufactured.-
and the superior In range and
striking energy to any gun built In
the history of the world. 11 is build
ing for the army nt th" Watervllet
gun factory, and is to be .shipped to
the exposition In .Inly.
The gun can easily destroy any ship
adoni at a distance of twenty-one.
miles. It' Is to be mounted at initio
point commanding the entrance to
Xew York harbor. The calibre Is If!
Inches; Its weight, ll'.O tons, find Its
length, I!) feet !! Inches. In ranging to
the instance of twenty-one miles, thf
shell, weighing WTO pounds, would
reach tin-! maximum elevation of 30,51 (S
feel, higher than the combined heights
or Pike's Peak and Mont Blane. The
charge rctilied is foil pounds of
sninkoless powder, and the cost of fir
ing is several thousand dollars.
It Was Mortgaged to the Admiral's
Brother, and Sold.
lie i:rludVo Who (rout The Associated Picas.
Omaha. Noli., May 7. Admiral
(ieorgo Dewey is the owner of an
Omaha bake shop nnd the sheriff of
Pouglass county today tnado out tho
necessary papers giving Iilni posses
don. The bakery, which Is worth $20,0o,
H In n three-story brick structure on
South Thirteenth street. Tho members
of tho Pewey family had n mortgago
on the bu lining nnd lot and bought It
hi ,-.t sheriff's sale. Tho mortgago ot
$8,000 was originally owned by Kd
ward Powoy, of Montpeller, Vl a
brother of the admiral,
.VM ward Is now. dead and the title
passes to the admiral, in r.ceordnncm
witli an older signed today by District
.luduii Kstelle,
Two Men Killed nt Uniontovm
11,1 ;n.u.Ih' Wile fiom Tile .Woi l.ilcd Trf".
Pnlonlown, May 7. By tho explosion
of a boiler In tho old Dennis distillery
In Wharton township, near the West
Virginia' line, two men worn killed.
They were: Frank Fear, a workman,
lenlbly tunneled: Kara -I. Thompson,
pioprletor of the distillery.
At tho time of the explosion these
two men wete the only occupants of
tho building, others having left for
their homes to get their suppers.
Baltimore Elections.
ll.v i:cliiiitc Wiro from The Associated l'ir-t.
llalllmotr. May 7. The Itcpuhlii-an. bate circl
ed l out of SI miinbeii. lor the iliti brandi cily
(Oi)iK-tl, and all Ihi.-c mcnibtt' et the vcond
ft Secret Session oT the Constitu
tional Convention Is Held
. at Havana.
Radical Element Admits That Piatt
Amendment Is to Be Adopted.
Special Commission Which Visited
Washington Will Not Make Any
By Kuliniff Wire from 'Die AModaled l'reu.
Havana, May 7, Tho special com
mission of the Cuban constitutional
convention, which returned here from
Washington on May i", will not make
any recommendations to the conven
tion. Although the majority of the
commissioners are In favor of accept
lug thu Piatt amendment to the United
States army appropriation bill, the re
port will cover only the facts of the
conference at Washington.
The convention will hold a. secret ses
sion this afternoon. The radical ele
ment admits the cnnvenllon will ac
cepL the amendment.
The Resignation of the Great
Finance Keeper Considered at
lly Inclusive Wire Ironi Tlu .Wodaled Pre".
Pittsburg. May 7. The executive,
board of the state commundery of the
Knights of Maccabees met at tins
Orlswold hotel in Pittsburg today for
the purpose of considering tho resigna
tion of It. O. Campbell, of AVilkins
btirg, the great finance keeper. Those
present were: Great Commander T.
II. Lawry. of Oakdale: CJreat Record
Keeper, W. K. Blaney. of Oil City:
Past Commander K. S. Watson, of
Williamsport, and flreat Lieutenant
Commander George IteUlel, ot Erie.
Mr. Campbell's resignation wits pre
sented, but whether it was accepted or
not none of the men at the meeting
would say. Mr. Uoldel admitted that
Mr. Campbell had handed in his resig
nation, but said he had promised not
to tell what was done with II. "Wait
for a couple of days." he said, "and
you will hear something."
Jlr. Campbell" could not be found af
to,r the meeting. It was stated that
he wiis hi consultation with Ills law
yer, but who the lawyer is none of
those interested could say.
According to the stories previously
circulated, admitted by Campbell's
friends to bo true, and not denied by
hint, an auditing committee went over
his iKtoks. found a large apparent
shortage, which was afterward re
duced to about S.-..000. Tills money, it
was stated on behalf of Mr. Camp
bell, wtis invested, some of it on lonas
with security and the rest in real es
tate. As soon as these Investments
could be roalix.ed upon, ill was prom
ised that the amount due tlm order
from the great keeper of finance would
ho paid.
They Nominate Joel W. Brown for
Governor of the Stnte.
Ii..' i:iliixit,' Wire Horn Tl." Aii i.ted I'i'i.i.
Trenton, X. ,T May 7. Tito Now Jer
sey Prohibition convention this after
noon nominated Joel AY. Brown, of
Jersey City, for governor. Itesolu lions
were adopted, wbloh will be the state
platform. They condemn the sale or
lliiunrs as a great evil of the age and
arraign both tho Republican and Dem
ocratic parties for unfriendliness to
Prohibition platform, in that It stated
while the delegates favored prohibi
tion they look with favor on all move
ments to restrict the liquor irafllc.
The resolutions also declared In fa
vor of th election of I'nlted States
senators by the people ami In favor of
minor representation.
Engineer Killed and Engines and
Cars Wrecked,
lit- ll'.ili.iti Win- bom The .Wodatcd I'uv-,
Ottutmva, la,, May 7, A Burlington
fast passenger train struck u construc
tion train at Thayer this afternoon.
Itoboix Brown, an engineer, was killed,
unci Simon McKenna fatally hurl.
Twenty-live passengers and trainmen
woro Injured, two or three fatally,
Both engines, the baggage car, Urn
smoking car and tbtoo eltttlr cars worn
wrecked. The dining car and sk-epors
lomnlned on the track and their occu
pants were uninjured.
Unable to Find Relief in Two Hos
pitals. l.i r,ia-lu Wire limn The ,m l.ilcd Pic-..
Kllzabeth, X. J., May 7. Mrs. Julia
Uiidwlg, wife of a sdino niei chant, of
Kllziiliothport. -who had beep allllcleil
with lilccotmhs for nearly .-Is months,
died from exhaustion yesterday at .St.
Michael's hospital, Newark.
She had been for some time also In
the Kllssaheili hospital under treat
ment, but her ailment Mas incurable.
She was thirty-live yeais old.
- - .
Chief Clark's Address.'
Ily i:ilu-iii! Win- lioiu the A..i ialeil Pi,-',.
Mllttaul'fc, Uiv ;. I. i:. I lail., ;;t.i.l ibl.i
el Hie Oul.i' il Itiilu'.nl I'ciiilii.imv. ddii'-'d
Ibe coutciilioii 'it lli'ull'i'ihi.iel oi llilijoud
Tiuililnill on tho nicci'l -ll'ijlkli ot iy!ll in
u:.l t!c!l id.itUoi In oraalilithii.,, lie J'K'
l,!(il cO'Cpnalloti. piiipiuud .iitio'.d
imlil IO the cul.'llliithm tt'iir lecflted. llu
limtl jiiipiat'9 bi lui; miu In icat a f itc
lilid ni .1iu.ifai hi Ih.i lU'Uiaiuw ilrpollHl'lit.
Weather Indications Today!
1 fletieral An Htmit to ltrneat Ilia Utile lu
Mlnhtcr Cotiffrr May Konlun.
I'reslilent MoKlnley VHto a (told Mine.
Culm CoriMilcilnf; tho I'latl. Amendment,
2 (Jencral Carboinljlc Dopailtnent.
il Lneal-Sttlhe of tho 1).. U. k W. M.tclilnl'ts.
I'rofcr Moure' liileitstliig Addica,
4 lMilorial,
Dlf(iltil7.ltloii ot flnjft' Club.
5 l.oc.'.l Ketf naiitl't. Mlilktfr lu-lalled.
t.ime.i (t.uinon l Kree.
Annual Ccntniencement Of the School of llio
Local Meat Seraiitott and Suhinban.
7 ( A Collide lalucallou.
Northeastern PcmiKjlvani.i.
Kin.inelal and Commerdal.
S local Com t I'lOiecdinK'.
The Property Purchased by Adolph
S. Ochs, Who Owns Three Pa
pers Policy of the Paper.
Ily lAilmive Wile fium rb- A'ocialeil Pima.
Philadelphia, .May 7. The Times was
today purchased by Adolph H. Ochs.
owner of the New York Times and the
Chattanooga Times, in announcing the
ohange of ownership the Times will
say editorially tomorrow:
"In the eonduol of this paper there
will be no faction of any political party
to bo favored, no personal ambition
for public Interest to promote, no sel
llsh interest Io foster, no private ends
to seek, no friends to push forward by
the influence of Its columns and no
enemies to punish. The Philadelphia
Times has been acquired for the pur
pose of conducting an honorable busi
ness enterprise, to offer to the public
a high class journal at a minimum of
price; In other words to offer a. news
papers with 'all the news that's fit. to
print' for the small sum of one cent."
Shipbuilders Demand $90,000 for
Breach of Contract.
By ETflmirr Wite from Tli Aoeiated pi mi.
Constantinople. May 7. This postal
convention between America and
Egypt has been submitted for the
sanction of the Turkish government.
The Cramps; have demanded $!tn,000
for the porte's breach of contract hi
annulling the order for a cruiser which
they had placed with the Philadelphia
Philadelphia. May ".The report
that the Cramps have demanded $1'0.
iiut) from the Turkish government for
broach of contract in annulling an or
der for u cruiser Is emphatically do
llied by tho shlp-bulldlng llrm. Charles
II. Cramp said today:
"The report is absolutely without
foundation. We have made no such
largest Naval Review of Modern
Times to Be Held Off Splthead.
Dr KxcIimIvc Wire from The Aocialed 1'ieai.
Birmingham, '.May 7. The Post to
day says that one of the most Imposing
celebrations in connection with the.
coronation of KinglCdwaril, which is to
be conducted probably In June, 1002.
Is to be a. naval review oil' Splthead.
The affair Is to be one of the largest
and most Impressive sea spectacles of
modern times. It is to be held two
days after the coronation ceremony.
All the members of the royal family
will attend.
Renr Admiral Remey Among' Those
Presented in Melbourne.
Ity li.viluiit'e Wlti Iimui The U-odaled I'uw,
Melbourne, May 7. The Duke of
Cornwall held a lovee in the govern
ment house this morning-. Hear Ad
miral Homey and other naval com
manders were received separately.
They, in turn, presented their ofllcor.i.
Tho civil ollielals were then received,
after which the general public was ad
mitted. In a line throe hours long they
passed In front of the duke.
The ceremony was concluded with ad
dresses by prominent member, of the
No Change in South African Policy,
Sir Alfred Milner Says.
Ily i:vln-lfo Who horn 'lim Amoviatiil Pro.
Cape Town, .May 7. Sir Alfred Mil
nor, llm British commissioner, ad
dressing a mass meeting today, said
there was absolutely no reason for the
anxiety felt in some quarters lest any
cliaiiBii be Introduced In Eolith Africa
that would weaken the Imperial policy.
Such a chuugu was Impossible.
flreat Ihltaln had made up herinlud
nnd would carry out the policy she hits
laid down.
Fatal Accident on the FltUburg
l!y i:ilu.lte Wile fiom The '"l I're'J
Pittsburg, May ;. Tw men wcro
unshed to dentil unlay in the excava
tion being made at l-'ifth avenue and
(Irant street for tho FrMs building by
a ton or more of tlmburs that fell
upon thorn. The killing was caused by
the breaki'iig oi a chain that was over
loaded. I'lie killed:
James O'.Nell, labor foreman. HI years
of ago and uniiiarriid: Joseph rfeou
nte, laborer. " years of .we.
Stiike at Reading,
ily :iliin Win- (linn The A,oi.iiiil rvi.
dialling, p.i.. Mat ". I'ul.t nun in ll"' Hoe
ili'la.itltii'iil vl s". I 'll 'I Hi' liiUiJni,' bell
I.jiip.11.;.' .itiii.!. iiiht 'U',1 ilidiiie.l rlnhli
ri.'ic i'.i "lliw ii'iiliitiil- il 'fill t'lilo.v. Tim
lit) iii'jib'.f. t.iJBt tln-if 1'. lUu i iijfliuiit
ii ll n,' '
After m flll-Nlolit Ride Throuol
the Alkali Reulon the Train
Arrives at Phoenix.
Mr. McKlnley Deeply Interested in
tho Process of the Stamp Mills.
He Views a Gold Brick of Intrinsic
Value Smelter Richmond's Fin
gers Are Burned.
Py i:xelmii'i Wire fiom The AwatUtrd Pres.
Phoenix. Ariz., May 7. After an all
night ride through the nlkall nnd cac
tus lauds, the president's train ar
rived hero at li.SO n. m.. Pacific tlino.
During the ran from Ml Pnso, flvo
liilltute stops were tnado at Doming. N.
M.: Tucson and Maricopa, Ariz.
The president and his party spent
several hours this morning visiting tho
gold mine located at Congress, which
Is about peventy miles northwest 'of
Tho party tramped up to the mouth
of the shaft, which descended at an
angle of thirty degrees 3,100 feet into
the mountain. The president did not
make the descent, but all of the mem
bers of the cabinet, except Secretary
Wilson went down In a cage to tho
lowest level and witnessed the drilling
nnd blasting process.
The president, acoempanied by tlm
president of tho mine, F. D. Ongo,
walked through a half-niilo tunnel,
lighted by candles, to tho stamp mills,
where eighty stamps were crushing
ore. lie then inspected tho cynanldo
works and saw cast a bar oC gold
worth $23,000. The president wan
much Interested and asked If he could
not see the bar. "It Is red hot," said
Mr. Gage. "I will show It," shouted one
of the smelters named Richmond. Step
ping forward and with the protection
only of a few rags on his hands, ho
seized 'the red-hot mold and dumped
the white hot bar of glowing metal
upon the stone. Tho rags were ig
nited by the heat nnd tho man's hands
scorched, but he did not wince. "This
is the true American pluck," cried tho
piesident. advancing toward lllch
morid. "f want to shake your hand."
lie grasped the. man's hand and
shook b. cordially.
On tho way back Co flic train' tho
president had a. good view of the min
ing camp in the valley below.
The famous Vulture mine, on one of
the spurs of the Vulture mountains
forty miles away, was pointed out to
the president.
Congress. Arizona. .May 7. President
McKlnley and party spent sever.i'
hours this morning visiting the bip
gold mine located at this place, which
is abouL seventy niilos northwest ol
Phoenix. The original Itinerary con
templated spending the entire day
until il o'clock this afternoon at Phoe
nix, but It was modiried to permit tlin
party to take this little side trip ami
Inspect the works of thu mine, thu
largest in the territory.
Justice Street, and other territorial
ollielals came here on a, special train
to welcome the president to the terri
80,000 Men March Past the Russian
Emperor at Mavsfield.
lit- llu'liultn Wire from The Associated Prew,
St. Petersburg, .May 7. An army re
view was held on Marsfleld by the czar
today. Fifly-fnnr battalions of infan
try, thirty-seven snuadrons ot cavalry,
fourteen squadrons of Cossacks and
twenty-seven batteries of artillery,
with 15S guns, participated, making In
nil a total of SO.OOO troops.
Crand Duko Vladimir was In com
mand and Grand Duko Paul was sec
ond In authority.
Great Increase iy Imports, but Fall
iue; Off in Exports.
Ity Kxeluslve Wire from The Associated Pri.
London, May 7. The statement ol
llio board of trado for tho month ol
April shows nn Increase of X:t,711.000 In
Imports and u of JJfiriS.lOO In
- '
The Count De Luguy 111.
Fly llwliwlro Wire from The Awciated Pre.
Phll.idelpliia, May 7. Count 1M Harney IH
I.uauy, commander of the I'ltneli cruiser ivkh
trees, now b,liig at anchor in llio Delaware river,
tv.H taken tu a lio-pital here tmliy, Mitlcrini.
with typhoid fever. The cnii-er tm for nine
nmntld in the Wc-t Iiullr, and while there I In
commander oiitr.u toil iiulatia I l.tpleiid, imtuPji
(o that illnute.
Troops Sleep Under Arms.
Py Inclusive Wim lioiu Too Aoootatul Pie.s., il.iy 7. W, .Martin, the American 'on
sul ul Xanhin, announce.- in u eablenr.un th.n
tho M'.rct uiii!ie them hate jolmd i-sucs t.i II
tlm iTfonuir. ('Line . iroops paii'"l in,
h in iiud.i ami-.
Pope Confirms Appointment,
Hy r.xcluiiu" Wile fiom The Associated Prey-
Home, II ly V. -The pope today lonliinud til
appointment of I'atbu D'l oiiuell, icitor n( tin
Auifi'liau ii'llcxc Ion' a bi-hop ol Puitlau.1
Tom Lost on a Foul.
P.i' Miu (noil 'llio Scotland Pre.
t Hiib t lie!,, t ul., MJ T.-Toiu Hiaila.t l'i
In "Mcxliali IVii" K'eutt oil a lil in I1,!
bl'-l ioiiiii! b 'I.- Ojiitbi,
- i
- W.i..hlin;li,u. fa.t :. r,inai for Wed- i
iHiiLiy and Tbiuali): laicin l'iiui.v. i
vauu -I luiulf inn! tlu'caU'i Inc. picbahl.t i
S- .Li.mci. ttlili cob I' in iiolllnlil poithoi
WiilnvnUt. TluiiJ.'.i. -1'; fieb i
-V MUllli I.J Wflllhra-t ttllldv I
1 tttttTTUHftHtt
y -'- Hi?!:-
;.'( .i